A M E R I C A N C O U N C I L OF I N D E PE N D E NT L A B OR A TOR I E S EMC Standards Alert Vol. 1 No. 2 Timely Updates on Critical Standards Edited by Don Heirman, Chair of IEC/ CISPR & ANSI ASC C63® Editorial Board Harry H. Hodes - Acme Testing Co. Doug Kramer - NCEE October 2009 Latest Test Lab Cost Impacts This edition of the ACIL EMC Standards Alert focuses on the latest planned major changes in the areas of EMC Measurement Uncertainty (which will affect nearly every ISO/IEC 17025-accredited EMC Test Lab), Antennas for “Special Tests” (that will also affect nearly every ISO/IEC 17025-accredited EMC Test Lab), and, the latest news on the status of CISPR 32 (which will be a topic of extreme concern for any EMC Test Lab that tests ITE and/ or Consumer Broadcast Receivers and other Audio/Video Equipment, because it will replace both CISPR 22 and CISPR 13). We also list two major EMC Standards that have been recently published, and we summarize recent and upcoming EMC-related Standards meetings that may be of interest to our members. Mike Violette - Washington Labs EMC Measurement Instrumentation Uncertainty The International In this issue Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR) is now updating the CISPR 16-42 standard on the application of measurement instrumentation uncertainty (MU) in product compliance measurements. CISPR 16-4-2 is increasingly being invoked on a mandatory basis in the standards that are applicable to product compliance testing. Latest Test Lab Cost impacts EMC Instrumentation MU Antennas for special tests What is CISPR 32 Recently published standards EMC Workshops Upcoming Meetings A ME R I CA N C OU N CI L I N D E PE N D E N T L A BO R A T OR I E S OF 1629 K Street NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20006-1633 Ph: (202) 887-5872 Fax: (202) 887-0021 info@acil.org www.acil.org The latest versions of CISPR 22 and CISPR 11 (discussed in the last Standards Alert) now have mandatory requirements to address MU. The major components of MU that have to be considered are for radiated emission measurements between 30 MHz and 1000 MHz. How will this affect EMC Test Labs? (Note: conducted emissions are also addressed in CISPR 16-4-2 but this discussion will focus only on radiated emission measurements between 30 MHz and 1000 MHz). Note that the MU is based on those quantities that affect the results of the measurement, not on the tolerance or deviations of each component in the measurement chain. At times, the only way to determine this is with repeated measurements (―Type A‖ uncertainty), where the test setup is torn down and rebuilt, looking at variations of the quantity under consideration on the measured emissions. That quantity variation is then entered into the uncertainty calculation. Tolerances have to be converted into an uncertainty using the probability distribution function of these tolerances over the likely ranges of the tolerances. The default is to use a rectangular probability distribution that says that all possible values of the quantity are possible with equal probability. For example, in the case of an EMI receiver input having an amplitude tolerance of +/- 2 dB, it is generally assumed that the actual reading can be anywhere in this tolerance range which is captured with the rectangular distribution function. Join ACIL and the Conformity Assessment Section (CAS) to take advantage of EMC Standards Alert A M E R I C A N C O U N C I L OF I N D E PE N D E NT L A B OR A TOR I E S Typical MU Quantities MagniCISPR 16-4-2: 2003 tude of Impact (30 MHz to 1000 MHz, 3 meter separation, Log periodic antenna array, horizontal polari- on overzation. [Applicable to OATS or semiall MU anechoic Chambers] (dB) Receiver lowering the pulse responses of the EMI Receiver (or spectrum analyzer-based system) uncertainties when they are aligned and calibrated (as it is unlikely that a new EMI receiver or spectrum analyzer-based system with significantly better MU specifications will be affordable). What is coming next? The most recent proposal for updat- Reading 0.1 Sine-wave voltage accuracy 0.5 Pulse amplitude response 0.87 Pulse response variation w/rep. freq. 0.97 Noise floor (OATS testing) 0.25 Cable Attenuation between receiver & antenna 0.05 Mismatch at ends of cable 0.67 Antenna Factor 1.0 Frequency interpolation 0.17 Variation with height 0.17 Directivity 0.29 Phase center 0.58 Cross-polarization response 0.52 Balance 0.0 Test Facility Site imperfections 1.63 Test separation distance from EUT 0.17 Support table height (table top EUTs) 