SMD Control Panel Manual

Operating system
: January 2006
The control panel can be isolated from the electrical supply by removing the plug from
the wall socket.
The push buttons[i]and[m] on the door of the control cabinet
The push button[i] has 2 separate functions:
Timer function
- When the push button[i] is pressed briefly (less than 1,5 seconds) : the door will
open and close again after the opening time set.
Summer setting
- When the push button[i] is pressed for a longer interval (more than 1,5 seconds):
the door will open and remain open. The door can be closed again with the push button [m].
Door movement can be halted, whatever the position of the door, by pressing the STOPbutton. It is also possible to connect an external OPEN-STOP-CLOSE pushbutton set to
the control panel (option).
Timer control
If the timer input is activated, the door will open. As soon as the door is completely open,
a timer will be set going. As soon as the timer has completed its count-down, the door will
close automatically again. The timer period can be set by means of a potentiometer on
the control PCB. The following control elements may be used in conjunction with timer
operation: push buttons, pull switches, photocells, radar units, remote control, induction
loop detectors.
Open door / close door
If the open door/close door input is activated in the closed position of the door, the door
will open. If the open door/close door input is activated when the door is open, the door
will close. The following controls may be connected to the open door/close door input:
push buttons, pull switches, remote control .
Safety photocell
The safety photocell ensures that an open door will remain open as long as an object is
present in the door opening. If the light beam of the safety photocell is interrupted while
the door is closing, the door will immediately open completely again; it will close again
when the light beam of the safety photocell is no longer interrupted and the timer has
completed its count-down. If the light beam of the safety photocell is interrupted in the
fully closed position of the door, the door will not open.
Safety edge
The moulded rubber seal of the door support beam contains a transmitter-receiver combination optosensor. If the door comes into contact with an object while it is closing, it will
immediately open again and remain in the open position. In that case the door will have
to be reset before it can be used again. This “resetting” is done by means of the[m]
pushbutton on the control cabinet door.
Service mode and run mode (service/run)
The “service mode” may be used during installation and maintenance. In service mode
only the[i]and[m] buttons on the control cabinet door will operate, and the door will
only move while the button in question is held in (dead man´s handle mode). The service
mode is switched on by switching DIP-switch SW1.3 (SERVICE) to the on position (= up).
When run mode is required again, the control system must first be reset by means of
the[i]button on the control cabinet door; thereafter, the door is again operational. The
push buttons[i]and[m] may be installed as a separate O-S-C cabinet.
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Traffic lights
The control cabinet is equipped for connecting one or more sets of red/green traffic lights.
The printed circuit board must in that case be fitted with an extension card with 3 relays
(figure 1).
The traffic lights work as follows:
- If the door is fully or partially closed, the red traffic lights will always be lighted.
- If the door is opened, the green traffic lights will be on.
- The green traffic lights will switch off a few seconds before an open door is automatically closed, and the red traffic lights will light up. This ‘warning time’ is normally 2
seconds. It is also possible to program a different time.
- flashing lights can also be connected to the control panel. The flashing lights operate
during opening and closing. When the door closes, a “warning” time of 2 seconds
applies (the lights start to flash 2 seconds before the door starts to close).
The door can be interlocked with another door. The control panel needs an extra extension PCB wich includes 3 nos. relays; see figure 1.6.1. This other door may be: any electrically operated door A pre-condition is that the other door must also have a facility for
Edition : january 2006
figure 1
Installation manual : OPERATING SYSTEM 9
Without frequency control.
Basic PCB 200.8649A and extension PCB with 3 relays 200.8649D3
Electrical connection
• Mount the control cabinet beside the door, under the drive unit, at a height of approx.
1500 mm from the floor.
• Connect the three drive unit cables (motor + brake + limit switches) to the control cabinet .
• Remove the PVC cover from the limit switches (figure 2).
• switch DIP-switch SW1.3 (SERVICE) to the on position (= up); see figure 2.1.1.
The[i]and[m] push buttons on the control cabinet door will now operate in “dead
man´s handle” mode.
