2nd Quarter 2014, Volume 56, Issue 2 T H E O F F I C I A L P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E O R A N G E C O U N T Y AU TO M O B I L E D E A L E R S A S S O C I AT I O N Dealer Day A BIG SUCCESS! HOW THE FRANCHISE SYSTEM BENEFITS CONSUMERS OCADA 50TH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT THE FALLACY OF FLATS FER R UZ Z O LLP FER RUZZO & F ER R UZ ZO LLP & AT T O R N E Y S A T L A W | Our Practice Is Rooted In Strong Relationships FER R UZ Z O Purchase and Sale of Dealerships Ferruzzo & Ferruzzo can provide you with assistance and guidance in the sale or purchase of your dealership, having participated in the sale and purchase of dealerships for over 20 years with vast experience in dealership transactions. Additional dealership services include: what’s down the road for your dealership? Land Acquisition & Construction of Dealerships Negotiation of computer hardware and software systems Real estate and flooring loan transactions Negotiation of Management employment agreements and Management buy-ins Customer Dispute Resolution including lemon law claims Represents Dealers before the DMV & on protests before the State of California New Motor Vehicle Board Represented Dealerships in 10% of all Arbitrations in California after GM & Chrysler Bankruptcies All Attorney’s are members of National Association of Dealer Counsel When the time arises to talk about dispute resolution, litigation, or transaction services TOM FERRUZZO AV PREEMINENT® HEADS THE FIRM’S BUSINESS group, a 40-year merger and acquisition practice that has closed automobile dealership transactions exceeding an aggregate of several billion dollars in sales. The group’s matters have ranged from the purchase of 31 chemical companies across North America, to the buy/sell of numerous automobile dealerships, as in the Penske/Crevier deal. Tom is also experienced in the transfer of time-share management companies, manufacturing and distributing companies, medical practices, and service/construction businesses. JIM FERRUZZO AV PREEMINENT® MANAGING PARTNER on the CIVIL LITIGATION team, has 40 years of complex litigation experience, including more than 150 trials. Jim’s leadership continues to produce dynamic results and he has an extraordinary reputation for successful outcomes. As recently as the past year, his team has defeated several multimillion-dollar claims against its automobile dealership clients in real estate, partnership, and business disputes. He has arbitrated the GM Bankruptcy closures. call Ferruzzo & Ferruzzo LLP JAMES BARONE AV PREEMINENT® has a practice that consists primarily of acting as general counsel to automobile dealerships who do not have the luxury of in-house counsel. He provides advice with regard to a wide variety of legal matters that arise in both sophisticated and day-to-day business operations. With over 30 years of legal experience, Jim personally negotiated and successfully closed dealership transactions with both private and public companies involving an aggregate of $3 billion in sales and an aggregate enterprise value in excess of $1 billion. GREG FERRUZZO Head of the FIRM’S CIVIL LITIGATION team has been with Ferruzzo & Ferruzzo since 1993. His primary focus has been civil litigation and arbitrations for the Firm’s automobile dealership clients. During this time, he has practiced in the area of civil litigation in both the state and federal courts, which include successful jury trials, six successful arbitrations of the GM Bankruptcy closures, as well as protests before the New Motor Vehicle Board. He represents a variety of business clients in contract disputes, partnership and corporate dissolutions, fraud and unfair business competition claims, sexual harassment and wrongful employment termination cases. B U SI N ES S L A W | L I T I G A T I O N | E ST A T E P L A N N I N G | R E A L E S T A T E | T A X | F A M I L Y L A W A Limited Liability Partnership, including Professional Corporations 949.608.6900 | ferruzzo.com 6 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 20 23 26 28 34 38 CONTENTS PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE OC AUTO INDUSTRY FAST FACTS 2013 ORANGE COUNTY AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY PROFILE HOW THE FRANCHISE SYSTEM BENEFITS CONSUMERS OCADA LEGISLATIVE LUNCHEONS DEALER ALERT DEALER DAY A BIG SUCCESS 2014 OCADA-PAC HONOR ROLL OCADA 50TH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT OC Dealer is a publication of Media Communications Group and is the of ficial publica t ion of Or ange Coun t y Au tomobile Dealers Association. OC Dealer is published 4 times per year by Media Communications Group. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of OC Dealer, or its publisher Media Communications Group. Any legal advice should be regarded as general information. It is strongly recommended that one contact an attorney for counsel regarding specific circumstances. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured by Media Communications Group. MANY THANKS TO OUR 5OTH ANNUAL OCADA GOLF TOURNAMENT SPONSORS MEET YOUR CANDIDATE PAT BATES FOR SENATE DISTRICT 36 13 TECHNOLOGY COMPETITION THE FALLACY OF FLATS BEWARE OF CLAIMS THAT FLAT FEES ELIMINATE A DEALER’S RISK OF VIOLATIING FAIR CREDIT LAWS CA OSH APPEALS BOARD DECISION: EYE-WASH STATIONS IN PARTS DEPT. ORANGE COUNTY AUTO THEFT ADVISORY COMMITTEE 6 AN INTERVIEW WITH BRUCE HAMLIN 4 Calendar of Events 6 President’s Message 11 OCADA Welcomes Our New Dealer and OC DEALER is a Publication of the Orange Associate Members County Automobile Dealers Association Protect Your Franchise – Support the 3737 Birch St., Suite 220 OCADA-PAC! Newport Beach, CA 92660 19th Annual OCADA Automotive Technology www.ocada.org Competition Phone: 949-428-5050 Fax: 949-428-5054 OCADA Annual Meeting 14 OCADA ANNUAL MEETING Visit us Online! 