29 OCTOBER 2014
for the Anglican Church Southern Queensland community
The Rev’d Graham Frizzell
Parishes seeking new incumbents: Bribie Island; Bundaberg; Caboolture;
Drayton; Holland Park; Jandowae; Kenmore-Brookfield; Maleny;
Maroochydore; Maryborough; Samford; St George; Toowoomba West.
To find out more about the positions vacant, please click here .
The Reverend Julia Van Den Bos will be commissioned as Priest-in-
Charge of the Parish of Wilston at 6pm on Wednesday 5 November at the
Church of St Alban the Martyr, Wilston. The liturgical colour is white.
The Reverend Michael Faragher will be commissioned as Priest-in-Charge of the Parish of St Lucia at 7pm on Friday 28 November at Christ Church, St
The Reverend Tony Swansson will be commissioned as Rector of the
Parish of Beaudesert at 7pm on Thursday 11 December in the Church of St
Thomas, Beaudesert.
The material for this year’s November appeal will be posted out to Parishes and agencies early in October. You should receive a covering note, a poster, a letter from the Archbishop and a DVD as well as a number of envelopes.
If you do not receive any or all of these by the middle of October or you require more materials, please contact Ken Spreadborough on 5543 2189 or kspread@bigpond.net.au, or Jan Gate on 3269 3314 or jagate39@tpg.com.au. We thank you in anticipation.
The Anglican Bishop to the Defence
Force, Bishop Ian Lambert, has written:
“Defence Sunday is an opportunity for the whole church to prayerfully support the ministry and mission of the Anglican clergy serving as military chaplains, the Anglican laity and their families who serve in the Australian
Defence Force, as well as for the wounded and the grieving.
Please join with me and pray with and for the Defence Anglican team on
Defence Sunday.”
Liturgical Resources for use on
Remembrance Day / Defence Sunday are available on the
Defence Anglicans website.
Email material to wednesdayweekly@anglicanbrisbane.org.au
The guest speaker will be The Venerable Bob Jackson who has extensively researched, written and consulted on the subject of church growth. From 2001 until 2004, Jackson was a member of Springboard, Archbishop George Carey’s initiative to encourage, renew and mobilize the Church for evangelism. Click here for further details.
Dovetailing with the clergy conference, this weekend conference is designed for clergy and lay people. Bob Jackson will lead participants to explore implementation of mission strategies for parishes and schools.
WE NEED HELP organising these two important diocesan events. A conference task force is being formed for this purpose. If you would like to assist with the organisation and running of the conference (planning, worship, bookshop, strategising processes so that the conference is relevant for context etc), please contact Belinda Macarthur at bmacarthur@anglicanchurchsq.org.au
or 3835
2284, or The Venerable Greg March at gjmarch@tpg.com.au
or 0417 616 256.
Tuesday 4 November at 8pm
Set to the hugely popular and haunting Giazotto/Albinoni
Adagio in G Minor, G20 Cultural
Celebrations presents A Prayer for Peace — a lyrical and vocal adaptation written by former
George frontman Tyrone
Noonan and performed by his mother, acclaimed opera soprano Maggie Noonan.
Maggie will be accompanied by chamber music orchestra
Camerata of St John’s, the St
John’s Cathedral organist and world-renowned didgeridoo player William Barton in a stunning performance. Click here for further details.
The Church Times recently published a list of the 100 best Christian books. The list, information on the judges and contributors, and details of the process for decision making, can be found at their website, www.ct100books.co.uk
. They invite you to identify which of these books you have read, and what you will read next.
We are delighted to note that the vast majority of the 100 selected books are held by the Roscoe Library. These have been highlighted on the front page of our catalogue. To see which ones we hold, or to register for membership, click here .
Roscoe Library staff: Eve James, Susan Thomas and Kay Murry
3514 7419 | library@ministryeducation.org.au
| www.roscoe.org.au
Christians from around Brisbane have been working to prepare opportunites for prayer and action leading up to the G20 Leaders Summit in Brisbane on November 15 & 16.
