Working Safer and Smarter Guidelines for Auckland Transport and Contractors 2011 Edition Introduction Working Safely Guidelines How to use this guide When you work for Auckland Transport we will expect you (and your sub-contractors) to become familiar with the helpful information in this guide as part of our induction process. Where there is ambiguity or inconsistency between the guide, other requirements and your own procedures, you must assess all relevant considerations to determine the best method to use in each circumstance. • The term 'Principal' is used throughout this guide to refer to the Auckland Council, from the contractor's perspective. This guide is the basis for continued improvement in health, safety and environmental management. It is designed as a handy reference document to assist contractors with preparing environmental management plans and site safety management plans, and to meet requirements of the Health and Safety in Employment (HSE) Act, and the Resource Management Act (RMA). Each Act gives responsibilities to employers and the 'Principal' including: • Undertaking hazard identification and management, and identifying the key environmental effects and risks of contractors' routine work. • Continually monitoring the site. • Ensuring the prevention of harm or nuisance to employees, the public and contractors. • Providing adequate training and supervision for employees in the safe use of equipment and materials, and implementation of environmental requirements. • Providing information to employees (and seeking involvement) about hazards they are exposed to and how to minimise them. • Highlighting key legal controls on workplace hazards and environmental effects, and providing some practical guidelines to help you manage them. Contractors acting on behalf of Auckland Transport must know and understand their legal obligations. The content of this guide does not supersede the contractor's responsibility to identify legal requirements and project risks, and manage them well. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk with your supervisor, manager, safety and/or environmental representative, or Auckland Transport representative. Table of Contents Working Safer & Smarter Section One: Health and Safety 1.1 Responsibilities of the Contractor 1 1.2 Responsibilities of the Principal 2 Section Four: Common Construction Activities and Typical Environmental Risks 1.3 Serious Harm 2 Mitigating Environmental Risks 1.4 Significant Hazards 2 4.1 Construction and Earthworks 29 1.5 Reporting Accidents 3 1.6 Accident Reporting and Investigation Process 4.2 Stormwater Inspection, Maintenance and Replacement 31 3 4.3 Concreting and Piling 32 1.7 Managing Injuries 3 1.8 First Aid 4 4.4 Contamination of Surface and Underground Water 33 1.9 Rehabilitation/Return-to-work Programme 4.5 Road Surfacing and Construction 33 4 4.6 Utilities 35 1.10Health Monitoring 4 4.7 Trenchless Work 36 1.11 Personal Protective Equipment Policy 5 1.12 Principal's Safety Rules 7 4.8 Substances Handling and Contaminated Materials 38 Section Two: Hazard Management Checklists 4.9 Noise, Vibration and Dust 39 4.10Plant and Equipment 40 4.11Trees, Weeds and Parks 41 9 4.12Bored Tunnelling 43 2.2 Driving – Excavators and Tractors 10 4.13Microtunnelling 43 2.3 Traffic Management 11 4.14Excavation 44 2.4 Small Plant 11 4.15Grouting 45 2.5 Excavations 13 2.6 Work on or in Water 14 2.7 Chemicals (MSDS) 14 2.8 General Office Environments 15 2.9 General Environment 15 2.10Workshops – Plant and Tools 17 2.11Carpentry 18 2.12Painting and Plumbing 19 2.13Rail Safety Regime 20 2.1 Driving – General Section Five: Environmental Issues 5.1 Water 47 5.2 Waste 51 5.3 Noise 52 5.4 Vibration 54 5.5 Dust, Emissions and Odours 56 5.6 Archaeology 57 5.7 Other Considerations 58 Section Six: Additional Resources Section Three: Environmental Management Obligations 3.1 Environmental Legal Controls on Contractors' Work 22 3.2 Environmental Management Plans 23 3.3 Managing Sub-contractors 24 3.4 Doing On-the-job Inspections 24 3.5 Keeping Up-to-date Records 24 3.6 Responding to Emergencies and Complaints 25 3.7 Incident Response and Notification Chart 26 6.1 Training 60 6.2 Helpful Contacts 60 Section One Working Safer & Smarter Health and Safety Section One 1 Health and Safety Working Safer & Smarter 1.1 Responsibilities of the Contractor (under the Health and Safety in Employment Act) Hazard Identification Employers must have a system to identify existing and new hazards to employees. Hazard Control For significant hazards, employers must implement appropriate controls to eliminate, isolate or minimise them. Workplace Monitoring Employers must use workplace monitoring to obtain an accurate assessment of the exposure of employees to physical, chemical or biological agents. The results need to be assessed against acceptable standards to determine the most appropriate controls. Employee Information Employers must ensure their staff receive and understand health and safety information about all significant hazards, as well as emergency procedures. Training of Employees Employers must identify training needs in the organisation, ensuring all employees are trained to deal with workplace hazards. Supervision of Employees Employers must ensure that all employees, who do not have the knowledge and experience required, are supervised by someone who does. Emergency Plans Employers must have an effective general emergency plan to cope with all types of emergencies likely to occur at any part of the organisation's operation, and to comply with legislative requirements. Accidents Employers must develop and implement an accident recording, reporting and investigation system to ensure: • All accidents that harmed or might have harmed any employee at work, or any person in a place of work controlled by the employer, and every occurrence of serious harm, are recorded, investigated, and remedial action taken; • All instances of serious harm are reported to the Occupational Safety and Health Service of the Department of Labour as soon as possible and written details provided within seven days of the occurrence. Harm to Others Employers must identify and implement any measures to be taken to ensure no action or inaction by employees, while at work, causes harm to any other person (including other employees). Duties as Principal Employers must determine what practicable steps can be taken, as the Principal in a contract, to ensure those contractors, sub-contractors, and their employees are not harmed while undertaking work they were engaged to do. Involvement of Employees Employers are required to ensure that all employees have the opportunity to be fully involved in the development of procedures for hazard management or for dealing with emergencies or imminent dangers. 2 Health and Safety Working Safer & Smarter Duties of Employees Employees must take all practicable steps to ensure their own safety while at work and that they do not cause harm to any other person. 1.2 Responsibilities of the Principal Under the terms of the Health and Safety in Employment Act, we have a responsibility to ensure that any contractors employed are active in promoting health and safety in the workplace. We must take all practical steps to ensure that no employee of a contractor or sub-contractor is harmed while doing any work that the contractor or sub-contractor was engaged to do. Physical works contractors employed by the Principal are to seek accreditation by the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), and maintain Principal approval status by: • The contractor to have in place acceptable health and safety practices; • The contractor to be inducted by the Principal; • The contractor's performance to be reviewed/monitored by the Principal on a regular basis, including a review at the end of the contract. Responsibilities of Contractor's Staff: It is a prime responsibility of all staff and employees of a contractor to ensure that their work is performed safely and without injury to themselves, other members of staff, or the general public. Part of this responsibility is to identify all hazards that are likely to be encountered in the workplace and put controls in place to eliminate, isolate, or minimise them. 1.3 Serious Harm Serious harm is defined as: 1. Any of the following conditions that amount to, or result in permanent loss of bodily function, or temporary severe loss of bodily function: Respiratory disease, noise-induced hearing loss, neurological disease, stress and fatigue, cancer, dermatological disease, communicable disease, musculoskeletal disease, illness caused by exposure to infected material, decompression sickness, poisoning, vision impairment, chemical or hot metal burn to eye, penetrating wound to eye, bone fracture, laceration, crushing 2. Amputation of body part 3. Burns requiring referral to a specialist registered medical practitioner or specialist out-patient clinic 4. Loss of consciousness from lack of oxygen 5. Loss of consciousness or acute illness requiring treatment by a registered medical practitioner, from absorption, inhalation, or ingestion of any substance 6. Any harm that causes the person harmed to be hospitalised for a period of 48 hours or more commencing within seven days of the harm's occurrence. Note: Complete definitions are provided in the HSE Act 1992. 1.4 Significant Hazards Significant hazard means a hazard that is an actual or potential cause or source of: a) Serious harm; or b) Harm whose severity depends on how long a person is exposed to the hazard; or c) Harm, which does not occur or, is not easily detectable, until a significant time after exposure to the hazard. Note: Actual definitions provided in the HSE Act 1992. In the event of a significant hazard being discovered in the investigation of the accident and it is not already covered in the Health and Safety Plan (e.g. a new hazard), then the accident investigator must complete an improvement report and update the hazard register communicating to all affected parties. 3 Health and Safety Working Safer & Smarter 1.5 Reporting Accidents to the Principal and OSH It is important that all accidents (or near miss incidents that have potential to cause serious harm) are reported to the following organisations: 1. The Principal needs to investigate why the accident/incident occurred, and prevent a recurrence if possible. 2. Serious harm must be reported to the Occupational Safety and Health Service (OSH) of the Department of Labour as soon as possible (see 'Major Accident' procedure, below). 3. The appropriate people within your own business, in case ACC is needed later. All accidents at work involving either treatment by a medical practitioner, lost time injury (8 hours +), or a serious near miss or death, must be reported within 2 hours (or as soon as practical). Furthermore, a written report must be prepared and received within 24 hours (as stated in the contractual document). Accidents will not be considered a work place accident if reported outside this time. Near miss incidents that have the potential to cause serious harm must also be reported. 1.6 Accident Reporting and Investigation Process Accidents and near miss incidents are to be reported to the employee's supervisor or manager and an accident form completed by the employee. Accidents are divided into: • Minor accidents – first aid may be needed but no further treatment is necessary; • Major accidents – medical treatment (i.e. treatment by a medical practitioner) or hospitalisation is required, or serious harm; • Fatal accidents. Minor accidents with the potential for serious harm, major and fatal accidents must be thoroughly investigated and a full accident report completed (in addition to the accident form). The accident report is to be completed by the person investigating, not the person who has had the accident. Other minor accidents may also be investigated. OSH must be notified within 24 hours when serious harm (see definition on Pg.2) has occurred. A written summary using the OSH Serious Harm form must be completed within 7 days. Five Step Accident Investigation Procedure: 1 Determine the level of investigation to be carried out. 2 Appoint a designated accident investigator to investigate and report on the accident/incident. 3 Carry out the investigation following an Accident Investigation Checklist. Prepare an Accident Investigation Report and submit report to the Principal. 4 Review Improvements. 5 Implement recommendations within accepted time parameters. 1.7 Managing Injuries Sprain and strain type injuries are the most common types of injury occurring with contractors. The effective management of these injuries has radically changed in recent years. Traditional concepts emphasising bed rest and passive treatment have been demonstrated as ineffective. Instead, it has been shown that keeping a person as active as possible is the most effective method. Early intervention is a key factor in getting rapid rehabilitation. When you suffer an injury you must seek early professional advice. 4 Health and Safety Working Safer & Smarter If you are the Principal's employee, and have an injury that results in lost time, you will be required to see the Principal's medical provider as soon as possible after the injury occurs. These people know our workplace and can help with advice on what tasks can be done and what to avoid during return-to-work programmes. 1.8 First Aid First aid kits: Well-stocked (and regularly maintained) first aid kits are required on each work site. Work site includes vehicles used as a work travel requirement. First aiders: A minimum of one certified first aider is required per site (less than 50 people) for each shift. 1.9 Rehabilitation/Return-to-Work Programme A rehabilitation process is outlined below. Manager Recognises at the earliest opportunity there is a health issue that will need managing and advises the Health & Safety Manager. Health & Safety Manager Intervenes to develop a rehabilitation programme as early as possible when an employee becomes injured or ill. Advise Operations/Projects Manager of the issue and subsequent action plan. Additional help may include a case manager, medical professionals, or rehabilitation specialists. Develops a programme jointly with the employee and the appropriate advisors. Alternative tasks identified. Operations/Projects Manager Monitors progress to ensure correct action is occurring. Injured/Sick Employee Co–operates with the organisation in developing a rehabilitation plan. Is involved in planning stage and decision-making. Co-operates with training programmes and in making relevant information available. Manager Follows up on rehabilitation programme. Maintains records. 1.10Health Monitoring Pre-employment Checks Before commencement of employment, all permanent and fixed-term employees should complete a medical questionnaire. Monitoring Staff for Impact of Hazards Health monitoring should be done relevant to each hazard. Staff are expected to co-operate with this and need to sign an authority to allow the exchange of information for the purpose of health management. For example: Hazard Monitoring Noise Hearing tests Dirty, dusty, contaminated environment Lung function test and respiratory questionnaire Physical work Flexibility and grip strength Using computers Eye strain Eyesight tests Gradual process injury Flexibility and grip strength The type of monitoring for the hazard is reviewed and modified periodically. 5 Health and Safety Working Safer & Smarter Monitoring Workplaces for Hazards Confined spaces (or other hazardous workplaces) will be monitored for gases (or other identified biological hazards). Other Health Checks From time to time other health checks may be made available to staff. These may include blood pressure checks, skin spot checks, influenza vaccinations, diabetes and cholesterol testing. Cell Phones Never use a hand-held cell phone while driving. 