Bird Sensitivity Map for Ireland: a tool to aid planning and conservation in relation to Wind Energy Tierney, N., Murray, A., Cummins, S. Egan, S. Lauder, A. (2012) Address for Correspondence: Niall Tierney BirdWatch Ireland Unit 20, Block D, Bullford Business Campus, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow, Ireland Phone: +353-(0)1 2819878 Fax: +353 (0)1 2819878 e-mail: This project was supported by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) through the Renewable Energy Development & Demonstration Programme. Research SEAI is partly financed by Ireland’s EU Structural Funds Programme co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Union. Contents List of tables ............................................................................................................................. 3 List of figures ........................................................................................................................... 3 List of photographs ................................................................................................................. 3 Acknowledgements ................................................................................................ 4 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Climate Change and Biodiversity .......................................................................... 5 1.2 Policy and legislative framework .......................................................................... 6 1.3 Wind energy and potential effects on birds ......................................................... 7 1.4 Sensitivity mapping ................................................................................................. 8 1.5 Species profiles ......................................................................................................... 9 Bewick’s Swan and Whooper Swan ............................................................................. 9 Red Grouse ..................................................................................................................... 11 2. Aims and objectives of project ‘Phase 1’................................................. 15 2.1 Project Phases .......................................................................................................... 15 2.2 Project Objectives ................................................................................................... 15 3. Methods ............................................................................................................. 17 3.1 Determination of the best approach .................................................................... 17 3.2 Consultation with BirdLife Partners ................................................................... 17 3.3 Establishment and operation of the High Level Stakeholder Group ............. 18 3.4 Sensitivity Mapping Expert Group...................................................................... 20 3.5 Species Sensitivity Index ....................................................................................... 20 Vulnerability factors ..................................................................................................... 21 Factors relating to conservation status and population ecology ........................... 26 3.6 Validation of the Species Sensitivity Index ........................................................ 31 3.7 Species Selection ..................................................................................................... 31 3.8 Generation of Phase 1 map layers ........................................................................ 33 3.9 Data sources and data used in the analysis ........................................................ 33 1 Bewick’s and Whooper Swans .................................................................................... 34 Red Grouse ..................................................................................................................... 35 4. Results ................................................................................................................ 37 4.1 Species Sensitivity Index ....................................................................................... 37 4.2 Sensitivity Maps ..................................................................................................... 37 4.3 Meetings with the High Level Stakeholder Group ........................................... 44 5. Discussion ......................................................................................................... 46 5.1 Species Sensitivity Index ....................................................................................... 46 5.2 Sensitivty Maps ...................................................................................................... 46 5.3 Colours used to represent sensitive areas........................................................... 47 5.4 Updating the sensitivity map ............................................................................... 48 5.5 Applications of the map ........................................................................................ 48 5.6 Limitations of the sensitivity map ....................................................................... 49 5.7 Next steps and Recommendations ...................................................................... 50 References ............................................................................................................... 52 Appendix 1 ............................................................................................................... 58 Appendix 2 ............................................................................................................... 59 2 List of tables page Table 3.1 Summary of the main discussions with Birdlife International and other colleagues. 18 Table 3.2 Vulnerability scoring based on bird size. 21 Table 3.3 Vulnerability scoring based on soaring behaviour. 22 Table 3.4 Vulnerability scoring based on predatory birds and aerial foragers. 22 Table 3.5 Vulnerability scoring based on ranging behaviour. 22 Table 3.6 Vulnerability scoring based on flocking behaviour 23 Table 3.7 Vulnerability scoring based on nocturnal flying 23 Table 3.8 Vulnerability scoring based on aerial displays. 24 Table 3.9 Vulnerability scoring based on species range. 24 Table 3.10 Vulnerability scoring based on site fidelity. 25 Table 3.11 Vulnerability scoring based on the availability of preferred habitat. 25 Table 3.12 Vulnerability scoring based on habitat preference. 26 Table 3.13 Vulnerability scoring based on sensitivity to disturbance displacement 26 Table 3.14 Sensitivity scoring based on conservation status. 14 Table 3.15 Sensitivity scoring based on the proportion of the flyway/European breeding population. 28 Table 3.16 Sensitivity scoring based on adult survival rate. 28 Table 3.17 Summary of the factors used to assign sensitivity scores to species. 30 Table 3.18 Selected species used to validate the scoring of the Species Sensitivity Index. 31 Table 3.19 Summary of survey datasets used 35 Table 4.1 Summary scores from the Species Sensitivity Index for the 16 species evaluated. 37 List of figures page 37 Figure 4.1 Distribution of Bewick’s and Whooper Swans in the Republic of Ireland showing all records of the species recorded in the International Swan Census (2005 and 2010) and I-WeBS (2004-2009). Figure 4.2 Sensitivity Map for Bewick’s Swan showing sensitive areas at a 1 km square level. 40 Figure 4.3 Sensitivity Map for Whooper Swan showing sensitive areas at 1km square level. 41 Figure 4.4 Sensitivity Map for Red Grouse showing sensitive areas at 1km square level. 42 Figure 4.5 Composite Sensitivity Map for Whooper Swan, Bewick’s Swan and Red Grouse using the highest sensitivity rating for each 1km square based on presence or absence of each of the three species. 43 List of photographs Cover Image 1.1 Image 3,1 page Tursillagh Wind Farm, Tralee, Co. Kerry. (Barry O’Donoghue) Red Grouse in heather habitat. (Mike Brown) Whooper Swan in farmland. (Colm Clarke) 3 12 3 Acknowledgements This project was funded by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), with additional contribution to costs from BirdWatch Ireland (BWI). BWI wish to extend particular acknowledgement and gratitude to Matthew Kennedy and John McCann for their guidance and support during the project. We would like to extent our gratitude to Vicky Jones (BirdLife International), Rowena Langston (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds), Jenny Bright (RSPB), Leo Bruinzeel (Altenburg and Wymenga), Luv Hoogenstein (Vogelbescherming Nederland) and Sarah Anthony (Natural England) for allowing us to draw on their experience from other sensitivity mapping projects. We would also like to extend our special thanks to the following people for their involvement in the High Level Stakeholder Group (HLSG): Meave Flynn of Eirgrid, Bart Moriarty of ESB Networks, Ciarán Fallon & Pat Neville of Coillte, Henk Van der Kamp of DIT School of Planning, Peter Carvill of National Parks and Wildlife Service, Larry O’Toole of RPS consultants, Gary Rowan of the Irish Planning Institute, Kenneth Matthews, Sinead Hickey and Phil Kenealy of the Irish Wind Energy Association. There was also significant input from various BirdWatch Ireland staff members throughout the project. Alan Lauder provided valuable guidance on project development as well as on the technical aspects of the project. Olivia Crowe made available data from the International Swan Censuses and from the Irish Wetland Bird Survey and provided invaluable technical expertise on the mapping software. Brian Caffrey, Dick Coombes, Alex Copland, Olivia Crowe, Anita Donaghy, Kathryn Finney, Alan Lauder, Stephen Newton and Dave Suddaby gave their time to be part of the Sensitivity Mapping Expert Group, for which we are greatly appreciative. Thanks to Vivi Bolan for her valuable input to the project and HLSG meetings. Many thanks also to all administration staff at BirdWatch Ireland for their help and support. 4 1. Introduction 1.1 Climate Change and Biodiversity Climate change and biodiversity loss are the greatest threats facing the planet. Without immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions there will be devastating consequences for humans and we risk the extinction of thousands of species. BirdWatch Ireland, Ireland’s largest environmental NGO, is supportive of developing a low carbon economy and is an advocate for Energy Policies that secure sustainable energy sources to meet energy demands and also achieve better energy efficiency across all sectors. BirdWatch Ireland supports Ireland’s targets to achieve 40% contribution from renewable energy to gross electricity consumption and considers that in order to reach our renewable energy targets there will need to be greater effort to facilitate the compatibility of conservation targets and renewable energy development targets. Ireland’s Renewable Energy sector must be ecologically sustainable, with environmental safeguards in place that avoid impacts on natural capital and on the capacity of ecosystems to help mitigate and adapt to changing climate (such as through the carbon storage and sequestration of peatlands and the flood alleviation capacity of alluvial wetlands). Responsibilities and obligations exist for the renewable energy sector, and on those facilitating its growth, which must be fully addressed. The status of Ireland’s protected habitats is poor (EPA, 2012; National Parks and Wildlife Service, 2008) (with over 90% of protected habitats assessed as poor or unfavourable condition) and many birds of conservation concern in Ireland (BirdWatch Ireland and RSPB, 2008) are showing further declines in range and population. According to the EPA, there remains a “significant challenge for Ireland in striving to meet its obligations under the EU Habitats Directive and the EU policy objective of halting the loss of biodiversity” (EPA 2012). Furthermore, Ireland also has a poor record in relation to environmental protection (as highlighted by the European Court of Justice) particularly for ensuring that ecological impacts and biodiversity policy obligations are fully addressed across all sectors. There are also ongoing (although largely unnecessary) conflicts between renewable energy development and biodiversity policy in Ireland. Measures to facilitate the sustainable development of the renewable sector are needed to addresses this conflict. While this bird sensitivity mapping initiative focuses on the development of wind energy in Ireland, all sectors must do more to address the challenges of climate change mitigation and biodiversity loss. In short, climate change is an enormous threat to wildlife and developing renewable energy technologies, such as wind power, is an important part of the response required to mitigate against it. Wind energy developments to date have been located mostly in Ireland’s uplands. Upland habitats also support many birds of conservation concern, leading to potential conflict with wind farms. BirdWatch Ireland considers that in order 5 to reach our Renewable Energy targets, in line with a range of international and national commitments for sustainable development and for biodiversity conservation, there must be greater effort to help incentivise and stimulate sustainable practices. Bird sensitivity mapping identifies areas in which there are particular bird sensitivities to land use change and development and is particularly relevant to wind energy developments and associated infrastructure in Ireland. 