Estimating Credit Risk and Illiquidity Risk in Guaranteed Investment Products James X. Xiong, Ph.D., CFA® Senior Research Consultant Morningstar Investment Management Thomas Idzorek, CFA® Global Chief Investment Officer, Morningstar Investment Management October 10, 2011 Executive Summary Guaranteed investment products, including stable value funds, Guaranteed Investment Contracts (GICs), Synthetic GICs, Bank Investment Contract (BICs), Deferred Fixed Annuities, etc., are offered in many defined contribution plans in the United States. These guaranteed products can vary from product to product, but they all share some common characteristics: × It is well known that asset returns often exhibit fat tails, negative skewness, time × The volatility of the returns are lower than the volatility of cash (except in extreme circumstances) × There is a guaranteed minimum return (floor), e.g. 2% × Liquidity constraints can exist from one year to 10 years × Credit risk of the issuer(s) can not be ignored Despite the popularity of guaranteed investment products, the literature offers little guidance in the evaluation, risk estimation, and ultimately, the role in a diversified asset allocation portfolio. This paper explores ways to estimate credit risk and illiquidity risk for guaranteed products, so that their “true” risks are reflected in the inputs to asset allocation-oriented optimizations. Ignoring or inaccurately estimating illiquidity risk and credit risk can lead to an unjustified preference for guaranteed products. © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 2 Estimating Credit Risk and Illiquidity Risk in Guaranteed Investment Products Guaranteed products include stable value funds, Guaranteed Investment Contracts (GICs), Synthetic GICs, Bank Investment Contract (BICs), etc. They are offered in many defined contribution plans in the United States. Many of these products seem to have low risk because the returns are set based on certain rules, rather than marked to market. In order to evaluate such products, compare them to one another, and to determine an allocation to a guaranteed investment products, it is important to estimate the true risk of these products. Despite the popularity of guaranteed products, the literature offers surprisingly little guidance in the evaluation, risk estimation, and ultimately, the role in a diversified asset allocation portfolio. An important and recent exception to this void is Babbel and Herce (2011). This paper examines the performance of stable value funds since their inception in 1973. It analyzes the performance of stable value funds using mean-variance analysis, Sharpe and Sortino ratio analysis, stochastic dominance analysis, and optimal multi-period portfolio composition analysis. All of these historical analyses suggest that stable value funds dominate short-term government/credit bond funds and cash, and that stable value funds often occupy a significant position in optimal portfolios across a broad range of risk-aversion levels. In this case, the domination of stable value funds comes from a similar return but with a significantly lower standard deviation. While we believe it is clear to most people that comparing the volatility of a marked to market asset to that of a rules-based product that is not market to market is an apples to oranges comparison, there are some that continue to argue that the volatility of the guaranteed product that is experienced by the investors should be used for asset allocation and / or portfolio construction. We believe such a view fails to consider the true risk of the products to investors, and makes meaningful comparisons between two rules-based products challenging. For traditional GICs, credit risks are extremely relevant, especially in the case of a single issuer. Traditional GICs are typically backed by the financial health of the insurance company issuing the contract, not by the federal government. Therefore a GIC is only as good as the insurance company that issues the contract. While there have been very few meltdowns of insurance companies, the infamous failures of Executive Life and Mutual Benefit Life in 1991 forced pension fund managers and 401(k) plan investors to re-think GICs and to re-evaluate the credit risk associated with them. In addition to credit risk, another type of risk associated with guaranteed products is illiquidity risk. Some guaranteed products, but not all, have restrictions or penalties on withdrawals, which limits immediate access to the investor’s money and limits the investor’s ability to rebalance their overall portfolio toward their target strategic or tactical asset allocation. As a © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 3 result of this inability to rebalance (illiquidity), the effective asset allocation may be significantly different from the target, and thus, the risk characteristics will be different from those of the target. In other words, the inability to rebalance introduces uncertainty around the actual asset allocation an investor might have at a given point in time; hence, there will be uncertainty in the risk characteristics of the portfolio. Leland (2000) shows that the “cost” of the undesired overall risk exposure due to the inability to rebalance can be estimated as the present value of expected loss in utility. Systematically rebalancing a portfolio toward a target is a type of investment strategy in which one systematically sells assets that have appreciated in price and buys assets that have depreciated in price. More specifically, it is a contrarian investment strategy that is expected to earn a small liquidity premium because one is systematically supplying liquidity to the market. Empirical studies, such as Buetow et