Each week, there will be prayer vigils focussing on different themes from the concerns of Indigenous people , children and young people , women , the earth and people living in poverty .
“Women” : Friday 31 October, 6 for 6.30pm, Little Flower Catholic Church, Kedron
“The earth” : Friday 7 November, 6 for 6.30pm, Sherwood Uniting Church, Sherwood
“P eople living in poverty”: Friday 14 November, 7pm, St Andrew’s Anglican Church,
South Brisbane
For enquires, please contact 3324 2441 or arndtp@bne.catholic.net.au
2 WEDNESDAY WEEKLY News, information, events for the Anglican Church Southern Queensland community
Wednesday 5 November at 7.30pm
The Book of Rhythm, featuring
The MDA Ensemble Diaspora, will recreate and represent the essence of each country through literature and music and reflect upon the cultural diversity of the broader
Australian community. The
MDA Ensemble Diaspora is a culturally diverse world music ensemble who has performed for the launch of the anthology
‘A Country Too Far’ by Thomas
Keneally and Rosie Scott. Don’t miss the opportunity to see this performance as a part of the
G20 Cultural Celebrations. Click here for further details.
Are you passionate about reconciliation? Would you like to play an active role in progressing a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) process for the Anglican Church Southern
Queensland? The Anglican Church SQ is seeking expressions of interest from individuals interested in being a part of a RAP working group. We’re eager to hear from members of the Anglican community anywhere in southern Queensland.
Contact src@anglicanchurchsq.org.au or 3838 7553.
The Social Responsibilities Committee has an interest in exploring whether housing covenants in new housing estates (and particularly the requirement to build on a purchased block of land within 12 months) are having specific impacts on the ability of people to purchase their own homes. We invite you to contact the SRC
( src@anglicanchurchsq.org.au
) if you have experience or a story to share on this issue.
( Please feel free to include this invitation in your parish pew bulletin.)
If you missed out on the hugely successful June workshops but are interested in attending a possible Collaborative Leadership training day on either the 21st or 27th November, please send in your interest now! The SRC are looking to offer another session but will only do so if there is sufficient interest. A unique one-day program on the psychology, then spirituality and the practice of collaborative leadership — How and why we solve complex problems better together. Email src@anglicanchurchsq.org.au
or phone Jen -
0402 965 204 or Leanne - 07 3838 7553.
Did you participate in Vocations Sunday this year? If so, we would like to hear your feedback. If you didn’t participate, we’d still like to hear from you! Maybe you have ideas for 2015? Fill out a quick 5 minute survey here .
Saturday 8 November at 7.30pm
Bringing together four of
Queensland’s most iconic voices, The Ladysingers Social
Club showcases the depth and soul of some of our finest singers of the past 20 years.
Barbara Fordham, Leah
Cotterell, Alison St Ledger and Karen Anderson have collectively performed in some of Brisbane’s most legendary and beloved bands and have made more than 15 appearances in the acclaimed cabaret series Women in Voice.
As part of the G20 Cultural
Celebrations, the ladies are accompanied by some of
Brisbane’s most versatile and respected musicians: Helen
Russell (bass); David McGuire
(guitar); Sallie Campbell (violin/ keys) and Kym Ambrose
In the beautiful surrounds of the St John’s Cathedral, these amazing singers take flight through soul, blues, jazz, folk and gospel music.
This concert celebrates the history of these talented women, their connections with each other, and most of all, their incredible voices.
Click here for further details.
3 WEDNESDAY WEEKLY News, information, events for the Anglican Church Southern Queensland community
Monday 1 December , 7pm The Very Reverend Dr Peter Catt invites you to an evening of hope & optimism at St John’s Cathedral
373 Ann Street, Brisbane following by refreshments in the Cathedral. For more details email lclarke@stjohnscathedral.com.au
3835 2239.