1.2 Policy and legislative framework Ireland has commitments to protect its avifauna and their habitats through the Birds and Habitats Directives EEC 79/409 (1979), EEC 92/43 (1992). The protection afforded wild birds in Ireland is not restricted to SPA and SAC designated sites. European Case law has also clarified obligations to protect Annex 1 migratory, wetland and other Annex 1 species and to protect habitat requirements of birds outside of designated sites. The Birds Directive makes special provision for wetlands and wetland birds and the Habitats Directive makes particular reference to corridors for the movement and dispersal of species in the wider countryside and ’stepping stones’ of habitats to support the Natura 2000 network of SACs and SPAs. A 2007 ruling of the European Court of Justice against Ireland stated that Ireland failed to ‘...fully transpose and apply the requirements of the second sentence of Article 4(4)’ of the Birds Directive which states that ‘....Outside these protection areas (SPAs), Member States shall also strive to avoid pollution or deterioration of habitats’. To date this responsibility has not been adequately addressed. Bird sensitivity mapping will help to address this need for strategic development of wind energy in Ireland and the associated infrastructure and thus facilitate our meeting renewable energy targets by 2020 Careful location of renewable energy developments, including wind farms and associated overhead power lines, is key to minimising effects on nature conservation interests. It is essential to ensure that conflicts in both policy and legal responsibility are addressed, not only because of the potential impacts on Ireland’s wildlife, but also because policy conflicts are an area that will be monitored by the European Commission as part of assessing delivery under national renewable energy plans. Member States must reach targets and be credible in their achievements – i.e. without policy conflicts. Other responsibilities for biodiversity protection exist under national, European and international legislation, policy and agreements. The EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 (European Commission 2011) contains actions for the integrations of species and habitat protection and management requirements into key land use policies, both within and beyond Natura 2000 areas. Policy conflicts are an area that will be monitored by the European Commission as part of assessing delivery under national renewable energy plans; sensitivity mapping is designed to maintain compatibility of renewable energy development with nature 6 conservation, in this case management and protection of protected bird species and their habitats. 1.3 Wind energy and potential effects on birds The effects of wind energy developments on birds is highly variable and depends on a number of factors such as the specification of the development, the topography, the habitats affected and the abundance and species of birds in the area (Barrios & Rodríguez 2004; Drewitt & Langston 2006). Most threats can be minimized or reduced by avoiding sites with sensitive habitats and key populations of vulnerable and endangered species. The main impacts of wind energy developments on birds are generally due to collision (Barrios & Rodríguez, 2004; Drewitt & Langston, 2006; Pearce-Higgins et al. 2009), disturbance displacement (including barriers to movement) (Madders & Whitfield, 2006; Pearce-Higgins et al. 2009), habitat loss or damage (Drewitt & Langston 2006) and barrier effects. Each of these potential effects can interact (Drewitt & Langston, 2006) to cause an increase in the impact or to decrease the impact on birds (i.e. the reduction in abundance caused by habitat loss, will reduce collision risk). Madders & Whitfield (2006) observed that it is the sensitivity of individuals to wind farm induced disturbance that determines the primary impact of a wind farm on an individual bird: if disturbance occurs, the bird may be affected by displacement, habitat loss or barrier effects, and if disturbance does not occur, the bird is susceptble to collision. Collision risk can be reduced by siting wind energy developments away from flight corridors between roosting and foraging areas and from migratory bottlenecks (Dirksen et al. 1998; Hötker et al. 2006). The Tarifa wind farm in Spain is responsible for significant levels of collision mortality for migrating raptors, to such an extent that population level effects have been reported for some species (Barrios & Rodríguez, 2004). Occurrence of White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla and Willow Ptarmigan Lagopus lagopus collisions at the Smola Wind farm in Norway was investigated by Bevanger et al. (2010). The study reported 39 dead or injured White-tailed Eagles between August 2005 and December 2010, noting that certain turbines were responsible for a disproportionate level of mortality. The majority of White-tailed Eagle collisions at the Smola wind farm occured in the Spring, and the majority of these involved adult birds (as opposed to sub-adults or juveniles). Of the 84 dead Willow Ptarmigan found between August 2005 and December 2010 at the Smola Wind Farm, 74 mortalities were attribured to collisions. The majority of these birds were killed between March and June, suggesting that collision risk may be higher during the breeding season. The authors note a high scavenger bias for Willow Ptarmigan, which suggests that the total number of mortalities is likely to be higher. In a study investigating the level of wind farm avoidance by birds (Pearce-Higgins et al. 2009) found no evidence that raptors altered flight height around turbines was found. 7 There is a lack of conclusive data on collision risk, with many studies based on finding carcases, with no corrections applied for those that are overlooked or removed by scavengers (Langston & Pullan 2003). However, the use of “detection dogs” to search to search for victims of collision has significantly increased the finding rate compared to human searches alone (Bevanger, et al. 2010; Paula et al. 2011). While disturbance displacement, habitat loss and barrier effects are considered nonlethal impacts on birds, these effects are likely to work at a poplation level as opposed to an individual level. Birds may be displaced from a wind farm into areas of less suitable foraging or breeding areas, which may negatively affect survival and reproductive output (Langston & Pullan, 2003; Madders & Whitfield, 2006). This functions effectively as habitat loss, as a bird is excluded from former suitable habitat, and is likely, also, to result in barrier effects, which increase energetic demands on birds. The level of impact on birds as a result of loss of habitat depends on the type of the habitat itself and the availability of suitable habitat to accommodate the displaced birds Langston & Pullan (2003). Birds can be disturbed and displaced from wind farm sites throughout the lifespan of the wind farm due to: human activity and machine noise during construction, the operation of turbine rotors and maintenance and repair work (Langston & Pullan, 2003). In an investigation of the avoidance of wind farms by birds, 7 out of the 12 studied species occured in lower frequencies around turbines compared to control areas (Pearce-Higgins et al. 2009). Buzzard Buteo buteo, Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus, Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria, Snipe Gallinago gallinago, Curlew Numenius arquata and Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe were the species that were most affected, showing decreases in breeding densities by 15-53%. For a review of the several studies which have investigated potential displacement effects on raptors at wind farms, see Madders & Whitfield (2006). While there is some indication that wind turbines may form barriers to bird novements, the issue of wind energy developments being barriers to birds has recieved little attention (Hötker et al. 2006). It is expected that energetic requirements will be increased if birds avoid wind farms, either on migration or while performing regular local flights, by flying around the wind farm. Wind farm size and the ability of the bird to compensate for the increased energy expenditiure will determine the level of impact (Langston & Pullan, 2003). 1.4 Sensitivity mapping Sensitivity mapping is a tool to provide support for enabling wind energy developers and regulators to foresee and address potential conflict. In this way, sensitivity mapping facilitates developers and regulators to identify the best areas for wind energy development and deployment, and thus assist Ireland’s achievement of our renewable energy targets. 8 According to the European Commission’s Guidance on Wind Energy Development and Natura 2000 (published in 2011), ‘Developing wildlife sensitivity maps at the strategic planning stage enables areas to be identified where wind farm development might be considered a low, medium or high risk in terms of nature and wildlife. Several Member States have demonstrated how this can be done with success. Such wildlife sensitivity maps will also help to avoid potential conflicts with the provisions of Article 5 of the Birds Directive and 12 & 13 of the Habitats Directive as regards the need to protect species of EU importance throughout their entire natural range within the EU (i.e. also outside N2000 sites)’. Bird sensitivity mapping will help to build capacity in the wind energy sector to assess bird sensitivity in areas intended for wind energy development, however it is important to reiterate that it will not create ‘no go areas’ for wind development. The mapping tool will not replace other impact assessment requirements such as, AA, EIA or SEA although it may help advise scoping for these processes, and can provide an indicative early warning system or assessment of risk associated with pursuing developments that may need additional or alternative design elements. The process will help to identify information gaps in a strategic manner which can then be addressed, not as part of the mapping project, but outside the process. Bird sensitivity mapping with regard to wind energy developments is being successfully applied in other EU member states and around the world: Germany (Garthe & Huppop, 2004), Scotland (Bright et al. 2008), Netherlands (Aarts & Bruinzeel, 2008), England (Bright et al. 2009), Greece (Dimalexis et al. 2010), the USA (AWWI/TNC, 2011), South Africa (Retief et al. 2012) and the Rift Valley/Red Sea region (Strix, 2012). The species sensitivity index approach was used by Garthe and Huppop (2004), Retief et al. (2012), Strix (2012) and by Desholm (2009) in a case study at an offshore wind farm in Denmark. 1.5 Species profiles Bewick’s Swan and Whooper Swan The Bewick’s Swan Cygnus columbianus bewickii is a wide ranging species, which breeds across almost the entire Palaearctic. The western population winters in northwest Europe (Brazil 2003). The Whooper Swan Cygnus Cygnus also has a very large breeding range, which extends from Iceland across northern Russia to the Okhotsk Sea and the Bering Sea (Brazil, 2003). Bewick’s and Whooper Swans are listed in the Annex I of the EC Council Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds (79/409/EEC) and are afforded protection under the Wildlife Act, 1976-2000, as amended (Republic of Ireland). Whooper Swan, Cygnus cygnus, is listed as an Annex I species by the EU Birds Directive. As such both species are afforded protection through the designation of Special Protection Areas. Habitats for 9 birds, including Annex 1 listed species, are also afforded protection outside of designated areas under this Directive. Bewick’s Swans are on the Red list, and Whooper Swans are on the Amber list of Birds of Conservation Concern (Lynas et al. 2007). Bewick’s and Whooper Swans both have all white plumage, have a long, erect neck and a black bill with a yellow base. Whooper Swans are larger than Bewick’s Swans and have a more extensive yellow patch on the bill. In both species, the sexes are alike. Juveniles have grey plumage (Cramp & Simmons, 1997). Both Bewick’s and Whooper Swans winter in Ireland and their populations are monitored through two different surveys: the Irish Wetland Bird Survey (I-WeBS) (Boland and Crowe, 2012) and the International Swan Census (Crowe et al. 2005; Boland et al. 2010). The Irish Wetland Bird Survey (I-WeBS) has been undertaken annually since the winter of 1994/95 each month between September and March. A total of 639 sites and 1,611 subsites were covered in the 2004-2009 period, which represents comprehensive coverage of suitable swan sites (Boland & Crowe, 2012). In the 2005 International Swan Survey, 777 known swan sites in the Republic of Ireland were surveyed and a total of 14,079 Whooper Swans were counted in 391 flocks. A total of 224 Bewick’s Swans were counted in eight flocks. In the 2010 survey, coordinated counts were supplemented with an aerial survey to ensure complete coverage of areas with limited accessibility. A total