al. (2002), show that disciplined rebalancing can enhance returns and control risk. Willenbrock (2011) demonstrates that the underlying source of the diversification return is the rebalancing. If each individual asset in a portfolio has a geometric average return of zero, the non-rebalanced or buy-and-hold portfolio will have a geometric mean return of zero. In contrast, the geometric return of the rebalanced portfolio will earn a positive return. That positive incremental return is the diversification return. On the other hand, Willenbrock (2011) argues that the buy-and-hold portfolio can benefit from the fact that winning keeps winning. In other words, buy-and-hold generally performs better in a trending market, while rebalancing performs better in an oscillating market. More importantly, a rebalanced portfolio maintains a constant risk profile, while a buy-and-hold portfolio can suffer from a varying risk profile. In this paper, we treat the varying risk profile as a proxy for illiquidity risk. A complete analysis of a guaranteed product must go beyond the artificially smoothed historical returns, incorporating credit risk and illiquidity risk into the analysis. In an optimization setting, the failure to incorporate these two additional risks will undoubtedly lead to an incomplete analysis, and most likely, allocations to the guaranteed product that are too large relative to their complete risk and return characteristics. This paper explores ways to estimate credit risk and illiquidity risk for guaranteed products, so that their “true” risks are reflected in the inputs to the optimizations. © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 4 Overview of Guaranteed Products Guaranteed products are prevalent in 401(k) retirement plans. Unfortunately, the guaranteed product world is one in which the term “stable value fund” often serves as a catch all term for a wide variety of guaranteed products, most of which are not mutual funds at all. Here we give a brief introduction to the most common types of guaranteed products. Stable Value Funds—Stable Value Funds typically offer smoothed returns that are at a level similar to those of the BarCap U.S. Aggregate Bond Index. The funds invest primarily in guaranteed investment contracts or GICs. Some stable value funds invest in collective trusts or mutual funds, where the collective trusts or mutual funds are intern investing in GICs. In either case, the primary underlying investment is a portfolio of GICs. In the Stable Value Fund structure, counterparty risk is usually spread out over multiple GIC issuers. Guaranteed Investment Contracts (GICs)—GICs are primarily offered by banks and insurance companies. They are contracts, in which the issuer agrees to pay a predetermined interest rate and principle. The interest payments and, more importantly, principal are subject to counterparty risk. In theory, this is a spread product in which the issuer invests more aggressively to earn a spread over time. The return of this type of traditional GIC should be higher than a synthetic GIC (discussed below) due to the counterparty risk associated with the principal. For details, see Kleiman and Sahu (1992). Synthetic GICs—In this case, the investor retains ownership and control of the underlying investment (usually high-quality bonds) and purchases a “wrapper” from an insurance company. Most commonly, the wrapper guarantees that the principal will not go down and the minimum return (floor) is above 0%. Bank Investment Contracts (BICs)—BICs are similar to a GICs, but the underlying assets are held in trust protecting them from other potential obligations of the issuer. In contrast, the assets invested in a GIC are often part of a general account and thus could be impaired by the well being of the general account. A BIC may or may not be covered by FDIC insurance. Deferred Fixed Annuity—A deferred fixed annuity is an insurance contract, typically between an individual investor and the insurance company. The invested money is placed in the insurance company’s general account and invested as the insurance company sees fit, and is thus subject to counterparty risk (ignoring any government guarantees). Each contribution into the deferred fixed annuity will be credited with the current interest rate as declared by the issuer. The initial interest rate is declared in advance and guaranteed for some length of time (e.g. one, three, or five years). Following the expiration of the guaranteed period, most deferred fixed annuity contracts will continue to be credited with a slightly lower than market interest rate, with © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 5 periodic adjustments. As with all deferred annuities, the holder has the right to annuitize the contract value. These guaranteed products can vary from product to product, but they all share some common characteristics: × The expected returns are set by rules, not marked to market × The volatility of the returns are lower than the volatility of cash (except in extreme circumstances) × There is a guaranteed minimum return (floor), e.g. 2% × Liquidity constraints can exist from one year to 10 years × Credit risk of the issuer(s) can not be ignored In this paper, to help generalize our analysis to a wide variety of guaranteed products we work with a hypothetical guaranteed product (HGP). Our methodology can be applied to a broad range of guaranteed products with varying levels of credit risk and liquidity constraints. For our purposes, HGP is a guaranteed product that promises to preserve the principal value, to pay a minimum guaranteed interest rate (with the opportunity for additional amounts), and to let participants choose lifetime income payments when they retire. Historical Analyses We start