World Class Testing Technology Road Load Data Acquisition A totally unified approach combines high accuracy measurement, recording, and data analysis in a user-friendly modular package; full integration of sensor, electronics and software from test setup through test report and generation of rig control codes with links to popular fatigue design and analysis packages. p Easy mounting, quick setup, alignment, and calibration saves time and money p Rugged, durable sensor provides linear and accurate load measurement p Compact, lightweight, rugged MOPS electronics package linked to laptop PC p Powerful software for test setup, data acquisition, data output and analysis p Online calculation allows calibration and alignment while driving p Road Load MAGIC: easy software-controlled data collection p Data output all channels analog to existing DAQ or directly to disk p Time-saving output to fatigue analysis, such as nCode, and test rig control applications, such as MTS RPCIII and others A Unified Approach … A TOTALLY UNIFIED SYSTEM APPROACH: TAKE DATA WITHIN MINUTES NOT HOURS RS Technologies has combined its 25 years of experience in designing and developing wheel force sensors with the latest in modern, modular electronic data acquisition systems from Caesar DataSystems. The result is the most modern and complete data acquisition system for road load data collection and handling tests available. This powerful measuring system features extremely easy and simple installation and continuous checkout during operation, which significantly reduces setup, alignment, and adjustment time, and gives instant real-time results during testing. The complete system has many outstanding and unique features: • Ease of use of the overall system • Full integration of sensor with the data acquisition for high-speed setup, recording, analyzing and report generation of the test • Well-designed, linear, durable, and waterproof 6component wheel sensors and electronics • Extremely short mounting and setup time: less than 10 minutes per wheel! Road load data is one of the best sources of fundamental information necessary for analysis of the design, reliability, and structural integrity of vehicle components. All elements of the measuring system must have high accuracy and resolution to ensure reproduction of the test conditions. This demand requires that you combine a durable, highly accurate wheel sensor with an electronics package that can record and process the data quickly and accurately. • Wireless telemetry data and power transfer, friction free with absolute data security and no servicing required • Compact electronics package with capability to expand to any number and type of signal conditioning channels • Rolling zero and shunt cal: alignment, zero, and gain adjustments while driving The RS Tech-CAESAR approach fully integrates the design of the Wheel Force Transducer (WFT) with the hardware and software that supports Computer Aided Data Acquisition (CADA). This includes the onboard signal conditioning, shunt calibration, angular position resolution, and signal transmission to the data acquisition equipment. The result is a unified system that features rapid, accurate calibration and alignment of the wheel sensor with the vehicle data acquisition system. • 16-bit resolution w/20 kHz sampling and calculation speed for all channels • Precise, uncompensated vector force resolution for all rotating axes • Online calculation of resolved signals with outputs of resolved and unresolved signals in both analog and digital form • Capability of creating files directly for fatigue analysis and test rig simulation WFT in Demonstration Rig Wheel Sensor with TIU (in veh icle) RS Tech & CAESAR DataSystems … … To Road Load Data Acquisition! DURABLE, HIGH ACCURACY SENSOR The WFT from RS Technologies is a six-component design that features an advanced, proprietary, durable, one-piece sensor section that is extremely rugged yet provides highly sensitive readings. The highly refined one-piece sensor design helps to ensure that calibration and crosstalk characteristics of the sensor will not change following calibration or during a test. Based upon many years of development and actual application engineering, it is designed and manufactured to withstand severe loading and environmental conditions like off-road handling and short-term submersion, yet supply superior performance, even when outfitted with telemetry electronics. WFT System, Exploded View Because the mechanical