SpatialRecord Data Fields CATEGORY field name apn FIPS CODE A 5 UNFORMATTED APN UNFRM_APN A 45 APN SEQUENCE NBR APN_SEQ_NO N 3 FORMATTED APN FRM_APN A 60 Assessor’s Parcel NBR in a formatted form. Dashes and decimals are commonly used to break an APN down into logical components (e.g., 101-32-021.A). ORIGINAL APN ORIG_APN A 45 Assessor’s Parcel NBR exactly as received by source (e.g., 10132-021A00000). ACCOUNT NBR ACCT_NO A 15 The account NBR of the record in the counties system. TH_BRO_MAP A 11 Thomas Brothers map reference location. MAP REFERENCE1 MAP_REF1 A 60 Used to link ownership data to internal company electronic map. MAP REFERENCE2 MAP_REF2 A 60 Used to link ownership data to internal company electronic map. ADDR a 100 Situs addresss (source: local authorities) CITY a 50 Place name (source: local authorities) STATE a 2 State abbreviation (source: local authorities) ZIP a 5 ZIP code (source: local authorities) PLUS A 4 ZIP code +4 (source: local authorities) STD_ADDR a 100 Standardized situs address (source: USPS) STD_CITY a 50 Standardized place name (source: USPS) STD_STATE a 2 Standardized state abbreviation (source: USPS) STD_ZIP a 5 Standardized ZIP code (source: USPS) STANDARDIZED PLUS STD_PLUS A 4 Standardized ZIP code +4 (source: USPS) OWNER CORPORATE INDICATOR OWN_CP_IND A 1 The Name of the property owner has been recognized as a corporation or business. OWNER1 LAST NAME OWN1_LAST A 60 The name of the property owner. OWNER1 FIRST NAME & MI OWN1_FRST A 45 Additional owner names if more than one person owns the property. OWNER2 LAST NAME OWN2_LAST A 60 Non parsed owner name. ADDRESS Property Address STATE ZIP PLUS STANDARDIZED ADDRESS STANDARDIZED CITY STANDARDIZED STATE mailing address ownership info STANDARDIZED ZIP Assessor’s Parcel NBR in an unformatted form. This is most often used by the county and others as a unique key (e.g.,10132021A) This internal sequence NBR is used to ensure “unique-ness” of the Assessor’s Parcel NBR (e.g., 10132021A seq 001) OWN2_FRST A 45 MAIL HOUSE NBR PREFIX MAIL_NBRPX A 5 The digits found to the left of a traditional house NBR (e.g., A123 MAIN ST) portion of a property address. MAIL HOUSE NBR1 MAIL_NBR A 10 The digits found to the immediate right of the Mail House NBR Prefix and to the left of a traditional street name (e.g., A123 MAIN ST). MAIL HOUSE NBR2 MAIL_NBR2 A 10 The second part of the house number. MAIL HOUSE NBR SUFFIX MAIL_NBRSX A 10 The digits found to the right of a traditional house NBR often representing a multiple or range of entries to a building (e.g., 202B JONES RD, 202-220 JONES RD). MAIL DIRECTION MAIL_DIR A 2 This field represents the direction found to the left of the street name (e.g., 9340 N DUNHILL DR / 340 NW 70TH AVE). AKA Directional Abbreviations, PreDirectional. MAIL STREET NAME MAIL_STR A 30 MAIL MODE MAIL_MODE A 5 The Mode or Type of street found to the right of the street name (e.g.., 9340 N DUNHILL DR). AKA Street Designators / Street Suffixes. MAIL QUADRANT MAIL_QDRT A 2 The quadrant field is found to the right of Mail Mode (e.g., 100 TEMPLE ST NW, 2040 NW 100 ST SW). AKA Post-Directional. MAIL APT UNIT NBR MAIL_UNIT A 10 The unit or suite NBR of the property address (e.g., 649 LAKE SHORE DR #1400). MAIL CITY Mail_CITY A 40 The city associated with the property address (e.g., CHICAGO, ATLANTA, DENVER). Mail_STATE A 2 The two-letter USPS postal abbreviation associated with the state / protectorants / commonwealth (e.g., CA, VI, PR). MAIL ZIP CODE Mail_ZIP A 9 The nine digit (i.e., ZIP & plus 4) assigned by the USPS. This is populated by various source files and other proprietary and non-proprietary processes (e.g., 954630042). MAIL CARRIER CODE Mail_CC A 4 This is the four digit code used by the local mail carrier to identify the delivery path. MAIL_OPT_CD A 1 A “Y” represents a record where the property owner has contacted the DMA (i.e., Direct Marketing Association) and has asked not to be contacted by mail for solicitation. BLOCK_NBR A 6 The block NBR of the parcel. LOT_NBR A 5 The lot NBR of the parcel. MAILING OPT-OUT CODE BLOCK NBR LOT NBR Additional owner names if more than one person owns the property - non parsed. The name or NBR of the street where a parcel is located (e.g., 9340 N DUNHILL DR / 340 NW 70TH AVE / RR BOX 202, 12 BOX CREEK RD). RANGE A 3 The “range” portion of geographical coordinates based