12 13 14 OCADA www.OCADA.org 3 Calendar of Events BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Cliff Allen Allen Cadillac GMC and Hyundai VICE PRESIDENT Allen Moznett Toyota of Orange TREASURER John Oh Lexus of Westminster IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Paul Conant SEPTEMBER 9-10, 2014 NADA Washington Conference Washington, DC SEPTEMBER 16-17, 2014 Service Advisor Training Seminar Presented by: Jeff Cowan National University, Costa Mesa OCTOBER 3, 2014 OCADA Annual Meeting & Auto Show Preview Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim OCTOBER 2-5, 2014 Orange County International Auto Show Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim Norm Reeves Honda Huntington Beach DIRECTORS Bruce Hamlin Guaranty Chevrolet K.C. Heidler Kia Depot Tom’s Truck Center Michael Kitzmiller Ford and Mazda of Orange James Renick Renick Cadillac Subaru David Simpson Simpson Buick GMC Simpson Chevrolet of Garden Grove EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/SECRETARY John Sackrison © 2014 Orange County Automobile Dealers Association | The newsLINK Group, LLC. All rights reserved. OCDealer is published four times each year by The newsLINK Group, LLC for the OCADA and is the official publication for this association.The information contained in this publication is intended to provide general information for review and consideration. The contents do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied on as such. If you need legal advice or assistance, it is strongly recommended that you contact an attorney as to your specific circumstances. The statements and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the OCADA, its board of directors, or the publisher. Likewise, the appearance of advertisements within this publication does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any product or service advertised. OCDealer is a collective work and as such some articles are submitted by authors that are independent of the OCADA. While OCDealer encourages a first print policy, in cases where this is not possible, every effort has been made to comply with any known reprint guidelines or restrictions. Content may not be reproduced or reprinted without prior written permission from OCADA or The newsLINK Group, LLC. For further information, please contact The newsLINK Group, LLC at: 855-747-4003. 4 OCADA Interesting OC Auto Fact: OC Auto Dealers employ more than 11,600 individuals with a total payroll of $614 million annually every turn. Reach OC car buyers Reach OC car buyers at at every turn. every turn. print to online to mobile media, our ising vehicles fire on all cylinders. ork of websites and newspapers he most in-depth coverage relevant to County communities. From print to online media, ourno one beats our lineup of advertising opportunities. From print to onlineto to mobile mobile to special events, Contact ustargeting today about packages targeting the consumers you want to reach. advertising vehicles firecustomized on all cylinders. customized package rs you want to reach: Special Advertising Supplement ative adnetwork units Our of websites and newspapers Los Angeles Times Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles. Publishes March 12, space closes March 3. le provide the most in-depth coverage relevant to Orange County communities. activation LA Times Signature Events Print And Digital om publications • Festival of Books • Los Angeles Times Create a customized package targeting • The Envelope Screening Series • you Dailywant Pilotto reach: consumers • The Taste • Huntington Beach Independent • Innovative ad units • Laguna Beach Coastline Pilot • Mobile • Event activation • Custom publications To advertise or more information, contact Kevin Davis at 714-966-7503 or kevin.davis@latimes.com ertise in this section, Kevin Davis at 714.966.7503 To advertise in this section, n.davis@latimes.com contact Kevin Davis at 714.966.7503 or kevin.davis@latimes.com PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE PRESIDENT CLIFF ALLEN As we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the OCADA Golf Outing in June, I noticed something throughout the day that you don’t often see, especially amongst fierce competition, and that is true camaraderie. I saw the same camaraderie and cohesiveness as a band of Orange County dealers joined other dealers from around the state to meet with our legislators at Dealer Day in Sacramento. While fierce competition is not unusual, our unique ability to play and work together makes all the difference when our industry faces a challenge. Recently there has been a lot of discussions about the automotive franchise system in the media and 6 OCADA I am sure you have been asked about it by a neighbor or friend. While our franchise system has been around for more than 100 years, it has changed and adapted to meet the needs of our consumers and manufacturer partners. It will continue to evolve to best serve those needs and will thrive because it is the best way to sell and service vehicles – period! We provide competition, convenience and advocacy for our consumers. The manufacturers benefit by outsourcing their retail network and capitalize on our local market knowledge, community connections and the personal pride we share in providing a great sales and service experience for our friends and neighbors in our communities. Equally important is the BILLIONS of dollars we save them with the investments we make in real estate, facilities, inventory, staff, training, and the liabilities we take on in navigating a myriad of complex federal, state and local laws and regulations. What we do is costly, complex and challenging and it cannot be done over the internet or through factory owned stores. While each of us knows these challenges and why the franchise system works, NADA has put together a series of both written and video materials that are a great resource for us to reference the next time the media or a neighbor has a question about the automotive franchise system. We have included one example in this newsletter and would encourage you to visit NADA.org/getthefacts for more great information on why the franchise system is the best way to sell and service vehicles. Let’s continue to play and work together, so we can remain united when facing the challenges ahead! PASSIONATELY SERVING THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY Located in Newport Beach, MLG is Orange County’s premier boutique business law firm. We offer gifted legal counsel that is solution-based and designed to optimize your bottom line. MLG has become well-known in the automotive industry for business transactions and automotiverelated disputes. We have litigated cases against nearly every automotive manufacturer, and have been involved in structuring some of the most significant automotive transactions to date. Whatever your business needs may be, MLG is uniquely positioned to provide you with exceptional counsel. We look forward to serving you well. Jonathan A. Michaels Michaels Law Group, APLC 2801 W. Coast Highway, Suite 370 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Web: MichaelsLawGroup.com Phone: 949.581.6900 OCADA 7 $&35*'*&%16#-*$"$$06/5"/54 50th Anniversary 1964-2014 “Value for your money, quality for your time” 10 OCADA OCADA 11 Assemblyman Tom Daly Dealers and Elected Officials Break Bread and Discuss Issues Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva Assemblyman Don Wagner 14 OCADA TRADE UP TO HIGH PERFORMANCE THE OPTIMIZED VEHICLE REGISTRATION SOLUTION 99.5% MORE DEALS ARE PROCESSED WITH FEWER ISSUES + With the industry’s highest rate of DMV compliance (99.5%), dealership partners’ paperwork is no longer audited by the DMV. 97.5% MORE DEALS ARE PROCESSED ELECTRONICALLY + 97.5% of new deals are eFiled — the highest rate in the industry and 11% more than all other service providers.