Design and Analysis of a Highly Linear Fully Differential LNA for SOC Jiming Jiang David M Holburn Department of Engineering University of Cambridge,UK Department of Engineering University of Cambridge,UK Abstract— This paper presents the analysis and design of a highly linear fully differential LNA based on the modification of active post distortion method. The analysis focuses on both nonlinearity and noise performance. The linearisation mechanism is investigated in terms of low frequency and high frequency theory based on Power and Volterra series respectively. A prototype LNA has been designed and is to be implemented in UMC 0.18 µm CMOS technology. Simulation shows the LNA achieves 9.7 dBm IIP3 with 16.5 dB power gain, 1.97 dB noise figure and 15.84 mW power consumption. I. I NTRODUCTION System-on-Chip (SOC) integrates functions including digital, analogue and RF circuits into a single chip. It is becoming a more and more promising solution for modern communication system due to its low cost, power consumption and high integration feature. In the integration of front-ends with CMOS for SOC, there exist some stringent requirements. Firstly, since circuits are integrated in the same substrate, the circuit must have sufficient abilities to reject the digital circuitry noise that couples from substrate. Secondly, due to the dramatically increasing demand of integrating different functions such as GPS, GSM/3G, and DVB-H into a single device, power consumption is becoming more and more important and must be minimised. Thirdly, linearity is straightly with the decrease of power consumption. On the other hand, linearity is a significant parameter which directly affects many key performances of the entire system. Unfortunately, without the use of linearisation technique, it is difficult to achieve good linearity with insufficient power consumption. At present, many applied linearisation techniques improve the linearity by severely damaging the gain and noise of circuit simultaneously. In contract, the modified superposition (MDS) method [1] is attractive for the linearity enhancement with little power consumption but also suffering the significant noise penalty due to the sub-threshold biased FET. At the mean time, the active post-distortion method [2] does not need any sub-threshold biased device. However, due to the single-ended structure, it is difficult to provide sufficient common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) to prevent the digital circuitry interferes. In order to cope with these limitations, a modified version of post-distortion circuit is proposed, as it can be seen in Fig 1. The proposed circuit employs two fully differential pair rather than two single ended FET in the conventional method, 978-1-4244-5795-3/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 300 Fig. 1. LNA Schematic thus it will improve the immunity to the digital circuitry noise. Furthermore, many linearisation techniques suffer from the nonlinearity degradation due to the parasitic bonding wire inductance. After applying the differential structure, such variation can be resolved, thus resulting in good linearity compensation. II. P OWER S ERIES A NALYSIS OF N ONLINEAR C OMPENSATION Any nonlinear system can be expanded by Power Series. For the case of the differential pair M1P/N , the small-signal current can be expressed in terms of the differential voltage at the gate, as follows: 2 3 iM1 = g1 vgs1 + g2 vgs1 + g3 vgs1 (1) where g1 is the small-signal transconductance and g2 , g3 are the second and third order nonlinear coefficients of M1 respectively. Assuming the cascode transistors M3P/N are linear, the differential voltage at the drain node of M1P/N and the differential drain current of the pair M2P/N becomes: vM3 = −α iM2 = iM1 g1 1 2 3 (g1 Vgs2 + g2 Vgs2 + g3 Vgs2 ) β (2) (3) where α and β are the ratio of transconductance between M1P/N and M2P/N , M1P/N and M3P/N respectively. Substituting (2) into (3) and combining iM1 and iM2 , the total output current itotal can be obtained and 1st and 3rd order power series coefficients can be calculated as follows: α (4a) g1,total = g1 (1 − ) β 2 2g2,M α2 α α3 1 g3,total = g3 (1 − − )+ (4b) β β g1,M1 β As can be seen from (4b), the first term represents the 3rd order nonlinearity contribution and the second term indicates a combination of 