design of the transducer provides full linearity with minimal crosstalk, the WFT system allows online calculation of the resolved force and torque signals in the signal conditioning and control electronics. Calibration information is stored in the transducer and is automatically trans ferred into the calculation algorithm of the data processing. Two Basic Types of Sen Sensors The WFTs and torque wheel sensors from RS Tec hnologies are designed for comprehensive measurement of road load force, torque, or both on an aut omotive, light truck, or heavy truck wheel. The WFTs are designed to measure three forces and three moments on an automobile or truck wheel: longitudinal, lateral, and vertical forces along with turnover moment, wheel torque, and turning moment. Torque wheels are used primarily for testing of driving power and braking performance. They are available with high-resolution angle encoder for position and speed tracking, and slip ring signal transfer for temperature as well as high and low sensitivity torque studies. WFT w/Telemetry As a system, the WFT incorporates many outstanding features. It offers linearity over the complete operating range and minimizes the chance of problems due to the loosening of bolts used to assemble sensors from other manufacturers. The wheel sensors can accept extreme load inputs during the most demanding road surface tests, yet they also have the resolution and sensitivity to measure tire tread friction forces. The transducer is mounted between the modified rim and a hub adapter that fits the bolt pattern of the vehicle. The slip ring or telemetry mounts to the WFT and carries the signals to the data processing and acquisition system. MX Turnover Moment FX Longitudial Force FY Lateral Force MY Torque Mz Turning Moment FZ Vertical Force Forces Forces and Moments Illu strated … Excellence in Testing Technology! A Unified Approach … Through use of our unified approach, the mounting, adjustment, and setup of the WFT using the CADA system is very straightforward and easily accomplished. When proper cabling and restraints are available, initial start up takes less than 20 minutes per wheel. From a cold start, 10 minutes are required to warm up the system. The initial non-running adjustment takes 3-5 minutes per wheel. A full recheck and readjustment can be done as needed dynamically while driving. Rapid setup techniques allow verification of proper operation of all measuring elements and the same sequence can be used immediately following a test run to verify that the equipment has maintained original setup. Light Truck FWD Application Wide Range of Sizes The road load wheel and torque wheel are available in a wide range of sizes and capacities to fit test requirements for subcompacts, standard passenger cars, limousines, light trucks, SUVs, and heavy trucks. Hub adapters and modified rims can also be provided to adapt the sensor to the test vehicle. Slip Ring or Telem etry The road load or torque wheel sensors provide output signals in real time to the CADA package via one of two data transfer options: by slipring with angle resolver or by telemetry with angle encoder. The mechanical alignment, signal zeroing and gain adjustment are automatically performed while driving the car, by simply rolling without braking or accelerating in an unforced mode on a level surface for a few revolutions of the wheels. The automatic alignment and zeroing can also be done while the vehicle is on a lift by rotating each wheel a few turns. Set Up and Take Data In Min Minutes Once the wheels are prepared, the initial setup time is about the same as changing a tire. The lug nuts are fully accessible at any time for ease of mounting on the vehicle and permitting relatively rapid changes of rim and tire assemblies for specialized tests such as winter handling and tire performance verification. Cross Sectional View of WFT A rod and a cable from the center of the wheel are used to give vertical reference, provide power to the wheel electronics and data transfer from the rotating electronics to the onboard electronics. RS Tech & CAESAR DataSystems … … To Road Load Data Acquisition! MOPS SYSTEM Each channel of the wheel (total 16 per wheel force transducer) is sampled and calculated with 20 kHz! This provides a high degree of accuracy for the resolved signals, such that at a speed of 360 km/h with a 14-inch wheel this results in one calculation of each signal per one degree of revolution. This basic MOPS signal conditioning system