A cancellation has been received for the Bribie Island Holiday House over the week of Christmas. The house is available for a week with check-in on 22 December after 1.30pm and a check-out on 29 December before 10:30am. The price will be
$455 for the 7 night stay with a $10 non-refundable booking fee. For bookings and enquires, please contact Annelle Bunney on 3835 2220 or abunney@anglicanchurchsq.org.au
Green Church Handbook : The Western Australia Uniting Church Synod’s Green
Church Handbook has helpful tips for “greening” your congregation.
November Pew Bulletin inserts are available on the website under Recent News
Advent Quiet Day at Brookfield Centre for Spirituality. Saturday 22 November,
9.30am - 3pm. Theme: Earth is the Lords, ours, as God’s stewards. The Quiet
Day will be conducted by Rev Bill Redman. Morning tea provided BYO lunch. $10 donation. Sponsored by Angligreen. RSVP ann.ellis@optusnet.com.au
by 17 Nov.
All are welcome to attend the
Bush Ministry Fund
High Tea fundraiser & thank you to supporters
Saturday 29 November, 10am
Cost $15.00
St Andrews Anglican Church
673 Lutwyche Road, Lutwyche
RSVP to Fr Tom Hall on
0428 711 719 or Diane on
0421460001 email: tombbhall@bigpond.com
We currently have an opportunity for a personable Youth, Children & Families Ministry Coordinator to join our team full time and make a contribution to our Parish and the outcomes we achieve within the Church and the wider community.
Working 38 hours per week (which will include Sunday mornings and some after-hours work as applicable), you’ll be responsible for coordinating an existing programme of activities and developing, resourcing and implementing new opportunities that will nurture children and young people currently involved with the Church, and seek to engage with children and young people not currently involved in the life of the Parish.
You will also require a current Blue Card and ability to pass an Anglican Church “Safe Ministry Check” and the ability to support the ethos of the Anglican Church Southern QLD enthusiastically.
For more information about our Parish, to obtain a copy of the Position Description and to submit an application, please click here or contact the Reverend Jeremy Greaves on 5445 2060.
4 WEDNESDAY WEEKLY News, information, events for the Anglican Church Southern Queensland community
SATURATION SATURDAY: Last call! Registrations are closing shortly so if you’d like to bring your family and friends to our huge Anglican day of fun and faith at
Wet’n’Wild Waterpark on 8 November, call Lisa immediately on 3514 7405 or visit www.aycf.org.au
GFS GRANTS FOR 2015: If you would like to apply for an up to $2000 one-off project grant or a $500 grant for an ongoing youth or children’s ministry group in your parish in 2015, applications are due on 31 October, so don’t delay! For more information, call Margaret on 3514 7451.
PRIMARY ICHTHUS CAMP: 14-16 January at Apex Mudjimba, Sunshine Coast.
Enrol your students in years 4–7 for a short camp to get the year underway with awesome faith, fun and friendship and of course, the famous flying fox! Register now at www.aycf.org.au/camping/registration or call Lisa on 3514 7432 / info@aycf.org.au
for more information.
Date-claimers for 2015: Senior Ichthus camp (Years 10-12 in 2015): 29 June - 4
July; Junior Ichthus camp (Years 7-9 in 2015): 27 Sept –2 Oct.
Revd Dr John Azumah, international missiologist converted from Islam to Christianity, will be the international guest speaker at the CMS Queensland with Northern NSW
Summer School, being held at North Tamborine in January 2015. John will speak on understanding Islam and being a Christian witness in a Muslim context. More information is available at www.cms.org.au/qldsummerschool or by phoning 3112 6530.
Invitation to explore our hopes and dreams for the future of marriage and family life.
The Anglican Church SQ
Synod 2014 asked us to do something different. Synod asked us to enter into dialogue on this issue. Dialogue isn’t about ‘taking sides’. It’s about listening deeply to each other across a diversity of opinion and experiences, and creating a safe space to share our thoughts. We invite you to join us as we create that space and explore our hopes and dreams for the future of marriage and family life.
Everyone is welcome, Anglican and non-Anglican; Churchgoers and non-Church goers; people of all ages; single or in relationships.
