WAYNE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA JUNE 7, 2016 - 9:00 A.M. NOTE: ALL PERSONS ARE REQUESTED TO SILENCE THEIR CELLULAR TELEPHONES CALL TO ORDER -Chairman Joe Daughtery INVOCATION- Pastor Lynn Epps with Rosewood Worship Center PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III APPROVAL OF MINUTES- May 17, 2016 and May 24, 20 16 Pg 1-32 DISCUSSION/ADJUSTMENT OF AGENDA SPECIAL RECOGNITION I . Motion to Award Badge and Service Side Arm to Lt. Sherwood E. Daly 2. Presentation of Retirement Plaque to Lt. Sherwood E. Daly 3. Motion to Accept and Recognize AgCaro lina Farm Credit for its $5 0,000 Contribution to the Farmers Market at the Maxwell Reg ional Agricultural and Convention Center APPOINTMENT COMMITTEE Pg 33 Pg 34-39 9:15A.M. PUBLIC COMMENTS - Time limit of two minutes for non-agenda topics and four minutes for agenda topics All individuals who speak to the Board of Commissioners must sign-up 10 minutes prior to the Board of Commissioners meeting and are asked to conduct themselves in a respectful and courteous manner. The speaker must be recognized by the Chairman as having the exclusive right to be heard. If a speaker intends to have handout materials for the Commissioners, those materials must be furnish ed to the Clerk to the Board, not the individual Commissioners. Signs will not be allowed. The public comment period is a time for citizen inp ut and comment on matters on the agenda to be acted on by the Board a/Commissioners. Speakers are encouraged to discuss only items over which the Board of Commissioners has some control. 9:30A.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS I. To Receive Public Comments on the County Manager's Proposed 2016-2017 County of Wayne Budget 2. To Receive Public Comments on the 20 II Community Development Block G rant Catalyst Project Completion of Activities and Closeout of Grant 3. T o Receive Public Comments on the 20 II Community Development Block Grant Scattered Site Proj ect Completion of Activities and C loseout of Grant 4. To Receive Public Comments on a Request to Amend the Wayne County Zoning Map by Rezoning .65 Acre in Fork Township from Residential Agriculture 20 (RA-20) to Community Shopping (CS) UNFINISHED BUSINESS I. Motion to Ado t the 2016 Wayne County Comprehensive Transportation Plan - 5 Minutes Pg 40 Pg 41 Pg 42 Pg 43 -46 Pg 47-78 The planning document assists governments in Wayne County with making transportation decisions for the next 25-30 years. Planning Director Chip Crumpler will be present. 2 . Motion to Further Recess the Second Public Hearing for the Street Repairs Special Assessment Petition for Canterbu ry Village and North Creek Subdi visions to July 19, 201 6 at 9:30 a.m. - 5 Minutes Pg 79 CONSENT AGE NDA- 5 Minutes I . Petition for Addition to the North Carolina Department of Transportation State Maintena nce System Braswe ll Road (SR 1239 ext.), Eagle Scout Place, Tenderfoot Circle and Strike Eagle Run 2. Establish a Meeting of the Wayne County Board of Adjustment on July 5, 2016 at 9:30a.m. to Receive Public Comments on a Special Use Request for a Proposed Solar Facility, Jester So lar, LLC, I 002 Millers Chapel Road, Goldsboro, North Carolina 3 . Application for Present Use Value for Donna H. Ward 4. Budget Amendme nts Pg 80-85 Pg 86- 11 3 Pg 114-116 Pg 117-144 NEW BUSINESS I. Motion to Approve Updated Wayne Executive Jetport Transportation Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years2017-2021 - IO Minutes Pg 145- 147 Assistant County Manager Tommy R. Burns will review the updated plan. 2. Presentation of the Quarterly Financial Statement for the County of Wayne fo r Fiscal Year 20 15-20 16 th rough April 30, 201 6 - 20 Minutes Finance Director Allison Speight will present the financial statement. 3. Presentation of Quarterly Financial Statement fo r the Wayne County Tourism Development Authority for Fiscal Year 2015-201 6 through April 30, 201 6 Finance Director Allison Speight will present the financial statement. 4. Motion to Approve Resolution Authorizing Reallocation of the County's Qualified Energy Conservation Bond Allocation to the State of North Carolina - 5 Minutes 5. Presentation by the County Manager on Proposed Financing fo r the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Cente r and 9 11 Center - I 0 Minutes Pg 148- 166 Pg 167-168 County Manager will provide the details for his recommendation for financing these capital projects. 6. Motion to Approve Financing Portions of the Wayne County Board of Education's Facilities Plan as Recommended by the Board of Commissioners Chairman and County Manager - 20 Minutes The action is necessmy to move fonvard the Board of Education's recently approved Facilities Plan. COUNTY MANAG ER'S C OMMENTS-tO Minutes BOARD OF COMMISSIONE RS' COMMITTEE REPORTS AND COMMENTS - IS Minutes CLOSED SESSION LUNCH - T he Board of Commissioners will have lunch with the staff at Facility Services, 804-C Corporate Drive, Goldsboro, North Caro lina. ADJOURNME NT Denotes - Action Reguested Pg 169-18 1 HAY ? 0 7.016 PAT McCRORY Governor NICHOLAS J. TENNYSON Secretary Transportation May 12,2016 Board of Commissioners County of Wayne Post Office Box 227 Goldsboro, NC 27533 SUBJECT: Cambridge Farms Subdivision Identification Number: S-4309607006 Wayne County Fork Township Dear Commissioners: We have been petitioned to add the following roads in the subject subdivision to the State Maintenance System: Braswell Road (SR 1239 ext.), Eagle Scout Place, Tenderfoot Circle and Strike Eagle Run The petition is attached along with a copy of our Investigation Report and a vicinity map showing the location of the roads. If you concur with the petitioners recommendation, please return the petition along with Form SR-2 for our further handling. This is not to be mistaken as final acceptance onto the State Maintenance System. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact Chris Overman or myself at 9 19-739-5300. Sincerely, 0s~P4:,:,E District Engineer JPH/cbo Attachments cc: Subdivision File ec: Chip Crumpler - Wayne County Planning --:?'"'Nothing Compares ~ BO State of Not1h Carolina I Dcpm1mcnt of Transpot1ation I District Office 267 1 US 70Wcst Goldsboro, NC 27530 PH 919-739-5300 FAX 919-73 1-2017 . NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PETITION FOR ROAD ADDITION FORM SR-I REVISED 1-99 ROADWAY INFORMATION: (Please Print) County \) )n~df Subdivision Name: Road Name: C.Chnb~ d~e . F, nv==.,"::, Number of occupied homes having street frontage: Location: Q Length (miles): ~L~) _Q, lf&!'-'N'='ti;lt,_f_ __ j '1 miles N S E W of the intersection of Route 5R. I Z. 3 ~ (Circle one) and Route (SR, NC or US) We, the undersigned, being property owners and/or developer of \,::nt:J r' e__ l (' 1)c~W( \\ R.oo.c\ 0,\ ()1, (Please list additional street names and lengths on the back of this fonn.) ~h d~g 5 R I '2. 39 (SR, NC or US) _ favxr)S in County, do hereby request the Division of Highways to add the above described road. CONTACT PERSON: Name and Address of First Petitioner. (Please Print) Name: ~~--l-.1:--'--1'-''\---------------,---- Phone Number: q\9- 'ls~ -Lir>J~ e'f..~. i I~ Street Address: _.:.JL\.2J__I~!..:!:IC..<:P.,:b!..J::::'-~>.L+,-~"--.-'C..!..L.:l.~.llcil_.LN~C'_.="'-~cL_L:'L.lAj___ _ _ __ PROPERTY OWNERS MAILING ADDRESS NAME bov;d. PD Droh'fr f. I GnldJooro 32 8/ TELEPHONE blC.JjS33 Cj1q -13~ --l/OJ' -t e..tr. 1I 'L • Form SR-I INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING PETITION: I. Complete Information Section 2. IdentifY Contact Person (This person serves as spokesperson for petitioner(s)). 3. Attach four (4) copies of recorded subdivision plat or property deeds, which refer to candidate road. 4. Adjoining property owners and/or the developer may submit a petition. Subdivision roads with prior NCDOT review and approval only require the developer's signature. 5. If submitted by the developer, encroachment agreements from all utilities located within the right of way shall be submitted with the petition for Road addition. However, construction plans may not be required at this time. 6. Submit to District Engineer's Office. FOR NCDOT USE ONLY: Please check the appropriate block DRural Road 0 Subdivision established prior to October I, 1975 81subdivision established after October I, 1975 REQUIREMENTS FOR ADDITION If this road meets the requirements necessary for addition, we agree to grant the Department of Tra'\iportation a right-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards of the NCDOT. This right-or-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be added to the state maintained system and will include the necessary areas outside of the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way at intersections for sight distance and design purposes and to execute said right-of-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the NCDOT. The right-of-way shall be cleared at no expense to the NCDOT, which includes the removal of utilities, fences, other obstructions, etc. General Statute 136-102.6 (see page 29 for Statute) states that any subdivision recorded on or after October 1, 1975, must be built in accordance with NCDOT standards in order to be eligible for addition to the State Road System. ~ ~o,\ C. 0 ROAD NAME LENGTH ROAD NAME S:o'-'-\- ?\ ']" e-.--.L ~ ~ c"'-\- 1\? :0e... S\...:_'k be,Q \e._ \L,_,..--l O.D3 3 0.04 4 n f\s:>. l LENGTH - <l 33 NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SECONDARY ROAD ADDITION INVESTIGATION REPORT County Wayne Township Fork Local Name Length ------ Div. File No. ------------ See Attac/1ment I See Allaclwrentl Surface Thickness Co. File No. Width 2 Subdivision Name _____C_a_n_lb_r_h_,. lg'--e_F,_r._lr_n_ls_____ See Atltrclrmeml ---------- Date ---~~~---May I3, 20I6 Surface Type __ RS9.5A ....::..::::..:....:..::..:...:...__ Pavement .:....;...c;___ _ Condition _ _Good 8 inches Base Type --~S_TB_..:.__C__ Base Thickness---------- * Bridges Yes No X *Pipe > 48" Yes No X * If Yes- Include Bridge Maintenance Investigation Report *Retaining Walls Within Right of Way Yes No X Is this a subdivision street subject to the construction requirements for such streets Yes Recording Date See Attacftmentl Book See Allaclmreltll Page See Allacftmeltll Number of homes having entrances into road See Attachment I Other uses having entrances into road 0 If right-of-way is below the desired width, give Right-of-Way Width 60 reasons Is petition (SR-I) attached? Yes Is the County Commissioners Approval (SR-2) attached? Yes If not, why? ------------------------------------------------Is a map attached indicating information for reference in locating road by the Planning Department? Yes Cost to place in acceptable maintenance condition: Total Cost $ 0.00 --~~--~---Grade, drain, stabilize $ 0.00 , Drainage $ 0.00 , Other $0.00 ---------Remarks and Recommendations _A_~_Id_t_o_S_t_a_te_S~y'-s_te_f_ll______________________ Reviewed and Approved BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION MEMBER (Do not write in this space For use by Secondary Roads Unit) Petition No. ----------------------- (Do not write in this space For use of Planning Dept.) Form SR-4 (11 /07) Attachment I SECONDARY ROAD INVESTIGATION REPORT Cambridge Farms Subdivision Identification Number S-4309607006 Braswell Rd.( SR 1239 ext., Eagle Scout PI.,Tenderfoot Circle & Strike Eagle Run Wayne County Fork Township NAME NO. LENGTH WIDTH R!W Recording HOMES (miles) (feet) (feet) Date Book Page Braswell Rd. SR J239 2J 0.32 20 60 8/4/2008 N Eagle Scout Pl. 3 0.03 20 60 8/412008 N Tenderfoot Dr. 4 0.04 20 60 8/412008 N Strike Eagle Run 7 008 20 60 814/2008 N TOTALS 35 0.47 c. ''I. ~ \ I JOF JOG JOF JOG JOF JOG JOF JOG N _.k ~s Wayne County- Vicinity Map The main entrance at the intersection of Braswell Rd and SR 1238 is across from the intersection of SR 1238 and SR 1239. Petition for Road Addition Subdivision Name L 2. 3. 4. Braswell Rd SR 1239 ext Eagle Scout Pl. Tenderfoot Dr. Strike Eagle Run 0.76 mile 0.03 mile 0.04 mile 0.08 mile _____ - Unpaved SR - - - - Paved SR - - - - Proposed SR Addition ~ \ J ~ J .2152 ~ I I ,, I \' I ~ I \ I ,, I ~\ I \ I 1239 I I ~ ~ ~ ~ \1 ~ L '£~ (2) I ,, I I I \0.. I \ 21,5 \I 1236 ~ ""'--' I \\ ~~ r:.. I ' 11 ' '!-! II I ,I I ;-- - - --..._ r I I I , - ' I 2146 I / I ,. I I ~ " I ~ --- __. --= MEMORANDUM To: Wayne County Board of Adjustment From: Chip Crumpler, Wayne County Planning Director/Gl S Coordinator Date: May 27,2016 Re: Special Use Permit for Proposed Solar Farm facilities located in 2011 Seymour Johnson Airspace Control Surface Area. Item: Jester Solar, LLC I 002 Millers Chapel Road ParcellD# 3539104625, 3539200189, Property Owner: Best Farms Inc. Developer: Cypress Creek Renewables Surveyor/Engineer: Cypress Creek Renewables New Hope Township Background: The Wayne County Planning Board on May lOth, 2016 approved the site plan for Jester Solar LLC facilities located at I 002 Millers Chapel Road, Goldsboro. The site plan was reviewed by the staff and has been determined to meet the minimum requirements of the Wayne County Ordinance Regulating the Operation and Maintenance of Solar Energy Facilities. Discussion: The proposed solar energy facility will be a 5.0MW photovoltaic (PV) electrical generation facility. It will consist of PV modules affixed to ground mounted, fixed tilt tracks supported on driven piles. The facility will encompass 25 acres on two parcels. The solar plant will be interconnected to the local distribution system owned by Duke Progress Energy. The site currently is agricultural. It is located on both sides of Millers Chapel Road (SR 1713), 6/IOths of a mile south of its intersection with New Hope Road (SR 1003). The property is zoned RA-20 (Residential Agricultural-20}, RA-30(Residential Agricultural-30 and Ll (Light Industry). Solar Energy Facilities are permitted as a special use in the RA-20 and RA-30 zones under the Zoning Ordinance, Section 50- Establishment of Use Districts, 50.1.2 Special Uses Allowed (added November 5, 2014) and allowed as a pennitted use in Light Industry. The site is bordered by industrial, agricultural and forestry uses. The site plan meets the requirements as outlined in the Wayne County Ordinance Regulating Solar Energy Facilities for setbacks, fencing, landscaping buffers, signage etc. The property is within the following service areas: Fire- New Hope Fire Department EMS - Station 5 Water supply Watershed- No Voluntary Agriculture District- No Wetlands -No Board of Commissioners District - 3 & 5 The Wayne County Ordinance Regulating the Operation and Maintenance of Solar Energy Facilities, Section Five, subsection (B) requires that any solar facility shall be considered a 8/o special use in all areas of the county covered by the Seymour Johnson AFB Airspace Control Surfaces as defined in the 20 II Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) report or subsequent reports. Approval as a special use must be from the Wayne County Board of Adjustment. As evidence a letter from Seymour Johnson AFB has been submitted with the attached materials regarding this proposed site. Section 54 of the Zoning Ordinance, Subsection 54.1 when issuing a Special Use Permit, the Board of Adjustment must consider that, permission may be granted for the establishment of special uses as shown in the district regulations if the Board of Adjustment finds from the evidence produced after a study of the complete records that: A. The proposed use does not affect adversely the general plans for physical development of the county and will not be contrary to the purposes stated in these regulations; B. The proposed use will not adversely affect the health and safety of the county residents and will not be detrimental to the use or development of adjacent properties or other neighborhood uses; C. The proposed use will not be affected adversely by existing uses, and will be placed on a lot of sufficient size to satisfY the space requirements of said use; D. The proposed use will not constitute a nuisance or hazard because of the number of persons who will use such a facility, the vehicular movement or the noise or fume generation; and E. The proposed use shall be subject to the minimum dimensional requirements of the district in which it is to be located, and shall conform to the off-street parking and loading regulations. Additional Restrictions. A. The Board of Adjustment may issue a special use permit if its findings are favorable. As an additional safeguard, the board may impose or require as conditions such additional restrictions and standards as may be necessary to protect the health and safety of the community, and to protect the value and use of property in the general neighborhood. The next step is for the Board of Adjustment to consider the issuance of the special use permit. Recommendation: The Wayne County Board of Adjustment should conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the proposed Special Use Permit request. Planning Board Recommendation: The Planning Board recommends that the special use permit be granted as submitted with the recommended mitigation requested by SJAFB. Supporting documents attached as evidence. Site plan Development application Ground lease agreement (redacted) Interconnection Request Decommissioning Plan SJAFB Input- Jester Solar LLC SJAFB Input- Jester Solar LLC Final 1/',·:1' 0 v£Sll JN >133~) SS3~dAJ z$ '0~0850109 0~ 13dVH) S~3llli"j J11 ·~JVlos mrs3r o NOild i ~:)SlO SNOISII\3tf l !'I'O M tl i~ <• • ~ •' ~ ;!: l ..