* 24/7 GET ANSWERS ANYTIME, ANYWHERE + 24/7 registration, software and audit support are provided along with monthly account executive visits. $$$ DMV PENALTIES ARE SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED + DMVdesk clients, on average, experience the lowest penalties across the market.** SCHEDULE YOUR DEMO TODAY! 1-877-DMV-DESK • WWW.DMVDESK.COM * Based on monthly reports provided by the California DMV. ** Based on California DMV penalty reports for all dealerships during the Fiscal Year 2012-2013. DEALER ALERT 50.2% Of Auto Show attendees intend to purchase a new vehicle in the next 12 months Get these buyers to your booth, in your vehicles and out to your dealership by asking your manufacturer to: ØBring a Concept - #1 Consumer Draw ØHost a Ride & Drive - Over 50% test drive a car at the show ØIntro a Vehicle - This gets the media’s and consumer’s attention The show is October 2nd-5th, so the clock is ticking to 16 OCADA maximize your opportunity with the Auto Show’s car buyers! Dealer Day A BIG Success! Special Thanks to the Chairman’s Club Delegation Who Joined us for CNCDA’s Dealer Day 2014! Left to Right: Craig Whetter, Wilson Automotive Group; Paul Conant, Norm Reeves Honda Huntington Beach; Frank Romano, Wilson Automotive Group; Valerie Romero, Tustin Toyota; Senator Mimi Walters, 37th Senate District; Scott Paul, Jaguar Land Rover Mission Viejo; Dermot Brennan, Jaguar Land Rover Mission Viejo; David Wilson, Wilson Automotive Group Left to Right: Bruce Hamlin, Guaranty Chevrolet; Craig Whetter, Wilson Automotive Group; Frank Romano, Wilson Automotive Group; K.C. Heidler, Kia Depot; Paul Conant, Norm Reeves Honda Huntington Beach Left to Right: John Sackrison, OCADA; Cliff Allen, Allen Cadillac GMC & Hyundai; Senator Mark Wyland, 38th Senate District; Stephen Brown, Jaguar Land Rover Mission Viejo; Dermot Brennan, Jaguar Land Rover Mission Viejo, Tom Ferruzzo, Ferruzzo & Ferruzzo, LLP. OCADA 17 18 Cliff Allen Roberta Hardin Al Parajeckas Paul Conant AJ D’Amato Mike D’Amato Mark Dershem Bruce Hamlin K.C. Heidler Mike Kitzmiller Paul Lunsford Pat Lustig Bob Miller James Renick David Simpson Paul Swim David Wilson Derrick Van Nieulande Fred Angiuli Jim Graham Todd McNitt Bill Selman Ephraim Barcelo Jon Gray Jim Miller Frank Shaygan Norris Bishton Matt Gunderson Preston Minor Damon Shelly Frank Busal Jr. Eric Hardin Matt Moloci Ahmad Soleman Jeff Cappo Dennis Hardin Brad Mugg Jim Speck Sean Clancy Jared Hardin Frank Murphy Penny Spellens Matt Crandall Roger Hogan John Oh Tim Tauber David DeLillo Dick Hsu Mark Parkinson Alex Tissot Wayne Doddridge Sam Klein John Patterson Gary White Aaron Duport Richard Landfield Bill Piercey Omar Z Rick Evans Paul Liu RJ Romero Todd Zaciek Tom Ferruzzo Daniel McKenna George Saad OCADA OCADA 19 OCADA 50th Annual Golf Tourna T he 50th Annual OCADA Golf Tournament was a great day of golf enjoyed by all. Golfers arrived at the Mesa Verde Golf Course on a beautiful Monday morning and set off for a day of golfing, contests, and festivities. Dealers and guests enjoyed reconnecting with old friends and participating in all of the fun sponsored activities out on the course. 20 OCADA After the tournament was finis anticipated lawn bowling and emony was action packed. G while our emcee and chairma announced the winners of the ament shed, guests gathered on the green for the much d helicopter drop. The dinner and awards cerGuests walked away with over $10,000 in prizes an, Al Parajeckas kept the crowd entertained as he e tournament. OCADA 50th Annual Golf Tournament Winners Sheet SCRAMBLE – Dealer Flight SCRAMBLE –Associate/Guest Flight 1ST John Yakel 1ST Steve Gordon 1ST Garrett Herzog 1ST Caroll Unpingco 1ST Dan Leatherman 1ST Bob Koontz 1ST Craig Silva 1ST Alex Trachtman Score: 56 Score: 60 2nd John Oh 2nd Bob Ludwig 2nd Brock Palmer 2nd Dan Palmer 2nd Bill Masciello 2nd Steve Bader 2nd Jeff Robinson 2nd Phil Gross Score: 58 *Card-off Score: 64 3rd James Renick 3rd Nick Telliard 3rd Leigh Silver 3rd MacKever Tedford Score: 58 3rd Scott Swearingen 3rd Lewis Fisher 3rd Scott Mahl 3rd Craig Mosgowsky Score: 65 Longest Drive Dealer Craig Silva Associate/Guest Andy Lewis Ladies Dana Cox Straightest Drive DealerSimpson Chevrolet Associate/Guest Craig Silva Ladies Carol Unpingco Closet to the Pin Dealer Don Lucarelli (6’10”) Associate/Guest David Caso (6’10”) Highest Scoring Team Overall Fred Lopez Troy Lopez Brenda & Beverly Score: 77 OCADA 21 Stop letting your write-offs ride off. Is your dealership taking advantage of all the tax deductions and deferrals it’s entitled to claim? From new tangible property regulations to changing state and local tax incentives, opportunities abound for you to keep more of your money—and accelerate your dealership’s cash flow. We’ve been helping businesses ease their tax burden for more than a century. Put our knowledge to work for you. W W W. M O S S A D A M S . C O M /A U T O M O T I V E Tax Audit Fraud Detection & Prevention Dealership Valuations Management Succession Ownership Transition MANY THANKS TO OUR 50th ANNUAL OCADA GOLF TOURNAMENT SPONSORS COCKTAIL RECEPTION & LAWN BOWLING SPONSOR RAFFLE PRIZE SPONSOR DINNER SPONSOR LUNCHEON ON THE GREEN SPONSOR DIAMOND SPONSOR GOLF CART & GOODIE BAGS SPONSOR PLATINUM SPONSORS BREAKFAST & DRIVING RANGE SPONSOR HELICOPTER DROP SPONSOR SPORTS BAR & $10K HOLE-IN-ONE SPONSOR MARGARITA BAR SPONSOR MICRO-BREWERY BAR SPONSOR TIKI BAR SPONSOR GOLD SPONSORS And many other sponsors… SILVER SPONSORS Bank of America Auto Group Comerica Bank Fisher & Phillips, LLP