1st and 2nd order nonlinearity. Practically, the second term is always positive; therefore, for the given g1 , g2 , g3 , an optimum value of α, β can be calculated from (4b) α3 to make the term g3 (1 − α β − β ) negative and neutralise the positive term, thus compensating the entire nonlinearity. III. VOLTERRA S ERIES A NALYSIS OF N ONLINEAR C OMPENSATION Since the power series analysis does not take memory effect into consideration it is only valid in low frequency case, to accurately explain the mechanism at high frequencies, the method of Volterra series is employed for analysis. It is based on the analysis of the small-signal equivalent circuit shown in Fig 2. The small signal equivalent circuit for Volterra series analysis is depicted in Fig 2, where Z1g is the impedance seen from the gate of M1P/N , which consisting with bias resistance, source impedance and impedance matching elements; Z2g is the impedance at the gate of M2P/N , which is the coupling capacitance in this case; Cgs1 and Cgs2 represent gate to source capacitance of M1P/N and M2P/N respectively; Vgs1 and Vgs2 are the voltages across Cgs1 and Cgs2 ; Z1 and Z2 are the source degeneration impedance of M1P/N and M2P/N respectively; Rtail1 and Rtail2 are the resistances of current mirror of M1P/N and M2P/N respectively. The first and second order coefficients of the pair M2P/N are neglected for simplicity. Without losing of generality in non-linear analysis, gate-drain capacitance Cgd , body effect transconductance gmb , and source-drain conductance gds are also neglected. For further simplification, only the nonlinearity of M1P/N and M2P/N are considered, thus M3P/N are assumed to be linear. In contrast with other publications [1], [5], the Volterra series analysis in this paper considers the current mirror resistance RT ail of the differential pair, whereas others neglect it. Such application of Volterra series to the differential pair has not been used in other publication. The expression of IIP3 is given by Volterra series analysis as follows: IIP3,2ωa −ωb 2 g1 (1 − α 1 β )|Zg1 (s)sCgs1 + 1| = 2 6[Z1 (sa )] |g3 (1 − α3 ) − 2g2 (ΛA − α23 ΛB )| β 3 β (5) 301 Fig. 2. Equivalent Circuit of Volterra Series Analysis where 2Z˜1 (Δs) Z˜1 (2s) 2Z˜2 (Δs) Z˜2 (2s) + ΛB = + ã(Δs) ã(2s) b̃(Δs) b̃(2s) a(s) = (Z1g (s) + Z1 (s))sCgs1 + 1 + Z1 g1 g1 b(s) = Z2g (s)sCgs2 + 1 + Z2 (s)sCgs2 + Z2 (s) β ˜ ˜ Z1 = Z1 + 2Rtail1 , Z2 = Z2 + 2Rtail2 ΛA = (6) (7) (8) (9) As can seen in the above analysis, once g1 , g2 and g3 are given, equation (5) can be solved for the optimum value of α and β, thus achieving the optimum IIP3 . It is worth to note that the optimum solution obtained from the (4b) is no more optimum at high frequency, Volterra series analysis is more accurate to investigate and explain the complicated mechanism due to the memory effect, and interaction of second order nonlinearities. In our specific example, given the value of α is 1.8, the optimum value of β is 7.62 while the power series analysis suggests 9.14, as shown in Fig 3. Fig. 3. Example of Compensation at Low and High Frequency IV. N OISE A NALYSIS OF P ROPOSED LNA As can be seen in the Fig 4, the additional canceling path M2P/N consists of two dedicated noise sources: the gateinduced and drain current noise. The gate-induced noise is partially correlated to the drain current noise with a correlation Fig. 5. Fig. 4. Output Noise Voltage due to M1P /N Small Signal Equivalent Circuit of Noise Analysis coefficient defined as ing .i C = nd i2ng .i2nd (10) This coefficient is purely imaginary and the value is 0.395j for the long channel MOSFET in saturation. By applying the method used in [3], the total noise current at the output due to gate-induced and drain current of M2P/N can be appropriated as gm i2n,totalM ≈ 4KT γgdoM2 + ( 2 )2 4KT δggM2 (11) 2 g m3 Similarly to the operation in the conventional CS LNA, the noise from M1P/N generates a noise current and dedicates to the output. However, due to the existence of M3P/N , the noise current creates a correlated noise voltage at VP/N with 1 opposite phases, which approximates to ( gm3 )in,totalM1 . This noise voltage is then converted to a noise current by M2 thus canceling the noise from M1 at output. Therefore, the total root mean square noise current due to M1 at output is: gm2 2 2 i2n,outputM1 = (1 − ) i (12) gm3 n,totalM1 