2LPO1E-03 1 Designs and Tests of Compensation Coils to Reduce Screening Currents Induced in HTS Insert Coils for NMR Magnet Kazuhiro Kajikawa, Member, IEEE, Gwendolyn V. Gettliffe, Yong Chu, Daisuke Miyagi, Thibault P. Lécrevisse, Seungyong Hahn, Juan Bascuñán, and Yukikazu Iwasa Abstract—Two types of compensation coils are focused on to reduce screening currents induced in solenoid coils wound with high temperature superconducting (HTS) tapes. One is a pair of copper compensation coils located coaxially inside and outside the HTS coil to apply an AC magnetic field in the axial direction. The other is an HTS compensation coil with notch located only outside the HTS coil to minimize the radial components of local AC fields applied to windings of the HTS coil as small as possible. It is found that the copper compensation coils yield the allowable amount of power dissipation in liquid helium. The effectiveness of the HTS compensation coil to reduce screening-current-induced fields (SCFs) generated by another magnetized HTS coil is also validated experimentally in liquid nitrogen using a commercially available coated conductor with narrow width. Index Terms—AC magnetic field, compensation coils, HTS wires, screening current. I. I NTRODUCTION IGH temperature superconducting (HTS) wires with long length such as Bi-2223 Ag-sheathed wires and coated conductors based on either Y-123 or RE-123 have been developed and become commercially available. These HTS wires are in the form of a tape with the width of several millimeters. Although the Bi-2223 Ag-sheathed tape has a multifilamentary structure, its filamentary region whose cross section has the aspect ratio of about 20 behaves like a bulk superconductor due to an electromagnetic coupling between the filaments [1]. The coated conductor also includes a very thin superconducting (SC) layer with the thickness of a few micrometers, so that its aspect ratio becomes more than 1000. When these HTS tapes with large aspect ratios are wound as windings for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) magnet, the magnetic fields generated by screening currents induced in HTS tapes significantly H Manuscript received August 12, 2014. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 24360110, and was also supported by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, both of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01RR015034. K. Kajikawa was with the Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA. He is now with the Research Institute of Superconductor Science and Systems, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 819-0395 Japan. Phone: +81-92-802-3836; fax: +81-92-802-3829; e-mail: kajikawa@sc.kyushu-u.ac.jp. G. V. Gettliffe is with the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA. Y. Chu, D. Miyagi, T. P. Lécrevisse, S. Hahn, J. Bascuñán, and Y. Iwasa are with the Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA. degrade the field homogeneity in the central part of the magnet [2]–[7]. Therefore, the reduction of the screeningcurrent-induced fields (SCFs) is one of very important key technologies to realize HTS magnets for NMR/MRI. A useful method to eliminate the effect of the screening current in the HTS tape has been proposed [8], [9] on the basis of the abnormal transverse-field effect [10]–[13] or the vortex shaking effect [14]–[16]. In this method, an AC magnetic field is provisionally applied to the HTS tape in the direction parallel to its wide surface or along with its wire axis. After this treatment, the distribution of the screening current is changed and the direction of magnetization becomes parallel to the AC field, so that the initial screening current induced in the wide surface of the HTS tape finally disappears. The proposed method has also been validated experimentally by using an HTS coil wound with a Gd-based coated conductor and a pair of copper coils located coaxially inside and outside the HTS coil to generate the AC magnetic field [8], [9]. In this study, an HTS insert and copper compensation coils are designed to assess the possibility of removal of screening currents induced in HTS tapes wound for full-scale NMR magnet. Another type of compensation coil wound with HTS tapes is also designed and fabricated to suppress the power dissipation in liquid helium, and the decays of SCFs are experimentally observed by using the HTS compensation coil. II. D ESIGNS OF HTS I NSERT AND C OPPER C OMPENSATION C OILS A low temperature superconducting (LTS) insert coil for a 500-MHz NMR magnet developed previously [17] is considered to be replaced by a coil wound with a coated conductor. The main part of the original 500-MHz NMR magnet consists of the LTS insert, an LTS main coil, and two sets of LTS correction coils cooled at 2.3 K using liquid helium under subatmospheric pressure, and the operating current of 108.1 A generates the central magnetic field of 11.71 T. When the combination of these coils except for the LTS insert is cooled at 