High Field Strength in a Large Volume: The Intrinsic Reverberation Chamber Frank B.J. Leferink HollandseSignaalapparaten B.V. EnvironmentalTest Laboratory P.O. Box 42,755O GD Hengelo,The Netherlands leferink@signaal.nl An intrinsic reverberationchamberwith non-parallel walls, ceiling not parallel to the floor, at most two walls placed perpendicularand with fixed field diffusersis presented.Inside this room no eigenmodesexist and a diffuse, statistically uniform field is createdwithout the use of a mechanicalmode stirrer.As a result,test time can be reduceddrasticallycompared to modestirredreverberationchambers. Abstract: INTRODUCTION One of the main issuesof EM1 testingis the establishmentof a high field strengthin a large volume at reasonablecost. The creation of a field strengthof more than 6OOV/m(HIRF) is extremelydifficult and costly. The reverberationchamberis one of the possible test techniquescapable of creating high field strengths. The reverberation chamber generally consists of a rectangulartest room with metal walls and a stirrer, usually in the form of a large paddle,nearthe ceiling of the chamber.The equipment under test (EUT) is placed in the chamber and exposedto an electromagneticfield during which time the stirrer slowly revolves.The averageresponseof the EUT to the field is found by integratingthe responseover the time period cf one revolution of the stirrer. The metal walls of the cavity allow a large field to be built up inside the chamber.At the sametime, the stirrer smoothsout the sharpnulls of the field; thesenulls are usually present in such a resonant structure. The EUT is therefore exposed to a high field level consisting of several differentpolarisations[NBS Note 1092,Crawford,Hatfield]. REVERBERATION ROOM BASICS When electromagneticenergy is fed into a (rectangular) chambera numberof different chamberresonances,sometimes referredto as normal modesor eigenmodes,are activated.The type of mode excited dependson how the initial wave is reflectedand returnsto the point of excitationin the samephase and direction as the initial wave. In a rectangularchamberthe simplesteigenmodeis the axial mode in which the component wavestravels along one axis, one dimensional,parallel to two wall pairs as shown in Figure 1. The power density in the chambervariesas shownby the curve. Figure 1: Electric field pattern, axial mode (4,0,0) Another type of eigenmodeis one in which the component waves are parallel to one pair of walls but are oblique to the other two pairs, two dimensional,and is termed a tangential mode.Figure2 showsthis type of eigenmode I’ /. .. ..-. 2” ,, : / ......... ... ,’ ................ ........... i Figure 2: Electric field pattern. tatlgelltial mode (2,l.O) The third type of an eigenmode is one in which the componentwavesare parallel to noneof the threewall pairs and is termedobliquemode.as shown in Figure3. ,. ‘,.... ,, ,,., ,, ., 1’ ,I / / /” C------~.~-......._.,,__,.._,,__,,_,,( _,, ‘I ’ “.-” ..” ...^..~......,,..,,____ j.’ Figure 3: Electrfc j?eld patter-u. oblique mt)de (2.1.I) The resonantfrequencyf of eacheigenmodein a rectangular chambercan be calculatedfrom f 2d(yy +(fy +(?)Z W where f c 1 L ndwb MHz1 (1) frequency[Hz] speedof electromagnetic wave[m/s] lengthof chamber[m] widthof chamber[m] heigthof chamber[m] integernumbers To evaluate the frequencies for axial modes, two of the integers are set to zero while for the tangential and oblique modes one of the integers and none of the integers are set to zero respectively.It can be shown that the axial and tangential modes dominate at low frequencieswhile the oblique modes dominateat high frequencies. The total number of chamber resonancesN occuring in a rectangularchamber in the frequencyrange 0 tof is [Briiel & Kjzr]: N- 47CV.f3+-nS.f2+k.f 3 where V s L c3 4 c2 2 ANALOGY ACOUSTICS AND ELECTROMAGNETICS The reverberation chamber modal theory as presented is completely equal to that used in acoustics by replacing the words l room with chamber(more common in electromagnetics) l diffuser with mode stirrer. Both worlds are similar, despite the vector nature of electromagnetic waves compared to scalar acoustic waves. Reverberation rooms for acoustics were investigated by Sabine(1922), Knudsen(1932) and Briiel(l951) amongothers. THE INTRINSIC REVERBERATION CHAMBER The responseof an EUT to the field inside the conventional reverberationchamberis found by integratingthe responseover the time period of one revolution of the stirrer. In a large reverberationchambera large stirrer has to be applied in order to guaranteea sufficiently uniform field. The rotation time of this large and slow stirrer will determine the test time completely. A rectangular reverberation chamber without and with a stirrer is drawn in Figure 4 and 5 respectively. A tangential mode hasbeendrawn in thesefigures. c volume[m’] surface[m’] roomedges[ml In statisticaltreatmentof electromagneticsit is assumedthat the power densityis diffuse, i.e.: l the energy density in the chamberis uniform everywhere, l the energy flow in all directions is the same, l the polarisation betweenall waves is random and l the phasebetweenall wavesis random. These