Group Technology Standard Title: Personnel and Entities Performing Welding Related Special Processes on Eskom Plant Unique Identifier: 36-505 Alternative Reference Number: N/A Area of Applicability: Engineering Documentation Type: Standard Revision: 1 Total Pages: 14 Next Review Date: September 2014 Disclosure Classification: CONTROLLED DISCLOSURE . Compiled by Functional Responsibility Authorized by ………………………………….. ………………………………….. ………………………………….. MM Maroga BS MacColl MM Koko Chief Engineer, IWE Acting General Manager: Research, Testing & Development Divisional Executive: Group Technology Date: …………………………… Date: …………………………… Date: …………………………… Personnel and Entities Performing Welding Related Special Processes on Eskom Plant Unique Identifier: Revision: Page: 36-505 1 2 of 14 CONTENTS Page FOREWORD ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 1. SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2. NORMATIVE REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 5 3. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 CLASSIFICATION ............................................................................................................................................. 6 3.3 ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 6 4. PERSONNEL PERFORMING WELDING AND WELDING RELATED ACTIVITIES .............................................. 6 4.1 WELDERS ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 4.2 WELDING COORDINATOR .............................................................................................................................. 7 4.3 WELDING SUPERVISOR ................................................................................................................................. 8 4.4 WELDING INSPECTOR .................................................................................................................................. 10 4.5 WELDING INSTRUCTOR ............................................................................................................................... 11 4.6 SENIOR WELDING INSTRUCTOR/HEAD OF WELDING SCHOOL ............................................................. 12 4.7 WELDING ENGINEER/TECHNOLOGIST ...................................................................................................... 13 5. ENTITIES PERFORMING WELDING AND WELDING RELATED ACTIVITIES .................................................. 13 5.1 TRAINING SCHOOL FACILITIES ................................................................................................................... 13 5.2 WELDING PERSONNEL TRAINING FACILITIES .......................................................................................... 14 5.3 COMPANY ACCREDITATION – ISO 3834..................................................................................................... 14 CONTROLLED DISCLOSURE When downloaded from the EDMS, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the system. Personnel and Entities Performing Welding Related Special Processes on Eskom Plant Unique Identifier: Revision: Page: 36-505 1 3 of 14 FOREWORD Revision History Date Rev. Remarks September 2011 0 This is a new document. December 2011 0.1 First Revision for Review Comments February 2012 1 Final Revision for Publication Authorization This document has been seen and accepted by: Name and Surname Designation Philip Doubell Welding Engineer Pius Oba Welding Engineer Sumaya Nassiep Acting DM: Plant Performance and Optimisation Barry MacCol Acting GM: Research, Testing & Development Titus Mathe Engineering Power Plant Manager Dhiraj Bhimma Engineering Account Executive Anthony Kuzelj Power Station Manager Bheki Nxumalo Power Station Manager Bruce Moyo Power Station Manager Chris Schutte Senior General Manager Christo van Niekerk Senior General Manager Christopher Nani Power Station Manager Deon Beukes Chief Technologist Des Sheppard Senior Manager: Projects and Outages Ertjies Bierman Senior Manager Engineering Gladman Mkwai Power Station Manager Hennie van Staden Senior Manager: Projects and Outages Ian Redpath Consultant: Fleet Technology Johan Du Preez Boiler Senior Consultant Johan Prinsloo Power Station Manager John Dean Power Station Manager Julian Fourie Senior Manager Engineering Julian Nair Power Station Manager Kiren Maharaj Senior General Manager Lebo Serekwa Boiler Senior Consultant Leon Booyens Senior Consultant Boiler Tube Failure Reduction CONTROLLED DISCLOSURE When downloaded from the EDMS, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the system. Personnel and Entities Performing Welding Related Special Processes on Eskom Plant Unique Identifier: Revision: Page: Name and Surname Designation Mandla Mtembu Senior Manager Engineering Marcus Nemadodzi Boiler Senior Consultant Mark Breetzke Corporate Consultant: Boilers Matshela Koko Divisional Executive: Group Technology Piet Veldman Outage Integration Manager: Coal Operating Unit 1 Russel Tarr Senior Consultant: Fleet Technology Ryno Lacock Power Station Manager Shamiel Jappie Acting Power Station Manager Shireen Prince Power Station Manager Thava Govender Divisional Executive: Generation Thomas Conradie Power Station Manager 36-505 1 4 of 14 Applicability This standard is applicable to all personnel and entities performing welding and welding related activities on Eskom plant. It is also applicable when procuring, reviewing and placing manufacturing, maintenance and repair contracts with vendors working on Eskom plant. Development