4.2 K using liquid helium under atmospheric pressure, the operating current of 87.1 A can generate the central field of 7.05 T corresponding to the resonance frequency of 300 MHz [3], [18]. It is assumed that an HTS insert coil to be replaced generates the central field of 2.35 T (100 MHz) inside the 300-MHz LTS background magnet at 4.2 K. Tables I and II summarize the specifications of HTS insert and copper compensation coils, respectively. Since the HTS 2LPO1E-03 2 50 Parameter Value Tape size (width × thickness) Thickness of SC layer Inner/outer diameter of HTS insert Height of HTS insert Number of turns of HTS insert Current applied to HTS insert Central magnetic field Minimum local Ic (and load factor) Maximum local Ic (and load factor) Maximum full penetration field 4.05 mm × 0.3 mm 0.2 µm 82.2 mm/118.2 mm 399 mm 60 × 80 turns 160.3 A 2.35 T 186 A (0.863) 314 A (0.510) 49.4 mT Critical current density, Jc (MA/cm2) TABLE I S PECIFICATIONS OF D ESIGNED HTS I NSERT 40 30 20 5T 10 10 T 0 0 30 60 90 120 Field angle, θ (deg.) TABLE II S PECIFICATIONS OF D ESIGNED I NNER /O UTER C OPPER C OILS Value 1 mm 2 layers/2 layers 78.2 mm/118.2 mm 82.2 mm/122.2 mm 399 mm 68.8 mT 60 Hz 0.531 nΩ·m@RRR = 30, 4.2 K 1.50 mm 40 W/60 W 3.81 W 200 7.5 8 7 200 250 80 85 150 z (mm) Parameter Thickness of copper tape Number of layers of coil Inner diameter of coil Outer diameter of coil Height of coil Amplitude of AC magnetic field Frequency of AC magnetic field Resistivity of copper Skin depth, δ Wattage of Joule heating AC loss of HTS insert Fig. 1. Approximated curves for experimental results of critical current densities at 4.2 K in 4-mm-wide coated conductor with SC layer of 1.1 µm in thickness [19]. 300 100 8.5 9 50 7 (b) (c) 8 7.5 90 0 40 45 50 55 60 40 45 50 55 60 40 45 50 55 60 r (mm) r (mm) r (mm) (a) insert has to be sandwiched by a pair of compensation coils to reduce screening currents induced in the HTS windings, their total size is almost identical to the original LTS insert. The coated conductor has the width of 4 mm and the thickness of 0.25 mm, and it is surrounded by an electrical insulator of 25 µm in thickness. The HTS insert is composed of 80 single pancake coils with 60 turns of the coated conductor, and the operating current of 160.3 A generates the central field of 2.35 T. The inner and outer compensation coils are wound with a rectangular copper wire of 1 mm in thickness, and the number of layers is two for each coil. The heights of the HTS insert and copper compensation coils are identical. The local distribution of critical currents inside the HTS insert is numerically estimated by taking into account their dependence on the magnitudes and orientations of local magnetic fields, B. Fig. 1 plots the experimental results of critical current densities at 4.2 K in a 4-mm-wide coated conductor with the SC layer of 1.1 µm in thickness as a function of field angle θ in the fixed external fields of 5 T and 10 T [19]. The angle θ = 0◦ means that the external field is perpendicular to the wide surface of the coated conductor, whereas the angle θ = 90◦ is parallel. In this study, these experimental results are approximated by means of the least-square technique in the range of 0◦ ≤ θ ≤ 90◦ for the equations Jc (|B|, θ) = √ −Γ α |B| [ π ( θ )m ] [ ( )m ] , 2 cos 2 90◦ + γ12 sin2 π2 90θ◦ (1) Fig. 2. Profiles of (a) field magnitude (T), (b) field angle (deg.), and (c) critical current (A) inside upper half of HTS insert combined with LTS background magnet. The total central field is 9.40 T. [ m = ln 2 π √ ] ( 2 arcsin 4(γ3γ2 −1) / ln 1 − γ = p + q |B| , θ0 90◦ ) , (2) (3) where (2) ensures that the off-axis double Ic [19], which represents the angle off the ab-plane axis at which the critical current Ic becomes twice the Ic in the perpendicular orientation, is constant for the fixed field magnitude |B| under the assumption of (1). A set of fitting parameters is obtained for Jc (A/m2 ) and B (T) as α = 3.43×1011 , Γ = 0.717, θ0 = 21.3◦ , p = 2.20, and q = 0.346. The approximated curves are drawn as thick solid lines in Fig. 1, and thin lines are for 6 T to 9 T at even intervals of 1 T. Figs. 2(a) and (b) show the profiles of magnitudes and angles of local magnetic fields inside the HTS insert having the transport current of 160.3 A (2.35 T) combined with the LTS background magnet generating the central field of 7.05 T. The profiles for only the upper half of the HTS insert are given for the sake of symmetry. By using Figs. 2(a), (b), and (1), the distribution of critical currents inside the HTS insert is also calculated in Fig. 2(c), where the thickness of SC layer is assumed to be 0.2 µm as listed in Table I. The 2LPO1E-03 3 minimum local critical current is estimated as 186 A around the middle of uppermost pancake coil, which is larger than the operating current. On the other hand, the maximum local critical current is 314 A around the middle of outermost layer, which corresponds to the full penetration field of 49.4 mT. If the residual resistivity