TENDER NO: MWCJL/HR/INFRA/DTA PH III/ UGR/2012-13/T-26 TENDER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR & PUMP HOUSE OF FRESH AND RECYCLED WATER IN DTA PH III AREA FOR MWC JAIPUR EMPLOYER : MAHINDRA WORLD CITY (JAIPUR) LIMITED, 411, NEEL KANTH TOWERS # 1, BHAWANI SINGH ROAD, C-SCHEME, JAIPUR-302001 PHONE : 0141-3003495-98; FAX: 0141-2243060 . UGR – DTA PH III Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. MAHINDRA WORLD CITY (JAIPUR) LIMITED, JAIPUR BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR & PUMP HOUSE OF FRESH AND RECYCLED WATER IN DTA PH III AREA FOR MWC JAIPUR TENDER NO : MWCJL/HR/INFRA/DTA PH III/ UGR/2012-13/T-26 Date of Issue : 12.07.2012 Tender Document issued to: M/s …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. By Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited 411, Neelkanth Tower #1, Bhawani Singh Marg, C-Scheme Jaipur -302001 Phone No: 0141-3003495-98 Fax : 0141-2243060 1 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CONTENTS PART – I : INVITATION FOR BID Section-1 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F Instruction to Bidders General Instructions Bidding Documents Preparation of Bids Submission of Bids Bid Opening and Evaluation Award of Contract Section-2 Letter of Intent Agreement Form Work Order Section-3 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 3G Conditions of Contract General Conditions Time Control Quality Control Cost Control Finishing the Contract Special Conditions of Contract Safety Manual Section-4 Contract Data Section-5 Forms of Securities Bid Security Performance Bank Guarantee Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment PART – II : TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PART – III : TENDER DRAWINGS PART – IV : SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES 2 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. MAHINDRA WORLD CITY (JAIPUR) LIMITED, JAIPUR BID NO: MWCJL/HR/INFRA/DTA PH III/ UGR/2012-13/T-26 NAME OF WORK :CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR & PUMP HOUSE OF FRESH AND RECYCLED WATER IN DTA PH III AREA FOR MWC JAIPUR PERIOD OF ISSUE OF BIDDING DOCUMENT : From: 12.07.2012 to 18.07.2012 Time: 10:00 Hours to 17:00 Hours LAST DATE AND TIME : Date: 25.07.2012 (For Hard Copy Submission) Time: 15:00 Hrs. FOR RECEIPT OF BIDS 3 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. INVITATION FOR BID (IFB) 4 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. MAHINDA WORLD CITY (JAIPUR) LIMITED, JAIPUR INVITATIONS FOR BIDS (IFB) Date: - 12.07.2012 Bid No:- MWCJL/HR/INFRA/DTA PH III/ UGR/2012-13/T-26 1. MAHINDRA WORLD CITY (JAIPUR) LIMITED is developing an MULTI PRODUCT SEZ & DTA and invites item rate Bids for the below mentioned works from the selected Bidders. 2. Tender document can be downloaded from our web site www.mahindrawoldcity.com/jaipur/Tenders.html,. Hard copies of the document can be taken from the below mentioned address by paying Rs. 2000/- in the form of Demand Draft/ Bankers cheque from Nationalised/ scheduled bank.. Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited 411, Neelkanth Tower#1, Bhawani Singh Marg, C-Scheme Jaipur -302001 Phone No: 0141-3003495-98 Fax : 0141-2243060 3. Bids must be delivered to Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited, 411, Neelkanth Tower#1, Bhawani Singh Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur -302001, on or before 15:00 Hours on 25.07.2012 for Hard Copy submission. If the office happens to be closed on the date of receipt of the Bids as specified, the Bids will be received on the next working day at the same time and venue. 4. Other details can be seen in the Bidding documents. TABLE - IFB 1 S. No. Name of work 1 CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR & PUMP HOUSE OF FRESH AND RECYCLED WATER IN DTA PH III AREA FOR MWC JAIPUR Cost of document (Rs.) 2000.00 * Period of completion Eight (06) Months *For those Parties who will take the hard copies of the document. In case the bid document has been downloaded from website, the bid fee of Rs. 2000/- shall be paid by Demand draft/ Bankers cheque in favour of Mahindra world City ( Jaipur) Ltd. Payable at Jaipur. Seal of office 5 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. SECTION 1: INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (ITB) 6 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Section 1: Instructions to Bidders Table of Clauses Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 A. General Instructions Scope of Bid One Bid per Bidder Cost of Bidding Site Visit B. Bidding Document Content of Bidding Documents Clarification of Bidding Documents Page No. Sr. No. 8 8 8 8 15 16 D. Submission of Bids Sealing and Marking of Bids Deadline for Submission of Bids 10 10 17 18 19 E. Bid Opening and Evaluation Process to be Confidential Correction of Errors Employers right to accept variation 11 11 11 8 8 7 C. Preparation Of Bid Language of Bid 9 20 21 8 Documents Comprising the Bid 9 22 9 10 11 12 13 14 Bid Prices Currencies of Bid & Payment Bid Validity Contract Price Bid Security Format and Signing of Bid 9 9 9 9 9 10 23 24 7 Page No. F. Award of Contract Award Criteria Employer‘s right to accept or reject any or all Bids Notification of Award & Signing of Agreement Performance Security Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices 11 11 11 11 12 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. A. General Instructions 1. Scope of Bid 1.1 2. Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited (MWCJL), (referred to as Employer in these documents) invite Bids for the CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR & PUMP HOUSE OF FRESH AND RECYCLED WATER IN DTA PH III AREA FOR MWC JAIPUR (as defined in these documents and referred to as "the Works") detailed in the table No.IFB-1. One Bid per Bidder 2.1 Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid for one Contract. 2.2 Tender documents are not transferable 3. Cost of Bidding 3.1 4. The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his Bid, and the Employer will in no case be responsible and liable for those costs. Site visit 4.1 The Bidder, at the Bidder‘s own responsibility and risk is encouraged to visit and examine the Site of Works and its surroundings and obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into a Contract for construction of the Works. The costs of visiting the Site shall be at the Bidder's own expense. B. Bidding Documents 5. Contents of Bidding Documents 5.1 The set of Bidding documents comprises the documents listed in the table below and addenda issued in accordance with Clause 8 (if any) Part - I Sections 6. Invitation for Bids containing Sections as below. 1 2 3 4 5 Instructions to Bidders Letter of Acceptance and Agreement form Conditions of Contract Contract Data Forms of Securities Part - II Specifications Part - III Tender Drawings Part - IV Price Part (SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES) Clarification of Bidding Documents 6.1 The Employer has the sole discretion to short list Bidders and shall inform them in writing by Fax/email. These short listed Bidders (shall be known as Bidder/Bidders hereinafter) requiring any clarification of the Bidding documents may notify the Employer by Fax or may contact following person‖ Mr. A.P.SINGH Sr. Manager (Contracts), Mobile No. 09929093365, 0141-3003411. The Employer will respond to any request for clarification all such quarries shall be made at least three (03) days before date of submission of Bids as per Clause 16. 8 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. The contractor shall submit Bid Security for a amount of Rs. 50,000/- ( Fifty Thousand Only). The Bid Security of tender shall be in favour of Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited in the form of a Demand Draft or Banker‘s Cheque or Pay order payable at Jaipur valid for a period of 120 days from the date of submission of the tender documents C. Preparation of Bids 7. Language of the Bid 7.1 8. All documents relating to the Bid shall be in the English language. Documents comprising the Bid 8.1 The Bid submitted by the Bidder shall comprise the following: a) The SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES wherein the Bidder shall fill in the rates; original plus one photocopy duly signed and stamped by the Bidder on each page. b) Specifications and Drawing Volumes original plus one photocopy duly signed and stamped by the Bidder on each page. c) Any other materials required to be completed and submitted by bidders in accordance with these instructions The Price Part (SOQ) under Sections 5 of Sub-Clause 5.1 shall be filled in without exception. 9. Bid Prices 9.1 The quoted item rates shall be deemed inclusive of all costs for material, labour, plant, equipment, overhead, supervision, profit, preliminaries, all temporary works, night works, shift works, storage facility, security, working with site constraints, working with full compliance to all requirement, restrictions etc. from all relevant authorities. The quoted rate shall be inclusive of all taxes except service tax which shall be paid by MWCJL as applicable. 9.2 The item rate quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed for the duration of the Contract and shall not be subject to adjustment on any account whatsoever. 10. Currencies of Bid and Payment 10.1 The rates and the prices given are in Indian Rupees. 11. Bid Validity 11.1 Bids shall remain valid for a period not less than 60 (sixty) days after the date for Bid submission specified in Clause 16. A Bid corrected by the Bidder as valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Employer as non-responsive. 12. Contract Price The Contract Price will remain fixed during the extended period of validity, if any. 13. Bid Security 13.1 The Employer on his sole discretion will notify the Bidder (as per Sub-Clause 6.1) for negotiation. The Bidder shall furnish as a part of his Bid, a Bid security in the amount as shown in column 4 of the table IFB-1 or as notified by the Employer before participating in negotiations. The Bid security shall be in favour of Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited in the form of a Demand Draft or Banker‘s Cheque or Pay order payable at Jaipur. 13.2 The Bid Security of unsuccessful Bidders will be returned within 30 days of the end of the Bid validity period specified in Sub-Clause 11.1. 13.3 The Bid Security of the successful Bidder will be adjusted with Performance Security when the Bidder has signed the Agreement and furnished the required Performance Security. 9 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 13.4 The Bid Security may be forfeited (a) if the Bidder does not accept the correction of the Bid Price, pursuant to Clause 18; or (b) in the case of a successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails within the specified time limit to (i) sign the Agreement; or (ii) furnish the required Performance Security within 10 days from the date of Letter of Intent. 13.5 No interest shall be paid on any Bid security/Performance Security/ or Guarantee in lieu thereof. 14. Format and Signing of Bid 14.1 The Bidder shall prepare the Bid as specified in Clause 8 in two (02) copies. 14.2 The Rate in the original and one duplicate copy of the Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder. All pages of the Bid where entries or amendments have been made shall be signed by the person or persons signing the Bid. 14.3 The Bid shall contain no alterations or additions, except those to comply with instructions issued by the Employer, or as necessary to correct errors made by the Bidder, in which case such corrections shall be signed by the person or persons signing the Bid. D. Submission of Bids 15. Sealing and Marking of Bids 15.1 The Bidder shall submit the original Bid in one sealed envelop marking as ―FINANCIAL BID for CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR & PUMP HOUSE OF FRESH AND RECYCLED WATER IN DTA PH III AREA FOR MWC JAIPUR” at Mahindra World City, Jaipur”. Financial Bid shall contain Part – IV : SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES wherein the Bidder shall fill in the unit rates in digits and words and each page duly signed and sealed. 15.2 The envelopes shall be addressed to the Employer at the following address: Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited 411, Neelkanth Tower#1, Bhawani Singh Marg, C-Scheme Jaipur -302001 Phone No: 0141-3003495-98 Fax : 0141-2243060 16. Deadline for Submission of the Bids 16.1 Bids must be received by the Employer at the address specified above no later than 15:00 hours on 25.07.2012. In the event of the specified date for the submission of Bids declared a holiday for the Employer, the Bids will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day. 16.2 The Employer may extend the deadline for submission of Bids by issuing an amendment indicating the revised deadline. 10 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. E. Bid Opening and Evaluation 17. Process to Be Confidential 17.1 Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and comparison of Bids and recommendations for the award of a Contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other persons not officially concerned with such process until the award to the successful Bidder has been announced. Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Employer's processing of Bids or award decisions may result in the rejection of his Bid. 18. Correction of Errors 18.1 Bids determined to be substantially responsive will be checked by the Employer for any arithmetic errors. Errors will be corrected by the Employer as follows: (a) Where there is a discrepancy between the rates in figures and in words, the rate in words will govern; and (b) Where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the line item total resulting from multiplying the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will govern. 18.2 The amount stated in the Bid will be adjusted by the Employer in accordance with the above procedure for the correction of errors and, with the concurrence of the Bidder, shall be considered as binding upon the Bidder. If the Bidder does not accept the corrected amount the Bid will be rejected. 19. Employer's Right to Accept any Variation 19.1 The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any variation, deviation from the Bid document, or any alternative offer. Variations, deviations and alternative offers and other factors which are in excess of the requirements of the Bidding documents or otherwise result in unsolicited benefits for the Employer shall not be taken into account in Bid evaluation. F. Award of Contract 20. Award Criteria 20.1 The Employer will negotiate with the Bidder whose Bid has been determined to be substantially responsive to the Bidding documents. On completion of negotiations the Employer will award the Contract to the most suitable Bidder. 21. Employer's Right to Accept any Bid and to Reject any or all Bids 21.1 Notwithstanding Clause 19, the Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid or part of the Bid, and to cancel the Bidding process and reject all Bids, at any time prior to the award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for the Employer's action. 22. Notification of Award and Signing of Agreement 22.1 The Bidders whose Bid has been accepted will be issued Letter of Intent incorporating the final negotiated value of contract and major terms agreed mutually. Detailed work order comprising final negotiated item rates and detailed terms negotiated and agreed mutually shall be issued in due course alongwith form of agreement provided in bidding documents incorporating all agreements between parties. 23. Performance Security 11 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 23.1 Within 10 days of receipt of the Letter of Intent, the successful Bidder shall deliver to the Employer a Performance Security in any of the forms given below for an amount equivalent to 5 % of the Contract price. - a bank guarantee in Employer‘s prescribed format.; or - Bank draft, in favour of Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited payable at Jaipur. 23.2 If the performance security is provided by the successful Bidder in the form of a Bank Guarantee, it shall be from a Nationalised/Scheduled Bank acceptable to Employer and shall be in Employer‘s prescribed format. 23.3 Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the requirements of sub-Clause 23.1 shall constitute a breach of Contract, cause for annulment of the award and any such other remedy the Employer may take under the Contract, and the Employer may resort to awarding the Contract to any other Bidder, on sole discretion of Employer. 24 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices 24.1 The Employer expects the Bidders, Suppliers, Contractors, and Consultants, observe the highest standard of ethics and integrity during the procurement and execution of such Contracts .Therefore, the Employer will reject the Bid and blacklist such Bidder, barring him from participation in future Bidding in the event he found indulged in any malpractice such as bribe, or other inducements to any person with a view to influence the placing of the Contract 12 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. SECTION-2 LETTER OF INTENT AND AGREEMENT FORM Table of Forms: - LETTER OF INTENT - AGREEMENT FORM - WORK ORDER 13 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Letter of Intent (Letterhead of the Employer) To, ……………………… ……………………… Dear Sirs, This is to notify that your Bid and subsequent negotiations for the execution of CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR & PUMP HOUSE OF FRESH AND RECYCLED WATER IN DTA PH III AREA FOR MWC JAIPUR for the negotiated Contract Price of Rs…………………. (Rupees …………………………………………………………………….) is hereby accepted by Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited. You are hereby requested to furnish Performance Security in the format attached herewith for an amount of Rs. ………………………………………. within ten (10) days, of receipt of this Letter Of Intent, valid up to 30 days from the Date Of Intended Completion i.e. ………………. and sign the Contract, failing which action as per Sub-Clause 23 of Instruction to Bidders shall be taken. Thank you Yours faithfully, Head (Infra. & Dev.) Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited 411, Neelkanth Tower#1, Bhawani Singh Marg, C-Scheme Jaipur -302001 Phone No: 0141-3003495-98 Fax : 0141-2243060 14 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Agreement Form Agreement This Agreement, made the _______- 2007, between Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited (hereinafter called ―the Employer)‖ of the one part and _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________[name and address of Contractor] (hereinafter called ―the Contractor‖ ) of the other part. Whereas the Employer is desirous that the Contractor execute CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR & PUMP HOUSE OF FRESH AND RECYCLED WATER IN DTA PH III AREA FOR MWC JAIPUR (Bid No. MWCJL/HR/INFRA/DTA PH III/ UGR/2012-13/T-26 (hereinafter called ―the Works‖) and the Employer has accepted the Bid by the Contractor for the execution and completion of such Works and the remedying of any defects therein, at a Contract price of Rs. _____________ (Rupees________________________________________________________________) NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH as follows: 1. In this Agreement, words and expression shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to, and they shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement. 2. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Employer to execute and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein in conformity in all aspects with the provisions of the Contract. 3. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying the defects wherein the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. 4. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement, viz.: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) Letter of Intent; Contractor‘s Bid; Contract Data; Conditions of Contract (including Special Conditions of Contract); Specifications; Drawings; SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES and Rates; and Any other document listed in the Contract Data as forming part of the Contract. In witness whereof the Parties thereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first before written. The Common Seal of ____________________________________________________________ was hereunto affixed in the presence of: Signed, Sealed and Delivered by the said _________________________________________________ 15 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. ___________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ In the presence of: Binding Signature of Employer _________________________________________________ ___ Binding Signature of Contractor _____________________________________________________ 16 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Work Order (Letterhead of the Employer) ————— To —————————————— (name and address of the Contractor) —————————————— —————————————— Dear Sirs: Pursuant to your furnishing the requisite security as stipulated in IFB clause ------ and signing of the contract agreement for the CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR & PUMP HOUSE OF FRESH AND RECYCLED WATER IN DTA PH III AREA FOR MWC JAIPUR negotiated and agreed Bid Rs.__________________________________________________ Price at a of (Rupees __________________________________________________________ ). You are hereby instructed to proceed with the execution of the said works in accordance with the contract documents. The date of commencement will be ______________ Thank you Yours faithfully, Head (Infra. & Dev.) Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited 411,Neelkanth Tower #1, Bhawani Singh Marg, C-Scheme Jaipur -302001 Phone No: 0141-3003495-98 Fax : 0141-2243060 17 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. SECTION 3: CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 18 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. General Conditions of Contract A. General 1. Definitions 1.1 Terms which are defined in the Contract Data are not also defined in the Conditions of Contract but keep their defined meanings. Capital initials are used to identify defined terms. SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES or SOQ means the priced and completed SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES and rates forming part of the Contract. The Contract is the Contract between the Employer and the Contractor to execute, complete and maintain the Works. It consists of the documents listed in Clause 2.2 below. The Contract Data defines the documents and other information which comprise the Contract. The Contractor is a person or corporate body who has been awarded the Works by the Employer. The Contractor's Bid is the completed Bidding document submitted by the Contractor to the Employer. The Contract Price is the price stated in the Letter of Intent and thereafter as adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the Contract. Date of Commencement is the date as stated in the Letter of Intent from the Employer to the Contractor. Actual Date of Commencement is the date from which the Contractor started his work. Days are calendar days; months are calendar months. A Defect is any part of the Works not completed in accordance with the Contract. The Defects Liability Period is the period named in the Contract Data and calculated from the Actual Completion Date. The Employer is the Party who will employ the Contractor to carry out the Works. Engineer in Charge shall be HEAD (Infrastructure & Development) of the Employer or person nominated by him. Equipment is the Contractor's machinery and vehicles brought temporarily to the Site to construct the Works. The Intended Completion Date is the date on which it is intended that the Contractor shall complete the Works. The Intended Completion Date is specified in the Contract Data. The Intended Completion Date may be revised only by the Engineer in Charge by issuing an extension of time. The Actual Completion Date is the date on which the Engineer in Charges shall issue the Completion Certificate as per Clause 33 Materials are all supplies, including consumables, used by the Contractor for incorporation in the Works. 19 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Plant is any integral part of the Works which is to have a mechanical, electrical, electronic or chemical or biological function. The Site is the area defined as such in the Contract Data. Specification means the Specification of the Works referred in the Contract and any modification or addition made or approved by the Engineer in Charge in writing. Temporary Works are works designed, constructed, installed, and removed by the Contractor which are needed for construction or installation of the Works. A Variation is a written instruction given by the Engineer in Charge which varies the Works. The Works are what the Contract requires the Contractor to construct, install, and turn over to the Employer, as defined in the Contract Data. Party and Parties is the Employer and the Contractor individually and the word Parties shall be construed accordingly Relevant Authority shall mean all Parties which have jurisdiction on the works. 2. Interpretation 2.1 In interpreting these Conditions of Contract, singular also means plural, male also means female or neuter, and the other way around. Headings have no significance. Words have their normal meaning under the language of the Contract unless specifically defined. The Engineer in Charge will provide instructions clarifying queries about the Conditions of Contract. 2.2 All Contract Documents, all correspondence and communications to be given, and all other documentation to be prepared and supplied under the Contract shall be written in English, and the Contract shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with that language. 2.3 If any of the Contract Documents, correspondence or communications are prepared in any language other than English then the English translation of such documents, correspondence or communications shall prevail in matters of interpretation. 2.4 The documents forming the Contract shall be as follows and their order of priority shall be interpreted in the given order (i) Agreement (ii) Letter of Intent. (iii) Contractor‘s Bid (iv) Contract Data (v) Conditions of Contract including Special Conditions of Contract (vi) Specifications (vii) Drawings (viii) SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES (ix) Any other document listed in the Contract Data as forming part of the Contract. 3. Legal Construction. Subject to provision of clause, the Work Order shall be in all aspect, construed and operated as Contract under Indian Contract Act 1872, and in accordance with Indian Laws enforce for the time being and is subject to the jurisdiction of the court, Jaipur. 4. Communications 20 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Communications between Parties which are referred to in the conditions are effective only when given in writing. A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in terms of Indian Contract Act). 5. Personnel The Contractor shall employ the key personnel named in the Schedule of Key Personnel as referred to in the Contract Data to carry out the functions stated in the Schedule or other personnel approved by the Engineer in Charge. The Engineer in Charge will approve any proposed replacement of key personnel only if their qualifications, abilities, and relevant experience are substantially equal to or better than those of the personnel listed in the Schedule. If the Engineer in Charge or Project Manager asks the Contractor to remove a person who is a member of the Contractor‘s staff or his work force the Contractor shall ensure that the person leaves the Site within seven days and has no further connection with the work in the Contract. 6. Insurance 6.1 7. Possession of the Site 7.1 8. Not withstanding that the Contractor is to indemnify The Employer. The Contractor All Risks and Workmen‘s Compensation insurance policies to cover the whole project and without limiting the obligations, responsibilities, duties and/or liabilities of the Contractor, the Contractor shall effect at his own costs for others insurance policies deemed necessary in the joint names of The Employer and Contractor to cover the Contract works as given in Contracts Data. The Employer shall give possession of the Site to the Contractor. Instructions 8.1 The Contractor shall carry out all instructions of the Engineer in Charge which comply with the applicable laws where the Site is located. 9. Settlement of Dispute If any dispute of any kind whatsoever shall arise between the Employer and the Contractor in connection with or arising out of the Contract, including without prejudice to the generality of foregoing, any question regarding its existence, validity or termination or the execution of the works, whether during the process of works or after completion and whether before or after termination or breach of the Contract the Parties shall seek to resolve any such dispute or difference by referring the matter to Engineer in Charge. The Engineer in Charge will give its decision within fifteen (15) days of referring the dispute, either Party if not in Agreement with Engineer in Charge‘s decision, may within fifteen days of decision by the Engineer in Charge refer to the senior management of the Employer, who will give its decision within thirty (30) days of referring the dispute. Either Party if not in Agreement with senior management‘s decision, may refer to arbitration pursuant to Clause no. 10 of General Conditions of Contract. 10. Procedure for Disputes Resolution 10.1 The Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the arbitration procedure stated below. The procedure for arbitration will be as follows: (a) In case of dispute or difference arising between the Employer and a Contractor relating to any matter arising out of or connected with this Agreement, such disputes or difference shall be settled in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The arbitral tribunal shall consist of three (03) arbitrators one each to be appointed by the Employer and the Contractor. The third Arbitrator shall be chosen by 21 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. the two Arbitrators so appointed by the Parties and shall act as Presiding arbitrator. In case of failure of the two arbitrators appointed by the Parties to reach upon a consensus within a period of thirty (30) days from the appointment of the arbitrator appointed subsequently, the Presiding Arbitrator shall be appointed by the Indian Council of Arbitration/President of the Institution of Engineers (India)/The International Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution (India). (b) If one of the Parties fails to appoint its arbitrator in pursuance of sub-Clause (a) and (b) above within 30 days after receipt of the notice of the appointment of its arbitrator by the other Party, then the Indian Council of Arbitration/President of the Institution of Engineers (India)/The International Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution (India), both in cases of the Foreign Contractor as well as Indian Contractor, shall appoint the arbitrator. A certified copy of the order of the Indian Council of Arbitration /President of the Institution of Engineer in Charges (India)/The International Centre for Alternative Disputes Resolution (India), making such an appointment shall be furnished to each of the Parties. (c) Arbitration proceedings shall be at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, and the language of the arbitration proceedings and that of all documents and communications between the Parties shall be English. (d) The decision of the majority of arbitrators shall be final and binding upon both Parties. The cost and expenses of Arbitration proceedings will be paid as determined by the arbitral tribunal. However, the expenses incurred by each Party in connection with the preparation, presentation, etc. of its proceedings as also the fees and expenses paid to the arbitrator appointed by such Party or on its behalf shall be borne by each Party itself. (e) Where the value of the Contract is Rs.50 lacs and below, the disputes or differences arising shall be referred to the Sole Arbitrator. The Sole Arbitrator should be appointed by Agreement between the Parties; failing such Agreement, by the appointing authority, namely the Indian Council of Arbitration/President of the Institution of Engineers (India)/The International Centre for Alternative Disputes Resolution (India). (f) Performance under the Contract shall continue during the arbitration proceedings and payments due to the Contractor by the owners shall not be withheld, unless they are the subject matter of the arbitration proceedings. 22 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. B. Time Control 11. Avoidance Of Delay 11.1 It is paramount that the Contractor shall constantly plan his work so as to most efficiently utilize all or any available part or parts of the site, any completed part or parts of another Contractor‘s works which is to be integrated into the Contract Works (if any), the available drawings and all others matters as are available to him, as well as his own resources in order to avoid or reduce any standstill and down time. 11.2 In event that the Contractor cannot commence or proceed with a particular part of the Contract Works as per the programme furnished to the Employer in accordance with Clause 11.1, for any reason whether attributed to the Contractor or not, the Contractor shall be obliged to reschedule and proceed with other parts of the Contract Works at no costs to the Employer to ensure that the completion date of the Contract Works will be met. 11.3 Should the Contractor fall behind any program submitted in accordance with Clause 11.2, due to any act, default, neglect or omission of the Contractor and requires overtime, night work or shift work and /or an increase of man power and/or construction plant to regain the scheduled progress (whether or not instructed by the Employer), the cost of such measures shall be borne by the Contractor. 11.4 Within the time stated in the Contract Data the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer in Charge for approval a Construction Program including Environmental Management Plan. 11.5 The Engineer in Charge's approval of the Program shall not alter the Contractor's obligations. The Contractor may revise the Program and submit it to the Engineer in Charge again at any time. A revised Program is to show the effect of Variations. 12. Extension of the Intended Completion Date 12.1 Time shall be of the essence with respect to the commencement and completion as per the key Contractual dates as mentioned in the Contract Data as Milestones for the execution and completion of the Contract Works as stated. 12.2 The Contractor acknowledges that a high rate of working is required to achieve the Dates for Completion of the Contract Works and Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed for shift working, sufficient plant, labour, flood lighting and any or all other measures to achieve the same. 12.3 The Dates of Completion of the Contract Works may be extended by The Employer subject to compliance by the Contractor with Clause 11 (Avoidance of Delay), by such period which reasonably reflects any delay in completion of the Contract Works which, notwithstanding due diligence and taking of all reasonable steps by the Contractor to avoid or reduce the delay as provided for in Clause 11, is caused:a) By the occurrence of an event of Force Majeure; b) By a delay in handing over of the Site or part of the Site by The Employer after the Dates for Commencement of the Contract Works; c) Any variations requested by The Employer; d) By other Contractors carrying out works not forming part of the works to be carried out under the Sub Contract, and employed by the Employer; e) By an instruction to suspend the Contract Works issued by the Employer pursuant to this Contract provided that such suspension is not due to the fault of the Contractor; 23 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. f) If the Employer has delayed in providing materials, drawings, instructions and/or approvals where Employer is to seek the approval, which have been requested by the Contractor in writing, and which request is neither too early nor too late for the timely completion of the Contract Works; and which affects the Contract Works PROVIDED that such delays are not due to the Contractor. PROVIDED FURTHER THAT if, while the Contractor is continuing works during the period when liquidated and ascertained damages are being deducted, The Employer gives instruction or matters occur which would entitle the Contractor to an extension of time then The Employer shall assess and give the Contractor an extension of time and so notify the Contractor accordingly. 12.4 It shall be a condition precedent that the Contractor shall notify The Employer in writing of any factors and the relevant Contract provision (if any) which Contractor considers entitles Contractor to an extension of time together with a statement of : a. the reason why the delay in completion of the Contract Works is likely to result or has resulted; b. an estimate of the period by which the Contract Works are likely to be or had been delayed; and c. details of steps that the Contractor proposes to take to avoid or reduce the delay; within seven (07) days of the commencement or occurrence of any such factor or such extension of this seven (07) days period as The Employer may allow. 13. 12.5 The Contractor shall notify The Employer within fourteen (14) days of the cessation of the factors notified to The Employer under sub-Clause 12.4; to enable any provisions, that the Contractor may require to the proposed extended Date for Completion to be made as quickly as possible and such other particulars as shall be reasonably necessary to enable the Employer to properly consider the revision. 12.6 Without prejudice to any other grounds which do not entitle the Contractor to an extension of time, the Contractor shall not be entitled to extensions of time for delays resulting from weather conditions, or discrepancy in the Contract Documents, whether such events affect the Contract Works or not. 12.7 Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Employer shall not be obliged to take into account any circumstances that are not notified to The Employer in accordance with the periods referred to in sub-Clause 12.3 and 12.4. 12.8 The Employer shall as soon as is reasonably practical after receipt of the Contractor‘s notification furnished in accordance with the sub-Clause 11.3 determine and notify the Contractor in writing of any extension of time to which the Employer considers the Contractor is entitled under Sub-Clause 12.4. 12.9 For the avoidance of doubt, the Contractor had agreed NOT TO CLAIM for all costs, loss and /or expense suffered or incurred by reason of any extension of time granted by the Employer in accordance to Sub-Clause 11.4 herein except by reason of sub-Clause 12.3 (b) 12.3 (d) 12.3 (f). Force Majeure 13.1 Force Majeure‖ shall mean any event beyond the reasonable control of the Employer or of the Contractor, as the case may be, and which is unavoidable notwithstanding the reasonable care of the Party affected, and shall include the following: 13.1.1 War, hostilities or warlike operations (whether a state of war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemy and civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, mutiny, usurpation of civil or military government, conspiracy, riot, civil commotion and terrorist acts, confiscation, nationalization, mobilization, commandeering or requisition 24 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. by or under the order of any government or de jure or de facto authority or ruler or any other act or failure to act of any local state or national government authority 13.1.2 Strike (other than strike by employees/staff/labour of Contractor or Sub-Contractor), sabotage, embargo, import restriction, epidemics, quarantine and plague. 13.1.3 Earthquake, volcanic activity, fire, flood or inundation, tidal wave, typhoon or cyclone, hurricane, storm, lightning, or nuclear or other natural disaster 14. Delays Ordered by the Engineer in Charge 14.1 The Engineer in Charge may instruct the Contractor to delay the start or progress of any activity within the Works. 25 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. C. Quality Control 15. Identifying Defects 15.1 The Engineer in Charge shall check the Contractor's work and notify the Contractor of any Defects that are found. Such checking shall not affect the Contractor's responsibilities. The Engineer in Charge may instruct the Contractor to search for a Defect and to uncover and test any work that the Engineer in Charge considers may have a Defect. 15.2 The Contractor shall permit the Employer‘s technical auditor to check the Contractor‘s work and notify the Engineer in Charge and Contractor of any defects that are found. 16. Tests 16.1 If the Engineer in Charge instructs the Contractor to carry out a test not specified in the Specification to check whether any work has a Defect all such test/tests shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own cost and shall be deemed to be included in the rates given by Contractor. 17. Correction of Defects 17.1 The Engineer in Charge shall give notice to the Contractor of any Defects before the end of the Defects Liability Period, which begins at Completion and is defined in the Contract Data. The Defects Liability Period shall be extended for as long as Defects remain to be corrected. 17.2 Every time notice of a Defect is given, the Contractor shall correct the notified Defect within the length of time specified by the Engineer in Charge‘s notice. 18. Uncorrected Defects 18.1 If the Contractor has not corrected a Defect within the time specified in the Engineer in Charge‘s notice, the Engineer in Charge will assess the cost of having the Defect corrected, and the amount will be recovered from the Contractor. 26 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. D. Cost Control 19. SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES 19.1 The SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES shall contain items for the construction, installation, testing, and commissioning work to be done by the Contractor. 19.2 The Schedule of Quantities is used to calculate the Contract Price. The Contractor Shall be paid for the actual quantities duly approved by the Engineer in Charge and the Contract Price shall be adjusted based on approved actual quantities of the Contract works as described in Schedule of Quantity for each item. 19.3 The rates set out in the Schedule of Quantity (SOQ) are fixed, firm and shall be inclusive of all costs and expenses. 19.3.1 Preliminaries works / costs such as site measurement, supervision, setting out, insurances, water, electricity/power, security/ watching, protection of public, working around and in connection with underground services, cables, pipes, etc. working/liaison with consultant engineers, Government and other Relevant Authorities etc. 19.3.2 All associated temporary and false works. 19.3.3 Preparation and maintenance of access and / or haul road, etc. 19.3.4 All tests, sampling, inspection, reports, opening up of works and related works (including testing on materials supply by Employer). 19.3.5 Material, labour, plant, equipment, machinery, tools and all related costs. 19.3.6 Shifts works, night works, overtime works, incentives, bonus, related labour employment costs etc. 19.3.7 Working with site constraints and conditions. 19.3.8 Liaison, including dealing and compliances with requirements, restrictions, etc. of all Relevant Authorities. 19.3.9 Overhead cost, profits, etc. 19.3.10 Protection and maintaining all Contract works and any thing affected by the Contract works until completion handing over. 19.3.11 Any other costs and / or expenses deemed necessary for the due execution and completion of the works. 19.4 The rates as contained in the SOQ shall be inclusive of all taxes, duties and royalties applicable in the State of Rajasthan from time to time. The Contractor accepts that all taxes on the Contract shall be to Contractor‘s account. Employer shall deduct Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) for such taxes at the rates fixed and revised by Relevant Authorities from each payment/bill due to Contractor. Employer shall issue TDS certificate in favour of Contractor for the TDS so recovered. 19.5 The rates as contained in the SOQ shall also be inclusive of all PF, ESI etc. and all other payment as per the statutory requirements. The Contractor shall produce proof of compliance of such requirement to Employer. In the event that the Contractor failed to produce such proof / paying such payment, Employer shall pay such payment direct (but is not obliged) to the Relevant Authorities and recovered the same from whatsoever monies due or to become due to the Contractor. 27 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 20.0 ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS AND OMISSIONS 20.1 Variations The Construction Manager shall have power: (a) to make alteration in, omissions from, additions to, or substitutions for the original specifications, Drawings, designs and instructions that may appear to him to be necessary or advisable during the progress of the work, and (b) to omit a part of the Works in case of non availability of a portion of a Site or for any other reasons and the Contractor shall be bound to carry out the Works in accordance with any instruction given to him in writing signed by the Construction Manager and such alterations, omissions, additions or substituted work which the Contractor may be directed to do in the manner specified above on the same conditions in all respects including price on which he agreed to do the main work except as hereafter provided. The time for completion of Works shall, in the event of any deviations resulting in additional cost over the tendered value sum being ordered, be extended, if requested by the Contractor, in the proportion, which the additional cost of the altered, additional or substituted work, bears to the original tendered value. 20.2 Valuation Of Variations Rates for such altered, additional or substituted work shall be determined by the Construction Manager as follows: (a) If the rate for which altered, additional or substituted item of work is specified in the Schedule of Quantities, the Contractor shall carry out the altered, additional or substituted items at the same rate. In the case of composite tenders, when two or more Schedules of Quantities may form part of the Contract, the applicable rate shall be taken from the schedule of quantities of that particular part in which the deviation is involved, failing that at lowest applicable rate for the same item of work in the other Schedules of Quantities. (b) If the rate for any altered, additional, or substituted item of work is not specified in the Schedules of Quantities, the rate for that item shall be derived from the rate for the nearest similar item specified therein. In case of composite tender where two or more schedule of quantities form part of the Contract, the rate shall be derived from the nearest similar item in the Schedules of Quantities of the particular part of the Works in which the deviation is involved failing that from the lowest of the nearest similar items in other Schedules of Quantities. (c) If the rate for any altered, additional or substituted item of work cannot be determined in the manner specified in sub-paras (a) & (b) above, the Contractor shall within 15 days of the date of receipt of the order to carry out the said work, inform the Construction Manager of the rate which he proposes to claim for such item of work, supported by analysis of the rate claimed, and the Construction Manager shall, within one month thereafter, after giving due consideration to the rate claimed by the Contractor, determine the rate on the basis of market rate(s). Rates of these items shall be decided by the Construction Manager before execution on the basis of rate analysis in both 28 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. cases whether contractor submit the rate analysis or not. The rate analysis shall be derived on the basis of CPWD rate analysis and if the item is not listed in CPWD rate analysis, labor factor will be decided by physical verification. The prevailing market rates for materials and minimum wages as decided by the government for labor rates shall be considered in the rate analysis. Contractor shall be paid 15% over material plus labor cost, towards profit, overhead and taxes etc. However, Construction Manager shall take approval from the Employer before finalization of rates and Employer’s decision will be final and binding. 20.3 Extent Of Variations (a) Quoted rates for all items shall be firm, fixed and binding on the Contractor irrespective of any variations of quantities of individual items stated therein upto + 50% variation of Contract value as a whole. (b) The amount due to price variation on account of escalation if payable in terms of Contract shall not be included in the payment of work done covered under Schedule of Quantities and prices for the purpose of working out the overall deviation limit of + 50% on the Contract value. (d) For variations beyond +50% (fifty percent) of Contract value, the rates for individual items contributing to the variations in quantities beyond + 75% will be worked out on the basis of the rate analysis to be finally approved by the Owner. Market rates shall be determined by a committee comprising representatives of Employer and Construction Manager. The rates for the above items will be applicable only for the quantities beyond + 75% variation of the individual items. 21. Terms of Payment 21.1 The Employer shall pay the Contractor for work done in accordance with the Contract, approved, accepted, and verified by the Engineer in Charge for these works. 21.2 The quantities paid in Interim Payment certificates shall be provisional quantities and subject to final assessment based on the re-measurement of work properly done on site or from approved construction drawings whichever is applicable. 21.3 Amount properly due to the Contractor shall be paid within twenty (20) days upon Contractor‘s submission of monthly invoice for works completed; which are subject to verification by the Employer authorized representative on the work done pursuant to the approved construction drawings. The Contractor shall submit details and proper statement of claims detailing the works completed according the Schedules of Quantities. Upon receiving detail and proper statement from the Contractor, the Employer shall verify the details stated in the statement and issue the payment certificate to the Contractor. 22. Tax 22.1 The rates quoted by the Contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of all taxes except service tax which shall be paid by MWCJL as per applicable law. 23. Currencies 23.1 All payments shall be made in Indian Rupees. 24. Retention 29 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 24.1 Retention Money at the rate of 5 % of the value of work done for each running bill will be deducted until the actual completion of whole work, up to a maximum of 5% of Contract Price. 24.2 Retention money shall be refunded within 30 days after discharge of defect liability period. 24.3 No retention sum shall be deducted from interim progress payment subject to the submission of an unconditional bank guarantee at the time of award of work against the retention money equivalent to 5 % of the Contract Price which would valid up to 180 days after discharge of defect liability period. 25. Supply Of Material 25.1 The Employer shall supply following material for incorporation into permanent works on reconciliation basis, free of cost. Wastage at a rate of 3% will be permitted for reinforcement steel only. For quantity of consumption in excess of allowed values, deduction will be effected from the Contractor‘s bill at current market price or Employer‘s average purchase price plus 25% whichever is higher. Sr. No. Material Allowed Wastage Remark Supply Location 1 Steel Reinforcement 3% 2 Cement Nil - Ex-Site 3 D. I. Pipes Nil - Ex-Site Excluding rolling Ex-Site margin However, the Employer reserves the right to supply any other material / materials also and the Contractor acknowledges that such supply of material shall affect his rates quoted in Schedules of Quantities. 25.2. The materials provided/supplied by the Employer shall continue to rest with the Contractor till the works are handed over to the Employer. The Contractor shall not utilize such supplied material or deal with them in any manner whatsoever except for use in execution of permanent works under this Contract. 25.3 The Contractor shall submit his material requirement schedule to the Employer minimum four (04) weeks in advance or as advised at the time of commencement of works. The Contractor shall submit bar bending schedule and quantity calculation to Employer prior to the supply of material along with the material requisition. 25.4 All material supplied to the Contractor shall be unloaded and safely and properly stored by the Contractor at his own cost and risk. The Employer in any event shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, theft, pilferage etc. 25.5 The Contractor shall maintain a proper account of all such material and shall submit returns and documents of consumption. The Contractor shall submit a statement with each running bill to Employer reconciling the quantity of material drawn from Employer and quantities consumed. 25.6 In case of steel of cut lengths of bars below the following size shall be ranked as wastage. Cut bars higher lengths shall be treated as prime steel: i) bars of 16 mm dia and above dia – 4 m long ii) bars of below 16 mm dia – 2 m long Rolling margin shall be established for every lot of steel and for every diameter between the Engineer in Charge and the Contractor. 30 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 25.7 The free issue steel shall be used in the works as per the Scope Of Works pursuant to Clause 2 of Special Conditions Of Contract. 3% wastage in the form of scrap steel shall be allowed to the Contractor. The scrap steel shall be returned to the Employer 25.8 For reconciliation purpose, the consumption of any material (supplied by the Employer) shall be calculated based on CPWD consumption co-efficient, however for mix design materials coefficient derived from the approved mix design shall be taken into account. 25.9 The empty cement bags (95% of the total consumption) shall be returned to the employer, failing which the penalty at the rate of Rs. 2/- per bag shall be recovered from the contractor‘s bill (s). 25.10 Contractor has to carry out water leakage test for UGR & entire responsibility lies with him for its water tightness. Any leakage/seepage from the structure shall be rectified by contractor at its own risk & cost. 26 NA 27 NA 28 Liquidated Damages 28.1 If the contractor fails to complete the works by the date of completion as stated in the Tender or within extended time as per agreed project baseline schedule, the Owner shall withhold a sum calculated at the rate of 0.5 % of the total contract value per week (or part thereof) of delay as liquidated damages for the period during which the said work shall so remain or have remained in-complete. The owner may deduct such damages from any money's otherwise payable to the contractor under this contract, up to a maximum of 10.0 % of the total contract value after which Owner will have right to terminate the contract and claim for compensation from contractor for the financial losses on account of delay of project. The contractor admits that the loss shall always be caused if there is failure on its part. 28.2 The delay shall be assessed based on average delay over all due milestones. Reconciliation statement for Project Tracking giving detail of delay, duly verified by Engineer-in-Charge / project manager shall be submitted along with monthly running bills. 28.3 The Liquidated Damages imposed for not achieving intermediate milestone shall be subjected to refund/adjustment in case of Contractor achieve the final Milestone with the period as stipulated in the Contract. 28.4 Time shall be of the essence with respect to the commencement and completion as per the key Contractual dates for the execution and completion of the Contract Works as stated in Contract Data, and payment or deduction of liquidated damages shall not relieve the Contractor from his obligation to complete the work as per agreed construction program and milestones or from any other of the Contractor‘s obligations and liabilities under the Contract. 29 Bonus 29.1 N.A 30. Advance Payment 30.1 Employer shall make advance payment to the Contractor of the amounts stated in the Contract Data by the date stated in the Contract Data, against provision by the Contractor of an Unconditional Bank Guarantee in a form and by a bank acceptable to the Employer in amounts and currencies equal to the advance payment. The guarantee shall remain effective until the recoupment of advances, but the amount of the guarantee shall be progressively reduced by the amounts repaid by the Contractor. 31 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 30.2 The Contractor is to use the advance payment only to pay for Equipment, Plant and Mobilization expenses required specifically for execution of the Works. The Contractor shall demonstrate that advance payment has been used in this way by supplying copies of invoices or other relevant documents to the Engineer in Charge. 30.3 The advance payment shall be recovered by deducting proportionate amounts from payments otherwise due to the Contractor, following the schedule of completed percentages of the Works on a payment basis. No account shall be taken of the advance (mobilization and equipment only) payment or its repayment in assessing valuations of work done, Variations, price adjustments or Liquidated Damages. 31. Performance Security 31.1 The Performance Security in the form of unconditional bank guarantee shall be provided to the Employer no later than the date specified in the Letter of Intent and shall be issued in an amount equal to 5% of Contract Price from a Nationalised or Scheduled bank in the Employer‘s prescribed format the Performance Security shall be valid until a date 30 days from the date of expiry of Actual Date of Completion. 