Motor Trend Auto Shows Sauers Lopez Construction, Inc. GOLDEN TEE SPONSORS Automotive Compliance Consultants Benefit Compass Insurance Services Edmunds.com MyCustomerData.com WEX, Inc. $25,000 HOLE-IN-ONE SPONSOR MOC Products Co., Inc. LONGEST DRIVE SPONSOR Dealer Protection Group STRAIGHTEST DRIVE SPONSOR CNCDA CLOSEST TO THE PIN SPONSOR CU Direct Corporation REGISTRATION GIFT SPONSOR ADP Dealer Services SUNSCREEN SPONSOR CVR - Computerized Vehicle Registration TEE SPONSORS Callahan Thompson Sherman Caudill Celly Services US Bank Dealer Commercial Services Wells Fargo Dealer Services GREEN SPONSORS Orange Line Oil Reynolds & Reynolds Your Success... Is Our Success For over 40 years we have been committed to our dealer clients providing them with the highest quality tax, accounting, consulting, and management support services in a timely, responsive manner. With several years of dealership experience at the shareholder level, our firm’s pro-active outlook, our business management and strategicplanning expertise, and our focus on the importance of tangible results ensures that you have a partner on your team that will help you optimize your business operations, minimize exposure to taxes, and assist you with estate planning and dealer succession opportunities. Let us be part of your team and see how we can make a difference. 1067 Park View Drive | Covina, CA 91724 | (626) 858-5100 | Fax (626) 332-7012 Dale E. Duncan, CPA Shareholder (626) 858-5100, ext. 226 dduncan@rogersclem.com George R. Applebaum, CPA Shareholder (626) 858-5100, ext. 215 gapplebaum@rogersclem.com Scott M. Biehl, CPA Shareholder (626) 858-5100, ext. 229 sbiehl@rogersclem.com Andy R. Jones, CPA Shareholder (626) 858-5100, ext. 237 ajones@rogersclem.com CRM CONFERENCE OF THE YEAR USER SUMMIT 2014 //JUNE 10-12 HARD ROCK HOTEL, SAN DIEGO Join 500+ attendees! 888.426.2518 usersummit.dealersocket.com DealerSocketCRM DealerSocketCRM #dsus ©DealerSocket, Inc. 2014 I All Rights Reserved. Start to Finish Direct Mail Solutions No Matter Who You Target... Some of our specialized markets include: Expiring Leases, KBB Year Make Model with Book Value and Pre-Approvals. We know the CaliforNia market, because we are in CaliforNia. Call Us Today for a personal introduction on how we can improve your Direct Mail ROI. Denise Mitchell 714-402-4427 | 866-434-6906 www.idealdirectadgroup.com 25 OCADA Meet Your Candidate Pat Bates for Senate District 36 The 36th Senate District in Orange County includes the South County cities of Aliso Viejo, Dana Point, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano and Rancho Santa Margarita. Favorite Quote: “There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit.” President Ronald Reagan Personal: Pat has two children and resides in South County with her husband, John. Biography: Pat Bates has a well-earned reputation as one of California’s most accomplished public servants. She was the driving force behind Laguna Niguel’s campaign for cityhood and became its first Mayor upon the City’s incorporation in 1989. She served four terms as Mayor and then continued serving as a City Council Member until her election to the State Assembly. In 1998, Pat ran for the State Assembly and was overwhelmingly elected by Orange and San Diego County voters to the 73rd Assembly District. In the Assembly, she served as Vice-Chair of the Assembly Appropriations and Assembly Health Committee; and was the founding Chair of the Republican Women’s Caucus. While serving in the Assembly, 26 OCADA Pat was appointed to the prestigious Little Hoover Commission; and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed her to serve on his historic California Performance Review Commission – responsible for providing recommendations on reforming State Government and its operations. As a State Legislator, Pat was widely regarded by her colleagues as a proven consensus builder – able to bring people together and get things done for the good of the state and her district – and worked diligently to make our communities safer and more livable. In 2006, Pat ran for the Board of Supervisors, defeating an opponent who spent over $4 million, out spending Pat by a near 3 to 1 margin. On January 9, 2007, Pat was sworn-in as Supervisor by former State Education Secretary and Senator Marian Bergeson. As only the fourth woman ever elected to the Board of Supervisors, Pat has worked diligently to protect taxpayers and improve her County’s fiscal outlook; create business friendly policies to attract jobs; maintain high levels of public safety; shorten the timeline for delivery of transportation projects; implement pension and retiree medical liability reform measures and protect our coastal environment. To learn more about Pat Bates, candidate for the 36th Senate District, please visit www.BatesforSenate.com. “Energy is the third-highest overhead expenditure for automobile dealerships.” -National Automobile Dealers Association Cut your operating costs today! Generate power on-site and watch your utility bill drop. Shorebreak Energy Developers is proud to offer... ZERO-DOWN FINANCING - Lock in rates with our No-Cost Power Purchase Agreement SAVINGS WITHOUT ANY INVESTMENT- Installed, maintained and monitored by Shorebreak FREE-UP CAPITAL –Save on operating costs and preserve capital for core business opportunities “GREEN” MARKETING–Use renewable energy and take advantage of “green” marketing and PR FOR A FREE SOLAR ANALYSIS CONTACT SHOREBREAK ENERGY DEVELOPERS AT: 877-449-1944 | www.ShorebreakEnergy.com License # C-10 972616 The Fallacy of Flats Beware of Claims that Flat Fees Eliminate a Dealer’s Risk of Violating Fair Credit Laws By Paul D. Metrey, Chief Regulatory Counsel, Financial Services, Privacy, and Tax for the National Automobile Dealers Association S ince at least early 2013, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or Bureau) has exerted substantial pressure on indirect finance sources to change the way they compensate automobile dealers for originating credit contracts with consumers. The Bureau has taken this action based on its belief that finance source compensation policies that allow dealers to exercise discretion in determining the amount they earn for originating consumer credit contracts (known as “dealer participation” or “dealer reserve”) create a “significant risk” that certain groups of consumers (based on race, national origin, or other prohibited factors) will pay more dealer participation than other groups of similarly situated consumers, in violation of the federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA). Because the Bureau believes that dealer pricing discretion is the source of this fair credit risk, the Bureau declares that finance sources can take one of two actions to address it. A finance source can constrain dealer pricing discretion by imposing a series of controls on that discretion and monitoring the dealer participation earned in the credit contracts it purchases from 1 CFPB Bulletin 2013-02 (Mar. 21, 2013). 