by identifying the arithmetic mean return, standard deviation of realized returns, and the minimum and maximum return for historical crediting rates of HGP in Exhibit 1. For comparison purposes, we provide the equivalent summary statistics for the same time period for the BarCap U.S. Government / Credit 1-3 Yr Bond Index, BarCap U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, and the Citigroup Treasury Bill 3 Month Index. From Exhibit 1, we can see that the historical mean return for HGP is comparable to the BarCap U.S. Government / Credit 1-3 Yr Bond Index and it outperforms a typical short-term bond fund (with an expense of about 80 bps) by 57 bps; however, the standard deviations for all of the vintages are about 2-3 percentage points lower than the standard deviation of the BarCap U.S. Government / Credit 1-3 Yr Bond Index. As a result, the Sharpe ratio of HGP is much higher than the short-term bond index based on empirical data. Exhibit 1. Empirical Analyses on HGP (Annualized Statistics) HGP (1979.1-2010.12) BarCap US Govt/Credit 1-3 Yr (1979.1-2010.12) BarCap US Aggr Bonds (1979.1-2010.12) Citi Treasury Bill 3 Mon(1979.1-2010.12) Ari. Mean 7.17% 7.40% 8.71% 5.69% Std. Dev. 2.06% 4.53% 7.04% 3.54% Min 3.75% 0.55% -2.92% 0.13% Max 12.00% 21.65% 32.62% 15.05% As an experiment, we performed a traditional mean-variance optimization based on historical inputs that included HGP, Citigroup Treasury Bill 3 Month Index, BarCap U.S. Government / Credit 1-3 Yr Bond Index, BarCap U.S. Aggr Bond Index, and equities. As one would expect given its superior Sharpe ratio, HGP dominated the safe or fixed income allocations of the efficient frontier. Again, as we pointed out earlier, the artificially low standard deviations of the historically credited returns belies the true risk of HGP. To perform a meaningful mean-variance analysis, we need to adjust the standard deviation number to account for both credit risk and illiquidity risk. © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 6 Forward-Looking Analyses Historical mean returns provide limited use because they are not likely to be repeated in the future. Instead, we use forward-looking capital market assumptions to perform our analyses. Exhibit 2 shows the assumed composition of our HGP portfolio. Experience tells us that this is not that different from how an actual deferred fixed annuity might invest with in an insurance company’s general account and that historically this mini-portfolio of sorts has produced a superior return at a slightly lower risk level than a portfolio consisting of 100% BarCap U.S. Aggregate Bond Index. Exhibit 2. Composition of the HGP Portfolio General Fixed Income Domestic Equities Institutional Real Estate Cash Total BarCap U.S. Aggregate Bond TR S&P 500 TR NAREIT-Equity TR CG U.S. Domestic 3 Mo Tbill 89.2% 4.4% 4.0% 2.4% 100% Panels A, B, and C of Exhibit 3 show an example of Ibbotson forward-looking capital market assumptions for five assets: large cap, mid-small cap, international equity, bonds, and HGP. The mean and standard deviation of HGP are inferred based on the underlying asset allocation of HGP from Exhibit 2 and coupling those weights with the appropriate forward-looking capital market assumptions. Our analyses are performed at the asset-class level, not at the fund or product level. The expenses and management fees must be considered at the fund level. The top part of Panel A shows the unconditional mean and standard deviation while the bottom part of Panel A shows the modified mean and standard deviation after adjusting for the 2.0% guaranteed minimum return floor.1 As a result of applying the floor, the standard deviation of HGP is significantly reduced from 6.58% to 3.35%. Panels B and C of Exhibit 3 show the correlation matrix before and after the floor was properly applied to the HGP. 1 More specifically, a Monte Carlo simulation, in which the underlying asset classes of HGP were assumed to follow a multivariate Truncated Lévy Flight distribution (Xiong, 2010), was used to generate a return series with the appropriate starting summary statistics, and then returns below 2.0% were automatically set to 2.0%. The returns are also capped so that the expected return remains 4.85%. Finally, the modified summary statistics were calculated. © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 7 Exhibit 3 – Panel A. Ibbotson Forward-Looking Capital Market Assumptions Before Floor Mean Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis LC 10.06% 20.26% 0.36 5.98 MSC 13.08% 26.48% 0.50 5.79 International 11.03% 24.79% 0.41 3.95 Bonds 4.44% 6.57% 0.78 6.54 HGP 4.85% 6.58% 0.72 6.24 Mean Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis 10.06% 20.26% 0.36 5.98 13.08% 26.48% 0.50 5.79 11.03% 24.79% 0.41 3.95 4.44% 6.57% 0.78 6.54 4.85% 3.35% 0.52 2.00 After Floor Exhibit 3 – Panel B. Correlation Matrix Before the Floor is Applied LC MSC International Bonds HGP LC 1 0.9001 0.5991 0.2923 0.4786 MSC 0.9001 1 0.571 0.2767 0.4624 International 0.5991 0.571 1 0.2237 0.3438 Bonds 0.2923 0.2767 0.2237 1 0.9722 HGP 0.4786 0.4624 0.3438 0.9722 1 Bonds 0.2923 0.2767 0.2237 1 0.852 HGP 0.4318 0.4204 0.3126 0.852 1 Exhibit 3 – Panel C. Correlation Matrix After the Floor is Applied LC MSC International Bonds HGP LC 1 0.9001 0.5991 0.2923 0.4318 MSC 0.9001 1 0.571 0.2767 0.4204 International 0.5991 0.571 1 0.2237 0.3126 As shown in Panels B and C of Exhibit 3, the correlation between HGP and bonds are 12 percentage points lower after the floor is applied, while the correlations between HGP and equity asset classes are about 3-to-4 percentage points lower after the floor is applied. While the proper application of the floor is a necessary first step at eventually arriving at appropriate capital market