--·· ; ( z ~~ ~~ 0 o " • <.9 DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE 4TH FIGHTER W ING (ACC) SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE NC APR 2 8 2016 Mr. Dennis G. Goodson, P.E. Deputy Base Engineer 1095 Peterson Avenue Seymour Johnson AFB NC 27531 Mr. Walter "Chip" Crumpler Jr., Director Wayne County Planning Department 134 North John Street Goldsboro, North Carolina 27533 Dear Mr. Crumpler This letter is in reference to the proposed solar farm, Jester Solar, LLC (NCUC Docket# SP-6934 Sub 0) located on NC PIN#3539200189 on the north and south sides ofMillers Chapel Road, just east of Research Fann Road in Wayne County, NC. The location ofthe proposed solar farm is within the Approach-Departure Clearance (glide angle) and Transitional Surface as described in the Seymour Johnson AFB 2011 Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) report. Based on the mitigated drawing provided by the proponent, there is a section on the South-West face of the fann that does not incorporate the SJAFB recommended vegetative buffer. The land outside the farm boundary is a separate parcel and does not appear to be owned by the proponent. Due to the proponent's lack of control over of the tree cover from the adjacent parcel, we would recommend the proponent include the vegetative buffer on that section as well. We appreciate the opportunity to assess this request and to comment on it. If additional information or clarification is required, please contact me at (919) 722-5142. Sincerely ~~~P.E. Attachment: 1. Comments_Jester_Zoning Site Plan_ 4-18-16.pdf ~~:'i Y: fl '•~'t,llto". <;\I l l I\\ QA•IYtlfl .., t» « N SlliV.'o\JN)¥ ~>133~0 SS3~dAJ z6) ~fSlZ )N 'Oli0BSC109 OH 13ciVHJ SlBlll~ ---~J"" 11""'~ · v tos a3rs3r o .- ~· ~~·' \ ), ' .I Marcia Wilson From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Signed By: GOODSON, DENNIS G GS- 14 USAF ACC 4 CES/ CD <dennis.goodson@us.af.m il> Wednesday, May 11, 2016 4:39 PM Chip Crumpler GOODSON, DENNIS G GS-14 USAF ACC 4 CES/CD FW: Jester Solar LLC 4-29-2016 revisions Jester_Zoning Site Plan_04-29-16.pdf dennis.goodson@us.af.mil Chip We are good with the attached plan . As mitigated, the proposed development is compatible with all protocols as described in the Seymour Jo hnso n AFB 2011 Air Insta llation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) report . Thanks, Dennis Dennis G. Goodson Deputy Base Engineer Seymour Johnson AFB, NC From: Chip Crumpler [ mailto:Chip.Crumpler@waynegov.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 8 :18AM To: GOODSON, DENNIS G GS-14 USAF ACC 4 CES/ CD Subject: Jester Solar LLC 4-29-2016 revisions Hello Dennis, If possible, please review the attached Jester Sola r LLC site plan for the requ ested changes and provide comments back to me. I will need them before I can carry this project before the Board of Adjustment for a Special Use Permit. Thanks, Chip Crumpln Planning Director/ GIS Coordinator Wayne County, North Carolina 134 N. J ohn St. P. 0. Box 227 Goldsboro, North Carolina 27533-0227 Phone# 919-731-1650 Fax# 919-705-1815 WAYNECOUNTY N Ot l H C ARO U NA 1 DocuSign EnvelopelD: fl81732M-543F-4C00-9523-99E3DBEC5AD5 Application For WAYNE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 4/15/16 Date Property Owners Name: Max Best; Best Farms Inc. Mailing Address: 1361 New Hope Road, La Grange, NC 28551 Developer's Name: Jester Solar, LLC Mailing Address: 601 A W Main St, Carrboro NC 27510 Property Address: Millers Chapel Rd Tax Map Number: #3539104625, 3539200189 Proposed Use: Solar Farm Township Goldsboro Zone: RA20, RA 30, LI ~ DocuSigned by: l!.:::.~,~ Property Owner or Agent Application fee is $10.00. We accept cash or check. Completed application and fee may be mailed to: Wayne County Planning Department PO Box227 Goldsboro, NC 27533 Ordinance Regulating the Operation and Maintenance of Solar Ene•·gy Facilities in Wayne County Section 7.K Description of Proposed Technology for Jester Solar, LLC The proposed solar energy facility will be a SMW alternating current photovoltaic (PV) electrical generation facility. It will consist of PV modules affixed to ground mounted, fixed tilt racks supp01ied on driven piles. The racks will be angled at approximately 20 degrees. The facility will encompass approximately 25 acres of a 31.46 acre parcel. The solar plant will be interconnected to the local distribution system owned by Duke Energy Progress and the energy produced from the plant will be sold to the Duke Energy Progress. GROVNQ LEASE AGREEMENT THIS (;ROUND LEASE ,\C;REE\IENT !this "l.ouso"l i1 nmJe and entered into ns of the Ilith J~1y i~f Scpt~mhcr, 201~ (th..:- '·Eff(•ctlw- Date"). hy ttiHI hctwe\:n Bl'stfarm~. lm·. n North Camlina Corpomtion i!hc "Landlord") and Pnw"r Resource Group. LLC tl ~ nt1h C:<lrnlina limited liuhility -company (the ''Temmf'). 1 \\'IT NESSETH: In ~o:"OI1sideration of lhe r..:ont to he pnid to Landlord hy Tenant. as hcrl.'inaftcr provided. nnd nf the ('0\'Cnanl:.. and agn:;cn~ms upnn thl? pan of Landlnrd and Te-nant In be kept and pcti'ormcd. Landlord hcrchy kascs to Tenant and Tenant ka.o:.e.s fmm Landlord. 31 acr~..·~- idcntiiicd as Wayne County parcel numbers 3~.~91 04625 and _;,_;9H)Ij IR9 nnd hcing_ shown nn the map auaehcd hereto as Exhibit A. and hy this rt.•kr~IK'C made. a part hereof (the ··r.and''), and nll impnwcmcnts. lixturcs. personal pmp .my and tt'lld~ 11.\turcs now or in the fmurc locati:'d tllercon, IOf'C!h,;.T with all \)thct· nppurtcn:mccs, tene-ments, hcrcditmnents. ri!!.lih ~md casements pertaining to the Lmd and thr improvements nnw nr in the future I<X'ati'd th~rc,m flh(? Land. together with the ahm'c dcs\.·rih.:'d pmpcrt)'. impHwcmcnts ltnd appurtenances arc hereinafter rullccti\'d)' referred {o as the- '"Premist.os"l. to he OCI.'UpieJ and used upon the. !crms and condition:'. hc!·cin set forth. (a) The term of this Leusc {im:luding any cx!cnsions or renewals. the "Term") sl):tll commence on the Effective Dmc anu 1hall enJ at II :59 I'.M. local time on the last ullv of the three hundred and sixtv-ninth (369'.11) full calendar mrmth following the- R..:-nt Cnmmcnccn;cnt Date (as. hcrcinaflcr defined) fthc "'Expirutiun Dale" J. Lmlc~~ ext-ended or .~~1otK•r h:~rminat-cd as. heii:"in prnvidcd. Ihi Tenant shall have thl' right to extend the initinlthre~ hundred and !-iixty-nii\C (369) month Term for up to two (2) aUJitional ~ucressi\'e terms pf fiyc Ch y..:-ars each (each a ··Renewal Tct•m" ant! colki.'tlvc-1}·. the "Renewal Terms"J hy providing Landlord with written notice of Tc!iant\ dcsiri' to extend the. Tcnn for the applirr~hlc Renewal Term prior 10 the E.xpir.uion [hue for prinr to the ~xpimtion of the first Renewal Term. a'i applicable/. tc) Tennm shall ha\'c th-e rig.ht to t~?rminatc thi~ Lensr a~ of the last day of the one hundred dghty ninth f I R9'h) month after the Rent Commcncen~nt Dille tthc "Termination Dare") by providing Landlord with \\'Iitten noth.-e of such tennin_ation nn or hdorc the date. thut is thitty C~{)J days prior to the Tcrminminn Dutc. Additionally. Tenant shall have-- the rlght to tcnnin;ll" this Lc~1sc in the- event that it~ pow~r purchot~c agn::emcnt. or other tl_gl'ccmcnt under which Tcnnnt prm\d~.ii power generated at the Premises to a third pm1y. is terminated for any rcu~on wh:nsoc.vcr. Upon a tenninution nf this Lc~se hy T?ntlllt pennittcd hcreundcr,this Lca~c shall terminate and hccomc null and \'oid, and T~nant shnll ha\'C no furth~r ohligation~ h~reundcr other than those ohligations incurr-ed prinr tn the Tcm1ination Dmc. td} If Tcnnnt hi unable tn satisfy the Contingcnch:s (a.t. dcfin('d below) to Tcnmu'!; satisfuclilm prior to th.: Rent Cnmm.:nccmcnt Date. or if Tcn.:mt othcn\i~c determine~ that Tctlilnt\ icJ~in!! of thL' Premises is not fco:t~ihlc t)r d~simhlc for ;.my reason wlmb!X'"cr, Tenant mav terminate thi~ Lease ..by giving writlcn notice to L'ilndlnrd prior tn th~ Rent Commen~cment Dutc-. ' (c.) Prior to the Rent Conuncnccmcn1 Dlltc., Tenant shall r~fine the' ~it~ layout design and ohtain a stlrvcy ()f the Premise!> (the ··Snncy"). The p-arti.:.~ agt·c~ that the Sur\'cy' s legal d~scription shall he incorporat-:d into Exhihit A as if rully ~et forth therein without umcntim~nttn thb Lc~I''\C. and thm for pmpo~c~ nf dct('nnining the amount of rent payahle hereunder. tile size of the Pr~mis~s as shown on the Pages 2-11 of the Ground Lease Agreement have been redacted due to confidentiality provisions. A memorandum of the Ground Lease Agreement will be recorded at the Wayne County Register of Deeds when the project moves forward. If there are any questions, please contact Phillip Martin at Cypress Creek Renewables at 919-601-1135 ATTACHMENT 2 NORTH CAROLINA INTERCONNECTION REQUEST APPLICATION FORM Utility: Duke Energv Progress Designated Utility Contact: Attention: Customer Owned Generation-Mail Code ST13A E-Mail Address: Customerownedgeneration@duke-energv.com Mailing Address: .._P"'.o"".""B""ox"-"10 . , _ 1 ' - " 0 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City: Charlotte State: -"-N,_,C,___ __ Zip: 28201-Mail Code ST13A Telephone Number: _,8,.6""6.""2""33"'.,.,22..,9"'0'--------------Fax: 980.373.5244 An Interconnection Request Application Form is considered complete when It provides all applicable and correct Information required below. Preamble and Instructions An Interconnection Customer who requests a North Carolina Utilities Commission jurisdictional interconnection must submit this Interconnection Request Application Form by hand delivery, mail, e-mail, or fax to the Utility. Request for: Fast Track Process_ Study Process~ (All Generating Facilities larger than 2 MW must use the Study Process.) Processing Fee or Deposit Fast Track Process - Non-Refundable Processing Fees If the Generating Facility is 20 kW or smaller, the fee is $100. If the Generating Facility is larger than 20 kW but not larger than 100 kW, the fee is $250. If the Generating Facility is larger than 100 kW but not larger than 2 MW, the fee is $500. Study Precess - Deposit If the Interconnection Request is submitted under the Study Process, whether a new submission or an Interconnection Request that did not pass the Fast Track Process, the Interconnection Customer shall submit to the Utility an Interconnection Facilities Deposit Charge of $20,000 plus $1.00 per kWAc. 1 1' . v ' Change in Ownership- Non-Refundable Processing Fee If the Interconnection Request is submitted solely due to a transfer of ownership or change of control of the Generating Facility, the fee is $50. NC Interconnection Request 2 Interconnection Customer Information Legal Name of the Interconnection Customer (or, if an Individual, individual's name) Jester Solar, LLC Name: ContactName: __C~h_ri_s~N_or~q~ua_l______________________________ Title: Director of Utilities E-Mail Address: norgual@ccrenew.com Mailing Address: 3250 Ocean Park Boulevard. Suite 355 City: Santa Monica County: State: CA Zip: 90405 Los Angeles Telephone (Day): 213·347-9377(Evening): _ ___.:3:..:1.::.0·.:..74.:.::6:..;·7~0.:::67__.:_ __ Fax: 213-347-9377 Facility Location (if different from above): Address: ~M~III=er.::.s~C~h~ap~e~I~R=d·~------------------------------City: Goldsboro State: ____,N_,C'----- Zip: 27534 C ounty: _____,w_,a,_,y"'ne,______ Alternative Contact Information (if different from the Interconnection Customer) Contact Name: --'R'-"iilt!ch~De"'m!!Jil!.<ng'~--------------­ Title: --------'P-'r"'oj""ec::.:I..:Do.:ec::ve::;lo::.tp:.::e::..r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - E-Mail Address: rlch@prg-llc.com Mailing Address: _P:..;O::;..::B.:::ox:..:B:.::2:::.2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City: Kannapolis State: NC Telephone (Day): 202-350·0350(Evening): Zip: 28082 980-226-8750 Fax: Application is for: X New Generating Facility ___Capacity Change to a Proposed or Existing Generating Facility :::--::::- Change of Ownership of a Proposed or Existing Generating Facility to a new legal entity ,---,-Change of Control of a Proposed or Existing Generating Facility of the existing legal entity. If capacity addition to existing Generating Facility, please describe:----- NC Interconnection Request 3 (I c) ' j Will the Generating Facility be used for any of the following? Net Metering? -~(:;,N;:o~~ To Supply Power to the Interconnection Customer? Yes Yes To Supply Power to the Utility? ~,.l..;.Y.;;;;es~l~=\No To Supply Power to Others? Yes I J No No ) J (If yes, discuss with the Utility whether the Interconnection Is covered by the NC Interconnection Standard.) Requested Point of Interconnection: _ _3~5~'2""2,_,'1_:.;.0!..!.1...!."N!L-!7..!.7'~5~3'.!.:14!::.0;!;;2,_,"W"'---9/112016 Requested In-Service Date: For installations at locations with existing electric service to which the proposed Generating Facility will interconnect, provide: Local Electric Service Provider:•_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Existing Account Number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ [*To be provided by the Interconnection Customer if the local electric service provider is different from the Utility] Contact Name: Title: E-Mail Address: Mailing Address: City: - - - - - - - S t a t e : - - - - - Zip: Telephone (Day): _ _ _ _ (Evening): - - - - - - - - - Fax: -------- Generating Eacllitv Information Data apply only to the Generating Facility, not the Interconnection Facilities. Energy Source: 1£. Solar _Wind _Hydro _Hydro Type (e.g. Run-of-River): Diesei_Natural Gas _Fuel Oii_Other (state type) _ _ _ __ Prime Mover: Fuel Ceii_Recip Engine _Gas Turbine _Steam Turbine_ Microturbine _PV JL_Other - - - - - - - - NC Interconnection Request 4 100 Type of Generator: Synchronous __ Induction _ _Inverter _x_ Total Generator Nameplate Rating: 4,998 kWAc (Typical) kVAR Interconnection Customer or Customer-Site Load:.....:.n,o:.::ne,____ kW (if none, so state) 10 kW Interconnection Customer Generator Auxiliary Load: _ _ _ _ kVAR Typical Reactive Load (if known): Maximum Physical Export Capability Requested: ----"'s.,o..,oo"-----'kWAc List components of the Generating Facility equipment package that are currently certified: Number Certifying Entity Equipment Type 1. SMA- SC-I 850-US UL 2. 22,230 Trina TSM-PDI4 315W UL 3.------------4.--------------5.-------------Generator (or solar panel information) Model Manufacturer, Name, Number & of units: Nameplate Output Power Rating in kWAc: Summer Winter Nameplate Output Power Rating in kVA: Summer Winter Individual Generator Rated Power Factor: Leading Lagging Total Number of Generators in wind farm to be Interconnected pursuant to this Interconnection Request (if applicable): Elevation: Inverter Manufacturer, Model Name, & Number (if used): (3) SMA-SC-1850-US Note: A completed Power Systems Load Flow data sheet must be supplied with the Interconnection Request. For solar projects provide the following information: Latitude: _3:::.:5:..__ Degrees 22'1.01" Minutes North Longitude: _.:..:77:.__ Degrees 53'14.02"Minutes West Orientation: _,!.,.,80,___ Degrees (Due South=180') Fixed Tilt Array 1K1 Fixed Tilt Angle: NC Interconnection Request Single Axis Tracking Array 20 0 Degrees 5 IO I Double Axis Tracking Array 0 Generating Eacmty Characteristic Data lfor !nverter·based mach!oesl Max design fault contribution current: ~ Instantaneous orRMS? ..X.. Harmonics Characteristics: _T-"H,_,_D~<'-'5'-'-%"------------Start-up r e q u i r e m e n t s : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Inverter Short·Circu!t Model Data Model and parameter data required for short-circuit analysis is specific to each PV inverter make and model. All data to be provided In per-unit ohms, on the equivalent inverter MVA base. Inverter Equivalent MVA Base; 0.8 MVA Short-Circuit Equivalent Pas. Seq. Resistance (R 1), valid for initial 2 to 6 cycles: p.u. Short-Circuit Equivalent Pas. Seq. Reactance (XL 1), valid for inltla12 to 6 cycles: p.u. Short-Circuit Equivalent Neg. Seq. Resistance (R2), valid for initial 2 to 6 cycles: 0.2 p.u. Short-Circuit Equivalent Neg. Seq. Reactance (XL2), valid for lnltlal2 to 6 cycles; p.u. Short-Circuit Equivalent Zero Seq. Resistance (RO), valid for initial 2 to 6 cycles: infinite p.u. Short-Circuit Equivalent Zero Seq. Reactance (XLO), valid for initial 2 to 6 cycles: p.u. Special notes regarding short-circuit modeling assumptions: NC Interconnection Request a {Q()J 0.2 0.98 0.98 infinite Generating Facility Characteristic Data !for rotating machines! RPM Frequency:----(*)Neutral Grounding Resistor (if applicable): _ _ _ __ Synchronous Generators: Direct Axis Synchronous Reactance, Xd: P.U. Direct Axis Transient Reactance, X'd: P.U. Direct Axis Subtransient Reactance, X"d: P.U. Negative Sequence Reactance, X2: P.U. Zero Sequence Reactance, Xo: P.U. KVA Base: Field Volts: Field Amperes: lndyctlon Generators; Motoring Power (kW): 12 2t o r K (Heating Time Constant): Resistance, Rotor Rr: Stator Rs: Resistance, Stator Reactance, Xs: Reactance, Xr: Rotor Reactance, Xm: Magnetizing Xd": Circuit Reactance, Short Exciting Current: Rise: Temperature Size: Frame Design Letter: Reactive Power Required In Vars (No Load): Reactive Power Required In Vars (Full Load): Total Rotating Inertia, H: __ Per Unit on kVA Base Note: Please contact the Utility prior to submitting the Interconnection Request to detennine if the specified infonnation above is required. ExcltatiQD and Goyernor System pata for Synchronous Generators Only Provide appropriate IEEE model block diagram of excitation system, governor system and power system stabilizer (PSS) In accordance with the regional reliability council criteria. A PSS may be determined to be required by applicable studies. A copy of the manufacturer's block diagram may not be substituted. NC Interconnection Request 7 /03 Interconnection Eac!!itjes Information Will more than one transformer be used between the generator and the point of common coupling? Yes _No .X. (If yes, copy this section and provide the information for each transformer used. This information must match the single-line drawing and transformer specification sheets.) Will the transformer be provided by the Interconnection Customer? Yes K_No _ Transformer Data llf applicable. for Interconnection Customer-owned transformer): Is the transformer: Single phase _Three phase ..K_ Transformer Impedance: 5.75 %on 1850 Size: 1850 kVA kVA Base If Three Phase; Transformer Primary__T.:..:B:..:D;:___ _Voits, Delta _ _ Wye , floating neutral_ Wye Grounded neutral _x_ Delta __Wye , floating neutral _lL Wye Grounded neutral __ Transformer Secondary ---=3"'-8=-5_ _ _ _Volts, Transformer Tertiary: _ _ _ _ _ _Volts, Delta_ Wye, floating neutral __ Wye Grounded neutral __ Transformer Eyse Data Of app!jcable. for Interconnection Customer-owned fuse): (Attach copy of fuse manufacturer's Minimum Melt and Total Clearing Time-Current CuNes) Manufacturer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _Type: _ _ _ _ _Size: _ _Speed: _ interconnecting Circuit Breaker (if applicable\: Manufacturer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Type: - - - - - - - Load Rating (Amps): _Interrupting Rating (Amps): _ _Trip Speed (Cycles): NC Interconnection Request 6 I o~ lnterconnectjon Protectjve Relavs !if app!lca ble); If Microprocessor-Controlled: List of Functions and Adjustable Setpolnts for the protective equipment or software: Setpoint Function Minimum Maximum 1. __________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. ______________________ 4. _________________________ 5. _________________________ 6. ______________________ If Discrete Components: (Enclose Copy of any Proposed Time-Overcurrent Coordination Curves) Manufacturer: Type: Style/Catalog No.: Proposed Setting: Manufacturer: Type: Style/Catalog No.: Proposed Setting: Manufacturer: Type: Style/Catalog No.: Proposed Setting: Manufacturer: Type: Style/Catalog No.: Proposed Setting: Manufacturer: Type: Style/Catalog No.: Proposed Setting: Current Transformer Qata ljf applicable): (Enclose Copy of Manufacturer's Excitation and Ratio Correction Curves) Manufacturer:_~--------------------Type: _ _ _ _ _ _ __.Accuracy Class: ___Proposed Rallo Connection: Manufacturer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Type: _ _ _ _ _ _ __.Accuracy Class: ___Proposed Ratio Connection: NC Interconnection Request 9 !OS Potential Transformer Data !If applicable!: Manufacturer: _______________________ Type: _ _ _ _-.