1.11 Personal Protective Equipment Policy It is our policy to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as a last line of defence for protecting staff from identified hazards and as one component of the hazard management system. Each staff member shall be trained in the correct use of PPE. The use of PPE is mandatory on all Principal physical work sites and this requirement will be strictly enforced at all times. On Site All contractors/visitors/clients must sign in at the visitors' register (which will specify hazards and appropriate controls for that site) at every site. The PPE requirements of the site will be explained by the person in control, to minimise the site hazards. Head Protection Safety helmets shall be worn: • • • • At any site where there is a hazard created by the possibility of falling material; In operations where diggers, hiabs, or cranes are being used; When working under helicopters; All helmets shall be of High Visibility (Hi-Vis) colour, namely fluorescent (fluoro) yellow/lime or fluoro pink or white and shall be kept clean. All standard safety helmets and helmet harnesses shall be no more than 3 years old as determined by the manufacturer's date stamps and shall be replaced immediately if damaged; • Should be compatible with any eye/hearing/respiratory protection worn. Eye Protection • Worn where there is danger of flying debris, dust or vegetation brushing in face. • For the purpose of this policy, approved eye protection is defined as: − A mesh visor or mesh goggles; − Polycarbonate lenses or face shields that meet or are approved to AS/NZS 1337:1992. • People wearing prescription spectacles made of glass (hardened or not hardened) shall take additional precautions, i.e. wearing wire mesh visors or polycarbonate over spectacles. • Dust goggles shall conform to AS/NZS 1337:1993. Hearing Protection • Hearing protection shall be worn where noise levels may cause hearing damage. • Hearing protectors shall comply with AS/NZS 126. Respiratory Protection • Respiratory protection devices shall be provided where any individual is exposed to a chemical dust, gas or fume hazard (or other particulate matter). Respirators shall comply with AS/NZS 1715:1994. • Dust masks shall be worn in dusty areas where there are no chemical or fume hazards. 6 Health and Safety Working Safer & Smarter Sunscreen and Hats • Where people are likely to be exposed to sunlight long enough to cause burning sunscreen protection of at least SPF15+ shall be worn. • When safety helmets are not required, wide-brimmed Hi-Vis hats shall also be worn. Hi-Vis Clothing • Hi-Vis clothing shall be worn by all staff/visitors/contractors on any worksite. Not applicable if a greater hazard is created through the wearing of Hi-Vis clothing (i.e. entanglement in machinery). • When working on the road or road berm, Hi-Vis clothing shall be non-flammable fluorescent orange with a 150mm tail. • Hi-Vis rainwear may be worn without a Hi-Vis vest. Hand Protection • Employees working in operations that have the potential to result in hand injuries shall wear industrial gloves or appropriate hand protection for the operation (i.e. dealing with wastewater). Gloves may vary depending on the need for a moisture barrier or hard-wearing surface. The industrial glove standard is at least NZS 5812:1982 Industrial Protective Gloves – reconfigured 1989. Footwear • All people working on worksites shall wear footwear that gives support to the ankles, has a sole which minimises the chances of slipping, and has steel toe caps complying with AS/NZS2210 Occupational Protective Footwear. • Laces shall be securely tied at all times. Protective Clothing – Chemical • All people involved in the application of chemicals shall wear clothing in accordance with the Material Safety Data Sheet requirements. Work in Confined Spaces • As per Confined Space Procedure/Confined Spaces Entry Permit. Other • As per the Hazard Identification Procedures. • Any contractor not complying with the Principal's PPE policy may be asked to leave the site. 7 Health and Safety Working Safer & Smarter 1.12 Principal's Safety Rules • Staff/contractors are to ensure that they are thoroughly familiar with, and observe the health and safety instructions and rules pertaining to, any work. • Staff/contractors are not to indulge in practical joking or "horseplay" on the job. • Staff/contractors are not permitted to work if they cannot perform their duties properly because of impairment due to alcohol or drugs. • Staff/contractors are not to operate any equipment outside the scope of their normal duties unless they are authorised to do so, and have the appropriate licence. • Staff/contractors are to cease using any plant, materials, or equipment found to be faulty or hazardous and are to report the problem to their supervisor/manager. • Staff/contractors are to wear or use all necessary protective equipment. • Staff/contractors are to take appropriate steps to protect the public. • Staff/contractors are to report to their supervisor/managers any hazards or potential hazards. • A guide should accompany visitors to site. Staff are to formally carry out a safety induction for visitors. • Staff/contractors are to report all accidents or near misses, however trivial, that happen to them or other people in the workplace (including the public). • No service lines, e.g. power cables, telephone cable, water pipes and sewer pipes, or similar, are to be cut without the authority of the asset owner. • All staff/contractors are required to acknowledge, by signing the acknowledgement in the induction procedures, that they have read, understood, and will comply with the induction. 8 Working Safer & Smarter Hazard Management Section Two 9 Hazard Management Checklists Working Safer & Smarter The following tables will help identify potentially significant hazards for each work activity, with practical actions to either Eliminate (E), Isolate (I) or Minimise (M) them. It is not exhaustive and the contractor's own company processes, knowledge and site conditions should be considered as well. Contractors must ensure the controls implemented on their site are practical/workable, maintained and communicated, with appropriate training. 2.1 Driving – General Hazard Controls Suggested Action Inappropriate operation of the equipment that may cause a traffic accident M Faulty equipment M • Complete daily vehicle check. Ergonomic hazards M • Adjust seat to suit driver. • Ensure operator has the correct licence. • Conduct competency check and provide training as appropriate. • Adjust mirrors and other controls. • If seatbelt is fitted it must be used. • Ensure cab windows are clean. • Ensure no obstructions around control pedals. • Do not use a cell phone if you are driving (It's illegal). Manoeuvring and reversing hazards for others M • Go slow. • Check what is behind your vehicle before you start to reverse. • Have another crew member guide. • Keep a special watch for pedestrians, particularly when there is low visibility or risk of sun strike. Over loading M • Check load weight conforms to regulations and truck certification. Towing M • Check connections/safety chain. Check weight restrictions. 10 Hazard Management Checklists Working Safer & Smarter 2.2 Driving – Excavators and Tractors Hazard Controls Action Electrocution/ under ground services M • Check for overhead services and underground cables before starting work. • All underground services to be "potholed". • Contact service provider to "mark out". People walking into working excavators M • Use correct signs and fencing. Work on slopes or unstable ground Overturning M • Keep the bucket low to ground. ROPS (Roll Over Protective Structure) structures and site assessment M • Protective structures on uneven terrain must be fitted and certified. The seat belt must be used. Injury by hydraulic boom crushing M • Only operate hydraulic controls when sitting in the seat. Loss of control of vehicle M • For non-sprung vehicles avoid bumps. Travelling on the road M • Be aware of machinery width/height. • Do not overload bucket. • Avoid parking tractor on incline. If required, always apply parking brake before leaving the tractor seat, and chock the wheels. • If leaving the seat make sure the bucket is on the ground and the safety bar is locked. • Check independent brakes are locked together. • Monitor traffic build up and pull over to allow passing. Operating tractor – M Injury by power takeoff (PTO) shaft • Check that guards are in place. Put power take-off out of gear and wait for shaft to stop turning before leaving tractor. Injury by hydraulic arm. Crushing M • Only operate hydraulic controls from safe position (i.e. seat). Noise Dust/Glare M • Wear hearing protection and safety glasses. Physical contact with person or plant/ equipment M • Licenced to operate machinery/trained. • Use extreme caution when operating on steep slopes. • Do not work or stand under hydraulic equipment. 11 Hazard Management Checklists Working Safer & Smarter 2.3 Traffic Management Hazard Controls Action Public M • Ensure Traffic Controller (TC) is always onsite. • 'Physically' isolate the worksite (i.e. barriers, extended bars, fencing etc) - not just cones. • Ensure pedestrian controls are in place and do not send pedestrians into 'at risk' areas, i.e. on the road. •Only commence with an activity as set out in your approved CAR (Corridor Access Request) and local conditions of your WAP (Works approval permit). •Ensure that daily site checks are carried out and documented, compliant with CoPTTM and/or the Approved CAR / TMP. •Ensure that the approved current CAR and WAP documentation is located on site. •Ensure that all active sites are physically supervised by the appropriate STMS, (Site Traffic Management Supervisor - Practicing ) STMS NP (Site Traffic Management Supervisor - Non-Practicing ) or TC (Traffic Controller), as per the requirements of the site under CoPTTM pursuant to the level of road. •Ensure that all TTM personal are currently qualified and competent. •Ensure that the physical delivery of the TTM, effectively manages / safe guards the travelling public, including all Pedestrians. •Ensure that all known Hazards are effectively identified and management as per the AT (Auckland Transport) Working Safer & Smarter Guidelines. •Promote safe behaviours of all visitors and/or staff while on site, including conducting verbal site inductions. •Highlight TTM within tool box talks to identify and address specific activities, issue or behaviours relating to TTM hazards. •Appropriate planning prior to work commencing must be undertaken. 2.4 Small Plant Hazard Controls Action Inappropriate operation of the equipment that may cause an accident M • Provide working safety procedure. • Conduct competency check. Noises, dust, cuts, eye M injury • Enforce PPE e.g. ear and eye protection, gloves, hard hats, and safety boots. Fumes • Work upwind of machines. M • Use forced ventilation in confined spaces. Injury from loss of control, kickbacks, machine hitting hard objects M • Be alert for kickbacks. Some machines have extra torque. • Never use machines one-handed. • Do not operate without safety guards in place. 12 Hazard Management Checklists Working Safer & Smarter Pipe bursting/welding M - noise, dust, cuts, eye injury • Ensure all staff are competent to operate the equipment. • Ensure all staff are wearing PPE. Machine moving back while operating (drilling rig etc.) M Bars breaking and hoses bursting M • Make sure the machine is sitting securely and braced up. Operate from the side. • Do not stand behind the machine when it is pulling. • Do not put the machine under strain (set breaking strain cut-out to the correct rate). • Be extra alert for kickbacks. Injury because of untidy site M • Maintain good site housekeeping. Strain or sprain M • Use correct lifting technique. • Make sure you are standing on stable ground. • Do regular stretching exercises. • Use alternative lifting device. Refer Habit@work web site. 13 Hazard Management Checklists Working Safer & Smarter 2.5Excavations Hazard Controls Action Danger to the public M • Ensure correct signage/fencing/isolation (not cones) is used. Note: Fences must be able to take both a vertical and horizontal load. Electrocution/gas leaks and fires M Before starting • Make sure you have plans of the underground services in the area. • Use a cable or pipe locator or a locator service (i.e. Connetics) to mark cables' location. • Request the service provider mark the position of services. • Look for signs of service connection cables or pipes, e.g. a gas meter or service connection entry into a house or streetlight. • Hand dig potholes (as many as necessary) to confirm the position of services in the area. • Never assume services are as per the plans. Potholes regularly and/or trench across services to locate. • Check with asset owner that any cable, embedded in concrete and needing to be broken out, has been made dead. • Report to your supervisor any damage to a cable, pipe or pipe coating. • Do not use hand-held power tools or an excavator within 500mm of a gas pipe or any electrical cable. • Do not handle or alter the position of an exposed service. • Do not build existing services into a manhole, other structure or encased in concrete. Gas leaks M • Remove everyone from the immediate area. • Telephone the local gas authority/principal. • Ban smoking, and naked flames. • Undertake continual gas monitoring. Unstable or steep ground conditions M • Ensure ground conditions are stable to support machinery. • Ensure machinery is fitted with ROPS and seatbelts are worn. • Ensure all machinery is well beyond the edge of the excavation. Danger from falling objects, materials stored on the edge of excavations Excavation collapse/ groundwater M • Do not stand under material (suspended loads). • Fence-off materials. • Practise good housekeeping. • Wear PPE (hard hats etc). • Shore excavation to OSH Code of Practice requirements; or • Batter back – 1H:1V; or • Obtain written certification from a geotechnical engineer that the excavation is stable. • Notify the Labour Department for depths greater than 1.5 metres. • When deep, test for gases. • Control water by de-watering. • Provide proper ladder access. 14 Hazard Management Checklists Working Safer & Smarter Machinery working in M excavation/crushing/ entrapment • Make sure you are always within the operator's vision. Keep clear of the swing area at all times – at least 4 metres if possible. Machinery striking overhead power lines • When within 4 metres, obtain a permit from the local power provider. • Use a 'spotter'. Note: Power lines tension changes with temperature throughout the night and day. Working at night M • Ensure there is adequate lighting, reflective signs, and Hi-Vis PPE. 2.6 Work on or in Water Hazard Controls Action Getting in or out of the water or boats. (slipping, back injury, falling) M Slipping or falling out of boat M • Be aware of the flow of river, tide, and wind against the boat. • Get in (and out) on stable ground/make sure the boat is secured. • Staff to attend water safety course. • Wear a life jacket at all times. • Do not stand in boats. • Do not overload the boat. • Develop written rescue procedures and train staff. Dropping into deep water holes M • Probe the waterbed. 2.7 Chemicals (Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)) Hazard Controls Action Chemical contact or inhalation M • Follow instructions on label(s). • Use appropriate PPE. • Follow MSDS available onsite. Contamination of environment during preparation M • Select appropriate mixing site. • Secure caps on containers. • Triple rinse empty containers where washwater will go to waste. • Dispose of empty containers as per Code of Practice. • Secure containers during transportation, provide drip trays where appropriate. • Place surplus chemical mix in marked containers. 15 Hazard Management Checklists Working Safer & Smarter Spillages M • All staff are to be familiar with emergency procedure. Spill kit to be appropriate to types and volumes of chemicals used. Contain spill to avoid contamination. Storage M • Keep storage shed locked/segregate. • Use bunded areas where appropriate. • Label all containers. • Provide ventilation and PPE. V • Approved handler 2.8 General Office Environments Hazard Controls Action Using computers M Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS) • Set up workstation to a comfortable level. • Ensure compliance with VDU Code of Practice. • Encourage early reporting of discomfort. • Provide good working environment e.g. heating, ventilation and lighting. • Plan your work load. Habit@work web site. Smoking M • Staff to adhere to Company Smoking Policy. Working in the office, eye strain, back strain M • Check lighting is adequate – avoid glare. • Ensure chair is ergonomically suitable. 