Team The following people were involved in the development of this document: • Morris Maroga Overview Welding is a special process, which requires the coordination of welding operations in order to establish confidence in welding and reliable performance in service. The tasks and responsibility of personnel involved in welding-related activities (e.g. planning, executing, supervising and inspection) is defined in this standard. The standard also prescribes the minimum requirements for companies or entities performing welding and welding related activities on Eskom plant. CONTROLLED DISCLOSURE When downloaded from the EDMS, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the system. Personnel and Entities Performing Welding Related Special Processes on Eskom Plant Unique Identifier: Revision: Page: 36-505 1 5 of 14 1. SCOPE This standard is applicable when procuring, reviewing and placement of erection, maintenance and repair contracts for welding and related activities on Eskom plant. The standard also covers the manufacturing and fabrication of equipment or components for Eskom plant. A concession period of three years will be used to phase this in from the time of publication. 2. NORMATIVE REFERENCES Parties using this document shall use the most recent edition(s) of the document(s) listed in this section. [1] Insert normative document references here.BS EN ISO 14731: 2006 Welding Coordination – Tasks and responsibilities. [2] ISO 3834-1, Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials – Part 1 [3] ISO 3834-2, Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials – Part 2 [4] ISO 3834-3, Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials – Part 3 [5] ISO 3834-4, Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials – Part 4 [6] ISO 3834-5, Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials – Part 5 3. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS 3.1 DEFINITIONS 3.1.1 Welding coordination: coordination of welding operations for all welding and welding-related activities. 3.1.2 Welding coordinator: person responsible and competent to perform welding coordination and is appointed in writing for a specific business unit or project. 3.1.3 Welding inspection: conformity evaluation of welding-related matters by observation and judgement accompanied as appropriate by measurement or testing. 3.1.4 Welding supervisor: person responsible and competent to perform welding supervision in accordance with this standard and is appointed in writing for a specific business unit or project. 3.1.5 Welding inspector: person responsible and competent to perform welding inspection in accordance with this standard and is appointed in writing for a specific business unit or project. 3.1.6 Welding instructor: person responsible and competent to conduct and administer theoretical and practical training to welder trainees in accordance with IIW guidelines.. 3.1.7 Senior welding instructor: person responsible and competent to supervise the welding teaching staff and trainees, and administer the welding training and facilities. 3.1.8 Welding technologist: person qualified and registered as International Welding Technologist in line with IIW and also registered with ECSA as Professional Engineering Technologist. 3.1.9 Welding engineer: person qualified and registered as International Welding Engineer in line with IIW and also registered with ECSA as Professional Engineer. CONTROLLED DISCLOSURE When downloaded from the EDMS, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the system. Unique Identifier: Revision: Page: Personnel and Entities Performing Welding Related Special Processes on Eskom Plant 36-505 1 6 of 14 3.2 CLASSIFICATION a. Controlled disclosure: controlled disclosure to external parties (either enforced by law, or discretionary). 3.3 ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Description AIA Approved Inspection Authority ANB Approved National Body in accordance with IIW ATB Approved Training Body in accordance with IIW ECSA Engineering Council of Southern Africa IIW International Welding Institute ISO International Organization for Standardization IWE International Welding Engineer registered with IIW IWP International Welding Practitioner registered with IIW IWS International Welding Specialist registered with IIW IWT International Welding Technologist registered with IIW NCR Non Conformance Record NDE Non Destructive Examination PQR Procedure Qualification Record PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment SAIW Southern African Institute of Welding WPQR Welding Procedure Qualification Record WPS Welding Procedure Specification 4. PERSONNEL PERFORMING WELDING AND WELDING RELATED ACTIVITIES The authorization for the following tasks and responsibilities for each site, project and manufacturing shall be accorded to the person in writing and accepted by signature. Any other qualification from another country that is considered to be equivalent shall be evaluated by the Eskom IWE/IWT for relevance. 4.1 WELDERS Welders and welding operators working on Eskom plant shall be qualified in accordance with the latest applicable code. Welders shall have at least one of the following minimum requirements. • International Tube Welder • International Plate Welder • International Fillet Welder • International Welding Practitioner (IWP) in line with IAB-005-2002/EWF-451 Rev 1 CONTROLLED DISCLOSURE When downloaded from the EDMS, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the system. Personnel and Entities Performing Welding Related Special Processes on Eskom Plant Unique Identifier: Revision: Page: 36-505 1 7 of 14 The welder training shall be based on IIW document IAB-089-2003/EWF-452-467-480-481/SV-01 and ISO 9606. The ISO 9606-series of International Standards provides a scheme for qualification testing of welders, to evaluate their skill for limited ranges of welding conditions. 