Available Books of Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering S# 1 Title 3G wireless networks Author Client, Smith P. E 2 3rd generation cdma systems for enhanced date services Mandyam, Giridhar 3 Sawhney, A. K. 4 5 6 A course in electrical and electronic measurements and instrumentation Integrated circuits A text book of electrical technology A text book of electrical technology (vol - 1) 7 8 9 A text book of electrical technology (vol - 2) A text book of electrical technology (vol - iv) A text book on differential calculus Theraja, B. L Theraja, B. L Mohammad, Khosh 10 11 12 13 14 Theraja, B. L Theraja, B. L Theraja, B. L Subrahmanyam, N Ketola, Warren D 15 16 17 18 19 A textbook of electrical technology A textbook of electrical technology (vol-1) A textbook of electrical technology (vol-iv) A textbook of optics Accelerated and outdoor durability testing of organic materials Information transmission, modulation and noise Advanced analytical models : Advanced digital communication systems Advanced electronic communication systems Christiansen's electronics: problem-solving companion 20 Cmos digital integrated circuits: analysis and degin 21 22 23 Advanced organic chemistry Advanced practical physics Advanced programming using visual basic.net 24 Advances in interpenetrating polymer networks 25 26 Aladdins real lamp: science & technology An engineering approach to computer networking atm networks the internet and the telephone network An introduction to analog and digital communications An introduction to neural networks An introduction to object cobol Analysis and design of digital integrated circuits Analog and digital communication systems Analog and digital signal processing 27 28 29 30 31 32 Botkar, K. R. Theraja, B. L Theraja, B. L Schwartz, Mischa. Mun, Johnathan. NIIT Tomasi, Wayne. Veley, Victor F. C., Parkinson, Jacqueline S. Kang, Sung-mo., Leblebici, Yusuf. Bahl, B. S., Bahl, Arun. Worsnop, B. L., Flint, H. T. Bradley, Julia Case., Millspaugh, Anita C. Klempner, D., Frisch, K. C. Ali, M. Shamsher. Keshav, S. Haykin, Simon. Anderson, James A. Doke, E. Reed Hodges, David A Roden, Martin S. Ambarder, Ashok. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Antenna & wave propagation Antenna theory: analysis and design Antennas and propagation for wireless communication systems Antennas for all applications Applied industrial economics Applied photovoltaic Assembly language programming and organization of the IBM pc Basic electrical measurements Basic electronic communications Basic electronics Basic electronics devices, circuits and it fundamentals Prasad, K. D. Balanis, Constant A. Saunders, Simon R. Basic electronics: solid state Basic vlsi design Broadcasting, cable, the internet, and beyond: an introduction to modern electronic media Bottom-line call center management: creating a culture of accountability and excellent customer service Cellular mobile systems engineering Celluler mobile radiotelephones Cement standards: evaluation and trends Cold starting and pumpability studies in modern engines Communication book Communication engineering Communication Engineering Fundamentals Communication for development in the third world Theraja, B. L. Pucknell, Douglas A Sherman, Barry L 64 Communication systems Communication systems engineering Competency manual for radiographic anatomy and positioning Composite materials: testing and design Computer and communication networks Theory and problems of differential equations Theory and problems of electric circuits Control of volatile organic compound emissionsconventional and emerging technologies Concepts in engineering 65 Conceptual design of distillation systems 59 60 61 62 63 Khan, Ahmad S Phlips, Louis. Wenham, S.R. ... [et al.]