request for proposals - Southeast Alaska Power Agency

1900 1 Avenue, Suite 318
Ketchikan, Alaska 99901
Ph: (907) 228-2281 | Fax: (907) 225-2287
Southeast Alaska Power Agency
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear
Generator Breaker Replacement
May 18, 2015
Request for Proposals
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear / Generator Breaker Replacement Project
The Southeast Alaska Power Agency (SEAPA) is seeking proposals from qualified firms
to provide replacement of the medium voltage switchgear / generator breaker equipment
for the Swan Lake Hydroelectric Facilities Unit 1 and Unit 2. The replacement switchgear
is to have a similar arrangement to the existing switchgear and will be installed in the
same location as existing switchgear. Installation of the replacement switchgear is not a
part of the scope of work of this project. It will be bid separately. The existing
switchgear has become difficult to support because of replacement parts availability. The
replacement switchgear’s “Technical Requirements” are provided as a part of this RFP
Southeast Alaska Power Agency
1900 First Avenue, Suite 318
Ketchikan, Alaska 99901
P 907.228.2281 | Fax 907.225.2287 |
For the purposes of this solicitation, the Southeast Alaska Power Agency may be referred to
interchangeably as Owner, SEAPA, or Agency and the terms bidder, consultant, contractor,
offerer, proposer, respondent, and vendor are used interchangeably and mean a person(s) or
firm(s) submitting a response. Any proposal or modification to a proposal received after the due
date will not be considered and will be deemed non-responsive. The bidder is responsible for all
costs and expenses of bid preparation.
Submission of Proposals:
Bidders shall deliver their bid and are responsible for assuring receipt of their bid by Owner prior
to the deadline for submittals no later than:
Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Alaska Daylight Time (AKDT)
All submittals shall be transmitted electronically in .pdf format using direct computerized
conversion to .pdf files. To preserve legibility in reproduction, printing and rescanning shall only
be used for the signing of documents or similar occurrences and only with the original
document. All submittals shall be clear and legible for further reproduction by the Owner.
Scanned copies of original signatures will be treated in all aspects as having the same effect as
an original signature. Submittals shall be emailed to: SEAPA
will not accept faxed or hard copies of bids.
The e-mail subject field shall be marked with the following project name: Swan Lake Medium
Voltage Switchgear / Generator Breaker Replacement.
Request for Proposals
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear / Generator Breaker Replacement Project
May 18, 2015
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Southeast Alaska Power Agency Background
The Southeast Alaska Power Agency (‘SEAPA’, ‘Agency’ or ‘Owner’) is a joint action agency
organized and existing pursuant to the laws of the State of Alaska. The members of the Agency
are the City of Ketchikan, the City and Borough of Wrangell, and the Petersburg Borough. Prior
to restructuring of the Agency in 2009, the name of the joint action agency was the Four Dam
Pool Power Agency. Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. and Kodiak Electric Association,
Inc. were also members. SEAPA’s member utilities (Ketchikan, Wrangell, and Petersburg)
provide electric utility services to their respective service areas utilizing power generated by the
Agency facilities and purchased from the Agency under a Power Sales Agreement, which was
executed in February 2009. The Agency’s headquarters is located in Ketchikan, Alaska.
The Agency facilities are principally comprised of the Swan Lake and Tyee Lake hydroelectric
projects in southern southeast Alaska and approximately 175 miles of transmission lines
spanning from Ketchikan to Petersburg. Power and energy from the Agency’s hydroelectric
projects are dedicated to Ketchikan, Wrangell, and Petersburg pursuant to the Power Sales
In 2009, the Agency completed the Swan–Tyee Intertie Project which connected the Swan Lake
and Tyee Lake hydroelectric projects. With the completion of that 57-mile segment, Ketchikan,
Wrangell, and Petersburg became interconnected for the first time.
Site Information
Sites that may be referenced in this RFP are located in Southeast Alaska. The locations and
accessibility options for each site are listed below:
SEAPA Office
Petersburg Substation
Wrangell Switchyard
Tyee Lake Hydroelectric Facility (TYL)
Swan Lake Hydroelectric Facility (SWL)
Accessible Via
Commercial Airlines
Alaska Marine Highway Ferry
Commercial Airlines
Alaska Marine Highway Ferry
Charter Aircraft / Vessel
Commercial Airlines
Alaska Marine Highway Ferry
Charter Aircraft / Vessel
Charter Aircraft / Vessel
Charter Aircraft / Vessel
The Swan Lake Hydroelectric site is isolated at the head of Carroll Inlet on Revillagigedo Island
22 air miles northeast of Ketchikan in southern Southeast Alaska. Vehicles are provided at
Swan Lake for commutes to the dam if required as part of the project’s scope of work.
Otherwise, all other facilities are available by foot traffic.
Housing at the Swan Lake hydroelectric plant is provided for contractors by SEAPA. Swan
Lake has a five-bedroom crew quarters, including a full kitchen and laundry. SEAPA will
provide on-site crew housing, common bedding, and kitchen utensils for up to ten persons.
These facilities are not maintained by plant personnel and vendor personnel are expected to
follow site policy for cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc.
Request for Proposals
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear / Generator Breaker Replacement Project
May 18, 2015
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The guest quarters may also be shared with other personnel who are on site for other work that
may be occurring in parallel.
Taquan Air is the contracted charter floatplane provider for on-site Swan Lake operations crews.
Since there are no restaurant accommodations at the job sites, contractors must purchase their
food in advance and arrange for delivery to the job sites. Alaskan & Proud Market
(907.225.1279) in Ketchikan, Alaska is open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week and
provides delivery service using Taquan Air for transport to Swan Lake.
A region map is provided on the following page:
[Remainder of this page intentionally left blank.]
Request for Proposals
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear / Generator Breaker Replacement Project
May 18, 2015
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Request for Proposals
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear / Generator Breaker Replacement Project
May 18, 2015
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Project Background
The Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear / Generator Breaker Replacement project will
consist of the replacement of the Swan Lake Unit 1 and Unit 2 Hydroelectric generator
switchgear. The existing switchgear was custom built (non-standard) and has become difficult to
support due to replacement parts availability which has compromised the plant’s service
reliability. It is SEAPA’s goal to obtain replacement switchgear that are a standard design
utilizing “off the shelf model breakers”. The replacement switchgear must meet the Technical
Requirements provided as part of this RFP document. SEAPA is requesting a firm quote for two
(2) complete switchgear lineup assemblies consisting of metal-clad, free-standing, vertical,
dead-front steel structures.
Bidders shall consider that Swan Lake is a remote site. Owner will not incur additional fees due
to poor planning on the part of the vendor. All equipment must be shipped complete, and any
items not provided but required for the installation/commissioning must be clearly identified on
any installation drawings and clearly communicated in the proposal so that Owner can account
for these components during the bid evaluation. These components must be communicated to
Owner to allow enough time for procurement and shipping prior to commissioning and
Scope of Services
The respondent’s bid must include the necessary labor and other associated costs 1 and
services to develop the following scope and deliverables:
See, Technical Specifications, Attachment 1 hereto, and Drawings, Attachment 2 hereto.
Schedule of Events
The following is a list of projected dates/times with respect to this RFP:
RFP Release Date
Mandatory Bidder Pre-Registration
Final Date for Bidder Inquiries
Proposals Due
Notice of Recommendation of Award
Estimated Board Meeting Date for Contract Approval
Project Completion Date
May 18, 2015
May 27, 2015 at 5:00 P.M. AKDT
May 29, 2015 @ 10:00 P.M. AKDT
June 3, 2015 @ 4:00 P.M. AKDT
June 4, 2015
June 10, 2015
Manufacturer’s Proposed Date
Mandatory Pre-Registration
Bidders must pre-register with SEAPA by emailing bidder representative’s name, company
name, mailing and physical address, email address, office and cell phone number(s), and fax
numbers to: on or before the pre-registration deadline set forth
above. It is Bidder’s responsibility to confirm that they are pre-registered.
Note: SEAPA does not pay markup on goods. Costs shall include all costs of travel, lodging,
meals, and any other miscellaneous expenses to be incurred by the contractor for completion of
the project.
Request for Proposals
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear / Generator Breaker Replacement Project
May 18, 2015
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Preparation of Bid | Bid Requirements
It is assumed that at the time of the bid, each bidder will (a) examine the bid documents
thoroughly, (b) be familiar with any weather and shipping conditions that may, in any manner,
affect cost and/or delivery, and (c) study and carefully correlate bidder’s observations with the
bid specifications. Failure to do so will not relieve the successful bidder of the obligation to
complete the contemplated work in strict accordance with the Bid Specifications. Each bid must
be submitted as required by these instructions and include the forms prescribed herein. Bids
shall be submitted complete, including all bid forms and other documents as required.
Complete sets of bidding documents shall be used in preparing bids; neither SEAPA nor the
Owner’s Representative assume any responsibility for error or misinterpretations resulting from
the use of incomplete sets of bidding documents.
The successful Contractor shall be an independent contractor, not an employee or subsidiary of
the Agency. Nothing in the contract documents shall create any contractual relationship
between SEAPA and any of Contractor’s subcontractors, suppliers, or other persons or
organizations, nor shall it create any obligation on the part of SEAPA to pay or see to the
payment of any monies due any such subcontractor, supplier, or other person or organization
except as may otherwise be required by regulatory requirements. SEAPA will not undertake to
settle any differences between or among the Contractor, subcontractor, suppliers, or other
persons or organizations.
Before bid submission, Bidder shall carefully examine the Drawings and read the Contract
The bid proposal must include the following:
General Information Form. Bidder must complete and submit the attached
General Information Form (Attachment 3 hereto).
Bid Summary Form. Bidders shall complete the Bid Summary Form (Attachment
4 hereto), which shall set forth a statement of intent by the bidder to perform the
work required by the Bid Documents for prices in U.S. Dollars indicated on the
Bid Summary. Bidders shall break down the costs of the work into the Bid Units
indicated on the Bid Summary.
Bidder Experience Record. Bidders must submit descriptions of at least four (4)
previously completed projects similar in scope, material, and order size as
indicated for this Project, with a record of successful in-service performance on
the attached Bidder Experience Record Form (Attachment 5 hereto). Attach
additional sheets as necessary for further explanations and to describe relevant
experience and unique qualifications of your company to accomplish the work.
List of Subcontractors. Subcontractors may be used to perform work under the
contract to be awarded to the successful proposer. If a bidder intends to use a
subcontractor, the bidder must submit a list of subcontractors with their bid who
will be used on the Project on the List of Subcontractors Form (Attachment 6
hereto). All subcontractors doing work on the Project are subject to SEAPA
approval and insurance requirements.
Request for Proposals
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear / Generator Breaker Replacement Project
May 18, 2015
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The substitution of one subcontractor for another may only be made at the
discretion and prior written approval of SEAPA.
Contractor must agree to pay subcontractor(s) for services rendered by the
contract to be awarded. SEAPA will not issue separate payments from the main
contract to various subcontractor(s).
Non-Collusion Affidavit. Bidders must submit a signed and notarized NonCollusion Affidavit (Attachment 7 hereto).
Bidder’s Proposed Schedule. Bidders must submit a Bidder’s Proposed
Schedule Form (Attachment 8 hereto) by calculating the start and completion
dates for the project.
Index of Drawings and Deliverables. Bidder shall submit an index of the
drawings and/or deliverables necessary to document the bid.