0.05 MU (Ucispr) calculation (k=2 coverage factor; 95 percent confidence level) 5.2 dB ing CISPR 16-4-2 is contained in CISPR/A/848/CD. This committee draft document had many national committee comments (113 with 22 of them defined as technical), and was discussed at the CISPR Subcommittee A meeting in late September 2009. The CISPR/A/848/CD document proposes to add the following layers in the MU input tables:. Radiated emissions between 1 GHz and 18 GHz Radiated emissions using a fully absorber lined room (FAR)—30 MHz to 1000 MHz Impact of antenna tilting and near field effects when measuring at a 3 meter separation (0.5 dB) Effect of the material used as table top (0.5 dB) In addition, the Ucispr for the situation noted in the table is 5.2 dB. When considering all the measurement geometries and polarizations, the worse case Ucispr is 5.2 dB considering the receiving antenna tilted towards the largest emission source at 3 meter separation as the antenna is raised between 1 and 4 meters. However, in accordance with the CISPR/ A/848/CD document, if tilting is not used, Ucispr increases only by a tenth of a dB for horizontal polarization, but for vertical polarization, Ucispr will become 6.3 dB for 3 meter separation with no tilting and only 5.3 dB with it. Thus, as far as MU is concerned, tilting the antenna (boresighting or aiming at the noise source) is insignificant for horizontal polarization and will become 1.1 dB for vertical polarization—again for the case of 3-meter separation and 200 MHz to 1 GHz. The ability to gain back this dB (by having an articulated antenna positioner on the mast) has to be considered traded-off against its cost for getting a reduced MU. Note that there may be other reasons for tilting or boresighting, such as if one or more relevant test standards regularly employed by the EMC Lab, requires it. Looking at the values of the contributors to the MU in the table, it is clear that the lab has to focus on: Antennas for special tests Besides making radiated Reducing test site imperfections (i.e. getting the NSA/ VSA to be well inside the +/- 4 dB tolerance); getting the MU of various antenna characteristics reduced [either by selecting an antenna with inherently lower (better) uncertainties or by specifying an antenna calibration method to be used by the antenna calibration laboratory that has lower MU]; decreasing the mismatch at the ends of cables by using precision attenuators; emission measurements, antennas are used for special tests, like determining normalized site attenuation, and now, determining the effect on measured EUT emissions of the material of tabletops upon which the EUT is placed. Presently, CISPR 16-1-4 Clause 5.9 states that from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz, the antenna needed for determining effects of tabletops on radiated emissions measurements is a ―shortened‖ biconical antenna which covers at least 200 MHz to 1000 MHz (the effects from 30 MHz to 200 MHz are considered to be negligible), and whose tip to tip length (i.e., the size of the antenna A M E R I C A N C O U N C I L OF I N D E PE N D E NT L A B OR A TOR I E S normal to the measurement direction) has to be less than 40 cm. This measurement is performed with the transmit and receive antennas only horizontally polarized. There is a national committee voting document passed with 95% approval earlier this year, and a final draft international standard in preparation to replace the current CISPR 16-1-4 with a new edition 3.0. The new document includes the requirements in amendment 2 of Edition 2 and adds more requirements. Of particular interest is the requirement for determining table top effects (for tables tops greater than 15 cm) from 1 GHz to 18 GHz, as well as specifying the antennas used for making this determination. The ―good news‖ is that there is no change to the procedure for table top effects between 30 MHz and 1 GHz and that the proposed antenna specifications for the 1-18 GHz frequency range are identical to the requirements for the antenna or antennas used for the Site VSWR (SVSWR) validation tests between 1 GHz and 18 GHz. (The SVSWR antenna specification is already contained in CISPR 16-1-4 Clause The “bad news” then is that if the final draft international standard passes (which is expected) and there are no significant changes from the present text, the labs will need to purchase the special shortened biconical antenna for table top effects below 1 GHz. The “good news” is that since there is already a requirement for site validation above 1 