ADDENDUM NO. 1 PROJECT TITLE: PUMPING PLANT CONTROL SYSTEMS REHABILITATION LOCATION: SUTTER BYPASS SPECIFICATION NO.: 10-09 CONTRACT NO.: C51415 ISSUED BY: STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES The following changes are hereby made by this addendum: 1. Revised specification page numbers: 00002-1, 00002-3, 00410-3, 00410-4, 01110-2, 01110-4, 01110-5, 01110-6, 01110-7, 16060-3, 16122-1, 16122-8, 16210-1, and 16210-6. 2. Revised drawing sheet numbers: 3 and 69. BIDDER'S SIGNATURE This addendum shall be signed below in the same manner as the bid is signed. Bidder: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ By (Authorized Officer): ___________________________________________ Business Address: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Dated: ________________________, 2010. THIS ADDENDUM COMPRISES 15 PAGES AND 2 DRAWINGS. THIS COVER PAGE MUST BE SIGNED AND RETURNED WITH THE BID. (Addn. No. 1, Pg. 1) L-09 Notice to Contractors DOCUMENT 00002 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS STATE OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Sealed bids for PUMPING PLANT CONTROL SYSTEMS REHABILITATION SUTTER BYPASS FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE SUTTER COUNTY CALIFORNIA SPECIFICATION NO. 10-09 CONTRACT NO. C51415 will be received by the Department of Water Resources at the Resources Building, 1416 Ninth Street, Room 418, Sacramento, California 95814, not later than 2:00 P.M. on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2010, at which time they will be publicly opened and read at an announced location in the vicinity of such office. NOTE: Bidders/Visitors should allow sufficient time for checking in with Security upon entering main floor of the Resources Building. Bid forms for this work are included in a separate booklet titled BID FORM. Bids will be considered only if submitted for all the work required for the above project. The work is defined in Section 01110 – Summary of Work, and includes but is not limited to the following principal features: 1. Mobilization and demobilization. 2. Selective demolition. 3. Clearing and grubbing. 00002-1 (Addn. No. 1, Pg. 2) L-09 Notice to Contractors 29. Automatic transfer switches and load banks. 30. Metal-enclosed switchgear. 31. Panelboards. 32. Lighting. 33. Communication System. 34. SCADA Systems. 35. Prefabricated Control Buildings. 36. Training programs. Quantities of work, materials, and equipment required for completion of the work are specified in Document 00410 – Bid Schedule, which is subject to change. 1. WAGE RATES Pursuant to Sections 1770 through 1773.8 of the California Labor Code, the Director of Industrial Relations has determined the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for the locality in which the work is to be performed. Such rates are on file for inspection at the office of the Department of Water Resources, Room 418, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California 95814. Copies may be obtained from the State of California, Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Statistics and Research, P. O. Box 420603, San Francisco, California 94142, telephone (415) 703-4774, fax (415) 703-4771. Prevailing wage determinations may be obtained over the Internet through California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Statistics and Research’s Home Page at 2. LICENSING Bidders shall be licensed for the work as required by the Business and Professions Code. Contractor’s license classification(s) for this work: A (Determined by Contractors’ State License Board). 