t43L The CanadianM ineral ogi st Vol. 35, pp. 143l-1439(1997) OFTHE OF UNKNOWNRu-Os-lr-FeOXIDESlN THECHROMITITES OCCURRENCE COMPLEX.SOUTHERNURALS,RUSSIA NURALIULTRAMAFIG GIORGIO GARUTII EM FEDERICA ZACCARIM Dipartim.entodi Scienzedella Tena, Ilniversitd di Mod,ena"via S. Eufernia 19,141100 Moderu' haly ROBERIO CABELLA Dipartimmto di ScienzedellaTbna, Universitd.di Genava,viale Europa26, I-16132 Genova.Italy GERMANFERSIITATER RussianAcadenryofSciences,Ural Branch. Ekaterinbarg,Sn Pochtwy per 7, Ekaterinburg 620151, Russia ABsrRAcr Untnown Fe-bearingRu-Os-Ir mineralsrrere discoveredasinclusions (5-35 pm) in chromititesof the Nurali ultramafic complex, southernUrals, Russia.Low analytical totals and semiquantitativedeterminationof oxygenby electronmicroprobe analysissuggestthat the mineralsprobably are oxides.Chemicaliompositions indicate (Ru + Os + h)(Fe + Ni + Cu) ranging from 5 to t, ana wiae nu-Os subJtitutionat relatively low Ir contents.The minerals exhibit characteristicoptical properties: yellowish gray color, strong bfueflectance,and extrimely bigh anisotropy, similal to that of gaphite. Measuredvalues of i"n""t Ri ?5-nEo,R2:2V387o, at\= 548.3nm), andmicro-indentationhardness(VHN 339466) aresignificantlylower """ ofinown PGE alloys, sulfides, arsenides,and sulfarsenidesin the systemRu-Os-Ir. The investigatedcompounds than those PGE-oxideshaving stoichiometriesbetweenXOzandXOs, in which the PGE areprobably arepotentially new mineral sp,ecies, te6avalentandFe fiivalent. An origin by desulfurizationandfurther oxidation ofpre-existing laurite - erlicbmanitecrystalscan be postulatedfor the Fe-bearingRu-Os-k oxides of Nurali. Keword*: ruthenium, osmium, oxides, chromitite, platinum-groupminerals,platinum-group elements,ultramafic complex, Nurali, Urals, Russia. Sotvlraatns Nous avonsd6couvertun assemblagede min$raux de Ru-Os-Ir ferrifdres sousforme d'inclusions (5-35 pn) dansdes chromitites du massif ultramafique de Nurali, dansle sectur sud de la chalnedes Ourales,en Russie.Les faibles totaux des analyseschimiqueset la seulepossibilitd d'6tablir la concentrationde I'oxygbne par analyseI la microsonde6lectroniquede fagon semiquantitativefont penserque cesmindraux seraientdesoxydes.Les compositionschimiquesindiquent une rapport (Ru + Os + tr)/Ge + Ni + Cu) entre 5 et 1, avec une substitutionRu-Os importante tr faible teneur en Ir. Cesmin6raux font preuve des optiquessuivantes:couleur gris jaunAtre,forte birdflecta:rce,et anisotropieextr€mement6lev6e, "ura"t6.i.tiqo"r e ), = 548.3nm) et de dure€ par i celle du giaphite.Gs valeursmesurdqsde r6flectaace(R7;25-27%o,R2:2&-38c/o compara.ble plus faibles quecellesdescompos6sconnusdesdl6mentsdu groupe mioo-inaentafionsCVtllt ::S-4OOI sont consid6rablement du platine, par exempleles alliages,sulfures,ars6niureset iulfarsdniuresdu systbmeRu-Os-h. Cescomposdspourraientbien Qtredesnouvelles eip0cesmindrales,des oxydesayant une stoechiomdtrieentreXO2 eIX2O3,danslesquelsles €l6mentsdu groupedu platine seraienttdtravalents,et le fer, fiivalent. Une origine par perte de soufreet par oxydation avancdede cristaux de liurite - erlichmanitepourrait expliquer la pr6senced'oxydes ferrifbres de Ru-Os-Ir i Nurali. (Traduit par la R6daction) Mots-cl6s: n$h!ni1glrf.,osmium,oxydes,chromitite, 6l6mentsdu goupe du platine, min6raux du groupedu platine, complexe ultramafique,Nurali, Ourales,Russie. Ixrnonuctron Oxidized compoundsof Ru-Os-k-Fe have been previously reported from cbromitites of the Vourinos complex,Greece,by Garuti & Zaccaini (L995, 1997), I E-mail address: garutig@nnimo.it altlough the autlors could not establish if tle minerals are in fact intergrowtls of Ru-rich alloy with Fe-hydroxides(goetlite, limonite) or true oxides of the platinum-groupelements(PGE).In the courseof