~Accuracy Class: _ _ Proposed Rallo Connection:._ _ Manufacturer: _______________________ Type: _____.Accuracy Class: ___Proposed Ralio Connection: _ _ General Information 1. One-line diagram Enclose site electrical one-line diagram showing the configuration of all Generating Facility equipment, current and potential circuits, and protection and control schemes. o The one-line diagram should Include the project owner's name, project name, project address, model numbers and nameplate sizes of equipment, including number and nameplate electrical size information for solar panels, inverters, wind turbines, disconnect switches, latitude and longitude of the project location, and tilt angle and orientation of the photovoltaic array for solar projects. 0 The diagram should also depict the metering arrangement required whether Installed on the customer side of an existing meter ("net metering/billing") or directly connected to the grid through a new or separate delivery point requiring a separate meter. o List of adjustable set points for the protective equipment or software should be included on the electrical one-line drawing. 0 This one-line diagram must be signed and stamped by a licensed Professional Engineer if the Generating Facility Is larger than 50 kW. o Is One-Line Diagram Enclosed? Yes lS._No __ 2. Site Plan 0 Enclose copy of any site documentation that indicates the precise physical location of the proposed Generating Facility (e.g., USGS topographic map, or other diagram or documentation) and the proposed Point of Interconnection. IJ Proposed location of protective Interface equipment on property (include address if different from the Interconnection Customer's address)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ rJ Is Site Plan Enclosed? Yes lS._No _ rJ Is Site Control Verlfication Form Enclosed? Yes lS._No _ 3. Equipment Specifications Include equipment specification information (product literature) for the solar panels and inverter(s) that provides technical information and certification information for the equipment to be installed with the application. o Are Equipment Specifications Enclosed? Yes ~No __ 4. Protection and Control Schemes o Enclose copy of any site documentation that describes and details the operation of the protection and control schemes. o Is Available Documentation Enclosed? Yes _NolL tJ Enclose copies of schematic drawings for all protection and control circuits, relay current circuits, relay potential circuits, and alarm/monitoring circuits (if applicable). o Are Schematic Drawings Enclosed? Yes _ No .lL NC Interconnection Request 10 Applicant Slgnatyre I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all the information provided in this Interconnection Request Application Form is true and correct. For Interconnection Customer: chrls Norqua I D<go"llt~nnll>,'{f'o~IIQ/q~ll '~!~n·Clmtb'<r.so~ ...... ,,...j,....,.q,,.lf«UntW<OI'IIo Signature our.loU.IOOIIW.JI.orcu (Authorized Agent of the Legal Entity) Date: Print Name _..:C"'h"'rls::....:..oN"'or"'gu:.:a:.:.l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ NC lnterconnecllon Request 11 1015115 DocuSign Envelope ID: 981732AA-543F-4C00-9523-99E3DBEC5ADS Decommission Plan for .J.~§Jcr Solar Farm Date 4.15.16 Prepared and Submitted by Jestet· Solar, LLC i\s required by Wayne County, Jester Solar, LLC, presents this decommissioning plan. Decommissioning will occur as a result of any of the following conditions: I. The system does not produce power for a period of 12 months; or 2. The system is rendered inoperable and will not be repaired m replaced The operator of the facility will do the following as a minimum to decommission the project: 1. Remove all non-utility owned equipment, conduits, structures, and foundations to a depth of at least three feet below grade. 2. Remove all fencing unless the owner of the leased real estate requests in writing fm it to stay in place. 3. Restme the land to the condition in which it existed before construction of the Solar Energy System ("SES"), including by replacing a [12"] layer of top soil where the existing top soil has been removed or eroded as a result of construction and operation of theSES. 4. Establish vegetative ground cover 011 the site with warm season grasses that are native to the region, unless requested in writing by the owner of the real estate to not rcvcgctatc due to plans for agricultural planting ot· residential or commercial development. A II said removal a11d decommissioning shall occur within 12 months of any a foreme11tioned decommissioning condition. The operator of the facility, currently Jester Solar, LLC, is responsible for decommissio11illg theSES. The operator of the facility will provide Wayne County with an updated signed decommissioning plan withi11 30 days of change of Solar Energy System operator or property owner. Any updates to this pla11 will be submitted to the Wayne County Ordinance Administrator and filed with the Wayne County Register of Deeds by the party responsible for decommissioning the Solar Energy System. ~'f'AAIA.. fi~ DocuSign~d SES Operator Sig11ature: by: Date: _4~/1~5~/~20~1~6-- £1A914965F3~.. Io'() CYPRESS CREEK '!! l f 'i.' EXHIBIT A MAINTENANCE: SERVICES DRAFT VEGETATION MANA CEMENT PLAN FOR JESTER SOLAR, LLC (EXCERPT FROM MAINTENANCE SE'RVICES A GllEEM!o'NT) Item# Service Service Description Frequency 2. Site Properly InspecHon/Mnintenance Maintain vegetation and debris removal/control and landscaping, for all property within the fence line and all property immediately surmunding fencing (within reason), spccitically ensuring vegetation does not 2.1 Vegetation Management encroach on modules. Good husbandry techniques with respect to vegetation, including but not limited to, proper pruning, proper fertilizer, and pmper mulching shall be used so that the vegetation will reach maturity as soon as Monthly or As-Needed to ensure optimal operation of the facility cmcl a well maintained appearance pl'actical and will have maximum density in foliage. Dead or diseased vegetation will be removed and re~lanted. ···------·--····--------··-·---·· 'This work has not yet been contracted, so we are unable to provide a name and contact number for the contractor. This information will be provided to Wayne County as soon as \he work is contracted. In the meantime, please contact Don Nista, Director of Operations and Management, at 919-230-2950 or nisla@ccrenew.com. G0\1\ W. MAIN Sl. CI\RF\flOfm, NC 275101 919.?40.4815 CCRENEW.GOM DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE 4TH FIGHTEr< WING (ACC) SEYMOUR JOHNSON 1\IR FORCE BASE NC '-· 1I ,; Mr. Dennis G. Goodson, P.E. Deputy Base Engineer I 095 Peterson Avenue Seymour Johnson AFB NC 27531 Mr. Walter "Chip" Crumpler Jr., Director Wayne County Platming Department 134 Notih John Street Goldsboro, North Carolina 27533 Dear Mr. Crumpler This letter is in reference to the proposed solar farm, Jester Solar, LLC (NCUC Docket# SP-6934 Sub 0) located on NC PIN#3539200189 on the north and south sides of Millers Chapel Road, just east of Research Farm Road in Wayne County, NC. Below is a summary of the three areas of concern as described in the Seymour Johnson AFB 2011 Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) report as related to the subject property. 1. Airspace Control Surfaces (Hazards to Aircraft Flight Zone): The subject propetty is within the Runway 26 Approach/Departure Clearance Surface (50: I). a. Height- Structures or vegetation on the propetty is limited in height to approximately 322 feet (nominally 460 feet above mean sea level). The proposal is compatible with this protocol. b. Visual- The proposed development does not generate smoke, dust, steam or other visual interfering operations. The proposal is compatible with this protocol. c. Light Emissions- The developer submitted Solar Glare Hazard Analysis Tool (SGHA T) repmis that indicate the proposed solar energy facility would create glare at the current air traffic control tower (ATCT) and at our future ATCT. The SGI-IA T reports also indicates that the proposed facility creates glint/glare for aircrew on approach to the runway to include periods of low potential for temporary after-image (green). A copy of the pm·ameters used by the developer in the SGHAT reports submitted is attached for reference. The compatibility standard for glare at ATCTs is zero glare from the photovoltaic panels. The proposed development is incompatible with that standard. The compatibility standard along the final approach path is no potential for glint/glare or low potential for after-image (green). The proposed 110 development is located within 3.5 miles of the 26 Runway threshold. Based on the location and SGHAT repotts, the proposed development is compatible with that standard. Mitigating circumstances: The existing tenain and the forest cover between the ATCT and the proposed development blocks the future glare at the ATCT locations. Unfortunately, the solar energy facility developer does not own this higher tenain and the forests. After the trees are cut for timber, the mitigating factor is gone. For a mitigation factor controlled by the property owner, it is recommended that a vegetative buffer be required on the west side ofthe subject property. The buffer shall contain evergreen trees or bushes planted no more than 8 feet apmt. The buffer shall obtain a height of 14 feet no later than September 2018. The trees or bushes may be trimmed but no lower than a height of 14 feet. As MITIGATED, with a vegetative buffer as specified above, the proposed development is COMPATIBLE with this protocol. d. Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) - The proposed development does not create a BASH concern. The proposal is compatible with this protocol. e. Radio Frequency/Electromagnetic Interference (RF/EMI)- We do not anticipate the proposed development to create a RF /EM! concern with our aircraft operations. The proposal is compatible with this protocol. 2. Noise Due to Aircraft Operations: Not applicable for this proposal. 3. Clear Zones and Accident Potential Zones: The subject prope1ty is not located in Clear Zones or Accident Potential Zones. Not applicable for this proposal. We appreciate the opportunity to assess this request and to comment on it. If additional information or clarification is required, please contact me at (919) 722-5142. Sincerely ~~ DENNIS G. GOODSON, P.E. Attaclm1ent - Jester Solar - Parameters ill Jester Solar, LLC (NCUC Docket No. SP-6934, Sub 0) PV Array Parameters Proposed in SGHAT to Seymour Johnson AFB: Analysis name Jester PV an'!ly axis tracking none Orientation of atray (deg) 180.0 Tilt of solar panels (deg) 20.0 Rated power (kW) 5000.0 Vary reflectivity True PV surface material Deeply textured glass Longit"da (deg) Gro"nd Elevation (It) Height of panels above ground (It) Total elevation (It) 35.3690353549 •77.8896653652 142.01 10.0 152,01 2 35.3692978164 -77.8891718386 141.58 10.0 151.56 3 35.3665979172 -77.8885261066 141.06 10.0 151.08 4 35.3669626625 -77.8873693943 139.28 10.0 149.28 5 35.3644506902 -77.8626647406 134.51 10.0 144.51 6 35.3637859462 -77.8846228123 137.51 10.0 147.51 7 35.3644856871 -77.8851377964 137.93 10.0 147.93 8 35.3642059115 -77.6859102726 136.22 10.0 148.22 ld Lat~ude (deg) 8 egend It= 7 6 5 4 3 I 2 1 n V:tH Arrival Flight Tracks Closed Flight Tracks ~"'"'-' ''f-~r:T. i , ·~·' 1 i t Departure Flight Track '; G Conical Surface (20:1) H+'++fl G Prpposed Solar Farm - I ·,,,, ~ ' F _;> ·' ;.-·-~-:.. ·" ·- \..).) c ;: ~ i' ~, .. ~ . } k '' A Outer Horizontal Surface 0.25 0 0.250.5 • - 0.5 8 7 6 5 4 1 Nautical Miles 3 2 8 MEMORANDUM TO: George A Wood, County Manager FROM: Alan Lumpkin, Tax Administrator DATE: May 31,2016 RE: Application for Present Use Value Enclosed is a letter from Donna Ward, parcel3522031565, requesting approval for a late application for present use value. A full copy of the application is not enclosed since it contains income information. This property would have qualified for present use value for 2016 had a timely application been filed. The Board has the authority to approve late applications under G.S. 105-277.4.(a1). II~ AV-5 Application for Agriculture, Horticulture, and Forestry Present-Use Value Assessment tcV\-\ 1IY4. Lc \ Web 3-13 (G.S. 105-277.2 through G.S. 105-277.7) County of w0-_'-'0,-rv- ' Tax y ear NC Full Name of Owner(s) lt_) (\._.(·,__ h- (J.., Mailing Address of Owner -~1..\()(p .. ' f\J t__ '---, ,J,..r' \_0t'>._r· 6. "c . City . :"::£_ J Li\ ~-,); (' L\ ~-) Home Telephone Number ~.e ('1\q ·:) ·;;; Work Telephone Number Ext. \ l</ \ Zip Code l\k /);'B-,:~5- ! 8) Cell Phone Number -· --~~· State ,;z ~_s;J. ~;:~- ( 1:' () ~ qi.] ocl lnstru~tions Application Deadline: This application must be filed during the regular listing period, or within 30 day·s of a notice of a change in valuation, or within 60 days of a transfer of the land. Where to Submit Application: Submit this application to the county tax assessor where this prope~ is located. County tax assessor addresses and telephone numbers can be found online at www.dornc.com/downloads/Countylist.pdf. DO OT submit this application to the North Carolina Department of Revenue. - Office Use Only: This JPPiication is for: (check all that apply) V' AGRICULTURE lincludcs Aqyacylturel HORTICULTURE FORESTRY Enter the Parcel Identification Number, acreage breakdown, and acreage total for each tax parcel included in this application: PARCEL ID ?JS~tJ~o·j \ ~j lvS OPEN LAND in Production i d.... OPEN LAND not in Production WOOD LAND WASTE LAND y;;;'-. CRP LAND OTHER HOME (Describe in SITE Comments) \ TOTAL ACRES 13 'h .. Comments: I Yes /No ..... Does the applicant own property in other counties that is also in present-use value and is within 50 miles of this property? If YES, list the county or counties and parcel identification number(s): County: ParceiiD: County: ParceiiD: IMPORTANT! AGRICULTURE and HORTICULTURE applications with LESS than 20 acres of woodland generally need to complete PARTS 1, 2, and 4. AGRICULTURE and HORTICULTURE applications with MORE than 20 acres of woodland generally need to complete PARTS 1, 2, 3, and 4. FORESTRY applications need to complete PARTS 1, 3, and 4. ADDITIONALLY, applications for CONTINUED USE of existing present-use value classification need to complete PART 5. Please contact the Tax Assessor's office if you have questions about which parts should be completed. 115 ()../-.--- c\ ~ ~ \ . ~. '-· _,-::..) c·~-'- ...~ ~- \J'\. t_ . ..<.J ·-; ' \\. ··'{V, v .\ \...~·-- I ' ·. l' .. \, .. (\ ..--~) .. ..(_~-(} ',_,_-) I. >· (.i. l \ \)·· C\ '\ - \ • l\ "·· \.i ~1\ .I .) l . ' \r- -~)-,__.d \ r ', ',·-. ,.'~. _, 110 / 'j - -~- J, ' County of Wayne Budget Amendments HAY 2 4 2016 #424 05/03/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Allison Speight Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number 110.4310.183 110.4310.186 110.4310.180 110.4310.182 110.4310.182 .. 002 110.4310.125 Sheriff Description/Object of Expenditure Hospitalization Workers Camp Fica Retirement 5% Law Enforcement Telephone allowance REVENUE Code Number Source of Revenue 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: Endorsement 1. Forward, recommending Endorsement 1. Forwarded, be amended as follows: Increase Decrease $ $ $ $ $ 44,200.00 3,845.00 $ 360.00 19,500.00 24,000.00 4,905.00 Increase Decrease To align budgeted salary line items to actual expenditures _ ___,S"'---_,_,ID"""---_ _ _ 2016 recommendin~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. County Managef & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners HAY 2 4 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments 05/02/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Donna Phillips Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for Library ----------~~L---------- be amended as follows: EXPENDITURE Code Number 110.6110.231 Description/Object of Expenditure Programs Decrease REVENUE Code Number 110.3611.840 Source of Revenue Library Donations Increase $ 66.40 $ Increase 66.40 Decrease 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: To earmark WCPL Friends of the Library's donation for cost of pizzas provided to Boy Scouts who helped with the set up of the annual book sale. Funds were deposited 5/2/16. DepartrnentHeadSilltU isapproval County FiJlaCe O i f Endorsement ~. 