28 OCADA dealers. Alternatively, a finance source can forgo this process by eliminating dealer pricing discretion and compensating dealers with “another mechanism, such as a flat fee per transaction, that does not result in discrimination.”1 But if finance sources were to adopt a flat fee pricing mechanism,2 would that indeed eliminate dealer pricing discretion and the risk of unlawful pricing disparities that the Bureau maintains results from such as discretion? For the individual finance source that adopts a flat fee policy, the CFPB states that the answer is “yes.” However, for the dealers who sell paper to that finance source as well as to other finance sources, the answer is decidedly “NO.” The reason flat fees would not eliminate dealer pricing discretion – even if every finance source were to adopt them – is simple. Dealers typically sell credit contracts to a variety of finance sources, each finance source would set its own flat fee, and dealers would exercise discretion in selecting the finance source to which they would sell the contract. Thus, far from eliminating dealer discretion, flat fees would merely shift the primary exercise of that discretion from intrafinance source discretion (that is, the discretion a dealer exercises in determining how many basis points to add to the wholesale buy rate offered by a single finance source) to inter-finance source discretion (that is, the discretion a dealer would exercise in determining which flat fee amount to choose from among the competing offers it received from multiple finance sources). Flat fees therefore would not eliminate dealer pricing discretion. This in turn means that, to the This approach should appeal not just to dealers, but also to indirect finance sources and the CFPB as they consider ways to address fair credit risks at the retail level. extent such discretion creates a risk of discrimination to the consumer, flat fees would not eliminate that risk. And, if this risk of discrimination exists for the consumer, then a risk of liability for that discrimination exists for the dealer.3 Consequently, in identifying the adoption of flat fees as a silver bullet for eliminating fair credit risk, the Bureau has come up with a purported solution for individual finance sources and individual finance sources alone. It has not come up with the solution for the other two parties to an indirect financing transaction – the consumer and the dealer.4 Because dealer pricing discretion is a feature of the indirect financing market that cannot and will not be eliminated by Bureau pressure on finance sources, then dealers, finance sources, and the government should consider ways to realistically and effectively manage the pricing discretion that dealers exercise. And this should be done in a manner that addresses the fair credit risk to each of the three parties to an indirect financing transaction (the consumer, the dealer, and the finance source) while preserving the overwhelming consumer benefits that result from a highly competitive marketplace. Fortunately, a tool exists that can help accomplish this objective. It is the NADA Fair Credit Compliance Policy & Program. The NADA program is modeled on a very well thought out fair credit compliance program contained in Department of Justice consent orders with two automobile dealers in 2007. A dealer who adopts the NADA program generally establishes a pre-set standard dealer participation rate (SDPR) that the dealer (i) adds to the wholesale buy rate offered by the finance source to which the dealer will assign the credit contract and (ii) includes in the offer of credit to the consumer. The dealer follows this approach for all offers of credit to consumers that involve dealer participation. However, the dealer can deviate downward from its SDPR and offer the consumer more favorable credit terms if any of several allowable deviations are present. One example of an continued on page 30 A “flat fee pricing mechanism” generally refers to a finance source policy that compensates dealers for originating consumer credit contracts with a flat dollar amount per transaction, a percentage of the amount financed, or another fixed formula for determining the dealer’s compensation. These policies do not permit dealers to exercise any form of pricing discretion, such as offering consumers a discounted annual percentage rate (APR) in order to earn their business. 2 3 As with finance sources, dealers are exposed to significant liability for ECOA violations. A broad industry adoption of flat fees in response to pressure from the CFPB would also create the risk of steering consumers to high-cost credit contracts, as dealers would be incentivized to sell their credit contracts to the finance source that offers the highest flat fee (which likely would result in higher APRs being paid by consumers). 4 OCADA 29 continued from page 29 allowable deviation – each of which consists of a good faith, procompetitive factor that is unrelated to the consumer’s background and therefore consistent with ECOA – is lowering the SDPR to “meet or beat” a competing offer that has been presented to the consumer. The dealership employee making the credit offer records the actual dealer participation rate included in the credit offer and the reason for any deviation from the SDPR. The dealer also appoints a program coordinator who reviews the transaction to ensure it was properly executed and who otherwise conducts training, oversight, and reporting to ensure the dealer’s fair credit compliance program is faithfully carried out. The NADA Fair Credit Compliance Policy & Program is not required, and has not been adopted as a safe harbor, by any federal agency. Its adoption by a dealer is completely optional. Nevertheless, NADA believes the program provides a dealer who adopts it with a viable means of managing