article 6 cellulose nitrate plastics (pyroxylin)

200 cubic feet per minute for the room itself. Systems shall be controlled from
within the enclosure and have pilot lights to indicate operation. The exhaust system serving the projection room may be extended to cover rooms associated
therewith such as rewind rooms. No dampers shall be installed in such exhaust
systems. Ventilation of these rooms shall not be connected in any way with
ventilating or air conditioning systems serving other portions of the building.
f. Exhaust ducts shall be of noncombustible material, «»nd shall either be kept
one inch from combustible material or covered with 1/2-inch of noncombustible
heat insulating material.
g. Fresh air intakes other than those direct from the open air shall be protected
by approved fire shutters arranged to operate automatically with the port shutters.
ulation in work rooms, of raw stock, stock in process or finished articles.
g. In the work rooms of cellulose nitrate plastic (pyroxylin) factories, operators
shall not be stationed closer together than 3 feet, and the amount of material per
operator shall not exceed one-half day 's supply and shall be limited to the capacity of three toteboxes including material awaiting removal or use.
b. AH waste cellulose nitrate plastic (pyroxylin) materials such as shavings,
chips, turnings, sawdust, edgings and trimmings shall be kept under water in metal receptacles until removed from the premises.
Section 6.5. Fire Protection Equipment.
h. Provision shall be made so that the auditorium lights can be turned on from
inside the projection room and from at least one other convenient point in the
All new and existing buildings or any portions of buildings used for the manufacture or storage of articles of cellulose nitrate plastic ( pyroxylin ) in quantities
exceeding 100 pounds shall be equipped with an approved system of automatic
Section 5.8. Handling of Nitrate Film in Motion Picture Theatres and Other Occupancies in Which the Principal. Use of Film is in Motion Picture Projection.
Section 6.6. Heating Equipment.
a. Rewinding of nitrate films shall be performed either in a special rewind room
at an approved location, or in the projection room. An approved can for scrap
film having a self-closing hinged cover shall be provided.
b. Nitrate film in any projection room or rewinding room shall be kept as follows:
(1) Up to 40 pounds of film (8,000 feet of 35 mm. film) may be kept in I.C.C.
shipping containers, or approved cabinet in each room.
(2) If the amount of film on hand exceeds 40 pounds, an approved cabinet
shall be provided, in which the amount of film in excess of 40 pounds shall bj
Section 5.9. Motion Picture Finn Exchanges to be Sprinklered.
Areas of buildings used for nitrate motion picture film exchanges shall be equipped with automatic sprinklers.
In buildings or rooms where cellulose nitrate plastics are handled or stored ,
heating systems shall be installed in accordance with nationally recognized good
Section 7.1. Definition.
Combustible fiber shall mean and include readily ignitable and free burning fibres, such as cotton, sisal, henequen, ixtle, jute, hemp, tow, cocoa fibre, oakum,
baled waste, baled waste paper, kapok, hay, straw, Spanish moss, excelsior and
other like materials.
Section 7.2. Permit Required.
A permit shall be required for the storage and handling of combustible fibres
in quantities in excess of 100 cubic feet.
Section 6.1. Definition. -
Section 7.3. Loose Storage.
Cellulose nitrate plastic (pyroxylin) shall mean any plastic substance, material
or compound, other than cellulose nitrate film covered by article 5 or guncotton
or other explosive covered by article 12, having cellulose nitrate as a base, by
whatever name known, when in the form of blocks, slabs, sheets, tubes or fabricated shapes.
a. Loose comhustible fibres ( not in suitable bales or packages ) whether housed
or in the open , shall not be stored within 1,00 feet of any building except as hereinafter specified.
Section 6.2. Permit Required.
a. All retailers, jobbers and wholesalers storing or handling more than 25 pounds
of cellulose nitrate plastics (pyroxylin) shall obtain a permit.
b. A permit shall be required for the manufacture of articles of cellulose nitrate
plastics ( pyroxylin) , which shall include the use of cellulose nitrate plastics (pyroxylin ) in the manufacture or assembling of other articles.
