WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL West Virginia Family Health is a managed care organization based in West Virginia providing services to Medicaid beneficiaries. Highmark West Virginia has contracted a network of providers to service the Medicaid population for West Virginia Family Health. This partnership provides an opportunity to create a more effective care delivery system and improve the overall health of West Virginia Medicaid recipients. APRIL 2016 WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER/UNIT TOPIC Quick Reference Introduction CHAPTER 1 MEMBER ENROLLMENT AND BENEFITS 1.1 Enrollment and Eligibility • Enrollment Process Determination of Eligibility and Enrollment Sample ID Cards • Verifying Eligibility • PCP Role in Determining Eligibility • Member Rights and Responsibilities 1. 2 West Virginia Family Health Benefits • Medicaid Cost-Sharing • Mountain Health Trust Benefits Table • Mountain Health Bridge Benefits Table • Copay Prohibition • Dental Services 1.3 Growing Up Program • General Information Service Delivery Requirements Growing Up Outreach Unit Claim Filing Authorization • West Virginia Birth to Three • Required Screens and Tests • Detail of Screens and Services Dental Services and Screening: Child Under Age 21 Orthodontic Requirement & Prior Authorization: Child Under Age 21 Dental Services: Adult Age 21 and Over Dental Services Requiring Prior Authorization Dental Service Retrospective Review Dental Services in Hospital Setting or Ambulatory Surgical Center Vision Testing Hearing Screening Developmental/Behavioral Appraisal Anemia Screening Blood Lead Level Screening Immunizations Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program Immunization Registry WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | TABLE OF CONTENTS SEE PAGE 2 2 2 3 5 6 2 4 7 10 11 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 7 7 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 13 15 16 16 1|P a g e APRIL 2016 CHAPTER 2 PROVIDER RESPONSILITIES 2.1 PCP’s Role • General Information PCP Patient Panel Prospective Care Management Addition of Newborns Processing PCP Change Requests Transfer of Medical Records • Appointment Standards • Immunizations Vaccines For Children (VFC) Program Immunization Registry • Oral Health Risk Assessment • Transfer of Non-Compliant Members • Coordination of Behavioral Health and Physical Health Services 2.2 Specialty Care Practitioner • Verifying Eligibility • Referrals Required for Specialty Care • Appointment Standards • Reimbursement • Emergency Services • Specialists Functioning as Primary Care Practitioners 2.3 OB/GYN Services • General Information Member Self-Referral to OB/GYN PCPs & Routine Gynecological Services Referrals to Specialty Care Practitioners Diagnostic Testing Maternity Authorization Newborns • Appointment Standards • Prenatal Risk Screening Instrument (PRSI) • Coding Maternity-Related Services • Family Planning Guidelines and Billing • Medicaid Sterilization/Hysterectomy Consent Forms • Abortion Services 2.4 Hospital Services • Inpatient Admissions • Hospital Transfer Policy • Outpatient Surgery Procedures • Emergency Room • Ambulance Services • Billing and Reimbursement WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | TABLE OF CONTENTS SEE PAGE 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 2 4 5 6 7 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 7 9 2|P a g e APRIL 2016 CHAPTER 3 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 3.1 Practitioner Requirements and Guidelines • General Information West Virginia DHHR/BMS Policy Changes Provider Manuals Practitioner Education and Sanctioning Practitioner Due Process Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Access and Interpreters for Members with Disabilities Provider Termination • Credentialing Practices • Confidentiality • Fraud and Abuse • Environmental Assessment Standards • Reporting of Required Reportable Diseases • NCQA Compliance Requirements • Marketing Policies and Practices 3.2 Claims and Billing Information • Member Billing Policy • Excluded Providers or Credible Allegation of Provider Fraud • Claims Submission • Timely Filing • Prompt Pay Payment Time Frames BMS Reimbursement Hold Harmless • Electronic Claims Submission • Electronic Remittance Advance (ERA) • Claims Review Administrative Claims Review Medical Claims Review • Coordination of Benefits Coordination of Benefits Policy Specialty/Fee-For-Service Providers Medicare Nursing Care Subrogation • Primary Care Services • Claim Coding Software • Billing • Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) Services EPSDT Claim Submission Time Frame FQHC/RHC Billing 1500 Paper Format Requirements 1500 EDI Format Requirements WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | TABLE OF CONTENTS SEE PAGE 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 11 16 18 19 2 3 4 6 7 7 7 8 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 17 19 21 22 24 24 24 24 25 3|P a g e APRIL 2016 • Obstetrical Care Services • Hospital Services • UB-04 Data Elements for Claims Submission • Sample UB-04 Claim Form • 1500 Data Elements for Claims Submission • Sample 1500 Claim Form 3.3 Reimbursement • Introduction • Facility Providers • Physicians and Other Providers • Rate Changes • Directed Payments to Certain Qualified Providers 3.4 Member and Provider Disputes • Provider Appeals • Provider Disputes • Member Grievance Process Informal Grievances Formal Grievances External Grievance Review • Member Appeals • Provider Initiated Member Grievances or Appeals CHAPTER 4 HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT 4.1 Referrals • General Information • Voice Activated Referral • Paper Referrals • Referrals for Specific Services Out-of-Plan Referrals Referrals for Second Opinions Referrals for Surgical Second Opinions Specialty Care Practitioners Renal Dialysis Services Audiology and Speech Therapy • Self-Referral 4.2 Authorizations • General Information Criteria Used for Assessing Medical Appropriateness Review/Determination of Medical Necessity Utilization Management Contact Information • Services Requiring Authorization • Requesting an Authorization Information Needed When Requesting an Authorization Decision Time Frame Expedited Authorization Requests Medical Necessity Criteria WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | TABLE OF CONTENTS 26 27 28 30 31 33 2 3 5 7 8 2 4 5 5 5 6 7 11 SEE PAGE 2 4 8 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 4|P a g e APRIL 2016 Post-Service Requests • Chiropractic Services • Durable Medical Equipment • Skilled Nursing Facility • Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapy • Rehabilitation Services Extended Care in a Non-Hospital Facility Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Services • Home Health Care • Hospice Services • Pharmacy Services • Diabetic Services • New Technology 4.3 Care Management • Lifestyle Management Programs Overview Maternity Program Asthma Program Diabetes Program Cardiac Program Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Program • Special Needs Care Management • Complex Care Management 7 8 9 11 12 13 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 APPENDIX FORMS AND REFERENCE MATERIALS • DIVA Quick Referral Entry Guide • HealthCheck Health History Form 0-6 Years • HealthCheck Health History Form 7-20 Years • HealthCheck Program Periodicity Schedule • Hysterectomy Acknowledgment Form • Maternity Outcome Authorization Form • Medicaid Drug Exception Form • Member Outreach Form • Physician Certification for Hysterectomy • Physician Certification for Pregnancy Termination • Prenatal Risk Screening Instrument (PRSI) • Quick Reference Guide for Referrals and Authorization • Referral Form • Refund Form • Sterilization Consent Form WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | TABLE OF CONTENTS 5|P a g e APRIL 2016 QUICK REFERENCE CALL TO INQUIRE ABOUT: TELEPHONE NUMBER HOURS OF OPERATION Behavioral Health 1-855-371-8112 Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Care Management 1-855-412-8004 Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Option 1: Maternity Program Option 2: Care Management/ Disease Management – Congestive Heart Failure/Asthma/Diabetes Option 3: Preventive Health Services/EPSDT/Outreach Option 4: Complex Care Management FAX NUMBER General: 1-855-430-9846 Prenatal Risk Forms & Member Outreach Forms: 1-855-430-9847 1-262-721-0722 Dental Provider Services 1-855-434-9237 Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Central Time) Digital Voice Assistant DIVA 1-888-907-8002 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week Fraud and Abuse and Compliance Hotline 1-855-412-8004 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week 1-855-412-8003 Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 1-855-430-9848 (Claims Inquiries and Eligibility Verification) (Eligibility Check/Generate and Review Referrals) Medical Management (Utilization Management) Please do not leave multiple voicemail messages or call for the same authorization request on the same day. (Voicemail during off hours. The call will be returned the next day.) Member Services 1-855-412-8001 Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 1-855-430-9845 Pharmacy 1-855-412-8005 Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 1-855-430-9849 1-855-412-8002 Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 1-855-430-9850 (Non-Formulary Requests and Prior Authorizations) Provider Services (Claims Inquiries and Eligibility Verification) TTY/TDD Line 711 or 1-800-982-8771 24-Hour Nurse Help Line 1-844-850-WVFH(9834) 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week Please Note: After regular business hours, the Provider Services department line will be answered by an automated system that provides callers with operating hours information and instructions on how to verify enrollment for a member with an Urgent Condition or an Emergency Medical Condition. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | QUICK REFERENCE 1|P a g e APRIL 2016 MAILING ADDRESSES West Virginia Family Health – Claims Department P.O. Box 830499 Birmingham, AL 35283 Emdeon & RelayHealth Electronic Claims Submission Payer ID: 45276 West Virginia Family Health – Dental Claims Department P.O. Box 1597 Milwaukee, WI 53201 West Virginia Family Health – Provider Correspondence P.O. Box 22278 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 West Virginia Family Health – Member Correspondence P.O. Box 22250 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 West Virginia Family Health – Dental Authorizations Department P.O. Box 628 Milwaukee, WI 53201 West Virginia Family Health – Dental Provider Correspondence and Appeals P.O. Box 1462 Milwaukee, WI 53201 WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | QUICK REFERENCE 2|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 INTRODUCTION Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield West Virginia (“Highmark West Virginia”) has contracted a network of providers to service the West Virginia Medicaid population for the West Virginia Family Health Plan, Inc. (“WVFH”). WVFH is a Provider Sponsored Network (“PSN”) organization composed of 26 shareholders, including 22 Federally Qualified Health Centers (“FQHCs”), two clinics, the Primary Care Association and Highmark West Virginia. WVFH is based in West Virginia and intends to operate as a Managed Care Organization (“MCO”) providing services to Medicaid beneficiaries. Hereinafter, WVFH may also be referred to as MCO. The PSN model offers many benefits and gives WVFH the ability to have a stronger focus on quality of care through care and disease management and address socio-economic issues as well as those unique issues to the low income population. Combining the hands on experience of providers with the industry expertise of Highmark West Virginia will ensure that this PSN will provide superior care. WVFH and Highmark West Virginia intend to collaboratively participate in the West Virginia Medicaid program to create a more effective care delivery system and improve the overall health of West Virginia Medicaid recipients. This combined ownership integrates the strengths of the provider community with a health insurance issuer that has a strong historical state-wide presence and leverages the strengths of both to create a new Medicaid MCO. This partnership provides an opportunity to create a healthcare delivery system designed to improve access to and quality of care for West Virginians, as well as promote healthier outcomes through medical home systems of care. © 2016 Highmark Inc. All rights reserved. Confidential Information – DO NOT DUPLICATE except for West Virginia Medicaid managed care program review activities. This manual is exempt from disclosure pursuant to WV Uniform Trade Secrets Act §47-22-1 et seq., and WV FOIA §29B-1-4(a). Information in this document is not generally known to individuals outside WVFH and has commercial value for WVFH’s competitive advantage. Unauthorized use or disclosure constitutes misappropriation of a Trade Secret and harm to WVFH’s competitive position, addressed through criminal and/or civil penalties to the disclosing party. Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield West Virginia is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | INTRODUCTION FEBRUARY 2016 CHAPTER 1: MEMBER ENROLLMENT AND BENEFITS UNIT 1: ENROLLMENT AND ELIGIBILITY IN THIS UNIT TOPIC Enrollment Process • Determination of Eligibility and Enrollment • Sample ID Cards Verifying Eligibility PCP Role in Determining Eligibility Member Rights and Responsibilities WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.1 SEE PAGE 2 2 2 3 5 6 1|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.1 ENROLLMENT PROCESS Determination of eligibility and enrollment Mountain Health Trust is the name for West Virginia’s Medicaid mandatory managed care program for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and TANF-related children and adults who are eligible to participate in managed care. West Virginia Health Bridge (“WVHB”) is West Virginia’s mandatory managed care program for adults eligible for the Medicaid Alternative Benefit Plan (ABP) under Medicaid expansion through the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Under the West Virginia Mountain Health Trust Program and WVHB, the State determines eligibility, and enrollment is determined through Maximus, a broker hired by the State of West Virginia for enrollment services. Once the beneficiary selects West Virginia Family Health (“WVFH”), the plan is notified electronically of enrollment. At that time, a packet of information is sent along with their WVFH ID card. Sample ID cards Mountain Health Trust Front: Back: Mountain Health Bridge Front: Back: WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.1 2|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.1 VERIFYING ELIGIBILITY Overview A West Virginia Family Health Member (WVFH) member will have two (2) cards: The WVFH ID card, as well as the West Virginia Medicaid card. Because of frequent changes in a member’s eligibility, each Network practitioner is responsible to verify a member’s eligibility with WVFH BEFORE providing services. Verifying a member’s eligibility along with the applicable referral or authorization will assure proper reimbursement for services. Methods of verifying a member’s eligibility To verify a member’s eligibility, the following methods are available to all practitioners: 1. WVFH Identification Card The card itself does NOT guarantee that a person is currently enrolled in WVFH. Members are only issued an ID card once upon enrollment, unless the member changes their Primary Care Practitioner (PCP) or requests a new card. Members are NOT required to return their identification cards when they are no longer eligible for WVFH. 2. The WVFH Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) System Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 1-888-907-8002. To verify member eligibility at each visit, practitioners follow a few simple steps which are listed below. Verifying eligibility via the WVFH IVR System The WVFH IVR System can be accessed by calling 1-888-907-8002. • Press 1 to verify eligibility • MEMBER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER QUESTION: Press 1 to verify eligibility using the patient’s social security number. When prompted enter the patient’s 9-digit social security number, and then press the # key. Press 2 to verify eligibility using the patient’s WVFH member identification number. When prompted, enter the patient’s 8-digit WVFH identification number. Press 3 to verify eligibility using the patient’s West Virginia Medicaid recipient identification number. When prompted, enter the patient’s West Virginia Medicaid recipient identification number. Press 0 to speak to a Provider Services Representative. Press 9 to repeat the menu. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.1 3|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.1 VERIFYING ELIGIBILITY, Continued Verifying eligibility via the WVFH IVR System (continued) • VERIFICATION OF DATE QUESTION: Press 1 to verify whether the patient is eligible TODAY or the PCP assigned to the member TODAY. Press 2 to verify whether the patient is eligible on a specific date. Enter the date using the 2-digit month, 2-digit day, and 4-digit year. o Press 1 if the repeated date is correct. o Press 2 if the repeated date is incorrect. o Press 9 to listen to the instructions again. Press 0 to speak to a Provider Services Representative. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.1 4|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.1 PCP ROLE IN DETERMINING ELIGIBILITY Practitioner panel list Primary care practitioners (PCPs) can verify eligibility by consulting their panel listing in order to confirm that the member is a part of the practitioner’s panel. The panel list is distributed on or about the first of every month. The primary care practitioner should check the panel list each time a member is seen in the office. If a member’s name is on the panel list, the member is eligible with WVFH for that month. If a patient is not on the practitioner’s panel list If patients insist they are effective, but do not appear on the practitioner’s panel list, the practitioner should call the WVFH Provider Services Department at 1-855-412-8002 for help in determining eligibility. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.1 5|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.1 MEMBER RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Introduction Member Rights As members of West Virginia Family Health (WVFH), patients have the following rights and responsibilities. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Learn about their rights and responsibilities. Get the help they need to understand their member handbook. Learn about WVFH, its services, doctors, and other health care providers. See their medical records as allowed by law. Have their medical records kept private unless they tell WVFH in writing that it is okay for WVFH to share them or it is allowed by law. Be part of honest talks about their health care needs and treatment options no matter the cost and whether their benefits cover them. Be part of decisions that are made by their doctors and other providers about their health care needs. Be told about other treatment choices or plans for care in a way that fits their condition. Get news about how doctors are paid. Find out how WVFH decides if new technology or treatment should be part of a benefit. Be treated with respect, dignity, and the right to privacy all the time. Know that WVFH, their doctors, and their other health care providers cannot treat them in a different way because of their age, sex, race, national origin, language needs, or degree of illness or health condition. Talk to their doctor about private things. Have problems taken care of fast, including things they think are wrong, as well as issues about their coverage, getting an approval from WVFH, or payment of service. Be treated the same as others. Get care that should be done for medical reasons. Be free from any form of restraint or seclusion used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience, or retaliation. Choose their PCP from the PCPs in WVFH’s Provider Directory that are taking new patients. Use providers who are in WVFH’s networks. Get medical care in a timely manner. Get services from providers outside WVFH’s network in an emergency. Refuse care from their PCP or other caregivers. Be able to make choices about their health care. Make an Advance Directive (also called a Living Will). Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.1 6|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.1 MEMBER RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES, Continued Member Rights (continued) 24. Tell WVFH their concerns about WVFH and the health care services they get. 25. Question a decision WVFH makes about coverage for care they got from their doctor. 26. File a complaint or an appeal about WVFH, any care they get, or if their language needs are not met. 27. Ask how many grievances and appeals have been filed and why. 28. Tell WVFH what they think about their rights and responsibilities and suggest changes. 29. Ask WVFH about its Quality Improvement Program and tell WVFH how they would like to see changes made. 30. Ask WVFH about its utilization review process and give us ideas on how to change it. 31. Know the date WVFH uses when they joined our health plan decides their benefits. 32. Know that WVFH only covers health care services that are part of their plan. 33. Know that WVFH can make changes to their health plan benefits as long as WVFH tells them about those changes in writing. 34. Ask for an Evidence of Coverage and other member materials in other formats such as large print, audio CD, or Braille at no charge to them. 35. Ask for an oral interpreter and translation services at no cost to them. 36. Use interpreters who are not their family members or friends. 37. Know they are not liable if their health plan becomes bankrupt (insolvent). 38. Know their provider can challenge the denial of service with their approval. Member Responsibilities To receive the best care, members must do their part. 1. Tell WVFH, their doctors, and other health care providers what they need to know to treat them. 2. Learn as much as they can about their health issue and work with their doctor to set up treatment goals they agree on with their doctor. 3. Ask questions about any medical issue and make sure they understand what their doctor tells them. 4. Follow the care plan and instructions that they have agreed on with their doctors or other health care professionals. 5. Do the things that keep them from getting sick. 6. Make and keep medical appointments and tell their doctor at least 24 hours in advance when they cannot make it. 7. Always show their Member ID card when they get health care services. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.1 7|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.1 MEMBER RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES, Continued Member Responsibilities (continued) 8. Use the emergency room only in cases of an emergency or as their doctor tells them. 9. If they owe a copay to their hospital, PCPs, or pharmacies, pay at the time the services are received. 10. Tell WVFH right away if they get a bill they should not have gotten or if they have a complaint. 11. Treat all WVFH staff and doctors with respect and courtesy. 12. Know and follow the rules of their health plan. 13. Know that laws guide their health plan and the services they get. 14. Know that WVFH does not take the place of workers’ compensation insurance. 15. Tell their DHHR caseworker and WVFH when they change their address, family status, or other health care coverage. If a minor becomes emancipated (over the age of sixteen) or marries, he or she shall be responsible for following all WVFH member guidelines set forth above. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.1 8|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 CHAPTER 1: MEMBER ENROLLMENT AND BENEFITS UNIT 2: WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH BENEFITS IN THIS UNIT TOPIC Medicaid Cost-Sharing Mountain Health Trust Benefits Table Mountain Health Bridge Benefits Table Copay Prohibition Dental Services WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.2 SEE PAGE 2 4 7 10 11 1|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.2 MEDICAID COST-SHARING Overview Medicaid members will be required to pay for a portion of their care based on the member’s family income. The Bureau of Medical Services (BMS) determines these copay amounts, and there are no premiums, deductibles, or other cost-sharing obligations for the member under the West Virginia Medicaid program. SERVICE Up to 50.0% FPL1 50.01 – 100.00% FPL1 Inpatient Hospital Office Visit (Physicians & Nurse Practitioner) Prescription Drugs2 Non-Emergency Use of Emergency Department – Hospital Only Any services received during a visit coded as non-emergent surgical procedures provided in a physician’s office, ambulatory surgical center, or any other outpatient setting excluding emergency rooms. $0 $0 $35 $2 100.01% FPL1 and above $75 $4 $8 $8 $8 $0 $2 $4 1 2 Federal Poverty Level Copays on all Medicaid prescription drugs are listed below. Medicaid prescription drug copays Copays prohibited TOTAL ALLOWED CHARGE CO-PAYMENT $0.00 - $5.00 $5.01 - $10.00 $10.01 - $25.00 $25.01 - $50.00 $50.01 and above $0.00 $0.50 $1.00 $2.00 $3.00 WVFH will not charge copays per BMS requirements for: • • • • • • • Children under age 21 Pregnant women, including the 60 day period after the pregnancy ends American Indians and Alaska Natives Members receiving hospice care in a nursing home Dental services Emergency room services (for emergent use of hospital ER only) 72 Hour emergency supply of medication Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.2 2|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.2 MEDICAID COST-SHARING, Continued No copays per BMS requirements (continued) • • • • • Family planning services Diabetic testing supplies, syringes, and needles from a pharmacy ONLY BMS approved home infusion supplies Members in a nursing home Members who meet household maximum limit for cost sharing obligations per calendar quarter • Other limits may apply as provided by the state plan amendment WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.2 3|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.2 MOUNTAIN HEALTH TRUST BENEFITS TABLE CHILDREN (0 up to 21 years) ADULTS (21 years and older) Inpatient Services (Note A, B, C, and D below) • Inpatient Hospital Care • Inpatient Rehabilitation Inpatient Services (Note A, B, C, and D below) • Inpatient Hospital Care Outpatient Services • Diagnostic X-ray, laboratory services, and testing • Physical Therapy • Speech Therapy • Occupational Therapy • Ambulatory Surgery Center Services • Clinic Services Outpatient Services • Diagnostic X-ray, laboratory services, and testing • Physical Therapy • Speech Therapy • Occupational Therapy • Ambulatory Surgery Center Services • Clinic Services Physician/NP/NMW/FQHC/RHC Services • Primary/Preventive Care Visits • Physician Office Visits • Specialty Care • Podiatry Physician/NP/NMW/FQHC/RHC Services • Primary/Preventive Care Visits • Physician Office Visits • Specialty Care • Podiatry Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Dental (General dentistry) Refer to page 56 in Scion Dental Provider Manual Dental Services (Emergent treatment only) Home Health Home Health Durable Medical Equipment • Orthotics & Prosthetics Durable Medical Equipment • Orthotics & Prosthetics Family Planning Services & Supplies Family Planning Services & Supplies Hospice (In-home care) Hospice (In-home care) Ambulance (Emergency transportation) Ambulance (Emergency transportation) Prescriptions Prescriptions Chiropractic Services Chiropractic Services Tobacco Cessation Tobacco Cessation Diabetes Management Diabetes Management Private Duty Nursing Vision Vision benefits are limited to medical treatment only Hearing EPSDT (Well-child visits) Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.2 4|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.2 MOUNTAIN HEALTH TRUST BENEFITS TABLE, Continued CHILDREN (0 up to 21 years) Behavioral Health Services • Inpatient Psychiatric and Behavioral Health Stay • Inpatient Chemical Dependency/Mental Health Stay • Outpatient and Psychological Services • Rehabilitation in Residential Treatment • Inpatient Psychiatric Services ADULTS (21 years and older) Behavioral Health Services • Inpatient Psychiatric and Behavioral Health Stay • Inpatient Chemical Dependency/Mental Health Stay • Outpatient and Psychological Services The services below are covered through Medicaid, but are not provided through your plan. For information, on how to use these services, look at section of the handbook that explains what Medicaid covers. Nursing Home Services Nursing Home Services Non-Emergency Transportation Non-Emergency Transportation (A) If the member is participating in a chronic care health home, the health home must be notified of any use of emergency services. They will be notified of any inpatient admission or discharge of a health home member that WVFH learns of through its inpatient admission initial authorization and concurrent review processes within 24 hours. (B) If the member is in an inpatient facility on the date of their enrollment with WVFH, the inpatient charges and the charges for a transfer facility will be paid by BMS. This includes charges billed while they are in the hospital, transferred to another hospital during their illness, or transferred inside the same hospital. WVFH will be responsible for all other covered services on or after the effective date. These charges include: a. Emergency transportation b. Doctor and other professional fees while you are at the hospital c. Outpatient care (C) WVFH is responsible for all charges during the inpatient newborn stay if newborn is born to a mother who is a current WVFH member until the newborn is discharged from the hospital. (D) WVFH is not responsible for inpatient charges for a member who is no longer eligible for Medicaid coverage as of the first of the month following the loss of Medicaid coverage. Nursing home services: The services are covered through Medicaid fee-for-service. Non-emergency transportation: MTM is available to provide non-emergency medical transport needs. MTM will schedule the request for transportation and send a ride to the member. MTM’s Call Center is available Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., by calling 1-844-549-8353 for a reservation. If the member needs to follow up on a previously scheduled appointment, they can call the Where’s My Ride hotline at 1-844-549-8354 (TTY 1-800-855-2880). Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.2 5|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.2 MOUNTAIN HEALTH TRUST BENEFITS TABLE, Continued Chemical dependency/behavioral health services: Members do not need a referral for behavioral health services, including behavioral health care (depression) or drug and alcohol abuse. Birth to Three services: To be eligible for Birth to Three services, an infant or toddler under the age of three can either have a delay in one or more areas of their development, or be at risk of possibly having delays in the future. If you are interested in referring your child for services or would like more information, in West Virginia call 1-800-642-8522 or visit the Birth to Three website at http://www.wvdhhr.org/birth23/. Nursing Facility Services: Facility-based nursing services to those who require 24 hour nursing care are not covered. Vision: In addition to the BMS benefits covered by WVFH, all adult members are eligible for one routine eye exam and one pair of eyeglasses annually as a benefit from WVFH. Additionally, contact lenses are provided for the diagnosis of aphakia or keratoconus with prior approval. Weight management services are not a covered benefit except for bariatric surgery which is a covered benefit under the fee-for-service. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.2 6|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.2 MOUNTAIN HEALTH BRIDGE BENEFITS TABLE CHILDREN (0 up to 21 years) ADULTS (21 years and older) Inpatient Services (Note A,B, C and D below) • Inpatient Hospital Care • Inpatient Rehabilitation Inpatient Services (Note A,B, C and D below) • Inpatient Hospital Care Outpatient Services • Diagnostic X-ray, laboratory services, and testing • Physical Therapy • Speech Therapy • Occupational Therapy • Ambulatory Surgery Center Services • Clinic Services Outpatient Services • Diagnostic X-ray, laboratory services, and testing • Physical Therapy • Speech Therapy • Occupational Therapy • Ambulatory Surgery Center Services • Clinic Services Physician/NP/NMW/FQHC/RHC Services • Primary/Preventive Care Visits • Physician Office Visits • Specialty Care • Podiatry Physician/NP/NMW/FQHC/RHC Services • Primary/Preventive Care Visits • Physician Office Visits • Specialty Care • Podiatry Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Dental • Orthodontics Dental Services (Emergent Treatment) Home Health Home Health Durable Medical Equipment • Orthotics & Prosthetics Durable Medical Equipment • Orthotics & Prosthetics Family Planning Services & Supplies Family Planning Services & Supplies Hospice (In-home care) Hospice (In-home care) Ambulance (Emergency transportation) Ambulance (Emergency transportation) Prescriptions Prescriptions Chiropractic Services Chiropractic Services Tobacco Cessation Tobacco Cessation Diabetes Management Diabetes Management Private Duty Nursing Vision Vision – See below Hearing Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.2 7|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.2 MOUNTAIN HEALTH BRIDGE BENEFITS TABLE, Continued CHILDREN (0 up to 21 years) Behavioral Health Services • Inpatient Psychiatric and Behavioral Health Stay • Inpatient Chemical Dependency/Mental Health Stay • Outpatient and Psychological Services • Rehabilitation in Residential Treatment ADULTS (21 years and older) Behavioral Health Services • Inpatient Psychiatric and Behavioral Health Stay • Inpatient Chemical Dependency/Mental Health Stay • Outpatient and Psychological Services The services below are covered through Medicaid, but are not provided through your plan. For information on how to use these services, look at the section of the handbook that explains what Medicaid covers. Nursing Home Services Nursing Home Services Non-Emergency Transportation Non-Emergency Transportation (A) If the member is participating in a chronic care health home, the health home must be notified of any use of emergency services. They will be notified of any inpatient admission or discharge of a health home member that WVFH learns of through its inpatient admission initial authorization and concurrent review processes within 24 hours. (B) If the member is in an inpatient facility on the date of their enrollment with WVFH, the inpatient charges and the charges for a transfer facility will be paid by BMS. This includes charges billed while they are in the hospital, transferred to another hospital during their illness, or transferred inside the same hospital. WVFH will be responsible for all other covered services on or after the effective date. These charges include: a. Emergency transportation b. Doctor and other professional fees while you are at the hospital c. Outpatient care (C) WVFH is responsible for all charges during the inpatient newborn stay if newborn is born to a mother who is a current WVFH member until the newborn is discharged from the hospital. (D) WVFH is not responsible for inpatient charges for a member who is no longer eligible for Medicaid coverage as of the first of the month following the loss of Medicaid coverage. Nursing home services: The services are covered through Medicaid fee-for-service. Non-emergency transportation: MTM is available to provide non-emergency medical transport needs. MTM will schedule the request for transportation and send a ride to the member. MTM’s Call Center is available Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., by calling 1-844-549-8353 for a reservation. If the member needs to follow up on a previously scheduled appointment, they can call the Where’s My Ride hotline at 1-844-549-8354 (TTY 1-800-855-2880). Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.2 8|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.2 MOUNTAIN HEALTH BRIDGE BENEFITS TABLE, Continued Vision: In addition to the BMS services covered by WVFH, all adult members are eligible for one routine eye exam and one pair of eyeglasses annually as a benefit from WVFH, and contact lenses for the diagnosis of aphakia or keratoconus with prior approval, annually. Chemical dependency/behavioral health services: Members do not need a referral for behavioral health services, including behavioral health care (depression) or drug and alcohol abuse. Nursing Facility Services: Facility-based nursing services to those who require 24 hour nursing care are not covered. In addition to the BMS benefits covered by WVFH, all adult members are eligible for one routine eye exam, one pair of eyeglasses within 60 days of cataract surgery, and contact lenses for the diagnosis of aphakia or keratoconus with prior approval, annually. Weight management services are not a covered benefit except for bariatric surgery which is a covered benefit under the fee-for-service. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.2 9|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.2 COPAY PROHIBITION Copays prohibited Providers may not charge copays to the following members or on the following services: • Family planning services; • Emergency services; • 72-hour emergency supply of medication; • Following pharmacy services: diabetic testing supplies, syringes, and needles; and home infusion supplies approved by BMS; • Members under age 21; • Pregnant women (including the 60-day postpartum period following the end of pregnancy); • American Indians and Alaska Natives; • Members receiving hospice care; • Members in nursing homes; • Any additional members or services excluded under the State Plan authority1; or Dental services Emergency room services (for emergent use of hospital ER only) PDL drugs • Members who have met their annual maximum limit for the cost-sharing obligations: Maximum limit based on five percent (5%) of quarterly household income: o January – June 2014 Medical only copays o July – December 2014 medical and pharmacy copays Other limits may apply. Services excluded under State Plan authority currently include Dental Services, Emergency Services, Family Planning, PDL drugs, and services for provider-preventable conditions are excluded from the copays requirement. Members with the federal poverty level (FPL) under 50 percent (50%) are exempt from inpatient and professional office visit copays. 1 Copays allowed Providers may charge copays for the following services: • Inpatient and Outpatient services; • Pharmacy medications; • Non-emergency use of the Emergency Department; • Physician office visits including but not limited to a psychiatrist or a nurse practitioner; • Caretaker relatives age 21 and up; • Transitional Medicaid members age 21 and up; and • Any other members identified by WVFH who are not specifically exempt. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.2 10 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.2 DENTAL SERVICES Dental services in partnership with Scion Dental WVFH permits members to have access to dental providers in the Scion Dental network. Our partnership is designed to deliver the highest quality oral health solutions to plan members. To locate a provider for your patient, please see the network provider listing through the website: http://sciondental.com/sd/Members/Find-A-Dentist.htm. Members should be advised to refer to their Member Handbook for additional information related to dental benefits, authorizations, and referrals related to dental services. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.2 11 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 CHAPTER 1: MEMBER ENROLLMENT AND BENEFITS UNIT 3: GROWING UP PROGRAM IN THIS UNIT TOPIC SEE PAGE General Information • Service Delivery Requirements • Growing Up Outreach Unit • Claim Filing • Authorization West Virginia Birth to Three Required Screens and Tests Detail of Screens and Services • Dental Services and Screening: Child Under Age 21 • Orthodontic Requirement & Prior Authorization: Child Under Age 21 • Dental Services: Adult Age 21 and Over • Dental Services Requiring Prior Authorization • Dental Service Retrospective Review • Dental Services in Hospital Setting or Ambulatory Surgical Center • Vision Testing • Hearing Screening • Developmental/Behavioral Appraisal • Anemia Screening • Blood Lead Level Screening • Immunizations • Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program • Immunization Registry 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 7 7 7 WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.3 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 13 15 16 16 1|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.3 GENERAL INFORMATION EPSDT overview West Virginia Family Health’s (WVFH’s) Growing Up Program is based upon the federally mandated Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) Program for Medical Assistance eligible children under the age of 21 years. Through the EPSDT Program, children are eligible to receive regular medical, dental, vision, and hearing screens to assure that they receive all medically necessary services, without regard to Medical Assistance covered services. Each Network PCP and primary care/specialist is responsible for providing the health screens for WVFH members, and reporting the results of the screens to WVFH, as well as communicating demographic information (e.g. telephone number, address, alternate address) with the WVFH Outreach staff to assist with scheduling, locating and addressing compliance issues. PCPs that treat children under the age of 21 that are unable to comply with the requirements of the EPSDT Program must make arrangements for EPSDT screens to be performed elsewhere by a WVFH Network provider. Alternative PCPs and specialists should forward a copy of the completed progress report to the PCP so it can be placed in the member’s chart. Service delivery requirements PCPs are required to assure all children under the age of 21 have timely access to EPSDT services, and are responsible for assuring continued coordination of care for all members due to receive EPSDT services. Also, PCPs are to arrange for medically necessary follow-up care after a screen or an encounter. The required screens and tests are outlined later in this section. PCPs are required to follow this schedule to determine when the necessary screens and tests are to be performed. Members must receive, at a minimum, eight screens between the ages of birth and 18 months, and seventeen screens between 19 months and 21 years. When treating Supplemental Security Income (“SSI”) and SSI-related members under the age of 21, an initial assessment must be conducted at the first appointment. Written assessment must be discussed with the member’s family or custodial agency, grievance or appeal rights must be presented by the PCP, and recommendations regarding case management must be documented. PCPs are responsible for ongoing coordination and monitoring of care provided by other practitioners. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.3 2|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.3 GENERAL INFORMATION, Continued Growing Up Outreach Unit WVFH’s Growing Up Outreach Unit works collaboratively with the Care Managers in coordinating medically necessary services to members. Staff provides outreach via telephone, mail, or home visitation when required, to members who are under 21 to provide education and assistance with scheduling appointments, transportation, and other issues that prevent access to health care. WVFH Outreach staff is available to outreach to members identified by the primary care practitioner (PCP) offices who are delayed with screens and/or immunizations or who are non-adherent with appointments. The PCP is responsible for contacting new members identified on encounter lists as not adhering to EPSDT periodicity and immunization schedules. The Growing Up contact person is an EPSDT Outreach Representative who can be reached at 1-855-412-8004, Option 3. Please complete and mail to WVFH the Member Outreach Form, also located in this manual’s Appendix, for any member with abnormal findings, or who did not show up for his/her appointment, so WVFH may contact the member. Claim filing WVFH requires all EPSDT screens be billed on a 1500 or UB-04, or successor form. Codes for services must be included on the form. A description of the services will not be accepted. The practitioner’s tax identification number must be included on the form to avoid problems with payment of services. WVFH does not apply coordination of benefits to EPSDT screens. Completed paper claim forms should be submitted within sixty (60) days of the date of service to permit timely member outreach. Claims will be accepted up to 365 days following the date of service; however, missing EPSDT screening claims cause unnecessary outreach to members and providers. Please refer to the manual’s Chapter 3, Unit 2: Claims and Billing for additional information regarding submission of claims for EPSDT visits. Authorization If a member needs to be referred for specialty care as a result of an EPSDT screening, a standard WVFH referral must be issued by the primary care practitioner (PCP) to an applicable specialist. Hospital admissions and some outpatient surgical procedures require authorization from the Utilization Management Department. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.3 3|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.3 WEST VIRGINIA BIRTH TO THREE Overview Following an EPSDT screen, if a developmental delay is suspected and the child is not receiving services at the time of the screening, the PCP may refer the child (not over three years of age) to West Virginia Birth to Three. What is WV Birth to Three? West Virginia Birth to Three is a statewide system of services and supports for children under age three who have a delay in their development, or may be at risk of having a delay, and their family. The Department of Health and Human Resources, through the Bureau for Public Health and the Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health, WV Birth to Three, as the lead agency for Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), assures that family-centered community-based services are available to all eligible children and families. To refer a child to the West Virginia Birth to Three system in-state, you may call 1-866-321-4728. FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information regarding WV Birth to Three, visit their website at http://www.wvdhhr.org/birth23/. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.3 4|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.3 REQUIRED SCREENS AND TESTS HealthCheck Program Periodicity Schedule The required screens and testing are listed below. Refer to the HealthCheck Program Periodicity Schedule on the next page for frequency of testing and for further clarification. Individuals birth through 3 years 1. Record of a health history from parent or guardian. 2. Unclothed physical examination 3. Developmental appraisal (Denver Test or equivalent), psychosocial and behavioral assessment 4. Autism screening 5. Growth measurement 6. Assessment of hearing and vision 7. Metabolic screening – PKU 8. Anemia screening – hemoglobin and/or hematocrit 9. Blood lead screening 10. Urine screen for bacteria, sugar, albumin (age 2-6) 11. Sickle Cell test 12. Tuberculosis testing 13. Evaluation for cholesterol screening 14. Assessing and updating appropriate immunizations 15. Oral health screening 16. Nutritional assessment Note: The claim forms do not indicate findings from the clinical exam. It is the responsibility of the PCP to document these findings in the medical record. The initial EPSDT screen shall be the newborn physical examination in the hospital provided that the newborn physical examination contains all of the EPSDT screening components. Individuals 3 years through age 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Record of a health history from parent or guardian Unclothed physical examination, including Tanner score and blood pressure Developmental, psychosocial, and behavioral appraisal Vision test Hearing test Dental examination Malnutrition evaluation Tuberculosis testing Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.3 5|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.3 REQUIRED SCREENS AND TESTS, Continued Individuals 3 years through age 20 (continued) FOR MORE INFORMATION 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Iron anemia-hemoglobin and hematocrit Lead poisoning evaluation (mandatory until age 6) Sickle Cell testing Evaluation for cholesterol screening Assessing and updating appropriate immunizations Nutritional assessment STD screening and pap smear For more information regarding the HealthCheck Program, visit the website at www.wvdhhr.org/healthcheck. HealthCheck Program Periodicity Schedule Click here for a larger printable version. The larger version is also available in the Appendix of this manual. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.3 6|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.3 DETAIL OF SCREENS AND SERVICES Dental Services and Screening: Child under age 21 A dental assessment at every well-child visit, through observation, should be conducted. A referral to a dentist is required beginning at 6 months after the first tooth erupts or by 12 months of age. The child should see the dentist every six months. The dentist must check for the following and initiate treatment or refer as necessary: • Caries • Fillings Present • Missing Teeth (permanent) • Oral Infection Dental services include relief of pain and infections, restoration of teeth and maintenance of dental health. Although an oral health screening is a part of a well-child exam, it does not substitute for referral to and examination by a dentist. Remember: West Virginia Medicaid covers all children's dental services (up to age 21) for cleanings and fillings without a referral. Orthodontic requirement & prior authorization: Child under age 21 WVFH has specific dental utilization criteria as well as a prior authorization to manage the utilization of services. Consequently, WVFH’s operational focus is on assuring compliance with its dental utilization criteria. The contact phone number for Dental Provider Services (Claims Inquiries and Eligibility Verification) is 1-855-434-9237. Orthodontic documentation requirements include, but are not limited to: • A treatment plan (Orthodontics) • Six (6) diagnostic quality photos • Panoramic or FMX X-ray • Cephalometric X-ray • Prior authorization request • WV Medicaid Orthodontic Prior Authorization Form Please review the West Virginia Medicaid Clinical Criteria for Prior Authorization of Treatment section that outlines of the clinical criteria for orthodontics. Claims, dental/orthodontic authorization requests and supporting documents, and provider correspondence and appeals can be submitted to the following addresses: CLAIMS AUTHORIZATIONS CORRESPONDENCE & APPEALS West Virginia Family Health Dental Claims Department P.O. Box 1597 Milwaukee, WI 53201 West Virginia Family Health Dental Authorizations Department P.O. Box 628 Milwaukee, WI 53201 West Virginia Family Health Dental Provider Correspondence & Appeals P.O. Box 1462 Milwaukee, WI 53201 Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.3 7|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.3 DETAIL OF SCREENS AND SERVICES, Continued Dental services: Adult age 21 and over The covered adult (age 21 and over) dental benefit is for urgent/emergent dental extractions. A referral from the PCP is not required for the initial evaluation by the dental provider. The dental provider needs preauthorization only if more than two (2) teeth are extracted or if IV sedation is requested. Panorex films will be requested for extraction of more than two (2) teeth. Examples of urgent/emergent dental services are: • Dental caries with abscess • Incision & Drainage (I&D) of abscess • Repair of acute wounds • Tooth broken off to the gum line • Dental caries with pain • Non-restorable tooth Non- Covered Services Dental services not covered by WVFH include, but are not limited to, the following. Non-covered services are not eligible for Department of Health and Human Resources hearing or desk/document review, and include: • Experimental/investigational or services for research purposes • Removal of primary teeth whose exfoliation is imminent • Dental services for which PA has been denied or not obtained • Dental services for the convenience of the member, the member’s caretaker, or the provider of service • Procedures for cosmetic purposes • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) for adults • Anesthesia services when solely for the convenience of the member, the member’s caretaker, or the provider of service • Local anesthesia and oral sedation are considered part of the treatment procedures and may not be billed separately • Dental services for residents of Intermediate Care and Nursing Facilities i.e., Nursing Home, ICF/MR, and PRTF • Dental services for participants enrolled in the Division of Rehabilitation Services or when services are covered under a Workers Compensation plan • Dental services provided by providers not enrolled with WVFH • Use of an unlisted code when a national CDT code is available • Unbundled CDT codes Note: The extraction of impacted wisdom teeth is not a covered benefit, but wisdom teeth that are abscessed could meet the urgent/emergent guidelines. The claim must document that the services were urgent/emergent. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.3 8|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.3 DETAIL OF SCREENS AND SERVICES, Continued Dental services requiring prior authorization A decision will be made on a request for prior authorization within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date the request is received. If the request is denied for some or all of the services requested, the member and provider will be sent a written notice of the reasons for the denial(s) and the member will be advised that he or she may appeal the decision. WVFH has specific dental utilization criteria as well as a prior authorization and retrospective review process to manage the utilization of services. Consequently, the operational focus is on assuring compliance with its dental utilization criteria. One method used on a limited basis to assure compliance is to require providers to supply specified documentation prior to authorizing payment for certain procedures. Services that require prior authorization should not be started prior to the determination of coverage (approval or denial of the prior authorization) for non-emergency services. Non-emergency treatment started prior to the determination of coverage will be performed at the financial risk of the dental office. If coverage is denied, the treating dentist will be financially responsible and may not balance bill the Member, the State of West Virginia, and or any agents, and/or WVFH. Prior authorizations will be honored for 180 days from the date they are issued. An approval does not guarantee payment. The Member must be eligible at the time the services are provided. The provider should verify eligibility at the time of service. Requests for prior authorization should be sent with the appropriate documentation on an approved form. Any claims or Prior Authorizations submitted without the required documentation will be denied and must be resubmitted to obtain reimbursement. The basis for granting or denying approval shall be whether the item or service is medically necessary, whether a less expensive service would adequately meet the Member’s needs, and whether the proposed item or service conforms to commonly accepted standards in the dental community. During the prior authorization process it may become necessary to have your patient clinically evaluated. If this is the case, you will be notified of a date and time for the examination. It is the responsibility of the participating dentist to ensure attendance at this appointment. Patient failure to keep an appointment will result in denial of the treatment. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.3 9|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.3 DETAIL OF SCREENS AND SERVICES, Continued Dental service retrospective review Services that would normally require Prior Authorization, but are performed in an emergency situation due to the following circumstances, will have a retrospective review: • Retroactive Medicaid Eligibility • Retrospective review is available for Medicaid members in instances where it is in the dental practitioner’s opinion that a procedure may subject the member to unnecessary or duplicative service if delivery of the service is delayed until prior authorization is granted. Retrospective review needs to be submitted with the appropriate documentation by the provider within ten (10) business days of the date the service is performed. Types of documentation required, but not limited to, are: • Radiographs (pre-op, post-op or opposing arch x-rays as indicated in the exhibits) • Narrative of medical necessity • Period charting Any claims for retrospective review submitted without the required documents will be denied and must be resubmitted for reimbursement. If the procedure(s) does not meet medical necessity criteria upon review by Utilization Management, the prior authorization request will be denied and the provider will not be reimbursed for the service by WVFH or the member. The Dental Consultants reviews the documentation to ensure the services rendered meet the clinical criteria requirements. Once the clinical review is completed, the claim is either paid or denied within twenty (20) calendar days for clean claims and notification will be sent to the provider via the provider remittance statement. Dental services in hospital setting or ASC Dentists can obtain prior approval for dental procedures performed in a hospital outpatient setting or an Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC). Providers seeking information on this process can contact the Member Service Representative for specific details on how to obtain pre-authorization for services to be done in a hospital outpatient setting or an ASC. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.3 10 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.3 DETAIL OF SCREENS AND SERVICES, Continued Vision testing The chart should be affixed to a light-colored wall, with adequate lighting (10-30 foot candles) and no shadows. Ordinary room lighting typically does not provide adequate lighting and the chart will need a light of its own. The 20-foot line on the chart should be set at approximately the level of the eyes of a six-year-old. Placement of the child must be exactly 20 feet. Sites that do not have a 20-foot distance at which to test should obtain a 10-foot Snellen chart rather than convert the 20-foot chart. The eye not being tested must be covered with an opaque occluder; several commercial varieties are available at minimal cost, or the practitioner may improvise one, but the hand may not be used, as it leads to inaccuracies. In older children who seem to have difficulty or in young children, bring the child up to the chart (preferably before testing) and explain the procedure. For screening, the tester should start with the big E (20-foot line) and then proceed down rapidly line-by-line, as long as the child reads one letter per line, until the child cannot read. At this critical level, the child is tested on every letter on that line or adjacent line. Passing is reading a majority of letters in a line. It is not necessary to test for every letter on the chart. Tests for hyperopia may be done but are not required. Referral System Children seven (7) years of age and over must be referred if vision in either eye is 20/30 or worse. A child may be referred if the parent complains or if the doctor discovers a medical reason. (Generally, sitting close to the television without other complaints, and with normal acuity, is not a reason for referral.) Children failing a test for hyperopia may be referred. Children already wearing glasses must be tested with their glasses. If they pass, record the measurement; nothing further needs to be done. If they fail, refer for re-evaluation to a WVFH Network specialist, preferably to the vision practitioner who prescribed the lenses, regardless of when they were prescribed. If the practitioner is unable to render an eye examination in a child nine years of age or older, because of the child’s inability to read the chart or follow directions (e.g. a developmentally challenged child), refer this child to a Network ophthalmologist or optometrist. Hearing screening Sweep audiometry is the most frequently used examination and must be administered to every screened child within the first month of life, and after the age of three through a hearing test. Tuning forks and un-calibrated noisemakers are not acceptable for hearing testing. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.3 11 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.3 DETAIL OF SCREENS AND SERVICES, Continued Hearing screening (continued) For children under five years of age, observation should be made of the child’s reaction to noises and to voices, unless the child is sufficiently cooperative to actually do the audiometry. For audiometry, explain the procedure to the child. For small children, present it as a game. Present one tone loud enough for the child to hear, and explain that when it is heard, the child should raise his/her hand and keep it raised until the sound disappears. Once the child understands, proceed with the test. Doing one ear at a time, set the decibel level at 25, and testing at 500 HZ. Then go successively to 1,000, 4,000, and 6,000. Repeat for the other ear. The quietest room at the site must be used for testing hearing. Referral System Any cooperative child failing sweep audiometry at any two frequencies must be referred. If a child fails one tone, retest that tone with threshold audiometry to be certain it is not a severe single loss. To be certain of the need for referral, the practitioner must immediately retest all failed tones by threshold audiometry, or, if there is question about the child’s cooperation or ability at the time of testing, bring the child back for another sweep audiometry before referring. Please remember that audiometers must be periodically (at least annually) calibrated for accuracy. Developmental/ behavioral appraisal Since children with slow development and abnormal behavior may be able to be successfully treated if treatment is begun early, it is important to identify these problems as early as possible. Questions must be included in the history, which relate to behavior and social activity as well as development. Close observation is also needed during the entire visit for clues to deviations in those areas. If the practitioner suspects developmental delay he/she is required to refer the child to West Virginia Birth to Three at 1-866-321-4728, for appropriate eligibility determination for early intervention services. Below Five Years of Age In addition to history and observation, a developmental evaluation is required. In children who are regular patients of the practitioner site, this may consist of ongoing recording in the child’s chart of developmental milestones sufficient to make a judgment on developmental progress. In absence of this, the site may elect to conduct a Denver Developmental Screening Test as its evaluation utilizing the Denver II Form. Marked slowness in any area is cause for a referral to a Network specialist, e.g. developmental center, a MH/MR agency, a developmental specialist, a pediatric neurologist or a psychologist. If only moderate deficiencies in one or more areas are found, the practitioner must retest the child in 30-60 days. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.3 12 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.3 DETAIL OF SCREENS AND SERVICES, Continued Developmental/ behavioral appraisal (continued) Social Activity/Behavior Questions should be asked to determine how the child relates to his family and peers and whether any noticeable deviation in any of his/her behavior exists. The DASE test may be used as an evaluation. Five Years and Older Since the usual developmental tests are not valid at this age, observation and history must be used to determine the child’s normality in the areas listed below. Each child should be checked and recorded appropriately. Major difficulty in any one area, or minor difficulty in two or more areas, is cause for referral to a Network behavioral health professional for further diagnosis. 1. Social Activity/Behavior – Does the child relate with family, teachers, and peers appropriately? Has the child had a change in behavioral, specifically a loss of interest in usual and preferred activities? 2. School – Is the child’s grade level appropriate for his/her age? Has the child been held back in school? Has the child demonstrated a decrease in academic work, social function, and/or sports? 3. Peer Relationships 4. Physical/Athletic Dexterity 5. Sexual Maturation – Tanner Score. A full explanation of Tanner observations and scoring is found below. 6. Speech – DASE Test. If there is a problem in this area, record accordingly, refer appropriately. Anemia screening A hemoglobin or hematocrit must be done at 12 months of age and for females once after the onset of menses. Subsequent testing should be at the practitioner’s discretion, and based on the member’s history and presenting complaints. Blood lead level screening All children must receive a screening blood lead test at 12 months and 24 months of age. Children between the ages of 36 months and 72 months of age must receive a screening blood lead test if they have not been previously screened for lead poisoning. Please refer to the HealthCheck Program Periodicity Schedule for further clarification. The Center for Disease Control requires the use of a blood lead test when screening children for lead poisoning. A blood lead screening should be done by a blood lead measurement of either a venous or capillary (finger stick) blood specimen. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.3 13 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.3 DETAIL OF SCREENS AND SERVICES, Continued Blood lead level screening (continued) Recommended Follow-Up Services For Children With Elevated Diagnostic* Blood Lead Levels: If the result is greater than or equal to 10mcg/dl, see if it was done by finger stick or venous puncture. If the screening test was a finger stick then a venous specimen for a confirmation needs completed (see following Table 1 for the recommended schedule for obtaining a confirmatory venous sample.) Table1: Recommended Schedule for Obtaining a confirmatory Venous Sample SCREENING TEST RESULT (mcg/dl) Perform a confirmation test within: 1 2 4 6 ≥ 3 1 week – 1 month* 48 24 Immediately as an emergency lab test *The higher the BLL on the screening test, the more urgent the need for confirmatory testing. WV CLPPP CASE MANAGEMENT PROTOCOL Time Frames for Environmental Investigation and Other Case Management Activities According to a Child’s Blood Lead Level BLOOD LEAD LEVEL (mg/dl) 10-14 15-19 20-44 45-70 70 or higher TIME FRAME FOR BEGINNING INTERVENTION ACTIONS Within 30 days • Provide caregiver lead education. • Refer the child for social services if necessary. • Make Priority Environmental. • Referral for investigation and control current lead hazards. Above actions, plus: • If BLLs persist (i.e., 2 venous BLLs in this range at least 3 months apart) or increase, proceed according to actions for BLLS 20-44. • Make Priority Environmental. • Referral for investigation and control current lead hazards. Above actions, plus: • Provide coordination of care (case management). • Make Priority Environmental. • Referral for investigation and control current lead hazards. Above actions. Above actions, plus hospitalize child for chelation therapy immediately. Within 2 weeks Within 1 week Within 48 hours Within 24 hours Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.3 14 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.3 DETAIL OF SCREENS AND SERVICES, Continued Blood lead level screening (continued) Environmental Investigation of Lead Environmental investigation as required by EPSDT and the 1991 Center for Disease Control Prevention of Lead Poisoning Guidelines and Abatement of Lead Sources are to be referred to the appropriate entity funded for this task. Contact the National Lead Information Center (NLIC) line at 1-800-424-LEAD (5323). Use the WVFH Member Outreach Form, also found in this manual’s Appendix, to notify WVFH’s Growing Up Outreach staff of the need for follow-up. WVFH can also assist with issues regarding elevated blood lead levels or regarding noncompliance. If the screening indicates the need for the member to be referred to a specialist, a WVFH Referral Form must be completed. This form is also available in this manual’s Appendix. Immunizations Both state and federal regulations require that immunizations be brought up to date during health screens and any other visits the child makes to the office. The importance of assessing the correct immunization status cannot be overly stressed. In all instances, the practitioner’s records must show immunization history and documentation must include the date of the immunization, the signature of the person administering the immunization, and the name and lot number of the antigen. This will provide the necessary basis for further visits and immunizations. Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) also evaluates Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV) for Female Adolescents. This measure will assess the percentage of 13-year-old females who had three doses of the HPV vaccine. The measure is designed to evaluate compliance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices immunization guidelines. WVFH follows recommended childhood immunization schedules approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Family Physicians. To facilitate distribution of the most current version of this schedule, it has been added to the WVFH’s website. A paper copy is available upon request. For a paper copy, please contact the Provider Services Department at 1-855-412-8002. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.3 15 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 1.3 DETAIL OF SCREENS AND SERVICES, Continued Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program Children under 21 years of age receiving Medicaid are eligible for Vaccines For Children (VFC) Program. All PCPs will be reimbursed for the administration of any vaccine covered under the VFC Program when a claim is received with the appropriate immunization code. Any procedures for immunizations not covered under the VFC Program, but covered by WVFH, will be reimbursed fee-for-service. Immunization Registry The West Virginia Statewide Immunization Information System (WVSIIS) helps ensure that all West Virginia children, adolescents, and adults have current immunizations. These shots provide protection from diseases like measles, rotavirus, human papillomavirus, hepatitis, and pertussis (whooping cough). This system creates a confidential, computerized information system that keeps complete, up-to-date records that providers can access, resulting in higher immunization rates and better patient care. State law requires all providers to report all shots they administer to children under age 18 to WVSIIS within two weeks. Childhood and adolescent immunization reviews should be done at wellchild visits as well as during urgent problem-oriented visits. For more information about this registry, please contact: http://www.dhhr.wv.gov/oeps/deie/WVSIIS/Pages/default.aspx WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 1.3 16 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 CHAPTER 2: PROVIDER RESPONSIBILITIES UNIT 1: PCP’S ROLE IN THIS UNIT TOPIC General Information • PCP Patient Panel • Prospective Care Management • Addition of Newborns • Processing PCP Change Requests • Transfer of Medical Records Appointment Standards Immunizations • Vaccines For Children (VFC) Program • Immunization Registry Oral Health Risk Assessment Transfer of Non-Compliant Members Coordination of Behavioral Health and Physical Health Services WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.1 SEE PAGE 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 1|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 2.1 GENERAL INFORMATION Introduction The definition of a primary care practitioner (PCP) is a specific practitioner, practitioner group or a certified registered nurse practitioner (CRNP) operating under the scope of his/her licensure, and who is responsible for supervising, prescribing, and providing primary care services; locating, coordinating, and monitoring other medical care and rehabilitative services and maintaining continuity of care on behalf of a Medicaid member. The PCP is responsible for the coordination of a member’s health care needs and access to services provided by hospitals, specialty care practitioners, ancillary services and other health care services. Although members may obtain some health care services by self-referral, the majority of their health care services are obtained either directly from or upon referral by the PCP. With the exception of self-referred services, all of the member’s care must be provided or referred by the PCP except in a true medical emergency when time does not permit a member to contact their PCP. To assure continuity and coordination of care, when a member self-refers for care, a report should be forwarded to the PCP. By focusing all of a member’s medical decisions through the PCP, WVFH is able to provide comprehensive and high quality care in a cost-effective manner. Our goal is to work together with a dedicated group of practitioners to make a positive impact on the health of our Membership and truly make a difference. PCP Patient Panel Each member in a family has the freedom to choose any Network PCP, and a member may change to another primary care practitioner should a satisfactory patient-practitioner relationship not develop. A PCP agrees to accept a minimum number of WVFH members, as specified in the State Burau of Medical Services (BMS) contract, to their patient panel at each authorized office location without regard to the health status or health care needs of such members and without regard to their status as a new or existing patient to that practice or location. The primary care practitioner (PCP) may, upon sixty (60) days prior written notice to Highmark West Virginia, state in writing that they do not wish to accept additional members. The written request excludes members already assigned to the PCP’s practice, including applications in process. Prospective Care Management Through WVFH’s model of Prospective Care Management, we emphasize the importance of extensive member outreach, community involvement, and physician practice engagement. We support the efforts of physician practices in delivering the highest quality of care to members. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.1 2|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 2.1 GENERAL INFORMATION, Continued Addition of newborns When a member selects WVFH, the member’s effective date is usually the 1st of the month. When the member is a newborn, the member may be added any time of the month. Because newborn information is reported to WVFH retroactively, newborns will show up as a retroactive addition to the primary care practitioner’s monthly panel listing. Newborns will be effective on their date of birth or the date the newborn was added to the member’s grant. Processing PCP change requests When a member wishes to change his or her primary care practitioner (PCP), the change is processed under the following guidelines: Transfer of medical records PCPs are required to transfer member medical records or copies of records to newly designated PCPs within ten (10) business days from receipt of the request from the West Virginia Bureau for Medical Services (“BMS”), its agent, the member or the member’s new PCP, without charging the member. • When the request is received prior to the 25th of the current month, the new effective date will be the first of the following month. For example, if a member’s request is received on October 7th, the member will be effective November 1st with the new PCP. • When the request is received on or after the 25th of the current month, the new effective date will be the first of the subsequent month. For example, if a member’s request is received on October 28th, the member will be effective December 1st with the new PCP. If the member requests to change his or her PCP immediately, an exception to the above guidelines can be made if the situation warrants. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.1 3|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 2.1 APPOINTMENT STANDARDS WVFH PCP appointment standards PCPs agree to meet WVFH’s appointment standards as follows: STANDARD MEASUREMENT Wait time for an Emergent Appointment Immediately seen or referred to an emergency facility Wait time for Urgent Care appointment Within 48 hours Wait time for Routine Appointments Within 21 business days of request Wait time for a Health Assessment/General Physical Examinations, and First Examinations Within 3 weeks of enrollment After-Hours Care Accessibility Access to practitioner 24 hours/7 days a week. A live person, recording, or auto attendant will direct patients in the case of a true emergency to call 911 or go to the nearest Emergency Room. An on-call physician is available after-hours. Wait time for first appointment with member who is Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or SSI-related consumer Within forty-five (45) days of enrollment unless the member is already in active care with a PCP or specialist. Wait time for initial prenatal visit (applies to PCPs who provide prenatal care) Within fourteen (14) days of the member being identified as being pregnant. Missed Appointment Conduct outreach whenever a member misses an appointment and document in the medical record. Three attempts with at least one attempt to include a telephone call. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.1 4|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 2.1 IMMUNIZATIONS Vaccines For Children (VFC) Program Children under 21 years of age receiving Medicaid are eligible for Vaccines For Children (VFC) Program. All PCPs will be reimbursed for the administration of any vaccine covered under the VFC Program when a claim is received with the appropriate immunization code. Any procedures for immunizations not covered under the VFC Program, but covered by WVFH, will be reimbursed fee-for-service. Immunization Registry The West Virginia Statewide Immunization Information System (WVSIIS) helps ensure that all West Virginia children, adolescents and adults have current immunizations. These shots provide protection from diseases like measles, rotavirus, human papillomavirus, hepatitis and pertussis (whooping cough). This system creates a confidential, computerized information system that keeps complete, up-to-date records that providers can access, resulting in higher immunization rates and better patient care. State law requires all providers to report all shots they administer to children under age 18 to WVSIIS within two weeks. Childhood and adolescent immunization reviews should be done at wellchild visits as well as during urgent problem-oriented visits. The provider signs an enrollment packet, has training, and determines the access option best for his/her practice. Based on this, the provider can begin using WVSIIS. FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information about the Immunization Registry, please call the WVSIIS Help Desk at 1-877-408-8930, or visit their website at: http://www.dhhr.wv.gov/oeps/deie/WVSIIS/Pages/default.aspx WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.1 5|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 2.1 ORAL HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT Topical fluoride varnish Tooth decay remains one of the most common childhood diseases and is also one of the most preventable. Primary Care Practitioners (PCPs) can help prevent tooth decay by providing topical fluoride varnish in the office for their WVFH Medicaid patients under the age of three. Training required WVFH reimburses primary care providers who have been certified through a faceto-face training for fluoride varnish application offered through the West Virginia University School of Dentistry for the application of fluoride varnish to children ages 6 months to 36 months (3 years) who are at high risk of developing dental caries. The application of the fluoride varnish should include communication with and counseling of the child’s caregiver, including a referral to a dentist. To receive payment for this service, the provider must complete training through West Virginia University School of Dentistry. FOR MORE INFORMATION Please refer to this manual’s Chapter 3, Unit 2: Claims and Billing Information for billing instructions. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.1 6|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 2.1 TRANSFER OF NON-COMPLIANT MEMBERS Policy PCPs agree (a) not to discriminate in the treatment of his/her patients, or in the quality of services delivered to WVFH members on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, place of residence, health status or source of payment; and (b) to observe, protect and promote the rights of members as patients. PCPs shall not seek to transfer a member from his/her practice based on the member’s health status. However, a member whose behavior would preclude delivery of optimum medical care may be transferred from the practitioner’s panel. WVFH’s goal is to accomplish the uninterrupted transfer of care for a member who cannot maintain an effective relationship with a given practitioner. Additionally, in order to assist Network practitioners in the management of members who violate office policy in regard to scheduled appointments, WVFH has instituted the following Member No-Show Policy: WVFH will recognize the individual practitioner’s written office policy in regard to scheduled appointments. Network practitioners are responsible for recording no-show appointments in the member’s medical record. When a transfer is being conducted due to member no-show, the practitioner’s notification should indicate that the practitioner wants to transfer the member to another PCP’s practice. Written transfer requests required Should an incidence of inappropriate behavior or member non-compliance with no-show policies occur, and transfer of the member is desired, the practitioner must send a letter requesting that the member be removed from his/her panel including the member’s name and WVFH ID Number, and, when applicable, state their no-show policy, and the member(s) who has (have) violated the policy to the Provider Services Department at: West Virginia Family Health Attention: Provider Services P.O. Box 22190 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 All written requests are forwarded to the Enrollment Department within 48 hours of receipt. The Enrollment Department notifies the original practitioner in writing when the transfer has been completed. If the member requests not to be transferred, the PCP will have the final determination regarding continuation of primary care services. PCPs are required to provide emergency care for any WVFH member dismissed from their practice until the member transfer has been completed. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.1 7|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 2.1 COORDINATION OF BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND PHYSICAL HEALTH SERVICES Coordination requirements Behavioral health or drug and alcohol services are covered by WVFH, including emergency room services, home health care, pharmacy services, and emergency transportation services. WVFH is responsible for all emergency transportation in an ambulance to an emergency room and to a behavioral health facility. All prescribed medications are dispensed through the WVFH pharmacy network. This includes drugs prescribed by both physical health and behavioral health practitioners. Emergency services provided in general hospital emergency rooms are the responsibility of WVFH regardless of the diagnosis or services provided. The only exception is for emergency room evaluations for voluntary or involuntary commitments pursuant to the 1976 Mental Health Procedures Act (50 P.S. Section 7101, et. Seq.), which are the responsibility of the BH-MCO. Both primary care practitioners (PCPs) and behavioral health clinicians have the obligation to coordinate care of mutual patients in accordance with state and federal confidentiality laws and regulations. This includes, but is not limited to: obtaining appropriate releases to share clinical information; making referrals for social, vocational, education or human services when a need is identified through assessment; notifying each other of prescribed medications; and being available for consultation when necessary. Referrals are not necessary for members to receive the services of a behavioral health practitioner. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.1 8|P a g e FBRUARY 2016 CHAPTER 2: PROVIDER RESPONSIBILITIES UNIT 2: SPECIALTY CARE PRACTITIONER IN THIS UNIT TOPIC Verifying Eligibility Referrals Required for Specialty Care Appointment Standards Reimbursement Emergency Services Specialists Functioning as Primary Care Practitioners WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.2 SEE PAGE 2 4 5 6 7 8 1|P a g e FBRUARY 2016 2.2 VERIFYING ELIGIBILITY WVFH Provider Digital Voice Assistant (DIVA) Due to frequent changes in a member’s eligibility, specialty care practitioners must verify eligibility prior to rendering services to assure reimbursement. This can be done by calling the West Virginia Family Health (WVFH) Provider Digital Voice Assistant (DIVA) system: Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 1-888-907-8002. Steps in verifying eligibility via WVFH DIVA To verify Enrollee eligibility at each visit, practitioners follow a few simple steps, which are listed below: TO VERIFY ENROLLEE ELIGIBILITY QUESTION: • Press 1 to verify eligibility. • Enrollee Identification Number? Press 1 to verify eligibility using the patient’s social security number. When prompted, enter the patient’s 9-digit social security number, and then press the # key. Press 2 to verify eligibility using the patient’s WVFH Enrollee identification number. When prompted, enter the patient’s 8-digit WVFH identification number. Press 3 to verify eligibility using the patient’s West Virginia Medicaid recipient identification number. When prompted, enter the patient’s West Virginia Medicaid recipient identification number. Press 0 to speak to a Provider Services Representative. Press 9 to repeat the menu. • Verification of Date Question Press 1 to verify whether the patient is eligible TODAY or the PCP assigned to Enrollee TODAY Press 2 to verify whether the patient is eligible on a specific date. Enter the date using the 2-digit month, 2-digit day, and 4-digit year. o Press 1 if the repeated date is correct. o Press 2 if the repeated date is incorrect. o Press 9 to listen to the instructions again. Press 0 to speak to a Provider Services Representative. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.2 2|P a g e FBRUARY 2016 2.2 VERIFYING ELIGIBILITY, Continued Steps in verifying eligibility via WVFH DIVA (continued) ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS QUESTION: • Press 1 to receive additional information about the patient/Enrollee (includes the spelling of the Enrollee’s first and last name). • Press 2 to receive the patient’s PCP name and telephone number (includes the spelling of the provider’s name and phone number). • Press 3 to fax information regarding the patient whose eligibility is being verified. You will be asked to enter the fax number for which you wish to receive the eligibility verification. • Press 4 to verify eligibility for another patient/Enrollee. • Press 5 to exit. • Press 6 to return to the menu of automated services. • Press 9 to listen to the instructions again. • Press 0 to speak to a Provider Services Representative. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.2 3|P a g e FBRUARY 2016 2.2 REFERRALS REQUIRED FOR SPECIALTY CARE PCP referral requirements All WVFH members must obtain a valid referral from their primary care practitioner (PCP) prior to receiving specialty services except for the services that can be accessed by a self-referral. Neonatologist exception The only exception to this is for Neonatologists who may issue a referral to other Network hospitals and/or specialists for babies discharged from the NICU who require service before seeing their PCP. Referrals should be issued under the baby’s ID number. If the baby does not have an ID number, the practitioner should call WVFH’s Utilization Management Department for authorization. Verifying PCP referrals via telephone WVFH members receive specialty care services from Network practitioners through a telephonic referral issued by the primary care practitioner (PCP) office. If additional specialty care is needed If additional specialty care not authorized on the original referral is needed, please contact the member’s PCP to obtain another WVFH referral. However, if the procedures are being performed on the same date of service and in the same office as indicated on the original referral, another referral is not necessary. WVFH’s IVR may be used by PCPs and OB/GYN practitioners to issue a referral, or by specialty care practitioners to verify the existence of a valid referral by calling 1-888-907-8002. The specialist is responsible for providing written correspondence to the member’s PCP for coordination and continuity of care. Is visit an EPSDT referral? Providers must make reasonable efforts for every member under 21 years of age to determine whether a visit to the provider‘s office stems from an EPSDT referral by asking the referring provider, clinic, or member. If the visit is the result of an EPSDT screening, the appropriate space on the claim must be marked "yes" to indicate a referral was the source of the visit. Likewise, the appropriate space on the claim must be marked no if the information cannot be obtained or is not the result of a screening. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.2 4|P a g e FBRUARY 2016 2.2 APPOINTMENT STANDARDS Specialty care appointment standards Specialty care practitioners agree to meet WVFH’s appointment standards, as follows: PRACTITIONER TYPE REQUIREMENT STANDARD Specialist Wait time for an emergent appointment Immediately seen or referred to an emergency facility Specialist Wait time for an Urgent Care appointment Within 48 hours Specialist Wait time for Routine Appointments Within 21 business days Specialist Wait time in the waiting room for routine care Specialist Missed appointment Average office waiting time no more than thirty (30) minutes or at any time no more than up to one (1) hour when the physician encounters an unanticipated Urgent Medical Condition visit or is treating a member with a difficult medical condition need. Conduct outreach whenever a member misses an appointment and document in the medical record. Three attempts with at least one attempt to include a telephone call. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.2 5|P a g e FBRUARY 2016 2.2 REIMBURSEMENT Payment Payment by WVFH is considered payment in full. Members will be held harmless for the costs of all Medicaid-covered services provided except for applicable cost-sharing obligations. Member Billing Policy Under no circumstance including, but not limited to, non-payment by WVFH for approved services, may a provider bill, charge, collect a deposit from, seek compensation, remuneration, or reimbursement from or have any recourse against a WVFH member beyond the rates established by the state-wide copayment schedule noted in this manual’s Chapter 1, Unit 2 (page 2) and subject to the copay prohibitions also detailed in Chapter 1, Unit 2 (page 5). Non-covered services Practitioners may directly bill Members for non-covered services; provided, however, that prior to the provision of such non-covered services, the practitioner must inform the Member: (i) of the service(s) to be provided; (ii) that WVFH will not pay for or be liable for said services; (iii) of the Member’s rights to appeal an adverse coverage decision as fully set forth in the Provider Manual; and (iv) absent a successful appeal, that Member will be financially liable for such services. FOR MORE INFORMATION Refer to this manual’s Chapter 3, Unit 2: Claims and Billing for additional information regarding submission of claims. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.2 6|P a g e FBRUARY 2016 2.2 EMERGENCY SERVICES Notification requirements if directing a member to ER All WVFH members are informed that they must contact their PCP for authorization prior to seeking treatment for non-life or limb threatening conditions in an emergency room. However, WVFH realizes that there are situations when a member is under the care of a specialty care practitioner for a specific condition, such as an OB/GYN during pregnancy, and the member may contact the specialist for instructions. If a specialty care practitioner directs a member to an emergency room for treatment, the specialty care practitioner is required to immediately notify the hospital emergency room of the pending arrival of the patient for emergency services. The specialty care practitioner is required to notify the PCP of the emergency services within one (1) business day when the emergency room visit occurs over a weekend. Every effort should be made to direct members to WVFH Network hospitals. Chronic care health home notification If the member is participating in a chronic care health home, the health home must be notified of any use of emergency services and be notified of any inpatient admission or discharge of a health home member that the MCO learns of through its inpatient admission initial authorization and concurrent review processes within 24 hours. Emergency medical screening exam requirements A medical screening examination needed to diagnose a member’s emergency medical condition must be provided in a hospital-based emergency department that meets the requirements of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)(42 CFR 489.20, 489.24 and 438.144(b) & (c)). WVFH will reimburse both the physician’s services and the hospital’s emergency services, including the emergency room and its ancillary services. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.2 7|P a g e FBRUARY 2016 2.2 SPECIALISTS FUNCTIONING AS PRIMARY CARE PRACTITIONERS WVFH approval required Specialists may function as a PCP for specific members with complex illnesses or conditions. In order for a specialist to function as a PCP, the specialist must be approved by the WVFH Medical Director. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.2 8|P a g e APRIL 2016 CHAPTER 2: PROVIDER RESPONSIBILITIES UNIT 3: OB/GYN SERVICES IN THIS UNIT TOPIC General Information • Member Self-Referral to OB/GYN • PCPs & Routine Gynecological Services • Referrals to Specialty Care Practitioners • Diagnostic Testing • Maternity Authorization • Newborns Appointment Standards Prenatal Risk Screening Instrument (PRSI) Coding Maternity-Related Services Family Planning Guidelines and Billing Medicaid Sterilization/Hysterectomy Consent Forms Abortion Services WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.3 SEE PAGE 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 1|P a g e APRIL 2016 2.3 GENERAL INFORMATION Member self-referral to OB/GYN To eliminate any perceived barrier to accessing obstetrical/gynecological (“OB/GYN”) services, West Virginia Family Health (“WVFH”) allows all female members to self-refer to any Network OB/GYN for any OB/GYN related condition, not just for an annual exam or suspected pregnancy. When a member self-refers to the OB/GYN, the OB/GYN’s office is required to verify eligibility of the member. WVFH members may also self-refer for family planning services. PCPs & routine gynecological services WVFH permits its primary care practitioners (PCPs) to perform routine gynecological exams and pap tests and provide care during pregnancy if they are so trained and equipped in their office. PCPs that provide obstetrical services must bill in accordance with WVFH guidelines and may only provide obstetrical services to those patients assigned to their panel. Referrals to specialty care practitioners If an OB/GYN determines that assessment or treatment by another specialty care practitioner is necessary, the OB/GYN is required to contact the member’s primary care practitioner (PCP) to request a referral to a specialist. The OB/GYN practitioner is responsible for providing written correspondence to the member’s PCP for coordination and continuity of care. The OB/GYN cannot refer a member directly to another specialty care practitioner with the exception of Network Perinatologists. Diagnostic testing Fetal non-stress tests and obstetrical ultrasounds can be performed in the OB/GYN’s office or at a hospital without an authorization or a referral from WVFH. A referral is not required for mammograms or other testing or procedures performed at a Network hospital. Only a prescription is needed. Maternity authorization In addition to the authorization procedure for inpatient admissions found in this manual’s Chapter 2, Unit 4: Hospital Services, WVFH requires the provider to complete a Maternity Outcome Authorization Form within two (2) business days of the delivery. The receipt of this form lets WVFH know the mother has delivered, as well as alerting us that the baby was born and needs to be added to the system. This form can also be found in this manual’s Appendix, as well as on the WVFH website at www.wvfh.com. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.3 2|P a g e APRIL 2016 2.3 GENERAL INFORMATION, Continued Newborns Newborns of WVFH mothers will be covered for services rendered during the neonatal period. All charges for newborns that become enrolled in the plan, other than hospital bills covering the confinement for both mom and baby, are processed under the newborn name and newborn WVFH Identification Number. WVFH is responsible for all charges during the inpatient newborn stay if such newborn is born to a mother who is a current WVFH member until the newborn’s discharge. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.3 3|P a g e APRIL 2016 2.3 APPOINTMENT STANDARDS OB/GYN standards Appointment standards for OB/GYN practitioners are as follows: REQUIREMENT STANDARD Wait time for initial prenatal visit Within fourteen (14) days of the member being identified as being pregnant. • 1st Trimester – within 14 days • 2nd Trimester – within 7 days • 3rd Trimester – within 3 days High-risk pregnancies Within twenty-four (24) hours of identification of high-risk by WVFH or the maternity care provider, or immediately if an emergency exists. Standards for all specialists Additional standards apply to all specialists, including OB/GYNs: PRACTITIONER TYPE REQUIREMENT STANDARD Specialist Wait time for an emergent appointment Immediately seen or referred to an emergency facility Specialist Wait time for an Urgent Care appointment Within 48 hours Specialist Wait time for Routine Appointments Within 21 business days Specialist Wait time in the waiting room for routine care Specialist Missed appointment Average office waiting time no more than thirty (30) minutes or at any time no more than up to one (1) hour when the physician encounters an unanticipated Urgent Medical Condition visit or is treating a member with a difficult medical condition need. Conduct outreach whenever a member misses an appointment and document in the medical record. Three attempts with at least one attempt to include a telephone call. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.3 4|P a g e APRIL 2016 2.3 PRENATAL RISK SCREENING INSTRUMENT (PRSI) PRSI Form requirements The first visit with an obstetrical patient is considered to be the intake visit, or if a patient becomes a WVFH member during the course of her pregnancy, her first visit as a WVFH member is considered to be her intake visit. At the intake visit, a West Virginia Prenatal Risk Screening Instrument Form (Form Number: WVDHHR/BPH/OMCFH/DPWH PRSI 04/27/2012) should be immediately faxed to WVFH’s Maternity Care Management at 1-855-430-9847 or emailed to WVFH via WVFH’s secure email portal and then filed in the member’s medical record. This statewide form is available in this manual’s Appendix and also at: http://www.wvdhhr.org/mcfh/WV_PrentalRiskScreeningInstrument2012.pdf The WV Prenatal Risk Screening Instrument (PRSI) should be updated at the 28-32 week visits and also at the post-partum visit. These two updates should also be faxed to WVFH immediately following completion. Purpose of the PRSI Form The purpose of the PRSI Form is to help identify risk factors early in the pregnancy and engage the woman in care management. For that reason, the PRSI Form must be faxed to WVFH’s Maternity Care Management department at 1-855-430-9847 within 2-5 business days of the intake visit. PRSI required for intake visit claim The PRSI Form is not a claim. However, the PRSI Form must be received by WVFH in order to process the claim for the intake visit. Please submit claims within 365 days to receive payment for the intake package. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.3 5|P a g e APRIL 2016 2.3 CODING MATERNITY-RELATED SERVICES Prenatal visits West Virginia Medicaid will not reimburse for global maternity-related procedure codes or bundled services codes because Medicaid members often change physicians or managed care entities during maternity care, which greatly complicates or precludes the use of global codes to pay for maternity care. Under the per visit reimbursement structure, the following procedure codes should be used when billing WVFH: all prenatal visits and dates of service must be included on the claim form and identified with Evaluation and Management code (99201 – 99215) ONLY. The TH modifier must follow the code in the first position on the claim form. Delivery Delivery charges must be identified with CPT codes. Initial Prenatal Visit Incentive WVFH will reimburse providers a bonus payment of $200 for initial prenatal risk assessment visits rendered within the first trimester. Please bill as indicated below to receive the bonus payment: • The initial prenatal visit MUST be rendered within the first trimester and the West Virginia Prenatal Risk Screening Instrument (PRSI) Form must be completed during the visit and faxed to WVFH’s Maternity Care Management department at 1-855-430-9847 within 2-5 business days of the visit. • Procedure code T1001-HD (Initial Risk Assessment) must be reported on the same claim form as the maternity visit (99213-TH or T1015-TH) together on the same claim form to allow the bonus payment. The bonus payment will not be paid if both codes/modifiers referenced above are not reported on the same claim. The PRSI Form is not a claim form; however, the form must be received by WVFH and documented in our claims system prior to receipt of the claim to allow the appropriate bonus and intake visit payment. The initial prenatal visit MUST be rendered within the first trimester and the PRSI must be completed during the visit and faxed to WVFH’s Maternity Care Management department at 1-855-430-9847 within 2-5 business days of the visit. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.3 6|P a g e APRIL 2016 2.3 CODING MATERNITY-RELATED SERVICES, Continued If first visit is not within the first trimester If the member’s first prenatal visit doesn’t occur within the first trimester then code 99429-HD should not be billed. However, the first visit with an obstetrical patient is considered to be the intake visit. If a patient becomes a WVFH member during the course of her pregnancy, her first visit as a WVFH member is considered to be her intake visit. At the intake visit, a PRSI Form must be completed and a claim submitted with code T1001-U9 for reimbursement. Billing instructions Billing instructions for Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs)/Rural Health Centers (RHCs): • If the PRSI was completed in the first trimester, report the services as follows: T1015 -- Contracted rate or rate normally billed; T1001-U9 (Initial Risk Assessment) -- $200.00; and 99429- HD -- $0.00 • If the PRSI was not completed within the first trimester, bill as follows: T1015 – charge should be encounter rate or rate normally billed; and T1001-U9 -- $200.00 (NO PAYMENT WILL BE MADE – incentive is only reimbursed within the first trimester) Billing instructions for professional providers other than FQHCs/RHCs: • If the PRSI was completed in the first trimester, report the services as follows: 99201-99215 only with the provider’s charge. The TH modifier must follow the code in the first position on the claim form; T1001-HD (Initial Risk Assessment) -- $200.00; and 99429-HD -- $0.00 • If the PRSI was not completed within the first trimester, bill as follows: 99201-99215 TH – provider’s charge; and T1001-U9 -- $200.00 (NO PAYMENT WILL BE MADE - incentive is only reimbursed within the first trimester) WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.3 7|P a g e APRIL 2016 2.3 FAMILY PLANNING GUIDELINES AND BILLING Guidelines WVFH permits Enrollees to see any Network or non-Network practitioner for Family Planning Services only. Non-network providers are asked to educate members about the release of necessary medical data to WVFH. If a WVFH patient presents for family planning benefits, practitioners need to be aware of the following: • The patient’s eligibility can be verified by calling 1-888-907-8002. Family planning patients DO NOT need a referral from their PCP under federal mandate. • A family planning patient may self-refer to her OB/GYN for prenatal care if she becomes pregnant. Billing When billing for family planning services, use the national standard codes. The FP modifier must follow the code in the first position on the claim form. When billing for contraceptives and family planning drugs for West Virginia Family Health members, use the appropriate J code. When a valid J code is not available, bill with an unspecified J code along with the NDC code and the number of units administered. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.3 8|P a g e APRIL 2016 2.3 MEDICAID STERILIZATION/HYSTERECTOMY CONSENT FORMS Surgical consent forms required for hysterectomy and voluntary sterilizations WVFH requires authorization for hysterectomies and voluntary sterilizations. WVFH, in accordance with the West Virginia Medicaid guidelines, will continue to require the completion of the State surgical consent forms for hysterectomies and sterilizations: • Hysterectomy Acknowledgment Form • Sterilization Consent Form Copies of these forms are also available in this manual’s Appendix. The surgical consent forms (DHS-2510-ENG (11/93)) for voluntary sterilizations must be completed and signed by the Enrollee thirty (30) days prior to the surgery. The consent form is valid for 180 days. Any provider requesting authorization for a sterilization must submit the signed consent form at least seven (7) days prior to the scheduled procedure. Urgent or retrospective authorizations Urgent authorizations or retrospective authorizations can be made upon request for sterilizations performed commensurate with a premature delivery or emergency abdominal surgery. The same responsibilities for member and providers still apply regarding completion of consent forms. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.3 9|P a g e APRIL 2016 2.3 ABORTION SERVICES Pregnancy termination policy and requirements West Virginia Medicaid covers pregnancy termination when the attending physician determines, in consultation with the member, that termination is medically advisable. Before making the determination, the physician must discuss the possible pregnancy termination with the member in light of her age, physical, emotional, psychological, and familial circumstances relevant to the well-being of the patient. Certification by the physician is required for payment. The provider office must submit the Physician Certification for Pregnancy Termination Form to WVFH’s Utilization Management department by fax at 1-855-430-9848 at least one hour before the procedure, unless an emergency prevents prior submission of the form. The completed and signed form must accompany all claim forms for pregnancy terminations. This form is available in this manual’s Appendix and can also be accessed through the West Virginia Medicaid website at www.wvmmis.com. Reimbursement WVFH cannot reimburse Medicaid providers for the services provided to Mountain Health Trust or Mountain Health Bridge members under any reported and verified abortion CPT codes. Abortion Services will be reimbursed under FeeFor-Service Medicaid. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.3 10 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 CHAPTER 2: PROVIDER RESPONSIBILITIES UNIT 4: HOSPITAL SERVICES IN THIS UNIT TOPIC Inpatient Admissions Hospital Transfer Policy Outpatient Surgery Procedures Emergency Room Ambulance Services Billing and Reimbursement WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.4 SEE PAGE 2 3 4 5 7 9 1|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 2.4 INPATIENT ADMISSIONS Authorization required for all inpatient admissions In order for West Virginia Family Health (WVFH) to monitor the quality of care and utilization of services by our members, all WVFH practitioners are required to obtain an authorization number for all hospital admissions and certain outpatient surgical procedures by contacting WVFH’s Utilization Management Department at 1-855-412-8003. WVFH will accept the PCP, ordering practitioner, or the attending practitioner’s request for an authorization of non-emergency hospital care; however, no party should assume the other has obtained authorization. WVFH will also accept a call from the hospital’s Utilization Review Department. The Utilization Management Representative refers to the WVFH Medical Director if criteria or established guidelines are not met for medical necessity. The ordering practitioner is offered a peer review opportunity with the WVFH Medical Director for all potential denial determinations. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.4 2|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 2.4 HOSPITAL TRANSFER POLICY Transfer policy When a WVFH member requires hospitalization, WVFH’s policy is to have the service rendered in a WVFH Network hospital. However, WVFH recognizes that it may not be possible to follow this general policy when a member presents to the closest medical facility due to a medical emergency. When the medical condition of the member requires an admission to a non-Network hospital, the member will be transferred within twenty-four (24) hours of stabilization, when appropriate. In order to determine that the member is medically stable for transfer the WVFH Utilization Management staff will concurrently monitor the condition of the patient by communicating with the hospital’s Utilization Review staff and the attending practitioner. WVFH will coordinate all necessary transportation for the timely transfer of the member. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.4 3|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 2.4 OUTPATIENT SURGERY PROCEDURES Verify if authorization is required Network practitioners may utilize a hospital’s Short Procedure Unit (SPU) or Ambulatory Surgery Unit (ASU) for any authorized medically necessary procedure. Medical Necessity Reviews may be required for certain procedures. Please call WVFH’s Utilization Management Department to verify if authorization is required or refer to the Administrative References on WVFH’s website. Should a request to perform an outpatient procedure be denied by WVFH, the practitioner will issue written notification to the member and requesting provider. Urgent requests are responded to immediately. Due to monthly changes in member eligibility, WVFH recommends that authorization be requested at least two (2) working days in advance when possible. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.4 4|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 2.4 EMERGENCY ROOM Definition of emergency An emergency is defined as a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) such that a prudent layperson, who possesses an average knowledge of health and medicine, could reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical attention to result in: (a) placing the health of the individual (or with respect to a pregnant woman, the health of the woman or her unborn child) in serious jeopardy; (b) serious impairment to bodily functions; or (c) serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part. In all instances, when a member presents to an emergency room for diagnosis and treatment of an illness or injury, the hospital’s pre-established guidelines allow for the triage of illness and injury. Conditions requiring emergency treatment The following conditions are examples of those most likely to require emergency treatment: Nonemergency services For applicable non-emergency services, a copay should be required from the member. WVFH members have been informed, through the Member Handbook, of general instances when emergency care is typically not needed. These are as follows: • Cold • Rash • Sore throat • Bruises • Small cuts and burns • Swelling • Ear ache • Cramps • Vomiting • Cough • • • • • • • • • Danger of losing life or limb Poisoning Chest pain and heart attack Overdose of medicine or drug Choking Heavy bleeding Car accidents Possible broken bones Loss of speech • • • • • • • • • Paralysis Breathing problems Seizures Criminal attack (mugging or rape) Heart attack Blackouts Vomiting blood Dental traumatic injury Relief of severe dental pain Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.4 5|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 2.4 EMERGENCY ROOM, Continued Follow-up care All follow-up care after an emergency room visit must be coordinated through the primary care practitioner (PCP). Members are informed via the Member Handbook to contact their PCP for a referral for follow-up care in instances such as: • Removal of stitches • Changing of bandages • Cast check • Further testing Emergencies are handled in the same manner whether in or out of the WVFH service area. WVFH requests that Network practitioners inform WVFH by calling WVFH’s Utilization Management Department whenever they learn that a member has received care outside of the service area. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.4 6|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 2.4 AMBULANCE SERVICES Emergent ambulance transportaton Emergent transportation (911), including air ambulance, does not require authorization by WVFH. WVFH considers emergent transportation as transportation that allows immediate access to medical or behavioral health care and without such access could precipitate a medical or a behavioral health crisis for the patient. Either a Network or non-Network ambulance provider may render 911 transportation without an authorization from WVFH. WVFH also considers the following situations emergent, and thus does not require authorization: • ER-ER • ER-to-Acute Care or Behavioral Health Facility • Acute Cat-to-Acute Care or Behavioral health Facility • Hospital-to-Hospital, when patient is being discharged from one hospital and being admitted to another. Providers should bill the above types of transports with the appropriate emergency, basic life support code and the modifier HH. Non-emergent ambulance transportation Authorization for non-emergent ambulance transportation is required by WVFH’s Utilization Management Department. WVFH considers non-emergent transportation as transportation for a patient that does not require immediate access to medical or behavioral healthcare and/or if not provided would not result in a medical or a behavioral health crisis as non-emergent. Non-emergent transportation may include the following scenarios: • Ambulance transports from one facility to another when the member is expected to remain at the receiving facility, which may include the following: Hospital to Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) SNF to Hospital (non-emergent) Hospital to Rehabilitation Facility Rehabilitation Facility to Hospital (non-emergent) • Ambulance transport to home upon discharge (if medically necessary and approved by WVFH) A WVFH Network ambulance provider should be contacted to render nonemergent transportation when possible. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.4 7|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 2.4 AMBULANCE SERVICES, Continued Facility to facility for diagnostic testing Ambulance transportation from one facility to another for diagnostic testing or services not available at the current facility, with the expectation of the member returning to the original facility upon completion of service, is the responsibility of the originating facility and does not require an authorization from WVFH. The originating facility should assume the cost for this type of transport even if for unforeseen circumstances, the member remains at the receiving facility. The originating facility may contact any ambulance service of their choosing to provide transport in this scenario only. Wheelchair van transport All wheelchair van transportation requires an authorization from WVFH’s Utilization Management Department. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.4 8|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 2.4 BILLING AND REIMBURSEMENT Claims and reimbursement information Please see this manual’s Chapter 3, Unit 2: Claims and Billing Information for information regarding claims submission, and Chapter 3, Unit 3: Reimbursement for information regarding reimbursement. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 2.4 9|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 CHAPTER 3: POLICIES AND PROCEDURES UNIT 1: PRACTITIONER REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDELINES IN THIS UNIT TOPIC General Information • West Virginia DHHR/BMS Policy Changes • Provider Manuals • Practitioner Education and Sanctioning • Practitioner Due Process • Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 • Access and Interpreters for Members with Disabilities • Provider Termination Credentialing Practices Confidentiality Fraud and Abuse Environmental Assessment Standards Reporting of Required Reportable Diseases NCQA Compliance Requirements Marketing Policies and Practices WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 SEE PAGE 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 11 16 18 19 1|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 GENERAL INFORMATION Introduction West Virginia Family Health (WVFH) has developed policies and procedures to provide guidelines for identifying and resolving issues with practitioners who fail to comply with the terms and conditions of the applicable Practitioner Agreement, WVFH policies and procedures, or accepted Utilization Management Standards and Quality Improvement Guidelines. WV DHHR/BMS policy changes West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR), Bureau of Medical Services (BMS) Policy Changes: In order for WVFH to meet the standards set forth by the Bureau for Medical Services (“BMS”) standard contract, WVFH must promptly implement new policies or changes in policy at the request of BMS. Upon notice from BMS of program or policy changes, WVFH will assess those policies or practices that require practitioner notice. Depending upon the BMS effective date of the change, practitioners cannot always be notified prior to such alterations. WVFH is committed to notifying all appropriate practitioners, via the most appropriate medium, within sixty (60) days of receipt of the notice of a new policy or policy change when sufficient notice is provided by BMS. Additionally, practitioners need to be aware that no regulatory order or requirement of the Departments of Insurance, Health and Human Services or Bureau for Medical Services shall be subject to arbitration with WVFH. Provider manuals This West Virginia Family Health Provider Manual and the Highmark Blue Shield Office Manual are binding upon providers and may be supplemented or superseded, in whole or in part, by other guidance and/or requirements furnished or otherwise made available to providers, provided supplements do not conflict with the applicable federal and state laws and regulations. The Highmark Blue Shield Office Manual for professional providers is available on the Highmark West Virginia Provider Resource Center under Administrative Reference Materials. The Provider Resource Center is accessible from the Highmark West Virginia website at www.highmarkbcbswv.com -- select the Provider Resource Center link under HELPFUL LINKS. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 2|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 GENERAL INFORMATION, Continued Practitioner education and sanctioning Network practitioners will be monitored for compliance with administrative procedures, trends of inappropriate resource utilization, potential quality of care concerns and compliance with medical record review standards. Practitioner education is provided through Quality Improvement Nurses and Medical Directors. Network practitioners who do not improve through the provider education process will be referred to the Highmark West Virginia Quality Improvement/Utilization Management Committee for evaluation and recommendations. To request additional information or to obtain a copy of this policy, please contact Provider Services. WVFH encourages its providers to participate in training which promotes sensitivity to the special needs of the West Virginia Medicaid population. Practitioner due process WVFH has established a policy and procedure to define the situations when due process procedures are afforded to practitioners, and to specify the due process procedures available in accordance with federal and state regulations, in particular the Healthcare Quality Improvement Act of 1986. The Practitioner Due Process Policy will be updated in accordance with federal and state regulations. To request additional information or to obtain a copy of this policy, please contact Provider Services. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Practitioners are expected to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that prohibits race, color, or national origin discrimination in programs receiving Federal funds. Practitioners are obligated to take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to services for members with limited English proficiency, including provision of translator services as necessary for these members. Access and interpreters for members with disabilities Practitioner offices are expected to address the need for interpreter services in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Each practitioner is expected to arrange and coordinate interpreter services to assist member who are hearing impaired. WVFH will assist practitioners in locating resources upon request. WVFH offers the Member Handbook and other WVFH information in large print, Braille, on cassette tape, or computer diskette at no cost to the member. Please instruct members to call Member Services at 1-855-412-8001 to ask for these other formats. Practitioner offices are required to adhere to the ADA guidelines, Section 504, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and related federal and state requirements that are enacted from time-to-time. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 3|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 GENERAL INFORMATION, Continued Provider termination For more information regarding corrective action, termination, and appeal policies and procedures, please see Chapter 2, Unit 2: Network Credentialing Procedures of the Highmark Blue Shield Office Manual. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 4|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 CREDENTIALING PRACTICES Credentialing nondiscrimination practices In selecting and credentialing providers for the associated networks, West Virginia Family Health (WVFH) does not discriminate in terms of participation or reimbursement, against any healthcare professional who is acting within the scope of his or her license or certification under state law solely on the basis of the license or certification. In addition, WVFH does not discriminate against professionals who serve high-risk populations or who specialize in the treatment of costly conditions. For additional credentialing information For additional information regarding credentialing and recredentialing for the WVFH networks, please see the Highmark Blue Shield Office Manual’s Chapter 2, Unit 2: Network Credentialing Procedures. The Highmark Blue Shield Office Manual is available on the Highmark West Virginia Provider Resource, which is accessible from Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield West Virginia website at www.highmarkbcbswv.com. The Provider Resource Center link can be found under HELPFUL LINKS. The manual can be found by selecting Administrative Reference Materials from the Resource Center’s main menu. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 5|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 CONFIDENTIALITY Overview All practitioners and providers participating with WVFH have agreed to abide by all WVFH policies and procedures regarding member confidentiality. The performance goal for confidentiality is maintaining patient records secure from public access. Member confidentiality policy Under these policies, the practitioner or provider must meet the following: 1. Provide the highest level of protection and confidentiality of members’ medical and personal information used for any purposes in accordance with federal and state laws or regulations including the following: a. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), 45 CFR Parts 160, 162 and 164 b. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), P.L. 111-148, enacted on March 23, 2010, and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (HCERA), P.L. 111-152, enacted on March 30, 2010 c. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, Title XIII of Division A and Title IV of Division B of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), Pub.L.No. 111-5 (Feb 17, 2009) and related regulations. d. 42 U.S.C. § 1396a(a)(7) – State plan for medical assistance e. 42 C.F.R. § 431.300 et seq. – Medical Assistance – Safeguarding Information on Applicants and Recipients f. Section 29a of the West Virginia Code 2. Assure that member records, including information obtained for any purpose, are considered privileged information and, therefore, are protected by obligations of confidentiality. 3. Assure that a member’s individually identifiable health information as defined by HIPAA, also known as Protected Health Information (PHI), necessary for treatment, payment or healthcare operations (TPO) is released to WVFH without seeking the consent of a member. This information includes PHI used for claims payment, continuity and coordination of care, accreditation surveys, medical record audits, treatment, quality assessment and measurement, quality of care issues, medical management, appeals, case management and disease management. Further, providers will assure that PHI for TPO will be made available to the WV Department of Health & Human Resources, Department of Health, Department of Insurance or Business Associates of WVFH for use without member consent. All other requests for release of or access to PHI will be handled in accordance with federal and state Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 6|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 CONFIDENTIALITY, Continued Member confidentiality policy (continued) regulations. WVFH follows the requirements of HIPAA and limits its requests to the amount of PHI that is minimally necessary to meet the treatment, payment, or operational function. 4. The member, or a member’s representative including head of household, legal guardian, or durable power of attorney, shall have access to view and/or receive copies of the medical record upon request. There is no charge for the copied medical record if the record is sent to another practitioner or provided directly to the member. The request must allow reasonable notice and follow the specific procedures of the practitioner or provider. 5. All providers are required to conduct environmental security of confidential information and monitor practice and provider sites. Provider and practitioner sites must comply with the Environmental Assessment standards that require that patient records be protected from public access. 6. Medical records must be available for all member visits for established patients. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 7|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 FRAUD AND ABUSE Overview WVFH has a comprehensive policy for handling the prevention, detection, and reporting of fraud and abuse. It is WVFH’s policy to investigate any action by members, employees, or practitioners that affects the integrity of WVFH and/or the Medicaid Program. As a Network practitioner, the contract that is signed requires compliance with WVFH’s policies and procedures for the detection and prevention of fraud and abuse. Such compliance may include referral of information regarding suspected or confirmed fraud or abuse to WVFH and submission of statistical and narrative reports regarding fraud and abuse detection activities. If fraud or abuse is suspected, whether it is by a member, employee, or practitioner, it is your responsibility to immediately notify WVFH at 1-855-412-8004. Recipient Restriction Program WVFH maintains a Recipient Restriction Program, which restricts members who misutilize medical services or pharmacy benefits. WVFH enforces and monitors these restrictions through the following process: • Identifying Members who are over utilizing and/or misutilizing medical services. • Evaluating the degree of abuse including review of pharmacy and medical claims history, diagnoses and other documentation, as applicable. • Proposing whether the Member should be restricted to obtaining services from a single, designated Provider for a period of five years. • Sending notification via certified mail to member of proposed restriction, including reason for restriction, effective date and length of restriction, name of designated provider(s) and option to change provider. Sending notification of member’s restriction to the designated provider(s). • Enforcing the restrictions through appropriate notifications and edits in the claims payment system. • Monitoring subsequent utilization to ensure compliance. • Changing the selected provider per the member’s or provider’s request, within thirty (30) days from the date of the request. • Reviewing the member’s services prior to the end of the five-year period of restriction to determine if the restriction should be removed or maintained, with notification of the results of the review to BMS, member, provider(s) and CAO. • Educating members including explanations in handbooks. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 8|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 FRAUD AND ABUSE, Continued Investigating fraud and abuse It is WVFH’s policy to discharge any employee, terminate any practitioner, or recommend any member be withdrawn from the Medicaid Program who, upon investigation and referral to the Department of Health and Human Resources, has been identified as being involved in fraudulent or abusive activities. The Department of Health and Human Resources has an established Office of Quality and Program Integrity (OQPI) that is charged with investigating complaints and identifying potential fraud, waste, and abuse occurring within the Medicaid system. Complaints are received from various sources for development, investigation, and appropriate resolution. WVFH works in conjunction with OQPI refer cases and investigate cases to determine if there is a credible allegation of fraud, waste, or abuse. If it is a credible allegation of fraud, waste, or abuse, the complaint is referred to the West Virginia Office of the Inspector General Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU). MFCU has jurisdiction under federal and state law to investigate West Virginia Medicaid providers for potential fraudulent practices, and the authority to seek criminal and civil remedies when fraudulent practices are discovered. Examples of fraud and abuse Some common examples of fraud and abuse are: • Billing or charging Medicaid recipients for covered services • Billing for services not rendered • Billing for separately for services in lieu of an available combination code • Billing more than once for the same service • Dispensing generic drugs and billing for brand name drugs • Falsifying records • Performing inappropriate or unnecessary services Reporting fraud Complaints regarding member fraud should be referred to the West Virginia Office of the Inspector General Investigations and Fraud Management Unit. If Medicaid Fraud is suspected, you must contact the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit at: 1-888-FRAUDWV (1-888-372-8398); or 1-304-558-1970. Complete the online reporting form at: https://www.wvdhhr.org/oig/mfcu.html Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 9|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 FRAUD AND ABUSE, Continued Reporting fraud (continued) Or submit in writing to: False Claims Act Regarding False Claims Acts, pursuant to Section 6032 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, any entity who receives or makes Title XIX (Medicaid) payments of at least $5,000,000 annually must establish written or electronic policies and procedures for the education of employees of affected entities regarding false claims recoveries. Department of Health and Human Resources Investigations and Fraud Management Office of Inspector General 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East Capitol Complex, Building 6, Room B-817 Charleston, WV 25305 WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 10 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STANDARDS Overview WVFH has established specific guidelines for conducting Environmental Assessment Site Visits, including medical record-keeping standards at PCP, OB/GYN, and other high volume specialty practices. An initial Environmental Assessment will be conducted at all PCP, OB/GYN, and other high volume specialty office sites as part of the credentialing process. The purpose of the site visit is to assure that practitioners are in compliance with WVFH’s Environmental Assessment Standards. On-site visits A Provider Relations Representative will schedule an on-site visit at each office site to conduct an Environmental Assessment. The Environmental Assessment must be conducted with the Office Manager or with a practitioner of the practice. The Provider Relations Representative will complete the Initial Environmental Assessment Form and tour the office as well as interview staff and examine the appointment schedule. The Provider Relations Representative will assess the office for evidence of compliance with the Environmental Assessment Standards. The Provider Relations Representative will conduct a follow-up visit within 90 days or until the office site is compliant. The Medical Director will review the Environmental Assessment as part of the initial credentialing process. If any of the standards are not met, the Medical Director will assess the potential impact of the discrepancy to patient care and evaluate the corrective action plan. If the plan is reasonable, the practitioner will continue with the credentialing process. If the plan is not acceptable, the Medical Director may suggest a different corrective action plan or delay the credentialing process until the issue is resolved. If the office is not agreeable to correcting the identified problem, the information will be presented to the Quality Improvement/Utilization Management Committee for review. Special circumstances may be granted based upon size, geographic location of the practice, and potential harm to members. The Provider Relations Representative will communicate the final results to the practitioners. An Environmental Assessment will not be conducted if a new practitioner joins an office site or if the practitioner relocates to an office that has already been reviewed and meets WVFH standards. When credentialing a new practitioner who joins an existing office site, the documentation from that site visit for that office will be included in the new practitioner’s initial credentialing file prior to the Quality Improvement/Utilization Management Committee review. Site visits for relocated offices must be conducted prior to the practitioner’s recredentialing date. The documentation of that site visit will be included in the recredentialing file. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 11 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STANDARDS, Continued On-site Visits (continued) Provider Relations Representatives conduct site visits to assess practice compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 for those practices as determined by the Department of Health & Human Resources. PRACTITIONER OFFICE SITE QUALITY EVALUATION MET NOT MET N/A COMMENTS 1. The office is reasonably accessible (noting the ease of entry into and the accessibility of space within the building) for patients with physical and/or sensory disabilities. (ALL) 2. The physical appearance of the office is clean, organized and well maintained for the safely of patients, staff and visitors. (ALL) 3. The waiting area is well lit, has adequate space and seating, and has posted office hours. (ALL) 4. There is adequacy of examining/treatment room space as well as patient interview areas and each are designed to respect patients' dignity and privacy. (ALL) 5. Clinical records are filed in an organized, systematic manner, easily located, and kept in a secure, confidential location and away from patient access. Only authorized persons have access to clinical records. (ALL) 6. The office has a written confidentiality policy to avoid the unauthorized release or disclosure of confidential personal health information including but not limited to computer screens, data disks, emails, telephone messages/calls fax machines. (ALL) 7. The medical equipment utilized in the office appears to be adequate, well maintained, up to date, appropriate for the patients' age and appropriate for the specialty of the practice. (ALL) 8. The office has 24-hour medical coverage that is available seven (7) days a week. (ALL) 9. The office has a process to ensure after-hours calls are returned within 30 minutes. (ALL) 10. The office has a process to ensure after-hours calls are communicated to the office by the morning of the following business day. (ALL) Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 12 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STANDARDS, Continued MET NOT MET N/A COMMENTS 11. The office has mechanisms to assess behavioral health disorders, alcohol and other drug dependence (i.e., screening tool or questionnaire). (PCP, OBGYN) 12. No more than six (6) office visits are scheduled per hour, per practitioner. (ALL) 13. Emergency, life-threatening, medical situations are handled immediately. (ALL EXCEPT BH) 14. Urgent medical care appointments, which require rapid clinical intervention as a result of an unforeseen illness, injury, or condition, are available within 1 day (e.g., high fever, persistent vomiting/diarrhea). (PCP, SPECIALIST) 15. Regular and routine care appointments that are non-urgent but in need of attention are available within 2-7 days (e.g., headache, cold, cough, rash, joint/muscle pain, etc.). (PCP, SPECIALIST) 16. Regular and routine care appointments for routine wellness appointments are available within 30 days (e.g., symptomatic preventive care, well child/patient exams, physical exams, etc.). (PCP, SPECIALIST) 17. Patients with chronic conditions (e.g., diabetes, hypertension, CHF, depression, etc.) are proactively notified by the office and encouraged to schedule an appointment. (PCP) 18. There is a process to assure that patients who either no show or cancel their appointments are contacted & encouraged to reschedule the appointments as evidenced by documentation of such in the medical record (appointment scheduled, reminder card, etc.). (PCP) 19. A reminder call is made by the practice prior to scheduled appointments to encourage attendance with the scheduled visit. (PCP) 20. There is a process confirming that laboratory, diagnostic procedure, and/or consultation appointments were performed and results were received, reviewed, and filed in the patient's medical record. The process: a) Identifies how the laboratory, diagnostic procedures and/or consultation appointments are tracked b) Identifies staff responsible to ensure results are returned to the office Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 13 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STANDARDS, Continued MET 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. NOT MET N/A COMMENTS c) Identifies when and how staff match test results with patient's chart d) Identifies how the reviewer (practitioner) notifies how the results should be handled. (PCP) There is a process in place to ensure patients are notified of abnormal results. (ALL) Urgent medical care appointments which require rapid clinical intervention as a result of an unforeseen illness, injury, or condition are available within 1 day such as: a) OB: High fever, persistent vomiting / diarrhea, bladder infection, increased swelling. b) GYN: Unusual vaginal discharge or vaginal bleeding post-menopause/hysterectomy, or detection of breast mass/breast lump. (OBGYN) Regular and routine care appointments that are non-urgent but in need of attention are available within 2-7 days: a) OB: Small amount of swelling in ankles or hands, sciatica pain (including hip/leg pain), respiratory infection, UTI symptoms b) GYN: Increased menstrual cramps. (OBGYN) Regular and routine care appointments for routine wellness appointments are available within 30 days (e.g., regular routine obstetrical and gynecological appointments). (OBGYN) Immediate intervention for a life-threatening emergency is required to prevent death or serious harm to patient or others. (BH) Intervention within 6 hours is required for a nonlife-threatening emergency to prevent acute deterioration of the patient's clinical state that compromises patient safety. (BH) Timely evaluation (within 48 hours) is needed for urgent care to prevent deterioration of the patient’s condition. (BH) Routine office visits are available (within 10 business days) when the patient's condition is considered to be stable. (BH) Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 14 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STANDARDS, Continued MET NOT MET N/A COMMENTS 1. An individual clinical record is established, organized, easily located and data is easily retrievable for each patient. (ALL) 2. Each page in the medical record contains the patient's name. Another form of patient identification (e.g., birth date, social security number, identification number, etc.) is documented on the medical record. (ALL) 3. Significant illnesses and medical and behavioral health conditions are indicated on the current problem list and are updated after each office visit and hospitalization. (ALL) 4. Each record indicates which medications have been prescribed, the dosages of each, the date of the initial prescription and/or refill, and the date the medication was discontinued, as applicable. (ALL) 5. Medication & other allergies, adverse reactions, & relevant medical conditions are clearly documented and dated prominently in the record. It is noted if the patient has no known allergies, no history of adverse reactions or relevant medical conditions. (ALL) 6. All entries in the record contain a valid, legible author's signature, which may be a handwritten signature with credentials, printed name & credentials accompanied by handwritten provider initials, or unique electronic identifier with credentials. (ALL) 7. All entries in the record are dated and are legible to someone other than the writer. (ALL) 8. The medical/treatment records have a notation regarding follow-up care, calls or visits, when indicated. The specific time of return is noted in weeks, months, or as needed. (ALL) WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 15 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 REPORTING OF REQUIRED REPORTABLE DISEASES Overview Health care providers are required to report certain diseases by state law. This is to allow for both disease surveillance and appropriate case investigation/public follow-up. WVFH may be responsible for: 1) Further screening, diagnosis, and treatment of identified cases enrolled in WVFH as necessary to protect the public’s health; or 2) Screening, diagnosis, and treatment of case contacts who are enrolled in WVFH. Detailed infectious disease reporting requirements can be obtained from the Bureau for Public Health within the Department of Health and Human Resources. Primary types of diseases that must be reported The three primary types of diseases that must be reported are: 1. Division of Surveillance and Disease Control, Sexually Transmitted Disease Program. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are required to be reported for disease surveillance purposes and for appropriate case investigation and follow-up. For contact notification, WVFH must refer case information to the Division of Surveillance and Disease Control. The Division has an established program for notifying partners of persons with infectious conditions. This includes follow-up of contacts to individuals with HIV and AIDS. Once notified, contacts who are enrollees of WVFH may be referred back to WVFH for appropriate screening and treatment, if necessary. 2. Division of Surveillance and Disease Control, Tuberculosis Program. Individuals with diseases caused by M. tuberculosis must be reported to the WV Bureau for Public Health, DSDC, TB Program for appropriate identification, screening, treatment and treatment monitoring of their contacts. 3. Division of Surveillance and Disease Control, Communicable Disease Program. Cases of communicable disease noted as reportable in West Virginia must be reported to the local health departments in the appropriate time frame and method outlined in legislative rules. This both provides for disease surveillance and allows appropriate public health action to be undertaken—patient education and instruction to prevent further spread, contact identification and treatment, environmental investigation, outbreak identification and investigation, etc. (Note: Per legislative rule, reports of category IV diseases [including HIV and AIDS] are submitted directly to the state health department, not to local jurisdictions.) Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 16 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 REPORTING OF REQUIRED REPORTABLE DISEASES, Continued Federal reporting requirements In order to assist WVFH with its obligations to comply with the following Federal reporting and compliance requirements for the services listed below, providers are required to comply with the following federal reporting requirements: • Abortions must comply with the requirements of 42 CFR 441. Subpart E – Abortions. This includes completion of the information form, Certification Regarding Abortion. For more information, see Chapter 2, Unit 3: OB/GYN Services of this manual (page 9). • Hysterectomies and sterilizations must comply with 42 CFR 441. Subpart F – Sterilizations. This includes completion of the consent form. For more information, see Chapter 2, Unit 3: OB/GYN Services of this manual (page 8). • EPSDT services and reporting must comply with 42 CFR 441 Subpart B – Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment. For more information, see this manual’s Chapter 1, Unit 3: Growing Up Program . Other reporting requirements The data that must be certified include, but are not limited to, enrollment information, encounter data, and other information required by the State of West Virginia and contained in contracts, proposals, and related documents. Additional reporting elements include: provider network, utilization, quality, access, EPSDT, financial data, member satisfaction, HEDIS scores, and number and types of informal and formal grievances and appeals registered by enrollees and providers. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 17 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 NCQA COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS Compliance with NCQA accreditation standards Providers acknowledge and agree that certain provisions are required to be in contracts between West Virginia Family Health and providers for compliance with the accreditation standards of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). Pursuant to such NCQA compliance requirements, providers agree to acknowledge and cooperate with West Virginia Family Health’s quality initiative activities. West Virginia Family Health may utilize provider performance data for activities including, but not limited to, quality improvement activities, public reporting to consumers, transparency activities, and/or any other activity of or relating to West Virginia Family Health compliance with the accreditation standards of the NCQA. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 18 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 MARKETING POLICIES AND PRACTICES Approved marketing practices The list of approved Marketing practices is not intended to be exhaustive. The following list is applicable to WVFH (acting as an Managed Care Organization [MCO] in the State of West Virginia), its agents, subcontractors, and WVFH providers: 1. The MCO is allowed to send outreach materials and non-Marketing correspondence to its members. The content of such mailings must be approved by the Bureau of Medical Services (BMS) prior to distribution. 2. Terms such as “choose,” “pick,” “join,” etc. are allowed in marketing materials as long as the Enrollment Broker contractor’s telephone number is included. 3. WVFH may send plan specific materials to potential members at the potential member’s request. The content of such mailings must be approved by BMS prior to distribution. 4. WVFH may only provide plan specific information during incoming calls from potential members. WVFH may return telephone calls to potential members only when requested to do so by the caller. The content of such call scripts must be approved by BMS prior to distribution. 5. WVFH may respond to direct questions from potential members with accurate information during such telephone calls. 6. WVFH may survey their former and currently enrolled members. 7. WVFH may provide gifts approved by BMS to encourage currently enrolled members to participate in the surveys. 8. WVFH may distribute materials and information that purely educate its members on the importance of completing the State’s Medicaid eligibility renewal process in a timely fashion. 9. At BMS’s approval, WVFH may provide information about a Qualified Health Plan (QHP) to potential members who could enroll in such a plan as an alternative to the Medicaid managed care plan due to a loss of Medicaid eligibility or to potential members who may consider the benefits of selecting an Medicaid managed care plan that has a related QHP in the event of future eligibility changes. Such information may not be included within marketing materials. Prohibited practices The following policies and practices are prohibited and violate the State BMS contract. This list is not intended to be exhaustive. The following prohibitions are applicable to WVFH, its agents, subcontractors, and WVFH providers: 1. Distributing Marketing materials without prior BMS approval; 2. Using the word, “Mountain,” or phrase, “Mountain Health,” “Health Bridge,” except when referring to Mountain Health Trust, West Virginia Health Bridge, or other State programs; Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 19 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 MARKETING POLICIES AND PRACTICES, Continued Prohibited practices (continued) 3. Distributing Marketing materials written above the 6th grade reading level, unless approved by BMS; 4. Offering gifts valued over $15.00 to potential members; 5. Providing gifts to providers for the purpose of distributing them directly to WVFH’s potential members or currently enrolled members; 6. Directly or indirectly, engaging in door-to-door, telephone, and other Cold Call Marketing activities; 7. Marketing in or around public assistance offices, including eligibility offices; 8. Using “Spam;” 9. Making any assertion or statement (orally or in writing) that WVFH is endorsed by CMS, a federal or state government agency, or similar entity; 10. Knowingly marketing to persons currently enrolled in another MCO; 11. Inducing or accepting a member’s MCO enrollment or MCO disenrollment; 12. Using terms that would influence, mislead, or cause potential members to contact WVFH, rather than the Enrollment Broker, for enrollment; 13. Portraying competitors in a negative manner; 14. Using absolute superlatives (e.g., “the best,” “highest ranked,” “rated number 1”) unless they are substantiated with supporting data provided to BMS; 15. Making any written or oral statements containing material misrepresentations of fact or law relating to WVFH’s plan or the Medicaid program, services, or benefits; 16. Making potential member gifts conditional based on enrollment with WVFH; 17. Charging members for goods or services distributed at WVFH or Medicaid events; 18. Charging members a fee for accessing the WVFH’s website; 19. Influencing enrollment in conjunction with the sale or offering of any private insurance; 20. Tying enrollment in WVFH with purchasing (or the provision of) other types of private insurance; 21. Using marketing agents who are paid solely by commission; 22. Posting WVFH-specific, non-health related materials or banners in provider offices; 23. Conducting potential member orientation in common areas of providers’ offices; Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 20 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.1 MARKETING POLICIES AND PRACTICES, Continued Prohibited practices (continued) 24. Allowing providers to solicit enrollment or disenrollment in WVFH, or distribute WVFH-specific materials at a Marketing activity (this does not apply to health fairs where providers do immunizations, blood pressure checks, etc. as long as the provider is not soliciting enrollment or distributing plan specific MCO materials); 25. Making charitable contributions or donations from Medicaid funds; 26. Purchasing or otherwise acquiring mailing lists from third party vendors, or for paying BMS’s contractors or subcontractors to send plan specific materials to potential members; 27. Referencing the commercial component of WVFH in any Marketing materials; 28. Discriminating against a member or potential member because of race, age, color, religion, natural origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, health status or existing need for medical care, with the following exception: certain gifts and services may be made available to members with certain diagnoses; 29. Assisting with Medicaid MCO enrollment form; 30. Making false, misleading or inaccurate statements relating to services or benefits of WVFH or Medicaid program, or relating to the providers or potential providers contracting with WVFH; and 31. Direct Mail Marketing to potential members. Gifts to potential members WVFH may provide promotional gifts valued at or under $15 to potential WVFH members. WVFH may distribute promotional gifts valued at more than $15 to current members only. A gift worth $15 or less must be based on the retail purchase price of the gift item. WVFH may not provide gifts to providers for the purpose of distributing them potential members, unless such gifts are placed in the providers’ office common areas and are available to all patients. MCO member gifts WVFH may solicit its currently enrolled members for participation in WVFH activities. WVFH may provide gifts valued at $50.00 or less per member per gift to encourage member attendance or participation in WVFH activities. Member gifts may not be converted to cash. WVFH must not exceed the total annual limit of $150.00 per each member for all gifts. BMS must provide prior approval of all monetary and non-monetary compensation provided to members in exchange for participating in WVFH activities. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.1 21 | P a g e APRIL 2016 CHAPTER 3: POLICIES AND PROCEDURES UNIT 2: CLAIMS AND BILLING INFORMATION IN THIS UNIT TOPIC SEE PAGE Member Billing Policy Excluded Providers or Credible Allegation of Provider Fraud Claims Submission Timely Filing Prompt Pay • Payment Time Frames • BMS Reimbursement Hold Harmless Electronic Claims Submission Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) Claims Review • Administrative Claims Review • Medical Claims Review Coordination of Benefits • Coordination of Benefits Policy • Specialty/Fee-For-Service Providers • Medicare • Nursing Care • Subrogation Primary Care Services Claim Coding Software Billing Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) Services • EPSDT Claim Submission Time Frame • FQHC/RHC Billing • 1500 Paper Format Requirements • 1500 EDI Format Requirements Obstetrical Care Services Hospital Services UB-04 Data Elements for Claims Submission Sample UB-04 Claim Form 1500 Data Elements for Claims Submission Sample 1500 Claim Form 2 3 4 6 7 7 7 8 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 17 19 21 22 24 WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 24 24 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 33 1|P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 MEMBER BILLING POLICY Policy Payment by West Virginia Family Health (WVFH) is considered payment in full. Under no circumstance, including but not limited to non-payment by WVFH for approved services, may a provider bill, charge, collect a deposit from, seek compensation, remuneration, or reimbursement from or have any recourse against a WVFH member. This provision shall not prohibit collection of copayments on WVFH’s behalf made in accordance with the terms of the MCO Provider Agreement between WVFH and the Department of Health and Human Resources, Bureau for Medical Services. Providers may not collect copays from a WVFH member for missed appointments. Practitioners may directly bill Members for non-covered services or services rendered to the member that exceeds coverage or service limitations provided, however, that prior to the provision of such non-covered services, the practitioner must inform the Member in writing and have the member acknowledge receipt in writing: (i) of the service(s) to be provided; (ii) that WVFH will not pay for or be liable for said services; (iii) of the Member’s rights to appeal an adverse coverage decision as fully set forth in the Provider Manual; and (iv) absent a successful appeal, that Member will be financially liable for such services. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 2|P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 EXCLUDED PROVIDERS OR CREDIBLE ALLEGATION OF PROVIDER FRAUD Excluded providers In accordance with 42 CFR 1001.1901(c)(5), payment under Medicaid is not available for excluded providers except for emergency medical services or items. To be payable, a claim for such emergency items or services must be accompanied by a sworn statement of the person furnishing the items or services specifying the nature of the emergency and why the items or services could not have been furnished by an individual or entity eligible to furnish or order such items or services. No claim for emergency items or services will be payable if such items or services were provided by an excluded provider who, through an employment, contractual, or any other arrangement, routinely provides emergency health care items or services. Credible allegation of fraud 42 CFR 455.23 requires State Medicaid Agency to suspend all Medicaid payments to a provider after the Agency determines there is a credible allegation of fraud for which an investigation is pending under the Medicaid program against an individual or entity unless the agency has good cause not to suspend payments or suspend payment only in part. The rules governing payment suspensions based upon pending investigations of credible allegations of fraud apply to Medicaid managed care entities. WVFH is required to cooperate with BMS when payment suspensions are imposed for the Medicaid provider by BMS. Upon receipt of the BMS notice for payment suspension, WVFH will be required to suspend payments to the provider within one (1) business day. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 3|P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 CLAIMS SUBMISSION Electronic claim submission encouraged WVFH encourages providers to utilize electronic claim billing (see the Electronic Claims Submission section in this unit). When electronic claims submission is not possible, please see the claim filing requirements in the Billing section of this unit. Mail paper copies to the following address: West Virginia Family Health Claims Department P.O. Box 830499 Birmingham, AL 35283 Telephone: 1-855-412-8002 General information Claim submission procedures for WVFH are as follows: • All drug-specific claim information reported to WVFH using the 837P format and the 837 I format MUST be reported with a HCPCS code, such as a J-Code, and an NDC code. Claims submitted without both the appropriate HCPCS Code and NDC will be rejected by Emdeon. • Submit claims for all services provided. • Payment for CPT and HCPCS codes are covered to the extent that they are recognized by Medicaid or allowed per medical review determination by WVFH. Correct coding (procedure, diagnosis, HCPCS) must be submitted for each service rendered. WVFH utilizes CMS place of service codes to process claims, and they are the only place of service codes that are accepted. • WVFH does accept bills through electronic data interchange (EDI) and encourages facilities and providers to submit claims via this format. • Correct/current practitioner information, including WVFH Provider ID Number, must be entered on all claims. The format is 7 digits. • Correct/current member information, including WVFH Member ID Number, must be entered on all claims. The format is 8 digits. • Please allow four to six weeks for a remittance advice. It is the practitioner’s responsibility to research the status of a claim. • Timely filing criteria for initial bills are 12 months from the date of service or payment by the primary carrier. Corrected claims or requests for review are considered if information is received within the 180 day follow-up period from the date on the remittance advice. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 4|P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 CLAIMS SUBMISSION, Continued General information (continued) • WVFH is the payer of last resort when any commercial or Medicare plan covers the member. WVFH is obligated to process claims involving auto insurance or casualty services as the primary payer if bills do not include a notation or payment by any insurance that is not a commercial or Medicare plan and WVFH will pursue recovery from the other carrier. Claims must be submitted within WVFH’s timely filing guidelines. • Any reimbursement or coding changes made by BMS to its current inpatient and outpatient fee schedules shall be implemented by WVFH the month BMS notifies WVFH of such change. There will be no adjustments made to previously processed claims due to any retroactive change implemented by BMS. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 5|P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 TIMELY FILING Policy Practitioners must submit a complete original industry standard claim form within 365 calendar days after the date of service or the date a primary payer paid or denied the claim. Paper claims If you bill on paper, WVFH will only accept paper claims on a 1500 Form or a UB-04 Form (or their replacements). No other billing forms will be accepted. Paper claims that are not received on original forms with red ink may delay final processing as original forms are required for every claim submission. EPSDT and primary care services All EPSDT claims and primary care services should be submitted within 60 calendar days from the date of service to permit accurate member outreach. Claim inquiries Any claim that has been submitted to WVFH but does not appear on a remittance advice within sixty (60) days following submission should be researched by the practitioner. Call the WVFH Provider Services Department at 1-855-412-8002 to inquire whether the claim was received and/or processed. Exceptions to timely filing Exceptions to timely filing criteria are evaluated upon receipt of documentation supporting the request for the exception. Upon approval, exceptions are granted on a one-time basis, and the claim system is noted accordingly. WVFH secondary Practitioners must bill within 12 months from the date of an EOB from the primary carrier when WVFH is secondary. An original bill along with a copy of the EOB is required to process the claim. Requests for reviews/corrections of processed claims must be submitted within 180 days from the date of the corresponding remittance advice. All claims submitted after the 12-month period for initial claims or after the 180 day follow-up period from the date on the remittance will be denied. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 6|P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 PROMPT PAY Definitions A claim is defined as a bill for services, a line item of service, or all services for one recipient within a bill. A clean claim is defined as one that can be processed without obtaining additional information from the provider of the service or from a third party. It does not include a claim from a provider who is under investigation for fraud or abuse, or a claim under review for medical necessity. Payment time frames WVFH agrees to make timely claims payments to both its contracted and non-contracted providers. WVFH shall pay all in-network provider Clean Claims from subcontractors, which shall include Provider, for Covered Services within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt, except to the extent subcontractors or Provider have agreed to later payment in writing. WVFH shall pay all electronic out-of-network clean claims within 30 days and all paper out-of-network clean claims within 40 days from the date of receipt, except to the extent the provider has agreed to later payment in writing. WVFH agrees to specify the date of receipt as the date WVFH receives the claim, as indicated by its date stamp on the claim, and date of payment as the date of the check release or other form of payment release to the provider. WVFH pays in-network providers interest at 7% per annum, calculated daily for the full period in which the clean claim remains unpaid beyond the 30-day clean claims payment deadline. Interest owed to the provider must be paid on the same date as the claim. MCO shall pay all other claims, except those from providers under investigation for fraud and abuse, within twelve (12) months of the date of receipt. BMS Reimbursement Hold Harmless The Bureau of Medical Services (BMS) is not liable or responsible for payment of covered services rendered to Members pursuant to provider agreement. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 7|P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 ELECTRONIC CLAIMS SUBMISSION Overview WVFH can accept claims electronically through Emdeon or RelayHealth. WVFH encourages practitioners to take advantage of our electronic claims processing capabilities. Submitting claims electronically offers the following benefits: • Faster Claims Submission and Processing • Reduced Paperwork • Increased Claims Accuracy • Time and Cost Savings Payer IDs For submission of professional or institutional electronic claims for WVFH, please refer to the following grid for Emdeon Payer IDs and RelayHealth CPIDs (Clearinghouse Process ID): Requirements for submitting claims through Emdeon and RelayHealth CPID PAYER NAME PAYER ID CLAIM TYPE 45276 45276 West Virginia Family Health (WVFH) West Virginia Family Health (WVFH) 45276 45276 Professional Institutional To submit claims to WVFH please note the Payer ID Number is 45276. WVFH has a health plan specific edit through Emdeon and RelayHealth for electronic claims that differ from the standard electronic submission format criteria. The edit requires a WVFH assigned 8-digit member identification number, the member number field allows 8 or 11 digits to be entered. For practitioners who do not know the member’s WVFH identification number, it is acceptable to submit the member’s Medicaid Recipient Number on electronic claims. In addition to edits that may be received from Emdeon and RelayHealth, WVFH has a second level of edits that apply to procedure codes and diagnosis codes. Claims can be successfully transmitted to Emdeon and RelayHealth, but if the codes are not currently valid they will be rejected by WVFH. Practitioners must be diligent in reviewing all acceptance/rejection reports to identify claims that may not have successfully been accepted by Emdeon, RelayHealth, and WVFH. Edits applied when claims are received by WVFH will appear on an EDI Report within the initial acceptance report or Claims Acknowledgment Report. A claim can be rejected if it does not include an NPI and current procedure and diagnosis codes. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 8|P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 ELECTRONIC CLAIMS SUBMISSION, Continued Requirements for submitting claims through Emdeon and RelayHealth (continued) To assure that claims have been accepted via EDI, practitioners should receive and review the following reports on a daily basis: • Emdeon -- Provider Daily Statistics (RO22) • Emdeon -- Daily Acceptance Report by Provider (RO26) • Emdeon -- Unprocessed Claim Report (RO59) • RelayHealth – Claims Acknowledgment Report (CPI 651.01) • RelayHealth – Exclusion Report (CPI 652.01) • RelayHealth – Claims Status Report (CPA 425.02) If you are not submitting claims electronically, please contact your EDI vendor for information on how you can submit claims electronically. You may also call Emdeon directly at 1-877-469-3263 or RelayHealth at 1-800-545-2488. WVFH will accept electronic claims for services that would be submitted on a standard 1500 Form (02/12) or a UB-04 Form, or other successor form. However, the following cannot be submitted as attachments along with electronic claims at this time: • Claims with EOBs • Services billed by report • The PCP Referral Form (paper version) HIPAA 5010 and ICD-10 strategy and timeline The 5010 version of the HIPAA electronic transactions is required in order to support the transfer of ICD-10 diagnosis code and ICD-10 procedure code data on claims and remittances. Effective January 1, 2012, only version 5010 transactions will be accepted. The billing provider address submitted on claims must be a physical address. Claims submitted via Emdeon or RelayHealth will be rejected if a P.O. Box number is submitted as the billing address. In order to prevent claims from being rejected, please be sure to submit a physical address as the billing address. October 1, 2015 -- Compliance date for implementation of ICD-10-CM (diagnoses) and ICD-10-PCS (procedures): • ICD-9-CM codes will not be accepted for services provided on or after October 1, 2015 • ICD-10 codes will not be accepted for services prior to October 1, 2015 • Providers must begin using the ICD-10-CM codes to report diagnoses from all ambulatory and physician services on all paper and electronic claims with dates of service on or after October 1, 2015, and for all diagnoses on Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 9|P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 ELECTRONIC CLAIMS SUBMISSION, Continued HIPAA 5010 and ICD-10 strategy and timeline (continued) all paper and electronic claims for inpatient settings with dates of discharge that occur on or after October 1, 2015. • Additionally, hospitals must begin using the ICD-10-PCS (procedure codes) for all hospital claims for inpatient procedures on paper and electronic claims with dates of discharge that occur on or after October 1, 2015. For more information on this topic, please see Chapter 5, Unit 2: Claims Submission and Billing Information of the Highmark Blue Shield Office Manual. The Highmark Blue Shield Office Manual for professional providers is available on the Highmark West Virginia Provider Resource Center under Administrative Reference Materials. The Provider Resource Center is accessible from the Highmark West Virginia website at https://www.highmarkbcbswv.com/home/ -select the Provider Resource Center link under HELPFUL LINKS. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 10 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 ELECTRONIC REMITTANCE ADVICE (ERA) ERA overview Providers may receive electronic claims remittance advice (ERA). WVFH uses Emdeon to transfer the 835 Version 5010A Healthcare Claim Remittance Advice to claim submitters. Rules for format, content, and field values can be found in the Implementation Guides available on the Washington Publishing Company’s website at www.wpc-edi.com. Due to the evolving nature of HIPAA regulations, these documents are subject to change. Substantial effort has been taken to minimize conflicts or errors. There is a distinct data variation between the paper WVFH Claims Remittance Advice and the 835 Transaction. The difference occurs in the code sets that tell claim submitters the results of each claim’s adjudication. Few WVFH and HIPAA Adjustment Reason Codes have solid, unambiguous matches at the same level of detail. A crosswalk has been created in attempt to ease the code set transition and can be located on WVFH’s website at www.wvfh.com. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 11 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 CLAIMS REVIEW Claims review process WVFH will review any claim that a practitioner feels was denied or paid incorrectly. The request may be conveyed in writing or verbally through WVFH’s Provider Services Department if the inquiry relates to an administrative issue. Please forward all the appropriate documentation, i.e. the actual claim, medical records, and notations regarding telephone conversations, in order to expedite the review process. Initial claims that are not received within the 12 month timely filing limit will not qualify for review. All follow-up review requests must be received within 180 calendar days of the initial remittance advice. WVFH cannot accept verbal requests to retract claim(s) overpayments. Providers may complete and submit a Refund Form, which is also located in this manual’s Appendix, or write a letter that contains all of the information requested on the Refund Form along with your check to: West Virginia Family Health Attention: Provider Correspondence P.O. Box 22278 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Administrative claims review Claims that need to be reviewed based upon administrative, policy, or processing issues can be discussed with a Provider Services Representative via a phone call to WVFH at 1-855-412-8002 or forward all of the appropriate documentation via mail, i.e. the claim, medical record, referral form, and notations regarding telephone conversations to: West Virginia Family Health Attention: Claims Review Department P.O. Box 22278 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 For inquiries received in the mail, Claims Review Representatives evaluate whether the documentation attached to the claim is sufficient to allow it to be reconsidered. Inquiries received in the mail that qualify for adjustments will be reprocessed, and claim information will appear on subsequent remittance advices. Claims that do not qualify for reconsideration will be responded to via a letter. All review requests must be received within 180 days of the initial remittance advice. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 12 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 CLAIMS REVIEW, Continued Medical claims review Claims rejected for services that did not have medical records attached or the appropriate referrals or authorizations are subject to a Medical Management Review. All claim records should be sent to WVFH. When submitting a written request for a claim review, please provide: • A copy of the WVFH Remittance Advice • The member’s name and WVFH Identification Number • The reason the review is requested and include as much supporting documentation as possible to allow for a complete and comprehensive review • Date(s) of service in question • A copy of the medical record for the service(s) in question (if applicable) In the event that the claim cannot be reprocessed administratively, a medical necessity review is undertaken. The records will be reviewed by a medical review nurse. If the medical review nurse cannot approve the services, a WVFH Medical Director makes the final decision to approve or deny the claim. A final decision is made within 30 days from receipt of the inquiry. If the Medical Director does not approve the services, a denial letter is sent to the practitioner. If the practitioner is not satisfied with the results of the medical necessity review, a First Level Appeal can be requested. Claims inquiries for administrative/medical review should be mailed to: West Virginia Family Health Attention: Claims Review Department P.O. Box 22278 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 13 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 COORDINATION OF BENEFITS Coordination of benefits policy Some WVFH recipients have other insurance coverage. WVFH, like the Medicaid Program, is the payer of last resort on claims for services provided to members with other insurance coverage. WVFH may not delay or deny payment of claims unless the probable existence of third party liability is established at the time the claim is submitted. WVFH will process and pay EPSDT visits as primary even when our records indicate WVFH is secondary and a primary plan exists if an explanation of benefits (EOB) is not attached. If an EOB is attached to the EPSDT or prenatal claim, coordination of benefits will be applied. We will continue to coordinate benefits and require the primary EOB when submitting the delivery claim. Billing process when WVFH is the secondary payer In order to receive payment for services provided to members with other insurance coverage, the practitioner must first bill the member’s primary insurance carrier using the standard procedures required by the carrier. Upon receipt of the primary insurance carrier’s EOB, the practitioner should submit a claim to WVFH. The practitioner must: 1. Follow all WVFH referral and authorization procedures. 2. File all claims within timely filing limits as required by the primary insurance carrier. 3. Submit a copy of the primary carrier’s EOB with the claim to WVFH within 365 days of the date of the primary carrier’s EOB. 4. Be aware that secondary coverage for covered fee-for-service items is provided according to a benefit-less-benefit calculation. 5. The amount billed to WVFH must match the amount billed to the primary carrier. WVFH will coordinate benefits; the provider should not attempt to do this prior to submitting claims. When a claim is submitted by a practitioner without an EOB from the auto insurance or a casualty plan, and the original bill does not include any notation of a primary payer payment, WVFH must take a primary position on the claim and not deny to the extent that plan criteria was followed. The practitioner has the option of submitting an original claim; however, it must be submitted within 12 months. These claims will be denied for timely filing if they are not received within 12 months of service. The 12-month rule for Third Party Liability DOES apply to auto and casualty when the practitioner attaches either an EOB or auto casualty exhaustion letter. If the practitioner submits the claim with the EOB, WVFH will coordinate benefits. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 14 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 COORDINATION OF BENEFITS, Continued Conflict in primary coverage status If a member indicates they no longer have primary coverage, but the State System contains information indicating other medical coverage is still active, the member should contact his or her caseworker to have the State System updated. If this is not possible, the practitioner may contact the primary carrier and request written verification of the coverage. When WVFH receives a letter from the primary carrier indicating that the member no longer has coverage, WVFH will use the letter to investigate the situation and verify if the coverage is cancelled and if there is a new plan covering the member. If WVFH’s investigation confirms that the member no longer has primary coverage, WVFH will submit an electronic request to the State to update the system. WVFH will update our system immediately and reprocess claims finalized within the 180 day period prior to the date of the onset of the investigation. Specialty/ fee-for-service providers If a member has other coverage, the other carrier is always the primary insurer. The specialist will bill the other insurer and the other insurer will issue payment with an EOB, which outlines the payment made for each procedure. The specialist will then submit a copy of the EOB with a copy of the claim to WVFH for secondary coverage. The claim must be received by WVFH within 12 months of the date of the EOB. If required, all WVFH authorization and referral requirements must be met in order for payment to be issued. If the member has commercial insurance, and the commercial carrier’s payment is greater than WVFH’s payment if WVFH were primary, then the following reimbursement example would apply. The primary carrier amount is the basis for the benefit determination of WVFH’s liability when the practitioner is a Network practitioner with the primary plan. The primary carrier allowable paid amount is used as the basis for the benefit determination of WVFH’s liability when there is a patient responsibility remaining after the primary carrier has processed the claim. Example of practitioner participating with Primary Plan: Practitioner Charges Primary Carrier Allowable Primary Payment (80% of Allowable) WVFH Allowable if Primary WVFH compares the Primary Carrier Payment to the WVFH Allowable WVFH does not issue payment $1,500 $1,000 $800 $600 $800 vs. $600 $0 Example of patient responsibility remaining after Primary plan payment: Practitioner Charges Primary Care Allowable Primary Payment (80% of Allowable) Patient Responsibility Under Primary Plan WVFH Allowable if Primary WVFH compares the Primary Carrier Payment to the WVFH Allowable WVFH Issues Payment $1,500 $1,000 $800 $200 $850 $800vs. $850 $50 Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 15 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 COORDINATION OF BENEFITS, Continued Medicare Often, a WVFH member’s other insurance carrier is Medicare Fee-for-Service. When Medicare is the other insurance, the following processing criteria applies: • Referrals and authorizations are not required for services covered by Medicare. Once Medicare benefits have been exhausted, or if a service is not covered by Medicare WVFH referral and authorization criteria will apply. • For Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B services, coverage is provided according to a benefits-less-benefits calculation. WVFH determines the amount that would normally be paid under the plan using the allowable amount from the Medicare Plan as the billed amount. If the amount WVFH would pay is more than the amount Medicare pays, then WVFH may pay the difference up to the maximum allowable, contingent on the benefit less benefit calculation. If the amount WVFH would pay is equal to or less than the amount Medicare pays, WVFH does not issue any additional payment. For Medicare services that are not covered by Medicaid or WVFH, WVFH must pay cost sharing to the extent that the payment made under Medicare for the service and the payment made by WVFH does not exceed eighty percent (80%) of the Medicare approved amount. Example A Example B Practitioner’s Charges Deductible is satisfied Medicare Allowable Medicare Payment (80% of Allowable) WVFH Allowable if Primary WVFH compares the Medicare Payment to the WVFH Allowable WVFH does not issue payment $1,500 -0$1,000 $800 $600 $800 vs. $600 -0- Practitioner’s Charges Deductible is satisfied Medicare Allowable Medicare Payment (80% of Allowable) WVFH Allowable if Primary WVFH compares the Medicare Payment to the WVFH Allowable WVFH Issues Payment for the Difference $1,500 -0$1,000 $800 $850 $800 vs. $850 $50 Example C Practitioner’s Charges Medicare Allowable Medicare applies $50 to Satisfy the Deductible Medicare Payment (80% of Allowable) Remaining after Deductible is Met WVFH Allowable if Primary WVFH compares the Medicare Payment to the WVFH Allowable WVFH Issues Payment for the Difference $1,500 $1,000 $50 $760 $850 $760 vs. $850 $90 Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 16 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 COORDINATION OF BENEFITS, Continued Nursing care WVFH coordinates benefits with a commercial plan using a benefits-less-benefits approach for limited nursing care services and for expanded services. However, for these specific services only, the total amount billed to the primary plan will be the basis for the benefit determination of WVFH’s liability. Example A Nursing Charges Primary Carrier Allowance Primary Carrier Payment WVFH Allowable If Primary WVFH compares the Primary Carrier Payment to the WVFH Allowable WVFH Issues Payment $1,000 $600 $500 $800 $500 vs. $800 $300 WVFH’s normal claims processing procedures for Enrollees with other primary insurance require that a primary carrier Explanation of Benefits (EOB) be submitted for each date of service. Subrogation According to WVFH’s agreement with BMS, if a member is injured or becomes ill through the act of a third party, medical expenses may be covered by casualty insurance liability insurance or litigation. Any correspondence or inquiry forwarded to WVFH by an attorney, practitioner of service, insurance carrier, etc. relating to a personal injury accident or trauma-related medical service, or which in any way indicates that there is, or may be, legal involvement, will be handled by WVFH’s Legal Department. Claims submitted by a provider and without an EOB statement from auto insurance or casualty plans without any notation on the original bill of the primary payer, will be processed by WVFH similar to any other claims. WVFH may neither unreasonably delay payment nor deny payment of claims because they are involved in injury stemming from an accident, such as a motor vehicle accident, where the services are otherwise covered. Timely filing criteria of twelve (12) months applies, and original claims must be received timely to be eligible for payment. EOBs or auto/workers compensation/casualty exhaustion letters qualify for consideration if they are received within twelve (12) months of the date of the EOB/letter along with submission of the initial bill in order for WVFH to coordinate benefits. All requests from legal representatives, and/or insurers for information concerning copies of patient bills or medical records must be submitted to WVFH’s Legal Department. A cover letter identifying the date and description of the injury, Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 17 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 COORDINATION OF BENEFITS, Continued Subrogation (continued) requested dates of services for billing statements, and release of information signed by the member should be forwarded to the following address: West Virginia Family Health Attention: Legal/Regulatory Affairs P.O. Box 1948 Parkersburg, WV 26102-1948 WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 18 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 PRIMARY CARE SERVICES PCP reporting PCPs are required to report all the services they provide for WVFH members to WVFH. To facilitate reporting, WVFH will accept encounter information on the industry standard claim forms or the claim can be submitted via EDI. Charges for encounters/visits should be submitted within sixty (60) days from the date of service but will be accepted up to 12 months from the date of service. The encounter information will be reported back to the PCP on a remittance advice. Practitioners are required to report all services provided to WVFH members with primary insurance coverage by submitting a claim with a copy of the explanation of benefits regardless of whether or not additional payment is expected. Members seeking care, regardless of primary insurer, are required to contact their PCP and use Network practitioners or obtain appropriate authorization for practitioners outside of the network. Vaccines for Children (VFC) All Medicaid eligible recipients under 19 years of age are eligible for Vaccines For Children (VFC) vaccines. Providers should follow the CDC’s recommendations about implementing a two-directional borrowing policy when vaccine supplies are depleted. For this policy, providers purchase an initial inventory of appropriate private stock vaccines, and if the private stock vaccine is not used and is nearing the expiration date, the clinic can use the private stock on VFC-eligible children and document on the borrowing form that private stock vaccine was administered to a VFCeligible child because the private stock was short-dated. The clinic can then replace the used private stock with VFC vaccine and document when that private stock was replaced. Billing for fluoride varnish applications WVFH will reimburse those PCPs properly certified for the application of topical fluoride varnish on a fee-for-service basis. To receive payment for this service, the provider must complete training through West Virginia University School of Dentistry. The Bureau of Medical Services (BMS) allows coverage of two fluoride varnish applications per year (one every six months). The first application must be provided and billed in conjunction with a comprehensive well-child exam as reported under the CPT codes listed in the table below. The second fluoride varnish application can be reimbursed during the 12-month subsequent period, Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 19 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 PRIMARY CARE SERVICES, Continued Billing for fluoride varnish applications and may be billed in conjunction with the HCPCS code outlined in the table below. CODE DESCRIPTION 99381-99382 99391-99392 Comprehensive well-child exam codes for children less than 1 year and up to age 4 (note FV coverage under this program is only through age 3) Topical fluoride varnish; therapeutic application for moderate to high caries risk patients. D1206 D0145 Oral Evaluation for patient under three years of age and counseling with primary caregiver. COMMENTS Oral evaluation and counseling are components of comprehensive well – child exams Covered 2 times per year for children up to age 3; 1st application must be billed in conjunction with one of the comprehensive well child exam codes listed above Covered once per year in conjunction with 2nd fluoride varnish application; cannot be covered when comprehensive well-child exam is billed on the same day and at least 180 days after billing for the comprehensive well child-exam In order to bill (D1206) and receive reimbursement PCPs must submit a copy of the training certificate to: West Virginia Family Health – Provider Correspondence Attention: Training Certification P.O. Box 22190 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 At the top of the certificate, please include your Medicaid provider identification number and/or WVFH Provider Number. PCPs will not be reimbursed for providing the topical fluoride varnish before we have a copy of the training certificate on file. Your practice will receive written notification confirming receipt of your certificate and provide a date when you may begin billing. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 20 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 CLAIM CODING SOFTWARE Verifying clinical accuracy WVFH uses a fully automated coding review product that programmatically evaluates claim payments to verify the clinical accuracy of professional claims in accordance with clinical editing criteria. This coding program contains complete sets of rules that correspond to CPT-4, HCPCS, ICD-9, AMA, and CMS guidelines (or successor forms and guidelines) as well as industry standards, medical policy, and literature and academic affiliations. The program used at WVFH is designed to assure data integrity for ongoing data analysis and reviews procedures across dates of service and across providers at the claim, practitioner, and practitioner-specialty level. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 21 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 BILLING Clean claim requirements A “clean claim” as used in this section means a claim for payment for a health care service that has no defect or impropriety. A defect or impropriety shall include lack of required substantiating documentation or a particular circumstance requiring special treatment that prevents timely payment from being made on the claim. A claim from a health care provider who is under investigation for fraud or abuse regarding that claim will not be considered a “clean claim.” In addition, a claim shall be considered clean if the appropriate corresponding referral has been submitted or the appropriate authorization has been obtained in compliance with WVFH’s Provider Manual and the following elements of information are furnished on a standard UB-04 or 1500 form (or their replacements with CMS designations, as applicable) or an acceptable electronic format through a WVFH-contracted clearinghouse: 1. Patient name; 2. Patient medical plan identifier; 3. Date of service for each covered service; 4. Description of covered services rendered using valid coding and abbreviated description; 5. ICD-9 surgical diagnosis code (as applicable) (or its replacement); 6. Name of practitioner/provider and plan identifier; 7. Provider tax identification number; 8. Valid CMS place of service code; 9. Billed charge amount for each covered service; 10. Primary carrier EOB when patient has other insurance; 11. All applicable ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes—inpatient claims include diagnoses at the time of discharge or in the case of emergency room claims, the presenting ICD-9-CM diagnosis code (or any replacements); 12. DRG code for inpatient hospital claims. Completion of claim forms WVFH processes medical expenses upon receipt of a correctly completed CMS form or correctly completed UB-04. Sample copies of a UB-04 and a 1500 form can be found at the end of this unit. A description of each of the required fields for each form is identified later in this unit. Paper claim forms must be submitted on original forms printed with red ink. A claim without valid, legible information in all mandatory categories is subject to rejection/denial. To assure reimbursement to the correct payee, the WVFH practitioner number must be included on every claim. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 22 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 BILLING, Continued Completion of claim forms (continued) To comply with encounter data reporting, PCPs and specialty care practitioners must submit claims under the individual practitioner identification number rather than the practice or group identification number. Any claim billed on a CMS form must include the individual practitioner identification number (box 31 on the 1500 Form). Please note that it is extremely important to promptly notify WVFH of any change that involves adding practitioners to any group practice, as failure to do so may result in a denial of service. WVFH will process claims utilizing individual practitioner numbers even if the individual practitioner number is not included on the claim. The only exception to the individual practitioner number requirement applies to UB charges for practitioner services when a remittance advice is issued to a hospital facility. WVFH recommends that practitioners submit the appropriate copy of the Referral Form (if the telephonic DIVA paperless system is not used) with their claim in order to facilitate proper reimbursement. All claims must have complete and accurate ICD-9-CM (or its replacement) diagnosis codes for claims consideration. If the diagnosis code requires, but does not include the fourth or fifth digit classification, the claim will be denied. Any person who knowingly files a statement of claim containing any misrepresentation or any false, incomplete or misleading information may be guilty of a criminal act punishable under law and may be subject to civil penalties. By signing a claim for services, the practitioner certifies that the services shown on the claim were medically indicated and necessary for the health of the patient and were personally furnished by the practitioner or an employee under the practitioner’s direction. The practitioner certifies that the information contained in the claim is true, accurate, and complete. Claims filing address Questions? WVFH’s claim office address is: West Virginia Family Health Claims Processing Department P.O. Box 830499 Birmingham, AL 35283 Any questions concerning billing procedures or claim payments can be directed to WVFH’s Provider Services Department at 1-855-412-8002. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 23 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 EARLY AND PERIODIC SCREENING, DIAGNOSTIC, AND TREATMENT (EPSDT) SERVICES EPSDT claim submission time frame All Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) screening services, including vaccine administration fees, should be submitted to WVFH on an industry standard claim form or via EDI within sixty (60) days from the date of service to permit timely member outreach. Claims will be accepted up to 365 days following the date of service, but will result in member and provider outreach for missing EPSDT screens until the claim is submitted. FQHC/RHC billing Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs)/Rural Health Centers (RHCs) Claims for services rendered to Medicaid members must be filed by the RHC/FQHC on the UB04 claim form or the ASC X12N 837 (005010X096A1) electronic claim format (or successor forms and formats). The encounter code is T1015, billed with Revenue Code 52X for a medical visit. The RHC/FQHC claim must list actual CPT/HCPCS procedure codes and appropriate revenue codes to identify the services included in the encounter. Each procedure code must have the –EP modifier. The facility may bill the actual charge or indicate a charge of zero for those individual services, but must bill the total charge for the encounter. 1500 paper format requirements All EPSDT screening services must be reported with the age-appropriate evaluation and management code (99381-99385, 99391-99395, 99431 and 99435) along with the EP modifier and ICD9 (or its replacement) codes V20 – V202, V70, or V703 to V709. The EP modifier must follow the evaluation and management code in the first line of Block 24D on the claim form. Use CPT Modifier (52 or 90) plus CPT code when applicable. • Diagnosis codes V20.0, V20.1 or V20.2 must be noted in Box 21 and should be used except when billing for newborns in an inpatient setting (POS 21). V30.00 is primary with V20.0, V20.1 or V20.2 as secondary. • Report visit code “03” in box 24(h) of the1500 form (or its replacement) when providing EPSDT screening service. When a referral is made for follow up on a defect, physical or mental illness or a condition identified through an EPSDT screening, referral code indicator “Y” must be listed in box 24H of the 1500 form (or its replacement). Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 24 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 EARLY AND PERIODIC SCREENING, DIAGNOSTIC, AND TREATMENT (EPSDT) SERVICES, Continued 1500 EDI format requirements All EPSDT screening services must be reported with the age-appropriate evaluation and management code (99381-99385, 99391-99395, 99431 and 99435) along with the EP modifier. The EP modifier must follow the evaluation and management code in the first position on the claim form. Use CPT Modifier (52 or 90) plus CPT code when applicable. Populate the SV111 of the 2400 loop with a “yes” for an EPSDT claim (this is a mandatory federal requirement). Populate the Data Element CLM12 in the 2300 Claim Information Loop with “01” (meaning EPSDT). WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 25 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 OBSTETRICAL CARE SERVICES Intake visit and PRSI The first visit with an obstetrical patient is considered the intake visit, or if a patient becomes a WVFH member during the course of her pregnancy, her first visit as a WVFH member is considered to be her intake visit. At the intake visit, a West Virginia Prenatal Risk Screening Instrument (PRSI) form must be completed. A copy of the PRSI must be faxed to WVFH’s Maternity Case Management Department within 2-5 business days of the intake visit and at least 30 days prior to delivery. The PRSI Form is not a claim; however, the PRSI Form must be received by WVFH in order to process the claim for the intake visit. The initial prenatal visit MUST be rendered within the first trimester and the WV PRSI Form must be completed during the visit and faxed to WVFH’s Maternity Care Management department at 1-855-430-9847 within 2-5 business days of the visit. Billing visits and delivery Obstetric practitioners are reimbursed on a per visit basis. All visits and dates of service must be included on the claim form and identified with appropriate maternity codes for appropriate reimbursement. Delivery charges are to be coded with CPT Codes. The date billed for a Delivery Code, in CPT code format, must be the actual date of service. Submit claims on an industry standard form within twelve (12) months to receive payment for the visit. Newborn charges All charges for newborns that become enrolled in the plan are processed under the newborn name and newborn’s WVFH identification number. For prompt payment, please submit claims with the newborn patient information or the claim will be pended for manual research. Inpatient hospital bills for newborns should be submitted separately from the mom’s confinement. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 26 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 HOSPITAL SERVICES Overview Hospital claims are submitted to WVFH on a UB-04 Form. To assure that claims are processed for the correct member, the member’s eight-digit WVFH identification number must be used on all claims. Practitioners rendering services in an outpatient hospital clinic should include their individual provider number on the claim when submitting on a UB-04 or a 1500 Form, or successor form. To aid in the recording of payment, patient account numbers recorded on the claim form by the practitioner are indicated in the Patient ID field on the WVFH remittance advice. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 27 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 UB-04 DATA ELEMENTS FOR CLAIMS SUBMISSION UB-04 DATA ELEMENTS FOR SUBMISSION OF CLAIMS FOR PAPER CLAIMS Note: EDI Requirements Must be Followed for Electronic Claims Submission `` Field Description Requirements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24-30 31 32-35 36 37 38 Practitioner Name, Address, Phone Number Unlabeled Field Patient Control Number Type of Bill Federal Tax Number Statement Covers Period Covered Days Non-covered Days Coinsurance Days Lifetime Reserve Days Unlabeled Field Patient Name Patient Address Patient Birth Date Patient Sex Patient Marital Status Admission/Start of Care Date Admission Hour Admission Type Source or Admission Discharge Hour Patient Status Medical Record Number Condition Codes Unlabeled Field Occurrence Codes and Dates Occurrence Span Codes and Dates Internal Control Number Responsible Party Name and Address 39-41 Value Codes and Amounts 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Revenue Codes Descriptions HCPCS/Rates Service Dates Service Units Total Charges Non-covered Charges Required Not Required Required Required Required Required Required, If Inpatient Required, If Inpatient Required, if inpatient Not Required Not Required Required Required Required Required Not Required Required, If Inpatient Required, If Inpatient Required, If Inpatient Required, if inpatient Required Required Not Required Minimum of One Required, If Applicable Not Required Minimum of One Required, If Applicable Minimum of One Required, If Applicable Not Required Not Required Required for DRG Reimbursement, Value Code Record Type 41 must be entered as ZZ and DRG Code must be entered in Value Amount Field Required Required Required, If Outpatient Required, If Outpatient Required Required Required, If Applicable Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 28 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 UB-04 DATA ELEMENTS FOR CLAIMS SUBMISSION, Continued Field Description Requirements 49 50 Unlabeled Field Payer Identification 51 Practitioner Number 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Release of Information Certification Indicator Assignment of Benefits Prior Payments Estimated Amount Due Unlabeled Field Unlabeled Field Insured’s Name Patient Relationship to Insured 60 Certificate-Social Security Number-Health Insurance Claim-Identification Number 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68-75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Group Name Insurance Group Number Treatment Authorization Code Employment Status Codes Employer Name Employer Location Principal Diagnosis Code Other Diagnosis Codes Admitting Diagnosis Code E Code Unlabeled Field Procedure Code Method Used Principal Procedure Code and Date Other Procedure Codes and Date WVFH Individual Provider ID Number Other Practitioner Identification Remarks Provider Representative Date Not Required Required WVFH Practitioner Identification Number Required Not Required Not Required Required, If Applicable Not Required Not Required Not Required Required Not Required WVFH Enrollee Identification Number Required (11-digit MA Recipient Number acceptable for electronic claims) Required Not Required Required, If Applicable Not Required Not Required Not Required Required Required, If Applicable Required, If Applicable Not Required Not Required Not Required Required, if inpatient only Required, if inpatient only Required Required Not Required Required Required WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 29 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 SAMPLE UB-04 CLAIM FORM WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 30 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 1500 DATA ELEMENTS FOR CLAIMS SUBMISSION 1500 DATA ELEMENTS FOR SUBMISSION OF CLAIMS FOR PAPER CLAIMS Note: EDI Requirements Must be Followed for Electronic Claims Submission Field # Description Requirements 1 Insurance Type 1a Insured Identification Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9a 9b 9c 9d Patient’s Name Patient’s Birth Date Insured’s Name Patient’s Address Patient Relationship to Insured Insured’s Address Patient Status Other Insured’s Name Other Insured’s Policy or Group Number Other Insured’s Date of Birth, Sex Employer’s Name or School Name Insurance Plan Name or Program Name Is Patient Condition Related to: a. Employment Auto accident b. Other accident Required WVFH Member Identification Number Required (10-digit MA Recipient Number acceptable for Electronic Claims) Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required, If Applicable Required, If Applicable Required, If Applicable Required, If Applicable Required, If Applicable 10 10d Reserved for Local Use 11 11a 11b 11c 11d 12 13 14 Insured’s Policy Group or FECA Number Insured’s Date of Birth, Sex Employer’s Name or School Name Insurance Plan Name or Program Name Is There Another Health Benefit Plan? Patient or Authorized Person’s Signature Insured’s or Authorized Person’s Signature Date of Current: Illness OR Injury OR Pregnancy If Patient has had Same or Similar Illness, Give First Date Dates Patient Unable to Work in Current Occupation Name of Referring Practitioner or Other Source Identification Number of Referring Practitioner Hospitalization Dates Related to Current Services Reserved for Local Use Outside Lab Diagnosis or Nature of Illness or Injury Medical Resubmission Code Prior Authorization Number 15 16 17 17a 18 19 20 21 22 23 Required, If Applicable Not Required (see instructions for EPSDT claims instructions) Required Required, If Applicable Required, If Applicable Required, If Applicable Required, If Applicable Required Required Required, If Applicable Not Required Required, If Applicable Required Not Required Required, If Applicable Not Required Not Required Required Not Required Not Required Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 31 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 1500 DATA ELEMENTS FOR CLAIMS SUBMISSION, Continued Field # Description Requirements 24a 24b 24c Required Required Not Required 24e 24f 24g Date(s) of Service Place of Service Type of Service Procedures, Services, or Supplies CPT/HCPCS/Modifier Diagnosis Code Charges Days or Units 24h EPSDT Family Plan 24i 24j 24k 25 EMG COB Reserved for Local Use Federal Tax Identification Number 26 Patient Account Number 27 28 29 30 Accept Assignment Total Charge Amount Paid Balance Due Signature of Practitioner or Supplier including degrees or credentials Name and Address of Facility Where Services were Rendered Practitioner’s, Supplier’s Billing Name, Address, Zip Code and Phone Number 24d 31 32 33 Required Required Required Required Not Required (see instructions for EPSDT claims submissions) Not Required Not Required for WVFH Primary Claims Not Required Required Not Required, but WVFH includes payment information when present to assist with reconciliation in provider records Not Required Required Not Required Not Required WVFH Individual Practitioner Name and Date Required Name and Address Required WVFH Vendor Name, Address, and Number Required WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 32 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.2 SAMPLE 1500 CLAIM FORM WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.2 33 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 CHAPTER 3: POLICIES AND PROCEDURES UNIT 3: REIMBURSEMENT IN THIS UNIT TOPIC Introduction Facility Providers Physicians and Other Providers Rate Changes Directed Payments to Certain Qualified Providers WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.3 SEE PAGE 2 3 5 7 8 1|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.3 INTRODUCTION Overview West Virginia Family Health (WVFH) will reimburse contracted network providers for covered services rendered to the West Virginia Medicaid population. Reimbursements to network providers for billed and covered claims will occur on a weekly basis via electronic funds transfer (EFT). This unit provides an overview of the various types of reimbursement methodologies utilized by the Bureau for Medical Services (BMS) and emulated by Highmark West Virginia. In some cases, the network agreement itself includes the detailed components of the pricing methodology as well as the actual payment rates. Questions regarding specific reimbursement methods or rates for WVFH network providers should be directed to the Office of Provider Contracting and Reimbursement of Highmark West Virginia. BMS Reimbursement Hold Harmless BMS is not liable or responsible for payment of covered services rendered to Members pursuant to provider agreement. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.3 2|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.3 FACILITY PROVIDERS Introduction The reimbursement methodologies for the various facility and organizational providers with which Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield West Virginia (“Highmark West Virginia”) contracts on behalf of the West Virginia Family Health (WVFH) are summarized below. Contracted hospital rates such as DRGs (Diagnosis-Related Groups), Per Diems, Case Rates, and Percent of Charge are based upon the current effective Bureau of Medical Services (BMS) method and rate with an additional five percent (5%) included. Hospital inpatient care services WVFH reimburses the current Bureau of Medical Services (BMS) effective rate of reimbursement for each inpatient discharged from an acute care hospital by the DRG classification system. The DRGs are updated annually based on BMS review and recalculation using adjustment/severity factors applicable to certain types of admissions. WVFH follows BMS reimbursement methodology by applying the special prospective payment rules to community hospitals. Psychiatric, rehabilitations, and rural primary care hospitals are reimbursed on a cost-related basis. The current effective BMS cost-related rate is increased by five percent (5%) and updated annually. If a member is confined to an inpatient care facility on the effective date for initial enrollment with WVFH coverage of inpatient facility charges (including charges at a transfer facility if the member is transferred during the stay or within the facility) will be the responsibility of BMS until the member is discharged. WVFH is responsible for all covered services provided on or after the effective date of WVFH enrollment including but not limited to emergency transportation, professional fees during the inpatient stay, and outpatient care. For a WVFH member receiving inpatient care at the time of disenrollment from WVFH, coverage of inpatient facility charges (including charges to a transfer facility if the member is transferred during the stay or within the facility) provided after the effective date of disenrollment will be the responsibility of WVFH until the member is discharged. Coverage of all other covered services (included by not limited to emergency transportation, professional fees during the inpatient stay and outpatient care) during the inpatient stay will be the responsibility of BMS as of the effective date of disenrollment from WVFH. WVFH is not responsible for the inpatient facility charges for a member who is no longer eligible for Medicaid coverage as of the first of the month following the loss of Medicaid coverage. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.3 3|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.3 FACILITY PROVIDERS, Continued Hospital outpatient services WVFH reimburses hospital outpatient services based on the current prevailing methodology utilized by BMS. • Emergency Room and Observation are reimbursed using the BMS Medicaid fee schedule. • Surgeries and recovery are reimbursed at the set BMS fee amount multiplied by the total unit of time. • Radiology, physical therapy, and occupational therapy services, as well as cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation, are reimbursed in the same manner as BMS reimbursement. • Critical Access Hospital services are reimbursed at the current effective BMS encounter rate as set by the Office of Audits or by fee for service. PROVIDER TYPE Acute • Inpatient • Outpatient Critical Access • Inpatient • Outpatient METHOD(S) OF PRICING DRG E/R, Recovery and Observation based on Fee Schedule x units, Radiology, PT and OCC Therapies based on BMS RBRVS Cost Based Per Diem O/P Encounter Rate set by Office of Audits or Fee for Service* Cost basis for other service types WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.3 4|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.3 PHYSICIANS AND OTHER PROVIDERS Overview Physicians and other providers are generally reimbursed at the prevailing Bureau of Medical Services (BMS) Resource Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS) fee schedule multiplied by the BMS conversion factor. Based on BMS treatment and reimbursement of professional providers, the following types of providers are reimbursed under the effective BMS RBRVS fee schedule: • Physicians (including doctors of medicine and osteopathy and Physician Assistants working under their supervision) • Limited licensed practitioners (including doctors of optometry, podiatry, dental surgery and dental medicine: oral and maxillofacial surgery, and chiropractors) • Independently practicing Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists for outpatient services only • Suppliers of the technical component of radiology or diagnostic services • Family and Pediatric nurse practitioners’ • Nurse Midwives • Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists ANCILLARY PROVIDERS PROVIDER TYPE Ambulance - Ground Ambulatory Surgery Centers Durable Medical Equipment (A, E, K, L Codes) Hearing Aid Facilities Home Health Agencies Home Infusion Therapy Hospice Renal Dialysis Skilled Nursing Facilities METHOD(S) OF PRICING BMS Medicaid Fee Schedule, Separate rates for ground/air BMS Medicaid Fee Schedule BMS Medicaid Fee Schedule BMS Medicaid Fee Schedule Per Visit, BMS Medicaid Fee Schedule BMS Fee schedule for per diem services, % of AWP for drugs BMS Per Diem BMS Global Fee BMS Per Diem PHYSICIAN SERVICES AND OTHER PROFESSIONALS PROVIDER TYPE Medical Maternity Lab Dental Vision Anesthesiology METHOD(S) OF PRICING WV RBRVS x BMS conversion factor WV RBRVS x BMS conversion factor and Medicaid Fee Schedule BMS Fee Schedule, Clinical Labs BMS RBRVS Fee Schedule WV RBRVS x conversion factor for dental surgeries only BMS Medicaid Fee Schedule BMS Conversion Factor x sum of base + time units Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.3 5|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.3 PHYSICIANS AND OTHER PROVIDERS, Continued Dental services The West Virginia RBRVS fee schedule multiplied by the BMS conversion factor is used to pay for dental surgeries covered when billed by a physician. Other covered dental services are paid using the BMS fee schedule which establishes a fee for each American Dental Association (ADA) procedure code. In each case, the Highmark West Virginia reimbursement is based on the lower of the amount of charges for the service or the fee schedule amount. Durable medical equipment (DME) Durable medical equipment (DME), medical supplies, and orthotic and prosthetic devices are reimbursed in alignment with BMS classifications. A separate method applies to each class and the payment is based upon the rental or purchase basis of the item. DME payment is based on the lower of the amount the supplier charges for the item or the fee schedule amount, and is applicable to payments for repairs and maintenance. Free-standing ambulatory surgical centers Reimbursement for covered services performed in a free standing ambulatory surgical setting follows the BMS reimbursement methodology by percent of applicable fee schedule. Home health services The current effective BMS fee schedule is the basis used to determine the amount to be paid for skilled home health care for the following covered services: nursing care, rehabilitation services, home health aide services, and medical social services. Each visit for home health care is considered one unit of payment. Hospice services Hospital hospice and home hospice reimbursements are based on the current Medicaid fee schedule. Nursing home hospice is reimbursed a percentage of the patient specific nursing home rate. Laboratory services WVFH reimburses for covered laboratory services at the effective Medicaid fee schedules, with the exception of hospital-based laboratories performing such tests for their own inpatients. Payment for laboratory services is based on the lower of the effective Medicaid fee schedule or the amount the network provider charges for the service. Certain tests exempt from Medicaid’s fee schedule for clinical diagnostic laboratory services are paid under the RBRVS fee schedule. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.3 6|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.3 RATE CHANGES Policy for rate changes Rates for covered inpatient and outpatient services shall remain fixed until such time that Bureau of Medical Services (BMS) changes its reimbursement to the contracted network provider or implements an alternative methodology for reimbursement. In regard to Hospital inpatient and/or outpatient rates, including cost-based rate changes, it is the responsibility of the Hospital to notify Highmark West Virginia of any such changes. Once the Hospital notifies Highmark West Virginia, Highmark West Virginia shall then update the Hospital’s current outpatient rates by the BMS percentage change with an effective date fifteen (15) business days after the Hospital’s notification to Highmark West Virginia. Previously processed claims will not be adjusted due to any retroactive change implemented by BMS. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.3 7|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 3.3 DIRECTED PAYMENTS TO CERTAIN QUALIFIED PROVIDERS Directed Payments WVFH must reimburse Qualified Providers at the levels directed by the Bureau of Medical Services (BMS). BMS must provide the levels for the Directed Payments to WVFH on the State Fiscal Year basis. Qualified Providers include: 1. A non-state, but government owned facility such as a county or city hospital; 2. University Practice Plans; 3. Public safety net hospitals; and 4. Private hospitals, except for the critical access hospitals. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.3 8|P a g e APRIL 2016 CHAPTER 3: POLICIES AND PROCEDURES UNIT 4: MEMBER AND PROVIDER DISPUTES IN THIS UNIT TOPIC Provider Appeals Provider Disputes Member Grievance Process • Informal Grievances • Formal Grievances • External Grievance Review Member Appeals Provider Initiated Member Grievances or Appeals WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.4 SEE PAGE 2 4 5 5 5 6 7 11 1|P a g e APRIL 2016 3.4 PROVIDER APPEALS Overview Providers who disagree with a decision to deny authorization or payment have the right to appeal the decision. WVFH offers providers: 1) An informal and formal appeals process to request reversal of a denial by WVFH; and 2) An informal and formal dispute process for expressing dissatisfaction with WVFH decisions which directly impacts the provider. Types of provider appeals A provider appeal is a request from a Provider for reversal of a denial by WVFH in regard to three major types of issues: 1. Provider credentialing denial by WVFH. Please see Chapter 2, Unit 2: Network Credentialing Procedures of the Highmark Blue Shield Office Manual for more information (also available on the Highmark West Virginia Provider Resource Center under Administrative Reference Materials). 2. Claim Denials. Claims denied by WVFH for Network providers. This includes payment denied for services already rendered by the Network provider to the member. a. Informal Process. Claims that need to be reviewed based upon administrative, policy, or processing issues can be discussed with a Provider Services Representative. For inquiries received in the mail, Claims Review Representatives evaluate whether the documentation attached to the claim is sufficient to allow it to be reconsidered. Inquiries received in the mail that qualify for adjustments will be reprocessed, and claim information will appear on subsequent remittance advices. Claims that do not qualify for reconsideration will be responded to via a letter. All review requests must be received within 120 days of the initial remittance advice. Informal appeals will completed within thirty (30) days of receipt. b. Formal Process. If the provider does not agree with the informal appeal decision, the provider can request a formal appeal. The provider must submit a written request for a second level appeal or request additional review on an already denied. The Provider Appeal/Dispute Committee will review all formal appeals and make a determination within sixty (60) days. The provider will be informed of the formal appeal decision in writing. The formal appeal decision is final and binding. For more information regarding Provider Appeals, please see Chapter 4, Unit 4: Denials, Grievances, and Appeals of the Highmark Blue Shield Office Manual. All written appeals must be sent to: West Virginia Family Health Attention: Provider Appeals P.O. Box 22278 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.4 2|P a g e APRIL 2016 3.4 PROVIDER APPEALS, Continued Types of provider appeals (continued) 3. Termination of Network Provider Agreement by Highmark West Virginia or West Virginia Family Health. For more information regarding corrective action, termination, and appeals, please see Chapter 2, Unit 2: Network Credentialing Procedures of the Highmark Blue Shield Office Manual (also available on the Highmark West Virginia Provider Resource Center under Administrative Reference Materials). Note: The above process for claim denials is the mechanism for all providers, regardless of participation status, to appeal denied payment (post-service) for services rendered to WVFH members. This process will be intended to afford providers with the opportunity to address issues regarding payment only. Appeals for services that have not yet been provided will follow the Member Grievance or Complaint processes. The provider will have an option for an informal and formal review of the denied payment. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.4 3|P a g e APRIL 2016 3.4 PROVIDER DISPUTES Definition A provider dispute is when a provider expresses dissatisfaction with a Health Plan decision that directly impacts the provider. This does not include decisions concerning Medical Necessity. Dispute processes Following are the informal and formal dispute processes: • Informal Provider Dispute Process. When a written Provider Dispute is received, it will be forwarded to the appropriate department within WVFH for resolution. The dispute will be researched and responded to within forty-five (45) days of receipt. This initial response is considered the informal settlement process for the dispute. • Formal Provider Dispute Process. If a provider disagrees with our initial response and sends in an additional written inquiry within sixty (60) days of incident being disputed, the Provider Dispute/Appeals Committee will hear all formal Provider Disputes and make a determination. Once received, dispute will be reviewed, and a decision will be rendered within sixty (60) days after receipt. Provider Disputes can be requested verbally by contacting WVFH’s Provider Service Department. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.4 4|P a g e APRIL 2016 3.4 MEMBER GRIEVANCE PROCESS Overview WVFH provides an informal and a formal grievance (complaint) process for its members. Members may file grievances with WVFH regarding issues such as services denied, quality of care, service complaints and payment. A member may choose either process when filing a grievance. A provider may file a grievance on the member’s behalf; however, the provider must be officially appointed as the member’s representative to do so (see Provider Initiated Member Grievances or Appeals later in this unit for more information). WVFH will require that documentation is submitted to demonstrate said appointment prior to initiating grievance proceedings. Informal grievances An informal grievance is an oral expression of dissatisfaction other than those subject to appeal. The filing limit for an informal grievance is within one (1) year of the date of the occurrence giving rise to the matter at issue in the grievance. An informal grievance maybe filed orally by the Member or Member’s appointed representative by calling WVFH’s toll-free Member Services number at 1-855-412-8001 (TTY/TDD 711or 1-800-982-8771). Informal grievances are resolved within thirty (30) days of receipt, and a letter explaining the outcome is mailed to the Member and/or Member’s appointed representative. Formal grievances Formal grievances are written expressions of dissatisfaction other than those subject to appeal. If a Member or Member’s appointed representative is not satisfied with the outcome of an informal grievance, a written formal grievance may be filed within one (1) year of the date of occurrence or the informal grievance decision letter. If the informal grievance determination is made and there is not more than ninety (90) days before the anniversary of the occurrence, the Member must be granted that additional time to file the formal grievance. WVFH will accept oral or written formal grievances; however, an oral grievance will not be processed until the Member or Member’s appointed representative’s signature is obtained. If an oral formal grievance is received, WVFH will record the formal grievance on paper and mail to Member or Member’s appointed representative for signature along with a self-addressed, postage-paid envelope for Member or Member’s appointed representative to return. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.4 5|P a g e APRIL 2016 3.4 MEMBER GRIEVANCE PROCESS, Continued Formal grievances (continued) After receiving a written request, WVFH send an acknowledge letter within five (5) working days which will advise the Member or Member’s appointed representative of the following: • The Member may appoint a representative to act on his or her behalf The Member or Member’s appointed representative may submit additional information in writing or orally. The Member or Member’s appointed representative may review all documentation regarding the formal grievance upon request free of charge. • The Member’s right to meet with WVFH during the formal grievance process. Formal grievances will be processed within forty-five (45) days of the receipt of the written request/signed grievance. A letter explaining the outcome is then mailed to the Member or Member’s appointed representative. External grievance review If a Member or Member’s appointed representative is not satisfied upon the exhaustion of the formal grievance review process, a request may be submitted, in writing, to the Insurance Commissioner by sending the grievance appeal to: The Office of the Insurance Commissioner P.O. Box 50540 Charleston, WV 25305-0540 WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.4 6|P a g e APRIL 2016 3.4 MEMBER APPEALS Overview An appeal is defined as a request for a review of WVFH’s action to deny or limit authorization or payment (in whole or in part) for health care services including: • New authorizations • Previously authorized services • A reduction, suspension, or termination of a previously authorized service • WVFH’s failure to provide services in a timely manner • WVFH’s failure to resolve grievances or appeals within the timeframe specified • WVFH’s denial of a request by a member to receive out-of-network services when the member resides in a rural area with only one managed care organization. The Member must file an appeal within ninety (90) days from the date of the incident complained of or the date the Member receives the Notice of Action. Services during If the Member or Member’s appointed representative files an Appeal to dispute a appeal process decision to terminate, suspend, or reduce a previously authorized course of treatment that was ordered by an authorized provider where the original period covered by the original authorization has not expired and the Member requests an extension of benefits, the Member must continue to receive the services if the Appeal is submitted within ten (10) days from the mail date on the written Notice of Action letter. The benefits shall be continued or reinstated until the Member or Member’s representative withdraws the appeal, ten (10) days after WVFH mails the resolution of the appeal unless the Member has requested a State fair hearing within that ten (10) day time frame, or the time period or service limits of a previously authorized service have been met. If services are continued during the appeal process and WVFH upholds its decision to terminate, suspend, or reduce, the member may be liable for payment of the services received through continuity. WVFH letter to acknowledge receipt of an appeal Within five (5) working days of the receipt of an appeal, WVFH will send an acknowledgement letter to the Member, the Member’s appointed representative, and the provider. The letter will include the following information: • The Member, Member’s appointed representative, or provider that filed on the Member’s behalf has the right to review information related to the appeal upon request (free of charge); Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.4 7|P a g e APRIL 2016 3.4 MEMBER APPEALS, Continued WVFH letter to acknowledge receipt of an appeal (continued) WVFH review and decision notice • The Member, Member’s appointed representative, or provider that filed on the Member’s behalf can submit additional information to be considered by the plan; and • The Member or Member’s appointed representative has the right to request the aid of a WVFH staff member who has not been involved in the matter under review to assist them through the appeal process (free of charge). A licensed physician who has not been involved in any previous level of review or decision making on the issue of your appeal and who has clinical experience in treating your condition will review your appeal. WVFH will commence its review, arrive at its decision, and issue a written decision notice within thirty (30) days of receiving the appeal. The time frame for a decision may be extended up to fourteen (14) days at the request of the Member, or by WVFH if additional information is necessary and the delay is in the Member’s interest. If WVFH extends the time frame, WVFH will send the Member a written notice of the reason for the delay. A written notice of the appeal decision notifying the Member, Member’s appointed representative, or provider who filed on behalf of the member will include the disposition of the appeal including the following: • the result; • the date of the resolution; • the right and the procedure to request a State fair hearing (must be filed within ninety (90) days from the mail date on the Appeal decision letter); • the right to receive continuation of benefits while the hearing is pending; • how to make a request for continuation of benefits; • the potential Member liability for the cost of continuation benefits if the State Fair Hearing upholds WVFH’s decision. Expedited appeals The Member, Member’s representative, or health care provider with written consent of the Member can file an Expedited Grievance orally with WVFH by contacting Member Services at 1-855-412-8001 or in writing at: West Virginia Family Health Attention: MEMBER CORRESPONDENCE P.O. Box 22250 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.4 8|P a g e APRIL 2016 3.4 MEMBER APPEALS, Continued Expedited appeals (continued) The Expedited Appeal process is provided for use in instances when the Member’s life or health or ability to attain, maintain, or regain maximum function would be placed in jeopardy by the delay occasioned by the standard thirty (30) day review process. The Member’s physician must provide written certification of the need to expedite the process. The certification must include the clinical rationale and facts to support the physician’s opinion. If a physician certification is not received, a WVFH physician will determine if the request is in need of expeditious resolution. If the Member or Member’s appointed representative files an expedited appeal to dispute a decision to terminate, suspend, or reduce a previously authorized course of treatment that was ordered by an authorized provider where the original period covered by the original authorization has not expired and the Member requests an extension of benefits, the Member must continue to receive the services if the appeal is submitted within ten (10) days from the mail date on the written Notice of Action letter. The benefits shall be continued or reinstated until the Member or Member’s representative withdraws the appeal, ten (10) days after WVFH mails the resolution of the appeal unless the Member has requested an expedited appeal within that ten (10) day time frame, or the time period or service limits of a previously authorized service have been met. If services are continued during the expedited appeal process and WVFH upholds its decision to terminate, suspend, or reduce, the member may be liable for payment of the services received through continuity. The expedited appeal request will be committed to writing and will be reviewed under the same requirements as the formal grievance process previously described with the following exceptions: • WVFH will make reasonable efforts to provide oral notice of the disposition of the expedited review to the Member, Member’s appointed representative and the provider involved in the expedite within three (3) working days of receiving the request for expedite. The three (3) working day time frame may be extended by up to 14 days upon the Member’s request or if WVFH shows that additional information is required and that the delay is in the best interest of the Member. If the time frame for resolving an expedited appeal is extended for any reason other than the Member’s request, WVFH shall give the Member written notice of the reason for the delay. • It is the responsibility of the Member, the Member’s appointed representative, or the appealing provider to submit information to WVFH within the time constraints of the expedited appeal process. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.4 9|P a g e APRIL 2016 3.4 MEMBER APPEALS, Continued Expedited appeals (continued) • WVFH will ensure that punitive action is not taken against a provider who either requests expedited resolution of an appeal or supports a Member’s request for an expedited review. A written notice will follow that explains the rationale for the decision, including any clinical rationale and the procedure for obtaining a State Fair Hearing. State Fair Hearing A Member must exhaust the appeals process prior to filing a request for a State Fair Hearing. A State Fair Hearing will be provided by the State if WVFH has denied, terminated, or reduced services or has failed to give a Member timely service. A request for a State Fair Hearing can be made orally, in writing, or by completing a Request for Hearing form at the Member’s local Department of Health and Human Resource (DHHR) office. Members must request a State Fair Hearing within ninety (90) days from the date on the appeal decision letter. State Fair Hearing requests should be sent to: Bureau for Medical Services Office of Legal Services 350 Capitol St., Room 251 Charleston, WV 25301-3708 If the Member or Member’s appointed representative files a State Fair Hearing to dispute a decision to terminate, suspend, or reduce a previously authorized course of treatment that was order by an authorized provider where the original period covered by the original authorization has not expired and the Member requests an extension of benefits, the Member must continue to receive the services if the request for State Fair Hearing is submitted within ten (10) days from the mail date on the written appeal decision letter. The benefits shall be continued or reinstated until the Member or Member’s appointed representative withdraws the State Fair Hearing, ten (10) days after WVFH mails the resolution of the appeal unless the Member has requested a State fair hearing within that ten (10) day timeframe, or the time period or service limits of a previously authorized service have been met. If services are continued during the State Fair Hearing process and the State upholds WVFH’s decision to terminate, suspend, or reduce, the Member may be liable for payment of the services received through continuity. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.4 10 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.4 PROVIDER INITIATED MEMBER GRIEVANCES OR APPEALS Overview The Member has the right to ask any person (family, friend, relative, attorney, provider, etc.) to act as a representative during the grievance or appeal process. This person is referred to as the Member’s representative. If the representative is a health care provider, the provider must secure and provide to WVFH the Member’s written consent to do so. If the Member is a minor or legally incompetent, the provider must submit written consent of the parent, guardian, or legally appointed representative in order to pursue a grievance or appeal. It is important to note that the Member may rescind consent at any time. Member consent requirements Providers may request the Member’s written consent to appeal prior to treatment, but it cannot be a requirement for treatment to be provided. In addition, Medicaid Members may not be billed or balance billed for covered services at any time. The Member’s consent is automatically rescinded if the provider fails to pursue the grievance or appeal and the Member may continue the grievance or appeal at that point in the process. An acceptable consent document must contain all of the following components: • The Member’s name; • The Member’s address; • The Member’s identification number; • If the Member is a minor or legally incompetent, the name, address, and relationship to the Member of the person who consents for the Member; • The name, address and identification number of the provider to whom the Member or representative is granting consent; • The name and address of the plan to whom the Member or representative is providing consent; • An explanation of the specific service for which coverage was provided and/or denied to which the consent applies. The following statements must also be included in the consent document: • The Member or the Member’s representative may not submit a grievance concerning the services listed in this consent form unless the Member or the Member’s legal representative rescinds consent in writing. The Member or the Member’s legal representative has the right to rescind consent at any time during the grievance or appeal process. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.4 11 | P a g e APRIL 2016 3.4 PROVIDER INITIATED MEMBER GRIEVANCES OR APPEALS, Continued Member consent requirements (continued) • The consent of the Member or the Member’s legal representative is automatically rescinded if the provider fails to file a grievance or fails to continue to prosecute the grievance or appeal through the second level review process. • The Member or the Member’s legal representative, if the Member is a minor or is legally incompetent, has read, or has been read this consent form, and has had it explained to his or her satisfaction. The Member or the Member’s legal representative understands the information in the Member’s consent form. The document must also contain the dated signature of the Member or the Member’s legal representative if the Member is a minor or is legally incompetent as well as the dated signature of a witness. The Member may rescind the consent at any time during the grievance or appeal process. If consent is rescinded, the Member may continue the process at the point in the process at which consent was rescinded. The Member may not file a separate grievance or appeal. A Member who has already filed a grievance or appeal may choose to authorize a provider to pursue the grievance or appeal process at any point during the process. A Member’s appointed representative carries all the rights conferred upon the Member. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 3.4 12 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 CHAPTER 4: HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT UNIT 1: REFERRALS IN THIS UNIT TOPIC General Information Voice Activated Referral Paper Referrals Referrals for Specific Services • Out-of-Plan Referrals • Referrals for Second Opinions • Referrals for Surgical Second Opinions • Specialty Care Practitioners • Renal Dialysis Services • Audiology and Speech Therapy Self-Referral WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.1 SEE PAGE 2 4 8 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 1|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.1 GENERAL INFORMATION Introduction Referrals and authorizations are necessary in order to preserve the PCP’s gatekeeper relationship with the patient. Both processes allow West Virginia Family Health (WVFH) to manage the care of its member population. The major differences between referrals and authorizations are highlighted below: • Referrals allow the PCP to approve specialty services for members on their panel. • Authorizations allow WVFH to confirm eligibility of the member prior to receiving services; to assess the medical necessity and appropriateness of care; to establish the appropriate site for care; and to identify those members who would benefit from care management. Referrals will be discussed in this unit. For authorization information, please see this manual’s Chapter 4, Unit 2: Authorizations. Self-referrals In certain instances, members do not require a referral from the PCP to see a Network specialty care practitioner. For the following services, members can selfrefer: • OB/GYN Services • Family Planning Services (Family Planning services do not have to be rendered by a network provider) • Dental services provided by a network dentist • Routine vision • Chiropractic services (an authorization must be obtained by the chiropractic office, including the initial evaluation • Mental health/substance abuse services Determining if a service requires a referral or authorization Some services, such as hospital admissions, require authorization by the WVFH Utilization Management Department. To authorize a service, please call WVFH’s Utilization Management Department at 1-855-412-8003. To determine which services require a referral or authorization, please refer to WVFH’s Quick Reference Guide for Referrals and Authorizations. This guide is also available in this manual’s Appendix. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.1 2|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.1 GENERAL INFORMATION, Continued Referring to Network providers When a PCP determines that a member requires medical services or treatment outside of the PCP’s office, the PCP must issue a referral to a Network facility or specialty care practitioner. If services are performed in a hospital setting, the referral should be issued to the hospital’s provider identification number. PCPs may not issue referrals to other PCPs. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.1 3|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.1 VOICE ACTIVATED REFERRAL Voice activated referral WVFH’s Digital Voice Assistance (DIVA) system may be used by PCPs to issue a referral, and by specialty care practitioners and hospitals to verify and review a referral. To use the system, call 1-888-907-8002, and please follow the prompts, or use the guide below for a quick reference. Do not use this system to refer to a dental provider. DIVA Quick Referral Entry Guide IMPORTANT! Before you begin… If you are a new DIVA user, we suggest for your initial try at entering a referral that you use the detailed Referral Entry instructions below or in the DIVA Quick Referral Entry Guide. You’ll quickly find it only takes seconds to generate a DIVA referral. This guide is also available in this manual’s Appendix. DIVA is only for referrals from PCPs to specialists (independent or at hospital clinics). Authorization is still required for some services. Specialists and hospitals may only review referrals. To issue a Referral, you will need: • Provider ID Number (“Practice Number”) • Member ID Number • Specialist/Hospital Provider ID Number (“Practice Number”) for th referred provider • Type of referral and number of visits The system will provide a referral number and provides an option to fax a confirmation of the referral information to the specialist/hospital. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.1 4|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.1 VOICE ACTIVATED REFERRAL, Continued To issue a referral After dialing into DIVA at 1-888-907-8002, first Press 1 to retrieve information regarding West Virginia members, and then Press 2 to enter a new referral. Follow the prompts below: STEP ACTION 1 Provider Identification Number? Enter your group provider number. Member Identification Number? Enter the member’s 8 digit ID number (as it appears on the member’s ID card). Specialist/Hospital Provider Identification Number? Enter the group provider number of the specialist hospital to which you wish to refer the member. Finish by pressing the # key. (pause) Verification of Identification Numbers Type of Referral o Press 1 to enter a general referral for three visits within the next 90 days. o Press 2 to enter a referral for allergy or pain management services for nine visits within the next 90 day. 2 3 4 5 Please enter the beginning date for the referral. Referrals can be backdated 30 calendar days. Enter the two digit month, the two digit day, and the four digit year. Press 1 if the repeated date is correct. Press 2 if the repeated date is incorrect. Press the * key to begin again. 6 Save Referral? o Press 1 to save the referral (wait for referral ID number). o Press 2 to discard the referral. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS: • Press 1 to repeat the referral number • Press 2 to enter a new referral for the same PCP • Press 3 to enter a new referral for a different PCP • Press 4 to fax a referral (see options below*) • Press 5 to return to the main menu • Press 6 if you are finished • Press 9 to hear this menu again • Press 0 to be connected to a Provider Services Representative *If you chose 4: To fax a referral, choose one of the following options: o Press 1 to send a fax to the PCP only (see options below**) o Press 2 to send a fax to the specialist/hospital only (see options below**) Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.1 5|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.1 VOICE ACTIVATED REFERRAL, Continued To issue a referral (continued) o o o o Press 3 to send a fax to both the PCP (see options below**) Press 4 to return to the main menu without sending a fax Press 9 to hear this menu again Press # to return to the previous menu **If you chose 1, 2, or 3: To send a fax, choose one of the following options: Press 1 to use the fax number stored in the database Press 2 to enter a fax number (allows you to enter any fax number) Press # to return to the previous menu To verify or review a referral After dialing into DIVA at 1-888-907-8002, first Press 1 to retrieve information regarding West Virginia members, and then Press 3 to review an existing referral. Follow the prompts below: STEP 1 2 3 4 ACTION Provider Type? o Press 1 if you wish to enter a PCP ID Number o Press 2 if you wish to enter a specialist/hospital ID Number Provider Number? Enter your group provider identification number. Member ID Number? Enter the member’s 8-digit WVFH ID number (as it appears on the member’s ID card). (pause) Referral Information If there is a match, the following information will be provided: PCP ID Number; Member ID Number; Specialist/Hospital ID Number; Referral Case Number; Effective Date; Expiration Date; Number of Visits Approved Playback Options: • Press 1 to play the referral information again • Press 2 to check for subsequent referrals • Press 3 to check for a referral using the same PCP • Press 4 to check for a referral using a different PCP or specialist • Press 5 to fax a list of reviewed referrals (see options below*) • Press 6 to return to the main menu • Press 7 to exit • Press 9 to hear this menu again • Press 0 to speak with a Provider Services Representative Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.1 6|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.1 VOICE ACTIVATED REFERRAL, Continued To verify or review a referral (continued) *If you chose 5: To fax a referral, choose one of the following options: o Press 1 to send a fax to the PCP only (see options below**) o Press 2 to send a fax to the specialist/hospital only (see options below**) o Press 3 to send a fax to both the PCP (see options below**) o Press 4 to return to the main menu without sending a fax o Press 9 to hear this menu again o Press # to return to the previous menu PLEASE NOTE: The number of the practitioner will be reviewed via the automated system if one is found. Please assure that this is the number that you wish to send the fax to. See additional options below for choosing the default fax or entering a new fax number. **If you chose 1, 2, or 3: To send a fax, choose one of the following options: Press 1 to use the fax number stored in the database Press 2 to enter a fax number (allows you to enter any fax number Press # to return to the previous menu NOTE: You may press “0” (zero) followed by the “#” sign at any time to speak to a Provider Services Representative. If a referral is found that matches the information entered, the system will provide the following information: • Provider ID Number • Member ID Number • Referral Case Number • Effective Date and Expiration Date • Number of Visits Approved WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.1 7|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.1 PAPER REFERRALS Overview WVFH understands that there may be instances when a PCP is unable to use DIVA. A downloadable version of the PCP Referral Form is available in the Appendix of this manual and also on the WVFH website at www.wvfh.com. Each time a form is downloaded, it is given a unique referral number. For claims payment purposes, each referral you issue requires a NEW form to be downloaded and printed. Just print, complete, and mail to the address on the form. Prior to completing the form Please use the following procedure prior to completing your downloaded paper referral form: 1. Check your practice’s Member List or call WVFH’s Digital Voice Assistant to verify the member’s eligibility. 2. Assure that the needed service does not require an authorization from WVFH. 3. Select a Network specialist or facility appropriate for the member’s medical needs from WVFH’s Provider On-line Directory. If an appropriate provider is not listed in the Directory, please call Provider Services for assistance. Instructions for completing the paper referral form Once a Network provider is selected from WVFH’s On-Line Directory, the primary care practitioner’s (PCP) office completes the following sections of the Referral Form: 1. Primary Care Information: a. Complete the primary care practitioner (PCP) Name, Practice Address, and Telephone Number. b. Fill in the Practice’s 7-digit WVFH Provider ID Number. 2. Patient Information a. Complete the Patient’s Name. b. Fill in the Member’s 8-digit WVFH Member ID Number. Complete the diagnosis and/or complaint field being as specific as possible. The diagnosis can be an ICD-9 (preferred) (or its replacement) code or a written description. 3. Specialty Provider or Facility Information a. SPECIALTY CARE PROVIDER: Complete the Specialist group name and WVFH Provider ID Number for services rendered at office site only. b. FACILITY PROVIDER: Complete the Facility name and WVFH Facility ID Number for services rendered at outpatient facility to allow both facility and practitioner services to be covered. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.1 8|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.1 PAPER REFERRALS, Continued Instructions for completing the paper referral form (continued) 4. Referral Services If you are referring a member for services that DO NOT REQUIRE authorization, you can check the appropriate service and specify additional information as requested on the form. 5. PCP Signature The paper referral form must be signed by the member’s PCP. If an office staff member completes the referral, the staff member must place their initials after the practitioner’s stamp or signature. AN UNSIGNED PAPER REFERRAL FORM IS NOT VALID. 6. Referral Date The Referral Form must be dated. If the Referral Form is not dated, WVFH will date according to receipt date at the claim office. Payment for referral and authorized services is contingent upon the patient being an enrolled WVFH member at the time of the service. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.1 9|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.1 REFERRALS FOR SPECIFIC SERVICES Out-of-plan referrals Occasionally, a member may need to see a specialty care practitioner outside of WVFH’s provider network. When the need for out-of-plan services arises, the PCP must contact WVFH’s Utilization Management Department to obtain an authorization. The Utilization Management Department will review the request and make arrangements for the member to receive the necessary medical services with a specialty care practitioner in collaboration with the recommendations of the PCP. Every effort will be made to locate a specialty care practitioner within an accessible distance to the member. Referrals for second opinions WVFH ensures member access to second opinions. Second opinions may be requested by WVFH, the member, or the PCP. WVFH will provide for a second opinion from a qualified health care provider within the network, or arrange for the member to obtain one outside the network, at no cost to the member. The second opinion specialist must not be in the same practice as the attending physician and must be a Network provider of WVFH. Out of network referrals may be authorized when no Network provider is accessible to the member or when no Network provider can meet the member’s needs. Referrals for second surgical opinions Second surgical opinions may be requested by WVFH, the member, or the PCP. When requesting a second surgical opinion consultation, WVFH recommends that you issue a referral to a consulting practitioner who is in a practice other than that of the attending practitioner, or the practitioner who rendered the first opinion and possesses a different tax identification number than the attending practitioner. Specialty care practitioners When a WVFH member schedules an appointment with a specialist, the office should remind the member that a referral from the PCP is needed in order to receive treatment from the specialist, with the exception of a self-referred benefit. Specialty care practitioners should verify the existence of a valid referral through the DIVA System by calling 1-888-907-8002 prior to providing treatment. If a paper referral form is utilized, the specialty care practitioner must review the referral form to verify that the form is valid. A valid form is signed by the PCP and has a referral date within the last ninety (90) days. If other services are needed in addition to those authorized by the PCP, a treatment plan must be completed and forwarded to the PCP for authorization. The PCP can then issue additional referrals based upon the recommendations of the specialty care practitioner. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.1 10 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.1 REFERRALS FOR SPECIFIC SERVICES, Continued Specialty care practitioners (continued) Since specialists cannot refer members to other specialists, the PCP must refer the member to another specialist. If a specialist recommends that the patient should be seen by another specialty care practitioner, the specialist must contact the PCP, and the PCP may then examine the patient and/or review the consult report prior to referring the patient to another specialist. The only exception to this is for neonatologists who may issue a referral to other Network hospitals and/or specialists for babies discharged from the NICU who require service before seeing their PCP. Referrals should be issued under the baby’s WVFH ID Number. If the baby does not have an ID Number, the practitioner should call WVFH’s Utilization Management Department for authorization. In unusual situations, the specialist or PCP may contact WVFH’s Utilization Management Department at 1-855-412-8003. Renal dialysis services If home dialysis services are necessary, an authorization from WVFH’s Utilization Management Department is needed. Audiology and WVFH members under the age of 21 are eligible to receive audiological services speech therapy including hearing aids and ear molds. The member’s primary care practitioner (PCP) must issue a referral for audiological services to a Network, licensed practitioner, licensed audiologist or an outpatient hospital clinic. Prior to dispensing aids and/or ear molds, the audiological practitioner must obtain authorization through the ordering practitioner from WVFH’s Utilization Management Department. Reimbursement rates for hearing aids, ear molds, repair parts and any specialty items not covered on the Medicaid Fee Schedule should be negotiated at the time of authorization, prior to rendering services. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.1 11 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.1 SELF-REFERRAL Introduction West Virginia Family Health (WVFH) members may refer themselves for the types of care listed below. Dental WVFH members obtain most of their health care services either directly from or upon referral by their Primary Care Physician (PCP), except for services available on a self-referral basis. Dental services are included as a self-referral service. Therefore, a referral from a WVFH member’s PCP is not necessary for the member to seek care from a network dental provider or specialist. Certain oral surgery procedures, such as removal of partial or total bony impacted wisdom teeth and procedures which involve cutting of the jaw, are covered by WVFH through Scion’s panel of network oral surgery providers. Members requiring these services should be referred by their primary care dentist to a network oral surgeon. The primary care dentist may need to provide x-rays or other clinical information to facilitate the referral. Procedures performed in the oral surgeon’s office do not require prior authorization. If it is determined that the oral surgery treatment can only safely be performed in a Short Procedure Unit (SPU) or Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) facility, the dental provider must contact Scion Dental for authorization prior to rendering treatment. Dental specialty referral WVFH members may not self-refer for specialty dental care. Any WVFH participating dentist may refer a member to another participating dentist for specialty care services that are covered by following these guidelines: • The participating dental provider may refer a member to a participating specialist without a written referral. • Please provide the member with written or verbal dental care recommendations. • If a specialist is not available in a member’s area, please contact the Scion Dental 1-855-434-9237. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.1 12 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.1 SELF-REFERRAL, Continued Dental specialty care providers It is recommended that a general dentist evaluate a member before scheduling an appointment with a specialty dental care provider. However, if time does not permit a general dental evaluation, such as in the case of an emergency, the member may seek and receive treatment by a dentist specialist. In the case of an emergency, dental specialty care providers may provide services necessary to treat and stabilize the member’s condition without a referral from a general dentist. Please contact the Scion Dental at 1-855-434-9237 for a listing of participating specialty dental care providers. Emergency Members are informed through the Member Handbook how and when to utilize emergency services. Eye examinations WVFH members who have covered vision benefits may self-refer to any Davis Vision Network provider for a routine eye exam. Corrective lenses and frames may be obtained through any Davis Vision Network optician, optometrist, or ophthalmologist. There is no need for the PCP to issue a referral. Should the member require additional medical services, rendered by a Davis Vision Network ophthalmologist or optometrist, the member will require a referral from the PCP. Behavioral health/ substance abuse Members are permitted to self-refer for behavioral health and substance abuse services. Please refer to the Quick Reference section of this manual for the telephone numbers for members to call. OB/GYN or family planning services Female WVFH members may self-refer to any Network OB/GYN for any condition, not just for an annual exam or suspected pregnancy. When a member self-refers to the OB/GYN’s office, the OB/GYN’s office is required to contact WVFH to verify eligibility of the member. WVFH members may also self-refer for family planning services. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.1 13 | P a g e APRIL 2016 CHAPTER 4: HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT UNIT 2: AUTHORIZATIONS IN THIS UNIT TOPIC SEE PAGE General Information • Criteria Used for Assessing Medical Appropriateness • Review/Determination of Medical Necessity • Utilization Management Contact Information Services Requiring Authorization Requesting an Authorization • Information Needed When Requesting an Authorization • Decision Time Frame • Expedited Authorization Requests • Medical Necessity Criteria • Post-Service Requests Chiropractic Services Durable Medical Equipment Skilled Nursing Facility Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapy Rehabilitation Services • Extended Care in a Non-Hospital Facility • Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Services Home Health Care Hospice Services Pharmacy Services Diabetic Services New Technology 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.2 1|P a g e APRIL 2016 4.2 GENERAL INFORMATION Introduction Referrals and Authorizations are necessary in order to preserve the PCP’s gatekeeper relationship with the patient. Both processes allow West Virginia Family Health (WVFH) to manage the care of its member population. The major differences between referrals and authorizations are highlighted below: • Referrals allow the PCP to approve specialty services for members on their panel. • Authorizations allow WVFH to confirm eligibility of the member prior to receiving services; to assess the medical necessity and appropriateness of care; to establish the appropriate site for care; and to identify those members who would benefit from care management. Authorizations will be discussed in this unit. For referral information, please see this manual’s Chapter 4, Unit 1: Referrals. Criteria used for assessing medical appropriateness Review/ determination of medical necessity West Virginia Family Health’s (WVFH’s) Utilization Management Department assesses the medical appropriateness of services using McKesson’s Interqual® Procedure Criteria and the Department of Health and Human Resources, Bureau for Medical Services (BMS) definition of medical necessity when authorizing the delivery of health care services to plan members. The definition of medical necessity is a determination that items or services furnished or to be furnished to a patient are reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of illness or injury, to improve the functioning of a malformed body member, for the prevention of illness, or to achieve ageappropriate growth and development. Determination of Medical Necessity for covered care and services, whether made on a Prior Authorization, Concurrent Review, Retrospective Review, or exception basis, must be documented in writing. The determination is based on medical information provided by the Member, the Member’s family/caretaker and the PCP, as well as any other providers, programs, or agencies that have evaluated the Member. All such determinations must be made by qualified and trained health care providers. A health care provider who makes such determinations of Medical Necessity is not considered to be providing a health care service under this Provider Manual. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.2 2|P a g e APRIL 2016 4.2 GENERAL INFORMATION, Continued Review/ determination of medical necessity (continued) WVFH requires that all reviewers make utilization management decisions based only on the medical necessity and appropriateness of care and the availability of coverage under our benefit contracts. We do not reward anyone conducting utilization review for issuing denials of coverage. We do not use financial incentives to encourage denials or other decisions that could result in underutilization of needed services or otherwise compromise members’ health. Decision time frame WVFH must make authorization decisions and provide notice as expeditiously as required by the enrollee’s health condition and no later than seven (7) calendar days of receiving the request for service for the purposes of standard authorization decisions. This seven (7) calendar day period may be extended up to seven (7) additional calendar days upon request of the enrollee or provider, or if WVFH justifies to the Bureau of Medical Services (BMS) in advance and in writing that the enrollee will benefit from such extension. Utilization Management contact information The Utilization Management Department is committed to assuring prompt, efficient delivery of healthcare services and to monitor quality of care provided to WVFH members. The Utilization Management Department can be contacted at 1-855-412-8003 between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. The following options can be used to reach WVFH’s Utilization Management Department for specific information: REASON FOR CALL OPTION Calls for DME, Therapy, or Chiropractic Services Calls for Emergency Inpatient Admissions, Concurrent Review, Home Health Updates, or IV Infusion Option 3 Option 4 When calling before or after operating hours or on holidays, practitioners are asked to leave a voicemail message and a Utilization Management Representative will return the call the next business day. Urgent requests, pharmacy requests, and home health requests requiring a visit when the WVFH Utilization Management Department is closed, or urgent/emergency inpatient place of service admission called in after hours are directed to call 1-855-412-8003. A WVFH Medical Director is available for review of these requests when necessary. For urgent or emergency situations, WVFH requires that the practitioner notify the plan within forty-eight (48) hours or two (2) business days of rendering the service. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.2 3|P a g e APRIL 2016 4.2 SERVICES REQUIRING AUTHORIZATION List of services requiring authorization The following services require an authorization from WVFH: • All Hospital Admissions • Select Outpatient Surgical Procedures: Bariatric Surgery/Stapling Breast Reduction Carpal Tunnel Surgery Hysterectomy Panniculectomy Tubal Ligations Orthoptics/Visual Training Sterilizations Genital Reconstruction Removal of Breast Implant Rhinoplasty Spinal Neuro Stimulator Services TMJ Surgery Varicose Vein Private Duty Nursing Abortions Transplants/Implants Blepharoplasty • Speech, Occupational, or Physical Therapies (Members can be referred to any WVFH Network hospital for speech, occupational, or physical therapy sessions) • Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (Members can be referred to any WVFH Network provider for rehabilitation sessions) • Referrals for specialty care requiring greater than three visits, unless otherwise noted • All services to be provided by an out-of-network practitioner/provider (including durable medical equipment and home health) • Durable Medical Equipment items $500 or greater or not covered on the Medicaid Fee Schedule regardless of cost • All Durable Medical Equipment rentals $500 or greater monthly • Home Health Care • All non-covered services • Hospice • Hearing aids, ear molds, dispensing fees, as well as hearing aid repair services • Skilled Nursing Facility Admissions • Rehabilitation Hospital Admissions • Chiropractic Services – All visits, including the initial visit • Dental Services (see page 52 in Scion Dental Provider Manual available on the WVFH website at www.wvfh.com) WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.2 4|P a g e APRIL 2016 4.2 REQUESTING AN AUTHORIZATION Overview Authorization is the responsibility of the admitting practitioner or ordering provider and can be obtained by calling WVFH’s Utilization Management Department at 1-855-412-8003. If a service requires authorization and is being requested by a Network specialist, the specialist’s office must call WVFH to authorize the service. Hospitals may verify authorization by calling the WVFH Utilization Management Department. Physical, occupational, or speech therapy requires authorization by the ordering practitioner or the primary care practitioner (PCP). Information needed when requesting an authorization The following information is needed to authorize a service. Please have this information available before placing a call to the Utilization Management Department: 1. Member Name 2. Member’s 8-digit WVFH ID Number 3. Diagnosis (ICD-9 Code or precise terminology) (or its replacement) 4. Procedure Code (CPT-4, HCPCS, or MA Coding) or billing codes for durable medical equipment requests 5. Treatment Plan 6. Date of Service 7. Name of Admitting/Treating Practitioner 8. Name of the Practitioner/Provider requesting the authorized treatment 9. Provider of Service 7-digit WVFH ID Number 10. History of the current illness and treatments 11. Any other pertinent clinical information When a call is received, the above information will be reviewed, and the member’s eligibility verified. However, since a member’s eligibility may change prior to the anticipated date of service, eligibility must be verified on the date of service. Decision time frame WVFH must make authorization decisions and provide notice as expeditiously as required by the member’s health condition, and no later than seven (7) calendar days of receiving the request for service for the purposes of standard authorization decisions. This seven (7) calendar day period may be extended up to seven (7) additional calendar days upon request of the enrollee or provider, or if WVFH justifies to BMS in writing that the member will benefit from such extension. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.2 5|P a g e APRIL 2016 4.2 REQUESTING AN AUTHORIZATION, Continued Expedited authorization requests WVFH must provide an expedited authorization for services when the provider indicates that the standard time frame could seriously jeopardize the member’s life or health or ability to attain, maintain, or regain maximum function. WVFH must make the expedited authorization decision and provide notice to the member as expeditiously as the member’s health condition requires, but no later than three (3) business days after receipt of the request for service authorization. This three (3) business day period may be extended up to five (5) additional business days upon request of the enrollee or provider, or if WVFH justifies to BMS in writing that the member will benefit from such extension. WVFH must provide thirty (30) days’ notice to providers before implementing changes to policies and procedures affecting the service authorization process. However, in the case of suspected fraud, waste, or abuse by a single provider, WVFH may implement changes to policies and procedures affecting the service authorization process without the required notice period. Medical necessity criteria The definition of Medical Necessity is as follows: A service or benefit is medically necessary if it is compensable under the Medicaid Program and a determination that items or services furnished or to be furnished to a patient are reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of illness or injury, to improve the functioning of a malformed body member, for the prevention of illness, or to achieve age-appropriate growth and development. Medical Necessity criteria are established guidelines to be applied by nonphysician, licensed professionals to authorize services as medically necessary and at the appropriate level of care. If an authorized service is not able to be approved as proposed by the practitioner, alternate programs such as home health care, rehabilitation, or additional outpatient services will be suggested to the practitioner by the UM staff. If an agreement cannot be reached between the practitioner and the Utilization Management staff, the case will be referred to WVFH’s Medical Director for review. A practitioner may appeal the decision within ninety (90) days of the date of the denial notice. Please refer to this manual’s Chapter 3, Unit 4: Member and Provider Disputes for the process to appeal a decision. The determination is based on medical information provided by the member, the member’s family/caretaker and the primary care practitioner (PCP), as well as any other practitioner/providers, programs, agencies that have evaluated the member. All such determination must be made by qualified and trained practitioners/providers. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.2 6|P a g e APRIL 2016 4.2 REQUESTING AN AUTHORIZATION, Continued Post-service requests Any service rendered by a Network Provider without an authorization will be reviewed for medical necessity within 180 days from the date of service. Submit records and a cover letter requesting a retrospective review to: West Virginia Family Health Attention: Medical Review P.O. Box 22278 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Retrospective reviews will be completed within 60 days of the request. The decision is final and binding. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.2 7|P a g e APRIL 2016 4.2 CHIROPRACTIC SERVICES Requesting authorization Any Network practitioner may request authorization for chiropractic services by calling WVFH’s Utilization Management Department at 1-855-412-8003, Option #3. All visits, including the initial visit, require authorization by WVFH and must be medically necessary. Member eligibility must be verified prior to rendering services by calling DIVA at 1-888-907-8002. Members may self-refer for chiropractic services; however, the chiropractic office must call WVFH for authorization including the initial evaluation. Services The only therapy WVFH will authorize is a simple manipulation for an acute spinal problem. Other requests will be referred to the Medical Director for review and determination. Additionally, one chiropractic evaluation will be authorized per course of treatment. Requests for children under the age of 16 are referred to WVFH’s Medical Director for approval. Only one visit per day can be authorized. Radiological services Network chiropractors may render radiological services in the office. WVFH only reimburses chiropractors for the professional and technical components of covered diagnostic radiology services (CPT 72010-72120) if the chiropractor performs both parts of the procedure. Only one interpretation of an x-ray will be reimbursed. X-rays must be taken on certified radiology equipment that complies with all State and Federal requirements. Members requiring radiological services beyond the services listed above, such as a CT scan or MRI should be referred back to PCP. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.2 8|P a g e APRIL 2016 4.2 DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Introduction WVFH members are eligible to receive any covered and medically necessary durable medical equipment (DME) needed for home health care. Guidelines When ordering DME, these procedures must be followed: • If the cost of a single item or multiple quantities of a single item is $500or greater as reimbursed by Medical Assistance, the ordering practitioner/provider must obtain authorization from the Utilization Management Department. A referral from the PCP is not required, but a written prescription and WVFH authorization are necessary to obtain the item. • Rental equipment must be authorized if the monthly rental cost is $500or greater. • Covered items under $500 can be obtained from a Network durable medical equipment provider with a prescription from the ordering practitioner/provider. A referral from the PCP and WVFH authorization is not required. Provider Services or Utilization Management can direct practitioners to a contracted vendor to supply durable medical equipment. DME vendors are also listed in the WVFH On-Line Provider Directory at www.wvfh.com. A written prescription is required to obtain the item. • Any item not covered by Medicaid, regardless of price, requires authorization by the Utilization Management Department. • Regardless of price, when a miscellaneous code is requested, an authorization from WVFH’s Utilization Management Department is required. • Due to frequent interruptions of Medicaid coverage, WVFH strongly recommends that all providers verify eligibility if the need for an item or service extends beyond the calendar month in which the authorization was given. • All medical supplies including wound care, ostomy, enteral products, diapers, and incontinence products must be obtained through a contracted DME vendor as opposed to a Network pharmacy. • Oral enterals must be obtained through a Network DME provider. Based on the cost of the product ordered, an authorization from WVFH’s Utilization Management Department may be necessary if the product is $500 or greater. Please do not direct members to retail pharmacies such as Rite Aid, etc. for these services. Continued on next page WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.2 9|P a g e APRIL 2016 4.2 DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, Continued Guidelines (continued) Information needed when ordering DME • When ordering DME, practitioners can contact a Network DME provider to receive the appropriate billing code(s) before calling WVFH’s Utilization Management Department. Or practitioners can call and request WVFH’s staff work directly with a Network DME provider to obtain the appropriate billing code and cost. If you need an updated list of Network providers, please call WVFH’s Provider Services Department at 1-855-412-8002, or access the On-Line Provider Directory at www.wvfh.com. • DME provided by non-Network providers requires an authorization from the WVFH Utilization Management Department. • Incontinence items will be covered by WVFH without requesting an EOB from any other plan; however, if the billed charge is $500 or greater, and/or a miscellaneous code is used to request the supply, a Utilization Management authorization will be required according to plan guidelines. Any services provided by non-Network providers always require an authorization. The following information will provide assistance to offices when ordering DME services: 1. Patient Name, WVFH ID Number, Prior Authorization Number (If Applicable) 2. DME Vendor/Provider Number 3. Ordering Practitioner/Provider 4. Diagnosis 5. Name of Requested Equipment, Medicaid Fee Schedule Code, Cost 6. Is this a Purchase or a Rental Request? 7. Amount of Items Requested—Over What Period of Time (if requesting rental) 8. Clinical Information to Support the Request To obtain approval for durable medical equipment, please call WVFH’s Utilization Management Department at 1-855-412-8003. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.2 10 | P a g e APRIL 2016 4.2 SKILLED NURSING FACILITY Skilled nursing facility admissions Should a member be in need of admission to a nursing facility, the primary care practitioner (PCP), attending practitioner, hospital Utilization Review Department, or the nursing facility should contact the WVFH Utilization Management Department at 1-855-412-8003. WVFH will coordinate the necessary arrangements between the PCP and the nursing facility to provide the member with continuity and coordination of care. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.2 11 | P a g e APRIL 2016 4.2 PHYSICAL/OCCUPATIONAL/SPEECH THERAPY Policy All physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy require an authorization from WVFH’s Utilization Management Department. The ordering provider of the therapy must contact WVFH’s Durable Medical Equipment/Therapy Team to obtain the initial authorization. When a physical, occupational, or speech therapy provider has a request for continuation of therapy services, WVFH will accept a faxed copy of the prescription signed by the ordering Network practitioner in lieu of a telephone call from the Network practitioner. Authorization process The following process must be observed: 1. The therapy provider must first call WVFH to request continuation of therapy services before faxing the prescription (blind faxes will not be accepted.) During this telephone call, the therapy provider will receive information identifying which staff member’s attention the fax should be sent to. 2. The therapy provider will fax to WVFH the signed prescription and the current progress notes, plan of treatment, and goals, which support the medical necessity of the therapy services. 3. The therapy provider will be called back when the request for therapy services is approved. 4. When the request results in a denial, the current appeal process remains unchanged. When the therapy provider does not have a signed prescription, the ordering practitioner must notify WVFH of the request for continued services. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.2 12 | P a g e APRIL 2016 4.2 REHABILITATION SERVICES Extended care in a non-hospital facility Should a member require extended care in a non-hospital facility for rehabilitation purposes, the PCP, attending practitioner, hospital, or rehabilitation facility should call the WVFH Utilization Management Department at 1-855-412-8003. The Utilization Management Department will provide assistance in appropriate placement thus ensuring continuity and coordination of care. Cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation services All cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation services require an authorization from WVFH’s Utilization Management Department. The ordering provider of the treatment must contact WVFH’s Utilization Management Department at 1-855-412-8003, Option #3, to obtain the initial authorization. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.2 13 | P a g e APRIL 2016 4.2 HOME HEALTH CARE Overview WVFH encourages the use of home-based services as an alternative to hospitalization when medically appropriate in order to: • Allow for timely and appropriate discharge from the hospital. • Avoid unnecessary admissions of members who could effectively be treated at home. • Permit members to receive care in greater comfort due to familiar surroundings. Home-based services Home-based services may include, but are not limited to the following type of services: • • • • • Skilled Nursing Speech Therapy Hospice Home Health Aid Physical Therapy • • • • • IV Therapy Infant Care Occupational Therapy High-Risk Pregnancy Social Services Authorization required for all home-based services Authorization is required for all home-based services. The ordering practitioner is responsible for obtaining authorization. Please do not call the home health care provider directly. Private duty nursing services WVFH’s Care Management Department coordinates medically necessary private duty nursing services with the ordering practitioner and the home health care provider. The Care Management Department can be reached at 1-855-412-8004. Non-private duty home health care needs WVFH’s Utilization Management Department coordinates medically necessary non-private duty home health care needs with the ordering practitioner and the home healthcare provider. Please call WVFH’s Utilization Management Department at 1-855-412-8003. Billing WVFH cannot accept bills in half-hour increments. Providers must bill in whole hours. Due to frequent interruptions of Medicaid coverage, WVFH strongly recommends verification of eligibility if the need for an item or service extends beyond to the calendar month in which the authorization was given. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.2 14 | P a g e APRIL 2016 4.2 HOSPICE SERVICES WVFH coordinates hospice services Should a member be in need of hospice care, the PCP, attending physician, hospital Utilization Review Department, or hospice agency should contact WVFH’s Utilization Management Department at 1-855-412-8003. WVFH will coordinate the necessary arrangements between the PCP and the hospice provider in order to assure continuity and coordination of care. Due to frequent interruptions of Medicaid coverage, WVFH strongly recommends verification of eligibility if the need for an item or service extends beyond the calendar month in which the authorization was given. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.2 15 | P a g e APRIL 2016 4.2 PHARMACY SERVICES Non-formulary exception review process WVFH allows access to all non-formulary drugs, other than those excluded by the Department of Health and Human Resources (“DHHR”), Bureau for Medical Services (“BMS”) program, through the exception review process. If changing to a formulary medication is not medically advisable for a member, a practitioner must initiate a request for non-formulary drug coverage by faxing the WVFH Medicaid Drug Exception Form to 1-855-430-9849 during normal business hours, or by calling 1-855-412-8001 during off-hours and weekends. Practitioners should assure that all information on the form is available when calling. This form is also available in this manual’s Appendix and on WVFH’s website at www.wvfh.com. The form may be photocopied. You can also request a copy of the form by calling 1-855-412-8005. All requests for exception will receive a response within 24 hours. In the event a decision has not been made in 24 hours, WVFH will authorize a temporary supply of the non-formulary medication. For new therapies, the pharmacist should call WVFH to obtain an authorization to dispense up to a 72-hour supply of the non-formulary medication. For medications taken on an ongoing basis, a 15-day supply of the non-formulary medication will be dispensed, pending the final determination of the request. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.2 16 | P a g e APRIL 2016 4.2 DIABETIC SERVICES Preferred Diabetic Supply List West Virginia Medicaid has developed a “Preferred Diabetic Supply List.” For details on the preferred product supply list, along with the meters which will be supplied by Abbott Diabetes Care and Bayer Health Care, please visit the WVFH website at www.wvfh.com for more details – select the Members tab, and then Benefits & Services. West Virginia Medicaid will no longer pay for diabetes meters. Information for billing meters is included. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.2 17 | P a g e APRIL 2016 4.2 NEW TECHNOLOGY Requires Medical Director review/ authorization Any new technology identified during the Utilization Management review process, and requiring authorization for implementation of the new technology, will be forwarded to the Medical Director for authorization. If there is a question about the appropriate governmental agency approval of the technology, the Medical Director will investigate the status of the technology with the agency, consult appropriate specialists related to the new technology, and/or utilize the contracted services of Hayes, Inc. for information related to the new technology. If the technology has not been approved by appropriate governmental regulatory bodies, the Medical Director will discuss the need for the specifically requested technology with the primary care practitioner (PCP) and will consult with a Network specialist from the WVFH expert panel regarding the use of the new technology. If it is determined that no other approved technology is available and/or the Medical Director and consultants feel that the possibility for a positive outcome would be achieved with the use of the new technology, approval may be given with the stipulation that the provider obtain the necessary signatures from the member needed for any investigational treatment/procedures. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.2 18 | P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 CHAPTER 4: HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT UNIT 3: CARE MANAGEMENT IN THIS UNIT TOPIC SEE PAGE Lifestyle Management Programs Overview • Maternity Program • Asthma Program • Diabetes Program • Cardiac Program • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Program Special Needs Care Management Complex Care Management 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.3 1|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.3 LIFESTYLE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS OVERVIEW Lifestyle management programs West Virginia Family Health (WVFH) wants members to live happy, healthy lives. Lifestyle management programs are offered to help WVFH members stay well and also manage any conditions they may have. Lifestyle management programs offered to WVFH members include the following: • Maternity Program • Asthma Program • Diabetes Program • Cardiac Program • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Program For program details, please see the applicable sections of this unit. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.3 2|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.3 MATERNITY PROGRAM Program overview The Maternity Program offers maternity care coordination to improve the frequency of prenatal and postpartum care to reduce the incidence of low birth weight, pre-term deliveries and NICU admissions. This is a population-based program directed toward improving outcomes for all pregnant members. Specific interventions are designed to identify and prospectively intervene with members at high risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes. All identified pregnant WVFH members are automatically enrolled once we identify them with one of the high risk maternity conditions via the West Virginia Prenatal Risk Screening Instrument (PRSI). Maternity Care Managers telephonically contact these members. Members are able to opt-out if they choose. Membership in the Maternity Program is voluntary. If at any time your patients wish to stop participating in the program, they only need to call. Member benefits and support The program will provide the following member benefits and support: • Patient education • Prenatal educational packet mailed to all identified pregnant members • Home care and DME needs are coordinated through the WVFH Care Manager • Information on smoking with referral to the state Quitline • Member newsletter with related maternity articles • Maternity Program information is available via the WVFH website • Prenatal Reward Program Provider benefits and support Provider benefits and support include: • Support from our nurses and other health care staff to ensure that your patients understand how to best manage their condition and self-evaluate their health status. Health education information mailed to all identified pregnant members. • Telephonic care management and coordination of care for high risk patients. • A bonus payment to PCPs and OB/GYNs for rendering initial prenatal visit within the first trimester. FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information or to refer a patient to the Maternity Program, please call 1- 855-412-8004. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.3 3|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.3 ASTHMA PROGRAM Program overview The WVFH Asthma Program emphasizes patient education, self-management, practitioner education and support to increase appropriate medication use and reduce acute care asthma utilization. WVFH members 2 years of age and older are eligible for the program. Members are automatically enrolled once they are identified with asthma, but they are able to opt out if they choose. Care Managers are available by phone. Member benefits and support The program will provide the following member benefits and support: • Care managers are available to help support your plan of care by providing telephonic management. This can help your patients understand the importance of medication adherence and asthma control • Your patients will receive asthma educational materials and selfmanagement tools • Information on smoking cessation with referral to the state Quitline • Member newsletter with asthma related articles • Asthma Program information is available via the WVFH website Provider benefits and support Provider benefits and support include: • Support from our care managers and other health care staff to ensure that your patients understand how to best manage their condition and selfevaluate their health status. • Patient education and assistance with co-existing conditions, smoking cessation and medication compliance supports optimal self-management. • Physician Dashboard reports are mailed to the primary care practitioner (PCP) to assist with optimal medication management. • Membership in the Asthma Program is voluntary. If at any time your patients wish to stop participating in the program, they only need to call. FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information or to refer a patient to the Asthma Program, please call 1-855-412-8004. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.3 4|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.3 DIABETES PROGRAM Program overview The WVFH Diabetes Program emphasizes education and personal responsibility for diabetes management to reduce the need for hospitalizations, ER visits and to prevent diabetic complications. Care Managers are available by phone for members and physicians. All adult and pediatric WVFH members with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes are eligible for this program. Members are automatically enrolled once we identify them with diabetes. They are able to opt-out if they choose. Member benefits and support The program will provide members with the following benefits and support: • Support from nurses and other health care staff to ensure that your patients understand how to best manage their condition and evaluate their health status • Diabetes educational materials • Targeted reminders to patients who are due for screenings • Member newsletter with diabetes related articles • Diabetic information the WVFH website. Provider benefits and support Provider benefits and support include: • Support from our care managers and other health are staff to ensure that your patients understand how to best manage their condition and evaluate their health status. • Diabetic educational reminder materials are mailed to your patients • Physician Dashboard reports are mailed to the primary care practitioner (PCP) to assist with optimal management • Patient education with co-existing conditions, smoking cessation and glucometer use reduces likelihood of hospital admissions FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information or to refer a patient to the Diabetes Program, please call 1-855-412-8004. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.3 5|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.3 CARDIAC PROGRAM Program overview The WVFH Cardiac Program provides patient education and self-empowerment for medication adherence to reduce the need for hospitalizations and ER visits and to delay the onset of cardiac complications. WVFH members, age 21 or older, with a diagnosis of congestive heart failure (CHF), myocardial infarction (Ml), and coronary artery disease (CAD) are eligible for the program. Members are automatically enrolled once we identify them with one of these cardiac conditions. Membership in the Cardiac Program is voluntary. If at any time your patients wish to stop participating in the program, they only need to call. Member benefits and support The program will provide the following member benefits and support: • Patient education and self-management tools • Cardiac information • High-risk cardiac patients with inpatient admissions receive telephonic case management • Information on smoking with referral to the state Quitline • Member newsletter with cardiac related articles • Cardiac Program information is available via the WVFH website • Home care and DME needs are coordinated through the WVFH Care Manager Provider benefits and support Provider benefits and supports include: • Support from our care managers and other health care staff to ensure that your patients understand how to best manage their condition and evaluate their health status • Cardiac specific educational materials are mailed to patients • Patient education for co-existing conditions, smoking cessation, medication compliance, and weight supports optimal self-management FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information or to refer a patient to the Cardiac Program, please call 1-855-412-8004. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.3 6|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.3 CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE (COPD) PROGRAM Program overview The WVFH COPD Program emphasizes patient education, self-management, and medication adherence. The program promotes lifestyle modifications and safety to reduce inpatient utilization, emergency room visits and preventable flare ups. WVFH members 21 years of age and older with a diagnosis of COPD are eligible for this program. Members are automatically enrolled once they are identified with COPD, but are able to opt-out if they choose. Membership in the COPD Program is voluntary. If at any time your patients wish to stop participating in the program, they only need to call. Member benefits and support The Program will provide the following member benefits and support: • Care managers are available to support your plan of care. They can provide telephonic management to help educate your patients about their COPD. • Your patients will receive COPD educational materials and selfmanagement tools. • Information on smoking cessation with referral to the state Quitline. • Member newsletter with COPD related articles. • COPD program information is available via the WVFH website. Provider benefits and support Provider benefits and support include: • Support from nurses and other health care staff to ensure that your patients understand how to best manage their condition and evaluate their health status • Motivate your patients to assume a proactive role in their health • Provide patient education about comorbid conditions to help reduce hospitalizations FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information or to refer a patient to the COPD Program, please call 1-855-412-8004. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.3 7|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.3 SPECIAL NEEDS CARE MANAGEMENT Goal of SNCMU The goal of the Special Needs Care Management Unit (SNCMU) is to intervene in medically or socially complex cases that may benefit from increased coordination of services to optimize health and prevent disease. Contact information A Special Needs Care Manager is available at 1-855-412-8004, Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, to assist with coordination of the member’s health care needs. When calling after hours or on holidays, Member Services is available at 1-855-412-8001. The responsibilities of the SNCMU include: SNCMU responsibilities • Liaison with various health care practitioners, community social service agencies, advocacy groups and other agencies that the Medical Assistance population may interface with; • Case management of children with medically complex special needs; • Coordination of services between primary care, specialty, ancillary, and behavioral health practitioners within and outside the network; • Facilitation of dispute resolution including informing members of the complaint, grievance, and appeal mechanism that is available to the member; and • Facilitation of members’ access to city, county, and Commonwealth social agencies for those members with complicated ongoing social service needs that affect their ability to access and use medical services. Criteria for referral The following problems and/or diagnoses are examples of appropriate referrals to the Special Needs Care Management Team: • Children with special health care needs (i.e., Cerebral Palsy) • HIV/AIDS • Mental Health or Substance Abuse Issues • Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities WVFH allows for a standing referral to a specialist for sixty (60) days or to serve as a primary care practitioner (PCP) in certain pre-authorized situations. The specialist must be an existing WVFH practitioner, must be agreeable to following WVFH’s requirements for acting as a PCP, and must receive prior authorization by WVFH’s Medical Director. Practitioners interested in obtaining more information regarding this process should contact Provider Servicing at 1-855-412-8002. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.3 8|P a g e FEBRUARY 2016 4.3 COMPLEX CASE MANAGEMENT Program overview WVFH provides a Complex Case Management Program for eligible members. Participation in this program is voluntary. A Care Manager can help your patient to better understand their health conditions and benefits and can also help to coordinate health care services by interacting with providers. A Care Manager can tell your patient about community organizations and resources that may meet their needs. Member eligibility Eligible members may include: • Members with multiple medical conditions • Members with a complex medical history • Members that need assistance to become more self-reliant in managing their health care Referrals To make a referral, please call: 1-855-412-8004, Option 2. WVFH will review the request for enrollment and make the final decision for inclusion in the program. WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH PROVIDER MANUAL | CHAPTER 4.3 9|P a g e DIVA - Telephonic Eligibility and Referral System If you wish to verify eligibility or if you are a PCP or OB/GYN and wish to issue a referral, begin by calling the DIVA Eligibility/Referral System at 1-888-907-8002. Available 24/7. You will need the member’s 8-digit WVFH ID and your 7-digit WVFH practice ID and hospital or specialist from the Provider directory located at www.wvfh.com. Follow the telephone prompts or refer to the quick reference guide below. To speak to a Customer Service Representative just press 0. MAIN MENU To verify a member’s coverage, press 1. To create a new referral, press 2. To review existing referrals, press 3. TO VERIFY MEMBER COVERAGE - Because of frequent changes in a member’s eligibility, each participating practitioner is responsible to verify a member’s eligibility with WVFH BEFORE providing services. Using telephone keypad, enter member’s 8-digit WVFH ID followed by #. (Press to start over.) To verify coverage or PCP assignment for today’s date of service, press 1. To enter a different date, press 2. Enter the 8-digit date of service (format as 11.11.1111). ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS For more information, press 1. To have this verification faxed to you, press 2. To check a different date, press 3. To check a different member, press 4. To return to the main menu, press #. If your call is complete, you may hang up now. TO ENTER A REFERRAL TO A SPECIALIST OR HOSPITAL (PCPs issuing referrals to hospitals and specialists) Referrals allow the PCP to approve specialty services for members on their panel. OB/GYNs may only issue referrals to participating hospitals. UM Authorization is still required for certain services. Specialists and hospitals may only review referrals. ENTER A REFERRAL Using your telephone keypad, please enter your 7-digit provider ID. Press to start over. Enter member’s 8-digit ID and 7-digit provider ID for the specialist or hospital, then press #. To create a general referral for 3 visits within the next 90 days, press 1. To create a referral for 9 visits within the next 90 days for allergy or pain management, press 2. Enter beginning date for referral (back-date up to 30 days and no more than 90 days into future). Enter the 8-digit date of service (format as 11.11.1111). To save this referral press 1. ~If successful entry you will receive the following message: This referral has been saved. The referral ID number is <XXXXX>. To discard it and start over with a new referral, press 2. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS To hear this authorization again, press 1. To enter a new referral for the same PCP press 2. To enter a new referral for a different PCP press 3. To fax this referral press 4. TO REVIEW A REFERRAL TO A SPECIALIST OR HOSPITAL If you are a PCP, press 1. If you are a specialist, press 2. Enter your 7-digit provider ID and member’s 8 digit ID number. Using your telephone keypad, please enter the 10 digit fax number, including the area code. Your fax has been submitted. If you do not receive it, call Provider Services M-F 8:30-4:30 at 1-855-412-8002. HealthCheck Health History Form 0-6 Years Patient Name: _______________________________________ Date of Birth: _________________ Age: ________ Your Name: _________________________________________ Relationship to child: ________________________ Child’s Health History Child’s Health History Pregnancy and Birth Medical problems during pregnancy? ___________________________ _________________________________________________________ In utero drug exposure? _____________________________________ Where was the child born? ___________________________________ Delivered by: Vaginal C-section Why C-section? ____________________________________________ Birth Weight: _____________ Birth Length: _______________ Full Term (> 37 weeks gestation) Preterm (< 36 weeks gestation) NICU stay: _________________ weeks Other problems in the newborn period? _________________________ Medications Current medications and dose: _______________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Vitamins: ________________________________________________ Herbs/home remedies: _____________________________________ Over the counter: __________________________________________ Allergies/reactions to medications or vaccines: _______________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Condition Mother Father Sibling Grandparent Asthma Anemia Blood disorder Cancer Heart disease Heart attack High cholesterol High blood pressure Stroke Diabetes Thyroid disease Kidney disease Seizures Depression/anxiety Drug and alchol use Other ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Other Concerns: Reviewed by: ______________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________ & Family ld WVDHHR/BPH/OMCFH/HC 05-2012 hi ternal Ma ,C of inia Office rg Vi Exposure/Habits Any concerns about lead exposure (old home, plumbing, peeling paint)? Yes No Do any household members smoke? Yes No TV hours per day __________________________________________ Computer hours per day ____________________________________ Video games – hours per day ________________________________ Is violence at home a concern? Yes No Family Medical History Do any family members have any of the following conditions? lth West ea Developmental Do you have concerns about any of the following: Problems with sleeping or nightmares The way your child uses his/her arms, fingers or legs Speech problems Bad temper/breath holding/ jealousy Nail biting/thumb sucking Vision (Are you concerned about your child’s vision?) Hearing (Are you concerned about your child’s hearing?) Dental Problems with teeth or gums Bad breath Has your child been seen by a dentist? Yes No If so, date of last exam: _______________________________ Why did he/she see the dentist? ________________________ Water source: City Well H Infancy and Childhood Has your child ever been treated for or diagnosed with: Asthma or wheezing _______________________________ Pneumonia ______________________________________ Lung problems ___________________________________ Heart murmur ____________________________________ Anemia _________________________________________ Recurrent ear infections ____________________________ Hearing problems _________________________________ Vision or eye problems _____________________________ Urinary tract infections _____________________________ Stomach or digestive problems ______________________ Seasonal allergies or eczema _______________________ Seizures ________________________________________ Broken bone(s) __________________________________ Learning disability ________________________________ __________________________________________________ Depression/anxiety _______________________________ ADD/ADHD______________________________________ Other chronic medical problems ______________________ __________________________________________________ Has your child ever been hospitalized? No Yes Why? ________________________________ Previous surgeries: __________________________________ Please list any specialists your child is currently seeing and reason: _________________________________________________________ Nutrition and Feeding Has your child had any feeding/dietary problems? ______________ _________________________________________________________ Unexplained weight gain Unexplained weight loss Food allergies: _______________________________________ Participates in WIC HealthCheck Health History Form 7-20 Years Patient Name: _________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _________________ Age: ________ Your Name: _______________________________________________ Relationship to child: ____________________________ Child’s Health History Childhood Has your child ever been treated for or diagnosed with: Asthma or wheezing _____________________________________ Pneumonia ____________________________________________ Lung problems _________________________________________ Heart murmur __________________________________________ Anemia _______________________________________________ Recurrent ear infections __________________________________ Hearing problems _______________________________________ Vision or eye problems ___________________________________ Urinary tract infections ___________________________________ Stomach or digestive problems _____________________________ Seasonal allergies or eczema _____________________________ Seizures ______________________________________________ Broken bone(s) _________________________________________ Learning disability _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Depression/ anxiety _____________________________________ ADD/ADHD ___________________________________________ Other chronic medical problems ____________________________ _________________________________________________________ Has your child ever been hospitalized? No Yes Why? ______________________________________ Previous surgeries: ________________________________________ Please list any specialists your child is currently seeing and reason: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Developmental/Behavior Do you have concerns about any of the following: Problems with sleeping or nightmares The way your child uses his/her arms, fingers or legs Speech problems Bad temper/breath holding/jealousy Nail biting/thumb sucking Bedwetting (after 6 years) Vision (Are you concerned about your child’s vision?) Hearing (Are you concerned about your child’s hearing?) Does your child have problems with: School attendance Getting along with other children including siblings Getting along with parents or other adults Threaten to harm self, others or animals Sexual acting out Destroying property Drug use, alcohol use or smoking Puberty Concerns about: Body changes Sexual activity Sexually transmitted infection Discharge: vaginal or penis Contraception Medications Current medications and dose: _______________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Vitamins: ________________________________________________ Herbs/home remedies: _____________________________________ Over the counter: __________________________________________ Allergies/reactions to medications or vaccines: _______________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Nutrition Has your child had any dietary problems? _____________________ _________________________________________________________ Unexplained weight gain Unexplained weight loss Food allergies: _________________________________________ Dental Problems with teeth or gums Bad breath Has your child been seen by a dentist? Yes No If so, date of last exam: _____________________________________ Why did he/she see the dentist? ______________________________ Exposure/Habits Any concerns about lead exposure (old home, plumbing, peeling paint)? Yes No Do any household members smoke? Yes No TV hours per day __________________________________________ Computer hours per day ____________________________________ Video games – hours per day ________________________________ Is violence at home a concern? Yes No Family Medical History Do any family members have any of the following conditions? Condition Mother Father Sibling Grandparent Asthma Anemia Blood disorder Cancer Heart disease Heart attack High cholesterol High blood pressure Stroke Diabetes Thyroid disease Kidney disease Seizures Depression/anxiety Drug and alchol use Other ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Other Concerns: ternal Ma ,C of & Fa mily H rg Vi ld hi inia Office For Girls: Age of first menstrual period? ________________________________ Child’s Health History WVDHHR/BPH/OMCFH/HC 05-2012 Reviewed by: _________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________________ lth West ea Provider Services – Medical Review West Virginia Medicaid Project PO Box 2254 Charleston WV 25328-2254 888 483 0793 304 348 3380 Fax Hysterectomy Acknowledgment Form WV Medicaid Program A Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. The procedure renders the individual permanently and irreversibly sterile (unable to become pregnant). I certify that the above information has been read and explained to me and I fully understand that following this surgical procedure I will be permanently incapable of reproducing. The above information was read and explained to me before the surgery. __________________________________ Member’s Signature __________________________________ Member’s ID Number __________________________________ Date West Virginia Family Health (WVFH) - Maternity Outcome Authorization Form *** THIS FORM MUST BE FAXED TO WVFH WITHIN TWO (2) BUSINESS DAYS OF THE MOTHER'S DISCHARGE *** Fax Number 1-855-888-8252 WVFH Member Number WVFH Member Date Of Birth / * 0 1 / Member Last Name Member First Name M.I. Hospital Hospital Provider Number UR Contact Person Phone Fax - - Attending MD (Last name, First name) - / Delivery Information: / / / Type of Delivery: Live Birth Vaginal (650) Neonatal Death (live birth) C-Section (669.71 ) Fetal Death: > 22 weeks gestation (656.40) < 22 weeks gestation (632) VBAC (650-primary, 654.21-secondary ) Birth #1 Birth #2 Newborn's Medicaid ID Number Newborn's Medicaid ID Number Newborn's Last Name Newborn's Last Name Newborn's First Name M.I. Date of Birth / Newborn's First Name / Birth Time Gender Actual Discharge Date (for Mom) Actual Admit Date Date of Birth (military time) M / / / Birth Time F Gender (military time) M Birth Weight Birth Weight Apgars Apgars Gestational Age Gravida/Para M.I. / F Gestational Age / Home Health Offered? Gravida/Para Y / N / Home Health Offered? Baby Admitted to: Y / N Baby Admitted to: Newborn Nursery Newborn Nursery Special Care Nursery Special Care Nursery NICU NICU Discharge Status: to care of Mom (HB ) to Foster Care (FC ) for Adoption (A ) Fetal Death (MFD ) Neonatal Death (MND ) home without baby (NB ) IF ADDITIONAL DAYS FOR MOM OR BABY ARE NEEDED, OR IF MOM DESIRES A POSTPARTUM HOME HEALTH VISIT, PLEASE CALL THE UM DEPARTMENT FOR AUTHORIZATION AT 1-855-412-8003 DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS. (MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM) FOR WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH USE ONLY AUTHORIZED LENGTH OF STAY AUTHORIZATION NUMBER MEMBERS EFFECTIVE DATE OF COVERAGE ADMIT TYPE DISENROLLMENT DATE MAT WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY HEALTH MEDICAID DRUG EXCEPTION FORM Please complete and fax all requested information below including any progress notes, laboratory test results, or chart documentation as applicable to West Virginia Family Health Pharmacy Services. FAX: (855) 430-9849 If needed, you may call to speak to a Pharmacy Services Representative. PHONE: (855) 412-8005 Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm First name: SECTION A - MEMBER INFORMATION Last name: Allergies: Pharmacy Name: Drug Name Requested: Date of Birth: Member ID: Type of reaction(s): SECTION B - PHARMACY INFORMATION Pharmacy Phone Number: SECTION C - CLINICAL INFORMATION Dosage and Frequency: Quantity: Length of therapy: Diagnosis for which drug is being requested: Date Medication Initiated: Is the Patient currently receiving requested medication? Yes No You must be able to document the therapeutic failure or contraindication to preferred/formulary products for a request to be approved. PREFERRED/FORMULARY ALTERNATIVES THAT HAVE BEEN USED BY THE PATIENT Drug Name/ Strength Dates Tried: Reason therapy failed or discontinued Is member currently or recently hospitalized? Yes No Date of Discharge: Additional Clinical or Supporting Information: Please include office notes, lab data, and other supporting medical literature. Prescriber Name (printed): Office Phone: SECTION D - PRESCRIBER INFORMATION Prescriber Specialty: Contact Person: Prescriber Signature: Extension: NPI Number: Office Fax: Date: If the request is denied, the prescriber can change the prescription to an appropriate preferred/formulary alternative or with written member consent file an appeal with West Virginia Family Health. Revised 9/2014 May Photocopy for Office Use 15 West Virginia Family Health (WVFH) Member Outreach Form T h e i n f o r m a t i o n i n t h i s b o x i s r e q u i r e d . P l e a s e c o m p l e t e