GHz that has to be met, there is no additional antenna to purchase for table top effect testing above 1 GHz. It is noted that the effect of the table top material is not to be added (or subtracted depending on the effect) to the product emission measurement. Instead the measurement uncertainty shall be added to the test lab overall measurement instrumentation uncertainty. The calculation of what to add is shown in the present edition of 16-1-4 and has not changed for the proposed next edition. Also since the requirement for measurement antennas above 1 GHz is that they be calibrated, linearly polarized, the lab can use either the SVSWR antenna or those normally used such as double-ridged guide horns, rectangular wave guide horns, etc. as described in 4.6 of 16-1-4. To summarize, EMC Test Labs that have to measure product emissions above 1 GHz (which includes nearly all EMC Test Labs), a set of one or more antennas will be required for the SVSWR validation above 1 GHz (the characteristics of which are specified in great detail in Clause of CISPR 16-14). This same set of antennas will now additionally be used to evaluate the effects of tabletops on radiated emissions measurements from 1 – 18 GHz There is at present no plan to ―tighten up‖ the specification on the shortened Biconical Antenna used to evaluate the effects of tabletops on radiated emissions measurements from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz. What is in CISPR 32 (which is geared to replace CISPR 22 and CISPR 13)? First of all CISPR 32, “Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment Emission” is meant to combine CISPR 22 (Edition 6) and CISPR 13 (Edition 4) which impact ITE and broadcast receiver compliance testing, respectively. CISPR 32 is now a committee draft (CIS/I/295/CD) which is subject to change, and hence will not replace CISPR 22 and CISPR 13 until well into 2011. However, it is good to look now at the challenges CISPR 32 might present for EMC test labs, because the philosophy was to start with a clean sheet of paper as to both emission measurements and associated limits for ―multimedia equipment‖ which is essentially any ―black box". The main normative text of the Committee Draft [CD] CISPR 32 is only 20 pages long. It addresses products that have ports through which ―electromagnetic energy enters or leaves‖ the product. Examples of these ports are: Fiber, RF modulator output, Broadcast receiver tuner, enclosure, infra-red, antenna, AC mains power, DC power, wired network and signal/control. This means that the test lab will have to have suitable terminations to connect to these ports via the typical connecting system. Plug in modules or any modules must be tested in at least one representative host system. Either the customer needs to provide the appropriate host system or the test lab has to have one that is suitable. This latter alternative is likely to be costly, and hence the test lab should be sure to have the customer provide the host. Measurement uncertainty is still the instrumentation MU, and only has to be calculated. The CD did not say what to do with it, nor does it even require putting it in the test report. Listing the annexes where most of the normative actions are contained is helpful in seeing what will be required when this standard is accepted for use. Annex A: Test requirements This covers the usual set up topics but shows a clear use of a fully absorber lined room (FAR) which references CISPR 16-1-4, Clause 5.8, for the FAR facility validation requirements and CISPR 16-2-3, Clause for the test procedures, and CISPR 16-1-4, clause 8.2 for a free space open area test site (FSOATS). It then gives requirements in EUT size that can be tested in a FAR, for example in Table A1. Test Labs should consider converting their semi-anechoic room into a FAR to take advantage of this test method or to have a FAR if that is specified by the manufacturer or regulator. The radiated (30 MHz to 6 GHz) and conducted emission limits are then found in tables. There are relaxed radiated emission limits for broadcast satellite outdoor systems and FM receiver local oscillator emissions. A wide range of requirements are then cited for wired network ports, RF input/output ports, broadcast receiver tuner ports using screened and unscreened cables, and fiber ports designed for use with fibers having a metallic screen or member. A M E R I C A N C O U N C I L OF I N D E PE N D E NT L A B OR A TOR I E S Annex B: Exercising the EUT during measurements and specification of test signals Recently