• switch DIP-switches SW1.1 (FRABA1) and SW1.2 (FRABA2) to the on position (= up).
The bottom safety edge is now inactive.
• place jumpers across the terminals listed below (these jumpers will probably all be in
position already as they are fitted at the factory).
- terminals E1 and E2 (optional external emergency stop button).
- terminals 5 and 6 (optional external OPEN-STOP-CLOSE pushbutton set).
- terminals 19 and 20 (interlock input).
- terminals 21 and 23 (safety photocell 1).
- terminals 25 and 27 (safety photocell 2).
• Turn the potentiometer R21 to its extreme anti-clockwise position
(for maximum open time).
• Turn the potentiometer R25 to its extreme anti-clockwise position. (softstop).
• Turn the potentiometer R35 to its extreme clockwise position (softstart).
Check the direction of rotation of the motor
• Check that the door is in the half open position
• insert the plug in the wall socket.
• Press the[i]button briefly. If the door goes down, it means that the power supply is
not correctly connected; switch two of the power supply phases
• Check the motor brakes; An audible “click” must be heard upon starting and stopping
of the motor.
Setting the limit switches
S4 S2
S1 S3
figure 2
• Press the push button[i]in stages until the door is opened to the extent of 15 cm.
Keep in mind the direction of rotation of the shaft on which the limit switches are
• Rotate the cam of limit switch S3 (open door) in the same direction as shown above,
and let the switch go to a position in which limit switch S3 just switches. Then lock the
cam with a recessed head screw [A]. Fine tuning with screw [B].
• Now, press the push button[m] and bring the door step by step in the fully closed
• Rotate the cam of limit switch S4 in the same direction as the shaft of the limit switches during closing, to a position in which limit switch S4 just switches. Lock S4 in
position with a recessed head screw [A]. Fine tuning with screw [B].
• Switch the DIP-switches SW1.3 (SERVICE) back to the off position (= down). The control system will now switch over from dead man operation to automatic operation.
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Open time (potentiometer R21)
The open time of the door with timer contral can be set with potentiometer R21. The farthest position in the clockwise direction gives the maximum time setting.
Safety Photocell
• remove the plug from the wall socket.
• the control panel allows the connection of 2 safety photocells. Wire the 2 safety photocells as shown in the wiring diagram. Remove the jumpers between terminals 21-23
and 25-27. If only one safety photocell is to be used, leave the jumper across the terminals for the second safety photocell in place.
• push the plug back into the wall socket.
• align the photocells and the reflectors. LEDs D56 and D57 should be lit when the photocells are closed circuit.
• Open and close the door by means of the[i]and[m] buttons and test the operation of the photocell.
Edition : january 2006
Setting the motor brake delay (potentiometer R25)
The delay time must be set in such a manner that the brake goes into operation exactly
at the time that the door comes to a standstill! The delay interval is highest when the
potentiometer is in the furthermost clockwise position.
• Turn the potentiometer R25 fully in the anti-clockwise direction and then a little in the
clockwise direction.
• Open the door using the button [i], and check to see whether the door comes to a
standstill with a jolt on reaching the open position.
• In such case, turn the potentiometer R25 a little to the right in order to increase the
delay time. Now open and close the door again using the buttons[m] and [i],
and check to ensure that jolting no longer occurs. If not, rotate the potentiometer R25
a little more in the clockwise direction. Repeat this until the jolting disappears altogether.
• If the door, after stopping at the top, again gets lowered a bit, it means that the delay
time is too low; in such case, turn the potentiometer again in the anti-clockwise direction to reduce the delay time.
• It may happen during the settings, that the safety limit switch S1 gets operated. In
such case, turn the red cam of S1 a little further away froom the green cam S3 (with
fine tuning [B], figure 2).
• Open and close the door a few times using the pushbuttons[i]and [m]. while
doing it, check whether the door stops in the correct positions. Check this, if necessary, with the position of the limit switches S3 and S4 (with fine tuning [B], figure 2).
• Now switch off the safety limit switches S1 and S2 in such a manner that these are
just short of switching in the fully opened and fully closed position of the door.