32. Defect Liability and Cost of Repairs 32.1 Loss or damage to the Works or Materials to be incorporated in the Works between the Actual Date of Completion and the end of the Defects Liability Periods shall be remedied by the Contractor at the Contractor's cost if the loss or damage arises from the Contractor's acts or omissions. The Contractor shall be responsible to make good at his own expense any defect which may develop within the period mentioned as Defect Liability Period in the Contract Data. The Employer shall give the Contractor a notice in writing about the defects and the Contractor shall repair the defect in maximum of seven (07) days. If the Contractor fails to repair/remove the defect, the Employer may execute the work by himself and deduct the expense towards the work from any monies due to the Contractor. The Employer shall have the right to appropriate all or part of the Retention Money towards the expense in repairing the defects. 32 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. E. Finishing the Contract 33. Completion 33.1 After completion of the work, the Contractor will serve a written notice to the Engineer in Charge to this effect. The Engineer in Charge upon receipt of this notice shall conduct a complete joint survey of the work within seven (07) days and prepare a defects list jointly. The defects pointed out by the Engineer in Charge or his nominee would be rectified by the Contractor within fourteen (14) days and thereafter acceptance report be signed jointly by the Contractor, Engineer in Charge and the Employer. And a ‗Completion Certificate‘ shall be issued to Contractor by Employer. 34. Taking Over 34.1 The Employer shall take over the Site and the Works within seven days of the Engineer in Charge issuing a certificate of Completion. 35. As Built Drawings 35.1 The Contractor shall supply ―As Built‖ Drawings by the dates stated in the Contract Data. 35.2 If the Contractor does not supply the As Built drawings by the dates stated in the Contract Data, or they do not receive the Engineer in Charge‘s approval, the Engineer in Charge shall withhold the amount stated in the Contract Data from payments due to the Contractor. 36. Termination Of Contract 36.1 Due to any default by the Contractor, the Employer shall be entitled to terminate the Contractor‘s employment under the Contract by giving one (01) week advanced notice in writing by stating the reason. The date after seven (07) days from the date of issuance of the Termination Notice shall hence be defined as "Date of Termination‖. The Contractor will be paid for all works duly and properly completed up to the Date of Termination but shall not be entitled to anticipated profit or any consequential or indirect loss or damage and shall hold harmless and indemnify the Employer against Contractor's Contractors/suppliers or third parties arising from termination under this Clause. 36.2 The Contractor had agreed in the event of delay in progress or non-achievement of the Milestone Dates, The Employer shall reserve the sole discretion right in deploying its own plant and machinery or engaging third Party to speed up the Contractor‘s works and the Contractor‘s Contract shall be terminated with written notice at any point of time without any compensation or claims to be paid to the Contractor. All additional / extra cost incurred by The Employer shall be charged to the Contractor due to such event. 37. Payment upon Termination 37.1 Full payment to Contractor‘s workers, Contractors, suppliers and third parties engaged by the Contractor for any portion of the Contract works shall be paid in full by the Contractor and thereafter must be removed from site on or before the Date of Termination. If the Contractor failed to make full payment to these workers, Contractors, suppliers and third parties and/or remove them from site on the Date of Termination, then the Employer will carry out such duties on behalf of the Contractor. The Employer will recover all cost incurred due to the performing of such duties on behalf of the Contractor by making deduction from amount/s due to the Contractor or by any other process. 38. Release from Performance 38.1 If the Contract is frustrated by the outbreak of war or by any other event entirely outside the control of either the Employer or the Contractor the Employer shall certify that the Contract has been frustrated. The Contractor shall make the Site safe and stop work as quickly as 33 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. possible after receiving this certificate and shall be paid for all work carried out before receiving it and for any work carried out afterwards to which commitment was made. F. Special Conditions of Contract 1. General The Contractor is advised to note that the following Special Conditions are part of the Contract and he will not have any right to claim at any time for delays or for expenditure incurred by him in fulfilling the following special conditions. 2. Scope of Works 2.1 The Contract Works shall comprise of but not be limited to:2.1.1 Contract for the CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR & PUMP HOUSE OF FRESH AND RECYCLED WATER IN DTA PH III AREA FOR MWC JAIPUR. 2.1.2 Demarcation of routes of the related services and periphery of the plots with the help of Total Station machine with fixing points in the field after calculating the co-ordinates from the layout plan. All the above shall be as per issued relevant drawings, Specifications, terms & conditions and other relevant National and International Standard Specifications and good engineering practices, safety measures as required all as per agreed construction methodology in consultation and coordination with and under the inspection of the Employer‘s personnel / design consultants. 2.2 All the Contract Works shall be executed in full compliance with the Specifications of the Contract and all requirements and always to the satisfaction of the Employer. 2.3 The Contractor shall be deemed to have inspected, tested and examined the site and surroundings and to have satisfied himself as to all the conditions, factors and risks which can be reasonably obtained or inferred from the inspections, tests and examinations that may influence or affect the progress and cost of Contract Works. 2.4 The Contractor acknowledge that he understands rules and regulation as applicable to DTA Area and he further acknowledge that he will abide all the rules and regulations of DTA Area and all other related things affecting the Contract works directly or indirectly and shall not make any claim in any account whatsoever related law & regulation as applicable to DTA Area. 2.5 The Contractor shall resolve local constraints and problems, liaise, seek, and obtain any consent, permit, license, approval, etc. from all Relevant Authorities including paying all fees, charges, levies, etc all at his own cost. 2.6 Clearing all debris and disposing to location approved by Municipal authorities during progress of Contract works and before and after the dates of Completion. 2.7 All temporary works, haul/access roads that are necessary for the proper and due completion of the Contract Works. 2.0 Measurements The payable quantity (ies) against the executed work shall be determined on the basis, quantity certified wherein certification conducted jointly by the Contractor and the Owner. Work accepted and certified by the Owner will only be paid for as specified and payments shall be at the same rates. 34 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 3. Subcontract or Subletting of Works 3.1 Sub-Letting: 3.1.1 No part of the Contract shall be sublet without the written permission of the Employer nor shall transfers be made by the 'Power of Attorney' authorizing others to carryout the work or receive payment on behalf of the Contractor. 3.2 Sub-Contract: 4. 3.2.1 The Contractor is not permitted to subcontract any part of his works in this Contract without prior approval in writing from the Employer. 3.2.2 In any case, whether any part of the works is subcontracted or not; the principal liabilities of the works shall lie with the Contractor. Tender Drawings The drawings issued with these Tender Documents are Tender Drawings. Tender Drawings are prepared in such detail as are necessary to give a comprehensive idea of the works. The good for construction drawings will be issued during the construction stage based on the requirements as per the construction program submitted by the Contractor as per General Condition of Contract Clause 10. 5. 6. Contract Drawings 5.1 The Engineer in Charge shall issue free of charge three sets of Contract Drawings, approved for construction, to the Contractor. Additional copies as and when required shall be supplied by the Engineer in Charge and costs shall be reimbursed by the Contractor. 5.2 The Engineer in Charge may from time to time during the course of the Contract issue the Contractor with revised Contract drawings and the Contractor shall ensure that all superseded drawings are removed from site and replaced by revised Contract Drawings. 5.3 The Contractor shall ensure that a complete up to-date list of drawing is maintained at site. All Contract Drawings shall be properly filed and indexed for ready reference. 5.4 The Contractor shall ensure that only the valid up to-date Contract Drawings are used for preparation of Working Drawings, setting out, construction, etc. shall be carried out as per valid Contract Drawings. 5.5 Working Drawings shall include shop and fabrication drawings for cross sections, bar bending schedules etc. as required by the Engineer in Charge. 5.6 The privilege of the authorship and ownership of drawing and designs of the building remains with Engineer in Charge. Drawings and design prepared by their Consultants shall be used only for the purpose specified in the Contract and all drawings issued shall be returned To Engineer in Charge after completion of works. Additional Work Any additional works, instructed during the Contract Period and within the Contract Amount, will be paid as per Schedule of Quantity rates and it shall not be considered as a cause for the Contractor to claim for delay, incurred overhead, mobilization etc. 7. Protection of the Works during Contract Period It is clearly understood that any damage occurring to the Works (completed or under execution) is the Contractors responsibility and no claims will be entertained by the Employer since the matter shall be covered by the relevant Insurances. 35 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 8. Discrepancies in alignment Discrepancies in alignment and levels etc. noticed during construction and/or on completion shall be rectified (including affected works executed by other Contractors) by the Contractor at his own cost and risk, Engineer in Charge‘s approval does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities. 9. Temporary Power and Water Supply All costs, both for power supply and temporary installations and Power and Water required for construction and labour shall be borne by the Contractor. 10. Contractor‟s Facilities 10.1 Site Offices of the Contractor The successful Tenderer is to provide and maintain a site office at a location approved by the Engineer in Charge, within 15 days from the date of issue of Notice to Proceed. 11. Safety on Site Measures to ensure safety of workers and plant at site shall be taken by the Contractor. Excavations shall be protected by barriers and lighting shall be provided at night. motorable access to the site and within the site shall be maintained during the construction period. The Contractor shall designate a Safety Officer who will be in charge of all Safety Measures. The cost of all safety equipments and the cost of providing a safety officer at site would be deemed to be included in various Items of the SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES and Rates. The Contractor will prepare a safety manual and submit for Engineer in Charge‘s approval before the commencement of work. Entire safety arrangement shall comply relevant safety norms and applicable IS codes in entire execution process. 12. As Built Drawings The Contractor shall prepare As Built Drawings both in hard copy and in digital format. The drawings shall be prepared for any given section of the work as soon as the work for that particular section is completed. Preparation of As Built Drawings shall keep pace with the work and shall not be left over towards the end of the project. Three (03) hard copies and one soft copy of all drawings shall be submitted. No separate payment will be made for the preparation of As-Built Drawings; Cost of preparation of As Built Drawing is deemed to be included in all other priced bill items. 13. Labour The Contractor shall, unless otherwise provided in the Contract, make his own arrangements for the engagement of all staff and labour, local or other, and for their payment, housing, feeding and transport. The Contractor shall, if required by the Engineer in Charge, deliver to the Engineer in Charge a return in detail, in such form and at such intervals as the Engineer in Charge may prescribe, showing the staff and the numbers of the several classes of labour from time to time employed by the Contractor on the Site and such other information as the Engineer in Charge may require. The Contractor shall ensure that there will not be any child labour. The Contractor shall provide, or ensure that there is provided such number of suitable persons as adequate and appropriate in the circumstances for rendering first aid to his people if they are injured or become ill at work: and for this purpose a person shall not be suitable unless he has undergone: Such training and has such qualifications as the Health and Safety Executive may approve for the time being in respect of that case of the class of case, 14. Housekeeping & Sanitation a) At the work site, an adequate supply of potable water must be provided, as well as clean drinking water dispensers. Potable water for clean up must be provided. 36 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 15. Drinking water b) In every work place, there shall be provided and maintained at suitable places, easily accessible to labour, a sufficient supply of cold water fit for drinking. c) Where drinking water is obtained from an intermittent public water supply, each work place shall be provided with storage where such drinking water shall be stored. d) Every water supply or storage shall be at a distance of not less than 50 feet from any latrine drain or any other source of pollution. 16. Washing facilities: a) In every work place adequate and suitable facilities for washing shall be provided and maintained for the use of Contract labour employee therein b) Such facilities shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept in clean and hygienic condition. 17. Latrines and Urinals a) Latrines shall be provided in every work place in adequate numbers. b) The latrines and urinals shall be adequately lighted and shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times c) The Contractor shall at his own expense, carry out all instructions issued to him by the Engineer in Charge-in-charge to effect proper disposal of night soil and other conservancy work in respect of the Contractor‘s workmen or employees of the site. The Contractor shall be responsible for payment of any charges which may be levied by the municipal or cantonment authority for execution of such on behalf. 18. Canteens: a) In every work place where the work regarding the employment of Contract labour is likely to continue for six months and where in Contract labour numbering 100 or more are ordinarily employed an adequate canteen shall be provided by the Contractor for the use of such labour. b) The canteen shall be maintained by the Contractor in an efficient manner. 19. Contractor‟s Other Obligations 19.1 All safety training and skill development of Contractor‘s workers and operators shall be carried out either by the Contractor or the Employer and all costs related to such training shall be borne by the Contractor. 19.2 The Contractor shall obtain all necessary approvals/ permission from the Relevant Authorities including where necessary securing the presence of the Relevant Authorities or their representative to inspect and supervise the operations in connection with the Contract Works. The Contractor shall bear all costs, fees, charges etc so imposed for the attendance of the Relevant Authorities or their representatives. 19.3 The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage caused by any work carried out by Contractor to the existing services and utilities whether shown or not shown in the drawings from whatsoever cause arising thereof and shall make good to its original condition at his own costs and expense to the satisfaction of the Employer. 19.4 Upon completion of the Contract Works the Contractor shall remove and clear all debris, waste and/or any excess materials, construction plant, and temporary works from the site and shall do all things to clear up the site which shall include any cleaning where instructed by the Employer to other areas affected by the Contract Works. During the Contract period the Contractor shall ensure that the site is kept clean and in proper order and free from rubbish, waste or debris and Contractor shall do all things necessary to prevent any damage to or 37 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. pollution or the creation of any health or environmental hazard at or around or adjacent to the Site. 19.5 The Contractor shall defend (if requested to), save harmless and indemnify the Employer against all claims, demands, interest, penalties, proceedings, damages, loss, costs, charges and expenses arising out of or in connection with any failure, neglect or omission, by the Contractor to perform his obligations under the Contract or any damage to property (including the Contract Works) or injury to person (whether resulting in death or not) caused or contributed by the Contractor and/or his servants or agents or independent Contractors appointed by the Employer to carry out works on behalf of Contractor (whether or not such claims, losses and/or damages have been insured by the Employer). In addition, this indemnity shall include all legal costs incurred by the Employer as a consequence of such claim, demand or proceeding being made. 19.6 The Contractor shall, subject to this Contract and other obligations imposed by law, execute the Contract Works and provide all labour, materials, construction equipment and all things necessary and incidental for the Contract Works to the satisfaction of the Employer and / or the Relevant Authorities. 19.7 The Contractor shall bear all payments and other related costs on his own in connection with the execution and completion of additional, rectification, etc, works due to or caused by any act, default, neglect or omission by the Contractor. This shall also include the employment of consulting Engineer in Charges, professional experts and such other personnel as may be necessary for such works. 19.8 The Contractor acknowledges that he will not have any objection in re-structuring the Contract with respect to material and labour in order to realize the exemptions and benefits granted by the Government whenever required, and he will pass on such benefits to the Employer. 19.9 The Contractor accepts that in the event of supply of any material from Employers side pursuant to Clause 25 (Supply Of Material). The Item rate quoted by the Contractor shall be re-calculated and the Contractor will not make any claim whatsoever in account of material part of the rates (including all profits, overheads, taxes etc. all) quoted by him in the Schedule of Quantities. 19.10 The Contractor has to Operate & Maintain all the plants & equipment, if Installed, for the period of 6 months from the certified date of commissioning. The contractor shall be bound to rectify all the defects or replacement of the equipment (s) within the guarantee period as mentioned in the Guarantee Card. The Contractor will train the Employer‘s staff to operate & maintain the equipment/ plant and will submit the copy of operation & maintenance manuals of the concerned equipment/plant to the Employer. All the spares & tools for the defect liability period shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost. 19.11 The contractor has to submit the project quality plan for the work.. 38 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. G. SAFETY MANUAL CHAPTER 01 1.0. THE MAIN CONTRACTOR. 1.1. RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CLIENT. A close relationship and continuous interaction must be maintained with the client by the Project Manager of the main or managing contractor. The client does have specific safety and health requirements to be observed and co-operation with his contractor, throughout the contract is essential. The prospective main contractors are given information on which to base their tenders and at the Tender Stage; the prospective contractors are expected to understand fully the Scope and Design Intent of these provisions. 1.2. Selection of sub contractors. Management contractors should select sub or works contractors, using the same criteria of practical safety policy. Again, it must be ensured that the terms of contracts include adequate provision for safe working and for specified safety and health items. 1.3. Planning. Detailed planning should take the following matters into account Know hazardous operations, e.g., use of cranes and site transport, steel erection, excavation and false work, scaffolding, roof work, demolition, asbestos removal, etc. Requirement for plant and equipment to ensure safe working, or ease of handling. The sequence of work and its phasing between contractors, to minimise the possibility of one contractor placing another contractor‘s men at risk. Where appropriate, the segregation of contractors should be considered. The need to provide information, instruction and appropriate training, both on general site safety and on hazards specific in the site. The latter could range from restricted zones, permitto-work systems and lifting operation, to the wearing of safety helmets. The need for fire precautions and emergency procedures. The need for environmental monitoring and health surveillance. Site security and foreseeable risks to the public, including the need for directional and warning signs Safe access across the site for persons, vehicles and plant. Thought should be given to arrangements for keeping the site tidy, accommodation for site staff, welfare, first aid and other facilities The provision of safe places of work at different stages of the job, including the provision of scaffolding for a number of sub or works contractors. 1.4. Control. Sub and works contractors should be briefed about the safety policy and site rules of the main contractor at an initial safety meeting. Decisions on all other matters affecting safety and health should be laid down so that the responsibilities of all parties are made clear before contractors start work. Such matters should include. Appropriate precautions and work methods for identified hazards or hazardous work. Necessary plant and equipment and arrangements for its provision, maintenance use and inspection. 39 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. The question of trade union or other workforce safety representation and the need for a joint safety committee. Arrangements for some form of induction training for new-starters on site. Arrangements for any specialist training. Arrangements for promulgating safety and health information, e.g. on site notice boards. It is important that such safety and health arrangements are reviewed at the first project meeting, where the site management can set the tone for the conduct of work by resolving, at an early stage, any difficulties which may arise. 1.5 Co-ordination. The Project Manager, appointed by the main contractor, must be totally responsible for compliance with health and safety code. He must appoint a Chief Safety Officer and form a Safety Committee along with operatives from sub vendors. This Safety Committee will be Chaired by the Client‟s representative and sit twice a week and report to the Project Controller. The Project Manager must take suitable arrangements to ensure the effective co-ordination of the work of all contractors on site. He should ensure that he is kept informed on a day to day basis, of progress and problems which arise. Clear lines of communication should be set up between each contractor and the Safety Officer of the Main Contractor. Operatives must also know whom to contact over safety and health matters requiring action or a decision. Such effective co-ordination will be enhanced by ensuring that „safety and health‟ figures prominently on the agenda of regular project meetings. Safety Committee‟s weekly report must be submitted to the Project Controller in every Project Meeting. 1.6 Monitoring. Arrangements must be made for safety and health monitoring of the site on a regular basis. This will include, not only ensuring the safety of such items as scaffolding excavations and plant but also environmental matter such as hazardous dust fume noise etc. In all cases, the Project Manager should ensure that daily site inspections are carried out, by Safety Officer, more in depth inspections being done periodically by visiting safety advisers. It may be necessary for arrangements to be made for specialist occupational health and hygiene advice. The Check List for daily inspection is given in the following Chapters. 1.7 Records. The Contractor should ensure that all statutory notifications, examinations and inspections are carried out. A copy of all the documents should be submitted to the Engineer-in-charge for his record. 1.8 Standards. The following standards shall be followed, unless more onerous provisions have been specified in the Safety Provisions given in this Code. IS: 3696 (Part I) - 1966 Safety code for scaffolds and ladders: Part I Scaffolds IS: 3696 (Part II) - 1966 Safety code for scaffolds and ladders: Part II Ladders IS: 3764-1966- Safety code for excavation work. 40 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. IS: 4082-1977- Recommendations on stacking and storage of construction materials at site (first revision) IS: 4130-1976- Safety code for demolition of buildings (first revision) IS: 4912-1978 -Safety requirements for floor and wall openings, railings and toe boards (first revision) IS: 5121-1969- Safety code for piling and other deep foundations IS: 5916-1970- Safety code for constructions involving use of hot bituminous materials. IS: 7205-1974- Safety code for erection of structural steel work. IS: 7969-1975- Safety code for handling and storage of building materials. IS: 8989-1978- Safety code for erection of concrete framed structures. 1.9 Non Compliance of Safety and Health Provisions: The Compliance of the Safety and Health provisions are of utmost important to the Client. The prospective contractors must note that the client will take a serious view of any non compliance report of Safety Committee. Based on Safety Committee‘s report, the Client has a right to order stoppage of work till rectification is carried out to the satisfaction of the Safety Committee and all stoppages on this account will be at the entire risk , costs and consequences of the Contractor. 41 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 2.0 2.0 CONTRACTOR’S SAFETY INSPECTION CHECKS LIST. Contractor______________________________ Contract No._____________________ Project_________________________________________________________________ Location_______________________________________________________________ Type of Work__________________________________________________________ Date_______________ Checked By _________________________________________ Sr 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 ITEM STATUS ACCIDENT PREVENTION ORGANISATION. Trained First Aid Person First Aid Kit. Safety Material Posted. Emergency Phone # Posted. HOUSEKEEPING & SANITATION General neatness of working areas. Regular disposal of waste and trash. Passageways and walkways clear. Adequate lighting Projecting nails removed. Oil and grease removed. Waste containers provided and used. Sanitary facilities adequate and clean. Drinking water tested and approved. Adequate supply of water. Drinking cups, Clean Dispensers. FIRE PREVENTION. Fire extinguishers identified, checked, lighted. Hydrants clear access to public thoroughfare open. Good housekeeping. NO SMOKING posted and enforced where needed. PERSONAL PROTECTION. Hard-hats Noise Level Exposure. Eye Protection. Safety Lines & Belts. Life Jackets. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION. Adequate well insulated wiring. Fuses & GFI provided. Fire hazards checked. Electrical dangers posted. 42 (Inspector) REMARKS Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Sr ITEM STATUS 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 HAND & POWER TOOLS Tools and cords in good condition. Proper grounding. All mechanical safeguards in use. Tools neatly stored when not in use. Right tool being used for the job at hand. Wiring properly installed. Enough men used to handle material. LADDERS. Stock ladders in good condition. Stock ladders not spliced. Properly secured, top and bottom. Side rails on fixed ladders extend above top landing. Built-up ladders constructed of sound materials. Rungs not over 12 inches on centre. Stepladders fully open when in use. Metal ladders not used around electrical hazards. Proper maintenance and storage. SCAFFOLDING. All structural members adequate for use. All connections adequate Safe tie-in to structure. Ladders and working areas free of debris, snow, ice, grease. 10.5 Proper footings provided. 10.6 Passerby protected from falling objects. 10.7 Supports plumb, adequate cross bracing provided. 10.8 Guard rails and toe boards in place. 10.9 Scaffold machines in working order. 10.10 Ropes and cables in good condition. 11.0 HOISTS, CRANES & DERRICKS. 11.1 Inspect cables and sheaves. 11.2 Check slings and chains, hooks and eyes. 11.3 Equipment firmly supported. 11.4 Outriggers used if needed. 11.5 Power lines inactivated, removed, or at safe distance. 11.6 Proper loading for capacity at lifting radius. 11.7 All equipment properly lubricated and maintained. 11.8 Signalmen where needed. 12.0 MOTOR VEHICLES. 12.1 Brakes, lights, warning devices operative. 12.2 Weight limits and load sizes controlled. 12.3 Personnel carried in safe manner. 13.0 BARRICADES. 13.1 Floor openings planked over or barricaded. 13.2 Roadways and sidewalks effectively protected. 13.3 Adequate lighting provided. 13.4 Traffic controlled. 43 REMARKS Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Sr. ITEM 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.9 17.0 17.1 17.2 HANDLING & STORAGE OF MATERIALS. Neat storage area, clear passageway. Stacks on firm footings, not too high. Men picking up loads, correctly. Materials protected from heat and moisture. Protection against falling into hoppers and bins. Dust protection observed. EXCAVATION & SHORING. Shoring of adjacent structures Shoring and sheathing as needed for soil and depth Public roads and sidewalks supported and protected. Materials not too close to the edge of excavation. Lighting at night. Water controlled. Equipment at safe distance from edge. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. Forms properly installed and braced. Adequate shoring, plumbed and cross braced. Shoring remains in place until strength is attained. Proper curing period and procedures. Check heating devices. Adequate runways. Protection from cement dust. Hard-hats, safety shoes, shirts covering skin. Nails and stripped form material removed from area. MASONRY. Proper scaffolding. Masonry saws properly equipped, dust protection provided. Safe hoisting equipment. 17.3 STATUS 44 REMARKS Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 3.0 3.0 ACCIDENT PREVENTION ORGANISATION. 3.1 Trained First Aid Person A contractor shall provide, or ensure that there is provided, such number of suitable persons as is adequate and appropriate in the circumstances for rendering first aid to his employees if they are injured or become ill at work: and for this purpose a person shall not be suitable unless he has undergone – a) b) Such training and has such qualifications as the Health and Safety Executive may approve for the time being in respect of that case of the class of case, and Such additional training, if any, as may be appropriate in the circumstances of that case. In practice, (a) refers to a trained first aider and (b) to an occupational first aider. In addition, a person who holds a current first aid certificate issued by registered medical association or Indian Red Cross Society will be classed as a ―Suitable Person‖ for the purposes of Regulation. For most sites, the contractor should ensure that at least one first aider is normally present when the number of employees at work is between 50 and 150, there should be at least one additional first aider for every 150 or so should ensure that sufficient first aiders are appointed to provide adequate coverage for each shift. Provisions for medical care must be made available by the contractor for every employee covered by the regulations. In the absence of infirmaries, clinics, or hospitals in proximity to the work site, properly trained and certified first aid personnel must be available, and first aid supplies must be provided by the contractor. Appropriate equipment for transportation of injured personnel to a physician or hospital must be provided for. 3.2. First Aid Kit Regardless of the number of employees there must be at least one first-aid box on site. Every first aider and occupational first aider should have easy access to first-aid equipment, and provision should be made for every employee to have reasonably rapid access to first aid. Each box should be placed in a clearly identified and readily accessible location, and contain a sufficient quantity of suitable first-aid materials and nothing else. Boxes and kits should be checked frequently to ensure they are fully stocked and all items are in a usable condition. Sufficient quantities of each item should always be available in every first aid box or cabinet. Sr.No 1 2. 3. 4 5 6 7 Item Guidance Card individually wrapped. Sterile adhesive dressings. Sterile eye pads with attachment. Triangular bandages Sterile coverings for serious wounds (where applicable) Safety pins. Medium sized sterile un medicated dressings. Numbers of Employees. 1-5 6-10 11-50 100 150 1 10 1 1 1 1 20 2 2 2 1 40 4 4 4 1 40 6 6 6 1 40 8 8 8 6 3 6 6 12 8 12 10 12 12 45 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Sr.No 8 9 10 3.2.1 Item Numbers of Employees. Large sterile un medicated dressings 1 2 Extra Large sterile un medicated dressings. 1 2 Sterilc water or saline in 300 ml 1 1 disposable containers, where tap water is unavailable. The first-aid box or cupboard should protect the contents from be clearly marked with a white cross on green background. 4 4 3 6 6 6 10 8 6 dampness and dust and First - Aid Rooms. Where there is 250 or more person at work on site, a suitably staffed and equipped firstaid room should be provided. In addition, where there is a large (over 150) number of employees divided into several dispersed working groups, or the location of the site makes access to places of treatment outside it difficult, the contractor should consider whether a centralised first-aid room may be needed. a) b) c) d) e) f) A first aid room should: Be under the charge of an occupational first aider in most circumstances; names and locations of all first aiders should be displayed. Be readily available and used only for the rendering of first aid Be clearly identified and of sufficient size to allow access for a stretcher, wheelchair, etc. and to hold a couch with space for people to work around it Contain in addition to the previously mentioned first aid materials ; a sink with hot and cold running water, drinking water, paper towels, impermeable work surfaces, clean garments for use by first aiders and occupational first aider‘s clinical thermometer a couch with pillow and blankets frequently cleaned Be heated, lighted, ventilated and cleaned regularly Be designed so that immediate contact can be made with the person on call, e.g. radio, siren, and a telephone link if feasible. It should be stressed that a sufficient number of first - aid boxes must be provided for any work area which is not within easy reach of the first aid room. 46 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 3.3 Emergency Phone # Posted. Project Name ______________________________ Project No._____________ The following are the business telephone numbers where project key personnel can be reached at all times. In addition, the emergency telephone numbers of other vital agencies are listed: BUSINESS CLIENTS PROJECT CONTROLLER CHIEF PROJECT MANAGER SAFETY OFFICER (CONTRACTOR). OTHER EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS FIRE AMBULANCE DOCTOR HOSPITAL POLICE GAS COMPANY ELECTRIC COMPANY WATER COMPANY TELEPHONE COMPANY INSURANCE CARRIER OTHER OTHER OTHER RESIDENCE CHAPTER 4.0 4.0 HOUSEKEEPING & SANITATION At the work site, an adequate supply of potable water must be provided, as well as clean drinking water dispensers. Potable water for cleanup must be provided. Where non potable water is used for industrial or fire fighting purposes it must be identified by appropriate signs. 47 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 5.0 5.0 FIRE PREVENTION. Electrical wiring equipment for heating, light, or power purposes must be installed in compliance with the requirements. Internal combustion engine-powered equipment must be located with exhausts well away from combustible materials. Smoking is to be prohibited in the vicinity of fire hazards, and such areas must be conspicuously posted. Care shall be taken properly to ground nozzles, hoses, or steam lines used in hazardous tankage or vessels. In location of temporary buildings and yard storage, appropriate care shall be taken for proper separation to preclude an accumulation of fire potential. The contractor is responsible for maintaining the entire area, but particularly storage areas, free from accumulation of unnecessary combustible materials. Site Fire Check List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Are safe ashtrays provided where smoking is permitted? Are heaters properly guarded? Are wet clothes kept clear of heaters? Are portable heaters secure from being knocked over? Is all temporary wiring well supported and protected? Are any circuit‘s overloads? Are all flammable liquids, gas cylinders and flammable materials separately and properly stored? 8. Are all gas appliances fitted with control taps? 9. Is rubbish being ―burned in proper fashion‖? 10. Is all flame cutting and welding taking place with proper precautions? 11. Are all blowlamps and blowtorches being used correctly? 12. Do all night watchmen and security patrols know the fire routines? Preventing the spread of fire 1. 2. 3. 4. Is waste accumulating in hoist shafts, under buts, in odd corners? Are separate metal waste containers supplied for each of the following: oily rags, paint rags, paint scrapings, waste flammable liquids, wood shavings and off cuts? Is all waste regularly cleared? Are all huts safely sited? Means of escape 1. 2. 3. Are all gangways, stairs and platforms free from obstruction? Does everyone know what to do in emergency? Is fire drill practised, and is there a system to ensure that all persons have evacuated the area? Fire Fighting 1. Have all extinguishers been checked and / or recharged? Are they clearly identified and easily accessible? Are operatives trained in their use 48 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 6.0 6.0 PERSONAL PROTECTION. Workers are often reluctant to use protection equipment. Such items should not only be suitable for their purpose but also be as comfortable as possible and acceptable to the workers concerned. Only then can efforts to ensure that equipment is worn or used prove successful. All necessary personal safety equipment as considered adequate by the Engineer-in-charge shall be available for use of persons employed on the site and maintained in a condition suitable for immediate use; and the contractor shall take adequate steps to ensure proper use of equipment by those concerned. a) b) c) d) e) Workers employed on mixing asphaltic materials, cement and lime mortars / concrete shall be provided with protective footwear and protective gloves. Those engaged in handling any material which is injurious to eyes shall be provided with protective goggles. Those engaged in welding works shall be provided with welder‘s protective eye-shields. Stone workers are employed in sewers and manholes, which are in use, the contractor shall ensure that man-holes cover are opened and manholes are ventilated at least for an hour before workers are allowed to get into them. Manholes so opened shall be cordoned off with suitable railing and provided with warning signals or boards to prevent accident to public. The contractor shall not employ men below the age of 18 and women on the work of painting with products containing lead in any form. Whenever men above the age of 18 are employed on the work of lead painting, the following precautions shall be taken :i) No paint containing lead or lead products shall be used except in the form of paste or ready. ii) Suitable face masks shall be supplied for use by workers when paint is applied in the form of spray or a surface having lead paint dry rubbed and scraped. iii) Overalls shall be supplied by the contractor to workmen and adequate facilities shall be provided to enable working painters to wash during and on cessation of work. 49 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 7.0 7.0 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION. Contact of plant with un insulated overhead electric cables (over 200 volts) or electrical discharge due to plant coming into close proximity. Electrical short circuit or overload causing explosion or fire resulting in stoppage of plant involved for more than 24 hours and which might have caused injury. General Guidelines Electrical 1. Provide earth leakage protection (ELCB of 20mA) on every socket outlet and lighting circuits. 2. Use separate 15 A socket outlets also multi sockets are not to be used. 3. All socket outlets shall be shuttered type. 4. All wiring shall be properly colour coded. Phase Neutral Earth - Red / Yellow / Blue Black Green. 5. Wiring shall be done only in rigid metal conduits. PVC and metal flexible are not to be used. 6. Fuses are not to be used. Only circuit breakers to be used. 7. Lighting protection as per IS: 2309 to be provided. 50 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 8.0 8.0 HAND & POWER TOOLS Hand and power tools must be maintained in a safe condition, whether furnished by the contractor or by the employee. When power-operated tools are designed to accommodate guards, they must be equipped with appropriate guards when in use. Belts, gears, shafts, pulleys, sprockets, spindles, drums, flywheels, chains and other moving parts of equipment must be guarded if the parts are exposed to contact by employees. All hand-held power tools must be equipped with a constant pressure switch that shuts off when the pressure is released. Electric power-operated tools shall be of the approved double insulated type, or grounded in accordance with good electrical practice. Pneumatic power tools must be secured to the hose or whip by positive means. Safety clips or retainers must be maintained on pneumatic impact (percussion) tools to prevent attachments from being accidentally expelled. Pneumatically driven nails, staplers, and similar equipment provided with automatic fastener feed that operate at more than 100 psi pressure at the tool must have safety devices on the muzzle to prevent the tool from ejecting fasteners, unless the muzzle is in direct contact with the work surface. Hoses shall not be used for hoisting or lowering tools, and hoses exceeding ½-in inside diameter must have a safety shutoff at the source of supply to reduce pressure in case of a hose failure. All fuel-powered tools must be stopped while being refuelled, serviced, or maintained. Only trained employees may be allowed to operate a powder-actuated tool. Such tools must be tested each day before loading to see that the safety devices are in proper working condition, in accordance with manufacturer‘s recommended test procedure. Tools shall not be loaded until just prior to the intended firing time. Neither loaded nor empty tools are to be pointed at any employee, and hands shall be kept clear of the open barrelled end. Fasteners shall not be driven into very hard or brittle materials such as cast iron, glass block, face brick, hardened steel, or hollow tile. For driving into materials that are easily penetrated, appropriate backing must be available to prevent the pin fastener from passing completely through. All employees using abrasive wheels must use eye protection, and other tools must be operated using appropriate personal safety equipment. 51 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 9.0 9.0 LADDERS Use of Ladders and Folding Step-Ladders. This regulation applies to all ladders and pairs of steps but not roof ladders and crawling boards. Ladders must : a) c) Be fixed near the top if practicable, or near the bottom if not: if suspended they must be secure, Be placed (except when suspended) on a firm level base; they must not stand on loose packing (e.g. bricks), Be intermediately secured, where necessary, to prevent swaying and sagging, and d) Be supported, or suspended, equally on each stile. If a ladder, standing on the ground, cannot be fixed to prevent slipping, then someone must hold it at the base when it is being used. A ladder which is not more than 3 m in length, need not be fixed or footed, provided it is securely placed so as to prevent it from slipping or falling. This exemption does not apply to ladders which are used as a means of communication between one working place and another, or to suspended ladders. Ladder must : a) Extend at least 1.05 m above any landing place beyond the highest rung from which a person may be working, or have a nearby handhold of equivalent height. b) Be placed so that there is space behind each rung for proper foothold (e.g. no rung should coincide with a scaffold tube). b) 52 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 10.0 10.0 SCAFFOLDING Collapse of any scaffold or part of a substantial part of the scaffold falling or overturning; also collapse or part collapse of the suspension arrangements of a slung or suspended scaffold, causing the platform or cradle to fall more than 5m. 10.1. Provision of Scaffolds, ETC. Scaffolds must be provided for all work which cannot be safely done from the ground or part of the building. Ladders, properly secured, can be used - but only for light work which can be done with one hand. 10.2. Supervision of Work and Inspection of Material. Scaffolds must be erected, altered, or dismantled only under competent supervision and, as far as possible, by experienced persons. All scaffolding materials must be inspected before use to check that they are up to standard. 10.3. Construction and Material. Sufficient sound material must be provided for a scaffold to be strong enough and stable enough for the job. Wherever timber is used for any kind of scaffolding purpose, it must be of the right type for the job, be free from back and must not be painted so that any defects are hidden. Scaffold tubes and fittings must not be bent, distorted or unduly rusty. 10.4. Defective Material Scaffold tubes, couplers or fittings that are bent unduly rusty or distorted should be rejected. Timber with dangerous splits and knots should always be rejected. Ropes and lashings showing signs of chafing through wear, or of being corroded, should be rejected. All scaffold components must be properly stored when not in use and kept separately from all other building materials. 10.5. Maintenance of Scaffolds. Scaffolding must be kept in good order and every effort made to prevent the accidental displacement of any part. 53 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 10.6. Partly Erected or Dismantled Scaffolds. In any scaffold is either partly erected (or partly dismantled), but nevertheless is still capable of being used to some extent, it must have a bold warning notice fixed, or all access blocked off or barred, at the point beyond which it cannot be safely used. 10.7. Standards or Uprights, Ledgers and Putlogs. Scaffold standards should be vertical and spaced closely enough for the intended use of the scaffold. Base plates must be used. Timber sole plates should also be used to distribute the load from the standard over a wider area, as well as to offset possible local subsidence. Ledgers must be level and fixed to standards with right-angle couplers. Putlogs and transoms must be firmly fixed to ledgers or standards. The flattened end of the putlog must be pushed right into the wall to provide maximum support. Putlogs and transoms should be spaced according to the expected load and the thickness of the boards to be used in the platform. In normal use, putlogs and transoms should be spaced so that the spans of scaffold boards should not be greater than: 32 mm boards : 1 m 38 mm boards : 1.50 m 50 mm boards : 4.60 m 10.8. Ladders used in Scaffolds a) b) c) Ladders used as uprights must be : Strong enough for the load, Equally supported on each stile, and Secured to prevent slipping. Ladders are only to be used to support a scaffold platform when the work is light, e.g. painting. 10.9. Stability of Scaffolds All scaffolds must be : a) b) c) On a solid, even base; or suspended from a sound structure. Braced to prevent failure, and Tied to the building or structure unless specially designed to be completely independent. Any building or structure which supports a scaffold must be strong enough to carry the scaffold and its load. Mobile scaffolds must : a) b) c) Be stable, weighted at the base if necessary. Be used only on a flat, level surface. have the wheels locked to prevent movement whilst being used for work, and 54 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. d) Be pushed, or pulled only at the base when being moved. Scaffolds must not be built on loose bricks, drain pipes, chimney pots, etc. Bricks or blocks can be used to support a platform no higher than 600 mm from the ground or floor. 10.10. Slung Scaffolds a) b) c) d) e) No rope other than wire rope may be used for suspension. Packing must be used to prevent damage to suspension ropes or chains at any point where sharp or rough - edged protrusions could cause chafing. The platform must be secured to prevent swaying whilst in use. Be strong enough, Be properly secured to be overhead anchor-ages and to be platform frame, Be spaced so as to keep the platform stable, Be vertical, and Be kept taut. 10.11. Cantilever, Jib, Figure and Bracket Scaffolds. Cantilever or jib scaffolds must be anchored to a structure which is strong enough to carry the total load. Outriggers must be long enough and strong enough and the scaffold must be braced to ensure stability. Figure or bracket scaffolds supported by dogs or spikes must not be used if there is any danger of these pulling out of the brickwork or stone-work. 10.12. Support for Scaffolds, etc. No part of the building may be used to support scaffolding unless it is strong enough to do so. Unless gutters have been designed as walkways and are strong enough to bear the weight, they must not be used to support scaffolding or ladders. 10.13. Suspended Scaffolds (Not Power Operated) The ropes, winches, blocks and tackle must be strong enough and correctly rigged. A safe anchorage for the suspension must be provided. Winches or similar lifting devices must : a) b) Have brakes which apply when the operating lever is released, and Be protected from the weather, falling dirt, etc. a) b) c) d) e) Outriggers must : Be long enough and strong enough, Be horizontal (light cradles are excepted), Have stops at their outer ends (light cradles excepted) Be tied down or properly counterweighted at the tail, and Be close enough together to support the rails and scaffolds properly. Counterweights Must : a) b) Be bolted or securely attached to the outriggers, and Be at least three times the overturning moment or load. Platforms must be hung clear of the building or face of the structure. Runways must : 55 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. a) b) c) Be strong enough and in good condition, Have stops at each, and Be bolted or tied securely to their supports. Suspension ropes or chains must : a) b) Be properly secured, both overhead and to the frame of the platform, and Be kept taut. Winches must : a) b) Have at least two full turns of rope on the drum when the platform is in its lowest position, and Be marked with the length of rope on the drum. Suspended scaffolds and associated equipment must be maintained in good condition. Platforms must be prevented from tipping or swaying whilst in use. Steel wire rope must be used for the suspension of all platforms other than lightweight cradles. Lightweight cradles may be suspended by fibre ropes and pulley blocks which should not be more than 3.20 m apart. (only ropes recommended by manufacturers for this purpose should be used). Platforms of suspended scaffold must : a) b) Be close boarded, Be at least 430 mm wide on lightweight cradles. be at least 600 mm wide on all other types, if used only for workmen, or be at least 800 mm wide, if used for workmen and materials, and c) Never be used to carry another higher platform. Platforms should be as close as possible to the face of the building, but where persons sit on the edge of the platform to carry out their work, then the distance between platform and building can be up to 300 mm. 10.14. Boatswain‟s Chairs Cages, Skips etc. (Not Power Operated) Hand-operated boatswain‘s chairs, skips etc. must : a) b) c) Be well constructed, strong enough, and properly maintained. have outriggers strong enough and firmly anchored, Have chains, ropes and lifting gear firmly secured to the outriggers above and to the chair, skip etc. The construction (lifting operations) regulations apply to the lifting gear, Be designed so that the occupant cannot fall out, Carry no loose materials which could interfere with the safety of the occupant, Have means of preventing spinning and tipping (a swivel connection at the suspension point is strongly advised), In the case of skips, be at least 910 mm deep, and Be under the supervision of a competent person during installation and use. d) e) f) g) h) A boatswain‘s chair may only be used as a workplace when the work would not take long enough to make the use of a suspended (or standard) scaffold reasonably practicable. 56 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 11.0 11.0 HOISTS, CRANES & DERRICKS Safety of Hoist ways. Platforms and Cages. Hoist ways must be enclosed wherever access is provided or wherever persons could be struck by the platform or other moving parts. Gates must be fitted in the enclosure at all landing places and must normally be at least 2m high, but gates 910 mm high are acceptable where persons are not at risk of falling down the hoist-way or coming into contact with moving parts. Gates must be kept closed except for the movement of persons and materials; it is the duty of all persons to see that this is done. Hoist platforms and cages must be fitted with a device capable of supporting them, fully loaded, should hoists, ropes or driving gear fail. Hoists must be fitted with ver-run stops at the top. Operation of Hoists. Hoists must only be capable of being operated from one position at a time, whether by rope, lever or switch. Hoists must not be operated from the cage. Where the hoist driver cannot see the platform or cage during its movement, a signalling system, which covers all landing places, must be used. Safe working Load and Marking of Hoists. A) The platform of materials or goods hoists must carry a notice stating (I) the safe working load and (ii) that passengers must not ride on the platform. The safe working load must not be exceeded except for test purposes. B) Cages for passenger‘s hoists must carry a notice stating (i) the safe working load and (ii) the number of passengers permitted. No greater number of passengers may be carried and the safe working load must not be exceeded except for test purposes. Cranes & Derricks Manufacture‟s recommendations on operating conditions shall be followed by the contractor. Rated load capacities and recommended operating speeds and special hazard warnings or instructions must be conspicuously posted on all equipment visible to the operator while he is at his control station. A boom angle indicator and a load-indicating device in good working order must be provided for cranes and derricks. Hand signals to crane and derrick operators shall be those prescribed by the applicable ANSI standards for the type of crane in use. Accessible areas within the swing radius of the rear of the rotating superstructure of a crane must be barricaded to prevent an employee from being struck or crushed by the crane. In operating boom equipment, careful clearance shall be given to electrical distribution and transmission lines. For lines rated 50 kV or below, minimum clearance is 10 ft, whereas for loads rated over 50 kV, minimum clearance shall be 10 ft + 0.4 in per each kV over 50 - or use twice the length of the line insulator, but never less than 10 ft. 57 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. For hammerhead tower cranes, adequate clearance must be maintained between the moving and rotating structures and fixed objects to allow the passage of employees without harm. Employees required to perform duties on the horizontal booms of hammerhead tower cranes must be protected against falling by guard rails or by safety belts and lanyards. Overhead and gantry cranes must have the rated load of the crane plainly marked on each side, and if the crane has more than one hoisting unit, each must have its rated load marked on the load block in marking clearly legible from the ground or floor. All operation must be prescribed in ANSI B30.2, “Safety code for Overhead and Gantry Cranes” Derricks in use must meet the applicable requirements for design, construction, installation, inspection, testing, maintenance, and operation prescribed in ANSI B30.6, “Safety code for Derricks” 58 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 12.0 12.0 MOTOR VEHICLES Motor equipment left unattended at night near areas where work is in progress must have appropriate lights, reflectors, or barricades to identify the location of the equipment. A safety tire rack, cage, or equivalent protection must be used when a worker is inflating, mounting, tires installed on split rims or rims equipped with locking rings. Heavy machinery that is suspended or held aloft by the use of slings, hoists, or jacks must be blocked or cribbed to prevent falling or shifting before employees are permitted to work under them. Bulldozer and scraper blades and similar equipment shall be either fully lowered or blocked when being repaired or when not in use. All controls must be in the neutral position and the motor stopped and brakes set, unless work being performed requires otherwise. Parked equipment must be checked and parking brakes set. All cab glass shall be safety glass. All vehicles must have a service brake system, an emergency brake system, and a parking brake system. Vehicles that require additional light shall have at least two headlights, as well as brake lights. Other standard vehicles equipment such as seat belts, rear-view mirrors, and safety latches on operating levers shall be in accordance with standard vehicle codes, and state-inspected where appropriate. 