Prices Rise Faster than They Fall Author(s): Sam Peltzman Source: The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 108, No. 3 (Jun., 2000), pp. 466-502 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: Accessed: 09/09/2008 16:05 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1995 to build trusted digital archives for scholarship. We work with the scholarly community to preserve their work and the materials they rely upon, and to build a common research platform that promotes the discovery and use of these resources. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Prices Rise Faster than They Fall Sam Peltzman University of Chicago Output prices tend to respond faster to input increases than to decreases. This tendency is found in more than two of every three markets examined. It is found as frequently in producer goods markets as in consumer goods markets. In both kinds of markets the asymmetric response to cost shocks is substantial and durable. On average, the immediate response to a positive cost shock is at least twice the response to a negative shock, and that difference is sustained for at least five to eight months. Unlike past studies, which documented similar asymmetries in selected markets (gasoline, agricultural products, etc.), this one uses large samples of diverse products: 77 consumer and 165 producer goods. Accordingly, the results suggest a gap in an essential part of economic theory. As a start on filling this gap, the study finds no asymmetry in the response of an individual decision maker (a supermarket chain) to its costs, but it finds above-average asymmetry where a cost shock is filtered through a fragmented wholesale distribution system. It also finds a negative correlation between the degree of asymmetry and input price volatility and no correlation with proxies for inventory costs, asymmetric menu costs of price changes, and imperfect competition. I want to thank Robert Book, Yuri Garbuzov,Seok-kyun Hur, Joseph Kaboski, Sangheon Kim, YoungsikLim, Tim McKenna,William Pearson, Steve Tenn, Brian Viard,and MaryBeth Wittekindfor research assistance.John Carlson,Anil Kashyap, Joe Mattey,YoramWeiss,and seminar participantsat the Universityof Chicago and anonymous referees provided valuable comments and suggestions. Mark Mrowiec of Dominick's Supermarkets,Inc. guided me patiently through the nuances of the Universityof Chicago GraduateSchool of Business'sDominick's database.Don Barnett, J. Upton Hudson (U.S. Steel), and F. M. Scherer (Scherer Engineers, Ltd.) provided crucial help in matching inputs to outputs in the steel industry. Roger Fisher (formerly of Amoco Chemicals) did the same for organic chemicals. The usual caveat about errors applies with special force. Research support from grants to the George J. Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State by the Lynde and HarryBradleyFoundation and the Sarah Scaife Foundation is acknowledged with gratitude. Uournal of Political Economy, 2000, vol. 108, no. 3] ? 2000 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved. 0022-3808/2000/10803-0006$02.50 466 PRICES RISE 467 The Great Pork Gap: Hog Prices Have Plummeted. Why Haven't Store Prices? [New YorkTimes,January 9, 1999] I. Introduction This headline and accompanying story articulate a common view among consumers. It is that the prices they pay promptly reflect input price increases but not decreases. And there is something vaguely sinister about this asymmetry. This particular story is not half obligatorily over before the c (ollusion) -word is mentioned-and pooh-poohed by an academic economist. Apparently businesspeople have more varied views on this issue, as perhaps befits their status as both buyers and sellers of goods. Alan Blinder and his associates (Blinder 1994; Blinder et al. 1998) asked them, "How much time normally elapses after a significant increase (decrease) in cost before you raise (decrease) your prices?" Their answers implied symmetric lags in price adjustment. However, Blinder also asked why there was any lag at all. The most popular answer was a fear of getting out of line with competitors by being the first to raise prices after costs increased. This would seem to imply a faster response to cost decreases, since early response in this case would confer competitive advantage. A survey of New Zealand businesses (Buckle and Carlson 1996) yields the more traditional "prices rise faster" asymmetry.' So the businesspeople's answers appear to cover every logical possibility. Economic theory suggests no pervasive tendency for prices to respond faster to one kind of cost change than to another. In the paradigmatic price theory we teach, input price increases or decreases move marginal costs and then prices up or down symmetrically and reversibly. Usually we embellish these comparative statics results with adjustment cost or search cost stories to motivate lags in response. But there is no general reason for these costs to induce asymmetric lags. Economists have a well-honed skepticism of lay beliefs about how markets work when those beliefs conflict with our theory. However, the fragmentary facts do not support that skepticism in this case. 1 The survey used by Buckle and Carlson does not ask directly about speed of response as Blinder's did. Instead, it asks separately whether prices were raised or lowered and, among other things, whether costs increased or decreased in a specific quarter. They find that price and cost increases are paired more frequently in the same quarter than price and cost decreases. 468 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY Studies involving gasoline (Karrenbrock 1991; Borenstein, Cameron, and Gilbert 1997), various agricultural products (Karrenbrock 1991), and bank deposit rates (Neumark and Sharpe 1992; Jackson 1997) all find that retail prices respond more quickly to input price increases than to decreases.2 If that finding was shown to be general and not just limited to a few case studies, it would point to a serious gap in a fundamental area of economic theory. My aim here is precisely to generalize, or at least broaden dramatically, the evidence on how prices respond to cost changes. I examine literally hundreds of markets involving both producer and consumer goods to see whether there is any central tendency in the speed with which output prices respond to cost changes. The title summarizes the main result: the person in the street is right and we are wrong. This article is unrepentantly descriptive. I try to develop some facts that our theory of markets will have to subsume rather than test some specific hypothesis. Accordingly, Sections II, III, and IV describe the data I use, how I use them, and what they tell us about the central question of how fast prices respond to costs. I distinguish producer from consumer markets in part because most of the case studies have looked for asymmetries in consumer markets and because that is where most lay opinion undoubtedly expects to find them. However, I find about as much asymmetry in producer goods as in consumer goods. I also examine the response of one decision maker-a large supermarket chain in Chicago-to its wholesale costs. In this case, I find no systematic asymmetry. Section V then examines two potential problems with the central results: that they may be due to inflation-induced measurement error and that they may conflict with long-run profit equalization. The results survive both possibilities. Section VI fishes for some correlates of asymmetry. For example, I examine the role of traditional proxies for "market power" (concentration, numbers). The notion that some weakness of competition underlies price asymmetries is commonly mentioned in the case studies (Karrenbrock 1991) and sometimes finds support (Neumark and Sharpe 1992; Jackson 1997). However, I find that attributing asymmetries to imperfect competition is unlikely to be rewarding. There are other negative findings: for example, on the roles of inventories and inflation-related asymmetric "menu costs" of price changes. And there are some positive findings: on input price volatility and the structure of intermediary markets. 2 For deposit rates the finding is that they respond more promptly to falling money market rates than to rising market rates. PRICES RISE 469 Section VII tries to focus the obvious challenge posed by my results to our theory of markets. II. Data I analyze three samples of price data. Each contains numerous time series of output prices matched to input prices. Two of the samples come from publicly available Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data; the third is taken from a University of Chicago Graduate School of Business database supplied by a local supermarket chain. I use all the data to answer questions such as, If costs go up today, how long does it take for prices to go up and by how much do prices rise? I use coefficients from regressions explaining price changes with current and past cost changes to answer this question. To implement this I have to link some price measure with a cost measure within a relevant market. Case studies usually do this with coinparatively rich data on one product. For example, Borenstein et al. (1997) analyze weekly, city-level retail and wholesale gasoline prices. This level of disaggregation is appropriate if the price adjustment is completed in a few weeks and markets are local. My goal of examining many markets at once requires a different approach. It would be impracticable to investigate the appropriate time-space aggregation for each of hundreds of products let alone hope to find corresponding data. So I use the cruder data-monthly national averages-that are available for many goods and focus on the central tendencies emerging from analysis of the sample rather than on results for specific goods. I presume that any errors arising from the crudeness of the data are not systematic and become small by averaging. Here I describe the main features of the three samples, leaving details to the Appendix. A. The ProducerPrice Sample The BLS producer price index (PPI) is an aggregate of over 1,500 components. Each component is a monthly index of the national average price for some producer good. The price pertains to the first transaction after production of the good. This is a transaction between firms rather than between businesses and consumers. I use the fact that some of these producer goods are inputs in the production of others to study the transmission of cost changes within the producer goods sector. One way of doing this would be to aggregate some appropriate PPIs (e.g., PPIs for flour, sugar, and energy) into a single input cost 470 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY index to "explain" another (the bread PPI). However, for tractability (and comparability with the skimpy case study literature), I do something simpler: I analyze only those outputs in which a single input accounts for a significant fraction (over .2) of the output's value. Then I use the PPI for that input to explain the output PPI. One cost of this simplicity is an unrepresentative sample. It tends to be skewed toward outputs produced with simple technologies in which the input is heated, crushed, bent, pummeled, butchered, and so forth. By construction, the sample excludes high-value-added products. The Appendix gives a detailed description of how the sample was put together and how I resolved data problems. Briefly, I began with the input-output "use" tables, which give each (approximate threeor four-digit) industry's purchases from every other. Pairs in which the cost share (industry i's purchases from i/i's shipments) exceeded .2 were pursued further using the more detailed data in the Census of Manufactures. I used the census to refine the matches and the cost shares to the least aggregated level permitted by the data. In some cases I consulted industry sources to identify appropriate matches. Finally, I used a linkage between the standard industrial classification (SIC) and PPI commodity codes provided to me by the BLS to identify the specific PPI indexes to be matched. This process resulted in a sample of 165 input-output pairs with sufficient data for my purposes. Generally the sample period is 1978-96. The starting point coincides with the BLS's reform of the PPI to more accurately measure transaction prices. While double-digit inflation characterizes the early part of this period, around 85 percent of the sample period is from the subsequent mild inflation regime.3 (Section V reports results from only the latter period.) Table 1 provides an industrial distribution of the inputs and outputs and gives some relevant summary statistics. The concentration in food and metal products (over half the outputs) is evident. However, most of "low-tech" manufacturing (roughly, two-digit SICs less than 35) is represented. There is enough price volatility in this sample to permit extracting any asymmetries from the data: input and output prices change in most months, and nontrivial changes in both directions are common. B. ConsumerPrice Sample Like the PPI, the BLS consumer price index (CPI) is an aggregate of numerous component indexes. Each measures the retail price of 'The double-digit PPI inflation broke suddenly in the spring of 1981. Subsequently, PPI inflation has averaged under 2 percent per year. PRICES RISE 471 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF PRODUCER PRICE SAMPLE: A. INDUSTRIAL 165 INPUT-OUTPUT DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGE INDUSTRY Food, agriculture Textiles, leather Crude oil Wood, lumber Paper Chemicals Petroleum, rubber Stone Steel Nonferrous metals Total PAIRS Two-DIGIT SICS INCLUDED OF SAMPLE Outputs 20, 01, 02 22, 23, 31 13 24 26 28 29, 30 32 33, 34 33, 34 Inputs 21.8 14.5 28.5 5.5 . 3.6 6.7 9.1 8.5 6.1 .6 17.0 15.8 100 6.7 9.1 7.3 6.1 .6 17.0 15.8 100 Quartile 1 Quartile 3 B. SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS Mean 1. Frequency of Price Changes (Percentage of All Months) Outputs: Increases Decreases Inputs: Increases Decreases 43.8 34.1 37.2 23.9 52.0 45.4 47.2 40.1 41.8 34.5 52.5 47.1 2. Standard Deviation of Monthly Price Changes (Log X 100) Outputs Inputs 2.7 4.1 1.0 1.5 3. Input Cost/Output .429 4.2 5.9 Shipments .31 .50 a specific good or service. Since each of the goods in the CPI has in principle some counterpart in the PPI, I constructed a sample in which these counterparts were matched. The goal in doing this is to estimate how retail markets convert cost shocks specific to themchanges in the producer prices of finished goods-into price changes faced by consumers.4 As discussed more fully in the Appen'I did not pursue the chain of production further to ask how primary product price changes (e.g., crude oil, cattle) ultimately feed into consumer goods prices (retail gasoline, meat). This would have been feasible for only a handful of consumer products in which the primary product is a sufficiently important cost component. Nor did I pursue the chain of distribution. Systematic data on prices paid by retailers 472 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY dix, conceptual differences in the construction of the CPI and PPI preclude a direct matching; there is no "retail widgets" price index that is the precise counterpart of a "manufactured widgets" price index. Substantively, the least aggregated CPI indexes tend to be more aggregated than the corresponding PPI indexes. This makes the consumer price sample smaller than the producer price sample. Also, I usually had to aggregate PPIs to obtain a match with the corresponding CPI index. Neither the items nor the weights (factory shipments) used in the aggregation necessarily correspond to those in the CPI index. And, I dropped some CPI indexes because the degree of aggregation seemed too great for the purpose at hand.5 I matched 77 CPI indexes with PPI counterparts. Table 2 gives some salient characteristics of this sample. It is heavily weighted toward food items, mainly because they are numerically overrepresented among the detailed CPI indexes. Nevertheless, the sample items account for around half of total consumer spending on physical goods.6 As in the producer price sample, there is no shortage of "price action" in this sample. For a typical item, both producer and consumer price indexes change about nine months in every 10, and there is considerable volatility. At this level of disaggregation, neither the CPIs nor PPIs look anything like the smoothly rising aggregate series familiar to most of us. C. SupermarketPrices I have data on the retail and wholesale prices of individual items at the universal product code (UPC) level sold by the second-largest supermarket chain in the Chicago area. The items come from a selection of packaged good (i.e., not fresh produce, meat, etc.) categories accounting for about a third of total store sales, and the wholesale price is an average of recent transaction prices rather than the last transaction prices. Retail prices for a UPC can vary across the stores in the chain. For most UPC/store pairs I have retail and wholesale prices for 65 "months" (four-week periods) from September 1989 through September 1994. Generally, I tried to select the five largest-selling UPCs from each category and obtain their prices from a stratified random sample of four stores. I obtained usable data from 24 product categories (listed in the Appendix), so the maximum number of store/UPC pairs was to wholesalers are unavailable. So the PPI is, strictly speaking, a retailer input cost index only when retailers buy directly from the manufacturer. 'Examples would include sewing materials, notions, and luggage or lawn equipment, power tools, and other hardware. 6 list of the sample items and corresponding PPI indexes is available on request. 473 PRICES RISE TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF CONSUMER A. COMMODITY PRICE SAMPLE CATEGORIES PERCENTAGE OF ALL CONSUMER SPENDING ON FOR BY GOODS ACCOUNTED ITEMS IN: NUMBER OF ITEMS IN SAMPLE Category Sample 43 13.9 35.6 4 3.5 3.5 Fuel Apparel 4 6 7.0 3.9 12.6 Recreation nondurables Other 4 2.6 4 Automotive Household 3 9 2.1 12.9 3.1 77 49.0 Food Alcoholic beverages durables Total B. Quartile 1. Frequency (Percentage 1 Quartile 3 of Price Changes of All Months) 58.5 37.5 51.4 28.4 66.4 46.8 54.0 33.7 47.8 21.1 61.6 46.6 prices: Increases Decreases 2. Standard Consumer Producer 100 prices: Increases Decreases Producer 4.7 10.0 16.6 9.7 SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS Mean Consumer 7.2 prices prices 2.0 3.7 Deviation of Monthly X 100) (Log .7 .8 Price Changes 2.1 3.9 480 (five UPCs X four stores X 24 categories). Of these, 357 appear in my sample. One reason for dropping a UPC was paucity of wholesale price changes, so the sample is biased toward items with frequent price changes. I formed two subsamples from these data. One uses the store/ UPC pair as the primary unit of analysis. Here I answer the question, How does the price of a specific item-an 18-ounce box of Kellogg's Corn Flakes-at a specific location respond to a change in that item's wholesale price? Because price changes across the chain's stores (and, to a lesser extent, price changes across UPCs) are not independent, there are fewer than 357 "real" degrees of freedom 474 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY available to answer such questions. Accordingly, subsequent results for this UPC/store sample use as the unit of analysis product category averages of the results for specific UPC/store pairs. The second sampling of these data also uses the product category as the unit of analysis. However, here the question is, How does the average price of cereal in the Chicago area respond to a change in average wholesale prices? For this purpose, I compute a single wholesale and retail price index for each product category. This is done by first computing price indexes across all UPCs and then averaging them across all UPCs within a product category (so the category index gives equal weight to each UPC). The "category average" sample excludes categories with only a single UPC and categories in which the averaging process leaves too few (non-de minimus) wholesale price changes for my purposes. Sixteen categories remain in this sample. Table 3 summarizes some salient characteristics of the two samples. The overwhelming impression is one of considerable price volatility. Standard deviations at the UPC level are two to four times larger than the CPI or PPI indexes in tables 1 and 2. The averaging across the UPCs of course reduces price volatility in the category average sample, but it remains larger than the CPI or PPI indexes. III. Empirical Procedure For each input-output pair in each of the three price samples, I fit two time-series models to logs of the price indexes. The first is a simple distributed lag of the general form (change in output price)t K bi i (change in input price),-i =-, l i=O K + Ct_i- (D. change in input price)t i i=O + other variables, where D = + 1 if the change in input price is greater than zero and equals zero otherwise. Here current and lagged changes in the price of some input are allowed to affect an output price asymmetrically and with a lag. Since (1) is, in principle, a reduced form, it allows for "other (supply and demand shifter) variables" in addition to the supply-side shock captured by the input price change. for 4. b. a. b. 3. 2. 1. a. figure.this ii. i. ii. i. category. wholesale The At At At At NOTE.-In Retail The Number sample Standard pricesthe changes Percentage UPC/store of Wholesale forare in retailDecreasing retailIncreasing category sample of CHARACTERISTIC each based average on UPC/store excludes store/UPC sample sample, averages is pair the categories in unit based a within with of on only one product one category. wholesale wholesale pairs log deviation prices: prices: percategories months prices X with: (monthly category 100): observation UPC.Then 8.37.5 is I wholesale a categories. 34.3 30.9 36.7 34.0 24 14.9 Mean and For single average one them item to example, retail to (UPC) price obtainat a a obtain 5.84.9 30.5 26.3 24.0 32.0 CHARACTERISTICS 12 1 UPC/Store index thesingle for category 34.3 store. each average percent There TABLE 3 9.88.8 40.8 38.0 36.0 41.0 SUPERMARKET 20 Quartile 3 category.are figure. figure up in to These Finally, five I row 3ai, indexes I items average first and the aggregate 24 four obtain OF Quartile PRICE SAMPLE SAMPLES 4.44.5 42.5 42.4 40.6 44.9 3.12.7 39.5 41.0 35.0 41.3 16 Mean thestores prices category per for all percentage theaverages product to of obtain category. months store/UPC the The with pairs 34.3 data 6.15.8 within shown a percent increasing Category Quartile 1 Average 46.5 44.0 46.7 48.0 Quartile 3 476 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY The distributed lag model has the virtue of straightforward simplicity. However, my sketchy treatment of the "other variables" (see below) may mean that the distributed lag underutilizes the available price data. For example, suppose that output price responds gradually to unmeasured demand or supply shocks as well as to the specific input price changes in the regression. This would show up in an autoregressive process in the output price changes. Therefore, to allow for a more flexible adjustment process, I also estimate vector autoregression (VAR) models of the general form (change in output price)t = same terms as in (1) N + (2) et-i (change in output price)t-i i=l + fJ (level of output price - equilibrium level) t-i. The additional terms in (2) allow for some mixture of an autoregressive process and an "error-correction" process. The autoregressive process is represented by the lagged output price change terms. The coefficients of these terms cannot be signed a priori. The error-correction term (the last term in [2]) also allows for entry or exit. If prices have drifted away from equilibrium values because of incomplete adaptation to past shocks, then current supply changes should move them back toward equilibrium. Accordingly, I expectfto be negative. Operationally, I set the error-correction term, with one exception, equal to the lagged value of (log output price index - log input price index). This presumes a fixed equilibrium markup of output prices over input prices for each good.7 The time-series analysis seeks to answer a general question: How frequently do prices respond asymmetrically to cost shocks? Accordingly, I eschew any attempt to custom-tailor these models to the circumstances of individual markets. Instead I fit the same modelthe same lag structure and the same list of other variables-to each input-output pair within any of the three price samples. 7In the UPC sample of supermarket prices, however, I use the log of an index of average retail price of other UPCs in the same product category, rather than the UPC's wholesale price, as the proxy for equilibrium price. In preliminary work I found that for an individual item, such as Kellogg's Corn Flakes, the fact that its price was out of line with the price of other cereals was more germane than its own markup. PRICES RISE 477 This common model is determined pragmatically: it allows as many lags as are needed to more or less fully describe the price adjustment process within any sample.8 For example, subsequent results from the distributed lag model for the 77 CPI indexes come from 77 estimates of (1) each with K = 4. I chose K = 4 because the number of significant coefficients obtained by adding more lag terms to the 77 regressions was only about what one would expect by chance.9 Undoubtedly, K = 4 is too big for some markets and too small for others. But this is not systematically concealing information and, for my purpose, seems preferable to conducting 77 specification searches. For the VAR model, a similar procedure led me to set K = 5 and N = 5 (i.e., estimate [2] with six current and lagged input price changes and five autoregressive terms) for each of the 77 CPI regressions. I repeated this algorithm on the PPI and supermarket price samples to obtain the K and N values appropriate for each of these samples. A similar pragmatism drove my choice of the "other variables" in (1) and (2). They should include other cost shocks plus demand shifters. It was impracticable to customize a list of such variables for each of the hundreds of markets analyzed. So I looked only for some broad aggregate measures that could be added to all the regressions in a group. That search led to inclusion of the current and three lagged changes in the log of (1) the PPI for all finished goods less food and energy, (2) the industrial production index in all the PPI regressions, and (3) the CPI for all items less food and energy in all the CPI regressions. These variables summarize the impact of economywide nominal demand or cost changes, and a sufficient number of the coefficients were significant to warrant inclusion in the regressions.10 However, no essential subsequent result would change if any or all of them were dropped. 8 I did this by estimating preliminary sets of regressions without asymmetries. Each set imposed the same lag length (the Kor Nin eqq. [1] and [2]) on all the price pairs in a group beginning with K = 0 or N = 1. I then increased the value of K or N progressively until marginal explanatory power seemed exhausted. The resulting value of K or N was then imposed on all estimates of (1) or (2) for that sample. For the VAR model, I determined N and K iteratively. I began with the K that worked for the distributed lag and then varied N as described. Once N was determined, I allowed K to vary further, etc. 9 If 77 regression coefficients are drawn from a random process with a zero mean, there should be around 10 with Iti ratios greater than 1.5, four with Iti greater than 2.0, etc. 10 I used the "less food and energy" versions of the aggregate price indexes to reduce potential collinearity and double counting. Food and energy items are prominent among the inputs and outputs in both the CPI and PPI samples. 478 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY Finally, each regression includes month dummies to deseasonalize the input and output prices." I use the regression results to answer two questions: (1) How common is asymmetric price response to costs? (2) How large is any such asymmetry? For the distributed lag model (eq. [1]), the answers come directly from the coefficients on the input price changes. In that model, the cumulative response after k months to an input price decrease in month t is k bt i, (3) i=O and the cumulative response to a price increase is k (bti + t-i) (4) i=O So if the difference between these responses, E ct-i, (5) is positive, there is a positive asymmetry: output prices respond more fully to a positive cost shock over the k-month period. And (5) gives the magnitude of the asymmetry. For the VAR model (eq. [2]), it is necessary to take account of the feedback between output price changes today and tomorrow (via the autoregressive and error-correction terms). Accordingly, for each input-output pair in each sample, I used the VAR regression coefficients to estimate cumulative responses to +1 and -1 input price shocks, respectively.12 Then I estimated the asymmetry after k months as k k AP+ t=O A (6) t=O where AP is the estimated response of the output price in month t + i to a +1 or -1 change in the input price in month t. " These dummies do not appear in the supermarket price regressions. Preliminary work showed essentially no seasonal price patterns in that sample; it also has the fewest degrees of freedom per regression. 12 However, I constrained the error-correction coefficient to zero if its estimated value was positive. A positive coefficient implies implausibly that prices do not converge to equilibrium. Empirically, imposing the constraint makes no substantive difference: (1) positive error-correction coefficients occurred in less than 10 percent of the regressions in any price sample; (2) when I removed the constraint, none of the main results derived from the VAR estimates changed; and (3) as elaborated later, these results are, in any case, essentially the same whether the distributed lag or VAR is used. 479 PRICES RISE In practice, (6) and (5) yielded essentially identical results. Thus only the results from (6) are shown in the next section. IV. A. Estimates of Asymmetric Price Response ProducerPrice Sample Table 4 summarizes estimates of equation (6) for 165 producer goods in which a single input accounts for at least 20 percent of the TABLE 4 ASYMMETRIES IN RESPONSE OF PRODUCER PRICES TO INPUT CUMULATIVE COST CHANGES RESPONSE AFTER MONTH: SAMPLE SIZE 0 2 4 8 A. Mean Response to Input Cost Changes (Full Sample) Input cost change = + 1 Input cost change = -1 165 165 .235 .127 .371 .233 .430 .270 .505 .354 B. Asymmetries in Response to Unit Cost Changes 1. Mean Asymmetry Full samplea 165 Input cost share > .4 80 Input cost share ' .4 85 .108 (5.0) .147 (4.8) .071 (2.4) .139 (5.0) .129 (3.2) .148 (3.9) .160 (4.6) .130 (2.4) .189 (4.4) .150 (3.4) .093 (1.6) .205 (3.0) 2. Share of Sample with Asymmetry Greater than Zero Full sample 165 Input cost share > .4 80 Input cost share ' .4 85 .69 (5.1) .69 (3.6) .68 (3.6) .72 (6.1) .76 (5.5) .67 (3.3) .72 (6.3) .70 (3.9) .74 (.51) .58 (2.1) .60 (1.8) .59 (1.7) 3. Mean Asymmetries by Industry of Output Food Textiles/leather Woodb Paper Chemicals Petroleum/rubber Nonferrous metals Steel 36 24 12 15 14 10 26 28 .168* .087 .222* -.124 .129 .008 .060 .196* .086 .042 .185 .273* .263* .078 .106 .187* .087 .032 .124 .413* .173 .111 .115 .297* .142 .010 .176 .434* .236 -.099 -.027 .331* NOTE.-Data come from the VAR model. Results for the distributed lag model mimic those shown here. In panel A, the t-ratios for all mean responses exceed 6.6. In part 2 of panel B, the t-ratios (in parentheses) pertain to the difference from .5. * Itl > 2.0. aRow I minus row 2 in panel A. b Includes one stone, clay, and glass item. 480 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY good's value. Panel A gives estimates of the average values of each of the two terms in (6), and panel B focuses on the difference between the two. For example, the first row of panel A says that a 1 percent input price increase in t = 0 leads to a 0.235 percent output price increase in the same month for the average good in the sample. After eight more months, the price of this good has risen a total of 0.505 percent.13 The results in panel B point to a single conclusion: positive asymmetry is a fact of life in industrial markets. It is pervasive: over twothirds of the sample markets exhibit positive asymmetry in t = 0. It is large: the t = 0 response is nearly twice as great when input prices rise as when they fall. And the phenomenon lingers: only at t = 8 is there even faint evidence of a narrowing in the gap between responses to input price increases and decreases. That gap ought to disappear entirely, else input price volatility would produce rising price-cost margins over time. But it is not doing so within the period in which I can find measurable responses to the cost shock. Section VI attempts to resolve this puzzle. The preceding results all hold when the sample is carved up by input cost share'4 and by industry. In the latter case, the individual estimates in section 3 of panel B are often insignificant because of the small size of the subsamples. But the noteworthy feature here is the overwhelming number of positive point estimates (29 of 32). Clearly the phenomenon of positive asymmetry is not confined to only a few kinds of industrial products. B. ConsumerPrice Index Sample Table 5 repeats the preceding analysis for the sample of 77 consumer goods for which I can match a CPI index to a PPI "input" index. The results are remarkable more for their similarity to producer goods markets than for any differences. Once again an overwhelming majority of these consumer markets exhibit positive asymmetry. The size, persistence, and pervasiveness of the positive asymmetries here essentially mirror those in producer goods markets. If anything, these characteristics are a bit stronger for consumer goods. But no relevant test would reject the equality of the asymmetries in con- 13 To put the number in perspective, note that the average input cost share in this sample is .43, which would be the expected average long-run response under, say, constant cost Cobb-Douglas or Leontief production. The average of the positive and negative price responses (.505 and .354, respectively) roughly equals the average input cost share. 