Adjustment of the soft starter
• turn potentiometer R35 fully to the right.
• open and close the door a number of times using pushbuttons[i]and[m] on the
door of the control panel. When doing so, check how the door starts each downward
movement. If the door starts to move with a jerk, turn potentiometer R35 a little further
to the left. If the door remains stationary for a moment before starting downwards and
the motor makes a humming noise, turn potentiometer R35 a little further to the right.
Installation manual : OPERATING SYSTEM 9
Connecting the safety edge
• Remove the plug from the socket.
• Fit the connection box of the spiral cable against the guide on the drive side at the
prepaired position.
• Connect the spiral cable in both connection boxes. Fit a cable between the connection
box on the guide column and the large control cabinet. Connect the cables in accordance with diagram. When the lower beam is fitted with a “break-away system remove
also the jumper between the terminals 5 and 6.
• switch DIP-switches SW1.1 and SW1.2 (FRABA1 and FRABA2) to the off position (=
• Put the plug back in the socket.
• Open and close the door by means of buttons[i]and[m] and check whether the
safety edge functions properly.
The control system consists of a base PCB and an optional extension card. The base
PCB has 10 digital inputs, 2 solenoid relays and 1 brake relay. The extension card has 3
relays with voltage free outputs. Each input is designated by a green LED and each output by a red LED.
The basic PCB can be programmed. In other words, the function of the inputs and the
outputs can be changed using software. The following function description applies only to
standard programming. It may happen that a particular input or output has a different
function. A set of drawings is sent along with each door, which is specific to that door.
The set also contains a terminology list. In case of doubt, refer to this terminology list for
a correct description of the functions of the inputs and outputs.
Connecting external controls and traffic lights
• Connect the controls that have been selected for this door in accordance with the respective wiring diagrams. Check whether the controls function properly. Connect the
traffic lights, if any.
Note: O-S-N-switch-box means Open-Stop-Close-switch-box
Setting the open time
• Set potentiometer R21 (door open time) to the desired value. The longest time can be
set by turning the potentiometer to the furthermost position in the clockwise direction.
D48 (terminal 4)
Close door-limit switch.
D47 (terminal 3)
Open door-limit switch
This LED will light when the open door limit switch is not activated. It will go out when the switch is activated. This is the case in the completely open position of the door.
This LED will light when the close door limit switch is not activated. It will go out when the switch is activated. This is the case in the completely closed position of the door.
D49 (terminal 6)
‘Break-Away-System’ or STOP button of the OPEN-STOP-CLOSE pushbutton set.
This LED is always lit. The LED extinguishes when one of the ‘break-away system’ switches is activated (if
fitted). The LED also extinguishes if the stop button on the OPEN-STOP-CLOSE pushbutton set is pressed (if fitted).
D50 (terminal 7)
Open door-button on control cabinet door or of the O-S-C cabinet.
This LED will light when the open door-button on the control cabinet door or the push button set or of the
O-S-N cabinet is pressed.
D51 (terminal 8)
Close door-button on control cabinet door or of the O-S-C cabinet.
This LED will light when the close door-button on the control cabinet door or push button set is pressed.
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D52 (terminal 11)
Timer input
This LED will light when one of the connected timer controls is active, connected to terminal 11 or 14.
D54 (terminal 16)
Door open / door close input
This LED will light when one of the connected door-open/door-close controls is active, connected to terminal 16 or 18.
D55 (terminal 20)
Interlock input
This LED will light up when the door is given clearance to open. If the open movement of the door is blocked, the LED will be off.
D56 (terminal 23)
Safety photocell 1
This LED indicates an uninterrupted light beam of the safety photocell 1. It will go out when the light beam
is interrupted.
D57 (terminal 27)
Safety photocell 2
This LED indicates an uninterrupted light beam of the safety photocell 2. It will go out when the light beam
is interrupted.
D58 (corresponds to terminal 29, but is placed above terminal 28)
Spare input
This LED lights up as soon as the spare input goes high.
