University of Notre Dame AME 21213: Measurements Laboratory Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Spring 2015 E0: Lab Syllabus Instructor: John Ott Office: 377 Fitzpatrick Hall Phone: 574-631-8131 Email: Lab website: Teaching Assistants: E1 - Sensors and Calibration – Michael Wicks ( E2 - Signal Conditioners – Satyaki Bhattacharjee ( E3 – Dynamic System Response – Michael Johnson ( E4 - Solar Panels – Shirui Luo ( Head Grader – Anna McDermott ( TA Office hours: All offices hours are held Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm in B14 during the week the tech memos are due, or by appointment. They are also posted on the lab web site. Emails: E-mailed questions to TA,'s will be answered during the week as quickly as possible, but this cannot be guaranteed during the weekends. Please use email to set up appointments. Emails will not be answered 24 hours before any due dates. Prerequisites: AME 20211: Intro to Aeronautics; or AME 20214: Intro to Engineering Computing AME 21213 Measurements and Data Analysis Laboratory: AME 20213 is a co-requisite. The instructor for the course will be Mr. Paul Rumbach. Course textbook: Measurement and Data Analysis for Engineering & Science, 3rd Ed. by Patrick F. Dunn, CRC Press, 2014, ISBN 978-1466594968 For Reference: Fundamentals of Sensors for Engineering & Science, by Patrick Dunn, CRC Press, 2011 ISBN 9781420082258 Final Exam (AME20213 course): XXX. There is no in-lab exam for AME 21213 lab. S15_Measurements_Syllabus.docx 1 Last Revision: 3/9/2015 University of Notre Dame AME 21213: Measurements Laboratory Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Spring 2015 Catalog Description: This is a required course for BSAE and BSME. Prerequisites: AME 20211: Intro to Aeronautics; or AME 20214: Intro to Engineering Computing. Introduction to experimental methods used in aerospace and mechanical engineering, including basic instrumentation, data acquisition and data analysis techniques. Both the Fall and Spring courses are required. Lab content: This lab introduces the fundamental techniques of practical experimentation. The main topics that will be covered include: sensors, measurement systems, calibration and response, electronics, temperature, light, signal characteristics, data sampling, data analysis, linear regression. Learning goals: At the conclusion of the Lab, the student should: (1) understand the basics of experimentation (types of experiments, units, and technical reporting), (2) become familiar with the hardware of experiments (sensors, electronics, measurement systems components, system calibration, and system response), and (3) know the methods of data analysis (linear regression, signal characteristics and signal analysis). Advance reading: You will be assigned lab handouts ahead of lab that you are expected to read. This will enable more lab time to be devoted to performing the lab with fewer questions. You will also be able to complete the lab in a timely manner. Lab Extensions: There will be no extensions or make-up quizzes for the lab (AME 21213) for computer malfunctions. It is the student’s responsibility to know how to use Sakai. Hint: Square boxes mean there are multiple correct answers that must be chosen. Lab attendance: Attendance is MANDATORY. Failure to attend lab as scheduled will result in no credit for the lab in question. Students unable to attend their scheduled lab for non-emergency or illness reasons must contact Professor Ott (for the lab missed) five days in advance. A university excused absence is required to make up the lab. Missed labs will require a title page on their report, and an initialed (by Professor Ott) excused absence form. The title page will include your Notre Dame ID number (name is optional but appreciated), day/time of lab, original due date, and extended due date. These two pages will not count as part of the seven page limit. You are required to be on time for all lab experiments. There will be a 10% penalty for late arrival. You must attend and complete all lab experiments to pass the course. Absolutely no sharing of data or written material between groups is allowed unless approved by their TA. Seniors are permitted two job interviews. Refer to the Undergraduate Academic Code 3.1.3 for further explanation S15_Measurements_Syllabus.docx 2 Last Revision: 3/9/2015 University of Notre Dame AME 21213: Measurements Laboratory Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Spring 2015 Assistance: The lab TAs will be available to answer questions. Please email or go to office hours of the TA supervising the particular lab of interest. Do not direct questions related to AME 20213 to the TAs assigned to AME 21213, or vice-versa. Do not expect an immediate response on weekends. Email will not be answered 24 hours before the due date. Honesty: You are all expected to follow the Academic Honor Code of the University (, which states, “As a member of the Notre Dame community, I will not participate in or tolerate academic dishonesty.” Copying or cheating on quizzes or exams is dishonest and will not be tolerated. Grade weightage for AME 21213: Four pre-quizzes (20%), four tech memos (80%) Grading: The instructor must receive an email concerning any grading issues within 24 hours of grades being published. For each lab except for E0, there will be: – Pre-lab quiz. It will be posted on the Sakai (AME20213) site by noon Friday, before week A of the lab begins. The pre-lab quiz is due by noon on the following Monday. Pre-lab quizzes will count 20% towards the lab grade. They will be worth 1 pt/question. There is no week B quiz. It is the responsibility of the student to know how to use Sakai. Hint: square boxes mean multiple correct answers must be selected. No extensions will be given for computer malfunctions. – Tech memo: o Each tech memo is worth 30 points. o Tech memos will count 80% towards the lab grade. o Each tech memo will have a maximum of seven pages, double spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 pt, justified alignment, and page numbers are required. All reports must be type written, including equations. All references and footnotes should be single spaced. o Paper copies of your tech memos are due one week from the date Week B of the experiment was performed. They must be turned in by 2 pm in the AME office at 365 Fitzpatrick Hall in the measurements lab mail