ratio (RRR) of copper in high magnetic field is assumed to be 30 [20], its resistivity at 4.2 K is 0.531 nΩ·m [21]. In this case, the skin depth δ of 1.50 mm for the frequency of 60 Hz is larger than the half thickness of copper tape. Therefore, the major part of power dissipation for copper windings might be the Joule heating, which could be estimated as 40 W and 60 W for the inner and outer copper compensation coils, respectively, if the AC field amplitude of 68.8 mT, which is 1.39 times larger than the maximum full penetration field, is generated by these compensation coils. On the other hand, if the both sides of the coated conductor have copper stabilizing layers including very thin silver overlayers with the total thickness t of 99.5 µm each in addition to that for the other components of 51 µm [22], the maximum temperature can be estimated as less than 250 K for the heating duration time of 3 s on the basis of a theory for thermal runaway under an adiabatic condition [23]. If an AC field with the amplitude Hm is applied to an SC infinite slab of d in width with the direct transport current I, the hysteresis loss Wh per unit volume per cycle under the assumption of the Bean model [24] is given by [25]–[27] { 1 3 k , Hm ≤ Ht 2 ) ( ) Wh = 2µ0 Hp × (3 , (4) 1 + i2 k − 32 1 − i3 , Hm > Ht where Hp = Jc d/2, k = Hm /Hp , i = I/Ic , and Ht = Hp (1 − i). The eddy-current loss We per unit volume per cycle for two metal plates with the thicknesses t and the gap 2g is also given by [28] We = 2π 3 2 ∆2 {1 + 3g/(2t)} , µ0 Hm ∆ ≪ 1, (5) where ∆ = t/δ. By using (4) and (5), the hysteresis loss in the SC layer and the eddy-current loss in the copper stabilizing layers are estimated as 0.34 W and 3.47 W, respectively. The abnormal transverse-field effect [10]–[16] can exponentially decay the magnetization due to a screening current induced by an external DC field if an external AC field larger than the full penetration field is applied perpendicular to the DC field. The characteristic number of cycles, Nc , which is defined by the AC cycle required for the magnitude of the magnetization to fall to 1/e of its initial value, is given by [16] Nc = A /(8.02 k) , (6) where A is the aspect ratio of cross section of SC layer and equals 20000 here. When k = 1.39 is used in (6) for the windings around the middle of outermost layer in the HTS insert, the characteristic number of cycles is estimated as Nc = 1790, which corresponds to the period of 29.8 s for the frequency of 60 Hz under consideration. Since the latent heat of evaporation of liquid helium is 2.59 kJ/L, the total heating of 104 W for 29.8 s consumes 1.20 L of liquid helium. The axial magnetic field BSCF at the origin generated by the radial magnetic moment loop of mr per unit length located at the position (r, z) can be expressed by { ( )5/2 } BSCF = 3µ0 mr r2 z / 2 r2 + z 2 . (7) Let us consider a single pancake coil wound in the pitch of p using an SC strip with the width of 2w and the thickness of d, which could be approximated by an infinite slab with the width of 2w. If the Bean model [24] is used, the full penetration field of the approximated infinite slab, Bp , is given by Bp = µ0 λJc w with λ = d/p. When the radial magnetic field Br and the transport current I are simultaneously applied to one of strips under consideration in the pancake coil, the magnetic moment mr per unit length can be expressed as 0 ≤ Br < B i Br (i − 1) , 2ap Bp 2 Br2 × , (8) mr = 2 i + 2Bp − Br , Bi ≤ Br < Bp µ0 ) Bp ( 2 Br ≥ Bp 2 i −1 , where Bi = Bp i. When an SCF in the HTS insert is calculated using (7) and (8), it could be underestimated somewhat because the end effect is ignored and the minor contribution from a few turns in both the innermost and outermost is not taken into account [29]. The SCF just after the energization of the HTS insert and the LTS background magnet is estimated as −1.88 mT, whose magnitude corresponds to 200ppm of the central field of 9.40 T. After that, the application of the AC magnetic field to the HTS insert for 180 s using the copper compensation coils leads to the SCF of −3.08 µT (0.33ppm), and it evaporates about 7 L of liquid helium. III. D ESIGN AND T ESTS OF HTS C OMPENSATION C OIL In order to avoid the excess energy dissipation in the copper compensation coils and keep the inside bore wide for NMR system, a new type of compensation coil is discussed here. The compensation coil is wound using another HTS tape and located only outside an HTS coil intended for the reduction of induced screening currents. The HTS tape with a narrow width might be used for the compensation coil because the SCF caused by this HTS compensation coil itself after the AC operation should be suppressed as small as possible. Since a few layers for the HTS compensation coil are enough to generate an AC magnetic field larger than the full penetration field, the contribution to the SCF is expected to be slight. An HTS compensation coil is designed and fabricated as shown in Fig. 3 and Table III. The