CHAPTER 6 A-FN-105-001/AG-001 CONTROL OF ACCOUNTABLE DOCUMENTS POLICY 1. All serially numbered documents, including payroll and "emergency" disbursements cheques, whether pre-printed with serial numbers or numbered locally before issue, shall be controlled by the NPPAM. The RAM shall control the normal disbursements cheques after issue through CFMWS. 2. In accordance with CFAO 36-24, the RAM shall appoint the NPPAM to receive all issues of NPF accountable documents from base supply, NDHQ, or suppliers. Only the NPPAM, or appointed Document Control Clerk, will issue accountable documents to users. Users will not acquire accountable documents directly from a supplier. 3. The NPPAM and users shall ensure that accountable documents held are properly secured at all times. The minimum acceptable level of security for accountable documents is a metal cabinet complete with locking bar and padlock, as per National Defense Security Policy Chapter 8 and CFAO 202-2. 4. Accountable documents presently in use include: a. Form CF 601, Purchase Order and Receipt; b. Form CF 602, Non-Public Funds Receipt; c. Form CF 603, Merchandise Requisition; d. Form CF 614, Merchandise Stocktaking Report; e. Form CF 1023, Inventory Record; f. Form DND 1221, NPF Invoice; g. Form CF 1333, Request for Credit; h. Form CF 1343, Retail Price Change; i. Form DND 1353, CANEX Purchase Order; j. blank cheques; k. Gift Certificates; l. Tickets; and m. Locally produced invoices. 6-1 CHAPTER 6 5. A-FN-105-001/AG-001 Control shall be maintained in three stages: a. NPPAM holdings; b. Issues (by the NPPAM) and returns; and c. Usage. NPPAM HOLDINGS 6. Upon receipt of accountable documents, the NPPAM, or RAM if applicable, shall record the details in the Accountable Document Control Register (Annex A). 7. The RAM or his delegated representative shall verify the NPPAM holdings with the register semi-annually (June and December). The accountable documents will also be verified by the incoming NPPAM on handovers. Details of any discrepancies between recorded and actual holdings shall be reported to the RAM immediately. The Verifying Officer or the incoming NPPAM on handover shall complete the Verification Control Sheet (Annex C). 8. The RAM shall investigate any discrepancies and take such action as may be required by CFAO 36-24 or is otherwise deemed necessary to protect against improper use of such documents. ISSUES AND RETURNS 9. When issuing accountable documents, the NPPAM or Document Control Clerk shall obtain the user's signature in the Accountable Document Control Register. Issues shall be on a replacement basis; users shall be issued such documents in sufficient quantity to meet short-term (i.e., monthly) requirements. 10. Upon return of unused documents, the NPPAM or Document Control Clerk shall record the unused serial numbers and acknowledge receipt in the register. The unused documents shall be re-entered in the register and accounted for in the same manner as initial receipts. 11. Completed books of forms CF 601, CF 602, CF 603, and CF 1343 will be returned to the NPPAM who shall acknowledge receipt in columns 10 and 11 of the Register. However, as usage has been controlled through the Accountable Document Usage Register, the RAM may authorize retention of the completed books by the users. USAGE 12. Control over the use of accountable documents is maintained through the use of an Accountable Document Usage Register (Annex B). 13. At the time of the initial receipt by the NPPAM or Document Control Clerk, this register shall be completed to indicate the title of the document, and the inclusive 6-2 CHAPTER 6 A-FN-105-001/AG-001 numbers received. Additionally, as documents are issued, the last number issued shall be underlined and the date of issue noted. 14. As completed documents are received in the accounting section, the Accountable Document Control Clerk shall check off the incoming numbers in the register and hasten outstanding documents as required. CANCELLED DOCUMENTS 15. All cancelled copies of accountable documents are to be marked CANCELLED and, the originator's copy shall remain in the book and the original and remaining copies shall be submitted to the NPPAM in the daily submission of documents. 16. Loss of cancelled accountable documents shall be reported to the appropriate authorities in accordance with CFAO 36-24. DUTIES OF THE DOCUMENT CONTROL CLERK 17. As accountable documents are received for safekeeping and issue, the Document Control Clerk shall verify that all serial numbers purported to be in the shipment are, in fact, included. 18. The documents shall then be recorded in the Accountable Document Control Register (Annex A) and properly secured pending issue. 19. At the time of issue, the Document Control Clerk shall complete the applicable columns of Annex A and obtain the signature of the receiver. He shall also outline the control and administrative responsibilities accruing to the receiver. 20. As documents are utilized, they will be returned for accounting action and recorded as being used in the Accountable Document Usage Register. 21. Documents received under cover of a DND 728 or other any other types of transfer register. Outlets are to submit to the NPPAM, on a daily basis, source documents under cover of a DND 728 (Document Transit and Receipt) or register. Source documents include CF 601 - Purchase Order and Receipt, CF602 - NPF Receipt, CF 603 - Merchandise Requisition, CF 1333 - Request for Credit, CF1343 Retail Price Change, DND 1221 - NPF Invoice, and DND 1353 - CANEX Purchase Order. Also considered source documents, are DSRs and Cash Transmittal Slips with all applicable attachments (e.g. Credit card slips, Conditional Sales Contracts, coupons, gift certificates, etc.). The DND 728 (register) will have the serial numbers of all attached documents listed under the reference column and the description column is to be used to provide further explanation when required. 