configuration can be easily extended to a full data acquisition PC and post processing system. The combination of the RS -WFT with the signal processing of MOPS and the software packages µ-Lab and µ-Graph produces a compact, efficient, and reliable measurement system that delivers accurate measurement values immediately after the test. MOPSMOPS- WFT RackRack- mount Unit The MOPS system is the latest in modern, modular electronic data acquisition systems. It is expandable with signal conditioning for all types of strain gage transducers, pressure sensors, accelerometers, LVDT’s, RPM or virtually any type and number of transducers, analog, serial or digital signals, or data busses such as CAN. An angle position encoder input provides for accurate waveform resolution. The electronics are extremely stabile and can be rezeroed and calibration gains checked automatically at any time in a matter of a few sec onds. The MOPS unit can be used as a signal conditioning and calculation unit with TIU and analog output modules, supplying all signals to an existing data acquisition system or directly digitally interfaced with on-board PC. The signal output can be as analog signals proportional to the applied forces and torques and/or in digital form transferred directly to a rugged PC notebook together with online display, data recording and load classification. For example, the MOPS unit and a rugged Panasonic notebook PC are typically stored in the front of the car. The MOPS is set up with the calibration and shunt calibration values for the six components of each wheel. The MOPS has two links to the notebook: an RS232 cable is used to set up the MOPS and to carry out individual tests of all individual channels defined in the MOPS; a second cable is for data transfer from the MOPS signal conditioning and A/D converters to the notebook. The MOPS-notebook combination is able to transfer an aggregate data rate of 128 k Samples per second. µ-Lab Software µ-Lab provides real time display and data recording. It is very flexible and powerful and can be programmed to do a very wide variety of calculations and analysis tasks. For example, online processing with µ-Lab allows the test driver to check that all systems are functioning correctly while measuring is in progress. µ-Graph Software Caesar’s high-speed analysis software, µ-Graph, allows test data representation and offline analysis of the data recorded on disk. Even data files with many channels and Gigabytes of data can be seen and analyzed within a few seconds. Format converters for RPCIII, Matlab or other simulation or analysis software packages are also available from CAESAR. The calculation from unresolved into resolved signals is required because the rotating wheels have a rotating coordinate system, whereas global non-rotating street coordinates relative to the vehicle body are required. So, under normal conditions the following signals are acquired: 1. fx, unresolved 2. fy, unresolved 3. fz, unresolved 4. mx, unresolved 5. my, unresolved 6. mz, unresolved 7. Angle position, ö, of the wheel rotation … Excellence in Testing Technology! A Unified Approach … 8. Sin ö of the rotational angle 9. Cos ö of the rotational angle 10. RPM of the wheel (calculated from the sine and cosine) 11. Number of revolutions of the wheel The software then uses a series of formulas to resolve and convert signal data for all axes to account for wheel rotation, wheel offset, and rolling radius. MOPSMOPS-TIU Through the use of CADA, the MOPS Transducer Interface Unit (MOPS-TIU) has become fully int egrated into the data acquisition system, providing for dynamic force, torque, and position communication between the wheel sensor and the data acquisition system. Using modern microprocessor technology, the MOPS system employs TIU signal conditioning modules that are much smaller, lighter, and much faster than previous units. A single half-sized 19-inch rack-mount unit provides signal conditioning for all four wheels and is fully integrated with on-board calculation capability. There is virtually no warm-up time required for the electronics. The TIU module consists of the power supplies and signal conditioning electronics that convert the WFT signals into equivalent signals referenced to the wheel axes. In addition to supporting the WFTs, the TIU can provide up to 96 channels for additional inputs in standard 8.5-inch or 19-inch rack mount type package. The TIU automatically and continuously adjusts the sin ϕ and cos ϕ signal to be symmetric to the ZERO line and to be max ±1V. It also compensates signal offsets and gain of all strain gage-based signals when the CAL switch is activated by user control or by software when the data transfer is started beginning a new test record. Road Load MAGIC Our systematic approach provides for accurate data acquisition and efficient post processing to maximize the practical application of the test data. The MOPS system can be extended by Road Load MAGIC (Measurement & Analysis Generation Interface Controller), a software-driven package that controls all data collection procedures together with vehicle, component, road condition and handling information and can run automated analysis routines. The menu-controlled MAGIC software manages all information around typical road load recording requirements. It handles all settings of the MOPS, the definition of the channels to be transferred, monitored and recorded, the online display, and the file organization. The test administrator uses MAGIC to define the components of the car that are under test, which are instrumented with strain gages or accelerometers. The test administrator then selects the proving ground profiles to be used in the test, thus preparing the test sequences for the driver with profile name and the vehicle speed for the test run. The administrator can easily compose or modify the test layout. All this information is combined into a full testing program that is then executed by the driver. Running The Test With MAGIC When starting the test run, the driver inputs his name and additional comments as either predefined menu entries or a general comment. All entries are captured in a log-file that can be inserted into the test report. The program displays online screens for the test driver. On the left side of this screen, a number of function keys are available to control the test and data recording. On top, the actual road profile is shown indicating to the driver the part of the test program to be executed and the speed of the vehicle. The amplitude/time diagrams indicate the loads measured. The test driver can also see in the lower diagram the “kissing lines” that indicate whether or not the calculation of the resolved Fz is done properly. Whenever the wheel angle is in a position that either Fx or Fz is vertical, it takes the full load only on this signal vector. There are also digital displays of the RPM of the wheel and the calculated vehicle speed. Another digital display shows the number of wheel rotations, which could also be drive distance in meters. The bottom indicators give the file names and paths of the data that is recorded, and the results of the online analysis. This could also be directly online rain flow matrices, other bin analysis results or FFT spectra. The second screen gives the same function keys and a series of bar graphs of several channels with so called trailing pointers that indicate the maximum and minimum per channel for the actual road segment under test. The function keys not only allow recording and standby but also the control of doing a specific test segment again by pressing the “Segment Step RS Tech & CAESAR DataSystems … … To Road Load Data Acquisition! Forward” or “Segment Step Back”. A “Marker” enables the driver to mark in an extra signal channel specific events or misbehavior which occurred during the test. The monitoring and data recording is accomplished online. In addition to recording the road load data, which can also be data recorded for drive handling tests, misuse test data, or brake testing data, online analysis can be performed and the results displayed. Data Acquis ition Software The data acquisition software provides for on-line calibration and alignment during driving on a horizontal road under non-force conditions. It also provides for on-line supervising of the status of the wheel sensors with an on-line display and recording of any potential errors together with the data stream to disk. Shunt Cal While Vehicle is Rolling The setup history is kept in a spreadsheet file that contains serial number and cal factors, which also are stored in a memory chip in the wheel, from the wheel electronics. The software sets the gain according to 6 axes information replicating and documenting the test with date and time of last calibration. Potential errors can be identified as an angle devi ation larger than a programmable amount, a mismatch of shunt cal values during calibration, or a large zero offset. Online