FPBS Data sheet Sensing element/Absolute ■Features Barometric pressure measurable Non-corrosive gas, Water or Sea water Very small size ■Ordering Information FPBS-04 A Rated Pressure Pressure type A:Absolute pressure Model Weight (grams) RoHS compliance 0.11 Measurable pressure range(kPa.abs) Part number 62.1 to 434.7 FPBS-04A 101.3 to 905.5 FPBS-82A ■Specifications Model FPBS-04A FPBS-82A Recommended operating conditions Pressure type Absolute pressure Rated pressure 434.7 905.5 Measurable pressure range 62.1 to 434.7 101.3 to 905.5 Temperature range 10 to 40 5 to 35 Non-corrosive gases , Water or Sea water **1 Pressure media Excitation current (Constant) 0.15 Absolute maximum rating Maximum load pressure 1961 2942 Maximum excitation current 3.0 Operating temperature -20 to 70 Storage temperature -30 to 85 Operating humidity 30 to 80 (Non dew condition) Electric characteristics (Drive Current 0.15mA constant ,ambient temperature Ta=25deg.C) Output span voltage 2.5 to 7.0 (at 62.1 to 101.3kPa.abs) 5.0 to 9.0 (at 101.3 to 905.5kPa.abs) Offset voltage 1.0 to 11.0 (at 62.1 kPa.abs) -1.0 to 3.0 (at 101.3 kPa.abs) Bridge resistance 3000 to 4500 Response time 2 (for the reference) Accuracy TSO* +/-5%FS /10 to 40deg.C +/-5%FS /5 to 35deg.C TCS* 2.5%FS /10 to 40deg.C 2.5%FS /5 to 35deg.C Linearity +/-0.5%FS (62.1 to 101.3kPa.abs) +/-0.5%FS (101.3 to 905.5kPa.abs) *TSO : Temperature sensitivity of offset voltage *TCS : Temperature coefficient of output span voltage **1 it’s not available when presssure madia always contact. 1 Unit kPa.abs kPa.abs deg.C mADC kPa.abs mADC deg.C deg.C %RH mV mV Ω msec. %FS %FS %FS FPBS Data sheet Sensing element/Absolute Evaluating equations V(P,T) is defined as the output voltage at Pressure kPa.abs,Temperature T. ・Full scale span voltage (04A):SV=SPAN[62.1 to 101.3kPa]=SPAN(25)=V(101.3,25)-V(62.1,25) (82A):SV=SPAN[101.3 to 905.5kPa]=SPAN(25)=V(905.5,25)-V(101.3,25) ・Offset voltage (04A):Voff=V(62.1,25) (82A):Voff=V(101.3,25) ・Temperature sensitivility of offset (TSO) (04A):TSO=(V(62.1,40)-V(62.1,10) )/SPAN(25) x 100 (82A):TSO=(V(101.3,35)-V(101.3,5) )/SPAN(25) x 100 ・Temperature coefficient of sensitivility (TCS) (04A):TCS=(SPAN(MAX.)-SPAN(MIN.) )/SPAN(25) x 100 (82A):TCS=(SPAN(MAX.)-SPAN(MIN.) )/SPAN(25) x 100 SPAN(MAX.):=The value is bigger of SPAN SPAN(MIN.):=The value is smaller of SPAN ・Linearity (04A):NL=(V(86.6,25)-(V(62.1,25)+V(101.3,25) )/2)/SPAN(25) x 100 (82A):NL=(V(503.4,25)-(V(101.3,25)+V(905.5,25) )/2)/SPAN(25) x 100 101.3 62.1 2 FPBS Data sheet Sensing element/Absolute ■Outline dimensions■ ■Connection diagram■ Note ; Please read instruction “Notes” before using the sensor. Fujikura reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Please set Zero-calibration function up your products. The offset voltage may be shifted some mechanical stress such as mounting, installation and etc. over longtime using. 3 FPBS Data sheet Sensing element/Absolute Reflow Soldering process recommendation profile Package Surface Temperature (Degree C) 230 210 150 Room Temp. Time a a: Rump up rate b: Pre-heating c: Rump up rate d: Heating e: Rump down rate Note ; b c d e 1 or 2 deg.C/sec. 150 to 180 deg.C,within 60 to120sec. 1 to 2 deg.C/sec. max.230 deg.C,max.10sec. 210 deg.C,within 30sec. 1 or 2 deg.C/sec. 1 ) Temperature means Surface temperature of the sensor package. 2 ) Reflow process max. 2 times. 3 ) Do not wash the sensor. 4 ) Do not put the solder and flux on the sensor package. If you have any questions regarding technical issues or specifications, please contact us. Fujikura Ltd. Sensor Department 5-1 Kiba 1-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8512, Japan Phone +81-(0)3-5606-1072 E-mail : sensor@fujikura.co.jp 4