1 Coordination of Transmission Path Transfers Yuan Li and Vaithianathan Venkatasubramanian Abstract-- The transfer capability on a transmission path is limited by constraints on acceptability, voltage security, smallsignal stability and transient stability. For a large interconnected power grid, these constraints are influenced significantly by the interactions among path flows in different control areas. When a critical transmission path capability is limited by one of these constraints, it may be necessary to coordinate the interarea power transfers so as to improve the transfer capability on the constrained path without compromising on the security criteria. Based on such considerations, this paper presents a novel multiobjective methodology in which global strategies are developed for the improvement and coordination of transmission path transfers. The problem is formulated with respect to various constraints into suitable optimization problems. An efficient nonlinear programming algorithm with sufficient line search step is incorporated for finding optimal solutions while also incorporating security and stability constraints. The MW benefits for the transfer capability from the coordination procedure are explicitly demonstrated after the optimization process. The effectiveness of the methodology is illustrated by case studies on improving the capability of the California-Oregon Intertie (COI) for large-scale WECC western American power system models. Index Terms-- Transfer capability, transient stability, voltage security, small signal stability, nonlinear optimization, multiobjective programming I. INTRODUCTION Wtransactions are processed across different control areas ITHIN the context of deregulated power market, more as the power system gets more stressed with increasing loads. However, the power flows between these areas are often limited by various mechanisms, such as stability constraints, voltage bounds and thermal limits. The maximum power that could be transferred in a reliable fashion over any transmission line is described by NERC (North American Electric Reliability Council) as transfer capability [1]. Owing to the inherent trade-off between increasing This work was supported by funding from Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSerc), and by Consortium for Reliability Technology Solutions (CERTS), funded by the Assistant Secretary of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Office of Distributed Energy and Electricty Reliability, Transmision Reliability Program of the U.S. Department of Energy under Interagency Agreement No. DE-AI-99EE35075 with the National Science Foundation. Partial funding of the work from Bonneville Power Administration is also gratefully acknowledged. Yuan Li is with the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99163 USA (Email: yli1@eecs.wsu.edu). Vaithiananthan “Mani” Venkatasubramanian is with the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99163 USA (Email: mani@eecs.wsu.edu). utilization of the grid and security of operation, many research efforts have been carried out to enhance the transfer capability without violating those operation constraints. Generally, some approaches are categorized as Voltage Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow (VSC-OPF) [2,3] or Dynamic Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow (DSC-OPF) [4] problems regarding dynamic security or stability limitations. Other approaches dealing with thermal constraints are usually associated with traditional OPF problems. Studies in [2,3] incorporated voltage stability criteria into OPF formulation by virtue of maximum loading distance. Linearly combined objective functions and goal programming are implemented to solve this multiobjective programming problem. Reference [4] designed preventive control and correction control in DSCOPF through a three level hierarchical decomposition scheme where each sub-problem is solved by interior point method. In [5], the authors presented a framework to assess MW transfer limit concerning both the small-signal stability constraint and environmental objectives using a bicriterion programming approach. Eigenvalue sensitivity based constraints are evaluated into simulated annealing optimization scheme. In [6], the authors developed a nonlinear optimization based methodology to assess transfer capability in presence of static and dynamic constraints. Regarding the thermal limits, various approaches [7, 8] arise from congestion management to relieve the heavy loading situations on congested transmission flowgates. Unfortunately, most existing methodologies only address some specific transmission paths within a single control area. Coordination across several areas is rarely taken into account owing to the different ownership of these paths. Since modern power grid consists of multiple entities interconnected tightly with each other, the flows on one transmission provider’s system will