Data Screenshot Signals Zeroed During Test Drive All settings are stored in a protocol trace file and can be printed out later as corner loads, zero offsets, or shunt cal values. It provides for on-line calculation and recording of the resolved signals. It has the capability of storing all signals or subsets of the channels like resolved signals only. Data is available for evaluation and analysis immediately after recording is finished; areas with potential errors during the test run can be easily identified. Post Processing and Evaluation There are two alternatives for post processing. The first gives the test driver a quick view of all data, just in case he could not check all signals on the online displays while driving. A second typical analysis is to review the max and min values of each individual segment of the track and to compare them with typical results from previous test runs and see if all loads have occurred as expected. In the picture it can be seen, that the list of the minimal and maximal values are in bold numbers, for the segment with the extreme loads. Data can be directly transformed into various software formats such as nCode’s DAC-format or MTS’ RPCIII format … Excellence in Testing Technology! A Unified Approach … track. One shows the profile of some “pot holes” as they were recorded and the second shows the behavior of the vehicle on a torsional track section. Max/Min Evaluation Other methods of analysis can be defined and the online results displayed in a list similar to this example, such as max hysteresis loops of a rain flow analysis, or max frequency and amplitude of a vibration spectrum or distance, duration, deceleration and brake pressure from a brake test. By clicking on one of the fields in the display, the data of this channel in the corresponding road segment will be displayed as a time history display. The analysis program µ-Graph is started and the corresponding data is displayed. µ-Graph is the fastest and most user-friendly analysis and report generating software package for road load data. The list of road segments is shown and dragging and dropping either other signals or other road segments into the graphics can arrange the display of the data. µ-Graph also offers format converters for a wide range of other software used for road load handling, fatigue analysis, such as nCode FATIMAS, or rig control, such as MTS RPC III, IST Rigsys, or Servotest SBF format. A MATLAB converter is also available. µ-Graph can be set in automatic mode to let you compose complex sequences of analysis, and graphic output routines that can run fully automated and provide a series of report plots without the time consuming interactive data handling of the operator. The plots can be laid out as presentation plots with graphics, bitmaps, text, tables and logos like the example shown below. New test data will just be activated and all analysis and displays are updated with the new data. The plot shows the three forces as time history plot and rain flow matrix plot and power spectrum of the vertical force in vehicle coordinates. Data Report Proving Ground Data This plot labeled “Sample Lap” shows the three forces in global vehicle coordinates with the proper scaling for the individual forces represented. The black line represents the vehicle speed calculated online from the RPM of the wheel. The time scale shows that one lap of the test track took about 11 min. Different surfaces of the track and different drive speeds are easily seen. The pictures that follow on the next page show a zoom into two areas of the Offline Signal Display Data: Sample Lap RS Tech & CAESAR DataSystems … … To Road Load Data Acquisition! CALIBRA ALIBRATION Calibration information can be stored on a microchip circuit so that it can be uploaded automatically from each WFT to the CAESAR MOPS data acquisition system. Data Sample: Pot Holes Data Sample: Torsional Track Data Quality: the “Kissing” Curves The most challenging test is to compare the unresolved forces Fx and Fz with the resolved Fz signal. The unresolved signals have a sinusoidal form due to the rotation of the 6-component wheel. In a vertical position of one of the two signals, the other is horizontal and has no contribution to the resolved Fz signal. This behavior is shown very clearly in the plot below. It can also be shown in the online display to give the test driver an on-going indication of the system. On the other hand, if the user wants to check everything afterwards, he is free to record also the unresolved signals for display and offline calculations to give a full picture of the data quality. Wheel Sensor under Test RS Technologies has a state-of-the-art facility and an experienced staff to provide complete diagnostic, repair, and calibration services for all makes of road load and torque wheels. All torque and force calibration services are accredited by A2LA according to ISO Guide 25 and traceable to NIST standards. “Kissing” Curve Data … Excellence in Testing Technology! A Unified Approach … GENERAL WFT SPECIFICATIONS Nonlinearity ........................................ ±0.5% of rated output. Non-repeatability ............................. ±0.25% of rated output. Hysteresis ........................................... ±0.5% of rated output. Crosstalk ............................................................... ±1% typical, ±3% Full Scale, maximum. Excitation ..................................................................... ±15 VDC Output (all axes) .......................... 5.00 vdc ± 0.2%, nominal. Temperature Range............................................-25 to 150° C Temperature Drift.................................................... 0.005%/ºC Angle Encoder .........................................Sine/cosine resolver Coordinates ......................................................SAE Standard. Resolution ................. Depends on resolution of electronics and capacity of sensor, generally > 10 Nt for force axes; > 1 Nm for moment axes. Bridge Resistance ................................. Fx & Fz 525 Ohms, Fy, Mx, My & Mz 1400 Ohms, nominal. Isolation Resistance ..................................... 2,000 M Ohms. Overload Capacity ................ 50% of Full Scale on all axes applied simultaneously, provided that the combined load on each axis does not exceed the overload rating for that axis. Natural Frequency .................................................... <300 Hz. Acceleration Tolerance ................................. Shock 50 G’s. Environmental .......................... Dust-proof, water resistant, short-term submersible, corrosion resistant SLIP RING SPECIFICATIONS Description ...................... Anodized aluminum housing with military specification circular connectors with solder contacts. Current Capacity .......................................................... 1 Amp. RPM Rating ............................................................. 2,000 rpm. Temperature Range ...................................... -40 to +120 °C. Resolver Accuracy ..................................... ±15 Arcminutes. Output Connector ........................... Bendix PT02H-14-18P. Dimensions ...... 3.70 in. (94 mm) L x 3.50 in. (89 mm) OD. Weight ................................................................ 2.3 Kg (5 lbs.) TELEMETRY SPECIFICATIONS Amplifier...................................... 6 instrumentation amplifiers for full-bridge strain gages Sensitivity...............................Adjusted according to sensors Sensor Power Supply ..................................................... ±10 V Shunt Calibration ..............50% full scale, remote controlled High Pass Filter .. x- and z-components, 0.5 Hz, switchable Aliasing Filter............................... 7-pol. Butterworth, 1.2 kHz Sample and Hold ................................................Simultaneous Sampling Rate per Channel........................................... 6 kHz A/D Converter.................................................16 bit resolution, separate converter per channel Crosstalk Rotor Electronics.....................................>100 dB Linearity Rotor Electronics....................................... < 0.01% Analog Output ...............................................On wheel, ±10 V, driven, 7pol. binder connector water-protected Temperature Channel.................... 8 bit resolution, ±127 °C, for control of the temperature in the wheel electronics Angle of Rotation ....................................Incremental sensor, 2048 pulses per rev, sin- and cos -values are transferred with time correction Controller....................................... Microprocessor controlled, settings are saved on EEPROM on rotor electronics, power on-download Remote Control Commands ........ Autozero per component separate shunt calibration, combined high pass setting for x- and z-components Data Transfer .........Infrared, axial, serial format, 1.28 Mbps Remote Control Signal Transfer ........................... Inductive, RS232-format, 9600 Baud Processor Unit .......................................x- and z-components by means of processor controlled calculation unit, direction of rotation is programmable Power Supply ..................................Separate power supplies 12 V/0.5 A per wheel Weight Rotor Electronics............................................1.15 kg Temperature Range ............................................-20 ... +80 °C Water Protection..........................................According to IP67 Max. Driving Speed.............................260 km/h (161.5 mph) Synchronizer & Interface.....Per wheel 19“-plug-in module, bus coupling via dual ported RAM Interface to MOPS MOPS U NIT SPECIFICATIONS Signal Conditioning .....................................4 x 6 Component Wheels; expandable for additional strain gage transducers, pressure sensors, accelerom eters, LVDT’s, RPM or other digital signals or data busses such as CAN Sampling Rate per Channel...............................6 kHz typical Resolution .......................................................................... 16 bit Linearity......................................................................... < 0.01% Crosstalk ......................................................................< 100 dB Autozero, Shunt Cal, Gain .......Remote Control per RS232 ACCESSORY LIST A complete set of accessories for mounting and setting up the system is available. RS Tech & CAESAR DataSystems … …To Road Load Data Acquisition! WFT CAPACITIES The capacities of the various WFTs are as follows. LIGHT P ASSENGER CAR (LP-AL) AXIS FX FZ FY MX MZ MY D IMENSIONS D IA. MEDIUM TRUCK (MT-TI) HEAVY TRUCK (HT-XHA) EXTRA HEAVY TRUCK (HT-EXA) 40 K N 40 K N 60 K N 140 K N 220 K N 140 K N (6.7 K LBF) (9 K LBF) (9 K LBF) (13.5 K LBF) (31.5 K LBF) (49 K LBF) (31.5 K LBF) 20 K N 30 K N 40 K N 40 K N 60 K N 140 K N 220 K N 140 K N (4.5 K LBF) (6.7 K LBF) (9 K LBF) (9 K LBF) (13.5 K LBF) (31.5 K LBF) (49 K LBF) (31.5 K LBF) 10 K N 15 K N 20 K N 20 K N 30 K N 70 K N 100 K N 70 K N (2.25 K LBF) (3.4 K LBF) (4.5 K LBF) (4.5 K LBF) (6.7 K LBF) (15.7 K LBF) (22 K LBF) (15.7 K LBF) 3 KN M 4 KN M 5 KN M 5 KN M 7.5 K N M 30 K N M 50 K N M 30 K N M (27 K LB -I N) (36 K LB -I N) (45 K LB -I N) (45 K LB -I N) (66 K LB -I N) (265 K LB -I N) (442 K LB -I N) (265 K LB -I N) 3 KN M 4 KN M 5 KN M 5 KN M 7.5 K N M 30 K N M 50 K N M 30 K N M (27 K LB -I N) (36 K LB -I N) (45 K LB -I N) (45 K LB -I N) (66 K LB -I N) (265 K LB -I N) (442 K LB -I N) (265 K LB -I N) 4.2 K N M 5.6 K N M 6.5 K N M 6.5 K N M 10 K N M 30 K N M 50 K N M 30 K N M (37.5 K LB -I N) (50 K LB -I N) (60 K LB -I N) (60 K LB -I N) (88 K LB -I N) (265 K LB -I N) (442 K LB -I N) (265 K LB -I N) 317 357 508 X 218 X 508 X 218 X 559 X 279 X 127 (20 X 127 (20 X 127 IN.) 8.6 X 5 IN.) 11 X 5 279 X 150 (11 X 5.9 X 51 MM IN.) 4.2 279 KG. LBS .) MM (11 305 X 152 MM (12 X X IN.) 6 71 X X X 241 MM (14 X 3.3 3.3 IN.) 8 6.8 KG. 5.36 (15 LBS .) (11.7 279 MM IN.) X MM (12.5 X 2.8 (11 203 X 84 X 330 IN.) KG. X 84 357 X 241 9.5 X (14 X 9.5 3.3 IN.) IN.) KG. 12.6 LBS .) (18 LBS .) (27.7 (13 356 MM MM 8.16 (14 IN.) 356 X 84 X KG. LBS .) MM (14 IN.) IN.) 122 MM (4.8 IN.) W / ADAPTER DISK 122 MM (4.8 IN.) W / ADPATER DISK 152 ALUMINUM TITANIUM MM MM 8.6 X 5 MM (6 IN.) W / HUB 178 MM (7 IN.) W / HUB ADAPTER 178 MM (7 ALUMINUM ALUMINUM IN.) W / HUB ADAPTER TITANIUM E x c e l l e n c e i n T e s t i n g MM (22 X IN.) 42.6 KG. 34 KG. (60 LBS.) (94 LBS.) (75 LBS.) 495 495 571 MM IN.) F ITS 11.25 10 MM (19.5 X BOLT PAT- IN.) F ITS 11.25 10 MM (22.5 X BOLT PAT- IN.) F ITS 13.19 X 10 BOLT PAT- TERN TERN TERN ALUMINUM TITANIUM ALUMINUM *All specifications current as of March 2005. … MM 27.2 KG. (19.5 ADAPTER MATERIAL HEAVY TRUCK (HT-TI) 30 K N SIZE MAX . H UB MEDIUM TRUCK (MT-XMA) (4.5 K LBF) (9.25 MIN. R IM LIGHT TRUCK (LT-AL) 20 K N 2 W EIGHT P ASSENGER CAR /LIGHT SUV (PC-TI) T e c h n o l o g y ! Fully Integrated Road Load Data Acquisition RS Technologies World Headquarters Farmington Hills, Michigan USA More information on wheel force transducers is available from: RS Technologies, Ltd. 24350 Indoplex Circle Farmington Hills, Michigan 48335 USA Telephone: 248-888-8260 FAX: 248-888-8266 Email: CAESAR DatenSysteme GmbH Keltenring 16 82041 Oberhaching, Germany Telephone: +49-89-613049-0 Fax: +49-89-613049-97 Email: CAESAR DataSystems, Inc. 24350 Indoplex Circle Farmington Hills, Michigan 48335 USA Telephone: 248-888-8268 Fax: 248-888-8269 Email: 050412 061525-600