Describe the general approach you will take in completing the work.
Indicate your company’s capacity to complete the required work and to do so
within the currently estimated project schedule.
The proposal submittal shall include any assumptions, clarifications, and
exceptions made in the development of the proposal.
Submit additional items or information you judge to be pertinent or beneficial to
the Agency in evaluating your proposal.
Bid Bond. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check or cashier’s check
drawn on a bank in good standing, or a bid bond issued by a surety authorized to
issue such bonds in the amount of at least five percent (5%) of the total amount
of the bid submitted payable to the Southeast Alaska Power Agency. The bid
security shall be given as a guaranty that the bidder will not withdraw their bid for
a period of one hundred twenty (120) days after bid opening. Bid Bonds shall be
submitted on the Bid Bond Form (Attachment 9 hereto) or a similar standard form
used by a surety company. The Attorney-in-Fact (resident agent) who executes
bonds on behalf of the surety must attach a notarized copy of a Power of
Attorney as evidence of authority to bind the surety on the date of execution of
the bond. Since bids are to be received electronically, the certified check,
cashier’s check or bid bond must be submitted to Owner at the following address:
Southeast Alaska Power Agency
1900 First Avenue, Suite 318
Ketchikan, Alaska 99901
Attn. Sharon Thompson, Executive Assistant
on or before the bid due date.
responsibility of the respondent.
Confirmation of receipt by Owner is the
Manufacturer’s Term of Warranty. Bidders shall specify the term of the warranty,
when the warranty starts, and other applicable terms and conditions that may
Request for Proposals
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear / Generator Breaker Replacement Project
May 18, 2015
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apply on the Manufacturer’s Term of Warranty Form (Attachment 10 hereto). A
minimum term of one (1) year may be submitted; however, a term of five (5)
years is preferred. The term and conditions of the warranty will be considered by
SEAPA in its evaluation and ranking of Bidders. Seller shall be responsible for
all costs associated with remedies during the warranty period.
Full coverage warranty shall be provided on parts, systems, and accessories
from others.
In the event the switchgear, an accessory part, must be returned for repair, the
Seller must also pay for shipping to from Ketchikan, Alaska to the repair facility
and from the repair facility to Ketchikan, Alaska. SEAPA will pay for shipping to
and from Swan Lake to Ketchikan.
The switchgear shall perform at the rated capacities defined in the Technical
Specifications (see, Attachment 1 hereto). If the switchgear fails to perform at the
stated levels, the Seller must correct the problem at its expense, as acceptable to
the Owner.
Bidders must clearly identify all confidential information in their bids. However,
bidders should take care to designate as confidential only those portions of their
bid that genuinely warrants confidential treatment. SEAPA discourages the
practice of marking each and every page of a bid as “confidential”. SEAPA will
make reasonable efforts to protect any such confidential information that is
clearly marked as confidential.
Addendum Acknowledgment and RFP Signature Page. Bidder must complete
and submit the Addendum Acknowledgment and RFP Signature Page Form
(Attachment No. 11 hereto).
There will be no limitation of the number of pages submitted with the proposal, however SEAPA
is not interested in non-pertinent information, brochures, or standard website advertising down
loads. The proposal will be evaluated on information submitted, non-pertinent information will be
viewed as a deduction in proposal evaluation.
Modified Proposals
Any proposal may be modified provided such modification is received prior to the due date for
submission of proposals and submitted in the same manner as the original proposal. Provide a
cover letter with the modified proposal, indicating it is a modified proposal and that the original
proposal is being withdrawn.
Changes or amendments to this RFP made prior to bid opening shall be issued in writing via
addendum through direct e-mail transmission to potential respondents. No oral statement of
any person shall modify or otherwise change or affect the terms, conditions or specifications
stated in the RFP. Bidder is responsible for ensuring that the attached Contractor’s Bid and
Addendum Acknowledgment Form reflects any addenda that may issue prior to the bid due date
regardless of when the bid is submitted. SEAPA recommends Bidders consult with SEAPA prior
to the bid due date to assure that all addenda have been received. If any addenda issue and
bidder fails to acknowledge their receipt on the bid form, the failure to acknowledge shall render
the bid non-responsive.
Request for Proposals
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear / Generator Breaker Replacement Project
May 18, 2015
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Contract Type
This contract will be a fixed fee (lump-sum) contract. A fixed fee contract obligates the
contractor to perform all aspects of the contract for one (set) price.
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals timely received by SEAPA will be carefully reviewed and a shortlist may be created.
Selection will be made primarily based on the following criteria:
 Appropriateness of the proposed general approach to the work as described in
the written proposal.
 Capacity to respond to the required work in a timely and efficient manner.
 Competitive pricing.
 Completeness and quality of bid proposal documents.
 Manufacturer’s Warranty.
 Manufacturer’s ability to provide long-term operations and maintenance support.
The Agency will evaluate and rank all proposals received based on the above criteria. The
highest ranked proposal will receive a recommendation by Agency’s staff for contract award.
Agency’s staff will present their recommendation of award to SEAPA’s Board of Directors at
their next board meeting. The Board of Directors will determine whether the contract will be
awarded to the recommended proposer. In the event the selected proposer is unable or
unwilling to alter the scope or budget or key personnel proposed or any other aspect of the
proposal necessary to meet the Agency’s requirements, or is not agreeable to the terms and
conditions of the Agency’s contract for services, negotiations will then be initiated with the next
ranked proposer. Bidders are advised that the Project may not be awarded to the lowest-price
Term of Bid
Submission of a bid signifies that the quoted services and prices are valid for one hundred
twenty (120) calendar days from the bid due date.
See, Insurance Requirements (Attachment 12 hereto).
Requirements of Laws, Regulations, Licenses, Permits, and Taxes
It is the bidder’s responsibility to be familiar with all Federal, State, Borough and City laws,
ordinances, statutes, and regulations, which in any manner may affect the work, and they will be
deemed to be included in the bid documents the same as though herein written out in full. The
bidder shall not be excused in the performance of the work or any part thereof because of the
bidder’s misunderstanding or lack of familiarity with such laws.
All required Federal, State, and local sales and use taxes shall be paid by the bidder as required
by the laws and statutes of the State and of any of its political subdivisions, and shall be
included in the prices quoted in the bid.
Request for Proposals
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear / Generator Breaker Replacement Project
May 18, 2015
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The successful bidder shall, at no cost to SEAPA, procure all necessary licenses, permits,
applications, variances, approvals and other documents needed to conduct the work under this
contract. Additionally, the successful contractor shall ensure that all subcontractors procure all
necessary licenses and permits needed to conduct their respective jobs under the Project
Reservation of Rights
The Agency reserves the right to accept other than the apparent lowest-priced bid, and to reject
any bid in whole or in part, or to reject all bids, with or without notice or reasons, waive any
informalities, and if no bid is accepted, to abandon the work or to have the work performed in
such other manner as the Agency may elect. SEAPA also reserves the right to terminate this
RFP, and issue a subsequent solicitation and/or remedy technical errors in the RFP process.
This RFP does not commit SEAPA to enter into any contract, award any services related to this
RFP, nor does the RFP obligate SEAPA to pay any costs incurred in preparation or submission
of a proposal or in anticipation of a contract.
If selected, respondent will be required to comply with the requirements established herein,
unless otherwise agreed to in writing by SEAPA and respondent. The successful respondent
must be able to formally invoice SEAPA for services rendered.
Bid Bond | Performance Bond | Payment Bond
Bid Bond. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check or cashier’s check drawn on a bank
in good standing, or a bid bond issued by a surety authorized to issue such bonds in the amount
of at least five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid submitted payable to the Southeast
Alaska Power Agency. The bid security shall be given as a guaranty that the bidder will not
withdraw their bid for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days after bid opening. Bid Bonds
shall be submitted on the Bid Bond Form (Attachment 9 hereto) or a similar standard form used
by a surety company. The Attorney-in-Fact (resident agent) who executes bonds on behalf of
the surety must attach a notarized copy of a Power of Attorney as evidence of authority to bind
the surety on the date of execution of the bond. Since bids are to be received electronically, the
certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond must be submitted to Owner at the following
Southeast Alaska Power Agency
1900 First Avenue, Suite 318
Ketchikan, Alaska 99901
Attn. Sharon Thompson, Executive Assistant
on or before the bid due date. Confirmation of receipt by Owner is the responsibility of the
Return of Bonds
Within ten (10) days after SEAPA’s Board of Directors approve a contract award, Owner will
return the bid security accompanying the proposals which are not to be considered in making
the award. All other bid security will be held until a contract has been fully executed between
the Owner and the successful bidder and the performance and payment bonds and insurance
certificates, all on the forms provided and required, have been submitted in proper form to the
Owner, after which they will be returned to the respective bidders whose proposals they
Request for Proposals
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear / Generator Breaker Replacement Project
May 18, 2015
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accompany. The bonds or other bid security of the three (3) apparent lowest responsive
bidders may be retained by the Owner until execution of the contract and delivery of the
required bonds and insurance certificates by the bidder whose proposal is accepted.
Expected Billing Procedure
The schedule of values established on the Contractor Bid Form (Attachment 5 hereto) shall
serve as the basis for progress payments and will be incorporated by the successful Bidder into
a form of Application for Payment acceptable to SEAPA. Progress payments on account of Unit
Price work will be based on the percentage of the work completed.
Bidder Inquiries
Respondents may submit questions in writing, via email, concerning this RFP until May 29,
2015 at 10:00 A.M. AKDT to the following:
Sharon Thompson, Executive Assistant
Southeast Alaska Power Agency
Ph. (907) 228-2281
Questions received after the stated deadline will not be answered. All questions shall be sent
by email as instructed above.
