Proceedings of the "2013 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory" 23PM3A-02 Modeling of Losses in Microstrip Reflectarrays based on a Simple Equivalent Circuit Approach Filippo Costa #1, Agostino Monorchio #2 # Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, University of Pisa, Via G. Caruso 16, 56122 Pisa, Italy 1 2 Abstract—Reflection losses of microstrip reflectarray antennas are analytically addressed by approximating the printed structure through a simple equivalent transmission line model. The closed-form expressions of surface impedance (real and imaginary part) are derived through well justified approximations. The compact formulas containing all the degree of freedom of reflectarrays allow efficiently studying the reflection losses. The dependence of the input impedance on the capacitance associated with the printed pattern is highlighted, demonstrating that highly capacitive subwavelength elements are preferable for minimizing reflection losses. I. INTRODUCTION Microstrip reflectarray antennas consist of a grounded quasiperiodic array of printed elements able to compensate the phase displacement of a non-coherent electromagnetic excitation generated by a feeder [1], [2]. The focusing or shaping effect can be achieved by slightly modifying the shape or size of the printed elements in order to locally vary the phase of the reflected field. Due to the quasi-periodicity of the structure, the phase diagram can be calculated under the infinite periodic array assumption. The periodic version of a reflectarray antenna is analogous to a high-impedance surface (HIS) [3], [4]. Reflectarrays, differently from HIS structures, are usually designed with half wavelength spaced elements and the use of densely packed unit elements was rarely proposed [5]. Two key figures of merit in the design of a reflectarray are the bandwidth and the loss minimization. Usually, in order to minimize losses, substrates with low loss component and large thicknesses are employed. The effect of substrate thicknesses on reflectarray losses has been discussed and quantified with a methodical analysis [6], [7]. While increasing substrate thickness does indeed reduce losses and limit the occurrence of a miss-behaved reflection phase [7], [8], the use of low-loss leads to high manufacturing costs which is the reason why reflectarrays are not attractive for the market as an alternative to reflector antennas [9]. In the last few years a new research trajectory for the design of low-cost and high-performance reflectarray antennas since the use of subwavelength elements have been proved [10], [11] to be a good mean both for dramatically reducing reflectarray losses. By using theory valid for High-Impedance Surfaces it is also possible to demonstrate that tightly coupled subwavelength element are the best choice for enlarging the operating bandwidth [4], [5], [12], [13]. This paper presents a new comprehensive and simple model able to describe the reflection properties of reflectarray antennas arising from combinations of physical or geometrical parameters such as dielectric properties (εr, tan δ), metal conductivity (σ), element shape, element periodicity, substrate thickness. The proposed closed-form approach, based on the equivalent transmission line representation of the printed structure, allows to derive a compact expression of the real part of the input impedance as a function of the aforementioned degrees of freedom. This new formula may be a useful tool for designing low-loss and low-cost reflectarrays but also a good mean to understand the reflection loss mechanisms of reflectarrays. II. METHODOLOGY The layout of the investigated structure and its equivalent circuit are reported in Fig. 1. The analyzed structure is basically a subwavelength resonant cavity characterized by an input impedance approaching to infinite and a reflection phase crossing zero at the resonance [3], [4]. From a circuital point of view, the amount of power absorbed by the cavity at the resonance is determined by the value of the real part of the input impedance (the imaginary part is close to zero at the resonance). The magnitude of the reflection coefficient at normal incidence approximately reads: Γ ≈ (1) where ZR represents the input impedance of HIS structure and ζ0 is the characteristic impedance of free space at normal incidence. ZR is equal to the parallel connection between the two complex impedances ZFSS and Zd representing the FSS impedance and the grounded substrate impedance, respectively. By deriving an explicit expression of the real part of ZR, reflection properties of the reflectarray can be easily extracted. A. Complex Input impedance of the grounded dielectric substrate The grounded substrate input impedance is inductive until the substrate thickness is lower than a quarter wavelength. ' '' Assuming the small losses hypothesis verified ( ε r ε r ), the real and the imaginary part of the input impedance Zd=A+jB can be written as follows [14]: 668 Copyright 2013 IEICE Re {Z R } − ζ 0 Re {Z R } + ζ 0 Proceedings of the "2013 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory" A ⎤ '' ⎞ ⎛ ζ 0 ⎡ ε r'' ' ⎜ k0 d ε r ⎟ 1 + tg 2 k0 d ε r' ⎥ ε tg k d − ⎢ 0 r ' ⎥ ⎜ ε r' ⎢⎣ 2ε r 2 ε r' ⎟ ) ( B ⎝ ⎠ ( ( )) ⎦ (2) ) ( ζ0 ⎡ tg k0 d ε r' ⎤ ⎢ ⎥⎦ ' ⎣ εr where k0 is the free space propagation constant and d is the thickness of the dielectric substrate. The real part of the input impedance depends both on the real and imaginary part of the dielectric permittivity while the imaginary part of Zd is almost unchanged with respect to the lossless case. B. Complex impedance of a Frequency Selective Surface printed on a lossy dielectric substrate The