the dealer’s fair credit risk – and, in turn, the fair credit risk presented to its customers – while allowing dealer pricing discretion to be exercised in a standardized manner that lowers the cost of credit for consumers. This approach should appeal not just to dealers, but also to indirect finance sources and the CFPB as they consider ways to address fair credit risks at the retail level. With regard to flat fee compensation programs, dealers can enter into them and NADA expresses no opinion as to the relative merit of any particular flat fee or other compensation program. The decision to enter into any compensation program, whether involving dealer participation, a flat fee, or another compensation arrangement, is an individual one that the dealer should make in consultation with its legal counsel. However, NADA cautions dealers to be wary of any claims that flat fee compensation programs somehow eliminate the dealer’s risk of violating fair credit laws. For the reasons stated above, these programs do not eliminate that risk for dealers who sell their contracts to multiple finance source partners. And, because they do not eliminate that risk, dealers who enter into flat fee compensation arrangements must decide how they will manage that risk, much as the NADA Fair Credit Compliance Policy & Program sets forth an optional mechanism for managing the fair credit risk associated with the compensation programs involving dealer participation. This article was prepared by Paul D. Metrey, Chief Regulatory Counsel, Financial Services, Privacy, and Tax for the National Automobile Dealers Association. Welcome to OCADA’s New Associate Members Dealer Protection Group offers industry-specific customized insurance and surety products, loss-control solutions, F&I programs and related services, personal lines of coverage, and employee benefit plans to help mitigate risk and protect business and personal assets. Contact Jason Winzen at (949) 208-8563 Enlightened Energy Services is dedicated to helping commercial, hospitality and industrial clients reduce energy waste and save money with the use of energy-efficiency technology. By combining our expertise in building technology and building construction with utility company rebate programs and third-party financing, we deliver smart refrigeration, lighting and controller solutions you need to maximize your return on investment. Contact Jeremy Morlas at (714) 422-7773 M. Park Maintenance provides landscape maintenance, tree trimming, water management, concrete pads and show case design for street display for new and used cars. An all new trained staff serves auto dealers needs and a management team is available daily for dealer inspection and supervision of all maintenance needs. Contact Chuck Sargeant at (714) 504-5144 Shorebreak Energy Developers provides solar electric solutions and are a turn-key operation. Everything is done in-house, including design, construction, engineering, analysis and financing, helping dealers save a significant amount of money on usage. Contact Nicholas Style at (949) 606-9040 Tax & Financial Group is a full service financial firm that offers investment strategies, risk management, estate planning, health insurance, group benefits, business succession and exit strategies. Contact Andrew Balzerit at (949) 223-8100 WEX, Inc. is the leading provider of corporate payment solutions and fleet fuel cards, specializing in the auto industry. Contact Deb Crowley at (562) 221-7132 30 OCADA JUST PUT IT ON THE COMPANY CARD…NOBODY WILL NOTICE. THEY’RE WORRIED ABOUT OVERTIME. I’M JUST WORKING OFF THE CLOCK. What you don’t hear can still hurt you. YOU’RE REALLY SHOWING OFF YOUR BEST ASSETS TODAY. I NEVER WEAR THE SAFETY GOGGLES. THEY LEAVE A MARK. The things employees say when you’re not around can cause legal troubles for you. Fisher & Phillips provides practical solutions to workplace legal problems. This includes helping you find and fix these kinds of employee issues before they make their way from the water cooler to the courthouse. 2050 Main Street • Suite 1000 • Irvine, CA 92614 • 949.851.2424 • www.laborlawyers.com ATLANTA BALTIMORE BOSTON CHARLOTTE CHICAGO CLEVELAND COLUMBIA COLUMBUS DALLAS DENVER FORT LAUDERDALE FISH-216 NewsLinkAutoPub-7.5x4.75.indd 1 GULFPORT HOUSTON IRVINE KANSAS CITY LAS VEGAS LOS ANGELES LOUISVILLE MEMPHIS NEW ENGLAND NEW JERSEY NEW ORLEANS ORLANDO PHILADELPHIA PHOENIX PORTLAND SAN ANTONIO SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO TAMPA WASHINGTON, D.C. 10/4/13 10:09 AM OCADA 31 SALES CAMPAIGNS THAT WORK. BUENA PARK, CA NISSAN DEALER 18 VEHICLES SOLD* 10,000 PIECES MAILED 1 WEEKEND EVENT 5 VEHICLES SOLD* 2,477 PIECES MAILED 2 WEEKEND EVENT 23 THE RESULTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. ALHAMBRA, CA VOLKSWAGEN DEALER VEHICLES SOLD* 15,000 PIECES MAILED 2 WEEKEND EVENT 13 6,000 PIECES MAILED 1 WEEKEND EVENT *REPORTED SALES INCLUDE ONLY VEHICLES THAT CAN BE SOURCED DIRECTLY TO THE MAILER. ALL EVENTS OCCURRED IN APPROXIMATELY THE LAST 60 DAYS. SALES REPORTS ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. Call Westates today at 800.884.5657 or 714.523.7600 and we will custom design for your store a creative new vehicle sales campaign that will generate showroom traffic resulting in BIG SALES WEEKEND! Reach your target audience affordably. advertise get results DANI GORDEN Advertising Sales 855.747.4003 dani@thenewslinkgroup.com 32 VEHICLES SOLD* OCADA Crowe Horwath LLP is the one of the largest public accounting and consulting firms in the dealerships. As a trusted resource to the industry, Crowe provides retail dealers with audit, tax, ru advisory, risk, and performance services. pd United States with a specialization in franchised at ed Extensive Retail Dealer Experience Our clients cite our industry expertise as the fo number one reason for engaging Crowe. The value we deliver, the high quality of our client service, our relationships with industry stakeholders, our ng credibility with creditors, and our use of technology are all reasons they give for staying with Crowe. w ai ti To learn more about our retail dealer services, visit crowehorwath.com/dealerships, or contact Ron Sompels at 813.209.2401 or ron.sompels@crowehorwath.com. Audit | Tax | Advisory | Risk | Performance The Unique Alternative to the Big Four ® Crowe Horwath LLP is an independent member of Crowe Horwath International, a Swiss verein. Each member firm of