The Design and Optimization of Low

2016 UKSim-AMSS 18th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation
The Design and Optimization of Low-Voltage Pseudo Differential Pair
Operational Transconductance Amplifier in 130 nm CMOS Technology
Fadi R. Shahroury, and Ishraq Riad
Princess Sumaya University for Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering
Amman, Jordan
the transistor device size and the supply voltage. This
improvement is positively reflected on the power delay
product (PDP) of the digital circuit.
On the other hand, the analog circuit’s performance
in terms of voltage swing, gain, and power consumption
are not beneficial in scaling CMOS technology. However, in designing a low cost chip, the analog circuits,
RF, and digital circuits should be implemented on the
same chip. Thus, many topologies have been proposed
to improve analog circuit’s performance at the expense
of the circuit’s complexity.
Other issue to be considered for nano-scale CMOS
technology, is designing an OTA with certain specifications which could be challenging especially when
the designer is caught between studying the equations
of simple models and applying them to accurate short
channel models, where there are an enormous number
of parameters that are very hard to control in the
designing process. That is why the most common way to
characterize the transistor is tweaking in order to arrive
at the desired performance. Thus, time to market will
increase and consequently the final design cost.
With the noticeable improvement in computer workstations, as well as evolutionary algorithms (EC), dealing with the above issues became much easier. Where
the cost function of the EC can evaluated in the form
of simulation-based rather than equation-based, where
a circuit simulator is employed to evaluate the cost
function repeatedly. This would increase the precision
of the final results, if it compare with equation-based
In this work a low-voltage OTA, which is designed
by Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) as the EC
and HSPICE as the circuit simulator, is proposed. The
proposed design approach provides an accurate and
usefulness design methodology, because it is based on
the simulation results and the model technology library.
The low-voltage OTA is discussed in Section II, the
introduction of ICA is addressed in Section III. The
simulation results of proposed pseudo differential pair
Abstract—This paper presents low-voltage pseudo differential pair operational transconductance amplifier
(OTA) circuit designed and simulated in 130 nm CMOS
technology. The imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA)
is used to optimize the DC gain, common-mode rejection
ratio (CMRR), and power dissipation of the presented
OTA. The cost function of ICA is evaluated in the form of
simulation-based rather than equation-based to increase
the precision of the final results. The simulation results
after optimization show that the proposed OTA has DC
gain of 37.5 dB, CMRR of 37.5 dB, and maximum signal
swing at the output of 210 mV, with power consumption
of 200μW from power supply of 0.5 V.
Keywords-pseudo OTA, ICA, Optimization, Evolutionary
The operational transconductance amplifier (OTA)
plays a key role in the design of analog circuits such
as filters, automatic gain controls, analog to digital converters (ADC), and digital to analog converters (DAC).
In nano-scale complementary metaloxidesemiconductor
(CMOS) technology, designing high performance analog integrated circuits is a challenging issue as the
supply voltage shrinks due to transistor channel length
reduction. However, the nanoscale CMOS technology
enhanced the performance of IC design especially for
the communication system, which consists mainly of
three circuits, RF circuit, analog circuit, and digital
In continuing technology feature size scaling requires
a proportional downscaling of the supply voltage to
maintain device reliability. At the same time, a relatively
large threshold voltage (VT ) needs to be maintained to
limit the off current [1] in transistors. These two factors
pose significant challenges for the design of analog
circuits in future standard CMOS processes.
The nano-scale technology improves the performance
of the RF front-end circuit through increasing unit-gain
frequency (fT ) of the transistor device, which has a high
impact on the design of RF circuit, and the performance
of digital circuit is also improved through reducing
978-1-5090-0888-9/16 $31.00 © 2016 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/UKSim.2016.17
OTA is reported in Section IV, followed by a conclusion
in Section V.
pair as high as possible, the modified pseudo differential
pair OTA shown in Fig. 2 is used. In Fig. 2 the pseudo
differential pair OTA consists of four main circuits:
Gm stage, active load circuit, gain-boosting circuit,
common-mode forward feedback (CMFF) circuit.
