WIRING GUIDE The ZSR101 is a versatile single relay control with two outputs for operating a 120 VAC pump with boiler enable, or two 120 VAC devices without boiler enable. Features include rear knock outs for 4x4 junction box mounting, convenient pre-installed jumper for pump operation, and 10 amp total load rating. The ZSR Series of controls is for zoning using pumps. Up to 6 zone pumps (model dependent) along with a primary pump can be operated. Zone priority is selectable with 1-hour time-out feature. Other features include pump exercising, selectable post purge, and 3 pump ground terminals for simplified wiring. The ZVR Series of controls is for zoning using zone valves. Up to 6 valves (model dependent), along with a system pump, secondary pump(s), and primary pump can be operated. Zone priority is selectable with 1-hour time-out feature. System pump status (on\off) during priority is also selectable. Replaceable snap-fit 40 VA transformer standard for 3 & 4 zone models – expandable to 80 VA with 2nd transformer. 6 zone model has two 40 VA (80 VA) transformers. 4009064 Certified to CSA C22-2 No.24 Conforms to UL Standard 873 Form 031914 rev.1 2 INDEX Z-one Relay thermostat connections Thermostat wiring............................................................................................................................................................................ 3 ZSR101 - single zone relay Product overview............................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Operation and cover removal .........................................................................................................................................................................5 A1 - Single thermostat....................................................................................................................................................................................6 A2 - Multiple thermostats.....................................................................................................................................................................8 A3 - Single master thermostat, with TRVs, variable speed pump..................................................................................................... 10 ZSR103, ZSR104 & ZSR106 - multi-zone pump relay Product overview............................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Circuit board................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Cover removal................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Product details................................................................................................................................................................................ 15 B1 - Mod/Con boiler, hydro separator or buffer tank, zone pumps.................................................................................................. 16 B2 - Traditional boiler, indirect DHW w/ priority, zone pumps........................................................................................................... 18 B3 - Mod/Con boiler, primary loop, closely spaced tees, zone pumps............................................................................................. 20 ZVR103, ZVR104 & ZVR106 - multi-zone valve control Product overview............................................................................................................................................................................ 22 Circuit board................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Cover removal, Transformer Installation..................................................................................................................................................24 Product details................................................................................................................................................................................ 25 C1 - Mod/Con boiler, hydro separator, zone valves......................................................................................................................... 26 C2 - Mod/Con boiler, indirect DHW on primary side of hydro sep, zone valves................................................................................ 28 C3 - Mod/Con boiler, indirect DHW on load side of hydro sep, zone valves..................................................................................... 30 C4 - Mod/Con boiler, indirect DHW on primary side of hydro sep, master and slave control............................................................ 32 C5 - Traditional boiler, indirect DHW (no priority) with valve.............................................................................................................. 34 C6 - Traditional boiler with reset control, priority indirect DHW with valve......................................................................................... 36 C7 - Mod/Con boiler, hydro separator, zone valve (more than 6), multiple secondary pumps........................................................... 38 Caleffi shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of it products. 3 Z-one Thermostat Connections 2-Wire Thermostats 4-Wire Thermostats All Caleffi Z-one controls use the same interface to connect to thermostats. This interface is very flexible and allows many different types of thermostats to be connected to the control including 2, 3 and 4 wire versions. In addition, any type of switching device can be used to signal a heat demand by connecting the R & W (T & T) terminals together. The terminals are dual labeled to help simplify wiring. There are a few different types of 2 wire thermostats including bi-metallic, power stealing and battery powered. All of these thermostats connect in the same manner to the Caleffi Z-one series of controls. Connect R to R and W to W. See below. To connect a 4-wire thermostat to the Z-one series controls, connect R to R, W to W and C to C. A jumper in the thermostat is also required between R & Rh as shown below. Similar to a 3-wire thermostat, R & C from the Z-one Control supply constant 24 VAC to the thermostat. 4 Z-one T-stat interface C XX R T W R C T COM T-STAT 1 T W C T COM T-STAT 2 R X Function X WZR/ZCC T R T COM T T-STAT 3 Description R = 24 VAC Supply W = Heat Call MER C = 24 VAC Common DHW R T W WT N GROUNDS R&W: When connected, signals a heat demand. R&C: Provides 24 VAC to powered thermostats. GROUNDS COM T C T-STAT 4 6 Zone ZSR106 POWER IN R W RT C R W R C W R ZR/ZC T R C W R C R W C T COM C T COM T T COM T 3 THM 5 T THM T4 COM T THM COM WT COM THM T 1COM THM T 2 TRANSFORMER 12/20VA L C DHW T W D W T COM CTHM T COM R C P 1 W T D R C T COM T COM T THM 2 P PWR PWR R C T COM W T THM 4 C T COM R W T R Rh W1 D C P PWR COMMS T COM THM 6 THM 5 ZONE1 Dry Contacts T-STAT 6 T-STAT 5 W T THM 3 COMMS THM 6COMMS R C W ZONE1 3-Wire Thermostats ZONE2 DipSwitches ZONE2 ZONE1 ZONE3 A heat demand can also be initiated by any type 6 Zone ZONE3 of device that has dry contacts (dry contacts ZONE4 are Three6wire thermostats get their power from the Z6P Zone a set of contacts that open and close but do not DipSwitches TRANSFORMER Master Slave 12/20VA Priority ON Priority OFF Master Priority OFF Primary OFF Exercise OFF Post Purge OFF Slave Priority ON Primary ON Exercise ON Post Purge ON Primary ON Exercise ON Post Purge ON Primary OFF Exercise OFF Post Purge OFF controlZ6P they are connected to. R & C from the ZONE2 ZONE4 have any voltage present until supplied from ZONE5 an Z-one Control DipSwitches supply 24 VAC to the thermostat at ZONE5 outside source). The end switch on a Z-one series all times while the W lead signals a heat demand. Master Slave ZONE6 ZONE3 Priority ON Priority OFF zone valve is an example of a dry contact. Using ZONE6 Primary ON Primary OFF PRIORITY PRIMARY Exercise ON Exercise OFF POWER IN aPUMP dry3 contact to connect W will initiate a heat PUMP 4 GROUNDS PUMP 2 PUMP 5 PUMP 6 R to PRIORITY PUMP PUMP 1 Post Purge ON Post Purge OFF PRIMARY N L PUMP PUMP 2 PUMP 3 L N L 4 N PUMP 5 L L NZONE4 N N L PUMP 6 N L N L PUMP PUMP 1 demand. N L WARNING: NEVER CONNECT R & C DIRECTLY, DHW R W C this will be a direct short 24 VAC supply X Xon the ZR/ZC T T COM PRIORITY THM 1 PUMP 1 PUMP 4 PUMP 2 PUMP 3 L N L L N N N L L N L N L N L N N L L N ZONE5 R T W C T COM THM 2 R W T R C T COM THM 3 PUMP 5 N L T W C T COM THM 4 PUMP 6 N L R T W C XR XW DHW C ZR/ZC T T COM PRIMARY THM 6 THM 5 PUMP N L T COM ZONE6 D R P T W COMMS C T COM THM 1 R T W C T COM PWR THM 2 R T W C T COM THM 3 DipSwitches Master Priority OFF Primary OFF Exercise OFF Post Purge OFF Slave Priority ON Primary ON Exercise ON Post Purge ON T W C T COM THM 4 R W T C T COM THM 5 R W T C T COM D P COMMS TRANSFORMER CAUTION: 12/20VA ZONE3 ZO 6 Zone ZO DipSwitches Master Priority OFF Primary OFF Exercise OFF