59 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 13.0 13.0 BARRICADES i) Contractor shall erect and maintain barricades required in connection with his operation to guard or protect. a) Hoisting Areas. b) Areas adjudged hazardous by contractor or Client. c) Owner‘s existing property subject to damage by Contractor‘s operations. ii) Contractor‘s employees and those of his subcontractors shall become acquainted with Project Managers barricading practice and shall respect the provisions thereof. 13.1. Guarding of Floor Openings and Floor Holes. 13.1.1 Every temporary floor opening shall have railings, or shall be constantly attended by someone. Every floor hole into which persons can accidentally fall shall be guarded by either: a) A railing with toe board on all exposed sides, or b) A floor hole cover of adequate strength and it should be hinged in place. When the cover is not in place, the floor hole shall be constantly attended by some one or shall be protected by a removable railing. 13.2. Every stairway floor opening shall be guarded by a railing on all exposed sides, except at entrance to stairway. Every ladder way floor opening or platform shall be guarded by a guard railing with toe board on all exposed sides (except at entrance to opening), with the passage through the railing either provided with a swinging gate or so offset that a person can not walk directly into the opening. 13.3. Guarding of Open-Side Floors and Platform. Every open-sided floor or platform 120 cm or more above adjacent floor or ground level shall be guarded by a railing (or the equivalent) or all open sides, except where there is entrance to ramp, stair-way, or fixed ladder. The railing shall be provided with a toe board beneath the open sides wherever. a) Persons may pass; b) There is moving machinery ; or c) There is equipment with which falling materials could create a hazard. 60 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 14.0 14.0 HANDLING & STORAGE OF MATERIALS 14.1 Cement. a) Storage and Stacking - Cement shall be stored at the work site in a building or a shed which is dry, leak proof and as moisture-proof as possible. The building or shed for storage should have minimum number of windows and close fitting doors and these should be kept closed as far as possible. Cement received in bags shall be kept in such a way that the bags are kept free from the possibility of any dampness or moisture coming in contact with them. Cement bags shall be stacked off the floor on wooden planks in such a way as to keep them 150 to 200 mm clear from the floor and space of 450 mm minimum shall be left all-round between the exterior walls and the stacks. In the stacks the cement bags shall be kept close together to reduce circulation of air as much as possible. Owing to pressure on bottom layer of bags sometimes ‗warehouse pack‘ is developed in these bags. This can be removed easily by rolling the bags when cement is taken out for use. The height of stack shall not be more than 15 bags to prevent the possibility of lumping up under pressure. The width of the stack shall be not more than four bags length or 3 metres. In stacks more than 8 bags high, the cement bags shall be arranged alternately lengthwise and crosswise so as to tie the stacks together and minimise the danger of toppling over. For extra safety during monsoon, or when it is expected to store for an unusually long period, the stack shall be completely enclosed by a water proofing membrane such as polyethylene, which shall close on the top of the stack. Care shall be taken to see that the waterproofing membrane is not damaged any time during the use. Drums or other heavy containers of cement shall not be stacked more than two layers high. The manner of storage shall facilitate the requirement that lots of cement received are removed and used more or less in the order in which they are received. b) HANDLING - Hooks shall not be used for handling cement bags unless specifically permitted by the engineer-in-charge. 14.2. Polyethylene Pipes. a) Storage & Stacking - Black polyethylene pipes may, be stored either under cover or in the open. Natural polyethylene pipes, however, should be stored under cover and protected from direct sunlight. Coils may be stored either on edge or stacked flat one on top of the other, but in either case they should not be allowed to come into contact with hot water or steam pipes and should be kept away from hot surface. Straight lengths should be stored on horizontal racks giving continuous support to prevent the pipe taking on a permanent set. Storage of pipes in heated areas exceeding 27 C should be avoided. 61 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. b) Handling - Removal of pipe from a pile shall be accomplished by working from the ends of the pipe. 14.3. Pipes of Conducting Materials. a) Storage and Stacking - Pipes shall be stacked on solid level sills and contained in a manner to prevent spreading or rolling of the pipe. Where quantity storage is necessary, suitable packing shall be placed between succeeding layers to reduce the pressure and resulting spreading of the pile. In stacking and handling of pipes and other conducting materials, the following minimum safety distances shall be ensured from the overhead power lines: 11 kV and below Above 11 and below 33 kV Above 33 and below 132 kV Above 132 and below 275 kV Above 275 and below 400 kV 40m 60 m 70 m 70 m 50 m b) Handling - Removal of pipes from a pile shall be accomplished by working from the ends of the pipe. During transportation, the pipes shall be so secured as to insure against displacement. 14 .4 Paints Varnishes and Thinners. a) Storage and Stacking - Paints, varnishes, lacquers, thinners and other flammable materials shall be kept in properly sealed or closed containers. The containers shall be kept in a well ventilated location, free from excessive heat, smoke, sparks or flame. The floor of the paint stores shall be made up of 10 cm thick loose sand. Paint materials in quantities other than required for daily use shall be kept stocked under regular storage place. Where the paint is likely to deteriorate with age, the manner of storage shall facilitate removal and use of lots in the same order in which they are received. Temporary electrical wiring / fittings shall not be installed in the paint store. When electric lights, switches or electrical equipment are necessary, they shall be of explosion proof design. b) Handling - Ventilation shall be adequate to prevent the accumulation of flammable vapours to hazardous levels of concentration shall be provided in all areas where painting is done. When painting is done in confined spaces where flammable or explosive vapours may develop, any necessary heat shall be provided through duct work remote from the source of flame. Sources of ignition, such as open flame and exposed heating elements, shall not be permitted in area or rooms where spray painting is done nor shall smoking be allowed there. Care should be taken not to use any naked flame inside the paint store. Buckets containing sand shall be kept ready for use in case of fire. Fire extinguishers when required shall be of foam type conforming to accepted standards. 62 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Each workman handling lead based paints shall be issued 1/2 litre milk per day for his personal consumption. 14.5. Bitumen, Road Tar, Asphalt, etc. a) Storage and Stacking - Drums or containers containing all types of bitumen, road tar, asphalt, etc. shall be stacked vertically on their bottoms in up to 3 tiers. Leaky drums shall be segregated. Empty drums shall be stored in pyramidal midal stacks neatly in rows. b) Handling Bitumen / Tar - Bitumen / tar shall not be heated beyond the temperature recommended by the manufacturer of the product. While discharging heated binder from the boiler, workers shall not stand opposite to the jet so as to avoid the possibility of hot binder falling on them. The container shall be handled only after closing the control valve. While handling hot bitumen / tar, workers shall exercise scrupulous care to prevent accidental spillage thereof. The buckets and cans in which the hot material is carried from boiler shall be checked before use to ensure that they are intact and safe. Mops and other applicators contaminated with bituminous materials shall not be stored inside buildings. 14.6. Bituminous Roofing Felts. a) Storage and Stacking - Bituminous roofing felts shall be stored away from other combustible flammable materials. For long storage it shall be kept under shade. b) Handling - Bituminous roofing felts should be handled in a manner to prevent cracking and other damages. 14.7. Flammable Materials. a) Storage and Stacking - In addition the following provisions shall also apply : 1) Outdoor storage of drums requires some care to avoid contamination because moisture and dirt in hydraulic brake and transmission fluid, gasoline, or lubricants may cause malfunction of failure of equipment, with possible danger to personnel. The storage area should be free of accumulations of spilled products, debris and other hazards. 2) Compressed gases and petroleum products shall not be stored in the same building or close to each other. b) Handling - Petroleum products delivered to the job site and stored there in drums shall be protected during handling to prevent loss of identification through damage to drum markings, tags, etc. Unidentifiable petroleum products may result in improper use, with possible fire hazard, damage to equipment or operating failure. Workmen shall be required to guard carefully against any part of their clothing becoming contaminated with flammable fluids. They shall not be allowed to continue work when their clothing becomes so contaminated. 63 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 15.0 15.0 EXCAVATION & SHORING Excavation and Trenching: All trenches, 1.5 meters or more in depth, shall at all times be supplied with at least one ladder for each 30 meters in length or fraction thereof. Ladder shall be extended from bottom of trench to at least 1 meter above surface of the ground. Sides of a trench which is 1.5 meters or more in depth shall be stepped back to give suitable slope, or securely held by timber bracing, so as to avoid the danger of sides collapsing. Excavated material shall not be placed within 1.5 meters of edge of trench or half of depth of trench, whichever is more cutting undermining or undercutting be done. 64 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 16.0 16.0 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION 16.1. Handling of Plant. 16.1.1. Mixers - All gears, chains and rollers of mixers shall be properly guarded. If the mixer has a charging skip the operator shall ensure that the workmen are out of danger before the skip is lowered. Railings shall be provided on the ground to prevent anyone walking under the skip while it is being lowered. 16.1.2. All cables, clamps, hooks, wire ropes, gears and clutches, etc, of the mixer, shall be checked and cleaned, oiled and greased, and serviced once a weak. A trial run of the mixer shall be made and defects shall be removed before operating a mixer. 16.1.3. When workmen are cleaning the inside of the drums, and operating power of the mixer shall be locked in the off position and all fuses shall be removed and a suitable notice hung at the place. 16.2. Trucks. When trucks are being used on the site, traffic problems shall be taken care of. A reasonably smooth traffic surface shall be provided. If practicable, a loop road shall be provided to permit continuous operation of vehicles and to eliminate their backing. If a continuous loop is not possible, a turnout shall be provided. Backing operations shall be controlled by a signalman positioned so as to have a clear view of the area behind the truck and to be clearly visible to the truck driver. Movement of workmen and plant shall be routed to avoid crossing, as much as possible, the truck lanes. 16.3. Formwork. 16.3.1. Formwork shall be designed after taking into consideration spans, setting temperature of concrete, dead load and working load to be supported and safety factor for the materials used for formwork. 16.3.2. All timber formwork shall be carefully inspected before use and members having cracks and excessive knots shall be discarded. 16.3.3. The vertical supports shall be adequately braced or otherwise secured in position that these do not fall when the load gets released or the supports are accidentally hit. 16.3.4. Tubular steel centering shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer‘s instructions. When tubular steel and timber centering is to be used in combination necessary precautions shall be taken to avoid any unequal settlement under load. 16.3.5. All centering shall be finally, inspected to ensure that: a) Footings or sills under every post of the centering are sound. b) All lower adjustment screws or wedges are snug against the legs of the panels. c) All upper adjustment screws or heads of jacks are in full contact with the formwork. d) Panels are plumb in both directions. e) All cross braces are in place and locking devices are in closed and secure position. 65 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. f) In case of CHHAJAS and balconies, the props shall be adequate to transfer the load to the supporting point. 16.4. Ramps and Gangways. 16.4.1. Ramps and gangways shall be of adequate strength and evenly supported. They shall either have a sufficiently flat slope or shall have cleats fixed to the surface to prevent slipping of workmen. Ramps and gangways shall be kept free from grease, mud, snow or other slipping hazards or other obstructions leading to tripping and accidental fall of a workman. 16.4.2. Ramps and gangways meant for transporting materials shall have even surface and be of sufficient width and provided with skirt boards on open sides. 16.5. Prestressed Concrete. 16.5.1. In pre-stressing operations, operating, maintenance and replacement instructions of the supplier of the equipment shall be strictly adhered to. 16.5.2. Necessary shields should be put up immediately behind the prestressing jacks during stressing operations. 16.5.3. Wedges and other temporary anchoring devices shall be inspected before use. 16.5.4. The prestressing jacks shall be periodically examined for wear and tear. 16.6. Erection of Prefabricated Members. 16.6.1. A spreader beam shall be used wherever possible so that the cable can be as perpendicular to the members being lifted as practical. The angle between the cable and the members to be lifted shall not be less than 60. 16.6.2. Methods of assembly and erection specified by the designer shall be strictly adhered to at site. Immediately on erecting any unit in position, temporary connections or supports as specified shall be provided before releasing the lifting equipment. The permanent structural connections shall be established at the earliest opportunity. 16.7. Heated Concrete. When heaters are being used to heat aggregates and other materials and to maintain proper curing temperatures, the heaters shall be frequently checked for functioning and precautions shall be taken to avoid hazards in using coal, liquid, gas or any other fuel. 66 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 17.0 17.0 MASONRY 17.1. Walls. 17.1.1. General - Depending on the type of wall to be constructed the height of construction per day shall be restricted to ensure that the newly constructed wall does not come down due to lack of strength in the lower layers. Similarly, in long walls adequate expansion / crumple joints shall be provided to ensure safety. 17.2. Opening in Walls - Whenever making of an opening in the existing wall is contemplated, adequate supports against the collapse or cracking of the wall portion above or roof or adjoining walls shall be provided. 17.2.1. Guarding of Wall Openings and Holes - Wall opening barriers and screens shall be of such construction and mounting that they are capable of withstanding the intended loads safely. For detailed information reference may be made to good practice. Every wall opening from which there is a drop of more than 120 mm shall be guarded by one of the following; a) Rail, Roller, Picket Fence, Half Door or Equivalent Barrier - The guard may be removable but should preferably be hinged or otherwise mounted so as to be conveniently replaceable. Where there is danger to persons working or passing below on account of the falling materials, a removable toe board or the equivalent shall also be provided. When the opening is not in use for handling materials, the guards shall be kept in position regardless of a door on the opening. In addition, a grab handle shall be provided on each side of the opening. The opening should have a sill that projects above the floor level at least 2.5 cm. b) Extension platform into which materials may be hoisted for handling shall be of full length of the opening and shall have side rails or equivalent guards. 17.2.2. Every chute wall opening from which there is a drop of more than 120 mm shall be guarded by one or more of the barriers specified in 17.2.1. or as required by the conditions. 67 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 18.0 18.0 18.1 HEALTH STANDARDS DRINKING WATER a) b) c) 18.2 WASHING FACILITIES a) b) c) 18.3 In every work place, there shall be provided and maintained at suitable places, easily accessible to labour, a sufficient supply of cold water fit for drinking. Where drinking water is obtained from an intermittent public water supply, each work place shall be provided with storage where such drinking water shall be stored. Every water supply or storage shall be at a distance of not less than 50 feet from any latrine drain or any other source of pollution. In every work place adequate and suitable facilities for washing shall be provided and maintained for the use of contract labour employed therein. Separate and adequate cleaning facilities shall be provided for the use of male and female workers. Such facilities shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept in clean and hygienic condition. LATRINES AND URINALS a) Latrines shall be provided in every work place on the following scale namely:i) Where female are employed there shall be at least one latrine for every females. ii) Where males are employed, there shall be at least one latrine for every males. 25 25 Provided that where the number of males or females exceeds 100, it shall be sufficient if there is one latrine for 25 males or females as the case may be upto first 100, and one for every 50 thereafter. b) Every latrine shall be under cover and so partitioned off as to secure privacy and shall have proper door and fastenings. c) Construction of latrines: The inside walls shall be constructed of masonry or some suitable heat-resisting non-absorbent materials and shall be cement washed inside and outside at least once a year , latrines shall not be of standard lower than borehole system. d) i) Where workers of both sexes are employed, there shall be displayed out side each block of latrine and urinal, a notice in the language understood by the majority of the workers ‗‘ For Men only ‗‘ or ‗‘ For Women only ‗‘ as the case may be. ii) The notice shall also bear the figure of man or woman, as the case may be. e) There shall be at least one urinal for male workers upto 50 and for female workers upto 50 employed at a time, provided that where the number of male or female workers, as the case may be exceeds 500 , it shall be sufficient if there is one urinal for every 50 males or females upto the first 500 and one for every 100 or part thereafter. f) i) The latrines and urinals shall be adequately lighted and shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. 68 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. ii) Latrines and urinals other than those connected with a flush sewage system shall comply with the requirements of Public Health Authorities. g) Water shall be provided by means of tap or otherwise so as to conveniently accessible in or near the latrines and urinals. h) Disposal of excreta: Unless otherwise arranged by the local sanitary authority, arrangements for proper disposal of excreta by incineration at the work place shall be made by means of a suitable incinerator. Alternately excreta may be disposed off by putting a layer of night soil at the bottom of a pucca tank prepared for the purpose and covering it with 15 cm layer of waste or refuse and then covering it with a layer of earth for a fortnight (when it will turn to manure). i) The contractor shall at his own expense , carry out all instructions issued to him by the Engineer-in-charge to effect proper disposal of night soil and other conservancy work in respect of the contractor‘s workmen or employees of the site. The contractor shall be responsible for payment of any charges which may be levied by the municipal or cantonment authority for execution of such on behalf. 18.4 PROVISION OF SHELTER DURING REST At every place there shall be provided , free of cost , four suitable sheds , two for meals and other two for rest separately for the use of men and women labour . The height of each shelter shall not be less than 3m from the floor level to the lowest part of the shed roof. These shall be kept clean and the space provided shall be on the basis of 0.6sq.m per head. Provided that the Engineer-in-charge may permit subject to his satisfaction , a portion of building under construction or other alternative accommodation to be used for the purpose. 18.5 CRÈCHES I) At every work place , at which 20 or more women workers are ordinarily employed , there shall be provided two rooms of reasonable dimensions for the use of their children under at the age of six years . One room shall be used as a play room for the children and the other as their bedroom. The rooms shall be provided with suitable and sufficient openings for light and ventilation. There shall be adequate provision of sweepers to keep the places clean. The contractor shall supply adequate number of toys and games in playroom and sufficient number of cots and bedding in the bed room. The contractor shall provide one aya to look after the children in the crèche when the number of women workers does not exceed 50 and two when the number of women workers exceeds 50. The use of the rooms earmarked as crèches shall be restricted to children, their attendants and mothers of the children. ii) iii) iv) v) 18.6 CANTEENS I) In every work place where the work regarding the employment of contract labour is likely to continue for six months and where in contract labour numbering 100 or more are ordinarily employed , an adequate canteen shall be provided by the contractor for the use of such labour . ii) The canteen shall be maintained by the contractor in an efficient manner. iii) The canteen shall consist of at least a dining hall, kitchen, storeroom, pantry and washing places separately for workers and utensils. iv) The canteen shall be sufficiently at all times when any person has access to it. v) The floor shall be made of smooth and impervious materials and inside walls shall be lime washed or colour washed at least once a year .The inside walls of the kitchen shall be lime washed every four months. vi) vii) viii) ix) The premises of the canteen shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Suitable arrangements shall be made for the collection of disposal of garbage. Waste water shall be carried away in suitable covered drains and shall not be allowed to accumulate so as to cause nuisance. The dining hall shall accommodate at a time 30 percent of the contract labour working at a time. 69 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. x) The floor area of the dining hall, excluding the area occupied by the service counter and any furniture except tables and chairs shall not be less than one sq.m per diner to be accommodated as prescribed in sub-rule (ix). xi) a) 1. There shall be provided and maintained sufficient utensils crockery, furniture and any other equipment necessary for efficient running of canteen. 2. The furniture utensils and other equipment shall be maintained in a clean and hygienic condition. b) 1. Suitable clean clothes for the employees serving in the canteen shall be provided and maintained. 2. A service counter, if provided, shall have top of smooth and impervious material. 3. Suitable facilities including an adequate supply of hot water shall be provided for the cleaning of utensils and equipment. xii) xiii) xiv) xv) xvi) xvii) 18.7 A portion of the dining hall and service counter shall be partitioned off and reserved for women workers in proportion to their number. Sufficient tables stools or benches shall be available for the number of diners to be accommodated as prescribed in sub rule (ix). The food stuff and other items to be served in the canteen shall be in conformity with the normal habits of the contract labour . The charges for food stuffs, beverages and other items served in the canteen shall be based on ‗‘No profit No loss‘‘ and shall be conspicuously displayed in the canteen. In arriving at the price of foodstuffs, and other article served in the canteen , the following items shall not be taken into consideration as expenditure namely :a) The rent of land and building. b) The depreciation and maintenance charges for the building and equipment provided for the canteen. c) The purchase, repairs and replacement of equipment including furniture , crockery, cutlery and utensils. d) The water charges and other charges incurred for lighting and ventilation. e) The interest and amounts spent on the provision and maintenance of equipment provided for the canteen. The accounts pertaining to the canteen shall be audited once every 12 months by registered accountants and auditors. ANTI-MALARIAL PRECAUTIONS The contractor shall at his own expense, conform to all anti-malarial instructions given to him by Engineer-in-charge including the filling up of any borrow pits which may have been dug by him. 70 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 19.0 19.0 RECORD OF FIRST AID TREATMENT. Project Data: __________________________________________________________ Project: Location: Injured Data: Name: Employer: Employer‟s Supervisor: Injury Data: Date: Time: Description of Injury: First Aid Treatment: Treatment administered by: Type of treatment administered: Referred for Medical Treatment: __________No __________Yes. Doctor_____________________________ Hospital ___________________________ _____ Report Prepared By: Treatment Received By: Date: Date: 71 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 20.0 20.0 DAMAGE REPORT FORM Contract_______________________________________________________________ Plant and equipment affected.______________________________________________ Serial numbers or identifying marks _________________________________________ Owner of plant or equipment ______________________________________________ Place, date and time of incident ____________________________________________ Circumstances of incident ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Details of damage ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Names of operators involved (if not Company employers, also give details of such contractors concerned)__________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Were normal working methods used ? _____________________________________ Contributory causes of incident ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Names of witness ______________________________________________________ (attach statements)______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Preventative action proposed or taken ______________________________________ Signature of Site Agent or Manager ________________________________________ Date _______________________. 72 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. CHAPTER 21.0 21.0 PERSONNEL ACCIDENT REPORT FORM. Division / Dept (if applicable) _____________________________________________ Contractor ____________________________________________________________ Full name and address of injured person (IP) _________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Occupation of IP ________________________________Age of IP _______________ Employed (state if self - employed or under training) __________________________ Trade of sub contractor (where applicable) ____________________________________ Particulars of accident: Date and time of accident _________________________________________________ Exact place where accident happened. ________________________________________ What was IP doing at time of accident? _______________________________________ Did IP cease work? ______________________________________________________ First air or hospital treatment. _______________________________________________ Time lost (state of IP is still off work) ________________________________________ Brief description of accident, giving dimensions where applicable __________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Details of tools, equipment plant or machinery. _________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ What protective clothing / equipment was being worn / used by IP? _________________ Nature of injury and part of the body injured. e.g. punctured foot, hand, broken leg._____ ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Contributory factors: Unsafe system of work YES/NO ____________________________________________ Lack of training, supervision etc. YES/NO _____________________________________ Environmental Conditions (wind, rain, ice, etc.) YES/NO _________________________ 73 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. State of equipment (faulty brakes, damaged lifting gear, etc.) YES/NO _______________ Housekeeping (untidy access, nails in timber. etc) YES/NO_______________________ Other __________________________________________________________________ Delete as appropriate and give details. ______________________________________________________________________ Names and address of witness ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________ If reportable: Date and time Safety Officer informed by Telephone ____________________________ Preventative action taken or proposed_________________________________________ Signature of Site Agent or Manager __________________________________________ Date _______________ 74 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. SECTION 4: CONTRACT DATA 75 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Contract Data 1. The following documents are also part of the Contract: The Schedule of Other Contractors working simultaneously in the area if any The Schedule of Key Personnel ornogram to be submitted along with Bio data of Key Personnel for approval of Engineer in Charge The Methodology and Program of Construction The Schedule of Key and Critical equipment to be deployed on the work as per agreed program of construction 2. The Employer is: Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited 411, 506, Neelkanth Tower#1, Bhawani Singh Marg, C-Scheme Jaipur -302001 Phone No: 0141-3003495-98 Fax : 0141-2243060 Authorized Representative: HEAD (Infrastructure & Development) 4. The Name and identification number of the Contract is: CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR & PUMP HOUSE OF FRESH AND RECYCLED WATER IN DTA PH III AREA FOR MWC JAIPUR and the Bid number is MWCJL/HR/INFRA/DTA PH III/ UGR/2012-13/T-26 5. The Works consist of Development Multiproduct SEZ & DTA At Mahindra World City, Jaipur as described in detail under the caption ―Scope of Work‖ in the Special conditions of Contract. 6. The Date of Commencement shall be the date specified in the Letter of Intent of the work. 7. The Intended Completion Date for the whole of the Works is Eight (06) Months reckoned from the date of commencement as indicated in the letter of Intent, issued by the Employer. The work shall have the following milestones 8. Milestone dates: Physical completion of works Period from the date of commencement of work Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 will be given at the time of award will be given at the time of award will be given at the time of award 9. The Contractor shall submit a work schedule including the commencement date, to reflect the ground realities and adhering to the schedule of milestone indicated above. This revised work schedule shall be submitted within 10 days of delivery of the Letter of Intent. 10. The Site Possession Date shall be the date within seven days from the date of issue of letter of Intent. 11. The Site is located at Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited, IT/ITES SEZ. Village: Kalwada, Tehsil : Sanganer, District: Jaipur 76 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 12. The Defects Liability Period is 12 Month from the certified date of completion of works. (where sectional completion certificate is issued this will apply from those dates for those sections). 13.. Insurance requirements are as under: Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 (iii) Policy for Insurance cover required Contractor‘s All Risk Insurance for works Loss or damage to Employer‘s Equipment Other Employers property Personal injury or death insurance: a) Third Party b) For Contractor‘s Employee By Contractor Motor Vehicle Insurance Third Party liability insurance (Including the name of Employer) Contractor‘s Equipments (Including liability arising out of usages of such equipment) By Contractor By Contractor By Contractor By Contractor Contractor should ensure such insurance is in force through out the Contract period (Including defect liability period) and necessary proof to be submitted before the commencement of the project and at least a fortnight before the expiry of current insurance. The Contractor should indemnify and include in the policy the Employer By Contractor as per statutory requirements, covering third Party liability. By Contractor Minimum cover Rs. 10 Lacs. By Contractor. 14. The language of the Contract documents is English 15. The law which applies to the Contract is the laws of Republic of India 16. The currency of the Contract is Indian Rupees. 17. The proportion of payments retained (retention money) shall be 5 % from each bill to be released within 30 days after the issue of Completion Certificates. 18. The liquidated damages for the whole of the works are 0.5% of the Contract value per day or part or part thereof 19. The maximum amount of liquidated damages for the whole of the works is five percent (5%) of final Contract price. 20. Deleted 21. The amounts of the advance payment are: Nature of Amount (Rs.) Conditions to be fulfilled Advance 1. Mobilization 10% of the Contract On submission of un-conditional Bank 77 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. price Guarantee. . (The advance payment will be paid to the Contractor no later than 15 days after fulfilment of the above conditions). 22. Repayment of advance payment for mobilization and equipment: The advance shall be recovered with percentage deductions from the interim payments certified by the Engineer in Charge under the Contract. The mobilization advance shall be recovered from all progressive invoices right from first interim payment certificate and will be recovered fully prior to the completion of 80 % of the total work value. 23. The Securities shall be for the following minimum amounts equivalent as a percentage of the Contract Price: 24. Performance Security shall be for 5% per cent of Contract price to be submitted prior to signing the Contract. Performance Security shall be released within 30 days after the Certified date of Completion. 25. The standard form of Performance Security acceptable to the Employer shall be an unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee of the type as presented in Section 5 of the Bidding Documents and valid for 180 days after the expiry of the defect liability period. 26. The as-built drawings in 2 sets are required before issue of certificate of completion of whole or section of the work, as the case may be. The amount to be withheld for non submission is Rs. 50, 000/-. 27. The following events shall also be fundamental breach of Contract: 27.1 The Contractor has contravened any Clause / sub-Clause of the General Condition of Contract. 27.2 The Contractor does not adhere to the agreed construction program and agreed environmental management plan and also fails to take satisfactory remedial action as per Agreements. 27.3 The Contractor fails to carry out the instructions of Engineer in Charge within a reasonable time determined by the Engineer in Charge in accordance with General Condition of Contract Clause 8 and 11. 78 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. SECTION 5: FORMS OF SECURITIES 79 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Forms of Securities Acceptable forms of securities are annexed. Bidders should not complete the Performance and Advance Payment Security forms at this time. Only the successful Bidder will be required to provide Performance and Advance Payment Securities in accordance with one of the forms, or in a similar form acceptable to the Employer. Annex A: Performance Bank Guarantee Annex B: Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment Annex C Summary of Compliances format to be submitted with RA & Final Bills along With supporting documents. Annex D Vendor Data Format 80 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. ANNEXURE –A PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE This Guarantee of guarantee (hereinafter referred to as ―Guarantee‖) made this (date)...................... by Bank (Bank Name)......................................................., a scheduled bank with its head office at (address)..................................... (hereinafter referred to as the ―Bank‖) of the first part in favour of M/s. Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited, a company incorporated under Companies Act, 1956 and having its office at 408, 4th Floor, Ganpati Plaza, M I Road, Jaipur -302 001 and local office at 411, 507, Neelkanth Towers, BS Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur. (hereinafter referred to as ―MWCJ‖ which expression shall, unless repugnant to the meaning and context here to, include its affiliates, successors and assigns) of the other part. WHEREAS: A. M/s. Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited is developing a special economic zone at Jaipur called ―Mahindra World City, Jaipur‖ (hereinafter referred to as ―SEZ‖); B. On the assurance of M/s -----------------------having its registered office at -----(hereinafter referred to ―Contractor‖) that they are having the necessary infrastructure and capacity to undertake construction of -------------- package at the SEZ to the quality, specifications and time frame as per the terms and conditions stipulated by MWCJ, MWCJ and Contractor have entered into a contract dated xx (hereinafter referred to as ―Contract‖ which expression shall include any agreed amendments or modifications thereto) to execute the work within the SEZ in accordance with the terms and conditions of such Contract; C. Contractor has, by its acceptance to enter into the Contract with MWCJ has agreed to furnish a bank guarantee to MWCJ to ensure timely and satisfactory performance and completion of the work as per terms of the Contract; D. The Bank has, at the request of the Contractor, agreed to grant in favour of MWCJ, a guarantee to secure performance by Contractor of its obligations under the said works contract. NOW THIS GUARANTEE WITNESSES AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Bank hereby unconditionally, unequivocally and irrevocably guarantee to MWCJ and agrees and undertakes that if in the sole and unfettered opinion of MWCJ, Contractor has failed to perform its obligations under the said Contract and any amendments or modifications thereto, the Bank shall upon demand of MWCJ forthwith pay to MWCJ, without demur, contestation or dispute, without reference to Contractor, the amount set forth in certificate by MWCJ as the amount of loss / claim / damage / cost / expense arising or likely to arise out of breach or non fulfilment of the said Contract. Any such certificate or demand by MWCJ on the Bank, shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank to MWCJ under this Guarantee, notwithstanding any dispute between Contractor and MWCJ as to the liability for or quantum of loss / damage / claim / costs / expenses and notwithstanding any notice by Contractor to the Bank withhold or not to pay any amount to MWCJ against this Guarantee either before or after invoking of this Guarantee by MWCJ. Provided always the total liability of the Bank hereunder shall be limited to Rs. (................................) (Rupees......................................................................). 81 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 2. This Guarantee of the Bank shall be effective immediately from the date hereof and shall be in force for till a certificate is issued by MWCJ to the Bank in accordance with Clause 5 of this Guarantee unless a claim or demand in writing is served upon the Bank by MWCJ. If a demand is so served, this Guarantee shall continue in full force and effect (notwithstanding the expiration date) in respect of the amount so demanded until the obligation of the Bank in respect hereof is finally determined and the payment made to MWCJ. 3. The Bank agrees that MWCJ has the fullest liberty, without affecting in any manner the Bank‘s obligations hereunder, to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said Contract, to extend the time of performance by the Contractor from time to time and to forbear from enforcing any of the terms of the said Contract without any notice to or the consent of the Bank and the Bank shall not be released from its liability under this Guarantee by reason of any such variation or extension or forbearance being granted to Contractor. The Bank agrees that MWCJ has no obligation whatsoever to exercise its rights against collateral, if any, of Contractor but may immediately call on this Guarantee. 4. The Bank agrees that MWCJ has the fullest liberty, without affecting in any manner the Bank‘s obligation hereunder, to assign this guarantee in favour of any MWCJ affiliate company in India without the consent of but with prior intimation to, the Bank, and the Bank shall not be released from its liability under this Guarantee by reason of any such assignment. The Bank shall forthwith, on receipt of such intimation; undertake necessary endorsements or amendments hereto to incorporate the assignment in favour of such MWCJ affiliate assignee. 5. This Guarantee herein contained shall remain in force and effect till MWCJ certify that the terms and conditions of the said Contract have been fully and properly carried out and that the Contractor has fulfilled all its obligations under the Contract and that MWCJ has no claim against the Contractor on any account against the said Contractor. The Bank shall be released of its liabilities and obligations under this Guarantee only after such a certificate as aforesaid is issued by MWCJ to the Bank. i) ii) The Bank shall not revoke this Guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent in writing of MWCJ. Only neglect or forbearance, on the part of MWCJ, in the enforcement of the payment of any money, the payment whereof is intended to be hereby secured or the giving of the time for the payment hereto shall in no way relieve the Bank of their liability under this Guarantee. 6. Any notice or communication under this Guarantee shall be in writing and shall be served on the Bank at its address first hereinbefore mentioned and to MWCJ at its address first hereinbefore mentioned. Either party may notify to the other in writing any change in such address for service of notice upon it. The notices shall be served personally against acknowledgement or by Registered Post / Fax / Telex. 7. This Guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of the Bank or of Contractor or of MWCJ. 8. This Guarantee shall be governed by the applicable laws of India. 9. The expression ―The Bank‖ and the Contractor hereinbefore used shall include their respective successors and permitted assigns. 82 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. IN WITNESS WHERE OF................................................. FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE BANK HAS SIGNED THIS GUARANTEE ON THE DAY AND THE YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. ( ) WITNESSES : 1. 2. 83 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. ANNEXURE –B DRAFT OF ADVANCE BANK GUARANTEE This Guarantee of guarantee (hereinafter referred to as ―Guarantee‖) made this (date)...................... by Bank (Bank Name)......................................................., a scheduled bank with its head office at (address)..................................... (hereinafter referred to as the ―Bank‖) of the first part in favour of M/s. Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited, a company incorporated under Companies Act, 1956 and having its office at 408, 4th Floor, Ganpati Plaza, M I Road, Jaipur -302 001 and local office at 411, 507, Neelkanth Towers, BS Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur. (hereinafter referred to as ―MWCJ‖ which expression shall, unless repugnant to the meaning and context here to, include its affiliates, successors and assigns) of the other part. WHEREAS: A. M/s. Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Limited is developing a special economic zone at Jaipur called ―Mahindra World City, Jaipur‖ (hereinafter referred to as ―SEZ‖); B. On the assurance of M/s -----------------------having its registered office at -----(hereinafter referred to ―Contractor‖) that they are having the necessary infrastructure and capacity to undertake construction of -------------- package at the SEZ to the quality, specifications and time frame as per the terms and conditions stipulated by MWCJ, MWCJ and Contractor have entered into a contract dated xx (hereinafter referred to as ―Contract‖ which expression shall include any agreed amendments or modifications thereto) to execute the work within the SEZ in accordance with the terms and conditions of such Contract; C. MWCJ has agreed to pay an advance of Rs. ---------- in accordance wit the terms of the Contract to the Contractor to perform its obligations under the Contract. Such advance given by MWCJ shall be secured by Contractor by way of a bank guarantee; D. The Bank has, at the request of the Contractor, agreed to grant in favour of MWCJ, a guarantee to secure advance payment made by MWCJ to the Contractor. NOW THIS GUARANTEE WITNESSES AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Bank hereby unconditionally, unequivocally and irrevocably guarantee to MWCJ and agrees and undertakes that if in the sole and unfettered opinion of MWCJ, Contractor has failed to pay the amount equivalent to Rs. ----------given as advance by MWCJ to the Contractor (hereinafter referred to as ―Advance‖)with in the time stipulated in the Contract, the Bank shall upon demand of MWCJ forthwith pay to MWCJ, without demur, contestation or dispute, without reference to Contractor, amount equivalent to Advance. Any such certificate or demand by MWCJ on the Bank, shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank to MWCJ under this Guarantee, notwithstanding any dispute between Contractor and MWCJ as to the liability for or quantum of loss / damage / claim / costs / expenses and 84 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. notwithstanding any notice by Contractor to the Bank withhold or not to pay any amount to MWCJ against this Guarantee either before or after invoking of this Guarantee by MWCJ Provided always the total liability of the Bank hereunder shall be limited to Rs. (................................) (Rupees......................................................................). 2. This Guarantee of the Bank shall be effective immediately from the date hereof and shall be in force for till a certificate is issued by MWCJ to the Bank in accordance with Clause 5 of this Guarantee unless a claim or demand in writing is served upon the Bank by MWCJ. If a demand is so served, this Guarantee shall continue in full force and effect (notwithstanding the expiration date) in respect of the amount so demanded until the obligation of the Bank in respect hereof is finally determined and the payment made to MWCJ. 3. The Bank agrees that MWCJ has the fullest liberty, without affecting in any manner the Bank‘s obligations hereunder, to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said Contract, to extend the time of performance by the Contractor from time to time and to forbear from enforcing any of the terms of the said Contract without any notice to or the consent of the Bank and the Bank shall not be released from its liability under this Guarantee by reason of any such variation or extension or forbearance being granted to Contractor. The Bank agrees that MWCJ has no obligation whatsoever to exercise its rights against collateral, if any, of Contractor but may immediately call on this Guarantee. 4. The Bank agrees that MWCJ has the fullest liberty, without affecting in any manner the Bank‘s obligation hereunder, to assign this guarantee in favour of any MWCJ affiliate company in India without the consent of but with prior intimation to, the Bank, and the Bank shall not be released from its liability under this Guarantee by reason of any such assignment. The Bank shall forthwith, on receipt of such intimation; undertake necessary endorsements or amendments hereto to incorporate the assignment in favour of such MWCJ affiliate assignee. 5. This Guarantee herein contained shall remain in force and effect till MWCJ certify that the Contractor has dully paid the Advance back to MWCJ. The Bank shall be released of its liabilities and obligations under this Guarantee only after such a certificate as aforesaid is issued by MWCJ to the Bank. i) ii) The Bank shall not revoke this Guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent in writing of MWCJ. Only neglect or forbearance, on the part of MWCJ, in the enforcement of the payment of any money, the payment whereof is intended to be hereby secured or the giving of the time for the payment hereto shall in no way relieve the Bank of their liability under this Guarantee. 6. Any notice or communication under this Guarantee shall be in writing and shall be served on the Bank at its address first hereinbefore mentioned and to MWCJ at its address first hereinbefore mentioned. Either party may notify to the other in writing any change in such address for service of notice upon it. The notices shall be served personally against acknowledgement or by Registered Post / Fax / Telex. 7. This Guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of the Bank or of Contractor or of MWCJ. 8. This Guarantee shall be governed by the applicable laws of India. 85 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 9. The expression ―The Bank‖ and the Contractor hereinbefore used shall include their respective successors and permitted assigns. 10. IN WITNESS WHEREOF................................................. FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE BANK HAS SIGNED THIS GUARANTEE ON THE DAY AND THE YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. ( ) WITNESSES : 1- 2- 86 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. ANNEXURE C Compliance status 1. WO No./ Ref. No.:2. Name of Contractor / Agency:3. Nature of Work :4. Bill – Running Bill / Final Bill Compliance requirements 1 2 Points to be checked Remarks Attendance Sheet (Month wise) Annexure No. – Wage Sheet / Muster Roll (Month wise) Annexure No. – S.No Points to be checked 12 Minimum Wages paid as per law 13 Bonus / Gratuity compliances as per applicability Provident Fund Remarks Annexure No. – WC Policy 3 Code No. Allotment Letter (One Time) Annexure No. – 14 Policy No. & Cover to No. of Workers 4 P.F. Challan (month wise) Annexure No. – 15 Policy Valid upto 5 Site wise break up (if Challan amount not match with wage sheet) Annexure No. – 6 Monthly Return (Form 12A;10;5) Annexure No. – 16 ESI Challan (If applicable) Annexure No. – 7 Annual Return under PF Annexure No. – 17 Return under ESI Laws Annexure No. – Employees State Insurance (not applicable for construction contractors) Contractors‟ All Risk Policy / Third Party Insurance Contract Labour (R&A) Act 8 Whether Form V Issued, if yes, Date 9 Licence No. and No. of Maximum Workers (Workers employed by Contractor should not exceed with maximum numbers given in licence at site any time, if yes, please provide numbers) Annexure No. – 18 Annexure No. – 19 87 Policy No. & Cover Amount (as per contract terms and agreement) Policy Valid upto Annexure No. – Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 10 Commencement/ Completion report submission to Labour Department Annexure No. – 11 Half yearly return / Registers maintained under CL Laws Annexure No. – Others 20 Indemnity Bond Given Annexure No. – Below declaration along with final bill :I / We also confirm that we have submitted final bill no……………. dated…….………for WO No…………..………. relating to ….,………………………………..and there are no dues after settlement of this final bill. (Signature of Authorised Signatory of the Contractor) COMMENTS Signature of Authorised Signatory of Contractor Verified by – Site Engineer / Contract Dept. 1- 2- 88 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. ANNEXURE D MAHINDRA WORLD CITY (JAIPUR) LTD. Vendor Selection Criteria Sl No a) b) Particular Address of The Company Contact Numbers Contact Person and Mob. c) Fax d) e) E-Mail g) TIN No. h) Service Tax no. Web-Site f) PAN No. i) PF No. j) ESI No 1 Copy of memorandum and article of the company along with certificate of incorporation 2 Annual turnover of the company for past 3 years 3 2008-2009 (Rs. -Lacs) 2009-2010 (Rs. -Lacs) 2010-2011 (Rs. -Lacs) Details about projects having total value in excess of Rs. 100 Lac completed during past 3 years. 89 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 4 Does your company have local presence in Jaipur? Who is the person who heads the local team in Jaipur? Please give details of staff. 5 Indicate AT LEAST 6 client references with address / phone nos, for whom your company has executed work with value in excess of Rs. 50 Lac during one single financial year or one contract having value in excess of Rs. 100 Lac. 123456Indicate AT LEAST 6 Architect/Consultants with address / phone nos, whose designed projects your company has executed in last 5 years with value in excess of 100 Lacs. 6 123456Maximum value of contract handled in the past 5 years (Rs. In Lacs) 7 8 Quality benchmarks and acceptance criteria will be comparable to international levels. i) What are the quality assurance standards you propose for this project? ii) What are the quality standards achieved by your company? iii) Do you have any systems procedures standards in place? 90 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 9 If you are awarded the project, what site staff organization you propose? Submit org chart. 10 What will be the qualification of the PM? 11 Time and quality is the essence of this project! Are you willing to work with a stiff penalty clause in the contract document? 12 Do you have any Minimum Value of contract, which will be acceptable to you? 13 Please enclose the following documentation as given below: a) Copy of Power of Attorney of the Signatory b) Latest Income Certificate Tax Cleraence c) Sales Tax Clearence Certificate d) Certified Copy of memorandum and article of the company along with certificate of incorporation e) Plant and Equipment f) Organisation Chart g) Quality manual/procedures h) assurance List of ongoing Projects with photograph during and after completion i) List of Projects executed in last 5 years j) Solvency Certificate from a Scheduled Bank.(Rs. In Lacs) k) Bankers l) Registration number/documents for Statutory Requirements (ESI, PF labour license etc). m) Performance Standards for Health and Safety n) ISO Certification if any. 91 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 14 Any other relevant information. 15 Major Works in Hand with value in excess of 100 Lacs. 12345- 92 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BILL OF QUANTITIES 93 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (UGR and PUMP HOUSE) Section- I 1 SCOPE OF WORK Scope of work comprises of executing all civil works involved therein and detailed below for completion and their commissioning. Civil work will be executed based on approved drawings by engineer-in-charge. 1.1 Civil Works 1.1.1 Construction of under ground reservoir with sump, including inlet, outlet and overflow chambers, staircases inside reservoirs including hydraulic testing , leakage testing of water retaining structures & disinfection before commissioning 1.1.2 Construction of pump house & loading/unloading bay, chlorination and operator room, Office/Store, Toilet, Cable Trenches etc. 1.1.3 Construction of foundation, platform for erection of pumps, transformers etc 1.1.4 Construction of chambers for sluice valves, flow meters, and others specials on header main outside the pump house. 1.1.5 Construction of boundary walls, fencing etc. 1.1.6 Construction of Roads, Storm Water Drains, filling the area upto required foundation levels, levelling and dressing of the area as specified within the plant boundary after completion of work including the access road. 1.1.7 Maintenance of all civil structures, boundary wall all around installation including all open spaces within during operation & maintenance period of two years. 