assumptions for HGP, we have yet to account for credit and illiquidity risk. © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 8 Estimating Credit Risk Examining a debtor’s ability to repay its financial obligations is a crucial endeavor for lenders and investors. Answering the question, “How likely is it that my loan will be repaid on time,” is critical to the valuation and asset allocation of debt portfolios. For more than a century, the big three bond-rating agencies—Moody's, Standard & Poor's, and Fitch—have been the unchallenged arbiters of corporate creditworthiness. Rating references are embedded in hundreds of guidelines, laws, and private contracts that affect a broad range of financial concerns. The financial crisis in 2008, however, revealed a weakness in the creditrating agencies' models: their ratings are backward-looking because they are predicated on historical data that is observed at a discrete point in time. Given this constraint, the agencies have not been able to react quickly to rapid changes in a creditor's financial health. Hence, evidence of accounting fraud in a company's financial statements may elude their scrutiny. Also, the agencies have demonstrated that they remain ill-equipped to assess the risks of some complex, structured products. There are a number of ways to estimate the credit risk of a guaranteed investment product. In this paper, we choose to use Morningstar’s Distance to Default (DTD) to model the issuer’s credit risk (see Appendix for more details). Our goal is to adjust the guaranteed product’s risk for the credit risk by using the DTD measure. Next, we need to know more about the guaranteed product. In particular, we need to estimate the expected loss to investors should the issuer default. The default loss is unlikely to be 100% because holders of guaranteed investment products usually come before the equity holders. If no data is available, we assume that the default loss is 30% for the guaranteed investment product.2 This loss will be used to adjust the guaranteed product’s risk for the credit risk. Returning to our simplified example given in the appendix where the DTD for the issuer is 2.5, let’s assume an investor had purchased a guaranteed product with a value of $10. Coupling this with the expected loss in a default of 30% along with the probability of a default of 0.62%, the expected loss for the investor is about 2 cents. Now the question becomes how to find a risk level for the guaranteed product so that it has a 0.62% chance to lose 30%. This can be solved as long as a distribution is assumed and the other three moments are known. To do this, we treat the guaranteed product as a type of fixed 2 According to the GAO-11-400 June 7, 2011 report on page 38 and footnote 67, entitled “Retirement Income: Ensuring Income throughout Retirement Requires Difficult Choices,” Executive Life Insurance Company had high ratings from certain rating agencies—A.M. Best, Moody’s, and Standard & Poor’s—prior to its insolvency. They reported that 44,000 retirees with Executive Life had received only 70 percent of their promised monthly annuity payments for almost 13 months after California regulators seized control of the company. © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 9 income investment. The distribution of the fixed income is assumed to follow a truncated Lévy flight model (Xiong, 2010). We run Monte Carlo simulations to establish the relationship between the probability of 30% loss and the risk (second moment) by fixing the mean, skewness, and kurtosis. This relationship is used to infer the risk associated with the credit risk of the issuer. The mapping table for a 30% default loss and a typical distribution for the fixed income asset class is shown in Exhibit 4. Exhibit 4. Mapping Table between the Distance to Default and Risk Level of Guaranteed Product Distance to Default 5.20 4.25 3.25 2.93 2.78 2.63 2.50 2.20 Probability to Default 0.00001% 0.001% 0.06% 0.16% 0.27% 0.42% 0.62% 1.33% Risk Level 4.66% 5.66% 6.66% 7.66% 8.66% 9.66% 11.66% 13.66% From Exhibit 4, we see that in our example the DTD of 3.25 corresponds to a risk level of 6.66%. When the DTD is less than 2.5, the probability of default (0.62%) should not be ignored. If the DTD is greater than 6, the default is remote. Since the DTD is calculated every month, we can dynamically adjust for the credit risk. As we mentioned earlier, the default loss is an important parameter to estimate. If the default loss is less (more) than 30%, the risk level in Exhibit 4 will be correspondingly lower (higher). A lower (higher) default loss indicates that a lower (higher) adjustment for the credit risk is needed. If the DTD value is not available, we can use the average of the credit ratings from the three agencies (Moody's, Standard & Poor's, and Fitch) for the issuer in question, and use the credit migration matrix from Schuermann (2007) to estimate the probability to default (See Exhibit 5). © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 10 Exhibit 5. One-year Credit Migration Matrix Using S&P Rating Histories (1981-2003).