rnineralogical investigation of chromitites from tle L432 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST H Iayeredwehrlite lllllfl Amphibolegabbro f_l Diorite E Pl6gl6claselherzolite ffil LSszolite lSl Harzburgite EWI Dunite F-ll Melange Fll Metamorphiccountryrocks * Chromititelocation Ftc. 1. Geographicallocation and geologicatsketchmap of the Nurali mafic-ultramafic comolex. Nurali ulfamafic complexin the southernUrals,Russia, compositionally similar platinum-group minerals (PGM) were systematically encounteredwithin the altered portions of chromite crystals (Garutr et al. 1996).In this paper,we reporttle resultsofphysical andchemicalinvestigationsof a numberof grainsfrom the Nurali occulrence,showing that the PGM are not mixtures of PGE alloy with Fe-hydroxides, but tlat they constitutesingle phaseswith specific optical and microhardness characteristics. The data available indicate that these PGM potentially represent new mineral speciesof PGE-oxides,althoughit was not possible to support this conclusion with a structural study becauseof the small size of the grains. classic ophiolite sequenceoalthough recents studies show that it may representweakly depleted oceanic mantle (Savelieva 1987, Savelieva & Saveliev L992) or, alternatively,lithospheric mantle below the continent--oceantransition zone (Garuti et al. L997). Tlvo bodies of chromitite a few squaremetersin size occurwithin thelayeredwebrlite.They arecharaclerized by distinct assemblages of PGM, one consistingof laurite @uS), erlicbmauite(OsS), andOs-k alloy, the other dominatedby ft- andPd-phasessuchasbraggite (ftS), ft-Fe alloy andundeflnedPd sulfides(Smimov & Moloshag 1994).The PGM grains generallyappear aseuhedralcrystalsincludedin freshcbromite,suggesting they aremagmuic in origin, andthat they werehapped in tle chromite at a high temperature.The unknown Gror,ocrcar,SBTTTNG ANDOccunnnltce oxygen-bearing Ru-Os-k-Fe minerals described The Nurali ultramafic complex(Fig. 1) is locatedin in this paper do not pertain to this primary PGM the southernUrals, about 45 km southwestof Miass, assemblage. They typically occur in the rim of and 65 km northeastof Beloreck.It is exposedalong chromite crystals, in which Al and Mg are depleted, the Main Uralian Fault, and consists of a lower unit and Cr and Fe are enriched owing to alteration to of mantle tectonite (plagioclase lherzolite, spinel ferrian chromite ("ferritchromit" of Spangenberg lherzolite, harzburgite, and dunite) overlain by a 1943).In addition, the PGM commonly are in contact layered pile of cumulates(dunite, wehrlite, clinopy- with secondarysilicates (serpentine,chlorite, zoisite, roxenite,websterite),andupperamphibolegabbroand prehnite), possibly indicating an origin during some diorite. The complex has long been consideredas a postmagmatichydrothermalor metamorphicevent. Ru-Osk-Fe O)flDES IN CIIROMITITES. NURALI COMPLEX. RUSSIA t433 Vickersscale,operatedat 10 g load and 5 s dwelling time. Knoop testing was preferred because the The oxygen-bearingRu-Os-Ir-Fe mineral grains minor depth of indentation makes this method more were initially located gsing reflected-light optical eff;icientfor small andthin specimenslike thoseunder investigated microscopy.They were subsequentlyinvestigated investigation.In therangeof microhardness in sita by secondaryelectron microscopy (SEM), in this paper(I4IN 300-900),the KIIN and VIIN values electron-microprobe analysis (EPMA) by both are approximatelylinearly correlatedaccordingto the wavelength-dispersion(WDS) and energy-dispersion equation:) = 0.9658r- 6.86.Only oneindentationper (EDS) modes,optical reflectanceand microhardness. grain was possiblein most cases,and microhardness The SEM imageswere obtainedwith a Philips 515 valueswere averagedfrom