of 835 count units were covered in the Republic of Ireland resulting in 14,981 Whooper Swans being counted in 387 flocks. A total of just 80 Bewick’s Swans were recorded in six flocks. As in previous censuses, sites in County Wexford supported by far the greatest number of Bewick’s Swans. Survey coverage was considered to be good in both surveys. The Whooper Swan population in Ireland increased by 6% in the period between the 2005 and 2010 censuses and population of Bewick’s Swans continued an ongoing decline (Boland et al. 2010). Ireland supports a substantial proportion (60.9%) of the Whooper Swan flyway (Crowe et al. 2008). Whooper Swans have a widespread distribution in Ireland, with birds being recorded in all counties except Carlow and Dublin (Boland & Crowe, 2010). Bewick’s Swan have a much more limited range, with 84% of birds occurring at three sites in south County Wexford (Boland and Crowe, 2010). Peak migration periods are during October and March, with peak numbers occuring in Ireland in January (Cramp & Simmons, 1997). Both species favour freshwater habitats and require shallow water for grazing. Winter diet consists of aquatic plants, leaves, roots and shoots foraged from pasture farmland (Cramp & Simmons, 1997). Whooper Swans are considered to be sensitive to wind energy developments in terms of disturbance displacement and collision risk (Langston & Pullan, 2003). While on migration, Whooper Swans are one of the highest flying of all birds and have been recorded at heights greater than 8,000 meters (Brazil, 2003). However, flight altitude for local commuting movements occurs atlower altitudes, which are generally 10 performed at dawn and dusk (Cramp & Simmons, 1997). Due to the low flight manouverability, both species are with likely to be susceptible to collision with wind turbines or associated infrastructure. In a Whooper Swan study, Larsen and Clausen (2002) noted that the swans are capable of avoiding wind turbines in good visibility and that collision risk is highest during movment between roosting and feeding sites at dawn and dusk. Whooper and Bewick’s Swans are generally much wilder than Mute Swans Cygnus olor, and are therefore much more sensitive to disturbance (Brazil, 2003). Red Grouse In Ireland, Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus are a sub-species of Willow Grouse Lagopus lagopus which have a circumpolar distribution and are largely found on tundra, bogs and heaths. Recent research indicates that Irish Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus hibernicus is genetically distinct from its nearest neighbour in Britain L.l. scoticus (McMahon et al. 2012). As our only native species of grouse, the Red Grouse has suffered from a serious decline in range (50%) in the past 40 years with an estimated spring population of 4,200 adult birds (Cummins et al. 2010). A large amount of data was collected for the National Red Grouse Survey, with 491 1km across 188 10km squares being surveyed specifically for Red Grouse. In total, 229 1km squares were occupied. A similar study in Northern Ireland in 2004, highlighted the extent of the decline there, with a national population estimate of just 202 breeding pairs (Allen et al. 2004 Allen et al. 2005). The Red Grouse is protected under the Wildlife Act, 1976-2000, as amended (Republic of Ireland) and it currently resides on the Irish Red List of Birds of Conservation Concern (Lynas et al. 2007). It is listed under Annex III/I of the EC Council Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds (79/409/EEC). The Red Grouse is a medium sized gamebird. Males have a distinctive red comb above each eye, which is much more vestigial in females. Well camouflaged, this largely ground-dwelling species can be hard to detect in its heathery domain. Specific survey methodologies were used during the national survey to detect Red Grouse, which included using tape-playback methodologies and surveys using dogs (Cummins et al. 2010). 11 Image 1.1 Red Grouse in heather habitat Despite a lack of recent data on productivity for Irish populations, it is known that most pairs are monogamous, and pairs are generally single-brooded (Lance, 1976). Breeding female numbers are largely determined by the numbers of territorial males (Moss et al. 1996, Mougeot et al. 2003a, 2003b). The population in Ireland has thought to have been in decline (BirdLife International 2004) since the 1970s, with land-use changes considered the biggest driver of these declines (Cummins et al. 2010). Only 40% of the Irish population of Red Grouse occurs on designated lands (Cummins et al. 2010). Red Grouse are largely restricted to areas of blanket bog and heath along western and north-western counties, with strongholds also occurring in the Slieve Blooms, Co. Laois and in the east (Wicklow and Dublin Mountains) and southeast (Knockmealdowns and Comeragh Mountains). Few pairs remain on raised bogs in the Midlands largely because of changes to habitat condition and extent. Of the original area of 308,742ha of raised bogs, 64% have been lost to turbary, 24% to mechanical extraction and 2% to forestry, leaving just 10% intact and warranting conservation action (IPCC Peatland Sites Database 2009). Average densities of 1.1 birds/km2 in spring are typical in Ireland, although numbers can be several times that in strongholds like the Wicklow Mountains (Cummins et al.2010). 12 Given their largely sedentary nature (Wernham et al. 2002), rarely dispersing more than 4km from natal territories (Warren & Baines 2007), grouse populations are susceptible to habitat losses and changes in quality (Lance 1978a). Males establish territories in autumn (months before the breeding season) with territorial males calling at dawn and dusk, albeit less so in daytime particularly in the case of low density populations (Watson & Jenkins 1963). The average number of chicks hatched successfully in Ireland is 2.9 per pair. Although chicks are fully feathered when hatched, they still need brooding until they are 7-10 days old and reach full maturity at 12 weeks (Watson & O’Hare 1979a). Populations in Ireland are intrinsically linked with habitat availability and habitat quality. The Red Grouse is associated with specific habitat types, namely heaths, blanket bogs and raised bogs (Cramp & Simmons 1980). Its diet is almost exclusively ling heather (Calluna vulgaris) (Jenkins et al. 1963, Lance & Mahon 1974, Finnerty et al. 2007) and therefore its distribution is restricted to peatland habitats that have heather. Historically, the Red Grouse was among the most characteristic birds of Ireland’s bogs given its unique association with these habitats and heather where it spends its entire life cycle (Watson & O’Hare 1979). Ling heather Calluna vulgaris is so important to Red Grouse, as it constitutes the biggest portion of their diet, particularly heather aged between 2-8 years, (Savory 1978) and they also require heather for shelter and for nesting (Jenkins et al. 1963). Nowadays and in the past, a number of suitable areas for Red Grouse in Ireland have had heather management and predator control in place to improve local conditions for Red Grouse in order to boost local populations (All Ireland Species Action Plan for Red Grouse 2012, in prep). In the spring, cotton grass shoots are an important food source for adults as they are much higher in essential nutrients like protein and phosphorous than heather (Watson & Moss 2008). The prevalence of insects on blanket bogs in the summer is also an important food supply for young grouse chicks (Savory 1977). Philopatry is evident in Red Grouse populations, with young males breeding near where they hatch, while hens move further from natal areas to avoid inbreeding (Watson & Moss 2008). This sedentary nature can make populations more vulnerable to rapid habitat changes and population may not be able to adapt quickly enough to such changes. Given national renewable energy targets are set at 20% by 2020 (Directive 2009/28/EC), the expansion of new and existing windfarms on non-designated peatlands is likely to increase (Renou-Wilson et al. 2011). Mitigation for potential impacts on Red Grouse such as the creation of Habitat Enhancement Areas adjacent to windfarms (All Ireland Species Action Plan for Red Grouse 2012, in prep) are a consideration. Several species of game birds have a poorly developed fovea (the area on the retina with the highest density of light-receptor cells), which may account for their particular vulnerability to collide with power lines and fences (Bevanger 1994, 1995). Studies in Norway have highlighted evidence of collisions of Willow Ptarmigan Lagopus lagopus (a 13 close relative of Red Grouse) with wind turbine masts (Bevanger 1994, Bevanger et al. 2010, Martin & Shaw 2010). Studies of other grouse species, Prairie Grouse T. cupido, have shown that new power lines (and other tall structures such as wind turbines) can lead to avoidance of previously suitable habitat and serve as barriers to movement (Pruett et al. 2009). Densities of Red Grouse have been shown to decline on wind farms during the construction phase, although densities appear to recover by the first year of operation (Pearce-Higgins et al. 2012). A study of Red Grouse at a single windfarm site in Scotland has shown a positive correlation between their distribution and vegetation density and a weak positive association between Red Grouse and accessroads (Douglas et al. 2011), which can act as a source of grit for birds (Watson & Moss 2008). In addition, males like to display along linear features (Watson & Moss 2008). However, as turbines are invariably located near access roads, any associations between Red Grouse occurrence and turbines are probably confounded by the close proximity of these roads to turbine infrastructure. However, this was a single site study, and care needs to be taken when drawing conclusions on Red Grouse behaviour that could be applied in a wider context. 14 2. Aims and objectives of project ‘Phase 1’ 2.1 Project Phases Because of the multi-annual nature of BirdWatch Ireland’s Bird Sensitivity Mapping project as well as the level of stakeholder engagement in the project, the completion of a consolidated bird sensitivity map for Ireland with associated guidance has been structured in three phases. Phase 1 of the project entailed development of a validated methodology for Bird Sensitivity mapping for Wind Energy in Ireland, with three draft layers of the sensitivity map for Whooper and Bewick’s Swan and for Red Grouse and the establishment of a High Level Stakeholder Group to carry the project forward into completion. Phase 2 of the project (which we intend to complete in 2013 subject to funding) will complete the remaining map layers to produce the consolidated bird sensitivity map, which will see the collated and interpreted existing data from a range of bird species and species groups into a format that is more readily available and accessible. It is intended that the consolidated map will be GIS based and freely available through an online public GIS platform, as per the wind energy atlas. The consolidated sensitivity map will be specifically designed to facilitate ease of use and accessibility for a range of users. Guidance to accompany the consolidated sensitivity map will also need to be produced to explain clearly the needs of particular species groups in areas likely to be attractive for wind energy developments as well as in the range of habitat types likely to be intersected by power lines. Phase 3 (also subject to funding) will launch the Irish bird Sensitivity mapping for wind energy tool and associated guidance as well as deliver a training programme. 2.2 Project Objectives A key objective of Phase 1 of the project is to develop and test a methodology for assessing and mapping the sensitivity of birds to wind energy developments in the Republic of Ireland by producing three map layers. This work is designed to form the scoping stage in a broader programme of work to produce a consolidated and user friendly GIS based bird sensitivity map for Ireland. Phase 1 of the project has communicated the merits of sensitivity mapping to the wind energy industry and to gain support for the process, thus establishing the basis for completion of sensitivity mapping for Ireland in 2013, subject to funding. Ireland’s habitats support many birds of conservation importance, including 40 species listed on Annex I of the EU Birds Directive (EC Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds, 79/409/EEC). Whilst some of these species of conservation importance are concentrated in Special Protection Areas (SPAs), most are dispersed. The main objective 15 of this bird sensitivity mapping project is to complete a consolidated and user friendly GIS based bird sensitivity map for Ireland using the most up to date data on selected bird species or species groups. Phase 1 of the project has advanced the current thinking and support for a sensitivity map for Ireland and has establish the basis for completion of sensitivity mapping for Ireland in 2013, subject to funding. The consolidated sensitivity map will help to build capacity in the renewable energy sector to assess bird sensitivity in areas intended for wind energy development and can be used to guide strategic development on national or regional levels as well as being applicable at a local level, thereby facilitating the planning process. The map and the associated guidance will assist more harmonious development of wind energy in Ireland in order to successfully achieve Ireland’s renewables targets while proactively addressing potential conflicts of energy and energy infrastructure developments with birds and biodiversity before they arise. Development of an Irish methodology for bird sensitivity mapping for wind energy draws on experience and good practice approaches from other member states (where sensitivity mapping tools have been developed by BirdLife partners) to tailor the approach to the range of bird species and species groups most relevant in Ireland. An expert group of BirdWatch Ireland staff has been established to ensure that the methodology is scientifically sound and encompasses suitable criteria for the development of the sensitivity index model which is used to compile the map layers for each species. Sensitivity mapping is a useful tool for planning authorities, developers and agencies in their approach to wind energy development and for county based or regional renewable energy strategies. Engagement of the end users is crucial to the success of this mapping tool, hence this has been a key objective of Phase1. The aim of establishing the stakeholder group was to support the development of the project from both a technical development perspective as well as to ensure a participative process and user friendly output. The establishment and ongoing operation of the High Level Steering Group also intends to help to familiarise key wind energy developers and regulators with existing legislative and policy requirements in the context of positively addressing potential conflicts in a proactive and collective approach. The specific objectives of this project have been to: Determine the best approach by conducting a desk study of the avian sensitivity mapping work undertaken globally Identify a list of key experts to provide useful contributions during the development of the project Establish a High Level Stakeholder Group and to foster a participative approach to the project 16 Establish an internal Sensitivity Mapping Expert Group to contribute to the development of the project Produce and validate a Species Sensitivity Index, through consultation with experts, to determine the species that are most susceptible to impacts Select species to be included on the Phase 1 sensitivity maps Generate Phase 1 sensitivity maps Evaluate the outputs from the Species Sensitivity Index according to the relevant literature To discuss limitations of the approach To provide a series of recommendations for areas of future work arising from this project 3. Methods 3.1 Determination of the best approach In order to determine the best approach, a review of existing work on avian sensitivity mapping with regard to wind energy developments was undertaken. Sensitivity mapping projects in relation to wind energy developments have been conducted in Germany (Garthe & Huppop, 2004), Scotland (Bright et al. 2008), the Netherlands (Aarts & Bruinzeel, 2008), England (Bright et al. 2009), Greece (Dimalexis et al. 2010), the USA (AWWI/TNC, 2011), South Africa (Retief et al. 2012) and the Rift Valley/Red Sea region (Strix, 2012). The species sensitivity index approach was used by Garthe and Huppop (2004), Retief et al. (2012), Strix (2012) and by Desholm (2009) in a case study at an offshore wind farm in Denmark. 3.2 Consultation with BirdLife Partners In addition to conducting the desk study on existing work on sensitivity mapping, expert input was sought, and international colleagues with sensitivity mapping experience were consulted on the general approaches and the specific methodologies being trialled. From the outset, exchange of information has been ongoing with relevant experts as Table 3.1 shows. 17 Table 3.1 Summary of the main discussions with Birdlife International and other colleagues. Initial contact Date BirdLife International August, 2012 RSPB Natural England Altenburg and Wymenga1 Advice and guidance on September, potential 2012 mapping approaches Consultation on the Species October, Sensitivity 2012 Index Consult on methodology November,2 and future 012 directions 1 Wildlife Consultancy Company in the Netherlands – Project partners on the Dutch Sensitivity mapping project. 3.3 Establishment and operation of the High Level Stakeholder Group The stakeholder group was established to involve key energy developers, regulators and planners to ensure a participative process in the development of the bird sensitivity mapping tool. During 2012, approaches were made to a range of key stakeholders in the project, including Eirgrid, the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS), the Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) and the Irish Wind Energy Association (IWEA). Upon confirmation of SEAI grant award for Phase 1, contact was made with a range of stakeholder interests alerting them to the commencement of the project and inviting them to the first meeting of the High Level Stakeholder Group (HLSG). Most of the organisations and individuals invited to attend responded positively to the project and in a supportive move agreed to come to a stakeholder meeting. The meeting was scheduled with input from those who had responded to invitations in order to accommodate a wide attendance. 18 The HLSG met twice over the course of the project. The first meeting was held in Wilton Place, Dublin, in a room provided by SEAI. The specific objectives of the first meeting which were circulated to all participants in advance, outlined the proposed approach to develop the sensitivity mapping tool and associated guidance and to get input and feedback on this from a range of end users. Presentations were made by BWI outlining the context, background, objectives, participative approach being taken and the expectations of the project. Communications were maintained and pursued after the meeting with both those who had attended the first HLSG meeting and those who were unable to attend. Further project information and a meeting report was circulated to additional stakeholders as well as phone calls to garner engagement. A document was circulated widely between the two meetings, which stated the overall objective of the project, the terms of reference of the High Level Stakeholder Group, modus operandi, the ‘added value’ associated with sensitivity mapping, a summary of project outputs and limitations This document can be found in Appendix 2. The second meeting of the high level stakeholder group took place on Wednesday 7th November 2012 in the Mont Claire Hotel, Merrion Square, Dublin 2. The objectives of this meeting were to further clarify the purpose of the project and provide additional information on the process being used generating the map, the data being used and how the process has gone elsewhere. To this end, a remote presentation was delivered by the RSPB about sensitivity mapping in England and in Scotland, demonstrating the development and application of sensitivity mapping tools. The meeting heard a presentation on BWI data sources from Dr Olivia Crowe, BWI, which outlined how all data is collected through various BWI operated surveys and all outputs are peer reviewed and published. BWI clarified that the data collection is repeated at regular intervals and maps can be updated accordingly. 19 3.4 Sensitivity Mapping Expert Group The BirdWatch Ireland Conservation and Surveys & Monitoring Teams have experience and expertise in a number of fields relevant to the current Sensitivity Mapping project. Members of these teams were selected based on their experience to be part of a Sensitivity Mapping Expert Group, with the remit to provide input into the creation and calculation of the Species Sensitivity Index and the process of generating the example map layers. Collectively, this Expert Group has knowledge of avian behavioural ecology, ecological mapping, project development and environmental policy. The Sensitivity Mapping Expert Group formally convened on two occasions over the course of the project, and members of the group also inputted outside of these formal sessions. The first Sensitivity Mapping Expert Group workshop took place on the 20th September 2012 and served to: refine an early edition of the Species Sensitivity Index and decide on a number of fundamentals such as species selection for the example map layers and a discussion on the suitability of including formally protected areas into the process. The second workshop took place on the 30th October 2012. The objectives of this workshop were to; further refine the Species Sensitivity Index by scrutinising the rationale for the inclusion of each of the sensitivity factors; to agree on the scoring system used in the index; and to score both the species used in the example map layers and the supplementary species by mutual agreement. 3.5 Species Sensitivity Index A number of factors may influence species-specific sensitivity to wind energy developments. Therefore, defining a list of priority species by assigning sensitivity scores to species is a prerequisite to creating a sensitivity map. The presented approach to assigning sensitivity scores to species is based on the most relevant references on the subject, the South African Sensitivity mapping project (Retief et al. 2010) and a seabird vulnerability index (Garthe & Huppop 2004). These studies address the sensitivity of birds to wind farms based on distributional data and the inferred vulnerability to these developments on a selection of species. The sensitivity index was created by compiling a list of factors expected to affect a species’ vulnerability to wind energy developments along with information on the species conservation status and population ecology. Scores for each of these factors are combined to determine the overall sensitivity ratings. 20 Vulnerability factors Twelve vulnerability factors were chosen to be included in the species sensitivity index. These factors are based on the risk of birds colliding with turbines; being displaced by wind farm developments; being affected by wind farms forming barriers to movement or migration; or being affected by habitat loss as a result of wind energy developments. The vulnerability factors are divided into two groups according to whether they broadly related to flight behaviour or habitat requirements. Each factor was scored on a 5-point scale from 0 to 4, with higher scores increasing the ultimate vulnerability score. Two of the factors were based on real data, whereas the remaining ten could only be assessed subjectively. Each of the subjective factors was scored by mutual agreement by the species expert group, which comprised of key members of the BirdWatch Ireland Conservation and Surveys and Monitoring Teams (see section 3.4). The 12 vulnerability factors are outlined below. (i) Size This factor was scored according to the size of the bird, as previous studies have indicated that larger species are more susceptible to collisions with wind turbines that smaller species (Langston & Pullan 2003), which have greater manoeuvrability. Each species was assigned a size category based on measurements in Svensson (2010). Table 3.2 Vulnerability scoring based on bird size. (ii) Score Size 4 3 2 1 0 Very Large Large Medium Small Very small Soaring behaviour The propensity for a species to soar is likely to contribute to the species’ susceptibility to collide with wind turbines, as soaring birds often are using the same wind resource as the turbines (Barrios & Rodríguez 2004; Strix 2012). This factor accommodates this risk, by assigning scores according to the soaring behaviour of each species. Due to the absence of empirical data, this factor was scored subjectively by the expert group. 21 Table 3.3 Vulnerability scoring based on soaring behaviour. Score Soaring 4 3 2 1 0 Always Usually Regularly Sometimes Never (iii) Aerial foraging / predatory behaviour Many of the birds killed at wind farms are also predatory in nature (Langston & Pullan, 2003). This factor is included as high speed aerial pursuit or focused attention on the ground may reduce the bird’s awareness of wind turbines or other obstacles. Table 3.4 Vulnerability scoring based on predatory birds and aerial foragers. Score 4 3 2 1 0 (iv) Predatory / aerial forager Highly Partially Never Ranging behaviour It is expected that species with large ranges or territories are more likely to come into contact with wind energy developments, and this is likely to increase their potential for collision. This factor was scored subjectively by the expert group, due to a paucity of available data on the species in question. Table 3.5 Vulnerability scoring based on ranging behaviour. Score Ranging behaviour 4 3 2 1 0 Very wide range Long, daily commuter Wide Local movements Sedentary 22 (v) Flocking This factor is included as it is likely that birds flying in large flocks are more susceptible to colliding with wind energy structures if they are focused on neighbouring individuals in the flock for navigation. Still et al.