interact with other flows and will change the resulting transfer capability of another transmission system by impacting on the operation and security of other systems [9]. Therefore, it is attractive to study the path transfer capability while also considering the interactions with other parts of the entire power grid. In this paper, a global framework is proposed for coordinating the MW transfers of several transmission paths, while also meeting the regulatory requirements on voltage security and dynamic security. As an example, we focus on maximizing the transmission capacity of the California-Oregon AC Inter-tie (COI), by coordinating other path-flows that have an impact on the COI capacity. We show that substantial improvements in the COI MW transfer can be achieved with reasonable rescheduling of neighboring tie-line flows using the 2 optimization algorithms presented. The optimal solutions suggest which other transmission paths significantly impact on the transmission capability of a specific path under consideration. The procedure also suggests potential redispatch of other transmission paths under highly stressed operating conditions to increase the transfer capability of a critical path such as COI. We want to emphasize the fact the capability coordination is carried out while also incorporating the constraints on security, which makes the formulation a challenging optimization problem for the large system. We discuss the formulations and optimizations in the following sections of the paper by illustrating the procedure on the COI path in WECC. The optimization methods presented below can be applied to general large power systems. II. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION AND FORMULATION Typically, all individual transmission paths and subsystems should comply with four constraints, i.e., transient stability, small-signal stability, voltage security and thermal limits. Energy flows over COI plays such an indispensable role in supplying power to California that all the stability and security indices will be investigated respectively. The system topology is demonstrated in Fig.1, where COI flow is transmitted from Northwest area (NW) to Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E). Other four main transfer paths from Northwest to its adjacent control areas B.C.HYDRO (BC), WEST KOOTENAY (WK), IDAHO (ID) and MONTANA (MT) should also be taken into account because the interactions among these interarea tie line flows will affect the transfer capability over COI directly. In the following studies, we have kept the power transfer over the Pacific HVDC inter-tie (PDCI) at constant values to emphasize the interactions of the AC transmission paths. PDCI path-flow can also be readily incorporated into the optimization formulations if so required. Fig 1 Illustration of Northwest and neighboring power grids A. Problem Objectives The primary concern is to transfer more real power over COI as long as the operation constraints are not violated. The COI power could be easily controlled by directly adjusting the generations from NW and PG&E. However, due to the complexity of large power network, there is no closed form expression for the stability or security constraints and hence direct optimization schemes cannot be applied. Alternatively, a novel methodology is proposed in our work by dividing the overall task into two stages. First, certain stability or security indices are maximized by coordinating the tie line flows from NW to adjacent control regions while the COI MW flow is kept constant. Then, with the new dispatching schedule in BC, WK, ID and MT, as suggested by the optimal solution in the first stage, the COI MW flow is increased until the system stability or security level reaches the lowest allowable operation limit. This way, the improvement in COI transmission capability from the coordination process can be found by calculating the difference of COI flows for the original system and the optimized system. There are basic differences between our coordination strategy and congestion management. Our strategy originates from optimal dispatching and copes with several stability constraints while improving the transmission capability over critical paths or interfaces. In contrast, congestion management attempts to adjust transactions systematically to ensure that security constraints are met [20]. Especially, most existing methods are proposed for thermal congestion management. In regulated industry, generations are dispatched by using distribution factors to estimate the effect of various units on the line constraints, while in deregulated industry, the transmission constraints are reflected in congestion prices to manage the transactions in a reliable range. B. Voltage Security Constraints Voltage stability can be related to saddle-node bifurcations. In [2,3], bifurcation parameter such as “loading factor” is optimized to improve the stability scenarios. Additionally, reactive