4 None of the differences between rows b and c in panel B are significant. 481 PRICES RISE TABLE 5 ASYMMETRIES IN RESPONSE OF CONSUMER PRICES PRICES TO CHANGES IN PRODUCER AFTER CUMULATIVE RESPONSE MONTH: SAMPLE 0 SIZE A. Mean Producer Producer price change price change = = +1 -1 77 77 .194 .067 77 Share of sample with asymmetry greater than zero Mean asymmetries consumer by type good: 77 .368 .159 .127 in Prices .482 .274 in Response to Unit Producer Prices B. Asymmetries Mean asymmetrya to Changes Response Producer 5 3 1 .209 (5.4) (5.3) .766 (5.5) (7.7) .831 .522 .336 in Changes .209 .186 (4.4) (4.0) .740 (4.8) .662 (3.0) of Food: Fresh Processed Fuel Furniture/appliances Apparel/jewelry Automotive Drugs/ toiletries Recreation 17 30 4 7 .016 .144* .205* .275* .086 .289* .096 .355* .097 .276* .069 .382* .106 .251* - .036 .446* 8 .281* .285* .319* .339* 3 4 4 .066 - .036 .031 .167 - .013 .095 .141 .055 .000 .069 - .309 .081 NOTE.-t-ratios are in parentheses. * Itl > 2.0. 'Row I minus row 2 in panel A. sumer and producer markets at similar stages of the adjustment process. C. SupermarketPrices There is a sharp contrast between the preceding results and those for prices at a specific supermarket chain as summarized in table 6. Here the unit of observation is the product category, and the table gives summary statistics across the sample categories. These statistics are shown for two distinct levels of aggregation. In the UPC/store sample, equations (1) and (2) were estimated for 357 pairs of individual UPCs at specific stores. Then I used the regression coefficients to generate estimates of the cumulative response to wholesale price changes for each UPC/store pair. Finally, I average these estimates 482 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY TABLE 6 ASYMMETRIES IN RESPONSE OF PRICES AT A SUPERMARKET ITS WHOLESALE PRICES CHAIN TO CHANGES CUMULATIVE RESPONSE MONTH: IN AFTER SAMPLE SIZE A. Mean UPC 0 Response 1 to Wholesale price change = +1 24 .593 (3.9) Wholesale price change = -1 24 .585 (6.0) Product average sample: Wholesale price change = +1 16 .445 (4.2) Wholesale price change = -1 16 .447 (7.6) B. Asymmetries Cost Changes .415 (4.7) .460 (3.8) .418 (6.7) .406 (5.0) in Response Changes .565 (4.8) .394 (5.1) .473 (6.8) .461 (6.1) .405 (6.1) .423 (4.9) .447 (6.7) .508 (7.1) to Unit asymmetry: UPC samplea Product average 24 sample 16 .011 (.1) -.004 (.0) Share Price sample: Wholesale Mean 3 2 -.045 (.7) .016 (.2) .170 (1.8) -.017 (.3) .012 -.061 (.1) (.7) of sample with asymmetry than zero: greater UPC sample Product average 24 sample 16 .42 .42 .58 .54 (.8) (.8) (.8) (.4) .41 .53 .41 .65 (.7) (.2) (.7) (1.3) NOTE.-t-ratios are in parentheses. a Row I minus row 2 in panel A. over all UPC/store pairs in a product category. That average answers a question such as, How quickly does a change in the wholesale price of a typical brand of cereal get reflected in the retail price of that brand at a specific store? For the "category average" sample, only one regression is run for each product category. It uses indexes of average wholesale and retail prices across all the UPC/store pairs in that category. So it answers the question, How does the average price of cereal at this chain respond to changes in the chain's average wholesale price of cereal? However, as table 6 shows, the degree of aggregation makes no difference in practice for the behavior of interest here. The most prominent feature of the table is the absence of any systematic asymmetry in panel B. The plethora of insignificant differences from symmetry speaks with one voice in this respect. PRICES RISE 483 The results in table 6 describe only one decision maker. However, if they were general, the implication would be that asymmetry at the market level is not produced by some simple aggregation of individual decisions. Instead these results would suggest that some subtlety of the interaction of these individual decisions produces the asymmetry. This would, of course, hardly be the first time in economics that the distinction between individual and market behavior was important. V. Potential Problems A. MeasurementError All the input prices used in the preceding analyses are undoubtedly measured with error. Most of them also drift upward. This combination of measurement error and secular inflation could produce spurious positive asymmetries by making measured price decreases less accurate than measured increases.15 However, inflation can also produce the opposite bias. The main issue is whether inflation systematically leads to a lower signal-tonoise ratio (variance of true price changes/variance of measurement error) for measured input price decreases, and inflation can move the relevant relative variance ratios in either direction.16 Then it is easy to conjure cases in which inflation would introduce a negative bias into estimates of asymmetry.'7 '5An extreme example would be a "true" input price that sometimes rose but never fell. If we measured that price with some random error, then everymeasured price decrease would be pure noise. In this case, my method would produce an estimated asymmetry even if there were none. The expected coefficient on price decreases would be zero because the price decreases are entirely noise. 16 In general, if the mean change is positive, the variance of measured input price increases will exceed the variance of decreases. This leaves room for the variance of boththe true and error components to be larger for increases than for decreases. For example, suppose that the true changes are uniformly distributed with a mean of + 1 over [-1, 3] but they are measured with an error uniformly distributed over [-2, 2]. Thus the measured changes are distributed over the range [-3, 5]. The larger range of measured increases (here 5 vs. 3) can therefore accommodate the whole range of measurement error. However, the error consistent with a measured price decrease has an upper bound of only +1. 17Consider the previous example: the mean true change equals +1 uniformly distributed over the range [-1, 3], but the error is distributed uniformly over the range [-3, 3]. Then measured input price changes range between -4 and 6, and we have the following ranges for the true and error components: For measured increases in the range [0, 6], the range for the true components is [-1, 3] and for the error components is [-3, 3]. For measured decreases in the range [-4, 0], the range for the true components is [-1, 3] and for the error components is [-3, 1]. Here the largest error in measured decreases is + 1. Consequently, the ratio of the range of true to error components (here equal to the ratio of standard deviations) is 4/4 = 1 for measured decreases and only 4/6 = .67 for measured increases. In this case, using the measured input price changes to explain output price changes 484 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY The lack of an a priori bias from inflation does not, of course, rule out an actual bias. However, the underlying data do not suggest that such a bias is driving the results. If such a bias is important on average, it should be more important the greater the drift of true nominal input prices is (and consequently the more abnormal nominal price decreases are). There is no such pattern in my data when I use the average monthly change over 18 years as an estimate of the true drift of nominal input prices. All the simple correlations between the drift of input prices and any asymmetry measure are indistinguishable from zero in both samples. Two nonparametric tests of this relation yielded the same negative finding (as more complete tests in the next section do)."8 Finally, I reestimated all the asymmetries on data exclusively from the low-inflation period, 1982-96. They should be systematically lower if inflation-induced measurement error is driving the results. However, as shown in table 7, the results for 1982-96 are indistinguishable from the full-period results. B. Long-Run Equilibrium I find no evidence that asymmetries eventually disappear and only weak hints that they even get smaller over time. Taken at face value, such results imply permanent effects on price-cost margins from nominal cost shocks. For example, a series of offsetting cost shocks would produce cumulatively higher margins. This implication conflicts so much with basic equilibrium concepts as to raise questions about the results. For example, could the results reflect some other force positively correlated with long-period margin changes? Unfortunately, theory is silent on exactly when the long run arrives. So the most straightforward answer to such questions would be that the asymmetries do eventually disappear, but do so too slowly would result in moredownward bias in the coefficient for price increases, i.e., a negative asymmetry. 18 For the first test I carved the distribution of input price changes into quartiles. Then I regressed each asymmetry measure in both the producer and consumer goods samples on dummies for the second through fourth quartiles. If there is an inflation bias, then the coefficients of these dummies should be positive and increasing as we move from lower to higher quartiles, and the intercept (the first quartile asymmetry) should be consistently smaller than the average asymmetry. No such pattern appears in the data. For example, none of the 24 coefficients of the dummies were significant, and 11 were negative. None of the intercepts were distinguishable from the average asymmetry. In the second test, I regressed each of the estimated asymmetries on the inverse rank of the input's inflation rate. Here the symptoms of inflation-induced measurement error would be a significantly positive coefficient on the rank variable and a constant below the mean asymmetry. Neither turned up in any of the eight regressions. PRICES 485 RISE TABLE 7 ASYMMETRIES IN PRODUCER AND CONSUMER INFLATION PRICES: A. PRODUCER RESPONSE 8 .139 .160 .150 .135 (4.8) .175 (4.7) .171 (3.3) 2 Mean period (table 4) .108 .100 (4.7) onlya Share Full period (table 1982-96 onlya 4) .69 .68 B. CONSUMER of Sample with Asymmetry Greater than Zero 0 .72 .70 (5.6) RESPONSE .127 .143 .209 .230 (5.4) (5.5) Share Full period (table 1982-96 only 5) .77 .73 (4.5) (1.8) AFTER MONTH: 1 Mean 5) .58 .57 PRICES CUMULATIVE period (table 1982-96 only Asymmetry .72 .69 (5.2) (4.8) Full AFTER MONTH: 4 0 1982-96 FROM THE Low- PRICES CUMULATIVE Full ESTIMATES 1982-96 PERIOD, 3 5 Asymmetry .209 .229 (4.5) .186 .222 (4.2) of Sample with Asymmetry Greater than Zero .83 .81 (6.8) .74 .73 (4.5) .66 .68 (3.3) NOTE.-t-ratios are in parentheses. 