f BiG HOLE BREEZES 7 CKUUSKP (T U T riW»*T. »V G. A. W I L L I A M S Subscription Price, $2.50 Yearly. EnsxreU at the postuffice at Wisdom as axon d-ci^si a at.U-r—,— ,— -—--------- Why Man Likes A Dog Why does a tmu like a dog? There are many reasons, though the deg is not a reasoning being. A dog will lick the hand that beats it; a dog will eat a crust or a bone and bless the giver; a dog thinks that whatever a man does is right and proper; a dog has no right that a man is bound to respect; a dog ask i no cm harassing questions; a dog is always grateful, no matter for what; a dog does not ask the man to stay at home nights, a dog is satisfied to love the man, whether the man lows the dog or not; a dog submits to any and all impositions without protest; a dog does not consider it­ self a man's equal, a dog lets a man have his own way, a dog doesn.t want to vote, a dog is just as glad to see a man when he gets in at three o'clock in the morning almost helpless, as if he hadn't gone out at all, a dog has no mother in sight and a dog can’t talk back ■■-can’t talk back, mind you, nor won't talk back. That is why a man likes a dog. Warning Not Heeded Yet After the recent fire in Wisdom, which was another glaring remind­ er of the hu t that this town is prac­ tical! y helpless in ease of serious outbreak, we fully believed that steps would immediately be taken by our leading business men to pur­ chase efficient lire-lighting apparat­ us Hut no, the lesson has evident­ ly not yet been learned The result was not quite serious enough Providence smiled on the little town that night Not a breath of wind was blowing; the outbreak oc­ curred while scores of people were in town, close to the scene, our school boys worked like demons, in­ stead of trying to steal the many things dear to the heart of a young­ ster, as would have been the ease in some towns, the fire broke out be­ fore the majority had sought their beds Had it been otherwise, the entire block would have been razed Think what it would have meant to -all of us 1 Are we going lo sit supinely and watch the town destroyed’ The cost of installing fire-fighting mate­ rial would hardly be felt and it is absolutely necessary that we do it and do it now. “ B e s s ” —A H orse Guilty, yes sir— that’s mvplea. ‘Tisn't for such as ther likes of me To evade a charge I'm willin’ ter face; • I dont set it down as er disgrace T h at I struck that man and caused him pain; Why, if it were ter happen again— I,d be sore templed ter strike, I complain. B ut how I long ter be back again W ith you, old friend, as it use to be. When you fed and petted and cared fo rm e,” , Then the driver struck her. I saw the welt. It seemed as though that blow I felt; So I sprang t,ertfie street and peel­ ed my ebat J In er moment more I had clutched his throat, And hurt him some, I must confess, But he ought not to have lashed old Bess. ‘That would tax the powers of twen­ ty males. M y blood just boiled, sir, nothing less; And I hated the driver and pitied Bess. square, Who’ll see her through ter ther very end, For ter me she's just like an old-time Set Bex, wiry. Mess lier, site knows InettA Jfasfi «fae s to n e d serprisc:* ri&t d&orl m glad ia her basest n m n n r r n im x M Liue paHHenger 1 rains in both directionsPassenger rates between and Wisdom Divide One Way Fare ..................... . $5 00 Round Trip F a r e ...................... ♦ ‘TOO Corresponding rates between inter­ mediate |H>iuts. on which date the lands will be sub je ct to.settlement and entry by any qualified person. The lands embrace a tract within unsurveyed, but what will probably 1,,.. when surveyed. Sees. S ORR& MORROW GRADUATE VETERINARIANS D IL L O N MONTANA Calls answered in B ig Hole Basin lor a reasonable amount of work II. F . D R O W N Mining anil Mechanical Enfiiiraw JoMAFl SHl l.n, Register (For Publication.) 