00002-3 (Addn. No. 1, Pg. 3) L-09 Bid Schedule Item No. Section* Item Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price (In Figures) 36 16120 Cable – No. 500 kcmil, 1 Conductor Power Cable 1,325 LF 37 16120 Cable – No. 350 kcmil, 1 Conductor Power Cable 1,000 LF 38 16120 Cable – No. 4/0 AWG, 1 Conductor Power Cable 75 LF 39 16120 Cable – No. 2/0 AWG, 1 Conductor Power Cable 375 LF 40 16120 Cable – No. 2 AWG, 1 Conductor Power Cable 100 LF 41 16120 Cable – No. 12 AWG, 1 Conductor Power Cable 1,250 LF 42 16120 Cable – No. 12 AWG, 2 Conductor Control Cable 650 LF 43 16120 Cable – No. 14 AWG, 4 Conductor Control Cable 170 LF 44 16120 Cable – No. 14 AWG, 2 Conductor Control Cable 100 LF 45 16120 Cable – Category 6 100 LF 46 16120 Insulated Wire for Lighting – No. 10 AWG, Solid Copper 100 LF 47 16120 Insulated Wire for Lighting – No. 12 AWG, Solid Copper 50 LF 48 16120 Wiring Modifications 2 DAY 49 **** **** **** 50 16130 Pullbox 1 JOB LUMP SUM 51 16130 Junction Box with Cover Plates 1 JOB LUMP SUM 52 16130 Conduit – 3/4 Inch Diameter Rigid Metal Conduit (RMC) **** 750 Total (In Figures) LF *Section where contract item is defined 00410-3 (Addn. No. 1, Pg. 4) L-09 Bid Schedule Item No. Section* Item Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price (In Figures) 53 16130 Conduit – 1-1/2 Inch Diameter Rigid Metal Conduit (RMC) 70 LF 54 16130 Conduit – 2-1/2 Inch Diameter Rigid Metal Conduit (RMC) 110 LF 55 16130 Conduit – 4 Inch Diameter Rigid Metal Conduit (RMC) 310 LF 56 16130 Conduit – 1-1/2 Inch PVC Schedule 80 225 LF 57 16130 Conduit – 2 Inch PVC Schedule 80 450 LF 58 16130 Conduit – 2-1/2 Inch PVC Schedule 80 200 LF 59 16130 Conduit – 3 Inch PVC Schedule 80 180 LF 60 16130 Conduit – 4 Inch PVC Schedule 80 800 LF 61 16130 Conduit – 3/4 Inch Liquidtight Flexible Metal Conduit (LFMC) 85 LF 62 16130 Conduit – 1-1/2 Inch Liquidtight Flexible Metal Conduit (LFMC) 25 LF 63 16130 Conduit – 2-1/2 Inch Liquidtight Flexible Metal Conduit (LFMC) 25 LF 64 16130 Conduit – 3/4 Inch Intermediate Metal Conduit (IMC) 1,375 LF 65 16130 Warning Tape 4,000 LF 66 16140 Wiring Devices 1 JOB LUMP SUM 66a 16210 Electrical Utility Services 1 JOB LUMP SUM 67 16230 Diesel Engine Generator Set – Pumping Plant No. 1 1 EA Total (In Figures) *Section where contract item is defined 00410-4 (Addn. No. 1, Pg. 5) L-09 Summary of Work 20. Electrical testing. 21. Grounding system. 22. Insulated wire and cable. 23. Raceways and boxes. 24. Wiring devices. 25. Electrical utility services. 26. Electronic equipment enclosures. 27. Diesel engine generator sets. 28. Nonsegregated three phase bus. 29. Automatic transfer switches and load banks. 30. Metal-enclosed switchgear. 31. Panelboards. 32. Lighting. 33. Communication System. 34. SCADA Systems. 35. Prefabricated Control Buildings. 36. Training programs. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Supplementary General Conditions, General Conditions, other Division 1 sections, and Drawings apply to this section. 1.03 LOCATION AND ACCESS A. The project includes four work sites located 10 to 15 miles southwest of Yuba City along the east side of the Sutter Bypass between Nicolaus and the Highway 20 crossing. 01110-2 (Addn. No. 1, Pg. 6) L-09 Summary of Work Bidders. Notwithstanding the provisions of Document 00705 – Prosecution of Work, Paragraph 5, the Contractor shall not be entitled to adjustment in compensation for such extension of the completion date. 1.05 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES A. Pursuant to Document 00705 – Prosecution of Work, Paragraph 2: 1. Liquidated damages for failure to complete the work specified in Paragraph 1.04 B within the time specified will be $1,475 per day from November 1, 2011 through the expiration of April 15, 2012, and $1,600 per day after April 15, 2012. Refer to site access restrictions in Paragraph 1.07 A. 1.06 **** 01110-4 (Addn. No. 1, Pg. 7) L-09 Summary of Work B. **** 1.07 EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Site Access Restrictions: No ground disturbing activities shall be performed on site from November 1st through April 15th **** at the following locations: 1. Pumping Plant No. 1. 2. Pumping Plant No. 2. 3. Pumping Plant No. 3. 01110-5 (Addn. No. 1, Pg. 8) L-09 Summary of Work B. Ground Disturbing Activities include but are not limited to: 1. Clearing and grubbing. 2. Exclusion fence. 3. Removal and replacement of rock slope protection. 4. Installation of aggregate base and 3/4 inch crushed rock. 5. Selective demolition of existing masonry block walls; and chain link fencing. 6. Excavation and backfill for retaining wall construction. 7. Reinforced concrete retaining walls and slabs-on-grade. 8. Reinforced masonry block walls. 9. Selective demolition of existing buried conduits outside of the pumping plant walls. 10. Installation of the ground grids and associated equipment grounding. 