'Sample size equals 164 vs. 165 in table 4. One item had too few observationis to estimate the regression. to be picked up in my data. This answer seems consistent with the data. Specifically, I focus on long-period trends in output and input prices since they should be dominated by long-run equilibrium conditions. If the asymmetries were not ultimately reversed, output and input prices would tend to drift apart for a typical good. Moreover, the larger the asymmetry, the greater the divergence between output and input price trends. The crude data are, however, inconsistent with these implications. For example, when post-1981 data are used, the price of the average producer good in my sample rises 16 basis points per month (bppm) 486 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY whereas input prices drift upward at a statistically indistinguishable 14 bppm. For consumer goods, the comparable figures are 22 and 13 bppm, and this difference is significant. Since retail-wholesale margins can change for many reasons, the more germane question is whether the difference between output and input price trends is positively correlated with the degree of asymmetry. In fact the correlations are insignificantly negative: -.14 for producer goods and -.19 for consumer goods (when the eightand five-month asymmetries, respectively, are used). This lack of positive correlation suggests that the positive asymmetries are not permanently ratcheting up output prices relative to input prices. These correlations are only suggestive because my data account for the price of only one input. To provide a sharper test for the long-run effect of asymmetries, I decompose the long-run trend of the nominal price of an output (y) as y = (1-c)k + cx + e, (7) where x is the long-run trend in the price of the single input whose price I measure, c is the cost share of x in production of y, k is the long-run trend in prices of other inputs into y, and e is other factors, such as the difference in productivity growth in y relative to inputs. Equation (7) would describe the long-run equilibrium exactly (e = 0) with, for example, constant returns Cobb-Douglas or Leontief production; it would approximate, say, constant elasticity of substitution production with a reasonably small elasticity of substitution. So it seems a useful starting point. If the long-run equilibrium of y were not affected by a few months of asymmetric response to input price changes, then something like (7) would hold for the typical good. A regression of y on 1 - c and cx would then yield a constant equal to zero, estimated k as the average input inflation rate, and a coefficient of cx of one. Adding the stimated asymmetry to this regression should yield a coefficient of zero. However, if y were permanently affected by an asymmetric response to cost shocks, this coefficient would be positive (more asymmetry would create more divergence between input and output price trends). Table 8 implements this strategy. It also includes regressions that interact the asymmetry with the average input price change since any permanent effect would disappear if positive cost shocks were pervasive. The important result is that there is no evidence of any permanent effect of asymmetries on the long-run trend of output prices: none of the relevant coefficients differ from zero.'9 These '9 The other implications of long-run equilibrium all hold for producer goods: the constant is indistinguishable from zero, the estimated k is approximately the 487 PRICES RISE TABLE 8 ASYMMETRIES AND LONG-RUN TRENDS IN OUTPUT MEAN AND INPUT MONTHLY PRICES: 1982-96 IN OUTPUT CHANGE PRICE (Basis Points) INDEPENDENT VARIABLE Constant 1 - c = 1 - input cost share cx = input cost share X input price trend Asymmetry (8 months or 5 months) Producer Goods Consumer Goods (N= 164) (N= 77) (1) (2) (3) (4) -.915 (.2) -.977 (.2) 21.6 (3.4) 21.4 (3.4) 20.5 20.2 (2.8) .969 (2.8) .993 (7.8) (8.1) -.860 1.40 (.5) (.6) Asymmetry X x Adjusted R2 Standard error of estimate .30 13.9 -.674 (1.2) .31 13.9 -13.1 -13.1 (1.0) 1.02 (1.0) 1.02 (7.7) (7.7) -1.31 (.4) .44 11.2 .382 (.1) -.075 (.4) .43 11.3 NOTE.-t-ratios are in parentheses. The assymmetry variables are the cumulative asymmetries after T months summarized in tables 4 and 5 (T = 8 for producer goods; T = 5 for consumer goods). The estimated cost share for consumer good markets attempts to adjust for the layer of wholesale transactions between producers and retailers as follows: For each consumer good's product category, census data provide retailers' cost of goods sold per dollar of sales (rcgs) and the same variable for wholesalers (wcgs). In 1987, economywide wholesale sales were 1.45 times total retail sales (i.e., the average good went through more than one wholesale transaction). I use this to estimate the input cost share for retailers as rcgs X wcgs' 45. results imply that the asymmetries do ultimately disappear but that it takes longer than five or eight months for this to happen. VI. Exploratory Analyses of Price Asymmetries The obvious question raised by the preceding analysis is, Why are asymmetries so pervasive in real-world markets? Unfortunately, I have no answer. Instead, I investigate a more limited question: Are there obvious regularities in the asymmetries? I do this by regressing the degree of asymmetry on a list of readily available market characteristics in the hope that the larger theoretical question will at least come into better focus. For example, industrial organization specialists (and noneconomists) would be drawn to theories based on imperfect competition. So I include conventional market structure and numbers-in the analysis. Macromeasures-concentration overall PPI inflation rate, and the coefficient of the cost share-weighted input price trend is approximately one. Only the latter implication holds for consumer goods. However, if (7) is simply imposed on consumer goods by constraining the parameters, the key result-no permanent effect of asymmetry on y-is unaffected. 488 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY economists have focused on "menu-cost" explanations of price rigidities generally (Sheshinski and Weiss 1993) and inflationinduced asymmetries in menu costs in particular. For example, in Ball and Mankiw (1994), secular inflation, by reducing real prices, allows firms to avoid the menu cost of a prompt response to a negative cost shock. Accordingly, I include variables designed to capture the importance of asymmetric menu costs. Table 9 describes all the independent variables used in the analysis, and tables 10 and 11 summarize the results. The independent variables fall into two broad categories: those describing the behavior of input prices and those describing the structure of the inputor output-producing industries. In the case of consumer goods, I also include some characteristics of the wholesale intermediaries between goods producers and retailers. Input price behavior variables include the input's cost share, its price volatility, and two variables related to menu costs: the drift of input prices and the differential persistence of positive versus negative input cost changes. If input prices are rising and input price increases tend to be more permanent than decreases, a fast response to input price decreases could waste menu costs. So menu-cost stories would imply a positive correlation between both variables and the degree of asymmetry. (Including the drift of input prices also provides further evidence on the measurement error issues discussed in the preceding section.) The industry variables include standard measures of competitive structure (numbers, Herfindahl-Hirschman index [HHI]), market size, production technology (assets/sales), and inventory holdings. Inventories proxy for storage costs. They should affect the speed (but not, in any obvious way, the asymmetry) of response to cost shocks. Finally, I include measures of the geographic concentration of suppliers and buyers. The motive here is to see whether propinquity affects the speed of price propagation. Here, too, there is no reason to expect any effect to be asymmetric. Given the theoretical vacuum, I let the data speak by first using all the available independent variables and then winnowing the list to those variables that show some "promise" in the first regression. Only the second of these two steps is shown in tables 10 and 11. However, the notes to these tables indicate which of the variables in table 9 did not make the first "cut."20 For producer goods, two positive results emerge from this two20 I chose the lags in tables 10 and 11 to keep the detail manageable and to keep the information overlap in the regressions reasonably small. Since the asymmetry measure is cumulative, there is a positive correlation across the various lags. However, they are hardlymirror images. For example, for the three lags in table 10, the PRICES RISE 489 stage fishing expedition: (1) less input volatility is associated with more asymmetry, and (2) the structure of output markets "matters," but in a way that resists easy labeling. The negative impact of input price volatility seems the more robust of the two. It shows up in every specification in table 10. Does less competition produce more asymmetry? The answers from table 10 are conflicting. Two conventional proxies for output market competition-numbers and concentration-have opposing effects. Fewer competitors are associated with more asymmetry, but more concentrated markets produce less asymmetry. Since the HHI is a "numbers equivalent," the difference between the two coefficients is a summary measure of the effects of "more competition." 21 This difference is indistinguishable from zero for all the regressions in table 10. If the results do not therefore cry out for imperfect competition stories, neither do they provide much encouragement for menu-cost or inventory models. None of the proxies for these latter two are consistently important. The negative effect of input price volatility on asymmetry also shows up consistently in the consumer goods sample in table 11. This mirrors even in rough magnitude the result for producer goods markets. These twin results suggest that the mysterious good "delayed response to input price reductions" at least obeys the law of demand: The "price" of failing to increase supply when input prices fall is the loss of the extra margin on incremental sales. This price is greater-and the results on volatility imply that the output response is apparently less restrained-when input prices are more ' volatile.22 Moreover, the effect is empirically important. For example, suppose that price volatility rose by a standard deviation. The regrescorrelation is .22 for months 0 and 2, .26 for months 0 and 8, and .55 for months 2 and 8. 21 With n equal-sizedfirms, In HHI = -In n. So the difference between the coefficients of In HHI and In nwould give the effect of a 1 percent increase in the number of equal-sized firms. 22 The discussion here refers to the size of price decreases rather than to overall volatility.However, empiricallythe two are basicallyindistinguishable. The correlations between the logs of the standard deviation of prices and the mean absolute price decrease are .95 and .98 for the producer and consumer goods samples,respectively. For example, consider a price taker with the marginal cost function MC = X, where X is output produced by a single variableinput. If the input price falls by 100 6 percent, the usual storywould have Xgo from P (price) to P7 (1 - 6), and the profits from the incremental output would be (P6)2/2(1 - 6). If instead the firm increased output by only a fraction, k, of the difference between P and P7 (1 - 6), it would sacrifice profits of [P6(1 - k)]2/2(1 - 6). For any k, this sacrifice is increasing in 6, the size of the input price reduction. CHZ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~c ct ~~~o~~~~~-b "e *~~~ P4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (LI5 cd4e 4 I l ~~- Q - Q bodCQ ~ V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S ~~~~~~~~~~~~. c ~Q s-~~~~ 5 Vl L t ;> ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~c V ~~~~~~~~~~~~V ~z ~~~~~~~~~ H~~~~~~~L - O 4Vi 4-j 4-i 4" - V. 4-i .5.j ~ r - 4o J 4"e 4-i 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~~~~~~VC~~~~~~~~~~~ Z ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0~~~~-jc (L tJ v ctc _' ~ ~~~~~~~~~~(L -- - ;L4 C (L) (L) V n Z 4o c (V ~~~ ct~ 0 490 ' - -I V 0 V t c : -V b D S4 t * of the Crude(farm) Census Retail of oil:total industries Allfarm Trade Consumer Four-digit were SOURCE.