(1996) reports that Common Eiders at the rear of “V” flight formations were observed to fly critically close to turbines. On one occasion, four birds were observed to fall into the water after being struck by a turbine blade or caught in the associated turbulence. Table 3.6 Vulnerability scoring based on flocking behaviour. Score Flocking 4 3 2 1 0 Always Sometimes Never (vi) Nocturnal flight There is evidence that species that fly at night are more susceptible to collisions than diurnal species (Dirksen et al.1998). This is probably due to the fact that, for most species, vision at night is not as good as it is during the day. The categories account for species that are active at dawn and dusk as well as those active throughout the night. The most susceptible species are those that are commute at night between foraging and roosting areas. Table 3.7 Vulnerability scoring based on nocturnal flying. Score Nocturnal flying 4 3 2 1 0 Active at night (vii) Crepuscular Diurnal Aerial display Species with aerial courtship displays during the breeding season or aerial interactions with competitors, which take them to turbine heights, are more vulnerable to collision than ground dwelling species. Therefore this risk factor must be considered in the 23 analysis. However, as these behaviours are likely to be seasonal in nature, and only performed at certain times of the year, the maximum score available here is 2. Table 3.8 Vulnerability scoring based on aerial displays. Score Aerial display 4 3 2 1 0 Frequent Occasional Never (viii) Range in Ireland This factor was scored according to the national range of the species in Ireland. This factor is important as species with very localised distributions are likely to be more at risk to a population level affect as a result of wind energy developments compared to those species with widespread distributions. Species with restricted range were scored higher that widespread species. Table 3.9 Vulnerability scoring based on species range. Score Range 4 3 2 1 0 Very limited range Limited range Localised Widely distributed Very widely distributed 24 (ix) Site fidelity This factor was included to account for disturbance displacement associated with species with high levels of site fidelity. Species that exhibit site fidelity are likely to incur greater negative impacts as a result of habitat damage compared to species that are less tied to specific sites. Table 3.10 Vulnerability scoring based on site fidelity. Score Site fidelity 4 3 2 1 0 High (x) Medium Low Availability of preferred habitat Many species that are sensitive to disturbance caused by development will leave the area in an effort to find other suitable areas and their success in this regard is dependent on the availability of suitable habitat in the vicinity. It is expected that species with specific habitat requirements will be impacted by habitat loss to a greater degree than those with more flexible requirements. It is likely that, if displaced by a development, species with flexible habitat requirements will find suitable habitat more easily than species with specific habitat requirements. Table 3.11 Vulnerability scoring based on the availability of preferred habitat. Score 4 3 2 1 0 (xi) Availability of preferred habitat Low Medium High Habitat preference Wind energy developments are generally located in open areas, especially in upland areas. This factor was included to assign greater sensitivity those species that frequent these areas. The influence of wind energy developments on woodland species is likely to be minimal. 25 Table 3.12 Vulnerability scoring based on habitat preference. Score Habitat preference 4 3 2 1 0 Open (xii) Semi-open Closed Sensitivity to disturbance displacement Human disturbance is widely considered to be a serious conservation problem, especially to species of conservation concern. Retief et al.(2010) expects that disturbance and displacement probably affect birds to a greater extent that collisions. Many species that are sensitive to disturbance caused by development will leave the area in an effort to find other suitable areas. Table 3.13 Vulnerability scoring based on sensitivity to disturbance displacement. Score Sensitivity to disturbance 4 3 2 1 0 High Medium Low Factors relating to conservation status and population ecology Three factors related to population are included in the Species Sensitivity Index, all of which can be based on real data. These factors are based on the potential population level affects that wind energy developments have on species. As above, each factor was scored on a 5-point scale from 0 to 4, with higher scores increasing the ultimate sensitivity score. The three factors are outlined below. (i) Conservation status Countries have a legal and moral obligation to conserve their biodiversity, especially species which are of conservation concern. Each species was assigned a score according to whether it featured on any of the lists of conservation concern: Annex I of the EU Birds Directive (2009/147/EC), BirdLife International SPEC list (BirdLife International, 26 2004) or Birds of Conservation Concern in Ireland (BoCCI) (Lynas et al.2007). This approach was also used in designing sensitivity maps in other countries (Garthe & Huppop 2004; Bright et al.2008; Bright et al.2009; Retief et al.2012). In order to determine a priority score, each of the three classification systems was used and the maximum score obtained was used (i.e. a species that has is not listed on the Annex I list of the Birds Directive, but that is on the BoCCI Red List will get a score of 4, see Table 2.14.). Table 3.14 Sensitivity scoring based on conservation status. Score Birds Directive Annex I1 EU SPEC2 BoCCI3 4 3 2 1 0 Yes No SPEC 1 SPEC 2 SPEC 3(W) SPEC 4 Red Amber Green EU Birds Directive (2009/147/EC) 2 BirdLife International (2004) SPEC1: Global conservation concern, SPEC2: Unfavourable European conservation status, and with more than half of the global breeding or wintering population concentrated in Europe, SPEC3: Unfavourable European conservation status, but with less than half of the global breeding or wintering population within Europe, SPEC4: Favourable conservation status in Europe. 3 Birds of Conservation Concern in Ireland (Lynas et al.2007). Red: The population has declined dramatically in the recent years, the breeding population has undergone a large and widespread decline since 1800, or the population is of global conservation concern. Amber: The population or range has declined moderately in recent years, the species are rare breeders, the breeding or wintering population is localised or of internationally important numbers, or the species has unfavourable conservation status in Europe. Green: The species does not meet Red or Amber-listing criteria. 1 (ii) Proportion of the population The scale of potential impacts on birds caused by the wind energy developments, at a population level, will depend on the proportion of the flyway (for migrants) or breeding (for residents) population that occurs in Ireland. For this reason, the species sensitivity index takes the proportion of the breeding / flyway population relative to the European population into account. Data on global populations was obtained from Wetlands International (2006) for wintering waterbirds, and from BirdLife International (2004) for all other species. As population ranges were presented in many cases, values should be considered as indicative, and should be updated when new information becomes available. After calculating the respective proportion, each value was scored accordingly (Table 2.15). Red Grouse is one of four endemic subspecies that occurs in Ireland and as the survival of this subspecies is dependent on conservation action taken within Ireland, Red Grouse was given the maximum score of 4 for this factor. 27 Table 3.15 Scoring based on the proportion of the flyway or European breeding population. Score Proportion of population 4 3 2 1 0 >50% 26-50% 11-25% 1-10% <1% (iii) Adult survival rate The impact of wind farm-induced mortality or reduced breeding ability must be assessed at a population level rather than at an individual level. Adult survival rate is included here, as additional mortality or reduced reproductive output affects species with higher adult survival rates to a greater degree than those with lower adult survival rates. This factor was considered by Garthe & Huppop (2004) when creating a wind farm sensitivity index for seabirds. Table 3.16 Scoring based on adult survival rate. Score Adult survival rate1 4 >0.85-1.00 3 >0.70-0.85 2 >0.60-0.70 1 >0.50-0.60 0 <0.50 1 The proportion of the adult population surviving from one year to the next. Species Sensitivity Index Calculation The following steps were used to calculate the Species Sensitivity Scores (see Table 3.17). The 12 vulnerability factors were organised into two groups: flight behaviour (factors a - g) and habitat preference (i – m). For each of the two groups, an average score for the respective factors was calculated (h and n). These average scores were subsequently added to give the Final Vulnerability Score (o) for each species. The population status score (t) was calculated by taking the maximum score for each of the conservation concern classifications and the score for the proportion of the flyway/European breeding population that Ireland supports (p - s). This score (t) and 28 the score for the Annual adult survival rate (u) were then added to give the Final Population Score (v). Finally, the Species Sensitivity Score (w) was calculated by multiplying the Final Vulnerability Score (o) by the Final Population Score (v). Final Vulnerability Score (o) = averaged flight behaviour scores (a –g) + averaged habitat preference scores (i – m). Final Population Score (v) = Population Status Score (t) + annual adult survival score (u). Species Sensitivity Score (w) = Final Vulnerability Score (o) x Final Population Score (v) 29 Table 3.17 Summary of the factors used to assign sensitivity scores to species.1 Size Soaring Predatory / aerial forager a b Score 0 Very small Never c Never Ranging Behaviour Flocking Nocturnal flight activity Aerial Display Vulnerability score flight d e Sedentary Never f g Diurnal Never Range in Ireland Site fidelity Availability of preferred habitat Habitat Preference Sensitivity to displacement Vulnerability Score - habitat Final Vulnerability Score Annex I of the Birds Directive EU SPEC BoCCI Proportion of flyway population Population Status Score Annual adult survival rate Final Population Score Species Sensitivity Score Score 1 Small Sometimes Score 2 Medium Regularly Partially Local movements Sometimes Wide Always Occasional Crepuscular Frequent Score 3 Large Usually Score 4 Very Large Always Highly Long commuter Very wide range Active at night h i j Very widely distributed Low Widely distributed k l High Closed Medium Semi-open Low Open m Low Medium High SPEC 3(W) Amber SPEC 2 Yes SPEC 1 Red Localised Medium Limited range Very limited range High n o p q r No SPEC 4 Green s 0% <1% 1-10% 10-50% >50% <1% 1-10% 11-25% 26-50% >50% t u v w See section 3.5 for the rationale for including each of the factors. 30 3.6 Validation of the Species Sensitivity Index The species sensitivity index was initially validated by mutual agreement within the expert group by scoring 16 pseudo-randomly selected bird species (Table 3.18). This list comprised of species that are either resident or regular migrants in Ireland, and represents a range of bird families with different morphology, behavioural ecology and conservation status. This exercise was conducted to ensure that the scoring system used to create the Phase I map layers was applicable to a wider selection of birds, allowing amendments to be made as necessary to correct for any potential biases when other species are incorporated into the sensitivity mapping process. The output of the Species Sensitivity Index, a ranking of the species from high sensitivity to low sensitivity, was compared with available literature to determine if the species that emerged with high sensitivity scores were also considered sensitive in the literature. Table 3.18 Selected species used to validate the scoring of the Species Sensitivity Index. Whooper Swan Shoveler Red Grouse Red-throated Diver Manx Shearwater Golden Eagle Purple Sandpiper Curlew Moorhen Herring Gull Woodpigeon Skylark Swallow Blue Tit Yellowhammer Cygnus cygnus Anas clypeata Lagopus lagopus Gavia stellata Puffinus puffinus Aquila chrysaetos Calidris maritima Numenius arquata Gallinula chloropus Larus argentatus Columba palumbus Alauda arvensis Hirundo rustica Cyanistes caeruleus Emberiza citrinella 3.7 Species Selection Whooper Swan and Red Grouse have been chosen for the creation of the Phase 1 map layers as they are both likely to be susceptible to the negative impacts of wind energy developments and are sufficiently different from each other with regard to their behavioural ecology, aerodynamic abilities, habitat choice and conservation status to merit being chosen to demonstrate the mapping process. As Bewick’s Swans share many of the same behavioural and structural traits as Whooper Swans, and as suitable distributional data was readily available, they were also included in the example maps. 31 Whooper Swans and a number of goose species (Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus, European White-fronted Goose A. albifrons, Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis, Brent Goose B. Bernicla) are considered to be sensitive to wind energy developments in terms of disturbance displacement and collision risk (Langston & Pullan, 2003). The list of species and families with particular sensitivities to wind energy developments is designed to be indicative and not exhaustive (Langston & Pullan, 2003), so although Bewick’s Swan was not included on this list, it is likely to be affected by wind energy developments in a similar way. Figure 3.1 Whooper Swans (with Wigeon) Red Grouse are affected by disturbance during construction of wind energy developments, and show a decline in density around wind farms (Pearce-Higgins et al.2012). Langston & Pullan (2003) lists Black Grouse Tetrao tetrix, and Capercaille T. Urogallus as being susceptible to disturbance displacement, collision and habitat loss as a result of wind energy developments. Like Black Grouse and Capercaillie, Red Grouse are members of the Tetraonidae family, and share many behavioural and ecological characteristics. Therefore, it is likely that they are susceptible to the same impacts. 