a l l l i n e s . Member Name: AGE: WVFH ID #: DOB: Date of Last EPSDT screen (for members <21 years old) Parent/Guardian Name: Relationship: Phone #: ( ) PCP Name Provider ID#: PCP Contact Person: PCP Contact Phone #: Date sent to WVFH: Member is being referred for the following: o o o Over due for EPSDT screen – Last Screen date: _____________ o Elevated Blood Lead Level Date of last draw: ________________ Result of last draw: ______ Date script was given for Blood Lead Level ____________________________ Notified by mail (attach letter) Notified by phone call on: ________________ o o Member Education Regarding Referral Use Behind on these immunizations: _____________________________________________ Chronic no show for appointments or follow up care: (list dates missed) ____________________________________________________________________ Reason for Appointment: _______________________________________________ Referred for services: Services needed: (Be Specific) __________________________________________________________________ Referred to Physician: ________________________ Phone # ___________________ Comments or Addition Information: _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (A WVFH Representative will telephonically contact the member and provide education, assist with scheduling appointments and assist with transportation as appropriate) Mail To: -­‐ or -­‐ Fax To: Care Management (EPSDT) Preventive Health Department West Virginia Family Health Fax: 1-­‐855-­‐430-­‐9847 Four Gateway Center 444 Liberty Avenue Suite 2100 Pittsburgh, Pa 15222-­‐1222 If you have questions concerning the use of this form, call the Preventive Health Department at 1-­‐855-­‐412-­‐8004 Option 3. April 2014 Provider Services – Medical Review West Virginia Medicaid Project PO Box 2254 Charleston WV 25328-2254 888 483 0793 304 348 3380 Fax Physician Certification For Hysterectomy This is to certify that: _____________________________________________________ Member’s Name _________________________________________ Member’s Medicaid Number _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Member’s Address I. Was already sterile before the hysterectomy due to: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ II. Required a hysterectomy performed under a life-threatening emergency situation in which prior acknowledgment was not possible. (Describe in detail the nature of the emergency). _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Physician’s Signature ________________________________ Date Physician Certification For Pregnancy Term i nati on Form The Physician Certification for Pregnancy Termination Form must be completed and maintained on file at the practice location and available for review upon request by BMS and its designee Please print or type. Member's Name Member’s Medicaid Number Member's Address I. Certification of General Medical Necessity (must be certified for all claims). I, (attending physician),having discussed this matter with the patient prior to the service, certify on the basis of my professional judgment, this pregnancy termination was necessary in light of physical, em otional, psychological, familial or age factors or a combination thereof) relevant to the well-being of the patient. II. Certification of Specific Medical Necessity (only if applicable). I, (attending physician).certify that on the basis of my professional judgment, this pregnancy termination was medically necessary due to one or more of the following factors. (Check all that apply): Pregnancy resulting from rape Endangerment of mother’s life if the fetus were carried to full term Pregnancy resulting from incest Physician's Signature Date PO Box 2254 Charleston, WV 25328-2254 Phone: 888-483-0793 Fax: 304-348-3380 Revised 06/15 WEST VIRGINIA PRENATAL RISK SCREENING INSTRUMENT Last Name: First Name: MI: Date of Birth: / Street: State: City: Race: Ethnicity: No / / Current Weight (lbs) : Height (Ft-inches) : Medicaid # Obstetrical History: Gravida Para Term Oral Health: Pre Pregnancy Risk Factors: Previous Cesarean Section Low Birth Weight (<2500GM) Abnormal Amniocentesis PIH/Preclampsia Abnormal Genetics Screen History of PROM Previous Stillbirth Abdominal Surgery Opioid Abuse Treatment Asst Reproductive Technology SAB / / / LMP: (MM/DD/YYYY): EDC: (MM/DD/YYYY): Date of Last Delivery: Blood Pressure: Type of Delivery: 1st Trimester Miscarriage 2nd Trimester Miscarriage Preterm Birth Current Preg. Prior Preg. Y N Y N na na Fetal Reduction na na Macrosomia na na IUGR na na Oligo/Polyhdramnios na na Gestational Diabetes na na Placental Abruption na na Ectopic Pregnancy Obesity Hepatitis B Hepatitis C EAB Live / / / Abortion Abortion Term Birth Current Preg. Prior Preg. Y N Y N Sensitive/Bleeding Gums Yes Loose/Broken/Decayed Teeth Yes No Dental visit within the last year Yes No Do you intend to breastfeed? Yes No Are you currently breastfeeding? Yes No Group B Strep Pyelonephritis Placental Previa Cervical Incompetence Other/Unlisted Risk:Factor: Bleeding during current pregnancy? Trimester: On Current Preg. Prior Preg. Family Hist. Medical Conditions: Yes No Meds Y N Y N Y N Multiple Gestation High Blood Pressure Fetal Genetic/Structural Abnormalities Kidney Disease Psychosocial Risk Factors: Yes No Diabetes Disabled Asthma Unemployed/Inadequate income Heart Condition Husband/Partner Employed Thyroid Disease Homeless Environmental Risk Factors: Yes Unstable Housing Lead: House Built before 1978 Education <12 years Viral: Cats or Birds in Home Currently in Foster Care Tobacco: 2nd or 3rd Hand Smoke Inadequate Transportation Reasons for Late Entry into Prenatal Care: Inadequate Social Support Unplanned Pregnancy Does not apply Nutritional Concerns Insurance Enrollment Delay Eating Disorder Unaware of Importance of PNC Domestic Violence Couldn't find a health provider Difficulty with Reading and Understanding Abortion desired/unsuccessful Internet Access Have you ever been a victim of abuse or violence? Has your partner's anger ever worried or scared you? Have you ever felt down or hopeless? Have you lost interest in things you used to do for fun? Individual NPI# Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No Provider Name and Title: (print) No Current Preg. Prior Preg. Y N Y N 1st 2nd Yes Family History: Have either of your parents had a problem with drugs or alcohol? Has your partner had a problem with drugs or alcohol? Have you had a problem with drugs or alcohol in the past? Have you used drugs or alcohol during this pregnancy? Alternate #: No Insurance Hispanic/Latino Not Hispanic/Latino (Check all that apply) Date of 1st Prenatal Visit: (MM/DD/YYYY) / Telephone: Insurance Source: Health Insurance Married: Yes No / County of Residence: Zip Code: U.S. Citizen: Yes White Black/African American Asian American Indian/Alaska Native Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Social Security #: / 3rd No No On Meds Clotting Disorder STD Seizures Rh Negative Other: No Yes Yes Financial Child Care Issues Access to pregnancy testing Transportation Other: Have you ever smoked cigarettes? Yes No Do you currently smoke cigarettes? Yes No If yes, # of cigarettes per day: I quit (when): Does your partner smoke? Yes No Provider Telephone #: Date: I am interested in further follow-up. I give my consent for necessary referrals to be made. I understand that my participation in any referral services is voluntary and that all information provided will be held strictly confidential. Date: Patient Signature: Patient Name: (print) / 6368915 WVDHHR/BPH/OMCFH/DPWH PRSI 04/27/2012 PLEASE COMPLETE AND FAX TO (304) 957-0176 / WV PRENATAL RISK SCREENING INSTRUMENT INSTRUCTIONS The Prenatal Risk Screening Instrument (PRSI) is intended to promote early and accurate identification of prenatal risk factors. Prenatal risk screening is conducted at the first prenatal visit. If the patient answers “Yes” to any pregnancy or medical risk factor, a Maternal Fetal Medicine consultation should be considered. General Instructions Print clearly. Complete the form accurately and completely. When asked to select “Yes” or “No”, choose only one option. Patient Information Name (List patient’s Last Name, First Name & Middle Initial) Date of Birth (List patient’s date of birth as MM/DD/YYYY) Social Security Number (List patient’s social security number; if patient is undocumented or a non-citizen use 000-00-0000) Address (Use current address where the patient resides) County of Residence (List the West Virginia County that patient’s address is located) Telephone Number (Use a current telephone number & alternate number, if applicable, where patient can be reached) Race/Ethnicity (Check all that apply) U.S. Citizen (Choose only one option) Married (Choose only one option) Insurance Source (Select type of insurance source that patient currently has; if Medicaid, list Medicaid number; private insurance, list insurance company name, ex: PEIA, BCBS) Entry into Prenatal Care Date of First Prenatal Visit (Enter the date of the patient’s initial medical examination during this pregnancy) Current Weight (List patient’s current weight in pounds) Height (List patient’s current height in feet/inches) Blood Pressure (List patient’s blood pressure reading at time of this visit) Obstetrical History Gravida (Enter # of pregnancies in the boxes; include current pregnancy in this number. If Gravida >1, the Para field must be completed.) Para (This is the # of: Term=Term Deliveries; Pre=Preterm Deliveries; SAB=Spontaneous Abortions; EAB=Elective Terminations; & L=Live Births) LMP (List date of last menstrual period) EDC (List estimated date of confinement) Date of Last Delivery (List patient’s last pregnancy delivery date, if applicable) Type of Delivery (Select type of delivery patient had from last pregnancy, if applicable) Oral Health Select “Yes” or “No”. If patient answers “Yes” to any of the questions, please consider a referral to a dentist or provide patient education. Breastfeeding Select “Yes” or “No” to the questions regarding breastfeeding. Pregnancy Risk Factors Select “Yes” or “No” to indicate the presence of risk factors in the patient’s current and/or prior pregnancy(ies). Bleeding During Current Pregnancy If “Yes”, select the trimester(s) that bleeding occurred. Select “No” if bleeding did not occur. Family History Select “Yes” or “No” to indicate the presence of risk factors in the patient’s current and/or prior pregnancy(ies) and/or whether there is a family history for the selected risk factors. Medical Conditions Select “Yes” or “No” to indicate whether the patient currently has the listed medical risk factor and/or is taking medication for the condition. Psychosocial Risk Factors Select “Yes” or “No” for each risk factor listed. Environmental Risk Factors Indicate by selecting “Yes” or “No” whether the patient has been exposed to listed items in their environment. A patient who lives in a house built before 1978 is at risk for exposure to lead paint. Reasons for Late Entry into Prenatal Care Complete this section only when a patient enters prenatal care in the 2nd or 3rd trimester. Fill in “Yes” for all reasons that apply. Additional Screening Questions These questions are used as a screening tool to begin discussion about use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco and/or abuse. Advise the patient that the responses she provides are confidential and may only be used for her evaluation and treatment. Any patient who answers “Yes” to one or more questions may warrant further assessment and follow-up. Provider Information List name, title, individual NPI# and telephone number of provider completing the PRSI; list date the form was completed. Consent Patient’s participation in any referral services is voluntary and her consent must be provided. If patient is interested in further followup/referrals, she must print name, sign and date the form. If patient is not interested in referral services, please leave this section blank. Completion Fax the form to (304) 957-0176. Do not include coversheets. Check to be sure the correct side of the form is transmitted. Fax only one form per patient; do not refax a patient’s form. Duplicate faxes create problems with processing. Authorization for Services • • • Authorizations are the responsibility of the ordering physician Reimbursement for services requires that they are billed with valid covered codes included on WVFH’s fee schedule Call Provider Services at 1-855-412-8002 for further explanation of what services require a referral or authorization AUTHORIZATION, REFERRAL, SELF-REFERRAL, SCRIPT GUIDE 6/29/14 This listing of procedures should not be considered all inclusive. PCP REFERRAL ALLERGY VISITS ANGIOGRAMS AMBULANCE BONE DENSITOMETRY BONE SCAN CARDIAC/PULMONARY REHAB CT SCANS CHEMOTHERAPY (Hospital & Physician Office) CHIROPRACTIC SERVICES (Benefit limited to spinal manipulations only – 98940, 98941 & 98942) COSMETIC PROCEDURES DIALYSIS DME/ORTHOTICS/PROSTHETICS/MEDICAL SUPPLIES: Covered items under $500 (purchase or rental) & Items on MA fee schedule Items over $500.00 Items not on Medical Assistance fee schedule ELECTIVE ADMISSIONS EMERGENCY SERVICES (Par and Non-Par) FAMILY PLANNING (Par and Non-Par) FETAL NON-STRESS TESTS HEARING AIDS & EAR MOLDS (members under 21) HEART CATHETERIZATIONS (Performed in Lab) HOME HEALTH VISITS/HOSPICE INPATIENT REHAB LABORATORY TESTING - Par Laboratory LABORATORY TESTING - Non-Par Laboratory MAMMOGRAMS (all types and Par Only) MENTAL HEALTH/SUBSTANCE ABUSE MRI/MRA NERVE CONDUCTION TESTING - Facility NERVE CONDUCTION TESTING - Physician Office NON-PAR PROVIDERS NUCLEAR CARDIOLOGY NUTRITIONAL EDUCATION OB/GYN SERVICES (Par Only) ORTHOPTICS/VISUAL TRAINING PAIN MANAGEMENT-Consult to pain clinic PAIN MANAGEMENT-Performed in Physician office or OP WVFH AUTH SELFREFER SCRIPT COMMENTS X X X X X X X X Participating chiropractors permitted to render x-rays X X X X X X X X X X X X X Benefit limited to individuals under 21 years of age X X X X X Covered by FFS X X X X X X X X X X AUTHORIZATION, REFERRAL, SELF-REFERRAL, SCRIPT GUIDE 6/29/14 This listing of procedures should not be considered all inclusive. PCP REFERRAL WVFH AUTH SelfReferred X PET SCANS Benefit limited to individuals under 21 years of age X PRIVATE DUTY NURSING X RADIATION - Radiology Services-Standard Plain Film RESPIRATORY THERAPY SERVICES - Including Atrial Blood Gases, Pulmonary Function Test, and Pulse Oximetry ROUTINE EYE EXAMS (Under the age of 21 only & services must be rendered by a par provider) SLEEP STUDY SPECIALIST OFFICE VISITS (except Ob/Gyn) SPU &/or SURGICAL Services (except those listed below) Abortion, Bariatric Surgery/Stapling, Blepharoplasty, Breast Reduction, Carpal Tunnel Surgery, Genital Reconstruction, Hysterectomy, Panniculectomy, Tubal Ligations, Removal of Breast Implant, Rhinoploasty, Spinal Neuro Stimulator Services, TMJ Surgery, Transplants/Implants, Varicose Vein Any Service provided in a Par Lab or Par OP Facility THERAPY SERVICES (Physical, Occupational, Speech) Initial Evaluation THERAPY SERVICES (Physical, Occupational, Speech) Ongoing Visits TOBACCO CESSATION PROGRAM ULTRASOUND (All types) URGENT CARE CENTERS Par Non-par WEIGHT MANAGEMENT COMMENTS SCRIPT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Mail to: West Virginia Family Health P.O. Box 830499 Birmingham, AL 35283-0499 11928899WV REFERRAL FORM For claims payment purposes each referral you issue requires a NEW form to be downloaded and printed. Just print, complete and mail to the address above. PRIMARY PCP Name: CARE INFORMATION Automated telephone referrals may be done through WVFH’s DIVA/EVS line at 1-888-907-8002. PATIENT INFORMATION PCP Address: Patient Name: ________________________ WVFH Member ID#: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ PCP Phone: Diagnosis/Complaint: __________________ PCP Group Provider ID #: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ SPECIALTY PROVIDER OR FACILITY INFORMATION SPECIALTY PROVIDER - Complete specialist name and provider group ID for services rendered at office site only. FACILITY PROVIDER - Complete facility name and facility ID for services rendered at outpatient facility to allow both facility and physician services to be covered. REFERRED TO: Provider Name: _ Provider Group or Facility ID Number: Office Visit - 3 Visits/90 Days Laboratory Testing Performed by a Participating Lab ONLY Requires a Script Laboratory Testing Performed by a NonParticipating Lab Requires an UM Authorization Allergy Services - 9 Visits/90 Days Nerve Conduction Testing - 9 Visits/90 Days __ __ __ __ __ Pain Management - 9 Visits/90 Days (Call 1-855-412-8003, M-F 8:30 am – 4:30 pm to obtain authorization) The referral must be in WVFH’s claim system at the time the bill is received to be applied to the service rendered. Payment for referral and precertified services is contingent upon the patient being an effective WVFH member on the date of service at the time of claim processing. PCP Signature: (An unsigned form is invalid.) Referral Date: ____-____-____ (If referral is not dated, WVFH will date according to receipt at the claim office.) Created 9/14 Refund Form Instructions for Providers: West Virginia Family Health cannot accept verbal requests to retract claim(s) overpayments. Providers may complete and submit a Refund Form or a letter that contains all of the information requested on this form. This form, together with all supporting materials relevant to the claim(s) reversal request being made including but not limited to EOB from other insurance carriers and your refund check should be mailed to: PNC BANK, c/o GATEWAY HEALTH PAYMENTS/REFUNDS, Lock Box #645171, 500 1st Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. PLEASE COMPLETE BELOW Date_______________ Group Name_________________________________________ Group Number______________ Address________________________________________________________________ Phone Number ______________ Practitioner Name____________________________________ Individual Provider Number________________________ Vendor Name_______________________________________ Tax Identification Number __________________________ Contact Person at Provider’s Office____________________________________ Phone Number_____________________ E-­‐mail Address______________________________________________________________________________________ Member/Claim Information Name W.V.F.H. ID # DOS Claim Number Refund Amount _________________________ _______________ __________ _____________ ____________ _________________________ _______________ __________ _____________ ____________ _________________________ _______________ __________ _____________ ____________ (Please use a separate sheet for additional Member/Claim Information) Reason for Refund (Please check/mark the box that apply) : o Payment of Outstanding Credit Balance AR o Duplicate Payment o Medicare o Other Insurance Name(s): __________________________ o Provider Billing Error o Unable to Identify Patient o Multiple Payments (If multiple members are affected, check box and attach a copy of your Remit with names highlighted) o Other: _______________________ COMMENT: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ West Virginia Family Health | P.O. Box 22190 | Pittsburgh, PA 15222 | 855-412-8002 | www.wvfh.com DHS-2510-ENG (11/93) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service INFORMATION FOR WOMEN Your Sterilization Operation NOTICE: Your decision at any time not to be sterilized will not result in the withdrawal or withholding of any benefits provided by programs or projects receiving federal funds. You will find a consent form at the back of this pamphlet. This information is available in other forms to people with disabilities by contacting us at 651-296-8517 (voice), toll free at 1-800-657-3659, or through the Minnesota Relay Service at 711 or 1-800-627-3529 (TDD) or 1-877-627-3848 (speech-to-speech relay service). Why This Pamphlet Is Important to You Sterilization is an operation that is intended to be permanent. This pamphlet describes the sterilization operation for women and its benefits, discomforts, and risks. Other family planning methods that are not permanent are also described. You should feel free to ask your doctor any questions after you have read the pamphlet completely. If the Federal government is to pay for your sterilization, certain conditions must be met. They are listed on page 8. The purpose of these conditions is to ensure that you understand sterilization and that you choose freely to have this operation. Both men and women can be sterilized. This pamphlet is about sterilization operations for women. (Ask your doctor or clinic for the pamphlet on sterilization for men.) Sterilization must be considered permanent. For most women, once this operation has been done, it can never be undone. Some doctors try to undo a sterilization with surgery. This is a difficult and Making Up Your Mind 1 expensive operation, and often it doesn’t work. Some people call sterilization “tying the tubes.” But don’t think the tubes can be easily untied! They can’t. So it’s not a good idea to think your sterilization can be undone. can force you to be sterilized as a condition for delivering your baby or performing an abortion. To have this operation paid for with Federal funds, you must be at least 21 years old. If you are married, discuss the operation with your husband. However, his consent is not required if Medicaid or any Federal government program is going to pay for your operation. Your consent to sterilization cannot be obtained while you are in the hospital for childbirth or abortion, or if you are under the influence of alcohol or other substances that affect your state of awareness. You must sign the consent form at least 30 days before you plan to have the operation. This is so you will have at least 30 days to think it over and discuss it with your family and others. You may change your mind any time before the operation and cancel your appointment. Make sure you do not want to bear children under any circumstances before you decide to be sterilized. Are you sure you would not want to have children even if one of your present children died? Or your husband died? Or you got divorced and remarried? Be sure of your decision before you decide to be sterilized. Talk it over with your family or others you trust. No one can force you to be sterilized! Don’t let anyone push you into it. If you do not want to be sterilized, no one can take away any of your Federal benefits such as welfare, Social Security, or health care-including sterilization at a later date. No one Other Methods of Family Planning There are many other ways to avoid pregnancy. Before you decide to be sterilized, think about other methods of family planning. pregnancy. It is usually safe. In some women the pill causes minor side effects such as darkening of the skin of the face, nausea, spotting, missed periods or tender breasts. More serious complications which occur infrequently include depression, increased tendency for abnormal blood clotting, increased risk of heart attack and stroke (especially in women over age 35 -who smoke), and a small increased risk of liver or gall bladder disease. Temporary Methods of Family Planning The following methods of family planning are temporary. This means that when you or your partner do not use them you can become pregnant. Temporary methods of family planning are effective only if you use them correctly. If you think you might want to become pregnant later, you should use a temporary method of family planning instead of sterilization. Ask your doctor or clinic for pamphlets and counseling on any of these temporary methods of family planning. Intrauterine Device (IUD (IUD)—A small piece of plastic is inserted into a woman’s uterus (womb) by a doctor or family planning clinician. It is 94 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. ICTD use can cause heavier periods and cramps. A serious complication in couples who are not mutually faithful is increased risk of sexually transmitted infection which can cause infertility. Birth Control Pill Pill—A pill a woman takes regularly which is 97 percent effective in preventing 2 Diaphragm, Cervical Cap, or Contraceptive Sponge—A rubber cup or sponge a woman places Sponge in her vagina over her cervix before intercourse. The diaphragm or cap must be used with contraceptive gel or cream for it to be effective. The diaphragm or cap is 82 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. The sponge contains a contraceptive already. The effectiveness rate of the sponge is 82 percent for women who have not had children and 72 percent for women who have had children. There is little risk of serious complications, but minor side effects such as vaginal and urinary tract infections may occur. Benefits include some protection against sexually transmitted diseases. • charting the menstrual periods; • charting the woman’s body tempera ture; • checking the cervical mucus; • checking the position and texture of the cervix. Effectiveness requires cooperation between partners. There is no risk of complications. No drugs or devices are necessary. Natural family planning teaches a woman about her own fertility patterns. Norplant Norplant—A set of 6 hormone-containing capsules that are inserted beneath the skin of the inner upper arm and can remain effective for 5 years. It is over 99 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. Its effectiveness is decreased in women who weigh over 150 pounds. Most women using Norplant will have an abnormal bleeding pattern. Other minor side effects may occur, such as headache, nervousness, nausea, dizziness. A health care provider must insert or remove Norplant in a procedure which lasts 15-20 minutes. Norplant does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS. Contraceptive Foam, Cream, Gel, Tablet or Film (Spermicide)—Spermicidal preparations a woman places in her vagina each time before intercourse. They are 79 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. They occasionally cause minor side effects such as allergic reactions. Benefits include some protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Sterilization for a Man Condom, Rubber, Prophylactic—A thin sheath of rubber the man places over his penis each time before intercourse. In general use, it is 88 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. There are no serious side effects. A condom can be used with contraceptive foam, cream or gel, or with a diaphragm for extra protection. Condoms give protection against sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS. A man can be sterilized by an operation called a vasectomy. This operation is intended to be permanent. It is simpler, quicker, and safer than the sterilization operation for a woman, so you and your partner may decide that it is better for him to have the sterilization operation. Sterilization does not offer protection against sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS. (Ask your doctor or clinic for the pamphlet on sterilization for a man.) Natural Family Planning Planning—A type of family planning in which intercourse is avoided on the days each month when a woman is likely to get pregnant. In general use, it is 80 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. Natural family planning consists of several methods, all of which require instruction. Different methods involve some combination of: What About Abortion? Abortion does not prevent pregnancy. It is an operation to terminate a pregnancy which has already started. This pamphlet does not address abortion; it only addresses ways to avoid pregnancy. 3 When Can a Woman Have a Sterilization Operation? A sterilization operation can be done at different times. A talk with your doctor or clinic can help you decide what might be most suitable for you. hours after she has signed the consent form, she does not need to wait 30 days, and the sterilization may be performed at the same time as the other surgery. She should be sure that she does not want to have children again even if the baby does not live very long after birth. A woman may choose to have a sterilization operation at any time in her life. It doesn’t matter if she is not married or doesn’t have children. It is up to her. Sterilization done at too young an age or before a woman has any children may result in regret later. Circumstances can also change in your life which might cause you to regret your decision to be sterilized. A woman can have a sterilization operation at the same time she has a baby by cesarean section. A sterilization operation can be done at the same time through the same incision, but the woman must make up her mind at least 30 days before the baby is due. A woman can have a sterilization operation right after having a baby. This means that a woman may want to be sterilized while she is in the hospital for the delivery. A woman should think about this early in her pregnancy because in order for the sterilization to be paid for with Federal funds she must sign the consent form at least 30 days before the baby is due. If the woman delivers prematurely or has emergency abdominal surgery at least 72 A woman can have a sterilization operation when she is having another type of surgery if she has signed the consent form at least 30 days previously. A woman can have a sterilization operation done at any other time as well. The operation need not be done at the time of childbirth, cesarean section or another surgery. Facts About the Operation The surgical method of family planning is called a tubal sterilization or tubal ligation. should use some temporary method of family planning until you have your operation. In this operation the doctor blocks your two tubes to prevent the sperm and egg from uniting. (See figure below.) Menstruation (monthly period) continues following sterilization. Tubal sterilization will not cause menopause (change of life). Sterilization does not offer protection against sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS. The Anesthetic With any method of sterilization, you will first be given an anesthetic (a drug to keep you from feeling pain during the operation). A medical person who specializes in anesthesia may do this part of the operation. Sometimes the operation is done under “general” anesthesia. That means you will be asleep during the operation. The drugs used are a gas which you inhale and/or a liquid given to you by injection. Is the Operation Guaranteed to Work? Tubal sterilization works almost all the time. On the average only 4 out of every 1,000 women who have the operation will still get pregnant. Failures occur when sterilization surgery is performed after the woman is already pregnant or when there is incomplete blocking of the woman’s tubes. You Sometimes the operation is done under “local” anesthesia or “spinal” anesthesia. That means you are awake. 4 A local anesthetic is given by injection into the skin. It makes your skin numb. operation. Serious problems rarely happen. Most of the time serious problems can be treated and cured by the doctor without further surgery; however, an operation may be necessary to correct some of these problems. A spinal anesthetic is given by injection low in the spine. This type of injection makes you feel numb from the waist down Some of the medical problems you could have during or after a sterilization operation include: With local or spinal anesthesia, you may also be given pills or another injection to help you relax. 1. You may bleed from the incision on your skin or in your vagina. You should have a chance to discuss and participate in the decision regarding your type of anesthesia before your operation. 2. You may bleed inside your abdomen. (Another operation may be necessary to stop the bleeding.) 3. You may get an infection on or near the stitches or inside your abdomen. TUBE CUT AND TIED 4. The operation may not make you sterile. The operation cannot be guaranteed 100% to make you sterile. On the average 4 out of 1,000 women get pregnant after the operation. When this happens there is a possibility that the pregnancy may be in the tube. This would require immediate medical or surgical care. OVARY UTERUS ( Womb) VAGINA Benefits of Tubal Sterilization The benefits of tubal sterilization are: 5. As in other operations, the anesthetic drug used to put you to sleep or to make the operation painless may cause problems. You may vomit while under anesthesia and additional complications may result. As with all surgery, complications sometimes lead to death. • You never have to use a temporary method of family planning again (such as the pill or the diaphragm). • You don’t have to worry about getting pregnant. Discomforts and Risks 6. You may have damage to your internal organs, such as your bowel or bladder. More medical care or another operation may be necessary to repair the damage. No matter which type of operation you have, you can expect to feel pain and soreness in your abdomen for a few days. You can take medicine to help relieve the discomfort. 7. Some women have reported irregular periods, increased cramping or changes in their periods after sterilization. If you had general anesthesia, you may have a sore throat for a day or two from the tube used to keep your airway open while you were asleep. This goes away quickly and is not serious. Spinal anesthesia may give some persons a temporary headache. Go back to your doctor at once if you get a fever or severe pain in your abdomen soon after surgery. Either of these could be signs that you have an infection. Sterilization operations rave some risks, including a very small risk of death. This is true, of any type of 5 Four Types of Tubal Sterilization The operation you have depends on your health and your doctor. Talk to him or her about which operation you will have. 1. 2. 3. 4. incision. It is a thin metal tube with a light on it which allows the doctor to see your tubes, and through which the doctor can insert the operating instruments. Your tubes are sealed by the use of electric current, bands, or clips. Some doctors make a second small incision near the pubic hair line to insert one of the operating instruments. Laparotomy, Mini-laparotomy Laparoscopy Postpartum tubal sterilization Vaginal tubal sterilization After the gas in your abdomen is released, the incision is closed. Laparotomy, Mini-Laparotomy In both of these operations, the doctor makes an incision (cut) in the lower portion of your abdomen. The difference between the two is the length of the incision and the extensiveness of the surgery. In a mini-laparotomy the incision is very short (one or two inches) and leaves only a small scar. In a laparotomy it is much longer (three to five inches) and leaves a longer scar. Ask your doctor which method he or she uses. The operation, including the anesthesia, takes about 30 minutes. You will probably stay in the hospital less than 24 hours and be back to normal in two or three days. Because of the gas, you may feel a pain in your neck or shoulders, and you may feel bloated after the surgery. This goes away after a day or two. Postpartum Tubal Ligation This operation is done in the hospital shortly after a woman has a baby. The doctor makes a small incision below your navel. The doctor then closes off a section of each tube using surgical threads. After the tubes are tied, a small section between the ties is removed. The incision below your navel is stitched closed. The operation, including the anesthesia, usually takes about 30 minutes. Having the operation may make your hospital stay a day or two longer. How fast you get better will depend on how you feel after having the baby. Through the incision on the abdomen, the doctor can reach both tubes, one at a time. The doctor can either remove a section and then use surgical thread to tie the tubes shut or seal them with electric current, bands or clips. After the tubes are sealed, the incision on your abdomen is stitched closed. The operation, including the anesthesia, takes about 30 minutes. With a minilaparotomy, you will probably stay in the hospital less than 24 hours and be back to normal in two or three days. With a laparotomy, you will probably be in the hospital two or more days, and it may be two weeks before you feel back to normal. Vaginal Tubal Ligation In this operation, the doctor makes a small incision far back in the vagina. Through this, the doctor finds your tubes, then closes them off with electric current, bands, or clips, or by removing a small section and closing the ends with surgical threads. After the tubes are sealed, the incision in your vagina is stitched closed. Laparoscopy Using a special needle, the doctor inflates your abdomen with gas which pushes your intestines away from your uterus and tubes. The doctor then makes a small incision about onehalf inch long near your navel. A “laparoscope,” or special instrument, is inserted through this Sometimes the doctor will use a metal tube with a light (called a culdoscope) to find your tubes. 6 The operation, including the anesthesia, usually takes about 30 minutes. Your stay in the hospital will probably be less than 24 hours. You should be back to normal in two or three days. After this type of operation, you should not have intercourse for three to four weeks so the vagina can heal. Summary What About Hysterectomy? If You Have Questions Hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus. A hysterectomy should be done only when there is a disease of the woman’s uterus or some other problem that is appropriately treated by removal. Hysterectomy should never be performed for sterilization alone. If there is anything that is not clear to you, or anything you are worried about, it is important that you ask these questions. All of your questions should be answered to your satisfaction before the operation. If you are sure you do not want to bear children and you want to become permanently sterile, then tubal sterilization is a safe, effective option. It requires a short stay in the hospital, and problems are rare. REMEMBER A hysterectomy is a much more serious operation than a tubal sterilization. A hysterectomy takes much longer to do, and the woman is in the hospital longer. There are more discomforts, and there is a greater chance of serious complications as a result of hysterectomy. For these reasons, neither Medicaid nor any other Federal program will pay for a hysterectomy if you are having it solely to avoid bearing children. You may change your mind at any time before the operation. Make sure you do not wish to bear children under any circumstances before you decide to be sterilized. RULES FOR STERILIZATION OPERATIONS FUNDED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT • You must be at least 21 years old. • You must wait at least 30 days to have the operation after you sign the consent form except in instances of premature delivery or emergency abdominal surgery that take place at least 72 hours after consent is obtained.. • Your consent to sterilization cannot be obtained while you are in the shopital for chldbirth or abortion, or under the influence of alcohol or other substances that affect your state of awareness. • You may, if you choose, bring someone with you when you sign the consent form. • Your consent is effective for 180 days from the date you sign the consent form. Your consent to sterilization must be documented by signing a consent form identical or similar to the sample attached to this pamphle This pamphlet has been prepared by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It describes the sterilization procedures used in current medical practice. The pamphlet contains a sample of the consent form which, unless another form is approved by DHHS, must be used for sterilizations paid for with Federal funds. Both the pamphlet and consent form comply with regulations: 42 CFR 50.201 et seq. and 42 CFR Part 441, Subpart F. Issued, 1978; Revised, 1991. ‘U.S. Government Printing Office: 1993- 357-505 DHS-2510 (11-93) 7 CONSENT FORM NOTICE: Your decision at any time not to be sterilized will not result in the withdrawal or withholding of any benefits provided by programs or projects receiving federal funds. Statement of Person Obtaining Consent Consent to Sterilization I have asked for and received information about sterilization from _________________________.When I first asked for (doctor or clinic) the information, I was told that the decision to be sterilized is completely up to me. I was told that I could decide not to be sterilized. If I decide not to be sterilized, my decision will not affect my right to future care or treatment. I will not lose any help or benefits from programs receiving Federal funds, such as A.F.D.C. or Medicaid that I am now getting or for which I may become eligible. I understand that the sterilization must be considered permanent and not reversible. I have decided that I do not want to become pregnant, bear children or father children. I was told about those temporary methods of birth control that are available and could be provided to me which will allow me to bear or father a child in the future. I have rejected these alternatives and chosen to be sterilized. I understand that I will be sterilized by an operation known as a ____________________. The discomforts, risks and benefits associated with the operation have been explained to me. All my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I understand that the operation will not be done until at least thirty days after I sign this form. I understand that I can change my mind at any time and that my decision at any time not to be sterilized will not result in the withholding of any benefits or medical services provided by federally funded programs. I am at least 21 years of age and was born on ______________. Month/Day/Year I, ___________________________________, hereby consent of my own free will to be sterilized by_______________________ (doctor) by a method called __________________________________. My consent expires 180 days from the date of my signature below. I also consent to the release of this form and other medical records about the operation to: • Representatives of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare or • Employees of programs or projects funded by that Department but only for determining if Federal laws were observed. I have received a copy of this form. __________________________________Date:_____________ Signature Month/Day/Year You are requested to supply the following information, but it is not required: Race and ethnicity designation (please check) American Indian or Alaska Native Asian or Pacific Islander Black (not of Hispanic origin) Hispanic White (not of Hispanic origin) Interpreter’s Statement If an interpreter is provided to assist the individual to be sterilized: I have translated the information and advice presented orally to the individual to be sterilized by the person obtaining this consent. I have also read him/her the consent form in _______________ language and explained its contents to him/her. To the best of my knowledge and belief he/she understood this explanation. _________________________________________________ Interpreter Date 1. Patient 2. Physician Before _____________________________________ signed Name of individual the consent form, I explained to him/her the nature of the sterilization operation __________________________, the fact that it is intended to be a final and irreversible procedure and the discomforts, risks and benefits associated with it. I counseled the individual to be sterilized that alternative methods of birth control are available which are temporary. I explained that sterilization is different because it is permanent. I informed the individual to be sterilized that his/her consent can be withdrawn at any time and that he/she will not lose any health services or any benefits provided by Federal funds. To the best of my knowledge and belief the individual to be sterilized is at least 21 years old and appears mentally competent. He/ She knowingly and voluntarily requested to be sterilized and appears to understand the nature and consequence of the procedure. __________________________________________________ Signature of person obtaining consent Date __________________________________________________ Facility __________________________________________________ Address Physician’s Statement Shortly before I performed a sterilization operation upon _____________________________ on _________________, Name of individual to be sterilized Date of sterilization operation I explained to him/her the nature of the sterilization operation _______________________________, the fact that it is intended specify type of operation to be a final and irreversible procedure and the discomforts, risks and benefits associated with it. I counseled the individual to be sterilized that alternative methods of birth control are available which are temporary. I explained that sterilization is different because it is permanent. I informed the individual to be sterilized that his/her consent can be withdrawn at any time and that he/she will not lose any health services or benefits provided by Federal funds. To the best of my knowledge and belief the individual to be sterilized is at least 21 years old and appears mentally competent. He/ She knowingly and voluntarily requested to be sterilized and appeared to understand the nature and consequences of the procedure. Instructions for use of alternative final paragraphs: use the first paragraph below except in the case of premature delivery or emergency abdominal surgery where the sterilization is performed less than 30 days after the date of the individual’s signature on the consent form. In those cases, the second paragraph below must be used. Cross out the paragraph which is not used. (1) At least thirty days have passed between the date of the individual’s signature on this consent form and the date the sterilization was performed. (2) This sterilization was performed less than 30 days but more than 72 hours after the date of the individual’s signature on this consent form because of the following circumstances (check applicable box and fill in information requested): Premature delivery Individual’s expected date of delivery: ________________________ Emergency abdominal surgery (Describe):_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Physician 3. State Agency, Program or Project Date