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The following represents a list of the resources located in the K4Health Knowledge Management
for Health Toolkit.:
1. Knowledge Sharing Toolkit [Internet]. ict-km
2. Global Health eLearning Center: Learning and Evolving [Internet]. KDID Beta
3. Improving Malawi's Health Through Knowledge Management. KDID Beta: 2011 Available
from: http://kdid.org/kmic/improving-malawi%E2%80%99s-health-through-knowledgemanagement
4. KM Impact Challenge Synthesis Report. USAID's Knowledge-‐Driven Microenterprise
Development (KDMD) Project; 2011. 1 p Available from: http://kdid.org/kmic/km-impactchallenge-case-story-synthesis-report
5. Global Knowledge Management Strategy: Empowering Local People and Rural Development
Through Telecenters. 2008. 1 p Available from: http://css.escwa.org.lb/ictd/1719DEC08/SG1GKM.pdf
6. European Guide to good Practice in Knowledge Management - Part 4: Guidelines for
Measuring KM. Brussels: European Committee for Standardization (CEN); 2004 March. 1 p.
Report No.: ICS 03.100.99
7. Abram S. Knowledge Management: Is this the answer? [Internet].
8. Alstete JW, Halpern D. Aligning knowledge management drivers with business strategy
implications. Journal of Knowledge Management Practice. 2008 September;9(3)
9. APQC. Where Are You Know? A Knowledge Management Program Self-Assessment Excel
Spreadsheet. ; 2011.
10. APQC. Benchmarking alignment worksheet. . 2010
11. APQC. A Framework for Creating and Sustaining Communities of Practice. 2010. 1 p
Available from:
12. Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. Knowledge Management for Public
Health Professionals. 2005. 35 p
13. Barclay RO, Murray PC. What is Knowledge Management? [Internet].
14. BEI Consulting. Estimating return on investment (ROI) for knowledge management (KM)
initiatives: An information technology (IT) perspective. . 2003:1-17.
15. Brown S. Scott Brown on the Art of the Elevator Pitch. ; 2010.
16. Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery (BCPR), United Nations Development
Programme. Knowledge management toolkit for crisis prevention and recovery practice area. .
17. Burk M. Knowledge management: Everyone benefits by sharing information. US
Department of transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Public Roads. 1999;63(3)
18. Callhan S. Crafting a Knowledge Strategy. Available from:
19. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Office of the Associate Director for
Communication. The Health Communicator's Social Media Toolkit. 2010. 1 p. Report No.:
20. Clemmons Rumizen, M. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Knowledge Management.
Indianapolis, IN: Alpha Books; 2002.
21. CYIOS Corporation. Knowledge management in the federal government: Getting started
before it's too late.
22. D'Adamo M, Kols A. A Tool for Sharing Internal Best Practices. USAID; INFO; 2005. 1 p
23. D'Adamo P. Tools and Strategies for Sharing Knowledge. Power Point presentation ed. ;
24. Desouza K, Evaristo R. Global knowledge management strategies. European Management
Journal. 2003;21(1):62-7.
25. Deutshe Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Mainstreaming participation.
. 2007
26. eClerx Services Ltd. Breaking the Walls of a KM Class Room with YouTube [Internet].
27. Farrell CM, Rhodes R, IntraHealth International. Knowledge Management and Human
Resources for Health: Using Quality Information to Make Better Decisions. The Capacity
Project: Planning, Developing & Supporting the Health Workforce; September 2009. 4 p.
Report No.: Legacy Series 2 Available from:
28. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Forestry Information and
Knowledge Management [Internet].
29. Gallagher S, Hazlett SA. Using the Knowledge Management Maturity Model (KM3) As An
Evaluation Tool. Warwick Paper;
30. Goddard M, Mowat D, Corbett C, Neudorf C, Raina P, Sahai V. The impacts of knowledge
management and information technology advances on public health decision-making in 2010.
Health Informatics Journal. 2004;10(2):111-21.
31. Goddard M, Mowat D, Corbett C, Neudorf C, Raina P, Sahai V. The impacts of knowledge
management and information technology on public health decision-making in 2010. Health
Informatics Journal. 2004;10(2):111-2.
32. Grimshaw J. A guide to knowledge synthesis. Canadian Institutes for Health Research
(CIHR). 2011
33. Guptill J. Knowledge management in health care. J Health Care Finance. 2005;31(3):10-4.
34. Healthcare for All 2015. Guidelines for Identifying Information and Learning Needs. 2009
Available from: http://www.hifa2015.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/guidelines-foridentifying-information-and-learning-needs.pdf
35. Hearn S, LeBorgne E, Brown V. Monitoring and Evaluation of Knowledge Management. ;
2011. 1 p.