. Yu, Ytha., Marut, Charles. Stout, Melville B. NIIT Grob, Bernard Kal, Santiram. Butler, David L. Faruque, Saleh. Gibson, Stephen W. Mehta, P. K. * Devito, Joseph A. Singh, Anokh. Samad, Md. Abdus. Melkote, Srinivas R., Steeves, H. Leslie. Haykin, Simon. Proakis, John G Cornuelle, Andrea Gauthier. Deo, Ravi B., Saff Mir, Nader F. Ayres, Frank. Nahvi, Mohmood. Hunter, Paige., Oyama, S. Ted. Holtzapple, Mark T., Reece, W. Dan. Doherty, M. F., Malone, M. F. 66 67 81 Kanninen, Hahn. Thompson, Arthur A., Strickland, A. J. Advanced theory of semiconductor devices Hess, Karl. Applied numerical methods with MATLAB: for engineers Chapra, Steven C. and scientists The switch book: the complete guide tolan switching Seifert, Rich. technology The transformation of u. S. Unions voices, visions, and Tillman, Ray M. strategies from the grassroots Feedback control system analysis and synthesis Azzo, Jhon J. D'., Houpis, Constantine H. Development and manufacturer of photovoltaic systems Jain, G. C. in developing countries Decision making in urology Caldamone, Anthony A Decision support and data warehouse systems Mallach, Efrem G. Decision support systems and intelligent systems Turban, Efraim., Aronson, Jay E. Design of analog CMOS integrated circuits. Razavi, Behzad. Design of integrated circuits for optical communications Razavi, Behzad. Design of vlsi systems: a practical introduction Brackenbury, Linda E. M. Design technology modeling software and applications Liberatore, Matthew J., Nudick, Robert L. Desire under the elms Neill, Eugene O'. 82 Digital audio workstation Leider, Colby. 83 84 Moody, Glyn. Moody, Glyn. 85 86 Digital code of life Digital code of life how bioinformatics is revolutionizing science medicine and business Digital communication Digital communications fundamentals and applications 87 88 Digital communications. Digital communications: fundamentals and applications Proakis, John G. Sklar, Bernard. 89 Digital control system analysis and design Nagle, H. Troy. 90 91 92 Digital control systems Digital design Digital design: a pragmatic approach 93 94 95 96 97 Digital design: principles and practices Digital electronics: principles & applications Digital fundamentals Digital image processing using matlab Digital signal processing * Mano, M. Morris. Johnson, Everett L., Karim, Mohammad A. Wakerly, John F. Tokheim, Roger L. Floyd, Thomas L. Gonzalez, Rafael C. Schuler, Charles. 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Crack arrest methodology and applications Crafting and executing strategy: text and readings Bhattacharya, Amitabha. Sklar, Bernard. 98 99 100 101 102 103 105 106 107 Digital signal processing using matlab Digital signal processing: a computer-based approach Digital signal processing: a practical approach Digital system Digital systems: principles and applications Discrete and combinatorial mathematics: an applied introduction Discrete time speech signal processing principles and practice Distributed algorithms Distributed operating system concepts & design Earth science 108 109 110 111 Earth: portrait of a planet Ecology & design Ecology: concepts and applications Eddy- current characterization of materials and structures 104 Ingle, Vinay K Mitra, Sanjit K. Ifeachor, Emmanuel C Rahman, Lutfor. Tocci, Ronald J Grimaldi, Ralph P. Quatierl, Thomas F. Lyneh, Nancy A. Sinha, Pradeep K. Tarbuck, Edward J., Lutgens, Frederick K. Marshak, Stephen. Johnson, Bart R Mollers, Manuel C. Birnbaum 112 Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics technology Newman, J. C., Loss, F. J. 113 Electric circuit 114 Electric circuits 115 Electric machinery Edministar, Joseph A. Nilson, James W Fitzgerald, A. E 116 Electric machinery and transformers 117 Electric machinery fundamentals Kosow, Irving L. Chapman, Stephen J. 118 Electrical insulating oils Erdman, Herbert G. 119 Electrician's instant answers 120 Electricity and magnetism 121 Electricity principles and applications Tuck, Gary., Tuck, David. Tawari, K. K. Fowler, Richard J. 122 Electromagnetic Edminister, J. A. 123 Electromagnetic fields 124 Electromagnetic for engineers 125 Electromagnetism problems with solutions Organization, World Health. Ulaby, Fawwaz T. Pramanik, Ashutosh. 126 Electromagnetism theory and applications Pramanik, Ashutosh. 127 Electromechanical design handbook Walsh, Ronald A. 128 129 130 131 Sinclair, Ian., Lewis, Geoff. Harper, Charles A. Neamen, Donald A. Jobnston, Ann. Electronic and electrical serving Electronic assemble fabrication Electronic circuit analysis and design The quilert's book of design 132 Theory and problems of matrices Ayres, Frank. 