E3 UNDERFLOOR PRODUCTS KBF | Booster Fan Unit KBF Control Information EQUENCE OF OPERATION S The standard KBF sequence of operations has the fan operating when the space is calling for cooling or heating, providing a constant volume of induced plenum air to the space. When the ECM motor option is included, the unit controls can vary the fan speed, and resultant airflow rate to the space. COOLING MODE When the space is hot and cooling demand is at maximum, the fan operates continuously. As the cooling demand is satisfied, the unit may cycle off. If the ECM motor option is installed, the controller can vary the airflow rate in response to the level of cooling demand. EATING MODE H When the space is cold and heating demand is at maximum, electric or water heat, if supplied, are set to maximum. As heating demand is satisfied, electric or water heat, if supplied, is cycled off, or modulated to a reduced setting. As the heating demand is satisfied, the unit may cycle off. If ECM motor option is installed, the controller can vary the airflow rate in response to the level of heating demand. ONTROL OPTIONS C • Direct Digital Controls*: Control packages are field supplied for factory mounting, piping and wiring. All control arrangements include a control enclosure, SCR fan speed controller, transformer to 24 volts, and fan relay • No Controls: Units are factory supplied without controls, assuming that the unit is being used for field mounting of direct digital control equipment. This arrangement includes a control enclosure, SCR fan speed controller, transformer to 24 volts, and fan relay. UNDERFLOOR PRODUCTS * Contact your local Krueger representative for a complete list of direct digital control arrangements. KBF Suggested Specification & Configuration KBF UNIT Furnish and install Krueger model KBF fan powered terminal units of the sizes and capacities shown on the plans. Unit size limitations shall be as follows to ensure that all terminal units will fit the available space. The terminal, including all control enclosures, shall be designed to fit in the plenum space below a raised floor. The unit shall fit within a 24” x 24” pedestal grid system without modifications to the grid. Terminal units should be tested by use of AHRI Standard 880. The terminal shall be designed, built, and tested as a single unit including motor and fan assembly, water or electric heating coils, and accessories as shipped. Unit shall ship as a complete assembly requiring no field assembly (including accessories). All electrical components shall be UL listed and installed in accordance with UL Standard 1995. Electrical connection shall be single point. All electrical components, including low voltage controls, shall be mounted in sheet metal control enclosures. The entire terminal shall be ETL listed as a complete assembly. The terminal casing shall be minimum 20 gage galvanized steel. The terminal shall have top access to high and low voltage controls and components and allow removal of fan and servicing of terminal without disturbing duct connections. K B The terminal units shall utilize a manual SCR or a remote F signal, which allows continuously adjustable fan speed from E3-44 Unit labels shall be adhered to each unit including model, size, airflow (CFM), electrical information, and tagging data. The radiated and discharge attenuation factors for the specified NC levels shall be based on attenuation factors from AHRI Standard 885-08, Appendix E modified for underfloor applications. ELECTRIC HEATING COILS Electric coils shall be supplied by the terminal unit manufacturer and shall be ETL listed in accordance with UL standards. Construct coil casing with minimum of 20 gage galvanized steel. Elements shall be 80/20 Ni-Cr and supported by ceramic insulators. The integral control panel shall be housed in a NEMA 2 enclosure with hinged access door for access to all controls and safety devices. Electric coils shall contain a primary automatic reset thermal cutout and differential pressure airflow switch for proving of airflow. • (Optional) Electric coils shall include fused or non-fused door interlocking disconnect switch, AC solid state relay contactors, fuse block, manual reset cutout, and/or dust tight enclosure construction. www.krueger-hvac.com | Excellence in Air Distribution © KRUEGER 2012 Fan shall be of the forward curve, centrifugal type. The fan motor shall be [120, 208/240, or 277 Volt, Single-Speed, Single-Phase, 60-Cycle], energy efficient design, permanently lubricated, using permanent split capacitor for starting and be specifically designed for use with an SCR fan speed controller. Motor must have thermal overload protection. The fan motor shaft shall be connected directly to the fan, and fan motor shall be isolated from the unit casing to prevent transmission of vibration. maximum to minimum, as a means of setting fan airflow. Setting fan airflow with any device that raises the pressure across the fan to reduce airflow is not acceptable. The speed control shall incorporate a minimum voltage stop to ensure that the motor cannot operate in a stall mode. • (Optional) ECM Fan Motor: The fan motor shall be [120, 208/240, or 277 Volt, Single-Phase] ECM (electronically commutated motor) fan motor including either a VCU or ACU speed controller. The VCU fan speed control can be manually set at the Krueger factory and/or is manually field set and is field adjustable with digital display, alternating between RPM and percentage full airflow. The ACU control shall provide a means to remotely set and/or adjust the fan speed. UNDERFLOOR PRODUCTS E3 KBF | Booster Fan Unit KBF Suggested Specification & Configuration • (Optional) LineaHeat solid state electronic proportional control of electric heat shall meet the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62, Addenda N. • (Optional) LineaHeat solid state electronic controlled heater with control of the leaving air temperature limiting the unit discharge temperature to a set value. HOT WATER COILS Hot water coil casing shall be constructed with minimum 20 gage galvanized steel with flanged discharge for attachment to downstream duct work. Coils shall be factory installed on the terminal unit. Fins shall be rippled and corrugated heavy gage 1. SERIES: (XXX) KBF - Underfloor Booster Fan Terminal Unit 2. LINER TYPE: (X) 0 - No Liner 4. UNIT SIZE: (XX) 10 -10” Terminal Unit Height 14 -14” Terminal Unit Height 16 -16” Terminal Unit Height 5.INLET PANEL (X) N - Non-Ducted Inlet Panel D - Ducted Inlet Panel 6.MOTOR VOLTAGE: (X) 1 - 120V, Single-Phase 2 - 208/240V, Single-Phase 3 - 277V, Single-Phase 4 - ECM Motor, 120V, Single-Phase* 5 - ECM Motor, 208/240V, Single-Phase* 6 -ECM Motor, 277V, Single-Phase* 7. CONTROL TYPE: (X) 0 - None D-Digital Controls ** © KRUEGER 2012 8.UNIT ACCESSORIES: (X)(X)(X)(X) 0 - None A- Motor Toggle Disconnect *** F- Fan Motor Fuse R- Induction Inlet Filter Z- Induction Inlet Sensor 9. WATER HEAT: (XXX) (ROWS/CONNECTION HAND) 000 -N/A / None W11 -1 Row/Right/Unit Discharge W12 -2 Row/Right/Unit Discharge W21 -1 Row/Left/Unit Discharge W22 -2 Row/Left/Unit Discharge 10. ELECTRIC HEAT: (XX) LINEAHEAT: (XX) 00 - None 00 - None E2 - 208V/1-Phase L2 - 208v/1-Phase E3 - 240V/1-Phase L3 - 240v/1-Phase E4 - 277V/1-Phase L4 - 277v/1-Phase E6 - 208V/3-Phase/3-Wire L6 - 208v/3-Phase/3-Wire E9 - 480V/3-Phase/4-Wire L9 - 480v/3-Phase/4-Wire 11.ELECTRIC HEAT STEPS: (X) 0 - None 1-S ingle-Stage 2-T wo-Stage 3-T hree-Stage UNDERFLOOR PRODUCTS 3.UNIT CASING CONTROL: (XX) 1L - Left Hand, 20 Gage aluminum, mechanically bonded to tubes. Tubes shall be copper with minimum wall thickness of 0.016” and with male solder header connections. Coils shall be leak tested to 400 PSIG. Number of coil rows and circuits shall be selected to provide performance as required by the plans. Coil performance data shall be based on tests run in accordance with AHRI Standard 410. 12.HEAT COIL ACCESSORIES: (X)(X)(X)(X) 0 -None B-Mercury Contactors for Electronic Controls C-Fuse Block F -Manual Reset Cutout G-Dust-tight Construction K-Door-interlocking Fused Disconnect L -Door-interlocking Non-fused Disconnect * VCU or ACU controller for ECM motor option is available. ** Digital controls are supplied by others; mounted by Krueger. *** Motor Toggle Disconnect not available with electric heat. K B F SAMPLE CONFIGURATION: KBF - 0 - 1L - 16 - D - 3 - D - FZ00 - W11 Providing You With Air Distribution Solutions E3-45