threereadings,eachone scanningelectronmicroscopeusing an accelerating takenby a different operator. voltage of 2G-30 kY and a be4mcurrent of 2-10 nA. RFsuLTs An ARL-SEMQ electron microprobe, equippedwith EDS analyzer,was usedfor qualitativeandquantitative analysis,being operatedat an acceleratingvoltage of Ore microscopy,reflectanceand microhnrdness 25 kV and a beam current of 20 nA, with a beam Theexaminationof 17polishedsections,representing diameterof about 1 pm. The following standardswere used:pure metals,chromite,and syntheticNiAs, FeS2, about 8 cmzof surface,establishedthe presenceof 50 and CuFeS2.The following X-ray lines were used:Ko grains, witl a maximum frequency of 15 grains in a for S, Cr, Fe, Cu, andNi, Lc, for Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, Pd, and single section; the Ru-Ir-Os-Fe minerals are by far As, and Mcr for Os. Counting times were 10 s and 5 s most abundantin the Ru-Os-Ir-rich chromitite. The for peak and background,respectively. On-line ZAF grains vary in shapefrom subroundedor irregular, to data-reductionand automaticcorrection for the inter- euhedral.They usually showarugged surfaceandmay ferencesRu-Rh, Ir-Cu, and Rh-Pd were performed containcross-cuttingvermicular veinlets of anAl-Mg using tlre PROBE softwarepackage(version L996)by silicate (chlorite?)in some casesaranged in radial J. Donovan,The concentrationof oxygenwas deter- symmetry. Under microscope observation in oil and illumination operatedat about3500K mined in a separaterun at 10 kV and 40-80 nA beam tungsten-source current,in orderto improvethe peakbackgroundratio. the grainsareyellowish white, similal le millerite and anddistinctlybireflectantfrom yellowish The OKa line was monitoredfor 30 s and5 s counting heazlewoodite, of the time for peak and background,respectively,using a white to creamyor pinkish grey.The appearance RAP crystal andflow-counterdetector.PureCr2O3was unknown oxygen-bearingRu-Os-Ir-Fe mineral under the referencematerial, allowing simultaneousanalysis reflected light is shown in Figure 2A. Anisotropy is for Cr. Under tlese conditionsoa minimum limit of very stong, from bright greyto darkbrown-gray,similm detectionof about 1.3 wt.Voand a precisionof tJ.U%o to that in graphite@igs.28, C). Patchyextinctionis were calculated from repeatedanalysis of the Cr2O3 cornmon,varying from mosaic-liketo radial-fibrous.A standard. Strong fluctuation of the fluorescence fypical hourglasszonationhasbeenobservedin many signal was observed during the oxygen analysis of grains,possibly due to twinning. The minimum (R) andthe maximum (R) valuesof PGM grains,causingdeteriorationofboth detection limit and precision,andresultingin semiquantitative reflectanceweremeasuredat wavelengths(7u)of 471'.1', 548.3,586.8,and652.3nmfor thelargestgrainNU43-5, determinationof tle concentrationof oxygen. Grain size was measuredat 500x magnification andhavebeenplottedasspectralcurves@g. 3). Further using a Leitz micrometric ocular with a sensitivity measurementsat l, = 548.3 nm were obtained from of 0.1 pn, and expressedin square micrometers. four additional grains,in tle range 26 < R1< 27Vo, Reflectance(RVo)wasdeterminedin air, with a Zeiss- 2 8 < R 2 < 3 8 V o . Values of VHN were measuredon twenty g&ins Axioplan microscopeequippedwith microphotometer. Measurementswere made with a 100 W tungsten larger than 50 pm2. Only in tle case of one grain source,a spot diameterof about 3 Fm, and calibrated (NU43-5, 527 ltmz) was it possibleto obtain both Vickers and Knoop indentations.Indentation figures with a SiC standard(ftt*=20.5vo). The Vickershardnessnumber(VHII) of the mineral (Fig. a) yielded quite similar values of hardness: could not be measuredaccordingto recommended VHN2I= 464, arrdKHNn = 492.3,equivalentto WN = standardconditions(minimum numberof indentations 468.6. Al1 other gnins were tested only with the = 10, appliedload = 100 g, minimum time of lowering Knoop instrumentoand the data converted automatiplus dwelling = 30 s), becauseof the small size of the cally to the Vickers scale. Calculated VIIN would grains.Microhardnesswas determinedusing 1) a kitz appearto be sfrongly size-dependent(Fig. 5), reaching Durimet instrument equipped with Vickers knob, valueshigher than 600 in grainsless than 100 pm2. applyingthe minimum load of 25 g for 30 s, and2) a This dependenceis due to the fact that indentation Futur-Tech Micro-hardness Tester FM-7 equipped of small grains cuts into the surrounding chromite with Knoopknob, enablingautomaticconversionto the (yHN>1000), giving an apparenthardnesshigher than ANervrrcu- Msnrons t434 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST 40 35 Ero 400 450 500 550 600 650 7A0 t(nm) Reflectance %o t(nm) R2 47l.t RI 25.6 32.4 s48.3 26.3 32.9 s86.8 652.3 )e.c 24.9 3s.7 34.4 Ftc. 3. Reflectaace(Vo)measuredin air, and specftal reflectance curves,for grail NU43-5. expected.Surprisingly,a relatively high VIIN of 668 was obtained from indentation of the 186 pm2 grain (NU45-12) includedin silicate (ry'HN= 80). Apossible explanation is tlat the soft background of the grain probably yielded underpressure,resulting in a smaller indentationimprint, andthus apparenthigher hardness. The data as a whole suggestthat the true hardnessof the PGE-oxideis probablycloseto, or evenlower than, the averageVFINvalue of 466.3 calculated for grain (NU43-5). The possiblerangeof variation(339-466) is indicatedin Figure 5. The reflectancevalues (VoR5a)in air (extrapolated from spectral curves) were plotted versus microhardnessVIIN (Frg. 6) in accordancewith the experimental key-diagram of Tarkian & Bernhardt (1984). This diagramclearly showsthat the investigated compoundsare much less reflectant and softer than all the PGE alloys, sulfides, arsenides and sulfarsenidesknown in the natural systemRu-Os-Ir. Frc. 2. Reflected-light (plane-polarized, oil immersion) images of grain NU43-5 (grain size: 32 x 2l pm). A. Parallel nicols, large-field image showing the textural position of the PGM grain. Medium grey: unaltered chromite with pitted alteration rims; black Mg-Al silicate, probably chlorite. B and C. Tmagesvith crossed nicols showing tle two maximum extinction positions Ek ctron-microprobearwly sis at 90o and the distinct anisotropy.The altered cbromite The resultsofthe electron-microprobeanalysisare surrounding the PGM grain is characterizedby strong internal reflections. presentedin Table I asboth elementand oxide weight r435 OXDES IN CHROMITITES. NURALI COMPLEX, RUSSIA Ru-Os-h-Fe 900 € 800 €b0 7oo U eoo z g soo 400 300 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 t grainsize(Pm ) Ftc. 4. SEM image of grain NU43-5 showing both indentation figures obtaiaed by Vickers (square) and Knoop (cut) knobs. Scalebar: 10 Pm. Flc. 5. Diagram showing dependenceof calculatedVickers microhardnesson size for 20 grains larger tlan 50 F.m2. The shadedarea indicates the possible variation of true microhardness. V::ffi Rua*Ir- Fe oxida (our data) Flr-il rra os,Itminetols: PT 65 T-l | lvnll ff 'Ess \o s rr / I rD Kr F--+-l ttl lFrrl ItfN L n ro I I lt lt t r - - RS = Ruanite IS = Irarsite RA = Ruthenarsenite L = t ar:rite E- Erlichmanite IR = kidium RI = Rutheniridosmine I Lr PL OS= Osmium AN = An&roite MC t-t I lPv LI l-l MN=Moncheite KT=Kourlskite HO = Hollingworthits PL = Polarite MC = Michenerite S+s Ez.EE Ru-os-Ir-Fe ffi!.il oxIDES PV-Paolovite PT=Platftrum IP - Isoferroplatinum t:iiii:ilti lll:i:ii'':i'l tl!i';i':Ii[ 500 oth"rPcut MR: Merenskyite r000 r500 T: Tetraferroplatinum CO: Cooperite GV = Geversite SP= Sperrylite PS= Platarsite BR=Braggite vtlN 1kg/mm2; FIc. 6. Relationshipsbetweenreflectancea:rdmicrohardnessfor a numberof PGM species.Redrawnafter Tarkian& Bernhardt (1984).The Ru-Os-Ir-Fe oxide is lessreflecting and softer than other PGM known to date in the Ru-Os-Ir system. 