-All Assets/salesMerchandise inventory Wholesale SIC good data data data Sales/inventories line that are Trade, by estimated sample (unpublished taken or pertain sales to exceptinventory/receipts data only. produces from came theHHI 1987, commodity. ratio pertain from is the and Sales to input Four-digit Statistical used or or or 1992); alternate Abstract where PPI: output output. higher approximate assets/sales, of Stores Sales Consumer Percentage Geograph Geographic Establishments sales by expenditures (nonmanufacturers) concentra concentration: out-in manufacturers (nonmanufacturers) Sum 1.9 Sum tion if Number Iof mately in over Wholesale of Percentage 5 all the of share sales region all of 1. by percent nine wholesale of production is output the census wholesale Minimum supermarkets D. line by data) which U.S. is depreciable line, products: sells fruits is unless with CPI-U sales store/sales unavailable. industry0 regions the sample (CR) if U.S. Retail establishments concentration. and (1978-96); vegetable of selling Iof whichhandling nonmanufacturers concentrated specialized made assumed modal otherwise Number C. The index, Dept. average. BLS: the to to in same is that Census by merchandise of of fruits population) assets/sales stores be total (CW) Market share arethe the sold per line sales). thefirms Bureau employment andvegetables for of specified. employment by farm of - (CM) not and Bureau) rather is least Wholesale same CM: December Agriculture, than as HHI including stores sectorLabor merchandise merchandise share than industry for Example: the Census 1986(Consumer are vegetables other of most line line supermarket) set Statistics allocated + populous Industryt good. manufacturers' at asset/sales Agricultural input X Good supermarkets, (BLS) apples types petroleum the manufacturers' ratio (1988). heavily divided (sales sales are of region exactly fruit is Statistics Manufactures; supermarkets employme including of by sample Some as industry Sample) number refining. in offices and CW: offices of stores. the data (1988), assumed or fruits their Scrap would for or included maximum Census specialized region fruit be in (Mountain, good. and of to metal: and provides agents population. vegetable applicable and the employment products agents All I with used Therefore, to sales, of Wholesale share inventories. data (CW) Weights forstores, each (CR (CW) "fruit minimum, of vegetables (CM) = Trade; output, For come vegetable Maximum etc.and approximerchandise and per and CR: is from product, apples, (size unline populaexamof Sales the data sources ple,Sales (CR fruit Weight as of of stores stores for are producer Weighted for store of midpoint United + = and Acquisition the are the and1 published of vegetable" used price . the follows: stores. States, X Supermarkets the kind for commodity-specific cost data apples, of assumed index number of most (CR) sell type/size good data except forsample vegetable of in fruit equalare of the Agricultural business to HHI, geographic unpublished merchandise more merchandise the provided and period, heavily stores type good that the SIC which therespectively. nonmanufacturing andsome Census JOURNAL 492 TABLE REGRESSIONS OF PRICE ASYMMETRIES ON INPUT CHARACTERISTICS: OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 10 PRICE AND SELECTED PRODUCER MARKET PRICES LAG INDEPENDENT Input price behavior: Cost share In standard ... deviation Input supply industry In companies industry ? -.084* ... -.096* 8 + -. -.148* (SIC): In HHI Output 2 0 VARIABLE - - .061t ... ... ... -.035+ -.091* -.173* (SIC): In companies In shipments Raw materials/shipments ... .054t .113* Assets/shipments -.685. *19 -.l2t -.189+ In HHI -.03+ -.051t -.125* Geographic concentration -.097* NOTE.-See table 9 for a description of the independent variables. The dependent variable is the estimated asymmetry over the indicated period. Each regression is weighted by the reciprocal of the standard error of the first interaction term in eq. (2). Preliminary analysis revealed heteroskedasticity of the residuals from unweighted regressions, and this was eliminated in the weighted regressions. Equation (2)-the VAR modelis used to estimate dependent variables in the table; the distributed lag model yields essentially identical results. The two-step method used to select independent variables is described in the text. The following variables in table 9 did not survive the first step: (1) input price behavior: drift and persistence; (2) input raw materials/shipments, supply industry: value of shipments, finished goods/shipments, assets/shipments, and geographic concentration; (3) output industry: finished goods/shipments. Variables with right-skewed distributions are entered in logs. The regressions include dummies for nonmanufacturing industries in which independent variables had to be estimated (see table 9). * Coefficients have jtj > 2. t Coefficients have 1.5 < ItI < 2.0. + Coefficients have 1 < ItI< 1.5. ? Coefficients have Iti < 1. sions imply that the two-month asymmetry measure would then fall by about half in both the producer and consumer good samples. The only other positive result in table 11 is that there appears to be more asymmetry when the supply chain is more fragmented. When retailers obtain supplies directly from the manufacturer or from a few large wholesalers, there is less asymmetry. These effects are also important empirically as well as statistically. The coefficients imply that half the mean two-month asymmetry would be eliminated by a one-standard-deviation change toward less fragmentation in any one of the three wholesale market variables. Consumer markets, like producer goods markets, provide little support for inventory or menu-cost stories.23And none of the retail 23 In fact, the consumer seem perverse. For example, one might exprice results for goods with slim inventories to behave more like a textbook pect prices spot are associated market. low manufacturer inventories with more rather However, the negative than less asymmetry. coefficient of the (differential) Similarly, persisin table 10 is opposite tence variable of that implied of by a menu-cost explanation asymmetry. 493 PRICES RISE TABLE 11 REGRESSIONS OF PRICEASYMMETRIES ON PRODUCERPRICEAND SELECTED MARKETCHARACTERISTICS: CONSUMERGOODS LAG INDEPENDENT VARIABLE 0 2 5 Input price behavior: Cost share In standard Persistence deviation Producer good industry: In companies In HHI Finished goods/shipments Wholesale industry: Percentage sales by manufacturers In establishments (nonmanufacturers) In sales (nonmanufacturers) ... ? - .067* - .066* -.137* -.064* -.134* -.061* -.051* -.043t -.948* -1.328* -.031+ -.285+ .063+ .063+ -.644* .206* ... -.141 * -.815* .355* - .280* NOTE.-See table 9 for a description of the independent variables. See also the note to table 10. The regressions are weighted by the reciprocal of the standard error of the first interaction term in eq. (2). The dependent variable is the estimated asymmetry from the VAR model over the indicated period. The distributed lag model yields essentially identical results. The two-step method used to select independent variables is described in the text. The following variables in table 9 were eliminated in the first step: (1) producer price behavior: drift; (2) producer good industry: value of shipments, raw materials/shipments, assets/shipments, and geographic concentration; (3) wholesale industry: none; (4) retail industry: all. Variables with right-skewed distributions are entered in log form. * Coefficients have Iti > 2. t Coefficients have 1.5 < Iti < 2.0. Coefficients have 1 < Iti < 1.5. Coefficients have Iti < 1. market characteristics-their size, the density of stores, retailer inventories, and margins-seem to have any connection to the degree of asymmetry in consumer goods prices. VII. Summary and Conclusion The odds are better than two to one that the price of a good will react faster to an increase in the price of an important input than to a decrease. This asymmetry is fairly labeled a "stylized fact." This fact poses a challenge to theory. The theory of markets is surely a bedrock of economics. But the evidence in this paper suggests that the theory is wrong, at least insofar as an asymmetric response to costs is not its general implication. In this case, lay prejudice comes closer to the truth than our theory does. The theoretical puzzle is unlikely to be solved by a roundup of the usual suspects. Price asymmetry is as characteristic of "competitive" as "oligopoly" market structures. It is found where the buyers are numerous and unsophisticated consumers as well as where they are large and presumably sophisticated industrial purchasers. Neither inventory holdings nor menu costs seem a key ingredient in 494 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY producing price asymmetries. The only clear regularity I found was that more volatile input prices are associated with less price asymmetry. Perhaps the first path to a solution toward which many economists will be drawn is "adjustment costs," since we regularly invoke them to rationalize lags in price response generally. For example, consider a good produced with inputs (the "materials" studied here, "labor," etc.) all purchased under "at-will" contracts. If the price of materials rises, inputs will have to be disemployed. This can be done quickly at low cost given the nature of the contract. However, if the price of materials falls, new inputs will need to be recruited. And there are costs to doing this quickly (search, price premia) that are absent when inputs are disemployed. This asymmetric adjustment cost story would be consistent with the kind of price asymmetry I find here. My findings suggest some caveats and perhaps other paths for future research. I found no asymmetry when I examined the response of a single decision maker to its own costs. By contrast, I found above-average asymmetry between factory and consumer prices when there were many small intermediaries between the factory and the retailer. This suggests that an explanation for asymmetry may require a fuller understanding of those vertical market linkages. My research design focused on the easy cases: those in which a single input is a major cost component. This made it relatively easy to equate a "cost shock" to the change in a single, often volatile, price series. But, at least for producer goods, my procedure results in a possibly unrepresentative sample of low-tech, low-value-added items. And it leaves a large question for future research: Do prices really respond asymmetrically to cost shocks generally? Or is the asymmetric response limited to one input price in cases in which the input happens to be important?24 Appendix The Three Price Samples A. ProducerPrice Sample My goal here was to find producer goods for which one other good is an important input. Importance is measured by the input's share in the value 24 The path to an answer is strewnwith other difficult questions: Is an input cost index the appropriate general analogue to the important single input for my sample? Or are there many separate asymmetricresponses to the prices of individual inputs? For many goods, the single most important input will be labor. Does the paucity of nominal wage