impedance of a loss free FSS can be represented through a series LC circuit or, more simply, by a single capacitor if the inductive component is low (e. g. square patch element) [15]. The accuracy of the LC model extends from the DC to the onset of grating lobes, that is, when the repetition period of the unit cell approaches one wavelength [15]. When an FSS is printed on a dielectric substrate, the value of the free space capacitor has to be multiplied by the effective dielectric permittivity εeff due the surrounding dielectrics [16]. If the condition of thick substrate is verified [15], the effective permittivity simply corresponds to the average of the relative permittivity of the substrate and the relative permittivity of free space ε eff = (ε r + 1) 2 = ε r' + 1 2 + j ε r'' 2 . As a ( 1 − ω 2 LC0ε eff jωC0ε eff = RD + jX (3) Under small losses assumption ( ε r' ε r'' ) and assuming that the resonance frequency of the HIS is smaller or much smaller than the FSS resonance frequency, the resistor representing the loss component of the FSS caused by the surrounding lossy dielectric, approximately reads: RD −ε r'' ωC ε r' + 1 ( ) C0thin = C0 − 2 Dε 0 π 4π d − ⎛ ⎞ ln ⎜1 − e D ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ (5) where d represents the thickness of the dielectric substrate. As the dielectric thickness diminishes, the capacitance value increases due to the capacitor created between the FSS and the ground plane. C. Complex input impedance of the reflectarray Once derived the complex expressions of the impedances ZFSS (R+jX) and Zd (A+jB) the input impedance of the reflectarray structure ZR can be derived. After some simple algebra, the real and imaginary terms of ZR can be expressed as follows: Re {Z R } = (4) If a metallic FSS is considered, ohmic losses should be included within the FSS impedance through an additional series resistance RO. In microwave range, the resistor representing ohmic losses is typically one or two order of magnitude lower than the dielectric resistor in (3). The two resistors account for two different physical phenomena. RD takes into account losses due to strong electric fields in the parallel plate capacitor formed between the edges periodic patches being electric field lines concentrated in a lossy medium. RO represents losses due to currents flowing on imperfect conductor. The free space capacitance and the inductance of the FSS can be computed by matching the (b) normal incidence full-wave response of the elements in freestanding configuration [15] or by using closed-form expressions [16] if a square patch element is employed. If the periodic surface is printed over a thin dielectric substrate, the influence of higher-order (evanescent) Floquet modes reflected by the ground plane cannot be neglected. The influence of the evanescent modes in the equivalent model can be taken into account by the following substitution [16]: ) consequence, the lumped impedance ZFSS of the loss free FSS printed on a lossy substrate is composed by a real and an imaginary term: Z FSS = (a) Fig. 1. 3D sketch of the analyzed structure (a) and its equivalent circuit (b). C is the effective capacitance of the FSS printed on the substrate, L is the FSS inductance and the resistors take into account dielectric and ohmic losses. ( AR − BX )( A + R ) + ( BR − XA )( B + X ) ( A + R )2 + ( B + X )2 Im {Z R } = ( ) ( X A2 + BX + B R 2 + BX ) (6) (7) + (B + X ) For an ideal lossless structure, the resonance condition is X = − B causes a pole in the imaginary part of ZR. As a lowloss substrate is employed instead the input impedance at the resonance is characterized by a very high real part and by a smooth transition through zero of the imaginary part [16]. As previously pointed out, the amount of losses of the resonant cavity is determined by the value of the real part of the input impedance. A very large real part leads to a limited amount of reflection losses whereas a real part close to the free space impedance determines high absorption [16]. If the input impedance decreases below the free space impedance 669 ( A + R) 2 2 Proceedings of the "2013 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory" the losses starts to decrease again but the typically missbehaved phase behavior is obtained [7], [8]. Since the highest amount of losses is achieved at the resonance, it is useful to simplify relation (5) by imposing the resonance condition X = − B and the inequlity B A, R : Re { } Z Rres B2 ≅ ( A + R) (8) By replacing B, A and R with the relations (2), (4), the real part of the input impedance at the resonance can be explicitly written [14]. Since the resistance of the FSS, RD, is always larger than the real part of the input impedance of the grounded dielectric slab, A, before first resonance of the HIS structure ω0, relation (8) can be written as: { } Re Z Rres ≈ )⎥⎦ ( ( ) 2 ζ 02 ⎡ tan 2 k0 d ε r' ⎤ ωC0 ε r' + 1 ⎢⎣ −2ε r'' ε r' if ω < ω0 (9) III. CONSIDERATION ON REFLECTION LOSSES The expression of the real part of ZR in (9) is a function of the FSS capacitance C0 substrate thickness, real and the imaginary part of the dielectric permittivity. Simple considerations on reflection losses are drawn in following paragraphs and the derived relations are compared against full-wave results obtained through MoM simulations. Substrate losses: the increase of dielectric losses, ε’’, leads to a reduction of the real part of the input impedance towards the free space impedance with a consequent reflection loss increase. From (10) it can be easily observed that the effect of the substrate thickness reduction dominates on the increase of the capacitance. As a consequence, the value and the real part of the