Technical Specifications
General Information Form
Bid Summary Form
Bidder Experience Record
List of Subcontractors
Non-Collusion Affidavit
Construction Schedule
Bid Bond Form
Manufacturer’s Term of Warranty
Addendum Acknowledgment and RFP Signature Page
Insurance Requirements
Request for Proposals
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear / Generator Breaker Replacement Project
May 18, 2015
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Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear/Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Attachment No. 1
The Southeast Alaska Power Agency
SEAPA’s Swan Lake
Medium Voltage Switchgear / Generator Breaker Replacement
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Section 11
Section 12
Section 13
Section 14
Section 15
Section 16
Section 17
Project Scope
Technical Specifications
General Design Requirements
Basic Construction
Power Circuit Breaker
Instrument and Control Power Transformers
General Control and Metering
Control Devices and Wiring
Engineering Data Requirements
Provisions for Handling and Field Erection
Shipping / Packaging Information
Manufacturer’s Term of Warranty
Date: May 18, 2015
1900 First Avenue, Suite 318, Ketchikan, AK 99901 | P 907.228.2281 | F (907) 225-2287 |
Technical Specifications
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear
Generator Breaker Replacement Project
PROJECT SCOPE ..........................................................................................................4
1.1 Purpose .............................................................................................................................4
1.2 Scope of Supply ................................................................................................................4
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .....................................................................................5
General ........................................................................................................................5
Existing switchgear.......................................................................................................6
Standards and References ...........................................................................................7
Site Information ............................................................................................................8
GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................9
General ........................................................................................................................9
Operating Environment .............................................................................................. 10
Ratings ....................................................................................................................... 10
Corona Free Design ................................................................................................... 11
Project Coordination .....................................................................................................5
BASIC CONSTRUCTION .............................................................................................. 11
Switchgear Assembly ................................................................................................. 11
Circuit Breaker Enclosure ........................................................................................... 12
Construction ............................................................................................................... 12
Copper Ground Bus ................................................................................................... 12
Bus Bars ..................................................................................................................... 12
Equipment Mounting .................................................................................................. 13
Breaker Interchangeability .......................................................................................... 13
Circuit Breaker Shutters ............................................................................................. 13
Switches ..................................................................................................................... 14
Name Plates ............................................................................................................... 14
Auxiliary Switches & Contacts .................................................................................... 14
POWER CIRCUIT BREAKER ....................................................................................... 14
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Technical Specifications
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear
Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Circuit Breakers General ............................................................................................ 14
Breaker Racking System ............................................................................................ 14
Control voltage and trip voltage shall be as follows: ................................................... 15
Circuit Breaker Actuation ............................................................................................ 16
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL POWER TRANSFORMERS ...................................... 17
Reference Drawings ................................................................................................... 17
Current Transformers ................................................................................................. 17
Potential Transformers ............................................................................................... 17
RELAYING .................................................................................................................... 18
Digital Protection Relays for Feeder Protection and Arc Flash Protection.................. 18
GENERAL CONTROL AND METERING ...................................................................... 19
General requirements................................................................................................. 19
CONTROL DEVICES AND WIRING ............................................................................. 19
General ...................................................................................................................... 19
NAMEPLATES .............................................................................................................. 20
General Requirements ............................................................................................... 20
FINISH ........................................................................................................................... 20
Exterior ....................................................................................................................... 20
Interior ........................................................................................................................ 20
Touchup Paint ............................................................................................................ 21
Paint General ............................................................................................................. 21
TESTING ....................................................................................................................... 21
Factory Testing........................................................................................................... 21
Factory Witness Test.................................................................................................. 21
Field Quality Control / Installation ............................................................................... 22
ENGINEERING DATA REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................... 22
General Requirements ............................................................................................... 22
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Technical Specifications
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear
Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Drawing Requirements ............................................................................................... 22
Accessories .................................................................................................................. 23
Included Accessories ................................................................................................. 23
PROVISIONS FOR HANDLING AND FIELD ERECTION............................................. 24
General ...................................................................................................................... 24
Shipping / Packaging Information .............................................................................. 24
Shipping General........................................................................................................ 24
Vendor Shipping Responsibility .................................................................................. 25
MANUFACTURER’S TERM OF WARRANTY .............................................................. 25
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Technical Specifications
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear
Generator Breaker Replacement Project
1.1 Purpose
This specification describes a replacement medium voltage switchgear arrangement to be provided for
the Swan Lake Hydroelectric power generation facility. The switchgear is to replace the existing
generator switchgear. The new switchgear will have a similar arrangement to the existing switchgear
and will be installed in the area currently taken up by the existing switchgear. The existing switchgear
has become difficult to support because spare parts and replacement parts are either difficult to find or
need to be custom built. Unit #1 circuit breaker has been especially troublesome and has had one
occurrence of not opening during unit protection operation.
The replacement switchgear will replace the existing switchgear with additional features which shall
Additional manual disconnect switch before the removable links allowing the generator
switchgear lineup to be isolated from the 13.8 kV step up transformer bus which is shared
between the two units.
Improved arc flash prevention / protection for operations and maintenance personnel.
Optional use of digital protection relays and power circuit breakers for feeder protection in
place of fuses.
Improved life cycle management based on a modern design utilizing an established
switchgear component provider with an active support network based in the United States.
o Eaton, GE, ABB, Siemens, Hyundai, Square D, and other similar established
switchgear manufacturers are preferred.
1.2 Scope of Supply
SEAPA is requesting a firm price quote for the following:
Equipment Supply
• 2 x complete switch gear lineups based on the existing one/three line diagrams with the
additional changes listed below:
o Addition of manual disconnect which can be used to isolate the switchgear from the
13.8 kV transformer bus.
o Feeder for station service transformer is to be either same arrangement as existing
with manually operated disconnect and fuses OR an optional circuit breaker with
digital protection relay.
o Addition of arc flash detection and protection for operating personnel.
o Note that Unit #1 and Unit #2 switchgear lineups are not identical. The switchgear
for Unit #1 contains the PT’s for the 13.8 kV bus that is common between the two
units. This arrangement is to be maintained in the replacement switchgear.
Recommended spare parts to allow onsite repair of any single component failure. Note
that spare parts are to be itemized as a separate line item. The minimum requirement
for spare parts is:
o 1 complete spare generator breaker of each type.
o Recommended spare parts for generator breaker.
o 1 complete spare breaker of each type other than generator breaker
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Technical Specifications
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear
Generator Breaker Replacement Project
1 spare of each type of PT/CT
2 spares of each type of switch contact that can be used on each switch operator
(NC & NO contacts)
o 10 x of each type of fuse for PT’s.
o 1 spare of each type of switch operator.
o 100 spare terminal blocks.
Shipping to Ketchikan. Shipping is to be FOB Ketchikan. Each piece of crated
equipment is to be shipped with an impact monitor consistent with the requirements in
Section 16 herein. SEAPA will arrange for shipping of the equipment from Ketchikan to
Swan Lake.
• Factory Acceptance Test to be witnessed by SEAPA personnel.
• On-site installation verification and commissioning of switchgear. Note that because the
excitation system will be commissioned in parallel with the switchgear, extra on-site time
will be required.
• Configuration and settings calculations for all supplied digital protection relays and fuses.
• On-site verification of all protection settings.
• As installed field report, documenting final configurations for all devices.
• Two (2) days operating / maintenance personnel training.
1.3 Project Coordination
The switchgear replacement project will occur in parallel with the replacement of the excitation
system for each unit. Due to operational constraints only one unit will be available at one time.
Vendors are to consider that their site personnel will make two (2) separate trips for installation
verification / commissioning of the switchgear. Vendors are also to consider that the
commissioning of both the switchgear and excitation system will occur in parallel.
It is expected that after the first unit is put back into service and the newly installed equipment has
proven reliable that the second unit will be taken out of service. A tentative schedule for timing is
that the commissioning of the second unit will start three weeks after the completion of the first
Bidders shall consider that Swan Lake is a remote site. Owner will not incur additional fees due to
poor planning on the part of the vendor. All equipment must be shipped complete, and any items
not provided but required for the installation/commissioning must be clearly identified on any
installation drawings and clearly communicated in the proposal so that Owner can account for
these components during the bid evaluation. These components must be communicated to
Owner to allow enough time for procurement and shipping prior to commissioning and installation.
2.1 General
This specification covers the supply of medium voltage switchgear to replace the existing switchgear
lineup. The existing switchgear is shown in the attached drawings (see, Attachment 2 to the RFP), and
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Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear
Generator Breaker Replacement Project
is defined in Section 2.2, below. The proposed switchgear shall include the changes referenced in
General Design Requirements, see, Section 3, below.
2.2 Existing switchgear
The existing switchgear consists of the following four sections.
Bus Rating
Voltage Rating
Industrial Electric Manufacturing Co. (IEM)
Indoor metal enclosed dead front type
1,200 Amperes
13.8 kV nominal
The existing generator switchgear consists of the four sections:
Section #1 Incoming Section
• One 1,000 KCM, 15-kV terminator per phase for generator connections (bottom entry)
• One No.1 AWG, 15-kV cable per phase for exciter transformer connection (top exit)
• Three surge capacitors, one per phase, 0.25 micro farads each
• Three surge arrestors, 15.0 kV each
Section #2 Auxiliary Section
• Unit #1 only - Two sets of potential transformers, 14.4 kV to 120 V. One set connected
to the generator side of generator circuit breaker and one set connected to transformer
bus side of generator circuit breaker.
• Unit #2 only - same as Unit #1 except Unit #2 switchgear lineup does not have bus PT’s.
Section #3 Main Generator Circuit Breaker Section
• Vacuum Circuit breaker rated for 1,200 amperes at 15.0 kV
• Interrupting capability 500 MVA (three phase)
• Interrupting Time 3 cycles
• BIL 95 kV
• CT’s consisting of three multi ratio 1200 to 5 ampere one per phase on generator side of
breaker. Three single ratio 1,200 to 5 ampere and three 800 to 5 ampere current
transformers, one per phase, on transformer side of breaker.
• Cable terminators for one 1,000-KCM, 15 kV copper cable per phase to connect breaker
load side to transformer cables.
Section #4 Station Service Section
• Federal Pacific Electric 600-ampere continuous, 40,000 ampere momentary, 15 kV type
1, 95 kV BIL load break switch.
• Three (3) type RBA-200 50E fuses.
• One No. 1 AWG, 15-kV terminator per phase for connection to station service
• Connection to station service transformer is bottom exit.
Reference Drawings
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Generator Breaker Replacement Project
The existing switchgear is shown in the referenced drawings (see, Attachment 2 to the RFP)
defined below.
Actual Swan Lake 3 Line Diagrams to be used for PT/CT information
• SWL GEN 1 THREE LINE Actual.pdf
• SWL GEN 2 THREE LINE Actual.pdf
• SWL Station Service Three Line
Original Manufacturers Drawings for Unit #1 Switchgear for reference
• SWL Switchgear GEN 1 Three Line Diagram IndustrialElectric
• SWL Switchgear GEN 1 One Line Diagram IndustrialElectric
Power Arrangement Drawings
Swan Lake Plant / Switch Gear Information
• Swan Lake Switchgear / Exciter Plant Arrangement
• Swan Lake Plant Exciter / Switchgear Arrangement and Approximate Distances
• Swan Lake Generator Name Plate
• Swan Lake Generator Breaker Information
• Swan Lake Station Service Transformer Information
Modifications to Existing Switchgear
• Add manually operated disconnect on generator breaker side of existing removable links
to allow each unit to be isolated from the shared 13.8 kV transformer bus.
disconnect switch to be capable of interrupting the rated load current in the event that
the generator breaker fails to open.
• Propose option to change station service feeder from fuse based protection to a power
circuit breaker with digital protection relay. Manual disconnect is not required on station
service feeder if updated to power circuit breaker. The manual disconnect is required if
fuses are to be provided.
• Propose option to add fuses or power circuit breaker/digital protection relay to provide
additional protection for excitation system supply.
• It is allowable for length of switchgear lineup to add an additional compartment if
required. Total length of switchgear should not exceed 208”.
2.3 Standards and References
The medium voltage metal clad switchgear and protection devices in this specification are to be
designed and manufactured according to the latest revision of the following standards unless otherwise
American National Standards Institute ANSI / IEEE
C37.04 Standard Rating Structure for AC HV Circuit Breakers
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Generator Breaker Replacement Project
C37.06 Preferred Ratings for AC HV Circuit Breakers
C37.09 Standard Test Procedure for AC HV Circuit Breakers
C37.010 Application Guideline for AC HV Circuit Breakers
C37.011 Application Guide for TRV for AC HV Circuit Breakers
C37.012 Application Guide for Capacitance Switching
C37.013 IEEE Standard for AC High-Voltage Generator Circuit Breakers
C37.11 Requirements for Electrical Control
C37.20.2 Standard for Metal-Clad and Station-Type Cubicle Switchgear
C37.55 Conformance Testing Procedure of Metal-Clad Switchgear
C57.10 Requirements for Instrument Transformers
C57.13 Requirements for Instrument Transformers
47 Guide for Surge Withstand Capability Tests
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
CC1 Electrical Power Connectors
SG-4 Standards for Power Circuit Breakers
SG-5 Power Switchgear Assemblies
70E 2011 Edition (applicable portions)
Design tests, to verify ANSI ratings as identified in this specification, shall be
documented as required by ISO9001-2000 and available for review and inspection
It shall be the Vendor and/or manufacturer's responsibility to be, or to become,
knowledgeable about the requirements of these Standards and Codes. Any changes or
alternations to the equipment to make it meet Standards and Codes requirements shall
be at the expense of the Vendor.