published EMC Standards of Interest This annex provides how ports should be exercised for many different port types such as audio, video (there are several display images shown) and other signals. The requirement is to generate signals corresponding to the most complex image listed in table B1. Note that only one of the choices is the usual ―H‖ pattern that may or may not be scrolled depending on what is supported. Digital broadcast signals are also addressed. C63.10-2009 - “Standard for Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices” was published on 10 September. C63.4 - 2009 - “Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz” was published on 15 September. Annex C: Measurement procedures, instrumentation and supporting information This annex provides additional information not contained in Annex A. It describes in more detail what is called out from the CISPR 16 -x-y series of standards for instrumentation specifications, general measurement procedures and also specific measurement procedures. It also covers such topics as antennas, ambient, boundary of the EUT system for determining the separation distance to the receiving antenna (it is different than that of the straight line string method in ANSI C63.4), prescan and ―Formal‖ measurements (we call them ―final‖ measurements in ANSI C63.4), and other general measurement procedures. These procedures are illustrated by a major flow chart for selecting wired network port measurements. Telecom port measurements are identified in much detail as are receiver tuner and RF modulator output ports (covering 30 MHz to 2.15 GHz). Normalized NSA values for 5 meter separation are then presented (which are not contained in ANSI C63.4) and apply to OATS and semi-anechoic chambers (SAC). The remainder of the annexes are quite detailed. They will be reviewed in the next edition of the ―ACIL EMC Standards Alert.” For your information, the titles of the annexes are listed below: Annex D: Arrangement of EUT and Associated Equipment Annex E: Guidance for emission measurements using CISPR 16 methods Annex F: Test report content summary Annex G: Support information for the measurement procedures defined in Clause C.3.1 (Screened or unscreened wired network port) Annex H: Alternative test methods with limits for the enclosure port Annex I: Supporting information for the measurement of outdoor units of broadcast satellite receivers Annex J: Screening effectiveness measurement method for receivers Both these standards are very valuable for those that test to FCC and other regulatory requirements from ITE to UWB and new wireless technology. IEEE offers a discount for IEEE members to purchase these standards. To order, click on: http://standards.ieee.org/ then click on ―Shop‖. Once there, type in the standard number, e.g. C63.10 in the ―search the IEEE shop‖ window on the right and then click enter. Prices and further ordering information are listed on the web page. EMC Workshops C63.10: A two-day workshop on the use of C63.10 is being held at UL in Research Triangle Park on November 4 - 5, 2009. For information and registration, go to the iNARTE home page (www.narte.org) at the top and click on the workshop title. Space is usually available to attend even the week before. High Power Electromagnetic Effects: Another twoday workshop will be held at Washington Laboratories on December 16-17, 2009 on new developments in high power electromagnetic effects on products. There will be information presented on the standardized way in which these tests are to be performed in this era of purposeful equipment damage. The ad and registration for this workshop will be posted on the iNARTE web site soon. Upcoming Meetings ANSI ASC C63® Subcommittee 3 (International Standardization) is meeting at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, CO on 20 October 2009. The scope of the SC3 meeting is found on the ASC C63® website: http://www.c63.org/documents/sc_3/sc_3.htm . The full series of ASC C63® meetings in Boulder is found at this URL: http://www.c63.org/upcomingmeetingschedule.htm These are open meetings with a nominal meeting fee charged. For test labs, it is an excellent way to see the many standards amendments underway that will or may impact their lab ACIL 72nd Annual meeting October 24-26, 2009, Gaylord Opryland Resort, Nashville, TN www.acil.org The information contained in this newsletter is current based on sources as of the date of electronic publication, is the sole opinion of its editor, Don Heirman. ACIL is not responsible for its content.