2.9 General Environment Hazard Controls Action Aggressive Animal M • Leave area, do not approach. • Contact owner if possible. • Call animal control services. Asbestos M • Ensure only certified/trained persons are involved. • Ensure asbestos management procedures are followed. • Notify OSH 24 hours before work. Back strain from lifting/bending – repetitive movements (OOS) M Concrete cutting M • Preventative training. • Encourage staff to undertake exercises as per training. • Job rotation to avoid constant exposure to manual handling. • Use two people to lift heavy objects. • Ensure operators are trained or supervised by competent staff. • Provide and wear PPE. • Wet cutting only. Contain spills and never release to stormwater drain. • No disposal of concrete cuttings, including concrete 'wash', shall be allowed in the kerb or stormwater catchpit. All saturated material from this activity is to be pumped into a tank or suction truck and transported to an approved dumpsite. 16 Hazard Management Checklists Working Safer & Smarter Flooding/Drowning M • Assess potential impact of weather. • Do not work in drains and/or streams alone. Hazards associated with work around the public M Noise exposure M • Ensure fencing and signage are used. • No children or animals onsite. • Measure/monitor noise levels. • Baseline and followup audiometric tests. • Provide education/training. • Enforce Hearing Protection use. Operating machinery on sloping ground E, I & M • Check manufacturer's recommendations. • Weather must be considered. • ROPS to be fitted/certified. • Enforce seatbelt use. Operating motor vehicles M • Must have an up-to-date NZ Drivers Licence. • Drive to the conditions, and use lights as required. • Ensure current WOF & registration. • Check vehicle towing capacity, tow-ball coupling is adequate, and use safety chain. • Ensure load is properly secured. • Report any defects immediately. • Wear seatbelt, and never drive when tired. Stress/fatigue leading to serious harm M • Be aware of change in individual's personality. • Ensure excessive hours are kept to a minimum/managed. • Monitor work environment for heat/cold stressors. Working at height M • Notify OSH 24 hours before work commences, where workers could fall 5 metres or more. (Any height that has the potential to cause harm) Working at night • Provide either fencing barriers or fall preventation (PPE) to staff. M • Use floodlights and torches. • Wear retro-reflective jackets. • Use appropriate road traffic management plan (if required). • Park vehicles 3 metres from site in the direction of oncoming traffic. Activate hazard lights and beacons. • Fence off unsafe areas. Working in/entry to confined spaces (CSE) I&M • Ensure all operators are trained and currently certified. • Ensure all entry work is conducted in accordance with the Confined Spaces Entry (CSE) Procedures and Entry Permit. Ensure atmospheric testing is carried out continuously. • Ensure emergency procedures are documented, site-specific and tested regularly. • Notify OSH 24 hours before start. • Test and tag equipment annually. Working alone M • Only if absolutely necessary at night or in isolated environments. • Tell people where you are and when you expect to be finished. • Carry a cell phone. 17 Hazard Management Checklists Working Safer & Smarter Working around cranes falling load/ suspended works M • Isolate public from worksite with signs/barricades/fences. • Ensure lifting chains/straps are tested/tagged annually, and regularly checked for wear. • Use trained dogman. • Lock out crane to 'free fall' mode. Drugs and alcohol M • Ensure site rules and company requirements are followed. 2.10Workshops – Plant and Tools Hazard Controls Action Lathe - physical injury caused by clothing catching/entrapment M Cuts and burns M • Take care with waste metal and turned metal. Watch for flying swarf and hot metal chips. Wear PPE. Drill physical injury if work spins M • Hold work firmly in vice. Welding/gas cutting/ electrocution M Welding fumes and Burns M • Make sure clothing is close fitting/appropriate. • Know where the emergency stop switch is. • Clamp down the vice. Wear PPE. • Check welder electric lead for damage. • Stop use if damage does occur. Wear PPE. • Do not weld in pits or confined areas without proper ventilation and PPE. • Wear eye protection when removing slag. Gas plant M • Ensure flash back arresters are fitted. • Shut gas off at source. Point flame away from yourself and others when in use. Welding flash M • Use welding screens. • Position work so welding point is not seen. • Wear the appropriate PPE. Portable electrical equipment/ electrocution M • Regularly check the condition of gear. • Take special care with the long extension flexes. Test and tag all portable electrical equipment every 3 months (construction), 6 months (civil sites). • Use isolating or residual current device. Powered equipment Fumes M • All plant, tools or generators powered by an internal combustion engine must be used in an area with adequate ventilation. Vibration M • Frequent breaks should be taken. Wear anti-vibration gloves. 18 Hazard Management Checklists Working Safer & Smarter 2.11Carpentry Hazard Controls Action Skillsaw - electric M • Use a RCD. Be aware of where the cable is. • Check that the guard returns. Take special care that the trigger lock is not used inadvertently if left-handed. Dust (inhalation) Physical - cuts M • Wear a face mask if appropriate. • Check that the guard returns. Look out for kickback – hold the saw firmly, support wood, keep saw sharp. Jigsaw - electric M • Use a RCD. • Take special care that the trigger lock is not used inadvertently if lefthanded. Drill use M • Be aware that the drill could jam and twist your wrists. Keep a tight grip. Hold to avoid drill bits snapping. Look out for metal splinters – eyes and skin. Use slower speed for metal. Nail guns physical – nail penetration M • Used only by licensed operators (Powder powered tools). Angle grinder • Sparks and burns • Shattering M • Follow training procedures. Ensure certification of the machine is current. • Wear appropriate PPE, stand out of spark stream. • Ensure half guard is fitted. • Hot work permit. • Hold the grinder correctly. Make sure the work is secure. • Check that the guard is in the correct position. Check blade condition. Discard if it shows signs of disintegrating. 19 Working Safer & Smarter 2.12Painting and Plumbing Hazard Controls Action Scaffolds, planks and trestles - falls and sprains M • Check for loose bolts and bent cross members. Check ladder is tied securely. • Ensure there is a handrail, midrail and kickboard. A certified scaffolder must construct any scaffolding above 5 metres, with Aculog reviewed weekly. • Discard damaged planks. Use only certified planks. Steps and stools. Electrocution M • Check carefully for overhead cables and have them disconnected by the power authority. PVC solvent cement. Chemical – inhalation M • Avoid inhalation – work upwind or in a ventilated area. Provide MSDS onsite. Ladder work falls – base slipping, wind blowing tops M • Place base carefully. Tie top of ladder in place. 1:4 Angle placement. Repair underground water mains. Electrocution M • Attach jumper leads to an earth stake when cutting old galvanised iron pipes. People falling into holes/ trenching I • Adequately fence and provide warning signage. • Secure top and bottom/extend 1 metre past step-off point. 20 Section1: Executive Summary Working Safer & Smarter 2.13Rail Safety Regime Worksite Type of Work Type A Plant and people working behind safety barriers @ 3m* from track centreline or fences @ 5m from track centreline . Plant must not be capable of fouling the safety barrier ie an excavator with a 8m reach must work 8m away from the barrier. Contractors Duties Example •Run a job start meeting •Work behind barriers/ fences and ensure that no plant operates in a position where it can foul the line i.e. an excavator with a 8m reach must work 8m away from the barrier *May be reduced in isolated locations with authorisation from the Rail Safety Coordinator. B Plant and people working behind a safety fence or barrier and it is possible for the plant to foul the line eg excavator or crane. NB work must be carried out at all times without fouling the fence/barrier. At this type of worksite, the safety fence is permitted to be positioned at 3m from track centreline. •Run a job start meeting with the KiwiRail Observer present. •Ensure that all work at the site can be undertaken at the site with out fouling the safety fence or barrier. •Ensure all staff understand the limits of the site. •Ensure that all staff stop work when the air horn sounds. C Plant & people working foul •Run a job start meeting of track or crossing track with the KiwiRail Protector while the rail line is open for present. traffic. •Ensure all staff understand the limits of the site. •Ensure all staff vacate the rail track/stop work immediately when requested by the Protector. D Plant & people working on the rail corridor when the rail line is closed for normal traffic. •Run a job start meeting •Do not enter the rail corridor until authority is received from ONTRACK (Mis 75 form) Do not re enter the corridor once the Mis 75 form is terminated. ! ! Section Three 21 Working Safer & Smarter Environmental Management Obligations 22 Environmental Management Obligations Working Safer & Smarter Introduction A degraded natural environment impacts on residents in many ways. Loss of recreational opportunities, health concerns and economic implications can all arise from increased pollution. Auckland Transport are guardians of the natural environment, and contractors who work for them must play their part in ensuring their work does not damage the surrounding environment. For example, most outside drains (stormwater) discharge to streams leading to the sea, so contractors need to be extra vigilant in making sure no contaminants enter stormwater drains. 3.1 Environmental Legal Controls on Contractors' Work A number of environmental laws, regional and district plans, resource consent conditions and permitted activity rules affect how you do your work. You must be familiar with these obligations. Most environmental obligations are from the Resource Management Act 1991 and regional and local provisions made under it. Other acts that may apply include the Historic Places Act 1993, the Waitakere Ranges Heritage Area Act, the Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park Act 2000 and the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 and its regulations. The responsibility rests with the contractor to identify legal obligations. Permitted Activity Standards The main documents that set out when an activity requires a resource consent, or that set the standards for permitted activities, are: - Proposed Regional Plan: Air, Land and Water; - Regional Plan: Coastal; - Regional Plan: Sediment Control. - Bylaws; - Operative District Plans. Even if you do not need any resource consents, you must still comply with the permitted activity standards. Failure to comply with the conditions of the consent or with the permitted activity standards, may make you and your sub-contractors liable to enforcement action. Penalties The Resource Management Act has a series of penalties for polluters: • Environmental infringement notices (instant fines) ranging from $300-$1,000; • Abatement notices; • Enforcement orders; • Prosecution, with penalties of: - Imprisonment for up to two years; - Fines of up to $200,000; - Fines of up to $10,000 a day for ongoing offences; Note: Any prosecution may potentially affect future business opportunities. Principals can also recover their costs for time, expenses and pollution clean up. The costs of your downtime, as well as court and legal costs, are often much bigger than the fine itself. Contractors must regularly assess their own legal compliance and their management of environmental effects. In addition, we will regularly carry out checks of contractors' environmental compliance requirements and procedures to manage environmental effects. Environmental offences can also lead to the Principal, its contractors and sub-contractors staff being prosecuted and heavily fined. Depending on the offence, other enforcement regimes may apply such as under the Historic Places Act 1993 which includes: 23 Environmental Management Obligations Working Safer & Smarter • Fines of up to $100,000 for destroying a site; and • Fines of up to $40,000 for damaging or modifying a site. Under the RMA (s330) works may be undertaken without having the resource consents in place first, where any project of work by a network utility operator (such as a roading authority) is affected by: - an adverse effect on the environment that requires immediate preventative or remedial measures; or - any sudden event causing or likely to cause loss of life, injury or serious damage to property. The consenting authority still needs to be notified first and, in some circumstances, a retrospective consent may need to be granted. There will be specific arrangements with regard to who can authorise emergency works under the contract. Check with your contract and/or your Auckland Transport contract manager. 3.2 Environmental Management Plans You may have to prepare an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) as part of your contractual obligations. This may have to be approved by the Auckland Transport before work can start. Things to consider during preparation of your EMP may include: Controls, Training and Responsibilities Monitor and Review EMP Management Structure and Responsibility Outline the names, roles, responsibilities and Authority of personnel involved in the implementation and operation of the EMP. Training Identify appropriate education, training or experience for personnel performing tasks with potential to cause significant environmental impact(s). This should include: a record of the training which identifies the person; position; type of training; who was facilitating the training; when the training was completed and any refresher training that may be required. Environmental Aspect Management Plans or Maps Identify all environmental risk and consent conditions, including, where applicable, environmental aspect plans and maps e.g. dust suppression plan, erosion and sediment control plan, construction management plan and a vibration management plan. Operating Procedures Include operating procedures which will control identified environmental risks/impacts. Emergency Contacts and Response Identify the contact person(s) for environmental emergencies that have the potential to cause material harm to the environment. This is to include: the names and 24 hour contact details; response personnel responsibilities; emergency service contact details; the location of on-site information on hazardous materials; steps to follow to minimise damage and control an environmental emergency. Compliance Monitoring Include a procedure for monitoring and measuring key activities which can have a significant environmental impact. EMP Audits Include a procedure detailing how internal audits of the EMP (at planned intervals) will be conducted, and how the audit recommendations will be used. 24 Environmental Management Obligations Working Safer & Smarter Site-specific Environmental Plans You may have to prepare a site-specific environmental plan as part of your contractual obligations. Consider relevant factors such as: • Overland flow paths • Stormwater gutters and catchpits (protection/isolation) • Steepness of slope to stormwater catchpits or other infrastructure • Stormwater treatment devices such as ponds or other stormwater infrastructure • Nearby water bodies: streams, wetlands, beaches, Waitemata Harbour, inland lakes • Location of trees that may be affected by the works, and the extent of their driplines • Location of any archaeological or other historic sites, including these sacred to Maori such as traditional burial grounds • Roadside berms and services, including any hazardous installations that could be affected by your work • Neighbours – houses, workplaces or other places where people are located • Anything else you need to know about, or manage, in order to protect the environment • A scheme plan (visual) of the worksite is a good communication tool • Consider how rubbish will be controlled • Impacted flora/fauna, and native wildlife • Limit work area to minimise potential sediment runoff • Prevent soil/sediment tracking from site (i.e. vehicle wash) • Provide 'clean-up'/spill containment plan • Spill response procedures including restricting the spill to one area, reducing the severity of adverse effects and, if possible, eliminating adverse effects • Provision of spill kits appropriate to the volumes and types of materials used or stored, including signage. 