4.2 WELDING COORDINATOR Welding coordinator shall have one of the following minimum requirements for education, examination and qualification. • International Welding Engineer (IWE) in line with document IAB-002-2000/EWF-409 • International Welding Technologist (IWT) in line with document IAB-0003-2000/EWF-410 The tasks and responsibilities assigned to the welding coordinator are as follows: 4.2.1 Review the product standard to be used, together with any supplementary requirements 4.2.2 Ensure that all welding and related activities are performed in accordance with all applicable Eskom standards 4.2.3 Maintain register of all WPS’s and PQR’s and maintain validity 4.2.4 Identify need for new WPS’s and arrange compilation and qualification 4.2.5 Welding problem investigation 4.2.6 Provide technical advice to supervisory and inspection staff 4.2.7 Ensure all welders performing welding operations are correctly coded to the applicable code 4.2.8 Maintain and update a register of welder’s qualifications using a separate identification number for each welder 4.2.9 Select the appropriate WPS and qualified welder for each welding operation 4.2.10 Ensure conformance to approved WPS’s for all welding operations 4.2.11 Coordinate training of welders to meet site/workshop specific conditions 4.2.12 Coordinate refresher training programs for welders and arrange recoding 4.2.13 Test new welders 4.2.14 Ensure that all welding work is inspected by competent and qualified personnel 4.2.15 Maintain appropriate records of all welding work as per requirements of the databook 4.2.16 Review all heat treatment procedures 4.2.17 Witness the execution of WQR activities if qualification activities are not witnessed by AIA 4.2.18 Approval of PQR/WPQR CONTROLLED DISCLOSURE When downloaded from the EDMS, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the system. Personnel and Entities Performing Welding Related Special Processes on Eskom Plant Unique Identifier: Revision: Page: 36-505 1 8 of 14 4.2.19 Verify that the information on the WPS accurately reflects the parameters reported on the PQR/WPQR before use on Eskom equipment/plant 4.2.20 Report any welding activity that could affect Eskom plant detrimentally in any way 4.2.21 Review repair procedure 4.2.22 Issuing of NCR 4.2.23 Technical review of • The parent material(s) specification and welded joint properties • The joint location with relation to the design requirements • Quality and acceptance requirements for welds • The location, accessibility and sequence of welds, including accessibility for inspection and non-destructive testing • Other welding requirements, e.g. batch testing of consumables, ferrite content of weld metal, ageing, hydrogen content, permanent backing, use of peening, surface finish, weld profile • The dimensions and details of joint preparation and completed weld 4.2.24 Review the suitability of any sub-contractor for intended welding operations 4.2.25 Review the compatibility, delivery conditions, storage and handling of welding consumables 4.2.26 Review materials for: • Any supplementary requirements in the material purchasing specifications, including the type of inspection document for the material • The storage and handling of parent material • Traceability 4.3 WELDING SUPERVISOR Welding supervisor shall have one of the following minimum requirements for education, examination and qualification. • SAIW Welding Fabrication Supervisor Level II • SAIW Welding Fabrication Supervisor Level III • SAIW Welding Fabrication Inspector Level II • International Welding Inspector (Comprehensive) • International Welding Inspector (Standard) • International Welding Specialist (IWS) in line with document IAB-004-2000/EWF-411 CONTROLLED DISCLOSURE When downloaded from the EDMS, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the system. Personnel and Entities Performing Welding Related Special Processes on Eskom Plant Unique Identifier: Revision: Page: 36-505 1 9 of 14 The tasks and responsibilities assigned to the welding supervisor are as follows: 4.3.1 Plan, organise and control the work load of welders 4.3.2 Exercise general control over all welders and welding operations 4.3.3 Ensure conformance to approved WPS’s for all welding operations 4.3.4 Ensure all welders welding in his/her area of responsibility are correctly coded 4.3.5 Train welders to meet site/workshop conditions 4.3.6 Supervise all welding work performed in his/her area of responsibility 4.3.7 Exercise control of materials and consumables for welding operation in accordance with the applicable code and standard. 