1.2 Electrical & Mechanical Works 1.2.1 Design, Manufacture, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of all E&M equipments required for completion of job. 1.2.2 Supply, laying including providing necessary CI/MS/Steel supports as required for pipes & specials including puddle pipes etc. 1.2.3 Providing & fixing necessary MS Chequired plates over all cable trenches inside the annexe building & pump house. 1.2.4 Operation & maintenance of the booster station for the period of 2 years after commissioning. Part A: Underground Reservoir (UGR) The rates should also include the charges for the construction/provision of following items :1. Providing of sump wells of size as designed and approved by the construction manager. 2. Providing steps from top of UGR/sump roof to inside bottom of the UGR, as per the drawings approved by the construction manager. 3. Providing and fixing water level indicator Rotary type Pins Gear arrangement (As approved by Construction Manager)consisting of an approved copper float and iron counter weight and the indicator connected by steel flexible wire passing over aluminium pulleys well fixed wherever necessary . The scale should by calibrated in cms, and should consist of iron sheet 20 gauge 300 mm wide fixed over an angle iron frame of 35mmx35mmx5mm and painted with white enamel 1 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. background with black and red level marks. 4. Providing and fixing 2 no. suitable entry to sump through a required size mild steel Galvanized Manhole cover and frame with suitable lifting and locking arrangement, as approved by Construction Manager. 5. Providing and fixing D.I. pipes class 'K-9' conforming to relevant IS. Pipes, bends & puddle collars with nut bolts/rubber sheet, as per details as approved in the drawing :-Providing and fixing ventilators consisting of RCC roof in RCC pillars provided with 25mmx20 mm expanded metal and 24 gauge/6mesh per sq.cm. wire gauge in the opening of 60cmx45cm provided on all the four fixed type and one should be operable, hinged at top with locking arrangement by nuts & bolts. Opening should be 50 cm above the top of roof. The MS fabricated ventilators are to be Galvanised with 100 microns hot dipped zine coating and the wire mesh should be of stainless steel. 6 Providing super enamel painting of approved shade on all iron work and G.I. Pipe railing etc. except on M.H. cover and ventilators, which is to be galvanized with 100 micron hot dipped zinc coating. 7. The minimum thickness of top slab and vertical wall shall be as per approved design except the outer vertical wall of sump and which should not be kept less than 30 cm. top beam, side wall bottom & top slap column shall be casted in appropriate grade of concrete shall be as per relevant IS specifications but should not be inferior than M-25. Plain concrete below foundation shall be of M-10 grade and thickness shall not be less than 150 mm. 8. All cement concrete work shall conform to IS : 456 and IS : 3370 (amended upto date) 9. All the exposed surface should nicely be finished with carborandom stone rubbing . 10. Minimum depth of foundation below ground level shall be 2.00 mtr. 11. Expansion/contraction joints if necessary shall be provided in the structure to account for temperature variation. 12. In all construction joints of floors, Rubber water bar should be provided and rest of the construction joint shall be provided with 22 gauge 200 mm wide G. I. sheet. 13. Aggregate used shall comply with the requirement of IS-383-1970 and reinforcement shall comply with the recommendations of IS : 456-2000. 14. Storage of material at site shall be in accordance with IS: 4082-1977. 15. No extra payment will be allowed for earth work in excavation for any type of soil encountered including hard rock upto depth required for job and clearance of site. The surplus earth shall be disposed of with in the lead of 1.0 km as per the direction of Construction Manager for which no extra payment shall be paid. 16. Water column in UGR shall be kept around 3.5 to 4.00 meters approximate. 17. The flat slab roof of UGR and its supporting structures shall be designed to carry an additional load of 30 cm. thick wet earth cover proposed to be laid for putting up lawn etc. 18. Stair shall have minimum width of 1.0 m with separate approach to both the compartments of the UGR. 19. The Free board shall be of 60 cm height. The Free Board shall have to be considered for calculation of water pressure and design of wall footing etc. 20. DI pipes should be laid during concreting of UGR roof in two rows from chlorination room to inlet chamber for chlorination. The fitting should be leak proof. 21. Steel shuttering[as per IS/PWD specifications] shall be used for all RCC work. 22. 12 mm dia PVC 2 mm thick conduit pipe with 14 gauge copper wire shall be laid in roof of UGR in two rows from the main pump house to the ventilator during concreting of roof slab. All the electric fittings like wiring and fixing of electric fixtures including fixing of commercial type tube 2 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. light in each compartment etc. in UGR, sump and head room shall be included in the scope of this work. 23. Covering RCC roof with 30 cm earth layer. On side compacting the earth on 1:3 slope. The side slopes shall be covered with dry stone pitching as per the general arrangement 24. Water proofing compound shall have to be mixed in concrete work to protect seepage as per IS code & instructions of EIC. The strength of cement shall not fall below designed strength after mixing the water proofing compound. 25. Supply and fixing of a layer of 125 micron thick polyethylene film to be provided between lean concrete (10 mm thick 1 :2:4 concrete) and the RCC slab. 26. It is proposed to cast RCC wall in as less no. of lifts possible. Minimum height of casting at a time is proposed to be kept 90 cms for speedy construction. 27. All steel works inside and out side the UGR will be duly epoxy painted to be protected from corrosion by high build food grade epoxy paint. 28. A slope of about 1 in 300 in base slab towards scour pit shall be given. Part B: Pump House - Item rate work as per BOQ 1. MULTI-PUMP HYDRO-PNEUMATIC BOOSTER SYSTEMS 1.1 General The packaged water booster pump system shall be a standard product of a single pump manufacturer. The manufacturer of the packaged pump system shall also be the manufacturer of the pumps. Nonstandard, “one of a kind” packaged (assembled) pump systems shall not be considered equal. The packaged water booster pump system shall be standard or approved equal. The packaged water booster pump system shall use advanced variable frequency drive and dedicated electronic pump controller to maintain a constant water pressure to a maximum flow. 1.2 Pump Pumps should be Non self priming, single stage, horizontal end suction pumps cetrifugal volute pumps with back pull out design with axial suction port, radial discharge port and horizontal shaft components. Pump design should allow the pump to remain in place (without disturbing suction & discharge pipelines) during the maintenace. Pumps should be dynamically balanced and impellers should be hydraulically balanced. Shaft seal should be of unbalanced mechanical seal type. Seal faces should be Carbon/Silicon Carbide. The pump casing should be in Cast Iron. The shaft should be of Stainless Steel AISI 304/ 420. The impeller should be made of Bronze. The speed of rotations of pumpsets should not be more than 2900 rpm. The pump housing should be electrocoated (CED coated i.e Cathodic Electro Deposit) and the treatment should include: 3 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. a. b. c. d. Alkaline cleaning. Pre-treatment with zinc phosphate coating. Cathodic electrocoating (epoxy). Curing of paint film as 200-225 deg C. Pump should be short/long coupled with the suitable motor at the factory only. Complete pump-motor set should be tested for the desired duty point. 1.3 Motor The pump should be directly coupled to motor, which should be totally enclosed, fan cooled, squirrel cage motor with main dimensons according to IEC. Enclosure class should be IP 55 with “F” insulation Class. Motors should be of minimum efficiency – II class. The motor rating should be such as to ensure no overloading of the motor throughout its capacity range. Motor shall be suitable for 3 phase, 380-415 V, 50 Hz. 1.4 Variable Frequency Drive The variable frequency drive enclosure shall include dry-contact fault-output relay contacts along with analog and digital inputs. The motor shall detect/protect itself against under voltage, over voltage, excessive temperature, and set-point signal fault. 1.5 Electronic Controller An electronic dedicated pump logic controller shall be a Hydro MPC (Multi Pump Controller) or approved equal. The controller shall operate the pumps to maintain the required system pressure while using minimum energy and alternating between pumps to maintain relatively equal pump operating hours. As flow demand begins, one of the pumps will start at low speed through VFD. As demand increases, the pump will speed up until it reaches full RPM. At this point the second pump will start through VFD. The speed of the working pumps will vary until it builds up required system pressure. This sequence will continue for additional working pumps, if demand is not met. Pumps shall changeover automatically to maintain the system pressure depending on demand, time, and fault. Electronic controller should perform flow estimation every 2 minutes so as to minimize or utilize the number of duty pumps and stop all pumps in an event of no demand, thereby the performance and energy consumption of the system is optimized. If the system includes an optional standby pump, the controller shall exercise the standby pump as a part of the system and equally run the pump as other pumps in the system. The controller shall accept a low-suction pressure or other suction fault input to shut down the system. The controller shall have a keypad and a graphical user interface display with Installation wizard for easy commissioning of the system. 4 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 1.6 Programmable Functions System functions shall be programmable through the keypad. These programmable functions and information shall include, but not be limited to: 1) Closed loop control. 2) Automatic pump alternations 3) Automatic cascade control of pumps 4) Set point adjustment and control 5) Clock Program 6) Flow estimation function 7) Programmable pump testing 8) Programming of No of starts/stops per hour 9) Remote controlling of the entire Hydro Pneumatic System through Ethernet. (User has to provide Static IP address to HPS system which can be accessed by BMS computer for remote control) 10) Standby pump designation 11) Friction Loss Compensation (set point) 12) Pump status 13) Elapsed running hours for each pump 14) System pressure set point 15) Actual system pressure 16) Pump speed (percentage) 17) Fault memory up to recent 24 faults with time stamping 18) To display calculated system flow 19) Pressure transducer design settings 20) Redundant primary sensor for pressure monitoring 21) High and low discharge pressure shut-down limit 22) Analog input for remote set-point control 23) Digital input for remote stop/start 5 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 1.7 Control Cabinet The controller shall be mounted in a control cabinet with an IP 41 enclosure of suitable rating (or specified optional cabinet) with the keypad and display screen mounted through the outer door. In addition to the electronic pump controller, the control cabinet shall include circuit breakers for each pump and the control circuit and control relays for alarm functions. Control cabinet shall include the following, but not be limited to: 1. Motor protection 2. Dry run protection – Float switch / Inlet pressure monitoring device for suction lift condition 3. Ethernet connectivity (Web based control) 4. 320 X 240 pixels VGA display with adjustable backlight 5. Pump Fault Lights – A Red light for fault indications 6. Visual Alarm 7. Pump Elapsed Time Meters 8. Manual Operation The entire packaged pumping system shall be mounted on a Hot Dipped Galvanized MS or SS fabricated skid. The control cabinet shall be mounted in one of the following ways depending on the size of the cabinet. 1. On a Hot Dipped GI or MS fabricated control cabinet stand attached to the system skid 2. On a Hot Dipped GI or MS fabricated skid, separate from the main system skid 3. Floor mounted control cabinet with plinth. 1.8 Plumbing 1 The suction and discharge manifolds shall be fabricated of Hot Dipped Galvanized MS or SS. Both manifolds shall be designed to attach to the system piping at either end of the manifold. Delivery manifold shall include a pressure gauge. The suction manifold shall have as standard a pressure switch or pressure sensor to detect low suction pressure or a float switch to prevent dry running. The discharge manifold shall include a pressure transducer with a 4-20mA output. The pressure transducer shall be factory installed and wired. 2. Isolation valves shall be installed on the suction and discharge of each pump. A check valve shall be installed on the discharge of each pump (optional on the suction side for suction lift applications). 3. The system shall include a bladder type pressure tank sized by the system manufacturer. 4. All systems shall be factory tested for performance and hydrostatic tested to at least 1.5 times the system working pressure. The system manufacturer shall provide verified Factory Performance Tests and Witness Factory Performance Tests. 6 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 2. MECHANICAL WORK 2.1 Centrifugal Pumps It is not the intent to specify herein all the details pertaining to the design, drawing, selection of equipment/material, procurement, manufacture, installation, testing & commissioning, however, the same shall be of high standard of engineering and shall comply with all currently applicable standards, regulations & safety codes. Generally from considerations of reliability, ease of operation and maintenance, a split casing centrifugal pumps are proposed. 2.2 Pump Operation Range: The pump shall be suitable for operation in a pumping system at the duty points specified for each pump and should be able to satisfactorily operate within the range of operation as specified 2.3 Codes and Standards The design, manufacture and performance of the centrifugal pumps specified herein shall comply with the requirements of the latest edition of the applicable Codes and Standards. 2.4 Design Requirements The pumps shall be capable of developing the required duty point head at rated capacity for continuous operation. Pumps shall be single stage or two stage in horizontal split case design running at 1450 rpm. Contractor shall select the pumps to operate satisfactorily within the operating rate. The pump shall have to stable bend curve i.e. the total head. The material of the various components shall conform to those stipulated in the "Technical Particulars" section, The power characteristic shall be non overloading and preferably flat for flows higher than the best efficiency flow (BEP) Specifications I dimensional standards for flanges are mentioned elsewhere in this document. It is Contractor's responsibility to provide pump suction and discharge flanges as specified. Otherwise contractor must supply correct matching, M.S. plate flanges as per the thickness specified. Spare parts supplied with the pump shall be identical to respective pump components and shall be from original manufacturer. Pumps shall run smooth without undue noise or vibration. Noise levels and velocity of vibrations shall be within acceptable limits. Noise level shall be limited to 85 dba at a distance of 2m. Velocity of vibrations shall be within 4.5 mm/s as per relevant Hydraulic Institutes Standards and IS. 2.5 FEATURES OF CONSTRUCTION 2.5.1 Impeller The impeller shall be an enclosed impeller, made in one piece and securely keyed on the shaft. The installation will include means to prevent loosening of the impeller during operation, including rotating in the reverse direction. The impeller shall be statically and dynamically balanced to prevent vibration. 7 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 2.5.2 Casing Ring The pump shall be provided with a renewable type casing ring, to offer wearing resistance. Hardness of the casing ring shall be lower than the impeller. 2.5.3. Shaft Single integral shaft, shall be designed to withstand the torque loads throughout the whole range of operating conditions, for the selected particular impeller diameter as well as all the impeller diameters covered between minimum and maximum impeller diameters when coupled to the motor shaft through flexible coupling. 2.5.4. Shaft Sleeves Replaceable shaft sleeves shall be provided to protect the shaft where it passes through stuffing boxes. The end of the shaft sleeve assembly shall extend through the packing gland. Shaft sleeves shall be securely locked or keyed to the shaft to prevent loosening. Shaft and shaft sleeve assembly shall ensure concentric rotation. 2.5.5. Stuffing Boxes Stuffing boxes at driving end and non-driving end shall be of such design that they can be re-packed, without removing any part other than the gland and lantern ring. An axially split gland should be used to facilitate changing the gland packing. Sufficient space shall be available for maintenance purposes. 2.5.6 Air Release Valves Pump shall be provided with arrangement of valve to vent air which may get accumulated in the pump. 2.5.7. Sealing Self sealing water connections should be provided. 2.5.8. Flanges Flanges shall be machined flat, with flange faces vertical and at right angles to the pump mounting surface. Flange drilling shall conform to IS 1538 (table IV& VI) with suction and discharge connections being flanged and drilled to the specified flange table. Pump flanges shall be flat faced and bolt holes shall be spot faced on the back side. 2.5.9 Bearings Bearings shall be grease lubricated and should absorb the radial and axial thrusts under all operating conditions. Anti-friction bearing shall be of standard type and shall be selected to give 20,000 hours continuous operation at rated operating conditions. The rise in bearing grease temperature will continuous running of the pump shall be within the allowable limits. 2.5.10. Base plate The common base plate for pump and motor shall be provided having sufficient rigidity to resist vibration and distortion. Suitable holes shall be provided for grouting and they shall be so located that the base will be able to be grouted in place, without disturbing the pump and motor. The base plate should be of the drain rim type to collect any gland water leakage and lead to drain. All pumps and motors should be properly and accurately aligned, bolted and doweled to the base plate for installation of minimum 15mm diameter drain pipe. Foundation bolts shall be complete with nuts and flat and shake proof washers. 8 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 2.5.11. Coupling A flexible pin bush type coupling shall be provided, duly bored and keyed to the pump and motor shafts. The coupling and the pump shafts have to be designed such that the breaking load of the coupling system is below that of the shaft. 2.5.12 Accessories All specified accessories and any other standard accessories required for correct and safe operation of the pump shall be furnished with the pumps. A mild steel fabricated coupling guard shall be provided to provide a safeguard against the open rotating parts of the pump and motor. Eye bolts (as many per pump as required for safety), shall be provided for ease of lifting and installation. 2.6 TECHNICAL PARTICULARS COMMON TO ALL PUMPS 2.6.1 Materials of Construction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Casing Impeller Shaft Shaft Sleeve Casing Rings Gland Packing Cast Iron Gr.260 .of IS 210 Bronze Gr. L 18 II .of IS 318 Carbon Steel 40 G 8 of IS 1570 SS AISI410 of L T8 II .of IS 318 Bronze Gr. .of IS 318 Graphited Asbestos Accessories and services required to be supplied by the Contractor with pump 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.6.2 Base Plate Coupling Coupling Guard Foundation Baits Yes Yes Yes Yes Drawings and Information to be Provided During detailed engineering the Contractor shall submit the following: 1. General arrangement, cross sectional and dimensional drawings/data pertaining to selected models with improvements, if any. 2. General arrangement/dimensional drawing of pump set including motor, base plate and coupling guard. 3. Complete pump performance curve with a. II-Q curves for complete range of impellers between minimum and maximum size of impellers and efficiency curves super imposed on them, highlighting selected impeller diameter. b. Shaft Power - Q curves for complete range of impellers. c. Efficiency - Q curve for Maximum impeller diameter and- selected impeller diameter. 9 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. d. NPSHR - Q curve for maximum, minimum and selected impeller diameters. 4. 2.6.3 2.6.4 Test reports, performance curves and other particulars, as required by the applicable clauses of this specification. Instruction Manuals: 1. Instruction manual for erection. 2. Instruction for pre-commissioning check up, operation, abnormal conditions, maintenance and repair. 3. Write up on Controls and interlocks provided. 4. Recommended inspection points and period of inspection. 5. Schedule of preventive maintenance. 6. Recommendations for types of lubricants, lubricating points, frequency of lubrication and lubricant changing schedule. Inspection and Testing The performance and hydraulic tests of the pumps shall be made with their duty motors. The following inspections/tests shall be executed (ref. to section 4). 1. Material Test Certificate Casing, Impeller & Shaft. - Class B Casing - Dye penetration test on critical area, Class -A. 2. 3. Hydrostatic Test Performance Test 1.5 times the shut-off head - Class A As per IS 5120 & 9137 at full speed. Head v Discharge characteristic - Class A Power absorbed v Discharge - Class A Efficiency v Discharge - Class A Readings for the above tests shall be taken at six points on the performance curve at Rated Motor. I Speed: as per details below:a) At shut off b) At rated duty point c) At full open maximum discharge point on the Pump curve. d) At a point between best efficiency point and full open maximum discharge point. 4. 5. 6. 7. NPSH TEST Strip Test "Type" test certificate for the offered model- Class A. Mechanical Balancing Field Tests As per ISO 1940, Gr 6.3 or better - Class C "Type" test certificate for the offered model – Class A Field performance test required for satisfactory operation – Class A 10 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 2.7 CABLES 2.7.1 L T Cables : Standards No. 1. 2. 3. 4: Standard IS 1554 IS 8130 IS 5831 IS 3975 Description PVC insulated electric Cables. Conductors for insulated electric cables. PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables, Mild steel wires, strips and tapes for armouring of cables. 2.7.2 Other Considerations Power cable shall be of AI conductor, whereas control and lighting cables shall be of Cu conductor. The minimum size of AI conductor cable shall be 4 mm2 and Cu. conductor cable of 1.5 mm2. The sizes of the cables shall be as per cable list given in Part 87. Control cables of CTs shall be based on the VA burden of CT and relays, meters: 2.7.3 Technical parameters . L T Cables PVC insulated, taped PVC inner sheath and outer sheath 1100 V grade, with multi-stranded aluminium/copper conductor, armoured Cable selection Cable shall be selected considering following points Current rating of the load De-rating due to grouping of cables Voltage drop up to 3% in cable due to cable resistance De-rating factor due to ambient temperature. De-rating due to depth in case of buried cables 2.7.4 Inspection. o o All routine test on cables-class B All type test certificate conducted on similar cables 2.8 De watering Pump 2.8.1 General The de watering pump shall be of 35m3/h capacity and 10m head. The pump motor shall be suitable for working with or without submergence in water. The motor rating shall be more than the maximum power required by the pump. The pumps shall be electric motor driven. The pumps shall be vertical, centrifugal, non - clog type. The impeller shall be mounted on the extended shaft of the motor. The fixed set shall operate manually and automatically controlled by low and high level switches in the drain pit. 2.8.2 Feature of Construction 11 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 1. Impeller 2. Casing 3. 4. Shaft Motor Bronze grade L TB II of IS 318 Cast Iron Grade FG 200 of IS 210/ Aluminium as per mfg. Standard 40c8 of IS 1570 415 V, 3Ph AC supply, submersible. Drawings and information to be provided During detailed engineering the contractor shall submit the following: Data sheet of de watering pump/motor Leaflets on de watering pump Cross sectional drawings with performance curves 2.8.3 Instruction Manuals: Installation manual for erection Instruction for pre-commissioning check up operation, abnormal conditions, maintenance and repair 2.8.4 Inspection and Testing Material Test certificate Review of test certificates. Client can ask for witnessing the test(s) Class B Pump Performance test Hydrostatic test Visual inspection Class B Class B Dimensional check; operational check for smooth operation -Class B 2.9 MILD STEEL PIPES Pipe work within the battery limits shall be flanged, mild steel (MS) pipes confirming to IS 3589. The pipes shall be manufactured from fresh mild steel plates confirming to IS 2062 and having minimum tensile strength 410 Mpa. The pipe wall thickness shall not be less than 6.35mm for pipes from 200 to 500 NB sizes. Pipes of sizes 150mm and below shall be MS black pipes as per 181239 heavy class. 2.10 MS SPECIALS AND PIPE ASSEMBLIES Should any mild steel (MS) specials (bends, reducers, enlargers, tees, tail pieces and pipe assemblies i.e. headers etc.), can be required they shall conform to IS 7322. The overall Dimensions i.e. Length, radius etc. of the specials shall be as per IS 1538. The contractor will submit the design and drawings for each special to be used in any of the Pipe work in the package. After approval by Construction Manager, the contractor will take up the manufacturing. The specials shall be manufactured in a workshop and under conditions approved by Construction Manager. Headers with branches and other similar piping, components shall be pre fabricated at the contractors work shop. Welding at the site shall be limited to a strict minimum after approval of the Construction Manager; No specials shall be manufactured/welded on site. The contractor has to ensure the timely manufacturing of the MS specials so that they can be installed in synchronization with the pump and equivalent installation. On completion of the manufacturing the material will be inspected by the Construction Manager or his representative. After clearance and approval, the coating and lining for the specials will be applied by the contractor. 12 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 2.11 FLANGES All mild steel flanges shall be machined flat with flange faces vertical and at right angles to the mounting surface. The thickness of the flanges shall be as per IS 6392. The drilling of the flanges shall confirm to IS 1538 (part IV and VI) 2.12 DESIGN CONSIDERATION - MS PIPE AND SPECIALS Pipe fittings of size 50NB and below shall be forged confirming to IS -1239 Part II. Fittings above 50 NB upto 200 NB shall be welded/seamless confirming to ASTM A-234 Gr: WPB and dimensional standard ANSI B 16.9 Fittings and specials of size 250 NB and above can be fabricated from pipes of respective specifications. 45° and 90° bends shall be made in mitre construction with 3 piece and 5 piece design respectively. Equal and unequal tees shall be made by direct welding of pipe to pipe with reinforcement pads wherever as per direction of Construction Manager. 2.13 NUTS, BOLTS, STUDS AND WASHERS Nuts and bolts shall be of the best quality bright steel, machined on the shank and under the head and nut. Studs, bolts and nuts shall be galvanized. Bolts shall be of adequate length. Nuts and bolts shall conform to IS 1363 and IS 1367. Washers, locking devices and anti-vibration arrangements shall be provided where necessary. Where there is a risk of corrosion, bolts, nuts, and studs shall be designed so that the maximum stress does not exceed half the yield stress of the material under any conditions. The Contractor shall supply all holding down alignment leveling bolts complete with anchorages, nuts washers and packing required to fix the plant to its foundations, bed plates, frames and other structural parts. The Contractor shall procure and keep at site, reasonable excess quantities to cover wastage of those materials which will be normally subject to waste during erection, commissioning and setting to work. 2.14 VALVES 2.14.1 Sluice Valve a) Design Requirements Valve internals shall be free from sharp projections which are likely to catch and hold stringy material. Valves shall close with clockwise rotation of handwheel viewed from top. The direction of closing shall be cast on hand wheel. Valves shall be designed PN 1.0 rating. Valves shall conform to IS 14846 as applicable. b) Construction Features Valve shall be non-rising spindle type. Valve packings shall be with bushing arrangement. Valves of size 350 mm and above shall be with renewable channel and shoe arrangement. Nominal size of the valve shall be cast on the body of the valve. The valves shall be provided with head-stock and extended spindle wherever required as per respective 13 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. pump house "General Arrangement Drawing". To ascertain the opening positions of the valve mechanical position indicators shall be provided. Valve more than 450 mm & above should be supplied with enclosed greased packed bevel / worm gear box of suitable rating. c) d) Materials of Construction Body - Cast iron IS 210 Gr FG 200 Wedge - Cast iron IS 210 Gr FG 200 Spindle - SS AISI 410 Seat rings - Gun Metal Shoe - Gun Metal Channel - Gun Metal Lined Seat leakage test pressure - IS - 14846 - 2000 Back seat Leakage test - Relevant to Pressure Ratings Body hydrostatic test pressure - IS14846-2000 Shop Testing 2.14.2 Butterfly Valves a) Design Requirements Valve internals shall be free from sharp projections which are likely to catch and hold stringy material. Valves shall be designed PN 1.0 rating. Valves shall rubber seated conform to IS 13095 as applicable. 14 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. b) Construction Features Valve shall be suitable for mounting in any position. The valve seat shall be of integrally cast or replaceable design. When the valve is fully closed, the seal shall seat firmly so as to prevent leakage. The seat surfaces shall be machined smooth to provide a long life for the seal. All fasteners shall be set flush so as to offer the least resistance possible to the flow through the valve. Valve shall be suitable for throttling purpose. All valve, spindles and hand wheels shall be positioned to give good access for operational personnel. The total hand wheel effort shall not exceed 80 N at the periphery of the hand wheel on full opening and full closing of valve. If it exceeds 80 N, valves shall be provided with enclosed gear arrangement. Gearboxes shall be leak proof with 5 m submergence. The operation gear of the valves shall be such that they can be opened and closed against an unbalanced head 15% in excess of pump shutoff pressure not requiring effort more than 80 N. Valve and gearing shall be such as to permit manual operation within reasonable time. All hand wheels shall be arranged to turn in a clockwise direction to close the valve, the direction of rotation for opening and closing being indicated on the hand wheels. c) Materials of Construction Component Body and Disc Material for Butterfly Valves Cast Iron: IS 210 Gr. FG 220 * for 10 bar Valve Cast Iron: IS 210 Gr. FG 260 * for 16 bar Valve Stainless Steel: AISI 431 * BS 970 Gr. 304 S11 EPDM Rubber Stainless Steel: AISI 410 Bronze: IS 318 Gr. LTB2/ PTFE Stainless Steel – SS316 Shaft Body Seat Ring Seat Ring Seat Retaining Ring Bush Stud/Bolts/Nuts/Fasteners * For these components material certificates are to be furnished d) Shop Testing and Witnessing (a) (b) Body hydrostatic test Seat leakage test : : 1.5 times design pressure Design Pressure 2.14.3. Non-Return Valves a) Design Requirements Valves shall be with non-slam characteristics. Valves shall be suitable for horizontal mounting. Hydraulic passages shall be designed to avoid cavitations. Valves shall be designed for PN 1.0 rating. Internal parts shall be easily accessible for inspection & maintenance. Upto 600 mm valves, the single door shall be provided. 15 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. b) Construction Features The Non-slam characteristics shall be achieved either by providing a dashpot arrangement or by suitable combination of door and hydraulic passages. Valves with external counter weights shall not be acceptable. No bypass is required for the valves. Nominal size of the valves shall be cast on the body of the valves. Valves shall be provided with supporting foot. c) d) Materials of Construction Body - Cast Iron to IS 210 Gr FG 200 Door - Cast Iron to IS: 210 Gr FG 200 Door Ring - Gun Metal Body Ring - Gun Metal Hinge Pin - SS AISI 410 Seat leakage test pressure : As per IS- 5312 & at 10 bar for seat Body hydrostatic test pressure : and 15 bar for body Shop Testing 2.15 CAST IRON SLUICE GATE 2.15.1 Design Requirements Sluice gates shall conform to IS- 13349 (Class I) or AWWA-C – 501 with dove tail arrangement. Sluice gates shall be designed for specified seating and unseating heads. They shall be of rising spindle type, manually operated. The gate shall be flush bottom type. 2.15.2 Construction Features The frame shall be of flange back type. It shall be mounted on cast iron wall thimble of 'F' type cross section. The gates shall be provided with headstocks for manual operation with reduction gear box. The gates shall be provided with lifting lugs. Lock nut shall be provided to prevent over travel of the gate beyond the lower limit. 2.15.3 Materials of Construction Wall Thimble : Cast Iron IS 210 Gr FG 200 Frame Guide & Slide : Cast Iron IS 210 Gr FG 200 Seating faces : Phospher Bronze IS- 28 Gr-1 Wedge blocks : Phospher Bronze IS- 28 Gr-1 16 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Fasteners : SS 316 Stem : SS 316 Thrust nut : Bronze Stem coupling : SS 316 2.15.4 Shop Testing 2.15.5 All the sluice gates shall be tested as follows: Seat Clearance Check Seating and wedging surfaces shall be cleaned thoroughly of all foreign materials before final assembly and then final adjustments shall be carried out. The clearance between seating faces shall be checked with 0.1 mm thickness gauge in gate fully closed condition. If the thickness gauge passes between the seating faces, then wedging devices must be readjusted or the gate slide or gate frame or both remachined until insertion is no longer possible. In the event of remachining, clearance shall be rechecked as stated above. 2.15.6 Movement Tests 1) After completion of assembly each sluice gate shall be shop operated three times from the fully open position to the fully closed position and returned to fully open under no flow condition to demonstrate workability of the assembly. The torque required to operate each sluice gate shall also be ascertained. One of the completed sluice gates will be selected at random and subjected to following tests : Hydrostatic and leakage tests 2.16 2) With the sluice gate in the closed position the unseating pressure stated shall be applied from the unseating side for a period of 5 minutes and the leakage shall not exceed the maximum leakage permissible as per AWWA. 3) Finally a differential of one and half time the seating pressure state shall be applied to the unseating side of the sluice gate. Under these tests there shall be no leakage through the metal nor shall any part the permanently deformed. PIPES & FITTINGS Cast Iron Pipes and Fittings The pipes shall generally conform to IS- 7181 mm (upto 750 mm dia) and IS- 1537 above 750 mm dia. The pipe fittings confirm to IS- 1538. The material for pipes and fittings shall be good quality grey cast iron conforming to IS:210 grade FG 200. The pipes shall be of uniform bore and straight in axis. Length of the straightness of double flanged pipes shall be within a tolerance as specified in relevant codes. The flanges of the straight pipes shall be square to the pipe axis. The faces of the flanges shall be parallel. The hole pitch circle shall be concentric with the pipe bore with equally spaced bolt holes. In straight pipes the bolt holes in one flange shall be located in line with those in other. The flange faces of the fittings shall be square to the directional axes. The bolt holes shall be located symmetrically off the centre line. The intersecting axes of the tees shall be perpendicular to each other. The bolt holes on flanges pipes and fittings shall be drilled with the help of drilling jig. Dismantling joints shall be of M.S. at suction and delivery side with nitrile ring. 17 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Hydrostatic test pressure shall be as per IS : 1537. The CI pipes and fittings shall be able to withstand the greater of (a) Two times the working pressure or (b) One and a Half times the pressure at shut off head; for 5 minutes and a manufacturer's test certificate to this effect shall be submitted along with the material. M.S "Gap Piece" with flanged ends shall be provided before each "Tee" connection of common header for all delivery pipes of the pumps. Centreline of the header shall be 3 mtrs from the outer wall of the pump house. The length of the offshoots as shown in the related drawing shall be included in the limit of the contractor so as to adjust the installation of flow meter as per recommendations of the manufacturer and valves. The rising main shall be extended from the pump house suitably so as to accommodate flow meter, dismantling joint, NRV and sluice valve & air release valve as per manufacturer recommendation but shall not be less than 10 meter in straight length. Steel pipes and fittings a) Material of steel pipes and fittings & flanges shall conform to IS:2062. b) Fabrication and testing shall be in accordance with IS:3589 for pipes and IS-.6392 for flanges. c) Hydrostatic test pressure shall be 15 bar. d) Delivery header should be tested at 1.5 times the pressure at duty point pressure after laying. e) Thickness of MS flanges and pipes. MS Flanges MS Pipes Upto 600 mm 20 mm 8 mm Above 600 mm and 25mm 10mm Upto 1500mm Underground Protection for Steel Piping a) All the underground buried mild steel piping shall be protected by coating and wrapping as per IS 10221. and lying shall be as per IS 5822 b) Pipe surface shall be cleaned thoroughly by shot or sand blasting process so that it is completely free from rust and dirt. The cleaning shall be so carried out that it shall be free from mill scale, rust, oil, welding scale and other foreign materials. Around field joints, however, the surface may be cleaned by wire brushing. c) The priming paint shall be of material recommended by the manufacturer for the grade of enamel used and shall be applied as recommended by the manufacturer. Freshly primed pipe shall be handled carefully to prevent damage. Any damaged areas shall be reprimed before applying enamel. d) The material to be used as enamel shall be Coaltar Enamel and fibre glass manufactured by Fiberglass Pilkington of India Ltd. or approved make by DJB. e) Each end of the pipes left bare for welding purpose shall be hand coated and wrapped after field welding is completed and hydrotested. f) Thickness of coating of pipe shall be measured either by Elcometer or by coating thickness gauges. h) Bond test shall be carried out by cutting 25 mm square on three sides of the coating. Coating shall be pulled out by lifting one comer of the square. For a good coating the section shall not peel off easily. 18 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 2.17 ELECTRICALLY OPERATED TRAVELLING CRANE 2.17.1 Salient Features and Specifications The crane shall be electrically operated, bridge type complete with all accessories including down shop conductor, crane rails and fixtures, and shall conform to IS:3177 or relevant internationally approved standards of 3 Ton capacity. The crane bridge shall consist of bridge girders on which a wheeled trolley is to run. The bridge trucks and trolley frames shall be fabricated from structural steel. Access walkway with safe handrailing as is required along the full span length of the bridge girder. Steel shall be tested quality conforming to ASTM A36 except that, plates more than 20 mm thick shall conform to IS:2062,BS:4360 or relevant internationally approved standards. The bridge shall be designed to carry safely the loads specified in IS:807, BS:2573 or relevant internationally approved standards. All anti-friction bearings for bridge and trolley track wheels, gear boxes and bottom sheaves on hook shall be lubricated manually by hand operated grease pump through respective grease nipples. Wheel base and structural frame of the wheel mounting of the end carriages shall be designed so as to ensure that the crane remains square and prevent skewness. Bridge and trolley track wheels shall be of forged steel and shall be double flanged type. The wheel diameter and rail sizes shall be suitable for the wheel loads. The crane rails shall be manufactured from wear resistant austenitic manganese steel. Mountings of the wheels shall be designed to facilitate easy removal for maintenance. Walkways shall be at least 500 mm clear inside width with a 6 mm thick non-skid steel plate surface. Steel rail stops to prevent rails from creeping and trolley from running off the bridge shall be abutted against ends of rails and welded to the girders. Bridge and trolley stops to match the wheel radius shall be provided before the buffer stops. All exposed couplings, shafts, gear, wheels, pinions and chain drives etc. shall be safely encased and guarded completely to prevent any hazard to persons working around. All bearings and gears shall have a design life of 10,000 hours . Electro-magnetic and hydraulic thrustor brake shall be provided for the main hoist. One electro-magnetic brake shall be provided for each of the cross travel and long travel motions. Hook shall be solid forged, heat treated alloy or carbon steel suitable for the duty service. They shall have swivels and operate on ball thrust bearings with hardened races. The lifting hooks shall comply with the requirements of IS 8610 or BS:2903 / BS:3017 or relevant internationally approved standards and shall have a safety latch to prevent rope coming off the hook. Hoist rope shall be extra flexible, improved plough galvanised steel rope with well lubricated hemp core and having six strands of 37 wires per stand with minimum ultimate tensile strength of 1.6 X 106 kN/m2 of Right Hand Ordinary (RHO) lay construction. The ropes shall have a 6:1 safety factor on the specified safe working load, and shall conform to IS :2266. Rope drums shall be grooved and shall be either cast iron or cast steel of or welded steel conforming to IS:3177, BS:466 or relevant internationally approved standards. Gears shall be cut from solid cast or forged steel blanks or shall be stress relieved welded steel construction. Pinions shall be of forged carbon or heat treated alloy steel. Strength, quality of steel, heat treatment, face, pitch of teeth and design shall conform to BS:436, IS:4460 and BS:721 or relevant internationally approved standards. A capacity plate showing year of manufacture and rated capacity of hoist in figures not less than 150 mm height shall be placed on each side of the crane girder. The maximum deflection under full load shall not exceed 1/900 of the span (as per IS:3177). All accessory and auxiliary electrical equipment including drive motors, electrically operated brakes, 19 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. controllers, resistors, conductors, insulators, current collectors, pendant push button station, protective devices, operating devices, cables, conduits, etc. necessary for the safe and satisfactory operation of the crane shall be provided. Power to the crane shall be provided by down shop conductors manufactured from high conductivity hard drawn copper. Conductors shall be completely shrouded such that they have no exposed current carrying surfaces. Pendant type push button station shall be sheet steel enclosed and shall comprise the following push buttons and indicating lamps: `Start’ and `Stop’. Long travel - `Right’ and `Left’. Cross travel - `To’ and `Fro’. Hook - `Hoist’ and `Lower’. Red indicating lamp for supply `ON’ indication. Pendant type push button shall be supported independently of the electrical cable and shall be earthed separately, independent of the suspension. Automatic reset type of limit switches shall be provided to prevent overtravel for each of the following: For `UP’ and `Down’ motions of the hook. Long travel motion Cross travel motion Crane structures, motor frames and metal cases of all electrical equipment including metal conduit and cable guards shall be earthed. All motors, brakes, limit switches, panels, drum controllers, resistor unit sets shall be provided with two studs for earthing. 2.17.2 Shop Testing Over load test with 150% of rated load for Chain pulley block and trolley shall be carried out. Overload test with 125% of rated loads and deflection test with 100% of rated load shall be carried out for crane bridge girder. 2.18 CHAIN PULLEY BLOCK 2.18.1 Salient Features The chain pulley block shall be of robust design and shall be fitted to a geared Travelling Trolley. The frame shall be welded steel construction with detachable covers for enclosing the gears. The Hoist & Travel of the chain pulley black shall be operated by means of endless link chains. The load chains shall not be less than Grade 40 to IS : 3109. Hand chain shall not be less than Grade 30 to IS 3109. Top and bottom hooks shall be of forged steel to IS : 3815. Swivelling arrangement for both the hooks shall be provided with cross head/ ball bearings. Gears shall be of case hardened steel construction. Pinion shall be of heat treated alloy steel. Load wheel shall be of S G Cast Iron with accurately cast pockets for receiving the load chain. Main bearings shall be of non-ferrous material. Bearing for Intermediate Pinions shall be of high grade carbon steel properly heat treated to ensure long life and efficiency. Brake shall be automatic screw-disc type. Friction plates shall be of such construction as not to be affected by humid atmosphere. Ratchet wheel shall be machine cut & ground. Pawl to be held in position by means of a strong spring. 20 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Hand chain wheel shall be Cl Grade 25 to IS : 210 with square threaded base & accurately cast pockets to receive hand chain. The enclosed gearcase shall be packed with sufficient grease during assembly & adequate nos. of grease nipples shall be provided. 2.18.2 Shop Testing The chain pulley block shall be shop tested with 50% overload and shall conform to IS : 3832. 2.18.3 Specification Capacity : 5000kg. No. of falls : As per manufacturer recommendation Tenderer to furnish the technical details of the chain pulley block as per enclosed schedule 2.19 SUPPORT OF PIPE WORK AND VALVES All necessary steel/RCC supports, saddles, slings, fixing bolts and foundation bolts shall be supplied and provided to support the pipe work and its associate equipment. Valves and other devices mounted in the pipe work shall be supported independent of the pipes to which they are connected. 2.20 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR INSTRUMENTATION (FOR PUMP HOUSE) 2.20.1 Pressure Gauges (PG) Pressure gauges shall be installed as per P&I diagram. For local indication of pressure at suction and discharge sides of pump, pressure gauges shall be provided. The gauges on suction and discharge sides will be compounded gauge. The gauge dial size shall be of 15mm and it will be of direct mounting type with 3/8" BSP connection. Type of gauge will be bourdon tube type to suite the requirement. S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 Title Name of Instrument Location Application Mounting Output Accuracy Required Range Suction Discharge Dial Size Connection details 10 Enclosures 7 2.20.2 Description Pressure gauge Pump House Clear water Direct Local Display 2% -1 to 2 Kg/cm2 0 to 15 Kg/cm2 150mm Siphon with isolating valve IP 65 Level Sensor Level sensor of capacitance type, suspension mounted shall be provided for level measurement of water in tanks/ sump/ reservoir. Guide pipe shall be provided for probe support: S. No. 1 2 Title Description Name of instrument Location Level Sensor Mounted on ESR/ CWR 21 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. S. No. 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 2.20.3 Application Mounting Input Output Accuracy Required range Power supply Connection details Measurement of water level Flange/ socket mounting Level DPDT contact rated 5 amp at 230 V AC 2 % FSR To suit the requirement 230 V AC or suitable 2 x 1.5 sqmm CYWY cable Title Name of instrument Location Application Mounting Input Output Accuracy Required Range Power supply 10 Connection details 11 Enclosure Description Level Transmitter Mounted on ESR/ CWR Transmission of water level Direct/ flange mounted Water level 4-20 mA 2% FS To suit the requirement 230 VAG or suitable Single pair screen twisted core cable AI dicast whether proof, IP-65 Level Indicator (LI) Level Indicator shall be digital, flush mounted, 7 segment red LED indication type and shall be provided on the contra I panel for continuous level indication at tank. Each level indicator shall have input of 4-20 mA from respective fields mounted level transmitter. S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2.20.5 Description Level Transmitter (L T) Level transmitter shall be provided in CWR and SR for continuous level measurement. L T shall be of capacitance type with 4-20 mA output canopy arrangement for each L T. S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2.20.4 Title Title Name of instrument Location Application Mounting Input Output Power supply Display Description Level Indicator Control Panel Water level Flush mounting 4-20mA from level transmitter Digital display 230 VAG or suitable 7 segment LED with 3½ digit display Pressure Switches (PS) Pressure switches shall be provided at the discharge side of submersible pump at the valve chamber as shown in drawing .The pressure switch shall be provided with one changeover contact for actuation on reaching the limiting pressure value. This change over contact shall be used for control/indication purposes as required S. No. 1. 2. Title Name of instrument Location Description Pressure switch TW 22 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. S. No. 3. 2.21 Title Application 4. Mounting 5. Output 6. 7. Accuracy Required Range Description Clear Water Direct mounting type with isolation valve Potential Free 1 NO/NC SPDT rated for 5A 2% To suit the requirement TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR FULL BORE ELECTROMAGNETIC FLOW METER FLOW SENSOR a. b. c. d. e. f. Type Meter Size End Connection Electrode material' Lining material Protection Category : : : : : : Pulsed DC As per requirement Sandwich SS 316 Hard rubber IP 68 g. Measuring accuracy : 0.5% of the measured value inclusive of linearity, repeatability, pressure effect and hysterisis between 1-3 m/s a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Type Display Output Protection Category Power Supply Cable glands Mounting Separation : : : : : : : : FLOW TRANSMITTER CONVERTER Separate Panel indication 4-20 mA IP 65 110/230 V AC 50 Hz ½“ NPT (glands) Wall mounted or as specified and approved 10 meter between sensor and transmitter or as required in each case 300 mtr. Max. Calibration Rig accuracy must be at least 3 times better than the accuracy of Magnetic Flow Meter. 2.22 MOTOR CONTROL CENTER (MCC) 2.22.1 General requirements: The Motor Control Center (MCC) required for desired HP of pump, 415 Volt 50Hz AC Electric driven pumping sets to be installed at Main Pump House for the park. 2.22.2 Construction: i. The Motor Control Center shall be in Conventional cubicle Type formation indoor, floor mounted metal enclosed, ii. MCC shall be dust & vermin proof (Protection Class 1 P54) all doors, panels, removable covers etc. are lined all around with Rubber/PVC gasket in U or rectangular shape. iii. Metal enclosed bus bar compartment running horizontally throughout the length of the Switchgear. 23 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. iv. Sides of the MCC & front of the Starter Doors of Panel shall be provided with Louvers to facilitate proper circulation of Air. v. Individual feeder modules (Starters) in Horizontal in conventional cubicle type formation vi. Metal enclosed unit is comprised of rigid structural frame of 2 mm thick 14 SWG sheed steel and doors and covers of1.6 mm thick 16 SWG cold rolled sheet steel. vii. A 75x40 mm MS channel is provided as the Base Frame of the MCC. viii. All Starters shall be accessible from the front side of the MCC. and the Starters are assembled on separate removable plate of not less than 16 SWG (1.6mm) thickness. ix. All Starters shall have Separate Door. x. All Aluminium bus bars are supported by non-hygroscopic DMC resin cast insulating material. xi. The bus bars are minimum 150 sq. mm or as per approved design, Aluminium flat and are designed for carrying rated current continuously. xii. The Aluminium bus bars are insulated by heat shrinkable sleeves of Red/Yellow/Blue & Black colours for each Phase & Neutral. xiii. The Incoming Main L T Cable shall be connected to Incoming MCCB only through Bus bars with proper support of DMC Insulators. xiv. The Ground Aluminium bus bar will run throughout the length of the MCC. xv. Power Control and motor control equipment shall be fixed type execution. xvi. The panel wiring will be executed by PVC insulated 660 Volts grade flexible Grey/Red colours. wires of xvii. The wiring of CT circuit is executed with 2.5 sq. mm wires. xviii. Normal control circuit wiring will be executed with 1.5 sq. mm. control Cables. 2.22.3 Metal Treatment and Finish All steel fabrication work used in the construction of the switchgear should have undergone a rigorous metal treatment process as follows: i) The panel is first treated with a NEROLAC's degreasing, de-rusting, pickling and phosphating emulsion. ii) There after, passivating in de oxalite solution to retain and augment the effect of phosphating. iii) Drying with compressed air in a dust free atmosphere. iv) The panel is then coated with 2 (two) coats of metal primer. v) The pasting be done with automotive NC putty vi) Finally two coats of Mat finish (Non glazing) synthetic enamel paint is applied and air dried. 2.22.4. Wiring i) The panel shall be completely factory wired, ready for connection to the equipment at site. ii) Power wiring for 43 HP starters shall be carried out with 1100 volt grade by 10sqmm copper conductor Multistrand single core flexible cable. iii) Motor side wiring shall be carried out with 1100 volt grade by 16 sqmm. Copper conductor multistrand single core flexible cable. iv) All control wiring shall be carried out with 1100 volt grade single core PVC cable Grey/Black conforming to 15:694 having stranded copper conductors of minimum 1.5 sqmm section for 24 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. potential circuits and 2.5 sqmm section for current transformer circuits. v) Wiring shall be neatly bunched adequately supported and properly routed to access and maintenance. allow vi) Wire shall be identified by numbered ferruled at each end. The ferrule shall be of ring type and of non deteriorating material. They shall be firmly gripped on each wire so as to prevent free movement. vii) All control circuit of individual starters, metering and indication shall be protected pole(SP) MCB not more then 6 amp. by easy single 2.22.5 Lables: 2.22.6 i) A anodized aluminium Danger Plat for 440 volts is provided. ii) Individual module (Motor Starter or Power Control) shall be labeled by acrylic or anodized Earthing terminals A ground earthing aluminium Busbar of 25 x 6 shall run throughout the length of MCC. The Motor Control Center is comprised of the following components: INCOMING S. No. 1 Description Moulded case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) of 150 amp TP of 25 KA bearing capacity. Suitable for 415 volt 50 Hz. AC supply with adjustable Thermal current setting 6. Voltmeter, Digital Type (DPM) 1.5 class, 0-700 volt Ac range. 96 sqmm frame size. 31/2 digit LED Display with selector switch Ampere meter, Digital Type, (DPM) 1.5 class, 150/5 CTR current range, 96 sqmm frame size, 31/2 digit LED display with selector switch Current Transformer BPL type Class -I, 150/5 CTR 5 VA burden. Phasing Indication Light RYB, LED Type. For 230 Volt AC Supply. MCCB 6 Amp: SP for Control Circuit. 7. Aluminium Busbar 150 Sq. mm. 8. Cable Gland suitable size for 50 sq.mm. 31½ Core Armoured nickle plated for Incoming Cable. Electronic Digital Type Water Level Indicating Instrument to Indicate Water Level of SR & CWR. 2 3 4 5. 9. TPN. Make L& T, GE Power, Crompton, (CGL), Havells(Dorman Smith) Meco, AE. Enercon, Agronic, Indotech Meco, AE, Enercon, Agronic, Indotech Alfa, Essma Indotech Vaishno, Teknic Protec, Havells, Hager (L& T) Panel Manufacturer Gripwell Nivo OUTGOING S.No. Description 25 Make Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 1. Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) of 100 Amps.TP of 16 As per list KA Breaking capacity. Suitable for 415 Volts 50 Hz AC Supply. Fully Automotic Star Delta Starter with push button starting facility from MCC as well as Remote Push Button Station. Star-delta Starter comprised of 65 Amp. AC 3 Duty Contactors 3 nos. Single Phase Preventer Minilec Make, Pneumatic Timer of BCH Make & Thermal Overload Relay suitable for 43 HP Motor. Star-delta Starter is provided with Ampere Meter Digital Type DPM 1.5 CLASS 100/5 ctr CURRENT Range 96 Sq. mm. Frame size, 31/2 digit LED Display with Ammeter selector Switch & CTs. Starter 'ON' Indication LED type to be provided on MCC as well as Remote Push Button Station. 