* T AAA AA A BBB BB B CCC D AAA 92.29 0.64 0.05 0.03 0.03 0 0.1 0 AA 6.96 90.75 2.09 0.2 0.08 0.08 0 0 T+1 A 0.54 7.81 91.38 4.23 0.39 0.26 0.29 0 BBB 0.14 0.61 5.77 89.33 5.68 0.36 0.57 0 BB 0.06 0.07 0.45 4.74 83.1 5.44 1.52 0 B 0 0.09 0.17 0.86 8.12 82.33 10.84 0 CCC 0 0.02 0.03 0.23 1.14 4.87 52.66 0 D 0 0.01 0.051 0.376 1.464 6.663 34.03 100 * Source: Schuermann, 2007. Estimation method is cohort. All values in percentage points. The final column, the migration to default, deserves special attention. Exhibit 5 shows that a current credit rating of AAA has a 92.29% chance to stay in AAA and a 0% probability of default in next period. However, this should be viewed cautiously. For example, AIG had a credit rating of AAA until Sep 19, 2008. Had it not been for the U.S. government bailout, AIG would have been forced to file for bankruptcy protection. In practice, we assign a small but non-zero probability (0.00001%) of default to AAA. After estimating the probability of default for each of the various credit ratings for our base case expected loss during a default of 30%, we rerun our Monte Carlo simulations to find the estimated risk level of the guaranteed products. These risk levels are summarized in Exhibit 6. For example, a guaranteed product with single-carrier credit risk from a AA-rated private insurer has a 0.01% probability to default, which corresponds to a risk level of 6%. We believe a strong argument can be made that these implied risk levels based on creditor risk are significantly better estimates of true risk in a forward-looking context. In almost all cases the estimated risk levels are significantly higher than the realized standard deviation of the past. Exhibit 6. Implied Risk Level of the Guaranteed Products Credit Rating AAA AA A BBB BB B Probability to Default 0.00001% 0.01% 0.051% 0.376% 1.464% 6.663% Risk Level 4.66% 6.00% 6.50% 9.25% 14.0% 20.0% © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 11 Estimating the Illiquidity Risk Next, we turn to illiquidity risk. While clearly illiquidity risk involves the haircut one must receive for demanding immediate liquidity (should liquidity even be available), our estimate of illiquidity risk focuses on the change in overall portfolio risk characteristics that results from the inability to rebalance the portfolio across time. In the presence of rebalancing restrictions—the type of restrictions embedded in many guaranteed income products—assets with relatively poor past returns will see their weights fall, while the ones with relatively high returns will increase in weight. The implication is that both portfolio composition and portfolio total risk will change across time and will not necessary equal those of the desired target asset allocation. To illustrate, consider the impact of the 2008 financial crisis. During the crisis, fixed income asset classes dramatically outperformed equity asset classes. If one is unable to rebalance, the realized or effective asset allocation drifted away from the target, overweighting fixed income asset classes and underweighting equity asset classes. As a result, the total risk level of the portfolio will be much lower than the target risk at the end of the crisis. Withdrawals make the problem even worse because the withdrawals must come from liquid assets, thus the portfolio will deviate from the target asset allocation further. Lu and Mitchell (2010) examines the withdrawal behavior in 401(k) plans. They find that most withdrawals are less than 20% of the maximum allowable withdrawal. Additionally, they find that participants are most likely to take loans between ages 35 to 45. Illiquidity risk is widely noted in the literature; however, the literature offers little guidance on how to estimate it. We discussed earlier that the illiquidity risk is associated with the risk uncertainty resulting from the inability to fully rebalance. We can estimate the illiquidity risk by computing and comparing the differences in the risk profiles of two portfolios at the end of the liquidity-constrained period: one with full rebalancing allowed and another partially allowed. As we mentioned earlier, disciplined rebalancing allows one to maintain a target risk profile. To estimate the impact of liquidity constraints in altering the risk profile we use Monte Carlo simulation. For a given starting asset allocation, we assume that withdrawals can not be made during the first seven years of an investment in HGP. To establish a reasonable starting asset allocation we create a mean-variance efficient frontier using the assumptions in Exhibit 3 (the top section of Panel A).3 Recall that the standard deviation of HGP in top part of Panel A does 3 Optimization constraints are 1) no shorting is allowed; and 2) maximum allocation to each asset class is 50%. Because the returns of the assets are not normally distributed, one may also want to consider a higher moment optimizer, such as the mean-conditional value-at-risk optimization that incorporates fat-tailed and skewed returns presented in Xiong and Idzorek (2011). © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 12 not reflect the floor. Six of the optimal asset allocation mixes from a resampled optimization are shown in Exhibit 7. Exhibit 7. Asset Allocation Mixes – Ignoring HGP Floor Mix (Exp. Ret.) Large Cap Stocks Mid/Small Cap Stocks International Stocks Bonds HGP 1(5%) 2.31% 1.31% 2.93% 47.00% 46.44% 2(6%) 5.16% 7.52% 6.73% 40.66% 39.93% 3(7%) 7.08% 14.99% 9.93% 37.08% 30.93% 4(8%) 8.69% 22.69% 13.08% 31.96% 23.58% 5(9%) 10.54% 30.24% 16.51% 26.11% 16.60% 6(10%) 13.71% 36.86% 20.47% 18.08% 10.89% In these starting asset allocation mixes, the allocations to HGP are slightly lower than the allocations to bonds due to its relatively higher correlation with equities. To demonstrate our Monte Carlo simulation method for estimating illiquidity risk, we focus on Mix 5 with an expected return of 9%. Of the mixes in Exhibit 7, the overall stock-bond split is closest to the prototypical 60 / 40 mix. Based on the starting asset allocation of Mix 5, we ran two Monte Carlo simulations—one with no withdrawals and one with 10% withdrawals during the first four years of the simulation. The simulated returns for HGP incorporate the floor shown in the bottom section of Panel A of Exhibit 3. Each Monte Carlo simulation consisted of 5,000 trails, or paths, lasting seven years. Furthermore, we assume