32 3.8 Generation of Phase 1 map layers The map was created in ArcGIS ArcMap 10. Distributional data (see Table 3.19 for data sources) was plotted in ArcMap to create a separate map layer for each species. For the National Red Grouse Survey data, grouse locations were given at the 6-figure grid reference resolution. The locations of Red Grouse in the Supplementary Records Database were mostly provided at 6-figure grid reference resolution, but some were just given at the 4-figure level. For the I-WeBS and National Swan Census datasets, central six figure grid references were provided for each of the subsites where swans were recorded. The Phase 1 Sensitivity map was created at a 1km square scale as this was deemed a sufficiently fine resolution to be useful to developers and planning authorities. This scale was used in the Scottish (Bright et al.2008) , English (Bright et al.2009) and Dutch (Aarts & Bruinzeel, 2008) sensitivity mapping projects. The distributional data for each species was buffered by 1 km. The individual species’ buffered distributional maps were converted to 1km resolution by selecting the 1km squares in which species buffers covered at least one third of the square. Species sensitivity scores were applied to each square. In the event that more than one of the species occurred in a 1 km square the maximum of the species sensitivity scores was used. In order to assign a greater sensitivity to 1 km squares that support more than one of the species, species rich squares were weighted based on the number of sensitive species that they support. The proportion of the total species sensitivity scores per 1 km square (i.e. the sum of the sensitivity scores for each of the mapped species) was used to assign extra weighting, by increasing the sensitivity score for the square (the maximum species sensitivity score in that square) by up to 10%. The weightings are as follows: 10% of the maximum sensitivity score was added to score for the square if the sum of the species sensitivity scores in that square was greater than 80% of the total species sensitivity scores; 8% was added if the sum of the species sensitivity scores in the square was between 60 and 80% of the total species sensitivity score; 6% was added if the sum of the species sensitivity scores in the square was between 40 and 60% of the total species sensitivity score; 4% was added if the sum of the species sensitivity scores in the square was between 20 and 40% of the total species sensitivity score; 2% was added if the sum of the species sensitivity scores in the square was less than 20% of the total species sensitivity score. 3.9 Data sources and data used in the analysis BirdWatch Ireland conducts periodic national and regional surveys. The most recent datasets were used, but the age varied between species. The survey coverage for Bewick’s Swan, Whooper Swan and Red Grouse is reasonably comprehensive. The data sources used for each species are listed in Table 3.19. 33 Bewick’s and Whooper Swans The International Swan Census monitored the population of Bewick’s and Whooper Swans at all know swan sites in Ireland in 2005 (Crowe et al.2005) and 2010 (Boland et al.2010). In the 2005 survey, 777 known swan sites in the Republic of Ireland were surveyed on the weekend of the 15/16th January. A total of 14,079 Whooper Swans were counted in 391 flocks and just 224 Bewick’s Swans was counted in eight flocks. In the 2010 survey, coordinated counts were conducted on the 16th and 17th January and were supplemented with an aerial survey to ensure complete coverage of areas with limited accessibility. A total of 835 count units were covered in the Republic of Ireland resulting in 14,981 Whooper Swans being counted in 387 flocks. A total of just 80 Bewick’s Swans were recorded in six flocks. As in previous censuses, sites in County Wexford supported by far the greatest number of Bewick’s Swans. Survey coverage was considered to be good in both surveys, but the 2010 survey took place during the coldest January since 1985, which resulted in swans being observed away from their usual sites. The Irish Wetland Bird Survey (I-WeBS) is the primary tool for monitoring populations of non-breeding waterbirds and their key wetland sites in the Republic of Ireland, and has been undertaken annually since the winter of 1994/95. Waterbirds are counted each month between September and March each year. A total of 639 sites and 1,611 subsites were covered in the 2004-2009 period, which represents comprehensive coverage of suitable swan sites (Boland & Crowe, 2012). Due to the “look-see” survey method (Bibby et al.1992) employed for I-WeBS and the International Swan Census, and the fact that Bewick’s and Whooper Swans are migratory species, flocks can be recorded by surveys while outside their core areas. For example, a flock of swans recorded at one time in a particular location, does not mean that the area is a “swan site”, and therefore doesn’t warrant that area’s inclusion on a sensitivity map, as the birds may have stopped off temporarily en route to traditional wintering areas. While the International Swan Census is conducted during January in order to capture the distribution of swans in their wintering areas (i.e. not on migration), it still doesn’t discount the fact that flocks may temporarily move away from core areas as a response to weather or other stimuli. For this reason, only sites where swans were observed on multiple occasions were mapped, with all sites where swans were only recorded on one occasion being excluded from the dataset. 34 Table 3.19 Summary of survey datasets used Species Data sources Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus National Red Grouse Survey Red Grouse Supplementary Records Database International Swan Census International Swan Census Irish Wetland Bird Survey Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus Bewick's Swan Cygnus columbianus bewickii International Swan Census International Swan Census Irish Wetland Bird Survey Year Coverage 2006-2008 Nationwide 2000-2011 Nationwide 2010 Nationwide 2005 Nationwide 2004-2009 Nationwide 2010 Nationwide 2005 Nationwide 2004-2009 Nationwide Red Grouse The National Red Grouse Survey surveyed a sample of 1km squares, by selecting 1 km squares with suitable grouse habitat within the historical Red Grouse range (see Cummins et al. (2010) for details). A total of 491 1km squares distributed across 188 10km squares were surveyed between 2006 and 2008. During March to December in 2006-2008, tape playback was used to elicit a response from territorial males and thereby record grouse abundance and distribution. This method was supplemented by any incidental sightings of males or females and fresh signs of grouse presence at a site. Due to the cryptic nature of this species, fresh evidence of grouse occupancy (feathers, droppings) was used to indicate grouse presence where no birds were actually sighted. The survey period (December to March) was deemed sufficient to account for the distribution and abundance of Red Grouse in Ireland, as grouse do not disperse widely from their natal territories, winter and breeding season distribution is considered to be the same. Also, surveying the birds prior to the breeding season limits disturbance to these sensitive ground nesters (April onwards) and also takes into account the period when males are at their most territorial prior to the breeding season.Due to the difficulty of surveying this low density population, supplementary records from incidental sightings of Red Grouse by birdwatchers, hill-walkers, consultants and hunters, together with records from other surveys, were included in a separate database and were used to augment the formal survey data. The resulting estimate for 35 the Irish population of Red Grouse was just over 4,200 birds (Cummins et al. 2010), with the highest densities per unit area (i.e. km2) being found in the Wicklow Mountains. All records from the National Red Grouse Survey were included in the sensitivity mapping database, however not all records were used from the Supplementary Records database. The database was filtered to display only records from 2000 – 2011, meaning that all records that predated the year 2000 were excluded. Database entries that reported sighs of “past evidence” were also excluded leaving those that reported confirmed bird sightings or proof of “recent evidence.” 36 4. Results 4.1 Species Sensitivity Index The 16 species evaluated had strongly different Species Sensitivity scores. Golden Eagle ranked highest (i.e. is the most sensitive), followed by Red-throated Diver, Whooper Swan, Manx Shearwater, Bewick’s Swan and Curlew. The lowest Species Sensitivity scores were calculated for Yellowhammer, Woodpigeon, Swallow and Blue Tit. Table 3.1 summarises the Species Sensitivity Scores. The full table showing the scores for each factor is in Appendix 1. Table 4.1 Summary scores from the Species Sensitivity Index for the 16 species evaluated. For details of methodology see Section 3.5. Species Golden Eagle Red-throated Diver1 Whooper Swan Manx Shearwater1 Bewick's Swan Curlew1 Herring Gull1 Purple Sandpiper Shoveler2 Red Grouse Moorhen Skylark1 Yellowhammer1 Woodpigeon Swallow Blue Tit Population Status Score Final Population Score Vulnerability - flight behaviour Vulnerability - habitat requirements Final Vulnerability Score Species Sensitivity Score 4 8 2.3 3.2 5.5 43.9 4 4 8 8 0.9 1.6 4.0 3.2 4.9 4.8 38.9 38.2 3 4 4 4 1 4 4 1 2 4 1 2 1 7 7 7 8 4 5 4 3 3 5 3 2 2 1.6 1.6 1.0 1.3 1.1 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.9 0.7 0.0 3.8 3.6 3.8 2.4 3.4 2.4 3.4 2.0 1.8 1.0 0.4 0.4 0.0 5.4 5.2 4.8 3.7 4.5 3.1 3.7 2.3 2.1 1.0 1.3 1.1 0.0 37.6 36.2 33.6 29.5 18.2 15.6 14.7 6.9 6.3 5.0 3.8 2.2 0.0 1 Scored based on breeding season only. 2 Scored based on winter season only 4.2 Sensitivity Maps Figure 3.1 shows all sightings of Bewick’s and Whooper Swans recorded during the International Swan Census (2005 and 2010) and I-WeBS (2004-2009), while Figures 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 illustrate only the sensitive areas for Bewick’s and Whooper Swans. Sensitive areas for Bewick’s Swans are confined to five discrete coastal areas in Co. Wexford. While Whooper Swans show a much wider distribution, sensitive areas are around the Shannon system and its many tributaries, in counties Galway and Mayo and 37 around the Midland Lakes. Sensitive areas for Red Grouse are patchily distributed, being focussed in the Wicklow Mountains and in counties Mayo, Galway and Donegal. The composite sensitivity map of the Republic of Ireland (Figure 3.5) is a combination of the three species layers. In cases where more than one of the three species occurred in a square the species colour of the most sensitive (of the three) species is shown. Unshaded areas on the map are of represent areas that are not sensitive locations for Bewick’s Swans, Whooper Swans or Red Grouse. Overall, 4.7% (3,458 1 km squares) of the country is considered sensitive, with 3.60% sensitive for Red Grouse (2,639 1 km squares), 1.09% for Whooper Swan (830 1 km squares) and 0.02% sensitive for Bewick’s Swan (17 1 km squares). 38 Figure 4.1 Distribution of Bewick’s and Whooper Swans in the Republic of Ireland showing all records of the species recorded in the International Swan Census (2005 and 2010) and I-WeBS (2004-2009). 39 Figure 4.2 Sensitivity Map for Bewick’s Swan showing sensitive areas at a 1 km square level. 40 Figure 4.3 Sensitivity Map for Whooper Swan showing sensitive areas at 1km square level. 41 Figure 4.4 Sensitivity Map for Red Grouse showing sensitive areas at 1km square level. 42 Figure 4.5 Composite Sensitivity Map for Whooper Swan, Bewick’s Swan and Red Grouse using the highest sensitivity rating for each 1km square based on presence or absence of each of the three species. 