2. Outgoing Termination of Starter not less than 100 Amp. 6 Way open type Separate Control Terminate 30 Amp. 6Way for Remote Push Button Station , 15.00 KVAR Capacitor to be provided with each Star-Delta Starter. MCCB 25Amp. TP with designed HP DOL Starter with Push Button Starting facility from As per List MCC as well as Remote Push Button Station. 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3.1 Work under this Contract shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the specifications attached with the tender. 3.2 Items not covered under these specifications due to any ambiguity or misprints, or additional works, the work shall be carried out as per specifications for Buildings, roads, sanitary, plumbing, sewerage works of C.P.W.D of Govt. of India with all the latest amendments as applicable. 3.3 Works not covered under para 2.1 and 2.2 will be carried out with the latest amendments or relevant Indian Standards Specifications or codes of practice and, if not available as per British Standards Specifications or codes of practice or unified plumbing code of U.S.A. The decision of the Construction Manager will be final and binding. 3.4.1 The work shall be carried out strictly as specified in Bill of Quantities and technical specifications. In case of any ambiguity, the details of the particular item as given in Bill of Quantities shall supersede the details in specifications. 3.5 I.S. Codes referred shall mean latest I.S. Codes amended upto date 3.6 Cement & Steel 3.6.1 The Contractor shall procure supply & stock pile adequate quantity of cement & steel reinforcement required for the work in accordance with the drawings. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for procurement of steel of the required specifications , standard coefficients/ standard weight , etc. & shall also be responsible for proper protection , safe keeping of cement to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager. 3.6.2 The manufacturers of cement and steel shall be as approved in Section 3, Part III. Contractor 26 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 3.6.3 shall be required to submit necessary test results / certificates with every consignment & shall ensure that all materials strictly conform to relevant Indian Standards. The Contractor shall place direct order on the manufacturing company without involving dealer or distributor. If the Contractor desires he may also propose the name of any other manufacturers for consideration of the Construction Manager. Receipt & Issue of steel shall be subjected to the check of the Construction Manager. 4 EXECUTION OF WORK 4.1 The work shall be carried out in conformity and co-ordination with the Architectural, Road, Electrical, Telecom, Structural, Public Health Engineering and other specialised service & drawings issued to the Contractor. It would be the responsibility of the Contractor to co-ordinate the work with other disciplines and execute the work accordingly. No claim for re-doing of work, idle wages, wastage of labour, material and machinery, damage to works by any other agency or any other claim whatsoever would be entertained. 4.2 The Contractor shall co-operate with all other trades and agencies working on the site. He shall make provision for hangers, sleeves, structural openings, diversions and other requirements well in advance to prevent hold up of progress of the construction schedule of the work for other agencies working at the site. 4.3 On award of the work, the Contractor shall submit a schedule of completion in the form of a PERT chart and bar chart for approval of the Construction Manager. All dates and time schedule agreed upon shall be strictly adhered to, (within the stipulated time of completion/commissioning. The specified phasing, if any, and stages of handing over of the completed works will be decided by the Construction Manager). 4.4 If part of site is not available for any reasons or there is some unavoidable delay etc., the programme shall be modified without any extra claim or compensation. 5 DRAWINGS 5.1 Architectural drawings shall take precedence over Public Health Engineering drawings as to all dimensions, levels etc. 5.2 Contractor shall verify all levels and dimensions at site before starting the work and bring to the notice of the Construction Manager all discrepancies or deviations, if any noticed. The decision of the Construction Manager shall be final. Large size details and manufacturers dimensions for materials to be incorporated shall take precedence over small-scale drawings. 5.3 5.4 All drawings supplied with the tender shall be returned in good condition along with the tender offer. 5.5 Any drawings issued by the Construction Manager for the works are the property of the Construction Manager and shall not be lent, reproduced or used on any works other than intended without the written permission of the Construction Manager in writing. 5.6 The Tender drawings provided for tendering purposes shall be as contained in the Tender Documents and shall be used as a reference only. The Contractor should visualise the nature and type of work contemplated and ensure that the rates and prices quoted by him in the Bill of Quantities have due consideration of the qualitative and quantitative variations, as may be found at the site and complexities of work involved during actual execution / construction. 5.7 Two copies of drawings, on the basis of which actual execution of work is to proceed, shall be furnished free of cost to the Contractor progressively according to the work programme submitted by the Contractor and accepted by the Construction Manager. 5.8 Specifications for Electrical and mechanical works at Pump House 27 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 6 INSPECTION AND TESTING OF MATERIALS 6.1 Contractor shall be required, to produce the manufacturers test certificate (in original) for the particular batch of materials supplied to him. The tests carried out shall be as per the relevant Indian Standard Codes. 6.2 For examination and testing of materials and works at the site, the Contractor shall provide and arrange all testing and measuring/gauging equipment necessary for the requisite test as may be required to be carried out by the Construction Manager at the site or Laboratory at the cost of Contractor but not limited to the following: a) Theodolite b) Dumpy level c) Steel tapes d) Weighing machine e) Plumb bobs, Spirit levels, Hammers f) Micrometers g) Thermometers, Stoves h) Hydraulic test machine i) Smoke test machine j) Concrete Cube test machine etc. 6.3 All such equipment shall be tested for calibration at any approved laboratory at regular intervals as required by the Construction Manager to the entire satisfaction of Construction Manager, at the cost of the Contractor. 6.4 All testing equipment required for site testing shall be preferably located in a special room at the site meant for the purpose, at Contractors cost and readily available prior to the testing. 7 METRIC CONVERSION 7.1 All dimensions and sizes of materials and equipment given in the tender document are in metric unit. 7.2 Any weights or sizes given in the tender having changed due to metric conversion, the nearest equivalent sizes as per Indian Standards shall be acceptable without any additional cost. 8 REFERENCE POINTS 8.1 Contractor shall provide and maintain permanent bench marks, flag tops and other reference points for the proper execution of work. These shall be preserved till the end of the work at Contractor’s cost. 8.2 All such reference points shall be in relation to the levels and locations given in the Architectural and Public Health Engineering drawings. 9 REFERENCE DRAWINGS 9.1 The Contractor shall maintain one set of all drawings issued to him as reference drawings at the project site. These shall not be used on site or placed in rolls at site. All corrections, deviations and changes made on site shall be shown on these reference drawings for 28 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. final incorporation in the completion drawings. All changes to be made there in shall be initialled by the Construction Manager. 10 SHOP DRAWINGS 10.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Construction Manager four copies of the shop drawings, for his scrutiny and approval. 10.2 Shop drawings shall be submitted with the following details:a) b) c) d) Equipment layout and piping, and details of appurtenant structures. . The changes in layout and details of subsequent changes in the required items Areas required detailing by Construction Manager . Manufacturer or Contractor’s fabrication drawings for any materials or equipment supplied by him. 10.3 The Contractor shall submit four copies of catalogues, manufacturer drawings, equipment characteristic data or performance charts as required by the Construction Manager. 11 COMPLETION DRAWINGS 11.1 On completion of work, Contractor shall submit one complete set of original tracings and two prints of “As Built” drawings to the Construction Manager. These drawings shall have all the informations. 11.2 Contractor shall provide four sets of catalogues, performance data and list of spare parts together with the name and address of the manufacturers for all electrical and mechanical equipment provided by him and installed in the Project. 11.3 All “Warranty cards” given by the manufacturers shall be handed over to the Construction Manager. 11.4 Completion certificate shall not be issued unless the as-built drawings are submitted as indicated above. 12 CONTRACTORS RATES 12.1 Rates quoted in this tender shall be inclusive of cost of all materials, labour, supervision, erection, tools, plant, scaffolding, service connections, transport to and storage at site, taxes, octroi and levies, breakage, wastage and all such expenses as may be necessary and required to completely do all the items of work and put them in proper working condition. 12.2 Rates quoted are for all heights and depths required for this work, unless specified otherwise. 12.3 All rates quoted must be for complete items inclusive of all such accessories, fixtures and fixing arrangements, nuts, bolts, hangers as a standard part of the particular item except where specially mentioned otherwise. 12.4 All rates quoted are inclusive of cutting holes and chases in walls and floors and making good the same with cement mortar/concrete of appropriate mix and strength as directed by Construction Manager. Contractor shall provide holes, sleeves, and recesses in the concrete and masonry work as the work proceeds. 12.5 Rates quoted shall be inclusive of all cost incurred in testing, commissioning of works and materials. 13 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING 13.1 Piping works shall be tested as specified under the relevant clauses of the C.P.W.D specifications and as specified in Manuals on Water Supply Treatment and Sewerage and Sewerage Treatment (second edition) by Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation, Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India. 29 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 13.2 Tests shall be performed in the presence of the Construction Manager or their authorised representative. 13.3 All materials and equipment found defective shall be replaced and whole work tested to meet the requirements of the C.P.W.D specifications, 1996 with latest amendments. 13.4 Contractor shall perform all such tests as may be necessary and required by the local authorities to meet municipal or other bylaws in force. 13.5 Contractor shall provide all labour, equipment, tools, staging etc. and materials for the performance of the tests at his cost. 13.6 Contractor shall be fully responsible for the commissioning of the entire system for efficient operations to the satisfaction of Construction Managers. 14 SITE CLEARANCE AND CLEANUP 14.1 The Contractor shall, from time to time clear away all debris and excess materials accumulated at the site , as desired by the Construction Manager. 14.2 After the systems have been executed, tested and commissioned, Contractor shall clean-up the same and remove all plaster, paints stains, stickers and other foreign matters of discoloration leaving the same in a ready to use and in neat condition. 14.3 On completion of all works, the Contractor shall demolish all stores and temporary works remove all surplus materials, tools & labourers/ workmen and leave the site in a broom clean condition, to the satisfaction of Construction Manager failing which the same shall be done at the risk and cost of the Contractor. 15 CUTTING & MAKING GOOD No structural member shall be chased or cut without the prior written permission of the Construction Manager. 16 MATERIALS 16.1 All materials used in the works shall conform strictly to the Tender specifications. 16.2 All materials, as specified shall be used with the approval of the Construction Manager. 16.3 Unless otherwise specified and expressly approved in writing by the Construction Manager, materials of makes and specifications mentioned in this tender shall be used. 16.4 Approved samples shall be kept in the office of Construction Manager and shall be returned after the completion of maintenance period. 17 TENDER INFORMATION 17.1 The Contractor shall obtain all information relating to the preparation of the tender entirely on his own responsibility and expense. 17.2 The Contractor shall visit the site and familiarise himself with the actual site conditions, access, availability of materials, labour and other related matters for the speedy execution of the works. 17.3 The Contractor shall examine all specifications, tender conditions and drawings before tendering for the works. 17.4 Information, levels and dimensions given in the Tender drawings are correct but the Contractor shall 30 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. make independent enquiries and verify the same. No claims for extras shall be admissible in case of any deviations due to incorrectness of the information, levels or dimensions. 17.5 The Contractor shall obtain all information relating to the local regulations, bye laws, octroi , taxes applicable , if any and all laws relating to his work or profession and strictly follow them for execution of the work. No additional claims shall be admissible on this account. 18 STORAGE OF MATERIALS 18.1 All materials shall be stored in a proper manner protected from natural elements so as to avoid contamination and deterioration, at the place as indicated and approved by Construction Manager. 18.2 Contractors stores shall be open to inspection by the Construction Manager at all reasonable hours. 18.3 Location of stores and storage yards shall be approved in advance by the Construction Manager prior to construction and occupation. The Contractor shall maintain the same at his risk & cost till the completion of the project. 19 SAFETY/SECURITY 19.1 Contractor shall take adequate protection of the Construction Manager and his authorised representative at all reasonable hours, when they are on duty at the work site / project site. 20 STATUTORY APPROVAL 20.1 The Contractor shall take all statutory approvals which are required during and after the completion of works 21 SITE ORDER BOOK 21.1 The Contractor shall maintain a site order book at the site office and he shall be further responsible for its proper upkeep. 21.2 All instructions relating to the job shall be recorded by the Construction Manager and the Contractor is bound to carry out all such instructions given to him and compliance there of recorded in it. Date : _____________________ Contractor : _____________ Place : _____________________ Stamp/ Seal : _____________ END OF SECTION I 31 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. S E C T I O N – II PART - I WATER WORKS 1 SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 Work under this Contract shall consist of furnishing all labour, materials, equipment and appliances necessary and required to completely finish including testing and commissioning of all specialised services as described hereinafter and as specified in the Bill of Quantities and/or shown on the Public Health Engineering drawings attached herewith. CPWD specifications as amended till date also forms part of the tender document for the project. 1.2 Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing the civil works shall include the following: CIVIL WORKS 1.0 GENERAL Specifications of various materials, items of various works, including requirements of mandatory and other tests shall be as contained in CPWD specifications 1996 and its 2002 revision and relevant IS Codes, unless specified otherwise. Work shall generally be of very good quality and exposed surfaces of all RCC work below plinth level shall have a good, dense and smooth surface upon removal of formwork and no finishing by cement plaster on such surfaces shall be permitted. Use of design mix for concrete based on grades of concrete specified, its production through suitable batching and mixing plant, installed at any suitable location or procuring ready mix concrete (centrally mixed) as per IS4926 of appropriate grades, its transport through appropriate mechanical means and placement of concrete through pumps or other means as approved by Engineer Incharge shall be mandatory. Design and other requirement shall comply with IS : 456, IS : 10262, SP:23 (Hand Book for design mix concrete) and CPWD specifications 1996 and its 2002 revision. A brief of requirement is given herein after under para 2.0. Use of nominal mix concrete of proportioning by volume shall not be permitted except for specific use, with the return permission of engineer in charge. Minimum cement content for M 25 design mix shall be 360 kg/m3 . In case of use of TMT bars in place of CT bars, nothing extra shall be paid. 2.0 CONCRETE /RCC WORK 2.1 General Requirements This section covers the requirements for furnishing of cement concrete including materials proportioning, batching, mixing, testing, placing, compacting, finishing, jointing, curing and all other work as required for cast-in-place reinforced concrete. Cement concrete shall be composed of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water, with or without admixture as approved, proportioned and mixed as specified herein. 2.2 Design Mixes The contractor shall submit Design mixes, done by NCB/ any other agency approved by the department, for approval of Engineer in Charge. Sufficient evidence based on trial mixes that for each grade of concrete, the intended workability and durability, the proposed mix proportions designed as per IS:456 IS:10262 and SP:23 and method of manufactures will produce concrete of the required grade / strength. Concrete mix proportion chosen shall be such that its consistency is of adequate workability for its placement & compaction. Minimum cement content for M 25 design mix shall be 360 kg/m3. 32 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. The contractors shall obtain from the Engineer his written approval on the mix design for each grade of concrete and method of manufacture, transportation and placement before any concrete of that grade is placed in the works. For each grade of concrete, three separate batches of concrete shall be made by the contractor using materials typical of the proposed supply and under full scale site conditions for assessment of 28 days strength. The workability of each of the trial batches shall be determined and 3 specimen preliminary test cubes shall be tested at 7 days and 6 cubes of each set shall be tested at 28 days. Following agreement with the Engineer on the trial mix proportions, should the contractor wish to make substantial changes in the materials or in the proportions of the materials to be used in mix, the Engineer will require further trial mixes to be made and their results submitted for comments prior to such materials or proportions being adopted by the contractor. 2.3 Concrete Production Batching plant with tested and calibrated water meter, control panel and of appropriate capacity shall be used for production of all major concreting e.g. in raft, walls, ramps, beams, slabs etc. Necessary approval shall be obtained from Engineer before the batching plant arrangement is installed. 2.3.1 2.3.2 Batching Plant i) The contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer for all plant items he proposes to use for the manufacture and placing of concrete. ii) The arrangement and siting of plant for the manufacture of concrete shall be agreed with the Engineer. iii) The contractor shall maintain all items of plant at all times in a clean and efficient working condition. Ready Mix Concrete The contractor may be allowed to use Ready Mix Concrete (RMC), which shall conform to IS-4926: 1976. In case RMC is used, the contractor shall submit the following to the Engineer and obtain approval : 1. Mix design details along with relevant test reports 2. Technical details of batching plant 3. Location of batching plant and details on transportation of concrete by transit mixers. 4. Brief details of projects where RMC have been used from the proposed Manufacturer. Ready mix concrete shall not be used in any part of the works without the Engineer’s written approval, which may be withdrawn at any time. The contractor shall satisfy the Engineer that ready mix concrete complies with the specification in all respects, and that the manufacturing and delivery resources of the proposed supplier are adequate to ensure proper and timely completion of each concreting operation. The specified requirements as to the sampling, trial mixing, testing and quality of concrete of various grades shall apply equally to ready mixed concrete, which shall furthermore be made and delivered. 33 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Any additional facility, which the Engineer may require for the supervision and inspection of the batching, mixing and transporting of ready mix concrete shall be provided by the contractor. Ready mixed concrete shall be permitted provided that all requirements therefore herein set forth are fully compiled with. The ready mixed concrete plant and all operations pertaining to the production of the concrete shall be subject to the inspection and specific approval of the Engineer. Methods of batching mix constituents shall conform to the requirements. All constituents shall be batched at the central plant. Ready mixed concrete shall be transported to the site in watertight agitator or mixer trucks. The quantity of concrete to be mixed or delivered in any one batch shall not exceed the rated capacity of the mixer or agitator for the respective conditions as stated on the nameplates. Central mixed concrete shall be plant mixed a minimum of 1½ minute per batch, this time must be agreed by the Engineer and then shall be truck mixed or agitated a minimum of 8 minutes. Agitation shall begin immediately after the premixed concrete is placed in the truck and shall continue without interruption until discharge. For transit mixed concrete, the major portion of the mixing water shall be added and mixing starts immediately after the truck is charged. The amount of water initially added shall be recorded on the delivery slip for the Engineer information, no additional water shall be added, either in transit or at the site, except as directed. Mixing (at mixing speed) shall be continued for at least 10 minutes followed by agitation without interruption until discharge. Concrete shall be discharged at the site within 1½ hours after water was first added to the mix, and shall be at least 5 minutes after all water has been added. Attention is directed to the importance of dispatching trucks from the batching plant so that they shall arrive at site of the work just before the concrete is required, thus avoiding excessive mixing of concrete while waiting or delays in placing successive layers of concrete in the forms. Delivery slips shall contain the following information : - Ticket number Load number Truck number Class of concrete Cement brand, type and weight in kilograms Fine aggregate source and weight in kilograms Coarse aggregate source and weight in kilograms Time when mix left plant Concrete delivered without a complete delivery slip will be rejected. 2.4 Materials Before bringing to the site, all materials for cement concrete shall be got approved by the Engineer. All approved samples shall be retained in the office of the Engineer before placing orders for the materials with suppliers. The materials brought on to the works shall conform in every respect to their approved samples. Fresh samples shall be delivered to the Engineer whenever type or source of any material changes. The contractor shall check each fresh consignment of materials as it is brought on to the works to ensure that they conform to the specifications and/or approved samples. 34 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. The Engineer shall have the option to have any of the materials tested to find whether they are in accordance with specifications. All bills, vouchers and test certificates which in the opinion of the Engineer are necessary shall be produced for his inspection when required. Any materials which have not been found to conform to the specifications and not approved by the Engineer shall be removed from the site by the contractor within the time stipulated by the Engineer. 2.4.1 Prior to use all aggregates shall be washed to removed clay, silt, dust and adherent coatings. Water Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean and free from injurious qualities of alkalis, acids oil, salts, sugar, organic materials, vegetable growth or other substances that may be deleterious to bricks, stones, concrete of steel. Water for curing shall not produce any objectionable strain or unsightly deposits on the surface. 2.4.2 Water from each source shall be tested before the commencement of the work and shall be fit for construction purposes as per relevant IS Standards. In case of ground water, testing shall be done for different points of draw down. Fine Aggregates Fine aggregate shall be hard, durable, chemically invert, clean and free from adherent coatings. organic matter etc. most of which passes through 4.75 mm IS sieve. The maximum quantity of silt in sand shall be not exceed 5% by volume. Fine aggregate containing more than allowable percentage of sand shall be washed so as to bring the silt content within permissible limit. Coarse sand shall be either river sand or pit sand or a combination of both. It shall be clean. sharp, angular, gritty to touch and composed of hard silicones material Fine sand for masonry and mortar shall consist of natural sand, crushed stone sand or crushed gravel sand or a combination of both, sand shall be hard durable clean and free from adherent coating and organic matter and shall not contain a silt content of more than 8% by volume. 2.4.3 Grading of sand for masonry mortar shall confirm to IS 2116 and for use in plaster shall be confirm to IS 1542. Coarse Aggregate It shall consist of naturally occurring, crushed or broken) stone and shall be hard, strong dense, durable, clean and roughly cubical in shape. It shall confirm to IS 383 and shall not contain any material liable to attack the steel reinforcement in case of its use in RCC work. Nominal size of graded stone aggregate shall be as specified and for any one of the nominal size the proportion of other sizes shall be in accordance with table 1 under Chapter 4- concrete works of CPWD specifications,2002. All fine & coarse aggregates proposed for use in the works shall be subject to approval of Engineer Incharge and shall not be changed without his prior approval. 2.5 Concrete Mixing All concrete in the correct proportion of ingredients approved by the Engineer, shall be mixed in an approved mixer for the minimum time necessary to ensure adequate quality and uniform distribution of 35 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. the materials. The cement and aggregates shall normally be first mixed dry until all particles of aggregate are coated with cement after which the water shall be added. Allowance shall be made for the moisture content of the aggregates when calculating the amount of water to be added for each mix. The temperature of the aggregate, water and cement when added to the mixer shall be such that the temperature of the concrete at the time of placement is less than 380C. Materials for concrete shall be deposited into the drum while it is in rotation. Mixers shall not be loaded beyond their rated capacity and each batch shall be completely discharged from the drum before recharging takes place. Facilities shall be provided to spray the mixer drum with cool water between batches and on the completion of concreting the drum shall be washed down. The surface of the mixer drum shall be maintained in a clean condition at all times. Retempering and/or mixing of concrete which has partially hardened and set will not be permitted under any circumstances. 2.6 Transportation The period between mixing the concrete and placing it in the final position shall be kept to a minimum and the delivery of concrete shall be coordinated with the rate of placement to avoid delays in delivery and placement. Concrete shall be handled from the place of mixing to the place of final deposit by methods, which prevent segregation, loss of ingredients and contamination and maintain the required workability. Should any segregation have occurred in any batches arriving at the place of deposition, such batches shall be rejected and shall not be allowed to use. Where concrete is conveyed by chutes, the chutes shall be made of metal or fitted with metal linings. The approval of the Engineer shall be obtained for the use of chutes more than 3 metres long. All plant and equipment used in the transportation of concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned before and after each working period and at all changes of concrete mixes. 2.7 Preparation Before Concreting The inside surface of the forms against which concrete is to be placed shall be clean and free from dried or hardened spattering or coatings of concrete. The forms shall be well wetted before placing concrete. When the work has to be resumed on a surface, which has hardened, such surface shall be roughened. It shall then be swept clean, thoroughly wetted and covered with 12mm layer of freshly mixed mortar, (in the same ratio as in the concrete mix), immediately before placing of concrete. Concrete shall not be placed in the works until the Engineer has inspected the formwork, reinforcement, inserts and sleeves if any and given his permission to place concrete. 2.8 Placement 36 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. All major concreting shall be done by concrete pump. Concrete pump of appropriate capacity shall be installed for the purpose and necessary approval for the concrete pump shall be obtained by the contractor. Delivery system with adequate boom length, pipe line and associated items shall be obtained before installation of the concrete pump. There shall also have the provision of a approved standby system in case of any eventualities for transportation the concrete. Concreting of any portion of the works shall be done only in the presence of the Engineer. RCC walls of reservoir and pump house basement may be cast in multiple horizontal lifts as per CPWD specification or if so directed by Engineer-in-charge the walls may be cast in single pour to full height in panel lengths of about 3-4 m using mobile shuttering. It shall, however, be ensured by providing windows in the shutters/ using concreting chutes that the concrete does not fall from height greater than that permitted by specification. Unit rates for the shuttering item in the schedule shall remain valid both for single and multiple lift castings and for all lifts. Concreting shall be carried out continuously between construction or expansion joints, shown on the drawings or as agreed with the Engineer. The contractor shall closely follow the sequence of concreting where such is specified in the drawings or instructed at site. If concreting is interrupted before reaching the predetermined joint an approved construction joint shall be provided after obtaining necessary approval from the Engineer. Immediately before placing of concrete for columns and walls, the reinforcement within and the old concrete at the bottom of the formwork shall be given a coating of cement sand mortar of the identical materials and proportions to be used in the subsequent concrete, to prevent the loss of fine material from the initial concrete pour. Concrete shall be deposited as nearly as is practicable to its final position and shall not be dumped in a large quantity at any point to be run or worked along the formwork manually or with vibrators. Concrete shall not be deposited at a faster rate than it can be placed and compacted. Concrete shall be thoroughly worked into the forms so that they are entirely filled, reinforcing bars adequately and tightly surrounded and entrained air released from the mass of concrete. Placing shall be carried with the use of vibrators in a manner approved by the Engineer. For members having thickness more than 300 mm, the concrete shall be placed in layers not greater than 300mm thickness and thoroughly compacted before succeeding layers are placed. Concrete shall be placed in single operation to the full thickness of slabs, beams and similar members. No concrete shall be placed on concrete which has set sufficiently to cause the formation of planes of weakness and where these are likely to occur due to unforseen circumstances and the procedure to be followed shall be as given earlier of this specification. 2.9 Compaction Each layer of concrete whilst being deposited shall be compacted by approved methods to form a dense material with all surface free from honeycombing, air holes or other blemishes. The contractor shall use mechanical vibration for all concrete and shall take care that internal vibrators shall not be brought into contact with the reinforcement or the formwork. An adequate number of vibrators shall be used to ensure that compaction of concrete is achieved within 10 minutes of placing. Particular attention shall be given to the compaction of the concrete around the 37 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. waterbars to ensure that no voids or porous areas are left. Compacting shall cease as soon as excess water appears on the face of concrete. Any water accumulating on the surface of newly placed concrete shall be removed by approved methods and no further concrete shall be placed thereon until such water has been removed. Notwithstanding the requirements regarding mix design, should it be found that the proportion of water in the mix is such that the laitance forms before compaction (i.e. completion of expulsion of air) is complete and unacceptable, the quantity of water in the mix shall be reduced. If required approved admixture/plasticiser may be used to achieve the necessary workability, as approved by the Engineer and strictly in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Whenever either of the aforesaid procedures are to be adopted, an additional set of 6 cubes for testing at 7 or 28 days shall be made from the adjusted mix. The time elapsed between the discharge of the concrete from the mixer and the completion of compaction shall not exceed 30 minutes. A sufficient number of spare vibrators of various capacities & types shall be kept readily accessible to the place of deposition of concrete to assure adequate vibration in case of breakdown of those in use. 2.10 Finishing Exposed concrete surfaces such as walls, columns and underside of roof slabs of reservoir shall be of such quality that they have a smooth and fair face concrete finish after removal of formwork. Such surface shall not be finished with cement plaster. The projecting imperfections if any shall be rubbed down flush with carborandum stone or by any other approved method / source as per directions & approval of Engineer-In-Charge. The grit and dust resulting therefrom shall be thoroughly washed off with clean water. No extra payment shall be made for rubbing and washing of the concrete surfaces. The top surfaces of all floor and roof slabs specified as smooth shall be levelled and trowelled before the concrete begins to set to a smooth finish at levels and falls shown on the drawings. The trowelling shall be done at such a time and in such a manner that excess of mortar is not brought to the surface of concrete nor the aggregate displaced. The top surfaces of concrete slabs specified to receive an integral finish shall be uniformly roughened by deep hacking before the finish is laid. Immediately after striking the formwork and removing any superficial water, honeycombed areas in normal unfinished concrete shall be inspected by the Engineer and where directed the contractor shall immediately make it good to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All air holes shall be similarly filled up. The contractor shall be responsible for providing an adequate key in concrete where plastering or rendering is specified to be applied. Hacking of the concrete surface after striking the formwork will be permitted only after 7 days after the concreting is done. The faces of all fair faced concrete shall be of even colour throughout, free from air bubbles, cracks, honeycombing or other blemishes and will be inspected by the Engineer on report by the Contractor, immediately after the formwork has been struck. Such faces shall not be rubbed down or otherwise repaired to remove any defects or imperfections without the prior permission of the Engineer. Concrete surface finishes shall accord to the requirements and all instructions by the Engineer with regard to the method of achieving such finishes as implemented. 38 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. All chajjas, slabs and sill projections shall be provided with drip moulding or throating as directed by Engineer-in-Charge in all concreting/plastering works. 2.11 Curing and Protection Walling or further loading on concrete shall not be permitted for atleast 24 hours after it has been placed in position, or for such additional length of time as the Engineer may direct. Immediately after compaction and completion of any surface finishes, the concrete shall be protected from the evaporation of moisture by means of polythene sheeting, wet hessian or other suitable material kept soaked by spraying. As soon as the concrete has attained a degree of hardening sufficient to withstand surface damage, continuous moist curing shall be implemented and maintained for a period of at least 15 days after casting to full satisfaction of the Engineer. Method of curing and their duration shall be such that the concrete will have satisfactory durability and strength and members will suffer a minimum distortion, be free from excessive efflorescence and will not cause, by its shrinkage, undue cracking in the works. The top surfaces of slabs and other horizontal surfaces shall be cured by ponding of water in cement mortar bunds. Steeply sloping and vertical formed surfaces shall be kept completely and continuously wet prior to and during the striking of formwork and thereafter by applying adequate water to the top surfaces and allowing it to pass down between the formwork and the concrete, if required by discharging water through hose pipes and pumps. To limit the development of Temperature and shrinkage cracks to minimum, top of base slab and inside face of RCC walls of underground structures, like underground reservoir and Pump House basement shall be kept continuously moist till roof slab is constructed. Nothing extra shall be payable in this account. The Contractor shall give careful consideration to the curing methods and conditions for fair-faced concrete. Components which are specified to have exposed concrete finish shall receive the same curing treatment. Moreover water used for curing shall be clean and free from deleterious materials so as not to discolour the concrete. All fair-faced concrete shall be protected from damage from the time of striking the formwork, as specified. All edges and surfaces of such concrete shall be protected from chipping using notched timber or Aluminium corner pieces or other suitable covers which shall be maintained in place until the completion of the works. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring all fair faced concrete free of blemishes defect & stains and shall remove all such staining as may occur as soon as possible to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 2.12 Testing 2.12.1 Test Cubes i) The strength of concrete, either in assessing the suitability of the trial mixes or when placed in the works shall be determined from 150mm cubes made, cured, stored, transported and tested in accordance with IS-516: 1959 and as specified. ii) Test cubes shall be made under the direct supervision of the competent person appointed by the contractor to supervise all stages of the preparation and placing of concrete. They shall be made by the contractor in the presence of the Engineer and generally from concrete taken at the point of 39 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. discharge from the mixer and the contractor shall provide suitable facilities in the form of a hut or other covered protection as agreed with or directed by the Engineer for the storing and curing of the test cubes during the first 24 hours after making them and until they are despatched to the testing laboratory. iii) Test cubes shall be marked and dated in such a manner that the trade and the part of the works in which the concrete they represent has been placed can be readily identified. iv) Testing shall be done in the field laboratory with due approval of Engineer or whenever so desired and directed by the Engineer, testing of 10% of all such samples may be carried out in approved laboratory and the results shall be submitted promptly by the contractor to the Engineer. v) Method of sampling of cubes for concrete at plant and at sites, their frequency and strength as well as standard of acceptance of designed concrete mix, shall be as laid down in revised CPWD specifications 2002 and IS:456. 2.12.2 All sampling & testing of various materials as well as for quality control shall be as per CPWD specificities & IS:456. 2.13 General 2.13.1 Specifications Specifications for various materials required for cement concrete/RCC, their mixing, transportation to site of work, placement, curing, finishing etc. for design mix/ ready mix concrete, its strength, acceptance criteria, requirements of durability etc. shall be as per IS:456 and revised CPWD specifications 2002 and the same shall prevail. All requirements as contained therein shall be complied with. 2.13.2 Supervision All concreting work shall be done under strict supervision of qualified and experienced representatives of the Contractor as well as those of the Engineer. The contractor's supervisors who are in-charge of concreting work shall be experienced & skilled in this class of work and shall personally superintend all the concreting operations at all stages. 2.13.3 2.13.4 Special Attention shall be paid to the following a) Proportioning, mixing and quality testing of the materials with particular control on the water cement ratio. b) Laying of material in place and thorough compaction of the concrete to ensure solidity and freedom from voids and honeycombing. c) Proper curing for the requisite period. d) Reinforcement positions are not disturbed during concreting and consolidation by vibration. Quality Control The Engineer reserves the right to make changes in the mix proportions including the increased cement content or/and a change in the Contractor's control procedure, should the quality control during progress of the works prove to be inadequate in his opinion and the contractor shall carry out the same. Any extra 40 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. cost due to change in mix proportions shall be deemed to have been included in relevant item rates. All the concrete work shall be true to level, plumb and square within the acceptable tolerance. The corners, edges and rises in all cases shall be unbroken and finished properly and carefully. 2.14 Submittals 2.14.1 Materials Reports Prior to start of delivery of materials required for cement concrete the following shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer for approval. 2.14.2 i) Recommended suppliers and/or sources of all ingredients for making concrete including cement, fine and coarse aggregates, water and additives including samples thereof. ii) Quality Inspection Plan to ensure continuing quality control of ingredients by periodic sampling, testing and reporting to the Engineer on the quality of materials being supplied. Mix Design i) The Contractor shall design mixes for each class of concrete indicating that the concrete ingredients and proportions will result in concrete mix meeting requirements as specified. ii) Well in advance to commencement of concreting work the contractor shall submit the proposal of mix design and test results from approved laboratory thereof as a report for the approval of the Engineer. 2.14.3 Plant and Equipment The contractor shall submit his proposed programme, methods and details of plant and equipment to be used for batching, mixing of concrete and transportation of concrete to the site, well in advance prior to start of work. 2.14.4 2.14.5 Certificates i) With each mix design, the Contractor shall submit laboratory test reports on concrete cubes and as well as on ingredients along with manufacturer's certificates attesting that ingredients have been taken from materials to be used at the actual construction work and conforms to specifications for approval of the Engineer. ii) In case the source, brand or characteristic properties of the ingredients are required to be varied during the term of the contract, a revised laboratory mix design report shall be submitted to the Engineer. Reports for Inspection and Testing During manufacture and concreting operations, the contractor shall conduct inspection and testing as per CPWD Specifications and all reports thereon shall be submitted in a summary form to the Engineer. 2.14.6 Schedules The Contractor shall prepare working schedules for dates and quantity, location of pouring of concrete for 41 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. each item of work and submit same to the Engineer at least 48 hours before commencement of such work. 3.0 FORMWORK 3.1 General Formwork shall include all temporary or permanent forms of moulds required for forming the concrete which is cast-in-situ, together with all temporary construction required for their support. Formwork shall be of rigid construction true to shape and dimensions. It shall be strong enough to withstand the dead and live loads and forces caused by ramming and vibrations of concrete and other incidental loads, imposed upon it during and after casting of concrete. It shall be made sufficiently rigid by using adequate number of ties and braces. Screw jacks or hard board wedges, where required shall be provided to make up any settlement in the form work either before or during the placing of concrete. No through bolts shall be permitted in the form work for walls of liquid retaining structure. Wall ties with plastic cones only shall be permitted. Forms shall be so constructed as to be removable in sections in the designed sequence without damaging the surface of concrete or disturbing other sections. All formwork should be easy to strip after concreting and formwork must be erected with this consideration in mind. Care shall be taken to see that no pieces remain keyed into the concrete. Details of formwork shall be properly designed by the Contractor and relevant drawings together with calculations for strength and deflection shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before commencement of formwork erection. The completed formwork shall be inspected by the Engineer on receipt of information in this regard from the Contractor, before the reinforcement bars are placed in position. The contractor shall be responsible for properly supporting all concrete until it is sufficiently strong before the removal of the formwork including the props. No formwork shall be removed without the prior consent of the Engineer-in-Charge. 3.2 Materials Formwork surface in contact with concrete (sheathing) shall be of steel or plywood as approved by the Engineer. Approved hard wood section could be used for the framework of shuttering board only. Sheathing for the formwork of column shall be of steel with approved thickness. 3.3 Propping and Centering Props used for centering shall be of adjustable steel props (Cup-lock system) without any deformation, damage & crack and as approved by the Engineer. 3.4 Fair Face Concrete (a) Formwork for fair face smooth concrete shall be such that it requires no cement plaster finish and must be fabricated from best quality new marine ply having hardcore face of required thickness and ply. 42 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. (b) The contractor must prepare a shop drawing for the fair face shuttering work and obtain necessary approval from the Engineer before fabricating the same, well in advance to commencement of the work. (c) All joints in boards for such formwork must be carefully designed; no repair on the fair finish concrete shall be accepted. (d) Construction joints shall be positioned as instructed by the Engineer. (e) There must not be any visible patches, stains or efflorescence in the fair-faced concrete. (f) Nails/screws with smooth and well-dressed heads only will be used to avoid any massing of the concrete surface. (g) Only non-staining form oil, release agent shall be used with due approval from the Engineer. 4.0 MISCELLANEOUS 4.1 Joints 4.1.1 Construction Joints Prior to concreting, the Contractor shall submit his proposals giving the position, form and treatment of such joints to the Engineer for his approval. Construction Joints shall be provided at all locations as per relevant IS code/CPWD specifications and method of construction, directions and approval of Engineer-in-Charge. Vertical construction joints shall be formed against a stop board of approved quality and horizontal construction joints shall be level. Except where shown otherwise on the drawings, reinforcement shall continue through construction joints & stop boards are to be formed to suit such requirements at site. As soon as possible after the formwork has been struck for vertical joints or after the concrete has set in horizontal joints, the surface laitance of the hardened concrete on the face of the joint shall be removed to expose the coarse aggregate in such a manner that the loosened particles of aggregate and damaged concrete are not left on the surface. The exposed face shall be swept clean of foreign matter and laitance. Immediately before placing the new concrete, neat cement grout shall be poured over the old concrete followed for horizontal joints by a 12 mm thickness of cement mortar of the same materials and proportions to be used in the new concrete. 4.1.2 Expansion Joints Expansion joints shall be provided where shown on the drawings and as per IS:3370. They shall be constructed with an initial gap between the adjoining parts of the works of the width specified in the drawings. The contractor shall ensure that no debris is allowed to enter and be lodged in expansion joints. Expansion joints shall be provided with necessary bitumen filler, and sealing compound and suitable PVC 43 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. water stop conforming to IS:12200 and as per specification. 4.1.3 Inserts All C.I./ M.S. puddle collars/ Foot Rests/ Insert Plates/Nuts Bolts etc. shall preferably be fixed properly at the time of casting of wall itself or as per directions of Engineer Incharge. 4.2 Handrails Handrails shall be provided on sides of platform, stairways and around all openings as shown on drawings. Handrails and pipe posts, unless specified otherwise, shall be of steel pipes flush welded construction, ground smooth, using 32 mm nominal bore medium class pipe (conforming to IS : 1239) and provided with double rail, top rail about 1 metre above platform level and pipe posts spaced not more than two metres apart. Smooth uniform curves and bends shall be provided at stair returns and also wheresoever required/specified. Posts connected to curb plates shall have a neat closure at the bottom and a 6 mm thick plate neatly welded to posts for attachments to curb plate. All necessary fittings including inner dowels at splices, brackets, bolts, bends, flanges and chains, where required shall be furnished by the Contractor. Open ends of all the pipe posts shall be plugged and welded. A minimum radius of 3 times the pipe diameter shall be provided at all points of direction changes in the handrail. 4.3 Galvanised Steel Sheet Water Stop 4.3.1 GS sheet waterstops in the required width shall be fabricated from the GS sheets of the specified thickness. Galvanised sheets shall conform to IS 277. GS Sheets shall be procured in the maximum lengths available so as to have minimum number of splices in the waterstops. 4.3.2 GS sheets waterstops shall be fabricated in the required shapes as per drawing and as directed by Engineer in charge. Splices shall be of interlocking type finished flat having no voids in the folds. Splice details shall be as shown on drawings and as directed by Engineer –in-Charge. 4.4 Rolling Shutters Rolling shutters shall conform to IS: 6248 and shall bear ISI mark. Rolling shutters may also have to be provided with ventilator grills at one or two levels where so specified in detailed working drawings. 4.5 Manufactured Items Articles manufactured by reputed firms and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge shall only be used. Only articles classified as "First quality" by the manufacturers unless otherwise specified or which bear ISI certification marks shall be used. In case articles bearing ISI certification marks are not available, the quality of samples brought by the contractor shall be judged by the standards laid down in the relevant CPWD specifications. For items not covered by CPWD specifications relevant ISI standards shall apply. 4.6 Flooring Thickness of CC screed layer in reservoir & sump for levelling purpose of floor as mentioned, shall be of 50 mm minimum thickness. The floor shall be graded to proper slope as shown in the construction Drawing. 44 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Where slope in floor & roof slabs are to be provided in structural slabs itself, excavation & lean concrete including floor and shuttering for roof slab respectively shall be done sloping to suit the requirement. 5.0 EARTHWORK 5.1 Excavation Excavation and Trenching : All trenches, 1.2 m (4 feet) or more in depth shall at all times be supplied with at least one ladder for each 30 m (100 feet) in length or fraction thereof. Ladder shall be extended from bottom of the trench to at least 90 cm (3 feet) above the surface of the ground. The side of the trenches which are 1.5 m (5 feet) or more in depth shall be stepped back to give suitable slope or securely held by timber bracing, so as to avoid the danger of sides to collapse. The excavated materials shall not be placed within 1.5 m (5 feet) of the edges of the trenches or half of the depth of the trench whichever is more. Cutting shall be done from top to bottom. Under no circumstances undermining or undercutting shall be done. Excavation below ground water table shall be carried out as expeditiously as possible keeping the area workable by dewatering. As soon as founding strata is reached lean concrete shall be placed and concreting of foundations carried out with minimum loss of time. The excavation pit shall always remain dry till all items of work below subsoil water table are completed and concrete works have set sufficiently to satisfaction of Engineer-In-Charge. Excavation of final 150 mm should be done just prior to placement of lean concrete. Under high ground water conditions the final 500 mm excavation should be done, simultaneously with laying of lean concrete to prevent boiling and loss of allowable bearing pressure of soil. 5.2 Filling/Refilling Unless otherwise specified, selected excavated earth shall be used for refilling. For general area filling for raising formation level selected earth shall be used as directed by the Engineer. Before filling of such area existing topsoil shall be scarified to remove all vegetation and soft or debris already existing. After cleaning of debris etc the topsoil shall be compacted before filling with any new soil. In case the filling earth contains deleterious salts it shall not be used. Approval of filling materials is to be obtained well in advance to commencement of work. All clods of earth shall be broken or removed. Where the excavated material is mostly rock with boulders, the boulders shall be broken into pieces not bigger than 7.5 cm size in any direction mixed with fine materials consisting of decomposed rock, moorum or earth so as to fill up the voids as far as possible and then the mixture used for filling, as approved by the Engineer. However the decision/instructions of the Engineer shall be final. Backfilling shall be done only after completion of water tightness test. However, if the site conditions so demand, in the opinion of Engineer-in-Charge, the backfill could be done in stages during reservoir wall construction before water tightness test. In such a case, however, if re-excavation and backfilling thereof for detecting and rectifying points of leakages are required to be done in the opinion of Engineer-in-charge, the same shall have to be done by the Contractor for which no extra payment shall be made. 6.0 SUB SOIL WATER Where sub-soil water is met during execution, in addition to electric pump sets of adequate capacity the 45 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. contractor shall also arrange at his cost Diesel generator Sets/ Diesel pumps as a sufficient standby arrangement in good running condition including making pressure release holes if necessary and plugging the same subsequently to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge. Pumping of subsoil water shall be continued upto the safe stage of work as directed by Engineer-in-Charge so as to avoid floatation of the structure and to facilitate working under dry conditions. The contractor shall ensure to keep subsoil water level well below the deepest construction level during execution to avoid floatation of the partly constructed structure due to uplift pressure of subsoil water. This arrangement shall be maintained till full structure has been constructed/loaded & till the roof slab is casted and mud phaska is laid to counteract the uplift pressure due to subsoil water. Payment of the items of work carried out under subsoil water shall be made as per the actual execution only for the excavation, concreting, RCC and brick masonry as per the items in the schedule of quantities. Tenderer shall note that nothing extra on account of execution of any other item under subsoil water conditions or for continuance of dewatering required for safety of structure against floatation shall be payable. The contractor shall carry out the work under dry conditions at all times. Mode of measurements for items extra for executing under subsoil water level in respect of earthwork, cement concrete, RCC and brickwork shall be as follows: For example for concrete, the quantity will be calculated by multiplying the depth measured from the subsoil water level upto the centre of gravity of concrete under sub-soil water level with quantity of concrete in Cum executed under sub-soil water. The depth of centre of gravity shall be reckoned correct to 0.1 m in case of 0.05 m or more, it shall be taken as 0.l m and less than 0.05 m ignored. 