Crowe Horwath International is a separate and independent legal entity. Crowe Horwath LLP and its affiliates are not responsible or liable for any acts or omissions of Crowe Horwath International or any other member of Crowe Horwath International and specifically disclaim any and all responsibility or liability for acts or omissions of Crowe Horwath International or any other Crowe Horwath International member. Accountancy services in Kansas and North Carolina are rendered by Crowe Chizek LLP, which is not a member of Crowe Horwath International. © 2014 Crowe Horwath LLP RET15012 CA OSH Appeals Board Decision: Eye-wash Stations in Parts Dept. By Sam Celly, Celly Services, Inc. B ackground: Existing law requires an employer to provide eye wash stations that comply with ANSI standards. Eye wash stations must be within 10 seconds walking distance and not over 100 feet from the potential point of hazard. Most dealers have provided an eye wash in the service department within those stipulations. Appeals Board Decision: The CA OSH Appeals Board upholds a lower Administrative Law Judge’s (ALJ) decision requiring that eye wash stations be provided where employees are unloading and opening boxes and containers of hazardous materials. The Board noted that leaks and spills occur when packages are damaged in transit and when employees unpack shipping cases (Ref: 2013 CA OSHA App. Bd. Lexis 48). Take Away: Parts department employees open boxes of hazardous materials, including corrosive batteries, and stock them on shelves in parts department. Many times, used battery cores are stored in parts as well. The battery cores sometimes crack and leak acid into the storage container. Therefore, eye wash stations must be installed within 100 feet of hazmat handling and storage. Dealers in other states may also adopt this requirement regarding eye wash stations. MINIMUM PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO REPORT SERIOUS INJURY Background: The minimum penalty for failure to report a serious occupational injury, illness, or accident to OSHA was increased from $500 to $5,000. Both FedOSHA and Cal/OSHA require that all serious injuries or fatalities to employees from accidents related to work be reported to the nearest OSHA office even if the accident 34 OCADA occurs on a weekend. A serious injury or illness is defined as: • Fatality, amputation, disfigurement, or an incident that leads to hospitalization of an employee beyond 24 hours (other than for observation). (Cal/OSHA) • Fatality from a work related incident or in-patient hospitalization of three or more employees as a result of workrelated incident. (Fed-OSHA) The notification must be made to the nearest Cal/OSHA or FedOSHA office by phone within 8 hours even if the injury or fatality occurs on a weekend. The phone number of the nearest Cal/OSHA office is available on the labor law poster placed on the employee notice board. The Fed-OSHA number is 1-800-321-OSHA (1800-321-6742). The law also specifies that an employer, officer, management official, or supervisor who knowingly fails to report a death to Cal/OSHA, or induces another to do so, is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by up to 1 year in jail, a $1,500 fine, or both. If the violator is a corporation or LLC, the maximum fine is $150,000. The law has provisions that require Cal/OSHA to notify the appropriate prosecuting authority when an industrial accident results in a serious injury, illness, or death. Appeals Board Decision: Recent CA decisions have eliminated the adjustments/reductions to this penalty by the ALJ. Take Away: An OSHA investigation following the report of a serious injury is a certainty and detailed description of the accident to OSHA may incriminate the dealership leading to a criminal indictment. CSI, therefore, recommends that the employer is well-served by contacting their lawyer and being prepared for an OSHA investigation following a serious injury. Train your managers to report serious accidents to OSHA as required under the circumstances listed above even if the accident occurs after hours or on weekends. (Ref: T8CCR342 Ch. 3.2, AB 2837 & Labor Code 6423 and 29CFR1904.39(a)) Note: The contents of this article are merely for information only and not to be considered as legal advice. Employers must consult their lawyer for legal matters and safety consultants for matters related to safety. The article was authored by Sam Celly of Celly Services, Inc. who has been helping automobile dealers comply with EPA & OSHA regulations since 1987. Sam received Litigation Support & Expert Witness Dealership Forensic Accounting Valuations & Due Diligence Mergers & Acquisitions Embezzlement & Fraud Investigations his BE (1984) and MS (1986) in Chemical Engineering followed by a J.D. from Southwestern University School of Law (1997). Your comments/questions are always welcome. Please send them to sam@cellyservices.com. Let us Fix your Employee Benefit Problems, whether they be: Cost Employee Perception Healthcare Reform HR Compliance Employee Communication Health Risk Score Call us for a Free consultation: 888.959.2869 35 OCADA Your Dealership Compliance Partner 866.301.0593 compliantnow.com Sue Wilschke Mike Blasing Our solution integrates with Reynolds CRM, Route One, Dealertrack and ADP. Accelerate Your Dealership Profits Dealership Development Programs • Automotive Training Academy • Compliance Programs • F&I Products 36 OCADA Orange County Auto Theft Advisory Committee The top 5 Officers in Orange County receiving their awards at the Auto Theft Advisory Committee (ATAC) Vehicle Theft Recovery Officer of the Year awards ceremony. O n May 8th the OCADA proudly sponsored the Annual Orange County Auto Theft Advisory Committee (ATAC) Vehicle Theft Recovery Officer of the Year Awards. The event recognizes police officers with the most stolen vehicle recoveries from each city culminating with awards for the top 5 officers in the county. In 2013, 28 officers, representing almost every law enforcement agency in Orange County, arrested a total of 186 vehicle theft suspects, and recovered 863 vehicles exceeding a value of 5.25 million dollars (based on an FBI average recovery value of $6,089 per vehicle)! 