Section 6.3. Display of Plastics.
a. All display of cellulose nitrate plastic (pyroxylin ) articles in stores shall be
in show cases or show windows except as permitted in paragraphs b, c, d and e
of this section.
b. Articles may be placed on tables but no table shall be over 3 feet wide and
10 feet long, and tables shall be spaced at least 3 feet apart. Where articles are
displayed on counters, they shall be arranged in like manner.
c. Spaces underneath tables shall be kept free of storage of any kind and of
accumulations of paper, refuse and other combustible material.
d. Sales or display tables shall be so located that in the event of a fire at that
table, the table will not interfere with free exit from the room, in at least one
e. No electric or gas light shall be located directly above any cellulose nitrate
plastic (pyroxylin ) material, unless provided with a suitable guard to prevent
heated particles falling.
Section 6.4. Storage and Handling.
a. All raw cellulose nitrate plastic (pyroxylin) material in factory buildings shall
be stored and handled in accordance with paragraphs b thru g of this section.
b. Where raw material in excess of 25 pounds is received in any building or
fire area, an approved vented cabinet or vented and sprinklered vault shall be
provided for the storage of the material.
c. Not more than 1,000 pounds of raw material may be stored in cabinets in
any one workroom, but not more than 500 pounds in any one cabinet, nor more
than 250 pounds in-one compartment.
d. All raw material in excess of that permitted above shall be kept in vented
vaults not exceeding 1,500 cubic feet capacity and with one automatic sprinkler
head to each 125 cubic feet of total vault space and with construction and venting
in conformity with the requirements prescribed in section 5.5 and satisfactory to
the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
e. No cellulose nitrate plastics (pyroxylin) shall be stored within 2 feet of any
heat producing appliances, steam pipes, radiators or chimneys.
f. In factories manufacturing articles of cellulose nitrate plastics (pyroxylin) such
sprinklered and vented cabinets, vaults or storage rooms, approved by the Bureau
oi Fire Prevention, shall be provided as may be necessary to prevent the accum-
b. Not to exceed 100 cubic feet of loose combustible fibres may be kept in any
building provided storage is in a metal or metal-lined bin equipped with a selfclosing cover.
c. Quantities exceeding 100 cubic feet of loose combustible fibres, but not exceeding 500 cubic feet, may be stored in rooms or compartments having floor,
walls and ceiling having a fire-resistance rating of not less than one hour. Each
opening into such rooms or compartments from other parts of the building shall
be equipped with an approved fire door.
d. Quantities exceeding 500 cubic feet of loose combustible fibres may be stored
in approved vaults, constructed as follows:
(1) Storage vaults shall be located outside of buildings or if located inside
shall be provided with approved safety vents to the outside.
(2) Walls, floors, and ceilings shall be constructed of brick or other approved
noncombustible material. Roofs of outside vaults shall be of noncombustible material but may be so constructed as to readily give way in case of an internal
explosion .
(3) Openings, if any, between vault and main building shall be protected on
each side of the wall by an approved fire door. Wall openings in outside vaults
exposing other property (not sufficiently detached to be considered cut off) shall
be protected by approved fire doors or equivalent.
(4) Vaults located within buildings and exceeding 1,000 cubic feet storage
capacity shall be protected by approved automatic sprinklers, carbon dioxide, or
other approved inert gas systems.
e. Not to exceed 2,500 cubic feet of loose fibres may be stored in a detached
"loose house" suitably located, with openings properly protected against entrance
of sparks. The "loose house" shall be used for no other purpose.
Section 7.4. Baled Storage.
a. No single block or pile shall contain more than 25,000 cubic feet of fibre exclusive of aisles or clearances. Blocks or piles of baled fiber shall be separated
from adjacent storage by aisles not less than 5 feet wide; or by flash fire barriers
consisting of continuous sheets of noncombustible material extending from floor to
a height of at least one foot above the highest point of piles and projecting at least
one foot beyond the sides of the piles.
b. Sisal and other fibres in bales bound with combustible tie ropes, also jute
and other fibres liable to swell when wet, shall be stored to allow for expansion
in any direction without endangering building walls, ceilings or columns. Not less
than 3 feet clearance shall be left between walls and sides of piles, except that if
storage compartment is not more than 30 feet in width , one foot clearance at
side walls will be sufficient, provided a center aisle not less than 5 feet wide is
c. Not less than 3 feet clearance shall be maintained between sprinkler pipes
and tops of piles.
Section 7.5. Storage of Agricultural Products on the Farm.
Unlimited quantities of hay, straw, and other agricultural products may be stor-