reductions preclude answers to the preceding questions? etc. PRICES RISE 495 of output. For example, cattle are an important input in the production of beef. For this sample, both the input and output are producer goods whose prices are measured by a BLS producer price index. I tried to match inputs and outputs at the least aggregated level permitted by the data. The PPI is gradually moving toward industry price indexes based on the standard industrial classification, but the bulk of historical PPI data are commodity price indexes. I used these commodity price indexes exclusively. They are classified by commodity codes unique to the PPI. As with the SIC, PPI commodity codes add digits to reflect more disaggregation. The highest level of aggregation is the two-digit code (e.g., 01-farm products). The finest level is the eight-digit code (e.g., 01310111-choice steers) . Whenever possible, I matched an eight-digit input to an eight-digit output. (For example, I could match the input choice steers to the output index 02210102-USDA choice beef carcasses.) However, the available data frequently dictated the use of six-digit PPIs or, less frequently, four-digit PPIs (in the preceding example, they would be 022101 -beef and veal and 0221 -meat). Three-digit PPIs were used only to fill gaps in the more disaggregated indexes as described later. Occasionally I combined PPIs to fit the facts. (For example, urea-formaldehyde plastic resins are made of urea and formaldehyde. So I combined PPIs for these two components using 1987 cost weights to provide the input index for the resin.) I began the search for input-output matches with the "use" table of the 1987Input-Output Accounts of the U.S. Economy.This is a matrix based on the SIC. I used the 1987 version because it provides data for the approximate midpoint of my sample period. Each column of the matrix gives the share of one industry's shipments accounted for by purchases from each of the other (row) industries. These industries are at roughly the three- to fourdigit SIC level, and on average each input-output industry produces around 10 of the eight-digit PPI commodities. From this input-output table, I selected all the entries in which purchases from the input industry accounted for at least 20 percent of the value of the output industry's shipments (and both were commodities-producing industries). Thus I eventually matched choice steers to choice beef because the input-output table first told me that purchases of "meat animals" account for .763 of the value of the shipments of "meatpacking plants." The road from the crude matches provided by the input-output table to the matches eventually used was provided primarily by the Census of Manufactures. This is also based on the SIC, and it provides the source material for the input-output table. In addition, I used a mapping of PPI commodity codes into SIC industries provided to me by the BLS. Table 6A of the census's industry statistics gives disaggregated data on the value of the products shipped (usually at the seven-digit SIC level) for each four-digit SIC. Table 7 in the census gives similarly disaggregated expenditures by the industry on materials. The BLS-provided PPI-SIC mapping lists the PPI codes for all commodities produced by each four-digit SIC industry. This enabled me to match the table 6A output information and the table 7 input data to specific PPIs. To illustrate with the running example, the census table 6A for SIC 2011 -meatpacking plants gives the 496 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY value of whole carcass beef (as well as pork, primal cuts, etc.) shipped by this industry. Table 7Ayields the industry's spending on SIC 013913-cattle etc.). I then used the SIC-PPI mapping to trans(as well as 013933-hogs, late the preceding into the specific PPI output-input match: 02210102slaughter steers and USDA choice beef carcasses/01310111-choice heifers. Handling these data requires some irreducible use ofjudgment, common sense, and general knowledge. For example, the researcher who does not know that beef is produced from cattle rather than hogs could go astray. For two groups of products, the matches came from information provided by industry experts. Roger Fisher, formerly of Amoco Chemicals, provided information on the technology of producing plastic resins from basic organic chemicals. Donald Barnett, a steel industry consultant; F. M. Scherer, a renowned industry scholar; andJ. Upton Hudson of U.S. Steel provided similar information on steel fabrication. The full sample undoubtedly contains some poorly matched inputs and outputs. However, the matching process preceded any data analysis, and I did not discard matches ex post because of apparently diverse price movements. A detailed listing of the input-output matches used in the study is available on request. For each match I sought monthly data from January 1978 through June 1996. The start of the sample was dictated by revision of the BLS's methodology to emphasize transaction prices.25 Some series contain one or more gaps. I usually filled these gaps from changes in the series at the next level of aggregation (adjusted for differences in drift).26 Thus, for example, I beef with data from 022101would try to fill a gap in 02210102-choice When a four-digit beef. If that failed, I would use data from 0221-meat. series was unavailable and the gap was under six months, I filled the gap with log-linear interpolation. I treated longer gaps as missing values. I dropped pairs if either series had less than five years of usable data. I also dropped pairs if there were fewer than 20 input price changes. But this occurred very rarely. (These cases are in the detailed sample listing available on request.) For each input-output pair, I estimated the fraction of 1987 output value accounted for by the input's cost. The "default" estimate was the one pro- 25See Bureau of Labor Statistics (1988, p. 126). Until 1978, PPI data were often unrealistically rigid because they reflected "list" prices rather than prices of actual transactions. A few of the series in my sample still look like list prices-a few changes the vast majority do not. punctuating long flat periods-but 26 Specially, let 7h,equal the estimated change in the log of a series with missing values in month t, t = 1, . . ., T; at, equal the actual change in the log of a related series without missing values; and M and A equal the levels of the logs of the two series. My estimate was 7ht = at + [1 T+ 1 (MT+I - MO) - (AT+, - AO)]. The last term on the right-hand side is a constant equal to the average monthly difference in the change of the series I am estimating and the series providing the estimate. PRICES RISE 497 vided by the input-output table. Where possible, I used data in tables 6A and 7A of the Census of Manufactures to refine this estimate. Thus, instead of input-output data on meat and meat animals, I used spending on cattle per dollar of beef shipments for any beef output, spending on hogs per dollar of pork shipments was used for any pork output, and so forth. For plastic resins, I estimated the cost shares directly from 1987 prices and the underlying chemistry provided to me by Roger Fisher. In industries with substantial interplant transfers (e.g., paper, steel, and nonferrous metals), the cost share includes these transfers if the census reports their dollar value. B. ConsumerPrice Index Sample I sought to match a CPI for a specific product with the PPI for the same product. The main problem here is that the CPI and PPI do not share a common classification scheme, and there is no off-the-shelf translation from one classification system to the other. Accordingly, it was necessary to proceed product by product, with heavy reliance on product descriptions. While detailed exegesis of the difference between CPI and PPI classifications is unnecessary here, a relevant "bottom-line" difference is that the CPI product definition is usually broader than the PPI's eight-digit commodity class. Specifically, there are around 450 six-digit PPIs (and more than this at the eight-digit level) for finished consumer goods. By contrast, the finest disaggregation of the CPI yields only about 100 consumer goods indexes. So it is often necessary to use the more aggregated (e.g., fourdigit) PPIs or to combine PPIs to obtain a match to a CPI index. Another relevant difference is that the CPI classification system is not conceptually based on specific commodities or items. Instead it grows out of "expenditure classes" that are used to classify data from the consumer expenditure survey. The result is a five-digit system with expenditures aggregated into 69 two-digit expenditure classes. Each expenditure class is disaggregated into four-digit "item strata," each of which contains five-digit bever"entry-level items" (ELI).27 Thus expenditure class 20-alcoholic ages includes 2005-alcoholic beverages away from home, which includes 20051 -beer, ale, and other alcoholic malt beverages away from home. Often the item strata and ELIs coincide. So 2001 equals 20011 (beer, ale, and other alcoholic malt beverages at home). But with some exceptions (called "special series"), the least aggregated indexes are at the four-digit item strata level. As the beer example suggests, even the five-digit ELIs are rather broad categories. So what happens in effect is that the BLS field force ends up pricing draft beer in a Philadelphia bar, a bottle of beer in a Chicago restaurant, and so forth to obtain the 20051 component of the 2005 index. Moreover, the identity of the specific products priced at a field office can change over time. Thus the least aggregated CPI indexes typically include a changing variety of goods within an expenditure class. 27 See Bureau of Labor Statistics (1988) for further details. 498 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY These conceptual differences between the CPIs and PPIs mean that only approximate matches between them are possible. Moreover, even if we can match the goods within a CPI/expenditure class index with a PPI, the weights are not likely to match. In the preceding example, we can match beverages away from home to the fourexpenditure class 2005-alcoholic beverages. But this PPI is an aggregate of 10 digit PPI 0261-alcoholic eight-digit PPIs (bottled beer, sparkling wines, etc.) and three six-digit PPIs (malt beverages, distilled spirits, and wines). The weights used to aggregate these detailed PPIs come from the value of factory shipments, not from consumer expenditures in bars and restaurants. Finally, there is a potential "slippage" in the match due to transactions with wholesalers. The PPI measures changes in ex-factory prices, which are not necessarily the same changes faced by a retailer that buys from a wholesaler. The same disjunction potentially arises in the producer price sample too. However, producer-to-producer transactions predominate in that sample. These caveats understood, I matched CPIs and PPIs as follows: I began with the least aggregated CPI index available; usually this was a four-digit index or one of the special series. Then I sought the closest corresponding PPI or group of PPIs. This usually meant using some aggregate of eightdigit PPIs. Where feasible, I aggregated eight-digit PPIs (using PPI weights) instead of using the corresponding six- or four-digit PPI. For example, for the CPI for living room chairs and tables, I aggregated the eight-digit table PPI and the eight-digit chair PPI. In this way extraneous items in the sixdigit living room furniture PPI (e.g., desks, cabinets) were excluded. Otherwise, six- or four-digit PPIs were used or, sometimes, combined. I dropped items from the sample if they required adding PPIs from different two-digit commodity codes to obtain a match. For example, I dropped the CPI for sport vehicles and bicycles, which includes outboard motors, boats, and bicycles.28 Here, constructing a corresponding PPI is feasible, but this would entail too much aggregation for the present purpose. I also dropped CPIs for which PPI data were too skimpy (because of the coverage of the available PPIs or gaps in the data). As with the PPI sample, the construction of the CPI sample preceded analysis of the data, and a detailed list of the 77 CPI items included and the corresponding PPIs is available on request. C. SupermarketPrices The second-largest supermarket chain in the Chicago area, Dominick's, has been supplying weekly price and cost data to the University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business since September 1989. The data are at the level of the universal product code, that is, a specific brand/package size such as an 18-ounce box of Kellogg's Corn Flakes. They include all UPCs in 25 product categories constituting around one-third of storewide sales. 