2.4 Site Information
The Swan Lake site is located in a remote location accessible only by float plane, helicopter, or
boat. The Swan Lake generators are connected to Ketchikan and to the Tyee Lake Powerhouse
via transmission lines. The Tyee Lake substation is connected to the communities of Wrangell and
Petersburg. A diagram of the Southeast Alaska power system is attached below. The Swan Lake
site is accessed from Ketchikan.
[Remainder of page intentionally left blank.]
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Generator Breaker Replacement Project
3.1 General
The switchgear shall replace the existing switchgear shown in the attached drawings with changes
to add additional circuit breakers for the station service feeder and the excitation supply. The new
switchgear will also incorporate features intended to protect operations and maintenance personnel
against arc flash hazards.
The switchgear shall meet indoor standards as defined in ANSI C37.20.2. The switchgear will be
used in a 13.8 kV, 3-phase, 60 Hz system. It shall be composed of factory assembled metal clad
cubicles. The circuit breakers shall be designed with vacuum interrupter technology or equivalent
and shall incorporate a (spring operated or magnetically actuated) mechanism
The total number of sections will be determined by the required functionality. It is desirable but not
a requirement to maintain similar overall dimensions to the existing switchgear. It is preferable to
have switchgear that is built from standard sections, versus switchgear that is non-standard and
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Generator Breaker Replacement Project
matches the foot print / dimensions of the existing switchgear.
Reference Drawings:
• SWL Switchgear GEN 1 Three Line Diagram IndustrialElectric
• SWL Switchgear GEN 1 One Line Diagram IndustrialElectric
The switchgear shall meet the ratings defined in section 3.2.
3.2 Operating Environment
The cabinet and the installed components will be designed to function without degradation in
performance for an outside cabinet ambient temperature of 40°C (104°F).
The cabinet will be designed for a 95% humidity non-condensing.
The system will be designed for operation at rated conditions at altitudes up to 1000 meters.
Actual site is at sea level.
3.3 Ratings
The switchgear will have the following ratings:
Rated Maximum Voltage
Operating Voltage (nominal)
Main Bus Continuous Rating
Control Bus DC Voltage (Nominal)
Breaker Interrupting Time
15 kV
13.8 kV
1200 A
125 VDC
3 Cycles
Temperature rise of the switchgear will be in accordance with the latest revision of ANSI
C.37.20 for metal clad switchgear.
The equipment shall be completely factory assembled and tested prior to shipment.
Generator Circuit Breaker Ratings
To be designed to meet the requirements of IEEE C37.013-1997 [R2008].
Ratings to be based on existing generator breaker ratings with approximately 10% additional
overcurrent interrupting capability. Nameplate from existing breaker in attached drawings
(see, Attachment 2 to the RFP).
Maximum Rated Voltage
Minimum Rated Interrupting Current
Interrupting Time
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15 kV
40 kA RMS
3 cycles
Technical Specifications
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear
Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Minimum Close and Latch
Impulse Level (BIL)
104 kA Peak
95 kV Crest
Equivalent to 1.2
Power Circuit Breaker Ratings – Station Service Feeder upgrade option
Maximum Rated Voltage
Minimum Rated Interrupting Current
Interrupting Time
Rated Continuous Current
Minimum Close and Latch
Impulse Level (BIL)
15 kV
40 kA RMS
3 Cycles
25 Amps RMS
52 kA Peak
95 kV Crest
Power Circuit Breaker Ratings – Exciter Supply Feeder upgrade option
Maximum Rated Voltage
Minimum Rated Interrupting Current
Interrupting Time
Rated Continous Current
Minimum Close and Latch
Impulse Level (BIL)
15 kV
40 kA RMS
3 Cycles
10 Amps RMS
52 kA Peak
95 kV Crest
3.4 Corona Free Design
The switchgear shall be corona free by design and shall be tested for partial discharges in accordance
with EEMAC standard G11-1. The corona discharges measured during the tests shall be less than 100
Pico coulombs.
4.1 Switchgear Assembly
The switchgear assembly shall consist of metal-clad, free-standing, vertical, dead-front steel structures
containing circuit breaker compartments and circuit breakers, primary bus system, ground bus system,
auxiliary compartments and transformers, protection and control devices, control bus (as required) and
connection provisions for primary, ground, and control circuits.
The basic structure will be of modular construction and fabricated mainly of 14 gauge or heavier sheet
metal. The exterior is to be painted ANSI 61 gray and interior surfaces are to be galvanized steel which
does not require painting due to inherent resistance to corrosion. If interior panels are not galvanized
then interior panels are to be painted white per the process defined in section 11.
The switchgear enclosure will be constructed of double wall steel construction with an air gap between
sheets and in the event of a fault condition, the first layer will burn and the second layer will be
insulated by the air gap.
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Generator Breaker Replacement Project
4.2 Circuit Breaker Enclosure
The circuit breaker enclosure shall include stationary support bushings and primary contacts for
engagement with the circuit breaker or ground and test (G&T) device.
Standard bushings shall be made of glass-reinforced polyester or porcelain capable of supporting the
weight of the current transformers. Primary contacts will be made of copper and designed to accept
round, tulip style connectors.
4.3 Construction
Hem-bends (rigid overlap bending) or other method will be consistently used when building the
switchgear compartments to enhance strength and to minimize potential exposure of working personnel
to sharp steel edges during installation and maintenance.
4.4 Copper Ground Bus
A ¼” x 2” tin plated copper ground bus shall be provided for the entire length of the switchgear. It shall
be equipped with a solderless connector for #2/0 AWG copper cable at each end. The ground bus
shall be accessible in the cable compartment, and shall have connection points in each switchgear
section for workmen's grounds. The ground bus will be connected to the breaker frames and will
ground the draw-out circuit breaker in and when traveling in between the connected and test positions.
Bare, un-plated copper ground bus is unacceptable.
4.5 Bus Bars
The main bus compartment shall be separated from the other compartments by an 11 gauge steel
barrier (or equivalent) and shall fully enclose the main bus. The main bus compartment shall be
accessible from the rear through the cable compartment. Main bus ratings shall match the highest
rated circuit breaker continuous current ratings and comply with ANSI / IEEE temperature rise
Bus bars shall be copper and shall be completely isolated and coated with an epoxy insulation that is
flame retardant, non-hygroscopic and high-dielectric, except at bolted joints. The bus shall be
mechanically braced for the close and latch rating of the breaker having the highest interrupting rating
within each assembly. All bolted bus joints shall be silver-plated or tin-plated. The bus connections to
the circuit breakers shall match the breaker rating. Bus supports shall be flame retardant, track
resistant GPO-3 glass polyester or porcelain.
Bus joint cover boots shall be manufactured from molded PVC and shall be removable and reusable for
field inspection and maintenance. Taping of bus joints is not acceptable.
The shape of the bus bar shall be full round edge. The main bus shall not be tapered.
Bus bar connections shall be mechanically secured with reusable fastening devices that shall maintain
adequate pressures at the joints within the operating temperature range of the switchgear.
The bus bars and support systems shall be designed to withstand the forces created during short circuit
conditions at the rated momentary and short-time (2-second) conditions of the highest rated circuit
breaker. Supports shall be made of glass polyester or porcelain.
An insulated, rigid, copper riser bus shall be provided from the circuit breaker / switchgear primary
disconnects to a cable compartment location to allow cable termination lug connections. Riser bus
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Generator Breaker Replacement Project
connections to bus duct shall be rigid. Cable termination bus arrangement shall allow at least 36
inches for primary cable stress cones or potheads. Connections to floor entrance bushings shall include
flexible straps from the rigid bus to the floor bushings.
Standard termination bus shall meet the bolt hole requirements of NEMA CC1-4.05, and shall typically
be the NEMA 4-hole pattern. Optional - Vendor will supply crimp type cable lugs, compression type
cable lugs.
The design shall be adaptable for bottom primary entrance arrangements. In 2-high breaker
arrangements, each set of primary connections and zero-sequence current transformers, if applicable,
shall be isolated into separate compartments by a grounded steel partition in accordance with ANSI
o The connection to the generator will be through the bottom of the first compartment.
o The connection to the transformer power bus will be through the bottom of the last
o Station Service connection will be thru bottom of respective compartment.
o Exciter supply connection will be thru top of respective compartment.
4.6 Equipment Mounting
Bar type / zero-sequence current transformers, lighting arresters, surge capacitors, stationary control
power transformers, ground sensors, or other auxiliary equipment shall be mounted in the cable
compartments as shown on the single-line diagram and project data sheets. An optional 7” rear
extension shall be provided to accommodate additional equipment and power cable if required.
Control switches, instruments, meters, position indicating lights, protective relays, etc. shall be in a
separate compartment from the circuit breaker unless specifically allowed by the project data sheets.
All other monitoring devices such as CT’s and limit switches may be located within other compartments.
Low voltage compartment door mounted devices shall be mounted on the front of the switchgear
panels and arranged in an approved, logical, symmetrical manner. In those cases where there is not
enough space on the door of the instrument compartment, a 10” front extension shall be installed to
mount metering, protection, and control devices.
4.7 Breaker Interchangeability
The breaker cubicles and circuit breaker units shall be constructed so that each unit of the same rating
is interchangeable.
4.8 Circuit Breaker Shutters
Solidly grounded metal shutters shall automatically open when the breaker or G&T device is racked into
the connected position and close (covering the primary contacts and current transformers) when racked
to the test or disconnected positions or withdrawn from the cell. Shutter grounding shall be by
dedicated ground wires, and shall not be dependent on grounding through hinges or moving contact
surfaces. The actuation of the shutters must be by the movement of the circuit breaker. Gravity and
spring-operated shutters are not acceptable.
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Generator Breaker Replacement Project
4.9 Switches
Breaker control switches shall not be mounted adjacent to meter switches, and shall have "pistol grip"
handles. All breaker control switches are to have handles which are distinct from all other switches to
enhance operator awareness. Switches to be SEL-RS series, GE HEA, Electroswitch Series 24, or
Meter switches shall have "knurled knob" handles or distinctly colored pistol grip handles. Switches to
be SEL-RS series, GE HEA, Electroswitch Series 24, or equivalent.
Control and instrument switches will be provided and wired in accordance with specified single line
diagrams and data sheets, and will be mounted only on low voltage compartment doors and panels.
All switches are to have individual contacts to indicate position of switch. These individual contacts are
to be wired back to terminal blocks.
4.10 Name Plates
Externally-visible, permanent nameplates shall be provided to identify each instrument, instrument
switch, meter, relay, control switch, indicating light, circuit breaker compartment, potential transformer
compartment, and auxiliary compartment. Equipment and terminal blocks within the compartments
shall be suitably identified. Relays shall be designated as to use and as to the phase to which they are
connected. Nameplates shall be laminated plastic. Characters shall be black letters on a white
4.11 Auxiliary Switches & Contacts
All auxiliary switches and contacts shall be wired out to terminal blocks for customer convenience.