on local surveys. Ranges typically run east or west of pre-determined “meridian” in six mile intervals. TOWNSHIP A 3 The “township” portion of geographical coordinates based on local surveys. Townships typically run north or south of pre-determined “meridian” in six mile intervals. SECTION A 3 The “section” portion of geographical coordinates based on local surveys. Sections are 1 square mile and there are 36 sections within the intersection of a Range / Township. QUARTER SECTION QRT_SECT A 3 A section that has been divided into four “sub” sections (e.g., NE, NW, SE, SW). SUBDIVISION TRACT NBR SUB_TR_NUM A 10 The tract NBR of the parcel. SUBDIVISION PLAT BOOK SUB_PLT_BK A 10 County-supplied multiple plat book & page NBRs for the same subdivision NBR/name. SUBDIVISION PLAT PAGE SUB_PLT_PG A 10 Same as above. LEGAL1 LEGAL1 A 250 LEGAL2 LEGAL2 A 250 LEGAL3 LEGAL3 A 250 RANGE TOWNSHIP SECTION Legal Federal Information Processing Standards codes used nationally to numerically identify a specific county or political jurisdiction. OWNER2 FIRST NAME & MI MAIL STATE SUBDIVISION NAME valuation & taxes premium CITY pro Type size DEC field definitions FIPS_CODE THOMAS BROS MAP BASIC alias The counties legal recorded description of the property up to 750 bytes. SUB_NAME A 60 TOTAL VALUE CALCULATED The subdivision name of the parcel. TOT_VAL N 11 The “TOTAL” (i.e., Land + Improvement) Value closest to current market value used for assessment by county or local taxing authorities. LAND VALUE CALCULATED LAN_VAL n 11 The “LAND” Value closest to current market value used for assessment by county or local taxing authorities. TOTAL VALUE CALCULATED IND TOT_VAL_CD A 1 The code appearing in this indicator field reflects the type of values (e.g., Market, Appraised) used to seed the TOTAL VALUE CALCULATED field. Please see “VALTY” table for code descriptions. LAND VALUE CALCULATED IND LAN_VAL_CD a 1 The “LAND” Value closest to current market value used for assessment by county or local taxing authorities. ASSD TOTAL VALUE ASSd_VAL N 11 The Total Assessed Value of the Parcel’s Land & Improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. ASSD LAND VALUE ASSd_LAN n 11 The Assessed Land Values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. MKT TOTAL VALUE MKT_VAL n 11 The Total Market Value of the Parcel’s Land & Improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. MKT LAND VALUE MKT_LAN n 11 The Market Land Values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. APPR TOTAL VALUE APPr_VAL n 11 The Total Appraised Value of the Parcel’s Land & Improvement values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. APPR LAND VALUE APPr_LAN n 11 TAX_AMT N 11 TAX_YR n 4 ASSESSED YEAR ASSd_YR n 4 TAX CODE AREA TAX_AREA a 10 The county code for the taxing district of the parcel. DOCUMENT NBR DOC_NBR a 12 The sales transaction document number with the county. SaLe_BK_PG A 12 Sales recorded book and page. TAX AMOUNT TAX YEAR SALES BOOK & PAGE The Appraised Land Values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. 2 The Total Tax amount provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. The tax or assessment year for which the taxes were billed. CATEGORY field name land/property use & census See reverse side for items included in the BASIC package. LAND USE MOBILE HOME IND PROPERTY INDICATOR EFFECTIVE YEAR BUILT ACTUAL YEAR BUILT property area structure value structure area rooms A 10 A FARES established Land Use code converted from various county Land Use codes to aid in search and extract functions. M_HOME_IND A 1 This field is populated with a “Y” if a Mobile Home is present on the parcel. PROP_IND A 3 A FARES general code used to easily recognize specific property types (e.g., Residential, Condominium, Commercial). EFf_YR_BLT N 4 This is the first year the building was assessed with its current components (e.g., a building is originally constructed in 1960 and a bedroom and bath was added to the building in 1974. The Year Built would be 1960 and the Effective Year Built would be 1974. N 4 This is the construction year of the original building. A 10 Comprised of Census Tract, Census Block and Census Block Suffix. These NBRs are established by the US Department of Commerce (Bureau Of The Census). ZONING A 15 The data contained in this field is based upon County and/or Local established