3.3 Managing Sub-contractors A sub-contractor working for you must meet the standards set out in the contract documents, consents and permitted activity standards, and your environmental and health and safety site plans. Make sure your environmental plan outlines how you will manage sub-contractors so they achieve the same high standards expected of our contractors. 3.4 Doing On-the-job Inspections Inspect all environmental controls to identify actual or potential problems and fix them as soon as possible. For each job, consider setting up a simple checklist that covers the main risks identified, risks posed by the site and by the work carried out for the Principal. Document all inspections and corrective actions. 3.5 Keeping Up-to-date Records Records should be in writing and accessible, such as: • Environmental training; • Environmental inspections or checklists; • Any incidents, emergencies, non-compliances or complaints, and your response (notify the Principal's contract manager immediately); • Any reports (complete monthly reporting); and • Other reports required by regulatory agencies. 25 Environmental Management Obligations Working Safer & Smarter 3.6 Responding to Emergencies and Complaints You must have an emergency response plan, which is trialled regularly. Your written response plan should cover (but not be limited to): • Training your staff and sub-contractors; • Reporting environmental incidents to the Principal; • Contact phone numbers of emergency services; • How to dispose of spillages and clean-up materials; • Provision of site drainage; • Post-spill action to re-establish controls over the remaining material; and • A protocol for investigating spills and near-misses. Follow the flow chart overleaf for the procedures about whom to notify in the event of an incident or complaint and how to respond. Emergencies that could pose environmental risks include: • Storms; • Damage to other services resulting in discharges to the environment, especially from trade waste sewers, which may contain hazardous substances; • Plant or equipment failure, including oil and hydraulic hose leaks; • Spills of drilling fluid, oils, fuels, paints, turpentine, paint strippers, weedkillers and other chemicals to the environment, including from waterblasting, sanding or incorrectly washing paintbrushes, rollers and other painting equipment into stormwater; • Spills or runoff from 'hot' asphalt, which contains high levels of hydrocarbon compounds; • Spills or runoff from uncured concrete or concrete cutting/drilling/grinding (highly alkaline and lethal to the environment's flora and fauna); and • Vandalism, of any vehicles, machinery, stored substances or wastes. Contingency plans should be considered for all identified emergencies. 26 Environmental Management Obligations Working Safer & Smarter 3.7 Incident Response and Notification Environmental or safety incident or accident (personal injury, chemical spill, damage to fauna, sediment or waste run-off to drain). Ensure staff have correct PPE Contain incident (bund spills, secure fauna – stop flow to drain) Maintain Site safety NO Speak to Contract Manager/Engineer within 1-2 hours Is the incident significant? YES Contact the Pollution Hotline at Auckland Council Contact Environmental Regulatory Agency Provide other means to mitigate damage, i.e. flushing (confirm with Contract Manager/Engineer) Incident investigation: Identify root causes of incident (i.e. lack of controls, training, equipment failure) within 3 days Forward report to our Contract Manager/Engineer and Safety Representative Our Contract Manager/Engineer to communicate verbally with affected public & pollution response personnel (within 12 hours) Our Contract Manager/Engineer provides report to their manager including: - Root causes - Contributing factors - Mitigating actions - Improvement recommendations Principal Contract Manager/Engineer forwards summary report to Environmental Regulatory Agency within 5 days 27 Section Four Working Safer & Smarter Common Construction Activities and Typical Environmental Risks 28 Common Construction Activities and Their Environmental Risks Working Safer & Smarter Introduction At every stage of the construction process there is the potential for environmental problems to arise. This section identifies common construction processes, some of the main environmental risks and potential controls, and actions to minimise risks. Mitigating Environmental Risks Look at how you manage the job, for example: • Stage the work – do things in a different order to minimise wastes or risks; • Have a plan for handling, storage and disposal of liquid and solid wastes; • Work more efficiently. For example, minimise risk by starting the riskiest phases of the work at times when you can finish them quickly (watch the weather); • Encourage staff and sub-contractors to come up with innovative solutions; • Avoid effects by using alternative methods, e.g. trenchless technologies; and • Finish the job to a high standard so that no environmental risks remain. Prevent or reduce the effects of emergencies, for example, by: • Reducing the likelihood or seriousness of any emergency by minimising the amount of fuel and materials or chemicals needed or stored on the worksite; and • Training staff to respond promptly to minimise their effects. The checklists on the following pages feature common activities undertaken by contractors, their environmental effects if not controlled, and practical actions you should consider (where practical) to avoid these effects. 29 Common Construction Activities and Their Environmental Risks Working Safer & Smarter 4.1 Construction and Earthworks Task Detail Selected Environmental Suggested Controls and Actions Risks/ Effects without to minimise Risk controls • Cease work in vicinity of the find and fence off area. Archaeological Excavations may uncover Maori or European evidence and artefacts predating 1900. Some geological sites are also protected. Potential to damage or destroy archaeological and geological sites or materials. Stripping and stockpiling of soil, leading to dust issues Dust caused by not covering exposed soils, and stockpiles can dry out and be picked up by wind. • Stop work in high winds. Fine particulates can cause air pollution and • Water dry stockpiles, ensuring no nuisance to public. runoff. Sediments can later be • Cover stockpiles with pinned geotextile washed into stormwater materials to protect soil, mulch or or directly into water grass down to stabilise. bodies. Earthworks/ excavation, using heavy machinery Heavy machinery is often required to carry out construction and maintenance works including excavators, horizontal drills, slurry control (pits) large vertical drills, rock breakers, pneumatic hammers, spades and shovels. Exhaust fumes. Noise. Sediment discharge. Spills of hydraulic oils and fuels. Damage to trees and their roots. Damage to archaeological and geological sites. Erosion and land instability. • Contact Contract Manager. • Contact Historic Places Trust. • Call the Council's environmental protection agency. • Ensure all plant and equipment is maintained regularly. • Avoid tracking on roads: sweep regularly and/or install stabilised construction entrance way. • Consider noise levels when buying or selecting plant. • Communicate with public on hours of work. • Have a spill containment and response plan on site. • Install catchpit protection. • Protect any onsite and downstream stormwater treatment devices e.g. rain gardens, swales, ponds etc. • On following pages, see checklists for Dewatering, Trees and Parks. (Also see 4.15). Sediment/soil (underground works) Sediment and soil pollute water from many aspects of underground works. Potential to enter stormwater system and damage it by clogging with sediment, concrete or other materials. See Dewatering. Potential to enter waterways affecting stream health and aquatic habitats. When pumping water from around a main or from a sump under a main, put a filter cloth bag around the suction head of the pump. Discharge pumped water onto grass where possible. Periodically remove accumulated silt from around the filter bag. Alternatively, use TP90 measures, settling tank and suction pump and remove to an approved disposal site. (Also see 5.1). 30 Common Construction Activities and Their Environmental Risks Working Safer & Smarter Sediment control measures (including on catchpits) Sediment control measures can become a source of pollution if not well constructed, maintained and decommissioned. Potential for sediment from secondary control measures to enter stormwater system and pollute stream or beach at outfall. • Divert clean water away from exposed soils. • As a contingency, install a catchpit insert or approved device with a 30-50 micron mesh size) within the catchpit. Put geotextile cloth at the back entry slots of the catchpit to prevent sediment entry. Clean or replace daily if it rains. • Provide on-site suction pump or suction truck and remove to an approved disposal site, or provide a watertight skip with a cover. • Alternatively, use TP90 catchpit measures if the above is impractical. • Have a spill containment and response plan. • Monitor controls: check before end of day and after rain. Repair promptly. (Also see 5.1). Stockpiling Stockpiling of materials and spoil may be needed on some sites. Harm to tree roots if placed in the dripline. Sediment runoff into the stormwater system or directly into water bodies. Dust nuisance. Stockpiles of excavated material must be approved in the Road Opening Notice and confirmed at precommencement meeting. Put excavated stockpile materials away from overland flow paths, low points and impervious areas (roadway, footpaths or driveways) and at least 500mm from kerb. Put excavated stockpile materials in a skip for removal (cover if raining). Remove saturated materials (slurry, moist clay) to an approved disposal site in a sealed container to avoid spillage. Put large stockpiles in approved areas. Cover with suitable geotextile, pinned needle punch 12.0gm and secure around the edge, or grass and mulch. If long term, surround with TP90 silt fences. Tips for Managing Stockpiles • Cover stockpiles with geotextile cloth. • Plan the disposal of surplus materials before starting works. • Aim to reuse spoil rather than disposing of it to landfill. • Store topsoil for reuse in piles less than 2 metres high to prevent damage to the soil structure. • Segregate different grades of soil. • Position spoil and temporary stockpiles well away from watercourses and drainage systems. • Minimise movements of materials in stockpiles to reduce degradation of the soil structure. • Silty water formed by erosion of the stockpile must be managed correctly. • Direct surface water away from the stockpiles to prevent erosion at the bottom. • Place silt screens around spoil heaps to trap silt in any surface water runoff. • Vegetate long-term stockpiles. This will prevent dust in dry weather conditions and reduce erosion of the stockpile to form silty runoff. Ensure adequate weed control. 31 Common Construction Activities and Their Environmental Risks Working Safer & Smarter Vehicle cleaning and travelling on – and off-site Vehicles gaining access to and from sites track sediment into areas without controls. Washing trucks Cleaning vehicles, and other tools, plant and equipment equipment. General clay and sediment left on the road can run off into stormwater system. Provide stabilised entry and exit points from site (i.e. basecourse). Refer TP90. As a contingency, provide catchpit protection. Remove contained sediment. Wash waters can become a pollutant. • Never wash concrete equipment onsite (see 4.3 and 4.5). • Direct small amounts of washwater to excavations to soak into ground, or take equipment to base and wash in a designated area that has a trade waste permit or contains water in a sealed pond or tank. Contamination See item 4.8 Substances Handling and Contaminated Materials. Excavation Refer to 4.15 (Excavation). Also see 5.3 to 5.6. 4.2 Stormwater Inspection, Maintenance and Replacement Task Description Environmental Risks/ Controls and Actions Effects without controls to minimise Risk Earthworks/ excavation Water mains must be isolated and flushed with mains water before being reinstated. Discharge of sediment or chlorine into the stormwater or directly into environment. • Containment and removal by suction truck site referred to in contract. Flushing of stormwater pipes Stormwater pipes blocked by roots or sediment, which need to be broken up and removed. Discharge of tree roots, sediment and contaminants into stormwater system or the environment. • Containment and removal by suction truck. Unblocking drains Drains are unblocked using water blasting or mechanical screw. Potential overflow of • Bypass pumping or suction truck. wastewater. • Have a spill containment and Discharge of trade waste. response plan on site. Tree root damage. • See Trees (Under 4.11). Also see 5.2. • See root cutting (Under Trees, 4.11). 32 Common Construction Activities and Their Environmental Risks Working Safer & Smarter 4.3 Concreting and Piling Task Description Concreting, concrete and sheet-piling Concrete cutting, handling wet concrete, rinsing exposed aggregate or damping concrete as it cures. Runoff of blade cooling water. Noise and vibration. Environmental Risks/ Effects without controls Controls and Actions to minimise Risk Air pollution and irritation. Pollution of waterways and potential fish kills. Exposed aggregate concrete – discharge of highly alkaline washwater when exposing aggregate. Wash from concrete equipment and/or concrete trucks, resulting in environmental enforcement. • Plan your work – consider the weather. Lime/concrete/asphalt: discharge of highly alkaline water to stormwater system and environment. Discharge of lime/concrete dust to air. • Prevent discharge from wet cutting to the stormwater system. Surround the cutting area with bunds to dam the cutting water and seal catchpit outlet. • Excavate a washpit or raise a bund to capture discharge. • Remove the water from site with a portable vacuum or suction truck to site referred to in contract. • For small quantities, divert the runoff to a pit, grassed or unsealed area away from stormwater drains or protected trees, where it can soak to ground. • See Road Surfacing and Construction (4.5) and Noise and Vibration (4.9). (Also see 5.2). Resurfacing Also see 5.2. The use of asphalt and bitumen in the resealing and reinstatement of work sites. Spills, washdown or runoff • See Road Surfacing and from 'hot' asphalt and Construction (4.5). bitumen emulsion can result (Also see 5.2). in surplus runoff. 