J 2 LERACH COUGHLIN STOIA GELLE R RUDMAN & ROBBINS LL P WILLIAM S . LERACH (68581 ) 8 SPENCER A . BURKII.OLZ (147029 ) DA NIEL S . DROSMAN (200643) JONAH I :. GOLDSTI:IN (193777) MATTU W P . MONTGOMERY (180196 ) JESSICA T, SHINNEFIELD (234432) 655 West .Broadway, Suite 190 0 San Diego, CA 9210 1 Telephone : 6119/231-105 8 619/23 I -7423 (fax) Bill :@ erachlaw .co m :SpenceB, cc1erachlaw . eo n DazeD i leraci law .coin 9 Matt Tira,,Iotachla = .co n 3 4 5 6 7 Jonall(i lerachlaw .co r to Jshiiinefjeld@ferachlaw .co m 14 -. and .. . PM'1 R1CK J . COC (1I ILTN (111070 ) LISLE,". L> . WEAVER (191305) 100 Pine Street, Suite 20,07 San Francisco, CA 94111 Telephone : 415/288-4545 415/288-4534 (fax) PatC;c 1e;rachlaw .com LesleyW(yleraehlaw .com 15 Co-Lead Counsel for Plaintiffs 12 13 LE VIN, R .PANTONIO . TIHHOMAS, M1 I ('1-ll_lLL , FC .HSN . R & PROCTOR, P .A . TIMOTHY M . O'BRILN (pro haL vice) 316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600 Pensacola . FL 3250 1 Telephone : 850/435-700 0 850,1497-7057 (fax) 16 I IN1'1 11) STATES DISTRICT COURT 17 NORTTTERN :DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 18 SAN JOSE DIVISION 19 In re CIS(O SYSTEMS, INC . SECURITIES } Master File No, C-01-2041$-JW('VT) LITIGATION } CLASS ACTIO N 20 21 22 23 24 25 this Document Relates To : ALL ACTIONS . ) DECLARATION OF LYNNE R . HODGES } IN SUPPORT OF LEAD PLAINTIFFS ' } MOTION FOR FINAL. APPROVAL O F CLASS ACTION SEI i[LFMLN'T . AN D PLAN OF ALLOCATION Of SETTLEMTENT PROCE DS ; AND LEA D COUNSEL'S MOTION FOR AWARD O F ATTORNEYS' FEES AND REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSE S 26 DACE; : December 5, 2006 27 CTRM : The Honorable James Ware 28 ` IM.ME: 9 :00 a .m. 1, Lynne R . Hodges, declare : I . I am, and was, at all times herein mentioned, a citizen of the United States, over the i t age of 1 8 years, and not a party to or interested in any action relating to the subject matter of this 4 declaration ; and that my business address is 5864 Owens Ave ., Suite 200, Carlsbad, Californi a 5 1 92008 . 6 2 . 1 am a private investigator licensed by the State of California, Bureau of Security and 7 Investigations . License No . PI 18129 . 1 have over 19 years of investigative experience, in a broad 8 area of civil litigation, including state and federal securities fraud, federal false claims, consumer 9 fraud, anti-trust, products liability, personal injury, intellectual property theft, military engagement incidents and toxic tort litigation, among other areas of civil litigation . 11' 3 . 1 am the president of L .R. Hodges & Associates, Ltd . ("LRH&A"), a Virginia 12 corporation qualified to do business in California. LRFt&A: provides investigative and consulting 13 services in the area of complex civil litigation, The law firm: of Lerach Coughlin Stoia Geller 14 Rudman & Robbins L .LP (and its predecessor Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach LLP ) 15 retained LRT-I&A during the time period of'2001-2006 to render investigative services in connection 16 wit in YC l lsco Sv. Y'eni .s, 1' e . .S' 'f.'urities it gai'GL)72 . My .firm's principal assignment was to identify, 1? locate and interview former employees, third-party business affiliates (including suppliers), Cisco 18 Capital's vendor financing customers and other knowledgeable witnesses, as well as performing 19 research and analysis relevant to the case issues . During this five-year investigation . LR:H&A. 20 interviewed over 100 potential witnesses . 