May 2016 - Bowen / Collinsville Family Day Care

May 2016 Newsletter
Inside this issue:
New Families
Recipe – Celery,
Ham and Egg
Roll Ups
Mother’s Day
Sustainability –
Water Play
Health – tips for
active play
EYLF – Starting
Time to reflect –
Tips for Active Play
Toddlers (1-3 yrs) $ Pre-schoolers (3-5yrs)
Monday 16th May, 2016 @ 5:15pm in
the coordination unit.
Play with different sized ball
M/C: Mandy Edwards, Tania Fordham, Annie Fordham,
Natasha Abbott, Casey White, Emma Elphinstone, Alice
Twirl and run with streamers
Play with balloons – punch, kick or
New families
We would like to welcome the
Verhoef/Rogers, Smith,
Escriva/Williams, Hudson/Major,
Cursio, Pirrone, Delle Baite,
Cole/Keyse, Brock, Messer/Pavan,
Wilkie/Tibbs families to our
throw them to keep them off the
Blow bubbles and chase them
through the air
Play games – hide-n-seek, obstacle
courses, follow the leader, stuck in
the mud, tip/tag games
Move to music or try action songs
like ‘Ring-a-Rosie’ or ‘HeadShoulders-Knees & Toes’
Pretend to move like different
Play dress ups and act out different
Walk to places rather than drive
A water play experience is always lots of fun with a large container of water (on the grass) to just splash hand around
in, or to explore floating some water creatures.
When it is time to pack away educators could just tip water on the grass and this would be acceptable recycling of
the water.
However, we are working hard to encourage outdoor gardens that provides a range of plants of different textures
and colours, and we encourage children to be gentle and respectful of our natural world.
Rather than just stepping in and tipping out the water the educators can gather some small buckets and use the
opportunity to teach children how to use buckets to water the garden . Educators can demonstrate how to scoop the
water into the buckets and then support the children to have a go.
The buckets can be carried to the nearby garden where children
may need guidance to tip the water onto the plants. During this
the conversation could add further to the child’s learning about
recycling water, caring for plants, the need for all living things to
have water to grow.
When children have opportunities to actively engage in caring for
plants they develop respect for their environment.
Learning Outcome 2.4 Children become socially responsible and show respect for
the environment
NQS 3.3.2 Children are supported to become environmentally responsible and
show respect for the environment.
Ph: 07 4786 1399
26 Herbert St, Bowen Q 4805
Fax: 07 4786 3321
Starting Blocks provides parents with information about early childhood education and care to help them make the
best choice for their child and family.
Starting Blocks is a starting point to:
learn about children's developmental milestones
understand what to expect from an early childhood education and care service
find services and learn about their quality ratings
get tips on starting child care or preschool, and what can be done at home to encourage your child’s learning
and development.
Our aim is to provide you and your family with trusted information, all in one place – welcome to Starting Blocks.
Starting Blocks is brought to you by the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).
ACECQA is the national body, overseeing the implementation of the National Quality Framework (NQF), which has
been developed to improve the standard of education and care.
Ph: 07 4786 1399
26 Herbert St, Bowen Q 4805
Fax: 07 4786 3321
In t en t io n al t each in g
in act io n
We h ad a saf et y p r o b lem ------ch ild r en
r acin g ar o u n d t h e b ike t r ack w it h
t r u cks.
We co u ld h ave so lv ed t h is b y ju st
p u t t in g
t h e t r u cks aw ay o r b y t alkin g ab o u t
r u les,
o r b y st ag g er in g o u t sid e p lay
t im es…Bu t , w e w an t ed t h e ch ild r en
t o h ave t h e t r u cks b u t t o u se t h em in
a m o r e co n st r u ct ive w ay…
Ch ild r en r em em b er ed w e h ad
o r ig in ally
‘set u p ’ t h e t r u cks in t h e ‘islan d ’ ar ea
in t h e y ar d t h at alr ead y h ad
u n d u lat io n s, b ar k an d t r ees…
So w e t alked ab o u t t h is w it h t h e
ch ild r en an d d ecid ed t o g et h er t o
cr eat e ‘a f o u r -w h eel d r ive p ar k’ as
m an y o f t h e ch ild r en r elat ed t o t h is
exp er ien ce…
We d iscu ssed w h at else w e m ig h t
n eed
t o cr eat e a p ar k like t h e o n e t h ey
d escr ib ed ------‘f allen lo g s, r o cks an d a
t en t ’
------ch ild r en o f f er ed m an y o t h er id eas
su ch as so m ew h er e f o r t h e b ab y, t h e
d o g ….