Zoning Codes and are not converted by CoreLogic. FRONT FOOTAGE FroNT_FT n 7 4 The linear feet across the front of the lot - facing the street. DEPTH FOOTAGE DepTH_FT n 7 4 The linear feet between the front and back of the lot. ACRES land_ACRES N 9 4 Total land mass in Acres. LAND SQUARE FOOTAGE Land_SQ_FT N 9 LOT AREA (ALPHA) LOT_AREA A 20 ASSD IMPROVEMENT VALUE ASSd_IMP n 11 The Assessed Improvement Values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. MKT IMPROVEMENT VALUE Total land mass is Square Feet. Land dimension text. MKT_IMP n 11 The Market Improvement Values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. APPR IMPROVEMENT VALUE APPr_IMP N 11 The Appraised Improvement Values as provided by the county or local taxing/assessment authority. IMPROVEMENT VALUE CALCULATED IMP_VaL n 11 The “IMPROVEMENT” Value closest to current market value used for assessment by county or local taxing authorities. UNIVERSAL BUILDING SQUARE FEET UBLD_SQ_FT n 9 The Building Square Footage that can most accurately be used for assessments or comparables (e.g., Living, Adjusted, Gross). BUILDING SQUARE FEET IND BLD_SQ_IND A 1 The codes appearing in this field indicates the source used to populate the UNIVERSAL BUILDING SQUARE FEET field (e.g., Living, Adjusted, Gross). Please see “BLDSF” table for code descriptions. BUILDING SQUARE FEET BLD_SQ_FT n 9 The size of the building in Square Feet. This field is most commonly populated as a cumulative total when a county does not differentiate between Living and Non-living areas. LIVING SQUARE FEET LiV_SQ_FT n 7 2 This is the area of a building that is used for general living. This is typically the area of a building that is heated or air conditioned and does not include Garage, Porch or Basement square footage. GROUND FLOOR SQUARE FEET GF_SQ_FT n 7 2 Square footage of the part of the building which is level with he ground (typically the front of the building). This is generally above the basement(s) and below the second floor. GROSS SQUARE FEET GR_SQ_FT n 7 2 This is the square footage for the entire building. Typically this represents all square feet under the roof. ADJUSTED GROSS SQUARE FEET ADJ_SQ_FT n 7 2 This is the square footage used by the county or local taxing/assessment authority to determine Improvement Value. This figure is typically 100% of the living area, plus lower percentage of non-living area. BSMT_SQ_FT n 7 2 This is total square footage associated with Basement portion of a building. This would include both finished and unfinished areas. GARAGE/PARKING SQUARE FEET Pkg_SQ_FT n 7 2 This is the total square footage of the primary garage or parking area (i.e., commercial). This includes both finished and unfinished areas. BEDROOMS BEDROOMS n 5 Total NBR of bedroom contained in the primary building. TOTAL ROOMS ROOMS n 5 Total NBR of rooms contained in the primary building. TOTAL BATH CALCULATED BATHS_CAL n 5 2 Total NBR of Bath Rooms in whole NBRs (e.g., a home containing 2 1/2 baths would have the NBR 3 stored in this field as, three actual rooms have been designated for this purpose). 2 Total NBR of Bathrooms as provided by our data sources (e.g., 4.00, 2.50, 1.75). BATHS n 5 FULL BATHS FULL_BATHs n 5 Total NBR of Full Baths (typically comprised of a sink, toilet, and bathtub / shower stall). A home containing 2 1/2 baths would have the NBR 2 stored in this field. HALF BATHS HALF_BATHs n 5 Total NBR of Half Baths (typically comprised of a sink & toilet). A home containing 2 1/2 baths would have the NBR 1 stored in this field. 1QTR BATHS QTR1_BATHS n 5 Total NBR of Quarter Baths (typically comprised only of a sink, as found in many laundry rooms). 3QTR BATHS QTR3_BATHS n 5 Total NBR of 3 Quarter Baths (typically comprised of a sink, toilet & shower stall). BATH FIXTURES BaTH_FIX n 5 The total NBR of bathroom fixture (typically a Full Bath would have 4 fixtures - 1 = sink, 1 = toilet, 1 = bathtub, 1 = shower head). AIR CONDITIONING AIR_COND A 3 The type of air conditioning method used to cool the building (e.g., Central, Wall Unit, Evaporative). Please see “AC” table for code descriptions. BASEMENT FINISH BSMT_FNSH A 3 The type of basement found in the building (e.g., Finished, Half, Crawl). Please see “BSMTF” table for code descriptions. BLDG CODE BLD_CODE A 3 The primary building type (e.g., Bowling Alley, Supermarket). Please see “BLDG” table