Post Purge OFF Slave Priority ON Primary ON Exercise ON Post Purge ON Electrical shock hazard. Disconnect power before installation to prevent Z6P electrical shock or equipment damage. Make sure all connections are in accordance ZONE4 with the electrical wiring diagram and in accordance with national and local electrical codes. ZONE5 ZONE6 PRIORITY CAUTION: All work must be performed by qualified personnel trained in the POWER IN PUMP GROUNDS 2 PUMP 3 with PUMP 1 proper application, installation, and maintenance of systems inPUMP accordance all4 N L N L L N L N N L applicable codes and ordinances. Caleffi shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of it products. PRIORITY PUMP 5 L N P THM 6 ZONE1 Always refer to the thermostat manufacturer’s instructions. ZONE2 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONTRANSFORMER 6 Zone This safety alert symbol will 12/20VA be used in this manual to draw attention to safety Z6P related instructions. When used, the safety alert symbol means ATTENTION! BECOME ALERT! YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED! FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULT IN A SAFETY HAZARD. R CAUTION: Avoid electrical noise interference. Do not install near PRIMARY large conductors, POWER IN PRIMARY PUMP 4 GROUNDS PUMP 2 PUMP 3 PUMP 5 PUMP 6 PUMP PUMP 1 PUMP 6 PUMP electrical machinery, or welding equipment. Avoid locations excessive N Lwhere N L N L L L N N N L N L N L N L N L moisture, corrosive fumes, vibration, or explosive vapors are present. ZO ZO ZO ZO Wiring of 2 wire or 3 zone valve to Caleffi Z-one Relay Wiring a 2 wire zone valve to Caleffi Z-one Relay Wiring a 3 wire zone valve to Caleffi Z-one Relay Since a two wire actuator does not have an end switch for feedback to the relay box, the end switch terminals must have a jumper to DHW R end R R is not R W C W C W Cinstalled, W no C simulate X the swith. If the switch jumper X end ZR/ZC T T COM T T COM T T COM T T COM demand will be sent to the T-STAT boiler and the pumps will not on4. 1 T-STAT 2 T-STAT 3 turn T-STAT The Taco 570 zone valve presents a unique wiring challenge. When connecting the Taco 570 zone valve to the Caleffi Z-one Relay, the R of Wthis D R C valve can P Wwiring C only be donePWR in one way. The left motor COMMS T COM T T COM T terminal on the ZVR series control must be connected to terminal T-STAT 5 T-STAT 6 2 on the zone valve. The right motor terminal must be connected TSAT1 ZONE1 to terminal 1 on the zone valve. Lastly, the left end switch terminal must be connected to terminal 3 on the zone valve. Failure to TSAT2 ZONE2 follow schematic will lead to damage of product. MASTER SLAVE ZVR106 TSAT3 ZONE3 6 Zone STATUS DURING PRIORITY ON OFF TSAT5 ZONE5 PRIORITY ON POWER IN L N PRIORITY PUMP N L SEC PUMP L N SYSTEM PUMP L N TSAT4 ZONE4 TSAT6 ZONE6 OFF ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZONE 5 ZONE 6 END END END END END END MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH M 1 2 3 5 6 ZSR101 - Single Zone Switching Relay 4009064 Certified to CSA C22-2 No.24 Conforms to UL Standard 873 Overview • Compatible with 2, 3 and 4-wire thermostats or other low voltage controllers with switching action • 120 VAC input • Heavy duty, sealed, DPDT, fuse protected relay (with spare fuse) • Two dry contact outputs (Relay 1 and Relay 2) for operating 120 VAC pump with boiler enable or two devices without boiler enable • 5 A capacity each relay - 10 A total • Rear knock-outs for mounting onto 4”x4” junction box • High capacity 6VA transformer • Simplified wiring with pre-installed jumper • 100% factory tested with 3 year warranty • ETL certified See technical brochure 01284-14 NA for more product information. Operating Principles When a zone has a demand from a thermostat (TT or R W) the relay will close sending 120 VAC to Relay #1 NO terminal R W and switching the pump R TW C T on, and the C to NO dry T T COM contact on relay #2 closes, signaling the boiler of a heating demand. Dual labeled T-stat terminals. Compatible with 2, 3 and 4 wire T-stats. Replaceable fuses. 6 VA Transformer. C COM PWR R, W, C and T T Comm dual labeling at thermostat terminals. Compatible with low voltage 2, 3, or 4 wire thermostats or any TRANSFORMER TRANSFORMER other low voltage devices having a switching action. ZONE PWR ZSR101 ZSR101 1 Zone 1 Zone Supply 120 VAC hot to terminal L and 120 VAC neutral to N. A factory installed jumper from L terminal to the C terminal of Relay 1 is supplied for simplified pump connection. RELAY #1 POWER IN N L C L C 120VAC input power connection NO NC C RELAY #1 POWER IN N NO NC RELAY #2 RELAY #2 NO NC C ZONE NO NC If dry contacts are desired from relay #1, remove the factory installed jumper between L and C. Keyhole mounting which fits a 4X4 junction box. Pre-installed jumper. Cover removal Rear knockout for 4X4 junction box. Mounting: Do not mount to a surface that exceeds 115°F (45°C). The unit must be only located in dry interior locations. Use only copper conductor supply wire suitable for at least 105° C. All circuits must have a common disconnect and be connected to the same pole of the disconnect. It is not suitable for installation in hazardous locations. Hold either the left or the right end of the box up and at an angle. Use body for stabilizing relay box. Insert screwdriver and push tab inward. Turn box and repeat inserting screwdriver and pushin tab inward on opposite side, cover should release from base. Slide cover off base. 7 8 A1 - Single thermostat R T W C T com power zone transformer N L Caleffi! single zone relay RELAY 1 RELAY 2 C N/O N/C C N/O N/C N L Hydronic diagram is for illustration purposes only, some components have been removed for simplicity. T T Description of terminals Sequence of Operation / Settings = Ground • A demand occurs and closes RW (TT) N = Neutral (Common leg of 120 VAC) L = Line (live leg of 120 VAC) • Relay #1 and relay #2 both fire connecting the common terminal to the NO terminal. C = Common terminal NO = Normally Open terminal NC = Normally Closed terminal Note: There is a factory installed jumper between the 120 VAC line (L) and the common terminal of relay #1 (C). Thermostat terminals R W C = 24 VAC = Heat call = Common of 24 VAC • If the factory installed jumper has not been removed, the NO terminal of relay #1 will deliver the hot leg of 120 VAC. Relay #2 has dry contacts. • The zone LED illuminates. • The demand is satisfied and opens RW (TT). • The relay contacts return to their normal position (common to normally closed). • The zone LED turns off. WARNING: NEVER CONNECT R & C DIRECTLY, this will be a direct short on the 24 VAC supply 9 10 A2 - Multiple thermostats power zone transformer N L R Caleffi! single zone relay RELAY 1 RELAY 2 C N/O N/C C N/O N/C N L Hydronic diagram is for illustration purposes only and could be missing system components. W 24 VAC T T R W R W 4-wire zone valve W C T com 4-wire zone valve R T 4-wire zone valve End switch wires Description of terminals Sequence of Operation / Settings = Ground N = Neutral (Common leg of 120 VAC) • There is a demand by one of the t-stats which sends power to the corresponding zone valve. L = Line (live leg of 120 VAC) C = Common terminal • When the zone valve opens, its end switch contacts close and signal a demand to the RW (TT) contacts on the single zone relay control. NO = Normally Open terminal • Relay #1 and relay #2 fire NC = Normally Closed terminal • If the factory installed jumper has not been removed, the NO terminal of relay #1 will deliver the hot leg of 120 VAC thus firing the pump. Note: There is a factory installed jumper between the 120 VAC line (L) and the common terminal of relay #1 (C). Thermostat terminals R W C = 24 VAC = Heat call = Common of 24 VAC WARNING: NEVER CONNECT R & C DIRECTLY, this will be a direct short on the 24 VAC supply • Relay #2 closes the TT contacts on the boiler signally a demand. • The Zone LED illuminates. • When the last of the T-stats is satisfied, the corresponding zone valves closes which opens the end switch contacts. • The relay contacts return to their normal position turning off power to the system pump and opening the RW (TT) contacts. • The Zone LED turns off. 11 12 A3 - Single master thermostat, panel radiators with TRVs, variable speed pump TRV TRV thermostatic! radiator valves! (TRV) on each! radiator TRV TRV TRV TRV R W C T T com buffer tank power zone transformer NL N L Hydronic diagram is for illustration purposes only, some components have been removed for simplicity. Caleffi! single zone relay RELAY 1 RELAY 2 C N/ON/C C N/ON/C T T Description of terminals Sequence of Operation / Settings = Ground N = Neutral (Common leg of 120 VAC) L = Line (live leg of 120 VAC) C = Common terminal • A single “master” thermostat is wired to the ZSR101 control. The master thermostat is set to a slightly higher set point than the