St o n es w er e d eliver ed an d st af f an d
ch ild r en sp en t t h r ee d ays m o v in g
t h em in t o p lace.
St af f an d ch ild r en so lved a p r o b lem
t o g et h er . Th is su p p o r t s o u r v iew
t h at n o t h in g is done to ch ild r en b u t
done with ch ild r en .
Both intentional teaching and active
learning are involved….
It w as exp lain ed t h at ‘…w h er ever
p o ssib le,
w e en g ag e ch ild r en in p r o ject s
w h ich g iv e
t h em o p p o r t u n it ies t o f eel cap ab le
as t h ey
see t h eir id eas car r ied o u t , t o
co o p er at e
t o g et h er an d d o r eal w o r k’
Ph: 07 4786 1399
26 Herbert St, Bowen Q 4805
Fax: 07 4786 3321
Celery, Ham and Egg Roll Ups
2 hard-boiled eggs, peeled*
1 tbs mayonnaise*
1 tsp Dijon mustard (optional)
2 pieces rectangular flat bread (e.g. sorj or mountain
2 tsp margarine spread
60g shaved (lean 97% fat free) leg ham*
1 stalk celery, cut into thin strips
20g (about 3/4 cup) baby spinach leaves or rocket leaves
* Suitable products include those with the Heart Foundation Tick.
1. Place eggs in a bowl. Add mayonnaise and mustard and mash well with a fork.
2. Lay the flat breads on clean surface. Spread thinly with margarine. Arrange ham in a row across the bottom third of each piece.
3. Spoon the egg mixture evenly across ham layer. Top with a row of celery strips and spinach leaves. Roll up firmly.
4. Wrap rolls in greaseproof paper or plastic wrap. Refrigerate 1 hour (or overnight if preferred). Remove wrapping. Cut each roll
into 4 to serve. Serve with cucumber sticks if desired.
Recipe can be prepared a day ahead. Keep the wraps refrigerated until required
Mother’s Day
Mother's Day is a modern celebration honoring
one's mother, as well as motherhood, maternal
bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is
celebrated on various days in many parts of the
world, most commonly in the months of March or
May. This year we will celebrate of Sunday 8th May.
Another option available to
anyone needing to either initiate
or update your First Aid and/or
CPR qualifications, including the
new HLTAID004 which covers First
Aid, CPR, Asthma and
Ph: 07 4786 1399
26 Herbert St, Bowen Q 4805
Fax: 07 4786 3321
Now it is time to seek feedback from everyone in our service as to what other areas we can improve in, for
example – a goal – ‘to develop further strategies to improve the sustainable practices within the service’
In Quality Area 3: Physical Environment
Standard 3.1 The design and location of the premises is appropriate for
the operation of a service.
Outdoor and indoor spaces, building, furniture, equipment,
facilities and resources are suitable for their purpose.
Premises, furniture and equipment are safe, clean and well
Facilities are designed or adapted to ensure access and
participation by every child in the service and to allow
flexible use, and interaction between indoor and outdoor
Standard 3.2 The environment is inclusive, promotes competence,
independent exploration and learning through play.
How can you help the environment simply?
Put rubbish in the bin
Turn lights off
Plant native trees
Walk to school
Use public transport
Share knowledge – parents, community, neighbours
Avoid creating rubbish eg. Nude food
Buy in bulk
Collect water from shower and bath
Wash car on lawn
Don’t use standby mode
Buy recycled products
Use green / blue bags when shopping
Short showers
Use air-conditioner and heater only when necessary
Food scrap bins
Use recycled cups
Outdoor and indoor spaces are designed and organised to engage every
child in quality experiences in both built and natural environments.
Resources, materials and equipment are sufficient in number, organised
in ways that ensure appropriate and effective implementation of the
program and allow for multiple uses.
Standard 3.3 The service takes an active role in caring for its environment and contributes
to a sustainable future
3.3.1 Sustainable practices are embedded in service operations.
3.3.2 Children are supported to become environmentally responsible and
show respect for the environment.
What do we do well? _____________________________________
What do you think we could do better? _______________________________________________
Ph: 07 4786 1399
26 Herbert St, Bowen Q 4805
Fax: 07 4786 3321