that HGP is not rebalanced during the seven-year horizon due to liquidity constraints, while the other four assets (the liquid assets) are annually rebalanced based on their rescaled target asset allocations. Thus, based on the simulated returns, different withdrawal scenarios, and rebalancing restrictions/rules the asset allocations evolved accordingly. The results of the two Monte Carlo simulations are shown in Exhibit 8, where Panel A contains the results for the no-withdrawal scenario and Panel B contains the results for the scenario that included 10% withdrawals during the first four years. Within each panel, the top row shows the allocation to HGP at the end of the sever-year simulation for a variety of percentiles, where the 5th percentile corresponds to good “market” performance and the 95th percentile corresponds to bad “market” performance. The bottom row, labeled as “Risk Uncertainty,” identifies the difference in total risk of the portfolio in question at the end of the simulation relative to the total risk of the target asset allocation. Recalling that the target asset allocation to HGP in Model 5 is 16.6%, we can see that in the good market environment of the 5th and 10th percentiles the allocation is considerably less than the target, while for the bad market environments of the 90th and 95th the allocation is considerably greater than the target. Correspondingly, in good market environments the risk of the portfolio is higher than the risk of the target, and in bad market environments the risk of the portfolio is lower than the risk of the target. © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 13 Exhibit 8. Risk Differential and Allocation Drift Panel A. No Withdrawals Percentile HGP Allocation Risk Uncertainty 5% 9.23% -1.24% 10% 10.57% -0.75% 50% 16.92% 0.77% 90% 27.33% 1.71% 95% 30.68% 1.91% 50% 26.36% -0.61% 90% 43.68% 0.95% 95% 50.77% 1.28% Panel B. 10% Withdrawal for the First Four Years Percentile HGP Allocation Risk Uncertainty 5% 13.47% -4.14% 10% 15.76% -3.12% In Panel B of Exhibit 8, the divergence from the target is less symmetrical than Panel A. With the withdrawals, the main risk is that the allocation to HGP will be too high at the end of the seven-year horizon, thus the portfolio’s total risk will be too low relative to the target. At the 10th percentile, the risk of the portfolio is 3.12 percentage points below that of the target. At the 90th percentile, corresponding to a bad market environment, at the end of the seven years the risk is 0.95 percentage points above the target. In general, a longer horizon or a larger withdrawal will increase the illiquidity risk. Conversely, a shorter horizon or a smaller withdrawal will decrease the illiquidity risk. Based on this type of analysis, we can now adjust the starting standard deviation (with the floor) of HGP to reflect illiquidity risk. The illiquidity-adjusted risk for HGP is the sum of the risk uncertainty shown in Panel B of Exhibit 8 and the starting risk with the floor (3.35%). For example, at the 10% level, the illiquidity-adjusted risk for HGP is 6.47% (=3.35%+3.12%). This additional risk (3.12%) can be interpreted as the unwanted or uncontrolled risk taken over the liquidity-constrained period. Admittedly, the illiquidity-adjusted risk calculated in this way might be subjective, but it is intuitive in capturing the relationship between the illiquidity risk and withdrawals, and between the illiquidity risk and the length of locked horizons. Intuitively, the size of the initial starting HGP allocation impacts the potential risk uncertainty caused by illiquidity—larger starting allocations to HGP require a larger illiquidity adjustment, while smaller starting allocation to HGP require a smaller illiquidity adjustment. Exhibit 9 shows the dependence of illiquidity-adjusted risk on the size of the starting HGP allocation. It plots the total estimated risk of HGP (including the varying illiquidity-risk adjustment) as a function of the size of the initial HGP allocation relative to the initial allocation to bonds. The vertical axis shows the size of the starting HGP allocation relative to the starting bonds allocation. The horizontal axis shows the illiquidity-adjusted risk as calculated in the last paragraph. When the lines are above zero, the starting HGP allocation is greater than the starting bonds allocation. When the starting allocation to HGP is higher, the illiquidity-adjusted risk for HGP is higher, and vice versa. The pink, green, and blue lines correspond to three potential (and subjective) illiquidity adjustments to HGP, the 5th percentile, the 10th percentile, and 15th percentile, respectively. Whether to choose the 5th or 10th level depends on an investor’s risk tolerance. A lower percentile corresponds to a lower risk tolerance. © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 14 Allocation Difference (HGP less Bonds) Exhibit 9. Size of Illiquidity-Adjusted Risk Relative to Starting HGP Allocation 8% 4% 0% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% -4% -8% -12% Illiquidity Adjusted Risk for HGP 15% Level 10% Level 5% Level © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 15 Putting the pieces together Thus far in this paper, we have developed two very different methods for estimating the risk of HPG. In the first part, “Estimating Credit Risk,” we developed a method based on Morningstar’s distance to default, or agencies’ credit ratings, to infer the credit risk of HGP. In the second part of this paper, “Estimating Illiquidity Risk,” we used Monte Carlo simulation to quantify the amount of illiquidity risk—the potential difference between the total risk of the target asset allocation and that of the actual portfolio caused by liquidity constraints. In this