desired room temperatures on the thermostatic radiator valves. NO = Normally Open terminal NC = Normally Closed terminal Note: There is a factory installed jumper between the 120 VAC line (L) and the common terminal of relay #1 (C). Thermostat terminals R W C = 24 VAC = Heat call = Common of 24 VAC • The relay contacts return to their normal position turning off power to the variable speed circulator and opening the RW (TT) contacts. Both the boiler and pump are no longer enabled. • The Zone LED turns off. • When the temperature drops below the thermostat’s set point, a heat demand is initiated by closing the R & W terminals. • Relay #1 and relay #2 both fire. • If the factory installed jumper has not been removed, the NO terminal of relay #1 will deliver 120 VAC line to the variable speed circulator. • Relay #2 closes the TT contacts on the boiler signaling a demand. • The Zone LED illuminates. WARNING: NEVER CONNECT R & C DIRECTLY, this will be a direct short on the 24 VAC supply • Using an outside air sensor and system temperature sensor located in the buffer tank, the boiler determines if the water in the boiler meets the target temperature based off the outside air reset curve. • As long as the master thermostat is calling, the boiler will maintain the buffer tank to the target temperature. • The thermostatic radiator valves modulate the flow through the panel radiators because the variable speed circulator is enabled. • When the master thermostat reaches set point, the master thermostat will open the contact between R & W. 13 14 ZSR10X - Multi-Zone Pump Control 4009064 Certified to CSA C22-2 No.24 Conforms to UL Standard 873 Overview • Compatible with low voltage 2, 3, or 4 wire thermostats • R, W, C and TT Comm dual labeling at thermostat terminals • Z-oneLink unlimited zone expansion • 120 VAC pump outputs • Selectable priority with 1 hour time-out feature • Selectable post purge and exercise • Dry contacts for DHW (ZR/ZC), capable of switching line voltage • High capacity transformer • Large terminal connections • Simplified wiring with extra ground terminals • Heavy duty sealed relays • Fuse protected (with spare fuse) • Front LED lights • 100% Factory tested with 3 year warranty • ETL approved See technical brochure 01286-14 NA for more product information. XX Closes for heat demand and DHW demand. Rated for 120 VAC, 2 amps. DHW (ZR/ZC) closes only during priority call. Rated for 120 VAC, 2 amps. Dual labeled T-stat terminals. Compatible with 2, 3 and 4 wire T-stats. Selectable DIP switches. 3 wire communications to expansion board. Power ON LED. LED for each zone. 120 VAC input power connection Multiple ground connections for easy wiring. Replaceable fuses (2 extra included under cover). 120 VAC zone pump outputs. 120 VAC primary pump output. 15 16 Cover removal Hold either the left or the right end of the box up and at an angle. Use body for stabilizing relay box. Insert screwdriver and push tab inward, cover should release from base. Mounting: Do not mount to a surface that exceeds 115°F (45°C). The unit must be only located in dry interior locations. Use only copper conductor supply wire suitable for at least 105° C. All circuits must have a common disconnect and be connected to the same pole of the disconnect. It is not suitable for installation in hazardous locations. Roll cover off base. DHW R R R R R R D W C P W C C W C DIP Switches on theWZSRCseries W C Maintenance and Repair: The X Caleffi Z-one™ multi-zone pump control W The X ZR/ZC COMMS T COM T T COM T T COM T T COM T T COM T T COM T can be positioned for the following DipSwitches comes with two spare fuses. If control fails or is damaged, replace control with T-STAT 6 Slave T-STAT 1 T-STAT 2 T-STAT 3 T-STAT 4 T-STAT 5 operations. Master functional one. Priority ON Priority OFF MasterR/ Slave: allows forWunlimited Primary ON Primary OFF DHW TRANSFORMER R R R R OFF R ON W W W C C W C Exercise W CExercise C expansion toT additional ZSR relays. X X ZR/ZC Post Purge Post Purge T T COM T T COM T T COM T OFFT COM T ONT COM T Boiler connections: Priority T-STAT OFF / Priority ON: When T-ST 1 T-STAT 2 T-STAT 3 T-STAT 4 T-STAT 5 XX = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. priority mode is ON, upon demand, Closes when any zone calls including priority. Typically DHW R R as priority R R are R DipSwitches W C W C and W temporarily C W C zoneR1 willW operate all W otherC zones switched off X X ZR/ZC connected to TT on boiler control. Master Slave T T T time-out). COM T When T COM T T COM T T COM T T COM (with T1 hour priority mode is OFF, all zones remain active. Priority ON Priority OFF Primary ON Primary OFF TRANSFORMER T-STAT Primary OFF / 1Primary ON: 2 When primaryExercise is ON, the pump T-STAT T-STAT T-STAT 3mode T-STAT 4 primary T-STAT 5 will DHW (ZR/ZC) = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 ON Exercise OFF Post Purge ON Post Purge OFF continue to operate during priority. Amps. Closes only when priority is enabled and calling. DHW R D R R R R R W C P W C W C W C W C W C DipSwitches used to close ZR\ZC (120 VAC) or DHW contacts (24 VAC) on boiler Exercise OFF / Exercise ON: When exercise mode isPWR ON, each circulator is X X Typically Master Slave ZR/ZC COMMS T COM T T COM T T COM T T COM T T COM T T COM T Priority ON Priority OFF controls equipped with these features. switched on for 30 seconds following 72 hours of inactivity. PRIORITY P Primary ON Primary OFF T-STAT 6 T-STAT 1 T-STATPOWER 2 T-STAT 3 T-STAT 4 T-STAT 5 TRANSFORMER GROUNDS IN Exercise ON Exercise OFF Post Purge / Post ON:3 When post4purgePUMP is ON, PUMP 1 OFF PUMP PUMP 2 Purge PUMP 5 the priority PUMP 6pump Post Purge ON Post Purge OFF ZONE1 L continues forN 2 minutes after the N L priority N zone L L N L N DipSwitches L is switched L off. N Noperating L Communication connections: Master Slave Connect terminals to matching terminal of slave boards Priority ON Priority OFF Primary ON Primary OFF Primary pump output: R D TRANSFORMER R D to R W C P W D,CP to RP, Ground W C to Ground W C ZONE2 Exercise ON Exercise OFF PWR pump runs when any zone pump runs. Its status Post Purge OFF PRIORITY PRIMARY Post Purge ON COMMS Primary M T T COM T T COM T T COM GROUNDS POWERT IN T COM PUMP PUMP 1 PUMP 4 PUMP 2 PUMP 3 PUMP 5 PUMP 6 DipSwitches during priorityL (on\off) canL be programmed usingL the N DIP 2 T-STAT 3 T-STAT 4 T-STAT N N L 5 N T-STAT 6 L Slave N N N L Master N L ZONE3 L Priority ON switches. Priority OFF Primary ON Primary OFF ZONE1 TRANSFORMER Input Power: Exercise OFF L =Exercise Line ON(hot leg) ofPRIORITY 120 VAC to power the pump Post Purge ON Post Purge OFF L = Line (hot leg) of 120 VAC supply GROUNDS POWER IN N = Neutral leg of 120 VAC PUMP 1 to power PUMP 4 PUMP 2the pump PUMP 3 ZONE4 PUMP 5 PUMP 6 N = Neutral of 120 VAC ZONE2 N L N L L L N N N L N L N L = Ground DipSwitches ZONE5 Note: when connecting Master 2 or more Z-one controls, all PRIORITY Slave ZONE3 WARNING: NEVER CONNECT R & C DIRECTLY, this will be a direct short on the 24 VAC GROUNDS POWER IN Priority ON Priorityby OFFthe same PUMP 1 PUMP 4 PUMP 2 PUMP 3 PUMP 5 PUMP 6 controls must be powered 120 VAC circuit. Primary ON Primary OFF supply. Exercise ON Exercise OFF N L N L L L N N N L N L ZONE6 N L Post Purge ON Post Purge OFF ZONE4 Zone pump outputs: PRIORITY WARNING: When PRIMARY connecting 2 or more Z-one controls, all controls must be powered by GROUNDS POWER IN PUMP Zone pumps run when PUMP 1 PUMP 4 PUMP 2 PUMP 3 PUMP 5 PUMP 6 the same 120 VAC circuit. ZONE5 N L Ncorresponding thermostat L N L L L N N N L N L N L initiates a demand. GROUND = Connect the ZONE6 WARNING: When replacing fuses, make sure power is disconnected to control box. ground from the pump to the ground terminal. PRIMARY PUMP PUMP 4 PUMP 2PRIORITY PUMP 3 PUMP 5 PUMP 6 PUMP = Runs when zone #1 calls. Can be programmed to be the N L L N L L N N N L N L priority zone. L = Line (hot leg) of 120 VAC to power the pump N = Neutral leg of 120 VAC to power the pump 6 Zone ZSR106 6 Zone ZSR106 6 Zone ZSR106 6 Zone ZSR106 6 Zone ZSR106 6 Zone ZSR106 17 18 Pump 4 Pump 3 Pump 1 Pump 2 B1 - Mod/con boiler, hydro separator or buffer tank, zone pumps Buffer tank- Optional hydraulic separator XX DHW R ZR/ZC T W R C T COM T T-STAT 1 W C T COM T-STAT 2 R T W C T COM T-STAT 3 R T W C T COM T-STAT 4 R W T C T COM T-STAT 5 R T W C D P COMMS T COM PWR T-STAT 6 ZONE1 ZONE2 6 Zone ZSR106 TRANSFORMER DipSwitches Master Priority OFF Primary OFF Exercise OFF Post Purge OFF ZONE3 Slave Priority ON Primary ON Exercise ON Post Purge ON ZONE4 ZONE5 ZONE6 POWER IN L GROUNDS N L N Hydronic diagram is for illustration purposes only, some components have been removed for simplicity. PRIORITY PUMP 1 L N PUMP 2 L N PUMP 3 L N PUMP 4 L N PUMP 5 N L PUMP 6 N L PRIMARY PUMP N L Description of terminals Sequence of Operation / Settings = Ground Priority switch: OFF N L = Neutral (Common leg of 120 VAC) = Line (Hot leg of 120 VAC) Master / Slave switch: Master Thermostat terminals R = 24 VAC W = Heat call C = Common of 24 VAC Boiler terminals XX = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes when any zone calls including priority. Typically connected to TT on boiler control. DHW (ZR/ZC) = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes only when priority is enabled and calling. Typically used to close ZR\ZC (120 VAC) or DHW contacts (24 VAC) on boiler controls equipped with these features. Status During Priority switch: OFF • A demand occurs from any T-stat (T-stat closes TT terminals). The “PUMP ON” LED illuminates for that zone. • ZSR control sends 120 VAC to the corresponding zone pump and the primary pump outputs, XX contacts close to signal boiler of a demand. • When the demand from the last T-stat calling is satisfied (T-stat opens TT terminals), the XX contacts are opened, the “PUMP ON” LED turns off and the 120 VAC to the zone pump and primary pump outputs are dropped. Dip switch description Master / Slave: Used when joining 2 or more controls together. Only one Master per group Priority OFF / Priority ON: Used to set Zone #1 as the priority zone. All other zones will hold off during priority. Priority has a one hour time out feature to prevent freeze up. Primary OFF / Primary ON: Sets the status of the primary pump when there is a priority call. This allows the DHW pump to be on either side of a hydro separator. Exercise OFF / Exercise ON: When enabled the pumps will rub for 30 seconds after 72 hours without a demand. Post Purge OFF / Post Purge ON: Allows the DHW pump to run for 2 minutes after the DHW demand has been satisfied. WARNING: NEVER CONNECT R & C DIRECTLY, this will be a direct short on the 24 VAC supply 19 20 Pump 6 Pump 5 Pump 1 boiler! high limit! control Pump 4 Pump 2 Pump 3 B2 - Traditional boiler, indirect DHW w/ priority, zone pumps DHW! aquastat DHW! aquastat XX DHW R ZR/ZC T W R C T COM T THM 1 W R C T COM THM 2 W T R C T COM T THM 3 W C T COM THM 4 R W T R C W T T COM D C T COM P COMMS PWR THM 6 THM 5 ZONE1 ZONE2 6 Zone Z6P ZSR106 TRANSFORMER 12/20VA TT ZC ZR DipSwitches Master Priority OFF Primary OFF Exercise OFF Post Purge OFF ZONE3 Slave Priority ON Primary ON Exercise ON Post Purge ON ZONE4 ZONE5 ZONE6 PRIORITY outdoor! temperature! sensor POWER IN L GROUNDS N L N Hydronic diagram is for illustration purposes only, some components have been removed for simplicity. PUMP 1 L N PUMP 2 PUMP 3 PUMP 4 PUMP 5 L L L L N N N N PUMP 6 L N PRIMARY PUMP N L Description of terminals Sequence of Operation / Settings = Ground Priority switch: ON (Zone #1 becomes priority) N L = Neutral (Common leg of 120 VAC) = Line (Hot leg of 120 VAC) Master/Slave switch: Master Thermostat terminals R = 24 VAC W = Heat call C = Common of 24 VAC Primary Status During Priority switch: OFF • A demand occurs from a T-stat (T-stat closes TT terminals) in zones 2 thru 6. • The “PUMP ON” LED illuminates for that zone. Boiler terminals XX = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes when any zone calls including priority. Typically connected to TT on boiler control. DHW (ZR/ZC) = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes only when priority is enabled and calling. Typically used to close ZR\ZC (120 VAC) or DHW contacts (24 VAC) on boiler controls equipped with these features. • ZSR control sends 120 VAC to the corresponding zone pump terminals to fire the zone pump and closes the XX contacts to signal a heat demand to the boiler. The PRIMARY PUMP output will also deliver 120 VAC even if no pump is connected. Dip switch description Master / Slave: Used when joining 2 or more controls together. Only one Master per group Priority OFF / Priority ON: Used to set Zone #1 as the priority zone. All other zones will hold off during priority. Priority has a one hour time out feature to prevent freeze up. Primary OFF / Primary ON: Sets the status of the primary pump when there is a priority call. This allows the DHW pump to be on either side of a hydro separator. Exercise OFF / Exercise ON: When enabled the pumps will rub for 30 seconds after 72 hours without a demand. Post Purge OFF / Post Purge ON: Allows the DHW pump to run for 2 minutes after the DHW demand has been satisfied. • 120 VAC is dropped from the corresponding zone pump terminals. • When the demand from the T-stat is satisfied (T-stat opens TT terminals), the “PUMP ON” LED turns off. • If no other zones are calling, power is dropped to the SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP and the XX contacts are opened. • If a demand occurs from the DHW aquastat (zone #1), The “PUMP ON” LED illuminates for Zone #1. • Once the Zone #1 DHW demand is satisfied, power to the PRIORITY PUMP is dropped, the DHW contacts open. • If a demand from zones 2 thru 6 is present, 120 VAC is delivered to the corresponding zone pump(s) and the “PUMP ON” LED for those zones will illuminate. • The XX contacts close to signal a heat demand to the boiler. • When all zones are satisfied, the XX contacts open and power (120 VAC) is turned off to all of the zone pumps. DHW Time Out \ Freeze Prevention Feature • After one hour of a priority demand, the control will open the DHW contacts and turn off power to the DHW pump. • If a heating demand is present from Zones #2- 6, the control will satisfy those demands before going back to the DHW call. • After the heating demands are met, the control will go back to DHW and re-set the one hour timer. • If any other zone was calling (Zones 2 thru 6) when Zone #1 called, power (120 VAC) is dropped to those zone pumps. • The XX and DHW contacts close. • The PRIORITY PUMP contacts deliver 120 VAC WARNING: NEVER CONNECT R & C DIRECTLY, this will be a direct short on the 24 VAC supply 21 22 Pump 3 Pump 1 Pump 2 B3 - Mod/Con boiler, primary loop, closely spaced tees, zone pumps boiler pump Primary pump XX DHW R ZR/ZC T W R C T COM T T-STAT 1 W C T COM T-STAT 2 R T W C T COM T-STAT 3 R T W C T COM T-STAT 4 R W T C T COM T-STAT 5 R T W C D P COMMS T COM PWR T-STAT 6 ZONE1 ZONE2 36 Zone ZSR106 3 TRANSFORMER DipSwitches Master Priority OFF Primary OFF Exercise OFF Post Purge OFF ZONE3 Slave Priority ON Primary ON Exercise ON Post Purge ON ZONE4 ZONE5 ZONE6 POWER IN L N GROUNDS PRIORITY PUMP 1 L N PUMP 2 L N PUMP 3 N L PUMP 4 L N PUMP 5 N L PUMP 6 N L PRIMARY PUMP N L L N boiler pump Primary pump Hydronic diagram is for illustration purposes only, some components have been removed for simplicity. Description of terminals Sequence of Operation / Settings = Ground Priority switch OFF N L = Neutral (Common leg of 120 VAC) = Line (Hot leg of 120 VAC) Master / Slave switch: Master Thermostat terminals R = 24 VAC W = Heat call C = Common of 24 VAC Boiler terminals XX = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes when any zone calls including priority. Typically connected to TT on boiler control. DHW (ZR/ZC) = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes only when priority is enabled and calling. Typically used to close ZR\ZC (120 VAC) or DHW contacts (24 VAC) on boiler controls equipped with these features. Dip switch description Master / Slave: Used when joining 2 or more controls together. Only one Master per group Priority OFF / Priority ON: Used to set Zone #1 as the priority zone. All other zones will hold off during priority. Priority has a one hour time out feature to prevent freeze up. Primary OFF / Primary ON: Sets the status of the primary pump when there is a priority call. This allows the DHW pump to be on either side of a hydro separator. Exercise OFF / Exercise ON: When enabled the pumps will rub for 30 seconds after 72 hours without a demand. Post Purge OFF / Post Purge ON: Allows the DHW pump to run for 2 minutes after the DHW demand has been satisfied. Status During Priority switch: OFF • A demand occurs from any T-stat (T-stat closes TT terminals). The “PUMP ON” LED illuminates for that zone. • ZSR control sends 120 VAC to the corresponding zone pump and the primary pump outputs, XX contacts close to signal boiler of a demand. • When the demand from the T-stat is satisfied (T-stat opens TT terminals), the XX contacts are opened, the “PUMP ON” LED turns off and the 120 VAC to the zone pump and primary pump outputs are turned off. • ALTERNATE WIRING: The boiler pump can be controlled by the Mod/Con boiler if equiped to do so. WARNING: NEVER CONNECT R & C DIRECTLY, this will be a direct short on the 24 VAC supply 23 24 ZVR10X - Multi-Zone Valve Control 4009064 Certified to CSA C22-2 No.24 Conforms to UL Standard 873 Overview • Compatible with low voltage 2, 3, or 4 wire thermostats • R, W, C and TT Comm dual labeling at thermostat terminals • Z-oneLink unlimited zone expansion • Selectable priority with 1 hour time-out feature • System pump status selectable during priority • Pump will start only after the zone valve end switch is closed • Dry contacts for DHW (ZR/ZC), capable of switching line voltage • Large terminal connections • High capacity 40 VA transformer standard for 3 and 4 zone models-expandable to 80 VA, and 80 VA for the 6 zone model • Automatic resettable fuse • Controls system pump, secondary pump, and priority pump • Front LED Lights • 100% Factory tested with 3 year warranty • ETL approved See technical brochure 01285-14 NA for more product information. XX Closes for heat demand and DHW demand. Rated for 120 VAC 2 amps. DHW (ZR/ZC) closes only during priority call. Rated for 120 VAC, 2 amps. Dual labeled T-stat terminals. Compatible with 2, 3 and 4 wire T-stats. Master/Slave jumper. 