4.3.8 Ensure the control for drawing, issuing, storage and baking of all welding consumables in accordance with the applicable code and standard 4.3.9 Ensure that all consumables used conform to the relevant WPS used 4.3.10 Supervise all heat treatment processes 4.3.11 Ensure all equipment used in welding operations is calibrated in accordance with the applicable requirements 4.3.12 Monitor all NDE carried out and liaise with personnel performing NDE 4.3.13 Equipment 4.3.14 • The suitability of welding and associated equipment • Auxiliaries and equipment supply, identification and handling • Personal protective equipment and other safety equipment, directly associated with the applicable welding process • Equipment maintenance • Equipment verification and validation Production Planning • Reference to the appropriate procedure specifications for welding • The sequence in which the welds are to be made • Environmental conditions (e.g. protection from wind, temperature and rain) • The allocation of qualified personnel • Equipment for preheating and post-heat treatment, including temperature indicators • The arrangement for any production test 4.3.15 Evaluate the issuing and use of work instructions 4.3.16 Compile repair procedures 4.3.17 Ensure identification and traceability • The identification of production plans • The identification of routing cards • The identification of weld locations in construction CONTROLLED DISCLOSURE When downloaded from the EDMS, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the system. Personnel and Entities Performing Welding Related Special Processes on Eskom Plant Unique Identifier: Revision: Page: 36-505 1 10 of 14 • The identification of non-destructive testing procedures and personnel • The identification of the welding consumable (e.g. designation, trade name, manufacturer of consumables and batch or cast numbers) • The identification and/or traceability of parent material (e.g. type, cast number) • The identification of the location of repairs • The identification of the location of temporary attachments • Traceability for fully mechanized and automatic welding units to specific welds • Traceability of welder and welding operators to specific welds • Traceability of welding procedure specifications to specific welds 4.4 WELDING INSPECTOR Welding inspector shall have one of the following minimum requirements for education, examination and qualification. Minimum requirements for level 1 and 2 Eskom plant • SAIW Welding Fabrication Inspector Level II • International Welding Inspector (Comprehensive) • International Welding Inspector (Standard) • International Welding Specialist (IWS) in line with document IAB-004-2000/EWF-411 Minimum requirements for level 3 Eskom plant • SAIW Welding Fabrication Inspector Level I • International Welding Inspector (Basic) The tasks and responsibilities assigned to the welding inspector are as follows: 4.4.1 Inspection and testing before welding • The suitability and validity of welders’ and welding operators’ qualification certificates • The suitability of the welding procedure specification • The identity of the parent material • The identity of welding consumables • Joint preparation (e.g. shape and dimensions) • Fit-up, jigging and tacking • Any special requirements in the welding procedures specification (e.g. prevention of distortion) • The suitability of working conditions for welding, including environment CONTROLLED DISCLOSURE When downloaded from the EDMS, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the system. Personnel and Entities Performing Welding Related Special Processes on Eskom Plant Unique Identifier: Revision: Page: 36-505 1 11 of 14 4.4.2 Inspection and testing during welding • Essential welding parameters (e.g. welding current, arc voltage and travel speed) • The preheating/interpass temperature • The cleaning and shape of runs and layers of weld metal • Back gouging • The welding sequence • The correct use and handling of welding consumables • Control of distortion • Any intermediate examination (e.g. checking dimensions) 4.4.3 Inspection and testing after welding • The use of visual inspection (for completeness of welding, weld dimensions, shape) • The use of non-destructive testing • The use of destructive testing • The form, shape, tolerance and dimensions of the construction • The results and records of post-operations (e.g. post-weld heat treatment, ageing) 4.4.4 Ensure that Post-Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) is performed in accordance with the specification. 4.4.5 Non-Conformance and Corrective Actions • Ensure that the necessary measures and actions (e.g. weld repairs, re-assessment of repaired welds, corrective actions) are implemented. 4.4.6 Ensure that only calibrated and validated measuring, inspection and testing equipment are used. 4.4.7 Ensure that all quality records including databook are prepared and maintained as per applicable specification. 4.5 WELDING INSTRUCTOR Welding instructors for practical training shall have International Welding Practitioner (IWP) as minimum requirements for education, examination and qualification. The tasks and responsibilities assigned to the welding instructor are as follows: 4.5.1 Present International Welder Training (both theory and Practical) 4.5.2 Maintain Welding Facilities and Equipment 4.5.3 Facilitating the Training needs analysis CONTROLLED DISCLOSURE When downloaded from the EDMS, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the system. Personnel and Entities Performing Welding Related Special Processes on Eskom Plant Unique Identifier: Revision: Page: 36-505 1 12 of 14 4.5.4 Administer the practical training of the trainees 4.5.5 Administer the on-job training of the trainees 4.6 SENIOR WELDING INSTRUCTOR/HEAD OF WELDING SCHOOL Courses leading to IIW qualifications are closely related to industrial practice, and it is essential for teaching staff to have continuing