. RADIATION SAFETY UNIT DEPARTMENT OF COMPLIANCE AND RISK GENERIC PRIOR RISK ASSESSMENT FOR UNSEALED SOFT BETA EMITTERS, RIA KITS AND CHROMIUM-51 Figure 1 Workstation set up for soft-beta work THIS ‘PRIOR RISK ASSESSMENT’ COVERS This prior risk assessment has been prepared to assess the hazards arising through the use of the commonly used ‘life sciences / medical-related’ unsealed radioisotopes having beta particle energies <0.3 MeV, for example 14C, 33P, 35S and also for low levels (<0.5 MBq) of 125I in radio immune assay kits or 51Cr. Author Ian Haslam Owner Radiation Safety Unit Version 1.0 This document is approved by the Head of Radiological Safety Issue date 12/2014 Review date 11/2017 Generic risk assessment for practices utilising soft beta emitters, RIA and Cr-51 CAVEAT This assessment will need a further statement appending should any of the radioisotopes or their chemical forms be suspected as being volatile or thought to be likely to give rise to volatile states. PERSONS AT RISK OF EXPOSURE Laboratory workers The persons most at risk of exposure are radiation workers and other laboratory occupants who are at risk to exposure through: the intake of radioactive contamination or uncontrolled releases (e.g. aerosols / vapours, dusts, • or spillages), and, external exposure of the hands and / or body by unshielded radioactive materials. • Cleaners, service engineers, visitors Cleaners, plumbers and other maintenance engineers are at risk because of the potential contamination of laboratory fittings, furniture, equipment, light switches and door handles etc. Of particular concern are waste liquids in sinks and the drainage system. Radioisotope energy; emission physical half-life biological half-life critical organs 14 156 keV; β 5730 y 10 days whole body & fat C Most 14C compounds are readily metabolised and excreted. 14 C in aqueous based solution is readily absorbed through the skin. 14 C labelled halogenated are readily absorbed through the skin and may give high radiation doses. There is the risk of volatility risk for 14CO2. 33 P 249 keV; β 25.3 days 257 days whole body & bone Radio-phosphorous compounds are not readily excreted and substantially decay in the body. 35 S 167 keV; β 87 days 90-623 days whole body & testes 35 S is not readily metabolised and tends to decay in the body. S-amino acids may be volatile and can be a particular contamination problem. On account of the volatility and tendency to dissociate, it is recommended that 35S sources are opened in fume cupboards. 35 45 Ca 45 Ca is not excreted and mostly decays internally. 257 keV; β 162.7 days 45 years whole body & bone Generic risk assessment for practices utilising soft beta emitters, RIA and Cr-51 125 I 60 days 35.5 keV γ, 27 keV x-ray 120-138 days thyroid gland Low pH causes dissociation and volatilisation. Iodine strongly targets the thyroid; volatile forms must be handled in a fume cupboard. 51 Cr 320 keV γ, 5 keV x-ray 27.7 days 616 days whole body Chromium is not strongly bound by biological tissue, although a substantial activity would decay in the body, emitting a penetrating gamma component. ESTIMATED DOSE RATES / EXPOSURES (WORSE CASE) External irradiation: worse case dose rates from 1 mCi (37 MBq) soft beta’s Soft-beta particles having energies <0.3 MeV have insufficient energy to penetrate the skin and therefore do not present an external irradiation hazard. The low energy electrons are mitigated by collision reactions in • the solution (self-absorption), • vessel / container walls, • air, • the stratum corneum (dead outer layer of skin). External irradiation: typical dose rates from 1 mCi (37 MBq) 125I and 51Cr Iodine-125 Whole body: 0.014 mSv h-1 (standing at bench) Extremities: 0.13 mSv h-1 (holding Eppendorf) Chromium-51 Whole body: 0.002 mSv h-1 (standing at bench) Extremities: 0.003 mSv h-1 (holding Eppendorf) Internal irradiation: the ingestion or inhalation of 1 mCi (37 MBq) Radioisotope Inhalation Ingestion Skin absorption (mSv) (mSv) (mSv) 14 C 22 22 22 33 P 52 8.9 no sorption 35 S 48 28 no sorption 51 Cr 1.3 1.5 92 270 555 130 125 I ESTIMATED ROUTINE EXPOSURES External irradiation Body exposure: nil. Hands / finger exposure: nil. Generic risk assessment for practices utilising soft beta emitters, RIA and Cr-51 Internal irradiation No volatile forms, no dusts or aerosols, contamination control measures in place. Effective dose: nil. LIKELIHOOD OF CONTAMINATION ARISING AND BEING SPREAD (i) Airborne contamination (ii) Surface contamination arising Nil. Minor contamination events are likely during pipetting. Near