\ ) 2008 Ag Tech Conference Electric Motors Problem Solving Examples Fonnulas: Low Voltage E=IR Slip Percent.= SmRfM·- ActRPM x 100 Synchronous Speed wattsoc = v x A 746 Wattslhp R(t)- ·, =_ _,_...:=:.1_ _ 1 + l R(l) R(Z) High Voltage R(t) ::::i.R(l) +R(2) \ II II I Watt.SAC = V x AxPF 746 Wattslhp Torque (lbft) = H.P. x ~ 5252 and liLP. = 550 ft/sec. RPM Size X RPM = Size X RPM __ The following dia~ show motor belt a¢ gear drives. netennine the sheave and gear. speeds from. the supplied infonnation What is the RPM. of sheave C?_ _ _ __ 7~ T W)lat is the RPM of gear D?_ _ _ __ .,. ':.J .,. .··'". t. Ollowmg questions. Below is a dual volhlfte iudu,...;· · ~ fl"-.vu. tun ~r ~for low volta~ (115 V) at A and high voltage (23() V) at B. . .. · A B ·€>· ~ Run2 · Assume thit· each set of numiDg winctiDgs bas. a resiStance of 16 olmis. l.What is the voltage? toUat resistance of~ lUDDing winding$ on tho motor~ for low · · 2. What is the total resistance of the nmniDg ~ on the motor wired for high vo~~----------3. How Jilany amps of cuueat draw does the low voltage motor have? ---~4. How many amps of cun:eut draw does the bigb voltage motOr have? _...;.__ __ S. Which1110t0f (lOw YOJtage) or (high vobge) will use~ ddlliLS~.&~b!b~'J~?P_.....__ __ . · · _ o.wrrs You purchased and elec:tPc motor at an auction but it has no nameplate. The size of the shaft · is 7/16 jDCh BDd will fit your appJication. 1be motor is wired for 120 VC)Its and the ampere reading is 3.2 under load. The motor has a power factor of .S. What is the horsepower of the ( mototl A. "3/4hp c. l/3.hp B. lhp D. 1/4 bp EXTRA CREDIT 37. The recommended .fuse size for a small motor iS _ _ _ times the nameplate current. a. 2.0-b. 1.25 38. Which of the following types ofmotors would you expect to find 011 a portable power drill? a. repulsion start-induction run. b. universal 39. c. 0.8 d. 0.6 c. split phase d. shaded ~Ie When making mnning winding connections to provide for motor operation on 120 volts instead of240 vol~ ____ a. nmning windings should be in parallel b.- mnning windings should be in series c. "R" windings j.n series and "R" winding in series with starting winding _d. running windings and starting windings must be connec,Ud opposite ways 40. A capacitor start, induction run motor: a. has a capacitor to help start the motor but not when running b. has a capacitor to help start and run the motor c. bas a capacitor to -run the motor d. none of the above 41. The motor..,...--- consists of a laminated steel co~ that holds coils of copper wire in place. a. annature b. tUrbine 42. c. stator d. terminal board Squirrel cage is a term used to describe _ __ a. theshaft b. theframe c. the windings d. therotor 43. The term impedance when refetring to electric motors is defined as: a." total ppposition to current flow in ~ circtiit b. olltJ>!it ofa motor · . power of c. the property an electrical circuit that opposes any change in current flow d. cur.rent in a coil 44. Universal motors can operate on _ _ _ current a. AC ·c. ACorDC b. DC 45. d. neither AC or DC motors are used to power clocks and timms due to their precise speed. ~ Universal b. Synchronous 46. b.. repulsOr 47. ·. c. capacitor start d. capacitor start·induction run type of motor enclosures have no ventilation openings but are not airtight or c. Explosion proof d. Drip proof · Motors are best protected from burnout by-----' a. circuit breakers b. fuse SO. c. sensor d. voltage reducer waterproof. a. Splash proof b~ Totally enclosed 49. uP to speed is a _ __ This style ofmotor does not haVe a starting ·winding• . ·a. shaded pole b. split phase 48. d. Capacitor·start The_ device that disconnects a cap~itor after a motor is . a. · cent:rifugal switch C_ c. Split phase c. overload protection d. fusetron Unless discharged after power is turned off, a serious electric shock can occur from a a. transistor b. rheostat c.. capacitor d. limit switc~