21 4 . The issues investigated during these interviews included, but were not limited to : (l) 22 Cisco Capital's extension . of vendor financing to uncreditworthy customers; (2) Cisco's revenue 23 recognition and revenue forecasting procedures ; (3) the slowdown. in the Service :Provider market 24 and. in Cisco's Service Provider line of business ; (4) the build-up of Cisco's product inventory ; (5) 25 double-ordering of Cisco' ; products by Cisco customers; and. (7) difficulties with Cisco's newly 26 acquired companies . 27 28 DECL . OF LYNNE R . H Oi)GES IN SUPPT . OF LEAD PLNTFS' VITN FOR FINA L APPRO VAL OF C1 ASS ACTION SETTLEMENT, ETC .- C-01-204 1 8-JW PVT) - 1 - 1. 2 5. LI &A drafted over 100 memos summarizing interviews with witnesses, and discussed c ur findings from interviews andresearch with the Leraeh Coughlin attorneys during face- 3 4 to-face meetings and conference calls . I declare under penalty of peijury under the laws of the United States of America that the .foregoing is, true and correct . Executed: this day cif 20€ 6, at 6 7 California . 4L ."NI ',JR."IJ0DGIFS 8 9 10 I1 12 1. 3 14 15 16 17 18 1, 9 { 20 21. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DEC .L, OF LYNNE R. HODGES (N SU"PPT . OF LEAD PLtiTF'S' ,M'I`N FOR FINAL APPROVAL OF CLASS AC TI.Oi SETTLEMENT, E'I`C .- C-01-20418-JW(PV'I) -2- CERTIFICATE OF SERVIC E I hereby certify that on November 20, 2006, I electronically filed the foregoing with th e Clerk of the Court using the CMIECF system which will send notification of such filing to the e-mail addresses denoted on the attached Electronic Mail Notice List, and I hereby certify that I have mailed the foregoing document or paper via the United States Postal Service to the non-CM/ECF participants indicated on the attached Manual Notice List . s/Spencer A . Burkholz SPENCER A . BURKHOL Z LERACH COUGHLIN STOIA GELLER RUDMAN & ROBBINS LL P 655 West Broadway , Suite 1900 San Diego , CA 92101 Telephone : 619/231-1058 619/231-7423 (fax ) E-mail : SpenceB( )lerachlaw .com Mailing Information for a Case 5 :01-cv-20418-J W Electronic Mail Notice List The following are those who are currently on the list to receive e-mail notices for this case . • George E . Barrett gbarrett@barrettjohnston .com • Eric J. Belfi ebelfi@labaton .com ElectronicCaseFiling@labaton .com • Stuart L. Berma n sberman@sbclasslaw .com • Ronald S Betman rbetman@winston .com • Patrice L . Bishop service@ssbla.com • Norman J . Blears nblears@hewm .com susan .griffinpreston@hellerehrman .com ;yvonne . somek@hellerehrman . com ;victor .gonzales@hellereh rman .com • Ruth Marian Bond, Esq ruth .bond@sfgov .org blanca.martin@sfgov .org • Jennifer Corinne Bretan jbretan@fenwick .com • George H . Brow n gbrown@hewm .com nsims@hewm .com ;rsazegari@hewm .com • Spencer A . Burkholz SpenceB@lerachlaw .com e_file_sd@lerachlaw .com ;e_file_sf@lerachlaw .com • Connie M . Cheun g conniec@lerachlaw .com e_file_sd@Ierachlaw .com ;e_file_sf@lerachlaw .com ;K iyokoH@Ierachlaw .com • James Nixon Danie l jnd@beggslane .com • Daniel S. Drosman DanD@lerachlaw .com e_file_sd@lerachlaw .com ;e_file_sf@lerachlaw .com • Krista M. Enn s kenns@winston .com hhammon@winston .com • Kathryn Frit z kfritz@fenwick .com • Donald P . Gagliardi dgagliardi@be-law .com vross@be-law .com • Bruce C . Gibney bgibney@hewm .com • Daniel C . Girar d girardgibbs@girardgibbs .com cma@girardgibbs .com • Lionel Z . Glancy info@glancylaw .com • Jonah Goldstein jonahg@lerachlaw .com • Mark Gordo n • John Halebia n jhalebian@lshllp .com lshscanner@lshllp .com • Thomas J. Harriso n • Alice L . Jensen ajensen@fenwick.com vadelman@fenwick .com • Robert A. Jigarjia n CAND .USCOURTS@CLASSCOUNSEL .COM • Willem F. Jonckheer wjonckheer@schubert-reed .com • Dean S . Kristy dkristy@fenwick .com • Felix Le e flee@fenwick .com • William S . Lerach e_file_sd@lerachlaw .com • Robert L . Michels rmichels@winston .com • Matthew Paul Montgomery mattm@lerachlaw .com e_file_sd@lerachlaw .com ;e_file_sf@lerachlaw .com • Kevin P. Muc k kmuck@fenwick .com cprocida@fenwick .com • Lucas Olts LukeO@Lerachlaw .com • Troy Alan Rafferty trafferty@levinlaw .com balverson@levinlaw .com • Brian J: Robbin s robbins@ruflaw .com zimmer@ruflaw .com ;maytorena@ruflaw .com ;sputtick@ruflaw .com • Darren J . Robbin s • Daniel T . Rockey drockey@hewm .com nsims@hewm .com ;rsazegari@hewm .com • Michael L. Ruge n mrugen@hewm .com • Robert Yale Sperling rsperling@winston .com • James G . Stranch, III jgs@branstetterlaw .com rjordan@branstetterlaw .com • Jessica Tally JessicaT@lerachlaw .com • Carol Lynn Thompson CTHOMPSON@HEWM .COM • Lesley E . Weave r lesleyw@lerachlaw .com e_file_sf@lerachlaw .com • Dan Keith Web b dwebb@winston .com • Ethan Richard York eyork@winston.com ECF_CH@winston .co m Manual Notice Lis t The following is the list of attorneys who are not on the list to receive e-mail notices for this case (who therefore require manual noticing) . You may wish to use your mouse to select and copy this list into your word processing program in order to create notices or labels for these recipients . J . Erik Connolly Winston & Strawn LLP West Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60601-9703 Christopher Alan Garcia Attorney at Law Dell, In c 1 Dell Way-Legal Round Rock, TX 78682 Frederick W . Gerkens, II I Wechsler Harwood Halebian & Feffer, LLP 488 Madison Avenue, 8th Floo r New York_ NY 10022 Corey D . Holze r Holzer Holzer & Cannon LLC 1117 Perimeter Center West Suite E-10 7 Atlanta, GA 30338 Peter Lawrence Kaufma n Levin Papantonio Thomas Mitchell Echsner 316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600 Pensacola, FL 3250 2 Frederick T . Kuykendal l Levin Papantonio Thomas Mitchell Echsner 316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600 Pensacola, Fl 3250 1 Christopher R . Leclerc Heller Ehrman LL P 275 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, Ca 94025-3506 Fredric G . Levi n Levin PapantonioThomas Mitchell Echsner 316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600 Pensacola, fL 3250 1 Timothy M . O'Brien Levin Papantonio Thomas Mitcgell Echsner 316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600 Pensacola, Fl 3250 1 J . Papantonio Papantoni o Levin, Papantonio, Thomas, Mitchell, Ech 316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600 Pensacola_ Fl 3250 1 Joe Scarboroug h Levin, Papantonio, Thomas, Mitchell, Ech 316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600 Pensacola_ Fl 3250 1 Robert E . Smith, J R Levin Papantonio thomas Mitchell Echsner 316 South Baylen St ., Ste 40 0 Pensacola, FL 32502 Melvyn I . Weiss Attorney at La w One Pennsylvania Plaza New York, NY 10119-1063 Manual Service List (cont .) In re Cisco Systems, Inc . Sec. Litig. Master File No. C-0 1 -20418-JW(PVT)Stephen B. Morris, APC MORRIS and ASSOCIATES 401 West "A" Street, Suite 2200 San Diego , CA 92101 Telephone : 619/239-130 0 Wayne Schneider , General Counse l NEW YORK STATE TEACHERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM 10 Corporate Woods Drive Albany, NY 12211-2395 Telephone : 800/356-312 8 Richard P . Bosso n 2703 Montague Court East Clearwater , FL 3376 1 Charles W . Morgan 2220 Calle Opal o San Clemente , CA 92673 Telephone : 949/498-829 6 John P . Dillman Tara L. Grundemeier 1301 Travis, Suite 300 Houston , TX 77002 Telephone : 713/844-3436 John R. Ihms 19149 Sierra Estates Drive Newhall , CA 91321-2272 Lee M . Cassidy 1503 No rth Colonial Court Arlington, VA 22209 Steven L . Moldane 3309 142nd Place NE Bellevue, WA 98007-3249 Telephone : 425/376-2830