5.1 Circuit Breakers General
The power circuit breakers shall be electrically operated, 3-pole, draw-out type, with vacuum
interrupters and manual charging of a spring type stored energy operating mechanism. The power
circuit breaker shall be provided with self-aligning line-side and load-side disconnecting devices.
The breaker operating mechanism shall be front-accessible, and all routine maintenance shall be
performed with the breaker in an upright position. The interrupters shall be completely sealed requiring
no interphase barriers. Breakers shall be designed for easy insertion, removal and transport on flat
indoor surfaces. A breaker lift truck shall be furnished with each switchgear assembly.
Generator Circuit Breakers are to comply with latest version of IEEE C37.013-1997 [R2008] IEEE
Standard for AC High-Voltage Generator Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis.
5.2 Breaker Racking System
The breaker racking system shall allow smooth, consistent breaker movement with the door closed and
shall have three positions in addition to the fully withdrawn position; disconnect, test and connected.
The circuit breaker shall stop and lock in all three positions, requiring operator action to move from one
position to another. The circuit breaker door must be provided with impact resistant poly carbonate
viewing window of at least 86 square inches and ½” thick to determine breaker position, open/closed
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Generator Breaker Replacement Project
indicator, spring charge status, and operations counter without opening the door of the circuit breaker
The circuit breaker will be provided with an integral racking mechanism. Circuit breakers utilizing
switchgear mounted racking mechanisms separate from the circuit breaker are not preferred.
The draw-out mechanism shall hold the breakers rigidly in the CONNECTED (primaries and
secondaries engaged), TEST (primary contacts disconnected and shutter closed, but control contacts
engaged) and DISCONNECTED (both primary and secondary contacts disengaged) positions, with the
door closed. The secondary contact plug shall automatically disconnect when the breaker is moved
from the TEST to the DISCONNECTED position.
A single (25 pin) fully automatic, self-aligning, secondary disconnecting device shall be provided to act
as a disconnect for the secondary connections between the circuit breaker and the switchgear. The
disconnecting device shall be positioned and constructed as to not expose the operator to live parts.
The secondary disconnect shall connect automatically when the circuit breaker is racked into the test
and connected positions. The female portion of the disconnect system shall reside in the breaker
compartment, so that energized contacts are recessed and remain “touch safe”.
To guarantee the integrity of operating personnel, it shall not be required to open or keep opened the
door of the circuit breaker compartment after the breaker has been locked in the disconnected position
to be able to rack the breaker or connect the secondary contacts, Circuit breakers that require
manual connecting or disconnecting of the secondary contacts are unacceptable.
The breakers shall be held captive in the cubicle by means of a latching mechanism, even in the
disconnected position. Removal of the circuit breaker shall be by means of unlatching the mechanism
and pulling the circuit breaker onto a lift truck. Cell must have a minimum of a 1” lip for proper sealing
of the door and to prevent ingress of dirt and other contaminants. Circuit breakers that require rail
extensions for circuit breaker removal are not acceptable.
Wheels shall be provided on the bottom of the circuit breakers for easy floor rolling after the breaker is
removed from the frame. Circuit breakers that require a separately purchased floor rolling truck
assembly are not preferred.
Interlocks shall be provided which will prevent connecting the breaker to, or disconnecting it from the
bus stabs unless the breaker is OPEN (tripped), assuring proper sequencing and safe operation. The
close springs of the circuit breaker will automatically discharge when the breaker is released from the
cell by pulling in on the truck latch assembly.
5.3 Control voltage and trip voltage shall be as follows:
The breaker motor charging range shall be 125VDC nominal
The trip voltage shall be 125VDC nominal with range of 100 – 140 Vdc
The close voltage shall be 125VDC nominal with range of 70 – 140 Vdc
The direct current power source shall be by owner.
Close circuits for each breaker shall be separately fused. Fuse blocks shall be dead front, pull-out type,
which provides the control power disconnecting means.
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Generator Breaker Replacement Project
5.4 Circuit Breaker Actuation
SEAPA’s intent is to minimize maintenance related to the generator switchgear, specifically breaker
maintenance. Due to the varying load on the power system the Swan Lake generators may be started /
stopped two (2) or more times per day. SEAPA would like to consider ways to minimize long term
maintenance and therefore is asking for both a circuit breaker with mechanical actuation and also any
options for magnetic or other proven methods of circuit breaker actuation which minimize maintenance
and maximize reliability.
Mechanically Actuated Circuit Breaker
The circuit breaker shall be provided with a toroidal spring mechanism or similar which provides
for an easy manual charging capability.
The mechanically operated circuit breaker mechanism shall rotate the main horizontal shaft in
only one direction, in order to reduce wear and maintenance costs and eliminating mechanism
binding. The breaker shall be equipped with the "stored energy operation" type, anti-pumpoperating mechanism. It shall be possible to open and close the breakers manually. The circuit
breaker shall be capable of operating in three cycles or less. The mechanism shall be
completely front accessible and maintainable by removing the faceplate. Breakers that require
lifting to access the mechanism under the carriage are unacceptable.
The mechanically actuated circuit breaker should be capable of 10,000 no load / minimum load
operations before requiring maintenance.
Magnetically Actuated Circuit Breaker (Optional)
The circuit breaker shall be provided with a magnetically actuated mechanism which shall use a
flux-shifting device with integral permanent magnets. It also shall incorporate an electronic
controller and a capacitor for energy storage. The magnetically actuated circuit breaker
mechanism shall be capable of 100,000 no-load operations. The breaker shall be virtually
maintenance free, except for minor lubrication. The circuit breaker shall be capable of operating
in three cycles.
The mechanism shall be completely front accessible and maintainable by removing the
faceplate. Breakers that require lifting to access the mechanism under the carriage are
unacceptable. It shall be possible to program the electronic controller to react in three different
ways upon loss of control power: 1) trip the circuit breaker immediately, 2) trip the circuit breaker
with a delay, or 3) remain in the closed position.
The magnetically operated circuit breaker shall have the capability of accepting 125 Vdc as
control power within the following ranges without changing the electronic board: 70 to 140 VDC
The circuit breaker enclosure shall have interference blocking to prevent the insertion of
improperly rated breakers.
The breaker shall include a minimum of 8 available mechanism operated contacts (MOC)
consisting of 4a and 4b contacts, wired through the secondary disconnect. Up to 9 additional
MOC contacts (5a, 4b) can be installed on the breaker and wired through the secondary
disconnect, for a total of 17 available MOC contacts. All breaker-mounted contacts shall operate
in both connected and test positions. Mechanism operated contacts that are installed external
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Generator Breaker Replacement Project
to the circuit breaker requiring complex linkages and alignment procedures to the breaker are
not acceptable.
Provisions for padlocking breakers in any of the positions shall be included.
Circuit breaker power draw-out contacts shall be silver-plated.
The breaker shall have a mechanical method to indicate open or closed position, and spring
charge status. Only the correct status flag for any single function shall be visible. Additionally,
the breaker shall have a 5-digit, non-resettable operations counter.
6.1 Reference Drawings
Reference the following drawings for PT/CT information.
6.2 Current Transformers
CT nameplates shall be located on the CT housing and information provided shall be in accordance
with ANSI C57.13. The CT winding shall terminate on a screw type terminal on the CT housing and
shall be wired to shorting terminal blocks. ABB type SAB current transformers or equivalent shall be
supplied as shown on the existing single line diagram. Zero-sequence transformers shall be ABB type
BYZ-S or equivalent. .
Each current transformer shall have a 5-ampere secondary and a primary rating as shown on the
existing three line diagrams.
Ratings and accuracies shall be in accordance with ANSI C57.13 for the metering and relay
applications shown on the existing three line diagrams.
Each current transformer shall have a short-circuiting device (shorting type terminal blocks). The first
termination of each current transformer shall be at the short-circuiting device terminal blocks where the
ground connection is also made.
Low voltage ring type CT’s will be bushing-mounted, located behind the shutters and accessible from
the front. Bushing design will accommodate up to four standard accuracy CT’s per phase (two on the
bus side and two on the load side) for all ratings.
6.3 Potential Transformers
Potential transformer shall be designed to withstand the Basic Impulse Level (BIL) of the switchgear.
Potential transformers shall always be fused. Potential transformers shall be mounted on a draw-out
unit in an auxiliary enclosure, which disconnects them from the primary circuit safely. ABB type VIZ
(15kV) potential transformers or equivalent shall be supplied in accordance with the existing three line
Potential transformers shall be mounted in a separate draw-out compartment (truck assembly) and so
arranged that the unit can be withdrawn from the operating position via a racking device with the door
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Generator Breaker Replacement Project
closed. In the withdrawn position, the fuses shall be completely disconnected from service and all
exposed parts shall be visibly grounded.
The potential transformers compartment shall incorporate extension rails to allow changing fuses and
general maintenance without the need to take the truck assembly completely out of its compartment.
Potential transformers shall be connected to the line or load via solid copper rod, bus or shielded cable.
An impact resistant glass-viewing window shall be on the front of the potential transformer door.
Each transformer shall be protected with current-limiting primary fuses, and shall be designed to
withstand the basic impulse level of the switchgear.
Each transformer shall have a 120-volt secondary and an ANSI C57.13 accuracy classification meeting
the requirements of the application shown on the existing one / three line diagrams.
All protective relays, auxiliary relays, indicating instruments, recording instruments, indicating lights,
transducers, etc. shall be housed in the low voltage compartment unless specifically allowed by the
project data sheets. The low voltage compartment shall isolate the above equipment so that additional
arc flash protection is available. Relays and instruments shall be provided and wired as specified on the
project one/three line diagram. A multi-function, 3-phase microprocessor based relay and control
package shall be used in 2-high breaker arrangements. Alternative relay types may be used in 1-high
configurations to the extent allowed by mounting space in the low voltage compartments. Doormounted protective relays will be draw-out type whenever practical.
Protective relays and test devices shall be semi-flush mounted. The relays shall be so arranged that
they can be tested in position on the panel and readily withdrawn from the panel for inspection or
The relays shall be provided with targets with an external reset feature.
Switchgear device function numbers shall be in accordance with ANSI C-37.20.
SEAPA has standardized on SEL protection relays. SEL relays with DNP 3.0 communications are
7.1 Digital Protection Relays for Feeder Protection and Arc Flash Protection
3-phase overcurrent protection (time and instantaneous)
Ground overcurrent (time and instantaneous)
Breaker Trip Coil Monitoring
Event recording
Accumulation of breaker interrupting duty
Continuous self-checking
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Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear
Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Ethernet communications ports for remote terminal connections which support the DNP 3.0
communications protocol.
Arc Flash Protection and ability to select different protection settings to enable settings for
normal operation and settings for maintenance. Maintenance / normal settings to be
selectable via control switch. State of control switch is to be wired out to terminal blocks.
8.1 General requirements
Metering per manufacturers standard. Preference is placed on the ability to display the
switchgear parameters remotely as digital values on the plant HMI/SCADA system.
Instruments and meters shall be rectangular and anti-fungi, black finish, dust proof and
semi-flush mounted digital switchboard type.
Meter potential coils shall be 120 volts and current coils shall be five (5) amperes.