28 The PPIsfor these items can be found under the two-digitcodes for machinery, transportationequipment, and miscellaneous, respectively. PRICES 499 RISE Only packaged goods are included, so there are none of the more volatile meat, produce, and dairy items. There are nearly 100 stores in the chain, and every week each store supplies the retail price for each UPC in the sample. Each store is in one of four pricing zones. These zones are defined by expected long-run pricing levels based on a combination of costs and competitive constraints. In three zones (high-, medium-, and low-price zones) the chief competitive constraint is provided by the largest chain in the Chicago area (Jewel). In the fourth zone, prices are constrained by a discount chain (Cub Foods). Prices for specific items can also vary among stores within a zone depending on local competitive circumstances. In addition to the retail price of the UPC, the database includes the item's wholesale cost, which is a single chainwide number. This feature makes the database useful for my purpose. However, the wholesale cost data do not correspond to those an economist might wish, such as replacement cost or the last transaction price. Instead, the data pertain to the average acquisition cost (AAC) of the items in inventory. More precisely, the chain sets retail prices for the next week and also determines AAC at the end of each week, t, according to AAC, = inventory bought in t price paid, + (inventory, end of t - 1 - sales,) AAC,_1. There are two main sources of discrepancy between replacement cost and AAC.29The first is the familiar one of sluggish adjustment. A wholesale price cut today only gradually works itself into AAC as old, higher-priced inventory is sold off. The second arises from the occasional practice of manufacturers of informing the buyer in advance of an impending temporary price reduction. This permits the buyer to completely deplete inventory and then "overstock" at the lower price. In this case, AAC declines precipitously to the lower price and stays there until the large inventory acquired at that price runs off. Thus the accounting cost shows the low price for some time after the replacement cost has gone back up.30 For my purpose, the salient problem with using AAC is that it is, in principle, affected by retail price changes. Moreover, the effect is asymmetric. The endogeneity arises because current retail prices affect sales and thereby movements in inventory. Thus, for example, a retail price reduction depletes inventory, and this raises the weight on newly acquired inventory in the calculation of next period's AAC. It can be shown that the combination of averaging and endogenous weights can induce spurious asymmetries in the estimated response of retail prices to measured wholesale price. While caution is therefore warranted in interpreting the results, the measurement problem here needs to be put in perspective. Supermarket inventories turn over more than once per month, and I use data at monthly 29 The following discussion is based on conversationwith MarkMrowiecof Dominick's. 30 Though the path of economic cost here is not so obvious; selling off the large inventory frees up valuable storage space. 500 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY frequencies. So the typical weight on old prices in my cost estimates is likely to be small. Moreover, there is evidence that the actual measurement problems are small. They all imply an induced correlation between current retail price changes and future measured cost changes. (For example, sluggish adjustment of measured cost means that today's "true cost" will show up in future measured cost.) Accordingly, in preliminary work I added leads of wholesale cost changes to regressions including current and lagged cost changes. The frequency of significant coefficients on the leads was no more than would be expected by chance. A change in manufacturer practice led me to terminate the sample period in 1994. Since then, many manufacturers have adopted retrospective discounts: they announce a discount but deliver it via a rebate based on how many units of the item were actually sold to consumers in a specified period. This enables the vendor to limit arbitraging of geographic wholesale price differences. However, the chain's wholesale cost data fail to reflect these retroactive discounts. The sample period is generally September 1989 through September 1994. I selected five UPC codes from each product category and collected their prices at four stores, one from each pricing zone. For each product category, the stores were selected randomly from within the group of stores ("control stores") not subject to a pricing experiment conducted by the chain over part of the period. The UPC codes were the five with the largest sales in the category. The sample was modified to accommodate the following problems: (1) For some product categories, it was impossible to identify control stores for some zones. In these cases, only two or three zones were sampled. (2) There are gaps in the prices. Their severity varies across categories and, sometimes, stores. If another store in the same zone sold a UPC at comparable prices, I used its price, if available, to fill a gap. Otherwise, if the gap was under two months, I assumed that the retail and wholesale prices remained unchanged. I treated longer gaps as missing values. Most of the longer gaps occur at the beginning of the sample period because some product categories were added to the database after 1990. (3) Occasionally one of the five leading items in a category is either introduced or replaced well into the sample period. I replaced them with the next-best-selling UPC that was sold continuously in the sample period. The data are weekly, but I converted them into "monthly" (four-week) averages. I did this for comparability to the other samples in the study and to mitigate the aforementioned problems with the use of the AAC. More important, I used monthly data to reduce the impact of the temporary retail or wholesale price cuts ("deals") common to the supermarket industry. No simple time-series model could capture adequately the mix of predictable, temporary price changes and the more durable, less predictable changes in the weekly data. The latter are the more interesting for my purpose, and they predominate in monthly data. I analyzed two kinds of price series. 1. UPC/store-leveldata.-Here I treat each UPC at each store as a separate sample. With 25 product categories and up to four stores and five UPCs PRICES RISE 501 per category, there are potentially up to 500 such UPC/store samples. I analyze 357 of them. As mentioned above, I was not always able to obtain four stores for every product category. In addition, because the goal of the inquiry is to measure response to price increases and decreases, I had to drop some UPCs because of an insufficient number of price changes. I dropped UPCs with fewer than 10 AAC changes in each direction. Because the data give AAC indirectly (we have retail price and "profit margin" = [price - AAC]/price), rounding error can induce spurious trivial price changes. So I adopted a de minimus rule that treats AAC changes of less than 0.2 percent as no change. Since there are no more than 64 possible changes per series, my criterion for AAC changes is potentially stringent. Nevertheless, most UPCs met it. However, the criterion led to elimination of one entire category (cigarettes), and three (beer, frozen dinners, and hot cereals) were each reduced to a single UPC by my criterion. While I sample four stores per UPC, these are not four random draws. All stores face the same wholesale price, and their retail prices are set by Dominick's head office. This results in a high correlation between price changes across pricing zones. Specifically, correlations of price changes for a UPC between stores in the high, medium, and low zones are on the order of .8 or .9. This drops to around .6 for pairs including a "Cubfighter" store. None of the analysis in the paper assumes that the 357 UPC/store samples are independent of each other. 2. Categoryaverage sample.-For comparability with CPI and PPI data, I developed a sample in which the product category, rather than the store or UPC, is the unit of analysis. This was done by averaging across all the prices within a category as follows: first I converted each price series (Pij,,; i = UPC, j = store) into an index (Ii j,) with the mean Pij = 100. Then I averaged the Iij,t across the j stores for each i yielding a UPC index (Ii ). The category index is then the simple average of the Ii,, across the i UPCs in the category. This procedure gives each UPC the same weight in the index. This sample contains 16 categories as compared to the 24 in the store/ UPC sample. The three categories with a single UPC were dropped. Another five were dropped because the averaging left their AAC index with too many de minimus price changes. The categories in the store/UPC sample were as follows (an asterisk denotes a category that does not appear in the category average sample): food items: ready-to-eat cereals,* hot cereals,* canned soup,* tuna, cheese, cookies, crackers, snacks, "front-end" candy,* frozen dinners,* and frozen entrees; beverage items: beer,* bottled juice, frozen juice, refrigerated juice, and soft drinks; cleaning/paper: dish detergent, laundry detergent, fabric softener, paper towels, and toilet tissue; drugs/toiletries: analgesics, toothbrush, and toothpaste. References Ball, Laurence, and Mankiw, N. Gregory. 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"Market Structure and the Speed of Price Adjustments: Evidence of Non-monotonicity." Rev. Indus. Organization 12 (February 1997): 37-57. Karrenbrock,Jeffrey D. "The Behavior of Retail Gasoline Prices: Symmetric or Not?" Fed. ReserveBank St. Louis Rev. 73 (July/August 1991): 19-29. Neumark, David, and Sharpe, Steven A. "Market Structure and the Nature of Price Rigidity: Evidence from the Market for Consumer Deposits." QJ.E. 107 (May 1992): 657-80. Sheshinski, Eytan, and Weiss, Yoram, eds. Optimal Pricing, Inflation, and the Cost of Price Adjustment. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1993.