box. (Ask one of the administrative assistants if you can't find it.) o Graded memos will be returned in the mailboxes by the elevator. They will be left out for two weeks. Students may be emailed when they are available. o Late memos will receive a deduction of 30% off each working day or portion thereof that they are late. If you have a university excused absence for submitting a late memo, have Professor Ott initial it and include it with your memo to the grading TA. Also include a title page with course name, course number, lab section, lab day, lab time, memo due date, memo extension date, and Notre Dame ID. All students should participate actively in the experiment. All due dates are posted on the lab course web site. Late memos must be turned in to the Head Grading TA. o Names are optional on tech memo. Notre Dame student ID numbers are required, as well as lab date, time experiment performed, and due date. S15_Measurements_Syllabus.docx 3 Last Revision: 3/9/2015 University of Notre Dame AME 21213: Measurements Laboratory Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Spring 2015 Combined grade for AME 20213 and AME 21213: The course grade will be composed of 50% from AME20213 and 50% from AME21213. Lab Safety Appendices: Appendix 1: Lab Safety, Emergency Evacuation Plan, and Knowledge Certification; pg. 3 Appendix 2: PPE - Safety Glasses; pg. 4 Appendix 3: Chemical Spill Kit; pg. 5 Appendix 4: Emergency Action Plan; pg. 6 S15_Measurements_Syllabus.docx 4 Last Revision: 3/9/2015 University of Notre Dame AME 21213: Measurements Laboratory Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Spring 2015 Appendix 1: Emergency Action Plan and Certification Lab Safety, Emergency Action Plan, and Knowledge Certification Forms: I. Every student will need to sign the following forms found in the B14 Lab Safety and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Documentation - Black Binder located in the B14 lab: – – – PPE - Safety Glasses Emergency Action Plan Chemical Spill Kit When you sign these forms, you are acknowledging that you understand the Safety and Emergency Information provided with each form. Information relevant to Safety and Emergency Procedures is included with this syllabus. II. Location of Lab Safety Materials, Equipment, and Information: – Lab safety glasses are located on the sink counter near the B14 Lab entrance door. – The Chemical Spill Kit, and clean-up equipment, is located in the cabinets under the sink near the B14 Lab entrance door. – MSDS (SDS) chemical safety sheets are located in the: B14 Lab safety and PPE Documentation Black Binder, which is on the bookshelf near the Measurement Lab's five work stations. – The Safety Eyewash Station is located near the B14 Lab entrance door. If you have any questions concerning Lab Safety, Emergency Evacuation, or Knowledge Certification Forms, please check with the Lab Instructor or the TA. S15_Measurements_Syllabus.docx 5 Last Revision: 3/9/2015 University of Notre Dame AME 21213: Measurements Laboratory Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Spring 2015 Appendix 2: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)- Safety Glasses A component of the University of Notre Dame’s Laboratory Safety Plan is: PPE - Safety Glasses. 1. All personnel and students in the B14 AME Lab must have on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that is appropriate for the task being worked upon. The PPE required in the B14 Lab is a pair of Safety Glasses. 2. The B14 Lab provides generic Safety Glasses, which are located on the sink counter near the B14 Lab entrance door. You may also purchase your own personal pair of Safety Glasses to wear during each lab. 3. If you get any chemicals in your eyes, immediately contact professor Ott or the TA so they can check the MSDS (SDS) Chemical sheet for appropriate action. If flushing of the eyes with water is warranted, the Safety Eyewash Station is located near the B14 Lab entrance door. If you have any questions regarding PPE - Safety Glasses, please check with the Lab Instructor or the TA S15_Measurements_Syllabus.docx 6 Last Revision: 3/9/2015 University of Notre Dame AME 21213: Measurements Laboratory Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Spring 2015 Appendix 3: Chemical Spills A component of the University of Notre Dame's Laboratory Safety Plan is: Chemical Spills, and their safe clean-up. 1. If a chemical is spilled, notify Professor Ott or the TA so they can check the MSDS (SDS) chemical sheet for proper clean-up and disposal. 2. If you are sent for the Chemical Spill Kit by the PI or TA, is located in the cabinets under the sink near the B14 Lab entrance. 3. For Proper use of the Chemical Spill Kit, see the Manufacture's documents titled: "When a Spill Strikes...”. This document is located in B14 Lab Safety and PPE Documentation Black Binder. If you have any questions regarding Chemical Spills, please check with the Lab Instructor or the TA. S15_Measurements_Syllabus.docx 7 Last Revision: 3/9/2015 University of Notre Dame AME 21213: Measurements Laboratory Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Spring 2015 Appendix4: Emergency Evacuation Plan A component of the University of Notre Dame's Laboratory Safety Plan is: Emergency Evacuation Plan 1. If the event of an Emergency, carefully read through the two page document titled "Emergency Action Plan: Fitzpatrick/Cushing Hall" on the following pages. 2. This document provides information regarding: Fires, Weather Events, Evacuations, Medical Response, or Active-Shooter/Violence. 3. Following the Emergency Action Plan document is a Fitzpatrick/Cushing floor plan that has Evacuation routes in red. If you have any questions about the Emergency Evacuation Plan, please check with the Lab Instructor or the TA. S15_Measurements_Syllabus.docx 8 Last Revision: 3/9/2015 University of Notre Dame AME 21213: Measurements Laboratory S15_Measurements_Syllabus.docx Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Spring 2015 9 Last Revision: 3/9/2015 University of Notre Dame AME 21213: Measurements Laboratory S15_Measurements_Syllabus.docx Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Spring 2015 10 Last Revision: 3/9/2015 University of Notre Dame AME 21213: Measurements Laboratory S15_Measurements_Syllabus.docx Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Spring 2015 11 Last Revision: 3/9/2015