7.0 PRECAUTIONS TO KEEP RESERVOIR FREE FROM CONTAMINATION After the completion of the reservoir and all pipes have been laid, the contractor shall remove all dirt, debris, materials, tools, etc. from the compartment and shall wash and brush down with water the whole of the interior. He shall also incorporate a mixture of chloride of lime/ bleaching powder (supplied by the department free of charge) in the wash water for proper disinfections of reservoir and sump well. The contractor shall be responsible for getting such water sample approved from Director (T & QC) of the DJB and no extra payment shall be paid on this account. 8.0 WATER - TIGHTNESS TEST OF RESERVOIR On completion of the reservoir including roof slab and before commissioning the reservoir, the contractor shall carry out a water-tightness test, as per IS:3370 with water standing upto 500mm above Full Supply Level. Earth fill or mud phaska with tiles on reservoir roof may also be required to be placed before the test, if so specifically noted on the drawings. This test shall be carried out preferably in dry season as desired by Engineer-in-charge in accordance with the procedure given below: If in the reservoirs there are partitions the water-tightness test shall be carried out when both the compartments are ready and when it is possible to fill both the compartments simultaneously to ensure uniform settlement of the structure as a whole or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Before the filling operations are started, the reservoir shall be jointly inspected by the Engineer-in-Charge and the Contractor’s Representative and the condition of surfaces of wall, contraction/construction and expansion joints shall be noted and it shall be ensured that the jointing material filled in the joint is in position and all openings are closed. The contractor shall make necessary arrangement for ventilation and lighting of the reservoir by way of floodlights, circulators, etc. for carrying out proper inspection of the surfaces and internal conditions if so desired by the Engineer-in-Charge. For this purpose, it shall 46 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. be verified that sluice valves provided on the various pipes connected to the reservoirs are properly closed. Complete records of such inspections shall be kept. The filling of the reservoir then shall be carried out gradually at the rate not exceeding 30 cm rise in water level per hour and shall preferably extend over a period of 72 hours. Records of leakages starting at different level of water in the reservoirs, if any, shall be kept. The reservoir shall be filled with water and shall be allowed to remain filled for seven days. The level of the surface of water shall be noticed and the drop in water level to be recorded. The total drop in surface level over a period of seven days by noting at subsequent interval of 24 hrs regularly, shall be taken as indication of the water tightness of the reservoir. The total drop for a period of seven days shall not exceed 40 mm for all purposes. If the structure does not satisfy the condition of test and the daily drop in water level is decreasing, the period of test may be extended for further seven days and if the specified limit is then reached the structure may be considered as satisfactory. To test the water-tightness of the partition wall in case of reservoirs with partitions, one compartment shall be filled and the observations of drop in level due to leakage shall be recorded in the manner detailed above. If the structure does not satisfy the condition of test and in case the drop in level exceeds the permissible limit with the stipulated period of test, the contractor shall carry out such additional works and adopt such measures as may be directed by the Engineer-in-Charge to reduce the leakage within the permissible limit. The entire rectification work that shall be carried out in this connection shall be at the contractor's cost. The test shall be repeated by the contractor at his own cost. The water required for testing shall be supplied to the Contractor as stipulated in "General Conditions". Contractor shall have to make arrangement for filling and emptying the tank at his own cost. No separate payment shall be made for water tightness test and disinfections of Reservoir and Sump and the cost thereof shall be deemed to have covered in the quoted rate of the contractor. 2.5 % of the cost of RCC items of reservoir and suction sump shall be retained from contractor's running bills, out of which 2% shall be retained till satisfactory water tightness test is completed and 0.5% shall be retained till the successful completion of disinfections of Reservoir and Sump. 47 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. PART - II STRUCTURAL WORKS 1. SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 The work consists of furnishing all necessary labour, material, tools & tackles , plants required for construction of Overhead tanks as well as Under ground tanks, reservoirs etc. The Contractor will have to construct all the approach roads upto the site of work, fencing of site etc. The Contractor will have to carry out the soil investigation test at required locations & to furnish the information to the Construction Manager for final approval. 2. MATERIAL All materials and their source of supply before bringing to the site, must be approved by the Construction Manager & any material not confirming to standard specifications shall be removed from the site of work. All approved samples must be deposited in the office of the Construction Manager before placing orders for the materials with the suppliers . The materials brought on to the site shall conform to the samples already approved. Fresh samples may be deposited with the project developers whenever the type and source of material changes for approval by the Construction Manager . 3. QUALITY CONTROL AND QUALITY ASSURANCE The work is to satisfy high structural soundness and aesthetic finish. Quality control measures, will form the backbone for the high quality assurance for the components as also the finished work . 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 At the site level Contractor is to arrange the materials, their stacking / storage in appropriate manner ensuring the quality. Contractor shall provide equipment / manpower to test continuously the quality of water, cement, composition and grading of coarse aggregates, grading of fine aggregate, slump of concrete, bulkage of sand, temperature measurement etc. The tests shall be conducted continuously and results of tests maintained in a regular way. In addition, he shall keep tools and equipment for checking the levels, evenness of surface, Verticality, correct slope, hardness of surface etc. The Contractor shall at his expense provide cube moulds for concrete cubes, and shall have testing apparatus for testing the cement setting time and strength of cubes, and shall maintain the same properly for testing cement/concrete samples etc. for their quality and soundness. The Construction Manager shall be free to carry out tests elsewhere as may be considered necessary by him from time to time. The Contractor shall provide the samples and labour for collecting the samples. Nothing extra shall be payable to the Contractor for the samples or for the collection of the samples. The test shall be conducted at the site laboratory that may be established by Contractor or at any other standard laboratory selected by Construction Manager in & around Delhi .The Contractor shall transport the samples to the laboratory for which nothing extra shall be payable. In case the Contractor failing to arrange transportation of the samples in proper time the Construction Manager shall have them transported and recover twice the actual cost from the Contractor's bills. All charges in connection with testing shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor or his authorised representative may witness the testing. Whether witnessed by the Contractor or not, the Test results shall be binding on the Contractor. 4. DESIGN MIX CONCRETE 4.1 All cement concrete designated by strength shall be treated as design mix concrete. The design mix concrete shall conform to the grades specified on the drawings. The aggregate and cement shall be measured by weight in an approved weigh batching equipment. Water shall be measured electronically. The design mix concrete shall conform to minimum cement content as 380 kg/cum and maximum water cement ratio as 0.45 for M20. 4.2 It is specifically highlighted that in addition to the above requirements, the max. cement content shall 48 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. be limited to 450 Kg/Cum for basement slab and wall and all water retaining structures. 4.3 4.4 4.5 The Contractor shall be responsible for designing the mixes of the specified performance to suit the degree of workability and characteristic strength required for the various parts of the works. The mix designs shall be evolved in a full-fledged concrete laboratory approved by the Construction Manager. The mix designs shall be finalised during the mobilisation period of the Contract. The Contractor shall design alternative mixes for use in both thin and narrow sections and thick sections. Special mixes using finer aggregates shall be designed for infilling pockets and narrow spaces and for regions of congested reinforcement. Special mixes containing admixtures shall also be designed where workability requirements dictate their use. The min/max cement content for design mix concrete shall be maintained as per the amounts given in Table - C. Even in the case where the quantity of cement required is higher than that specified above to achieve desired strength based on a approved mix design, nothing extra shall become payable to the Contractor. For design mix concrete, the mix shall be designed according to IS:10262 and SP:23 to provide the grade of concrete having the required workability and characteristic strength not less than appropriate values given IS:456. The design mix shall in addition be such that it is cohesive, does not segregate, and should result in a dense and durable concrete and capable of giving the finish as specified. For liquid retaining structures, the mix shall also result in watertight concrete. The Contractor shall exercise great care while designing the concrete mix and executing the works to achieve the desired result. 4.6 Water Cement Ratio and Workability 4.6.1 The quantity of water added to the cement and aggregates during mixing should be such as to produce concrete having sufficient workability to enable it to be worked into the corners of the shuttering, around reinforcement and to be properly compacted. Reference may be made to IS : 456, clause 4, for guidance with respect to the workability Due account shall be taken of the variation of moisture content, within any consignment of aggregate or any variations due to variations due to watering, exposure to rain or drying weather. The Contractor shall carry out regular moisture content tests on stacked aggregates and submit the results to the Construction Manager as desired by him. In case of nominal mix concrete the maximum value of water cement ratio shall be 0.68 and in the case of design mix concrete the water cement ratio shall be determined by the mix design. The Contractor shall exercise particularly tight control of the water content for fair faced concrete the colour of which is sensitive to small variations of water in the mix. When a suitable water cement ratio has been determined and agreed with the Construction Manager, it shall be maintained throughout the corresponding part of the works. Approved tests shall be undertaken periodically by the Contractor to satisfy the Construction Manager of the maintenance of the consistency. However, the amount of water added to a mix other than fair faced concrete may be reduced below the agreed design with the consent of the Construction Manager if the Contractor is able to demonstrate that such reduction is in consistence with producing concrete of the required workability and characteristic strength. The Contractor shall regularly test the concrete for slump test and provide complete facilities for the same site. Unless otherwise permitted, the slump at the point of concreting as measured in accordance with the methods laid down IS: 1199 shall be in the range of 75 to 100 mm. 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4 4.6.5 4.6.6 4.6.7 4.7 Requirement of Designed Mixes 4.7.1 The measure of quality control exercised by the Contractor in the manufacture of the concrete at site shall be the standard deviation derived from the analysis of cube results tested in accordance with IS: 516. The cubes shall be prepared from the point of discharge of the concrete mixer as per IS: 1199. The sampling, strength test and acceptance criteria shall be as per IS: 456, clauses 14 and 15, except as specified in these specifications. The Contractor shall design each concrete mix to achieve a target mean strength greater than the required characteristic strength . In the first instance the Contractor shall assume a standard deviation as suggested in Table 6 of IS: 456. Should the further analysis of the next 100 cubes test results of concrete of nominally similar 4.7.2 4.7.3 4.7.4 49 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 4.7.5 proportions of similar materials and produced over a period not exceeding twelve months by the same plant under same supervision show the standard deviation to be less than that indicated in IS : 456, the Contractor may redesign the mix assuming a standard deviation as suggested in Table 1, column II of IS :10262 and shall submit the details of the proposed new mix proportions to the Construction Manager for his considerations. If at any time the statistical minimum strength of the concrete defined in the acceptance criteria in IS : 456, clause 15 falls below the characteristic strength, the Contractor shall redesign the mix. Details of the new mix proportions shall be submitted to the Construction Manager for his approval and the Contractor's supervision and degree of control over mix proportions shall be improved if required 4.8 Approval of Designed Mixes 4.8.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Construction Manager the details of design mix for comments with the sufficient evidence based on trial mixes, that for the grade of concrete, the intended workability, the proposed proportions and the method of manufacture will produce concrete of the required quality. Evidence of conformance to proportions of chloride and sulphate contents shall also be submitted. The Contractor shall obtain from the Construction Manager his written approval on the mix design for each grade of concrete before any concrete of that grade is placed in the works. For each grade of concrete, three separate batches of concrete shall be made by the Contractor using materials of quality of the proposed supply and under full scale to site. The workability of each of the trial batches shall be tested and six specimen preliminary test cubes shall be produced from each trial batch. Three cubes of each set shall be tested at 28 days and results submitted to the Construction Manager. The trial mix proportions for each grade of concrete shall be considered satisfactory if the mean strength of the 9 cubes tested at 28 days exceeds the specified characteristic strength by between 0.6 and 1.2 times in current margin and the least cube strength is greater than the specified characteristic strength and the Contractor has satisfied that the concrete contains the correct amount of cement and the free water cement ratio is below the maximum specified value. Following approval by the Construction Manager on the trial mix proportion should the Contractor wish to have substantial changes in the materials or in the proportions of the materials to be used in a mix, the Construction Manager will require fresh trial mixes to be made and their results submitted for the comments prior to such materials or proportions being adopted by the Contractor. 4.8.2 4.8.3 4.8.4 4.8.5 4.8.6 5. CONCRETE TESTING 5.1 5.2 Test Cubes The strength of concrete either in assessing the availability of the trial mixes or when placed in the works shall be determined from 150 mm cubes made, cured, stored, transported and tested in accordance with IS: 516. Test cubes shall be made as, where and when the Construction Manager may require. The moulds for making cubes will be as per IS: 10086. Test cubes shall be made under the direct supervision of competent persons appointed by the Contractor to supervise all stages of the manufacture and testing. He should be well conversant with the concept. Cubes shall be made by the Contractor in the presence of the Construction Manager from fresh concrete at the point of discharge from mixer and the Contractor should have suitable facilities in the form of a site laboratory with protection as agreed with or approved by the Construction Manager for storing and curing of the test cubes. Test cubes shall be marked and dated and for the grade and the part of the works in concrete they represent has been placed so that these can be specified. The Contractor shall also provide complete facilities at site for determining the crushing strength of the concrete cubes. The compression-testing machine shall have a minimum capacity of 1500 KN. and be of the electrical-cum-hand-operated lever. 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 50 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 6 WORKS TESTS 6.1 When concrete of a particular grade is first used in the works, three cubes shall be taken from three separate batches testing each at the first 7 days of using that grade. Of these 9 days made daily, three cubes (each cube representing concrete made in a different batch) shall be tested at 7 days and the remaining six cubes shall be tested at 28 days. Each set constituting three cubes shall be termed as a "Sample" in accordance with IS: 456 clause 14.4. For every subsequent 15 cum concrete or for every day's concreting be it less in volume, samples shall be made for each grade of concrete one of each will be tested at 7 days and the other at 28 days. If the concrete strength determined from 28 days samples does not meet the acceptance criteria as per clause 15 of IS:456, the materials and/or their proportions for that made shall be modified by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager. In addition the Contractor shall at his own expense take remedial action as the Construction Manager may consider necessary with respect to the concrete placed for the portion of the works represented by the set of cubes which have failed to meet the acceptance criteria. 6.2 7 WEIGH BATCHING 7.1 All concrete ingredients except water for controlled concrete shall be weigh batched. The weigh batches shall be of approved type and manufacture. Batching shall be of an accuracy of not less than 1/2 kg and the weigh batching equipment shall have an accuracy of plus or minus 3 percent. The weigh batchers shall be tested for accuracy of calibration before commencement of work on each day. Water should be measured electronically in the controlled proportions as per the design mix requirement . 7.2 7.3 8 CONCRETE MIXING 8.1 All concrete, whether nominal mix or design mix, shall be mixed in a mixer for the minimum time necessary to produce adequate quality and uniform distribution of the materials. In general, it is good practice to feed a small amount of water first followed by the solids material suitably fed uniformly and simultaneously into the mixer. If possible, the greater part of the water should also be fed during the same time, the remainder of the water being added after mixing of the solids. The mixer shall be of approved type and manufacture and as per IS: 1791 and IS: 4925. Allowance shall be made for the moisture content of the aggregates when calculating the amount of water to be added for each mix. Precautions are necessary during hot weather concreting as indicated in IS: 7861, Part I. these may consist of dampening sub-base and forms. Temperatures, erecting sunshades, reducing time between placement of concrete and start of curing, and minimising evaporation particularly during the first few hours subsequent to the pouring of concrete. The temperature of the aggregate, water and cement when added to the mixer shall be such that the temperature of the concrete is less than that indicated below in Table. For the indicated relative humidity. 8.2 8.3 8.4 Assumed Wind Velocity 10KM/HOUR 10KM/HOUR Concrete temperature in degree centigrade 38 33 Relative Humidity in % 40 20 9 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS AND POUR STRIPS 9.1 Construction joints shall be made only where shown on the drawings. Where the Contractor wishes to form joints in concrete other than those shown on the drawings, he shall submit his proposals giving the position of form , treatment of such joints to the Construction Manager. No separate payment shall be made for making construction joints and pour strips. Pour strips in basement raft and retaining walls shall be provided after a gap of three weeks minimum. Vertical construction joints shall be formed against a stop board and horizontal construction joints shall 51 9.2 9.3 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 9.4 9.5 9.6 be level. Except where shown otherwise on the drawings, reinforcement shall continue through construction joints. The specifications of construction joints shall conform to Indian Roads Congress Special Publication No.33, Appendix I. As soon as possible after the form work has been struck for vertical joints or after the concrete has set in horizontal joints, the surface laitance of the hardened concrete on the face of the joint shall be removed to expose the coarse aggregate in such a manner that the loosened particles of aggregate and damaged concrete are not left on the surface. The exposed face shall be swept clean of foreign matter and laitance. Feathered construction joints will not be permitted. 10 Contraction Joints 10.1 10.2 Contraction joints where required will be shown on the drawings. No separate payment shall be made for making Contraction joints. Contraction joints shall not be hacked, wetted or mortared before concrete is placed against them. 11 Separation Joints 11.1 11.2 Separation joints shall be provided where shown in the drawings or as directed by the Construction Manager. They shall be constructed with an initial gap between the adjoining parts of the width specified in the drawings. The Contractor shall ensure that no debris is allowed to enter separation joints. 12 Water Bars 12.1 Where water bars are shown on the drawings, the joints shall be incorporate PVC water bar such as "Fixostop" or approved equivalent conforming to Central Water Commission Standards (Annexure 1) . The water bars shall be complete with all the necessary moulded or prefabricated intersection pieces assembled in accordance with the drawings with bends and butt joints in running lengths made by welding with an electrically heated jig. Jointing and fixing of water bars shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Refer Table below. 12.2 TYPE OF JOINTS Four strips in raft Horizontal construction joints between raft & retaining wall Out side face of pour strips in retaining walls Expansion joints in retaining walls Joints between basement and temporary retaining wall panels Horizontal construction joint between retaining wall and upper basement floors Construction joint between raft 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 13 'FIXOSTOP' TYPE 230 kV 240 RS 230 KD Fixocap - 38 230 KD 240 RS 230 KD Water bars shall be appropriate type & approved by the Construction Manager. The water bars shall be installed so that they are securely held in their correct position during the placing and impacting of the concrete. Necessary supporting devices to prevent sagging of the water bars shall be provided. Where reinforcement is present adjacent to water bars, adequate clearance shall be left between the reinforcement and water bars to facilitate compaction of the concrete. Double headed nails may be used at the edge of the water bar outside the line of the external grooves for fixing purpose, but no other holes shall be permitted through the water bar. INSERTS 52 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 The Contractor shall fix all necessary inserts such as steel plates, pipe sleeves, bolts etc. and make provision of holes, pockets, dowels etc. in the form work to enable subsequent fixing of supports, brackets, ceilings, precast members etc. As indicated on the drawings, in the schedule of quantities or as required by the Construction Manager, in- situ concrete inserts shall be as per IS : 1946 and of a type approved by the Construction Manager. Nothing extra over and above the provision as per the priced schedule of quantities shall be paid to the Contractor for placement of inserts in position before concreting. With the prior agreement of the Construction Manager , expansion type fasteners may be used by the Contractor in hardened concrete. The inserts shall be properly protected from damage, slurry leakage, etc. by methods such as applying grease, wrapping with burlap, plugging with hemp cloth etc. to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager. 14 CONCRETE IN SLOPES 14.1 The Contractor will ensure proper compaction of concrete at places of slope in concrete like raft near lift pits, ramps, staircases etc. No extra payment shall be made for such concrete placed & maintained in slopes. 15 CRACKS / INFIRMITIES 15.1 If any cracks or infirmities develop in the concrete construction which in the opinion of the Construction Manager may be detrimental to the strength of the construction, the Contractor at his own expense shall test the structural element in question. If under these test loads the cracks or infirmities develop further the Contractor at his own expense shall dismantle the construction, cart away debris, replace the construction and carry out all consequential work there to at no extra cost to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager. If in the opinion of the Construction Manager the cracks or infirmities are not detrimental to the stability or durability of the construction, the Contractor shall grout the cracks or infirmities with epoxy or other suitable material and repair / replace the infirmities at his own expense and risk. He shall also make good all other building works such as plaster, moulded surface, finish of floors, roofs, ceiling etc. which in the opinion of the Construction Manager have suffered damage either in appearance or stability owing to such cracks or infirmities. The scheme of repair work shall be subject to the approval of the Construction Manager and carried out to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager. The decision of the Construction Manager as to the extent of the liability of the Contractor in the above matter shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 15.2 15.3 16 RETAINING STRUCTURES 16.1 The Contractor shall take special care for concrete for retaining structures, underground structures and those specifically called for to guarantee the finish and water tightness. The testing of structures for water tightness shall be indicated in the next clause. The Contractor shall include his price of hydro testing of structure, all arrangements for testing such as water, temporary bulk heads, pressure gauges, pipe lines etc. Hydrostatic test for water tightness could be done at full storage level or soffit cover slab, as directed by the Construction Manager. Any temporary arrangements that may have to be made to maintain the stability of the structures shall also be considered to have been taken into account while quoting the rates. Any leakage that may occur during the Hydrostatic tests or frequently during the DLP, the period which the structure is guaranteed shall be effectively checked either by cement/epoxy pressure grouting, guniting or other methods as may be approved by the Construction Manager. Such rectification shall be done by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the owner / Construction Manager at no extra cost to the Owner. After rectification, the structure shall be subjected to hydrostatic-tests till the acceptance criteria is satisfied. 16.2 16.3 16.4 17 CURING AND PROTECTION 17.1 Curing of concrete shall be complete and continuous using water that is free of harmful amounts of 53 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.7 17.8 deleterious materials that may attack, stain or discolour the concrete. Immediately after compaction and completion of any surface finishes, the concrete shall be protected from evaporation of moisture by means of polyethylene sheets, wet hessian or other material kept soaked by spraying. As soon as the concrete has attained a degree of hardening sufficient to stand-with surface damage, moist curing shall be implemented and maintained for a period of at least 15 days after casting. Method of curing and their duration shall be such that the concrete will have satisfactory durability and strength and members will suffer a minimum distortion, be free from excessive efflorescence and will not cause by its shrinkage undue cracking in the works. The top surface of slabs and other horizontal surfaces shall be cured by impounding water in cement mortar bunds. Deeply sloping and vertical formed surfaces shall be kept completely and continuously moist prior to and during the striking of form work by applying water to the top surfaces and blowing it to pass down between the form work and the concrete. The Contractor shall give careful consideration to the curing methods and conditions for fair faced concrete components which are specified to have exposed concrete finish shall receive the same curing treatment. Moreover, water used for curing shall be of such quality so as not to discolour the concrete. All fair faced concrete shall be protected from damage from the time of striking the form work. All edges and surfaces of such concrete shall be protected from chipping using notched timber corner pieces or other suitable covers which shall be maintained in place until the completion of the works. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring all fair faced concrete free of stains from concrete materials and shall clean all such staining as may occur at his own cost as soon as possible to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager. Approved non-wax base curing compounds may be used in lieu of moist curing only with the permission of the Construction Manager. Such approved compounds shall be applied to all exposed surfaces of the concrete as soon as possible after the concrete has set. 18 TESTING CONCRETE STRUCTURES FOR WATER TIGHTNESS AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 18.1 Surface Reservoir In case of structures whose external faces are exposed, the requirements of the test shall be deemed to be satisfied if the external faces show no sign of leakage or sweating and remain completely dry during the period of observation of seven days after testing for a seven - day period for absorption after filling with water. Nothing extra will be paid on this account . 18.2 Underground Tanks, Pump Rooms and Sumps 18.2.1 In the case of structures whose external faces are merged and are not accessible for inspection, such as under ground tanks, the structures shall be filled with water after the expiry of seven days after the filling, the level of the surface of the water shall be recorded. The fall in level of water shall be recorded again at subsequent intervals over a period of seven days. Back filling shall be held till the tanks are tested. The total drop in surface water level over a period for seven days shall be taken as a presentation of the water tightness of the structure. Nothing extra will be paid on this account . A structure shall be deemed to be water tight if the total drop in the surface level over a period of seven days does not exceed 40 mm. 18.2.2 18.3 Basements The requirements of water tightness shall be deemed to be satisfied if the walls and floor show no signs of leakage or sweating and remain completely dry. Nothing extra will be paid on this account . 18.4 Compartments Each compartment / segment of the structure shall be tested individually and then all together. Nothing extra will be paid on this account. 18.9 Roofs 54 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 18.5.1 The roofs of liquid retaining structures shall be watertight and shall be tested on completion by flooding the roof with water to a minimum depth of 25 mm for 24 hrs. Where this is impracticable, because of roof falls or otherwise, to maintain a 25 mm depth of water, the roof shall have water applied by a continuous hose of sprinkler system to provide a consistent flow of water over the entire area of the roof for not less than 6 hrs. In either case the roof shall be considered satisfactory if no leaks or damp patches show on the soffit. Should the structure not satisfy either of these tests, then after completion of the remedial work it should be re-tested in accordance with this clause. The roof insulation and covering should be completed as soon as possible after satisfactory testing. Nothing extra will be paid on this account. 18.6 Miscellaneous Structures 18.6.1 For structures such as pipes, tunnels, cooling tower cabins etc. The hydrostatic test shall be carried out by filling with water, after curing as specified and subjecting to the specified test pressure for specified period. If during this period the loss of water does not exceed the equivalent of the specified rate, the structure shall be considered to have successfully passed the test. Nothing extra will be paid on this account . 18.7 Acceptance Criteria 18.7.1 18.7.3 Any concrete work shall satisfy the requirements given below, as may be applicable individually and collectively for all to be acceptable. The Construction Manager's decision as to the acceptability or otherwise of any concrete work shall be final and binding on the Contractor. For work not accepted, the Construction Manager may review and decide whether remedial measures are feasible to render the work acceptable. The Construction Manager shall in that case direct the Contractor to undertake and execute the remedial measures. The Contractor shall expeditiously and effectively implement these. Nothing extra shall become payable to the Contractor by the owner for executing such remedial measures. 19 GROUTING 19.1 Grout shall be provided as specified on the drawings. The proportion of standard grout shall be such as to produce a floatable mixture consistent with minimum water content and shrinkage. Surfaces to be grouted shall be thoroughly roughened and cleaned. All structural steel elements to be grouted shall be cleaned of oil, grease, dirt etc. The use of hot strong caustic solution for this purpose will be permitted. Prior to grouting, the hardened concrete shall be saturated with water and just before grouting water in all pockets shall be removed. Grouting once started shall be done quickly and continuously variation in grout mixes and procedures shall be permitted if approved by the Construction Manager. The grout proportions shall be limited as indicated below in Table below: 18.7.2 USE GROUT MIX MIX PROPORTIONS A) Fluid mix Under 25 mm B) General mix 25 mm and over but less than 50 mm 50 mm and Over 1 Part port land cement to 1 part sand 1 part port land cement to 2 parts sand 1 part port land Cement to 3 parts sand Stiff Mix W/C RATIO 0.44 0.53 0.53 19.2 Non-shrink grout where called for in the schedule of quantities, or specified on the drawings shall be provided in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions / specifications on the drawings. 20 LOAD TESTING ON COMPLETED STRUCTURES 20.1 During the period of construction or within the defect liability period the Construction Manager may at 55 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. A) B) C) D) E) F) G) 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 his discretion order. The load testing of any completed structure or any part thereof if he has reasonable doubts about the adequacy of the strength of such structure for any of the following reasons: Results of compressive strength on concrete test cubes falling below the specified strength. Premature removal of formwork. Inadequate curing of concrete. Over loading during the construction of the structure or part thereof. Carrying out concreting of any portion without prior approval of the Construction Manager. Honey combed or damaged concrete, which in the opinion of the Construction Manager is particularly weak and will affect the stability of the structures to carry the design load, more so in important or critical areas of the structure. Any other circumstances attributable to alleged negligence of the Contractor, which in the opinion of the Construction Manager may result in the structure or any part thereof being of less than the expected strength. All the loading tests shall be carried out by the Contractor strictly in accordance with the instructions of the Construction Manager, IS: 456 and as indicated hereunder. Such tests should be carried out only after the expiry of minimum 28 days or such longer period as directed by the Construction Manager. The structure should be subjected to a superimposed load equal to 1.25 times the specified superimposed load considered in the design. This load shall be maintained for a period of 24 hours before removal. During the test, struts strong enough to take the whole load shall be placed in position leaving a gap under the members as directed. The deflection due to super imposed load shall be checked by sufficient number of approved deflectometers capable of reading upto 1/500 of a cm and located suitably over the structure as directed by the Construction Manager. The method of test loading and acceptance criteria shall be as per clause 16 of IS: 456 for reinforced concrete. If the load test results are unacceptable the part of the work concerned shall be taken down or cut out and constructed to comply wit the specifications. Other remedial measures may be taken to make the structure secure at the discretion of the Construction Manager. However, such remedial measures shall be carried out to the complete satisfaction of the Construction Manager. All costs involved in carrying out the load tests and other incidental expenses thereto shall be borne by the Contractor regardless of the results of the tests. The Contractor shall take down or cut out and reconstruct the defective work or shall make the remedial measures instructed, at his own cost. In addition to the above load tests, non destructive test methods such as core test and ultrasonic pulse velocity test shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own expense if so desired by the Construction Manager. Such tests shall be carried out by an agency approved by the Construction Manager and shall be done under their guidance using only recommended testing equipment. The acceptance criteria for these tests shall be actually agreed between the Construction Manager and the Contractor. 21 SUPERVISION 21.1 All concreting work shall be done under strict supervision of the qualified and experienced representatives of the Contractor. The Contractor's Construction Manager and supervisors who are incharge of concreting work shall be skilled in this class of work and shall personally supervise all the concreting operations. Special attention shall be paid to the following: Proportioning, mixing, and quality testing of the materials with particular control on the water - cement ratio. 21.2 Laying of materials in place and through compaction of the concrete to ensure solidity and freedom from voids and honey combing. Proper curing for the requisite period Position of reinforcement and that of inserts are not distributed during concreting and consolidation by vibration. 22 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL 22.1 The Construction Manager reserves the right to make changes in the mix proportions including 56 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 22.2 22.3 increased cement content or/and a change in the Contractor's control procedure, should the quality control during progress of the works proves to be inadequate in his opinion . All the concrete work shall be true to level, plumb and square within the acceptable tolerance. The corners, edges and arises in all cases shall be finished properly and carefully. The Contractor shall prepare a detailed quality assurance and quality control manual for his staff and obtain approval of the same from the Construction Manager. The manual shall contain detailed instructions of all aspects of quality assurance and quality control for the entire construction work. 23 TOLERANCES 23.1 The acceptable tolerances for all concrete construction and materials shall be as per CPWD specifications & relevant IS Codes with latest revisions. 23 MEASUREMENT FOR PAYMENT 24.1 In general, the measurement shall be governed under IS: 1200 ( Part I-XII ) with latest revisions. Dimensions shall be measured nearest to 1 cm .except for the thickness of slab, which shall be measured to the nearest 0.5 cm. The areas shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 sq. m. No deduction shall be made for the following: Opening up to 0.1 sq. In calculating area opening up to 0.1 sq. The size shall include the thickness of any separate lintels or stills. No extra labour for forming such opening or voids shall be paid for. 24.2 The volume occupied by reinforcement and inserts. 24.3 25 The volume occupied by water pipes, conduits, anchor bolts etc. not exceeding 25 sq. cm. Each in cross-sectional area. Nothing extra shall be paid for leaving and finishing such cavities and holes. Measurement shall be taken before any rendering is done to the concrete members. The measurement will not include rendering. FORM WORK GENERAL The term "Formwork" or "Shuttering" shall include all forms, moulds, sheeting, shuttering, planks, walers poles, posts, shores, struts and strutting, ties, uprights, walling, steel rods, bolts, wedges and all other temporary supports to the concrete during the process of pouring & setting. The formwork for all precast works shall be of steel or fibre glass . Shuttering may be provided with wooden battens inside to give the desired exposed finish in precast members. The formwork for cast in situ reinforced concrete may be of timber or steel. However, steel shuttering shall be used for columns, beams and slabs as specified by the Construction Manager. A sufficient number and size of walers shall adequately support all shuttering planks with supporting members to ensure rigidity of form during concreting to avoid delay and unnecessary rejection of forms. The Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Construction Manager for the design of the forms and the type of timber used for preparing actual samples of different types of about 10-sq. m. for their satisfaction before fabricating forms. Struts, braces, ties and props shall be of adequate size and number to support the shuttering rigidly placed during concreting, and shall be strong enough to with stand vibrations. Joints in props shall not be allowed. If form work is held together by bolts and wires , these shall be so fixed that no iron shall be exposed on surface against which concrete is to be laid. The Construction Manager may at his discretion allow the Contractor to decide the location and size of such tie-bolts but the holes left in the concrete by these tie-bolts is shall be filled as specified by them at the Contractor's expense. 25.1 Type of shuttering 57 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. It is intended to use in this job the specified type of shuttering as below : 25.2 Planks Shuttering All facing form work to come in contact with concrete shall consist of:a) Laps jointed or tongue and grooved. Unplained bandsawn planks not less than 4 cm. thick and more than 18 cm. wide unless other wise directed by the Construction Manager. b) Unplained bandsawn planks of 1.25 cm. to 2.0 cm. thickness mounted on 6 mm thick ply wood board as per relevant drawings and the instructions of the Construction Manager. 25.4 Ply Wood Shuttering The Contractor shall provide 19-mm thick shuttering quality plywood of approved make at such locations as called for by the Construction Manager. The joints in plywood shuttering shall be located as shown in the relevant drawings or as directed by the Construction Manager. 25.5 Steel Shuttering The Contractor shall provide steel shuttering for such locations as called for and as per the relevant drawings and the directions of the Construction Manager. Provision shall be made in the shuttering for beams and columns for a pot hole of convenient size so that all extraneous materials that may be collected could be removed before concreting. 25.6 Camber Forms and formwork shall be cambered as described below unless other wise shown or specified. TYPE OF MEMBER Simple Span Continuous Restrained span Cantilever COMPRESSION STEEL AS % OF TENSILE STEEL 0% 50% 0% 50% 0% 50% CAMBER CO-EFFICIENCY 0.066 0.037 0.032 0.020 0.086 0.046 Camber in Centimeters (K * L * 2.54 / D) Where K: L: D: 25.7 Camber co-efficient Length of member in meter Depth of member in meter Care shall be taken that all formwork is set in plumb and true to line and level & camber where required and as specified by the Construction Manager without twists. All shuttering shall be adequately strutted, propped to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager to prevent deflection under the dead weight of concrete and superimposed live load of workmen and materials. In addition, plant formwork shall be so arranged as to permit removal without jarring the concrete, wedges clamps & bolts shall be used wherever practicable instead of nails. Timber surfaces of forms in contact with concrete shall be oiled with shuttering oil of specified quality without pigment or colouring of the quality approved by the Construction Manager. The use of oils, which darken the surface of the concrete, shall not be allowed. Oiling shall be done before reinforcement has been placed and care shall be taken that no oil comes in contact with the 58 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. reinforcement while it is being placed in position. The formwork shall be kept thoroughly wet during the concreting and the curing. Immediately before concreting is commenced, the formwork shall be carefully examined to see that all dirt, shaving, saw dust and other refuse has been removed by brushing, washing, and cleaning it. Openings shall be provided in all form of work to facilitate cleaning. All formwork erected shall be approved by the Construction Manager or his authorised representatives, before concreting is started. 25.8 Removal of Form Work Unless other wise permitted in writing by the Construction Manager, the minimum period for keeping form work in position shall conform to the Indian Standard Specifications and shall be as follows: Under side of beams, joints 21 days Under side of slabs 10 days Lintels, walls openings 3 days Sides of Slabs and beams 3 days The Construction Manager may vary the above period if he considered it necessary for structural stability immediately after the forms are removed. The area shall be cleaned with a jet of water and a soft brush. 25.9 Stripping Of Formwork Formwork shall be removed carefully without jarring the concrete and curing of the concrete shall be commenced immediately. 25.10 Reuse of Forms The Contractor shall not be permitted re-use of shuttering of ply wood form work brought new on the works for more than 14 times for exposed concrete. Reuse shall be permitted only if forms are properly cared for, stored, and adequately repaired after each use. The Construction Manager may in their absolutely discretion order removal of any forms they consider unfit for use in the works order rejection of any form they consider unfit for use. 25.11 Hacking Immediately after removal of forms, the concrete surface intended to be either plastered or finished shall be roughened with brush hammer or with chisel and hammer as directed by the Construction Manager or the Architects to make the surface sufficiently coarse and rough to provide application for plaster. No extra payments shall be made to the Contractor for such work on concrete surface after removal of the formwork. No payment shall be made for temporary formwork used in concreting, not for formwork required for joints or bulkheads. In floor or elsewhere, whether such joints are to be covered later with concrete, mastic, or other materials. Pockets And Openings: Where boxes, pockets or openings are required (not exceeding 0.1 sq. m.) to be formed in the concrete, 59 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. no deduction shall be made for the area of box or pockets in measuring the area of concrete surface shuttered. In other words, the area of shuttering shall be reckoned as if the box of pocket or openings were not present. However, on measuring the concrete quantity, the volume of the box or pocket shall be deducted. If the area of box, pocket or openings against the shuttered faces exceeds 0.1 sq. m. It shall be paid not as a box or pocket or opening but as form work at the rates for form work. No extra payment shall be made for holes to be made in the formwork for inserting electrical conduit hooks for fans etc. 25.12 General Direction for Form Work 25.12.1 General Joints in formwork shall be designed to prevent leakage not only between individual elements forming the panels but also from the horizontal vertical junctions between the panels themselves. Suitable jointing arrangements and recommendations shall be made in consultation with Construction Manager. Formwork shall be strong enough to with stand normal handling conditions and should not deform under pressure exerted by the concrete. Formwork shall be of sufficient and uniform stiffness to prevent excessive variation in vibration characteristics over the area of any panel 25.12.2 Jointing Faults Lose of alignment from damaged formwork, poor design, inadequate or excessive tolerances or leakage at joints causing grout loss discoloration or colour difference between different stages of the work. In addition, poor compaction around the corners and inserts shall not be permitted & Contractor will have to rectify such works without any extra claim. 25.13 Stop Ends Stop ends, as vertical joints in length of formwork shall be carried out as per the instructions of Construction Manager. 25.14 Ties Tie bolts shall be strong enough to resist inadvertent bending which can prevent easy with drawl. 25.15 Bolt Holes Pattern of bolt holes and fixing shall be as for Construction Manager's design and instruction. 25.16 Cleanliness When not in use, formwork materials shall always be kept under cover in clean area to minimise the possibility of contamination. Formwork shall always be cleaned on stripping and oiled before erection or re-erection. After erection, the formwork shall be covered to prevent exposure to rain, which might remove the mould oil or wash rust scale into prepared surface. After formwork is in place, hosing down with water shall not clean it. Any further cleaning shall be done with an air hose. Care shall be taken to keep the surface clean during and subsequent steel fixing and form work operations. Dirt and other materials shall not be allowed to enter the section to be cast. 25.17 Exposed Concrete Work Exposed concrete work shall have original fair face finish of the concrete surface without rendering or plastering . The concrete surface shall be absolutely free from honey combing exposed off sets. 60 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Superfluous mortars cement slurry and foreign matters. The formwork shall be assembled in such a way as to facilitate removal of its parts in proper sequence without any damage to the exposed cement surface and corners etc. No concrete surface shall be rendered or painted with cement or other wise. The Contractor shall keep skilled staff for special care and supervision to check the form work and concreting so that every member is made true to its size, shape, level and plumb preventing any deformation, sag, bulges etc. It shall have even and smooth contact surfaces and its joints shall be sufficiently watertight or have tongue and groove joints if required as shown on the drawings to prevent leakage of slurry or water. The formwork shall be oiled thoroughly to prevent absorption of water from fresh concrete. The cambers bevelled edges and mouldings shall be made in the form it self. Centering used for supporting formwork shall be of tubular steel. It is not intended to use inter face pattern of formwork. However, the sizes and locations of joints shall have prior approval of the Construction Manager of before proceeding with the laying of concrete. The Contractor shall also take precautionary measures to prevent any breaking or chipping of concrete until the building is handed over. No payment for surface covered under false ceiling, skirting , veneering etc. shall be made under this item. No extra claim on account of making grooves, drip courses sands, etc. shall be entertained. 25.18 Steel Shuttering Steel shuttering should be made of 4 mm thick black steel sheet stiffened with angle iron frame of 40 x 40mm. The plates must be of suitable sizes and approved by the Construction Manager as shown on the drawings. Before using the shuttering the same shall be coated with a standard quality form oil without any pigment or colour. No other substitute shall be permitted. Those truly vertical and horizontal joints as shown in the relevant drawings are obtained. In order to obtain shuttering lines, gaps between the adjacent plates must be suitably adjusted. The surface concrete after removing shuttering shall be free from honeycombing, off sets. super flues mortar, cement slurry, other foreign matter to result in the required finish and natural and original face of cement concrete without rendering with cement plaster when bolts used for holding the shuttering cannot be pulled out. The same bolts shall be left in position and the projecting end must be cut flush with the exposed surface skirts and steel shuttering used in the form work for obtaining exposed surface shall not be used for more than ten times. In order to obtain exposed concrete work of a uniform colour it shall be necessary to ensure that the sand used throughout the structure shall conform to a uniform approved colour. 26 STEEL REINFORCEMENT 26.1 General This section covers the requirements for providing, fabricating, delivering & placing, anti corrosive treatment of steel reinforcement for all types of concrete work. Related work specified elsewhere 26.2 Cast-In-Place Plain and Reinforced Concrete 26.2.1 The more important codes, standards and publications applicable to this section are listed hereinafter. In all cases, the latest issue/revision including the amendments up to the date of issue of tenders shall be applicable. In case of any discrepancy or conflict between the standard codes, standards and publications on the one hand and "specific technical requirements" on the other, the latter shall govern. 26.2.2 IS: 280 IS: 432 IS: 456 IS:314 IS: 816 IS: 1566 Mild steel wire for general Construction managing purposes Part I mild steel and medium tensile steel bars. Part II hard drawn steel wire. Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete. Parts I & II electrodes for metal arc welding of structural steel Code of practice for use of metal arc welding for general construction in mild steel (Part I) specifications for hard-drawn steel wire fabric for concrete 61 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. IS: 1786 IS: 2502 IS: 2629 IS: 2751 IS: 4759 IS: 5525 IS: 9417 reinforcement Specification for high strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement Recommended practice for hot-dip galvanising of iron and steel. Code of practice for welding of mild steel plain and deformed bars used for reinforced concrete construction Hot-dip zinc coating on structural steel and other allied products. Recommendations for detailing of reinforcement in reinforced concrete works Recommendations for welding cold-worked steel bars for reinforced concrete construction. 26.3 Bar Bending Schedule 26.3.1 Before commencement of fabrication of any steel reinforcement, the Contractor shall submit the bar bending schedule to the Construction Manager for his approval. Steel reinforcement used shall be either of the following types: 26.3.2 A) B) C) Mild steel of grade 1 tested quality conforming to IS:432 - Part I High strength deformed steel bars tested quality conforming to IS:1786. Hard drawn steel wire fabric conforming to IS: 1566 26.3.3 26.3.4 All steel shall be procured from original producers. Re-rolled steel shall be incorporated in the work. Only new steel shall be delivered to the site and shall be free from mill scale, loose rust, grease, oil, paint or any other deleterious materials which reduce or destroys bond. Every bar shall be inspected before assembling o the work and effective, brittle or burnt bar shall be discarded. Cracked ends of bars shall be discarded. 26.4 Binding Wire Binding wire shall be black annealed steel wire informing to IS:280 and minimum 16 gauge, except for galvanized enforcement for which the wire shall be galvanised steel. 