33 Common Construction Activities and Their Environmental Risks Working Safer & Smarter 4.4 Contamination of Surface and Underground Water Task Description Dewatering Discharge of groundwater or surface water from trenches and other works. See Sediment, in Earthworks 4.1, above. Environmental Risks/ Controls and Actions Effects without to minimise Risk controls Discharge of sediment • Do not pump sediment-laden water to and contaminants gutter or catchpit. Direct to silt fence, to stormwater and decanting earth bund or settling tanks/ waterways may silt storage devices. up, discolour and • Never pump from the bottom of the trench. pollute waterways. • Use a drain sock over the pump housing. • Call a suction truck. • Silty/sandy soils (not clays) can be settled 24 hours before siphoning or pumping to an approved outfall, which leaves undisturbed coarse sediment on the bottom. Check water is sufficiently clear prior to discharge. Decanting earth bund design (Example) Topsoil or compacted fill Work area Stabilised spillway extending from bund to kerb Non perforated pipe through bund Construction pod to collect silt 4.5 Road Surfacing and Construction Task Description Aggregate use Roading aggregates used for construction and maintenance. Environmental Risks/ Effects without controls Depletion of a natural resource. Drilling Operation and Management Aggregate stockpiles Controls and Actions to minimise Risk • Consider other methods: stabilisation; geogrids; thicker asphalt layers. • Reuse digout material. Aggregates need to be stockpiled onsite Water haul roads regularly for production. Dust nuisance for neighbours / public Cover Stockpiles • Store in paved sheds. Wind break 50% 4.1 above). • See Stockpiles (in Earthworks, Asphalt cutting Water used to cool the blade can create runoff. Entry to stormwater or directly to water bodies can cause pollution and potential fish kills. • Surround the cutting area with bunds, seal the catchpit outlet. • Remove with a portable vacuum or suction truck. Bitumen Potential for bitumen spillage (including when using emulsion). Pollution of ground surface and waterways. • Bund around storage areas. • Include spill kits. (Also refer to the Bitumen Code of Practice). Cover dry loads porosity open weave mesh Sprinklers used on small areas Keep speeds low 34 Common Construction Activities and Their Environmental Risks Drilling Operation and Management Working Safer & Smarter Water haul roads regularly Wind break 50% porosity open weave mesh Cover Stockpiles Environmental Risks/ Effects without controls Controls and Actions to minimise Risk Task Description Chipsealing Chip-sealing of roads with liquid bitumen and stone. Bitumen can runoff • Provide a watertight skip with a cover to into drains, noise collect material for removal and disposal. generated by work, • Have spill containment and response plan air pollution from onsite. machinery exhausts. • Inform affected partners. Digout material Suitable material Cover dry loads goes as cleanfill to pit. Remainder to waste. Sprinklers onConsider small areas Waste dumped and • Maximise cleanfill going used to pit. Keep speeds low increases landfill screening and re-use of topsoil. Consider revolumes. use of backfill. Use stabilisation techniques. Lime Lime is commonly Dust. • Never start stabilisation when rain is expected. stabilisation applied to improve Damage to vehicles. • Use only in low wind. clay substrates/techniquesHighly alkaline Dust management • When using lime, identify the location and stabilisation during runoff to depth of water, and pipes. Sucker collects roadTruck construction. waterways. Silt fence shaped to All pumped flows pass • Identify stormwater access points develop flows from pit or skips Air pollution and throughand silt fence provide impoundment site-specific response plan for lime discharge. irritation. Pollution • Prevent lime from being washed to the of waterways environment. and potential fish kills if any water • Never wash down plant or equipment where contaminated with it can drain to a stormwater drain or stream. lime enters the • Dry-sweep work areas rather than rinsing stormwater system, away. and likely result in • Have a spill response plan with equipment enforcement. and your staff well trained. During drilling all slurry to be collected Discharge from skip to a grassed area • Follow contract specs. and discharged to retention device Reinstatement Roads and pavements must be reinstated as per the Code of Practice "Working on the Road". Materials used • Remove saturated Construction pod inserted trapping silt excavated spoils. Place for reinstating topsoil 100mm deep in grassed berms. Mulch excavations may be newly-reinstated grassed areas and remove unsuitable. when grass has re-established, or hydro-seed. • See 4.9 Noise, vibration and dust. Dust. Noise. Vibration. Hardfill placement as stabilisation and stormwater inlet protection Stockpile of excavated material placed where runoff will flow to trench Hardfill is progessively placed on a daily basis Insert construction pod to collect silt Close footpath (signage/fencing) Protect stormwater inlet with filtersock or sandbags (NOT to be used as primary sediment control) Block/filter back 35 Common Construction Activities and Their Environmental Risks Working Safer & Smarter 4.6Utilities Environmental Risks/ Controls and Actions Effects without controls to minimise Risk Task Description Bedding and fill Supply and placement of Consumption of nondesigned aggregates to renewable natural specified compaction. resources. • Recycle dugout material. Gas line damage Inadvertent damage to underground services. Gas leak. • Evacuate area; call Fire Service, local gas supplier and our engineer. Advise local residents. Open pits (excavation holes) Open cut works require a pit or trench, and drilling and other subsurface works need entry holes. Slumping of trench sides. • Promptly backfill pits, trenches and entry Liquid from pits, holes. trenches or entry holes can overflow to the • If it is necessary to stormwater system or remove liquid by water body. Reinstating pumping, wrap a filter materials must be sock around inlet. sampled and tested by a • Never pump sedimentcertified testing agency. laden water to gutter Principal may request or catchpit. Where records. appropriate, direct to silt fence, decanting Dust/Noise/Vibration earth bund or settling tanks. • Use trenchless technology to minimise fill. • Never pump from the bottom of the trench. • Material too saturated for compaction must be removed from site. • Silty/sandy soils (not clays) can be settled for approximately 24 hours in settling tanks before siphoning or pumping to outfall. • Topsoil grassed berms. Mulch newly reinstated grassed areas, or hydroseed. • See 4.9 Noise, Dust and Vibration. 36 Decanting earth bund design (Example) Common Construction Activities and Their Environmental Risks Working Safer & Smarter Topsoil or compacted fill Work area 4.7 Trenchless Work Stabilised spillway extending from bund to kerb Task Description Environmental Risks/ Effects without controls Controls and Actions to minimise Risk Breakage of wastewater pipe Excavations and directional drilling run the risk that wastewater pipes can be broken. Overflow of wastewater to environment if pipe blockage occurs. Damage to ecosystems. • Containment, reinstatement of through bund the service, erecting signage, clean up and monitoring. Construction pod to collect silt CCTV: Operation of generator Closed circuit television inspection of underground pipes, which needs to be powered by a generator. Non perforated pipe • Call Auckland Council. • Follow 'Dry Weather Sewer Overflows Best Practice Management Guidelines'. Noise nuisance for public and neighbours. • Comply with standards and conditions for noise levels and hours. • Communicate hours of work to neighbours. • Consider noise levels when buying generator. Drilling Operation and Management Cured in place CIPP, used in / pump failure. CoverSpills Stockpiles Water haul roads regularly pipe (CIPP) rehabilitation of the Discharge of contaminants existing sewer. Bypass during pipe reinstatement. pumping is used to divert flow. break 50% • Wind Supervise pumping. Cutting pipes • Removal and cutting by approved contractors only. Use of cutting equipment on pipes. Asbestos dust resulting in personal health risk. porosity open weave mesh • Alarms or standby pumps. • Spill containment/response plan onsite. • Keep pipe moist/wrap. Grouting / lining Grouting is where cementitious materials are pumped in Coverstructural dry loads support or to fill voids. Chemicals for grouting/ • Select chemicals used based lining are flushed into sewer on acceptability in the sewer as waste, causing damage Sprinklers system. used on small areas Keep speeds low to the sewer or clogging it • Have in place a spill with materials. These can containment and response contaminate groundwater. plan and kit to prevent escape of chemicals entering sewer. Dust management techniques Sucker Truck collects flows from pit or skips During drilling all slurry to be collected and discharged to retention device Silt fence shaped to provide impoundment All pumped flows pass through silt fence Discharge from skip to a grassed area Construction pod inserted trapping silt 37 Common Construction Activities and Their Environmental Risks Working Safer & Smarter Task Description Drilling and thrusting An entry and exit pit is dug and the pipe is inserted. Thrusting machines are put in the For 'Open Pits' pit; a cavity is thrust see 4.6. Utilities through to the other (previous pit. The pipe is pulled pages). through. Environmental Risks/ Effects without controls Controls and Actions to minimise Risk • Prepare a sediment control Sediment, slurry and plan. polymers discharge from sub-surface pipeline drilling. • Provide watertight settling Sediment discharge from tanks or suction truck to de-watering of the entry/exit collect saturated material pit. (slurry, clay) during drilling for Spills of drilling fluid, oils or removal from site. fuels. • Remove other material, ideally on the same day it is removed from the drilling rig. • Do not dispose of any extracted drilling material on kerb, stormwater catchpit or wastewater. • Keep site and surrounding area tidy. • Resource consent is needed when drilling or thrusting through tree roots zones. • Have a spill containment and response plan onsite. Micro tunnelling Pipe cracking Pipe jacking Tunnelling A micro-tunnelling machine is placed down a manhole and pilot tube piped ahead of machine, which has a cutting face. Sediment discharge from works area. Spills of drilling fluid, oils and fuels. Damage to trees and tree roots. • Prepare a sediment control plan (see Earthworks, 4.1). A hydraulic head is pulled or pushed through an old existing pipe. The existing pipe is burst. The new pipe is pulled through afterwards. Ground heave around pipe damaging services. Sediment discharge. Spills of hydraulic oils and fuels. Trees roots. Archaeological / geological sites. • Prepare a sediment control plan (see Earthworks, 4.1). A large pipe is thrust into position. Material removed manually or by machine while jacking the pipe into position. Sediment discharge from works area. Damage to trees and their roots. • Prepare a sediment control plan (see Earthworks, 4.1). Only used in special circumstances, e.g. very inaccessible or deep sites and large diameter sewers. Sediment discharge from • (See Earthworks, 4.1). works area. • Have a spill containment and Spills. response plan and equipment Lowered groundwater levels, onsite. resulting in settlement. • Have a spill containment and response plan onsite (see above). • See Trees (4.11) and Archaeology (4.1). • Have a spill containment and response plan onsite (see above). • See Trees (4.11) and Archaeology (4.1). • See Trees (4.11) and Archaeology (in 4.1). 38 Common Construction Activities and Their Environmental Risks Working Safer & Smarter 4.8 Substances Handling and Contaminated Materials Task Description Environmental Risks/ Effects without controls Asbestos structures and coatings As required in regular maintenance, testing or permanent removal. Handling and disposal of contaminated material. • Instruct OSH-certified asbestos company to undertake works. Contaminated material Maintenance of water networks may require removal of contaminants from catchpits. Sediment may require de-watering before disposal. There is potential to unearth contaminated material e.g. industrial areas/historical service station sites. Handling and disposal of contaminated material. Discharge to the environment during dewatering of sediments. • See Dewatering (in Earthworks, 4.1). Litter removal from catchpit traps, grilles and booms Litter traps in catchpits, grilles at stormwater pond outlets, and booms across ponds or streams, need regular inspection and maintenance, including periodic removal of litter. Handling and disposal of contaminated material. Spilling and resuspension of material into the environment. • Provide a watertight skip with a cover to collect material for removal. Oil booms, maintenance or replacement Hydrocarbon-absorbent booms require regular inspection / maintenance, periodic removal and replacement. Risk of contaminated material release during handling and disposal. • Remove liquid by suction truck. Painting structures As required in the regular maintenance of Auckland Transport assets. Spill of paints, turps, thinners, paint strippers. Preparation of the surface for paint, including water or sand blasting, washing of brushes and rollers to stormwater. Discharge to air during spraying. • Auckland Council requirements – no waterblasting run-off to stormwater. Potential for pollutants to enter the stormwater system or directly into surface and underground waters. Soil pollution. • Provide a spill kit for each site and vehicle that can contain/ clean up all spills. Spills Spills of sediment, concrete, lime, asphalt, paint, fuels, chemicals and other substances used on site. Controls and Actions to minimise Risk • Provide a watertight skip with a cover to collect material for removal. • Have a spill containment and response plan and equipment onsite. • Have a spill containment and response plan and equipment onsite. • Have a spill containment and response plan and equipment onsite. • Contain the area by tarpaulins etc. • Containment and removal. • Have a spill containment and response plan and equipment onsite. • Correctly dispose of all leadbased paints. • Train staff/sub-contractors in emergency procedures. • Avoid decanting onsite. • Maintain equipment to prevent leaks. 39 Common Construction Activities and Their Environmental Risks Working Safer & Smarter Environmental Risks/ Effects without controls Task Description Storage of chemicals/ substances Most jobs need materials to be stored onsite, such as fuels, lubricants and other substances. Potential for spills to pollute soil, water, and air during storage or while transferring them to or from site or decanting. Controls and Actions to minimise Risk • Comply with Growsafe Code of Practice. Store all substances in secure, bunded store, metal bins or cabinets. • Label all containers. Never decant into unmarked / unsuitable (e.g. food or beverage or other) containers. • All decanting to be offsite. • Provide Material Safety Data Sheets for all substances onsite (including fuels). • Provide spill kits and training. • Segregate substances. • Isolate substances from the stormwater system/cover stormwater inlets. Waste handling and disposal Wastes may include spoil, plant materials and construction or demolition materials. Clean fills can only accept clean solid waste with no contaminated soil, green waste or other contaminants that could leach out. Stockpiling waste materials for disposal may result in contaminated runoff. • Prepare a waste management plan for handling, storage and disposal of all hazardous wastes. • Store all materials in sturdy and well-labelled containers that separate out different products for re-use or recycling. • Compost any green waste via refuse transfer stations. (Also see 5.2). Wood disposal 4.9 Trimming of trees generates wood off-cuts. Potential to be treated as waste, dumped and increased landfill volumes. • Chip branches for mulch for re-use. Noise, Vibration and Dust Task Description Environmental Risks/ Effects without controls Dust Stripping and stockpiling soil; exposing soils which can dry and be picked up by wind. Pollute air, looks • Damp down site and contain run-off to bad, causes stormwater system. nuisance to • Use stabilised entrance ways. neighbours / public • Stabilise exposed areas and cover stock piles. Controls and Actions to minimise Risk • See other techniques below. Decanting earth bund design (Example) Topsoil or compacted fill Work area 40 Common Construction Activities and Stabilised spillway extending Their Environmental Risks from bund to kerb Working Safer & Smarter Noise generated by plant and equipment Normal operating Noise pollution for noise levels can be neighbours/public. disturbing and noise arising from works Construction to collect silt done out of pod normal working hours. Non perforated pipe • Communicatethrough hours bund of work to neighbours. • Comply with standards and conditions for noise levels and hours. • Separate noisy equipment from people by moving it further away or putting soundsuppressing material between it and people. • Consider noise levels when buying plant. See Section 5.3 - 5.5 for more information on 'Noise', 'Vibration' and 'Dust, Emissions and Odours'. Drilling Operation and Management Water haul roads regularly Wind break 50% porosity open weave mesh Cover Stockpiles Sprinklers used on small areas Cover dry loads Keep speeds low 4.10Dust Plant and Equipment management techniques Sucker Truck collects Silt Environmental fence shaped to Risks/ Effects without controls provide impoundment Taskflows from pit or skips Description Maintenance. Old or poorly maintained plant, vehicles and equipment use more fuel, are noisier and emit more fumes. Noise and emissions generated by plant. Poor fuel efficiency. Noise, exhaust fumes, unnecessary use of fossil fuels. Noise pollution for neighbours/public. Controls All pumpedand flowsActions pass through silt fence to minimise Risk • Ensure trained staff undertake regular maintenance, and develop protocol for disposing of wastes. • Comply with the relevant TP90. Advise locals. • Noise attenuation material to reduce noise. During drilling all slurry to be collected and discharged to retention device Discharge from skip to a grassed area Construction pod inserted trapping silt Hardfill placement as stabilisation and stormwater inlet protection • Designate an area within site for routine plant maintenance with run-off treated prior to disposal or disposed of to sewer. 