1. Forwarded, recommendin~isapproval ~~ \ ~'-I\-,~ 2016 \ Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. CoullfYManager & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners f '·""' : '('_) HAY 2 4 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments 05/02/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Donna Phillips Wayne County Board of Commissioners Cou nty Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amen dment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget fo r _ _ _ _ ____;;L~ib,;..;,r..;;..a:....t.ry'------- be amended as follows: EXPENDITURE Code Number 110.6 110.311 Description/Object of Expend iture Travel , Mea ls & Lodging REVENUE Code Number 110.36 11.840 Source of Revenue Library Donations Decrease $ $ Increase 3,566.00 Increase 3,566.00 Decrease To earmark Library Foundation donation for travel and conference 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows : expenses for 2 employees to attend Public Library Association Conference in Denver, CO. Funds deposited on 5/2/16. Endorsement ~ 1. Forward, recommending L / isapproval 1 county Fiirlc~ Endorsement 1. Forwarded, ~~ \ \ recommending~isapproval 2016 ~~~. ounty Manager & Budget Off1cer Date of approval/d isapproval by B .O.C. Chairman Board of Commissioners III (), HAY 2 4 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments 05/02/16 Date Memorandum From : To: Via: Subject: Donna Phillips Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amend ment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested th at the budget for Library --------------~~--------- be amended as follows: EXPENDITURE Code Number 11 0.6 11 0.231 Description/Object of Expenditure Programs Decrease REVENUE Code Number 11 0.36 11 .840 Source of Revenue Library Donations Increase $ 154 .79 $ Increase 154.79 Decrease 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows : To earmark Library Fou ndation donation to pay for tent rental during the Library's story telling festival on 4/16/16. Funds deposited on 5/2/16. ~ Endorsement 1. Forward , recommendin g visa pproval Endorsement 1. Forwarded, recommending~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. ~ \ 2016 ~~ County Manager & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners HAY 2 4 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments May 9, 2016 Memorandum From: Sheriff Larry M. Pierce To: Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Via: Subject: Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number Wayne County Sheriff's Office be amended as follows: Description/Object of Expenditure 110.4310.299.004 110.4310.299.002 Misc. Supplies-Concealed Weapons Permit Misc. Supplies-Fingerprtg. REVENUE Code Number Source of Revenue 110.3431.410.001 110.3431.410.002 Concealed Weapons Fees Fingerprint Fees Decrease Increase 1,405.00 1,000.00 $ $ Increase Decrease 1,405.00 1,000.00 $ $ To record receipt of revenues for Concealed Weapons & 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: Fingerprint Fees collected at the window for the month of April. partment Head Signature Endorsement 1. FoiWard, recommending Endorsement 1. FoiWarded, recommendin~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. ~~ \ ~~~. "" 2016 County Manager & Budget Officer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 2016 Chairman Board of Commissioner MAY County of Wayne Budget Amendments 25 2016 #457 05i23/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Jerilyn Lee Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015·2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number _ _ __:..:H:::u,_,m,ac:.:n..:.R.:oe:.:s:::co::.ur:..:c:.::e::.s_ _ _ be amended as follows: Description/Object of Expenditure 110.4131.197 110.4130.751 Background Checks Service Charges REVENUE Code Number Source of Revenue Increase Decrease 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ Increase Decrease 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: Additional funds needed for background checks due to increased hiring in EMS, WayneNet and Detention Center as well as other departmental hirings. ~~4'd~ Endorsement ,~ 1. Forward, recommendingoisapproval Endorsement 1. Forwarded, ~~ recommendin~isapproval 2016 County Manager & Budget Officer Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. Chairman Board of Commissioners I ., .\ ' \ C/, HAY 2 4 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments May 5, 2016 Date Memorandum From: Wayne County Health Department To: Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Via: Subject: 1. It is requested that the budget for _ _ _ _ _ _B_c_c_c_P_ _ _ _ _ be amended as follows: EXPENDITURE Code Number 131.5191 .121 131 .5191 .183 131.5191.321 131.5191 .193 Description/Object of Expenditure Salaries & Wages Hospitalization Ins Telephone-Other Professional Services REVENUE Code Number Source of Revenue Decrease $ $ $ Increase 5,700.00 1,210.00 321.00 $ Increase 7,231.00 Decrease 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows : This amendment is needed to realign funds from lapse salaries to cover the cost of professional medical service claims for BCCCP patients for the remainder of the fiscal year 15-16. Endorsement 1 ~ 1. Forward, recommendit:.:/1/disapproval Endorsement ~ .. 1. Forwarded, recommending~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. ~~\ I \ 2016 ~~ I County Manager & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners HAY 2 4 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments 05/09/16 Date Memorandum From: To: VIa: Subject: Tommy Burns Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number 632.4530.580.001 632.4530.571.010 ___W=a:z.Yn:.::e=E!!:xe~c:.::u:.::tl~v~e~J~et~p~o!!rt_ _ be amended as follows: Description/Object of Expenditure Decrease Eastern Region - Hangar Eastern Region Improvements Ec Dev REVENUE Code Number Increase 12,513.00 $ $ Source of Revenue 12,513.00 Decrease Increase 2. Raason(s) for the above request Is/are as follows: To reappropriate Eastern Region funds needed to install Fi-Foil Retro Shield System in old Sasser hanger recently purchased. ~ ;( ~ oertment 8adSiilfl8tUI'8 Endorsement ~ 1. Forward, recommending~isapproval Endorsement ~-. 1. Forwarded, recommending\aeprova]Jdlsapproval Data of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. ~~\ 2016 Ss>'»~~ County Manager & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners HAY 2 4 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments #469 05/11/16 Date Memorandum From: Crystal Gettys Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 To: Via: Subject: 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number Decrease Description/Object of Expenditure 110.4920.126 110.4920.180 110.4920.181 110.4920.121 REVENUE Code Number be amended as follows: WCDA Extra Help FICA Medicare Salaries & Wages 7,800.00 484.00 114.00 $ $ $ $ 8,398.00 Increase Source of Revenue 2. Reason(s) for the above request Is/are as follows: employee. Increase Decrease to transfer funds for vacant position to extra help for part time Endorsement 1. Forward, recommendin 5·J.b 2016 ~~fsortMY Fi~}@!= Endorsement 1. Forwarded, recommending approval/disapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. County Manager & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners ') t' I "'~) HAY 2 4 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments May 17,2016 Date Memorandum From: To: VIa: Subject: Shertff Larry M. Pierce Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number 110.4310.299.004 110.4310.510 REVENUE Code Number Wayne County Sheriff's Office be amended as follows: Description/Object of Expenditure Decrease CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMIT CAPITAL-EQUIPMENT $14,495.78 Source of Revenue Increase 2. Reason(s) for the above request Is/are as follows: Increase $14,495.78 Decrease To approprtate funds to purchase an arm for the SWAT "Bloodhound" Robot. Dopa eadSI9flifure Endorsement 1. Forward, recommendin Endorsement 1. Forwarded, recommending~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. ~~ \ 2016 ~~. County Manager & Budget Officer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2016 Chairman Board of Commissioners To Ms. Allison Speight Wayne County Finance Director This letter is to address any concerns regarding the purchase of the LT2 Multi-Axis Direct Drive 5- axis arm for the Wayne County Sheriff's Office SWAT Team robot. This addition to the robot will benefit the SWAT team and the Crisis Negotiation Team by giving the robot an arm to open a door, deliver a phone, deliver less lethal gas, or deliver food. Having this arm will greatly add to the capabilities of the robot thus giving the SWAT team the additional resource for safer outcome of any situation. The robot was purchased on a JAG grant in conjunction with Goldsboro Police Department. The robot that we ordered was not only purchased from Super Droid Robot, but was also manufactured and built at this location which is a local North Carolina Company. This company is not a mass producing company, as mentioned everything that is built for the robot is manufactured at the company itself and to have any additions added to the robot that we currently possess they, Super Droid Robot Inc. need to do the work on it because of compatibility and functionality. I hope that this helps clear up any issues that have risen or may arise about purchasing requirements. Lt. Christopher L. Peedin Wayne County Sheriff's Office HAY 2 4 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments 05/18/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Finance Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number 110.5831.497.008 _ _ _J=-C=-P:...C=--...:S:.:tr:..:u:..:c:.:tu::.:r...:e.=d...:D:..:a:.~.y_ _ _ be amended as follows: Decrease Description/Object of Expenditure DIR SER- STRUCT DAY PROG REVENUE Code Number 110.3580.330 Source of Revenue JCPC- Grant $ Increase 10,800.00 $ Increase 10,800.00 Decrease 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: Revenue is being increased by NCDPS to purchase a van which is needed lo transport clients to and from Structured Day's facility. ~~ \l i~O~ Departrfumt He d gn ture Endorsement ~ 1. Forward, recommending ~sapproval Endorsement 1. Forwarded, recommending~isapproval ~\ 2016 ~~~~. Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. County Manager & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners HAY 2 4 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments #476 05/19/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Debbie Jones Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number 126.5304.351 Social Services ------~~~~~~----- $ Maintenance & Repairs - Bigs Source of Revenue Increase Fund Balance Appropriated 2. Reason(s) for the above request Is/are as follows: Increase Decrease Description/Object of Expenditure REVENUE Code Number 126.3991.991 be amended as follows: $ 96,000.00 Decrease 96,000.00 Renovations to County Office Building back parking lot. ~< Endorsement 1. Forward, recommending Endorsement 1. Forwarded, recommendin~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. County Manager & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners or vvayne Budget Amendments ~.,;ounty HAY 2 4 2016 1.. 05/19/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Steve Stroud Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number ----~l~n=s"-pe:::c:.:t::.:io:.:.n;:,s:.__ _ _ _ be amended as follows: Decrease Description/Object of Expenditure M&R's Vehicles 110.4350.353 REVENUE Code Number Increase Insurance Refunds & Recoveries 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: u 777.35 $ Source of Revenue 110.3839.890.008 Increase $ Decrease 777.35 to anticipate and obligate insurance proceeds. ~~ v~m~nature Endorsement ~ 1. Forward, recommending isapproval coill1ty FillCeoiCer Endorsement 1. Forwarded, recommendin~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. ~~ . 2016 County Manager & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners HAY 2 4 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments #478 05/19/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Davin Madden Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number _ _ _ _ ___,_H:.::e.::a"'lth::..__ _ _ _ _ be amended as follows: Decrease Description/Object of Expenditure 131.5110.351 Increase Source of Revenue 131.3991.991 Fund Balance Appropriated 2. Reason(s) for the above request Is/are as follows: 96,000.00 $ Maintenance & Repairs - Bigs REVENUE Code Number Increase $ Decrease 96,000.00 Renovations to County Office Building back parking lot. - Department Head Signature oU Endorsement 1. Forward, recommending L/1/disapproval Endorsement 1. Forwarded, recommending~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. County Manager & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners HAY 2 4 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments May 17, 2016 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Debbie Jones Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It Is requested that the budget for be amended as follows: Social Services EXPENDITURE Code Number 126.5304.261 126.5304.260 Description/ObJect of Expenditure Non-Cap Furniture & Equipment Office Supplies REVENUE Code Number Source of Revenue Decrease $ $ Increase 16,000.00 16,000.00 Increase Decrease 2, Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: Additional funds are needed to purchase furniture from Eastpointe which is located in the Borden Building. Purchase price is $20,701. Balance of funds in 126.5304.261 will be used for routine expenses. lnvenotry list attached, Dep.ifti1iirlt Head Signature Endorsement -~~ 1. Forward, recommendin~isapproval Endorsement 1. Forwarded, ~' recommendin~isapproval ~'%~ Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. 2016 County Manager & Budget Officer /3'JJ Goldsboro Eastpointe LME Furniture Inventory Standard Desk L-Desk or U Desk Book Case _:___--~= ~L; Fai~OK ;- r>;or~ -~ Fai~OKnor-:::~.§o{~-_:__.fai¥oi< ~- P~or t- Other Offic~ Chair Rolling Office Chair --~-~ __ Fai~OK • P~or_~~ _Fai¥_(l_K__~~or -·---lll -L ;::-t:::_ - ::lt iL ' _=::::i- j!_J-=- ..:::; -::;- :::i ~~ :::i ,~::: . . =-=--~~J~~~---- ~~-~ :~~---+-~}~:- ~::_ --t-~H-~~--:~~___1_-_-::_:_ :::_-:-1~t-~- i}h SOl!--~- L~~ _L_____ , ~----=---1i~ '___:=_~~--t-1g~~--•--m---i ___ -~-~~~-~}}~==----=----;~~~- ~~~ ~~~: L--:~~!- _ -18 j__ I _ 409 . 603 I 506 416 . 503 ' 419 _ 503 415 ---- _i_ -- __ __j _ __ , u - 420 ----. -~OS i saG ----~- - - - ---- 507 \------._-_; ~ ~-= =:= -604' ----_-___-_-- -· --~ '-----s07~- §OS_ 1 ___ 608 i 41~- 510 503 514 S.03 _I_-... _ 1-- -- 505 ----420- ---- -- 506 417 ------------ 506 501 506 418 516 501 51.7 419 ·--·-s1s . -- ·504 1 ---6o3 : 501 6o1-. ,--42o__ _ ------------------.--- -· --·· . - - - - - - - - · - · · - - - - -----------1----\ 611 I --- - __ S_16__,- 504 i - .. __6_0_5_-. __5_0_2_- __ 601 L-~-~- ! I 615 _ 521 . 5os , Go9 503 601 , 5o4 · - - - - - - _----I-6Lobby_f ___51_1___- __ -:~__ _: ________ _6~-~--- -5os__-_-_--_- _::-_ l----fo1 --:-5os_____ _ ---6o9 1 ---- --. - ~- - -+:-·~- -o!-_- r~-T-~_- -_-_- _- .- -!7~1-t =.0=-J~ ,:_-_.~~~tt'~=-616 1 r--------1 415 417 f---- - ~rH ---4?-0 .. 605 ! ;- !-__-::: ~~~~- t-~- =;_~ -- . i i 613 ' 520 i , 603 ' 513 ~ =;::: -'~l ---~ -~ ~E : -~tr ;~~= I 608 bOG 608 hnR -----··· --- .... 517 ---519 ---521 ------- --~__[~~,==~~·~--·-·-~-~_~2- ~L- ~- t~i~l_'!•·• iJ~; } __, 1- ~----~--f---=t ---~--,----=~-=·-·· -+-=~----~~-~- - . -~ =_'_~---··.~-· _-'-_::-~-=~ _-_ =~~~--- -=~i-_ -~ . . f------- --i~i-- .~-· -----= Goldsboro Eastpointe LM E Furnit ure Inventory -== ----~~~-~~ -~- --T-- ~~- --~_F~o~ctr~=¥-~~-~~ ~~-- ~~--f-i?~f~~~~~¥-~ ~-K -~~o! Standard Desk t= ! L-Desk or U Desk : - - - - -- -- -- ; -- - - -- -·-1--. ·--- - - ----· .. ·- :.- - · -- ----- -- ! ' I Rolling Office Chair I I Other Office Cha ir _ 611 ! ___ ___ ·- - - - - ~--·· ----- ·- · ···· - - - ... - -- ··:·----- - - - -·-·- - - - - - ·· --i ! ' . 613 :- -·- - - --- - -··---· - - - .. - -· - - ·----:------- ----- . - ---· ---- - -- . ··- r -- __ _L ___ _,_. - - . Book Case I ' ' I 614 I [ :~=~ - - -~---+~ -= ::--:_!II:- -- :u-~- :=~--~~ j ~~- ~-- t -~§---~~: _j~~~~-~~-~ J~-:!-: -~-~ i -·· ···----- -- - - -· .:..- ---. - '- -·-··· ···- - - - ---j---- - --- - -- ----- - --- ---~------- - --+-·-_-__- - - · : ·- - - - -r--·- -.-.- _- - - - - - - --~::==- --~---:_ ' Summ ary i Su mmary I I - -;--7- 24 30% t=- · I' . s I 174.75 . $ . -_ $1,223.~ - _:_ I ·· -----~ I ·-1-s-T ----- - :--------·- --;. .-- ---~-- --- ----- -1 ·----· ; ----- Book Case ! Summary 1 o . -- - - - ·- - -·· Good Good Fair/OK ! Poor ---=1·. -,·-··--2 ·--!-- .3 . I ~- - 1 i Summary Rolling Office Chair 26·-- i- 1 " T • Other Office Chair -· ·· - - - ' Fair/OK - - 1---. ;----2- : Poor -----3- - •. o• . ·- - - - i Poor -2--T__3__ _ Good ; Fair/OK - - -1----· . ··--19-· ~4 - .- -5-- ---33_ __ _45___ ; -- -3-- ·- --~---~-~n- ~1J._s_:_48_.~~ _s__ ;~~:J ~: ;,~J s_:..__:~ -_s___:~.'-"-·~- ~~:_-:--,_;~s_·17_._-~-~: -_-s_._.~:_s_=_---~9~_o.o_·~-:~-.-_,----~ : Sell_il_lg Pr ice...? 209.70 i ~~~a_l_ _ Sl ,887.?0T : ' ·------ __________·---~~- --==- --==-·.1~-~ _+ ---= _:---=--r.! -=~~ c-~=I l -Desk or U Desk ·····- - · · · -Poor Good : Fair/OK 1 Poor 1_ ____,_:___2___ ·- 3--1-- - - 1- - i 2 1·--3- -- 9 I - -- · - - . ··- - - .· -- - ·- - - . · --' - Summary : Standard Desk · · - -•• . .. Good : Fair/OK : 1 - - - -- ! -----~----·· - . i ; 1 I 30% I ___ ~5% . ~-- __2Q_~ _1_ .~5_:6 I __0% . -- 300/o_ · ·- ·--~~~-·-- · 0% ... . 30%- __ _3~~ ---:- · 0- ~4.40 i s -~37.00 I .L_ -_ ~2_0 _1_$_4~?5 : $ __-__ s_ ~_:?0._$_ _4~.75 . ? ·- - - ~ 26.70 ;_~ .~~--~ $6,~2:?.60 ! $3,-?_55.00 I s ___ - - _$1,492.50 I $1.~93.~2. ___- - . S]-_,020.30 $1.5?