133 Electronic communication systems 134 Electronic communications Schweber, William. Schoenbeck, Robert J. 135 Electronic communications systems: fundamentals through advanced 136 Electronic devices and circuit theory 137 Electronic devices and circuits Tomasi, Wayne. 138 139 140 141 Mottershead, Allen. Floyd, Thomas L. Bell, David A. Anand, M. M. S. Electronic devices and circuits: an introduction Electronic devices: conventional current version Electronic instrumentation and measurements Electronic instruments and instrumentation technology 142 Electronic motor drives: modeling, analysis, and control 143 Electronic principles 144 Electronics 145 Electronics analog and digital 146 Electronics and communications: for scientists and engineers 147 Electronics circuit analysis and design 148 Electronics communications Boylestad, Robert L Bell, David A. Krishnan, R. Malvino, Albert Paul., Bates, David J. Moula, Md. Golam. Nagrath, I. J. Plonus, Martin. Neamen, Donald A. Gupta, Sanjeeva. 149 Elements of electrical power station design Deshpande, M. V. 150 Elements of electronic instrumentation and measurement Carr, Joseph J. 151 Elements of electronics Bagde, M. Kl. 152 Elements of the theory of computation 153 Elevated temperature effects on fatigue and fracture 154 Embedded systems design an introduction to process tools & techniques 155 Engine coolant testing 156 Engineering companion Lewis, Harry R Piascik, Robert S Berger, Arnold S. 157 Engineering dielectrics electrical insulating liquids 158 Engineering economics 159 Engineering electromagnetics Beal, Roy E. Ganic, Ejup N., Hick, Tyler G. Bartnikas, R. Panneerselvam, R. Hayt, William H 160 Engineering management: concepts, procedures and models 161 Engineering mathematics Dhillon, B. S. 162 Engineering weather data Kjelgaard, Michael J. 163 Engines that move markets technology investing from railroads to the internet and beyond 164 Wings: a history of aviation from kites to the space age Nairn, Alasdair. Sastry, S. S. Crouch, Tom D. 165 Environmental contaminant reference data book Prager, Jan C. 166 Environmental toxicology and risk assessment: modeling and risk assessment 167 Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers 168 Elements of electrical power station design 169 Integrated electronics analog and digital circuits and systems 170 MATLAB programming for engineers Dwyer, F. James 171 172 173 174 175 Valacich, Joseph S Katz, David S., Caspi, Ilan. Lambert, Russell D. Ponick, Wes. Kartalopoulos, Stamatios V. 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 Essentials of systems analysis & design Executives guide to personal security Executives guide to the wireless workforce Experiments for electricity & electronics Fault detectability in dwdm: toward higher signal quality & system reliability Fiber optic communications Fiber-optic communications technology Field and wave electromagnetics Fluid filtration: gas Wcdma for umts radio access for third generation mobile communications Wideband wireless digital communications Foreces & machines Foundation of engineering Foundations for microwave engineering Foundations of nat-enhanced organizations Foundations of net-enhanced organisation Foundations of net-enhanced organizations. 188 189 190 191 192 Foundations of soft case-based reasoning Fracture mechanics Fracture mechanics sixteenth symposium Fundamentals of communication Fundamentals of computer Pal, Sankar K Erdogan, Fazil. Pellissier, George E. Kaiser, M. Shamim Rajaraman, V. 176 177 178 179 180 193 Mcse: networking essentials study guide Becker, P. C., Olsson, N. A. Deshpande, M. V. Millman, Jacob., Halkias, Christos C. Chapman, Stephen J. Palais, Joseph C. Mynbaev, Djafar K Cheng, David K. Raber, Robert R. Holma, Harri. Molisch, Andreas F. Atwater, Mary. Holtzapple, Mark T Collin, Robert E. Watson, Richard T. Straub, Detmar. Straub, Detmar. 