41 Common Construction Activities and Their Environmental Risks Working Safer & Smarter Refuelling Onsite refuelling of Spills of fuels into large equipment stormwater or directly into may occur. water bodies. • Bund off and use drip trays. • Spill containment/response onsite. • Clean up spills immediately. Spillages Be prepared Contamination and waterways • Display the site's emergency response procedure at maintenance area. Spill containment barrier deployed in a stream to prevent further environmental damage. 4.11Trees, Weeds and Parks Environmental Risks/ Effects without controls Controls and Actions to minimise Risk Spraying of bar oil. Contamination of plants, soil, waterways. • Use organic rather than synthetic lubricant. Use of fertilisers. Breaks down soil structure and leaches nutrients into groundwater. • Explore organic alternatives. Often treated as waste, landfill. Raised BOD levels in streams. • Never allow clippings to enter waterways. Chemicals kill non-target plants and insects. • Provide a registration or application. Use selected species. Task Description Chainsaws Fertiliser Mowing Spraying Disposal of grass clippings. Chemical vegetation and pest control. • Explore different plant species. • Onsite composting. • Explore biological/organic controls. • Hand-pull weeds. Improve application techniques e.g. low drift nozzles, air-assisted booms. Put in place stormwater controls. 42 Common Construction Activities and Their Environmental Risks Working Safer & Smarter Task Description Environmental Risks/ Effects without controls Trimming and removal for access Trimming and tree removal required for machinery or works where there is no alternative. Erosion and sediment • Mulch newly-reinstated grassed discharge prior to stabilisation. areas, and damp down. Discharges of 'loose' • Chip/mulch wood. vegetation to environment. • Compost other material via refuse stations. Weed control Control of noxious weeds and invasive plants. Potential for spills or runoff of chemicals and hot foam. Controls and Actions to minimise Risk • Compliance with application methods, handling and storage. • See relevant Auckland Transport policy on conditions of use. Root cutting Working round trees, and within dripline Root cutting in pipes when tree roots enter wastewater/ stormwater pipes. Done to prevent pipe and root expansion that can cause sewage overflows or flooding. After cutting, the pipe may be grouted, cured or sliplined, to seal it. Discharge of severed tree root fragments or chemicals into the stormwater or wastewater system. Working within the dripline of trees in the road reserve or removing trees in the road reserve may need a resource consent. Currently a blanket consent requirement is in place to work around trees. Machinery, spoil or fill, and holes or trenches can damage roots. A Auckland Transportapproved arborist should oversee works around trees. Report any tree problems to supervisor or arborist before proceeding. Arborist must submit to the engineer monthly audit forms on pruning and/or works within root zone of trees on roads and reserves. Damage to tree through inappropriate cutting. • Removal of tree waste to organic fill. • Consult arborist if appropriate. • Containment and removal by suction truck to the approved disposal site referred to in your contract. • No machinery, holes, or spoil under trees unless on hard surfaces. • Holes/trenches under trees to be hand-dug. • Leave intact and undamaged all roots over 50mm diameter. • All ground openings with roots or cut root surfaces not backfilled within 2 hours, to be covered with damp hessian to prevent drying out. • No damage to branches/ trunks. • Excavation work within dripline, where roots are cut or damaged, to be inspected by an arborist. • Work in accordance with the blanket tree consent. 43 Common Construction Activities and Their Environmental Risks Working Safer & Smarter 4.12Bored Tunnelling Task Environmental Risks / Effects without Controls and Actions to minimise controls Risks Bored tunnelling Bored tunnelling may have impacts on groundwater, which could then have subsequent impacts on ecological habitats. Plan the disposal of spoil and slurry arising from tunnelling ahead of works. Consider re-use options, but be aware of waste regulations. Minimise longdistance transport via road in order to minimise traffic impacts. Groundborne vibration Large-diameter tunnels near to ground level are most likely to cause groundborne vibration. Be aware of any sensitive buildings in the locality. Noise 24-hour working may cause annoyance Note limits in relevant District Plan. to neighbours near the tunnel portal. Contaminated ground or Contaminated ground or groundwater Develop a contingency plan for groundwater may be encountered during tunnelling. dealing with it. If it is encountered halt works immediately. Clear the Tunnelling may cause a preferential site and ensure there is no smoking pathway through which contaminants, within 10 metres of the site. Seek mobilised by groundwater, may expert advice. Keep any contaminated escape. spoil/groundwater separate from uncontaminated spoil/ groundwater as it should be handled and disposed of appropriately. Ensure that any contamination that is encountered is dealt with appropriately to prevent its spread. Archaeological finds Watch out for unexpected archaeological finds. Refer 4.1, 4.5 and 5.6. 4.13Microtunnelling Task/Issue Environmental Risks and Actions to Mitigate Small plant maintenance Maintain small plant to minimise emissions. Wastes Manage wastes arising from the works properly. Noise Noise from microtunnelling may annoy neighbours. Traffic Traffic entering and leaving site may disrupt normal traffic flow. Emissions from traffic may annoy neighbours. Damage to tree roots Microtunnelling can damage tree roots. 44 Common Construction Activities and Their Environmental Risks Working Safer & Smarter Contamination Contaminated ground may be encountered during tunnelling. • Develop a contingency plan for dealing with it. If it is encountered, halt works immediately. • Clear the site and ensure there is no smoking within 10 metres of the site. • Seek expert advice. Keep any contaminated spoil separate from uncontaminated spoil, as it should be handled and disposed of appropriately. • Tunnelling may cause a preferential pathway through which contaminants, mobilised by groundwater, may escape. • Ensure that any contamination encountered is dealt with appropriately to prevent its spread. 4.14Excavation Task/Issue Environmental Risks and Actions to Mitigate Excavations can lead to many environmental risks if not carefully managed. Prevent water entering excavations. When it does, take measures to avoid it becoming contaminated. Dispose of it properly. Be aware of unexpected archaeological finds. Materials to look out for during excavations include burnt or blackened material, brick or tile fragments, coins, pottery or bone fragments, shell deposits. Also see 4.5 and 5.6 Archaeology skeletons, timber joints or post holes, brick or stone foundations, infilled ditches. If excavation reveals contamination, halt digging immediately. Clear the site immediately, ensure there is no smoking within 10 metres of the site. Where appropriate, try as far as possible to identify the extent and cause of contamination (e.g. any movement of contaminants.) Seek expert advice. If asbestos is uncovered unexpectedly during digging operations, halt digging operations at once and refill the excavation. Exposure of asbestos filings to the open air can result in widespread contamination as the particles are easily airborne far from site. Remove personnel immediately and secure the area. Contact site management immediately. Excavation plant and vehicles used to transport materials from and around site may cause impacts from emissions, mud, noise. Poorly maintained plant and vehicles cause more environmental effects than well-maintained plant. Use a wheel wash to minimise dirt on road. Task/Issue Environmental Risks and Actions to Mitigate Spoil arising from excavation can be recycled. Crush any rock uncovered and use on or offsite. Store topsoil for reuse in piles less than 2 metres high to prevent damage to the soil structure. Use excavated materials to form noise bunds and for landscaping - check whether planning permission is required. 45 Common Construction Activities and Their Environmental Risks Working Safer & Smarter Dealing with water in excavation • Prevent water from entering excavations. Water running down the side of an exposed batter face may dislodge fine particles and take them into suspension. It may also cause collapse. Divert water by digging cut-off ditches around the excavation or grading the ground. • Prior to any excavation below the water table, including any site dewatering, inform the Auckland Transport of the works to be conducted. • If there is water in the excavation, do not allow plant or personnel to move about in it and stir particulate matter. Once particles are in suspension, particularly fine particles such as silt or clay, they can be difficult and expensive to remove. Use the corner of the excavation as a sump and avoid disturbing that corner. • Water in an excavation which is open for some time can be controlled by stone-filled edge drains leading to sumps. • If groundwater is flowing into excavations, consider installing cut-off ditches, walls or well-point dewatering. • Before discharging any water, always check that you have permission to do so and that the discharge complies with any conditions attached to that permission. 4.15Grouting Task/Issue Environmental Risks and Actions to Mitigate Grouting and related issues Blowback from blockages or overfilling from pressure grouting with dry materials such as cement can cause significant dust problems. Working within an enclosure may be necessary in particularly sensitive areas, although health and safety precautions must be taken by the workforce. Grouting in or near contaminated ground may displace polluted water from the excavation. Prevent the uncontrolled release of this water. Prevent the uncontrolled discharge of cement and bentonite slurries. Use a settlement tank to remove sediments, check pH and contamination levels, and then obtain a consent before releasing the effluent. Dealing with waste grout: Grout fines can be more successfully separated by the addition of a chemical flocculant, by hydroclone separation or mechanical dewatering. This allows easier disposal of the constituents. Deal with any slurry waste (water mixed with silt) appropriately. 46 Working Safer & Smarter Environmental Issues Section Five 47 Environmental Issues Working Safer & Smarter 5.1Water It is vital to manage water properly onsite to protect our environment. You and your company may face legal action if you cause waterways to be polluted, or dispose of unacceptable wastes via the sewer system. The site doesn't need to be next to a river to cause a problem. Any pollutants getting into a surface water drain or groundwater can end up in a stream or river far away. The pollutants can often be tracked to their source. It does not take much spillage to cause pollution, and it can impact on the whole food chain: high levels of silt can clog up a fish's gills and eventually kill it, as well as smother invertebrates and sensitive plant life. Silt can also prevent fish spawning and suffocate eggs. Other pollutants can damage our waterways by: • Changing the chemical balance of waterways (e.g. cement or concrete washwater is highly alkaline); • Removing dissolved oxygen (e.g. detergents); • Contaminants that dissolve quickly are difficult to control and treat. They are easily transported in waterways and, if toxic, the effects are likely to be widespread. Potential Harm to Waterways Concrete, chemicals, paints, sediment from exposed soils, spills, dust and washwater discharges are some of the pollutants that can get into the stormwater system. These end up in streams and on beaches – harming property and the environment, including killing fish and other wildlife. Dumping or incorrect storage and containment of rubbish and other solid wastes can also enter drains and flow directly into fresh and saltwater. Sources include: • Exposed soil, stockpiles of fill, compost or bark or skips of waste, which if washed into waterways, smother stream life or use up oxygen; • Concrete and lime or asphalt-cutting wastewater; • Sediment or chlorine used when flushing new water supply lines; • Contaminants from pipe reinstatement; • Wastewater overflows caused by pipe blockages; • Handling, storage, dewatering and disposal of materials from contaminated sites or stormwater treatment devices; and 48 Environmental Issues Working Safer & Smarter • Inappropriate washdown of concrete equipment, and general machinery. General principles are: • Keep 'clean' water separate from 'dirty' water: clean rainwater, stormwater running onto your site or clean groundwater flowing into an excavation needs to be diverted away from working areas or stockpiles that could contaminate them. You can then let this 'clean' water carry on flowing down the gutter, into the stormwater system or over land towards a water body. This will minimise the amount of 'dirty' water associated with your work that you have to treat and dispose of. As such, you should consider the following: - Treat and dispose of 'dirty' water that your work has contaminated with soil, concrete or other chemicals so pollution does not occur - suggestions are given in this booklet. - Prevent or control spills from refuelling or handling chemicals, and dispose of other liquid wastes from your work in an environmentally responsible way. - Protect stockpiles: cover and divert water to prevent runoff or dust. • Separate hazards: store wastes in bins that don't leak or allow material to blow away, and segregate hazardous substances. • Good housekeeping: keeping a tidy, clean site will help you to do the job more efficiently as well as protect the environment. • Understand drains: runoff from a worksite can carry pollutants into stormwater or wastewater pipes. Use each pipe for the right purpose: - Only uncontaminated or treated rainwater can go into the stormwater system. - Only wastewater can go into the sanitary sewer – don't put stormwater into it. - Some trade wastes can go into the sewer. Common contaminants from contract work are lime and hydrocarbons. You need a temporary trade waste permit to discharge wastes into any sewer. Lime and Concrete: A Special Case The lime used for roading, stabilisation and concrete products is lethal to stream life. It is a strong alkali and soluble, making it practically impossible to filter out. It can contaminate soil and water, just as a strong acid would. It is so strong that diluting it with more water may cause harm to a greater length of stream which can take many years to recover. Allowing this – or any other material – into the stormwater system is illegal, and may result in an instant fine, an abatement notice or prosecution. Managing Water Onsite Take the following steps to avoid causing pollution to waterways: Step 1: Evaluate the potential challenges and risks for the project Water pollution problems arise as a result of both activity and inactivity onsite. Key causes of problems include: • Silty water and its incorrect disposal; • Spillages of pollutants due to bad storage and handling of materials, or the inadvertent disposal to surface water drains; • Washout from concreting operations; • Works in, above or near watercourses; • Working in groundwater; • Water in excavations. Step 2: Identify appropriate control and management methods for each potential issue • Refer to Section Four: Common Construction Activities and Typical Environmental Risks as a useful guide, and your own procedures. 