_1:_50 i $ · - - ..s~~1.10 ;_ $ 1,0_9}·~~-0- ! ! I I I I i ' I ·- --- j. - - - - - i- -- ·· -;- - · · ... _;I __ · -----"- - - -I I ; I · - -· .. · - - ·- - ·i Grand . -~ Total . $ 20,701 ; -- ... HAY 2 4 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments 05/19/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Finance Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for _ ___;C:.;o::.:n.:.:.n:.::e.::ct::.;F:...:o::..:u:.;.r_.:.R::.::e.::st::.it:.::uc:::tic::.on:.:___ be amended as follows: EXPENDITURE Code Number 110.5831.497.001 Description/Object of Expenditure DIR SER- CONNECT FOUR RESTITUTION REVENUE Code Number 110.3580.330 Source of Revenue JCPC -GRANT Decrease $ $ Increase 4,000.00 Increase 4,000.00 Decrease 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: To cover the cost of maintenance and repair to vehicle. Endorsement 1. Forward, recommendin Endorsement 1. Forwarded, recommendin~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. ~~' 2016 ~~~ County Manager & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners HAY 2 4 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments May 20, 2016 Date Memorandum From: Sheriff Larry M. Pierce To: Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Via: Subject: Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number 110.431 0.261.002 Wayne County Sheriff's Office be amended as follows: Description/Object of Expenditure Decrease C.O.-Control Substance Increase $9,008.95 REVENUE Code Number Source of Revenue Increase 110.3317.330 Control Substance Tax $9,008.95 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: Decrease To record receipt of revenues for Control Substance Tax Endorsement 1. Forward, recommendin r----:... . Endorsement 1. Forwarded, recommendin~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. County Manager & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners HAY 2 4 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments December 22, 2015 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Sheriff Larry M. Pierce Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number 110.4310.231.006 REVENUE Code Number 110.3833.840.020 Sheriffs Office be amended as follows: Description/Object of Expenditure Decrease Increase SPECIAL PROGRAM MATERIAL-SHERIFF FUND $500.00 Source of Revenue Increase Donations-Sheriffs Fund $500.00 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: $500 from NAM Knights Motorcycle Club of America Decrease To anticipate and appropriate funds for donation ~ Endorsement 1. Forward, recommending V.tdisapproval Endorsement 1. Forwarded, recommending~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. ~~\ 2016 ~~' County Manager & Budget Officer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2016 Chairman Board of Commissioner I v/tltb County of Wayne Budget Amendments HAY 'L 5 2016 #492 05/24/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Mel Powers Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number _ _ _ _ _ _.::.E.::.M:=Sc..__ _ _ _ _ be amended as follows: Description/Object of Expenditure 622.4370.452 622.4371.193 REVENUE Code Number 5,460.00 $ Vehicle Insurance Prof Svcs- Medical $ Source of Revenue 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: purchases. Increase Decrease 5,460.00 Increase Decrease Funds needed for vehicle insurance for three new ambulance Endorsement 1. Forward, recommending Endorsement r"~ .. 1. Forwarded, recommendin~disapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. --..,~=-.~~~.·~~*___ 2016 County Manager & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners HAY 2 5 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments 05/16/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Debbie Jones Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for _ _ ____.:S::.:O::.:C:.::Ia::.I..:S:.:e.:..:rvc:lc::.:e:.:sc___ _ _ be amended as follows: EXPENDITURE Code Number 126.5308.497.003 Description/Object of Expenditure Daycare Child REVENUE Code Number 126.3530.330.002 Source of Revenue Day Care Child Decrease $ $ Increase 178,845.00 Increase 178,845.00 Decrease 2. Reason(s} for the above request islare as follows: To balance to year-to-date funding authorizations received Endorsement ,~r~ 1. Forward, recommendingL/ isapproval Endorsement 1. Forwarded, -~" recommendin~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. County Manager & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners HAY 2 5 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments 05/1M6 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Debbie Jones Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requesled thallhe budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number 126.5308.313.004 REVENUE Code Number 126.3530.330.029 Social Services ------~~~~~~----- be amended as follows: Description/Object of Expenditure Medicaid Transportation Services Increase Decrease $ Source of Revenue Medicaid Transportation Increase $ ~ 82,032.75 Decrease 82,032.75 oepartentHead Signature Endorsement 1. Forward, recommending ~. Endorsement 1. Forwarded, recommending~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. County Manager & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners HAY 2 5 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments 05/19/16 Date Memorandum From: To: Via: Subject: Debbie Jones Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for EXPENDITURE Code Number 126.5308.497.007 126.5308.497.006 be amended as follows: Social Services Description/Object of Expenditure IV-E Foster Care County Only Foster Care $ Source of Revenue Foster Care IV-E $ REVENUE Code Number 126.3530.330.002 Increase Decrease 61,800.00 $ 12,360.00 Decrease Increase 49,440.00 2. Reason(s) for the above request Is/are as follows: Additional funds needed. Actual year-to-date costs exceeded budget estimate of cost of care. Anticipated Reimbursement (Approx 80% Federal and State) · &l:?~~ u DepartffientHeadSigJiat re Endorsement 1. Forward, recommending e/disapproval Endorsement 1. Forwarded, ~~. recommendin~isapproval 2016 ~~~"*' County Manager & Budget Officer Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. Chairman Board of Commissioners ,.,. HAY 2 5 2016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments 05/19/16 Date Memorandum From: To: VIa: Subject: Debbie Jones Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for _ _ _ _=.So:::c::..ci:::alc:So::e::_rv:..:l:::ce,s:....__ _ _ be amended as follows: EXPENDITURE Code Number 126.5302.497.003 126.5302.497.006 Description/Object of Expenditure Share the Warmth Duke Progress Energy Neighbor REVENUE Code Number 126.3530.330.001 Source of Revenue Administrative Revenue Decrease $ $ $ Increase 5,178.55 Increase 2,219.75 2,958.80 Decrease Endorsement ~ 1. Forward, recommending ac:/sapproval Endorsement 1. Forwarded, ~-' ~~\ recommendin~isapproval ~~ager Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. 2016 & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners / lflhltlo .' "i . ;1 .1 FUNDING SOURCg: Piedmont N•tural Gas-Share the Warmth Initial (or Previous) AHocation Funding Authorization COUNTY HYDE IREDELL JACKSON JOHNSTON JONf>S LEE 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 LENOIH LINCOLN MACON MADISON MARTIN MCDOWELL MECKLENBURG MITCHELL MONTGOMERY MOORE NASH NEW HANOVER NORTHAMPTON ONSLOW ORANGE PAMLICO PASQUOTANK PENDER PERQUIMANS PERSON PITT POLK RANDOLPH RICHMOND ROBESON 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 ROCKINGHAM ROWAN RUTI1ERFORD SAMPSON SCOTLAND STANLY STOKES SURRY SWAIN TRANSYLVANIA TYRRELL UNION VANCE WAKE WARREN 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 150 187 WASHINGTON WATAUGA I WAYNE WILKES WILSON YADKIN YANCEY Jackson Indian Swain Indian Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 378.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,093.73 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 2,052.28 0.00 0.00 0,00 63.50 0.00 0.00 42.55 0.00 5,640.25 6,759.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 378.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,093.73 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 2,052.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 63.50 0.00 0.00 42.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 73.13 6.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 109.91 169.88 0.00 5,640.2$ 6,759.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,71).60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,713.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 190,647.26 0.00 190,647.26 O.to 0.00 0.00 50.19 0.00 2,102.47 0.00 2,102.47 0.00 0.00 ' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 63.50 0.00 0.00 63.50 0.00 5,750.16 0.00 0.00 42.55 0.00 5,750.16 !69.88 6,929.18 6,929.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 536.55 000 0.00 42.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,388.01 9,388.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OM 000 0.00 2~1.3'1 5,974.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,228.!3 0.00 0.00 0.00 (J.OQ ·o.oo 0.00 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 'j 'I I" \ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26U7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,228.33 l-1 "' / 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,269.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10991 0.00 FUNDING SOURCI>:: l'iedmont Natural Gas-Sha1·e the Warmth 50.00 378.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 378.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,269.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 175.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,851.46 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,851.46 0,00 73.13 6.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 536.55 0.00 0.00 73.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ODO 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 175.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total State Total State 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 73.13 6.00 0.00 Grand Total Allocation Additional Allocation Total State: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 195,875.59 0.00 0.00 5,974,97 \ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 195,875.59 2 HAY 2 5 7016 County of Wayne Budget Amendments 05.06.2016 Date Memorandum From: To: VIa: Subject: Mel Powers Wayne County Board of Commissioners County Manager & Finance Officer Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 1. It is requested that the budget for be amended as follows: EMS EXPENDITURE Code Number 622.4370.311 622.4370.353 622.4370.251 622.4370.260 622.4370.325 622.4370.329 622.4370.330 622.4370.395 Descrlptlon!Ob)ect of Expenditure Travel Meals & Lodging Maintenance & Repairs -Vehicles Vehicle Supplies- Gas, Oil, Tires, Etc. Office Supplies Postage Other Communications Utilities Training REVENUE Code Number Source of Revenue Increase Decrease $ $ 200 11,000 1,956 750 500 1,750 1,000 5,244 $ $ $ $ $ $ Increase Decrease 2. Reason(s) for the above request is/are as follows: To appropriate the funds for vehicle maintenance and meals for EMS week. Endorsement ~ 1. Forward, recommendin~disapproval 1. Forwarded, recommendin~isapproval Date of approval/disapproval by B.O.C. Cou~Fin ~\ County Manager & Budget Officer Chairman Board of Commissioners WAYNE COUNTY ASSISTANT COUNTY MANAGER TOMMY R. BURNS a ~ WAYNECOUNTY NOR IH CAROLINA May 27,201 6 Phone: (919) 731-1426 Fax (919) 731-1420 To: Board or Commissioners Cc: George Wood, County Manager From: Tommy Burns, Assistant County Manager /'TJ',i'A'A:~''-6• //I//:pv,~ Subject: Jetport TIP Administrative Update Commi ssioners, The Jetport TIP need s to be updated to refl ect several changes. The lirst change is that the County needs to designate our ne\:O.' consulting engineer for TIP project submittals. Thi s is a simple change in the Partner Connect Grant Administration program. Secondly, several projects need to be re-prioritizcd because of funding considerations. Several current projects have been funded and the plan needs to reflect these changes. The Jetport Advisory Board has met earlier in the year and concurred wi th the projects listed on this TIP. The County can change this TIP at anytime during the funding cycle. The current plan, alter you approve the administrative changes today, will be current through the 201 7 funding cyc le. The TIP planning document for the Jetport is a fl exible document that will require rev ising throughout the grant cycles as funds become available for projects. I am certain we will have other administrative updates in the ncar future as the funding priorities at the State leve l change. Recommended Action : Approve t·evised TIP to he r e-submitted to the Division of Aviation THE GOOD LIFE. GROWN HERE. 134 N. JOHN STREET PO BO X 227 GOLDSBORO. NC 27533 /Lf-5 Exported from Partner Connect 5-24-1 6 Proj Request I p,o,t.ct Descript ion --~ · ·· ------- ---- ·-·- 2144 APPROACH LIGHTING SYSTEM 3545 ALP UPDATE - Rank l1 Eallmated $ • Reviewed by OOA 170,000 ! Design Status Sponsor Initials LocaiiD j OESIGNiKn INITIATEDIFUNtmiG PROGRAMMED I 3544 3546 j lANO ACQUISITION ·· ·- -. - ----CORPORATE HANGAR & APRON EXPANSION ---- ·--·- . 3 190,000 I DESIGN IIOT INITIATED/NOT FUNDED 120,000 • DESIGN IIOT INITIATED/NOT FUNDED DESIGN tiOT INITIATED/NOT FUNDED 1,410 .000 • 3547 PARKING LOT RECONFIGURAliON 3548 T·HANGAR & TAXILANE EXTENSION 3549 AIRFIELD PAVEMENT STRENGTHENING 3042 RUNWAY SAFETY AREA IMPROVEMENTS 2146 TERMINAL BUILDING •9 2148 CORP HANG ACCESS ROAD ! 10 DESIGN tiOT INITIATED/NOT FUNDED 890,000 : ·6 99o,ooo I I DESIGN!j()T INIT~ATED/NOT FUND~D DESIGN IlOT INITIATED/NOT FUNDED 4,570,000 DESIGN IIOT INITIATED/NOT FUNDED 985,000 I 2.300,000 210,000 21 49 PERIMETER FENCE 11 875,000 3302 RUNWAY 23 EXTENSION & GLIDE SLOPE RELOCA 12 4,450,000 3301 LAND REIMBURSEMENT- CRAWFORD PROPERTY • 13 363,095 I DESIGN tiOT INITIATED/NOT FUNDED I DESIGN NOT INITIATED/NOT FUNDED DESIGN NOT INITIATED/NOT FUNDED DESIGN NOT INITIATED/NOT FUNDED , DESIGN COMPLETE/NOT FUNDED ) DESIGN NOT INITIATED/NOT FUNDED 3551 ' LAND ACQUISITION (FEE SIMPLE) 14 2,225 ,000 3552 lAND ACQUISITION (EASEMENT) 15 600.000 DESIGN tiOT INITIATED/NOT FUNDED 3554 LAND ACQUISITION (EASEMENT) 16 200,000 I DESIGN NOT INITIATED/NOT FUNDED - ~- ~§~ ~~~ ~~- (TIP) LEGEND ~~~ §~= ~~r ~a~ s: ~ s sg= ~~ " -~· ~§~ H ~~~ - DESCRIPTION APPROACH LIGHTING SYSTEM (ODAL) NOT SHOWN ALP UPDATE ~-~ ~,1 ~·§ ~~~n I / ~ f--- 1000 500 1.. 1.. 0 1000 1 I I GRAPHIC SCALE BAR FISCAL YEAR (TIP) LEGEND 2017 c==J c:::::=J 2017 FISCAL YEAR DESCRIPTION TERMINAL BUILDING 2021 CORPORATE HANGAR ACCESS ROAD 2021 ~ 720 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE RALEIGH , NC 27607 (t)9 19-782-0495 LAND ACQUISITION (14 AC.) 2017 -·-·-·- PERIMETER FENCE 2022+ (1}9 19-762-9672 CORPORATE HANGAR & APRON EXPANSION 2018 cr::::::::J RUNWAY 23 EXTENSION/GLIDE SLOPE RELOCATION 2022+ WWW.WKOICKSON.COM NC U CENSE N O.F-0374 c=::J PARKING CONSTRUCTION 2018 ~ LAND ACQUISITION - REIMBURSEMENT (44 AC.) 2022+ c:::::=J T·HANGAR & TAXI LANE EXPANSION 2019 LAND ACQUISITION · FEE SIMPLE (46 AC.) 2022+ ~ A IRFIELD PAVEMENT STRENGTHENING 2019 c:::::=J c:::::=J LAND ACQUISITION- EASEMENT (91 AC.) 2022+ RUNWAY SAFETY AREA IMPROVEMENTS 2020 1:-..''"''' LAND ACQUISIT ION· EASEMENT (25 AC.) 2022+ I -~~ ~~ 0 ~:~ i~ ~ !! ii~ -~~ ~~~ I- ~~! .g~ Cl... I- >u.. w > f= 0 C\i ex: 8< ~ 0 C\1 0 w ...., ··~ ~~~ ig; ~'~- ,...._ ..... C\1 ::::> (t w w () CURRENT LAND ACQUISITION PROJECT 0 X w I- z ~ 0 ~ w Cl... ::::> Cl... ~ z Q .... 0 I F <{ ::> z .... :::; 0 w r= oil :> "'0z a: .... f= <.0 z ~ z UJ 0 0 a: f2 .... 0 z .... z UJ PAOJ. MGA 'I JLE DESIGN BY' DRAWN BY: CDH :> PAOJ. DATE: APRIL 2016 80 DRAWING NUMBER: ::> "'zz 5 Q_ 1 OF1 WKD PAOJ. NO., NA WAYNE COUNTY COUNTY MANAGER GEORGE A. WOOD WAYNECOUNTY To: Wayne County Board of Commissioners N OR T H cAR O l i N A From: George A. Wood, County Manager ~~ Phone: (919) 731-1435 Date: June 1, 2016 Fax (919)731 -1446 Subject: Recommendation on a Reallocation of Wayne County' s QECB Allocation to the State ofNorth Carolina We have been approached by the NC Southeast Regional Economic Development Pat1nership, and the administrator for the NC Agricultural Finance Authority about releasing our existing allocation of QECB authorization so that the Authority can reallocate it to Duplin County for a swine waste to energy project. The details of the program are spelled out in the attached memo from Steve Yost of the Partnership, and a handout on the QECB process. In addition I have attached the proposed resolution for your approval and an article on the Duplin County project this reallocation will supp011. The project is to connect by piping five swine operations in close proximity, to a central system that will dewater the methane gas generated by the farm 's anaerobic digesters connected to their covered waste lagoons. The central system will dewater and purify the gas so that it can be sold and injected into Piedmont Natural Gas' s nearby transmission natural gas pipeline. All of these technologies are proven. Wastewater treatment plants have used anaerobic digesters for years; and the scrubbing of methane gas for injection into natural gas pipelines has been done for years. What is unique is combining the two. The project was originally thought to cost $7,500,000, but now is about $6,500,000. The advantage of the QECBs is that the interest is subsidized up to 92% by the federal government. The savings to the project would be $ 1.67 million if they can get allocations equal to the $6,500,000. They are approaching five counties and Fayetteville in order to obtain them. They are listed in the handout presentation enclosed. I have discussed this at length with Crystal Gettys, who indicates we have no projects that want to use this funding. In addition, I called Goldsboro Milling as they are a swine aggregator to get their opinion. They are supportive of this project as it is a pilot project to try to reduce the waste in lagoons and lower expenses by selling methane gas that naturally occurs when the waste is broken down in the digesters. They believe it could help the industry, which is under a ban on new lagoons and spray fields. This process could reduce the amount of residual waste, thereby making the existing lagoons more efficient, allowing expansion of the swine operations. I LJ- B THE GOOD LIFE. GROWN HERE. PO BOX 227 G OLDSBORO. NC 27533 I have also talked to the county manager in Duplin County, and confirmed that the County does support this project. Given the above, I recommend that you adopt the attached resolution releasing our allocation back to the NC Agricultural Finance Authority for use in our Southeast Regional Partnership, which would be for this Duplin County project. It would help a neighboring county and one of our largest agricultural sectors. Please call me if you have any questions or concerns on this matter. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF WAYNE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Excerpt of Minutes of Meeting on June7,2016 Present: Chairman Joe Daughtery presiding and Commissioners George Wayne Aycock, Jr.; John M. Bell; Edward E. Cromartie, A. Joe Gurley, III; E. Ray Mayo and William H. Pate. Absent: None ********** The following resolution was discussed and its title was read: RESOLUTION #2016-_: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING REALLOCATION OF THE COUNTY'S QUALIFIED ENERGY CONSERVATION BOND ALLOCATION TO THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, Section 540 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") authorized the issuance of qualified energy conservations bonds ("QECBs") to finance a wide range of renewable energy and energy conservation facilities, all as described in the Code ("Qualified Conservation Purposes"); and WHEREAS, under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of2009 ("ARRA") the total amount ofQECBs authorized was increased to $3.2 billion, which was then allocated to each state based on population; and WHEREAS, the State ofN01th Carolina (the "State") received $95,677,000 in QECB allocation, which was then reallocated by the N01th Carolina Tax Reform Allocation Committee ("TRAC") in accordance with Section 54D of the Code and IRS Notice 2009-29 to "large local governments" (i.e. cities and counties with more than I 00,000 in population); and WHEREAS, Wayne County (the "County") qualifies as a "large local government," and as pmt of the reallocation process, the County received from TRAC $1,195,953 in QECB allocation (the "Wayne QECB Allocation"); and WHEREAS, the County does not anticipate using its QECB allocation for a Qualified Conservation Purpose; and WHEREAS, the County understands that the N01th Carolina Agricultural Finance Authority ("the Authority") has established a Green Community Program to promote energy conservation, energy efficiency and environmental conservation on agricultural land and in agriculture related industries, which makes loans to finance Qualified Conservation Purposes across the State; and : :. WHEREAS, the County has been requested to reallocate the Wayne QECB allocation to the State so that the State may in turn transfer the Wayne QECB Allocation to the Authority for the Authority to use in its Green Community Program to provide a pot1ion of the financing for energy conservation and efficiency projects, including renewable energy projects, which qualify for funding through the Green Community Program; and WH.EREAS, the County is willing to consider such request, but only if the projects financed by the Authority are located within the sixteen (16) county region comprising the North Carolina Southeast Regional Economic Development Pat1nership (the "Region") (the "Qualifying Projects" and individually a "Qualifying Project"); NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Wayne County Board of Commissioners that the County hereby reallocates the Wayne QECB Allocation to the State, and requests the State to transfer such Wayne QECB Allocation to the Authority to be used in its Green Community Program to finance one or more Qualifying Projects located in the North Carolina Southeast Regional Economic Development Partnership (the "Region") or otherwise be used for projects in the Region. The officers of the County are hereby authorized and directed to take such action and file such repot1s and notices as may be required to carry out this resolution. Commissioner moved the passage of the foregoing resolution, Commissioner _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _seconded the motion, and the resolution was passed by the following vote: Ayes: Nays: Not Voting: ********** I, Marcia Wilson, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners for Wayne County, North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of so much of the proceedings of the Board of Commissioners for the County at a regular meeting duly called and held on June 7, 2016 as it relates in any way to the resolution hereinabove set forth and of the minutes of said County. Pursuant to that said proceedings are recorded in Minute Book G.S. § 143-318.!2, a current copy of a schedule of regular meetings of the Board of Commissioners for said County is on file in my office. WITNESS my hand and the common seal of said County, this _day of June, 2016 Marcia R. Wilson, Clerk Wayne County Board of Commissioners (SEAL) I r J ,'' ., George Wood From: Sent: To: Subject: Greg Montgomery <gmontgomery@abundantpower.com> Friday, May 27, 2016 2:27 PM George Wood Publicity on the Optima KV Project Mr. Wood- In advance of our meeting next week, I wanted to pass along some publicity on the Optima KV project in case you have not seen it. You may want to share with your Council members or I can bring copies should the transfer request be put on the agenda for an upcoming meeting. Let me know if I can provide any additional information. http://news.duke-energy.com/releases/duke-energy-inks-second-innovative-swine-waste-power-deal-in-2016 http://fortune.com/20 16/05/24/duke-energy-pig-power/ Thanks, and have a great Memorial Day weekend. Greg r"< ')' I ,,,. \..-'. / 1 Duke Energy inks second innovative swine waste power deal in 2016 I Duk... Page 1 of 4 .~Duke Energy N Our Perspective ews Center Social Media Media Kit Outages Illumination innovative swine waste power deal in 2016 Related Stories Contact: Randy Wheeless Office: 704.382.8379 124-Hour: 800.559.3853 May 24, 2016 · Company to buy captured methane gas from swine farms in Duplin County, North Carolina · Gas to be used at two Duke Energy power plants to generate carbonneutral renewable energy CHARLOTTE, N.C.-- Duke Energy announced today it has finalized a second deal in 2016 to buy captured methane gas derived from swine waste. The planned project will be at farms in Kenansville, N.C. http://news.duke-energy. com/releases/duke-energy-inks-second-innovative-... 5/2 7/20 16 Duke Energy inks second innovative swine waste power deal in 20161 Duk ... Page 2 of 4 Stay safe while enjoying area lakes this summer The project will use captured methane gas to generate carbon-neutral renewable electricity at two power stations. Optima KV will construct a digester at each farm and pipe the captured methane gas to a centralized facility where it will be cleaned to pipeline quality specifications and injected into the natural gas pipeline system. The Dupl'ln County location for the proposed facility is in the heart of Smithfield Foods' pork operations. The project should be operational by the summer of 2017. Duke Energy supports strengthening North Carolina's coal ash law The power will be carbon neutral compared to the emissions that would result if the waste was left to decay at current methods. "We see continued advancement in this technology in North Carolina," said David Fountain, Duke Energy's North Carolina president. "This project has environmental benefits and is cost-effective for our customers." Duke Energy selects NC locations for Site Readiness Program Under North Carolina's Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (REPS), Duke Energy companies must meet specific compliance targets for swine and poultry waste. In March, the company announced a project with Carbon Related Tags Cycle Energy to use swine waste-derived gas at four North Carolina, Environment, Renewables power plants in North Carolina. Expanding the utility's renewable energy output, the captured methane will be treated, injected into the Privacy Policy Terms of Use pipeline system and used at two Duke Energy plants: H.F. Lee Station Combined Cycle Plant in Wayne County Sutton Combined Cycle Plant in New Hanover County "Optima is excited about this partnership with Duke Energy and North Carolina swine farmers," said Gus Simmons, partner in Optima KV and concept designer. http://news.duke-energy .com/releases/duke-energy-inks-second-innovative-... 5/27/2016 Duke Energy inks second innovative swine waste power deal in 20161 Duk... Page 3 of 4 "Our on-farm digesters will integrate with and support the farmers' existing operations. By centralizing the gas processing, we can take advantage of cost efficiencies and provide carbon-neutral fuel for Duke's existing power plants. It's a great benefit for the environment and for the economy." Under a 15-year term, Optima KV is expected to produce about 80,000 MMBtus of pipeline-quality captured methane a year. Duke Energy should yield about 11,000 megawatt-hours of renewable energy annually- enough to power about 880 homes for a year. The renewable energy credits (RECs) generated annually by the effort will help satisfy state mandates. Since Duke Energy has already filed to have the Lee and Sutton plants designated as new renewable energy facilities, amendments to those filings were made with the NCUC to include fuel from the new project. About Duke Energy Headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., Duke Energy is a S&P 100 Stock Index company traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol DU K. More information about the company is available at duke-energy.com. The Duke Energy News Center serves as a multimedia resource for journalists and features news releases, helpful links, photos and videos. Hosted by Duke Energy, illumination is an online destination for stories about remarkable people, innovations, and community and environmental topics. It also offers glimpses into the past ' 'nsights into the future of energy. t=nergy on Twitter, Linkedln, lnstagram and ' r- /_ • I ~~: ,J Jke-energy .com/releases/duke-energy-inks-second-innovative-... 5/27/20 16 Duke Energy inks second innovative swine waste power deal in 2016 I Duk... Page 4 of 4 Optima KV, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company located in Wilmington, North Carolina, is a partnership that brings together experts in bioenergy, agriculture, project finance, and environmental stewardship. Although this is Optima KV's first swine waste-to-energy project in North Carolina, its principal partners actively operate successful waste-to-energy projects in the U.S. About Smithfield Foods Smithfield Foods is a $14 billion global food company and the world's largest pork processor and hog producer. In the United States, the company is also the leader in numerous packaged meats categories with popular brands including Smithfield®, Eckrich®, Nathan's Famous®, Farmland®, Armour®, Cook's®, John Morrell®, Gwaltney®, Kretschmar®, Margherita®, Curly's®, Carando® and Healthy Ones®. Smithfield Foods is committed to providing good food in a responsible way and maintains robust animal care, community involvement, employee safety, environmental and food safety and quality programs. For more information, visit www.smithfieldfoods.com. Contact: Randy Wheeless Twitter: @DE_RandyW © Duke Energy Corporation. All rights reserved. http://news.duke-energy .com/releases/duke-energy-inks-second-innovative-... 5/2712016 George Wood From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Steve Yost <stevey@ncse.org> Monday, May 09, 2016 9:30AM dhewett@ci.fay.nc.us; Chris Coudriet; ricky.harris@co.robeson.nc.us; George Wood; Amy Cannon; Sheila Pierce Knight Russ Rogerson; Greg Cummings; Crystal Gettys; Scott Satterfield; Greg Montgomery; James Wolfe North Carolina's Southeast Support of Request for QECB Transfer for Use by the Optima KV Project Resolution for Directed Transfer of QECB Allocation 4-22-2016 CLEAN.pdf TO: Chris Coudriet, New Hanover County Ricky Harris, Robeson County George Wood, Wayne County Amy Cannon, Cumberland County Doug Hewett, City of Fayetteville Sheila Pierce-Knight, Onslow County I hope all of you are doing well. North Carolina's Southeast is supporting an initiative by the NC Agricultural Finance Authority's (NCAFA) Green Community Program for the Optima KV project in Duplin County. I think you may already be knowledgeable of this initiative and project. We are supportive of this project as it will assist in the sustainability of the agricultural industry in the southeast region. NCAFA is seeking to have applicable local governments in the southeast region transfer their local allocations of Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (QECBs) back to the state for use in financing the Optima KV project that is being built in Duplin County to address swine waste conversion on farms within the County. This project is innovative and a first of its kind for the swine industry in North Carolina. As a result of the reduction in methane and waste from the farms through this project, the farms are expected to be able to comply with the moratorium requirements for expanded production. The ability to prove out the use of this technology through the project is expected to have significant impact on the southeast region agricultural economy through the retention of agricultural production and the mitigation of environmental issues. Duplin County is working closely with this project in several areas and is looking forward to its success. QECBs are a federally created bond that offers a credit payment subsidy to offset the interest cost on the financing of conservation projects such as this, and the reduced financing cost is of critical importance to the success of the Optima KV project. Optima KV has asked the NCAFA to issue $7.5M in QECBs through its GCP for use in financing the project; however, given that no more QECB allocations remain at the state level, the project will need to use QECB allocations available at the local government level. There exists over $9.5M in QECBs with six of the local governments within the southeast region-- Robeson, Wayne, Cumberland, New Hanover, Onslow, and the City of Fayetteville. As far as the NCAFA can determine, this QECB allocation, which has been in place for nearly eight years, remains unused at the local level, and therefore, to the extent that there is no current intended use for this local level allocation, the NCAFA would like to ask these local governments to consider transferring this allocation back to the state for use by the NCAFA in funding the Optima KV project. This request is being made only if you have no intended use or planned project to use your allocation. Attached is a resolution that the local governments can use for the transfer of its QECB allocation to the State for use by the NCAFA. I am copying Greg Montgomery, with CleanSource Capital, which is the administrator of the NCAFA's GCP, so he may follow up with you to discuss the project in further detail and the process for transferring the local level allocation to the state. Please look for his call or email in response to this message. The NCAFA is looking to complete the transfer process by June so that the QECBs may be used in a funding scheduled to occur in the July/August timeframe. 1 l <'' I ,' > Thanks very much for your consideration for this request and project. Steve Yost President NC's Southeast Contact W. Gregory Montgomery Managing Director 222 South Church Street I Suite 401 I Charlotte, NC 28202 Direct: 704.271.98891 Mobile: 704.674.70051 Fax: 704.271.9889 Toll Free: 888.271.9378 gmontgomery@abundantpower.com; www.abundantpower.com 2 North Carolina Agricultural Finance Authority NC Agricultural Finance Authority Green Community Program for Renewable Energy ~inancing for the Optima KV Project Using Local QECB Allocations in the Economic Development Partnership m CLEAN SOURCE : :"·/·-:> QUALIFIED ENEl~~~ CONSERY.A111ID. B . -~>/· !_ :~~:·.' • Congress authorized $3.28 in Qualified Energy Conservations Bonds ("QECBs") to use In subsidizing financing costs associated with "qualified conservation purposes" ("QCPs") • QCPs include energy efficiency mea sures, water conservation measures, and alternative transportation modalities and fuels and associated infrastructure. • QCPs also include "Green Community Programs" for in turn funding QCPs within a jurisdiction providing the QEC B allocation for use in funding the GCP . • QECBs provide for a direct pay subsidy from Treasury to offset interest on financing QCPs • Calculated at 70% of published qualified tax credit bond rate- currently around 3.3%. • Term of financing up to 29 years currently. • Payment subject to sequestration currently set at 6.8%, so effective subsidy is 3.1%. • QECBs allocated to States based on population and then to Cities/Counties >100,000 population ("Large Local Governments" or "LLGs"). • Result is that sub-allocations are scattered across the LLGs in amounts as little as $1M . Estimated that at least $28 in QECBs remain outstanding at the State and LLG levels because of dispersed nature of allocations/suballocations and complexity of rules received $90M - of which $60M remains at local level, with $9.SM held by 5 counties NC SE Regional Economic Development Partnership. CLEAN~~~IsouRce !51 2012 Notice Interpretation broadens use of QECB allocations through GCPs • June 2012 IRS Notice clarified what constitutes a "green community program" (GCP) for purposes of funding through QECBs. • GCPs can be set up at both the local government level and at the state level, • The program's purpose is tied to policy at the jurisdictional level- governmental or utility sponsored- that supports energy efficiency and energy savings. • The program benefits buildings generally available to the public (i.e. governmental and institutional) and/or is generally available to the public (individuals and business) within the program's guidelines (i.e. credit underwriting standards). • QECBs are issued through a conduit issuer on behalf of the borrower. • Using a GCP to fund overcomes limitations otherwise present with QECBs. • No private activity limitation - so QECBs funded through a GCP can be used for both public and private up to 100% (not subject to 30% PAB limit). • Funding of public buildings through a GCP removes the requirement of 20% energy savings test on public buildings when otherwise funded directly ~ the LLG issuer/borrower. CLEAN~SouRCE )~i NC AG AUTHO~iffi'l GR EN Cil ,'. ...t':;~".'