contact with industry. Teaching staff needs to combine: • Teaching ability – evidence of training in lecturing, public speaking or verbal communication • Competence in the subjects being taught • Knowledge and experience of current industrial practice in the subjects being taught • Practical skills in the demonstration of welding practice Welding Training Specialist shall one of the following as the minimum requirements for education, examination and qualification. • International Welding Engineer (IWE) in line with document IAB-002-2000/EWF-409 • International Welding Technologist (IWT) in line with document IAB-0003-2000/EWF-410 • International Welding Specialist (IWS) in line with document IAB-004-2000/EWF-411 The tasks and responsibilities assigned to the welding training specialist are as follows: 4.6.1 Oversee the welding training staff 4.6.2 Learner Assessments 4.6.3 Development of Training Material 4.6.4 Administer the assessments and examinations in line with International Institute of Welding requirements 4.6.5 Administer the testing of trainees 4.6.6 Provide the resource which is adequate for the development, updating and monitoring of the training programme 4.6.7 Updating of the syllabus 4.6.8 Maintain the current industrial practice CONTROLLED DISCLOSURE When downloaded from the EDMS, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the system. Personnel and Entities Performing Welding Related Special Processes on Eskom Plant Unique Identifier: Revision: Page: 36-505 1 13 of 14 4.7 WELDING ENGINEER/TECHNOLOGIST Welding Engineer/Technologist shall have one of the following minimum requirements for education, examination and qualification. • International Welding Engineer (IWE) in line with document IAB-002-2000/EWF-409 • International Welding Technologist (IWT) in line with document IAB-0003-2000/EWF-410 In addition the Welding Engineer/Technologist shall be registered with ECSA as professional engineer/technologist The roles and responsibility of welding engineer/technologist shall be: 4.7.1 Formulate welding policy and practices within Eskom 4.7.2 Technical advice on welding related activities 4.7.3 Review and compile welding standards and practices within Eskom 4.7.4 Review the capacity of the site, project or manufacturer to meet the prescribed welding requirements 4.7.5 Conduct audit/surveillance to ensure that welding management systems are operating correctly in all the site, project or manufacturer. 4.7.7 Evaluate qualification from other countries that is considered to be equivalent to any qualification mentioned in this standard. 4.7.8 Investigate any welding activity that could affect Eskom plant in a detrimentally way. 5. ENTITIES PERFORMING WELDING AND WELDING RELATED ACTIVITIES 5.1 TRAINING SCHOOL FACILITIES The ATB shall provide an appropriate complement of teaching staff which has, collectively, the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver the course in an effective manner. The number of such staff shall be sufficient to ensure that the essential specialist knowledge and industrial experience to cover the syllabus is adequately represented in the team of teachers and visiting lectures. In order to effectively deliver the course, one instructor is required for each 10 trainees. The facilities should be clean, well lit and comfortable. For practical work each student should have ample bench space and good access to test specimens. Classrooms should have adequate desks or tables, and be equipped with suitable teaching aids, such as blackboards, overhead projectors, closed circuit television, slide projectors and video equipment, as appropriate to the course. The lectures must be supported by good quality visual aids, for example: slides, overheads, transparencies and/or videos. The ATB shall maintain a reference library of key material available to students for background study. This library shall include a comprehensive collection of standards relevant to welding. CONTROLLED DISCLOSURE When downloaded from the EDMS, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the system. Personnel and Entities Performing Welding Related Special Processes on Eskom Plant Unique Identifier: Revision: Page: 36-505 1 14 of 14 A full set of good quality course notes should be maintained in order to ensure consistency between courses and in the event of any change of staff. Lectures should be supported by good quality handbooks issued to students containing key information for reference. A final examination to assess student performance, in accordance with the relevant IIW guideline will be conducted by a Board of Examiners appointed by the Governing Board of the ANB. This examination is mandatory, and is independent of any assessment procedure conducted by the ATB. 5.2 WELDING PERSONNEL TRAINING FACILITIES The training facilities for all welding personnel shall be accredited by IIW and use the IIW training programme as the basis for its training and qualification programme. 5.3 COMPANY ACCREDITATION – ISO 3834 All companies performing welding related activities on Eskom plant shall have accreditation to ISO 3834 as follows. Equipment Group Minimum Quality Level Type Eskom Level 1 Plant IS0 3834 Part 2 Comprehensive Eskom Level 2 Plant IS0 3834 Part 3 Standard Eskom Level 3 Plant IS0 3834 Part 4 Elementary CONTROLLED DISCLOSURE When downloaded from the EDMS, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user to ensure it is in line with the authorised version on the system.