input impedance at the resonance is reduced and reflection losses increases. Capacitive coupling of FSS element at fixed resonance: If the shift towards lower frequencies due to capacitive coupling enhancement is compensated by a reduction of the FSS periodicity, it is possible to observe the effect of the coupling at a fixed frequency. While the patch gap is made narrower, the FSS periodicity is reduced in order to maintain the FSS reactance fixed, that is, the FSS inductance decreases while the capacitance increases and the element becomes more compact [4]. In Fig. 2 the magnitude and phase of the reflection coefficient are reported at a fixed frequency for various spacings of the patch array. The enhancement of the capacitance at a fixed frequency with fixed substrate parameters, leads to a strong reduction of the reflection losses, that is, the usual practice of designing reflectarrays with λ/2 spaced elements is not the best configuration for the bandwidth maximization or for loss minimization. The choice of closely spaced patches results in a one layer reflectarray with the widest possible fractional bandwidth. It is also worth to point out the slope of the reflection phase increases as the absorption of the structure at the resonance increases [16]. This is an additional drawback of sparse elements configuration which results in a reflectarray sensitive to fabrication tolerances. 0 300 Capacitive coupling of FSS element: The enhancement of the capacitive coupling between the printed elements leads to a shift towards lower frequencies of the resonance frequency which means lower electrical thickness of the substrate. Since thickness reduction and capacitance increase are conflicting trends, it is useful to remove the dependence on the capacitance from (9). Considering for simplicity an FSS made of patch array represented by a capacitance only [16], and applying the resonance condition ( X = − B ) we get: { } Re Z Rres ≈ − (ε ' r ) +1 ζ0 ε r'' ε r' ( ) ⎡ tan k d ε ' ⎤ if ω < ω 0 0 r ⎥ ⎢⎣ ⎦ (10) Reflection coefficient magnitude [dB] 200 -2 100 Phase -3 0 -4 -100 D=λ0/2.2 -5 Reflection coefficient phase [deg] Substrate thickness: Relation (9) shows that the increase of the substrate thickness leads to a rise of the real part of the input impedance proportional to B2 at the resonance. However, as the substrate thickness is increased, the resonance is shifted towards lower frequencies proportionally to the square root of the substrate inductance ( ω0 ≈ 1 Ls C where Ls=B/ω0). The electrical increase of the thickness is lower than the physical one due to the shift of the resonance towards higher wavelength but the use of a thick substrate leads to higher real part of the input impedance and therefore lower losses than thin substrates. Magnitude -1 D=λ0/3.75 -200 D=λ0/6.6 -6 3 4 5 6 7 Frequency [GHz] 8 9 Fig. 2 - Magnitude and phase of the reflection coefficient of the HIS for various spacings of the printed elements. Substrate: Fr4 (4.5j0.088) with thickness of 2 mm. Solid lines: MoM simulations; dashed lines: TL model. Losses at fixed frequency as a function of the element geometry: The focusing effect of reflectarray antennas is achieved by progressively modifying the size of the printed elements with the aim of locally varying the reflection phase coefficient of the surface. Four typical FSS elements, reported in Fig. 1 are analyzed. Fig. 3 reports reflection coefficient (magnitude and phase) of the four periodic arrays on the top 670 Proceedings of the "2013 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory" of a 2.5 mm grounded FR4 substrate at 8 GHz. The curve are obtained as a function of the physical dimension L/D. The unit cell periodicity D is 10 mm. The square patch element is characterized by the smallest amount of losses since the capacitance of the element, at the resonance, is the highest one. Indeed, in accordance to (8), the maximization of the capacitance at the resonance, keeping the other parameters fixed, leads to a smallest amount of loss. The capacitances and the inductances of the analyzed elements, computed by matching the normal incidence full-wave response of the elements in freestanding configuration, are displayed in Fig. 4. 0 400 -2 200 -3 100 -4 0 Phase -5 -100 dogbone ring patch dipole -6 -7 0.5 REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] -200 [5] 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 -300 [6] side lenth (L)/periodicity (D) Fig. 3 - Reflection coefficient magnitude of three FSS elements on the top of a grounded 2.5 mm FR4 substrate at 8 GHz as a function of the size L. Cell periodicity D: 10 mm. Solid lines: MoM simulations; dashed lines: TL model. Investigated unit cell elements. 0.16 16 dogbone ring patch dipole 0.14 [7] [8] [9] 14 [10] 0.12 12 0.1 10 0.08 8 0.06 6 0.04 4 0.02 2 [11] Inductance [nH] Capacitance [pF] IV. CONCLUSIONS Reflection losses of reflectarray antennas have been modeled through a simple equivalent circuit approach. Closed-form expressions of the input impedance (real and imaginary part) have been derived as a function of electric and geometrical parameters of the structure. The derived expressions can be employed as a valid tool for the design low-cost reflectarrays and for understanding the reflection loss mechanisms but also to demonstrate that, once chosen a given substrate, highly capacitive elements allows reflection losses minimization and fractional bandwidth maximization, at the same time. 300 Magnitude Reflection coefficient phase [deg] Reflection coefficient magnitude [dB] -1 lowest one. It is not a good element even for phase excursion which is rapid and limited. 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