1436 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST percentages. The metalsRu, Os, Ir and Fe axemajor constituentsof the grains,alongwith minor Ni, Cr, Pd, andtracesof Pt, Rh andCu. The EDS spectracollected during the analysisofgrains indicate tlat anionssuch as S, As, Te, Bi and Sb are conspicuouslyabsenq altlough the group of elementsMg-A1-Si-(Ca) was observedin somegrains,probably owing to excitation of the associated silicate material. The recorded contentsof Cr aresffongly size-dependent anddramatically increase in grains smaller than about 50 pmz, confinning tlat the concentration of this element is Weight percent metals were recalculated as ideal oxides,consideringa constantvalenceof4+ for PGB, 3+ for Fe, and 2+ for Ni and Cu. It is well known that the PGE may have a 2+, 3+ or 4+ valence state (Brookins L987,Aug€& Legendre1994).A possible error in sssumingthe 4+ valencefor Pt, Pd and Rh is practically insignificant owing to the concentrationof these metals at trace levels in the analyzed grcins. Among the other PGE whose concentrationwas determined,only Os is normally tetravalent,whereas both Ru and Ir may also occur with 3+ valencestatein TABLE l. SEIECTED COMPOSITIONSTOF Ru-Os-Ir-Fe OXIDES FROM TIIE NURALI CIIROMITITES NU435 NU437 NU438 NU44l0 Nu44t3a NU445 NU442BNU46ta NU46l0 NU46ll NU67t0 Eldqtwigtu% Os 3..18 31.25 72.08 25.36 47,44 43.t1 56.33 23.89 1339 37.59 42.80 b 6.74 3,96 0.00 180 6.01 7,4 0.r3 7.6 20.99 2.s6 3.28 '1.11 39.10 R! 31.90 32.69 0.00 33.91 lr.sl 19.31 23.07 2l'57 8.V2 Rh 027 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.t'1 0.05 0,20 0,00 0.13 0.24 0.09 Pr 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pd 0.t7 0.06 0.00 0.08 0 0.64 0.00 025 0:5 0.01 o.t2 Fe 6.08 |.21 6.2A t0.28 13.46 8.41 12.40 il.ot t8.61 t0.53 2236 M 0.43 0:8 3.30 5.42 0.88 1.58 1.48 0.88 t.46 t.41 0.79 Cu 0.00 0.00 1.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ o.fi 0.07 0.33 s 0.00 0.00 r.89 0.41 0.78 0.07 0.22 0.t I 0.6',7 0.t0 0.59 As 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 027 Toial 80.07 79.89 85.52 78.31 80.88 80.70 1',1.93 82.89 78.64 8t.07 78.63 Oxideweight% OsO2 40.28 36.51 84:0 29.O 55.41 50.43 55.80 27.91 15.64 43.91 49.99 lro, 7.86 4.4 0.00 326 1.01 8.12 0.15 8.91 24.49 299 3.83 RUO! 42.W 43.03 0.00 u.64 15.16 25.42 9.45 51,41 3037 37.6t 10.56 MO: 0J6 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.n 0.07 0.26 0.00 0.16 0.3! 0.ll PtO: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0,43 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pdo2 0,2, 0.08 0.00 0.u 0,34 0.84 0.00 0.32 0J3 0.01 0.15 FaO: 8.69 t6.02 8.97 t4.69 tL02 19.25 17.73 t5.74 26.61 15.06 31.96 Nio 0.55 0.35 4tA 6.89 l.lt 2.tt 1.88 l.t2 1.85 t.80 l.0l CrO 0.00 0.00 t.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.09 0.41 Tolal 9995 f 0l.2l 99.31 9.22 98.95 E.sr 95.27 t05J0 99.54 tot.77 98.02 i Re$lts ofelecltrrm-Eicmprobeeslyses. relatedto spuriousfluorescencefrom the chromitehost. On the basis of this observation,tle analyseswere purgedofall Cr, aswell as ofproportional amountsof Fe, calculatedfrom the Cr:Feratio of the hostchromitc. Analytical totals are usually lower than LO} wt.Vo (typically around80 wt.Vo),evenin grains larger than 100 U.mu,and apparentlyfree of pore$ or silicate inclusions.This shorfall was atfibuted to the probable presenceofoxygen asan undetectedlight element.The oxygencontentof the unknown Ru-Os-Ir-Fe mineral larger than 100 pmz was in tle range 6-18 wt.Vo,and apparently independent of