KE-0.5000 Research Seminars on Chemistry P (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Kari Laasonen Teaching Period: I-II, II-IV (autumn and/or spring, as agreed) Learning Outcomes: Students present their own work for public discussion Content: Seminars concerning topics of current interest in physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, computational chemistry and analytical chemistry. In particular these seminars focus on topics related to the ongoing research themes in the laboratories. Speakers from other universities and industry are invited as well. Recommended especially for graduate students and final year undergraduates. Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-31.4120 The Computational Methods of Physical Chemistry (4 cr) Responsible teacher: Alexander Bunker Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: II (Autumn) Workload: 18 + 18 (3 + 3) lectures 18 h exercises 18 h exam 4 h independent study 68 h Learning Outcomes: The aim of this course is to provide the students with an introduction to molecular modeling. Content: The course deals with computational methods applied to the simulation of chemical systems. The course is mostly focused on molecular modeling and includes both the Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics simulation methods. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, exercises and an oral exam. Study Material: Material is distributed during the lectures. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Either T-106.1208 or equivalent knowledge of a scientific programming language. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-31.4580 Special Topics in Physical Chemistry P (2 cr) Responsible teacher: Kyösti Kontturi; Kari Laasonen Level of the Course: Master/Doctoral studies Teaching Period: IV (Spring) Workload: 10 + 10 (variable number of hours per week) lectures and/or seminar lectures 10 h exercises and/or laboratory work 10 h independent work 34 h Learning Outcomes: The aim is to study selected topics in physical chemistry. Content: According to need, in spring 2012 the topic was electrochemistry of liquid-liquid interfaces.. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures and home work problems and/or seminar presentations and/or laboratory experiments including reports. Study Material: As agreed. Substitutes for Courses: KE-31.4540 Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-31.4100, KE-31.4110 or KE-31.4560 Grading Scale: pass/fail Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-31.5120 Special Thermodynamics P (4 cr) Course in Statistical Responsible teacher: José A. Manzanares, Docent Level of the Course: Master/Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I (autumn, alternate years, next in the academic year 2012-2013) Workload: 20 + 20 (intensive course) lectures 20 h exercises 20 h exam 4 h independent study 64 h Learning Outcomes: The student should learn the Gibbs’ ensemble formalism and be able to evaluate the thermodynamic equilibrium properties of different systems of interest in physical chemistry. The student should also become familiar with the mean field approximation to describe systems of interacting particles. Content: Basics of statistical thermodynamics of equilibrium systems. Thermally-averaged electrostatic interactions. Elasticity of polymer chains. Classical fluids. Non-electrolyte solutions. Adsorption isotherms. Surface pressure-molecular area isotherms of surfactant 1 monolayers. Ligand binding equilibria. Quantum statistics. Electrons in metals. Magnetic phenomena. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, home work problems and a written examination. Study Material: Lecture notes. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-31.2120 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-31.5130 Nanothermodynamics P (2 cr) Responsible teacher: José A. Manzanares, Docent Level of the Course: Master/Doctoral studies Teaching Period: III (spring, alternate years, next in the academic year 2013-2014) Workload: 10 + 10 (intensive course) lectures 10 h exercises 10 h exam 4 h independent study 30 h Learning Outcomes: The student should learn the limitations of classical thermodynamics applied to small systems and the main theoretical approaches that are available for the thermodynamics of nanoscale systems. The student should be able to evaluate the subdivision potential of Hill’s nanothermodynamics in some simple systems. In addition, a basic knowledge of Tsallis’ nonextensive entropy and of theoretical approaches based on interfacial energies should also be acquired. Content: Thermodynamic properties of nanoparticles. Hill’s statistical thermodynamics of small systems. Applications of the completely open ensemble. Tsallis’ non-extensive thermostatistics and applications to physico-chemical systems. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, home work problems and a written examination. Study Material: Lecture notes. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-31.2120 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-31.5140 Postgraduate Chemistry P (12 cr) Seminar on Physical Responsible teacher: Kyösti Kontturi Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I - II (Autumn) Workload: 26 + 0 (2 + 0) lectures and seminar lectures 26 h independent study 298 h Learning Outcomes: The student learns to thoroughly discuss subjects included in the licentiate exam. Content: The seminars deal with special topics of physical chemistry concerning the degree requirements of postgraduate students. The research methods of physical chemistry are also introduced by guest lecturers. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, seminar presentations and homework. Study Material: As agreed Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-31.4100, KE-31.4110 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Language of Instruction: English KE-31.5540 Research Seminars on Physical Chemistry P (V) (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Kyösti Kontturi Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I - II, III - IV (Autumn or Spring, as agreed) Workload: 26 + 0 (2 + 0) lectures and seminar lectures 26 h independent study 55 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to present the results of a research project. Content: Seminars concerning topics of current interest in electrochemistry, membrane electrochemistry or thermodynamics. In particular these seminars focus on topics related to the ongoing research themes in our laboratory as well as other universities and industry. Recommended in particular for graduate students and final year undergraduates. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures and seminar presentations Study Material: As agreed Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-31.4100, KE-31.4110 Grading Scale: pass/fail Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-35.1500 Analytical Chemistry I; (KE, P, also for students of the degree programme of Forest Products Technology) (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Sakari Kulmala Level of the Course: Bachelor studies Teaching Period: III (Spring) Workload: 24 + 12 (4 + 2) 3 credits = 80.1 h Lectures / contact teaching 24 h Calculation exercises / contact teaching 12 h Preparation for lectures and exercises / independent study 18 h Independent study 10 h Preparation for examination 16 h Examination 3 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to calculate calibration related calculations for any analytical method, to handle simultaneously at least two dominant equilibria and to know physical and chemical phenomena and principles that the most common classical and instrumental analysis methods are based on. The student will also know the principles of function for the main parts of the instrumentation. In addition the student will be able to choose an analysis method for the practical needs of each analysis as well as to take into account the different stages in the whole analytical process and know the measurement uncertainty in the analysis. Content: Knowledge on the theoretical basics and possible applications of the most common analysis techniques. Combination of different equilibria, titrimetry, parts of electrochemical methods of analysis, spectrophotometry, atomic absorption spectrometry as well as atomic emission spectrometry, chromatographic methods and capillary electrophoresis. Chemical equilibria and their combinations. The fundamental phenomena on which the most common instrumental analysis methods are based. Use of different method groups in different areas of analysis. Mastering the ability to do calculations on chemical equilibria. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures and exercises. Assessment: Examination 100% Study Material: Harris: Quantitative Chemical Analysis, W. H. Freeman and Company; compendium. Course Homepage: 2 35.1500 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: webOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. Can be taken in English upon request. Further Information: Contact teaching is in Finnish, course material is available upon request in English. KE-35.4000 Evaluation of an analysis method (1 cr) Responsible teacher: Sakari Kulmala Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I, II, III, IV Workload: Independent work 27 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will know how to make oneself familiar with an interesting analysis method. The student has practiced reading scientific articles and extracting information from them. Content: The student will present a literature survey on an analytical method showing the pros and cons as well as the suitability of the method. The essay is to be based on one or several scientific articles. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Essay Course Homepage: Grading Scale: Accepted / not accepted Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. Can be taken in English upon request Further Information: Contact the teachers to choose the topic. KE-35.4330 Advanced Analytical Chemistry P (4 cr) Responsible teacher: Sakari Kulmala Level of the Course: Master / Doctoral studies Teaching Period: II (Alternate years, next academic year 2012-2013) Workload: 16 + 14 (4 + period) 4 credits = 106.8 h Lectures 16 h Exercises / contact teaching 14 h Independent study 73 h Examination 3 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student has deepened his or her knowledge in analytical chemistry. The student is able to evaluate the interpretation of analytical results, sampling, chemometry, online analysis, quality systems and modern sources of analytical information. The student will also have basic knowledge in patenting of analytical methods and instruments. Content: Interpretation of analysis results, factors affecting sampling and taking a representative sample, process control, basics of quality systems. Finding information from literature or electric sources. Patenting analytical methods or instrumentation. Calculation exercises or computer exercises. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Examination and exercises. Assessment: examination. Study Material: Compendium Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-35.1500, KE-35.2510 or corresponding knowledge Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. Can be taken in English upon request. Further Information: Computer exercises taught mainly in English, otherwise lectures in Finnish KE-35.4340 Laboratory Quality Systems, Quality Assurance and Validation of Analytical Methods (2 cr) Responsible teacher: Sakari Kulmala Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: II (Autumn) Workload: 12 + 0 (period) 2 credits = 53.4 h Lectures / contact teaching 12 h Independent study 40 h Examination 3 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will have a basic knowledge on quality systems in laboratories (ackreditation, Good Laboratory Practice and ISO-9000 series standards). The student will also understand the importance of ackreditation and has made oneself familiar with quality control of analytical methods as well as the basics of their validation. Content: The fundamentals of laboratory quality systems (Accreditation, Good Laboratory Practice and ISO 9000series standards) and quality assurance within the systems and in general. Development of analytical methods and their validation. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Examination Study Material: Compendium Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. Can be taken in English upon request Further Information: Lectures held in Finnish, English material available upon request. KE-35.4500 Functional Oxide Materials P (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Maarit Karppinen Level of the Course: Master and doctoral studies Teaching Period: III (spring) Workload: 26 + 0 (4 + 0) lectures 26 h exam 4 h independent study 50 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student 1. has an overview of the variety of oxide materials employed in advanced technologies 2. will be able to discuss the most important physical properties of functional oxide materials 3. will be able to analyze the basic chemistry - crystal structure - microstructure - physical property relations in functional materials 4. will be able to read and critically evaluate scientific papers on topics related to (oxide) materials chemistry. Content: The course provides the students with insights into the synthesis and properties of various important functional oxide materials employed in new sustainable energy technologies, spintronics and other topical application fields. The course covers among others the superconductive, magnetic, magnetoresistive, thermoelectric, Li-ion and oxide-ion conductive and photoactive oxides. The focus is on new materials. Moreover, the course provides the students with a short introduction to thin-film technologies of inorganic materials. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Active participation in lectures plus final exam. Study Material: Lecture handouts plus selection of scientific papers for independent study. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-35.2500 (mandatory), KE-35.4100 (recommended) Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily English. The assessed work may be completed in Finnish or Swedish upon request. 3 KE-35.4610 Chromatographic and Electromigration Techniques P (5 cr) Capillary Responsible teacher: N.N. Level of the Course: Master / doctoral studies Teaching Period: III (Alternate years, next academic year 2011-2012) Workload: 26 + 8 (4 + period) 5 credits = 133.5 h Lectures / contact teaching 26 h Written home exercises or written examination and preparation 50 h Laboratory exercises / contact teaching 8 h Laboratory report 12 h Oral examination (presenting mindmaps on the three techniques to the teacher) 3 x 30 min; preparation and presenting 9 h Essay on an article 27 h Independent study 24 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to estimate how different factors affect GC, HPLC and CE analyses as well as to optimize the separation (understanding the separation principles deeply). The student will know the components of the equipment and will be able to evaluate the suitability and sensitivity of detectors for different applications. The student will be able to use the equipments in laboratory works under minimal supervision, interpret results and their relationship with the learned theory. In the homeworks the student will apply the theoretical knowledge, search for information and evaluate the effect of different factors in the optimization. After the course the student should know the basics of separation in gas chromatography, liquid chromatography and capillary electromigration techniques, know the basics of their application, be able to use the theory in practice and to take into account the most important factors affecting the optimization of separation. Content: Knowledge on how instrumentation components work, choosing the correct instrumentation for different application and knowing how sensitive the methods are. Understanding the principles of separation and factors affecting the separation as well as evaluating the effect on the separation; getting routine in reading scientific articles. Evaluation and application of theory in solving problems taken from real life applications. Use of the instruments under minimal supervision. Searching for information from sources outside the textbook; academic documentation. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Laboratory exercises with reports, home essay, oral examination (mindmaps) and either written exercises or written examination. Written exercises / examination 50%, mindmaps 25%, essay 25%. Study Material: Riekkola, Hyötyläinen: Kolonnikromatografia ja kapillaarielektromigraatiotekniikat or Holler, Skoog, Crouch: Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Thompson Brooks/Cole Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-35.1500 or corresponding information Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. Can be taken in English upon request Further Information: Lectures in Finnish, exercises etc. can be taken in English upon request. KE-35.5000 Seminar on Chemical Analysis Technique P (4 cr) Responsible teacher: Sakari Kulmala Level of the Course: Master / doctoral studies Teaching Period: I, II, III, IV (Alternate years, next academic year 2012-2013) Workload: 30 + 0 (period) 4 credits = 106.8 h Seminar / Contact teaching 30 h Independent study and preparing the presentation 75 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student has made oneself familiar with an analysis technique or its application, planned the contents of an oral presentation on the technique and gained experience in giving presentations. Content: Seminar presentation on modern analytical methods. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Active participation and oral presentation. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: As agreed Grading Scale: accepted / not accepted Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-35.5030 Special Work in Analytical Chemistry I P V (V) (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Sakari Kulmala Level of the Course: Master / doctoral studies Teaching Period: I, II, III, IV (Autumn & Spring) Workload: 0 + 60 (0 + period) 3 credits = 80.1 h Laboratory work 60 h Independent study and writing work report 20 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to use either a chromatograph or spectrophotometric instruments and perform measurements independently. The student will also be able to optimize measurement conditions and to make conclusions based on the results. The student will have gained more experience in writing laboratory reports. Content: Good knowledge on the theory of the analytical technique and on how the equipment works in practice. Planning of analysis and interpretation of results. Independent work in the laboratory. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Work report Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-35.4810 recommended Grading Scale: Pass / fail Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. Can be taken in English upon request KE-35.5100 Research Project in Inorganic Chemistry (8 cr) Responsible teacher: Minna Nieminen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I - II (autumn), also III - IV (spring) if agreed Workload: 0 + 213,5 (variable number of hours per week) laboratory work 80 h literature review 80 h seminar lecture 0,5 h independent study 53 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to 1. search for literature and critically evaluate scientific articles. 2. write a clear and logical literature review. 3. use different kind of measuring instruments as well as interpret results and compare them with results presented in the literature. 4. draw conclusions from results obtained and from results presented in the literature. 5. present experimental results in clear and logical way in a laboratory report. 4 6. present results of the laboratory work verbally in a seminar lecture. Content: The course introduces its participants to research methods in inorganic chemistry and to ongoing research projects of the laboratory. It includes also laboratory work, which is connected to the research projects and is initiated by doing a literature survey on the same or a related topic. The laboratory work is reported in written form as well as by giving a seminar lecture. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Literature survey (40 %), laboratory work (40 %) and seminar presentation (20 %). Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-35.4100 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. KE-35.5110 Chemical Instrumentation Electroanalytical Methods P (5 cr) and Responsible teacher: Sakari Kulmala Level of the Course: Master / Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I (Alternate years, next academic year 2011-2012) Workload: 22 + 18 (4 + period) 5 credits = 133.5 h Lectures / contact teaching 22 h Laboratory exercises / contact teaching 18 h Preparation for laboratory exercises and writing work report 40 h Preparation for examination and examination 50 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will know the principles for each established electroanalytical method, the most important analogue and digital electronic components and their function in analytical instruments as well as different signal types. The student will be able to explain in detail the components in electroanalytical instruments and how they work. In the laboratory the student will be able to use the instruments under supervision. Content: The most important electroanalytical methods, the most important analogue and digital electronic components and their fuction in analytical instruments as well as different signal types. Mainly electroanalytical instrumentation. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Final examination and laboratory exercises with reports. Assessment: examination (100%) Study Material: Skoog, Holler, Crouch: Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Thompson Brooks/Cole, USA, 6th ed., 2007 and Rubinson: Contemporary Instrumental Analysis, Prentice Hall, 2000 Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-35.1500 or corresponding knowledge Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. Can be taken in English upon request Further Information: Lectures are given in Finnish. Laboratory exercises in Finnish or in English. KE-35.6000 Research Study on Analysis Technique P (6 cr) Responsible teacher: Sakari Kulmala Level of the Course: Master / doctoral studies Teaching Period: I, II, III, IV (Autumn & Spring) Workload: Independent work 160 h either in the laboratory or at home Learning Outcomes: The course consists of either doing a comprehensive literature survey or performing the experiments for a part of a scientific article. The student will be able to draw conclusions from the results of the survey or to interpret the analytical measurement results and attempt to draw conclusions from them. Content: Literature survey of a current analytical technique or specific laboratory work on an agreed analytical subject. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Work report (100%) Course Homepage: Prerequisites: As agreed Grading Scale: accepted / not accepted Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-35.6500 Systematic Material Design P (2 cr) Responsible teacher: Maarit Karppinen Level of the Course: Master and doctoral studies Teaching Period: IV (alternate years, next academic year 2012-2013) Workload: 14 + 0 (2 + 0) lectures 14 h literature study plus essay 30 h independent study 10 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student 1. masters basic principles of common tools of newmaterial design in materials chemistry. 2. will be able to analyze basic crystal structure - physical property relations in functional materials. 3. will be able to apply methods/approaches/ideas from scientific papers to own study topics related to materials chemistry. Content: The course covers new-material design, synthesis and on-demand tailoring tools such as combinatorial chemistry, statistical multivariate data analysis, as well as band-structure, tolerance-parameter and bond-valence-sum calculations and layer-by-layer engineering of (multi)functional materials. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Active participation in lectures plus a literature study and an essay on a topical theme. Study Material: Lecture handouts plus selection of scientific papers for independent study. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-35.4100 (recommended), KE-35.4500 (mandatory) Grading Scale: accepted/failed. Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily English. The assessed work may be completed in Finnish or Swedish upon request. KE-35.9610 Chromatographic and Capillary Electromigration Techniques (P for students of the degree programme of Forest Products Technology) P (4 cr) Responsible teacher: Johanna Suomi, teaching researcher Level of the Course: Master / doctoral studies Teaching Period: III (Alternate years, next academic year 2011-2012) Workload: 26 + 8 (4 + period) 4 credits = 106.8 h Lectures 26 h Written home exercises or written examination and preparation 50 h Laboratory exercises 8 h Laboratory report 12 h Oral examination (presenting mindmaps on the three techniques to the teacher) 3 x 30 min; preparation and 5 presenting 9 h Independent study 24 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to estimate how different factors affect GC, HPLC and CE analyses as well as to optimize the separation (understanding the separation principles deeply). The student will know the components of the equipment and will be able to evaluate the suitability and sensitivity of detectors for different applications. The student will be able to use the equipments in laboratory works under minimal supervision, interpret results and their relationship with the learned theory. In the homeworks the student will apply the theoretical knowledge, search for information and evaluate the effect of different factors in the optimization. Content: Gas chromatography, liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis: knowledge on how the equipment components work, how sensitive they are and what they can be applied for; understanding and evaluation of the separation principles and the factors affecting the separation; applying the theory to solve problems; use of the equipment in the laboratory; finding information from outside the course materials. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Laboratory exercises with reports, oral examination (mindmaps) and either written exercises or written examination. Assessment examination/written exercises 65% and mindmaps 35%. Study Material: Riekkola, Hyötyläinen: Kolonnikromatografia ja kapillaarielektromigraatiotekniikat or Skoog, Holler, Crouch: Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Thompson Brooks/Cole, USA Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-35.1500 or corresponding knowledge Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. Can be taken in English upon request Further Information: The course is taught simultaneously as KE-35.4610, but it does not contain a home essay. The lectures are in Finnish, but other parts of the course can be taken in English upon request. P KE-4.4100 Organic Structural Analysis (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Jari Koivisto Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I (autumn) Workload: 5 op = 135 h 28+18 (4+3) lectures 28 h exercises 18 h instrument demontrations 7 h examination 4 h independent study 78 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to 1. interpret MS, IR and NMR spectra 2. solve structures of organic molecules based on MS, IR and NMR spectra 3. describe the functional principles of the MS, IR and NMR spectrometers Content: The objective is to learn how to use mass spectrometry (MS), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in the structural determination and identification of organic compounds. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures and exercises. The course includes homework and instrument demonstrations (optional). Final exam. Study Material: Compendium. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-4.3100 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: webOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. KE-4.5510 Practical NMR Spectroscopy (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Jari Koivisto Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: IV (spring) Workload: 3 op = 81 h 14+28 (2+4) lectures 14 h practical exercises 28 h practical examination 2 h independent study 37 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to 1. choose the correct NMR experiments 2. operate the Bruker NMR spectrometer 3. deal with the most common problems encountered while operating the NMR spectrometer Content: A practical guide to solution NMR spectroscopy. The main emphasis is on the more advanced NMR techniques (selective 1D experiments, different 2D experiments, pure shift-experiments, and variable temperature experiments). A short introduction to the theoretical background and interpretation of the spectra is given. In addition, the NMR spectrometer and its maintenance are introduced. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures and practical exercises. Practical examination. Study Material: Compendium and Bruker Avance DPX400 UserManual Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-4.4100 Grading Scale: pass/fail Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. KE-4.5520 Organometallic Chemistry (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Pekka Joensuu, teaching researcher Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: IV (spring) Workload: 3 cr = 80 h Lectures/ contact hrs 28 h Lectures/ contact hrs 20 h Preparing for lectures, preparing for In-class calculation sessions/independent study 14 h Preparing for examination 15 h Examination 3 hrs Learning Outcomes: Course will give tools to fundamental understanding of organometallic chemistry, especially on mechanistic aspect. Students will be able to estimate the reactivity and behavior of different organometallic complexes. Content: Course will introduce the most important organometallic reactions and will explain the reaction mechanism in details. The main focus is on homogeneous catalysts that are used in coupling and olefin metathesis chemistry and in asymmetric catalysis. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Written exam Study Material: Compendium Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-4.3100 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: webOodi Language of Instruction: Finnish, English if needed KE-0.2500 Plant Genetic Engineering (4 cr) Responsible teacher: Ossi Turunen Level of the Course: Bachelor studies 6 Teaching Period: III (spring) Learning Outcomes: After the course the student has 1. Knowledge on the basic concepts of gene technology and plant genetics and their biological context. 2. Understanding of the potentials of using genetic engineering in increasing production quality and yields and designing new production systems. 3. Knowledge of the restrictions and responsibilities in the use genetic engineering methods. The course enables the understanding of the research in this field and the relationship of gene technology to the environment and taking part in the general discussion of this field in the society. Content: The course will give knowledge about the basics of general gene technology and plant gene technology, and how gene technology can be used to engineer the properties of plants, and trees in particular, and how the production of biofuels and various products from biomass can be improved. The course will give knowledge about the position of gene technology in the development of biomass utilization and the regulatory environment. Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. KE-0.4070 Products from Biomass (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Reetta Karinen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: III-IV (spring) Workload: Lectures 30 Assignments 105 Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to 1. Remember basic principles of different biomass feeds 2. Describe methods that can be used to upgrade biomass 3. Recognize potentials that the biomass-based chemicals and materials have Content: The course gives basic principles about the chemicals and materials that can be produced from biomass by thermal, chemical and biochemical methods, and by physical processes. The basics of different processes, methods and reactions will be introduced. NOTE: no biofuels included. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures and individual/group assignments. Evaluation is based on assignments and exam. Study Material: Depending on the case Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-40.2500, KE-100.2310 or equivalent studies Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Number of students max. 20. Priority: 1) Master level students. 2) Degree students KE-0.4500 Lignocellulose Biotechnology (6 cr) Responsible teacher: Tom Granström Level of the Course: A3 level course Workload: 4 h lectures / week in 10 weeks (40 h), self study 20 h, examination preparation 20 h, laboratory course 60 h. Altogether 8 weeks lecture period and 2 weeks laboratory course Learning Outcomes: After the course the students should have an understanding and tools to evaluate the most efficient ways of utilizing lignocellulose biomass in industrial processes using biocatalysts: 1) selecting the methods to upgrade the fractionated lignocellulose biomass for biocatalyst conversion 2) principles of selecting the most efficient bioconversion depending on the available feedstock 3) calculating the mass balances, product yields, basic enzyme and microbial kinetics, 4) economical evaluation of the bioprocess and productivity. In the laboratory course students will learn how to use the basic cultivation methods of microorganisms and how to carry out enzyme kinetic experiments. Students will learn how to carry out the bioreactor cultivation with metabolically engineered microorganisms producing lignocellulose hydrolyzing enzyme i.e. xylanase, cellulase or lignin oxidizing enzymes. They will apply the produced enzyme in a real application and analyze the hydrolysis products with applicable instruments. Content: Reactors and process technology. Microbial fermentation and kinetics. Basics of enzymes as biocatalysts. Immobilization of micro-organisms and cells. Immobilization of enzymes and enzyme preparates (crystals and precipitate). Productivity and effectiveness of immobilized biocatalysts. Economic evaluation of bioprocess. Calculation exercises: Microbial kinetics. Enzyme kinetics. Laboratory Exercise: Biocatalyst conversion. Substrate: wood hydrolysate from autohydrolysis of softwood: comparative evaluation of acid catalysed and enzymatic hydrolysis of oligosugars to monomers and subsequent fermentation to ethanol. Separation, purification (in joint collaboration with the course on “Separation Technologies..” Mass balance and economic evaluation. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Written exam, home work exercises and laboratory work result (problem based learning assigment). Study Material: Study material: lecture notes, recommendable reading for the course: 1) Biomass to Biofuels: Strategies for Global Industries (Ed.) Vertes, Qureshi, Blaschek, Yukawa, Wiley 2010. 