38 OCADA This year’s recipients were: 1. Officer Kevin Flanagan - Anaheim Police Department 2. Officer Tom Carney – Buena Park Police Department 3. Officer Anthony “Tony” Reitz – Costa Mesa Police Department 4. Officer Jose Herrera – Garden Grove Police Department 5. Officer Scott Gump – Westminster Police Department In addition to sponsoring the event, OCADA presented charitable contributions to the Boys & Girls Club of America on behalf of the top five officers. WHEN YOU ENGAGE WITH BKCG… For E-LEND, a vital part of their business is the ability to deliver reliable and efficient solutions to their customers, solving financial problems through a positive experience. They developed an innovative financing platform for the automotive industry connecting buyers and sellers through a secure and streamlined process. E-LEND delivers results to their customers the same way BKCG delivers legal representation to the businesses they partner with. “BKCG UNDERSTANDS WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO OUR BUSINESS, OUR UNIQUE COMPANY DYNAMICS AND THEY REPRESENT US AS IF WE ARE THEIR PARTNER, NOT JUST A CLIENT.” – Pete MacInnis, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, E-LEND E-LEND has a longstanding working relationship with BKCG as their corporate legal firm and leverage their superior litigation skills and intimate knowledge of the automotive industry. BKCG provides sound legal advice on all aspects of corporate law and acts with the clients’ best interest in mind. E-LEND relies heavily on BKCG’s honest and direct counsel when it comes to legal matters impacting their firm. Call today and let us represent you in your next corporate legal matter. 949.975.7500 ■ www.bkcglaw.com You’re not just getting a law firm, you’re gaining a partner. OCADA 39 prsrt std us postage paid salt lake city, ut permit no. 508 This magazine is designed and published by The newsLINK Group, LLC | 801.746.4003 In the Service of Orange County FRIDAY, JAN. 17, 2014 WHEELS Ford’s 20 1 5 F-1 50 pickup truck uses an aluminum alloy that trims its weight by 700 pounds. FORD MOTOR CO. In the Service of Orange County NOT LETTING UP SUSAN CARPENTER STAFF WRITER W ith the Detroit automakers riding high on 2013 sales figures that saw Ford, General Motors and Chrysler all notching impressive gains for the year, the pedal is only being pressed closer to the metal at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit this week. From Ford to Kia to Volkswagen, the world’s largest automakers showcased innovative new vehicles and concepts that are redefining the increasingly competitive automotive landscape. 201 5 FORD F-1 50 Imagine the starting lineup of the Detroit Lions – or any other NFL team, for that matter. Now take away three of those players. That’s how much weight Ford is removing from its bestselling F-150 pickup. When it goes on sale later this year, the 2015 F-150 will weigh up to 700 pounds less than the outgoing model by sheathing its steel frame in high-strength aluminum. The truck’s cab, doors, hood – they’ll all be made from a militarygrade aluminum alloy that, Ford says, doesn’t just lighten the load but makes it more dent-resistant while simultaneously increasing the truck’s acceleration, hauling and stopping power. It’s a claim that’s as hefty as the truck itself. Range Rover has already tested the theory with its 2014 SUV, which lost a similar amount of weight through aluminum. But the Ford F-150 is the first mainstream vehicle to do so. Ford’s F series pickups have been the bestselling light vehicle in the country for 32 consecutive years. Making vehicles lighter is a no brainer for a huge market segment that needs to make significant strides toward the government’s 54.5 mpg-by-2025 fuel economy standard. The question is how much cost it will add and whether it will impact a truck’s durability. The first answer is unknown, since Ford hasn’t announced the price. It has, however, put the aluminum-bodied version of the best-seller through more than 10 million miles of testing, including a stint in the grueling Baja 1000 and multiple crosscountry hauls. Shocking as the aluminum idea WE’RE ACCELERATING. ARE YOU? VOLKSWAGEN Volkswagen’s Beetle Dune Concept is a bug that’s offroad-capable. Showing “potential for a new production version,” according to VW, it features a wider body, oversize wheel housings and a rear spoiler that swivels to accommodate outdoor equipment. S E E S H O W ● PA G E 2 RIDING THE LIGHTING A family’s idea for a bike that glows with customizable LEDs started with a broken taillight. BY SUMMER ROGERS STAFF WRITER From Orange County, through Los Angeles and across the Inland Empire, the Register reaches an estimated 4.2 million readers every week, including over 940,000 people shopping for a new or used car. And with more custom print options, digital opportunities, and exciting new creative solutions, we will connect you to consumers looking to buy. PHOTOS: JOSHUA SUDOCK, STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Forrest Smith, center, and his sons Jack, 9, left, and Ben, 8, have been developing bike frames that light up. Grow your business with us! • Newspaper • Magazine • Digital • Mobile • Custom Options One day in 2011, Forrest Smith’s then 7-year-old son, Jack, said the darndest thing after his bike’s taillight died: “I wish my whole bike could light up.” That got Dad thinking, “Yeah, why doesn’t the whole bike light up?” The 46-year-old Costa Mesa resident was aware of all the accessories that can be put on a bike to illuminate it, but there was nothing out there that used the frame as part of the lighting process. So that was the The bike lights are activated with big, red buttons plan. Once the Long Is- on the frame. land native had the idea to create such a system, he had to see if it was plausible. “One of the guys who works for me, Ken Spaulding, is experienced with designing bike components, so I threw the idea out there and we started messing around making different prototypes,” said ➜ CONTACT US AND GET STARTED TODAY S E E L I G H T ● PA G E 3 Lake Trout ltrout@ocregister.com 714-796-3855 In the Service of Orange County Currently, the OC Register and Press-Enterprise reach 2.1 million adults in the L.A. DMA. With the launch of the LA Register, we estimate we will reach 4.2 million in the next few months based on the circulation plan and the current Register readers per copy based on Scarborough Research, based on past week print and online readership. This does not include Unidos, our Spanish Product, which is expected to reach an additional 323,000 Spanish Preferred residents in the L.A. DMA. 20879