power margins (QV margin) at certain critical buses also indicate the voltage security level to some extent [10]. WECC voltage security criteria require post-contingency reactive power margins to be above certain values at critical buses. Hence, our problem is formulated to maximize QV margin at the Malin bus, which is at the border of California and Oregon on the COI intertie. From operating experience, QV margin at Malin is a good criterion for voltage security for contingencies affecting COI capability. Therefore, we try to maximize Malin QV margin using the interarea transfer path flows as the control variables, while keeping the COI flow as constant. The neighboring MW transfer flows into NW are controlled by redispatching the net area exports in the respective control regions. NW area export is treated as a dependant variable to keep the COI power flow at a constant value. The objective during this stage is to improve the voltage security at Malin by adjusting the neighboring area exchange levels to NW. The optimization suggests which transfers significantly influence the QV margin at Malin. Once the transfers are adjusted to the new values determined from the optimization process, the COI transfer capability can be increased to higher values while maintaining the same QV margin at Malin as before the optimization process. We denote the resulting improvement in COI transfer as MW benefit, a standard terminology in WECC, and examples are shown in the section IV. 3 C. Small-Signal Stability Constraints In large interconnected power systems, undamped or poorly damped interarea oscillations can jeopardize the operation significantly. The western blackout that occurred in WECC on August 10, 1996 [11] is a classic example of small-signal instability when the 0.25 Hz interarea mode became negatively damped. Therefore, to improve the COI capacity with respect to small-signal stability limitations, we maximize the damping ratio of the 0.25 Hz interarea mode by coordinating MW transmissions from neighboring areas. The method can be modified to handle other interarea modes as relevant for specific systems. D. Transient Stability Constraints COI capability is limited by transient stability constraints for certain operating conditions. Based on past experiences, the simultaneous outage of two nuclear units at Palo Verde (denoted PV2) is one of the most severe contingencies that impact on COI capability. WECC criterion requires the bus voltages to stay above certain critical values in the transient stability simulations of PV2. Based on observations from typical cases, the transient stability performance is evaluated quantitatively by investigating the lowest voltage magnitude at Malin during the first swing after the PV2 contingency. Like in the previous constraints, we will maximize the bus voltage dip at Malin during the first swing following PV2, by formulating the adjacent area transfer flows into NW as the control variables. We will keep the COI flow constant during this optimization by adjusting the NW net export as a dependant variable like before. The proposed strategy of maximizing the Malin voltage dip as a transient stability optimization index is a novel contribution of this paper, and it proves to be an effective formulation for improving transient stability constraints on COI. We show that this strategy works well by computing the COI capability MW benefits after the redispatch as suggested by the optimization procedure. E. Thermal Limit Thermal limit or rating, which is also referred to as “transmission capacity”, describes the maximum power flow or current over a particular transmission component [1]. In our coordination strategy, it can be handled with less difficulty by taking advantage of traditional OPF algorithms. Furthermore, observing that the thermal limit is not the crucial factor restricting the COI flow capability in the western power grid, it is not discussed in our research. F. Economic Concerns In power markets with open transmission access, MW generations with less price or cost will be more attractive for the customers. Assuming there are different generation costs in each area, the overall expense associated with redispatching will fluctuate with the new generation schedules. Possibly, the overall generation costs will increase when we carry out the optimization of QV margin in Part B by the redispatching of transfer path flows. To address these concerns, a bicriterion optimization scheme is proposed later so that the additional expenses over the existing contracts can be minimized, together with the maximization of voltage security level as the second objective simultaneously. G. Software Applications The computations involve four commercial software engines: 1) Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Powerflow program pf, 2) Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) midterm transient stability program ETMSP, 3) EPRI output and PRONY analysis program