3 wire communications to expansion board. Power ON LED. Transformer connections. LED illuminates when end switch closes. 120 VAC input power connection. 120 VAC output to pumps. System pump (boiler pump) status during priority can be changed with jumper. LED illuminates with call for heat. ZONE #1 priority. Zone valve motor connections. Zone valve end switch connection. 25 Cover removal Hold either the left or the right end of the box up and at an angle. Use body for stabilizing relay box. 26 Insert screwdriver and push tab inward, cover should release from base. Roll cover off base. Remove transformer(s) packaging. Slide bottom end of transformer into bottom latch. Transformer Installation Mount box on stable surface using level. from Snap top of transformer into latch arms. Mounting: Do not mount to a surface that exceeds 115°F (45°C). The unit must be only located in dry interior locations. Use only copper conductor supply wire suitable for at least 105° C. All circuits must have a common disconnect and be connected to the same pole of the disconnect. It is not suitable for installation in hazardous locations. Feed wiring through hole near the top of the transformer and insert transformer plug into the socket. Repeat process for 2nd transformer if using six valve relay box. T-STAT 1 DHW XX R W C R W T-STAT 2 C ZR/ZC T T COM T T COM Maintenance and Repair: The Caleffi Z-one™ multi-zone valve relay comes with T-STAT 1 T-STAT 2 a resettable fuse and requires no maintenance. If control fails or is damaged, replace control with functional one. R T 6 Zone W R C T-STAT 4 W T-STAT 5 R C T COM T T COM Thermostat connections T-STAT 3 ZVR106 DHW T-STAT 3 DHW T-STAT 4 T SLAVE C T COM R W T MASTER C TSAT2 T COM SLAVE T-STAT 6 T-STAT 5 R = 24 VAC. T D ZON T R R R R W C W C W C W= Heat call ZON T T COM T T COM TSAT3 T T COM TT C = Common of 24 VAC R R R R R W 4C T W 1C T-STAT W C W C T-STAT W 2 C T-STAT W 3 C T-STAT 6 Zone HeatRdemand is initiated by closing R MASTERT SLAVE T COM T T COM T T T COM T T COM T T COM T T COM to W. T-STATZON 6 T-STAT 1 T-STAT 2 T-STAT 3 T-STAT 4 T-STAT 5 TSAT4 24 VAC is always present between R & C.R W C R W C R W C T R R W C W C XX ZVR106 ZR/ZC R MASTER W TSAT1 ZON T-STAT 6 T W C T COM The ZVR series of controls is programmed X X ZR/ZC by positioning a series of jumpers. Example photo to right shows jumper in off position STATUS (left photo) and on position (right photo). DURING DHW STATUS PRIORITY Jumpers are used for the following ZON X X ZR/ZC PRIORITY T T COM T T COM T T COM T T COMTSAT5 Dip DURING T T COM ON OFF operations. Mas PRIORITY T-STAT 1 T-STAT 2 T-STAT 3 T-STAT 4 T-STATPriority 5 OT ON OFF connections Zone valve Primary O Priority ON / Priority OFF: When priority TRANSFORMER PRIORITY DipSwitches Exercise O ON OFF Post Purge O jumper is ON, upon demand, zone 1 will Motor = 24 VAC to power the zone TSAT6 ZON Master Slave PRIORITY SEC PUMP SYSTEM POWER IN Priority ON Priority OFF ON OFF ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 5 ZONE ZONE 3 ZONE 4 PUMP PUMP operate as priority and all other zones are Primary ON valve motor Primary OFF TRANSFORMER Exercise END ON N L Exercise L N N L END END END ENDOFF N L Purge ON Purge OFF MOTOR temporarily switched off (with 1 hour timeSWITCH SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR S MOTOR End Switch =Post Connects toPostend switch SYSTEM PRIORITY SEC is PUMP ER IN out). When priority mode OFF, any zones on zone valve. Must be jumpered if STATUS ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 5 ZONE 6 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 PUMP PUMP that were active when zone 1 was switched N W C L R NW CL END ENDzone valve. END END END using a 2 –wire D RN W L C N R W C DURING P END on will remain on. MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH PWRMOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH PRIORITY COMMS Input power T COM T Status COM During T T COM T During COM T Priority ON /TStatus PRIORITY LPRIORITY = Line 6 (hotZone leg) of 120 VAC supply GROUNDS Priority When 4 status T-STAT jumper is 5 ON, T-STAT 6 ON OFF POWER IN T-STAT 3 OFF: T-STAT PUMP 1 PUMP 4 PUMP 2 PUMP 3 P NL= Neutral of 120 VACL N L N L N N the system pump will continue to operate L ON OFFL N PRIORITY STATUS = Ground TSAT1 ZONE1 during priority. GROUNDS POWER IN PUMP 1 PUMP 4 PUMP 2 PUMP 3 PUMP 5 PUMP 6 DURING Master / POWER Slave: allows expansion N L N L L L N N N L N L N PRIORITY L SYSTEM PRIORITY SEC PUMP MASTER IN for unlimited SLAVE ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ON OFF ZONEPRIORITY ZONE 5 to additional ZVR relays. 3 ZONE 4 PUMP PUMP N L TSAT2 ZONE2END L N N L Pump ENDoutputs END END END N L ON OFF MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITC SYSTEM PUMP = Runs when any Boiler Connections PRIORITY SEC PUMP SYSTEM POWER IN zone calls When priority ZONE 1 for heat. ZONE 2 ZONEis3 PUMP PUMP TSAT3 ZONE3 N L XX = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes when any zone calls L N N L END END N L enabled, the status of the pump (on\END MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH M including priority. Typically connected to TT on boiler control. off) during a priority call is selected via DHW (ZR/ZC) = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes only a jumper when priority is enabled and calling. Typically used to close ZR\ZC (120 VAC) TSAT4 ZONE4 SEC PUMP = Runs when any zone or DHW contacts (24 VAC) on boiler controls equipped with these features. calls for heat except the priority zone when it is enabled. PRIORITY PUMP = Runs when the priority zone calls. A jumper is required Communication connections TSAT5 ZONE5 between the END SWITCH terminals when using a pump for DHW. Connect terminals to matching terminal of boards R D R R W C P W slave C W C W C WARNING: NEVER CONNECT R & C DIRECTLY, this will be a direct short on the 24 ORITY PWR supply. COMMS T COM T D COM COM T T Ground COM T TSAT6 VAC ZONE6 to D,T P toT P, Ground to OFF T-STAT T-STATUse 3 18 T-STAT 4 thermostat T-STAT 5 wire. gauge Wire6 should be shielded if located in close proximity to high voltage wiring. ZONE1 WARNING: When connecting 2 or more Z-one controls, all controls must be powered ZVR106 6 Zone 6 Zone ZSR106 6 Zone ZSR106 ZVR106 ZVR106 6 Zone ONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZONE 5 ZONE 6 END END END END END END ZONE2 SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH Zone DipSwitches Master Priority OFF Primary OFF Slave Priority ON Primary ON ZONE3 by the same 120 VAC circuit. 27 28 C1 - Mod/Con boiler, hydro separator, zone valves mod/con! boiler ZV1 PRIORITY! SYSTEM ZV2 ZV3 ZV4 ZV5 ZV6 SECONDARY! pump pump XX DHW R ZR/ZC T W R C T COM W T T-STAT 1 R C T COM T-STAT 2 T W C T COM T-STAT 3 R T W C T COM T-STAT 4 R T W C T COM T-STAT 5 R T W D C P PWR COMMS T COM T-STAT 6 TSAT1 ZONE1 MASTER SLAVE TSAT2 ZONE2 ZVR106 TSAT3 ZONE3 6 Zone STATUS DURING PRIORITY ON OFF TSAT5 ZONE5 PRIORITY ON POWER IN L N PRIORITY PUMP N L SEC PUMP L L N Hydronic diagram is for illustration purposes only, some components have been removed for simplicity. N SYSTEM PUMP L N TSAT4 ZONE4 TSAT6 ZONE6 OFF ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZONE 5 ZONE 6 END END END END END END MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH Description of terminals Sequence of Operation / Settings = Ground Priority Jumper: OFF N = Neutral (common leg of 120 VAC) Master / Slave Jumper: Master L = Line (live leg of 120 VAC) Status During Priority: OFF Thermostat terminals R = 24 VAC W = Heat call C = Common of 24 VAC Boiler terminals XX = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes when any zone calls including priority. Typically connected to TT on boiler control. DHW (ZR/ZC) = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes only when priority is enabled and calling. Typically used to close ZR\ZC (120 VAC) or DHW contacts (24 VAC) on boiler controls equipped with these features. Pump terminals SYSTEM PUMP = Runs when any zone calls for heat. When priority is enabled, the status of the pump (on\off) during a priority call is selected via a jumper SEC PUMP = Runs when