misses such as dropped source pots or tubes are possible, but rare. Transfer of activity from gels to cling film or paper ‘supports’ during incubation or gel analysis is possible. (iii) Surface contamination being spread Very low. Drips trays and disposable covers and / or absorbent papers including Benchkote® are used to contain spillages. Monitoring regimes are followed to monitor workstations before, during and after use, and also to check fittings, furniture and other equipment. EVIDENCE OF EXPOSURES BASED ON PREVIOUS PERSONAL DOSIMETRY AND AREA MONITORING (i) Dosimetry Radiation dosimetry is unnecessary on account of the fact that the particles will not penetrate the skin (or in the case of radio iodine and 51Cr not deliver measurable doses). (ii) Area monitoring The absence of persistent contamination or repeat contaminating events in annual radiation monitoring surveys and local checks show that existing working practices are acceptable. SUPPLIERS INFORMATION AND ADVICE Radioactive sources Information leaflets relating to safe use and storage are supplied with each isotope. The information also includes practical notes on chemical and physical stability (including volatility), and the recommended ‘use by’ date of the product. Associated equipment Supplier’s information and local training on the safe use of laboratory equipment such as centrifuges, gel dryers and incubators is available, and mandatory regarding certain items of equipment. Generic risk assessment for practices utilising soft beta emitters, RIA and Cr-51 CONTROL MEASURES External irradiation: control measures Radiation work is only carried out at suitably equipped workstations such as shown in the image at the top of this document. Although the radioisotopes and activities covered by this assessment do not give rise to measureable external irradiation doses it is good practice, and in any case a University requirement, to use shielded containers wherever appropriate: materials held in Perspex boxes when not in use, waste pipette tips dropped into bench top Perspex bins (or similar). Radioactive sources are at all times be held / stored in their proprietary source pots and never removed for dispensing. Long handled tongs and tweezers are available for use when required. Techniques are be rehearsed until users are both confident and able to minimise handling times. Internal irradiation: control measures (i) Personal behaviours Personal behaviour is a root cause of many (inadvertent) contamination events. Workers are aware that work should be planned and carried out methodically, and not when feeling rushed, under pressure or unwell. In addition, as mentioned above, the rehearsal of techniques helps familiarise the worker and can bring to light any limitations and handling difficulties. (ii) Dispensing Dispensing is carried out in a fume cupboards / beta-cab or similar or behind beta shields. Workers are aware that aerosols can be generated when syringing activity out of septum-sealed source pots. (iii) Contamination control Work is carried out in drip trays that are fitted with suitable liners, and the drip trays must be underlain with Benchkote® or a similar absorbent layer. The image at the top of this document shows a well laid out workstation designed to control any potential contamination events. (iv) Storage in use and short term storage in fridges / freezers Sources and materials are held in shielded Perspex boxes which are themselves held in sealable plastic containers. If radioactive materials are stored in fridges or freezers they are in leak-proof containers and not crammed in. Aerosols are rarely generated when opening source pots (septum type pots), however these do not travel any distance, mostly being intercepted on the ‘hot’ side of body screens and on the drip trays. (v) Personal protective equipment (PPE) Laboratory coats, lab specs and gloves are always be worn when working in radiation facilities (unsealed source areas). Such PPE is found to be suitable and sufficient. (vi) Monitoring Work surfaces, clothing, equipment, pipettes, benches, sinks, taps, the floor, fridges, etc. are monitored frequently (before, during and after work). Generic risk assessment for practices utilising soft beta emitters, RIA and Cr-51 Workstations and clothing are monitored before the commencement of work, frequently during work, and after work has been cleared away. (vii) Training Prospective users are given a laboratory induction that includes local training on techniques and radiation safety measures. In addition to the ‘on the job’ training, users attend such courses and refresher instructions as are required by the University. Typically, refresher training is provided every three years. DESIGNATED SUPERVISED AREAS Not following good practice or using appropriate shielding may result in internal radiation exposures. It is also imperative that work is carried out in a controlled manner and employing contamination control measures to ensure that any contamination is contained. Consequently, all work activities are carried out in Supervised Areas unless other arrangements have been agreed with the Radiation Safety Unit. PLANNED SYSTEMS OF WORK As designated areas have been created (Supervised Areas), local rules and contingency plans have been prepared. Deviations from local rules and risk assessments are prepared as supplementary protocols. Radioactive sources are supplied with safety instructions that identify all general and specific hazards associated with a particular isotope and compound. The following are essential reading, and copies can be obtained from ian.haslam@manchester.ac.uk: • Amersham Biosciences. Safe and secure - a guide to working safely with radiolabelled compounds. Publication 18-1137-88-AC. • Delacroix, D. et al. Radionuclide and radiation data protection handbook. Rad. Prot. Dos. 98 (1) 2002. THE EXTENT OF UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TO SUPERVISED AREAS Access to science research areas is controlled by building / area electronic identity pass cards. Thereafter, access to Supervised Areas is managed by delineation, signs and rigorously enforced administrative controls. Radioactive sources, labelled materials and areas where there are instantaneous dose rates are secured by lockable storage facilities (fridges, freezers, cabinets). Benches are cleaned after use in order to prevent ‘removable’ contamination. Generic risk assessment for practices utilising soft beta emitters, RIA and Cr-51 POSSIBLE ACCIDENT SCENARIOS, LIKELIHOOD AND SEVERITY (i) Spillages, near miss events, dropped sources These have been covered throughout this assessment. (ii) Contained laboratory fire A fire localised to and contained in the laboratory is and which would affect radiation work is unlikely, and given the on-bench activities would be low. A fire involving a storage fridge / freezer is unlikely, but the consequences regarding the spread of contamination could be widespread (albeit locally contained) and the severity significant in terms of collateral damage and the need for proper recovery. THE CONSEQUENCES OF FAILURES OF CONTROL MEASURES (INCLUDING MECHANICAL AND EQUIPMENT FAILURE) (i) (Human) failure to use safety equipment, shielding and follow local rules All Supervised Areas are provided with safety equipment, shielding and contamination control equipment appropriate to the nature of the work. Failure to use this would be a deliberate act of deliberate personal negligence. Accessible dose rates would be as described for worse case scenarios. The likelihood of acts or failures being repeated would be low given the level of supervision and mentoring by Radiation Protection Supervisors and co-workers. Received doses would be of concern, but not harmful. Doses to pregnant workers would be of serious concern. (ii) Failure of laboratory equipment (centrifuges etc.) Unbalanced centrifuges can fail catastrophically and would release contamination. Not setting up equipment properly or by unauthorised persons would be a deliberate act. Local systems for training, authorisation, mentoring and supervision are in place. (iii) Failure of fume cupboards Fume cupboards are inspected annually by insurance bodies as part of a planned process. Failure and improper use would cause an alarm to sound. Workers receive local instruction and proper use and actions to take in the event of failures. Generic risk assessment for practices utilising soft beta emitters, RIA and Cr-51 GENERIC RISK ASSESSMENT: LOCAL DETAILS This assessment is applicable to the following projects and locations(s) Faculty School / institute Building Research group and project type Location / room number(s) Responsible person / manager Local approval This assessment is approved for local adoption (usually by the lead PI and RPS, local conditions may apply). Approver Role / position Central approver This assessment has been prepared by the Radiation Safety Unit and is approved for general use by the Head of Radiological Safety. Radiation Safety Unit The University of Manchester 7th Floor, Williamson Building Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PL