· ,g-- ·_-;.·:N. - NC Agricultural Finance Authority Green Community Program (the "Program") has been established to finance renewable energy projects on agricultural land across North Carolina - NC Ag Authority to serve as conduit issuer, with QECBs to be so ld through private placement to third-party financial institutions to fund the Program. • QECBs issued on a project-by-project basis so that each project is effectively underwritten and approved at time of funding by the third -party lender (would not be a "blind pool") and not dependent on state or local government credit. - NC Tax Reform Allocation Committee has allocated $20MM in QECBs to use in funding qualified projects accepted by the Program . -Program Requirements include: • Qualified Conservation Purpose broadly defined- includes renewable energy projects. • Agricultural nexus- such as leasing the agricultural land or having agricultural production in association with the project. -Program broadly available across the State: • Application process for submitting projects for consideration. :u~::~an.,.nu1rr,.. has been hired as the Program administrator to market, originate, diligence, fund, and service projects funded through the Program. Originated over $300M in renewable energy projects for consideration by Program. Two projects financed to date using the $20M State allocation. e Optima KV project pending for $6.5M in funding . CLEAN~~~~SOURCE !too Optima KV has requested up to $6.SM in QECBs for its Anaerobic Digester Project • NCAFA GCP has elected to fund Optima KV's anaerobic digester project (the "Optima Project") on 5 farm s in Duplin County with 61k swine yielding 177 MMCF of "bio gas" per year: - 15 yr feedstock contract with farm which have 10 yr contract with Murphy Brown. - Utility easements and land use agreements in place with removal/remediation . - Covered lagoon anaerobic digesters collecting gas which is being piped to central gathering station for scrubbing and injection into interstate transmission pipeline. - Revenues from sale of bio gas and swine RECs to Duke Energy under 15 year offtake agreement through interconnect agreement with Piedmont Natural Gas. - Expected value per MCF based on premium for bio gas price and swine REC value . Proven simple design with commercially available equipment from credit quality waste collection systems, anaerobic digesters, biogas piping and gathering ms, centralized biogas dryer, centralized biogas scrubber, emergency flare . uarlnnrc:- utable parties involved- Optima and Cavanaugh & Associates. REAP guarantee available on debt to fund the Optima Project. to use QECBs available at local levels for the Optima ProjectcLeAN~~~IsouRce Secure Transfer of Local QECBs to State for Use by NCAFA GCP for Optima Project • North Carolina no longer has allocation of QECBs remaining at the State level. • Over $60M in local government level allocations remaining in NC, of which a total of $9.5M is held by 6 counties/cities (the "Localities") within the NC Southeast Regional Economic Development Partnership (the "NC SE Region"). • To gather sufficient QECB allocation for use by the NCAFA GCP in funding the Optima Project, NCAFA is soliciting directed transfers of the sub-allocations from the Localities to the State for the State to in turn transfer to the NCAFA GCP for issuance. • The success of the Optima Project is of significant importance to the NC SE Region due to its positive impact on the swine industry, job retention/growth, increased tax base from the investment, and positive environmental benefits. Optima has additional projects in its pipeline within the footprint of the NC SE Region starting with the Optima MAX project in Robeson County in need of $7.1M in funding. CAFA is approaching economic development officers, government officials, and ._,_ .,.:-·-- officials of the Localities within the NC SE Region about transferring their QECB to NCAFA for use in funding the Optima Project. CLEAN~~~IsouRce Uo/ Total of $9.5M in QECB Allocations Available within the NC SE Region NC SE REDP M e mbers Fayett e vi lie Cumberland County New Hanove r County Onslow County Robe son County Wayne County Total I QECB Allocations I $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,058, 780 1,199,996 2,006,351 1,727,038 1,348,819 1, 195,953 9,536,937 - Use QECB allocatio ns transferred to State for use by NCAFA - Lender fu nds and assumes credit risk - no governm ent credit involved . - Lender set s interest rate an d t erms ~~-~---, QEC8Note Bank that govern t ransaction. (Funding Party) - NCAFA as co nduit issues QECB Not e mirroring t erms. - NCAFA makes GCP Loan t o GCP; GCP makes Pr ogram Loan to b CIOW Borrower, both mirroring t erms. Aareement - GCP/Program Loans assigned to Lender. - NCAFA assigns QECB credit payment to Borrower to offset interest rat e. Escrow Proceeds fund into escrow and Account to fund project. Rnr·rn~u.. r pays Lender directly and services loan with payments to QECB Note. [~lllQOitlonal document (four party agreement) to lender's standard loan docs Interest rate subsidy currently 3.3%, net 3.1% after sequestration. Optima (Developer) /lod-J .·>~~t; BENEFITS TO O,~~~M~ ~~· Qa ,;j*'" ,, $6.SM loan amort1zmg over 15 yrs generates net Interest savings through the subsidy of over $1.66M Fundln Proceeds · Sources and Uses Sources: QECB Conduit l oan standard loan 6,SOO,OOO Out of Pocket Expenses Tota l So u r ces: $ 6,500,000 $ 6,370,000 Uses: - Based on direct pay subsidy fixed at 3.07% Project costs : Permanent l oan - Payable on interest during construction period Issuance costs from bond proceeds capped at 2.0% - Issuance cost s in excess paid by borrower out of pocket 6, 240,000 NCAFA GCP Admi nistrati ve Fee (1) Subtotal Project Cos t s: 130,000 Costs of Issuance: NCAFA Conduit Issuance Fee (2) NCAFA Counsel Fees (3) $ $ NCAFA Bond Counsel Fees (3) $ 4S,OOO Additional Costs of Issuance (3) $ 20,000 65,000 Subtotal Costs of Issuance Total Uses $ 130,000 $ 6,SOO,OOO 15 yrs NCAFA Bond Counsel Fees fixed at $4S,OOO s 2.00% (1) NCAFA GCP Administrative Fee at (2) NCAFA Condui t Issuance Fee set at (3) O ther Costs of Issuance not to exceed 1% including 1,666,141 Effective QECB Interest Rate t o Conduit Issuer Funding Party's Interest Rate Tax Credit Rate as of 5/26/2016 Calculated Credit Payment Subsidy at 70% Credit Payment Subsidy at (1) 1.00% 20,000 7.70% 4.39% 3.07% ·3.07% · 2.86% CLEANSOURCE!~diOl! 'AS ~El~liSJI. • CleanSource serves as Administrator for the Program: - Market the Program to select group of renewable energy developers with projects w ithin the NC SE Region . - Solicit and receive applications for vetting and ranking of projects as qualifying. - Conduct diligence on projects selected and confirm likelihood of closing. - Secure QECB allocations for use in funding the project. - Conduct diligence on financing and assist where needed in arranging. - Documentation and closing of transactions. - On-going servicing of QECBs and credit subsidy on behalf of Program . • Program Administrative Fees: - Program fee of 2% paid out of loan proceeds on project basis as funded (does not count against issuance costs subject 2% cap) . - On-going servicing fee of 25 bps of principal outstanding paid out of credit subsidy. Issuance Costs up to cap of 2% of bond amount: - NC Ag Finance Authority has 1.0% issuance fee paid out of bond proceeds. - NC Ag Finance Aut hority Bond counsel has fixed fee . Lender's counsel and borrower's counsel paid out of costs of issuance up to 2% then out of pocket after that. CLEAN~~~IsouRcE /(o3 "}J)~ TRANSFER PROS.~SS OF. l!OG.«U ~ ' ,r·~'"· • 6 Localities within the NC SE Region have $9.5M in un-used QECB allocations that could assist with funding of the Optima Project as well as other project in the region. • NCAFA seeks to use these QECB allocations through its GCP to fund qualifying projects located within the footprint of the NC SE Region, starting with the Optima Project. To the extent the full $9.5M available within the NC SE Region is transferred, then NCAFA would seek to use the $3M remaining after the Optima Project for Optima MAX or another qualifying project within the NC SE Region. The Optima Project is slated to close on financing in Q3 so time is essential. • Process for the localities to transfer its allocation to NCAFA is straightforward. - Resolutions approved by County Commissioners and City Council to direct the transfer of the local allocations to the NC TRAC Committee to in turn transfer to the NCAFA to be used within 18 months of transfer to fund qualifying projects under the NCAFA GCP within the NC SE Region, beginning with the Optima Project. • NCAFA will issue the QECBs using the allocation so transferred for funding the Optima Project and to extent there remains excess allocation any subsequent qualifying projects approved and funded by the GCP within the 18 months. ns not used within the 18 months remain with the State. m CLEANm SOURCE :'.t TIME liNE AN~I&EXli SliER· t: '~ Transfer of local QECBs to State for Use in Optima Project Financing by Q3 of 2016 • Time line for soliciting and gaining transfer of QECB allocations by the 6 Localities: - April -May: Gauge preliminary interest of County and City officials in supporting NCAFA GCP and Optima Project through transfer of QECB allocations. Answer questions about Optima Project and confirm that QECB allocations remain available and not a current intent to use. - May-June: Meet with County and City officials to determine inte rest in supporting the NCAFA GCP and Optima Project and swine industry by transferring QECB allocations back to State for use by the GCP, starting with the Optima Project. - May-June: Attend Commissioner and Council meetings and work with interested electives and officials to transfer allocations to State. In parallel, NCAFA GCP files application with NC TRAC for use of re-t ransferred ,:,.a11ocam:ms in funding projects through the GCP starting with the Optima Project . CLEAN~~~! souRce For more information on the North Carolin a Agricultural Finance Authority Green Community Program for Renewable Energy, please contact: Greg Montgomery Program Administrative Agent CleanSource Capital Managing Director 704.271.9889 gmontgomery@abundantpower.com CLEANI~IsouRcE ~ Q -=a -~./ ' , Energy Management Technology Abundant Power is an energy m anagement services company focused on providing transformative fin ancial and t echnology so lutions f or the built environment ecosystem. ~~- ~ Financial Solutions and Underwriting ~ ~. -- - - ··-· - Building Science and Engineering g:J ~- ~ -. - - - - -· -- . - -·· ·····-··· .. -- Clea nSou rce Capita l is an affiliate est ablished t o provide design and administration of pro priet ary funds dedicat ed to energy efficiency fin ancing. I lo5 A'C:·'i:~w~·..av, eftidency financing programs nationwide, enabling more ·anllorau ALABAMA SAVEs ·· alabamaflti!. effidency implementation. Leveraged Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) • AlabamaSAVES™- $6SMM Med/Large C&l, Non-profits • AlbamaW/SE™ - Pilot program for residential retrofits Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (QECB's) ~'t'u~g-'~ SAVEs ·· • St. louis County SAVES™ - $10.3MM Residential, C&l, Non-profits sour H~rAVfS '" CAROLINA ~ • South Carolina SAVES™ - $28MM Government, C& l, Non-profits • NC Ag Finance Authority - $20MM Renewable Energy VIRGINIASAVES '" St~UDitiCibl~ ond V~rl(ioblt Entrtr Saril'lfS DC ~ACe • Virginia SAVES™ -$40MM Government, C&l, Non-profits Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) • DC Green Forward - $250M M C&l COHMUICIAL -t-rrfl-~H'l•lltoo. ~~M P5Rf'Ofl .... AN C iit CO M W J ee Oh • NO Energy Management Services Agreements (EMSA) • EPx™ - 12 million SF Smaii/ M ed Commercial CLeAN~~~JsouRce WAYNE COUNTY COUNTY MANAGER GEORGE A. WOOD WAYNECOUNTY May 27,2016 NORTH c A RO LINA Memo to: Board of Commissioners Pho ne: (919) 731 -1435 From: George A. Wood, County Manager ~~~~ Fax (919) 731-1 446 Re: Financing the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center and the 911 Center The County is nearly ready to break ground on the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center, and has employed an architect to study our five optional sites, then design a new 911 Center. Given that, I wanted to provide you the details of my recommendation for financing both ofthese facilities. The County divides our existing debt service into two categories: one for School Debt and one for Non-School County Debt. Non-school County Debt covers all debt service payments except for school facilities. existing debt service schedule is as follows: FY FY FY FY FY 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 $2,609,087 $2,361,502 $2,267,260 $ 552,815 Zero The (Savings of $1,714,445 over previous year) (Savings of $552,815 over previous year, $2,267,260 over the last two years) This means that beginning in FY 2020, the County would have $1,714,445 that had previously been appropriated to cover debt service freed up to cover new debt. In addition, the following year would free up another $552,815, for a total of $2,267,260 available to finance these two projects. Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center Project: We would issue the debt for the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center in January, 2017. Until then, we would use existing funds to cash flow the project. Bear in mind the BOC has already adopted a resolution to reimburse itself from the debt issue. The first debt service payment would then be July, 2017, which is in FY 2018. We only need to bridge FY 2018 and FY 2019 in order to get to an annual savings of $1 ,714,445 in FY 2020. The estimated issue for the Maxwell Regional and Agricultural Center is $11 ,000,000. Financing level principal payments on $11,000,000 for 20 years at 3.5% annual interest would require debt service payments of $935,000 in FY 2018. Thereafter, the interest payments would decline by $19,250 each year. THE GOOD LIFE. GROWN HERE. PO BOX 227 GOLDSBORO, NC 27533 l lo -y 911 Center Project: We would issue the debt for the 911 Center in January, 2017 (same issuance as the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center). Until then, we would use existing funds to cash flow the project. Bear in mind the BOC has already adopted a resolution to reimburse itself from the debt issue. The first debt service payment would then be July, 2017, which is in FY 2018. Again, we only need to bridge FY 2018 and FY 2019 in order to get to an annual savings of $1,714,445 in FY 2020. The estimated issue for the 911 Center is $3,000,000. Remember that this is for the building only. The specialized equipment will come from existing 911 Funds on hand, as well as a reallocation of funds from the State 911 Fund. The debt service on $3,000,000 would start at $255,000 annually, and would decline by $5,250 annually. Again, this is based on a 3.5% interest rate. To summarize, we would have $1,714,445 available from reduced debt servtce payments beginning in FY 2020. The total new debt service payments would be: $ 935,000 First year of Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center debt service $ 255,000 First year of911 Center debt service $1,190,000 Total debt service payments So, once we bridge the FY 2018 and FY 2019 debt service payments with the use of available funds and/or fund balance, we would meet the new debt service payments and still have $524,445 left over in FY 2020. In FY 2021 that savings would increase by another $552,815, to $1,077,260. Two years of that savings nearly would replenish the fund balance used in FY 2018 and FY 2019. Please call me if you have any questions or comments on this matter. WAYNE COUNTY COUNTY MANAGER GEORGE A. WOOD June 1, 2016 Memo to: Board of Commissioners From: George A. Wood, County Manager ~~'% Re: Financing Proposed School Construction WAVNECOUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Phone: (919) 731-1435 Fax (919) 731-1446 We have met with our financial advisors, Davenport & Company, to discuss financing options for a proposed elementary school at Meadow Lane. The estimated cost was $ 18,000,000. The two options seriously considered were financing it over 20 years using 1) level principal payments; or 2) using level principal and interest payments. In Option 1, the principal payments remain the same each year, but the interest declines each year as the outstanding principal balance declines. In Option 2, the total payments are the same each year, just like a residential mortgage. While it costs $714,988 more over the bond life, it has the advantage of smaller initial debt service payments. The other two options were to use variations of these options, but using a 15-year amortization schedule. This is not recommended as we need to spread the cost of this faci lity over a longer period of time to make it more affordable. There is no problem in doing so, as the facility would have a 50-year lifespan; and the interest costs are very reasonable. Since that initial discussion, negotiations with the BOE have added a wing to replace the Edgewood School, a new gymnasium and 6 classrooms at Southern Wayne High School, and air conditioning for the Rosewood Middle School gymnasium. The Edgewood addition is estimated to cost $3,800,000; the new gymnasium and 6 classrooms $3,200,000, and the gymnasium air conditioning $400,000. That is a total of $24,200,000 that will need to be financed over 20 years However, today Dr. Dunsmore got more refined numbers on the at 3.5% annual interest. Meadowlane/Edgewood Project from a similar project in NC, and believes that it can be designed and built for $20,000,000, rather than the original $2 1,800,000. That is a savings of $ 1,800,000. Given that, I am recommending that you add the six classrooms shown on the design plans for the auxiliary gymnasium at Southern Wayne High School. At $3,200,000, it is $1,200,000 more than the original $2,000,000 we were going to put into the gymnasium alone. That would be a total of $23,600,000 that we would need to debt finance. Using the Level Debt Service Option (see the attached page from Davenport and Company), the annual cost to finance $18,000,000 would be $1,266,499 annually. If you include the three additions listed above, the total annual cost would be $1,660,507. A $4,600,000 addition to Fremont Stars Elemental)' School to replace the mobile units at Northwest Elementary School could be paid from existing BOE sales tax funds on hand. To offset the debt service expense, we have the following proj ected revenues: leoq THE GOOD LIFE. GROWN HERE. PO BOX 227 GOLDSBORO, NC 27533 $ 527,000 $ 248,011 $ 258,000 $ 148,473 $ 479,023 Operating Savings from Edgewood and Meadow Lane School Replacements Savings to the County and School Board from the Refinancing of the Grantham/Spring Creek Middle Schools Debt 5 .I% Growth in the School's portion of the Sales Tax restricted for capital outlay/debt service in FY 2017 2.5% Growth in the School's portion of the Sales Tax in FY 2018 County funding (available in FY 2018 from the $600,000 in one-time funding in FY 2017 for the Technology Plan) $1,660,507 Total Available Revenues $1,660,507 Annual Debt Service Payment Required By the time these projects are designed by an architect, and bids awarded, it would be the spring of2017. That would mean the debt would be issued in late FY 2017 or early FY 2018. The debt service payments would not begin until FY 2018. This financial plan will allow us to pay for these proposed school projects from available revenues, without any tax increase. Bear in mind that the School's portion of the Sales Tax should grow every year, just from inflationary increases in the underlying cost of goods purchased. In addition, any expansion of the local economy would generate still more revenue. We are projecting about 2.5% annual growth in sales taxes. We believe this gives us a solid basis to finance these projects. In discussions between the BOE administration and the chairman, our chairman and I have agreed to recommend the following to the BOC. I. Construct the new Meadow Lane Elementary School. 