any zone calls for heat except the priority zone when it is enabled. PRIORITY PUMP = Runs when the priority zone calls. A jumper is required between the END SWITCH terminals when using a pump. Valve terminals Motor = 24 VAC to power the zone valve motor End Switch = Connects to end switch on zone valve. Must be jumpered if using a 2 –wire zone valve. • A demand occurs from any T-stat (T-stat closes TT terminals). The “T-STAT CALL” LED illuminates for that zone. • ZVR control sends 24 VAC to the corresponding zone MOTOR terminals to open the zone valve. • When the end switch on the zone valve closes, the control sends 120 VAC to SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP. The “VALVE OPEN” LED illuminates for that zone and the XX contacts close to signal a heat demand to the boiler. • When the demand from the T-stat is satisfied (T-stat opens TT terminals), both the “T-STAT CALL” and “VALVE OPEN” LED’s turn off. • 24 VAC is dropped from the corresponding zone MOTOR terminals. • If no other zones are calling, power is turned off to the SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP and the XX contacts are opened. WARNING: NEVER CONNECT R & C DIRECTLY, this will be a direct short on the 24 VAC supply 29 30 C2 - Mod/Con boiler, priority indirect DHW on primary side of hydro sep, zone valves mod/con! boiler ZV2 ZV3 ZV4 ZV5 ZV6 DHW! aquastat PRIORITY! pump SECONDARY! pump SYSTEM! pump DHW! AQUASTAT XX DHW R ZR/ZC T W R C T COM W T T-STAT 1 R C T COM T-STAT 2 T W C T COM T-STAT 3 R W T C T COM T-STAT 4 R T W C T COM T-STAT 5 R T W D C P PWR COMMS T COM T-STAT 6 TSAT1 ZONE1 MASTER SLAVE TSAT2 ZONE2 ZVR106 TSAT3 ZONE3 6 Zone STATUS DURING PRIORITY ON OFF TSAT5 ZONE5 PRIORITY ON POWER IN L Buffer tank- Optional hydraulic separator N PRIORITY PUMP N L SEC PUMP L N SYSTEM PUMP L N TSAT4 ZONE4 TSAT6 ZONE6 OFF ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZONE 5 ZONE 6 ZV2 ZV3 ZV4 ZV5 ZV6 END END END END END END MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH L N PRIORITY! pump SECONDARY! pump SYSTEM! pump Hydronic diagram is for illustration purposes only, some components have been removed for simplicity. Description of terminals Sequence of Operation / Settings = Ground N = Neutral (common leg of 120 VAC) • Priority Jumper: ON (Zone #1 becomes priority) • The XX and DHW contacts close. • Master/Slave Jumper: Master • The PRIORITY PUMP contacts deliver 120 VAC Thermostat terminals R = 24 VAC W = Heat call C = Common of 24 VAC • Status During Priority: OFF • The SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP are off. • A demand occurs from a T-stat (T-stat closes TT terminals) in zones 2 thru 6. The “T-STAT CALL” LED illuminates for that zone. • Once the Zone #1 DHW demand is satisfied, power to the PRIORITY PUMP is dropped, the DHW contacts open. Boiler terminals XX = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes when any zone calls including priority. Typically connected to TT on boiler control. • ZVR control sends 24 VAC to the corresponding zone MOTOR terminals to open the zone valve. • If a demand from zones 2 thru 6 is present, 24 VAC is delivered to the corresponding zone valve(s) and the “T-STAT CALL” LED’s illuminate. L = Line (live leg of 120 VAC) DHW (ZR/ZC) = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes only when priority is enabled and calling. Typically used to close ZR\ZC (120 VAC) or DHW contacts (24 VAC) on boiler controls equipped with these features. Pump terminals SYSTEM PUMP = Runs when any zone calls for heat. When priority is enabled, the status of the pump (on\off) during a priority call is selected via a jumper SEC PUMP = Runs when any zone calls for heat except the priority zone when it is enabled. PRIORITY PUMP = Runs when the priority zone calls. A jumper is required between the END SWITCH terminals when using a pump. Valve terminals Motor = 24 VAC to power the zone valve motor End Switch = Connects to end switch on zone valve. Must be jumpered if using a 2 –wire zone valve. WARNING: NEVER CONNECT R & C DIRECTLY, this will be a direct short on the 24 VAC supply • When the end switch on the zone valve closes, the control sends 120 VAC to SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP. The “VALVE OPEN” LED illuminates for that zone and the XX contacts close to signal a heat demand to the boiler. • When the demand from the T-stat is satisfied (T-stat opens TT terminals), both the “T-STAT CALL” and “VALVE OPEN” LED’s turn off. • 24 VAC is dropped from the corresponding zone MOTOR terminals. • If no other zones are calling, power is dropped to the SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP and the XX contacts are opened. • If a demand occurs from the DHW aquastat (zone #1), The “T-STAT CALL” LED illuminates for Zone #1 and the “VALVE OPEN” LED will illuminate. (When using a DHW pump, a jumper must be installed on Zone #1 end switch terminals.) • When the zone valve end switch closes, the “VALVE OPEN” LED illuminates, the XX contacts close, the SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP terminals deliver 120 VAC. DHW Time Out \ Freeze Prevention Feature • After one hour of a priority demand, the control will open the DHW contacts and turn off power to the DHW pump and Zone Valve #1. • If a heating demand is present from Zones #2- 6, the control will satisfy those demands before going back to the DHW call. • After the heating demands are met, the control will go back to DHW and re-set the one hour timer. • If any other zone was calling (Zones 2 thru 6) when Zone #1 called, power (24 VAC) is dropped to those zones. 31 32 C3 - Mod/Con boiler, priority indirect DHW on load side of hydro sep, zone valves Buffer tank- Optional hydraulic separator ZV2 SECONDARY! pump SYSTEM! pump PRIORITY! pump DHW! AQUASTAT DHW! AQUASTAT XX DHW R ZR/ZC T W R C T COM W T T-STAT 1 R C T COM T-STAT 2 T W C T COM T-STAT 3 R T W C T COM T-STAT 4 R T W C T COM T-STAT 5 R T W D C P PWR COMMS T COM T-STAT 6 TSAT1 ZONE1 MASTER SLAVE TSAT2 ZONE2 ZVR106 TSAT3 ZONE3 6 Zone STATUS DURING PRIORITY ON OFF TSAT5 ZONE5 PRIORITY ON POWER IN L N PRIORITY PUMP N L SEC PUMP L N SYSTEM PUMP L N TSAT4 ZONE4 TSAT6 ZONE6 OFF ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZONE 5 ZONE 6 END END END END END END MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH L N Hydronic diagram is for illustration purposes only, some components have been removed for simplicity. ZV3 ZV4 ZV5 ZV6 Description of terminals Sequence of Operation / Settings = Ground Priority Jumper: ON (Zone #1 becomes priority) N = Neutral (common leg of 120 VAC) Master/Slave Jumper: Master L = Line (live leg of 120 VAC) Status During Priority: ON Thermostat terminals R = 24 VAC W = Heat call C = Common of 24 VAC Boiler terminals XX = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes when any zone calls including priority. Typically connected to TT on boiler control. DHW (ZR/ZC) = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes only when priority is enabled and calling. Typically used to close ZR\ZC (120 VAC) or DHW contacts (24 VAC) on boiler controls equipped with these features. Pump terminals SYSTEM PUMP = Runs when any zone calls for heat. When priority is enabled, the status of the pump (on\off) during a priority call is selected via a jumper SEC PUMP = Runs when any zone calls for heat except the priority zone when it is enabled. PRIORITY PUMP = Runs when the priority zone calls. A jumper is required between the END SWITCH terminals when using a pump. Valve terminals Motor = 24 VAC to power the zone valve motor End Switch = Connects to end switch on zone valve. Must be jumpered if using a 2 –wire zone valve. WARNING: NEVER CONNECT R & C DIRECTLY, this will be a direct short on the 24 VAC supply • A demand occurs from a T-stat (T-stat closes TT terminals) in zones 2 thru 6. The “T-STAT CALL” LED illuminates for that zone. • The PRIORITY PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP contacts deliver 120 VAC • The SEC PUMP is off. • Once the Zone #1 DHW demand is satisfied, power to the PRIORITY PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP is dropped, the DHW contacts open. • ZVR control sends 24 VAC to the corresponding zone MOTOR terminals to open the zone valve. • If a demand from zones 2 thru 6 is present, 24 VAC is delivered to the corresponding zone valve(s) and the “T-STAT CALL” LED’s illuminate. • When the end switch on the zone valve closes, the control sends 120 VAC to SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP. The “VALVE OPEN” LED illuminates for that zone and the XX contacts close to signal a heat demand to the boiler. • When the zone valve end switch closes, the “VALVE OPEN” LED illuminates, the XX contacts close, the SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP terminals deliver 120 VAC. • When the demand from the T-stat is satisfied (T-stat opens TT terminals), both the “T-STAT CALL” and “VALVE OPEN” LED’s turn off. • 24 VAC is dropped from the corresponding zone MOTOR terminals. • If no other zones are calling, power is dropped to the SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP and the XX contacts are opened. • If a demand occurs from the DHW aquastat (zone #1), The “T-STAT CALL” LED illuminates for Zone #1 and the “VALVE OPEN” LED will illuminate. (When using a DHW pump, a jumper must be installed on Zone #1 end switch terminals.) DHW Time Out \ Freeze Prevention Feature • After one hour of a priority demand, the control will open the DHW contacts and turn off power to the DHW pump and Zone Valve #1. • If a heating demand is present from Zones #2- 6, the control will satisfy those demands before going back to the DHW call. • After the heating demands are met, the control will go back to DHW for and re-set the one hour timer. • If any other zone was calling (Zones 2 thru 6) when Zone #1 called, power (24 VAC) is dropped to those zones. • The XX and DHW contacts close. 