43 4.3 Meetings with the High Level Stakeholder Group First HLSG meeting The first meeting was scheduled with input from those who had responded to invitations in order to accommodate a wide attendance. The meeting took place in Wilton Place on Friday 19th October 2012, attended by Coillte, DIT School of Planning, Eirgrid, ESB Networks, the Irish Planning Institute, National Parks and Wildlife Service of the Department of Arts Heritage and the Gaeltacht, RPS consultants, and SEAI. Others interested but unable to attend included IWEA, SSE and Department of the Environment and Local Government. After the BirdWatch Ireland presentations outlining the context, background, objectives, participative approach being taken and the expectations of the project, participants welcomed that the process is evidence based and provides a potential ‘win-win’ scenario by proactively seeking to accommodate the ‘coexistence’ of wind energy development and conservation. Support was indicated by all present and it was agreed to develop a Terms of Reference for the HLSG and to bring in several important stakeholders for future meetings. Further clarity was requested on what the project is and what it is not (for example clear statement on how the map will be indicative rather than creating ‘no go zones’) and further detail on the added value was sought. There was good discussion around the development of the methodology and the technical aspects of the Species Sensitivity Index. Questions were raised regarding the scientific quality of the data being used and it was clarified that all survey data used is collected according to standard methodology, is subjected to a validation process and, in many cases, is published in peer-reviewed journals. In interim between the two meetings, strong support was expressed by the Department of Environment and Local Government, interest and engagement from the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources and CER, and willingness to participate from Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE), IWEA and the Department of the Environment and Local Government. The DEHLG, the CER, and DCENR each had a range of questions about the project and suggestions. Strong support and solid suggestions were received from the IPI representative. Many of the questions posed by stakeholders directly to the project team outside of the stakeholder group meetings were similar to those questions and queries that came through the stakeholder group meeting, which indicates that the stakeholder grouping was reflecting common questions and suggestions for the direction of the project; and that the stakeholder group is functioning as intended to take on those queries, concerns and intentions for the development and completion of the sensitivity mapping tool that will serve to ensure that the end product is pitched appropriately and widely understood. 44 Second HLSG meeting The second meeting was attended by representatives from Coillte, Eirgrid, ESB Networks, RPS consultants, NPWS, three representatives from the Irish Wind Energy Association, three representatives from SEAI and the project team in BirdWatch Ireland. Apologies came from DIT planning school, SSE, and DELG. The engagement of such a wide grouping at the meeting represents considerable success in engaging with a range of stakeholders during the project. The meeting was attended by representatives from Coillte, Eirgrid, ESB Networks, RPS consultants, NPWS, three representatives from the Irish Wind Energy Association, three representatives from SEAI and the project team in BirdWatch Ireland. Apologies came from DIT planning school, SSE, and DELG. Benefits of the project were put forward by participants and the was process discussed. The meeting set a good base to move the project on with support for the project being articulated by all by the end of the meeting, provided the approach is right. Key discussion points in the meeting included the terms of reference for the group which were compiled based on discussions in the first meeting, stakeholder group functions, project phases and timeframes. It was agreed that an opportunity will be provided after Phase 1 for the stakeholder group to further input to the terms of reference. The value of the project was discussed, specifically how it is expected to compliment risk indicators work of grid development and the integrated approach to the Birds and Habitats Directives that is required. Several of those present, expressed strong support for the project and have expressed an interest in supporting completion of the mapping tool through Phases 2 and 3. The wider applicability of sensitivity mapping tools was also discussed: while this project is about bird sensitivities in relation to wind energy and associated infrastructure, the approach can be applied to other development categories. The group expressed the importance of documenting the approach and methodology. The importance of guidance was discussed, for example the need to expressly state that this is not to be used to create exclusion zones; maps will be indicative rather than definitive; will not replace EIA, AA or SEA requirements. Further funding for the project was discussed however Phase 1 completion will determine further funding opportunities. All those in attendance were thanked for their participation, support, positive and constructive input. 45 5. Discussion 5.1 Species Sensitivity Index Five factors incorporated into the SSI were based on data but this was not possible for the remaining ten factors, which had to be assessed subjectively based on the opinion of the Sensitivity Mapping Expert Group and appropriate score rankings determined for each of the ten factors. This approach has been widely used, for example in the offshore sensitivity mapping of seabirds (Garthe & Huppop 2004). This is currently the best available approach and all other avian sensitivity mapping projects in relation to wind energy developments used expert opinion, where empirical findings were lacking (Bright et al. 2008; Aarts & Bruinzeel 2008; Bright et al. 2009; Dimalexis et al. 2010; AWWI/TNC 2011; Retief et al. 2012; Strix, 2012). The output of the Species Sensitivity Index, the ranking of the 16 species according to their computed sensitivity level, is broadly as expected. The fact that Golden Eagle, Redthroated Diver and Whooper Swan are most sensitive, is not surprising, and is consistent with the indicative list of sensitive species in Langston & Pullan (2003). Redthroated Diver was a close second (to Black-throated Diver) in Seabird sensitivity ranking produced by Garthe & Huppop (2004). Similarly, the species that emerged from the model with low sensitivity scores were not unexpected. 5.2 Sensitivty Maps A conservative approach must be taken when assigning sensitivity indices to maps, as the value of this project to the wind energy sector hinges on maps being produced that illustrate an accurate representation of the important bird areas sensitive to wind energy development. This is especially relevant for assigning sensitivity to areas used by migrant birds on passage migration, which may briefly stop off at a site en route to core areas. For this reason, any sites where Bewick’s or Whooper Swans were recorded on just one occasion during the three surveys (International Swan Census 2005 (Crowe et al. 2005), 2010 (Boland et al. 2010) and I-WeBS 2004-2009 (Boland & Crowe, 2012)) were excluded from the database. Figure 4.1 shows a number of sites where Bewick’s and Whooper Swans have been recorded over the course of the aforementioned surveys. Bewick’s Swans have been recorded on a number of occasions outside their core area in coastal Co. Wexford (Figure 3.3), but due to the frequency of occurrence at these sites, these areas were not deemed suitable to apply the Bewick’s Swan sensitivity score to them. This is not the case for sedentary species like Red Grouse, which rarely disperse more than 4km from natal territories (Warren & Baines 2007). Red Grouse diet is almost exclusively ling heather (Calluna vulgaris) (Jenkins et al. 1963, Lance & Mahon 1974, Finnerty et al.2007) and therefore its distribution is restricted to peatland habitats that 46 have heather. For this reason, all records of Red Grouse were considered to be in suitable habitat, and those areas were deemed to be sensitive areas. Of the three species mapped, 3.60% of 1 km squares in Ireland are considered sensitive for Red Grouse, 1.09% for Whooper Swan and 0.02% for Bewick’s Swan, giving a total of 4.7%. Therefore, 95% of the country is not considered sensitive for the three mapped species. Until Species Sensitivity Scores are computed for a broader range of species, it is not meaningful to assign sensitivity categories to the three mapped species (e.g. high, medium, low sensitivity). Bewick’s Whooper Swans ranked 5th and 3rd respectively out of the 16 species evaluated in the Species Sensitivity Index, while Red Grouse ranked 10th out of the 16. This suggests that the two swan species will ultimately be considered “high sensitivity” species, but this will depend on the suite of species considered for inclusion in Phase 2 of the project. The proportion of 1 km squares considered sensitive to wind energy developments will undoubtedly increase as further species are added in Phase 2 of the project, but there is likely to be considerable overlap in the ranges of these species, meaning that the overall number of sensitive 1 km squares will not increase in proportion to the number of species included. 5.3 Colours used to represent sensitive areas There are a number of different options available when assigning colours to sensitive areas: from using one-colour gradients (e.g. light blue to dark blue), multiple colour gradients (e.g. green to amber to red), to using distinct colours. Due to the methodology employed in designing of the Greek Sensitivity Map, Dimalexis, et al. (2010) chose a range of colours to represnt the various areas highlighted, as the aim was not to show a hierarchy of sensitivities, but to identify areas that were selected for different reasons (e.g. SPAs that are migratory bottlenecks, buffered Vulture nests etc.). In the Scotland and England Sensitivity Maps, Bright et al. (2008, 2009) used a colour gradient, where depth of colour indicated greater sensitivity. The colour gradient ran from light yellow, for areas of low or unknown sensitivity, to dark red, for areas of high sensitivity. The “traffic light” system (red, amber, green) was intentionally avoided in the current project due to the connotations associated with the colours red and green. Sensitivity mapping is intended indicate areas of avian sensitivity, and is not equipt to categorically decide whether a wind energy development should or should not be realised in harmony with nature conservation interests. For example, a green 1 km square on a Sensitivity Map would not necessarily mean that there are no nature conservation conflicts in that 1 km square, as this would have to be decided based on appropriate assessment. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the colour red on a sensitivity could be percieved as indicating a “no-go” area, but again, it is not the remit of the sensitivity mapping process to define where wind energy developments should or should not be 47 realised (see Section 1.4). The use of a colour gradient to represent levels of sensitivity is useful however, and the potential for misinterpretation can be reduced by avoiding colours such as red and green. This approach has been taken with the Dutch Sensitivity Map, which used a colour gradient ranging from light blue, through dark blue to purple (Aarts & Bruinzeel, 2008) and in the Sensitivity Map for soaring raptors in the Red Sea/Rift Valley flyway (Strix, 2012), again, where lighter colours represented areas perceived to be less sensitive, and darker colours represented areas of higher sensitivity. 5.4 Updating the sensitivity map While the current example layers were produced using the best available datasets, updating of the map will be required as new survey data and information becomes available. The species list and sensitivity scores will also need to be updated based on changes in conservation status and as new literature on wind energy development associated impacts becomes available. Various surveys are scheduled to be conducted in the coming year, or years, and will provide useful updates to the current map layers. When validation is complete in December 2012, the BTO Bird Atlas dataset will provide a crucial addition to the maps, especially for Red Grouse. 5.5 Applications of the map In early stages of proposed developments or in strategic planning for the roll out of renewable energy infrastructure, Sensitivity Mapping will function as an indicative tool available to the sector and to the decision-making processes associated with the delivery of renewable energy targets. The consolidated sensitivity map and associated guidance will facilitate ecological interpretation of data according to the behaviour and the requirements of selected species. This ‘species outwards’ type of approach provides the opportunity to do more than ‘put dots on a map’ but potentially incorporates flyways and wider habitat. The mapping tool makes data and knowledge of species needs accessible to sectors and those engaged in decision-making processes in a manner that is useful for the planning and screening processes. With appropriate use of the accompanying guidance, the mapping tool will compliment assessment procedures (appropriate assessment under the Habitats Directive, EIA or SEA) and act as a qualitative tool which ‘tells a story’ of why particular locations are important. While not replacing EIS and AA requirements, the mapping tool will provide a basis for wider consideration both in terms of ecological needs of species as well as in the range of species included. The map is also not confined to the scope of an EIS (set thresholds) or Appropriate Assessment (Natura interests). 