22. A file or serial number system will be set up for each outlet so that it will be obvious to the NPF accounting office should a DND 728(register) go missing. A serial number such as "Retail 52/99" would identify the 52nd DND 728 (register) submitted by the Retail Store in FY 99/00. A separate Accountable Document Usage Register will be maintained for the DND 728s and transfer registers for each outlet. 6-3 CHAPTER 6 A-FN-105-001/AG-001 23. The outlet shall originate the DND 728 (register) and forward the white and pink copies to the NPPAM with the attached documents. Upon return of the receipted pink copy from the NPPAM, the outlet will match it with the yellow copy on file and keep both for future reference 24. After the documents have been received and verified by the NPPAM, the documents shall be passed to the Accountable Documents Control Clerk who shall: a. For forms CF 603 Merchandise Requisitions and DND 1221 NPF Invoices: (1) arrange the forms in numerical sequence; (2) check off the serial numbers, including the DND 728 or register number, in the Usage Control Register; (3) advise the NPPAM immediately of any missing numbers; (4) search the pending file for matching copies; (5) if the matching copy is located; (6) (a) compare; (b) attach the white to the yellow copy; and (c) pass the documents to appropriate accounting clerk, if the matching copy is not on file (a) pass the document to the appropriate accounting clerk who will process it, enter the register number on it, and pass it back to the document control clerk; and (b) the document control clerk will place it on a pending file until the second copy is received. NOTES: Where matching copies have not been received within one week, the clerk shall take appropriate hastening action. 1. check off the serial numbers, including the DND 728 number, in the appropriate usage register (Annex A); 2. advise the NPPAM immediately of any missing numbers which cannot be accounted for; and 6-4 CHAPTER 6 A-FN-105-001/AG-001 3. pass the documents to the appropriate accounting clerk. NOTE: The document control clerk shall, on a monthly basis, hasten any long outstanding Accountable Documents and advise the NPPAM of any that cannot be traced or otherwise accounted for. 25. Documents received under cover of an NPF Cashier's Summary. This form, with the attached forms CF 602, will be passed directly to the documents control clerk by the cashier. The Accountable Document Clerk shall: a. check off the serial numbers in the appropriate usage register (Annex B); b. advise the NPPAM immediately of any missing numbers; and c. return the receipts and the summary to the Cash Receipts Clerk. 26. Documents Received Without Covering Reports. The stocktaking team supervisor shall deliver forms CF 614 and CF 1023 to the document control clerk who shall: a. check off the serial numbers of completed forms in the appropriate usage register (Annex B); b. record the return of unused forms in the Accountable Document Control Register (Annex A); c. advise the NPPAM immediately of any missing forms; and d. pass the completed form to the appropriate accounting clerk. 27. Miscellaneous documents received. Some documents (i.e. Tickets, gift certificates) are not designed for ultimate return to the NPPAM. Where the retail value of such documents are not added to outlet retail accountability records, control shall be exercised by reconciling the cash receipts and unused tickets to the total value of tickets issued All tickets must be controlled and issued by the NPPAM. DESTRUCTION OF SERIALLY NUMBERED FORMS 28. Serially numbered forms are continually being updated and revised. When substantial changes are made, the old form may be superseded and direction issued to destroy unused forms. A new form number will normally be assigned to the revised form. Prior to destruction, a verification of the particular form must be done and any discrepancies investigated. 6-5 CHAPTER 6 29. A-FN-105-001/AG-001 Destruction of serially numbered forms shall be as follows: a. For forms that were issued through the CF Supply System and that are to be destroyed: (1) completely unused books or packages will be returned to the NPPAM by the users and then returned to Base Supply for destruction in accordance with supply directives. The Accountable Document Control Register is to be updated accordingly; (2) partially completed books will be returned to the NPPAM by the user and the NPPAM shall mark "Void" across each copy of the form and retain the now "used" book as per normal; (3) unused individual forms will be destroyed by shredding or burning; and (4) for both partially completed books and unused individual forms, the NPPAM shall indicate on the Accountable Document Control Register "Destroyed/voided by NPPAM" for the applicable serial numbers. The NPPAM shall indicate on the Accountable Document Usage Register the forms that have been destroyed or voided and enter the following certification on the Usage Register: Certified that all copies of form ___________ serial numbers from ________ to ________ have been voided/destroyed. ___________________ Document Control Clerk ___________________ NPPAM Date _________ NOTES: 1. For unused NPF cheques issued through CFO that are to be destroyed, the NPPAM shall: a. destroy all copies by shredding or burning all copies; b. enter the above entries in the Accountable Documents Control and Usage Registers; and 6-6 CHAPTER 6 A-FN-105-001/AG-001 c. 2. notify CFO of the serial number of the last cheques used and the serial numbers of the destroyed cheques; and For other serially numbered forms (e.g. Tickets), the NPPAM shall a. destroy all copies by shredding or burning all copies; and b. enter the above entries in the Accountable Documents Control and Usage Registers. Annex A - Accountable Document Control Register Annex B - Accountable Document Usage Register Annex C - Verification Control Sheet 6-7