existing HTS insert has been wound with Bi-2223 Ag-sheathed tapes of 3.1 mm in width and 0.25 mm in thickness [18], [30]. The HTS insert is comprised of 50 double pancake coils, and the total number of turns is 7200. The inner and outer diameters of the HTS insert are 78.2 mm and 120.3 mm, respectively, and its height is 327.6 mm. On the other hand, the HTS compensation coil is wound with three pieces of coated conductors of 2.01 mm in width and less than 0.1 mm in thickness. Their critical currents at 77 K in self-field are 53 A to 56 A. The inner diameter and height of the HTS compensation coil are 130 mm and 360 mm, respectively. The number of layers is two, and the second layer has the notched length h of 300 mm. Hence, the number of turns of the first layer is 164, whereas the number of turns of the second layer is 14 × 2. This 2LPO1E-03 4 Compensation coil h LTS magnet HTS insert Fig. 3. Schematic illustration of HTS insert, HTS compensation coil, and LTS magnet. The LTS magnet is used to induce the screening currents in the windings of the HTS insert. TABLE III S PECIFICATIONS OF HTS C OMPENSATION C OIL Parameter Value Tape width Tape thickness Critical currents of tapes at 77 K in self-field Inner diameter of coil Height of coil Number of layers of coil Notched length in 2nd layer, h Number of turns of 1st layer Number of turns of 2nd layer Critical current of coil at 77 K in self-field 2.01 mm 92, 95, 92 µm 54, 53, 56 A 130 mm 360 mm 2 300 mm 164 14 × 2 45 A Screening-current-induced field (mT) 5 ±40 A@1.5 A/s ±40 A@15 A/s ±30 A@15 A/s ±5 A@15 A/s 4 3 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Cycle Fig. 4. Experimental results of decay property of SCFs for number of cycles of applied AC magnetic field. type of notched solenoid is expected to minimize the radial components of local magnetic fields applied to the windings of the HTS insert. There are no electrical insulations for the coated conductors, so that insulated 40 AWG gauge nichrome wires and 1-mil-thick polyimide sheets are used for turn-toturn and layer-to-layer insulations, respectively. Although the total length of winding is about 80 m, the piece lengths of the coated conductors are limited around 35 m. Therefore, three pieces of the coated conductors are soldered in series to wind the HTS compensation coil. Several samples with the configuration of lap joint are prepared in advance, and their joint resistances and critical currents in liquid nitrogen are evaluated experimentally. The last sample made from the 53-A coated conductor shows the joint resistance of 52 nΩ for the joint length of 136 mm and the critical current of 52.3 A for the criterion of 1 µV/cm. The critical current of the HTS compensation coil is also measured as 45 A in liquid nitrogen. The HTS insert and HTS compensation coil are located coaxially and immersed in liquid nitrogen. This HTS insert is magnetized in advance to induce the screening currents inside it by using an LTS magnet with larger clear bore. The LTS magnet is firstly charged up to 1.25 T and discharged down to 0 T. The inactive period of about 15 min is spared until the decay of the screening currents due to flux creep becomes negligible. After that, the SCFs in the axial direction are measured using a Hall probe located in the center of the HTS insert. Fig. 4 shows the experimental results of the decay property of SCFs for the number of cycles of AC magnetic field generated by the HTS compensation coil. A bipolar power supply is connected to the HTS compensation coil and outputs trapezoidal currents to it. Two different sweep rates of currents of 1.5 A/s and 15 A/s are used in this experiments. The amplitude of current is also fixed at 40 A, 30 A, or 5 A. The conversion factor of current to the central magnetic field is analytically estimated from the specifications of the fabricated HTS compensation coil as 0.55 mT/A. It can be seen in Fig. 4 that the SCF for the case of 15 A/s to ±40 A decays with increasing the number of cycles and becomes one tenth of the initial value in 66 cycles. It is also found that the change of sweep rate scarcely affects the decay property of SCFs, which is almost determined by the number of cycles of AC field as plotted in Fig. 4. On the other hand, the decrease in the current amplitude leads to the slow decay of SCF. The Bi2223 tapes used for the HTS insert have the 77-K self-field critical currents of 60 A to 84 A [30], which correspond to the full penetration fields of 12 mT to 17 mT. This means that the field amplitude for the current of 30 A applied by the HTS compensation coil is roughly close to the full penetration fields of the Bi-2223 tapes for the HTS insert. Therefore, the significant decays of SCFs can be expected for the cases of the applied currents larger than 30 A. IV. C ONCLUSION The HTS insert wound with the RE-123 coated conductors were designed as well as a pair of copper compensation coils to reduce the screening currents. 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