49 Environmental Issues Working Safer & Smarter Step 3: Ensure compliance and monitor implementation • Predict potential pollution incidents by undertaking risk assessments. • Provide training so staff and sub-contractors know what to do. • Supervise site personnel so works are undertaken as intended and problems are addressed quickly. • Secure sites against vandalism. Step 4: Adopt an emergency response plan Ensure the site has an emergency response plan and that all staff know how to carry it out. Disposing of Water from Worksite A Auckland Transport consent is required to discharge direct to a watercourse. Any consent issued will establish allowable concentrations of pollutants and flow rates, and may prescribe peak flow rates for unpolluted discharges. Consents take time to obtain, so plan ahead to avoid delays. Even if consent is approved, allowable pollution limits will be low. Controlled waters include rivers, streams, ditches, ponds and groundwater. Pollution includes silty water, oils, chemicals, litter, and mud. Prevent anything that has the potential to pollute, including muddy water, from entering the surface water drains. Avoiding Spillages Precautions to avoid spillages include the use of bunds around oil storage tanks and the use of drip trays around mobile plant. Plan ahead to avoid the need for emergency measures. For example, sandbags can be used as a barrier to protect sensitive areas. Block off drains during refuelling. Any sand or soil that becomes contaminated must be disposed of properly. Managing Surface Water Runoff Surface water running across or ponding on a site may cause water management, pollution and erosion problems. The solution is to control surface water so that it does not run into excavations, disturbed ground or haul roads, and to minimise erosion onsite. Ensure that the water collection system is adequate to handle the controlled release of storm flows. Ensure silty runoff from disturbed ground and soil stockpiles does not reach waterways. In dry weather large quantities of mud and oils can build up on hard-surface areas. If these are not cleaned frequently, a sudden shower can wash them into watercourses, causing major pollution. Therefore, keep hardstanding and surface roads swept clean. Emergency Response Follow the emergency plan for the site. In the event of silting, erosion or pollution of a waterway, the site manager should follow the Incident Response and Notification Procedure in Section One of this guide. Following clean-up, the incident must be reported to the company's environmental representative to learn from what happened and avoid future occurrences. An effective emergency response system relies on the following elements: • An emergency response plan • Definition of responsibilities • Contact numbers • Training in implementation Site managers should ensure the necessary information and equipment is at hand and updated regularly. 50 Environmental Issues Working Safer & Smarter This will require detailed planning. Emergency Response Plan Ensure that all appropriate staff are aware of the company's emergency procedure and know how to use it (see the example given below. This could be integrated with the Incident Response and Notification Procedure and other relevant guidance above). Example of a Typical Emergency Plan 1. In case of spillage of oils and chemicals report immediately to manager/supervisor who should then report the incident to the Auckland Transport and its environmental agency. They will find out eventually, but if you report first, it will build a better relationship. 2. Try to identify the source of pollution and stop the flow immediately. Switch off sources of ignition. 3. Avoid the spillage spreading: • Check the site drainage plan - where will the spillage end up? • Stop the flow if possible. • Dam the flow with earth/sand/polythene. • Divert from drains/watercourses where possible. • Get a spill kit. • Use absorbent materials if appropriate • Place a boom across watercourses as precaution. 4. Do not wash spillage into the drainage system - it only makes things worse. Never use detergents – use sand or absorbent pads to mop it up. 5. If the spill has already entered the drains, block off the entrance to the drains. 6. Shovel contaminated sand/earth/granules into sacks or skips according to size. These must be disposed of appropriately. Oil pools may first be removed by a sludge-gulper. Responsibilities Define the responsibility for the following with site personnel: • Reporting to the site manager; • Reporting to environmental agencies and other regulatory authorities; • Taking charge at the scene; • Recording events as an incident record; • Regularly checking that the contents of the spillage kits are complete. Ensure that the contact details for the following groups are easily available: • List of site personnel and sub-contractor offices; • Your company's environmental representative; • Fire Service/Police 111; • Auckland Transport's environmental agencies; • District Health Board; Environmental Issues 51 Working Safer & Smarter • Equipment suppliers (e.g. pump hire and waste disposal sub-contractors for skip hire); • Liquid waste disposal contractors. Equipment • Emergency spill kits are ideal for dealing with spillages, usually consisting of equipment to contain and absorb spills on land and water. Obtain them from a reputable supplier. • The contents will depend on the project, but they may include oil-absorbent granules, "pigs" or "sausages", floating booms, absorbent mats, polythene sheeting, or polythene sacks. • Store them in a marked bag or wheelie bin in a well signposted location. It is best to store them near where they may be needed. Ensure in advance that booms for rivers are long enough and have suitable anchorages, and the kit is adequate for the types and volumes of substances used. • Assess the number and deployment of it for quick access across the site. Buckets of sand, earth, straw bales and rags are good for cleaning up small spillages. There is also a wide range of proprietary equipment available from suppliers to deal with spillages. Special mats or cushions can be placed over drains to prevent pollution to water supplies, located at the source of leaks or under pipe joints. Training Make sure that site personnel know who to contact in the event of a spillage, what to do and where to get equipment from. Manufacturers of spillage kits usually provide training in their use. 5.2Waste Sediment, concrete, dust and other wastes are highly visible pollutants that cause a great deal of community concern. Messy and untidy worksites are also more likely to be unsafe and polluting, and will inevitably attract time-consuming public complaints. Different types of waste need to be treated appropriately: • Inactive waste covers materials that do not undergo significant physical, chemical or biological reactions or cause environmental pollution when deposited at a landfill under normal conditions. These include uncontaminated soils and rocks, ceramics, concrete, masonry, brick rubble and minerals. • Active wastes include acids, pesticides, wood preservatives, oily sludges, batteries, waste oils, asbestos, timber, plastics, alkaline solutions and bitumen. Some active wastes may also be special wastes. • Special wastes are those that are deemed to be dangerous to life; they may be corrosive, reactive, explosive, oxidising, carcinogenic or flammable. Some of the more common special wastes include acids, alkaline solutions, oily sludges, waste oils and wood preservatives. Waste Management Onsite To manage wastes effectively, focus on: • The amount of materials that are wasted; • The way in which wastes are handled and stored; • The amount of wastes that can be reclaimed; and • The method of disposal of wastes. This section provides guidance on how to address each of these issues. The site manager should allocate responsibility for these issues onsite to nominated individuals. On large sites it may be more appropriate to designate one person as the site waste manager. To manage wastes effectively and efficiently it is important to allocate sufficient space and resources. In order to plan waste management, it is helpful to know the types and quantities of wastes are generated onsite. This information can be obtained by monitoring wastes onsite and by drawing on previous experience. 52 Environmental Issues Working Safer & Smarter Checklist - Storing Wastes Properly Onsite • Segregate different types of waste as they are generated. • Mark waste containers clearly with their intended contents. Consider using colour coding. • Use containers suitable for their contents. Check that containers are not corroded or worn out. • Minimise the risk of accidental spillages or leaks. Provide covers and bunds to prevent evaporation and spillage of wastes. • Ensure that wastes cannot blow away. 5.3Noise The noise levels and timing that apply to the job should be considered under the relevant District Plan and NZS 6802, A guide to noise control – construction noise and NZS 6803 1999: 'Acoustics - Construction Noise'. What is Noise? Noise is often explained as being a sound that is unwanted by the listener. Sound is a wave motion carried by air particles between the source and the receiver, usually the ear. It may consist of a high-pitched or low-pitched whine, or it may have no special distinguishing features. Sound, pressure and noise are measured in units of decibel (dB) using a logarithmic scale. This means that if you increase a sound by 10 dB it is perceived as a doubling in loudness. As a rule of thumb, if you have to shout to make yourself heard over background noise from the site, then the background noise is likely to be about 75-80 dB. Why Noise is Important Excessive noise levels onsite represent a major hazard to site works. Neighbours/occupiers of land have a duty to avoid unreasonable noise under the RMA. Noise causes more offsite complaints than any other topic and can rapidly sour relations. Noise can also disturb our wildlife and natural heritage. Various types of control on noise levels from construction sites can be imposed when noise starts to cause a nuisance. These controls can affect the programme by limiting the length of time which noisy activities are allowed and influencing the construction method. Failing to meet noise constraints can result in fines. Reducing Noise Levels in the Community There are three factors that influence noise levels at a given point: 1. Site management and construction method. 2. Plant. 3. Screening. For each of these factors simply following good practice can bring great benefits. Further reductions require attention to be directed to specific equipment or methods. In planning the approach to noise reduction on a project, the benefits to be gained from each factor should be weighed against the cost of implementation. In some situations there may be only one solution. Site Management and Construction Method (including Timing, Duration and Phasing) The general operation of the site needs to be addressed to control noise. It is not only loud noises that cause complaint, but also anti-social activity and irregular or tonal noises such as reversing warnings. Other reasons for complaint include shouting, bad language, radios and out-of-hours deliveries. Some of the construction activities that cause the greatest problems are piling (particularly by diesel hammer), breaking out with pneumatic tools, falling ball demolition, earthmoving, scabbling, concrete pours and maintenance works. Calculating noise levels for real operations involves combining the cumulative effects of many different items of plant. Environmental Issues 53 Working Safer & Smarter Use the checklist below to minimise noise and vibration. Checklist • It is important when communicating with stakeholders to emphasise the impact of noise to fully and realistically inform them. • Change the working method, equipment or modes of operation to reduce noise. For example, in demolition works, hydraulic shears can be used in place of hydraulic impact breakers. In driving steel sheet piles, would the ground conditions suit the jacking method (i.e. cohesive soils), which generate only a fraction of the noise of conventional hammer-driving, piling. When breaking out pavements can methods other than pneumatic breakers and drills be used? Consider chemical splitters or falling weight breakers. • Reduce the need for noisy assembly practices, e.g. fabricate offsite. • Keep noisy plant as far away as possible from public areas. • Adopt working hours to restrict noisy activities to certain periods of the day. • Route construction vehicles to take into account the need to reduce noise and vibration. • Keep haul roads well maintained. • Use mufflers or silencers to reduce noise transmitted along pipes and ducts. • Minimise the drop height into hoppers, lorries or other plant (reducing the drop height by a factor of 10 reduces noise by about 10 dB). • Consider using rubber linings on tippers in noise-sensitive sites. Plant Noise levels from individual plant items can vary considerably depending on how they are configured and used. Careful selection of plant is essential when noise is important. To minimise the noise from your site plant, observe the following rules: • Use only plant conforming with relevant standards and directives on emissions. Older plant, although still legal to use, may not have such identification; as it may be noisier than modern plant, avoid using it in noise-sensitive areas. • When operating plant, use noise-control equipment such as jackets on pneumatic drills, covers on compressors, shrouds on piling rigs and cranes. If in doubt about what is appropriate ask the manufacturer. Hoods and doors on compressors and cranes etc. should not only be closed but also be tightly fitting and well sealed. A partly closed door is of little use. Consider placing additional screening around the plant such as plywood screens (see Screening explantation below). • Electrically-powered plant is quieter than diesel or petrol-driven plant. • Operate plant properly so that it does not cause excessive noise. Shut down plant when it is not in use. • Maintain plant properly - adequate lubrication to reduce squeaks and the tightening of loose nuts and bolts to minimise rattles are part of routine maintenance. • Provide effective silencers for plant, e.g. pneumatic percussive tools. • Fix rotating or impacting machines on anti-vibration mountings. • Ensure that audible warning systems (including reversing alarms) are switched to the minimum setting required by the Health and Safety Executive. Consider the use of alternative systems (e.g. cab-mounted CCTV) where appropriate. Traffic routes that avoid reversing onsite will minimise the impact. Use tannoy systems only when necessary. Be aware that noise from some plant, such as compressors, may be emitted more in some directions than others, therefore consider the orientation of static plant. If you put plant next to a solid surface (e.g. a wall) the noise will be reflected away from the surface and increased by 3 dB(A). Screening Screens can reduce noise levels from a site considerably at a relatively low cost. Factors affecting the efficiency of a screen include distance from the source and from the receiver of noise, density of material used, height and length, the presence of holes and its position relative to noise-reflecting surfaces. 54 Environmental Issues Working Safer & Smarter Noise screens can consist of topographical features as well as artificial materials (trees do little to reduce noise). To be effective an artificial screen should have a density of at least 7 kg/m2 of surface area. This equates to 12mm thickness of plywood. A site hoarding can therefore have a screening effect, although its value is diminished if it is distant from the source and receptor. If the hoarding is acting as a noise screen, worksite gates should be opened for the minimum amount of time to allow the passage of vehicles. Checklist - Design and Placement of Screens • Where possible, place sources of noise away from sensitive areas. • Avoid sound-traps that amplify noise. • Almost any solidly-built screen is better than none. • Erect the screen close to the source of noise. • Build the screen from stout materials, with panels stiffened to prevent drumming. • For the most effective results build the screen about 1 metre above the highest sightline. • Seal all gaps and openings, including gaps at the bottom of the screen. • Glaze any public observation openings in perimeter hoardings with perspex (protected with wire mesh or similar) if sensitive areas are closer than the height of the hoarding. • Consider placing additional screens close to sensitive areas but not parallel to nearby walls. 