both grain size and Cr content.Following tle reaseningof Garuti & Zawanni (L997),we concludethat the detectedoxygenis not due to fluorescencefrom the chromitehost,but most probably is a major constituentof the PGM. Unfortunately, the low precision in the O determination makes the analytical resultsmerely semiquantitative. synthetic oxides. In spite of tlese uncertainties, recalculatedresults of analyseshave totals close to lO0 vtt.Voin mostcases.Deviationtoward lower values occur in grains smaller than 100 !1m2,or containing a substantialnumberof silicate inclusions, owing to the small excitation-volume (Garuti & Zaccarirn 1997). Totals in excess of 700Vowere probably due to variation in the valence state of the PGE. Results indicatethat the 4+ valenceassumedfor Os.Ru and Ir is the most likely valence state for the investigated compounds.Recalculatedcompositionsrn weight Vo oxides are shown in the @u + Os + h)-(Fe + Ni)-O diagram (Fig. 7A) and appear to vary between a stoichiometry of the rutile type, XO2,and one of the hematitetype,X2O3. The distribution of metals generally exhibits @u + Os + h) > @e+ Ni + Cu), wittr the ratio PGE : basemetalsvarying from 5 to L atomVo.Somegrains Ru-OFIr-Fe O)qDES IN CHROMITITES, NIJRALI COMPI,E)( RUSSIA contain substantial Ni, higher than Fe in some cases,whereas Cu is generally very low (Table 1). Compositionalvariationsin the systemRu-Os-k @g. 7B) indicate that Ru is the dominantPGE in most grains,althoughthereis a wide rangeof Ru-Os substitution at Ir contentsgenerally lower than I0 atom 7o. However,it is interestingto note that Os predominates in somegrains,andoneis a pureosmium- basemetals oxide (analysisNU43-8, Table 1). Someother grains, Ru+Os+k Fe+Ni+Cu Ru Frc. 7. A. Apparent stoichiometry after recalculation of the Ru-Os-Ir-Fe compositions as oxides (Table l). B. Compositionalvariations (in atom 7o)in terms of the systemRu-Os-Ir. L437 althoughdominatedby Ru, containsubstantialk (up to more than 20 at.%o).These observationssuggestthe presenceof more than one mineral species. DIscussIoN The existenceof natural oxides of the PGE is now well established,althoughin all casesof which we are aware, it was impossible to give a crystallographic characterizationto the degreerequired for acceptance as new mineral species.This was generally due to the smallsizeofgrains,preventingany)(RD-basedstructural study. On the basis oflow analytical totals, relatively dark grey color on BSE images,the presenceofoxygen in qualitative and quantitative electron-microprobe analyses,several types of oxides containing PGE as major constituents (Prt-Fe,h-Fe-Rh, Pt-k-Fe-Rh, Ru-Mn-Fe) havebeenreportedfrom alluvial nuggets in a numberof placerdepositsof the world (CaM' et al. 1981, Nixon et al. 1990, Weiser 1991, Aug6 & Legendre 1992, 1994,Legendre& Aug6 L992, 7993, Cabi et al. 1996). More recentln PGE oxides have beendescribedin sita:Prichard et al. (1994) reported undetermined ft and Pd oxides from serpentinizsd and weatlered chromite-rich rocks of Shetland, and Aug6 & Legendre(1994) discoveredPt-Fe oxides in chromititesfrom the Pirogueophiolite,New Caledonia whereasJedwabet al. (L993) and Olivo & Gautlier (1995)foundPdOand(Pd,Cu)Oin zonesofhydrothermal alterationof the Itabira iron formation, Brazil. Recently, Garuti & Zaccarirrr (1995, 1997) described oxygen-bearingRu-Os-k-Fe compounds from weatlered chromitites of the Vourinos complex, Greece. The authors suspectedtlat these minerals could be Fe-rich Ru-Os-Ir oxides; however,they did not provideconclusiveevidencefor this inference,asin some examples, the minerals were found to be intergrown with goethite and limonite, suggestingthe alternativepossibility of mixtures of native PGE with Fe-hydroxides. minerals The oxygen-bearing Ru-Os-k-Fe discoveredin