Technical Area/Site

Technical Area/Site
Ida approved fixture seal of approval
Hubbell Outdoor and Spaulding brands are aware of the growing concern over glare, light trespass and
sky glow created by improperly applied lighting fixtures. This wasted light is wasted energy. To address
this concern, we have designed many of our new products with Full Cutoff (zero uplight) optics to provide
greater control of light output from area and wall mounted fixtures.
Hubbell Outdoor and Spaulding fixtures that meet Full Cutoff criteria are designated with the IDA fixture
seal of approval logo. These fixture series or specific lens options will solve your need for excellent site
lighting with an environmentally friendly reduced sky glow and are approved by the International Dark
Sky Association.
Recommended Mounting Height Guidelines
Metal Halide
Mt. Height
70 PS
100 PS
175 PS
250 PS
400 PS
1000 PS
Recommended Illumination Guidelines
High Pressure Sodium
Mt. Height
Area Description
Shopping center and store
parking lot
Entrance and exits - twice area
Public parking lot
Avg. Maintained
Uniformity Ratio
Avg. to Min.
Excellent 2:1
Good 4:1
Average 6:1
Acceptable 10:1
Recommended minimum (exceptions may be taken when diffuse lens or lamp is specified)
Area/Site Luminaire Lens Choices
Convex Lens
Flat Lens
Spaulding Lighting offers three lens enclosure configurations
for many of our area/site luminaires. Flat, convex and dropped
configurations offer distinctly different performance benefits and
aesthetics values. Take the time to choose the correct configuration
to ensure you meet all of your design criteria.
Convex Lens
Also referred to as a sag lens, the convex lens is a very popular
choice for customers interested in achieving:
• Maximum spacing between luminaires
• Higher light levels between poles
• Excellent light level uniformity
Luminaires with a convex lens also offer a degree of “sparkle” a flat
lens cannot. Used many times in retail commercial applications,
a convex lens allows the lighting system to become an integral
component of a business’ identity and advertising goals.
Dropped Lens
Flat Lens
With today’s increased concern for lighting in an environmentally
conscious manner, utilizing a flat lens may be your best choice. A
flat lens offers the following:
• Reduced luminaire glare
• Reduced light trespass onto adjacent properties
• Reduced night “sky glow”
All of Spaulding’s luminaires configured with a flat lens are FULL
CUTOFF classified per IES standards. Flat lens luminaires help reduce
the potential negative impact of lighting in a commercial space.
Dropped Acrylic or Polycarbonate Lens
Luminaires featuring a dropped lens offer many of the benefits of
the convex lens with a “softer” visual appearance. Dropped lens
luminaires provide a square symmetric distribution of light and
superior light level uniformity. Additionally, the rugged polycarbonate
version is a great choice for areas needing a higher degree of
luminaire protection.
Spaulding Lighting has worked hard to strike a balance between
the concerns of lighting in an environmentally conscious manner
without sacrificing sound lighting design principles.
Technical Area/Site
Area/Site Reflector Choices
Choosing Spaulding Lighting for your area/site lighting gives you maxi-
Multi-Faceted Hydroformed, traditional hydroformed, and multi-piece
mum design flexibility when determining which product to use. From
(forward throw) reflector designs. The table below details some of the
the most demanding performance criteria to the most cost competitive
benefits from each method of fabrication.
project, Spaulding Lighting has the reflector system for any requirement.