11. Installation of embedded conduits and backfilling outside of the pumping plant walls. C. Non-Ground Disturbing Activities shall be work within the confines of the Pumping Plant Facility walls and shall include but is not limited to: 1. Temporary electrical services. 2. Chain link security fencing – above ground installation only. 3. Selective demolition of existing conduits as shown. 4. Selective demolition of existing concrete foundation slabs for existing control buildings. 5. Selective demolition of existing control buildings and associated equipment. 6. Foundation slabs for pre-fabricated control buildings. 7. Installation and backfilling of conduits. 8. Installation of prefabricated control buildings. 9. Installation of SCADA and communications equipment. 10. Installation of switchgear components. 11. Installation of diesel engine generator and associated equipment. 12. Installation of sensor equipment. 13. Site Acceptance Testing and Commissioning Testing. D. Pumps and Motors: 1. Pumps and motors shall be fully operational at all times. The Contractor shall provide temporary electrical service including switchgear and controls required for manual operation of the pumps by Sutter Maintenance Yard personnel during construction. 01110-6 (Addn. No. 1, Pg. 9) L-09 Summary of Work Temporary electrical service shall be as described in Section 16430 – Metal-Enclosed Switchgear. 2. Contractor personnel shall attend an on-site orientation on DWR lock-out/tag-out procedures prior to commencing any work requiring disconnection of electrical power. 1.08 VERIFICATION OF EXISTING FACILITIES A. The Contractor shall verify the applicable structural dimensions, the location, elevations, and dimensions of existing facilities, and other dimensions and data required to complete the project. PART 2 PRODUCTS Not Used PART 3 EXECUTION Not Used PART 4 PAYMENT 4.01 PAYMENT A. The contract prices shall include full compensation for all costs incurred under this section. END OF SECTION 01110-7 (Addn. No. 1, Pg. 10) L-09 Grounding System E. The contract item Cable Fitting shall meet the following requirements: 1. The cable fittings for equipment ground connections shall be copper alloy, bolted type, sized for the cable with the number of bolt holes as directed. 2. Cable fittings shall be Burndy, Type QA or Hyground; O.Z./Gedney, Type ABG; or equal. F. The contract item Ground Rod shall meet the following requirements: 1. The ground rods shall be copper clad steel with 3/4 inch minimum diameter and 10 feet minimum length. Ground rods shall include rod to grid attachments. G. The contract item Conductive Grout: Conductive grout shall be compatible with the bare copper conductors and shall provide a permanent conductive medium for the ground grid. The conductive grout shall not cause corrosion or deterioration of the copper cable or connectors in the ground grid. 1. The conductive grout shall have a resistivity less than or equal to 0.1 Ohm-meters. 2. The conductive grout shall be **** ThermOweld, Contact GS; Sankosha, M5C; or equal. H. 3/4 inch crushed rock: 1. 3/4 inch crushed rock shall be clean with no fines. I. Miscellaneous Material: 1. Ground bars shall be solid copper, having composition conforming to ASTM B 5, Rockwell hardness B45. 2. Attachment plates shall be of material compatible with the equipment to which it is attached. Attachment plates shall have threaded studs with stainless steel lock nut and washer as required. 3. Bolts, nuts and washers shall be bronze. 16060-3 (Addn. No. 1, Pg. 11) L-09 Medium Voltage Insulated Cable SECTION 16122 MEDIUM VOLTAGE INSULATED CABLE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This section covers medium voltage insulated cable, which includes furnishing, installing, and testing cable. B. General: 1. Medium voltage insulated cable shall be single conductor, shielded power cable insulated with an ozone and discharge resistant, flexible, rubber-like thermosetting dielectric. 