The equipment panel shall be arranged symmetrically and when possible shall allow for
possible future additions.
Instrument switches shall have black knurled non-removable handles or separately colored
pistol grip handles. The circuit breaker controls shall have non-removable pistol grip
handles with a red color.
9.1 General
Control devices, control buses, local control, instrument cables and wiring on the equipment
shall be installed at the factory. Low voltage cables shall be enclosed in grounded metal
flexible conduit when routed through a high voltage compartment. Control wiring shall be
neatly bundled and tie wrapped where applicable. Wiring shall be protected from rubbing
against door flanges or other parts of the enclosure.
Control relays, auxiliary contacts and small mechanisms shall be enclosed, protected and
accessible for maintenance.
Fuses shall be provided in each closing circuit of each circuit breaker. These fuses shall be
respectively located in the low voltage compartment of the circuit breaker frame. Only the
closing circuit shall be fused; there shall be no fuses in the tripping circuit.
Control wire shall be twelve (12) gauge SIS stranded, extra-flexible, 600V flame retardant,
gray color and UL-listed wire except where larger sizes are needed for current carrying
requirements. Current transformers shall be provided with a minimum of ten (10) gauge.
Current transformer wiring is to be yellow in color.
The conductors shall be stranded copper for fixed wiring and extra flexible stranded copper
for hinge wiring. The conductors shall be 90 degrees Celsius normal operating temperature,
flameproof 600-volt switchboard cable and shall meet ICEA S-66-524 NEMA publication No.
WC-7 Standards for cross-linked thermosetting polyethylene insulated wire and cable.
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Technical Specifications
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear
Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Flexible connections between stationary and hinged panels or doors shall be made between
terminal blocks or clamped in such a manner as to afford flexibility without damage to the
wires. The wires shall be neatly bundled and tie wrapped.
The assembled control equipment and wiring connections shall be insulated for 600-volts
and shall be subjected to a one (1) minute test of 1500-volts AC at the factory after
fabrication and assembly is complete.
Terminal blocks shall be provided for terminating all power and control wiring. Terminal
blocks shall be rated at 600-volts, strap screw terminals with white marking strips showing
terminal numbers.
Terminal blocks shall be conveniently located for external connection without accessing the
high voltage compartments and shall be marked appropriately. A wire label at both ends will
identify each internal connecting wire.
Wire labels are to utilize permanent ink that will not fade over time or run if exposed to
humidity, water or other liquids. Wire labels may be heat shrink or other material that slides
onto the conductor. Wire labels that require adhesive to secure it to the conductors are not
acceptable. Paper or other non-permanent material is not acceptable for wire labels. The
wire labeling used on internal conductors is to be per the manufacturer’s
standards. Preferred methods of wire labeling are to/from or wire numbers which relate
directly to the manufacturer’s drawings.
General Requirements
Engraved nameplates, mounted on the face of the assembly, shall be furnished for all main and feeder
circuits as indicated on the drawings. Nameplates shall be laminated plastic, black characters on white
background, and secured with screws. Characters shall be 3/16-inch high, minimum. Furnish master
nameplate for each switchgear lineup giving information in accordance with IEEE Std. C37.20.2-1999,
Section 7.4.1. Circuit nameplates shall be provided with circuit designations as shown on purchaser’s
single-line diagrams.
Control components mounted within the assembly, such as fuse blocks, relays, pushbuttons, switches,
etc., shall be suitably marked for identification corresponding to appropriate designations on
manufacturer’s wiring diagrams.
All non-galvanic steel within the switchgear and metal-enclosed bus enclosures shall be cleaned, iron
phosphated and painted in accordance with the manufacturer's standard practice for the environmental
conditions specified. The enclosure final exterior color paint coat shall be ANSI Z55.1 color number No.
61 gray.
The interior shall utilize galvanic steel or will have a color white finish process.
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Technical Specifications
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear
Generator Breaker Replacement Project
The galvanic steel shall provide inherent reflective properties to its surface and shall not peel, scratch,
rust or corrode. Painted interiors are subject to scratching during racking of the circuit breakers and
normal maintenance of the switchgear and are therefore not preferred.
Touchup Paint
Manufacturer shall supply paint, matching each color used, for field "touch up" after installation of the
Paint General
Paints will be in compliance with the 1990 U.S. Clean Air Act.
12.1 Factory Testing
The control circuits shall be operated at the normal voltage and current for proper operation of circuit
breakers, circuit breaker simulators, switches, contactors, interlocks, etc. Instruments shall be
energized from the low voltage winding of the potential transformers and the low current winding of
current transformers. Where practical, each instrument shall be operated through its range of voltage,
current and/or phase angle and frequency to produce deflections over the entire scale.
The ratio and interconnections of all potential transformers shall be functionally checked to verify
conformance to the electrical drawings and electrical bills of material.
Relays shall be tested by applying rated current and/or voltage as required to determine proper
performance characteristics. Each relay shall be tested to determine its proper operation in itself and
also in the total overall circuit performance.
A static circuit check shall be performed for auxiliary switches, external circuit connections and parts of
circuitry that have not been checked or cannot be checked functionally. The devices shall be checked
for mechanical function and for conformance to the schematic and wiring diagrams. After all electrical
tests and mechanical checks have been completed and corrections have been signed off, the following
dielectric tests shall be performed:
Each power bus shall be given a high voltage withstand test from phase to phase and phase to
ground at the specified voltage, frequency and time duration indicated in the Standard C37.20.
Control wire shall be given a high voltage withstand test from wire to ground at the specified
voltage, frequency and time duration with reference to the proper standard.
Manufacturer shall provide three (3) certified copies of the factory test reports.
Factory Witness Test
Factory tests shall be witnessed by Owner’s representatives.
Manufacturer shall notify the Owner two (2) weeks prior to the date the tests are to be performed.
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Technical Specifications
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear
Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Field Quality Control / Installation
Provide the services of a qualified factory-trained manufacturer’s representative to assist the Contractor
in installation and startup of the equipment specified under this section for a period of five (5) working
days for each unit installation (10 days total, 10 hours per day). The manufacturer’s representative shall
provide technical direction and assistance to the contractor in general assembly of the equipment,
connections and adjustments, and testing of the assembly and components contained therein.
A qualified factory-trained manufacturer’s representative shall certify in writing that the equipment has
been installed, adjusted and tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
The Contractor shall provide three (3) copies of the manufacturer’s representative’s certification and
startup report.
General Requirements
All engineering data provided for the equipment shall show equipment as specified and ordered.
Engineering data, as listed below, shall be supplied in the quantities shown on the supplier’s quotation.
Drawings shall indicate all equipment, but only such equipment, as is actually in the switchgear scope
of supply. All user connection and interface points shall be clearly marked, including primary and
secondary cable entrances and connection points, installation details, generic interframe assembly and
generic connection details for shipping splits.
Drawing Requirements
Electronic drawing PDF format files for approval shall be supplied. Final drawings are to be submitted in
Autocad 2010 format.
The drawing set is to include the following drawings:
Structural Drawings, with critical dimensions, showing:
• Arrangements
• Plan, Front view, and elevation section views.
• Arrangement.
• Plan, front view, and elevation section views.
• Required clearances for opening doors and for removing breakers.
• Conduit or cable trays entrance locations and dimensions for both top and
• Bus bar locations and configurations.
• Incoming and outgoing power cable terminator positions.
• Anchor bolt locations.
• Grounding connections.
• Weight of equipment.
Elementary Three-Line Diagrams
• Three line diagrams, with ANSI device function numbers used throughout, shall show all:
• Instrument transformers.
• Relays.
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Technical Specifications
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear
Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Meters and meter switches.
Breakers and other pertinent devices.
Schematic Diagrams
• Schematic diagrams shall be furnished for the electrically-operated breaker / relay
control scheme.
• Each schematic diagram shall show all control devices and device contact, each of
which shall be labeled with its proper ANSI device function number.
• Each schematic diagram shall show device and terminal block terminal numbers for
customer connections.
• Provide control switch development tables.
Detailed Connection (Wiring) Diagrams showing, submitted for record only:
• Approximate physical location of all items in each unit.
• All wiring within each unit.
• All interconnecting wiring between units.
• Identification of all terminals, terminal blocks, and wires.
Provide three (3) sets of hard copy drawings shipped with the switchgear for start-up use.
Final drawings are to be submitted in Autocad Version 2010 after all installation / commissioning
redlines are incorporated.
Material List
An electrical bill of material list shall be furnished listing the quantity, rating, type, and
manufacturer's catalog number of all equipment on each unit.
Installation, Operating, and Maintenance Instructions.
Installation, operating, and maintenance instructions shall cover switchgear, breakers,
relays, meters and devices requiring installation, programming and / or maintenance.
Included Accessories
Manufacturer shall provide accessories for test, inspection, maintenance and operating including but
not limited to:
A breaker lifting truck device to allow a circuit breaker, or auxiliary draw-out unit to be
elevated and then inserted or withdrawn from upper or lower compartments
Circuit breaker accessories, including a hand crank for manually operating the breaker,
PT/CPT/draw-out fuse racking system and/or a handle for manually charging the stored
energy system on circuit breakers.
An electrical test jumper for connecting the breaker to the switchgear control circuit while
the breaker is completely out of the cell.
Relay/test plug for each type of device, as applicable
Vendor’s standard, manually operated Ground & Test device – 3-terminal or 6-terminal
Optional - An electrical test cabinet with door-mounted open and close pushbuttons for
testing the circuit breaker away from the switchgear.
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Technical Specifications
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear
Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Additional accessories as required for to operate and maintain the supplied
Each assembly order shall be furnished with one set of channel base extensions suitable for crane
hooks or slings.
Each shipping split shall be furnished with removable steel shipping channels that permit the use of
pipe rollers or dollies without damaging the frame steel of the equipment. Note that the area where the
switchgear will be installed does not have overhead crane access. Switchgear will need to be rolled
into place.
The Swan Lake Hydro Electric project is a remote site located close to Ketchikan, Alaska. The
excitation equipment will be shipped to Ketchikan, Alaska then SEAPA will arrange for it to be delivered
to Swan Lake.
Bidders shall consider that Swan Lake is a remote site. Owner will not incur additional fees due to poor
planning on the part of the vendor. All equipment must be shipped complete, and any items not
provided but required for the installation/commissioning must be clearly identified on any installation
drawings and clearly communicated in the proposal so that Owner can account for these components
during the bid evaluation. These components must be communicated to Owner to allow enough time
for procurement and shipping prior to commissioning and installation.
Shipping General
Instructions for receiving, handling, and storage shall be provided with the switchgear shipment.
Special instructions for storing switchgear at site until installation work starts are to be submitted to
SEAPA prior to shipping switchgear from factory.
Circuit breakers shall not be shipped installed in the switchgear assembly to avoid damage.
Each "shipping section" of stationary structures shall be provided with a permanently-attached,
readily-visible identification tag bearing the equipment number of the assembly of which it is a part.
The switchgear shall be split in the most efficient manner for shipping.
If shipped in sections the wiring between the units shall be terminated on terminal blocks on each side
of the shipping split. Jumpers shall be provided and marked for convenient connection in the field.
All accessory items shall be shipped with the switchgear. Boxes and crates containing accessories
shall be clearly marked with the contents.