section we bring these two separate pieces together in a process designed to determine an appropriate allocation to HGP. The steps are as follows: 1. Estimate the mean and standard deviation of the guaranteed investment products based on forward-looking capital market assumptions and the issuer’s general accounts 2. Generate return series through Monte Carlo simulations, where the floor of HGP is modeled appropriately 3. Estimate the standard deviation of the guaranteed products 4. Based on reasonable starting allocations, estimate the illiquidity risk coupled with withdrawals using Monte Carlo simulations 5. Compare the two separately estimated risk levels of HGP—the total risk after adjusting for illiquidity and the total risk after adjusting for credit risk—and select the larger one as the adjusted total risk for the guaranteed products 6. Re-generate return series based on adjusted total risk, and perform the mean-variance optimization. Note that step 4 involves a trial-and-error process because the illiquidity risk depends on the initial starting allocation of HGP. In practice, we start with an approximate risk estimate for HGP and then use optimization (with real-world allocation constraints) to find a starting allocation for the process. Iteratively, the starting allocation to HGP as well as the illiquidity-adjusted risk of HGP are then refined. The process is repeated until a reasonable convergence has taken place. This converging process can be demonstrated by Exhibit 10. The pink line is equivalent to the pink line in Exhibit 9;once again it shows the tradeoff between the size of illiquidity-adjusted risk and the size of the starting HGP allocation (relative to bonds). The new blue line in Exhibit 10 shows the optimal HGP allocation (relative to bonds) given the level of total risk of HGP (adjusted for illiquidity), i.e., the lower the total risk of HGP, the higher the optimal HGP allocation (relative to bonds). When the illiquidity-adjusted risk for HGP is approximately 6.5%, the optimal allocation for HGP is 7% higher than that for bonds. © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 16 The intersection between the diamond line and the square line indicates the optimal HGP allocation at the 10th percentile level. It gives the illiquidity-adjusted risk of 6.6% for this optimal HGP allocation. In this case, the optimal HGP allocation and bond allocation are approximately equally weighted, each at 20%. At a more conservative 5th percentile level, the HGP receives an allocation that is about 10 percentage points lower than that of bonds. Exhibit 10. The Tradeoff Between the HGP Allocation and the Illiquidity-Adjusted Risk for HGP Allocation Difference (HGP less Bonds) 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 5% -10% 6% 7% 8% 9% -20% -30% -40% Illiquidity Adjusted Risk of HGP Optimal HGP Allocation Given the Risk Illiquidity Risk Given the HGP Allocation For step 5, we compare the illiquidity-adjusted risk to the inferred risk based on the credit risk and move forward with the greater of the two estimates. Thus, following the procedure described in “Estimating Credit Risk,” we estimate the credit risk for HGP. For example, assuming HGP comes from a private company with a credit rating of AAA, the estimated risk level at this credit rating is 4.66%, much lower than the illiquidity-adjusted risk (6.6%). Therefore, we err on the side of caution and move forward with the more conservative risk estimate, in this example, the 6.6% based on the illiquidity-adjusted risk. As analogy, by choosing the more cautious estimate of true risk, we are focusing on the weakest link in the chain. If the credit rating of the issuer for HGP is significantly downgraded, the risk level for HGP adjusted for credit risk can exceed the illiquidity-adjusted risk, and thus a lower allocation to HGP is warranted. The same procedure can be applied to other asset allocation models. After that, the resulting adjusted total risk measure reflects the greater of the illiquidity-adjusted risk estimate or risk inferred from the credit risk. It can be seen that the optimal allocation to HGP is sensitive to a number of variables. Our framework provides a starting point to quantitatively assess the true risk of HGP. In practice, it should be combined with other quantitative or qualitative judgments to make the process more robust. © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 17 Conclusion Many guaranteed investment products are backed by the financial health of the single insurance company issuing the contract, not by the federal government. Therefore their credit risk can not be ignored. Another characteristic associated with some guaranteed products is liquidity constraints, i.e. illiquidity risk. The illiquidity risk results not only from the haircut one must receive for demanding immediate liquidity, but in our context the inability to rebalance the portfolio across time, which leads to realized asset allocations that are different from those of the target. Withdrawals can exacerbate this form of illiquidity risk. Literature offers little guidance on how to estimate the credit risk and illiquidity risk for guaranteed investment products. In this paper, we develop two methods for estimating the total risk of a guaranteed product—one based on credit risk and one that starts with standard deviation after incorporating the floor and then adjusting it for illiquidity risk. Arguably, both methods lead to a better estimate of the “true” risk of a guaranteed product and are more appropriate inputs in asset allocation-oriented optimizations. The search for the optimal allocation to a guaranteed investment product involves a trial-and-error process because the illiquidity risk depends on