2. The cable shall be suitable for use in wet or dry, indoors or outdoors, raceway or underground duct, or cable tray locations. The cable shall be rated 90 degrees C for normal operation, 130 degrees C for emergency overload operation, and 250 degrees C for short circuit conditions. Emergency overload operation may occur for periods up to 1,500 hours cumulative during the life of the cable. C. Basic Construction: Basic construction shall consist of 1/C Class B stranded copper; triple tandem extruded, semi-conducting, ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) strand shield; EPR insulation; Extruded semiconducting EPR insulation shield; copper shield tape; and an overall jacket of polyvinylchloride (PVC). D. Operating Experience: The medium voltage insulated cable shall have a performance record demonstrating a minimum of ten years successful operating experience in utility and industrial power cable applications. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Supplementary General Conditions, General Conditions, Division 1 sections, and Drawings apply to this section. This section may require direct correlation with the following sections of the contract: 1. Section 16050 – Basic Electrical Materials and Methods. 2. Section 16080 – Electrical Testing. 3. Section 16210 – Electrical Utility Services. 16122-1 (Addn. No. 1, Pg. 12) L-09 Medium Voltage Insulated Cable 7. Cable identification shall be as specified in Section 16050 – Basic Electrical Materials and Methods. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Actual lengths of wires and cables installed and terminated shall be entered on the cable schedules and verified by the Engineer. B. The Engineer will perform field tests with help by the Contractor as specified in Section 16080 – Electrical Testing Requirements. PART 4 PAYMENT 4.01 **** 4.02 PAYMENT A. The contract prices shall include full compensation for all costs incurred under this section. END OF SECTION 16122-8 (Addn. No. 1, Pg. 13) L-09 Electrical Utility Services SECTION 16210 ELECTRICAL UTILITY SERVICES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This section describes the technical requirements for the contract item Electrical Utility Services which includes service modifications. **** B. Electrical service is provided to each pumping plant by Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) at 480 Vac, three phase, 60 Hz as shown. The Contractor shall coordinate and cooperate with PG&E to modify the existing service to accommodate revenue metering on the primary side of the PG&E Distribution Transformer as shown. C. The Contractor shall notify PG&E not less than 90 days prior to the date service is required. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Supplementary General Conditions, General Conditions, Division 1 sections, and Drawings apply to this section. This section may require direct correlation with the following sections of the contract: 1. Section 16050 – Basic Electrical Materials and Methods. 2. Section 16120 – Insulated Wire and Cable. 3. Section 16122 – Medium Voltage Insulated Cable. 4. Section 16130 – Raceways and Boxes. 1.03 REFERENCES A. The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. Application of these publications shall conform to Document 00702 – Interpretation of the Contract, Paragraph 2: 1. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). 2. California Electric Code (CEC-2007). 3. California Public Utility Commission (CPUC). 16210-1 (Addn. No. 1, Pg. 14) L-09 Electrical Utility Services PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. The service equipment, service conduits and structures shall be installed as shown and conform to PG&E requirements. B. The Contractor shall coordinate the installation of service equipment, service conduits and structures with PG&E and shall work in cooperation with PG&E when required. C. The primary side meter shall be installed in either a service pedestal or a pole mounted enclosure as shown and as required by PG&E. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. The Contractor shall furnish a written statement to the Engineer that the installation complies with the requirements of PG&E. PART 4 PAYMENT 4.01 PAYMENT A. The contract price will be paid for ELECTRICAL UTILITY SERVICES; which price shall include full compensation for all costs incurred under this section. END OF SECTION 16210-6 (Addn. No. 1, Pg. 15) L-09