OAP, and 4) EPRI small-signal stability program PEALS. The optimization algorithms have been developed as tailor made solutions to this severe implicit nonlinear problem. The optimization is implemented in the form of Unix Shell routines, which interface with the commercial engines mentioned above. The programs were tested on few standard WSCC planning cases. These are realistic large-scale representations of the western grid consisting of about 840 generators and 6300 buses. The project objective has been to demonstrate the feasibility of the computations for large-scale systems. Computational efficiency was not a priority. Typically, the algorithms converged to near optimal solutions in a few iterations. The results are dependent on power-flow scenarios and on contingency cases being considered. III. OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHMS A. Optimization Model Problems formulated regarding voltage security or dynamic stability constraint can be solved with typical nonlinear programming algorithms. max E ( p ) or min f ( p ) = − E ( p ) p∈ P s.t. p∈ P F ( x, p ) = 0 x min ≤ x ≤ x max p min ≤ p ≤ p max (1) where the objective function E(p), i.e., lowest voltage magnitude, QV margin or critical damping ratios will be maximized respectively on condition that the equality constraints such as power flow equations are satisfied. Vector p and x represents the control variables and other state variables. In BPA-pf, the interarea tie line flow can be changed conveniently by altering the net area exports of corresponding areas. Thus the control vector p consists of four components indicating the MW exports from BC, ID, MT and WK. Moreover, the export from NW is considered as a dependent variable in order to keep the COI flow constant and the total MW output of the system balanced. B. BFGS (Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno) Algorithm Owing to enormous computational burden involved in solving the optimization problems for the large power system, algorithms with less complexity and better convergence are taken into account in higher priority. For such implicit objective functions, some derivative-free algorithms, such as downhill simplex method [12] and multiple direction search algorithm [13] seem to be more competitive by avoiding the heavy computation in gradient vectors. However, such 4 advantages are cancelled out by the difficulties in proper initial value determination and the unaffordable searching process. Therefore, BFGS algorithm, an efficient and robust method of quasi-Newton family [14], is employed with the updating scheme given as: (2) p k +1 = p k − α k H k ∇ f ( p k ) Here, ∇f(pk) is the gradient vector of the objective function (1) at k-th iteration computed by center differentiation (3). f ( p + ∆p i ) − f ( p ) ∂f ( p ) (3) ∇f ( p) = = ∂ p i n ×1 ∆p i n ×1 ∆pi is selected to be from 1% to 5% perturbation value on ith entry pi of the control variable vector. αk is the optimal step length determined by line search at the k-th iteration. The approximation of Hessian matrix Hk is a positive definite matrix that can be adjusted according to (4). (4) H k +1 = ( I − ρ k s k y kT ) H k ( I − ρ k y k s kT ) + ρ k s k s kT Where s k = p k +1 − p k (5) y k = ∇f k +1 − ∇f k 1 ρk = T y k sk (6) (7) H0 is an arbitrary positive definite matrix. In the updating scheme, the curvature condition should also be satisfied: (8) s kT y k > 0 Another attractive property of BFGS is its effective selfcorrecting performance. If Hk incorrectly estimates the curvature in the objective function in which the bad estimation slows down the iteration, then the Hessian approximation will tend to correct itself within a few steps. C. Line Search Step The merits of BFGS algorithm, such as convergence and self-correcting property, hold only when an adequate line search is performed. In particular, as long as the Wolfe or strong Wolfe conditions (9a) and (9b) are imposed in the line search part, all the requirements to implement Quasi-Newton algorithms are met automatically. With the same denotation of f and p as objective function and control vector, let d be a descent direction for f, then the line search step αk would be acceptable if it meets the two inequalities of Wolfe conditions: (9a) f ( p k + α k d k ) ≤ f ( p k ) + c1α k ∇f kT d k (9b) d ∇f ( p k + α k d k ) ≥ c 2 d ∇f k for some constants c1 ∈ (0,1) and c 2 ∈ (c1 ,1) Condition (9a) forces a sufficient decrease in the function. However, this condition is not sufficient to guarantee convergence, because it allows arbitrarily small choices of any positive αk. Condition (9b), also called curvature condition, rules out such small choices and usually guarantees that αk is near a local minimizer of f(pk+αk•dk). To avoid getting lost in the details and to save space, the idea of the algorithm is presented briefly in this paper. The details are referred to the study in [15] by Mor and Thuente. T k T k The algorithm consists of a