the initial size of the allocation. We provide a practical way to show how the search is done. These hidden risks can have a significant impact on the optimal allocations for guaranteed investment products. © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 18 Appendix Morningstar’s Distance to Default score is a slightly modified structural model (Miller, 2009) similar to the option-pricing models created by Black and Scholes (1973) and Merton (1973) and commercialized by KMV—now Moody’s KMV. Underlying the structural model is the assumption that a company’s equity can be considered an option with a strike price equal to the market value of assets (market capitalization) minus the book value of its liabilities. This implies that a company is worth nothing, i.e. it has defaulted, when the market value of the assets drops below the book value of the liabilities. Based on the current market value of a company’s assets, the historical volatility of those assets, and the current book value of a company’s liabilities, one can calculate the number of standard deviations, what we call the “Distance to Default,” a company is away from bankruptcy using the slightly modified Morningstar methodology. The Morningstar model is less intuitive than the Z-Score because it does not specifically address the cash accounting values that are typically examined in a default or bankruptcy scenario. In addition, the Distance to Default model does not examine the financial covenants that would be the true determinants of whether or not distressed company defaults on its obligations. As such, we use Morningstar’s Distance to Default (DTD) to model the issuer’s credit risk. Our goal is to adjust the guaranteed product’s risk for the credit risk. In order to do this, we first get the DTD value for the issuer from the Morningstar Direct database. We calculate the probability to default as p = NORMDIST(-DTD,0,1,TRUE) where NORMDIST is an Excel function that calculates the probability that an observation from the standard normal distribution is less than or equal to –DTD. Using a simplified example, let’s assume that a company has a market capitalization of $100, a book value of liabilities of $75, and a historical standard deviation of $10. Thus, the company in question is currently 2.5 standard deviations (DTD = 2.5) away from default and has a fairly high probability of default of 0.62%. © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 19 References Babbel, David F. and Miguel A. Herce. 2011. “Stable Value Funds: Performance to Date.” Working paper. Black, F., and M. Scholes, 1973, “The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities.” Journal of Political Economy, 81, 637-654. Buetow, Gerald W. Jr., Ronald Sellers, Donald Trotter, Elaine Hunt, and Willie A . Whipple , Jr. 2002. “The Benefits of Rebalancing.” The Journal of Portfolio Management. Winter 2002, Vol. 28, No. 2: pp. 23-32. Kleiman, Robert T., and Anandi P. Sahu. 1992. "The ABCs of GICs for Retirement Investing." AAII Journal. March. Lu, Timothy Jun and Olivia S. Mitchell. 2010. “Borrowing from Yourself: The Determinants of 401(k) Loan Patterns.” Working Paper. Merton, R. 1973. “Rational Theory of Option Pricing.” Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science. 4, 141-183. 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The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 20 About Ibbotson A unit of Morningstar Investment Management (a division of Morningstar, Inc.), Ibbotson Associates is a leading independent provider of asset allocation, manager selection, and portfolio construction services. The company leverages its innovative and ground-breaking academic research to create customized investment advisory solutions that help investors meet their goals. Founded by Professor Roger Ibbotson in 1977, Ibbotson Associates is a registered investment advisor and a wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. For more information, contact: Ibbotson Associates 22 West Washington Street Chicago, Illinois 60602 312 696-6700 312 696-6701 fax Important Disclosures The above commentary is for informational purposes only and should not be viewed as an offer to buy or sell a particular security. The data and/or information noted are from what we believe to be reliable sources, however Ibbotson has no control over the means or methods used to collect the data/information and therefore cannot guarantee their accuracy or completeness. The opinions and estimates noted herein are accurate as of a certain date and are subject to change. The indices referenced are unmanaged and cannot be invested in directly. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. This commentary may contain forward-looking statements, which reflect our current expectations or forecasts of future events. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to, among other things, risks, uncertainties and assumptions which could cause actual events, results, performance or prospects to differ materiality from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements. The forward-looking information contained in this commentary is as of the date of this report and subject to change. There should not be an expectation that such information will in all circumstances be updated, supplemented or revised whether as a result of new information, changing circumstances, future events or otherwise. © 2011 Ibbotson Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Ibbotson Associates, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained in this presentation is the proprietary material of Ibbotson Associates. Reproduction, transcription or other use, by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Ibbotson Associates, is prohibited. 21