194 Fundamentals of digital design with vhdl Chellis, James., Perkins, Charles., Strebe, Matthew. Brown, Stephen 195 Fundamentals of digital logic with verilog design Brown, Stephen 196 Fundamentals of electric circuits Alexander, Charles K. 197 Fundamentals of electronic circuit design Comer, David 198 Fundamentals of electronic circuit design Comer, David 199 Fundamentals of engineering drawing 200 Fundamentals of engineering electromagnetics Jensen, Cecil Cheng, David K. 201 Fundamentals of phase diagrams and transformations Kurny, Asw. 202 Vhdl techniques experiments and caveats 203 Video coding for mobile communications efficiency, complexity and resilience 204 Fundamentals of radar signal processing Pick, Joseph. Al-mualla, Mohammed Ebrahim Richards, Mark A. 205 Fundamentals of robotics: analysis & control Schilling, Robert J. 206 Fundamentals of satellite communication 207 Fundamentals of signals and systems: using the web and MATLAB 208 Fundamentals of solid state physics Rao, K. N. Raja. Heck, Bonnie S.,Kamen, Edward W. Sexena, Gupta, Saxena 209 Fundamentals of telecommunications network management 210 Fundamentals of wireless networking Raman, Lakshmi G. 211 Fuzzy and neural approaches in engineering Tsoukal, Lefteri H., Uhrig, Robert E. Dunn, Peter Carroll. Pratap, Rudra. 212 Geteways into electronics 213 Getting started with matlab a quick introduction for scientists and engineers 214 Gigabit ethernet for metro area networks 215 216 217 218 Vector analysis Gprs general packet radio service Grob basic electronics Grob's basic electronics 219 Hand book of nondestructive evaluation 220 Hand book of plastics, elastomers & composites 221 Head mounted displays designing for the user 222 Up to date tti integrated circuits (7400---7450729) data & comparison tables 223 High modulus fiber composiots in ground transportation and high volume applications 224 High speed networks and internets performance and quality of service 225 High- speed carding and continuous card feeding 226 High-speed networks performance and quality of service 227 Higher secondary- ideal solution of geometry and calculus 228 Human communication Price, Ron. Bedell, Paul. Spiegel, Murray R. Bates, Regis J. Grob, Bernard. Schultz, Mitchel E. Hellier, Charles J. Harper, Charles A. Melzer, James E., Moffitt, Kurk. . Wilson, D. W. Stallings, Willam. Szaloki, Zoltan S. Stallings, William. Rahman, Md. Abdur. Tubbs, Stewart L. 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 Human communication & information systems Human communication and information systems Hydraulics fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines Illustrated index to the 2002 national electrical code Industrial and power electronics Industrial chemistry: including chemical engineering Industrial electronics: applications for programmable controllers, instrumentation and process control, and electrical machines and motor controls 236 Information technology : strategic decision making for managers 237 The process of communication Harris, Stuart. Harris, Stuart Khurmi, R. S. Brickner, Dale. Mithal, G. K Sharma, B. K. Kissell, Thomas E. 238 The scientist engineers guide to digital signal processing Smith, Steven W. 239 240 241 242 243 244 Schwartz, Mischa. Kaye, Harvey. Paquette, Gilbert. Botkar, K. R. Millman, Jacob Millman, Jacob., Halkias, Christos C. Information transmission, modulation and noise Inside the technical consulting business Instructional engineering in networked environments Integrated circuits Integrated electronics Integrated electronics analog and digital circuits and systems Henry C. Lucas Berlo, David K. 245 Intercultural communication in the global workplace Varner, Iris., Beamer, Linda. 246 Intermediate algebra 247 Introduction to ordinary differential equations 248 Materials and methods in elt Streeter, James Ross, Shepley L Mcdonough, Jo., Shaw, Christopher. Carr, Joseph J. Fiske, John. Osthuizen, Patrick H., Naylor, David. Palmer, James 249 Introduction to biomedical equipment technology, 2nd ed. 250 Introduction to communication studies 251 Introduction to convective heat transfer analysis 252 Introduction to digital systems 253 Introduction to dwdm technology data in a rainbow 254 The new McGraw-Hill telecom fact book 255 Introduction to electric circuits 256 Introduction to electronic devices 257 Introduction to engineering design and problem solving 258 Integrated office systems a management approach 259 Introduction to fluid mechanics 260 Math refresher for scientists and engineers 261 Math: explorations and applications Kartalopoulos, Stamatios V. Pecar, Joseph A Dorf, Richard C., Svoboda, James A. Shur, Michael. Burghardt, M. David. Wagoner, Kathleen P., Ruprecht, Mary M. Fox, Robert W., Mcdonald, Alan T. Fanchi, John R. Willoughby, Stephen S. 