for code descriptions. BLD_IMP_CD A 3 The primary improvement type (e.g., Grain Silo, Hanger, Marina). Please see “IMPRV” table for code descriptions. CONDITION A 3 This represent the physical condition of the mail improvement (e.g., Good, Fair, Under Construction). Please see “COND” table for code descriptions. CONSTR_TYP A 3 The primary method of construction (e.g., Steel/Glass, Concrete Block, Log). Please see “CNSTR” table for code descriptions. EXT_WALLS A 3 The type and/or finish of the exterior walls (e.g., Vinyl Siding, Brick Veneer, Frame/Stone). Please see “EXTNW” table for code descriptions. FIREPLACE IND FRPLCE_IND A 1 This field is populated with a “Y” if a fireplace is located within the building. FIREPLACE NBR FRPLCE_NBR n 3 This represent the NBR of fireplace openings located within the building FIREPLACE TYPE FRPLCE_TYp A 3 The type of fireplace (e.g., 2 Story/3 Openings, 2 Story Brick). Please see “FIREP” table for code descriptions. FOUNDATION FOUNDATION A 3 The type of foundation (e.g., Continuous Footing, Pier, Mud Sill). Please see “FOUND” table for code descriptions. FLOOR FLOOR A 3 The type of floor construction (e.g., Concrete, Plywood). Please see “FLTYP” table for code descriptions. FRAME FRAME A 3 The type of roof framing used (e.g., Bar Joist, Reinforced Concrete, Flexicore). Please see “RFFRM” table for code descriptions. GARAGE A 3 Type of garage or carport present (e.g., Attached Finished, Enclosed Carport, Basement Garage). Please see “GNPCO” table for code descriptions. TOTAL BATHS BLDG IMPV CODE CONDITION CONSTRUCTION TYPE EXTERIOR WALLS construction LAND_USE YR_BLT BASEMENT SQUARE FEET GARAGE HEATING A 3 Type or method of heating (e.g., Hot Water, Heat Pump, Baseboard, Radiant). Please see “HEAT” table for code descriptions. PKG_SPACES n 5 This represent the total NBR of Parking Spaces or Car Capacity associated with the Garage or Parking type. PKG_TYP A 3 Type of parking found on the parcel. This is typically commercial or communal (e.g., Condos) in nature. Please see “PARKG” table for code descriptions. POOL A 1 This field is populated with a “Y” if a Pool is present on the parcel POOL CODE POOL_Cd A 3 Type of pool, construction or pool amenities (e.g., Kidney, Gunite, Vinyl, Jacuzzi, Heated). Please see “POOL” table for code descriptions. QUALITY QUALITY A 3 Type of construction quality of building (e.g., excellent, economical). Please see “QUAL” table for code descriptions. ROOF_COVER A 3 Type of roof covering (e.g., Clay Tile, Aluminum, Shake). Please see “RFCOV” table for code descriptions. ROOF TYPE ROOF_TYP A 3 Type of roof shape (e.g., Gambrel, Gable, Flat, Mansard). Please see “RFSHP” table for code descriptions. STORIES CODE STORY_CD a 3 Type / NBR of stories (e.g., Split Foyer, Tri Level, 2 Story). Please see “STORY” table for code descriptions. STORY_NBR N 3 BLD_VIEW A 3 View from building (e.g., Gulf, Mountains, Pool). Please see “VIEW” table for code descriptions. LOC_INF a 3 Positive or negative aspects associated with the location of the parcel (e.g., waterfront, flood plane, airport). Please see “LOCIN” table for code descriptions. NBR OF UNITS BLD_UNITS n 3 Total number of buildings on the parcel. UNITS NUMBER UNITS_NBR n 5 Number of Residential, Apartment or Business Units. ENERGY_USE a 3 Type of electricity or energy use within the building (e.g., Average Wiring, Underground Wired, Private Source). Please see “ELEC” table for code descriptions. HEATING PARKING SPACES PARKING TYPE POOL IND ROOF COVER STORIES NBR VIEW LOCATION INFLUENCE ELECTRIC/ENERGY utilities Type size DEC field definitions CENSUS_TR CENSUS TRACT ZONING premium alias FUEL 2 NBR of stories associated with the building (e.g., 2, 1.5). FUEL a 3 Type of fuel used for heating of water and building (e.g., Solar, Gas, Oil). Please see “FUEL” table for code descriptions. SEWER SEWER a 3 Type of sewer system on the parcel (e.g., Public, Septic, Commercial). Please see “SEWER” table for code descriptions. WATER WATER a 3 Type of water service on the parcel (e.g., Public, Well, Cistern). Please see “WATER” table for code descriptions. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL 855-267-7027 OR VISIT © 2014 CoreLogic, Inc. All rights reserved. CORELOGIC and the CoreLogic logo are trademarks of CoreLogic, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. 1-SROI-1411-01