two-phase process: A search phase generates an interval containing desirable step lengths, then the interval is updated with a trial value which is selected by interpolation or extrapolation to approach a good step length. The basic steps can be stated as follows: • Search Algorithm Set I 0 = [0, ∞] For k = 0,1... Choose α k ∈ I k ∩ [α min,α max ] . Test for convergence. Update the interval. • Updating Algorithm Define Φ (α ) = f ( p + α ⋅ d ) . Given a trial value α t in I , the end points α l+ and α t+ of the updated interval I + are determined with following procedure: Case 1: If Φ (α t ) > Φ (α l ) , then α l+ = α t and α u+ = α u ; Case 2: If Φ (α t ) ≤ Φ (α l ) , and Φ '(α t )(α l − α t ) > 0 , then α l+ = α t and α u+ = α u ; Case 3: If Φ (α t ) ≤ Φ (α l ) , and Φ '(α t )(α l − α t ) < 0 , then α l+ = α t and α u+ = α l ; • Trial Value Selection Assuming that besides the endpoints α l and α u , and current trial point α t , function values f l , f u , f t and derivatives g l , g u , g t are also available. The new trial value is solved in terms of α c (the minimizer of the cubic that interpolates f l , f t , g l and g t ), α q (the minimizer of the quadratic that interpolates f l , f t and g l ), and α s (the minimizer of the quadratic that interpolates f l , g l and g t ): Case 1: f t > f l α t+ = αc if α c − α l < α q − α l (α q + α c ) / 2 o/w Case 2: f t ≤ f l and g l g t < 0 α t+ = α c if α c − α t ≥ α s − α t αs o/w Case 3: f t ≤ f l , g l g t ≥ 0 and g t ≤ g l α t+ = α c if α c − α t < α s − α t αs o/w Case 4: f t ≤ f l , g l g t ≥ 0 and g t ≥ g l α t+ is chosen as the minimizer of the cubic that interpolates f u , f t and g u , g t The Wolfe line search conditions ensure that the gradients are sampled at points that allow the model to capture appropriate curvature information. Hence condition (8) holds automatically. Moreover, Hk+1 is positive definite whenever Hk is positive definite. Typically we can simply set H0 to be identity matrix, or a multiple of the identity matrix, where the multiple is chosen to reflect the scaling or sensitivities of the 5 variables. As a result the convergence of the algorithm is guaranteed. Of all known Quasi-Newton updates, the BFGS algorithm with Wolfe line search step has so far the best performance in practice. D. Multiobjective Programming The combination of voltage security and generation expense objectives call for the solution from Pareto set [16] in the decision making. To determine this set, one traditional approach [17] is to optimize a super-objective function created by each conflict objective functions with various weights: min w1 E1 + w2 E 2 (10) where E1 and E2 represent the two decision objectives Q margin and economical expense, while weights w1 and w2 of the objectives are consistent with decision maker’s interest. In particular, we set w1 + w2 = 1 to normalize the objectives. With different setting of weights, BFGS algorithm is applied to find the optimal value respectively. The final solution chosen from the Pareto set will totally depend on the operator’s preference and experience, which may lead to arbitrary decisions resulting from the complex nature of the multiple criteria and difficulty in evaluating performance of power system precisely. E. Penalty Function Once “soft constraints” are taken into account, such as the upper or lower limit of the MW generation of certain areas or some power plant, adjustment has to be applied by additional penalty term to the objective function: (11) E p ( p) = ( p − pl )′Dl ( p − pl ) + ( pu − p)′Du ( pu − p) TABLE 1 ORIGINAL SCHEDULED AREA EXPORTS AND OPTIMIZED AREA EXPORTS Area BC ID MT WK NW Original Plan(MW) 1700 399 595 70.2 6520 Optimized Generation Plan (MW) Base case PV2 DB2 1743 1548 1758 864 597 774 830 584 860 160 -207 337 5687 6763 5556 Fig. 2. QV Curve in the base case where p: control variable vector pl: lower bound vector for control variables pu:upper bound vector for control variables Du, Dl: diagonal weighting matrix As a matter of fact, the penalty function in (11) will only influence the objective function when the constraints are violated and thus prevent the control variables from an unacceptable level. IV. CASE STUDY A. Voltage Security (1998 Spring Peak WECC Case) For improving voltage security, QV margin at Malin bus is maximized by using the net area exports in the areas BC, ID, MT and WK as the control variables. COI flow is kept constant by adjusting the value of dependent variable, i.e., the area export in the Northwest area. Therefore, we are effectively modifying the power transfers from BC, ID, MT and WK to NW as the control variables in the optimization while COI flow remains unchanged. Table 1 summarizes the adjustment of area exports after the optimization procedure. Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 illustrate the corresponding improvements in the Malin QV margin from the coordination of the transmission path flows to Northwest. Fig. 3. QV Curve in the contingency cases For the base case, QV margin can be improved by 170 MVAR. In contingency studies, we consider two cases, double Palo Verde outage (PV2) discussed earlier, and double Diablo outage (DB2) contingency which is the simultaneous outage of two Diablo nuclear units in California. BPA powerflow program pf is used for evaluating the QV margin at Malin and governor control actions are included in the postcontingency power-flow solutions so that the other generators will pickup the dropped generation with their reserves after the contingency events. For the two contingencies, PV2 and DB2, the Malin QV margins are improved by 140 MVAR and 220 MVAR, respectively. Although the improvement appears to be only a small proportion of the total QV margin, it is of great importance to enhance the system voltage security under such 6 severe contingency situations. Hence, our optimization algorithm has proved to be successful and the efficiency is verified. We also recognize that different tie-line flows (or regional energy generations) will impose different effects on power system performance. For example, the importance of Idaho is observed since it contributes the most among all the control areas, both in the base case and in contingency cases, while the activity in BC.Hydro is not that significant to improve the entire system performance. Next, we calculate the MW benefits for the COI transfer from the optimization process when it is constrained by voltage security. We assume that the minimum acceptable QV margin at Malin is 400 MVAR for all the cases, which is the criterion used in WECC for all double contingencies. We compute the COI transfer limit when the Malin QV margin goes below 400 MVAR for the original set of area exchange values and the optimized transfer values from the optimization process. The improvement in COI transfer capability is then the net MW benefits from the optimization procedure, while maintaining the same level of voltage security. The computed benefits for the PV2 contigency cases with different single component out of service scenarios are tabulated in Table 2. The first row in Table 2 corresponds to the PV2 contingency starting from the base case that was shown in Table 1. The other cases assume one equipment to be out-ofservice first as listed below, and then, the PV2 contingency is applied. Table 2 only summarizes the net MW benefits and the optimized changes to the area interchanges for each of these cases are not listed to save space. TABLE 2 MW BENEFITS FOR COI CAPABILITY WITH VOLTAGE SECURITY CONSTRAINTS Case 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 COI limit(MW) 4689 4738 4705 4653 4578 4537 4527 COI limit (New)(MW) 4765 4828 4742 4696 4655 4746 4639 Benefits (MW) 76 90 37 43 77 109 112 The cases tabulated in Table 2 are: Case 0: Base case Case 1: Chief Joseph generator out of service Case 2: McNary generator out of service Case 3: Lower Monumental generator out of service Case 4: Ashe to Lower Monumental 500 kV transmission line out of service Case 5: Hanford to Coulee 500 kV transmission line out of service Case 6: McNary to Sacajawea 500 kV transmission line out of service In summary, the benefits may vary with different system conditions. However, for most of the contingency cases, it is still possible to make considerable improvement on COI capability limit from the coordination procedure. B. Small-signal Stability (1998 Spring Peak WECC Case) In this section, we will coordinate the area transfers to improve the damping of the 0.25 Hz COI mode. The high dimension, strong nonlinearity and complexity of interconnected power system make it impossible to carry out a full eigenvalue solution for WECC large power system models. Furthermore, as far as critical interarea modes are concerned, existing commercial software for small-signal stability analysis, such as PEALS, appear to be inconsistent in computing the damping of the 0.25 Hz WECC mode [18] for different COI transfer levels. Alternatively, we estimate the 0.25 Hz damping level using the Prony analysis [19, 21] by simulating a small disturbance on ETMSP as follows: 1) Calculate a power flow solution with BPA-pf to set up the initial condition for the ETMSP simulation. 2) Perform an ETMSP transient stability type simulation for say 30 seconds. 