2) Introduction to BIOTECHNOLOGY and GENETIC ENGINEERING: Nair A.J, Infinity Science Press, 2007 Substitutes for Courses: None CEFR level: 6 credits corresponding to 162 hours Prerequisites: A1and A2 module courses Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Will be lectured for the first time in the academic year 2012-2013. KE-0.6100 Chemicals and Materials from Biomass P (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Juha Lehtonen Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: Intensive course, autumn, alternate years, next academic year 2012-2013 Workload: 30+0 (period) Learning Outcomes: After the course the srtudent will be able to 1. Compare information about different biomass feeds 2. Understand how biomass can be upgraded to chemicals and materials 3. Explain basics of the properties of these materials and components Content: The course gives an overview of the chemicals and materials that can be produced from biomass by thermal and chemical reactions, and by physical processes. Topics include e.g. biorefinery concept, pyrolysis oil production and utilization, gasification gas production, and utilization of synthesis gas in the production of chemicals and materials including polymers. The course consists of lectures and seminars. The written seminar assigments will form a part of the course literature. In addition, the student will peer-review one seminar text before the course and acts as opponent for another seminar presentation. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures and assignments 7 Study Material: Lectures and seminar presentations Prerequisites: Major studies in the appropriate fields Grading Scale: Seminar presentations (written and oral) will be evaluated on scale 0-5. Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-100.1100 Basics of Material Science (4 cr) Polymer Technology and Responsible teacher: Pirjo Pietikäinen, senior lecturer Level of the Course: Bachelor Teaching Period: I Workload: 28 (4) Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to 1. Convey the basics of materials science 2. Form an understanding of the versatility of polymeric materials and their wide applicability 3. Classify polymers based on their structures 4. Describe polymerization mechanisms and technical preparation methods 5. Understands the relationship between polymer structure and eg. their thermal and mechanical properties 6. Describe how products are processed from polymeric materials Content: Basics of materials science focus being on polymers. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Levture type teachin includes activ learning elements. The course is assessed by (4-6) weekly assignments. Study Material: Seppälä, J., Polymeeriteknologian perusteet, otakustantamo 580, Espoo, 2005. Materal dealed at lectures. Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: webOodi Language of Instruction: Finnish, partly English. Further Information: Only for the students of the Degree Programme of Bioproduct Technology. KE-100.2410 Laboratory Demonstrations of Polymer Technology (2 cr) Responsible teacher: Jaana Rich Level of the Course: Bachelor level Teaching Period: II (Autumn) Workload: 15 (3) Learning Outcomes: After this course the student: 1. knows the versatility of polymeric materials 2. knows different analysys methods for polymers in laboratory scale 3. understands the limits of experimental measurements and the importance of estimation of errors in the measurements. Content: 4-6 demonstrative laboratory exercises on polymerization, analyzing and testing of polymers. Recommended with course KE-100.23100. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Participation in the laboratory exercises and accepted reports. Substitutes for Courses: Substitutes course KE100.2410. Course Homepage: Grading Scale: Pass/Fail Registration for Courses: webOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-100.3410 Polymer Properties (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Jaana Rich Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: II (Autumn) Workload: 14h+14h (2h+2h) Learning Outcomes: After completing the course student 1. understands basics of polymer physics 2. understands structure hierarchy of polymers 3. understands basics of most important methods of polymer analysis 4. understands basic theories of polymer rheology 5. knows basics of stability and degradation of polymers 6. is able to calculate the above mentioned phenomena Content: Structure hierarchy in polymers. Theoretical aspects related to polymer analysis, physics and rheology. Basics of stability and degradation of polymers. Calculation of polymer properties. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures and calculations.Assessment is based on the exam. Study Material: Fried: Polymer Science and Technology, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, USA, 2003, lecture material. Substitutes for Courses: This course replaces KE100.3400 Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-100.2310 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-100.3510 Laboratory Techonology (5 cr) Exercises of Polymer Responsible teacher: Pirjo Pietikäinen, senior lecturer Level of the Course: Bachelor level / Master level Teaching Period: III-IV Workload: 60 h laboratory work + reports Learning Outcomes: After completing this course student 1. is able to work independently in laboratory. 2. is able to draw conclusions based on experimental results: understands how the structure of macromolecules affect e.g. thermal and machanical properties of polymer materials. 3. knows in practice different processing methods fro polymers 4. can write a technical report Content: The student do experimental work that supports their theoretical studies in polymer technology. They learn about polymerization, polymer analysis, polymer processing and testing. The course consists of 9 laboratory excersises and their reporting. The course ends with a seminar. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Accepted laboratory work reports and attendance in the seminar. Assesment 05, based on laboratory work and reports. Study Material: Compendium. Substitutes for Courses: Substitutes course KE100.3320. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-100.2310 and KE-100.3200. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: webOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-100.3710 Polymerization Reaction Engineering P (6 cr) Responsible teacher: Jukka Seppälä Level of the Course: Master / Doctoral studies Teaching Period: III-IV (Spring) Workload: 28 h lectures, set homework (calculations). Learning Outcomes: After completing the course student 1. understands how the most common polymeirzation mechanisms affect polymerization reactions. 2. knows the production technologies of the most common polymers and understands the special features of reactor types. 3. knows how the safety and stability of polymer reactors 8 can be affected and is able to use stability analysis in research and development of polymer processes. 4. understands how viscosity affects polymerization processes and can design mixing and heat transfer of polymerization reactors. 5. can scale up/down mixing of polymerizations. 6. understands the use of reactor calorimeter in polymerzations reactors. Content: Course covers the following topics: basics of polymerization processes, special features of process technology and reaction engineering of polymers, and production processes of most important polymers. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, homework and possibly an excursion. Accepted homework is a prerequisite for taking the exam. Assessment based on exam. Study Material: Odian: Principles of Polymerization, 3rd. ed. (selected parts). Compendium. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-100.2310, recommended KE-100.3200 and KE-100-3410. Grading Scale: Examination. Registration for Courses: webOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily English Further Information: Course material in English, lectures partly in Finnish. KE-100.4100 Polymer Composites (4 cr) Responsible teacher: Pirjo Pietikäinen Level of the Course: Master / Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I (alternate years, next academic year 2012-2013) Workload: Ca. 10 hours lectures, seminar work and presentations of the seminars. Exam can be replaced by essay/home work during the course. Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to 1. know the role of polymers in the field of composite materials 2. evaluate the compatibility of polymers and their fillers and reinforcements 3. understand how polymers act as reinforcements in composites 4. know the processing methods of polymer composites 5. prepare a short literature study and present it to the audience Content: Raw materials used in composites, structures, properties and production of polymer composites are covered in the course. Different composite applications are discussed as well as some advanced bio- and nanocomposites. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Active participation in lectures is required. Written seminar work is done and presented in the seminar. Exam can be replaced by essay/home work during the course. Study Material: Saarela et al.: Komposiittirakenteet, Muoviyhdistys ry, Gummerus, 2003 (selected parts), lecture materials and compiled seminar work. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-100.2310 Grading Scale: Grade for the course is awarded based on exam result and the seminar work. Exam can be replaced by extra homework. Registration for Courses: webOodi Language of Instruction: Finnish, material can be provided in English. KE-100.4810 Biopolymers P (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Jaana Rich Level of the Course: Master / Doctoral studies Teaching Period: IV (spring) Workload: Lectures 16h Attendance in lectures required or alternatively weekly essays completed. Learning Outcomes: Aim of the course is to further develop knowledge on biodegradable polymers, their production, properties and applications. After the course the student 1. knows the most common natural and synthetic biodegradable polymers 2. can define what is biodegradation and how it is measured 3. can describe the synthesis methods of synthetic biodegradable polymers 4. knows the application areas and particular requirements of biodegradable polymers Content: Course covers the topic of biodegradable polymers extensively. Both natural and synthetic polymers are discussed as well as the requirements in different application areas such as packaging and medical applications. Other topics covered are degradation mechanisms, biocompatibility, and compostability. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Active participation in lectures or substitutive assignments. Study Material: Lecture materials, selected review articles. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-100.2310 Grading Scale: Exam, 0-5. Registration for Courses: webOodi Language of Instruction: English Registration for Courses: webOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: An advanced course in polymer technology, C-module. KE-100.5020 Special Study in Polymer Technology P (V) (4-7 cr) KE-107.2100 Plant Design I (4 cr) Responsible teacher: Jukka Seppälä Level of the Course: Master / Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I, II, III, IV Workload: Typically research work at laboratory and its reporting. Learning Outcomes: The aim is to deepen knowledge on selected area of polymer science. Content: Both written and experimental work is included. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Both written and experimental work is included. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-100.2310; KE-100.3200 and KE100.3500; KE-100.3400 and KE-100.3700 are recommended. Grading Scale: Accepted report, grade 0-5. Both written and experimental work are assessed. Registration for Courses: Contact professor Jukka Seppälä Language of Instruction: English Further Information: An advanced course in polymer technology, C-module. KE-100.5030 Polymer Technology Seminar P (V) (3-9 cr) Responsible teacher: Pirjo Pietikäinen, university lecturer Level of the Course: Master / Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I, II, III, IV (approximately every other year) Workload: Set separately. Learning Outcomes: Provides profound knowledge of very recent topics of polymer science for those who are especially interested in polymer science and technology. Content: The contents of the course may vary from year to year. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Set separately. Study Material: Set separately. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-100.2310, KE-100.3200 and KE100.3400. Grading Scale: Set separately. 9 Responsible teacher: Markku Hurme Level of the Course: Bechelor level Teaching Period: I-II (2+2) Workload: 4 cr=108 h Lecture 26 h Exercise 26 h Homework 6 h Self study and exam preparation 45 h Examintaion 5 h Learning Outcomes: 1. Students understand the basics of process plant design and development 2. Can calculate material and energy balance of the process, equipment (pumps, heat exchangers, pipes) sizing 3. Can calculate the investment and operating cost and profitability of the process 4. Understand the bacics of project management, documentation, engineering, waste minimization and safety issues Content: Process plant, project implementation, process development, feasibility study, engineering, equipment sizing, process simulation, diagrams. detailed design, comissioning, operation, investment and profitability, energy saving, process control, environmental and safety aspects. Exercises are focused on plant and process design calculations. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Home exercises. Writen exam when home exercise is accepted. Study Material: Lecture notes Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-42.1700 or equivalent Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: webOodi Language of Instruction: Finnish Primarily in Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request Further Information: Foreign student can take this course with special arrangement. Contact prof.Jukka Koskinen or Dr. Sarwar Golam KE-107.3100 Process Simulation (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Markku Hurme Level of the Course: DI/Masters level Teaching Period: I (2+2) Workload: 3 cr= 81 h Lecture 12 h Exercise 12 h Home work 6 h Independent study and exam preparation 48 h Examination 3 h Learning Outcomes: 1. Students acquire the engineering knowledge and experience to use commercial process simulator Pro II 2. Can calculate physical and equilibrium properties of components 3. Can simulate heat exchanger, flash, columns (distillation, absorption, stripping), extraction and reactors 4. Can use calculator, controller and optimizer in simulation 5. Can carry out a detailed steady state simulation of a chemical process and analyze process flow sheets Content: Fundamentals of steady state chemical process simulation, flowsheeting, and optimization. Course focuses on the simulation of physical properties, equilibrium properties, flash. Columns, distillation, adsorption and extraction. Reactors. Other equipment and processes. Controllers, optimization using Pro/II simulation program. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Examination (80%), exercise participation (20%) and accepted home work. Study Material: Lecture notes and solved exercises. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-107.2100 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-107.4000 Process Safety (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Markku Hurme Level of the Course: Masters level Teaching Period: I, II, III, IV Workload: 3 cr = 81 h Independent self study of course materials 46 h Literature work 2*8h = 16 h Preparation for the examination 16 h Examination 3 h Learning Outcomes: 1. Students acquire the basic knowledge of safety issues in chemical process industry 2. Can identify the hazard of chemicals and chemical processes 3. Can identify fires and explosions, and design the preventions 4. Can understand the methods and principles in chemical process safety Content: Introduction, chemical plant accidents, toxicology, industrial hygience, MSDS, control, fires and explosions, prevent fires and explosions, reliefs, hazards identification, reactive chemicals, also Process risk management, dangerous properties of chemicals. Course does not contain lectures. Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1-2 literature works (each 6 page), exam based on notes given. Study Material: Notes Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Basic knowledge on chemical processes. Grading Scale: Examination, gr. 0-5 Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Course is not lectured. Notes are given for self study. Contact Dr. Sarwar Golam, room: D309 for the notes and literature topics. 1-2 lierature works (6 pages each) must be submitted before the examination. Recommended for PSE and other foreign students. Vastaava suomenkielinen kurssi on KE-107.4700. KE-107.4300 Process Design I (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Markku Hurme Level of the Course: Masters (DI)-level Teaching Period: II (2+2) Workload: 3 cr = 81 h Lecture 12 h Exercise 12 h Design work 9 h Independent study and preparation for the exam 45 h Examination 3 h Learning Outcomes: 1. Students understand the basics and methods of process design of an inorganic chemical process 2. Can search information’s for market and feasibility study 3. Can select and calculate reaction and separation operations 4. Can draw PFD, layout and calculate material and energy balance 5. Can size the equipment such as reactors, pumps, heat exchangers, vessels, pipes and control valves Content: Information searching, Process selection and evaluation of the process concept, Conceptual design, Selection and dimensioning reaction and separation 10 operations, Drawing a flowsheet, Sizing the equipment, Selection of construction materials, Layout, Safety and environmental protection. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lecture and exercise participation, design work and seminar presentation, examination Study Material: Lecture notes and solved exercises. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-107.3100 Process Simulation Grading Scale: Examination, gr. 0-5; Exercise participation give points to exam. Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Topics of the design work will be distributed in class KE-107.5500 Plant design II (8 cr) Responsible teacher: Markku Hurme Level of the Course: Masters/post-graduate level Teaching Period: Spring (III-IV) Workload: 8 cr = 216 h/student Plant design project work: Report I 33 h Report II 75 h Report III 54 h Report IV 44 h Final report 10 h Learning Outcomes: 1. Students acqure advanced practical knowledge on process design and preliminary plant design 2. Can make market study of raw materials, products, process alternatives and calc. material margin 3. Can calculate material and energy balance and simulation of the process 4. Can draw PFD, PI-diagrams, lay out and define utilities, emissions and waste of the plant 5. Can define equipment sizing, equipment list, specification and instructions 6. Can calculate capital investment, operating cost, production cost, analyse profitability and financial planning 7. Can demonstrate team work, presentation, management and leadership skills in real plant design Content: A preliminary design and feasibility study of a process, which is done as a design project. Includes acquiring of source information for design, methods of design, cost and profitability estimation. Project work is done in teams of 5 students. The design project is divided into five reports: I. Project start-up, market study and plant location, process alternatives and comparison of process alternatives II.Selecting the process alternatives; process design, PFD III. PI diagram, equipment specifications, instructions, layout, laws, regulation and permits IV. Cost estimations, profitability, time schedule, financing plan V. Final report Assessment Methods and Criteria: Accepted design reports and presentations, participation in meetings. Study Material: Plant design II guide (Hurme) Process design manual (Hurme) Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-107.3100, KE-107.4300, KE-42.3100, KE-42.3110 or equivalent Grading Scale: The course is graded from 0-5. Grading depends on the quality of design, style of each report, performances in meetings and final presentation. Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Registrations for the course must be done before the end of exam period in December. Corresponding course in Finnish is KE-107.5505. Recommended for senior students. KE-107.6000 Special Course in Plant Design P (V) (1-5 cr) Responsible teacher: Markku Hurme Level of the Course: Masters/post-graduate level Teaching Period: I, II, III, IV (if needed) Workload: Hours depend on credits given Learning Outcomes: The course provides students in-dept knowledge on special topics in chemical process and plant design. Content: Recent special topics in chemical and process plant design. The subject of the course varies. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Participation and Examination Study Material: Lecture notes. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-107.2100. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-107.6010 Special Study in Plant Design P (V) (1-7 cr) Responsible teacher: Markku Hurme Level of the Course: Masters/post-graduate level Teaching Period: I, II, III, IV Workload: Hours depend on credits given Learning Outcomes: The course provides students deep knowledge of independent special studies in chemical process and plant design. Content: One ore more special studies in chemical process and plant design area. Topics are agreed with professor/instructor. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Special work reports or literature studies. Study Material: Independent study as agreed Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-107.2100 Grading Scale: accepted/rejected Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Contact professor Hurme for special study KE-30.2110 Microbiology II (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Katrina Nordström Level of the Course: Bachelor studies Teaching Period: II (autumn) Workload: 24+0(4+0) 5 cr = 135 h lectures 24 h independent study 107 h examination 4h Learning Outcomes: After the course, student will be able to 1. name bacteria, fungi,viruses and prions and the most important structures of these organisms 2. present the virulence factors of selected microbes 3. describe in general the function of the human immune system 4. give examples on the role of microbes in nature 5. name industrially important microbes 6. critically evaluate interactions between human and microbes from the point of view of health, food production and the environment. Content: Taxonomy, growth and culture of microorganism; influence of environment/process parameters on microbial physiology; control of microbial ecology in the process industry; core knowledge: classification of micro-organisms, mechanisms of bacterial pathogenicity, roles of microorganisms in the environment, industrial use of microorganisms, structure and life cycle of viruses, use and control of fungi; theory for microbiology laboratory classes. 11 Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, assignments and exam. The assignments are voluntary and can contribute to the exam. Study Material: Lecture material and reading material which will be announced at the beginning of the course. Alternatively, students can acquire a textbook. Edition will be announced at the beginning of the course. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-30.2120 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. Further Information: Course materials and literature in English, group work and assignments may be done in English. Exam can be done in English. KE-30.2120 Biochemistry and Microbiology I (4 cr) Responsible teacher: Marko Närhi Level of the Course: Bachelor studies Teaching Period: I (autumn) Workload: 24+0 (4+0) 4 cr = 108 h lectures 24 h independent study 80 h examination 4h Learning Outcomes: After the course, student will be able to 1. describe the general structure of carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids 2. identify the levels of protein structure and to predict the effect of conditions on proteins and amino acids 3. defend lipids as energy storage against carbohydrates and to explain how and why the cell membrane is formed 4. identify the main reactions catalyzed by enzymes 5. remember the concept of activation energy and activated complex and is able to explain their effect on enzyme activity 6. explain the Michaelis-Mente kinetic model for enzymatic reactions 7. remember the concept of free energy and is able to use it to explain the principle of coupling biochemical reactions 8. discuss the reactions of glycolysis, citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation 9. describe the structure of micro-organisms and to explain cell function as well as to tell about the differences between different types of micro-organisms 10. describe the mechanism of microbial growth and to explain the growth kinetics and the factors affecting it 11. remember factors affecting microbial growth and is able to explain their mechanism of action as well as to describe how they can be utilized in microbial culturing and control of microbial growth 12. tell about microbial culture techniques 13. describe the characteristics of bioprocesses as well as to provide examples of harm caused by microorganisms and the utilization of microorganisms 14. describe the human-microbe interaction and to name its constituents as well as to tell about the host defense mechanisms in general. Content: Structure of carbohydrates and glycosidic bond; general structure of amino acids and their zwitterionic nature; peptide bond, its formation and structure and the levels of protein structure; lipid structure; fat as energy storage; structure of cell membranes and micelles; classification of enzymes; concepts of activation energy and activated complex; Michaelis-Mente kinetic model; concept of free energy and coupling biochemical reactions; ATP, NAD, FAD, CoA. Glycolysis, citric acid cycle and their regulation (in general); oxidative phosphorylation; regulation of metabolism; cell structure and functions of organelles; mechanism of microbial growth and growth kinetics; factors affecting microbial growth and growth control; microbial culture techniques and the characteristics of bioprocesses; main features of host defense mechanisms. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures and written exam. Evaluation is based on the exam. Study Material: Course material package and additional literature to be announced. Substitutes for Courses: Substitutes for both KE-30.1600 Microbiology I (2 cr) and KE-30.2100 Biochemistry I (4 cr). Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-4.1100 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. Further Information: Lectures given in Finnish. Course materials in Finnish, literature in English. Exam can be done in English. 3 cr = 81 h lectures 12 h examination 4h independent study 65 h Learning Outcomes: After the course, student will be able to 1. name the most important spoilage organisms of foods (bacteria, virus, fungi and protosoa) 2. estimate the impact of microbial characteristics on the quality of products of the food industry (spoilage and pathogens) 3. become acquainted with the most common methods and guidances for prevention of microbial contamination of food products in the maintenance of process - and product safety 4. understand the importance of prevention of contamination during the production chain from raw materials to the consumer with reference to HACCP. Content: Food safety from a microbiological point of view; physical, chemical and biological control methods for food preservation; process and product hygiene in the food industry, equipment and production design for maintenance of product quality; control of microbial safety during transportation and storage; development of critical thought and analysis by use of everyday cases on food hygiene and handling, preservatives and legal requirements, safety of the production chain, food hygiene of food processes, sanitation and HACCP; basic skills and knowledge of food microbiology and process food hygiene. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures and written exam. Evaluation is based on the exam. Study Material: Lecture material and reading material which will be announced at the beginning of the course. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-30.2110 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. Further Information: Course materials and literature in English, group work and assignments may be done in English. Exam can be done in English. KE-30.4315 Process Industry Microbiology P (5 cr) KE-30.3100 Microbiology III (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Salem Shamekh Level of the Course: Bachelor studies Teaching Period: II (autumn) Workload: 12+0 (2+0) Responsible teacher: Katrina Nordström Level of the Course: Master studies/Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I (autumn, alternate years, next academic year 2012-2013) Workload: 28+80 (4+variable number of hours per week) 12 5 cr = 135 h lectures 28 h teamwork 80 h final seminar 12 h examination 4h independent study 11 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to 1. identify the general sources of microbial contamination and present methods, procedures and activities for the prevention of spread of microorganism to products. 2. select antimicrobial agents and suggest how these agents prevent the growth on microorganisms and evaluate the environmental effect of such chemical substances. 3. name the most critical regulatory requirements and can interpret the influence of these documents on the process industries. Content: Chemical-,bio-,food and forest industry microbial contamination sources and control of such sources. Ecoefficient processes and microbial spoilage. Lifecycle of antimicrobial agents (biocides) and their effect on the environment. Regulatory demands for different areas of the industries, eg. REAC, BPD and consumer safety. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Introductions by the teacher, participation in teaching and teamwork and active work in the team according to given assignments. Mandatory participation. The evaluation is based on teamwork and final seminar (50%), final report or similar written assignments (25%) and exam (25%). Study Material: To be announced at the beginning of the course. The material comprises of 1) Content of teaching sessions and 2) Reading material based on publications, books or electronic sources. Substitutes for Courses: Substitutes course KE-30.4310 Process Industry Microbiology P (3-5 cr), as of the beginning of period I 2011. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-30.3100 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. Further Information: Course materials and literature in English, group work and assignments may be done in English. Exam can be done in English. KE-30.4325 Health Technology Microbiology P (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Katrina Nordström Level of the Course: Master studies/Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I (autumn, alternate years, next academic year 2013-2014) Workload: 28+80 (4+variable number of hours per week) 5 cr = 135 h lectures 28 h teamwork 80 h final seminar 12 h examination 4h independent study 11 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to 1. name the most important micro-organisms from a global perspective and analyze the interactions of these microbes with the human immune system 2. name tools for epidemiology and is aware of the international offices thereof 3. identity sources of microbial contamination in the production of biological and traditional pharmaceutical products and production processes and propose solutions for the eradication of these sources of contamination and is able to interpret EU/international laws and guidances thereof 4. present the significance of serology as part of diagnostics, vaccine production and detection. Content: Globally important micro-organisms and their structural and physiological properties; basics of immunology and epidemiology; microbial safety of health care products and production processes; microbial ecology of production processes, aseptic and sterile production, EU/international laws and guidances; GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), GLP (Good Laboratory Practice), GCP (Good Clinical practice); serology, vaccine production, diagnostics and detection methods. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Introductions by the teacher, participation in teaching and teamwork and active work in the team according to given assignments. Mandatory participation (two absences are allowed). The evaluation is based on teamwork and final seminar (50%), final report or similar written assignments (25%) and exam (25%). Study Material: To be announced at the beginning of the course. The material comprises of 1) Content of teaching sessions and 2) Reading material based on publications, books or electronic sources. Substitutes for Courses: Substitutes course KE-30.4320 Health Technology Microbiology 3-5 cr. Course Homepage: 30.4325/ Prerequisites: KE-30.3100 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. Further Information: Course materials and literature in English, group work and assignments may be done in English. Exam can be done in English. Students must reserve at least 6 hours a week on team-work KE-30.4810 Applied Microbiology Project (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Katrina Nordström Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: II (autumn, alternate years, next academic year 2013-2014) Workload: 30+40 (variable number of hours per week) 5 cr = 135 h project planning 30 h laboratory work or other assignments 40 h seminar 12 h independent study 53 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to 1. take responsibility for planning and implementation of given assignments in the area of applied microbiology either in the laboratory or via multidisciplinary teamwork 2. evaluate the cost, ethical implications and scientific contribution of given assignments. Students can build a logical path of implementation of scientific work. Content: A project will be conducted within the benefits and drawbacks of microbes within the process industry and new technologies, including human-microbe-environment interactions. The topics are selected from health technologies, bio- ja chemical industries, the forest industry or environmental technology. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Teamwork of given assignments, the course may also include laboratory experimentation or extended teamwork. Mandatory participation. Evaluation is based on teamwork, presentation and summary (25%), Laboratory of team assignments including final report (75%). Study Material: To be announced at the beginning of the course. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-30.2510, KE-30.4315/KE-30.4325 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses 13 Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. Further Information: Course materials and literature in English, group work and assignments may be done in English. Possible exam can be done in English. The course schedule will be announced at the beginning of the course. Laboratory work will last 3-4 weeks, and a typical work day is 1-8 hours. Enrollment by 15.8. via WebOodi. Eligibility for laboratory assigments requires a approved personal study plan (HOPS) for the A3 Applied Microbiology module. Priority is given to students who have not taken or are not taking courses KE-30.5010, KE-30.5020 or KE-70.4600. However, all students who enroll to the course will be able to take part in the alternative expanded team work. KE-30.4830 Bioethics (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Katrina Nordström Level of the Course: Master’s students/doctoral students Teaching Period: III (spring, alternate years, next academic year 2012-2013) Workload: 24+0 (variable number of hours per week) 5 cr = 135 h lectures 24 h seminar 12 h examination 4h independent study 95 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to 1. evaluate the ethical issues involved with technologies based on the use of microbes and evaluate the risks thereof 2. name the most pertinent international agreements and how these can be used to proactively anticipate and control biosafety 3. identify future services that are needed for new biotechnologies and present the meaning of quality, effectiveness and safety in biotechnology. Content: Ethical questions of use of microbes, the responsibility of the microbiologist, biosafety, biotethics and international agreements thereof; sustainable development, quality of new technologies and products and effect and safety from a microbiological point of view. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Introduction by the teacher, essays and final seminar. Participation mandatory, Grading based on: essays (50%), presentation and final seminar (25%), exam (25%). Study Material: To be announced at the beginning of the course. Starting material will be provided and the final course material will be compiled as a summary of the group work of the students. Substitutes for Courses: Substitutes course KE-30.4820 Soveltavan mikrobiologian seminaarikurssi L (5 op). Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-30.2510, KE-30.4315/KE-30.4325 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-30.6020 Postgraduate Course in Microbiology P (V) (1-6 cr) Responsible teacher: Katrina Nordström Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I,II,II,IV, on agreement Workload: Depending on course content 1-6 cr. Learning Outcomes: Advanced learning within selected topical issues. Content: Selected special areas of applied microbiology and related areas of biotechnology. Assessment Methods and Criteria: To be agreed on. Study Material: To be agreed on. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Master’s degree. Grading Scale: On a scale of 1-5, depending on the course requirements. Registration for Courses: To be agreed on. Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. Further Information: Course materials and literature in English, group work and assignments may be done in English. Exam can be done in English. KE-40.4060 Project Work in Industrial Chemistry (6 cr) Responsible teacher: Reetta Karinen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I, II, III, IV Workload: 0+160 experimental or applied work 70-80 h literature work and report 80-90 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to 1. use some of the most common research methods in industrial chemistry 2. find and utilize published literature data 3. prepare a research plan and a scientific report Content: Experimental or applied work in industrial chemistry. The work is started with a literature review and based on this, a research plan is made. Experimental results are reported in a scientific report. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Literature work, experimetal work and report are evaluated. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-40.2500, KE-40.4100 and KE-4110 or equivalent studies Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Registration to the autumn course in September and to the spring course in January. KE-40.4120 Introduction to Biorefineries and Biofuels (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Reetta Karinen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I-II Workload: 22+0 (2+0) Lectures 22 h Assignments 110 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to - realise why we need biofuels - list the most important biofuels and processes related to biofuels and their future prospects - present the most promising new sources for biofuels - explain what a biorefinery is and the role of biorefineries as a source of sustainable fuels Content: Energy outlook and legislation concerning the biofuels. Raw materials for biofuels. Processes related to biofuels. Most common biofuels used in transportation and stationary energy production. Properties of biofuels and their applications and comparison with the conventional fuels. Various biorefinery concepts. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Evaluated assignments, altoghether 11 weekly assignments Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-40.4140 Environmental Catalysis (5 cr) 14 Responsible teacher: Reetta Karinen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: II Workload: 30 + 0 (5 + 0) lectures 30 h assignment 10 h exam 4 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to 1. explain the basic principles of catalysis and catalysts 2. remember the most important methods to characterize catalysts and explain how the catalyst properties affect their activity in chemical reaction. 3. recognize the possibilities and limitations of catalysis in environmental applications Content: Principles of catalysis. Most important catalytic processes for clean fuel production. Catalytic purification of exhaust and flue gases. Catalytic combustion. Examples of new, environmentally acceptable chemical processes. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures and assignment. The assignment has to be accepted before the exam. Study Material: Will be announced later Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-40.2500 or equivalent studies recommended Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-40.6000 Biofuels P (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Juha Lehtonen Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: Intensive course, spring, alternate years, next academic year 2012-2013 Workload: 30 + 0 Learning Outcomes: The aim of the course is to give an overview of the present state of art in conversion of biomass to various fuels. After the course the student knows the different possibilities to utilise biomass as a raw material for energy, fuels and chemicals. The student is able to recognize the basic principles (processes and conditions) of different methods (e.g. gasification, pyrolysis, combustion) used to convert biomass to energy and fuels and is able to compare the different methods and knows their strong points and weak points. Content: The course will give an overview of present state of art in conversion of biomass to various fuels. At first the global enviroment will be described and EU directives will be presented. Various raw materials and conversion processes will be introduced. Some examples of operational or designed commercial size processes will be given. The properties of bio-fuels and their applications will be presented. The comparison with the conventional fuels will be given. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures Study Material: As agreed Prerequisites: KE-40.2500 and KE-40.4110 or equivalent studies. Grading Scale: Exam, grade 1-5. Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Only for post-graduate students KE-40.6020 Scale-up of Chemical Processes P (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Juha Lehtonen Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: Intensive course, autumn, alternate years, next academic year 2012-2013 Workload: 30 + 0 (period) Learning Outcomes: The aim of the course is to give an overview of the scale-up of chemical reactions from laboratory to industrial scale. After the course the student recognizes the various phenomenas that affect the scaleup (mixing, mass and heat transfer) of chemical processes from the reaction engineering point of view. Content: The course gives an overview of the scale-up of chemical reactions from laboratory to industrial scale. The course will disscuss scale-up and modelling, the different stages of scale-up (laboratory->bench->pilot->production), common problems involved, environmetal aspects, process safety and economy. The emphasis is on the heat and mass transfer issues of scale-up and on reactor safety. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, exercises and seminar presentations. Study Material: As agreed Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-40.4110 or equivalent studies. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-42.3000 Chemical Engineering, laboratory course (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Timo Seuranen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I, II, III, IV Workload: 0+22 laboratory work 22 h induvidual work 59 h Learning Outcomes: Understanding of operation of unit operations in practice. Content: Laboratory exercises to get familiar with the equipment in chemical engineering and a short literature survey to get familiar with the periodicals in the discipline. Assessment Methods and Criteria: 6 laboratory exercises with reports and literature survey. Reports and literature survey must be approved. Study Material: Working instruction Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-42.1700 (compulsory). Recommended KE-42.3100, KE-42.3110 and KE-42.4100 either before this course or at the same time. Grading Scale: Accepted/not accepted Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English. KE-42.3200 Fundamentals of Separation Processes (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Ville Alopaeus Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I (autumn) Workload: 24+12, (4+2) seminar and calculation exercises (contact hrs) 18 h calculation exercises and homework assignments (independent hrs) 95 h preparing for seminar presentation (independent hrs) 20 h preparing for examination 10 h Learning Outcomes: After the course student will be able to 1. know the basics of chemical engineering thermodynamics 2. understand the basics of unit operations and mass transfer. Content: Important unit operations in chemical engineering: distillation, extraction, leaching and membrane separations. Basics of mass transfer and thermodynamic methods. Assessment Methods and Criteria: 2 home exercises that must be completed before the final examination. The examination consists of two parts: theory and calculation. 15 Study Material: Geankoplis: Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles, 4th ed., Prentice Hall, 2003, as applicable. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Basics on chemical engineering and mathematics Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English. The assessed work may be completed in Finnish or Swedish upon request Further Information: Course is intended for PSE (Process Systems Engineering) students. This course is parallel to KE-42.3100. KE-42.4000 Chemical Engineering, advanced laboratory course (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Timo Seuranen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I, II, III, IV Workload: 0+20 Learning Outcomes: Understanding of operation of unit operations in practice. Content: Laboratory exercises to get familiar with the equipment in chemical engineering. Assessment Methods and Criteria: 5 laboratory exercises with extended reports. Reports must be accepted. Study Material: Working instructions Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-42.1700 and KE-42.3000 without literature survey (compulsory). Recommended KE-42.3100, KE-42.3110 and KE-42.4100 to be done at latest during the laboratory course. Recommended to take part in KE42.4500 at latest during the laboratory work. Grading Scale: accepted/not accepted Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English. KE-42.4010 Chemical Engineering, exercise course on special topics (3-8 cr) Responsible teacher: Timo Seuranen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I, II, III, IV Workload: 0+50 Learning Outcomes: Understanding of the topic of special project. Content: Homework exercises or laboratory experiments on selected topics of chemical engineering. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Approved reports. Study Material: As agreeded Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-42.4000 (compulsory). Grading Scale: Accepted/not accepted Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English. KE-42.4120 Process Development P (4 cr) Responsible teacher: Ville Alopaeus Level of the Course: Master/doctoral studies Teaching Period: I-II (autumn), (alternate years, even calender years, next academic year 2012-2013) Workload: 30+20 Learning Outcomes: Understanding the steps of process development. Content: Nowadays the same time scale of process development must be short to be competitive. The stops of process development from idea to product or process are taught to find innovative solutions to technical problems and process configurations. Case based learning. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, exercises and exam. Study Material: As agreed Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-42.3100, KE-42.3110 and KE-107.4300 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: The grade is based on the sum of points of exams, homeworks and seminar. KE-42.4500 Chemical Engineering III (9 cr) Responsible teacher: Juha-Pekka Pokki Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: III-IV Workload: 48+24, (4+2) Learning Outcomes: Capable to model unit operations and transport phenomena and apply termodynamic models. Content: Selected topics of modelling and design of unit operations. Thermodynamics, mass transfer, heat transfer and momentum transfer in detail. Assessment Methods and Criteria: 4 home exercises that must be completed before the final examination. The examination consists of two parts: theory and calculation. Study Material: Geankoplis: Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles, 4th ed., Prentice Hall, 2003, as applicable. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-42.1700, recommended also KE42.3100 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Finnish Further Information: Lecture notes and exercises also available in english KE-42.4520 Process Modelling - methods and tools L (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Ville Alopaeus Level of the Course: Master/doctoral studies Teaching Period: III-IV (spring), (alternate years, even calender years, next academic year 2013-2014) Workload: 24+24, (2+2) Learning Outcomes: Course is intended mainly for postgraduate students and those who are at later stages in their graduate studies. Special attention is given to mathematical problems appearing in students’ own research, and students are also encouraged to bring their own topics to the seminars. Content: Special topics related to mathematical modeling in chemical engineering. Overview of various numerical methods and their implementation. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Participation to lectures and exercises, homework, exams (pre- and final exams) Study Material: Pre-exam: Rice & Do: Applied Mathematics and Modeling for Chemical Engineering, chapters 1-2 Final exam: Lecture notes and additional material distributed on the lectures Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Basic courses on mathematics, chemical engineering and industrial chemistry Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-42.5510 Physical Engineering P (5 cr) Properties in Responsible teacher: Docent Kari Keskinen 16 Chemical Level of the Course: Master/doctoral studies Teaching Period: III-IV (spring), (alternate years, odd calender years, next academic year 2012-2013) Workload: 24+24 Learning Outcomes: Extending the knowledge and understanding the importance of physical properties in chemical engineering. Content: Phase diagrams of pure components and mixtures, databanks, thermophysical properties of mixtures, equations of state and activity coefficient models, correlation of physical properties, estimation methods for pure components and mixtures, energy variables, reaction equilibrium, properties of black liquor, pulp and paper, electrolyte solutions and ionic liquids. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, exercises, homework assignments and middle exams. Study Material: As agreed. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-42.3100 and KE-42.3110 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-42.6010 Distillation Design P (4 cr) Responsible teacher: Kari I. Keskinen Level of the Course: Master/doctoral studies Teaching Period: I-II (autumn, period), (alternate years, odd calendar years, next academic year 2013-2014) Workload: 30+30, period Learning Outcomes: Extending knowledge of distillation. Content: One-week intensive course with lecturers and exercises and home work case studies. The course will give an overview of practical aspects of distillation simulation and design. Thermodynamic models, both predictive and experimental are presented. Design of plate and packed columns and the auxiliary equipment are considered. Modeling of distillation by equilibrium, nonequilibrium and rate-based approach are presented. Control and costing of distillation systems are also included. The course consists of some 30 hours of lectures and exercises. A simulation program is used in the exercises. There will be no final examination, but case studies and its reporting and presentation will be held instead. Pre-examination to check prerequisites if needed. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Case studies, group work and its seminar presentation Study Material: Will be delivered during the lecture Course Homepage: 42.6010/etusivu Prerequisites: KE-42.3100 or similar, recommended also KE-42.4500 and KE-42.5510 Grading Scale: Passed/not passed Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-42.6500 Unit Operations Technology P (V) (4 cr) of Environmental Responsible teacher: Ville Alopaeus Level of the Course: Master/doctoral studies Teaching Period: III-IV (spring) Workload: 16+10, period Learning Outcomes: Applying chemical engineering techniques in environmental applications Content: Selected topics of unit operations that are used in environmental techniques. Membrane separations, separations of liquid/gas and solid/gas mixtures, chemical and biochemical methods, modelling. Number of participants limited to 25. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Literature exercise and examination. Study Material: As agreed Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-42.3100 and KE-42.3110 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-70.3110 Bioprocess Technology II (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Ossi Turunen Level of the Course: Bachelor studies Teaching Period: I Workload: 12 + 6 (2 + 1) Learning Outcomes: A student is able to calculate kinetic parameters like Km, Vmax, Kcat/Km Ki and knows the enzyme classification, relationship between enzyme structure and function, enzyme synthetic pathways in microbes, methods to modify enzymes and main enzyme applications. Content: Enzyme structure - function relationship. Enzyme kinetics. Screening and engineering of enzymes. Major enzyme applications. Enzyme markets. Costs of enzymatic processes. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, computer class exercise, exam. Study Material: Buchholz et al (2005) Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology, Wiley-VCH. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-70.2500 Grading Scale: 1-5 Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-70.3610 Bioprocess Technology III P (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Shrikant Survase Level of the Course: Master/post graduate studies Teaching Period: IV Workload: 24 + 0 (4 + 0) Learning Outcomes: Students have knowledge of various analytical tools in different bioprocesses and know the importance of validation of any analytical method. Students know how complex mixtures of compounds are separated and identified and understand what these analytical tools tell about the process and know how the tools can be applied in other branches of biotechnology like medicine and food. Content: The course deals with analytical method validation, sampling and sample treatment and methods needed in control of biotechnical processes like measurement of intracellular enzyme activities, measurement of mRNA, analytics of small molecules, methods of proteomics and metabolomics as well as use of microbes in analytics. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, demonstrations and examination. Study Material: to be announced later Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-70.2500 and KE-30.2500 Grading Scale: 1-5 Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-70.4300 Metabolic Engineering and Modeling P (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Tero Eerikäinen Level of the Course: Master/Doctoral studies Teaching Period: II (autumn) Workload: 12 + 12 (2 + 2) Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to 1.utilize systematic metabolic engineering approach 2.prepare cell level mass balances 3.model basic microbial metabolism 17 4.estimate the effects of metabolic engineering Content: During the course central parameters effecting cell growth and metabolite production are studied. Modeling of metabolic fluxes, their control and thermodynamic balances are practiced. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Examination Study Material: As agreed Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-70.3100 or KE-70.3110, KE-70.3500 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessment work may be completed in English upon request. KE-70.4600 Practical Course in Bioprocess Engineering (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Tero Eerikäinen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: III or IV (spring) Workload: 0 + 0 + 135 reading group 20h reseach plan 5 h independent research work 70 h research report 35 h final seminar 5 h Learning Outcomes: Students learn different phases of research work, like 1. analyzing prior research knowledge, 2. planning new research, 3. experimental working, 4. reporting and presentation of research results Content: A broad research project with an experimental work in bioprocess engineering. Reading group meetings, research plan, research work, report and final seminar include to the work. This course is a prerequisite of Master’s Thesis Assessment Methods and Criteria: Reading group, independent research work, research report and final seminar Study Material: As agreed Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-70.3600 or KE-70.3610, KE-70.4200 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. KE-90.2500 Basics in Production Planning and Control (6 cr) Responsible teacher: Sirkka-Liisa Jämsä-Jounela Level of the Course: Bachelor studies Teaching Period: IV (spring) Workload: 24+24 (4+4) 6 op = 162 h Lectures 24 h Exercises 24 h Independent studying / preparing for exam 110 h Exam 4 h Learning Outcomes: After completing the course, the student knows the most important systems of the production planning and control used in the process industries, their structure and operation principles; Knows the most important operation research areas and their typical problems; Is able to use linear programming: Simplex methods and its variants; Knows the methods for transportation and networks optimization; Knows dynamic proramming, integer programming and nonlinear programming methods and their use; Knows inventory theory, forcasting and scheduling methods and their use. Content: The aim of the course is to give knowledge about methods used in production planning and control of industrial processes. Applications of production control are also discussed. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, exercises, assignments and exam. Possibility for bonus points to the exam from the assignments. Study Material: Hillier, F. S., Liebermann, G. J.: Introduction to Operations Research, 7th.ed. Lecture notes Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-90.2100 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-90.3100 Process Modelling and Simulation (6 cr) Responsible teacher: Sirkka-Liisa Jämsä-Jounela Level of the Course: Bachelor studies Teaching Period: II (autumn) Workload: 24+24 (4+4) 6 cr = 162 h Lectures 24 h Exercises 24 h Homeworks 40 h Independent studying / preparing for exam 78 h Exam 6 h Learning Outcomes: After completing the course, the student understands the 1.and 2. order process dynamics; Is able to formulate dynamic models for the unit processes based on the physical-chemical phenomena; Is able to solve dyn models mathematically; Is familiar with the Matlab/Simulink software tools and knows how to use them; Is able to formulate and solve dynamic models in discrete time space; Undestands the main principles of the model identification; Knows the main online identification algorithms; Is familiar with the identification toolbox; Understands Kalman filtering. Content: The aim of the course is to give an introduction to dynamic mechanistic modelling and simulation using computer tools. The course also includes basics in experimental modelling and system identification. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, exercises, homeworks, final exam (consists of two parts: written and computer exam). Possibility for bonus points to the exam from the homeworks. Literature: W. L. Luyben (1990) Process Modelling, Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineers. ISBN 0-07100793-8 Study Material: Luyben, W. L., Process Modelling, Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineers, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1990. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-90.2100 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-90.3500 Process Modelling and Simulation in Practice (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Sirkka-Liisa Jämsä-Jounela Level of the Course: Bachelor studies Teaching Period: III (spring) Workload: 12+0 18 3 cr = 81 h Lectures 4 h Other teaching 4 h Laboratory work 4 h Exercises 40 h Independent studying 28 h Learning Outcomes: After completing the course, the studentKnows how to formulate the mechanistic, dynamic model for a lab unit process and simulate it using the experimental data; Knows how to formulate the discrete time model for a lab unit process and how to identify the model parameters using the collected online process data. Content: The course consist of two modelling assignments: the first assignment deals with chemical-physical first principles modelling of a heat exchanger, the second assignment is to create an ARX model for a mixing tank and to identify the model parameters using process data. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures and assignments. Study Material: Compendium Luyben W. L., Process Modelling, Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineers, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1990. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-90.3100 Grading Scale: pass/fail Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-90.4100 Production Planning in Practice (4 cr) Responsible teacher: Sirkka-Liisa Jämsä-Jounela Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I (autumn) Workload: 0+12 (0+2) 4 cr = 108 h Exercises 12 h Assignments 96 h Content: The course consists of project works with Arena, SAPr3 and APO. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exercises and assignments. Study Material: W. David Kelton, Randall P. Sadowski, Deborah A. Sadowski: Simulation with Arena, McGraw-Hill, USA, 2003. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-90.2500 Grading Scale: Pass/fail Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English KE-90.4510 Control Applications in Process Industries (6 cr) Responsible teacher: Sirkka-Liisa Jämsä-Jounela Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: III (spring) Workload: 24+24 (4+4) 6 cr = 162 h Lectures 24 h Exercises 24 h Homeworks 40 h Independent studying / preparing for exam 70 h Exam 4 h Content: The aim of the course is to give an overview of control strategies used in the process industry. Classical and modern control theory is discussed briefly. Process dynamics, process modelling and identification, single-loop control and controller design, multivariable control, discrete time systems and design of digital controllers, model predictive control, selected topics in advanced process control and case studies. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, exercises, homeworks and exam. A possibility for bonus points to the exam from the homeworks. Literature: B. A. Ogunnaike & W. H. Ray (1994) Process Dynamics, Modelling and Control. ISBN 0-19-509119-1 Study Material: Ogunnaike, Babatunde A. & Ray, W., Process Dynamics, Modelling and Control, Oxford university Press, 1994. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-90.3100 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Project work 111 h Exam 4 h Learning Outcomes: After completing the course, the student Understands the structure and requirements for plantwide automation systems; Is able to configure a small DCS system for lab unit processes using ABB 800xA system; Knows the basics in process automation programming languages; Understands the benefits, limitations and properties of industrial field buses and can apply this knowledge in the automation system design; Understands the meaning of process system interfaces (OPC, ODBC). Content: Operation of plantwide distributed control system (DCS), PLC programming languages (IEC 61131-3), structure and operation of Profibus and Foundation Fieldbus field buses. Design of user interfaces (HMI): events, alarms and trends. History data collection from processes, reporting, software interfaces in process automation (OPC, ODBC) and future development of field buses (Ethernet, WLAN). Basics in PLC programming, configuration and deployment of traditional I/O and field buses. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, project work and exam. Exam 50 % of the grade, project work 50 %. Study Material: Compendium Lecture notes Substitutes for Courses: Substitutes for both KE-90.4500 Project work in process automation (3 cr) and KE-90.4110 Information technology in process automation (3 cr). Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-90.3100, and basic programming skills are recommended. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: The course begins in February (in the middle of Period III). KE-90.4600 Process Automation Project Work (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Sirkka-Liisa Jämsä-Jounela Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: III-IV (spring) Workload: 20+0 5 cr = 135 h Lectures 20 h KE-90.5120 Process Monitoring Methods (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Sirkka-Liisa Jämsä-Jounela Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I (autumn) Workload: 24+12 (4+2) 5 cr = 135 h 19 Lectures 24 h Exercises 12 h Homeworks 40 h Independent studying / preparing for exam 55 h Exam 4 h Content: The main principles of the statistical and neural data-based process monitoring methods (principal component analysis, partial least squares regression, selforganizing maps) as well as their combinations and applications will be covered. An insight how neural and fuzzy methods can be used to improve control systems will be given. The course will combine conceptual frameworks with a practical approach. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, exercises, homework and exam. A possibility for bonus points to the exam from homeworks. Study Material: Lecture notes Substitutes for Courses: Substitutes for KE-90.5100 Process monitoring (4 op). Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-90.3100 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English MT-0.2101 Material Physics (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Jari Koskinen Level of the Course: Bachelor studies Teaching Period: III-IV (spring) Workload: 45+30 5 cr= 135 h Contact teaching 48 h Calculation exercises 51 h Exam 36 h Learning Outcomes: After passed this course the student can explain the wave-particle dualism of particles and can write as well as solve plain wave equations. He or she also can explain how the electron energies are determined in solid matter, particularly in semiconductors. The student can define electrical, magnetic, mechanical and optical properties of solid materials. Content: Atomic structure and properties of materials. Physical basis of magnetic, optical, electrical, thermal etc. properties and surface phenomena. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Contact teaching, calculation exercises, exam or two (2) intermediate tests (100 %). Study Material: Handouts, training material, compendium, Rolf E. Hummel, Electronic Properties of Materials, 3rd ed., New York, Springer, 2003. Peter Wilkes, Solid State Theory in Metallurgy, Cambridge Univ., 1973. Leonid V. Azaroff & James Brophy, Electronic Processes in Materials, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1963. Charles Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, Hoboken, NJ, Wiley&Sons, 2005. M. Alonso-E. Finn, Fundamental University Physics II, Reading (MA), Addison-Wesley, 1983. Robert J. Naumann, Introduction of Physics and Chemistry of Materials, CRC Press, 2009. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Modules MT901-P, MT901-O and MT100-1. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. MT-0.2116 Fundamentals of Forming Technology (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Antti Korhonen Level of the Course: Bachelor studies Teaching Period: IV (spring) Workload: 28+14 5 cr = 135 h Lectures 28h Exercises 14 h Independent work 93 h Learning Outcomes: After course students will understand difference between elastic and plastic deformation, are familiar with plastic metal working processes and have knowledge to calculate process loads by using plasticity theory. Students will also learn the basics of modelling techniques used in metal working studies. Content: Basics of material formability testing methods and introduction to essential forming techniques. Examples of forming processes including massive deformation and sheet metal forming methods. Examples of computing methods for forming. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures (28h), exercises (14h), exam. Study Material: Compendium: Kivivuori, S., Muovaustekniikan perusteet (in finnish). Additional Reading: E.M.Mielnik, Metalworking Science and Engineering, McGraw-Hill, 1991. Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. MT-0.3106 Transmission Electron Microscopy (2 cr) Responsible teacher: Risto Toivanen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: IV (spring) Workload: 14+0 2 cr = 54 h Contact teaching 14 h Independent work and exam 40 h Learning Outcomes: After passed this course the student possess the basic fundamentals on transmission electron microscopy, image formation and image analysis. He or she is also familiar with the sample preparation. Content: Principles of image formation, electron diffraction and contrast theory. Specimen preparation methods and principles. Applications of electron microscopy. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, exam (100%). Study Material: Handouts. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: MT-0.1011 Principles of Materials Science (5 cr) and module MT201-2. Grading Scale: 1-5 Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. Further Information: This course obligatory before postgraduate studies. MT-0.3116 Laboratory Exercises in Materials Science (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Simo-Pekka Hannula Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: III-IV (spring) Workload: 0+24 3 cr = 81 h Contact teaching 24 h Independent work: Orientation 9 h Acquisition of information 24 h Reporting 24 h Learning Outcomes: After passed this course the student can exploit most common materials characterization methods to clarify the structure and properties of materials. Content: Guided laboratory exercises. Sample preparation and materials characterization. 