International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882 Volume 3, Issue 6, September 2014 STUDY OF FUZZY LOGIC AND PID CONTROLLER IN BUCK-BOOST CONVERTER PRIYANKA SRIVASTAVA1 ELECTRONICS DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY, M.TECH NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (NIELIT) GORAKHPUR, INDIA SH. S.K.SINGH2 SCIENTIST-„Dβ NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (NIELIT) GORAKHPUR, INDIA ABSTRACT Various controlling schemes are used in dc-dc converters to control the output voltage, rise time, peak time and settling time of the response. In this paper, fuzzy logic and PID control technique are studied on Buck-Boost converter and the mentioned parameters are analyzed. The model is developed in MATLAB/Simulink. Index Terms: PID controller, Fuzzy logic controller, Buck-Boost converter, MATLAB/Simulink. I. SH. NISHANT TRIPATHI3 SCIENTIST-„Cβ NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (NIELIT) GORAKHPUR, INDIA capacitor C1 and a load resistance R1. When switch S becomes on, the input voltage source V1 gets connected to the inductor L1 and therefore inductor current increased and diode reversed biased. And therefore capacitor produces output Vo at the load. When the switch is turned off, the diode gets forward biased and the diode provides a path for the inductor current. Inductor L1 is connected to the load R1 and the capacitor C1. Therefore energy transferred from inductor to the capacitor and then to the load. INTRODUCTION DC-DC converters are basically used for generating an output voltage at desired level and when a control technique is used in a dc-dc converter, it produces the output more efficiently as compared to the converter when used in open loop. Control systems are designed and implemented to accomplish the requirements by providing specified voltage level irrespective of uncertainties and disturbances occurred in power semiconductors [1]. And therefore proper and more efficient technique is used to design control system. When non linear phenomenon characteristics occur in DC-DC converters, they make their control and analysis very difficult [2]. There are many control techniques used to control these converters for example PI controller, PD controller, PID controller and Fuzzy Logic Controller. Here PI, PD, PID controllers are linear controllers and Fuzzy Logic Controller is a non linear controller. It is difficult to control the non linear phenomena occurring in converters with the help of linear controllers i.e. PI, PD and PID controllers due to limited operating points[3]. And to bring the solution to this problem fuzzy logic came into picture. Fuzzy logic do not need exact information about the system and works with approximate mathematical model. Very easily new rules can be added into it and it is very robust in nature. And hence it provides better output with lower rise time, peak time and settling time. The converter consists of a dc input voltage source V1, controlled switch S1, inductor L1, Diode D1, a filter Fig.1 General Structure of Buck-Boost converter II. PROPORTIONAL,INTEGRAL, DERIVATIVE CONTROLLER A controller is device which checks and maintains the operating conditions of a dynamic system. Main application of controller is to maintain temperature, speed, flow or pressure. Controllers are used to adjust the output voltage with the help of a feedback loop. This feedback loop feedbacks the output voltage to calculate the difference between reference voltage output voltage and hence controlling is done to obtain the required output voltage. Proportional controller is a simple type of controller in which output voltage is proportional to the error voltage. Introduction of PI controller helps in elimination of forced oscillations and reduction of steady state error because of P control and I control respectively[4]. The disadvantage of integral mode is that it has an adverse effect on speed of response and hence overall stability if the system reduces. D mode has anticipative nature and therefore it has the ability of prediction of future errors. PD controllers are used to control helicopters, aeroplanes, submarines and other flying and underwater machines. 998 International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882 Volume 3, Issue 6, September 2014 A controller is obtained by combining the three modes proportional controller P, integral controller I, derivative controller D and it is named as PID controller. It provides better transient and steady state response for the unit step input and hence gives better results. rules are designed in the matrix table and these rules are shown in table1. Defuzzification method used is centroid of gravity. Triangular membership function is used for input (error and change in error) and output. The values are normalized in between [-1,1]with the help of suitable scaling factors. The two inputs can be written as, e(k) = Vreference - Voutput ce(k) = e(k) – e(k-1) Fig.2 A Proportional-Derivative-Integral controller PID controllers can be tuned by two popular methods Good-Gain method and Zieglar Nicholsβ method. Firstly the process is brought to or close to the specified point and then proportional controller is assured with Kp = 0 & then increase in Kp is done till stability is achieved. Hence the output of PID controller can be written as, π‘ π π‘ = πΎπ π π‘ + πΎπ π(π‘)ππ‘ + πΎπ 0 III. Fig.4 Plot of membership function for error e ππ(π‘) ππ‘ FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER Fuzzy logic controller is a digital approach to control the dc-dc converters and proves to be a better method as compared to the classical analog methods. It is designed depending on the expert information and knowledge about the system and exact model is not a question of concern[5]-[7]. The two input terms are error and change in error which are given at input of controller. Fig.5 Plot of membership function for change in error Fig.3 Fuzzy logic controller in Buck-Boost converter Fuzzifier converts the crisp sets into fuzzy sets. A mamdani type inference method is used for the design of controller. A group of seven fuzzy subsets are used, these are PB,PM,PS,ZE,NS,NM,NB. Using IF-THEN rule, 49 Fig.6 Plot of membership function for output 999 International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882 Volume 3, Issue 6, September 2014 TABLE I. Fuzzy logic table rules PID controller has rise time below 0.0029sec and Fuzzy logic controller has rise time below 0.0021sec. Fig.9 Peak time in Buck mode IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In this section results are derived and discussed. A Fuzzy logic controller and Proportional-IntegralDerivative controller is studied for the Buck-Boost converter and its simulink model is designed. The two models using fuzzy logic and PID controller are tested for both buck mode and boost mode. PID controller has peak time below 0.0047sec and Fuzzy logic controller has peak time below 0.0041sec. (A) Buck mode: Output voltage is calculated for Vreference = 10 volt and Vinput = 12 volt. Rise time, peak time and settling time are analyzed for reference voltage varying from 2 volt to 10 volt. Fig.10 Settling time in Buck mode PID controller has settling time below 0.304sec and Fuzzy logic controller has peak time below 0.298sec. (B) Boost mode: Output voltage is calculated for Vreference = 30 volt and Vinput = 12 volt. Rise time, peak time and settling time are analyzed for reference voltage varying from 14 volt to 30 volt. Fig.7 Output voltage for reference voltage = 10 volt Fig.11 Output voltage for reference voltage = 30 volt Fig.8 Rise time in Buck mode 1000 International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882 Volume 3, Issue 6, September 2014 PID controller has settling time below 0.1345sec and Fuzzy logic controller has settling time below 0.1336sec. V. Fig.12 Rise time in Boost mode PID controller has rise time below 0.1041sec and Fuzzy logic controller has rise time below 0.1038sec. Fig.13 Peak time in Boost mode PID controller has peak time below 0.108sec and Fuzzy logic controller has peak time below 0.1076sec. CONCLUSION It can be concluded that Fuzzy logic controller has good transient state response. It provides lower rise time, peak time and settling time with higher output voltage. Mathematical model needed to be exact in PID controller which is a difficult task in non linearity and during variation and disturbances. And therefore fuzzy logic controller is a better method as compared to PID controllers as mathematical model not need to be exact and provides non linear control to converters. 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