requirementsare fulfilled if there are a large number of eigenmodesin the room, which is the case above a certain frequency[NBS Note 1092,Crawford, Hatfield]. In order to improve the uniformity a mode stirrer is commonlyappliedfor the following reasons: l the stirrer reducesthe spatial varianceof the field strength in the chamberwhich improves the accuracyof estimates of the space-averagedfield strength; l the rotating stirrer producesa modulation of the power tlow from the sourceinto the chamberwhich usually makesthe field strengthof the source(at low frequencies) somewhatless dependentof sourceposition in the reverberationchamber. The effectivenessof mode stirrers dependsprimarily on their size. The stirrer should, therefore, be as large as the chamber dimensionspermit [Briiel & Kjxr, IS0 354, Wu]. Figure 4: Tangential mode in reverberation room wirhout mode stirrer Figure 5: Tangential mode iI1 reveri~emtion rot~m with mode stirrer Instead of using a rectangularchamber with a mechanical mode stirrer a chamberwith l no walls parallel, l at most one wall placed perpendicularto anotherwall, l dimensionsnot being a multiple of each other (i.e. 1=3, w=4 and h=S) and l fitted with curved, fixed diffusers with a surfaceareaof at least25% of the total chamber area. resultsinstantaneously in a uniformly distributedfield. Note: for wall, read wall, ceiling or floor. As a result, the test time decreasesdrastically: instead of a dwell time equal to at least one rotation of the mode stirrer in a conventionalreverberation chamber,the dwell time in the intrinsic reverberationchamberis equalto the dwell time of the EUT. An intrinsic reverberationchamberhas beendrawn in Figure 6, side view, and Figure 7, top view. The intrinsic reverberation room has been used by our laboratory over a long period for acoustic investigations.The dimensionsof the room are approximately 5.5x6x4.8m, with a volume V=l64m” and a surface S= 180m’. The chamber is constructed out of concrete. The walls will be lined with copper foil in order to upgrade the chamber from acoustic to electromagnetictest chamber. Test results were not available before the publication date of this paper. QUALITY FACTOR, ANALOGY ACOUSTICS The most common tigure of merit when discussing reverberation chambers is the Q of the chamber, which is defined as the stored energy in the chamber divided by the power that must be injected into the chamber,multiplied by the angularfrequency,w=2rc$of operation.It is desirableto make a ch,amberwith a Q as large as possible in order to give a high field strength. The theoreticalexpressionfor the first-order Q’ of a rectanuularchamberis: Q’= 3v 26 diffusers floor This was derived by writing the fields inside the chamberas a seriesof cavity modesand then averagingover the ensembleof all such modes after assumingthat an equal amount of energy was in each mode. The modal method cannot be applied to shapesother than those with separablegeometries[Dunn]. The non-parallel walls of the intrinsic reverberation chamber increasethe modal densitybut restrict the useof modal theory . Dunn and Hill [Dunn, Hill 961 showed that for arbitrarily shapedcavities an ensembleof plane waves can be used for calculatingthe Q, resultingin the sameequation.The suggestion on the use of non-parallelwalls for reverberationchambersfor electromagnetictests is therefore also implicit in [Dunn, Hill 19961. wall L .: ,P,S volume[ m3] S surface[m’] Z$ skindepth[ml ur relativepermeability of wall where: Figure 6: Side view intrinsic reverberation chamber V In analogywith acoustics,wherethe reverberationtime TGcMB is the figure of merit for a reverberationchamber.using Sabine’s Equation: acoustics(4) where TeorD a timewhereintheacousticnoise pressuredecreases 60dB. after stopping the noise source absorptioncoefficient of the walls we can also use the reverberationtime of an electromagnetic reverberationchamber: z=-= Q fl Figure 7: Top vieltt intrinsic reverberation chamber 0 35’ 26,#,0 s as shownby [Richiudsot~, Hill 961 cle~n~oll7~lglletics(5) This relatioiship implies that one can determine the power density in a reverberation chamber simply by measuringthe reverberationtime and then measuringthe net power injected into the chamber.It is not necessaryto use a calibratedreference antennaor field probes. CONCLUSION A test technique for high power electromagnetic immunity/susceptibilitytesting has been describedwhich makes it possible to decreasetest time drastically: insteadof a dwell time equal to at least one rotation of the mode stirrer in a conventionalreverberationchamber,the dwell time in the novel chamberis equal to the dwell time of the EUT. REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY In this short bibliographypublicationson reverberationrooms as used in acoustics and reverberationchambers as used in electromagnetics areincluded. Briiel & Kjar Technical Review no. 4 1978, ‘Reverberationat Low Frequencies’H. , Larsen /SO/R 354-1963: ‘Measurementof absorptioncoefficients in a reverberationroom’, dec. 1963. IS0 354-1985: ‘Acoustics - Measurementof sound absorption in a reverberationroom’, 1985. 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