36. Hewlitt A, Lamoureux L. Introducing Knowledge Sharing Methods and Tools: A Facilitator's
Guide [Internet]. IDRC; [124]
37. Hoss R, Schlussel A. How Do You Measure the Knowledge Management (KM) Maturity of
Your Organization? Metrics That Assess an Organization's KM State. CKM; . 1 p
38. Hubert C, Lemons D. APQC's levels of knowledge management maturity. APQC. 2010:1-5.
39. Hylton A. A KM initiative is unlikely to succeed without a knowledge audit. . 2002
40. INFO Project, Center for Communication Programs, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
Public Health. Communication for better health. Population Reports. January 2008;Series
J(Number 56)
41. INFO Project, Center for Communication Programs, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
Public Health. Tools for behavior change communication. INFO Reports. January 2008(16)
42. International Legal Technology Association's Annual Conference. How to Start a Knowledge
Management Program. ; 2008.
43. JHPIEGO. Tips for trainers. . 2003:30.
44. JHPIEGO, INTRAH, PRIME Project, University of North Carolina at Chapil Hill. Transfer of
learning: A guide for strengthening the performance of health care workers. . 2002
45. John A, Coventry J, Latham I. Knowledge Management - Managing Tacit and Explicit
Knowledge. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1PSSxB4Lxs&feature=related: CiperUltra;
46. Kelly Motley Communications Public Relations. Stakeholder Management [Internet].
47. Kim J. Measuring the impacts of knowledge management. In: IFLA 2006 ; 2006; Seoul,
Korea. 2006. p. 1-9.
48. King K, McGrath S. Knowledge Sharing in Development Agencies: Lessons from Four
Cases. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank; 2003. 1 p Available from:
49. KM4Dev. KM4Dev Community Knowledge (Wiki) [Internet].
50. KM4DEV. After action review. KM4DEV WIKI. 2010
51. KM4DEV. Knowledge fairs. . 2010
52. KM4DEV. Sharing lessons and worst practices. . 2009
53. KM4DEV. Creating case studies. . 2007
54. KM4Dev. What is KM? [Internet].
55. KM4Dev. Developing a KM Strategy [Internet].
56. KM4DEV. What incentives can help encourage sharing knowledge? . 2005
57. Knoco L. Selecting and setting up a KM Implementation Team (White Paper). Available
from: http://www.knoco.com/Working%20team%20white%20paper.pdf
58. Knowledge for Health (K4Health) Project, Center for Communication Programs, Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. IBP knowledge gateway quick start guide for
community leaders. . 2010:1-7.
59. Knowledge for Health (K4Health) Project, Center for Communication Programs, Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. IBP knowledge gateway quick start guide:
Communities of practice. . 2010:1-4.
60. Knowledge for Health (K4Health) Project, Center for Communication Programs, Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. IBP quick start guide for facilitator(s) & experts of
online forums. . 2009:1-6.
61. Knowledge for Health (K4Health) Project, Center for Communication Programs, Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. IBP knowledge gateway checklist for organizing an
online forum. . 2009:1-6.
62. Knowledge for Health (K4Health), Center for Communication Programs, Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health. The power of a new, web-based collaborative tool to
deliver essential information to health professionals in developing countries. KDID Beta. 2011
63. Knowledge for Health (K4Health), Center for Communication Programs, Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health. Knowledge Management System: Research into Practice. ;
64. Knowledge for Health (K4Health),Center for Communication Programs, Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health. K4Health's Detailed Logic Model for Monitoring and
Evaluation Information Products and Services. ; 2009.
65. Knowledge Management Working Group. Business case for justifying KM to the CEO thirty-second elevator speech. . 2011:1-4.
66. Landry R, Amara N, Pablos-Mendes A, Shademanj R, Gold I. The knowledge-value chain: A
conceptual framework for knowledge translation in health. Bulletin of the World Health
Organization. 2006;84(8):597-602.
67. Lau F. Toward a conceptual knowledge management framework in health. Perspectives in
Health Information Management. 2004;1(8):1-11.
68. Lotus Knowledge Management. Discover What You Know. [Internet].
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_x78XLBBVM&feature=related: ; 2006
69. Management Sciences for Health. One Perspective of Knowledge Exchange Applications:
Hi-Mid-Low Tech/Touch. ; 2010. 1 p.
70. Management Sciences for Health (MSH). Knowledge management cycle.
71. Maxfield A. Health Communication Insights; Information and Communication Technologies
for the Developing World. Health Communication Partnership based at Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs; July 2004. 1 p
72. McDermott R. Measuring the impact of communities: How to draw meaning from measures
of communities of practice. Knowledge Management Review. 2002;5(2):26-9.
73. Milton N. Chapter 1. Principles of Knowledge Management In: Knoco Ltd., editor.
Knowledge Management for Teams and Projects. Chandos Publishing; 2005; p. 1-14. Available
74. Milton N, Knoco Ltd. Knowledge management for teams and projects. Chandos Publishing.
75. Moore M. Justifying your knowledge management programme. Innotecture. 2008:1-5.
76. Myers M. Monitoring and Evaluating Information and Communication for Development.
United Kingdom: Department for International Development (DFID); 2005. 1 p Available from:
77. Nelson E. Knowledge networks and virtual collaboration: A framework for success.
Knowledge Management and Sharing (KMS) and Reproductive Health and Research
departments at WHO. 2009:1-51.
78. NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement. The role of the team knowledge officers in
NHS organisations v.6. . 2008
79. NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement. The role of team knowledge officers in
NHS organisations v.6. . 2008
80. Ogden J. The role of the Knowledge Manager: Knowledge Management and Knowledge
Sharing Job Description [Internet].
81. O'Sullivan GA, Yonkler JA, Morgan W, Merritt AP. A field guide to designing a health
communication strategy: A resource for health communication professionals. Population
Communication Services, Center for Communication Programs, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
School of Public Health. March 2003
82. Pasteur K, Pettit J, van Schagen B. Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning
for Development. Institute of Development Studies, KM4Dev Community; 2006. 1 p Available
from: http://www.impactalliance.org/ev_en.php?ID=22963_201&ID2=DO_TOPIC
83. Prior V. Knowledge management: Getting started. fumsi. 2008
84. Public Health Agency of Canada. Knowledge Exchange: Support for Evidence-Informed
Decision Making- Knowledge Management Framework [Internet].
85. Pudlatz M, Kemp J, Bredehorst B, Gallego NR, Ortega AM. European KM Forum IST Project
No 2000-26393. ; 2002.
86. Ramalingam B. Implementing knowledge strategies: Lessons from international
development agencies. Overseas Development Institute. 2005;Working Paper 244:1-64.
87. Ramalingam B. Tools for Knowledge and Learning: A Guide for Development and
Humanitarian Organisations. London: Overseas Development Institute; July 2006. 1 p. Report
No.: ISBN 0 85003 813 Available from: http://www.odi.org.uk/resources/download/153.pdf
88. Rinehart W. Knowledge Checklist for Project Planning and Proposal Writing [Internet].
89. Robertson R, Step Two Designs. Metrics for KM and CM. ; 2003. 1 p.
90. Robinson HS, Carrillo PM, Anumba CJ, Al-Ghassani AM. Developing a business case for
knowledge management: The IMPaKT approach. Construction Management and Economics.
91. Schurmann A, Gordon L, Mwaikambo L. Knowledge Management for Data Use and
Decision Making in International Public Health. Measuring, Learning, Evaluation Project; March
2011. 1 p. Report No.: Topic Paper 1 Available from: www.urbanreproductivehealth.org
92. Searce D, Kasper G, Grant HM. Working wikily. Standford Social Innovation Review. 2010
93. Serrat O, Asian Development Bank. Knowledge Solutions: Glossary of Knowledge
Management. 2009. 1 p. Report No.: 39
94. Serrat O, Asian Development Bank. The Roots of an Emerging Discipline. 2009. 1 p.
Report No.: 56 Available from: http://www.k4health.org/system%252Ffiles%252FRootsEmerging-Discipline.pdf
95. Serrat O, Asian Development Bank. Knowledge Solutions: Notions of Knowledge
Management. 2008. 1 p. Report No.: 18
96. Serrat O, Asian Development Bank. Auditing Knowledge. [Internet]2008. Report No.: 13
Available from: http://www.adb.org/Documents/Information/Knowledge-Solutions/AuditingKnowledge.pdf
97. Serrat O. Social Media and the Public Sector. Asian Development Bank; 2010 April. 1 p.
Report No.: 83
98. Shannak RO. Measuring knowledge management performance. European Journal of
Scientific Research. 2009;35(2):242-53.
99. Skyrme DJ. Making the business case for knowledge management: As simple as ABC? I3
Update/Entovation International News. 2001;51
100. Smith BG. Knowledge management program implementation tips & guidelines: 'A
practitioner's point of view. eKnowledge Center
101. Smith EA. The role of tacit and explicit knowledge management in the workplace. Journal
of Knowledge Management. 2001;5(4):311-21.
102. Solter C. Comprehensive reproductive health and family planning training curriculum,
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103. Stovel M, Bontis DN. Voluntary turnover: Knowledge management friend or foe. Journal
of Intellectual Capitol. 2002;3(3):303-22.
104. Sudsawad P. Knowledge translation: Introduction to models, strategies, and measures framework in evaluating knowledge use. National Center for the Dissemination of Disability
Research. 2007
105. Sullivan TM, Strachan M, Timmons BK. Guide to Monitoring and Evaluating Health
Information Products and Services. Baltimore, MD; Washington, DC; Cambrige, MA;: Center
for Communication Programs, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Constella
Futures; Management Sciences for Health; 2007. 1 p Available from:
106. Sullivan T, Knowledge Management Working Group. Knowledge management & exchange
(KM&E) framework. . 2011
107. The ACQUIRE Project. Programming for training: A resource for trainers, program
managers, and supervisors of reproductive health and family health programs.
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108. Thomas AU, Fried GP, Johnson P, Stillwell BJ. Sharing best practices through online
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109. Tsui L, Chapman SA, Schnirer L, Stewart S. A Handbook on Knowledge Sharing:
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110. Turner G, Minonne C. Measuring the effects of knowledge management practices.
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111. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National
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112. UNICEF. UNICEF communities. KDID Beta. January 2011
113. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Introduction to Knowledge Management
114. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Carolina Population Center (CPC), MEASURE
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115. USAID MAQ. Managing Knowledge to Improve Reproductive Health Programs (MAQ Paper
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