2. Construct the additional wing at Meadow Lane to replace the existing Edgewood Developmental School. 3. Construct the additional 22 classrooms at Fremont Stars Elementary School to alleviate crowding at Northwest E. S. and Northeast E. S., and Tommys Road E. S. This would replace mobile units at these schools. Dr. Dunsmore is also exploring an option that would put about half the classrooms at Fremont Stars E. S., and half at Northwest E. S. In my opinion, that decision should be left to the Board of Education to determine. 4. NorWayne Middle School's overcrowding would be solved by converting the Wayne Academy to Goldsboro Middle School. 5. School Street E. S. would be converted to offices and an alternative school, freeing up the proposed Goldsboro Middle School. Part of the student population at School Street E. S. would be relocated to Carver Heights, and the testing center would be moved from North Drive E. S. to free up more classroom space. Two additional Pre-K classrooms would be added to School Street E. S. 6. A replacement gymnasium would be constructed at Southern Wayne High School, as well as the six classroom shown the plan previously submitted to the BOE by the Boosters Club. The timing of this project is being advanced. 7. The Rosewood Middle School gymnasium would be air conditioned. The timing of this project is being advanced. More details on this plan can be found in the attached Facilities Plan Summary prepared by the Superintendent's Office. All of this is dependent upon the BOE being willing to change some school attendance zone lines, as outlined in the plan. The BOE has voted to approve this initial 5 year plan, and understands fully that changing some attendance lines will be a necessary part of this plan. We have also discussed a written agreement that would supersede the current agreement on financing. The BOE gets a portion of two local option sales taxes that must be used solely for either capital construction, or the debt service on that construction. In addition, the BOE gets a portion of the Educational Lottery funds for the same purpose. Those monies can only be used for that purpose, not to cover any operational costs of the BOE. We believe the proposed new agreement should state that we will continue to appropriate annually $2,000,000 of the BOE sales tax for small capital projects. The Superintendent will develop a 5-year plan for renovations, and an agreed upon percentage of the $2,000,000 that can be used for renovations, with the remainder going for minor capital projects to improve maintenance of the facilities. After that $2,000,000 is set aside, all Lottery and restricted BOE sales tax proceeds would be used FIRST to pay for any debt service or construction of facilities. Any projects jointly agreed to where the debt service costs more than these two funding sources provide, would require the County to pay the difference from County appropriations. In this way, we would be making the maximum use of the available funding for capital projects before we require any County funding. We would still want to set up these construction projects so that the County is the owner during construction, so we can save the taxpayers reimbursement of all sales taxes. In NC, counties are exempt from paying sales taxes, but boards of education are not. We set up the Spring Creek and Grantham middle schools this way in order to capture this savings. So, our two attorneys are very familiar with the process and the necessary documents. It also allows us to pledge the new construction as collateral for the duration of the loans. Ownership of the schools will be transferred to the BOE sometime after the loans are completely repaid. As you can see, this plan is completely financed without any increase in taxes. I want to commend the BOE, Superintendent Mike Dunsmore and his staff for putting together a workable, financially viable facilities plan for the County's consideration. I recommend that you approve this proposal. Please call me if you have any questions or comments on this matter. -------------Meadow Lane Elementary School Overview and Fund in~ Sources Potential Debt Service • The County is considering issuing $18 million of debt to fund a replac_ e ment Elementary School at Meadow Lane to coincide with the upcoming round of BRAC. • Meadow Lane represents a portion of the $60 million of identified school funding needs. • The project is anticipated to be constructed either through the hiring of an architect and pursuing a bid/build structure or through --.! the use of a Construction Manager at Risk. Q) \._ • It is anticipated that the debt will be issued in January of 2017. • Debt service on Meadow Lane is expected to be repaid from the following sources: Sales Tax Reallocation: $622,000 Sales Tax Growth: $258,000 Modification Savings (between County and Schools) $248.011 Total: $1,128,011 15 Year Level Principal (3.00%) 15 Year Level Debt Service (3.00%) 20 Year Level Principal (3.50%) 20 Year Level Debt Servi ce (3.50%) Total 2016 2017 $ 22,320,000 $ 22,616,977 $ 24,615,000 $ 25,329,988 2018 1,740,000 1,704,000 1,507,798 1,507,798 1,530,000 1,498,500 Fisca l Year . - 2019 2020 2021 -~ 1 ,668,000 1,632,000 --· - 1,507,798 1,507,798 - - 1,467,000 1,435,500 - 1 ,266,499 1,266,499 1,266,499 1,266,499 2022 1,596,000 1,507,798 - 1,404,000 - 1,266,499 1,560,000 1,507,798 1,372,500 --- - 1 ,266,499 -2023 2024 1,524,000 1,507,798 1,341,000 1 ,266,499 --- 2025 1,488,000 1,507,798 1,309,500 1 ,266,499 - 2026 1,452,000 1,507,798 1 ,278,000 1,266,499 2027 1,416,000 1,507,798 1 ,246,500 1 ,266,499 2028 1,380,000 1,507,798 1,215,000 1,266,499 . -- . 2029 1,344,000 1 ,507,798 1,183,500 1,266,499 2030 1,308,000 1 ,507,798 1,152,000 1,266,499 2031 1,272,000 1 ,507,798 1 ,120,500 1 ,266,499 2032 1,236,000 1 ,507,798 1 ,089,000 1,266,499 2033 1 ,057,500 1,266,499 2034 1,266,499 - - - 1,026,000 2035 994,500 1,266,499 2036 963,000 1,266,499 2037 931,500 1,266,499 Notes: - Assumes an $18,000,000 borrowing. Interest rates are preliminary and subject to change. - Level Debt Structures are subject to review and discussion with LGC Staff. - -- - ---- -- -- -- - -- . - - I>AVENPORT&COMPANY-----------------------------------------------------------------------------rvlay 2. 2016 Wayne County, NC 3 WAYNE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS FACILITIES PLAN SUMMARY I. II. III. IV. GOAL PRIORITY FACILITY NEEDS ANALYSIS GOLDSBORO ACADEMY (MIDDLE SCHOOL) V. SCHOOL STREET ELEMENTARY SCHOOL VI. SUMMARY VII. ATTACHMENT:# 1 (Priority List) VIII. ATTACHMENT:# 2 (School Capacity) 1"1 3 WAYNE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS FACILITIES NEEDS SURVEY GOAL: Assure all buildings in the Wayne County Public School System are safe, clean and meet the needs of our students. The School System will maintain on-going assessment and planning to assure all space is used and allotted equitably and adjust District Attendance Lines as needed. FACILITY NEEDS: Wayne County Public Schools facility needs were assessed based on priority within a framework of the next 0-5 years and 6-10 years. Projects are listed on ATTACHMENT #1 as PRIORITY NEEDS and FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS with projected cost. The two priority needs are the Meadow Lane Elementary /Edgewood Community Development School and Freemont STARS Elementary School. ANALYSIS: The plan assessed all buildings within the system to verify, exact student numbers, capacity, and classroom space. This was compared with previous studies and data on file with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Priority Need #1: Meadowlane Elementary needs replaced. The building was originally built in 1958 and is an "open" campus design. The safety and security of our students is a primary concern at this site, which is compounded by its location next to Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. A renovation would be cost prohibitive based primarily on the age of the structure and inability to cost effectively enclose the open plan/ layout. The priority recommendation includes closing the present Edgewood Community Development School and adding it as a wing of the new Meadow Lane. The Edgewood Community Developmental School is housed in a building built in 1948 with an addition in 1952 and 1974. The state requirements for certification of a Developmental program require a tremendous drain on facilities and maintenance budget to stay compliant. A new facility would significantly cut operation/maintenance costs that can be diverted to debt service and addressing other less prioritized projects. This would also give Wayne County a 'state of the art facility to meet the needs of this growing population of children. To address overcrowding in the northern portion of Wayne County the recommendation is two fold. Build a 22-classroom addition at Freemont STARS Elementary, which has the growth space and is attached to water and sewer. The district attendance lines can then be adjusted to bring Northwest Elementary and Northeast Elementary back under capacity. By including Tommy's Road Elementary School and managing District attendance lines future growth can be absorbed and keep our four Northern end elementary buildings under capacity. 1 The School system is recommending that the present Wayne Academy be converted back to its original intent and become a Middle School. This will alleviate Norwayne overcrowding and a1low for ample growth within their district attendance lines. An enrollment breakdown of all 33 schools is on ATTACHMENT #2. The overcrowding concern is in the northern area of Wayne County, particularly Northwest Elementary, Northeast Elementary, Freemont STARS Elementary and Norwayne Middle School. • Northwest Elementary has North Carolina State student capacity of 478; recommended maximum number is 440 students with a present enrollment of 745 student<>. The additional students over capacity are housed in 16 temporary modular classrooms. • Northeast Elementary has aN orth Carolina State student capacity of 572; recommended maximum number is 526 students with a present enrollment of 664 students. The additional students over capacity are housed in 2 temporary modular trailers. • Fremont Stars Elementary has a North Carolina student capacity of 328; recommended maximum number is 302 students with a present enrollment of 253 students. There is space for an additional 51 students. • Norwayne Middle School has aN orth Carolina State student capacity of 906; recommended maximum number is 761 students with a March 2016 enrollment of 895. It should be noted an expansion project that added 24 additional classrooms was completed in 2013 . Projected growth in the northern area of Wayne County is high with multiple housing develops presently in construction and in planning stages, (Wayne County Planning Department). GOLDSBORO ACADEMY (Middle School): Is presently named Wayne Academy and has a North Carolina State student maximum of 193 students. The recommended maximum is 162 students with a March enrollment of 98 students. THIS IS ONLY UTILIZING THE FIRST FLOOR OF THE BUILDING. The second floor has an additional 20 plus classrooms and resource rooms. The second floor is presently housing support staff and offices. With the restart model beginning at Goldsboro High School next year the goal is to include "feeder" Middle Schools the follow year. This gives the system one year to get Wayne Academy ready to be a Middle School. We would then open the following year for sixth grade and add grade seven and eight each subsequent year. 2 With 2015- 2016 school year savings the school system is going to put a new metal roof on the proposed Goldsboro Academy (Middle School) and start the process of converting the second floor back to classroom space. SCHOOL STREET ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: The School System is also recommending the 're-purposing' of School Street Elementary School. School Street Elementary has a North Carolina State student capacity of 206; recommended maximum number is 190 students with a present enrollment of 181 students. There was a renovation project previously approved that has been put on hold. Students at School Street Elementary student's grades kindergarten through fifth would be relocated to Carver Heights Elementary and North Drive Elementary. Presently we have 9 vacant rooms at Carver heights Elementary and by moving the district-testing center out of North Drive (Presently utilizing classroom space) we add an additional4 classrooms and 1 resource room at North Drive. There is a need for additional pre-kindergarten rooms in Wayne County and the Central Attendance Area. We are looking at adding pre-kindergarten rooms at School Street Elementary and moving all of the support staff from the second floor of Wayne Academy (Future Goldsboro Academy (Middle School)) to School Street Elementary. The District Testing offices will be re-located from classrooms at North Drive to School Street Elementary. School Street will also have the additional space for professional development. The School District proposal includes re-aligning North Drive Elementary as a Kindergarten through second grade school and Carver Heights a third through fifth school. The focus at North drive will be early literacy and assuring we are meeting our student needs to attain grade level reading scores as required by state and federal guidelines. Carver Heights Elementary will be third through fifth. This alignment brings the fifth grade back from Dillard Middle School and better utilizes classroom space and system resources. Carver Heights Elementary is "Technology Ready" having just received the Apple ConnectEd Grant. ,-l(c 3 SUMMARY: The 0-5-priority plan: • Alleviates overcrowding in our northern attendance area elementary schools, allows for growth and enables the school system to better manage district attendance lines. • Alleviates overcrowding at Norwayne Middle School, allows for growth and enables the school system to better manage district attendance lines. • Utilizes all available classroom space. • Aligns the Central attendance area schools to better utilize community resources and recent State Board of Education "restart" school flexibility. • Addresses concerns of military families, school perceptions, and BRAC Commission concerns. • Brings focus to Goldsboro City Redevelopment projects. • Saves over 20 Million dollars in new construction costs. • Allows time to streamline maintenance plan. The 6-10 year plan: • • • Re-assess what has been completed outside the scope of the 0-5-priority plan. Carries into a new District Strategic Plan. Impact of addressing District Attendance Lines. 4 '''1'''---•'•. .. J.. Wayne County Public Schools Facility Needs Survey Summary- Ammended NOTE: Cost estmiates were caluclated by the NCDP12015-15 Facility Needs Survey Tool. Priority Needs 1 Meadow Lane Elementary I Edgewood Community School 2 Fremont STARS Elementa Replace both schools with asingle facility built on the campus of the current Meadow School 22 classrooms to ease at Northeast and Northwest Elementary Schools Total Projected Cost: Future Considerations $26,416,421.001 A -rrr !.:[' 2 ,·~\ ,1 . .... 7 "" Wayne County Public Schools - School Capacity Chart 201 6 Elem entary Schools State Formula Percentage of Students in Mobile I Available Units Intents - I -....... --£:.) Middle Schools State Total OPEN/CLOSED TO TRANSFER .- --· - -- ...:::.!.-.:.~----""" Middle Schools With Grades 5-8 I State ~ Middle & High School Calculated per Sta te Formula March Intents 4130, adjusted at SFM Ratio OPEN/CLOSED TO TRANSFER .. - .. -~·~-..c.:_;,..__ . ._ Alternative Schools State OPENICLOSED ECSchool Edgewood Community Developemental School State Formula Max March Enrollment Current 000 Intents Returned Projected Enrollment calculated per 4130, adjusted at SFM Ratio OPEN/CLOSED TO TRANSFER .-~ . -. -.-:.-....::..:. ___ :..l,•"1.,:_- ---- ~ ~- Percentage of Students in Mobile! Available ces