Impact recorders shall be provided for shipping. The manufacturer shall mount them at the factory to
provide a permanent record of the magnitude of axial, transverse and vertical forces to which the
equipment will be subjected while in transit. Upon arrival and before unloading the switchgear, the
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Technical Specifications
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear
Generator Breaker Replacement Project
impact recorder shall be removed and inspected. Any deviations shall be immediately reported to
SEAPA at the site for evaluation and resolution. The impact recorders shall be returned to the
If allowable, impact recorder reading values are exceeded prior to transfer of responsibility, the
successful bidder shall test the switchgear at no cost to SEAPA and confirm field tests match factory
test results.
Vendor Shipping Responsibility
The fixed price quote is to include shipping to Ketchikan, Alaska via either Samson Tug & Barge in
Seattle, Washington or vendor’s preferred shipping company. If vendor chooses Samson Tug & Barge
(Samson), please note that Samson has a contract with Alaska Marine Lines (AML) barge lines to load
at AML’s barge facility. The AML loading facility is located at 5600 West Marginal Way, SW, Seattle,
Washington 98106. (Contact: Jessie Richardson/phone 206.512.6938), then arrange shipping from
Samson in Seattle, Washington to Samson in Ketchikan, Alaska located at the Samson Terminal, 3311
Tongass Avenue, Ketchikan, Alaska 99901. (Contact: phone 907.220.9902) where SEAPA will conduct
a visual inspection of the crated shipment prior to custody transfer. If it appears there is visual damage
to the crating outside of the shipped equipment, SEAPA will call the manufacturer to advise
accordingly. The crated shipment will not be opened. If there is no visual damage to the crating on the
outside of the shipped equipment, SEAPA will accept delivery FOB Ketchikan and will ship the crated
equipment to the project site where it will then be uncrated. Manufacturer shall determine whether it is
necessary for their Site Representative to be present at the inspection FOB Ketchikan and if it is
determined necessary, the cost of same shall be included in the bidder’s firm fixed price.
Manufacturer is responsible for the switchgear if any potential damage is found prior to Owner’s
acceptance of delivery in Ketchikan, Alaska; in such case, the switchgear will not be unloaded and
corrective action shall be taken by the Manufacturer.
Bidders shall specify the term of the warranty, when the warranty starts, and other applicable terms and
conditions that may apply on the Manufacturer’s Term of Warranty Form (see, Attachment 11 to the
RFP). A minimum term of one (1) year may be submitted; however, a term of five (5) years is
preferred. The term and conditions of the warranty will be considered by SEAPA in its evaluation and
ranking of Bidders. Seller shall be responsible for all costs associated with remedies during the
warranty period.
Full coverage warranty shall be provided on parts, systems, and accessories from others.
In the event the switchgear, an accessory part, must be returned for repair, the Seller must also pay for
shipping to from Ketchikan, Alaska to the repair facility and from the repair facility to Ketchikan, Alaska.
SEAPA will pay for shipping to and from Swan Lake to Ketchikan.
The switchgear shall perform at the rated capacities defined in this specification. If the switchgear fails
to perform at these levels, the Seller must correct the problem at their expense, as acceptable by the
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Unit #1 to have PT's for power
transformer bus
(U1 only)
Add Manual Disconnect before
Removable links to allow isolation of
unit from power transformer bus.
(U1 & U2)
Changed to Power Circuit
Breaker, if circuit breaker then
manual disconect can be deleted.
Option for providing fuses or power
circuit breaker for excitation supply.
(U1 & U2)
Add Manual Disconnect before
Removable links to allow isolation of
unit from power transformer bus.
(U1 & U2)
Changed to Power Circuit
Breaker, if circuit breaker then
manual disconect can be deleted.
Option for providing fuses or power
circuit breaker for excitation supply.
(U1 & U2)
Option for providing fuses or power
circuit breaker for excitation supply.
(U1 & U2)
Add Manual Disconnect before
Removable links to allow isolation of
unit from power transformer bus.
(U1 & U2)
Changed to Power Circuit
Breaker, if circuit breaker then
manual disconect can be deleted.
Unit #1 to have PT's for power
transformer bus
(U1 only)
Power Cable cable trays are below switchgear and connect to
switchgear via floor penetrations.
Control cables and exciter supply connections are thru top of
Switch gear lineup could be extended by up to 60 inches if required.
SOUTHEAST ALASKA POWER AGENCY Switchgear Replacement Project
Segrity LLC
Reference Only
– To be
Swan Lake Switchgear / Exciter Plant Arrangement
in field
SEAPA_SWL SwitchGear Replacement Drawings.vsd
REF. Drawings
TEL: 303-482-1342
SHEET _____
of ______
8' 2"
8' 2"
4' 4"
6' 7"
6' 7"
7' 3"
7' 3"
6' 10"
Front of Exciter Cabinets
6' 6"
Front of SwitchGear Cabinets
Front of SwitchGear Cabinets
Front of Exciter Cabinets
3' 10"
3' 10"
7' 11'
Front of Exciter
(Digital Section)
Front of Exciter
(Digital Section)
Area NOT Accessible by
Overhead Crane
Area Accessible by
Overhead Crane shown
with crosshatch.
U1 Generator
Overhead Door
U2 Generator
SOUTHEAST ALASKA POWER AGENCY Switchgear Replacement Project
Segrity LLC
Reference Only
– To be
Swan Lake Plant Exciter / Switchgear Arrangement and
Approximate Distances
in field
SEAPA_SWL SwitchGear Replacement Drawings.vsd
REF. Drawings
TEL: 303-482-1342
SHEET _____
of ______
SOUTHEAST ALASKA POWER AGENCY Switchgear Replacement Project
Segrity LLC
Reference Only
– To be
Swan Lake Generator Name Plate
in field
SEAPA_SWL SwitchGear Replacement Drawings.vsd
REF. Drawings
TEL: 303-482-1342
SHEET _____
of ______
SOUTHEAST ALASKA POWER AGENCY Switchgear Replacement Project
Segrity LLC
Reference Only
Swan Lake Generator Breaker Information
SEAPA_SWL SwitchGear Replacement Drawings.vsd
REF. Drawings
TEL: 303-482-1342
SHEET _____ of ______
Station Service transformer feeder consists of 600
Amp load interrupter and three RBA-200 50E, 14.4
kV fuses (one per phase)
SOUTHEAST ALASKA POWER AGENCY Switchgear Replacement Project
Segrity LLC
Reference Only
Swan Lake Station Service Transformer and Load
Interrupter Information
SEAPA_SWL SwitchGear Replacement Drawings.vsd
REF. Drawings
TEL: 303-482-1342
SHEET _____ of ______
NOTE: This shows existing excitation transformer. Exciter will be replaced as part of project. This transformer will be replaced. New exciter
transformer expected to be approximately 160 kVA
SOUTHEAST ALASKA POWER AGENCY Switchgear Replacement Project
Segrity LLC
Reference Only
Swan Lake Station Excitation Transformer Information
SEAPA_SWL SwitchGear Replacement Drawings.vsd
REF. Drawings
TEL: 303-482-1342
SHEET _____ of ______
Provide the following information regarding the respondent. (Note: If respondent is proposing as a team or joint venture with each
entity signing the contract, if awarded, each should complete this information. Subcontractors are not co-respondents and should not
be identified here. If additional space is required to answer fully, please attach extra sheets, listing the question and response.)
Respondent name (exact legal name as it will
appear on any contract awarded)
Principal office address
Corporate headquarters address (if different from
principal office address)
Address and contact numbers of office from
which this project would be managed (if not
listed previously)
Printed name and title of person with legal
binding authority for contract
Single point of contact for SEAPA to
communicate with concerning your proposal or
setting dates for meetings (include name, title,
email address and office or cell phone)
proprietorship, partnership, corporation, limited
liability company, joint venture, or other)
Federal Employer Identification Number.
respondent is an individual, sole proprietor, or
single-member LLC, a W-9 form will be sent for
your taxpayer ID number – do not write your
social security number on this form)
Planned mergers, transfer of organization
ownership, management reorganization, or
departure of key personnel expected within the
next twelve (12) months of which respondent or
its affiliated individuals are aware.
Have the respondent, its affiliated individuals, or
affiliated entities ever been disbarred or
suspended from contracting, or had a contract
terminated for cause or otherwise? If so, identify
the other entity and the name and current phone
number of a representative of the entity familiar
with the disbarment or suspension, and state the
reason for or circumstances surrounding the
disbarment, suspension, or termination, including
but not limited to the period of time for any
debarment or suspension.
Has the respondent or any related entity ever
had a bond or surety canceled or forfeited? If
so, describe the circumstances.
Has the respondent or any related entity ever
been declared bankrupt or filed for protection
from creditors under bankruptcy laws? If so,
state the date, court, case number, and status
(disposed or active case)
General Information Form
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear/Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Page 1 of 2 pages.
Has respondent, related individual, entity or
predecessor entity failed to perform under a
contract, or had a contract terminated or been
sued for alleged failure to perform under a
contract? If so, describe and include case
numbers and disposition of any litigation.
General Information Form
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear/Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Page 2 of 2 pages.
Bid Summary Form
(Unit Price)
When work tasks/deliverables are submitted on a unit price basis, unit price Bids will be
accepted on all items of work set forth in the Bid, except those designated to be paid for as a
lump sum. The estimated quantities of work tabulated in the Bid are approximate only and are
the basis of calculation upon which the award of the contract shall be made. Payment to the
Contractor will be made on the measurement of the actual quantities of work performed by the
Contractor and accepted by SEAPA as specified in the Contract Documents. SEAPA reserves
the right to increase, decrease, or completely delete the amount or item of work as may be
deemed necessary by SEAPA.
The prices quoted in the bid shall be full payment for all work described in the Request for
Proposals, Technical Specifications, Drawings, and associated documents or as directed by
SEAPA. Based on the undersigned’s own estimate of costs and investigations and research of
the proposed work, the bidder agrees to accept as full payment the amounts quoted in the bid.
Required Bid Item:
Swan Lake Unit 1 Switchgear Line-up
Lump Sum Amount in U.S. Dollars:
written in words
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Swan Lake Unit 2 Switchgear Line-up
Lump Sum Amount in U.S. Dollars:
written in words
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Field Quality Control / Installation
Lump Sum Amount in U.S. Dollars:
written in words
Bid Summary Form (Unit Price)
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear/Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Page 1 of 2 pages.
Equipment Shipping to Ketchikan Alaska
Lump Sum Amount in U.S. Dollars:
written in words
Total Lump Sum in U.S. Dollars (written in words)
Total (numeric)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SIGNATURE OF COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE WITH LEGAL BINDING AUTHORITY
Signature of Company Representative
Company Name
(Type or legibly print signer’s name)
Ofc/Cell Phone(s):
Bid Summary Form (Unit Price)
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear/Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Page 2 of 2 pages.
Name of Bidder:
Use this form to list and describe four (4) comparable projects completed by your company.
Attach additional sheets as necessary for further explanations and to describe relevant
experience and unique qualifications of your company to accomplish the work. The experience
should include evidence of experience working on projects that are remotely located and
required intense logistical consideration.
1a. Brief description and Scope of Work:
1b. Were delivery dates met?
☐ NO
1c. If delivery dates were not met, please explain reason and length of delay:
1d. List the Owner name, location, and key personnel currently on-staff:
2a. Brief description and Scope of Work:
2b. Were delivery dates met?
