Richard W. Cornwell Jr., PE, LEED AP Principal / Lead Electrical Engineer Educa on University of Maryland, 1997 Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Professional Associa ons Registered Professional Electrical Engineer: DC, MD, VA, RI, FL, NC, CT, TX, NJ, PA, AL, MS LEED Accredited Professional Rich is an electrical engineer with 19 years of experience in office, pharmaceu cal, clinical, laboratory, power and emergency systems engineering design and 27 years of experience in the construc on industry. He has provided electrical design on hundreds of CFR projects to date. Having served as QA/QC Coordinator for CFR’s NIH IDIQ, he is in mately aware of staff alloca on, scheduling, and maintaining communica on for various projects in scope and size. Highlighted Project Experience IDIQ Contract ‐ Na onal Ins tutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD QA/QC Coordinator and Lead Electrical Engineer for prime contract totaling $22M. Services include MEP design and post design for clinical, lab, public and office spaces. Mul ple, concurrent projects in mul ple NIH buildings and off campus leased spaces. Size: Variable / Cost: $8M+ in aggregate construc on costs. IDIQ Contract ‐ Na onal Ins tute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Gaithersburg, MD Principal‐in‐Charge and Lead Electrical Engineer for this contract which includes MEP design and post design for renova on of various research facili es. Projects include, but not limited to; XPS Imaging Lab; Organic Photovoltaic Lab Upgrade. Size: Variable / Cost: $4M in aggregate construc on costs. IDIQ Contract ‐ Na onal Cancer Ins tute (NCI), Bethesda, MD QA/QC Coordinator and Lead Electrical Engineer for Task Order Contract with LSY including MEP design and post design for laboratory, imaging, and office facili es. Size: Small and Medium Projects / Cost: $6M in aggregate construc on costs. Montgomery County Maryland School System, Rockville, MD Lead Electrical Engineer Project scope included design and construc on cost budge ng to provide reliable power to their data center to included distribu on modifica ons to their exis ng UPS and the installa on of a new generator. Also circuit tracing for all power distribu on during green zone hours was provided. Ci corp Headquarters | Datacenter, Silver Spring, MD Project Manager and Lead Electrical Engineer Project included design for a Rotary UPS, Sta c Switch and PDU modifica ons and upgrades. Included in the project were a Method of Procedure plan, review and supervision for all cutovers and the main switchboard study and upgrade. Advanced Surgery Center, Gaithersburg, MD Principal‐in‐Charge and Lead Mechanical Engineer Project consisted of the expansion of 3,000 SF of exis ng outpa ent space and modifica ons of addi onal space including pre‐op, wai ng room, recep on as well as various worksta ons and tech work areas. NIST | Campus Wide ‐ Exterior Ligh ng Study, Gaithersburg, MD Principal‐in‐Charge and Lead Electrical Engineer Project consisted of surveying the en re NIST campus and NIKE site for present ligh ng levels. Process required dividing the campus into smaller grids with the visual survey performed per unit of grid during daylight hours. Nocturnal aerial photography was contracted to obtain a rendering of light pa erns and rough photometrics of the exis ng fixtures. Point by point photometric renderings were completed for the en re campus and submi ed to NIST for future use. DRS | Crystal City Headquarters, Arlington, VA Principal‐in‐Charge Commercial office fit‐out, 48,800 SF, encompassing the en re 10th floor. Design included seven (7) supplemental HVAC for spaces with high and/or constant loads, including the board room, server rooms, and mul ple telepresence rooms.