The Gm stage (M1 and M2) is a differential input that
converts the input voltage to current flowing through
the active load circuit (M3 and M4). It is noticed that
differential and common gain of the OTA are highly
dependent on the impedance of the active load. Thus; to
improve CMRR the impedance of the active load of the
OTA should be maximized as possible in the differential
mode, while it should be minimized as possible in the
common mode.
As depicted in Fig. 2. The impedance of the active load in the differential mode is equivalent to
ro1,2 ||R1||ro3,4 ||ro5,6 ||ro7,8 , since the node K behaves
as virtual ground in the differential mode. Meanwhile,
the impedance of the active load of the common-mode
, as a result of
is given by ro1,2 ||ro3,4 ||ro5,6 ||ro7,8 || gm3,4
the gate and drain voltage of the active load transistors
M3 and M4 being equal in common-mode. Thus, the
active load transistors behave as low-impedance diode
connected device.
A. Pseudo Differential Pair OTA
The pseudo OTA differential architecture is used
intensively in literatures [2], [3], [4], to reduce the
required supply voltage. As illustrated in Fig. 1 (a), The
signal swing is determined by the overdrive voltage,
Vov , of the input transistors M1 and M2, and the
active current-source load transistors M3 and M4. The
minimum and maximum acceptable single-ended input
levels to the OTA are Vth N and Vth N + Vov P ,
respectively. Where Vth is the threshold voltage of MOS
device, and the subscripts N and P denote the NMOS
and PMOS, respectively. Besides, the maximum output
voltage swing is [VDD − (Vov N + Vov p )].
The small-signal, low-frequency differential gain for
both of pseudo OTA and conventional OTA, is illustrated in Fig. 1 (b), is the same and given by
gmN (roN ||roP ), where the gm and ro are the transconductance and small-signal output of MOS device, respectively. However, the small-signal, low-frequency
common-mode (CM) gain for the conventional OTA is
better than pseudo OTA, where the tail current-source
transistor M5 helps to minimize the CM gain by a
factor of (1 + gm1 ro5 ), with compare to CM gain of
pseudo OTA. Therefore, to improve the The commonmode rejection ratio (CMRR) of the pseudo OTA, the
biasing voltage (Vb ) of M3 and M5, must be controlled
using the CM input or output signal of the OTA.
Figure 2. The proposed differential pair transconductance amplifier.
To improve the differential gain a cross-coupled transistor pair (M5 and M6) are used. The cross-coupled
transistor pair exhibits a negative resistance of gm5,6
the differential mode. This negative resistance placed in
parallel with a active load resistance, consequently the
differential gain of the circuit is enhanced. Simultaneously, the common-mode gain is enhanced, because the
cross-coupled transistor behaves as a diode-connected
transistor in the common mode.
Further, two major issues should be considered in
the design of the circuit; first, to attain a stable circuit, the positive feedback which encompasses crosscoupled transistor pair should be weak, which means
gm5,6 ro1,2 ||ro3,4 ||ro5,6 ||ro7,8 ||R1. Second, M5 and
M6 should operate in the saturation region. Therefore;
Figure 1. The differential pair transconductance amplifier a) Pseudo
b) with tail current-source.
B. Proposed pseudo differential pair OTA
In order to improve the CMRR, which is a major
drawback in the pseudo differential pair OTA, while
sustaining the differential gain of the pseudo differential
a current source I1 is added at node K to increase the
DC voltage at nodes Voutn, and Voutp.
To strengthen CMRR of the OTA, a conventional
common mode feedback (CMFB) circuit is often used
[13]. The task of CMFB is divided into three operations:
sensing the output common mode (CM) level, comparison with a reference voltage, and returning the error
to the amplifier’s bias network. Nevertheless; CMFB
suffers from a crucial drawback, which is area and
power hungry [14]. For this reason CMFF is sued in
this work.