26.5 Welding Electrodes Electrodes used for welding of steel bars shall be ordinary mild steel grade electrodes conforming to IS: 814 and shall be of the best quality approved by the Construction Manager, The work shall be carried out strictly as per IS: 2751 26.5 Bar Supports (Spacer Blocks / Cover Blocks) Bar supports used as spaced cover blocks shall be of plastic and of approved type, colour and manufacture. 26.6 Storage 26.6.1 Reinforcement steel shall be handled and stored in a manner that bending or distortion of the bars is avoided and contamination of steel is prevented. All reinforcement shall be stored horizontally above ground level on platforms, skids or other approved supports, clear of any running or standing water. Contact with soil shall be avoided. Proper drainage and protection from the reinforcement shall be provided to minimise corrosion. Bars of different types and diameters shall be stored separately. Reference shall also be made to MOST specification road and bridge works, clause 1600. Welding electrodes shall be stored in moisture controlled environment in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. 26.6.2 26.6.3 26.6.4 26.7 FABRICATION 62 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 26.7.1 26.7.2 26.7.3 26.7.4 26.7.5 26.7.6 Reinforcement steel shall be carefully and accurately bent or formed with machines to the dimensions and configurations on the drawings and bar bending schedules. All reinforcement shall be bent cold using appropriate tools & machines. Bars may be preheated only on approval of the Construction Manager. Hot bars shall not be cooled by quenching and shall be in accordance with IRC: 21, IS: 2502. It shall be ensured that the bars are not bent or straightened in any manner that will injure the material. Any bar incorrectly bent shall be used only if means for straightening and rebending be such as will not be effect the material adversely. Reinforcement shall not be bent or straightened without prior review by the Construction Manager. Reinforcement shall be bent when in position on the works without approval of the construction manager, whether or not it partially embedded in hardened concrete. Rebending or straightening of deformed bars shall in any case not be permitted for diameters more than 12 mm. Reinforcement steel having a reduced section, visible inverse cracks in bends, or bars other wise damaged in anyway not be used. Spiral reinforcement shall be accurately fabricated to the diameter and pitch shown on the drawings. One half ( 1 & 1.5) finishing turns shall be provided at top and bottom unless shown other wise. Cut ends of galvanized rods shall be given a protective coat of approved zinc paint immediately after placing. 26.8 LAPPING 26.8.1 26.8.2 As far as possible, bars of maximum length available shall be used. The Contractor shall base laps shown on the drawings or other wise permitted by the Construction Manager on the use of maximum length. The overlaps shall be staggered for different bars and lapped at points along the span where shear is not high. Not more than one third of the bars or as specified in drawings shall be lapped at one section . Reinforcement bars shall not be welded unless shown on the drawings or approval by the Construction Manager. 26.8.3 26.8.4 26.8.5 26.9 PLACEMENT 26.9.1 26.9.2 26.9.9 All reinforcement bars shall be placed accurately and aligned in the position indicated on the drawings. The Contractor shall provide approved type of inserts for maintaining the bars in position ensuring specified spacing and correct cover of concrete to the reinforcement as called for in the drawings. Precast cement mortar blocks of required shape and size, M.S. chairs and space bars shall be used in order to ensure accurate placing of reinforcement. Precast concrete blocks shall put well in advance and shall be equal in quality &- class of concrete specified in the relevant work. All intersections of the reinforcement shall securely tied with two strands of binding wire twisted tight to make the skeleton or network rigid so that the reinforcement is not displaced during placing of concreting. Tack welding of crossing bars shall not be done, unless authorised or approved by the Construction Manager. Nothing extra will be paid for tack welding. The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure that when handling or erecting reinforcement no damage shall be done to finished concrete. Bars that are partially embedded in concrete shall not be field bent unless clearance has been obtained from the Construction Manager. Walkways and borrow runs for placing and compacting concrete shall be independent of the reinforcement. Loose binding wire and other extraneous metal shall be removed from inside the formwork before placing of concrete. Without relieving the Contractor of the responsibilities- for the correctness therefor, the cement shall be inspected and approved by the Construction Manager in writing before any concrete is placed and the Contractor shall allow sufficient time for such inspection and subsequent remedial action to be carried out. No part of the reinforcement shall be used for carrying electrical currents. 26.10 COVER TO REINFORCEMENT 26.9.3 26.9.4 26.9.5 26.9.6 26.9.7 26.9.8 63 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 26.10.1 Care shall be taken to maintain the correct cover to reinforcement as indicated in the drawings. 26.10.2 The maximum cover for reinforcement shall not be more than that shown on the drawings plus 5mm. 26.10.3 Exposed reinforcement intended for binding with future provisions shall be protected from corrosion as approved by the Construction Manager. 26.11 CLEANING 26.11.1 After placing, the reinforcement shall be maintained in clean condition until the concrete is placed. On no point shall the bars be oiled, painted, or allowed to be exposed to it. 26.11.2 Before concreting is commenced, the bars shall be thoroughly cleaned with dry gunny bags if they are coated lightly with rust or other impurities. 26.12 WELDED LAPS 26.12.1 Wherever specified in the drawings or instructed by the Construction Manager welded laps shall be provided at no additional cost. 26.12.2 The welding of bars shall be done in accordance with IS 816, IS 2751, IS 9417 and as specified on the drawings and instructions. Butt welding between the ends of bars in line whereby the stress is transferred across the ends will not be permitted. 26.12.3 The following size of electrodes shall be used for welding with longitudinal beads: Diameter (mm) Electrode size 6 (mm) 10 2 20 2.5 32 3.5 40 5 5 26.12.4 The Contractor shall employ only qualified and trained welder specifically trained and experienced in welding of reinforcement bars to execute the welding of laps to the complete satisfaction of the Construction Manager. 26.12.5 Before the welding of bars at site the Contractor shall make minimum 3 joints and get them tested in an approved lab. (Including X-ray testing of welds if required) at his cost. The Contractor shall be permitted to do the welding, after satisfactory test certificate from the laboratory obtained. Whenever the welder change similar tests shall be carried out again. 26.12.6 The following precautions shall be taken before welding : A) Bars shall be free from rust at the joints to be welded. B) Bars shall be aligned & kept in proper axis in order to minimise the crookedness in bar after welding. C) Slag produced in welding after alternate runs should be chipped & removed by brush. D) Electrode should not be lighted touching the hot bar. E) If the cold twisted deformed bars to be lapped has an untwisted end at the lapping point , the same portion shall be cut-off prior to welding upto a length of atleast 10 cms. from such ends. 26.13 Measurement For Payments 26.13.1 Reinforcement including authorised spacers bars & lappages shall be measured in lengths of different diameters , as actually used in the work nearest to a centimeter & their weight calculated on the basis of standard tables as per CPWD. Wastage of unauthorised overlaps shall not be paid for. Annealed steel wire required for binding of tack welding shall not be measured , its cost being included in the rate of reinforcement. The rate for reinforcement shall include the cost of labour & materials required for all operations described above except welding in lieu of overlaps which shall be paid for separately. 26.13.2 In general the measurement part shall be governed under IS : 1200 ( Mode of measurement for building & civil engg. 64 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. S E C T I O N - III LIST OF APPROVED MAKES OF MATERIALS FOR EXTERNAL WATER SUPPLY S.No. 1. Materials G.I. and M.S. pipes I.S. Code No. Brand Name TATA G.S.T 2. G.I. Fittings (Malleable Cast Iron) (1879) (Part I to X) R KS KENT 3. 4. Gunmetal Valve (Fullway, check and globe valves) C.I. Non return valves (Swing check type reflux valve) 778 LEADER 5312 ZOLOTO JDR KIRLOSKAR IVC 5. C.I. Double Flanged sluice value 780 KIRLOSKAR IVC 6. (a) Float valve (gunmetal) upto 50mm LEADER GG (b) Float valve (C.I) 50mm and above IVC LEADER 7. U.P.V.C. pipes 4985/1988 8. Ductile Iron Pipe 8329 – 1990 9. 10. Prestressed Concrete Pipe HDPE Pipes 784 4984 KIRLOSKAR SUPREME FINOLEX POLYPACK ELECTROSTEEL or equivalent IHP or equivalent EMCO GODAVARI 11. 12. Butterfly Valve 13095 or BS5155 AUDCO IVC KEYSTONE LEADER Air Valve 65 Manufacturer Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd., Calcutta Gujarat Steel Tubes Ltd., New Delhi. R.M.Engg. Works, Ahmedabad K.S. Engg. Works, Ghaziabad Khanna Malleables 242, DADA Colony Industrial Area, Jalandhar Leader Engg. Works, Jallandhar Zoloto Industries, Jalandhar Arkay Sales Corpn., Delhi Kirloskar Bros., Pune Indian Valve Co. Ltd., Calcutta Kirloskar Bros. Pune Indian Valve Co. Ltd., Calcutta Leader Engg. Works, Jallandhar Bombay Metal & Alloys Mfg. Co. Ltd., Bombay Indian Valve Co. Ltd, Calcutta Leader Engg. Works, Jallandhar Kirloskar Bros. Pune The Supreme Industries Ltd. Finolex Industries Limited (PVC Division) Poly Pack Industries (P) Ltd. Electrosteel Casting Ltd., Indian Hume Pipe Co. Ltd., EMCO General Plastic Ind. (P) Ltd., Godavari Polymers Pvt. Ltd, Audco India Ltd., The Indian Valve, Keystone Ind. Pvt. Ltd. Leader Engg. Works, Jallandhar Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. S.No. 13. Materials I.S. Code No. Pressure Release Valve 14 Fire Hydrant 908 15 C.I Fittings 1538 16 Multi Pump Hydrupneumatic Booster System Brand Name IVC KAMLA KALPANA SARKAR IVC Manufacturer The Indian Valve Kamla Valves Kalpana Valves H. Sarkar & Co. The Indian Valve LEADER Leader Engg.Works, Jallandar H. Sarkar & Co. Kamla Valves Kalpana Valves H. Sarkar & Co. Kamla Valves Kalpana Valves H. Sarkar & Co. Electro Steel Casting Ltd SARKAR KAMLA KALPANA SARKAR KAMLA KALPANA SARKAR ELECTROTEEL 66 GRUNDFOS Grundfos Pumps (I) Pvt. Ltd. KSB KSB Pumps Ltd. Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. LIST OF OTHER APPROVED MAKES OF MATERIALS S.No 1. Materials Cement 2. Reinforcement Steel 3. Structural Steel 4. Synthetic Enamel Paint 5. Water Proof Cement paint 6. Red Oxide Primer 7. Water Proofing Compound Brand Name L&T Vikram JK SAIL TISCO Rathi TOR SAIL TISCO Asian Jenson and Nicholson Shalimar Super Snocem or equivalent Manufacturer L&T Vikram JK SAIL TISCO Rathi Udyog SAIL TISCO Asian Paints Jenson and Nicholson Shalimar Paints Asian Jenson and Nicholson Shalimar CICO Asian Paints Jenson and Nicholson Shalimar Paints CICO water proofing compound STP Shalimar Tak Products Ltd. 67 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. SECTION - IV CONSOLIDATED LIST OF IS STANDARDS APPLICABLE & MANUALS S.No. IS Code No. 1. I.S:1536-1976 2. 6. 7. I.S:1538 (Par I to XXIII) – 1976 I.S : 3714-1985 I.S.:782-1978 I.S.:l239 (Part II) 1982 I.S. : 1879-1987 I.S. : 4984-1987 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. I.S.:783-1985 I.S.:4127-1983 I.S:780-1984 I.S.:651-1992 I.S.:456 I.S.:8329-1990 I.S.:12288-1987 I.S.:12820-1989 16. 17. I.S.:1172-1983 I.S.:1200 (P-16) 1979 – (P-19) 1981 I.S:1729-1979 3. 4. 5. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 I.S:1742-1983 I.S:3989 I.S:778 I.S:13095 I.S:780 I.S:5312 I.S:1239-1982 I.S:1879 (part 1 to 10) I.S:651 I.S:458 I.S:1726 I.S:784-1978 I.S:5382-1985 I.S:7322-1985 I.S:1916 (latest) I.S:456 (latest) I.S:2490 (part I - X) I.S:12591-1988 I.S:6392-1967 I.S:6392-1971 I.S:6418 Description PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING Specification for centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage Specification for cast iron fittings for Pressure for water, gas and sewage Code or Practice for laying of C.I. pipes Specification for caulking lead Specification for mild steel tubes; tubular & other wrought steel filling Specification for malleable cast iron pipe fittings High density polyethylene pipe for potable water supplies, sewage and industries effluents Width and depth of trench for R.C.C. pipes Width and depth of trench for S.W. pipes Specification for sluice valve for water works purposes Specification for salt glazed stoneware pipe and fittings Code of practice for plain & reinforced concrete Code of practice for Ductile Iron pipe Code of practice for use & laying of Ductile Iron pipe Code of practice for dimensional requirements of rubber gaskets for mechanical joints & push on joints for use with cast iron pipes & fittings. Code of practice for water supply, drainage & sanitation Code of practice for methods or measurements of building & Civil Engineering works. Specification for sand cast iron spigot & socket soil, waste and ventilating pipes, fittings and accessories. Code of practice for building drainage Soil, waste, rain water pipes and fittings (centrifugally spun) Gunmetal valves (fullway and check valves) upto 65mm dia. Butterfly valve C.I double flanged sluice valve (80mm dia and above) Swing check type C.I double flanged non-return valve G.I & M.S pipes G.I fittings (malleable cast iron) Stoneware pipes & gully trap R.C.C pipes C.I. Manhole cover P.S.C pipes PSC pipes, rubber ring for jointing PSC pipes, fittings PSC pipes lining Plain and reinforced concrete Tolerance limits for Industrial effluents Precast concrete manhole covers and frame Class 4.6 and 6.6 for blots, nuts and bedding. Nuts and bolts C.I flanges 68 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. S.No. 40 41 42 43 IS Code No. I.S:4985-1988 I.S:7181-1974 I.S:210-1970 I.S:930-1975 Description PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING Unplasticized PVC pipes Flange Riser for Fire Hydrant Stand post column for Fire Hydrant Male coupling for Fire Hydrant 69 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 IS Code IS : 269. IS: 650. IS : 4031 IS : 4032 IS : 6925 6 IS : 8112 7 CONCRETE IS : 383 8 9 IS : 456 IS : 457 10 11 12 IS : 516 IS : 1199 IS : 1200 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 IS : 1343 IS : 2386 IS : 2438 IS : 2514 IS : 2571 IS : 2645 IS : 2722 20 21 IS : 2770 IS : 3025 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 IS : 3370 IS : 3696 IS : 3935 IS : 4014 IS : 4326 IS : 7242 IS : 7251 IS : 7861 IS : 7969 IS : 8989 IS : 8142 33 34 IS : 9103 IS : 9013 35 36 IS : 9284 IS : 10262 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES IS : 1838 37 STRUCTURAL WORKS CEMENT Description of IS Codes Specification for 33 grade ordinary Portland cement. Specification for standard sand for testing of cement (Parts 1 to 13) Methods of physical test for hydraulic cement Method of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement. Methods of test for determination of water-soluble chlorides in concrete admixtures. Specification for 43 grade ordinary Portland cement Specifications for coarse & fine aggregates from natural source for concrete. Code of practice for Plain & Reinforced concrete. Code of practice for general construction of plain & reinforced concrete for dams & other massive structures. Methods of test of strength of concrete Methods of sampling & analysis of concrete. Methods of measurement for building & civil Construction Manager. Code of practice for prestressed concrete. Parts I-VIII Methods of testing of aggregate for concrete. Specification for roller pan mixer Specification of concrete vibrating tables. Code of practice for laying in-situ cement concrete flooring Specification for integral cement water-proofing compound. Specification for portable swing batchers for concrete ( double bucket type ) Methods of testing bond in reinforced concrete part-I pull out test Methods of sampling & test (physical & chemical) for water used in industry. Code of practice for concrete structures for storage of liquids. Parts I & II Safety code for scaffold & ladders. Code of practice for composite construction. Parts I & II Code of practice for earthquake resistant construction of building. Specifications for concrete spreaders. Specification for concrete finishers Part I & II Code of practice for extreme weather concreting. Safety code for handling & storage of building materials Safety code for erection of concrete framed structures. Method of test for determining setting time of concrete by penetration resistance. Specifications for admixtures for concrete. Method of making curing & determining compressive strengths of accelerated cured concrete specimen. Method of test for abrasion resistance of concrete. Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design. Part I and II. Specifications for performed fillers for expansion joint in concrete pavements and structures. 70 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 38 IS : 1946 39 40 IS : 3414 IS : 6509 41 42 IS : 11134 IS : 11433 43 44 45 46 47 CONSTRUCTION PLANT AND MACHINERY IS : 1791 IS : 2505 IS : 2506 IS : 3366 IS : 3558 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 IS : 4656 IS : 4925 IS : 11993 INSTRUMENTS FOR TESTING CEMENT AND CONCRETE IS : 5513 IS : 5514 IS : 5515 IS : 7320 IS : 7325 56 57 58 IS : 10080 IS : 10086 IS : 10510 STRUCTURAL WORKS Code of practice for use of fixing devices in walls, ceilings, and floors of solid construction. Code of practice for design and installation of joints in buildings Code of practice for installation of joints in concrete pavements Code of practice for setting out of buildings Part I and II. Specifications for one part gun grade polysulphide based joint sealant Specification for batch type concrete mixers General requirements for concrete vibrators immersion type General requirements foe screed board vibrators Specification for pan vibrators Code of practice for use of immersion vibrators for consolidating concrete Specifications for form vibrators for concrete Specification for concrete batching and mixing plant Code of practice for use of screed board concrete vibrators Specification for vicat apparatus Specification for apparatus used in Le Chatelier test Specification for compaction factor apparatus Specification for concrete slump test apparatus Specification for apparatus for determining constituents of fresh concrete Specification for vibration machine Specification for moulds for use in tests of cement and concrete Specification for vee-bee consistometer MANUALS 1. Schedule of specifications of C.P.W.D. revised upto 1996, (Govt. of India) with all latest amendments issued from time to time 2. National Building Code (Govt. of India) 3. Sewerage and Sewage Treatment revised upto 1993 (Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi), (Govt. of India) 4. Manual of water supply & Treatment–1997, Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation. 5. Hand book of Water Supply and Drainage, Bureau of Indian Standards. 71 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. SECTION-V ABBREVIATIONS Approx. Approximate Avg. Average B.O.Q. Bill of Quantities B.S. British Standard C.I. Cast Iron Cm. Centimetre Cu.m/m3 Cubic metre C.P.W.D. Central Public Works Department Dia Diameter e.g. For example Fig. Figure G.I Galvanised Iron G.L Ground level I.S Indian Standard Kg. Kilogram Lpd Litre per day Lps or l/s Litres per second Lvl. Level Max. Maximum Min. Minimum Misc. Miscellaneous MLD Million litres per day PVC Poly vinyl chloride RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete Sq.m Square metre S.S Suspended Solid U.G Underground % Percentage O Degree centigrade C @ At the rate of 72 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLUMBING WORKS Section I General Requirements 1 Scope of work 1.1 The form of Contract shall be according to the "Conditions of Contract". The following clauses shall be considered as an extension and not in limitation of the obligation of the Contractor. 1.2 Work under this Contract shall consist of furnishing all labour, materials, equipment and appliances necessary and required. The Contractor is required to completely furnish all the plumbing and other specialised services as described hereinafter and as specified in the schedule of quantities and/or shown on the plumbing drawings. 1.3 Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing, the sanitary installations shall include the following:- A. - Plumbing Works Sanitary Fixtures Soil, Waste, Vent, Rainwater Pipes & Fittings Water Supply System B. - Fire Suppression Works Wet Riser System Sprinkler System Hand Appliances 1.4 Services rendered under this section shall be done without any extra charge. 2 Specifications 2.1 Work under this Contract shall be carried out strictly in accordance with specifications attached with the tender. 2.2 Items not covered under these specifications or due to any ambiguity or misprints, or additional works, the work shall be carried out as per specifications of the latest Central Public Works Department with up to date amendments as applicable in the Contract. 2.3 Works not covered under Para 2.1 and 2.2 shall be carried out as per relevant Codes & Bureau of Indian Standards and in case of its absence as per British Standard Code of Practice. 3 Execution of work 3.1 The Contractor should visit and examine the site of work and satisfy himself as to the nature of the existing roads and other means of communication and other details pertaining to the work and local conditions and facilities for obtaining his own information on all matters affecting the execution of work. No extra charge made in consequence of any misunderstanding, incorrect information on any of these points or on ground of insufficient description will be allowed. 3.2 The work shall be carried out in conformity with the Plumbing drawings and within the requirements of architectural, HVAC, electrical, structural and other specialised services drawings. 73 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 3.3 The Contractor shall cooperate with all trades and agencies working on the site. He shall make provision for hangers, sleeves, structural openings and other requirements well in advance to prevent hold up of progress of the construction schedule. All supports to the civil structure shall be provided with dash fasteners. 3.4 On award of the work, Contractor shall submit a schedule of construction in the form of a PERT chart or BAR chart for approval of the Project Manager/Architect/ Consultant. All dates and time schedule agreed upon shall be strictly adhered to within the stipulated time of completion/ commissioning along with the specified phasing, if any. 4 Drawings 4.1 Contract drawings are diagrammatic but shall be followed as closely as actual construction permits. Any deviations made shall be in conformity with the architectural and other services drawings. 4.2 Architectural drawings shall take precedence over plumbing or other services drawings as to all dimensions. 4.3 Contractor shall verify all dimensions at site and bring to the notice of the Project Manager all discrepancies or deviations noticed. Decision of the Project Manager shall be final. 4.4 Large size details and manufacturers dimensions for materials to be incorporated shall take precedence over small scale drawings. 4.5 Any drawings issued by the Architects/Consultant for the work are the property of the Architects/ Consultant and shall not be lent, reproduced or used on any works other than intended without the written permission of the Architects/Consultant. 5 Inspection and testing of materials 5.1 Contractor shall be required, if requested, to produce manufacturers test certificate for the particular batch of materials supplied to him. The tests carried out shall be as per the relevant Bureau of Indian Standards. 5.2 a) b) c) d) e) For examination and testing of materials and works at the site Contractor shall provide all testing and gauging equipment necessary but not limited to the following: Steel tapes Weighing machine Plumb bobs, sprit levels, hammer Micrometers Hydraulic machine 5.3 All such equipment shall be tested for calibration at any approved laboratory, if required by the Project Manager. All testing equipment shall be preferably located in special room meant for the purpose. 5.4 Samples of all materials shall be got approved before placing order and the approved samples shall be deposited with the Project Manager. 6 Metric conversion 6.1 All dimensions and sizes of materials and equipment given in the tender document are commercial metric sizes. 74 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 6.2 Any weights, or sizes given in the tender having changed due to metric conversion, the nearest equivalent sizes accepted by Indian Standards shall be acceptable without any additional cost. 7 Reference points 7.1 Contractor shall provide permanent bench marks, flag tops and other reference points and check that with other agencies to confirm the same reference point for all the proper execution of work and these shall be preserved till the end of the work. 7.2 All such reference points shall be in relation to the levels and locations, given in the architectural and plumbing drawings. 8 Reference drawings 8.1 The Contractor shall maintain one set of all drawings issued to him as reference drawings. These shall not be used on site. All important drawings shall be mounted on boards and placed in racks indexed. No drawings shall be rolled. 8.2 All corrections, deviations and changes made on the site shall be shown on these reference drawings for final incorporation in the completion drawings to be submitted by the contractor in fulfilment of the conditions of this contract. 8.3. On award of the work the contractor shall be issued four sets of consultant‟s working drawings stamped “good for construction” by the Project Manager. The consultant‟s drawings shall be the basis of contractor‟s shop drawings. In addition, the Project Manager shall also issue one copy of the Interior Designer‟s; Electrical & HVAC approved shop drawings relevant to his work 8.4 Shop drawings are detailed working drawings which incorporate the contractor's details for execution of the work and incorporate equipment manufacturer's details and dimensions to ensure that the same can be installed in the space provided. 8.5 All shop drawings should detailed pipe routing and levels, showing location of other services at crossings etc., cable runs, route cable trays and all allied works and must be fully coordinated with other services and approved by the Project Manager before execution of the works. Project Manager shall arrange to issue two copies/prints of services drawings from the respective contracting agencies. Additional copies/prints may be provided on payment of actual cost of the copies/ prints. All drawings will valid only when stamped and issued by the Project Manager. 8.6 Shop drawings shall also be furnished for detailed layout of all equipment, foundation, bolting and vibration elimination details along with information on dead and dynamic load, vibration etc. 8.7 Six sets of manufacturer's equipment drawings, roughing in and wiring diagrams shall be submitted. 8.8 Contractor shall submit shop drawings furnishing all details of MCC panels, cable routes, wiring diagrams and connection details as required. 8.9 Three copies of each set of shop drawings shall be submitted for initial scrutiny, discussion and approval. 8.10 Each submission shall be accompanied by contractor's certificate stating that the shop 75 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. drawings meet all the contract requirements and that the piping and equipment can be satisfactorily installed without any obstructions in the space available. 8.11 On approval of the above the contractor shall furnish six sets of the approved shop drawings for execution of the work. 9 Completion drawings 9.1 On completion of work, Contractor shall submit one complete set of original tracings and two prints of "as built" drawings to the Project Manager. These drawings shall have the following information. a) Run of all piping, diameters on all floors, vertical stacks and location of external services. b) Ground and invert levels of all drainage pipes together with location of all manholes and connections up to outfall. c) Run of all water supply lines with diameters, locations of control valves, access panels. d) Location of all mechanical equipment with layout and piping connections and mechanical equipment. e) All shop drawings shall be updated from time to time for the purpose of making completion drawings. No completion certificate shall be issued unless the above drawings are submitted. 9.2 Contractor shall provide four sets of catalogues, service manuals, manufacturer's drawings, performance data and list of spare parts together with the name and address of the manufacturer for all electrical and mechanical equipment provided by him. 9.3 All "warranty cards" given by the manufacturers shall be handed over to the Project Manager. 10. Contractor's rates 10.1 Rates quoted in this tender shall be inclusive of cost of materials, labour, supervision, erection, tools, plant, scaffolding, service connections, transport to site, taxes, octroi and levies, breakage, wastage and all such expenses as may be necessary and required to completely do all the items of work and put them in a working condition. 10.2 Rates quoted are for all heights and depths and in all positions as may be required for this work. 10.3 All rates quoted must be for complete items inclusive of all such accessories, fixtures and fixing arrangements, nuts, bolts, hangers as are a standard part of the particular item except where specially mentioned otherwise. 10.4 All rates quoted are inclusive of cutting holes and chases in walls and floors and making good the same with cement mortar/concrete/water proofing of appropriate mix and strength as directed by the Project Manager. Contractor shall provide holes, sleeves, recesses in the concrete and masonry work as the work proceeds. All hot and cold water supply pipes crossing masonry walls shall be provided with G.I. pipe sleeves. The annular space between the pipe and sleeve shall be filled up with fire proof sealant after testing. Contractor shall give the pipe sleeves to the civil contractor well in time so that the same can be fixed along with 76 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. civil works. Any co-ordination gap shall be of contractor‟s responsibility. 10.5 The Contractor shall furnish the Project Manager with vouchers & test certificates, on request, to prove that the materials are as specified and to indicate that the rates at which the materials are purchased in order to workout the rate analysis of non tendered items which he may be called upon to carryout. 11 Testing 11.1 Piping and drainage works shall be tested as specified under the relevant clauses of the specifications. 11.2 Tests shall be performed in presence of the Project Manager and test records for the tests shall be duly signed by Contractor and the Project Manager. 11.3 All materials and equipment found defective shall be replaced and whole work tested to meet the requirements of the specifications. 11.4 Contractor shall perform all such tests as may be necessary and required by the local authorities to meet municipal or other bye-laws in force. 11.5 Contractor shall provide all labour, equipment and materials for the performance of the tests. 12 Site clearance and cleanup 12.1 The Contractor shall, from time to time, clear away all debris and excess materials accumulated at the site. 12.2 After the fixtures, equipment and appliances have been installed and commissioned, Contractor shall clean-up the same and remove all plaster, paints, stains, stickers and other foreign matter or discolouration leaving the same in a ready to use condition. 12.3 On completion of all works, Contractor shall demolish all stores, remove all surplus materials and leave the site in a broom clean condition, failing which the same shall be done by the Project Manager at the Contractor‟s risk and cost. Cost of the cleanup shall be deducted from the contractor's bills on pro-rata basis in proportion to his contract value. 13 Licence permits and authorities 13.1 Contractor must hold a valid plumbing or any other as required licence by the municipal authority or other competent authority under whose jurisdiction the work falls. 13.2 Contractor must keep constant liaison with the local development, municipal/statutory authority and obtain approval of all drainage, water supply, fire suppression and other works carried out by him. 13.3 Contractor shall obtain, from the municipal and other authorities 'C' & 'D' & other forms as required for approval of drainage and water supply works during execution and the completion certificate with respect to his work as required for occupation of the building. Contractor shall obtain permanent water supply and drainage connections from authorities concerned. Mahindra World City shall re-imbrues the fees paid to the authorities towards the connection charges on production of receipts for money paid. 13.4 Contractor shall get any materials tested from the appropriate authority if so required with no cost to the Mahindra World City. 14 Recovery of cost for materials issued to Contractors free of cost If any material issued free of cost by the Mahindra World City to the contract for use on the 77 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. work and the same is lost, stolen ,pilfered or broken while in contractor‟ possession, the cost of the same shall be recovered from the Contractor on the basis of actual cost to Mahindra World City. The cost shall include the cost paid, freight, transportation, excise duty, sales tax, octroi, import duty and other levies, plus 100% as penalty. The decision on the actual cost given by the Mahindra World City shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 14.1 Contractor has to keep full records of material issued by the Mahindra World City with reference and challans etc. Contractor has to give account of all such materials to the Project Manager. 15 Cutting of Water Proofing Membrane: No walls terraces shall be cut for making and opening after water proofing has been done without written approval of project manager. Cutting of water proofing membrane shall be done very carefully so as other portion of water proofing is not damaged. On completion of work at such place the water proofing membrane shall be made good and ensured that the opening/cutting is made fully water proof as per specifications and details of water proofing approved by Project Managers. 16 Cutting of structural members No structural member shall be chased or cut without the written permission of the Project Manager 17 Materials supplied by Mahindra World City. The Contractor shall verify that all materials supplied by the Mahindra World City conform to the specifications of the relevant item in the tender. Any discrepancy found shall be brought to the notice of the Project Manager. 18 Materials 18.1 Unless otherwise specified and expressly approved in writing by the Project Manager, only materials of makes and specification as mentioned in the list of approved makes attached with the specifications shall be used. 18.2 If required, the Contractor shall submit samples of materials proposed to be used in the works. Approved samples shall be kept in the office of the Project Manager. 78 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Section II Sanitary Fixtures 1 Scope of work 1.1 Work under this section shall consist of furnishing all materials & labour necessary and required to completely install all sanitary fixtures, chromium plated fittings and accessories as required by the drawings specified hereinafter and given in the Schedule of Quantities. 1.2 Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing the sanitary fixtures shall include the following:a) b) c) d) e) Sanitary fixtures Chromium plated fittings Porcelain or stainless steel sinks Accessories e.g. towel rods, toilet paper holders, soap dish, towel rails, coat hooks etc. Connections to all kitchens, equipment, pump headers and other equipment requiring water and drainage connections. 1.3 Whether specifically mentioned or not all fixtures and appliances shall be provided with all fixing devices, nuts, bolts, screws, hangers as required. 1.4 All exposed pipes within toilets and near fixtures shall be chromium plated brass or copper unless otherwise specified. 2 General requirements 2.1 Sanitary fixtures and C.P. fittings in manufacturer‟s packing as specified in the schedule of quantities shall be supplied to the Contractors free of cost at the stores of the Mahindra World City. 2.2 All fixtures and fittings shall be provided with all such accessories as are required to complete the item in working condition whether specifically mentioned or not in the Schedule of Quantities, specifications, drawings. Accessories shall include proper fixing arrangement, brackets, nuts, bolts, screws and required connection pieces, WC flexible connectors etc. 2.3 Fixing screws shall be half round head chromium plated brass screws with C.P. washers where necessary. 2.4 Contractor shall furnish without cost all such accessories and fixing devices that are necessary and required but not supplied along with the Plumbing Fixtures & CP Fittings by the manufacturers as a part of the original and standard supply. 2.5 All fittings and fixtures shall be fixed in a neat workmanlike manner true to level and heights shown on the drawings and in accordance with the manufacturer‟s recommendations. Care shall be taken to fix all inlet and outlet pipes at correct positions. Faulty locations shall be made good and any damage to the finished floor, tiling or terrace shall be made good at Contractor's cost. 2.6 Contractor shall seal all fixtures fixed near wall, marble and edges with an approved type of poly-sulphide sealant appropriate for its application. 3 European W.C 3.1 European W.C. shall be wash down or symphonic type floor or wall mounted set flushed by means of porcelain/ plastic flushing cistern, which will be an integral part of the WC system. Framework, walling and finishing will not form a part of the contractor’s work. Where applicable flush pipe/ bend shall be connected to the W.C. by means of a suitable rubber adapter. Wall hung W.C. shall be supported by C.I. floor mounted chair. 79 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 3.2 Each W.C. set shall be provided with a plastic seat shall be with rubber buffers and chromium plated hinges. 3.3 Plastic seat shall be so fixed that it remains absolutely stationary in vertical position without falling down on the W.C. Each W.C. shall be suitable for flushing in low volume of water 3-6 litres. 3.4 Flushing cistern when provided shall be provided with all internal flushing mechanism, 15 mm dia ball cock with unbreakable polythene float and overflow pipe. Any frame work required for fixing cistern has to be provided by the contractor. 4 Indian W.C. Indian Water closet (IWC) shall be provided with „P‟ or „S‟ trap outlet with a low volume cistern porcelain /plastic flushing cistern with all internal flushing mechanism. Flush pipe/bend shall be connected to IWC by means of a suitable rubber adaptor. 5 Urinals 5.1 Urinals shall be white glazed vitreous china of size, shape and type specified in the Schedule of Quantities. 5.2 Bowl urinals shall be provided with 15 mm dia C.P. spreader, 32 mm dia stainless steel domical waste and C.P. cast brass bottle trap with pipe and wall flange, and shall be fixed to wall by C.I. brackets and C.I. wall clips as recommended by manufacturers complete as directed by Project Manager. 5.3 Urinals shall be fixed with C.P. brass screws and shall be provided with 32 mm dia domical waste leading to urinal's trap. 5.4 Flush pipes shall be G.I. pipes concealed in wall chase but with chromium plated bends at inlet and outlet or as given in Schedule of Quantities. 5.5 Urinals shall be flushed by means of fully automatic no-touch flush valve with solenoid valves. 5.6 Waste pipes for urinals shall be G.I pipes (Medium class) to IS: 1239 or uPVC class III (6 kg/sqcm) conforming to IS: 4985 as given in schedule of quantities. Waste pipes may be exposed on wall or concealed in chase as directed by the Project Manager. Specifications for waste pipes shall be same as given in Section II. 6. Wash Basins 6.1 Wash basins shall wall mounted type or Counter top type as specified in the BOQ. 6.2 Each basin shall be supported on MS galvanized or CI brackets and clips and the basin securely fixed to wall or on the counter. The design of the brackets shall suit the basin selected and as recommended by the manufacturer. 6.3 Each basin shall be provided with 32 mm dia C.P.waste with overflow, pop-up or standard waste with rubber plug and chain, 32 mm dia C.P. brass bottle trap with CP pipe to wall and flange. 6.4 Each basin shall be provided with a Hot & cold CP mixer with pop up waste fittings, 32 mm dia. CP cast brass bottle trap with outlet pipe and wall flange. 6.5 Some of the selected wash basins as identified in the BOQ shall be similar to the one described above but the supply tap shall be a Magic Eye Infrared operated automatic hot and 80 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. cold mixing fittings. 6.6 Washbasins shall be fixed at proper heights as shown on drawings. If height is not specified, the rim level shall be 79 cms or as directed by Project Managers. 7 Sinks 7.1 Sinks shall be stainless steel or any other material as specified in the Schedule of Quantities. 7.2 Each sink shall be provided with brackets of approved and securely fixed. Counter top sinks shall be fixed with suitable brackets or clips as recommended by the manufacturer. Each sink shall be provided with 40 mm dia C.P. waste with chain and plug as given in the Schedule of Quantities. Fixing shall be done as directed by Project Manager. 7.3 Supply fittings for sinks shall be mixing fittings or C.P. taps as specified in the Schedule of Quantities. 8 Hand Drier 8.1 The hand drier shall be no touch operating type with solid state time delay to allow user to keep hand in any position. 8.2 The hand drier shall be fully hygienic, rated for continuous repeat use. 8.3 The rating of hand drier shall be such that time required to dry a pair of hands upto wrists is approximately 30 seconds. 8.4 The hand drier shall be wall mounting type suitable for 230 volts, single phase, 50 Hz, A.C. power supply. 9 Toilets for Disabled 9.1 Where specified in washroom facilities designed to accommodate physically handicapped, accessories should be provided as directed by the Project Manager. 9.2 Stainless steel grab bars of required size suitable for concealed or exposed mounting and non-slip gripping surface shall be provided in all washrooms to be used by physically handicapped as directed by the Project Manager. 10 Accessories 10.1 Contractor shall install all chromium plated and porcelain accessories as shown on the drawings or directed by the Project Manager. 10.2 All C.P. accessories shall be fixed with C.P. brass half round head screws and cup washers in wall with rawl plugs or nylon sleeves and shall include cutting and making good as required or directed by Project Manager. 10.3 Recessed porcelain accessories shall be fixed in walls and set in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand) and fixed in relation to the tiling work as per Interior Designer‟s drawings. 11 Urinal partitions 11.1 Urinal partitions shall be white glazed vitreous china, marble, granite or any other material selected by the Project Manager. 81 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 11.2 Urinal partitions shall be fixed at proper heights with C.P. brass bolts, anchor fasteners and M.S. Clips as recommended by the manufacturer and directed by Project Manager. 12 Measurement 12.1 Sanitary fixtures and accessories shall be measured by numbers in the unit given in the Schedule of Quantities. 12.2 Rates for all items shall be inclusive of cutting holes and chases and making good the same, C.P Brass screws, nuts, bolts and any fixing arrangements required and recommended by manufacturers, testing and commissioning. 82 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Section III Soil, Waste, Vent, Rainwater Pipes & Fittings 1. Scope of work 1.1 Work under this section shall consist of furnishing all labour, materials, equipment and appliances necessary and required to completely install all soil, waste, vent and rainwater pipes and fittings as required by the drawings, and given in the Schedule of Quantities. 1.2 Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing, the soil, waste, vent pipes system shall include the following:- a) b) c) d) e) Vertical and horizontal soil, waste, vent pipes, and fittings, joints, clamps, connections to fixtures. Connection of all pipes to sewer lines as shown on the drawings at ground floor levels. Drainage, channels, gratings & floor drains. Floor and urinal traps, cleanout plugs, inlet fittings and rainwater heads/Khurras Testing of all pipe lines 2 General requirements 2.1 All materials shall be new of the best quality conforming to specifications and subject to the approval of Project Manager. 2.2 Pipes and fittings shall be fixed truly vertical, horizontal or in slopes as required in a neat workmanlike manner. 2.3 Pipes shall be fixed in a manner as to provide easy accessibility for repair and maintenance and shall not cause obstruction in shafts, passages etc. 2.4 Pipes shall be securely fixed to walls and ceilings by suitable clamps intervals specified. 2.5 Access doors for fittings and clean outs shall be so located that they are easily accessible for repair and maintenance. Any access panel required in the civil structure, false ceiling or marble cladding etc. shall be clearly reported to the Mahindra World City in the form of shop drawing so that other agencies are instructed to provide the same. 3 Piping System 3.1 Schedule of Pipes Use 1. uPVC pipes 75,110 ,160&210 mm dia Vt. stacks for Soil, Waste., Vent & RWP 2. uPVC pipes 40,50 & 63 mm dia pvc pipes Horizontal. For Soil, Waste. Vent pipes (welded joints) 6 kg/sqcm class III 4 Soil, Waste & Vent Pipes 4.1 The Soil & Waste Pipe System above ground has been planned as a "two pipe system" as defined in IS : 5329 having separate pipes for waste for kitchen sinks, showers, washbasins AHU‟s condensate drains and floor drains and is approved by Project Manager. 4.2 All waste water from AHU's plant and pump rooms, floor channels will be provided with a deep seal trap before connecting to the main drain or vertical stack. 4.3 Vertical soil & waste stacks shall be connected to a separate horizontal drain at basement ceiling generally as shown on the drawings. 4.4 Toilet layouts have been so arranged that the W.C. outlets shall be with “P” trap above 83 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. ground. 4.5 All soil/waste from areas in Basement areas will be collected in sumps and after treatment in STP shall be pumped into sewer line. 4.6 Head (Starting point) of drains and sewage / Waste Water Sumps ( as and where applicable) having a length of greater than 4 m up to it connection to the main drain or manhole shall be provided with a 80/ 100 mm vent pipe terminating above roof or as directed by Project Manager. 5 Rainwater Pipes a) All open terraces shall be drained by rain water down takes. b) Rainwater down takes are separate and independent of the soil and waste system and will discharge into the open ground Storm water Drainage system of the Complex. c) Rain water in open courtyards shall be collected in catch basins and connected to the storm water drain. d) Any dry weather flow from waste appliances e.g. AHU‟s pump rooms, waste water sumps shall connect to sewers after traps and not in the storm water drainage system. 6 Balcony/Planter drainage Wherever required, all balconies, terraces, planters and other formal landscape areas will be drained by vertical down takes or other type of drainage system shown on the drawings and directed by the Architect/Project Manager 7 uPVC Pipes & Fittings 7.1 Soil, Waste and Anti-siphon age pipes and fittings shall be uPVC. All pipes shall be straight and smooth conforming to IS: 13592 or as specified in Schedule of Quantities. 7.2 Pipes and fittings for main vertical stacks & branches 110 mm, & 75 mm dia shall be Soil, Waste & Rainwater System known in the short form as SWR drainage system with injection moulded fittings with approved type of socket & „O‟ rubber ring joints. 7.3 Joints shall be done as per the manufacturer‟s recommendations. The pipes and fittings must have matching dimension for perfect joints in the system. „O‟ ring fittings must have sufficient gap (approx. 10 mm) for thermal expansion of pipes. 7.4 uPVC pipes shall be clamped to the wall with approved type uPVC saddle clamps/U clamps and G.I. rod fixed to the angle iron support system within the shaft. 7.5 Use proper uPVC pipe adapters for connections between cast iron pipes, traps & uPVC pipes where necessary. Such joints shall be made of an approved type of „Putty‟. 8 Clamps 8.1 For UPVC pipes standard UPVC clamps shall be used. For other pipes M.S. clamps, supports and hangers provided shall be galvanised. Factory made Pre fabricated clamps shall be preferred. Contactor may fabricate the clamps of special nature and galvanise them after fabrication but before installation. (Clamps shall be fabricated from mild steel sections) All nuts, bolts, washers and other fasteners shall be factory galvanised. 8.2 Clamps shall be of approved designs and fabricated from M.S. flats and other sections of thickness and sizes as per drawings or contractor‟s shop drawings. Clamps shall be fixed in 84 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. accordance to manufacturer‟s details/shop drawings to be submitted by the contractors. 8.3 When required to be fixed on RCC columns, walls or beam they shall be fixed with approved type of galvanised expansion anchor fasteners (Dash fasteners) of approved design and size according to load. 8.4 Structural clamps e.g. trapeze or cluster hangers shall be fabricated by electro-welding from M.S. structural members e.g. rods, angles, channels flats as per Contractors shop drawing shall be galvanised after fabrication. All nuts, bolts and washers shall be galvanised. 8.5 Galvanised slotted angle/channel supports on walls shall be provided wherever shown on drawings. Angles/channels shall be of sizes shown on drawings or specified in schedule of quantities. Angles/channels shall be fixed to brick walls with bolts embedded in cement concrete blocks and to RCC walls with anchor fasteners mentioned above. The spacing of support bolts on support members fixed horizontally shall not exceed 1 m. 9 Traps 9.1 Floor traps Floor traps where specified shall be of multi inlet uPVC traps (SWR) having a minimum 50 mm deep seal. The trap and waste pipes when buried below ground shall be set and encased in cement concrete blocks firmly supported on firm ground or when installed on a sunken RCC structural slab. The blocks shall be in 1:2:4 mix (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). Contractor shall provide all necessary shuttering and centring for the blocks. Size of the block shall be 30x30 cms of the required depth. 9.2 Urinal traps Urinal traps/horn shall be multi inlet uPVC traps with or without vent and set in cement concrete block specified for floor traps. 10 Cleanout plugs 10.1 Floor Clean out Plug. Clean out plug for Soil, Waste or Rainwater pipes laid under floors shall be provided near pipe junctions bends, tees, “Y‟s” and on straight runs at such intervals as required as per site conditions. Cleanout plugs shall terminate flush with the floor levels. They shall be threaded and provided with key holes for opening. Cleanout plugs shall be Cast Brass screwed to a G.I. socket. The socket shall be lead caulked to the drain pipes. 11 Waste pipe from appliances 11.1 Waste pipe from appliances e.g. washbasins, sinks and urinals shall be uPVC in all toilets, kitchen, pantries and service areas where so required, and as given in the Schedule of Quantities or shown on the drawings. 11.2 All pipes shall be fixed in gradient towards the connection to stack ,trap or drain. Pipes inside all toilets shall be in chase unless otherwise shown on drawings where so required and shown on drawings or directed by the Project Manager. 11.3 Galvanised pipes (Where specified or required at site for waste only) shall be conforming to I.S.1239 (medium class) and quality certificates shall be furnished. Pipes shall be provided with all required fittings e.g. tees, couplings, bends, elbows, unions, reducers, nipples, plugs. All G.I. waste pipes shall be terminated at the point of connection with the appliance with an 85 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. outlet of suitable diameter. Pipes in chase shall be painted with two coats of black bitumen paint and exposed pipes with one coat of red oxide primer and two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint or as given in the Schedule of Quantities. 12 Spun Cast iron pipes for drainage (Optional) 12.1 Spun Cast iron pipes running in shafts/internal and horizontally in ceilings shall be IS 3989. 12.2 Fittings a) Fittings e.g. bend, tees, Y, reducers used for spun C.I. drainage pipe system shall meet and match pipe system with drip seal joints. 12.3 Cleanout on Drainage Pipes (CO Plugs) a) Cleanout plugs shall be provided on head of each drain and in between at locations indicated on plans or directed by Cleanout plugs shall be of size matching the full bore of the pipe but not exceeding 150 mm dia. CO Plugs on drains of greater diameters shall be 150 mm dia. Fixed with a suitable reducing adapter. b) Floor cleanout plugs shall be cast brass as given in Para 3.7.3 above. c) 12.4 Cleanouts provided at ceiling level pipe shall be fixed to a uPVC adaptors/CI flanged tail piece. The cleanout doors shall be specially fabricated from light weight galvanised sheets and angles with hinged type doors with fly nuts, gasket etc. as per drawing. Pipe Joints a) Joints between two pipes shall be made with pre moulded rubber joints (Tyton) supplied by the manufacturer to ensure compatibility and water tightness. b) Joints between pipes and fittings shall be lead caulked joints. The depth of the lead after caulking the spun yarn shall however be 45 mm deep after caulking the lead with caulking tools. 13 Encasing in Cement Concrete 13.1 Encasing of pipes is required to provide stability to the line and prevent its damage during construction. uPVC soil and waste pipes under floor Pipes laid in sunken slabs and in wall chases (when cut specially for the pipe) shall be encased in cement concrete 1:2:4 mix (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 stone aggregate 12 mm size) 75 mm in bed and all round. When pipes are running well above the structural slab, the encased pipes shall be supported with suitable cement concrete pillars of required height at intervals of 1.8 m. Spun Cast Iron Drainage Pipes All drainage pipes except when fixed above ground or in exposed locations shall be encased in cement concrete as specified above for soil & waste pipes. The bed and encasing thickness shall however be 150 mm in bed and all rounds as shown on the drawing. 14 Painting 14.1 Paints used shall be of approved quality and shade. Where directed pipes shall be painted in accordance with approved pipe colour code. 86 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 14.2 All cast iron, soil, waste, vent, anti-siphonage, rainwater pipe sand CI (LA) Drainage pipes in exposed locations e.g. in shafts, pipe spaces and service floors or fixed at ceiling levels shall be painted with two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint to give an even shade . Spun CI Soil pipes buried under floors shall not be painted. 14.3 G.I. waste pipes buried in ground or fixed in chase shall be protected with 2 mm thick bitumen membrane tape with a final coat of hot or cold applied bitumen. Exposed waste pipes shall be painted with two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint. 15 Cutting and making good 15.1 Contractor shall provide all holes cut outs and chases in structural members necessary and required for the pipe work as building work proceeds. Wherever cut outs , holes are left in the original construction, they shall be made good with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) or cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand) and the surface restored as in original condition. 16. Sleeves/ Cut-outs. 16.1 Contractor shall utilised all cut out and sleeves provided during construction to prevent breaking. The annular space between the pipe and the sleeve shall be filled up with approved type of fire retardant sealant. When sleeves are misplaced or inaccurately located contractor shall make the holes in the wall or structural members at his own cost but only with the prior permission of the Project Manager. 17 Testing 17.1 Testing procedure specified below apply to all soil, waste and vent pipes above ground including spun C.I. pipes laid in ceiling. 17.2 Entire drainage system shall be tested for water tightness and smoke tightness during and after completion of the installation. No portion of the system shall remain untested. Contractor must have adequate number of expandable rubber bellow plugs, manometers, smoke testing machines, pipe and fitting work test benches and any other equipment necessary and required to conduct the tests. 17.3. All materials obtained and used on site must have manufacturer's hydraulic test certificate for each batch of materials used on the site. 18 Measurements 18.1 General a) Rates quoted for all items shall be inclusive of all work and items given in the Specifications and Schedule of Quantities. b) Rates are applicable for the work in ground, mezzanine floors, in shafts at ceiling level area and for all depths and heights of buildings. 18.2 Rates are inclusive of cutting holes and chases in RCC and masonry work where no sleeves or cut outs have been provided during construction and making good the same. 18.3 Rates are inclusive of pre testing on site, testing of the installations, materials and commissioning of the works. 