With up to six photometric distributions from either horizontal or vertically lamped configurations, Spaulding offers fully segmented, Patented
Results In
Achieved Benefit
Fully Segmented
• Superior spacing between lumi-
Multiple individual segments of pre- • The broadest photometric
naires and poles resulting in distribution
finished highly specular aluminum,
reduced project costs
machine punched and formed, then • Precise beam control at
• The highest levels of visual acuity critical angles
hand placed at precise angles into
at grade resulting in increased the reflector’s rigid supporting “su- • Excellent light level uniformity
safety and security
per structure” for exact imaging of with reduced “hot spots” below the luminaire
the lamps arc tube in each facet
Advanced multi-step, “deep well”
hydroforming process followed
by the application of Hubbell’s
proprietary Anodal® reflector finish
technology results in a one-piece,
rigid semi-specular aluminum
reflector with up to 1,350
miniature facets for precise optical
• Broader photometric distribution and uniformity levels
usually only associated with more expensive fully segmented reflec
tor designs
• Minimal lamp imaging from
miniature facets and the lowest levels of glare
• Hard tooled repeatable
performance reflector to
• Durable design withstands the rigors of shipment,
installation, and maintenance
• Broader spacing between luminaires and poles resulting in reduced project costs
• Increased levels of visual acuity at grade resulting in increased safety, security as well as excellent visual comfort perception (VCP)
• Consistent performance over the life of the installation
Multi-step hydroforming
process followed by the
application of Hubbell’s proprietary
Anodal® reflector finish technology
results in a one-piece, rigid semispecular aluminum reflector
• Good photometric distribution and uniformity levels
• Reduced lamp imaging and low levels of glare
• Hard tooled repeatable
performance reflector to
• Durable design withstands the rigors of shipment,
installation, and maintenance
• Good spacing between
luminaire and poles
• Excellent value without
sacrificing performance
• Consistent performance over the life of the installation
(IES type IV - forward throw)
Large individual pieces of prefinished semi-specular aluminum
placed into the reflector’s rigid
supporting “super structure” with
the lamp placed deep within the
reflector design
• Sharp lamp cutoff
• Minimal “house side spill” behind the reflector
• Excellent forward projection of the lamp’s luminous flux
• Ability to place the luminaire close to the property edge, eliminating or reducing light trespass
• Maximum projection of light to target area
Technical Area/Site
Area/Site Reflector types
ies type iv
(forward throw)
ies type Iv
ies type ii
ies type iii
ies type ii
ies type iii
•Advanced multi-step “deep well”
•Multi-piece design with precision
•Performance Series reflector design •Unique Split Beam Distribution
hydroform design with Hubbell’s
resulting from a multi-piece design formed pre-finished specular and
with individual segments of pre proprietary Anodal® semi-specular finished highly specular aluminum, with precision formed pre-finished specular hammertone aluminum
semi-specular aluminum reflectors
machine punched and formed,
then hand placed at precise angles that direct light both forward and •High efficiency (street/house side) •Broad photometric distribution and
•Lower maximum candela vertical
below the luminaire to each side
into the reflector’s rigid supportuniformity levels typical of more
beam angle plus lower candela val•Excellent forward projection of
ing “super structure” for exact
expensive fully segmented reflector
ues at nadir (below the luminaire)
light from a high 60 degree maxiimaging of the lamps arc tube in
mum candela primary vertical beam •Sharp lamp cutoff behind the reflec- •Minimal lamp imaging from miniature
each facet
tor, lamp placed deep within the
facets and the lowest levels of glare
reflector (greater house side cutoff •Hard-tooled repeatable performance
•Superior uniformity at grade
provided with optional shield)
between luminaires and increased
reflector to reflector
pole spacing between luminaires
ies type v
ies type V
•Advanced multi-step “deep well”
hydroform design with Hubbell’s proprietary Anodal® semi-specular finish
•Broad photometric distribution
and uniformity levels typical of
more expensive fully segmented
reflector designs
•Minimal lamp imaging from miniature facets- lowest levels of glare
ies type i
ies type V
ies type v
•Hydroform reflector design with
•Performance Series reflector design •Performance Series reflector design
with individual segments of preHubbell’s proprietary Anodal® semi- with individual segments of prefinished highly specular aluminum,
finished highly specular aluminum,
specular finish
machine punched and formed, then
•Very good photometric performance machine punched and formed,
hand placed at precise angles into
then hand placed at precise angles
and luminaire efficiency
the reflector’s rigid supporting “super
into the reflector’s rigid supporting
•Reduced lamp imaging and low
“super structure” for exact imaging structure” for exact imaging of the
levels of glare
•Hard-tooled repeatable performance of the lamp’s arc tube in each facet lamp’s arc tube in each facet
reflector to reflector
ies type III
(forward throw)
ies type iv
(forward throw)
•Performance Series reflector design •Performance Series reflector design •Unique Split Beam Distribution
resulting from a multi-piece design
with individual segments of prewith individual segments of prefinished highly specular aluminum, finished highly specular aluminum, with precision formed pre-finished
machine punched and formed, then semi-specular aluminum reflectors
machine punched and formed,
that direct light both forward and
then hand placed at precise angles hand placed at precise angles into
below the luminaire to each side
the reflector's rigid supporting
into the reflector's rigid support“super structure” for exact imaging •Excellent forward projection of light
ing “super structure” for exact
of the lamp’s arc tube in each facet from a high 60 degree max. candela
imaging of the lamp’s arc tube in
primary vertical beam angle
each facet
•Superior uniformity at grade
between luminaires and increased
pole spacing between luminaires