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 Mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics Introduction to machine learning Introduction to matlab 6 for engineers Introduction to modern inorganic chemistry Introduction to operational amplifiers Parthasarathy, K. R. Alpaydin, Ethem. Plam, William J. Haider, S. Z. NIIT Introduction to pspice using orcad: for circuits and electronics Introduction to rader systems Introduction to solid state physics Introduction to transportation engineering Introduction to vlsi circuits and system Introductory methods of numerical analysis Introductory chemistry: investigating the molecular nature of matter Introductory circuit analysis Introductory methods of numerical analysis Investigating mathematics an interactive approach Rashid, Muhammad H. 278 Laboratory experiments and pspice simulations in analog electronics 279 ISDN and broadband ISDN with frame relay and ATM 280 J2EE open source toolkit: building an enterprise platfrom with open source tools 281 Jelen's cost and optimization engineering 282 Mastering macromedia contribute Skolnik, Merrill I. Kittel, Charles. Banks, James H. Uyemura, John P. Sastry, S. S. Sevenair, John P Boylestad, Robert L. Sastry, S. S. Borst, Lathleen M., Butscher, Samuel O. Maheshwari, L. K., Anand, M. M. S. Stallings, William. Bell, John T.,Lambros, James T.,Ng, Stanford. 285 Machining and cnc technology Humphreys, Kenneth K. Bardzell, Jeffrey.,Bardzell, Shaowen. Shah, Vineel Wolfenden, Alan., Kinra, Vikram K. Fitzpatrick, Michael. 286 287 288 289 Wirless network performance handbook Marks` calculations for machine design Martha inc Masonry: esthetics, engineering and economy Smith, Clint., Gervelis, Curt. Brown, Thomas H. Byron, Christopher. Taubert, Donald H. 290 291 292 293 294 Measurement systems: application and design Measurement systems: application and design Mechanical components Mechanical engineering design Mechanics for engineers Doebelin, Ernest O. Doebelin, Srnest O. Parmley, Robert O. Shigley, Joseoh E. Beer, Ferdin 283 Lingo and shockwave source book 284 M3d-iii: mechanics and mechanisms of material damping 295 Mechanics for engineers dynamics Beer, Ferdinand P. 296 Mechanics for engineers statistics 297 Mechanics of materials companion: case studies, design and retrofit 298 Metaphysical lyrics & poems 299 Methods of theoretical physics 300 Micro focus net express 301 Microelectronic circuits 302 Microelectronic device 303 Microwave devices and circuits 304 Microwave engineering 305 Mobile communication 306 Mobile IPv6: mobility in a wireless internet Beer, Ferdinand P Yeigh, Bjong Wolf. 307 Mobile satellite communications: principles and trends Richharia, M. 308 309 310 311 Lathi, B. P. Jain, R. P. Beasley, Jeffrey S Helfrick, Albert D., Cooper, William D. Nadkarni, R. H. Modern digital and analog communication systems Modern digital electronics Modern electronic communication Modern electronic instrumentation and measurement techniques 312 Modern instrumental methods of elemental analysis of petroleum products and lubricants 313 Modern instrumental methods of petroleum products and lubricants 314 Numerical analysis 315 Numerical methods for engineers 316 Numerical methods for mathematics science and engineering 317 Op-amps and linear integrated circuits 318 Modern vlsi design: system - on- chip design 319 Modern refrigeration and air conditioning 320 Modern shop mathematics 321 Modern wireless communications 322 Multiaxial fatigue 323 Multiaxial fatigue and deformation testing techniques 324 Multicultural education and internet 325 Multivariable mathematics linear algebra, multivariable calculus and manifolds 326 Neural networks, fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithms: synthesis and algorithms 327 Non-linear Programming Comparative Theory and Grierson, Herbert J. C. Morse, Philip M Corporation, Microsoft. Sedra, Adel S Nagchoudhuri, Dipankar. Liao, Samuel Y. Gupta, Sanjeeva. Schiller, Jochen. Soliman, Hesham. Nadkarni, R. A. Burden, Richard L., Faires, J. Douglas. Chapra, Steven C., Canale, Raymond P. Mathews, John H. Gayakwad, Ramakant A. Wolf, Wayne. Althouse, Andrew D. Kratfel, Edward. Haykin, Simon.,Moher, Michael. Miller, K. J., Brown, M. W. Kalluri, Sreeramesh., Bonacuse, Peter J. Gorskig, Paul C. Shifrin, Theodore. Pai, G.A. Das, Bimal. 