3) Identify the damping of the 0.25 Hz COI mode from PRONY analysis in the EPRI program OAP over a fixed time window. Adjustments need to be made when PRONY provides two modes of nearly same frequency, and the details can be seen in [19]. In our study, two types of disturbance and two types of control options are adopted on the system individually as follows. (1) Case 0: Single 500 kV COI transmission line Malin to Round Mountain is opened and is reclosed after a short outage duration to simulate a small disturbance. (2) Case 1: Double Palo Verde outage contingency (PV2) is explored as a large disturbance. Area exports for BC, ID, MT, WK, and NW are used as the optimization variables in this case. Again, the net exports in BC, ID, MT and WK are set up as control variables while NW net export is a dependant variable to keep COI flow constant. (3) Case 2: To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimization for redispatching generations within a single area, specific generator outputs of NW area are altered for the PV2 contingency case. Besides McNary, Chief Jo and John Day, three other plants selected are Centralia, Wanapum and Lower Monumental plants. Optimization algorithm is applied and subsequently, the MW benefits are obtained for different disturbances and control options. The optimization process is terminated when either the convergence criterion is reached or when stability constraints are violated. Optimized generation plans are suggested in Table 3 from the optimization process. Soft constraints on overall regional generation capacity are counted. It should be noticed from Table 3 that the critical damping mode has been improved significantly through the optimization and coordination process. The outcome also shows that the interarea damping mode is very sensitive to MW transmissions. The data in Table 3 also indicates that a control action such as generation redispatch within the NW area itself can influence the system small-signal stability performance significantly. The main generators in NW, such as McNary, Chief Jo and John Day have larger capacity and closer electrical distance to COI than those generators in MT 7 and ID. Thus, they appear to be more critical in determining the damping of the 0.25 Hz interarea damping mode. TABLE 3 ORIGINAL SCHEDULED AREA GENERATION AND OPTIMIZED GENERATION PLANS Case 0 1 2 Control Variables BC ID MT WK NW BC ID MT WK NW McNary Chief Jo Low.Mon. Wanapum John Day Centralia Before Optim (MW) 1700 399 595 70.2 6520 1700 399 595 70.2 5520 900 550 700 474 2325 670 After Optim (MW) 2028 707 659 -230 6125 1637 639 554 -10 5463 1002 531 712 478 2507 708 Damping Ratio (Before) Damping Ratio (After) 0.06475 0.07697 0.04997 0.06185 0.04997 0.06334 coordination of generation dispatches within NW (Case 2) are designed to maximize the voltage level. Case 1 and Case 2 are studied with the same definition as those in the Part B. The new generation schedules following the optimization are listed in Table 5. In Fig. 4, the plot illustrates the transient simulation result from original base case and after three new coordination plans. It is clear that COI ratings restricted by transient stability constraint are also improved greatly (Table 6). Full details on the implementation and the methodology can be seen in [22]. TABLE 4 MW BENEFITS FOR COI CAPABILITY FOR SMALL-SIGNAL STABILITY CONSTRAINT Case 0 1 2 COI rating(MW) 4935 3725 3725 COI rating (New)(MW) 5257 3923 4008 Benefit (MW) 322 198 283 COI MW benefits from suggested generation redispatching are listed in Table 4. Here, we assume that COI capability limit is reached when the damping of the 0.25 Hz mode decreases to 5% as the COI transfer is increased. However, system scenarios and other constraints can limit the actual benefits. During the optimization process, the transient stability constraints may be reached prior to the small-signal stability constraints. That is, when the real power through COI is maximized in small-signal stability sense (First row in Table 4), the system becomes so fragile that transient stability cannot be maintained for even small disturbances. Cases 1 and 2 in Table 4 are more realistic in that they denote actual improvements in COI capability for the critical PV2 contingency while also maintaining a stringent 5% damping requirement in the transient stability simulation. These simulations show that the proposed optimization procedure can indeed be a powerful tool for addressing small-signal stability constraints. C. Transient Stability A typical test case, double Palo Verde outage contingency case PV2 is chosen to investigate the transient stability constraints that limit the COI transfer capability. The lowest voltage magnitude of first swing at Malin bus, which is also one of the end points of COI lines at the California border, is used as an indicator of system performance during the optimization process. In this way, two different control plans, that is, the coordination of area exchanges to NW (Case 1) and Fig. 4. Transient simulation It can be observed that different regions or generators play different roles in enhancing the transient stability problem during PV2 outage contingency. In Case 1, the generation in BC is reduced and generation in ID is increased toward better swing shape. That means that decreasing BC-NW or increasing ID-NW is helpful to improve COI transient stability margin. In Case 2, the sensitivities of generators to the stability can be identified even though they are all located in the NW area. Roughly speaking, the generators at Chief Jo, McNary, John Day and Lower Monumental have more significant