Saturday 8 November - 2pm for 2.30pm, finish 5pm
St Catherine’s Anglican Ministry,
Centenary Suburbs, Macfarlane
Street, Middle Park
RSVP: The Rev’d Tania Eichler teichler@bigpond.net.au
(07) 3376 0384
Watch out for sessions in other
By now, all parishes should have received their Natural Church Life Survey
(NCLS) Community Connections Pack in the mail. The packs are a valuable resource that can help your church connect more effectively with people in your community.
Every church is situated in a particular neighbourhood. For your church to connect with the community in which it’s located, you need to know that community. The
NCLS Community Connections Pack can help you do that. It’s a 28 page colour report uniquely designed to provide a snapshot of the people living in the local community around your church building.
If you have received an NCLS Community Connections Pack, please remember to send your response card back to NCLS , indicating if your wish to keep and use the pack or return it in the postage-paid envelope included. Sending the packs to each church is a large trust exercise for NCLS and therefore your response is important.
5 WEDNESDAY WEEKLY News, information, events for the Anglican Church Southern Queensland community
Anglicare’s Taigum aged care facility is in need of the following items for their regular weekly church service.
• 1 small or medium sized STURDY water and wine cruet set
• 1 silver paten (to fit a chalice which is 8 ¾ cm across)
• Pall covers approx. 14 cm across
• Medium sized purificators would also be welcome.
If your parish can help, please contact
Roz Rogers on 0401 257 832 or
Friday 31 October to Sunday 2 November. Open on Fri 7.30pm, Sat 9am–5pm, Sun 10am–
1pm. Featuring work from local Brisbane artists and crafters. Guest Artist: Phoenix Kenny.
Telephone 3862 2221 or click here for more information.
A seminar with Fr Michael Trainor — a Roman Catholic Priest of the Archdiocese of Adelaide,
Senior Lecturer in the Australian Catholic University, and adjunct lecturer in the school of
Theology at Flinders University, specialising in New Testament. Saturday 1 November , 9.30am –
4.30pm, St Mark’s Anglican Church, Buderim. Click here for further details and to register.
Sunday 2 November at 7.30pm at Christ Church St. Lucia. This Requiem is offered as a respectful remembrance of loved ones who have died. It includes a reading of the name of those who have died and a bearing of the Paschal Light to the columbarium to represent Christ’s sojourn in Hades and the salvation of all. Music sung by The Lucian Singers under the direction of Christopher Wrench includes Requiem Aeternam by Herbert Howells, Funeral Ikos by John
Taverner and I Heard A Voice by Charles Villiers Stanford. There will be an opportunity to put the names of loved ones who have died on the list to be read just before the service starts. Everyone is very welcome. Enquiries to the Parish Office – 3870 8887.
Kids’ Club: Creative learning in a Sunday School environment with registered/licensed leaders.
Held during the Sunday 8.30am church service on the 2nd & 3rd Sunday each month.
Come for a cuppa and explore this historic Church which is entwined in the history of Brisbane
Last Wednesday of every month, 10.30–11.30 am, 9 Chippendall St, Milton.
Mothers Meet: a chance for mothers and children to meet for a cuppa and chat. Wednesday 19
November and Wednesday 10 December, 10.30am–12.30pm, 9 Chippendall St, Milton.
Wednesday 5 November , 9.30am to 11.30am, St John’s Cathedral. Spirituality and the
Restoration Project led by Neal Geraghty. All are welcome to attend. Come and find out more about a new way of prayerful living. Not to be missed.
Thursday 6 November , 11 am at St John’s Cathedral. Performer: Steve Newcomb, jazz pianist.
Australian pianist, Steve Newcomb , is Head of Jazz at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music.
A gathering of wonderful women and much more. Saturday 8 November, 2pm at Bardon
Anglican Church. For further details contact office@bardonanglican.org.au
or 3369 3301.
You’re invited to join hundreds of other advocates as we create the world’s biggest mock tax haven in the center of Brisbane. Join us on Saturday 8 November at 11.30am at Reddacliff Place outside the Brisbane Square Library at the top of Queen St Mall. Help to shine the light on tax dodging for the benefit of the world’s poor. Come dressed in your formal business attire with a touch of something tropical, bring along your towel/beach chair if you can. Join the Facebook event to stay up-to-date.