18.4 Pipes (unit of measurement linear meter to the nearest centimetre). 87 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 18.5 uPVC soil, waste, vent, anti siphon age, rain water pipes, drainage pipes shall be measured net when fixed correct to a centimetre including all fittings along its finished length. 18.6 G.I. pipes shall measure per running metre correct to a centimetre for the finished work which shall include fittings e.g. bends, tees, elbows, reducers, crosses, sockets, nipples and nuts. The length shall be taken along centre line of the pipes and fittings. All pipes and fittings shall be classified according to their diameter, method of jointing and fixing substance, quality, and finish. The diameters shall be nominal diameter of internal bore. 18.7 Cement concrete around pipes shall be measured along the centre of the pipe line measured per linear metre and include any masonry supports, shuttering and centring cutting complete as described in the relevant specifications. 18.8 Slotted angles/channels shall be measured per linear metre of finished length and shall include support bolts and nuts embedded in masonry walls with cement concrete blocks and nothing extra will be paid for making good the same. 18.9 Fittings (excluding pipe fittings) (Unit of measurement by numbers) Urinal traps, trap gratings, hoppers, cleanout plugs shall be measured by number per piece and shall include all items described in the relevant Specifications and Schedule of Quantities. 18.10 Painting Painting of pipes and fittings shall be measured per running metre. 88 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Section IV Water Supply System 1. Scope of work 1.1 Work under this section consists of furnishing all labour, materials equipment and appliances necessary and required to completely install the water supply system as required by the drawings, specified hereinafter and given in the Schedule of Quantities. 1.2 Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing, the water supply system shall include the following:a) b) c) d) e) f) Distribution system from main supply headers from pump to all fixtures and appliances for cold & hot water. Cold water supply lines from tube wells and city water connections to Fire and Under Ground Water Tanks. Pipe protection and painting. Control valves, masonry chambers and other appurtenances. Connections to all plumbing fixtures, tanks, appliances and municipal mains Inserts for R.C.C. tanks 2 General requirements 2.1 All materials shall be new of the best quality conforming to specifications. All works executed shall be to the satisfaction of the Project Manager. 2.2 Pipes and fittings shall be fixed truly vertical, horizontal or in slopes as required in a neat workmanlike manner. 2.3 Short or long bends shall be used on all main pipe lines as far as possible. Use of elbows shall be restricted for short connections. 2.4 Pipes shall be fixed in a manner as to provide easy accessibility for repair and maintenance and shall not cause obstruction in shafts, passages etc. 2.5 Pipes shall be securely fixed to walls and ceilings by suitable clamps at intervals specified. 2.6 Clamps, hangers and supports on RCC walls, columns & slabs shall be fixed only by means of approved made of expandable metal fasteners inserted by use of power drills. 2.7. All pipe clamps, supports, nuts, bolts, washers shall be galvanised MS steel throughout the building. Painted MS clamps & MS nuts, bolts & washers shall not be accepted. 2.8 Valves and other appurtenances shall be so located as to provide easy accessibility for operations, maintenance and repairs. 3 Water Supply System 3.1 Contractor should study the site plan and the two water supply systems one for flushing water from STP and other for domestic water supply. 3.1.1 Source Water supply will be acquired from Jaipur Municipal Corporation water mains (as available) to a service connection and captive tube wells within the site and collected in water storage tanks located underground. 3.1.2 The domestic system has been connected to a pressurised feed system from main pump to all parts of the building 89 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 3.1.3 It is proposed to provide flushing cistern for all WCs. Infra red NO-TOUCH flush valves shall be provided for Urinals. These will be fed from flushing over head tank by gravity. 3.1.4 Domestic water supply shall be provided with cold water system only. Hot water provisions to kitchen and all toilets connected to a local electric hot water storage geyser. 4 (cPVC) G.I. pipes, fittings & valves 4.1 All pipes inside the buildings for domestic hot and cold water supply shall be CPVC conforming to CTs SDR-13.5 at a working pressure of 320 PSI at 23 deg.C. and 80 PSI at 82 deg. C. 4.2 Solvent welded CPVC fittings etc. tees, elbows, couplers, unions, reducers, brushing etc. including transition fittings (connection between CPVC and metal pipes/G.I. ie. Brass adopters conforming to ASTM D-2846) shall be provided. 4.3 All pipes shall be fixed in accordance with layout and alignment shown on the drawings. Care shall be taken to avoid air pockets. G.I. pipes inside toilets shall run above false ceiling with vertical drop in wall chases for all fixtures. No pipes to run inside sunken floor as far as possible. Pipes may run under the ceiling or floors and other areas as shown on drawings. 4.4 Joining Pipes & Fittings a) Cutting Pipes shall be cut either with a wheel type plastic pipe cutting or hacksaw blade and care shall be taken to make a square cut. All burrs should be removed for proper contact between pipe and fittings during jointing. b) Solvent Cement Application Only cPVC solvent cement conforming to ASTM-F-493 should be used for joining pipe with fittings. An even coat of solvent cement should be applied on the pipe end and a thin coat inside the fitting socket. c) Assembly After applying the solvent cement on both pipe and fitting socket, pipe should be inserted into the fitting socket within 30 seconds, and rotating the pipe ¼ to ½ turn while inserting so as to ensure even distribution of solvent cement with the joint. The assembled system should be held for 10 seconds (approximately) in order to allow the joint to set up. d) Testing The system should be hydrostatically pressure tested at 150 psi (10 Bar) for one hour. During pressure testing, the system should be fitted with water and if a leak is found, the joint should be cut out the replaced with new one. 4.5 Transition of Flow guard cPVC in metals When making a transition connection to metal threads, special brass/plastic transition fitting (Male and female adapters) should be used. Plastic threaded connections should not be over torque. 4.5.1 Threaded sealants Teflon tape shall be used to make threaded connections leak proof. 4.5.2 Solvent Cement 90 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Only cPVC solvent cement conforming to ASTMF 493 should be used for joining pipe with fittings and valves. 4.6 Hangers and supports For Horizontal runs, support should be given at 3 feet (90 cms) intervals for diameters of one inch and below and at 4 feet (1.2 m) intervals for larger sizes. Supports should be as per the below mentioned table: Size of pipe Inch ½” ¾” 1” 1¼” 1¼” 2” 20ºC Ft. 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.0 49ºC Ft. 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.5 71ºC Ft. 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.0 82ºC Ft. 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.7 Anchor Fasteners 4.7.1 All pipe supports, hangers and clamps to be fixed on RCC walls, beams, columns, slabs and masonry walls 230mm thick and above by means of galvanised expandable anchor fasteners in drilled holes of correct size and model to carry the weight of pipes. Drilling shall be made only by approved type of power drill as recommend and approved by manufacturer of the anchor fasteners. Failure of any fastening devices shall be the entire responsibility and contractor shall redo or provide additional supports at his own cost. He shall also compensate the Mahindra World City for any damage that may be caused by such failures. 4.8 Unions Contractor shall provide adequate number of unions on all pipes to enable easy dismantling later when required. Unions shall be provided near each gunmetal valve, stop cock, or check valve and on straight runs as necessary at appropriate locations as required and/or directed by Project Manager. 4.9 Flanges Flanged connections shall be provided on pipes as required or where shown on the drawings, all equipment connections as necessary and required or as directed by the Project Manager. Connections shall be made by correct number and size of GI nuts, bolts & washers with 3 mm thick gasket. Where hot water connections are made insertion gasket shall be of suitable high temperature grade and quality approved by the Project Manager. Bolt hole dia for flanges shall conform to match the specification for C.I. sluice valve to I.S. 780. and C.I. butterfly valve to IS: 13095. 4.10 Trenches All water supply pipes below ground shall be laid in trenches with a minimum cover of 60 cms. The width and depth of the trenches shall be as follows:Dia of pipe ------------15 mm to 50 mm 65 mm to 150 mm Width of trench --- --------------30 cms 45 cms 91 Depth of trench ------------------75 cms 100 cms Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 4.11 Sand filling G.I. pipes in trenches shall be protected with fine sand 15 cms all round before filling in the trenches. 4.12 Painting (Painting for cPVC pipes not required) 4.12.1 All pipes above ground shall be painted with one coat of red lead and two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved shade and quality. Pipes shall be painted to standard colour code given in this documents or specified by Project Manager. 4.13 Pipe protection (Protection for cPVC pipes not required) 4.13.1 All G.I. pipes in wall chase /below floors or laid under ground shall be protected against corrosion by the application of two coats of bitumen paint covered with polythene tape and a final coat of bitumen paint. 4.13.2 G.I. waste pipes buried in ground or sunken slab shall be protected with multilayer bitumen membrane tape 3mm thick with a final coat of hot or cold applied bitumen. Pypkote or equivalent. 4.14 Valves 4.14.1 Ball Valves Valves upto 40 mm dia. shall be screwed type Ball Valves with stainless steel balls, spindle, 2 teflon seating and gland packing tested to a hydraulic pressure of 20 kg/cm , and accompanying couplings and steel handles.(to BS 5351) 4.15 Butterfly Valves 4.15.1 Valves 50 mm dia and above shall be cast iron butterfly valve to be used for isolation. The valves shall be bubble tight, resilient seated suitable for flow in either direction and seal in both direction with accompanying flanges and steel handle. 4.15.2 Butterfly valve shall be of best quality conforming to IS: 13095. 4.16. Non Return Valve (Slim Type) Where specified non return valve (swing check type) shall be provided through which flow can occur in one direction only. It shall be single door swing check type of best quality. 4.16.1 Each Butterfly and Slim Type Swing Check (NRV) Valve shall be provided with a pair of flanges screwed or welded to the main line and having the required number of galvanised nuts, bolts and washers of correct length. 4.16.2 Storage tanks Overhead Tank. (Accessories & Connections) 4.16.6 Storage tanks for water supply shall be in reinforced cement concrete built by the building Contractor. 4.16.4 Each tank shall be provided with lockable type manhole cover fabricated from M.S. sheets. Manhole covers shall be 450-500 mm dia and fully galvanised after fabrication or as approved by the Project Manager. 4.17 Storage Tanks 92 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 4.17.1 Over Head Tank Over Head storage tanks for water supply shall be reinforced cement concrete built by the building contractor. Each tank shall be provided with lockable type manhole cover fabricated from M.S. sheet or standard cost iron tank covers. Manhole covers shall be 450-500 mm dia or as approved by local municipal authority. 4.18 Outlets and overflow All nozzles for puddle flanges in RCC tank for inlet, outlet, overflow and scour etc. shall be provided by civil contractor or as given in the Schedule of Quantities. Further connections and accessories shall be provided under this contract. 4.19 Testing 4.19.1 All pipes, fittings and valves after fixing at site, shall be tested by hydrostatic pressure of 1.5 2 times the working pressure or 10 kg/cm whichever is more. Pressure shall be maintained for a period of at least thirty minutes without any drop. A test register shall be maintained and all entries shall be signed and dated by Contractor (s) and Project Manager. 4.19.2 In addition to the sectional testing carried out during the construction, Contractor shall test the entire installation after connections to the overhead tanks or pumping system or mains. He shall rectify all leakages and shall replace all defective materials in the system. Any damage done due to carelessness, open or burst pipes or failure of fittings, to the building, furniture and fixtures shall be made good by the Contractor during the defects liability period without any cost. 4.19.3 After commissioning of the water supply system, Contractor shall test each valve by closing and opening it a number of times to observe if it is working efficiently. Valves which do not effectively operate shall be replaced by new ones at no extra cost and the same shall be tested as above. 4.20 Measurement a) CPVC or G.I. pipes above ground shall be measured per linear meter (to the nearest cm) and shall be inclusive of b) all fittings e.g. coupling, tees, bends, elbows, unions, flanges and U clamps with nuts, bolts & washers fixed to wall or other standard supports. c) Jointing with teflon tape, white lead and insertion gasket of appropriate temperature grade. d) Cutting holes, and chases in walls, floors, any pipe support required for pipes below ground & making good the same. e) Excavation, back filling, disposal of surplus earth and restoring the ground & floor in original condition. 4.21 Pipe Supports. Fabricated and galvanised supports shall be measured by weight. Weight for each type of clamp shall be calculated on basis of the quantity of structural and MS used from the 93 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. theoretical weight calculated on basis of the components theoretical weight of the sections. 4.21.1 Rate quoted for supports & hangers shall be inclusive of:a) b) c) d) e) Expandable anchor fastens. Galvanising of all supports & hangers. Cutting holes in walls, ceilings on floors and making good where permitted. Nuts, bolts and washers for fixing and assembling. Wooden/PVC pipe saddles for vertical or horizontal runs. 4.21.2 Valves Gunmetal, cast iron, butterfly and non return valves and puddle flanges shall be measured by numbers and shall include wheels/caps, GI nuts, bolts, washers and insertion gasket. 4.21.3 Painting/pipe protection/insulation Painting/pipe protection/insulation for pipes shall be measured per linear metre over finished surface and shall include all valves and fittings for which no deduction shall be made. No extra payment shall be made for fittings, valves or flanges. Section V Fire Hydrant System and Sprinkler System 1 Scope of work 1.1 Work under this section shall consist of furnishing all labour, materials, equipment and appliances necessary and required to completely install wet riser fire hydrant and sprinkler system as required by the drawings and specified hereinafter or given in the Schedule of Quantities. 1.2 Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing, the work shall include but not limited to the following:a) b) c) d) Piping for wet riser hydrant systems and for yard hydrants. Landing valves, canvas hose pipes, hose reels, hose cabinets & connections to mains. Fully automatic sprinkler system Isolation valves, non-return valves, installation valves, flow control switches and accessories. 2. General 2.1 All materials shall be new of the best quality conforming to the specifications and subject to the approval of the Project Manager. 2.2 Pipes and fittings shall be fixed truly vertical, horizontal or in slopes as required in a neat workmanlike manner. 2.3 Pipes shall be fixed in a manner as to provide easy accessibility for repair and maintenance and shall not cause obstruction in shafts, passages etc. 2.4 Pipes shall be securely fixed to walls, and ceilings by suitable clamps at intervals specified. Only approved type of anchor fasteners shall be used for RCC ceilings and walls. 2.5 Valves and other appurtenances shall be so located that they are easily accessible for operations, repairs and maintenance. 94 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 2.6 The rules and regulations of Local Fire Authority as per the statutory regulations applicable for obtaining the occupation certificate from the Local Development / Fire Authority. 2.7 Drawings issued with the tenders are schematic and indicate the concept. Contractor shall make his shop drawings on basis of Architectural and Interior design drawings issued by the Engineer-in-Charge. Work will be executed only as per approved shop drawings. 2.8 3 It is the contractor's responsibility to ensure the competence of design to meet the above requirements. Pipes All pipes within and outside the building in exposed locations and shafts including connections buried under floor shall be M.S. pipes confirming to IS : 1239 Heavy Class 4 Pipe Fittings Pipes and fittings means tees, elbows, couplings, flanges, reducers etc. and all such connecting devices that are needed to complete the piping work in its totality. Screwed fittings shall be approved type malleable or cast iron with reinforced ring on all edges of the fittings suitable for screwed joints. Forged steel fittings of approved type with "V" groove for welded joints. Fabricated fittings shall be not being permitted for pipe diameters 50 mm and below. When used, they shall be fabricated, welded and inspected in workshops whose welding procedures have been approved by the TAC as per TAC rule 4102 for sprinkler system and applicable to hydrant and sprinkler System under the supervision of Project Manager. For "T" connections, pipes shall be drilled and reamed. Cutting by gas or electrical welding will not be accepted. 5 Jointing 5.1 Screwed (50 mm dia pipes and below) Joint for black steel pipes and fittings shall be metal to metal thread joints. A small amount of red lead may be used for lubrication and rust prevention. Joints shall not be welded or caulked. 5.2 Welded (65 mm dia and above) Joints between M.S. and pipes and fittings shall be made with the pipes and fittings having "V" groove and welded with electrical resistance welding in an approved manner. Butt welded joints are not acceptable. 5.3 Flanged a) Flanged joints shall be provided on: b) Straight runs not exceeding 30 m on pipe lines 80 mm dia and above. c) Both ends of any fabricated fittings e.g. bend tees etc. of 65 mm dia or larger diameter. d) For jointing all types of valves, appurtenances, pumps, connections with other type of pipes, to water tanks and other places necessary and required as per good engineering practice. 95 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. e) Flanges shall be as per I.S. with appropriate number of G.I. nuts and bolts, 3 mm insertion neoprene gasket complete. 5.4 Unions Approved type of dismountable unions on pipes lines 65 mm and below in similar places as specified for flanges. 6 Excavation 6.1 Excavation for pipe lines shall be in open trenches to levels and grades shown on the drawings or as required at site. Pipe lines shall be buried to a minimum depth of 1.2 meter or as shown on drawings. 6.2 Wherever required contractor shall support all trenches or adjoining structures with adequate timber supports. 6.3 On completion of testing and pipe protection, trenches shall be refilled with excavated earth in 15 cms layers and consolidated. 6.4 Contractor shall dispose off all surplus earth within a lead of 200 m or as directed by Project Manager. 7 Anchor Thrust Blocks a) Contractor shall provide suitably designed anchor blocks in cement concrete to encounter excess thrust due to water hammer & high pressure. b) Thrust blocks shall be provided at all bends & tees & such other location as determined by the Project Manager. c) Exact location, design, size and mix of the concrete block shall be approved by the Project Manager prior to execution of work. 8 Valves 8.1 Gunmetal Valves 8.1.1 Valves 65 mm dia & below shall be heavy gunmetal full way valves or globe valves conforming to I.S. 778-1971 class II with female screwed ends. Valves shall be carry I.S. certifications mark. 8.1.2 All valves shall be approved by the Project Manager before they are allowed to be used on work. 8.2 C.I. Iron Butterfly Valves/Sluice Valves 8.2.1 All valves 80 mm dia and above shall be C.I. double flanged butterfly valves. Each sluice valve shall be provided with wheel for valves in exposed positions and cap top for underground valves. Contractor shall provide suitable operating keys for Sluice Valves with cap tops. 8.2.2 Butterfly valves shall be of best quality conforming to I.S.13095 of class specified and sluice valves shall conform to IS: 780. 96 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 8.3 Non-return valves (Check Valves) Non-return valves shall be cast iron double flanged with cast iron body and gunmetal internal parts conforming to IS: 5312. 8.4 Air valves 25 mm dia screwed inlet cast iron single acting air valve shall be provided on all high points in the system or as shown on drawings. 8.5 Orifice Flanges Orifice flanges fabricated from 6 mm thick stainless steel plate shall be provided to reduce 2 pressure on individual hydrants to restrict the operating pressure to 3.5 kg/cm and allow a discharge of 560 lpm. The contractor shall submit design of the orifice flanges for approval before installation. 8.6 Drain Valve 50 mm dia black steel pipe to IS: 1239 (heavy class) with 50 mm gunmetal fullway valve shall be provided for draining any water in the system in low pockets. 8.7 Pressure Gauge Pressure gauge shall be provided near all connections to hydrant system and isolation valves of sprinkler system and where required. Pressure gauge shall be 100 mm dia gunmetal Bourden type with gunmetal isolation cock, tapping and connecting pipe and nipple. The gauge shall be installed at appropriate level and height for easy readability. 9 Hydrant/valve chambers 9.1 Contractor shall provide suitable brick masonry chambers in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement: 5 coarse sand) on cement concrete foundations 150 mm thick 1:5:10 mix (1 cement: 5 fine sand: 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) 15 mm thick cement plaster inside and outside finished with a floating coat of neat cement inside with cast iron surface box approved by fire brigade including excavation, back filling complete. 9.2 Valve chambers shall be of following size:for depths 100 cms and beyond 120x120 cms. 10 Fire brigade connections As shown on drawings separate gunmetal 2-3 way collecting head Fire brigade connection each with two or three 63 mm instantaneous type inlets with built in check valves and 150 mm dia inlet/outlet connected to the fire and sprinkler main as given in BOQ shall be provided. Both shall be installed on a stand post and provided with horizontal C.I. reflux valve and location to be approved by Project Manager. Etched gunmetal label plates with 80 mm high letters shall be fixed along with necessary enclose cabinet. The plates should be firmly fixed to the FB connection and any support system. 11 Fire hydrants 11.1 External hydrants 11.1.1 Contractor shall provide stand post type external hydrants. The hydrants shall be controlled by a cast iron sluice valve installed in underground lockable chambers. Hydrants shall have instantaneous type 63 mm dia outlets. The hydrants valve shall be single outlet conform to 97 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. I.S.5290 with C.I duck foot bend and flanged riser of required height to bring the hydrant to correct level above ground. 11.1.2 Contractor shall provide for each external fire hydrant two numbers of 63 mm dia. 15 m long controlled percolation type hose pipes with gunmetal male and female instantaneous type couplings machine wound with G.I. wire (hose to I.S. 636 Type 2 and couplings to I.S. 903 with M.S. certification), gunmetal branch pipe with nozzle to I.S. 903. 11.2 Internal hydrants 11.2.1 Contractor shall provide on each landing and other locations as shown on the drawings one single headed gunmetal oblique landing valves with 63 mm dia outlet mounted on a common 80 mm inlet conforming to I.S.5290-1969. Landing valve shall have flanged inlet and instantaneous type outlets as shown on the drawings. 11.2.2 Instantaneous outlets for fire hydrants shall be of standard pattern approved and suitable for fire brigade hoses. 11.2.3 Contractor shall provide for each internal fire hydrant station two numbers of 63 mm dia. 15 m long rubberized fabric linen hose pipes with gunmetal male and female instantaneous type coupling machine wound with G.I. wire (hose to I.S. 636 Type 2 and couplings to I.S. 903 with I.S. Certification), fire hose reel conforming to IS:884, gunmetal branch pipe with nozzle I.S. 2871 and Fire man's axe conforming to IS: 926. 11.2.4 Each hose box shall be conspicuously painted with the letters "FIRE HOSE". 12 Fire hose reels Contractor shall provide standard fire hose reels with 20 mm dia high pressure Dunlop or equivalent rubber hose 36.5 m long with gunmetal nozzle and control valve, shut off valve, all mounted on circular hose reel of heavy duty mild steel construction and cast iron brackets. Hose reel shall be connected directly to the wet riser. Hose reel shall conform to IS: 884-1969 and rubber hose to IS: 5132. 13 Hose Cabinets 13.2 All internal fire hydrants shall be enclosed in M.S. glazed cabinet. Hose cabinets shall be fabricated from 16 gauge M.S. sheet of fully welded construction with hinged double front door partially glazed with locking arrangement stove enameled fire red paint with "FIRE HOSE" written on it prominently. (Sizes are as given in the Bill of Quantities). 14 Pipe protection a) All pipes above ground and in exposed locations shall be painted with one coat of zinc chromate primer and two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved shade. b) Pipes in chase or buried underground shall be painted with two coats of zinc chromate primer and wrapped with one layer of 4 mm thick PYPKOAT multilayer sheet as per standard manufacturer's specifications. 15 Pipe Supports 2.16.1 All pipe clamps and supports shall be galvanised steel. When fabricated from M.S. steel sections, the supports shall be factory galvanised before use at site. Welding of galvanised clamps and supports will not be permitted. 2.16.2 Pipes shall be hung by means of expandable anchor fastner of approved make and design 98 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. (Dash Fastners or equivalent). The hangers and clamps shall be fastened by means of galvanised nuts and bolts. The size/diameter of the anchor fastner and the clamp shall be suitable to carry the weight of water filled pipe and dead load normally encounted. Pipe Spacing Table S.No. Pipes & Position <----------------------- Pipe commercial dia. ----- ----------- ----------- -------- 15/20 20/25 32/40 50 75/80 100/110 150/160 200 1 Vertical 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 GI /MS CI Pipes IS 1729/3989 CI Heavy Duty IS 1536 uPVC SWR Systems uPVC Water Supply Polybutylene 1 Horizontal 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 GI /MS CI Pipes IS 1729/3989 CI Heavy Duty IS 1536 uPVC SWR Systems uPVC Water Supply Polybutylene 16 Installation Valve 16.1 Installation valves shall be installed on the sprinkler circuits as shown on the drawings. 16.2 Contractor shall submit his detailed shop drawings showing the exact location, details of installation of the valve and alarm in all its respects. 16.3 Installation valve shall comprise of a cast iron sluice valve with gunmetal trim, pressure gauge, double seated clapper check valves as alarm valve with pressure gauge, test valve and orifice assembly and drain pipe with pressure gauge, bye pass on check valve to regulate differential pressure and false alarm, turbine water gong including all accessories necessary and required and as supplied by original equipment manufacturer and required for full and satisfactory performance of the system. 17 Sprinkler Heads 17.1 Sprinkler heads shall be quartzoid bulb type with gunmetal body fully approved and having current certification of the fire laboratory of the C.B.R.I. Roorkee, Underwriter's laboratory (UL) and under the approved certified list of the Fire Office Committee (FOC) of U.K. or NFPA of USA. Any one of the certification as acceptable to the local fire authorities obtained prior to the procurement and approved and accepted by the Project Manager. 17.2 Sprinkler heads shall be installed in conformity with approved shop drawings and in coordination with electrical fixtures, ventilation ducts, cable galleries and other services along the ceiling. 17.3 Following type of sprinklers shall be used: 2.4 x x x 2.4 x x x 3 3.6 4.5 4.5 <------------------------- 3 m --------------<---------------------- 3.6 m -------------0.5 0.7 0.9 0.9 5.4 5.4 ----------- ------- ----------- -------- 1.0 <--- As per manufacturer's Reccomendations ----------- ---------- -------- 2.0 2.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.0 <------------ 3 m -----------------------> 3.0 3.6 1.2 1.8 1.8 4.5 4.5 3.6 1.8 4.5 <-As per manufacturer's recommendations---> 99 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 17.3 S.No. Type of Sprinkler Temp rating a) b) Pendent /Upright type Sidewall 68°C 68°C Spacing and coverage of sprinkler shall be in accordance with risk classification of area in which they are installed, design density and TAC regulation. 18 Spare Sprinklers 18.1 Provide lockable enamel painted steel cabinet including following type of spare sprinklers a) b) 18.2 18.3 Pendent /Upright type Sidewall 20 10 The cabinet should also contain one pair of wrenches (of each size of the same different) for the sprinklers. are Spare sprinklers shall be of the same specifications as that of the original sprinklers specified. 19 Testing 19.1 All piping in the system shall be tested to a hydrostatic pressure of 1.5 times the working pressure or 14 kg/sq.cm( whichever is more) without drop in pressure for at-least 2 hours. 19.2 Rectify all leakages, make adjustments and retest as required and directed. 20 Annunciation Panel a) Provide one solid state electronic annunciation panel, fully wired with visual display unit to indicate: b) Flow condition in any flow indicating valve c) The panel should give a visual and audible alarm for any of the above conditions. d) The panel should be standard submitted with the tender. manufacturer's factory made. All details shall be 21 Cables 21.1 Contractor shall provide control cables from supervisory valves and switches to annunciation panels. 21.2 All control cables shall be copper conductor PVC insulated armoured and PVC sheethed 1100 volt grade. 21.3 All cables shall have stranded conductors. The cables shall be in drums as far as possible and bear manufacturer's name. 21.4 All cable joints shall be made in an approved manner as per standard practice. 22 Cable Trays 22.1 All cables shall be routed in approved locations in coordination with all other services in a proper manner. Cable trays shall be of galvanized steel and hung from the ceiling by 100 the Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. galvanized rods supported by appropriate size and type of expandable expansion fastners drilled into the slabs and walls by an electric 23 Cable Trays 23.1 All cables shall be routed in approved locations in coordination with all other services in a proper manner. 23.2 Cable trays shall be of galvanized steel and hung from the ceiling by galvanised rods supported by appropriate size and type of expandable expansion fasteners drilled into the slabs and walls by an electric drill. 24 Measurement 24.1 Mild steel pipes shall be measured in linear metres of the finished length correct upto one cm.and shall include all fittings, flanges, and welding, jointing, clamps for fixing to walls or hangers, anchor fasteners, painting and testing complete in all respects. 24.2 Sluice and fullway valves, check valves, installation valves, air valves & flow switches shall be measured by numbers and shall include all items necessary and required for fixing and as given in the specifications and bill of quantities. 24.3 Fire hydrants, hose reels, fire brigade connections, orifice flanges shall be measured by number and include all items given in the specifications and bill of quantities. 24.4 Fire hose and boxes specified shall be measured by number and include all items given in specifications and Bill of Quantities. 24.5 Cables and cable trays shall be measured in linear metre correct upto cm shall include clamps, hangers, anchor fasteners complete in all respects. 101 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Section VI Hand Appliances 1 Scope of work 1.1 Work under this section shall consist of furnishing all labour, material, appliances and equipment necessary and required to install fire extinguishing hand appliances. 1.2 Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing the work shall consist of the following:Installation of fully charged and tested fire extinguishing hand appliances CO 2 foam, ABC chemical powder type as required by these specifications and/drawings. 2 General requirements 2.1 Fire extinguishers shall conform to the following Indian Standard Specifications and shall be with ISI approved stamp as revised and amended up to date :- 2.2 Fire extinguishers shall be installed as per Indian Standard "Code of Practice for Selection, Installation and Maintenance of Portable First Aid Appliances" I.S.2190-1962. 2.3 Hand appliances shall be installed in readily accessible locations with the appliance brackets fixed to wall by suitable anchor fasteners. 2.4 Each appliance shall be provided with an inspection card indicating the date of inspection, testing, change of charge and other relevant data. 2.5 All appliances shall be fixed in a true workmanlike manner truly vertical and at correct locations. 3 Measurement Fire extinguishers shall be measured by numbers and include installation and all items necessary and required and given in the specifications. 102 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Section VII Pipe Colour Code This Colour Code is as per I.S. 2379. Ground Colour 1st Colour Band 2nd Colour band Proportional width of band 4:1 Note:-Arrow indicating the direction of flow. Pipe lines Ground Colour 1st Colour Band 2nd Colour Band 1. Drinking water (all cold water lines after filter) Sea green French blue 2. Treated water (soft water) Sea green Light orange 3. Domestic hot water Sea green Light grey 4. Drainage Sewer /SWD Black 5. Fire services Fire red Signal red This Colour Code is as per I.S. 2379. Final design for colour coding will be of Mahindra World City only 103 Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. Section-VIII List of Approved Makes of Materials S.No. Materials I.S.No. Make Manufacturer 1. Vitreous China Wares Hindware Parryware 2. C.P. Brass Fittings Jaquar Aquaplus 3. Hand Drier Utec Euronics 4. Urinal Flushing System Utec Euronics 5. Kitchen Sink Jayna Neelkanth 6. Liquid Soap Dispenser Paper Towel Dispenser Utec/ Euronics 7. Geyser Venus Racold 8. Spun Cast Iron Pipes & Fittings 8a uPVC pipes & fittings 9. G.I.Pipes/M.S.Pipes 1239/ 3589 Tata Surya tubes 10. G.I.Fittings(malleable cast iron) 1879 UNIK Zoloto 11. Check Valves 12. Butterfly valve Audco Advance Sant/Zoloto 13. Ball Valves ( 15 to 40 mm) Sant Zoloto 14. Hot water Insulation Thermaflex Kaiflex 15. Anti Corrosive Tape for Pipe Protection 16. uPVC Pressure Pipes JAIN 17. cPVC pressure pipes Astral 3989 NECO Supreme Prince (slim type) Audco Advance Sant PYPKOTE 104 IWL India Ltd. Chennai Mahindra World City (Jaipur) Ltd. 18. Anticorrosive Bitumastic Paint Shalimar 19. Epoxy Paint MRF/Berger/J&N 20. Submersible Drainage Pumps Grundfoss DP Wilo 21. Forged Steel fittings 22. Fire fighting Equipment Kansal,Rohini Hydrants, fire brigade connections, couplings, hose reels, Minimax Newage/Superex 23. RRL Hose Minimax Newage/Superex 24. Flow Indicating Switches R.C. Floman Flowell 25. Sprinkler Heads Tyco H.D. 26. Pressure Gauge Guru 27 Fire Extinguishers Minimex Newage/Superex 105 MAHINDRA WORLD CITY (JAIPUR) LTD CONSTRUCTION OF PUMP HOUSE & UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR IN DTA PH III AREA AT MAHINDRA WORLD CITY, JAIPUR BILL OF QUANTITIES NOTE1: Cement & Reinforcement Steel shall be provided by MWCJL free of cost to Contractor subject to recociliation as per contract. NOTE2:• Contractor has to carry out water leakage test for UGR & entire responsibility lies with him for its water tightness. Any leakage/seepage from the structure shall be rectified by contractor at its own risk & cost. S.No. Unit Qty. CUM 1883.00 CUM 1879.00 CUM 1524.00 CUM 400.00 5 Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth,sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth,consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m. CUM 324.00 6 Carriage of Soil as directed by engineering incharge within MWCJ premises. CUM 5362.00 7 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinthlevel :1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) CUM 186.00 8 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level :1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) CUM 57.29 1 2 3 4 9 Description Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) /manual means over areas (exceeding 30cm in depth. 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including disposal of excavated earth, lead upto 50m and lift upto 1.5m, disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed. Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) /manual means over areas (exceeding 30cm in depth. 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including disposal of excavated earth, lead upto 50m and lift upto 1.5 m to 3m. disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed: Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) /manual means over areas (exceeding 30cm in depth. 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including disposal of excavated earth, lead upto 50m and lift upto 3 m to 4.5 m. disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed: Earth work in excavation/ by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator)/ manual means over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5m in width as well as 10 sum on plan) including disposal of excavated earth, lead upto 50 m and lift upto 4.5 m to 6 m. disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed: Providing, Fabricating & fixing in position reinforcement for RCC work with Thermo mechanically Treated (TMT) bar of apporved make various diameters and grade of steel (Fe 415/Fe500) as specified in the approved drawing conforming to IS specification including cutting, providing, supplying & bending, hoisting, fabricating and placing in position according to drawings and binding the reinforcement with Mild Steel Black annealed binding wire in two strands of 18 gauge and providing PVC/concrete cover blocks for placing the reinforcements in position and for maintaining the cover specified and/or according to relevant IS. Note : Unless noted otherwise the measurements in accordance with IS 1200. However reinforcement shall be measured only in lengths of bars as actually placed in position on standard weight basis, no allowance being made in the weight for rolling margin. Authorized laps and splices, chairs of any shape & profile, Spacer bar of any shape & profile only will be measured and paid separately. Cover block, wastage and binding wire shall be included in the quoted rate and to include lead, lift, placing at all levels and as per the approved bar bending schedule, as directed. MAKE: TATA,USHA MARTIN, SAIL MT 134.40 Rate to be quoted in ( Rs. ) Amount (Rs) MAHINDRA WORLD CITY (JAIPUR) LTD CONSTRUCTION OF PUMP HOUSE & UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR IN DTA PH III AREA AT MAHINDRA WORLD CITY, JAIPUR BILL OF QUANTITIES NOTE1: Cement & Reinforcement Steel shall be provided by MWCJL free of cost to Contractor subject to recociliation as per contract. NOTE2:• Contractor has to carry out water leakage test for UGR & entire responsibility lies with him for its water tightness. Any leakage/seepage from the structure shall be rectified by contractor at its own risk & cost. S.No. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Description Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form work for : Retaining walls, return walls, walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string courses fillets, kerbs and steps etc.Columns, piers, abutments, pillars, posts and struts Reinforced cement concrete work in walls (any thickness), including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string courses, fillets, columns, pillars, piers, abutments, posts and struts etc. up to floor five level, excluding cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement :1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) Random rubble masonry with hard stone in foundation and plinth including levelling up with cement concrete 1:6:12 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand : 12 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) upto plinth level with : Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) Brick work with machine moulded perforated bricks of class designation 125 confirming to IS : 2222- 1991 in superstructure above plinth level upto five floor level in cement mortar 1:6 (1-Cement : 6-Coarse Sand) including mixing mortar, laying bricks, raking of joints, curing etc., all complete as per drawings and specifications. Providing & laying Half brick masonry with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3 coarse sand) Providing & applying 20 mm thick cement plaster in two coats (1:4), backing coat 15 mm and finishing coat 5 mm thick on rough side of walls, ceiling,soffits of slabs etc. for plastering upto all floor level including arises, rounded angles, chamfers, not exceeding 80 mm in girth and finished even including, mixing of water proofing cement,curing etc. complete as directed. The rate shall include making grooves patties, hacking the RCC surfaces etc. The surface of the finished plaster area shall be got approved from the Project Manager to receive texture finish for all heights & levels. (Rate to include for 15 cm wide G.I. chicken mesh, 24 G at joints of RCC & masonary). Providing & Laying Kota stone slab flooring 25 mm thick over 20 mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishing complete with base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) Providing and fixing 1st quality MAT finished ceremic tile size 200x300mm confirming to IS : 13755 and IS : 15622 colour such as white, grey, ivory, fume red brown, light green, light blue and other light shades in floors, steps, pillars etc. laid on a bed of neat cement slurry finished with flush pointing in the white cement mixed with pigment to match the shade of the tile complete (including the cost of cement mortar bed 1:4). Unit Qty. SQM 5212.00 CUM 1344.00 CUM 81.00 CUM 2.19 SQM 21.00 SQM 771.79 SQM 171.00 SQM 34.00 Rate to be quoted in ( Rs. ) Amount (Rs) MAHINDRA WORLD CITY (JAIPUR) LTD CONSTRUCTION OF PUMP HOUSE & UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR IN DTA PH III AREA AT MAHINDRA WORLD CITY, JAIPUR BILL OF QUANTITIES NOTE1: Cement & Reinforcement Steel shall be provided by MWCJL free of cost to Contractor subject to recociliation as per contract. NOTE2:• Contractor has to carry out water leakage test for UGR & entire responsibility lies with him for its water tightness. Any leakage/seepage from the structure shall be rectified by contractor at its own risk & cost. S.No. 18 19 20 21 Description Providing & Fixing 35 mm thick factory made Solid panel PVC Door shutter, made out of single piece extruded soild PVC profiles, 5 mm (± 0.2 mm) thick, having styles & rails (except lock rail) of size 95 mmx 35 mm x 5 mm, out of which 75 mm shall be flat and 20 mm shall be tapered (on both side), having one side thickness of 15 mm integrally extruded on the hinge side of the profile for better screw holding power, including reinforcing with MS tube of size 40 mm X 20 mm x 1 mm, joints of styles & rails to be mitered cut & joint with the help of PVC solvent cement, self driven self tapping screws & M.S. rectangular pipes bracket of size 190 mm X 100 mm of cross section size 35 mm x 17 mm x 1 mm at each corner. Single piece extruded 5 mm thick solid PVC Lock rail of size 115 mm x 35 mm, out of which 75 mm to be flat and 20 mm to be tapered at both ends, having 15 mm solid core in middle of rail section integrally extruded, fixing the styles & rails with the help of solvent and self driven self tapping screws of 125 mm x 11 mm, including providing 5 mm Single piece solid PVC extruded sheet inserted in the door as panel, all complete as per manufacturer's specification and direction of Engineer-incharge.Non decorative finish (matt finish) Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make, made of required size M.S. laths, interlocked together through their entire length and jointed together at the end by end locks, mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking with push and pull operation complete, including the cost of providing and fixing necessary 27.5 cm long wire springs manufactured from high tensile steel wire of adequate strength conforming to IS: 4454 part 1 and M.S. top cover of required thickness for rolling shutters.80x1.25 mm M.S. laths with 1.25 mm thick top cover Providing and fixing stainless steel ( Grade 304) railing made of Hollow tubes, channels, plates etc., including welding, grinding, buffing, polishing and making curvature (wherever required) and fitting the same with necessary stainless steel nuts and bolts complete, i/c fixing the railing with necessary accessories & stainless steel dash fasteners , stainless steel bolts etc., of required size, on the top of the floor or the side of waist slab with suitable arrangement as per approval of Engineer-in-charge, ( for payment purpose only weight of stainless steel members shall be considered excluding fixing accessories such as nuts, bolts, fasteners etc.). Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilatorshutters and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-in-charge . (Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item):With float glass panes of 5.50 mm thickness Unit Qty. SQM 1.89 SQM 31.36 Mtr 84.00 SQM 57.24 22 Providing and Laying Rubberized Water Proof Coating with Wire Mash in Cement Mortar 1:3 as directed by Engineer - in - charge SQM 1067.00 23 Providing and applying, food grade epoxy Paint Coating on ceiling of roof cover of reservoir as directed by Engineer - in - charge SQM 1115.00 Providing and Laying Matka Filling as directed by Engineer - in - charge CUM 24 19.01 Rate to be quoted in ( Rs. ) Amount (Rs) MAHINDRA WORLD CITY (JAIPUR) LTD CONSTRUCTION OF PUMP HOUSE & UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR IN DTA PH III AREA AT MAHINDRA WORLD CITY, JAIPUR BILL OF QUANTITIES NOTE1: Cement & Reinforcement Steel shall be provided by MWCJL free of cost to Contractor subject to recociliation as per contract. NOTE2:• Contractor has to carry out water leakage test for UGR & entire responsibility lies with him for its water tightness. Any leakage/seepage from the structure shall be rectified by contractor at its own risk & cost. S.No. Description Unit 25 Providing and Laying Water Bar ISI Mark 200mm width as directed by Engineer - in - charge Mtr 26 Providing and Fixing Roof Extector (0.6 x 0.6) as directed by Engineer - in charge Nos Providing and Fixing Cast Iron Specials including cost of jointing materials (200 Dia Puddle Collars,Bends,Ball Mopunth etc.) Kg 27 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion, (i) Single socketed pipes. 110 mm diameter Providing & Fixing 200 mmX 200 mm Glass Bricks in roof/floor, with frame including fixing I silicone. as directed by Engineer - in - charge. M 28 29 30 31 32 33 Providing & Fixing Structural steel such as tees, angles channels and R.S. joists Mono Rail as per spcification provided by the department.Including clamps ,etc. Distempering with oil bound washable distemper of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade :New work (two or more coats) over and including water thinnable priming coat with cement primer etc all complete to complete satisfaction of Engineer - in - charge. Nothing extra shall be paid for touch up work. Only visible plain area shall be measured for payment. Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint of required shade :New work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.84 kg/10 sqm)etc all complete to complete satisfaction of Engineer - in - charge. Nothing extra shall be paid for touch up work. Only visible plain area shall be measured for payment. Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade :One or more coats on old work etc all complete to complete satisfaction of Engineer - in charge. Nothing extra shall be paid for touch up work. Only visible plain area shall be measured for payment. Qty. 268.40 8.00 2004.00 50.00 Nos 90.00 Quintal 0.50 sqm 936.00 sqm 204.00 sqm 274.00 Each 1.00 Each 1.00 TOTAL ( A ) PART B SANITARY WORKS 34 35 P & F European type white glazed vitreous china 1st quality Double syphonic W.C (IS :2556 Mark) with P or S trap including cutting and making good the wall and floor . White Vitreous china Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 580x440 mm with integral type foot rests etc all complete. (Make Hindware /Parryware or equivalent ) Providing and fixing P.V.C. low level flushing cistern with manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete.10 litre capacity - White etc all complete. (Make Hindware /Parryware or equivalent ) Rate to be quoted in ( Rs. ) Amount (Rs) MAHINDRA WORLD CITY (JAIPUR) LTD CONSTRUCTION OF PUMP HOUSE & UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR IN DTA PH III AREA AT MAHINDRA WORLD CITY, JAIPUR BILL OF QUANTITIES NOTE1: Cement & Reinforcement Steel shall be provided by MWCJL free of cost to Contractor subject to recociliation as per contract. NOTE2:• Contractor has to carry out water leakage test for UGR & entire responsibility lies with him for its water tightness. Any leakage/seepage from the structure shall be rectified by contractor at its own risk & cost. S.No. Description Unit Qty. Each 1.00 36 Providing and fixing white vitreous china wash basin including making all connections but excluding the cost of fittings : Flat back wash basin of size 550x400 mm etc all complete. (Make Hindware /Parryware or equivalent ) 37 Providing and fixing G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings and clamps, i/c cutting and making good the walls etc all complete.. (Make - TATA or Equivalent) 38 15 mm dia nominal bore ''B' Class Mtr. 20.00 39 25mm dia nominal bore ''B' Class Mtr. 15.00 40 Providing and fixing PTMT pillar cock of approved quality and colour . 15 mm nominal bore, 107 mm long, weighing not less than 110 gms ( Make Jaquar or Equivalent ) Each 2.00 41 Providing and fixing C.P. brass long nose bib cock of approved quality conforming to IS standards and weighing not less than 810 gms.15 mm nominal bore ( Make - Jaquar or Equivalent ) Each 3.00 42 Providing and fixing PTMT stop cock of approved quality and colour.Concealed stop cock, 15 mm nominal bore, 108 mm long, weighing not less than 108 gms ( ( Make - Jaquar or Equivalent ) Each 3.00 43 Providing and fixing C.P. brass angle valve for basin mixer and geyser points of approved quality conforming to IS:8931 a) 15 mm nominal bore.15mm nominal bore15mm nominal bore ( Make - Jaquar or Equivalent ) Each 3.00 44 Providing and fixing brass stop cock of approved quality :Brass 400 gm. 15mm nominal bore.( ( Make - Jaquar or Equivalent ) Each 1.00 45 P & F Bevelled edge Mirror of special glass of approved make (Atul, Modi Guard, Saint Gobin or equivalent) complete with 6mm thick asbestos cement sheet ground fixed to wooden screws & washers. Size 600 x 450mm x 4 mm thick Each 1.00 46 Providing and fixing white vitreous china flat back or wall corner type lipped front urinal basin of 430x260x350 mm and 340x410x265 mm sizes respectively with automatic flushing cistern with standard flush pipe and C.P. brass spreaders with brass unions and G.I clamps complete, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required :One urinal basin with 5 litre white P.V.C. automatic flushing cistern (Make Hindware /Parryware or equivalent ) Each 1.00 47 Providing and fixing PTMT Bottle Trap for Wash basin and sink.Bottle trap 31mm single piece moulded with height of 270 mm, effective length of tail pipe 260 mm from the centre of the waste coupling, 77 mm breadth with 25 mm minimum water seal, weighing not less than 260 gms Each 1.00 48 Providing and fixing P.V.C. waste pipe for sink or wash basin including P.V.C. waste fittings complete.40 mm dia Each 1.00 Rate to be quoted in ( Rs. ) Amount (Rs) MAHINDRA WORLD CITY (JAIPUR) LTD CONSTRUCTION OF PUMP HOUSE & UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR IN DTA PH III AREA AT MAHINDRA WORLD CITY, JAIPUR BILL OF QUANTITIES NOTE1: Cement & Reinforcement Steel shall be provided by MWCJL free of cost to Contractor subject to recociliation as per contract. NOTE2:• Contractor has to carry out water leakage test for UGR & entire responsibility lies with him for its water tightness. Any leakage/seepage from the structure shall be rectified by contractor at its own risk & cost. S.No. Description Unit Qty. 49 P & F 600x120 mm glass shelf with anodised aluminium angle frame, C.P. brass brackets and guard rail of standard size Each 1.00 50 Providing and fixing PTMT towel rail complete with brackets fixed to wooden cleats with CP brass screws with concealed fittings arrangement of approved quality and colour. 450 mm long towel rail with total length of 495 mm, 78 mm wide and effective height of 88 mm, weighing not less than 170 gms Each 1.00 Rate to be quoted in ( Rs. ) Amount (Rs) MAHINDRA WORLD CITY (JAIPUR) LTD CONSTRUCTION OF PUMP HOUSE & UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR IN DTA PH III AREA AT MAHINDRA WORLD CITY, JAIPUR BILL OF QUANTITIES NOTE1: Cement & Reinforcement Steel shall be provided by MWCJL free of cost to Contractor subject to recociliation as per contract. NOTE2:• Contractor has to carry out water leakage test for UGR & entire responsibility lies with him for its water tightness. Any leakage/seepage from the structure shall be rectified by contractor at its own risk & cost. S.No. Description Unit Qty. 51 Providing and fixing PTMT liquid soap container 109 mm wide,125 mm high and 112 mm distance from wall of standard shape with bracket of the same materials with snap fittings of approved quality and colour, weighing not less than 105 gms. Each 1.00 52 Providing and placing on terrace (at all floor levels) polyethylene water storage tank, ISI : 12701 marked, with cover and suitable locking arrangement and making necessary holes for inlet, outlet and overflow pipes but without fittings and the base support for tank. Capacity : 300 Litres Per Litre 300.00 53 Providing and fixing PTMT Ball cock of approved quality, colour and make complete with Epoxy coated aluminium rod with L.P./ H.P.H.D.plastic ball.15 mm nominal bore, 105 mm long, weighing not less than 138 gms. Each 1.00 54 Providing lead caulked joints to spun iron or C.I. pipes and specials, including testing of joints but excluding the cost of pig lead :100 mm diameter pipe Mtr. 10.00 55 Providing, laying and jointing glazed stoneware pipes class SP-1 with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:1 (1 cement : 1 fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete :100 mm diameter Mtr. 20.00 56 Constructing brick masonry circular type manhole 0.91 m internal dia at bottom and 0.56m dia at top in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement:4 coarse sand), in side cement plaster 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, foundation concrete 1:3:6 mix (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), and making necessary channel in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, all complete as per standard design :0.91 m deep with S.F.R.C. cover and frame (heavy duty, HD-20 grade designation) 560 mm internal diameter conforming to I.S. 12592, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 182 kg., fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) including centering,shuttering all complete. (Excavation, foot rests and 12mm thick cement plaster at the external surface shall be paid for separately) :With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 Nos. 1.00 57 Construction of Septic Tank in all types of soil with 40 cm. thick masonry in CM 1:6 , 15 cm. thick C.C bed of 1:5:10 , M-15 grade C.C flooring and over stone slab covering ,80 mm thick slab , jointing of slab in CM 1:3 .Ralthal, Kharjana, 50 mm thick stone partition wall , 20 mm thick plaster in CM 1:6 finished with neat floating cement , 4 nos. C.I foot rests of approved design, two No. 450 mm dia each Ferro cement cover with frame , earth work etc. complete as per approved drawing including disposal of surplus earth within a lead of 50 mtrs.Size 200x100x130 cm ( for 10 users ) Each 1.00 Rate to be quoted in ( Rs. ) Amount (Rs) MAHINDRA WORLD CITY (JAIPUR) LTD CONSTRUCTION OF PUMP HOUSE & UNDERGROUND RESERVOIR IN DTA PH III AREA AT MAHINDRA WORLD CITY, JAIPUR BILL OF QUANTITIES NOTE1: Cement & Reinforcement Steel shall be provided by MWCJL free of cost to Contractor subject to recociliation as per contract. NOTE2:• Contractor has to carry out water leakage test for UGR & entire responsibility lies with him for its water tightness. Any leakage/seepage from the structure shall be rectified by contractor at its own risk & cost. S.No. 58 Description Construction of Soakage well in all type of soil with 300 mm thick dry masonry , top and bottom 300 mm course in CM 1:6 , 80mm thick stone slab ,jointing of slab in CM 1:3 , Ralthal ,Kharanja , 40 mm thick M-15 grade C.C flooring , earthwork complete as per approved drawing including disposal of earth within a lead of 50 mtr. TOTAL ( B ) G. TOTAL ( A + B ) Unit Qty. Each 1.00 Rate to be quoted in ( Rs. ) Amount (Rs)