5.4Vibration Why Vibration is Important Although rare, high vibration levels over sustained periods can cause damage to buildings and sensitive equipment within buildings, such as computers. Lower levels can cause nuisance to residents. The degree of annoyance depends on the activity, the persons affected and the vibration intensity. It is likely local residents will complain about any perceived vibrations as soon as they become noticeable. Vibration may also cause disruption to wildlife, and damage to geological, geomorphological and archaeological sites. The level at which this occurs is site-specific. Since the effects of high-frequency vibration are less than those of low-frequency ones, it is worth seeking ways to change the frequency if a problem is being caused. This usually requires specialist advice; ask plant manufacturers for their help. Please note a sensitivity survey may not be required in all instances. This should be referenced in your contract. How to Avoid Vibration Problems There are three primary aims in the management of vibration onsite: • To avoid causing damage to nearby structures. • To avoid causing annoyance and concerns. • To avoid being falsely accused of causing damage. The following four steps will help in addressing each of these aims: STEP 1Monitor Conditions Before Works Start Before starting construction, it may be necessary to survey sensitive locations and structures if there is significant risk of causing an effect. The survey should include a detailed record of: • Existing cracks and their widths; • Level and plumb survey, including damp-proof course; • Measurements of tilting walls or bulges; • Other existing damage including loose or broken tiles, pipes, gullies or plaster. 55 Environmental Issues Working Safer & Smarter Photographic records and the installation of measurable tell-tale devices are also helpful to establish alleged or actual damage. In some situations it will be necessary to strengthen vulnerable offsite structures before vibrations start. Sensitive locations to survey and monitor before and during construction may include: • Schools; • Hospitals and nursing homes; • Historic buildings; • Museums; • Laboratories; • Precision machine workshops; • Sensitive plant or equipment used by local companies; • Housing; • Buildings in poor condition; • Brittle/ancient underground services, including tunnels. STEP 2Inform Neighbours Vibration causes anxiety and annoyance to residents mostly because they fear that it will cause damage. It is therefore useful to explain to them that damage only occurs at vibration levels many times greater than those that can be felt from the construction site. Informing neighbours of the potential for vibration allows the site staff to learn of any particularly sensitive issues that may be time-dependent and that may be resolved by limiting hours of work. Manufacturers should be able to advise on the level of vibration that might harm computer installations. STEP 3Minimise Effects During Works Reducing vibrations during the works is difficult to achieve because there maybe a fundamental side-effect of the process being undertaken. To reduce vibrations, the methods being proposed will need to be re-evaluated. For example, piling is well known for causing vibration effects, but driven casings cause greater effects than vibrated casings. When evaluating how to reduce vibrations consider the following: • High-frequency vibration causes less damage than low-frequency vibration; • Isolating plant; • Plant placed on a heavy base causes less vibration than plant on a lighter base, e.g. suspended slabs; • Vibrations travel less distance in unsaturated ground. If groundwater levels fluctuate (e.g. in tidal regions), carry out works during lower tides. STEP 4Monitor Vibration Levels During Works To be effective, vibration-level monitoring needs to be carried out by trained staff or by external specialists. However, it may be necessary for site staff to discuss with building occupants where vibration monitoring can be conducted. The two main rules for monitoring at properties during operations are: • Measure inside rooms when assessing nuisance; • Measure on the structure outside when assessing damage (doorsteps are a good location). With sensitive structures, continued visual monitoring and measurement of crack widths is the best way to determine whether damage is being caused. It is important to refer to the commonly-used standards for measuring vibration; specialist advice may be warranted. 56 Environmental Issues Working Safer & Smarter 5.5 Dust, Emissions and Odours Why Dust, Emissions and Odours are Important Dust, emissions and odours arising from a site will annoy neighbours and can even cause health risks at high concentrations. There is also the potential for legal action, which will have cost and programme implications. Dust, emissions and odours can be particularly hazardous to site staff in confined spaces, so seek information on controls from the company health and safety officers. Today's dust is tomorrow's sediment. Cover stockpiles, or exposed areas and control dust from surface cutting, especially in built-up areas where dust may annoy residents. Dust is generally considered to be any airborne solid matter up to about 2 mm in size. Particle sizes can vary considerably, depending on their origin, and the smallest particles can be breathed in. Human health effects of airborne dust are generally associated with particles less than approximately 10 microns (PM10). Some dust, such as limestone dust, is chemically active. Larger particles (typically greater than 20 microns) are generally found to be the source of nuisance dust as they can soil property and affect visibility. Annoyance to Neighbours Dust, emissions and odours disturb site neighbours. Annoyance is caused when residents have to re-clean washing that has been hanging out and when they have to wash cars, curtains and windows. Windblown dust can be unsightly over long distances in scenic areas. In exceptional circumstances, dust can affect health by, for example, causing eye irritation. Asthma can be exacerbated by exposure to respirable dust. How to Avoid Problems With dust, emissions and odour a good rule of thumb is that there should be no nuisance caused beyond the boundary. Regulators tend to become involved only once problems have been created and complaints received. To avoid causing complaints, the site should operate a management system that ensures that: • Dust, emissions and odour from general operations are minimised through adoption of good working practice; • Special consideration for control measures is given in circumstances where general good practice may not be sufficient to avoid causing problems. It is also valuable to keep a record of daily dust conditions and mitigation measures taken in case disputes arise. Checklist - Avoiding Dust Generation Haul Routes • Select suitable haul routes away from sensitive sites if possible. • Pave heavily-used areas, or use geotextiles e.g. around batching plant or haul routes. Sweep these regularly. • Provide a length of paved road or a stabilised construction entrance (TP90) before the exit from the site. • Reduce the width of haul roads (while still allowing two-way traffic) to minimise surface area from which dust may be produced. • Sweep paved access roads (while still allowing two-way traffic) and public roads regularly using a vacuum sweeper. • Limit vehicle speeds - the slower the vehicles, the less dust generated. • Damp down (see over). Demolition • Use enclosed chutes for dropping to ground-level demolition materials that have the potential to cause dust and regularly dampen the chutes. • Locate crushing plant away from sensitive sites - consider siting within buildings (e.g. buildings within the site that will not be demolished or those to be demolished last). 57 Environmental Issues Working Safer & Smarter Plant • Clean the wheels of vehicles leaving the site so that mud is not spread on surrounding roads - dry mud turns to dust. • Ensure that exhausts do not discharge directly to the ground. Earthworks and Excavations • Revegetate or seal temporary or completed earthworks as soon as possible. • Keep earthworks damp - try to programme to avoid exceptionally dry weather. Materials Handling and Storage • Locate stockpiles out of the wind (or provide wind breaks) to minimise the potential for dust generation. • Keep the stockpiles to the minimum practicable height and use gentle slopes. • Compact and bind stockpile surfaces (in extreme cases). Revegetate long-term stockpiles. Cover small stockpiles with geotextile cloth. • Minimise the storage time of materials onsite. • Store materials away from the site boundary and downwind of sensitive areas. • Ensure that all dust-generating materials transported to and from site are covered by tarpaulin. • Minimise the height of fall of materials. • Avoid spillage, and clean up as soon as possible. • Damp down (see below). Concrete Batching and Pouring • Mix large quantities of concrete or bentonite slurries in enclosed/shielded areas. • Before concrete pours, vacuum dirt in formwork rather than blowing it out. • Keep large concrete pours clean after they have gone off. They generate large quantities of dust. Cutting/Grinding/Grouting/Packing • Minimise cutting and grinding onsite. • On cutters and saws, use equipment and techniques such as dust extractors to minimise dust. Consider a wet cutting saw or use vacuum extraction. • Spray water during cutting of paving slabs to minimise dust. • Dispose of any washwater appropriately. Damp Down using Water The most effective application of water in suppressing dust is by using a fine spray, but the efficiency depends on the speed of the bowser. Repeat spray regularly and frequently, especially during warm and sunny weather when water will evaporate quickly. Consider spraying: • Unpaved work areas subject to traffic or wind. • Structures and buildings during demolition. • Sand, spool and aggregate stockpiles (this has only a temporary and slight effect). • During loading and unloading of dust-generating materials. If you are abstracting water from a watercourse, ensure that you have obtained permission. 5.6Archaeology Sometimes excavations uncover evidence of historic Maori or colonial European activities. It is against the law to damage or destroy historic structures from before the year 1900, unless you have approval from the Historic Places Trust. Shell banks may be middens. Why is Archaeology Important? Archaeological remains are irreplaceable and are a valuable part of our national heritage. Encountering unexpected archaeological finds can affect both project programme and costs. • Delays and costs can occur when works have to be stopped to allow for archaeological excavation. 58 Environmental Issues Working Safer & Smarter • Damage caused to scheduled sites or monuments can result in prosecution and significant programme delays while the damage is assessed, and while scheduled monument consent is applied for to carry out repairs. Managing Archaeology Onsite If it is likely that archaeological or historical features will be found during a project, the Auckland Transport will probably have commissioned some work on the site. Ask the council for the information they hold about the site. Even if an investigation has been carried out, there may still be a potential for unexpected finds to be uncovered during construction. The contractor's responsibilities and liabilities will depend on the particular contract and the site manager should be aware of these. The contractor is not expected to be an archaeological expert but must do the following: • Follow the contractual obligations, e.g. providing attendances and/or access to professional archaeologists. • Protect known archaeological and heritage sites. • Report any significant finds arising during construction. Comply with Contract and Planning Conditions Identify any contractual obligations and conditions that may be attached to the Historic Places Trust permission (see above). Ask the client for any information that they hold on the site. Protect Known Archaeological and Historical Features Ensure that the proposed method of working complies with any obligations identified. Works that are located close to a site of archaeological or cultural significance can have a damaging impact. For example, vibration could cause cracking and subsidence in listed buildings; access roads could disturb historic areas. Be Prepared for Unexpected Finds Whether or not known archaeological or historical features have been identified on your site, there is still the potential for unexpected finds to be uncovered during works. Materials to look out for during excavations include burnt or blackened materials, brick or tile fragments, coins, pottery or bone fragments, skeletons, timber joints or post holes, brick or stone foundations, and infilled shell deposit ditches. If Any Finds Are Encountered • Stop work immediately in the area. • Protect the find by fencing/blocking it off and contact the site manager. • Contact the Principal's Contract Manager who will contact the Historic Places Trust, iwi and other relevant stakeholders as appropriate. If bones are uncovered, the Police must be notified. • Do not resume work until instructed by the Principal's Contract Manager. 5.7 Other Considerations Damage to Property and Infrastructure Assets Your work plans can help you minimise the damage your work does to other property, such as grass verges, footpaths, vegetation and underground services. Soil Erosion and Land Undermining Vegetation removal, dewatering and vibration can cause erosion, soil cracking and land instability on and around your worksite. Exhaust Fumes from Vehicles and Machinery Consider turning engines off when not in use, placing them downwind of neighbours, and consider lowemission machinery when replacing assets. Do not allow fumes to go up into a tree canopy as this can damage the tree. Section Six 59 Working Safer & Smarter Additional Resources 60 Additional Resources Working Safer & Smarter 6.1Training Here is a list of environmental topics you could cover at regular toolbox meetings: • Consent conditions • Lime and concrete • Permitted activity standards • Erosion and sediment control • Environmental risks of key tasks • Storm response • How to use the spill kit • Dust control/noise • Responding to public complaints • Emergency response • Waste storage and disposal • Safe handling of chemicals and paint • What to do if you find archaeological evidence • Works in/or around trees • Dewatering or pumping • Refuelling and maintenance • Waste management • New initiatives and bright ideas Identifying Training Needs Topic Trainer Recipient Training frequency Safety and environmental induction Principal Everyone Varies Site/project specific induction Contractor Everyone At start of project Site-specific environmental induction, Contractor or other consent conditions, permitted activities, approved provider e.g. environmental controls Roading NZ Project engineers, supervisors and sub-contractors As required when personnel changes Erosion and sediment control training External trainers Site supervisors, sub-contractors Bi-annual Emergency response training Contractor Everyone, sub-contractors Random spill exercise six-monthly Contact your relevant industry association for specific training information e.g. Roading New Zealand. 6.2 Helpful Contacts NZ Historic Places Trust: 307 8896 Roading New Zealand: 448 2143 EECA, the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority: 0800 358 676 ERMA, the Environmental Risk Management Authority: 04 473 8426 Ministry for the Environment Sustainable Business Team: 913 1640 NZ Business Council for Sustainable Development (NZBCSD): 525 9727 Sustainable Business Network (SBN): 920 2400 Gas Emergency call centre: 0800 764 764. References Bituminous Materials Used in Roading - Code of Practice for Safe Handling (BCA 9904). 2000. Pavement and Bitumen Contractors' Association, PO Box 12013, Wellington. Standards New Zealand, 2006, Handbook. Environmental risk management – principles and process. HB 203:2006. 61 Working Safer & Smarter 62 Working Safer & Smarter 63 Working Safely Guidelines wink/trans/0611