Fig. 6. Total Output Noise Voltage figure noise, as shown in equation (13), thus increasing α/β leads to the improvement of NF. This analysis has been verified by the simulation shown in Fig. 5, 6 and 7. The first two figures illustrate the output noise voltage due to M1P/N and total output noise voltage with bias current of main and cancellation path respectively, in which either decreasing Ibias1 (current of M1P/N ) or increasing Ibias2 (current of M2P/N ) results in a decrease of β and brings about a smaller noise. Fig 7 shows the noise figure of LNA with the varying Ibias1 and Ibias2. If neglecting the noise due to cascode transistor M3P/N , the total noise figure of the LNA can be expressed as follows: δ g m1 2 |1 + sCgs1 (Rs + Z(s))|2 [(1 + |c| ) γgdoM1 F = 2 R gm1 5γ gdoM1 s +( g m1 2 ) δggM1 (1 − |c|2 ) ωCgs1 + 2 γgdoM2 + ( α β ) δggM2 2 1 − (α β) ]+1 (13) Equation (12) indicates the output noise due to M1 can be partly canceled at the output due to the interaction of M2 and M3 . Similar phenomenon was not observed in [2]. The noise cancellation strength depends on the ratio α/β. However, cancellation of the M1 noise can not result in a better noise figure because the output noise i2o,ns , which is due to source resistance Rs , is decreased by the same attenuation factor as M1P/N . Furthermore, due to the attenuation of i2o,ns , the contribution from M2P/N is actually amplified of the total 302 Fig. 7. Noise Figure with Different Biasing Currents V. A 2.1GH Z CMOS LNA D ESIGN The completed schematic of LNA using proposed method is designed and realised in UMC 0.18μm CMOS (6M1P) Process using Mentor Graphics IC Flow Suite, as shown in Fig 8 and Fig 9. The differential pair M1P/N and M2P/N are interdigitated for better mutual matching and smaller drainbulk capacitance. Although the use of degeneration inductor could result in a better input noise matching [4], [3], it significantly increases the die area, the proposed LNA does not use any degeneration inductors. The LNA is designed to achieve the best power matching by utilising the external matching circuitry. The bias and size of the main differential pair M1P/N are firstly chosen to achieve accepted noise figure and sufficient power gain with good input power matching firstly. Afterwards, the optimum α and β values are designed in terms of the nonlinear compensation, noise and gain based on the analysis and simulation. The control of α and β are realised through the selection of the size of M3P/N and the bias current of M2P/N . The size of M1P/N , M2P/N and M3P/N are 120μm/0.18μm, 25μm/0.18μm, 50μm/0.18μm respectively and the bias current for M1P/N and M2P/N are 8.4mA and 0.4mA. Fig. 10. Simulated IIP3 with various input power level Fig. 11. Fig. 8. Simulated performance with bias current Fig 11 summarises the complete post-layout simulation results, in which the proposed LNA achieves 9.7dBm IIP3, 16.5dB power gain, 1.97dB noise figure, and 15.84mW power dissipation. Schematic of 2.1 GHz LNA VII. C ONCLUSION A LNA using modified version of active post-distortion method is proposed. The nonlinearity and noise performance of the designed LNA have been investigated in this work. The linearisation mechanism is explored by using Power series and Volterra series respectively and an optimised performance is achieved. A highly linear, low power differential LNA suitable for SOC has been designed and implemented in UMC 0.18 μm CMOS technology. Simulation result shows the improvement of linearity is more than 12dB with 0.72 mW extra power consumption. Fig. 9. R EFERENCES Layout of 2.1 GHz LNA VI. S IMULATION R ESULTS Simulation shows this LNA can achieve significant linearity improvement. In Fig 10, it illustrates IIP3 simulation under two bias conditions: in one, the cancellation path is biased into operation; in the other, only a single differential pair is in operation, in effect grounding the sub differential pair (M2P/N ). Fig 10 shows that IIP3 is improved by this means from -2.3 dBm to 9.7dBm, which achieves 12 dB improvement with limited additional power consumption. 303 [1] Vladimir Aparin et al, “Modified Derivative Superposition Method for Linearizing FET Low Noise Amplifier,” IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, 2004. [2] Namsoo Kim Aparin, V. Barnett, K. 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