240 Oftifi lfepn rtnient of the Interior V. S. Land Oftiee a t Missoula, Montana, fee. 12, G T . P A U L . P ro p STEAM LAUNDRY A. T . B A R R Y . P bop ' k Clothes Cleaned And Pressed Satisfaction Guarantee^ * Dillon Bottling Works, Headquarters in -» B eaverhead County for Bargains #/ \m To John B. Zorn, of Wisdom, Monkna, C on testee; You are hereby notified th at Cur J Shaw .w ho irives NVisuorn, Montana, us his poM-ofthre address did on tfept. ..0, jih2 He ! i tills otttee his duly eorroliorared uppln a ion to con test and secure the eaneei'atioi of your hd. Fn iry No. Serial No. iQfifi, made Get. 12, BHin, for lots 6, 8, j. 8 Set; and lot 2, See. 24, T, t S,, U ifi W. M. M., md as grounds for his otm test he a*leges ilmt saiu land is in Its uuturai state, and th at te-re are no improvements tb creu n ; entry nan abandoned the land has left the land U;stricr and the s»taUt of Montana in the/ ear IHUH. You are, therefore, fu rth er notified ;bat the said allegations will he tak en by tids rftiee us having been conlestfed l^y you, and your said ent.-y wii! i»e canceled thereunder w ithout v u tic ju r th e r rig iit_to >k* ... bijArd tin-rein. eTtlmr t*4rfore this otti *e or on appeal if you full to hie in m is office within twmty days afier the F u F i i f H publication of this WISDOM FO X & F L A G E R , Proprietors B E ST POOL & B ILLIAR D T A B L E S IN T H E BASIN BUDWE1SER BEER - OLD CROW WHISKY Wines - Liquors - Cigars MONTANA HARLOW F PKAKB PEASC & ItoY s STKI'HFNSuN STEPHENSON ATTO RN EYS-AT-LAW (Mill-*’ Liver lultnsnii A Kniifir * limit h.xuat utllri DR. F. Ml U*\ MONT H. B 1M R 0 SE aneners’ Feed Stable ANDCORRAL -D EN TIST. 1, 2 and 11 Telephone Block DILLON MONTANA B. It. S T E V E N S O N , O P P O S IT E L O SSL BLACKSM ITH SH O P P R IC E S R E A SO N A BLE : (,()()!) A T T E M ION GIVEN OTTO GASSER \ Proprietor CIVIL ENGINEER NND SURVEYOR, WISDOM, MONTANA. The Wisdom Hotei M. M. M OSS, Prop’r. Board by the Day, Week or Month, First class meals ami excellmi si-rvice. j Our ronms arp nin-lv furnislift! and our prices art- UK-delivery was made scaung wimn aim witere the copy was tk livered ; if mad1 by registered tuuii, pr>ior of such service mast consist of the artiuuvit of cite p«.arsou by w»oui the copy was mulled stalin g Wiien ami tne puSLotrtce to witich rt was m a'ied. auu this afhdavrt m ast u* uc.companicu by the imstinasu*r s receipt for the u tter. \t>usnotfKi state tu your answer th<vname WATCH FOR THIS SPACE rcHS, ,i;u tile BfeS^Call and stc when in town W IS D O M . M O N T . Lossl Hotel -P R O P R IE T O R - Next Week H endricks & Conyne Ralston : Montana Home Cooking Fair Rates Rooms Furnishei'l and heated Over Lossl Store Wisdom - Montana NOTICE FOR tTBLICATIdN. (l‘ut,llslicr,) liepurlim-iit of flic liitcpiur. L'. S. Land Oftiee at Helena, Montana, Her. .'I, lltl:J, Notice Is hereby (riven that Inivid Law, of l-’ishtrap. Montana, who, on Jan­ uary 5, 1907, made Ia-sri'! hand Application Nd.■fm'Wria'T'Jio,IKlTor NW-;, NEST Kti SW'K SWh* MV1,, Sec. as, T. 1 N.,K. M W., Tiwhrr; tm yhtnrrrbrhmr^yrmr ffnHwrr. TOftT Mmaaua JUcridian. ha* , filed. poltre of proof to estab­ oath, specrficniiy m eeting and responding to Intenllon to u.kKe dual these as legations of c o n test, or if you fad lish claim to the land above described, within to u t firue to f*jf ro this office due pr.rif th a t you have Served a copy of jout before Fied Nelson, a U. S. Commisatoner, answ eron tne said co n testan t eit-ner in <x*r- at Wiadom, Montana, on the Slst day of Janson or by registered m all. If this service is nary, H Hd. made i>y tin* delivery of a copy <*r your misClaimant names OS witnesses Cliurlps w e r to t h e con testan t in person, pnajf of such service niiist ne either me said coniest- H.tiorls.of Wisdom, Montana; Cleveland a m 's w m ten acknowicOL'ement of his re Seefleld, George York, Jack Shay, all of eelpt of the copy, sfiowim: tne date of ir$ re­ ceipt, or the utndavit of tic* person by wimm Fishtrap, Montana. Stepkek Ca e pest e *, lle-ister. NOTICE' FOK IT BLK'ATION—ISuLATEO TKACT. H'nbl isher.) Pebla* Land rale. D8W5 Hepartment of tire Interior t'pited dtates Land Ofi -e at Helena. M-»a- of rfie post office to whu.ii you uesirt future ntftk’es to oe to you. otfeiAtt J*srLL. negistk^. tana, flecember ft, H)13, Date of first ptrbiicacioti t»ec au, tsta. Sl.wfa... w ri«.v «« rf.rwsed Ik i& c jixn. 4 mu tile Commissioner of the tientral Land Of­ tviuiah Jan. )0 " fice. nader provisions of Act of Congress ap­ proved Jtrrch Sf, JSEffFgMie JtATfll, psnnacat to the appticatma -of Wtlftam A Task, of SOTK E EOS riBU O A TlO S Boanaek., Montana, Serial No. tie wilt ............ offer ta prrMfe sate, to the highest bidder, DrtWrtftXfa* o* tbc iM rnur. - f . & Lmad OStse mt ttbaioBta. H ost***, I d d H t less fha» SMd per »cxs, gt i t o'clock a. m., on Eh* 9*th day o f Bee.*, Wa ioaoaary HhX «* Mtfe office, the laHowlwt de9i<«stee U MMffigr *#*«■ Wne**, tew. %1aeeB&a ttaexof btodp tWbXW*; * « « m % S ee. * .* ;« * ,• * . is * » .» .* . e*. aenhM Sa. 't. « *„ *. W. St3t*'ka» Ste4 a t -telrWirua *• ffityjpnMfidErtsliMlsna*e*riit% (■Kffihwffita HbfUdffirrtrtmi. I pa* U d lh i •e u k ffindgai «* «te buX wwee*fe»crihK Meet J t , i <L*3C«ww»wet, M liana.’ «dtar«db. 'M rnm m m i XttL . JUpea D + m: The Ajax Saloon St S \ I'n o rn m NOTICE OF CONTEST P rices based on c o m p e ­ titio n w ltn the w o rld . S to c k co m p le te G ener • ous tre a tm e n t- Mail Orders Always Receive , Prompt Attention TONG BLOCK TH O M AS G R ISD A LE The Bit? F u rn itu re House. tffU jO S i HOST. 'i\ l»U N 0 ru *f c FUR P U BL IC A TION (Publisher) Depmirnent of the Interior Cl. N Fund ufllee it I Missuula, Montana, Leeeniher it. HUJJ Nil let i hereby rriven Ihsit Ueugt Omdiif JoluniHon of Fo\, Montana who, on Oei ", h)H). mad*' Ihser l hit try Ni for s\V Sect ion V,i. N'., SK, s\V hK S- lion 11, NWNE Section 14, Township 5 S Uunge 1H W, M fa . has tiled notice-of intention to nuke Anal uommutHiIon proof tu establish rlalm to the land above desrriheH la-fore Fred k e l ­ son a F ailed Males Commissioner, at Wisdom, Montana, on the Kith clay of Jan im;t ( l a u n a i ’l names as witnesses (mil Johnson. i<f Wisdom, Montana; Charles lunmen, Jon n N Anderson, Curl Linden, ail of Fox, Montana Dee l.t -r»t DILLON FURNITURE GO. Call and Be Convinced PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Assist»ni Commissioner of iIn* Oi-nenU Land Utlicf at Divide h m The increasing number of our patrons and the popularity of onr goods testifies to the Jact that Lusher,s is the best place to buy good goods at cheap prices in Beaverhead county. People of the Big Hole Basin who visit Dillon ought not to return without calling to inspect our stock J. E. COWPERTHWUTE.- M. D., provml \ m We connect with all Oregon Short MONTANA ^ W IS D O M -^ lands described below, embracing 252 UH acres, ’within the Beaverhead Notional B A R B E R - SHOP Forest, Montana, will be subject lo set­ tlement and entry under the provisions of the homestead laws of the United States and the act of June 11, 1Imh>pit The place for a clean shave or art­ stu:,, 2i!.5), at the l uited States land of­ istic ha^ir cut. Bath in connection. fice at Xiisswita. Montana. itfTVJ-'tibruary 11, 11113. Any settler w ho was ac­ Reece Armitage, Prop. tually a.id in (rood faith ciaimmg any (ifsaid lands for agricultural purposes prior to January I, limb. and has cot abandoned sanie. has a preference rttfht lo make a homestead entry lor the lands actually occupied. Said lands were listed upon lire applications of Ibe persons mentioned below, who have --Office m the Toii(t Building a preference right subject to Idle prior right, of any such settler, provided such ATS 1)0SI, - - MONTANA. seltler or applicant is quiiJihed to make homestead entry and the preference riglil is exercised prior to February 11. Ilie II pplll’itl ion of U'-hen Scolll-k. Ilf WiMom Montana List I li!t» Ap Daily Passenger Service WISDOM Restoration lo coyly of lands in National THE Divided Wisdom -STAGE CO.