
Roll No.
B . E (Full Time) D E G R E E END S E M E S T E R EXAMINATIONS, A P R I L / M A Y 2014
Bio-Medical Engineering
Third Semester
E E 8306 - BASIC O F E L E C T R I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G
(Regulation 2012)
Time : 3 Hours
Answer A L L Questions
Max. Marks 100
PART-A (10x2 = 20 Marks)
1. Give the basic principle involved in AC series motor.
2. Define Magnetic Field Intensity.
3. What are the various losses in a Transformer?
4. Give the equation for Hysteresis current loss?
5. Define All Day efficiency.
6. Which type of DC motor is suitable for Traction application?
7. Give the applications of Stepper Motor
8. Define slip of an Induction Motor.
9. What are the different types of Induction Motors?
10. Draw the speed torque characteristics of Single phase induction motor.
Part-B (5 x 16=80 Marks)
11. i) An iron ring of mean length 50 cm has an air gap of 1mm and a winding of 200 turns. If
the permeability of the iron is 400, when a current of 1.25 ampere flows through the coil, find
the Flux Density.
ii) Differentiate magnetic and electric circuit.
12. a. A 7.46 kW, 220 V, 900 r.p.m shunt motor has a full - load efficiency of 88 percent, an
armature resistance of 0.08 D and shunt field current of 2 A. If the speed of this motor is
reduced to 450 r.p.m by inserting a resistance in the armature circuit, the load torque remaining
constant, find the motor output, the armature current, the external resistance and the overall
12. b. i) Derive the armature Torque of a motor.
ii) Explain the methods of speed control for DC Motor.
13. a. Draw and explain the phasor diagram of Single phase transformer i) On No-Load
condition ii) On Load condition
13. b. Explain the basic principle and working of a Transformer. Also derive its E.M.F equation.
14.a. i. Explain the working principle and construction of an Induction Motor
ii. A slip ring Induction Motor runs at 1470 r.p.m at full load, when connected to 50 Hz
supply. Determine the number of poles and slip.
14.b. i. Explain why synchronous motors are not self-starting?
ii. Explain the methods of starting of Synchronous motors?
15.a. What is a Repulsion motor? Explain the operation of repulsion start induction run motor?
15.b. What are the types of single phase motors? Explain in detail the basic principle of
operation of split phase capacitor start induction motor?