In Fig. 2, the CMFF circuit consists from M7, M8,
M9, M10, and M11, the CM sensing through transistor
M10 and M11. Where transistors M10 and M11 operate
in deep triode region, introducing a total resistance
between node X and ground equal to:
Rtotal = Ron10 ||Ron11 =
The conventional OTA circuit shown in Fig. 1 (b)
consisted from a small number of transistors (5 transistors). Therefore, it was easy to optimize it, but for
the proposed low-voltage OTA, the circuit consists of
a large number of transistors almost 12 transistors.
Thus, it is difficult to optimize these transistors. For
that reason, imperialist competitive algorithm is used
as evolutionary algorithms to deal with this multidimensional case.
The ICA is a kind of newly EA algorithm, first proposed in [6]. ICA has highlighted by many researchers
who extended it to many field such as circuits design,
machine learning, optimization ets. [7], [8], [9], [10].
The flowchart of ICA, shown in Fig. 3, introduces
the idea of imperialistic competitions. The ICA starts
with initial states defined as countries, the countries are
produced randomly at the beginning. Then, the counties
are divided into two groups imperialist country and
colony based on the cost function (the power) of each
country. Each empire consists of an imperialist country
and a number of colonies.
After dividing, each colony starts to move toward
his relevant imperialist country. Through movement of
the colonies toward their imperialist country, the total
power of the empire changes. The total power of the
empire is a function of the imperialist country and its
colonies power. Under the inspiration of imperialistic
competitions, the empire, which is not able to increase
or maintain his power, at least, will collapse. Eventually,
for conversion solution, all the countries converge to a
state where there is only one empire.
μn COX W
L (Vinn +Vinp −2Vth )
Where μn COX and
are transistor aspect ratio,
respectively. Eq. 1 indicates that Rtotal is a function of
Vinn +Vinp but independent of Vinn −Vinp . Thus, if the
output change differentially, one of the Ron increases
and the other decreases, so Rtotal will not change.
Whereas, if they rise together, then Rtotal drops, so does
Vx , thereby ID9 increasing the drain currents of M7M9 and lowering the output common-mode level. The
small-signal, low-frequency common-mode gain of the
proposed OTA Fig. 2 is given as:
. (2)
gm3 + gm5 + gds1 + gds3 + gds5 + gds7
For the small-signal, low-frequency differential mode
gain is equal:
Adif f =
gds1 + gds3 + gds5 + gds7 − gm5 +
The pseudo differential pair OTA, shown in Fig. 2,
is design and optimized using MATLAB and HSPICE
with the operation supply voltage of 0.5 V. The library
of the device model used for simulation is 130 nm
CMOS technology library. The ICA is used for optimization, where the total population size is 100 divided
into 30 imperialist countries and 70 colonies.
The optimization constrains are listed in Table I, It is
also worth mentioning that the optimization is run under
the restriction that all transistors must operate in the
saturation region, except M10 and M11 should operate
in triode region.
The transient time simulation for the low-frequency
common-mode and differential-mode are shown in
Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, respectively. The summarized simulated parameters of the proposed OTA are listed in
Table I.
. (3)
Thus, the CMRR is given as:
gm3 + gm5 + gds1 + gds3 + gds5 + gds7
1 .
gds1 + gds3 + gds5 + gds7 − gm5 + R1
Finally to increase the voltage signal swing under the
operation of low-supply voltage the overdrive reduction technique is used [5]. This can be done through
separating the body and source terminals of transistors
by using deep n-well process. This technique tolerates
the reduction of the overdrive without utilizing low
threshold voltage MOS device which requires extra
fabrication process and further extra cost.
Table I
DC gain(dB)
Signal swing (mV)
Power consumption (μW )
Area (μm2 )
≥ 20
≥ 30
≥ 150
Simulated results after
Figure 4. The transient simulation of the low-frequency commonmode for the proposed OTA.
In this paper we presented Pseudo differential pair
OTA which is suitable for low supply voltage, where
the ICA is used to optimized the propose OTA under
certain constraints and restrictions. The proposed optimization methodology is useful in calculating the design
parameters for a fixed analog circuit topology.
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Figure 5. The transient simulation of the low-frequency differentialmode for the proposed OTA.
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