48 Sensitivity mapping is an indicative tool that can be used to guide strategic development, for example feeding in to Local Authority Renewable Energy Strategies. The consolidated map will provide an indicative early warning system or assessment of risk associated with pursuing developments that may need additional or alternative design elements, and pre-empts this in advance, rather than later in the planning process, which is usually more costly. It can provide accessible information at an early stage of strategic and project planning that would help to identify areas in which there are potential bird sensitivities and thus enable these to be addressed at the earliest stages of project design (including for grid and transmission infrastructure). This application should be particularly useful for wind energy developers and grid developers. The mapping tool will contribute to the need to consider the requirements of species outside of designated sites (‘in the wider countryside’) and to consider species that are not Annex 1 listed. This important issue has been highlighted by the European Court of Justice in rulings against Ireland and has yet to be fully addressed. 5.6 Limitations of the sensitivity map The example maps provided were created using the best data and information currently available, but there are some caveats which apply to the maps. The data used in the creation of the maps was not collected for the purposes of sensitivity mapping, which can result in an ill fit between the collected data and the sensitivity mapping requirements. The BTO Bird Atlas 2007-2011 is a good example in this case. This survey sought to chart the distribution and abundance of all commonly occurring species in the UK and Ireland during the winter and the breeding season over a four year period. Comprehensive coverage was achieved, which makes the Atlas dataset an invaluable tool for conservation. However, due to the objectives of the project, the finest level that data was collected at was 2 km squares, with a large proportion if it being at 10 km square resolution. This means that extracting data from the Atlas database for use in a sensitivity map (at a 1 km square level) is not straightforward. While comprehensive, recent datasets were available for the mapped species, data deficiency and gaps in survey coverage are inevitable, and will come to light when further species are included in the process. A number of species could not be mapped in the Scottish Sensitivity Mapping project, due knowledge gaps with regard to species distribution or problems associated with the spatial scale of the collected data (Bright et al. 2008). 49 Furthermore, the survey datasets available for use are often only based one season (generally either the breeding season or the winter), preventing an assessment of the birds’ sensitivity outside of these periods. This is important when considering migratory birds such as Bewick’s and Whooper Swans. The International Swan Census takes place during the month of January in order to chart the distribution and abundance of Bewick’s and Whooper swans. While this is very useful data regarding swan distribution in wintering areas, it cannot reveal anything about the migration routes of these birds or highlight areas where the birds are vulnerable to wind energy developments while on migration. Conversely, while the National Red Grouse Survey fieldwork took place between December and March only (Cummins et al. 210), it is not considered to be an issue for a sedentary species such as Red Grouse, which remain in the same areas throughout the year. Another important omission of the map is that it was not possible to map key foraging areas for swans on farmland. This is due to the fact that field usage by foraging Swans is not routinely covered by I-WeBS, which focuses predominantly on coastal sites and estuarine sites (Crowe et al. 2008). Furthermore, changing cropping patterns will effect swan distribution annually. It would not be appropriate to simply apply buffers to traditional swan sites in a effort to capture the areas that the swans are using as these buffers would probably include unsuitable foraging areas. Similarly, information on he routes taken by swans on their twice-daily commutes between foraging and foraging areas is not known. 5.7 Next steps and Recommendations Recommendation 1 - Completion of consolidated map Phase 1 has successfully developed a robust Species Sensitivity Index based on 16 bird species, and produced three sensitivity map layers for Bewick’s Swan, Whooper Swan and Red Grouse. The project team recommend that funding is provided to complete this process for a range of other species with sensitivities to wind energy, allowing the development of a consolidated bird sensitivity map for wind energy in Ireland. Completion of the map has the express support of wide ranging stakeholders (as garnered through the establishment of the High Level Steering Group). While funding may come from several sources on a further phased basis, it is recommended that the funding provided will allow the project to be completed with realistic timeframes, allowing a robust consolidated Sensitivity Map to be produced with optimal HLSG participation, while still providing value for money. Recommendation 2 –stakeholder participation 50 Maintenance of High Level Steering Group through Phases 2 and 3 will be necessary in order to ensure a participative approach to the project and successful uptake of the consolidated map and guidance. Recommendation 3 – guidance to support map Guidance, information and training, as discussed elsewhere in this report, are required to accompany the consolidated map, which will give the basis for the mapping tool and information on how it is to be used and applied. It is recommended that this be developed as part of Phase 2. Recommendation 4 – addressing knowledge gaps It is recommended that the knowledge gaps that are highlighted throughout lifetime of this project are submitted by BWI to the National Biodiversity Research Platform. 51 References Aarts, B., & Bruinzeel, L. (2008). De nationale windmolenrisicokaart voor vogels. Report commissioned by Vogelbescherming Nederland . Allen, D., Mellon, C. & Mawhinney, K. (2004) The Status of Red Grouse in Northern Ireland 2004. Environment & Heritage Service, Belfast. Allen, D., Mellon, C., Mawhinney, K., Looney, D. & Milburne, J. (2005) The Status of Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus in Northern Ireland 2004. Irish Birds 7, 449-460. AWWI/TNC. 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Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wetlands International. 56 57 Appendix 1 Adult survival rate Size Soaring Predatory / aerial forager Ranging Behaviour Flocking Nocturnal flight activity Aerial Display Range in Ireland Site fidelity 4 2 2 2 4 4 4 0 4 4 0 2 4 0 2 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 1 1 4 1 0 1 1 0 1 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 1 0 2 1 1 2 0 1 4 3 4 2 4 3 3 1 2 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 4 1 3 4 3 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 4 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 4 4 2 3 4 3 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 0 0 0 0 1 Scored based on breeding season only. 2 Scored based on winter season only 58 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 3 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 0 Species Sensitivity Score Proportion of flyway 2 2 0 3 2 3 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 Sensitivity to displacement BoCCI 4 4 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Availability of preferred habitat Habitat Preference EU SPEC Golden Eagle Red-throated Diver1 Whooper Swan Manx Shearwater1 Bewick's Swan Curlew1 Herring Gull1 Purple Sandpiper Shoveler2 Red Grouse Moorhen Skylark1 Yellowhammer1 Woodpigeon Swallow Blue Tit Annex I of the Birds Directive Column1 Appendix 1. Scoring for each of the factors and the resulting Species Sensitivity Index values for each of the 16 species. For details see Section 3.5. 2 4 4 4 4 4 0 4 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 43.9 38.9 38.2 37.6 36.2 33.6 29.5 18.2 15.6 14.7 6.9 6.3 5.0 3.8 2.2 0.0 Appendix 2 High Level Stakeholder Group to inform development of Bird Sensitivity Mapping for wind energy & associated infrastructure in Ireland A. OBJECTIVE: The stakeholder group will work in a spirit of partnership to assist in the delivery of a bird sensitivity mapping tool for Ireland. B. TERMS OF REFERENCE: 1. The stakeholder group will involve key energy developers, regulators and planners to ensure a participative process in developing a bird sensitivity mapping tool 2. The stakeholder group will advise the development of the sensitivity mapping tool and associated guidance in order to maximise correct use and interpretation of the mapping tool produced and to avoid misinterpretation of the maps The stakeholder group will support the completion of the sensitivity mapping tool, associated guidance, and communication and training 3. The stakeholder Group will develop a programme for communication of and training in the use of the sensitivity mapping tool and associated guidance, once complete, as well as seeking appropriate hosting for the mapping tool. C. MODUS OPERANDI The group shall meet at regular intervals throughout the project, with meeting dates and venues to maximise participation. Agenda and supporting documentation will be circulated in advance by BWI. In order to facilitate participation by those who are interested in the process but are unable to be on the stakeholder group, participation will be facilitated by the circulation of meeting reports and supporting documentation and by phone contact to discuss project development. D. SUMMARY OF PROJECT OUTPUTS AND LIMITATIONS Bird sensitivity mapping: will help to build capacity in the wind energy sector to assess bird sensitivity in areas intended for wind energy development 59 will not create ‘no go areas’ for wind development is an indicative tool that can be used to guide strategic development, for example feeding in to Local Authority Renewable Energy Strategies can provide accessible information at an early stage of strategic and project planning that would help to identify areas in which there are potential bird sensitivities and thus enable these to be addressed at the earliest stages of project design (including for grid and transmission infrastructure) will not inform new or existing nature conservation designations such as SPAs does not replace other impact assessment requirements such as, AA, EIA or SEA although it may help advise scoping for these processes and can provide an indicative early warning system or assessment of risk associated with pursuing developments that may need additional or alternative design elements does not involve gathering new data, it just makes existing data more accessible in new format will facilitate identification of data gaps is intended to be made publicly accessible and freely available in a manner similar to the wind maps E. THE ‘ADDED VALUE’ ASSOCIATED WITH SENSITIVITY MAPPING In early stages of proposed developments or in strategic planning for the roll out of renewable energy infrastructure, Sensitivity Mapping will function as an indicative tool available to the sector and to the decision-making processes associated with the delivery of renewable energy targets. The additional value associated with delivering sensitivity mapping for Irish birds includes the following: 1. While using existing data, the sensitivity map and associated guidance will facilitate ecological interpretation of data according to behaviour and needs of selected species. This ‘species outwards’ type of approach provides the opportunity to do more than ‘put dots on a map’ but potentially incorporates flyways and wider habitat and ecological needs of species. 2. It makes data and knowledge of species needs accessible to sectors and those engaged in decision-making processes in a manner that is useful for the planning and screening processes. In this way the map and associated guidance is a qualitative tool which ‘tells a story’ of why particular locations are important. 3. At a strategic level it provides an indicative early warning system or assessment of risk associated with pursuing developments that may need additional or 60 alternative design elements and pre-empts this in advance rather than later in the planning process which is usually more costly. 4. While pulling together existing species knowledge and data, the mapping exercise also identifies gaps in knowledge and hence a more strategic approach to addressing knowledge gaps that can otherwise delay roll out of renewable energy. 5. The exercise does not replace but complements EIS and AA requirements by providing a basis for wider consideration both in terms of ecological needs of species as well as in the range of species included. The map is also not confined to the scope of an EIS (set thresholds) or Appropriate Assessment (Natura interests). 6. It contributes to the need to consider the requirements of species outside of designated sites (‘in the wider countryside’) and to consider species that are not Annex 1 listed as has been highlighted by the European Court of Justice in rulings against Ireland. 61 62