☐ NO
2c. If delivery dates were not met, please explain reason and length of delay:
2d. List the Owner name, location, and key personnel currently on-staff:
Bidder Experience Record
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear/Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Page 1 of 2 pages.
3a. Brief description and Scope of Work:
3b. Were delivery dates met?
☐ NO
3c. If delivery dates were not met, please explain reason and length of delay:
3d. List the Owner name, location, and key personnel currently on-staff:
4a. Brief description and Scope of Work:
4b. Were delivery dates met?
☐ NO
4c. If delivery dates were not met, please explain reason and length of delay:
4d. List the Owner name, location, and key personnel currently on-staff:
Submitted by:
(Company Name)
Mailing Address:
(Type or legibly print signer’s name)
Physical Address (if different):
Office Phone:
Cell Phone:
Fax No.:
Bidder Experience Record
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear/Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Page 2 of 2 pages.
1. List all subcontractors who will provide greater than five percent (5%) of the project Work
and an approximate percentage of their individual participation. The proposer may not
subcontract greater than fifty percent (50%) of this project without prior written approval by
2. If the use of subcontractors is not anticipated, write “NONE” on this form.
3. Additional copies of this form may be used, as needed.
Company Name:
Subcontractor Tasks:
Estimated Percentage of Subcontractor’s Participation:
Business Address:
Telephone Number:
E-mail Address:
Company Name:
Subcontractor Tasks:
Estimated Percentage of Subcontractor’s Participation:
Business Address:
Telephone Number:
E-mail Address:
Company Name:
Subcontractor Tasks:
Estimated Percentage of Subcontractor’s Participation:
Business Address:
Telephone Number:
E-mail Address:
List of Subcontractors
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear/Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Page 1 of 1 page.
STATE OF ________________
County of _________________
) ss:
The undersigned, whose address is ___________________________________, being
of legal age, deposes, and states as follows:
The price shown in the Bid submitted by the undersigned for the Swan Lake Medium
Voltage Switchgear/Generator Breaker Replacement Project (“Project”) is arrived at
independently and without consultation, communication, or agreement with any other contractor,
responder, or potential responder to the Request for Proposals (“RFP”) for the Project.
The price in the Bid submitted by the undersigned has not been disclosed to any other
firm who is a responder or potential responder to the RFP for the Project and they will not be
disclosed before the Bid opening. No attempt has been made or will be made to induce any
firm or person to refrain from responding to the RFP for the Project or to induce them to submit
a price that is higher than the price in the Bid submitted by the undersigned, or to submit any
intentionally high or non-competitive Bid or other form of non-responsive Bid.
The Bid prepared by the undersigned is made in good faith and not pursuant to any
agreement or discussion with,or inducement from, any firm or person to submit a
complementary or non-competitive Bid.
No person or persons, firms or corporation has, had,or will receive directly any rebate,
fee, gift, commission or thing of value on account of such sale.
I certify under penalty of perjury under State of ______________ law that I know the
contents of this affidavit and that the statements are true and correct.
Company Name
By: _________________________________
Its: _________________________________
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of
________________ this ____ day of _________________, 2015.
Notary Public for
My Commission Expires:
Non-Collusion Affidavit
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear/Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Page 1 of 1 page.
Start Date
Swan Lake Unit 1 Switchgear Line-up
Swan Lake Unit 2 Switchgear Line-up
Field Quality Control / Installation
Equipment Shipped from Manufacturer to
Seattle, Washington, and from Seattle,
Washington to Ketchikan, Alaska
(Attach additional sheets if necessary)
Submitted by:
BIDDER (Company Name):
(Please write legibly)
(Note: Signer must have legal binding authority)
Printed Name
, 2015
Bidder’s Proposed Construction Schedule
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear/Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Page 1 of 1 page.
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the undersigned ________________________________
as Principal, and ______________________________, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto The
Southeast Alaska Power Agency (SEAPA) (hereinafter called “Owner”) in the penal sum of five percent
(5%) of the amount of the bid for the bid referred to in the paragraph below, but not to exceed
___________________________________________________ Dollars ($____________) as hereinafter
set forth and for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our executors,
administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents.
WHEREAS the Principal has submitted a bid to Owner for the Swan Lake Medium Voltage
Switchgear/Generator Breaker Replacement Project (hereinafter called “Project).
NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if Owner shall accept the bid of the
Principal, and
the Principal shall execute such contract documents, if any, as may be required by the
terms of the bid and give such Contractor’s Bond or Bonds for the performance of the Contract and for
the prompt payment of labor and materials furnished for the Project as may be specified in the bid, or
in the event of the failure of the Principal to execute such contract documents, if any, and
give such Contractor’s Bond or Bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Owner the difference, not to
exceed the penal sum hereof between the amount specified in the bid and such larger amount for which
Owner may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Project, then this obligation shall be
void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused this instrument to be executed and their
respective corporate seals (if applicable) to be affixed and attested by their duly authorized
representatives this ____ day of ______________ 2015.
Name of Principal
Signature of Principal’s Representative
Representative’s Title
Name of Surety
Must be signed by representative of Principal with legal binding authority
Name of Manufacturer: _______________________________________________
Term of Manufacturer’s Warranty:
Specify start-up time frame for manufacturer’s warranty (i.e., does warranty start after
inspection of the Switchgear Line-up at the Barge Line upon arrival in Ketchikan, Alaska,
or after installation, start up and commissioning of the Switchgear Line-up.)
Other notes re manufacturer’s warranty:
(Attach additional sheets if necessary)
Submitted by:
BIDDER (Company Name):
(Please write legibly)
(Note: Signer must have legal binding authority)
Printed Name
, 2015
Manufacturer’s Term of Warranty
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear/Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Page 1 of 1 page.
Bidder hereby expressly acknowledges receipt of the following addendum (addenda) to the RFP document.
Failure to acknowledge receipt shall render the Bid non-responsive. If no addenda issue, write the word “none”
Addendum No.
Date of Issue
Date of Receipt
by Bidder
Bidder’s Signed
By submitting a proposal, respondent represents that:
(1) If respondent is a corporation, respondent will be required to provide a certified copy of the resolution
evidencing authority to enter into the contract if other than an officer will be signing the contract.
(2) If awarded a contract in response to this Request for Proposals (RFP), respondent will be able and
willing to comply with the Insurance Requirements set out in Attachment 12 to the RFP.
(3) If awarded a contract in response to this RFP, respondent will be able and willing to comply with all
representations made by respondent in respondent’s proposal and during the proposal process.
(4) Respondent agrees to fully and truthfully submit the General Information Form set out in Attachment
No. 3 to the RFP and understands that failure to fully disclose requested information may result in
disqualification of this proposal from consideration or termination of contract, once awarded.
(5) Respondent is authorized to submit this proposal on behalf of the entity.
[Remainder of this page intentionally left blank.]
Addendum Acknowledgment and Signature Page Form
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear/Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Page 1 of 2 pages.
Complete the following and sign on the signature line below.
Failure to properly sign and submit this Signature Page may result in rejection of your proposal.
By its signature and in connection with its submission of a proposal to this RFP, respondent understands and
agrees that SEAPA may confirm any information provided herein and may contact any reference listed herein.
Respondent authorizes such persons to provide any such information to SEAPA and releases and discharges
such persons and SEAPA and its agents from all claims and damages arising out of or relating to any such
Respondent Company Name:
(If applicable):
Co-Respondent Company Name:
Printed Name of Signer:
Printed Name of Signer:
(Note: If proposal is submitted by co-respondents, an authorized signature from a representative of each co-respondent is required.
Add additional signature blocks as required.) Co-respondent agrees to these representations and those made in respondent’s
proposal. While co-respondent does not have to submit a copy of respondent’s proposal, co-respondent should answer any questions
or provide any information directed specifically to co-respondent.
Co-Respondent Entity Name:
Co-Respondent Signature:
Printed Name:
Addendum Acknowledgment and Signature Page Form
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear/Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Page 2 of 2 pages.
If selected to provide the services described in this RFP, respondent shall be required to comply with the insurance
requirements set forth hereinbelow:
Respondent shall maintain or cause to be maintained the insurance required herein, together with any other type of
insurance required by the contract, with the following requirements and at the levels as provided below:
1. Policies shall be issued by insurance companies rated “A-/VII” or better, by Best’s Insurance Guide and Key
Ratings (or, if Best’s Insurance Guide and Key Ratings is no longer published, an equivalent rating by another nationally
recognized insurance rating agency of similar standing) or other insurance companies of recognized responsibility
satisfactory to SEAPA, until all obligations of respondent pursuant to the contract have been fully discharged, unless
otherwise stated herein.
2. Respondent shall obtain and maintain the insurance coverage specified below on an occurrence-basis, with the
exception of Professional Liability insurance, which may be on a claims-made basis. If Professional liability insurance is
provided on a claims-made form, then the insurance coverage must continue for a minimum period of two (2) years
beyond the expiration or termination of the contract, and any retroactive date must coincide with or predate the effective
3. Respondent shall require any subcontractors to provide and maintain during the term of their agreements the
insurance coverages specified as follows, with limits of liability deemed appropriate by respondent. In the event work is
performed by a subcontractor, respondent shall be primarily responsible for any liability arising directly or indirectly out of
the services performed that is not otherwise covered by any subcontractor’s insurance.
5. SEAPA shall be listed as an “additional insured” on all policies other than the Workers’ Compensation and
Professional Liability policies, if applicable.
6. Respondent for itself and its insurers hereby waives subrogation against SEAPA, its directors, officers,
employees, and agents.
7. If respondent fails to meet the requirements herein, SEAPA may suspend the contract, withhold payments, or
terminate the contract for breach.
8. SEAPA’s receipt of or failure to object to any insurance certificates or policies submitted by respondent or its
subcontractors does not release or diminish in any manner the liability or obligations of respondent or its subcontractors or
constitute a waiver of any of the insurance requirements under the contract.
9. All policies will be endorsed to specify that they are primary to and not excess to or on a contributing basis with
any insurance or self-insurance maintained by SEAPA (not applicable to Workers’ Compensation insurance policies).
10. The policies shall also include standard severability provisions that state each insured is provided coverage as
though a separate policy had been issued to each, except with respect to limits of insurance. The policies shall not
contain a cross-liability or cross-suit exclusion that prevents SEAPA from asserting claims against the respondent or any
other insured under the policies.
11. Respondent shall be responsible for premiums, deductibles and self-insured retentions, if any, stated in policies.
12. Types of insurance and mimimum coverage requirements:
[see table on next page]
Insurance Requirements
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear/Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Page 1 of 2 pages.
Type of Insurance
Workers Compensation
Employer’s Liability
Commercial General Liability
Automobile Liability
Minimum Coverage
not less than $1,000,000 each accident,
bodily injury, and $1,000,000 for each
employee by disease, and $1,000,000
policy limit by disease
contractual liability, personal injury,
products/completed operations, and
associated defense costs for at least
one (1) year after termination of the
contract between the parties. Limits of
at least $1,000,000 per occurrence and
aggregate shall name SEAPA, its
affiliates and subsidiaries, its directors,
officers, employees, sucessors, and
assigns as Additional Insureds.
(owned, hired and non-owned, leased)
with a combined single limit of not less
than $1,000,000 for each occurrence
Insurance Requirements
Swan Lake Medium Voltage Switchgear/Generator Breaker Replacement Project
Applicable to this Contract?
Page 2 of 2 pages.