332 Examples: Operational amplifiers and linear ics Operational amplifiers and linear integrated circuits Optical communication systems Optical communications rules of thumb: nearly 200 time and costsaving rules of thumb Optical fiber communication principles and systems 333 334 335 336 Optical fiber communications Optical fiber communications: principles and practice Optical fibres and fibre optic communication systems Optical networks third generation transport systems 328 329 330 331 337 Optoelectronics: an introduction 338 Theory and problems of mathematical methods 339 Third-generation CDMA systems for enhanced data services 340 Oxidative behavior of materials by thermal analytical techniques 341 Part-through crack fatigue life prediction 342 Perl weekend crash course 343 Photovoltaic systems engineering 344 Physics of semiconductor devices 345 Pipelined processor farms: structured design for embedded parallel systems 346 Pirate radio stations 347 Power electronics: circuits, devices, and appllications 348 Power quality primer 349 Practical applications of quantitative metallography 350 Principal of power system 351 Virginia mathematics 352 Vlsi for wireless communication 353 Principles & applications of gsm 354 Principles and applications of electrical engineering 355 Principles of cmos vlsi design: a system perspective 356 Principles of communication engineering 357 Principles of communication systems 358 Programmable logic controllers: programming methods and applications 359 Programming and customizing the 8051 microcontroller Bell, David A. Coughlin, Robert F. Gowar, John. Miller, John Lester., Friedman, Ed. Selvarajan, A., Kar, S., Srinivas, T. Keiser, Gerd. Senior, John M. Sarkar, Subir Kumar. Black, Uyless. Wilson, J., Hawkes, J. F. B. Dowling, Edward T. Lai, Jersey.,Mandyam, Giridhar. Riga, Alan T., H., Gerald. Chang, J. B. Merlino, Joe. Ventre,Jerry., Messenger, Roger A. Shur, Michael. Fleury, Martin., Downton, Andrew. Yoder, Andrew. Rashid, Mohammad H. Kennedy, Barry W. Mccall, J. L., Steele, J. H. Mehta, V. K., Mehta, Rohit. foresman, Scott Leung, Bosco Garg, Vijay K., Wilkes, Joseph E. Rizzoni, Giorgio. E.weste, Neil H., Eshraghian, Kamran. Singh, Anokh. Taub, Herbert., Schilling, Donald L. Hackworth, John R., Hackworth, Frederick D. Predko, Myke. 360 361 362 363 Principles of electronic circuits Principles of electronic materials and devices Principles of electronics Principles of lasers 364 Principles of physical chemistry 365 Principles of wireless networks: a unified approach 366 Printed circuit assembly design 367 Printed circuits hand 368 Pro/engineer instructor 369 Process improvement in the electronics industry 370 Psip: program and system information protocol naming, numbering, and navigation for digital television 371 Radar design principles: signal processing and the encieonment 372 Radiative heat transfer 373 Radio engineering: principles of communication systems 374 Radio frequency and microwave electronics illustrated 375 Radio-tv newswriting: a work book 376 Random vibrations 377 Recent developments in geotextile filters and prefabricated drainage geocomposites 378 Recombination lifetime measurements in silicon 379 Vlsi technology 380 Voip service quality:measuring and evaluting packetswitched voice 381 Wastewater engineering: treatment, disposal, and reuse 382 Regions near and far 383 Reliability 384 Reliable linux: assuring high availablity 385 Renewable energy in power systems 386 Rhct: red hat certified technician linux study guide 387 Satellite communications 388 Satellite communications: covering latest digital satelitte technologies and systems 389 Wireless telecommunications networking with ansi-41 390 Schaum's outline of theory and problems