1/14 ENSC380 Lecture 22 Objectives: • Signals and Systems Fourier Analysis: • Power Spectrum • Log-Magnitude response plots • Bode plots Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, SFU 2/14 Power Spectrum • Power spectrum of a signal refers to the amount of power a signal contains in a very narrow band around each frequency. • To find the power spectrum of a signal, x(t), the following system is used. This is an example of the application of BPFs. Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, SFU 3/14 Noise Removal • An important application of filters (usually LPF or BPF) is to reduce the noise contents of a signal. • Noise is an undesirable signal which inevitably adds to signal when they are stored, transmitted, filtered, . . . . • Practical signals usually have a limited bandwidth, whereas noise usually has unlimited or very large bandwidth. • The idea is to remove the noise in the frequency range that the desired signal does not exist. • The ratio of the desired signal power to the noise power is called the signal to noise ratio (SNR). The goal of a noise reduction system is to increase SNR as much as possible. Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, SFU 4/14 Log-Magnitude Plot • Sometimes instead of plotting the magnitude of a frequency response of a system versus frequency, we plot the logarithm of the magnitude. • The reason is that logarithm de-emphasizes large values and emphasizes small values. This helps see the subtle differences between the magnitude response of two systems more clearly. H1 (f ) = 1 1 + j2πf H2 (f ) = 30 30 − 4π 2 f 2 + j62πf Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, SFU 5/14 Bode Plot • A more common practice is to plot the logarithm of the magnitude of the frequency response (H(f ) or H(jω )) against a logarithmic scale of the frequency. This is called a Bode diagram or a Bode Plot. • In a Bode plot the magnitude of H(jω) is converted into a logarithmic scale called decibel (dB). The unit Bel is named after Alexander Graham Bell, and is defined as the base 10 logarithm of the ratio of two powers. Decibel is a tenth of a Bel. • If the input and output signals of a system are x(t) and y(t), with powers Px and Py respectively, then, the ratio of their powers in Bel and Decibel is: • On the other hand we know that Px is proportional to |X(f )|2 and Py to |Y (f )|2 . Thus we can write: log10 ( Py )= Px • Finally, the conversion of |H(f )| to it’s decibel unit can be written as: HdB (f ) = Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, SFU 6/14 Bode Plot (Cont.) • The bode plots of the previous systems H1 (f ) and H2 (f ): Note: The phase of H(f ) should also be plotted against the logarithmic scale of frequency. • In the following slides, we replace H(f ) with H(jω) for simplicity in the formulas. H(jω) is the same as H(f ) when 2πf is replaced with ω . Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, SFU 7/14 Bode Plot (Cont.) • We know that any LTI system is defined by a linear constant-coefficient differential equation: • Hence, its transfer function (frequency response) has the form: • If we find the roots of the numerator and denominator of H(jω) and show them with zi and pi respectively, we can write: 1− jω z1 ... 1 − H(jω) = A jω jω 1− p 1 − p ... 1 − 1 • 1− jω z2 2 jω zN jω pD zi ’s are called the “zeros” and pi ’s the poles of the transfer function. H(jω) is equal to zero at ω = zi and goes to infinity for ω = pi . Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, SFU 8/14 Bode Plot (Cont.) • The above system, can be viewed as a cascade of N + D simpler sub-systems: • The transfer function of each subsystem (Hl (jω)) has a magnitude and phase: |Hl (jω)| and ∠Hl (jω) • The Bode plot for the over all system (H(jω) or (H(f )) is the sum of the bode plots for each sub-system (both for the magnitude and phase). Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, SFU 9/14 Component Diagrams • The bode plot for each sub-system is called a “component diagram”. subsystems can have different forms: • Sub-systems with a real (non-zero) • Sub-systems with a real (non-zero) zero: pole: Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, SFU 10/14 Component Diagrams (Cont). • Subsystem with a zero at 0 (Differentiator): • Subsystem with a pole at 0 (Integrator): Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, SFU Component Diagrams (Cont). 11/14 Subsystem with complex zero pair H(jω) = jω 1− z1 jω 1− z2 where z2 = z1∗ Let ω0 = |z1 |2 ζ=− Re(z1 ) ω0 Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, SFU Component Diagrams (Cont). 12/14 Subsystem with complex pole pair H(jω) = 1− jω p1 1 1− jω p2 where p2 = p1∗ Let ω0 = |p1 |2 ζ=− Re(p1 ) ω0 Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, SFU 13/14 Example Plot the Bode diagram for the given circuit, with C1 = 1 F, C2 = 2 F, Rs = 4Ω, R1 = 2Ω, R2 = 3Ω Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, SFU Example(Cont.) 14/14 Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, SFU