6 WEDNESDAY WEEKLY News, information, events for the Anglican Church Southern Queensland community
Saturation Saturday youth event
Defence Sunday
Advent Reflection Day,
Brookfield Spirituality Centre
Quiet Day,
Brookfield Spirituality Centre
JUNE 26–28
Brisbane Synod
AUGUST 10–13
Provincial Clergy Conference
AUGUST 15–16
Clergy and lay Conference
Soul on Latrobe is a church service that is a little bit different. Traditional? Not quite. Charismatic? Not quite. Come along and check out the church that Bardon Anglican Church has been hosting with some contemporary music and worship for all ages. In November we have the wonderful Bishop Alison coming and talking to us about ‘commitment.’ Many people today struggle to commit to things and have the attitude of – is there something better on? In the church, commitment is vital for fulfilling the greater vision.
Come along for food, music and fellowship as we join with the wider community on 9 November at 5pm at the Bris West Centre at
132 Latrobe Tce, Paddington. There is parking available in the local streets around the hall. Hope to see you then!
The Rev’d Dr James Rigney (Rector of the Brisbane Chapter) invites Interested Clergy to a meeting of the Brisbane Chapter at 12pm on Tuesday 11 November at St John’s College, College Road, St Lucia. The Eucharist will be celebrated, followed by lunch and a discussion of the Society. Please RSVP to the secretary – The Rev’d Tom Sullivan at rector@stthomastoowong.org.au
0422 641 657. The SCP is a society which seeks to promote priestly spirituality and Catholic evangelism. It has a growing membership in the UK, Canada and the US. Bishops, Priests and Deacons are eligible for membership of the Brisbane Chapter.
Friday 14 November (6 for 6.30pm) in the Community Centre at the Kedron-Wavell RSL Club. $45.00 per person for a three course meal, drinks available at the bar. Book online here or call 3359 2062. It doesn’t matter how long you have been coming to
All Saints or if you are a past parishioner… everyone is welcome! Bookings close Wednesday 5 November.
Come and join us for a day of music and jamming. Bring your instruments, voices and anything else musical and share some tips and learn some new music that you might be able to take back to your own church. Above all we will have some fun playing together. Saturday 15 November , 10am - 4pm, 30 Ridley Road, Bridgeman Downs. For more info please contact Lindsay Gardiner on 0409 776 542 or lrgardiner@gmail.com
or find us on Facebook .
Archbishop Phillip will be with the parish on Sunday 16 November at 8am. He will consecrate the Church that day and mark the actual Centenary Celebration for the Parish. The liturgy will conclude with brunch in the hall.
Queensland Churches Together invites you to The Bishop Michael Putney Memorial Lecture (including the celebration of the 50th
Anniversary of the Decree on Ecumenism from the Second Vatican Council) Friday 21 November at 7:30pm at St Colomb’s Ministry
Centre, Anglican Church, 25 Victoria Street, Clayfield.
A time to reflect, pray and enter inner silence with inspirational words and music. Advent Retreat Days: Saturday 22 November at the Ministry Centre, Church of the Good Shepherd West Bundaberg and Saturday 29 November at Christ Church Childers. Contact
Dilys Griffiths on dilysg@me.com
or 0421 733 394.
An evening with Fr Laurence Freeman, Director of the World Community for Christian Meditation. Tuesday 2 December , 7.30–
9.30pm at Marymac Community Centre, Annerley. Contact Gabby Nelson: toga@bigpond.net.au
Please join us in the celebration of this anniversary at St Clements Anglican Church, Eudunda Street, Stafford, on Friday 19
December 2014 , 6pm Eucharist followed by a light meal in the parish hall. For catering purposes, please RSVP by 1 December via email lockyerp@hotmail.com
or phone 3269 5903.
7 WEDNESDAY WEEKLY News, information, events for the Anglican Church Southern Queensland community