Nurali (Garuti et al. 1996)anddessribed in this paper are similar in compositionto those of Vourinos, but nowhere were tley found intergrown with Fe-hydroxides. Detailed examination of some relatively largegrainsby SEM and optical microscopy revealstlat they appearto consist of discretephases, commonly showing a radially fibrous internal texture properties andtwiming. Reflectanceandmicrohardness indicate that the minerals arelessreflectant and softer than any other PGM so far reported in the system Ru-Os-k Recalculationof the metalssought@u, Os, Ir, Fe) as oxidesyields analyticaltotals around 100 wt.Votnmany cases.On the basisof theseobservations, we suggest tlat the investigated PGM potentially representnew speciesofFe-bearing Ru-Os-Ir oxides, in which the PGE have 4+, and Fe has 3+ valence.In the absenceof XRD data, however, tle existenceof 1438 truePGE-O chemicalbondingcanonly be postulate4as hasbeenthe casefor otherPGEoxidesdescribedto date. TheNurali occurrenceposesan interestingproblem, concerning the origin and stability field of Ru-OsIr-Fe oxide in altered cbromitites. In the Vourinos chromitites, the PGM coexist with abundant Fe hydroxides and ochres in a parageneticassemblage typical ofa gossan,and are believedto haveformed during weatheringby in sin desulfurizationof primary crystalsof laurite, the loss of S being compensatedby gainsin Fe, Ni, Cu, and O (Garuti & Zaccanm L99T). A similar origin by desulfurization and further oxidationof pre-exisfinglaurite or erlichmanitecrystals canbe advancedfor the grainsof Nurali. Their composition displays the same variations in Ru-Os-k as natural laurite and erlichmanite.Furthermore,several grains were found to contain trace amountsof sulfur, possibly indicating incomplete desulfurization. In addition,tle presenceof radial fractures,commonly parallel to the fibrous structure of grains, suggestsa volume reduction, as would be expectedduring any desulfurizationprocessof sulfide minerals.However, at Nurali, weatlering effects are absent,and chromite alteration appears to be unrelated to supergene conditions.The nature of secondarysilicatesin the chromitites rather support alteration during some postmagmatic hydrotlermal or metarnorphic event, which might have caused the postulated,in situ desulfurization of primary laurite (Smirnov & Moloshag1994).If the Ru-Os-k-Fe-O compounds from Nurali and Vourinospertain to the samemineral species,tle mineral would appearto be stableunder a wide rangeof conditions,rangingfrom low-temperature supergeneto relatively high-temperaturehydrothermal. This possibilify suggests that stabilization of this oxidized PGE-bearingphaseis mainly controlled by variationsin Eh ratler than temperature. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS BRooro{s, D.G. (1987): Platinoid elementEh-pH diagrams (25"C, I bar) in the systemsM-O-H-S with geochemical applications.Chem.GeoI. A, l7 -24. G.S. J.H.G.,BEARNE, CABRT, L.J., Cnrom,s,A.J.,LAFLANnIE, & Ilenrus, D.C. (1981):Mineralogicalstudyof complex Prt-Fe nuggets from Ethiopia. Bull. Min6ral. 104, 508-525. HARRrs,D.C. & Wsrspn,T. (1996):Mineralogy and distribution of platinum-group mineral (PGM) in placer depositsof the world. Explor Mining Geol. 5, 73-167. GARr-rn,G., FBnsnrersn, G., BBA, F., MoNrERo, P., E.V. & Zaccamu, F. (1997):Platinum-group PusnKARBv, elementsas petrological indicators in mafic-ultrartafic complexes of central and soutlem Urals: prelininary r esults.Tectonop hys. ?.il6, 18L- 194. - F. (1995): Platinum-groupminerals & ZllccAPJn.tl, in chromitites from Vourinos and Othrys ophiolite complexes(Greece):further findings.,lz IJNESCG-IUGS Workshopon Albanian ophiolites and relatedmineralization Clirana October, 1995). 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