33 34 C4- Mod/Con boiler, priority indirect DHW on primary side of hydro sep, expansion control Buffer tank - Optional hydraulic separator ZV2 ZV3 ZV4 ZV8 ZV7 ZV6 ZV5 ZV9 ZV12 ZV11 ZV10 SECONDARY! pump PRIORITY! pump DHW! AQUASTAT SYSTEM! pump DHW! AQUASTAT XX DHW R ZR/ZC T W R C T COM W T T-STAT 1 R C T COM T-STAT 2 T W C T COM T-STAT 3 R W T C T COM T-STAT 4 R T W C T COM T-STAT 5 R T W D C P XX PWR COMMS T COM DHW R ZR/ZC T T-STAT 6 W R C T COM W T T-STAT 1 R C T COM T-STAT 2 W T C T COM T-STAT 3 R W T C T COM T-STAT 4 R T W C T COM T-STAT 5 R T W D C TSAT1 ZONE1 MASTER MASTER SLAVE TSAT2 ZONE2 STATUS DURING PRIORITY ON OFF L N PRIORITY PUMP N L SEC PUMP L N SYSTEM PUMP L N ZVR106 PRIORITY STATUS DURING PRIORITY TSAT6 ZONE6 OFF ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZONE 5 ZONE 6 L N ON OFF L N PRIORITY PUMP N L SEC PUMP L N SYSTEM PUMP L N TSAT4 ZONE4 TSAT5 ZONE5 PRIORITY ON POWER IN END END END END END END MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH TSAT3 ZONE3 6 Zone TSAT4 ZONE4 TSAT5 ZONE5 ON POWER IN TSAT2 ZONE2 TSAT3 ZONE3 6 Zone PWR TSAT1 ZONE1 SLAVE ZVR106 P COMMS T COM T-STAT 6 TSAT6 ZONE6 OFF ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZONE 5 ZONE 6 ZV7 ZV8 ZV9 ZV10 ZV11 ZV12 END END END END END END MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH L N PRIORITY! pump SECONDARY SECONDARY! pump pump SYSTEM! SYSTEM pump pump ZV2 ZV3 ZV4 ZV5 Hydronic diagram is for illustration purposes only, some components have been removed for simplicity. ZV6 Description of terminals Sequence of Operation / Settings = Ground Control #1 (Master) N = Neutral (common leg of 120 VAC) Priority Jumper: ON (Zone #1 becomes priority) L = Line (live leg of 120 VAC) Master/Slave Jumper: Master Thermostat terminals R = 24 VAC W = Heat call C = Common of 24 VAC Boiler terminals XX = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes when any zone calls including priority. Typically connected to TT on boiler control. DHW (ZR/ZC) = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes only when priority is enabled and calling. Typically used to close ZR\ZC (120 VAC) or DHW contacts (24 VAC) on boiler controls equipped with these features. Pump terminals SYSTEM PUMP = Runs when any zone calls for heat. When priority is enabled, the status of the pump (on\off) during a priority call is selected via a jumper SEC PUMP = Runs when any zone calls for heat except the priority zone when it is enabled. PRIORITY PUMP = Runs when the priority zone calls. A jumper is required between the END SWITCH terminals when using a pump. Valve terminals Motor = 24 VAC to power the zone valve motor End Switch = Connects to end switch on zone valve. Must be jumpered if using a 2 –wire zone valve. WARNING: NEVER CONNECT R & C DIRECTLY, this will be a direct short on the 24 VAC supply Status During Priority: OFF Control #2 (Slave) Priority Jumper: OFF Master/Slave Jumper: Slave Status During Priority: OFF • A demand occurs from a T-stat (T-stat closes TT terminals) in zones 2 thru 12. The “T-STAT CALL” LED illuminates for that zone. • ZVR control sends 24 VAC to the corresponding zone MOTOR terminals to open the zone valve. • When the end switch on the zone valve closes, the control sends 120 VAC to SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP. The “VALVE OPEN” LED illuminates for that zone and the XX contacts close to signal a heat demand to the boiler. NOTE: The SEC PUMP output is only fired on the control that receives the t-stat call. For instance, if a zone from control #1 calls, the SEC PUMP on control #1 fires but SEC PUMP on control #2 does not. When using a single secondary pump with 2 controls, the secondary pump must be connected to the “SYSTEM PUMP” terminals. (An alternative wiring option for secondary pump is to wire the secondary pump to the “SEC PUMP” terminals of both controls). • When the demand from the T-stat is satisfied (T-stat opens TT terminals), both the “T-STAT CALL” and “VALVE OPEN” LED’s turn off. • 24 VAC is dropped from the corresponding zone MOTOR terminals. • If no other zones are calling, power is dropped to the SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP and the XX contacts are opened. • If a demand occurs from the DHW aquastat (zone #1), The “T-STAT CALL” LED illuminates for Zone #1 and the “VALVE OPEN” LED will illuminate. (When using a DHW pump, a jumper must be installed on Zone #1 end switch terminals.) • If any other zone was calling (Zones 2 thru 12) when Zone #1 called, power (24 VAC) is dropped to those zones. • The XX and DHW contacts close. • The PRIORITY PUMP contacts deliver 120 VAC • The SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP are off. • Once the Zone #1 DHW demand is satisfied, power to the PRIORITY PUMP is dropped, the DHW contacts open. • If a demand from zones 2 thru 12 is present, 24 VAC is delivered to the corresponding zone valve(s) and the “T-STAT CALL” LED’s illuminate. • When the zone valve end switch closes, the “VALVE OPEN” LED illuminates, the XX contacts close, the SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP terminals deliver 120 VAC. • DHW Time Out \ Freeze Prevention Feature • After one hour of a priority demand, the control will open the DHW contacts and turn off power to the DHW pump and Zone Valve #1. • If a heating demand is present from Zones #2- 12, the control will satisfy those demands before going back to the DHW call. • After the heating demands are met, the control will go back to DHW for and re-set the one hour timer. 35 36 ZV6 ZV5 ZV4 SYSTEM! pump ZV3 ZV2 C5 - Traditional boiler, indirect DHW (no priority) with valve, zone valves ZV1 DHW! aquastat XX DHW R ZR/ZC T W R C T COM THM 1 W T R C T COM THM 2 T W C T COM THM 3 R W T C T COM THM 4 R T W C T COM THM 5 R T W C D P PWR COMMS T COM THM 6 Master/Slave ZRV106 6 Zone Z6V THM1 ZONE1 THM2 ZONE2 THM3 ZONE3 THM4 ZONE4 THM5 ZONE5 STATUS DURING PRIORITY POWER IN L N PRIORITY PUMP L N SEC PUMP L L N Hydronic diagram is for illustration purposes only, some components have been removed for simplicity. N SYSTEM PUMP THM6 ZONE6 PRIORITY ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZONE 5 ZONE 6 END END END END END END MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH Description of terminals Sequence of Operation / Settings = Ground Priority Jumper: OFF N = Neutral (common leg of 120 VAC) Master/Slave Jumper: Master L = Line (live leg of 120 VAC) Status During Priority: OFF Thermostat terminals R = 24 VAC W = Heat call C = Common of 24 VAC • A demand occurs from a T-stat (T-stat closes TT terminals) in zones 2 thru 6 otr the aquastat on zone #1. The “T-STAT CALL” LED illuminates for that zone. Boiler terminals XX = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes when any zone calls including priority. Typically connected to TT on boiler control. • ZVR control sends 24 VAC to the corresponding zone MOTOR terminals to open the zone valve. DHW (ZR/ZC) = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes only when priority is enabled and calling. Typically used to close ZR\ZC (120 VAC) or DHW contacts (24 VAC) on boiler controls equipped with these features. Pump terminals SYSTEM PUMP = Runs when any zone calls for heat. When priority is enabled, the status of the pump (on\off) during a priority call is selected via a jumper SEC PUMP = Runs when any zone calls for heat except the priority zone when it is enabled. PRIORITY PUMP = Runs when the priority zone calls. A jumper is required between the END SWITCH terminals when using a pump. Valve terminals Motor = 24 VAC to power the zone valve motor End Switch = Connects to end switch on zone valve. Must be jumpered if using a 2 –wire zone valve. • When the end switch on the zone valve closes, the control sends 120 VAC to SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP. The “VALVE OPEN” LED illuminates for that zone and the XX contacts close to signal a heat demand to the boiler. • When the demand from the T-stat is satisfied (T-stat opens TT terminals), both the “T-STAT CALL” and “VALVE OPEN” LED’s turn off. • 24 VAC is dropped from the corresponding zone MOTOR terminals. • If no other zones are calling, power is turned off to the SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP and the XX contacts are opened. WARNING: NEVER CONNECT R & C DIRECTLY, this will be a direct short on the 24 VAC supply 37 ZV6 ZV5 ZV4 SYSTEM! pump ZV3 ZV2 C6- Traditional boiler with reset control, priority indirect DHW with valve, zone valves ZV1 DHW! aquastat DHW! aquastat XX DHW R ZR/ZC T W R C T COM THM 1 W T R C T COM THM 2 T W C T COM THM 3 R W T C T COM THM 4 R T W C T COM THM 5 R T W C D P Master/Slave ZRV106 6 Zone Z6V ZC ZR T T PWR COMMS T COM THM 6 THM1 ZONE1 THM2 ZONE2 THM3 ZONE3 THM4 ZONE4 THM5 ZONE5 STATUS DURING PRIORITY POWER IN L N PRIORITY PUMP L N SEC PUMP L N L N Hydronic diagram is for illustration purposes only, some components have been removed for simplicity. SYSTEM PUMP THM6 ZONE6 PRIORITY ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZONE 5 ZONE 6 END END END END END END MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH 38 Description of terminals Sequence of Operation = Ground Priority Jumper: ON (Zone #1 becomes priority) N = Neutral (common leg of 120 VAC) Master/Slave Jumper: Master L = Line (live leg of 120 VAC) Status During Priority: ON Thermostat terminals R = 24 VAC W = Heat call C = Common of 24 VAC Boiler terminals XX = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes when any zone calls including priority. Typically connected to TT on boiler control. DHW (ZR/ZC) = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes only when priority is enabled and calling. Typically used to close ZR\ZC (120 VAC) or DHW contacts (24 VAC) on boiler controls equipped with these features. Pump terminals SYSTEM PUMP = Runs when any zone calls for heat. When priority is enabled, the status of the pump (on\off) during a priority call is selected via a jumper SEC PUMP = Runs when any zone calls for heat except the priority zone when it is enabled. PRIORITY PUMP = Runs when the priority zone calls. A jumper is required between the END SWITCH terminals when using a pump. Valve terminals Motor = 24 VAC to power the zone valve motor End Switch = Connects to end switch on zone valve. Must be jumpered if using a 2 –wire zone valve. WARNING: NEVER CONNECT R & C DIRECTLY, this will be a direct short on the 24 VAC supply • A demand occurs from a T-stat (T-stat closes TT terminals) in zones 2 thru 6. The “T-STAT CALL” LED illuminates for that zone. • The PRIORITY PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP contacts deliver 120 VAC • The SEC PUMP is off. • Once the Zone #1 DHW demand is satisfied, power to the PRIORITY PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP is dropped, the DHW contacts open. • ZVR control sends 24 VAC to the corresponding zone MOTOR terminals to open the zone valve. • If a demand from zones 2 thru 6 is present, 24 VAC is delivered to the corresponding zone valve(s) and the “T-STAT CALL” LED’s illuminate. • When the end switch on the zone valve closes, the control sends 120 VAC to SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP. The “VALVE OPEN” LED illuminates for that zone and the XX contacts close to signal a heat demand to the boiler. • When the zone valve end switch closes, the “VALVE OPEN” LED illuminates, the XX contacts close, the SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP terminals deliver 120 VAC. • When the demand from the T-stat is satisfied (T-stat opens TT terminals), both the “T-STAT CALL” and “VALVE OPEN” LED’s turn off. • 24 VAC is dropped from the corresponding zone MOTOR terminals. • If no other zones are calling, power is dropped to the SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP and the XX contacts are opened. • If a demand occurs from the DHW aquastat (zone #1), The “T-STAT CALL” LED illuminates for Zone #1 and the “VALVE OPEN” LED will illuminate. (When using a DHW pump, a jumper must be installed on Zone #1 end switch terminals.) DHW Time Out \ Freeze Prevention Feature • After one hour of a priority demand, the control will open the DHW contacts and turn off power to the DHW pump and Zone Valve #1. • If a heating demand is present from Zones #2- 6, the control will satisfy those demands before going back to the DHW call. • After the heating demands are met, the control will go back to DHW and re-set the one hour timer. • If any other zone was calling (Zones 2 thru 6) when Zone #1 called, power (24 VAC) is dropped to those zones. • The XX and DHW contacts close. 39 C7 - Mod/Con boiler, hydro separator, zone valves (more than 6), multiple secondary pumps 40 "B"! pump "A"! pump A7 A8 A9 A10 A11A12 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 SYSTEM! pump XX DHW R ZR/ZC T W R C T COM W T T-STAT 1 R C T COM T-STAT 2 W T C T COM T-STAT 3 R W T C T COM T-STAT 4 R T W C T COM T-STAT 5 R T W D C P XX PWR COMMS T COM DHW R ZR/ZC T T-STAT 6 W R C T COM W T T-STAT 1 R C T COM T-STAT 2 W T C T COM T-STAT 3 R W T C T COM T-STAT 4 R T W C T COM T-STAT 5 R T W D C TSAT1 ZONE1 MASTER MASTER SLAVE TSAT2 ZONE2 STATUS DURING PRIORITY ON OFF L N PRIORITY PUMP N L SEC PUMP L N SYSTEM PUMP L N ZVR106 PRIORITY STATUS DURING PRIORITY TSAT6 ZONE6 OFF ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZONE 5 ZONE 6 L N ON OFF L N PRIORITY PUMP N L SEC PUMP L N SYSTEM PUMP L N TSAT4 ZONE4 TSAT5 ZONE5 PRIORITY ON POWER IN END END END END END END MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH TSAT3 ZONE3 6 Zone TSAT4 ZONE4 TSAT5 ZONE5 ON POWER IN TSAT2 ZONE2 TSAT3 ZONE3 6 Zone PWR TSAT1 ZONE1 SLAVE ZVR106 P COMMS T COM T-STAT 6 TSAT6 ZONE6 OFF ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZONE 5 ZONE 6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 END END END END END END MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH MOTOR SWITCH L N "B"! pump SYSTEM! pump "A"! pump A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Hydronic diagram is for illustration purposes only, some components have been removed for simplicity. A6 Description of terminals Sequence of Operation / Settings = Ground Control #1 (Master) N = Neutral (common leg of 120 VAC) Priority Jumper: OFF L = Line (live leg of 120 VAC) Master/Slave Jumper: Master Thermostat terminals R = 24 VAC W = Heat call C = Common of 24 VAC Status During Priority: OFF Boiler terminals XX = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes when any zone calls including priority. Typically connected to TT on boiler control. Master/Slave Jumper: Slave DHW (ZR/ZC) = Dry contacts rated up to 120 VAC, 2 Amps. Closes only when priority is enabled and calling. Typically used to close ZR\ZC (120 VAC) or DHW contacts (24 VAC) on boiler controls equipped with these features. Pump terminals SYSTEM PUMP = Runs when any zone calls for heat. When priority is enabled, the status of the pump (on\off) during a priority call is selected via a jumper SEC PUMP = Runs when any zone calls for heat except the priority zone when it is enabled. PRIORITY PUMP = Runs when the priority zone calls. A jumper is required between the END SWITCH terminals when using a pump. Valve terminals Motor = 24 VAC to power the zone valve motor End Switch = Connects to end switch on zone valve. Must be jumpered if using a 2 –wire zone valve. WARNING: NEVER CONNECT R & C DIRECTLY, this will be a direct short on the 24 VAC supply • If no other zones are calling, power is turned off to the SEC PUMP and SYSTEM PUMP and the XX contacts are opened. Control #2 (Slave) Priority Jumper: OFF Status During Priority: OFF • A demand occurs from a T-stat (T-stat closes TT terminals) in zones 1 thru 12. The “T-STAT CALL” LED illuminates for that zone. • ZVR control sends 24 VAC to the corresponding zone MOTOR terminals to open the zone valve. • When the end switch on the zone valve closes, the control sends 120 VAC to SYSTEM PUMP and to the SEC PUMP located on the ZVR control that is seeing the demand. The “VALVE OPEN” LED illuminates for that zone and the XX contacts close to signal a heat demand to the boiler. NOTE: The SEC PUMP output is only fired on the control that receives the t-stat call. For instance, if a zone from control #1 calls, the SEC PUMP on control #1 fires but SEC PUMP on control #2 does not. • When the demand from the T-stat is satisfied (T-stat opens TT terminals), both the “T-STAT CALL” and “VALVE OPEN” LED’s turn off. • 24 VAC is dropped from the corresponding zone MOTOR terminals. 41 42 Caleffi North America, Inc. / 3883 W Milwaukee Rd / Milwaukee, WI 53208 Tel: 414.238.2360 / Fax: 44.238.2366 www.caleffi.com/usa / sales@caleffi.com ©Copyright 2014 Caleffi North America, Inc