- Leave Wisdom 6:30 a. m. A m ies Divide y3o p. m. Leaves Divide 7 .0 O a. m. Arrive Wisdom b : 0 o p. m. BARGAINS IN BEAVERHEAD! Office Itijj Hole Commercial Co, Forest. -rVtTtrce-Hx h e reby gl’iTO ttratTlTg III d J. T. 1 S , it r. vv.. described by m tcs and hounds as I'ol OWN. Ill'(fill 1111 iLr iu conu-p No 1. a simic marlo-d friend; ii | 1, win nee the soul hci si curlier of And tun er again will she have ter Kst c :i:i, T (i S . it 15 vV , bears N 40 tip(f E 12 chains , c\lcndiu(r thence haul IS deg 10. 27 ch, .MIS, til mice S. 11 deg Er three-ton load, but a big box vv 2 ? chains, Ihci ee N 72 deg VV 2S JO chat is. ilit-n :u N 2," deg ill) nun stall w 23 SO c nuns, il cucc N 72 deg u Will she occupy and reign ther queen 11 chains 1IlCIICI- N HI lleg 10 IS r ha ms i.h<ui i- S SO deg 3(1 min 10 Of er fine big field where ther grass :;i ;:> chat IS, 1Ill'll ■e S 17 (leg 10 11 cl aims In In- |ilaci of hi-if mnug There is green is CXCI-pll- 1 l licn l 11 m a si l l |i 31) feel When 1 get t ack home I ’ll tell all 1 w ih- di sc ibed as lollnws In-ginning i ut cunici- No 1 of tic 11'ai i extending right ih ■ nec IJ i-i-i on cach si h nl a line How yer stood ter treatin' ther hors­ unII 111){ S Jli dcff w 25 i mins and s .ss ili-fx w 3 HO r 1ui ms In a |)nllll where es white 1ll ' end of 'III' Nil 1P Closes Wll ll 1he in ii Milan >1 1 lit- 1r icl l lm urn area, hi IDf 1.V) (ill acres Saul l i-i el was listed »I nil 1In- i (111111-ut ll m uf V elnr 1ntgiinn (if Jacksm Mnninnu 1. si 1 ISO A 1r; ci ui n; hctds v. ilhin in su m veil lull w| III 1 will H’uOit 01} In-, w 1 i-n sune.n-d IW D■s :i ii ii in. T : It 11 w , di­ sc ilu-il In iiih »‘s a. III Ill'll! lls as fullnXVs lt« (fllllllllL' nl curnt r Nil a gran inr«i k mark Ml il (ruin n I n n : he cur l»H- nl Ts 3 and 1 S Ii ll w and I s (Consolidated Lines) '>uml 3 s 1; i . v\ . Oe;i I'S X 31 chains chums e \ I»ntj ng i lieuci- -I \V ; carry the l'uited .States Mail an 1 I'L Kill so Iuiiiis 1lnmci' n (leg W 2M imd offer superior ac.comtiio<li»iioiis ch tins Ih 'lice N U 11eLf 3u mm Is for passengers. Express baud led ;m ‘)0 1 liHIIIM 1hrlil e N S ih-g 10 2 i to all points between Divide and ctl tins ih •hoc N i ileii |' 3o chains i h •MCI E »cham1' I h 1lie |dan- nl lm Wisdom. rh ninu Saul 1nu 1 Vits 1isi ed upon They say tJatnb beast cfosTt ©ompreibeffld, t t i i i : W hat’s that ycr say, sir’ I may go. I didn’t expect quite that, yer kuovv, And after this folks can’t tell me that justice ain’t dealt as it ought ter be. And so, th at’s all I have ter say, Exceptin’, perhaps, that yesterday I bought old Bess, she's in my care. She’s gut an owner who'll treat her- ..... , J t k ss,.........- ................... Any feller I caught abusin' Bess. Who is she.’ Jove— I thought you knew. She's just a horse—a good one, too, That I used to drive, and so, terday, When I saw her toilin’ erlong ther way W ith a load piled high by bunglin’ fools Affidavits of Publication With- K held until paid for x FR E D NELSON U. S. Commissioner Notary Public EAST BOUND HOME VISITORS ROUND TRIP FARES ; From Butte and Anaconda i ON SALE December 21st and 23rd Final return limit of tickets transit limit ten days from allowed at or west of St. Paul, Omaha, St. Joseph and Kansas j February 2Sth. Goingj date of sale. Stopovers , Wmneapo.is, Duluth, / City. ] 161.00 *58.00 *5 6 j00 Chicago and return Milwaukee St. Lotas Peoria *3S-7S 155aor Davenport—-Rock Island and return M S -00 Des Moines and return St, Paul, Minneapolis, IMwth, Sioprx City Omaha, mm St. Jose^i, Kansas City and rettfrs m m Denver, Podbfc and Coiarado Springs - Travel ia -eoffislort via the lOorth C oast h en & eS , l i e crack zm m o f f t e Norflrtwst, .t& C M mrir-WrdMt * * £ * *******£ & & » ,< » • -fvkftwif at Logs® wMi' the AUanstk: ExpressfearO^c^eo, *• .* « M -E t/ B lB S r - . , * i i i l r ii vV X wVITHW The Iwneolthe GREAT BIG BAKED POTATO. For feather itrfeatitMMBerpffirtkrf««e^ on or write; 1/ 1 V .E M c H n O iD .F .I ;F ft *- 8 *