of complex variables 391 Schaum's outline of theory and problems of laplace transforms Mazumder, Rezaul Karim. Kasap, S. O. Mehta, V. K., Mehta, Shalu. Hanna, David C.,Svelto, Orazio. Haque, M. Mahbubul., Nawab, M. Ali. Krishnamurthy, Prashant.,Pahlavan, Kaveh. Marks, Leonard., Caterian, James A. Coombs, Clyde F. Kelley, David S. Fasser, Yefim., Brettner, Donald. Eyer, Mark K. Nathanson, Fred E. Modest, Micheal F. Mithal, G. K. Radmanesh, Matthew M. Wulfemeyer, K. Tim. Wirsching, Paul H. Bhharia, Shobha K Gupta, Dinesh C M. Sze, S. M. Hardy, william C. Tchobanoglous, George Banks, James A Blischke, Wallace R. Campbell, Iain. David Infield,Leon Freris Jang, Michael. Allnutt, Jeremy E. Agarwal, D. C. Snyder, Randall A Spiegel, Murray R. Spiegel, Murray R. 392 393 394 395 Schaum's outline of theory and problems of matrices Science explorer Science voyages physical science Security+ prep guide 396 397 398 399 Semiconductor devices Semiconductor devices: physics and technology Semiconductor optoelectronic devices Semiconductor optoelectronic devices: introduction to physics and simulation Semiconductor physics and devices Semiconductor silicon crystal technology Wireless & cellular telecommunications Set theory and related topics Signal processing & linear systems Signals & systems Signals and systems Site characterization and design of on-site septic systems Six ideas that shaped physics Sketches Small crack test methods Wireless and mobile network architecture Wireless communication technology Solid state electronic devices 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 Wireless & cellular telecommunications Solution manual business mathematics Theory and problems of essential computer mathematics Theory and problems of Laplace transforms Standardization of fretting fatigue test methods and equipment Statistical techniques in business & economics Wireless communications: principles and practice Wireless communications and networking Strength in numbers discovering the joy and power of mathematics in everyday life Strength of materials Strength testing of marine sediments laboratory and insitu measurements Structure and properties of engineering materials 426 Structured cabling for voice or data network 427 Student's solutions manual to accompany college algebra Ayres, Frank. Coolidge-stolz, Elizabeth. Biggs, Alton. Krutz, Ronald L., Vines, Russell Dean. Roulston, David J. Sze, S. M. Bhattacharya, Pallab. Ayala, Kenneth. Razavi, Behzad. Shimura, Fumio. Lee, William C. Y. Lipschutz, Seymour. Lathi, B. P. Oppenheim, Alan V Haykin, Simon Bedinger, M. S Moore, Thomas A. Arnold, Virginia A. Larsen, James M Lin, Yi-Bing. Blake, Roy. Streetman, Ben G Lee, William C. Y. Aziz, Md. Abdul. Lipschutz, Seymour. Spiegel, Murray R. Attia, M. Helmi. Lind, Douglas A Rappaport, Tteodore S. Stallings, Willim. Stein, Sherman K. Pytel, Andrew Chaney, Ronald C. Henkel, Daniel., Pense, Alan W. Paulov, Stephen C. Barnett, Raymond A 428 Sun certified security administrator for solaries 9 & 10 study guide 429 Switching and finite automata theory 430 Synthesis and technique in inorganic chemistry 431 Technical communication 432 Technology interactions 433 Integrated electronics 434 435 436 437 Technology today & tomorrow Telecommunication switching systems and networks Telecommunications and the computer Telecommunications network management: technologies and implementations 438 Telecommunications network management: technologies and implementations. 439 Telecommunications: concepts, development and management 440 Telecommuting: the future technology of work 441 442 443 444 445 Telephony and telegraphy Television fundamentals Television microprocessor IC data files Television production handbook Texas choral connections: mixed voices tenor-bass voices treble voices 446 Wireless networking visual quick tips 447 Wireless security: models, threats, and solutions 448 The 8086 book: includes the 8086 449 The analysis and design of linear circuits 450 The Electron capture detector and the study of reactions with thermal electronics 451 The essential guide to telecommunications 452 The finite element method in engineering 453 The finite element method: a practical course 454 The finite element method: its basis and fundamentals 455 The how to carding and spinning quality control 456 The standard handbook for aeronautical and astronautical engineers 457 Elements of electronics 458 Elements of electronic instrumentation and measurement Chirillo, John., Danielyan, Edgar. Kohavi, Zvi. Angelici, Robert J. Lay, Mary M Harms, Henry R Millman, Jacob., Halkias, Christos C. Fales, James F. Viswanathan, Thiagarajan. Martin, James. Aidarous, Salah Aidarous, Salah.,Plevyak, Thomas. Blyth, W. John Cross, Thomas B. and Raizan Marjorie. Smith, Sydney F. Watkinson, John. Edwards, John. Zettl, Herbert. Tower, Mollie G. Tidrow, Rob. Lekkas, Panos C Rector, Russell., Alexy, George. Thomas, Ronald E., Rosa, Albert J. Chen, E. C. M., Chen, E. S. Dodd, Annabel Z. Rao, Singiresu S. Liu, G. R.,Quek, S. S. Taylor, R.L.,Zhu, J.Z.,Zienkiewicz, O.C. Guggenheim, Gus. Davis, Mark. Bagde, M. K Carr, Joseph J. 459 Digital image processing using matlab 460 Wireless digital communications 461 A textbook of hydraulics, fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines 462 Solar Energy Utlization 463 Electrodynamics 464 Direct and Alternating Current Machinery 465 Electronic Devices and Circuits 466 Electronics Devices: A Design approach 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 Operational Amplifers Power Electronics Digital Satellite Communication Computer Network Computer Network: A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet. Data communications and Networking Advanced Engineering Mathematics Schaum’s Outline Theory and Analysis of Vector Analysis and an introduction to TENSOR ANALYSIS Schaum’s Outline of Fourier Analysis with Applications to Boundary Value Problems Let us C Programming with C C Programming Language Programming in ANSI C Data Communication and Networking Data & Computer Communication Microprocessors and Microcomputer-Based System Design The Intel Microprocessor 8086 Microprocessor Computer Organization and Architecture Computer Organization and Design Gonzalez, Rafael C Feher, Kamilo. Khurmi, R. S. G.D. Rai Gupta, S L and Kumar S P Rosenblatt & Friedman Mithal, G. K. Aminian, Ali and kazimierczuk, Marian Stanley,William D Dewan, S.B Ha, Tri.T Tanenbaum, Andrews S Kurso, James F Forouzan, Behrouz A Kreysig, Erwin SPIGEL, MURRAY R SPIGEL, MURRAY R. Kanetkar, Yashwant Schaum’s Outline Ritchie, Dennis` Balagurusamy Forouzan, Behrouz A Stallings, William Rafiquzzaman, Dr. M. 490 Theory and Problems of Electric Circuits 491 + Brey, Barry B Rahman, Dr Kazi Mujibur Stallings, William Patterson,David A. and Hennessy, John L. Garg, Vijay K. Proakis, John G. and Manolakis, Dimitris G. Nee, Richard van and Prasad, Ramjee Schaum’s Outline Series Zaragoza, Robert H. Morelos 492 Elements of Information Theory 493 Element of Information Theory Cover, T.M. & Thomas J.A. Sudan, M 487 Wireless Communication and Networking 488 Digital signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms, and Applications 489 OFDM for Wireless Multimedia Communications 494 Digital Communication 495 Satellite Communications Systems 496 Modern Control System 497 498 499 500 Modern Control System Control System Engineering Semiconductor Physics and Devices Schaum’s outlines- Electric Circuit 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 I Introductory method of Numerical Analysis Introduction to MATHLAB 6 for engineers Control systems engineering Elements of information theory The art of error correcting coding Essentials of error-control coding Wireless communications and networking Operational Amplifiers Mimo wireless communications: from real-world propagation to space-time code design 510 Handbook of photovoltaic science and engineering 511 Practical handbook of photovoltaics : 512 Sklar Bousquet, Michel and Maral, Gerard Dorf, Richard C. and Bishop, Robert H. Ogata Nise, Norman S. Neemen, Donald Edminister, Joseph and Nahvi, Mahmood Sastry, S. S Willium J. Palm III Nise, Norman S. Cover, T. M., Morelos-Zaragoza, Robert H. eira Moreira, Jorge. Garg, Vijay Kumar, Clayton, G. B. Oestges, Claude. edited by Antonio Luque and Steven Hegedus. edited by Tom Markvart and Luis Castaner.