Safety edge operation or defect
This LED will light and the contactor is activated. This is the case in the completely closed position of the
Brake relay (K8).
This LED will be on when the brake is activated. This is the case during the opening and closing of the
Flashing light relay (K901).
The LED is lit and the relay switches during the opening and closing movement of the door. The flashing
lights operate during door movement. When the door closes a ‘warning’ time of 2 seconds applies.
Blocking relay (K902).
The LED lights up and the relay is activated so long as the door is not closed.
Relay for traffic lights red/green (K903).
The LED lights up and the relay is activated when the door is open. 2 seconds before the door closes, the
LED will switch off and the relay will drop.
Door control release by the safety microprocessor.
This LED must always be lit. If this LED is not lit, the safety microprocessor has detected a fault in the bottom safety edge. Relays K1 and K3 are then inoperable and the motor will no longer funtion. Reset the
door by removing the plug from the wall socket and then pushing it back in.
This LED has no function.
Edition : january 2006
This LED will be lit when the safety edge is operated or in the event of a defect.
Contactor door open (K2).
This LED will light and the contactor is activated. This is the case in the completely open position of the
Contactor door close (K5).
Installation manual : OPERATING SYSTEM 9
Dimensions ...........................................................................................280 x 220 x 120 mm
Material .........................................................................................................Synthetic (ABS)
Colour ..................................................................................................RAL 7032 (light grey)
Protection class ..............................................................................................................IP54
Temperature range ............................................................................................ °C...+ 50 ¡C
Permissible humidity..........................................................................90% (non-condensing)
The specific connecting diagrams required for this product have been attached to the present document.
F4, F5, F6 (for mains phases L1, L2, L3) ............................................ T10 A / 6,3 x 32 mm
F1 (for control current 230 VAC) .................................................................F4A / 5 x 20 mm
F2 (for control current 24 VDC)............................................................T630mA / 5 x 20 mm
Digital inputs control PCB.................................................................24 VDC, 10 mA, 10 ms
Incorporated in control cabinet door
Emergency button .........................................................................................................1 unit
Pushbuttons[i]and [m]..........................................................................................1 set
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The door does not respond at all to control commands
No LED’s at all are lit up on the control PCB
- Check whether mains voltage is available in the control cabinet
- Check whether all the fuses in the control cabinet are OK
- Check whether the motor has overheated
- Check whether the crank is inserted in the motor. In that case, a special switch disables the controls
- Check whether any one of the safety limit switches has been operated
- check whether LED D5 (yellow) is lit. This LED must always be lit. If this LED is not lit,
the safety microprocessor U4 has detected a fault in the bottom safety edge. Relays
K1 and K3 are then inoperable and the motor will no longer function. Reset the door
by removing the plug from the wall socket and then pushing it back in.
The door keeps opening and closing on its own
- check whether one or both of LEDs D56 or D57 (safety photocells) (briefly) lights up
and extinguishes as the door closes. If so, one or both of the safety photocells is being
activated in some way as the door closes. The coil cable breaking the photocell beam
is a common cause of this fault.
- Check whether one of the external timer inputs delivers a signal without reason while
the door is closing. This is the case when LED D52 D211 lights up (briefly) while the
door is closing. A possible cause for this malfunction may be an incorrectly adjusted
radar. Furthermore an induction loop may be positioned too closely to the door or be
adjusted too critically.
Edition : january 2006
The door will not close any more
- Check whether LED D52 is lit (timer inputs). When LED D52 D210 is lit, the door will
not close. When LED D52 is lit, this means that one of the external timer inputs is active. For example, an induction loop detector will keep sending a signal, although no
vehicle is present on the loops any more.
- check whether LEDs D56 and D57 are lit (safety photocells). If both LED D56 and
LED D57 are not lit, the door will not close. The safety photocells are either faulty or
not correctly adjusted.
- Check whether LED D4 is lit (safety edge). When LED D4 is not lit, the door will not
close. This means that the safety edge is not properly adjusted, or there is a break in
the cable; for example, in the spiral cable.
Installation manual : OPERATING SYSTEM 9