effects, as compared to Wanapum and Centralia. TABLE 5 ORIGINAL SCHEDULED AREA GENERATIONS AND OPTIMIZED GENERATIONS Case 1 2 Control Variables BC ID MT WK NW McNary Chief Jo Low.Mon. Wanapum JohnDay Centralia Before Optim 1700 399 595 70.2 6520 900 550 700 474 2325 670 After Optim 1536 836 784 438 5089 1037 700 559 491 2529 678 Lowest Voltage Damping Ratio 0.8677 0.06272 0.8338 0.06120 TABLE 6 MW BENEFITS FOR COI CAPABILITY FOR TRANSIENT STABILITY CONSTRAINT Case 1 COI rating (MW) 4090 COI rating (New)(MW) 4350 Benefit (MW) 260 8 2 4090 4213 133 It is also notable that the results also meet the requirements for small-signal stability. In each case, additional Prony analysis is performed on the time windows 20 – 30 seconds and thus the damping of the 0.25 Hz mode can also be obtained. Actually, when first swing voltage profile is improved, the small-signal stability is also better off with higher damping ratio in Table 5. In the base case, the damping ratio is only 0.05670, and the damping value does improve for both optimized solutions in Table 5. In this section, we have proposed a novel method for improving the COI capability when limited by transient stability constraints using the coordination optimization algorithms. The algorithms automate the process of finding optimal redispatching of either area exchanges or NW generation schedules for improving the COI transfer capability. D. Economic Concerns We assume that there exist specified generation costs over different control regions. For simplicity, only slack bus generations are taken into account. The coordination procedures suggested in earlier sections of the paper will result in changes to the overall cost of generating power at these plants. We can study interesting optimization scenarios for minimizing these costs and many different formulations are possible. We illustrate one such example in this section by considering the economic costs together with voltage security objectives. The generation costs are assumed as follows. TABLE 7 COST OF GENERATIONS Area Price BC 0.8 ID 1.5 MT 1.6 WK 1.35 NW 1 We can then compute the total extra cost from redispatching by calculating the extra cost associated with each generation beyond the original scheduled generation and by summing them up together. Hence, a bicriterion programming process is carried out in Table 8 with different weights on the improvement of Malin QV margin (w1) and on the total extra cost (w2). TABLE 8 GENERATIONS WITH ECONOMIC CONCERNS Generation BC ID MT WK NW Extra Cost QV(Mvar) Base Case (MW) 1700 399 595 70.2 6520 0 1944 Case I (MW) 1750 695 654 86 6097 179 2039 Case II (MW) 1785 625 549 13 6311 48 2005 Case I: w1 = 0.9 , w2 = 0.1 Case II: w1 = 0.8 , w2 = 0.2 The weights reflect the operators’ point of view in decisionmaking. Compared with Case I, we put more emphasis on economical cost in Case II. Hence, it is reasonable that the solution of Case II will lead to less cost than that of Case I. Likewise, since the weight corresponding to QV margin in Case I is larger, the optimization result in Case I will have better voltage security performance than that of Case II. As for the system operators or the market players, they only need to alter the weight vector based on their preferences. The weight w1 and w2 are chosen between 0 and 1. Consequently, a different set of solution indicating the relative significance of multiple objectives will be created. Similarly, in order to investigate the effect from multiple constraints, some other objectives can also be included into the optimization in this way, such as small-signal stability constraint. The multiobjective optimization procedures are far more challenging. They require further research and investigation. V. CONCLUSIONS The coordination strategies would be of vital importance in stressed power-flow scenarios when there is a need to increase the capability of one or more critical transmission lines by rescheduling of other paths, while also satisfying strict requirements on system security and stability. We have shown that the problem can be formulated into constrained optimization problems. The resulting optimization formulations while being highly severe, can indeed be solved for large-scale systems such as WECC and the results can be useful for system operation and planning. The nonlinear optimization results could suggest operating procedures, which could be entered into the transmission contracts appropriately. Also, by introducing the economic costs associated with specific path-flows, the optimization can be used for maximizing the profits of a specific path owner by approaching the problem in a global sense. 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Vaithaianathan “Mani” Venkatasubramanian is presently an Associate Professor in Electrical Engineering at Washington State University, Pullman, WA. His research interests include the stability analysis and control designs for large scale power system models.