Recruiting excellence in procurement and supply chain Contractor Name: Client Company & Address Week Commencing: Client Contact: Basic Overtime Other Total Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday TOTAL Notes: I certify that the hours shown above are a correct record of the hours I have worked under the terms of my agreement. I certify the hours shown above are a correct record of those worked by the contractor. I confirm we have a copy of your terms of business and I accept the terms contained within. Contractor Signature Client Signature Name: ________________________________ Name: ________________________________ Position: ______________________________ Signature: _____________________________ Signature: _____________________________ Date: _________________________________ Date: _________________________________ TIMESHEETS TO BE RETURNED BY OUR DEADLINE TO: Butler Ross Regus House, Southampton International Business Park, George Curl Way, Southampton, SO18 2RZ Tel: 023 8070 0263 Fax: 0844 504 9985 Email: Contractor Is there anyone you know that would be interested in speaking with Butler Ross? Please provide their contact details here: Client Is there anyone you know that would be interested in speaking with Butler Ross? Please provide their contact details here: