Student’s name _____________________________________________________ Experiment E4 DETERMINATION OF EMF BY COMPENSATION METHOD Objective: to master a method of emf measurement by compensation method. 1 EQUIPMENT 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) emf sources; emf standard; Veston element; galvanometer; rheohord, resistances, switches. 2 THEORY AND EXPERIMENTAL SETUP Every current source redistributes electric charges in an electric circuit. Such redistribution may be caused by chemical reaction, contact potential, electromagnetic induction, Lorentz force, photoelectric effect, etc. Forces, produced by all of the noted above phenomena, do nonzero work moving a charge along a closed path (in distinction from electrostatic field, for which a work along a closed path always equals zero). These forces are acting in a current source and move charges against electrostatic forces. Chemical sources of energy are called galvanic elements. If a galvanic battery is used to establish an electric current in a conductor, there is a continuous transformation of chemical energy in the battery to kinetic energy of the electrons and then to internal energy in the conductor, resulting in an increase in the temperature of the conductor. In typical electric circuits, energy is transferred from a source such as a battery, to some device (called a load or a resistor), such as a lightbulb or a radio receiver. Because the connecting wires also have resistance, some energy is delivered to the wires and some energy to the resistor. Unless noted otherwise, it is assumed that the resistance of the wires is so small compared to the resistance of the circuit element that the energy delivered to the wires may be neglected. Because the potential difference at the galvanic battery terminals is constant in a particular circuit, the current in the circuit is constant in magnitude and direction and is called direct current. A battery is called either a source of electromotive force or, more commonly, a source of emf. (The phrase electromotive force is an unfortunate historical term, describing not a force but rather a potential difference in volts.) The emf of a battery is the maximum possible voltage that the battery can provide between its terminals. When an electric potential difference exists between two points, the source moves charges “uphill” from the lower potential to the higher. Consider the circuit consisting of a battery connected to a resistor. The positive terminal of the battery is at a higher potential than the negative terminal. Because a real battery is made of matter, there is resistance to the flow of charge within the battery. This resistance is called internal resistance r. For an idealized battery with zero internal resistance, the potential difference across the battery (called its terminal voltage) equals its emf. However, for a real battery, the terminal voltage is not equal to the emf for a battery in a circuit in which there is a current. Emf of galvanic element depends only on chemical reaction reaction type and is constant for every particular type of electrochemical cell Ohm’s law for a cirquit which contains a emf is written as (2.1) ε = IR + Ir , 1 where ε is value of emf, І is current, R is load resistance, r is internal resistance of emf source. Voltage across terminals of the source equals voltage on load resistance: V = IR . From equation (2.1) it follows that (2.2) V = ε − Ir . Thus the voltage across the load equals emf minus voltage drop on internal resistance of the current source. In consequence, accurate measuring of ems by voltmeter alone is not possible, because the current which must flow through the voltmeter to operate it, also flows through the emf source, and voltage drop on the internal resistance cause the experimental error. Direct use of votlmeter for approximate emf measurement may be only justified when internal resistance of the voltmeter is very large and thus the current is very small, then U≈ε. Compensation method (proposed by J.C. Poggendorf) allows the accurate measurement of emf. Consider electric circuit shown in figure 2.1: ε is source with large enough emf value, εХ is the measured R1 emf, εN is emf standard, G is galvanometer, АВ is calibrated wire or rheochord. If emf of the source under investigation εХ has lower G εX rx S rN εN value than that of the battery ε, then on the rheochord АВ + + there always is a position C of slide bar, for wich the current І2 К1 through galvanometer G equals zero. According to A B Kirhhoff’s loop rule for the upper closed loop one may write І1 D C the equation I + R − I 2 (rx + R1 + rG ) + I 1 R AC = ε x , (2.3) ε К where rx is internal resistance of the source under investigation, RAC is resistance of АС segment. If the current through the galvanometer is absent, Figure 2.1 І2=0, then I 1 R AC = ε X . (2.4) In this case voltage across the segment АС equals the emf of the source under investigation. If one substitute the source with unknown emf with standard emf source, the position of slide bar for the absence of current through galvanometer shifts to point D. Then Eq. (2.4) reads as (2.5) I 1 R AD = ε N . Dividing Eq. (2.4) by Eq. (2.5) one has R ε X = ε N AC . (2.6) R AD Resistivity of a wire with constant cross-section is given by formula R = ρ l , where ρ is A resistivity of material, l is length of the wire and A is its cross-section area, so one may simplify formula (2.6) to have a form l εX =εN 1 , (2.7) l2 where l1, l2 are lengths of АС and AD segments, respectively. If εN is known with sufficient accuracy then measuring АС=l1 and AD=l2, by formula (2.7) one calculate εХ. In reochord АВ, the wire is fastened to a scale which allows the direct measurement of l1 and l2. The switch К1 closes the circuit for short period of time (to avoid using up of batteries). The sources εХ or εN are connected to the circuit in turn, by switch S. 2 + - Solution of CdSO4 Crystals of CdSO4 Paste Hg2SO4 Amalgam HgCd 12,5% Hg Figure 2.2 Weston cell, invented by Edward Weston in 1893, is used in this experiment as standard emf. The Weston cell is a wet-chemical cell that produces a highly stable voltage suitable as a laboratory standard for calibration of voltmeters. It was adopted as the International Standard for EMF in 1911. As shown in Figure 2.2, the cell is set up in an H-shaped glass vessel with the cadmium amalgam in one leg and the pure mercury in the other.The anode is an amalgam of cadmium with mercury, the cathode is of pure mercury, the electrolyte is a solution of cadmium sulfate and the depolarizer is a paste of mercurous sulfate. Electrical connections to the cadmium amalgam and the mercury are made by platinum wires fused through the lower ends of the legs. Weston cell produce wery stable value of emf, which is almost independent on temperature. At t=20°С its emf equals 1,0183 В. The current produced by Weston cell does not exceed 10-6-10-5 that is why it is used in compensation circuits and for calibration only. 3 PROCEDURE AND ANALYSIS 3.1 Assemble electric circuit according to diagram shown in Fig. 2.1. Pay attention to batteries polarity. 3.2 Connect the source εХ by switch S. 3.3 Close circuit by switch К, press К1 and set the galvanometer’s pointer to zero, moving slide-bar of the rheochord. 3.4 Measure length of segment АС= lХ and record this value in the table 3.1. 3.5 Connect the source εN by switch S and perform steps 3.3-3.4 to measure AD=lN. 3.6 Calculate emf value by formula l εX =εN X . lN 3.7 Repeat the measurement for 5 different resistance values of variable resistor R. Fill the table 3.1 with results of measurements and calculations Тable 3.1 No lХ, mm lN, mm εN, V Mean value 3 εХ, V ∆εХ, V ∆εХ/εХ, %