20 Assessment Methods and Criteria: Instructions, laboratory exercises, obligatory reports (100%). Study Material: Work instructions. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Module MT201-2 and course MT-0.3101 Materials Characterization (5 cr). Grading Scale: 1-5 Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. MT-0.3201 Materials production and synthesis (7 cr) Responsible teacher: Pekka Taskinen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I-II (autumn) Workload: 30+(4) 7 cr = 189 h Lectures 30 h Independent work 105 h International seminar 14 h Preparation for the exam 37 h Exam 3 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to 1. understand central technologies for materials production and their basic principles. 2. analyze and compare various technologies and their applicability for production of different materials. Content: Lectures and seminar reports goes deeper into metals production and synthesis methods. Materials, especially metals, production technologies and their boundary condition as well as recent trends in production technologies are considered. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures (30h) International seminar (oral presentation, opponent). Seminar report (30% of final grade), seminar presentation (30% of final grade), exam (40% of final grade). Study Material: Compendium, literature (varies yearly), seminar proceedings. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Module MT202-2. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily English. The assessed work may be completed in Finnish or Swedish upon request. MT-0.3216 Process Engineering (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Seppo Louhenkilpi Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: III-IV (spring) Workload: 40+16 (3+1) 5 cr = 135 h Lectures 40 h Exercises 16 h Independent work 79 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to apply theoretical bases of reaction kinetics, heat and mass transfer in materials production and make process simulation models. Content: The aim is to learn to apply theoretical bases of reaction kinetics, heat and mass transfer in materials production. Fluid flow, heat and mass transfer phenomena are examined by calculation examples. Principles of process simulation: numerical, empirical and physical modeling. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures (40 h), exercise works (8). Grade is determined by the exercises. Study Material: Material distributed during the lectures. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Module MT202-2. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Finnish MT-0.5001 Mineral and Recycling Beneficiation Plant Design (8 cr) Responsible teacher: Kari Heiskanen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: III - IV (spring) Workload: 8 cr = 216 h Lectures 36 h Tutorials 20 h Assignment 150 h Seminar 10 h Learning Outcomes: The student is able to develop a plant flowsheet and the relevant mass balance based on ore mineralogy, MLA, laboratory experiments, and modelling. The student can dimension the main equipment and create a simplified plant layout and make a simple investment analysis of the project. Content: The planning of a beneficiation plant for primary and secondary raw materials; property space, material property variations, flow sheets, equipment dimensioning for main and auxiliary equipment, project management. Assessment Methods and Criteria: A project learning based course. Study Material: To be given. Mular: Mineral plant design, SME. Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English MT-0.5006 Mineral and Recycling Beneficiation Process Optimization (7 cr) Responsible teacher: Kari Heiskanen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: III - IV (spring) Workload: 7 cr = 189 h Lectures 20 h Tutorials 40 h Assignment 119 h Seminar 10 h Learning Outcomes: The student can develop alternate flowsheets and compare their performance; the student can create a HAZOP, an energy plan, a water plan and a waste management plan. Content: The modeling and optimization of a beneficiation plant for primary and secondary raw materials, development of alternate flow sheets mass and energy balances, HAZOP, products, wastes and their deposition. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Project work, seminar. Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English MT-0.6024 New Materials P (V) (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Simo-Pekka Hannula Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I-II (autumn) Workload: 16 + 20 (2 + 0) 5 cr = 135 h Teaching 70 h Literature 40 h Exam 25 h Learning Outcomes: After passed this course the student understands manufacturing, properties and application of 21 new special materials. Content: New materials, their manufacturing, properties and applications. UMK Colloquium on New Materialscourse can be used as a part of this course. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, literature survey, Colloquium on New Materials -course + summaries, presentation, exam (100%). Study Material: Handouts. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Module MT301-3. Grading Scale: 1-5 Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English. MT-0.6026 Electron Microscopy P (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Simo-Pekka Hannula Level of the Course: Master/Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I-II (autumn). Lectured when necessary Workload: 27 + 0 (2 + 0) 5 cr = 135 h Teaching 27 h Exercises 10 h Independent work, pre-exercises and summaries 98 h Learning Outcomes: After passed this course the student possess the basic fundamentals on transmission electron microscopy, image formation and image analysis. He or she is also familiar with the sample preparation. Content: The basis and major applications of image formation, electron diffraction, electron invoked spectroscopy and contrast theory. Applications of transmission electron microscopy and electron spectroscopy. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, preexercises, summaries. Study Material: Handouts. Compedium; G. Thomas, M.J. Goringe: Transmission Electron Microscopy of Materials, John Wiley & Sons, 1979; M. Thompson, M.D. Baker, A. Christie, J.F. Tyson: Auger Electron Spectroscopy, John Wiley & Sons, 1985; D.B. Williams, C.B. Carter: Transmission Electron Microscopy, Textbook for Materials Science, Plenum Press, New York, 1996. Substitutes for Courses: Compensation is to be agreed with the lecturer. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Modules MT901-P and MT901-O. Grading Scale: Pass/Fail or 0-5. Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English MT-0.6029 Inorganic Composite Materials P (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Simo-Pekka Hannula Level of the Course: Master/Doctoral studies Teaching Period: II (autumn) Workload: 14+0 3 cr = 81 h Teaching 24 h Literature survey / laboratory exercise 30 h Seminar 6 h Exam 21 h Learning Outcomes: After passed this course the student understand the major manufacturing methods for metal and ceramic matrix composites and knows the most important applications and joining techniques. Content: Metal and ceramic matrix composites, their major manufacturing methods, properties and applications, heat treatments, surface treatments and joining of composites. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Teaching, literature survey / laboratory exercise, examination. Study Material: Course material, compendium, M.M. Swarz, Composite materials Handbook, 2. ed., McGrawHill, 1992, partly applicable. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Module MT201-2. Grading Scale: 1-5 Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English. MT-0.6036 Individual study period (V) (2-10 cr) Responsible teacher: Olof Forsén; Simo-Pekka Hannula; Mikhail Gasik; Antti Korhonen; Pekka Taskinen; Kari Heiskanen; Jari Koskinen; Seppo Kivivuori Level of the Course: Master/Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I/II/III/IV (autumn, spring) Workload: Varies with the extent of the course. Learning Outcomes: Will be agreed separately. Content: The study period can include topics not covered by the regular curriculum. The contents and requirements for the individual study period have to be agreed upon by the teacher in charge. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Will be agreed separately. Study Material: Will be agreed separately. Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. MT-0.6041 APD (Advanced Project Design) (V) (12 cr) Responsible teacher: Kari Heiskanen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I - II, III - IV (autumn, spring) Workload: 40+92 12 cr = 324 h Contact teaching 40 h Group work 20 h Project work 250 h Seminar 14 h Learning Outcomes: The learning outcome of this course is project skills needed in industrial engineering work in the context of materials science and support the students development into expertise in materials science. Content: Students work in project groups with their tutor teachers. The project themes are similar to industrial development projects. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Groups are reporting the work progress in project meetings and are keeping a project diary with tasks and time spent. Final project report is being done at final course seminar. Evaluated issues are centered to the learning process during the course The project is carried out during two periods. Study Material: Project Manual. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Bachelor’s degree in Science (Technology) and altogether 45 cr of Master’s level studies. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. Further Information: Training about the project work is being given at the beginning of the course. MT-0.6046 Advanced Project Course on Metallurgical Process Technology (15 cr) Responsible teacher: Kari Heiskanen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I - IV (autumn, spring) Workload: 15 cr = 405 h Learning Outcomes: Project skills, deepening skills of metallurgical theories and practices and their application to 22 industrial cases, engineering communication skills. Content: A project course in metallurgy partly performed at industrial sites. The topic varies annually. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Project plan, case study report, research reports, meeting minutes, final seminar presentation. Study Material: Case dependent and will be given at the beginning of the course. Prerequisites: Varies by University, at Aalto University, Schools of Science and Technology main subject level 3 module. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Not lectured in 2012-2013 MT-0.6051 Advanced Project Course on Materials Design (15 cr) Responsible teacher: Kari Heiskanen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I - IV (autumn, spring) Workload: 15 cr = 405 h Learning Outcomes: Project skills, deepening skills of materials science and engineering theories and practices and their application to industrial cases, engineering communication skills. Content: A project course in materials science and engineering partly performed at industrial sites. The topic varies annually. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Project plan, case study report, research reports, meeting minutes, final seminar presentation. Study Material: Case dependent and will be given at the beginning of the course. Prerequisites: Varies by University, at Aalto University, Schools of Science and Technology main subject level 3 module. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Not lectured in 2012-2013 MT-0.6061 Microfabrication (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Samuli Franssila Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I-II (autumn) Workload: 5 cr = 135 h 2 hours of lectures/week = 24 h 1 hour of exercises/week = 12 h Self-preparation for lectures = 17 h Self-study for exercises = 69 h Preparation for exam = 10 h Exam = 3 h Learning Outcomes: The student is able to design fabrication processes for simple silicon microdevices, and able to analyze fabrication processes of complex silicon microdevices. Content: Silicon and thin film materials. Unit processes in microfabrication: lithography, etching, deposition, oxidation, doping, polishing, bonding. Process integration of MOS and MEMS devices. Cleanrooms, process equipment, yield and reliability. Lab demo. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exam: 60%, Exercises: 60%, (bonus possibility). The student must achieve at least 40% of maximum points both in exam and in exercises. Study Material: Sami Franssila: Introduction to Microfabrication, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2010 (1st edition can be used). Substitutes for Courses: S-69.3103 Semiconductor technology II (5 cr), MT-0.6031 Microsystems (3 cr). Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Recommended prior studies: S-69.2101 Basics of semiconductor technology (5 cr), MT-0.2101 Materials physics (5 cr). Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: This course has two codes (MT0.6061 and S-69.3123), but can only be taken once. MT-0.6067 Thin Film Technology (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Jari Koskinen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: II (autumn) Workload: 28+14 5 cr = 135 h Teaching 42 h Exercises 60 h Exam 33 h Learning Outcomes: After having passed this course the student knows the basic thin film processing methods by using vacuum technology, the basic thin films structure and property characterization methods. The student is familiar with the dependence of thin films structure and properties to the critical coating parameters. The student can select the most potential methods to produce thin films for wanted applications. Content: Principles of vacuum technology, surface physics and surface-ion interactions and low pressure plasma. Thin film methods: Physical vapor deposition, chemical vapor deposition, and other plasma. Characterization methods for thin films to determine, structure, composition, and mechanical and optical properties. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Teaching, exercises and student presentations, problem based learning, examination. Study Material: Handouts, training material. Murarka, S.P.: Metallization, Theory and Practice for VLSI and ULSI, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993. Mahan, J.E.: Physical Vapor Deposition of Thin Films, John Wiley & Sons, 2000. Smith, D.L.: Thin-film deposition: principles and practice, McGraw-Hill, 1995. J.L. Vossen & W. Kern (eds.): Thin Film Processes II, Academic Press, 1991. Ohring, M.: The Materials Science of Thin Films, Academic Press, 1992. Substitutes for Courses: MT-0.6021 Fundamentals of Vacuum Technology, Thin Films and Metallurgical Coatings (3 cr), S-69.4114 Postgraduate Course in Electron Physics II (8 cr). Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Modules MT901-P, MT901-O ja MT100-1, MT301-3. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English MT-0.6072 Materials for Electronics (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Samuli Franssila Level of the Course: Master Teaching Period: III-IV (spring, alternate years, next academic year 2012-2013) Workload: 5 cr = 135 h 3 hours of PBL groupwork/week = 42 h 4 hours of self-study for PBL/week = 50 h Personal assignment = 25 h Preparation for exam = 15 h Exam = 3 h Learning Outcomes: The student is able to find information on electronic materials, analyze its validity, and assess its usefulness for applications in electronics, optics and microsystems. Content: Semiconductors, metals, insulators. Crystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous materials. Substrates, thin films, passivation materials. Sensing and actuation 23 materials. Microelectronics, MEMS, sensors, microsystems, optoelectronics. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Open book exam: 40%, PBL activity 40%, Personal assignments: 40% (bonus possibility). Study Material: Scientific articles and books. Substitutes for Courses: MT-0.6071 Materials for Electronics P (5 cr). Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Recommended: MT-0.6061 Microfabrication (same as S-69.3123 Microfabrication). Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: This is a PBL course and active participation in weekly group work is essential. MT-0.6077 Microfabrication Laboratory Course (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Samuli Franssila Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: III-IV (spring) Workload: 5 cr = 135 h Introductory lectures = 2 h Cleanroom safety training = 3 h Pre-lab report = 10 h Lab work = 20 h Analysis of results = 45 h Final report writing = 55 h Learning Outcomes: The student is able to perform lithographic process on silicon wafers and to understand the other main fabrication processes in silicon microtechnology. The student is able to analyse electrical, thermal and optical behaviour of silicon infrared emitter and to explain device operation and malfunctions. Content: Working in the cleanroom under supervision and guidance of an assistant. Main processes in silicon microfabrication: lithography, metal and oxide deposition, plasma and wet etching, wafer cleaning, measurements to monitor fabrication processes. Electrical and optoelectronic measurements of the fabricated microdevices. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Prelab and safety questions: pass/pass with extra work/fail. Final report: 100% (both report contents and style will be graded). The cleanroom safety training attendance is compulsory. Study Material: Handouts and scientific articles. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: MT-0.6061 Microfabrication (5 cr) Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English (lecture: English, group work in the cleanroom: English or Finnish depending on the students in the group) Further Information: This course has two codes (MT0.6077 and S-129.3220), but can only be taken once. MT-0.6081 Microfluidics and BioMEMS (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Samuli Franssila Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: III-IV, spring, alternate years, next academic year 2013-2014 Workload: 5 cr = 135 h 1 hour of lectures/week 14 h 1 hour of exercises/week 14 h Self-study for weekly assignments 80 h Preparation for exam 24 h Exam 3 h Learning Outcomes: The student can analyze fluid flow in microchannels. The student understands scaling of chemical microsystems. The student understands the special features of biological samples on chip. The student is able to list applications of miniturized fluidic devices. Content: Fluid physics, surface science, polymer microfabriation, chemical applications, DNA, protein and cell biology applications. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exam: 60%, Weekly assignments: 60% (20% bonus possibility). The student must achieve at least 40% of maximum points both in exam and assignments. Study Material: Lecture slides. Scientific articles. Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English MT-0.6121 Thermodynamics of Real Systems P (4-6 cr) Responsible teacher: Pekka Taskinen Teaching Period: Lectures every other year during Spring semester, intensive course (even years, next 2014) Workload: 20 + 20 (intensive course) 4 cr = 108 h or 6 cr = 162 h Contact teaching 20 h Preparations of lectures 20 h Self-study recap 40 h Preparations to examination 25 h Examination 1x3 h = 3 h Optional Home work 2 cr = 54 h Learning Outcomes: After the course student can calculate heterogenous multicomponent systems and solution equilibria. The aim of the course is to give a thorough knowledge of thermodynamics, the course is a continuation of KE-31.1800 Physical Chemistry I (3 cr) and KE-31.2100 Physical chemistry II (3 cr) or MT-0.1007 Fundamentals of Chemical Thermodynamics (7 cr). Content: Thermodynamics of solutions and the equilibrium conditions for heterogenous systems. Mathematical and physical solutions models. Thermodynamic treatment of condensed solution phases and solution models. Structure and analytical treatment of water solutions. Concentrated electrolyte solutions. Calculation softwares. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, examination, optional home work. Study Material: Compendium. Substitutes for Courses: KE-31.5510 Thermodynamics of Real Systems P (4 cr). Course Homepage: Prerequisites: MT-0.1007 Fundamentals of Chemical Thermodynamics (7 cr) or KE-31.1800 Physical Chemistry I (3 cr) and KE-31.2100 Physical Chemistry II (3 cr). Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. MT-0.6141 Special Materials Solutions P (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Mikhail Gasik Level of the Course: Master/Doctoral studies Teaching Period: III-IV (spring) Workload: 54+16 Lectures 54 h Exercises 16 h Learning Outcomes: Learning of different manufacturing methods of powders and behaviour. Content: 1 part - Special classes of inorganic materials and their special production methods are studied (hightemperature composites, biomaterials, thermal barrier coatings, materials for energy conversion and thermonuclear energy, FGM, etc.), aspects of materials selection and materials solution for industry. 2 part Materials behaviour, oxidation and stability at high temperatures. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures (54h). Assessment Methods: Seminar work, examination. 24 Study Material: Material distributed during the lectures. Substitutes for Courses: Replaces the course MT-0.4711 Special Materials Solutions P (5 cr). Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Module MT301-3, MT302-3 or MT303-3. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. MT-0.6171 Nuclear Power Plant Materials P (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Simo-Pekka Hannula Level of the Course: Master/Doctoral studies Teaching Period: III-IV (spring) Workload: 28 + 10 h 5 cr = 135 h Contact teaching; lectures + exercise task 28 + 10 h Independent work 66 h Exam 31 h Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, students have the basic knowledge and understanding of the materials specialist’s disciplines needed in working as part of a nuclear power plant team. Content: Reactor physics, interaction of radiation with matter, regulations and safety issues, nuclear reactors, fuel management, life cycle issues, construction materials relevant to nuclear reactors, power plants and nuclear waste management. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, exercise task and exam. Study Material: Handouts. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Modul MT301-3 Grading Scale: 1-5 Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. MT-0.7006 Postgraduate Seminar in Materials Science and Engineering P (V) (1-5 cr) Responsible teacher: Olof Forsén Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I-II (autumn) Workload: 1-5 cr = 27-135 h Learning Outcomes: Depends on course content, such as presentation preparation, literature study, writing a research plan. Content: Guest lecturers will speak on current research topics related to Materials Science. Topics vary from year to year. Assessment Methods and Criteria: The requirements for the course on a case by case basis. Study Material: As agreed. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: M.Sc degree within the subject area. Grading Scale: Depends upon seminar contents, either 05 or Pass/Fail. Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. includes seminars, possibly plant excursions and laboratory demonstrations. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Seminar work, accepted oral presentation and defence of research subject. Study Material: Presentation materials. Course Homepage: Grading Scale: Pass/Fail Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. MT-0.7011 Postgraduate Seminar on Metallurgy P (V) (3-5 cr) Responsible teacher: Jari Koskinen; Samuli Franssila; Simo-Pekka Hannula Teaching Period: III-IV (spring) Workload: 27 + 0 3-10 cr =81-271 h Teaching 27 h Literature survey Acquisition of information Seminar Independent work Learning Outcomes: Announced yearly. Content: Special issues in materials science and physical metallurgy. The content will be announced yearly. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, literature survey, seminar. Study Material: Handouts, compendium. Substitutes for Courses: Replaces MT-0.7021 Postgraduate Seminar on Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science (3-6 cr) P V. Course Homepage: Grading Scale: 1-5 or Pass/Fail. Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily English. Can be taken in Finnish or Swedish upon request. Further Information: Lectured when necessary. Responsible teacher: Pekka Taskinen Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I-II, III-IV (autumn, spring, odd years) Workload: 64+27 3-5 cr = 81-135 h Learning Outcomes: Following of current issues and developments in production technologies especially in Finnish metallurgical industry point of view. Content: Experts from universities and industry give lectures concerning current issues in process metallurgy and its applications. The topics vary yearly. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Active participation (min 80%) in lectures (3 cr). Seminar report (5cr). Study Material: Material distributed during the lectures. Course Homepage: Grading Scale: Pass/Fail Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. MT-0.7016 Postgraduate Seminar Activities in Metallurgy P (V) (2-5 cr) on Research Responsible teacher: Pekka Taskinen Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I-II, III-IV (autumn, spring, even years) Workload: 27+27 2-5 cr = 54-135 h Learning Outcomes: Effective implementation of research project and communication with specialists. Content: This course goes into research activities in process metallurgy. The topics vary yearly. The course MT-0.7022 Postgraduate Seminar on Materials Science P (V) (3-10 cr) MT-0.7026 Postgraduate Seminar Process Engineering P (V) (3 cr) on Mechanical Responsible teacher: Kari Heiskanen Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I - II (autumn) Workload: 20+0 Content: Course with varying content. Deals with latest 25 developments and special questions in mechanical process engineering. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Seminar. Study Material: According to the theme. Course Homepage: Grading Scale: Depending on seminar evaluation. 0-5 or Pass / Fail. Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. MT-0.7056 Special Course in Materials Technology P (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Mikhail Gasik Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: III-IV (spring) Workload: 54+26 Content: Special classes of inorganic materials and their specific production methods are studied (high-temperature composites, materials for smart technologies and thermonuclear energy, FGM, etc.), aspects of materials selection and materials solution for industry. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Examination or seminar work. Study Material: Lecture handouts and numerous literature surveys published. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Module MT301-3, MT302-3 or MT303-3. Grading Scale: Depending on seminar: 0-5 or Pass-Fail. Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. Further Information: This course is performed within the course MT-0.6141 (this code is only meant for postgraduate students). MT-0.7061 Research Seminar on Material Chemistry P (V) (2-5 cr) Responsible teacher: Olof Forsén Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I/II/III/IV (autumn, spring) Workload: 2-5 cr = 54-135 h Seminar, classroom 6 h Literature study 30-110 h Summary 20 h Learning Outcomes: Can write a critical literature study, can present own study, can write a summary. Content: Review of current topics. Critisism of research methods and results. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Literature study, presentation of work at the seminar, writing up a summary of the seminar. Study Material: As agreed. Course Homepage: Grading Scale: Depends upon seminar contents, either 05 or Pass/Fail. Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish. The assessed work may be completed in English upon request. MT-0.7072 Advanced Microtechnology P V (V) (8 cr) Responsible teacher: Samuli Franssila Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: III-IV, spring, odd years, will be lectured in 2013. Workload: 8 cr = 216 h 1 hour of lectures/week = 12 h 2 hours of exercises/week = 24 h Self-study for weekly assignments = 148 h Preparation for exam = 28 h Exam = 4 h Learning Outcomes: The student is able to design fabrication processes complex microdevices, and analyze materials-processing-operation relationships for silicon microdevices. Content: Silicon materials properties. Fabrication processes (deposition, etching, bonding, ...). Process simulation. Process integration. Applications in microelectronics, MEMS, solar cells, microfluidics, packaging and other microdevices. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Open book exam: 60%, Personal and group assignments: 60% (bonus possibility). The student must achieve at least 40% of maximum points both in exam and assignments. Study Material: Scientific articles. General background reading: “Introduction to Microfabrication”, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2010 (1st edition can be used). Substitutes for Courses: MT-0.7071 Advanced Microtechnology P (8 cr) Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Compulsory: MT-0.6061 Microfabrication (5 cr) or S-69.3123 Microfabrication (5 cr). Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English MT-0.7076 Thin Film Technology Doctoral Course P (8 cr) Responsible teacher: Jari Koskinen; Samuli Franssila Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: III-IV, spring, even years, next academic year 2012 Workload: 8 cr = 216 h Lectures 56h Preparation for exam 40h Student talks 60h PBL 60h Learning Outcomes: The students will master depositionstructure-properties interactions for thin films. They will be able to select processes and qualify them for varied applications in electronics, optics, tribology and other engineering fields. Content: Thin film growth (condensation, nucleation, coalescence,...). Thin film properties (stresses, adhesion, step coverage...). Characterization. Reliability & stability. Deposition equipment. Applications: mechanical, electrical, optical, tribological, solar. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exam, Student talks, PBL. All components oblicatory. Study Material: Scientific articles Course Homepage: Prerequisites: MT-0.6067 Thin film technology or similar (e.g. MT-0.6061 Microfabrication) Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English MT-0.8001 Graduate School on New Materials and Processes P (V) (2-10 cr) Responsible teacher: Simo-Pekka Hannula Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I/II/III/IV (autumn, spring) Workload: 2-10 cr = 54 - 270 h Teaching Seminar Independent work Learning Outcomes: Varies depending on the content. Content: Courses with varying content are given by guest lecturers and graduate school teachers. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Defined by case. Study Material: Defined case by case. 26 Course Homepage: Grading Scale: 1-5 or Pass/Fail. Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily English. Can be taken in Finnish or Swedish upon request. Puu-0.2000 Introduction to Bioproduct Technology (3-7 cr) Responsible teacher: Jouni Paltakari Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I-II (autumn 2012) Learning Outcomes: After completing the course the student will have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to study succesfully in the Master’s Programme in Bioproduct Technology. Content: This course is and introductory course in Bioproduct Technology for new master’s level students.The course content is tailored individually according to the student’s previous academic background. Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Contact the professor in charge of the major to agree on the individually tailored content for this course. The responsible professors are: Biorefineries: Herbert Sixta Renewable Materials: Janne Laine Fiber products Technology: Mark Hughes Environmental Management: Olli Dahl. Puu-0.2020 Natural Fibre Products (6 cr) Responsible teacher: Eero Hiltunen Level of the Course: Bachelor studies Teaching Period: IV (spring 2013) Workload: 40 + 30 Luennot 40 h Laboratoriotyöt 30 h Tenttiin valmistautuminen 40 h Learning Outcomes: The purpose of the course is to give the students a basic understanding of principal natural fibre products including traditional products such as wood, paper and board and also other products like fibre-based composites. Students are able to appreciate the potential of natural fibres to form new products. Students are able to understand the sources of raw materials and the principal operations in the extraction of fibrous raw material. Students can describe the key processes in the manufacture of main fibre products and converted materials. Students can understand how moisture can influence the behaviour of fibre based products. Students can define density in fibre based materials. Student knows about the orientation of loading on the mechanical properties of fibre products. Students know about the other physical properties such as optical, acoustic and thermal properties. Content: Lectures give an overview of Fibre Products Technology based on natural fibres, they describe products (past, present and future), solid wood - wood composites fibre composites - paper, board, converted and printed products, current trends (e.g. nanocellulose, natural fibre composites), raw materials for fibre products (wood, nonwood, recycled), properties of fibre products and influence of moisture on them, key processes in the manufacture of materials. Course includes laboratory exercises and excursion. The course is meant for Finnish speaking students - part of teaching is also in English. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exam, laboratory exercises, possible excursion Study Material: Material given during the lectures + J.M. Dinwoodie - Timber: Its Nature and Behaviour Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: Primarily Finnish, partly English Puu-0.2030 Plant Physiology (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Tapani Vuorinen Teaching Period: I (autumn 2012) Workload: 135 h Lectures 40 h Laboratory work + report writing 70 h Exam preparation 25 h Learning Outcomes: Knowledge on plants’ main functions, anatomy and chemistry and correlations between these. Ability to apply microscopy and spectroscopy to study plant tissues and cells. Content: The functions (reproduction, growth, photosynthesis, transport of water and nutrients, storage of nutrients, mechanical support, protection against external threats) of living plants are covered from plant organism to molecular levels. The anatomy of plant tissues and cells and their chemical composition is surveyed on field and in laboratory using microscopy and (micro)spectroscopy. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Participation in lectures, laboratory practicals, exam Study Material: To be announced Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-30.1500 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.2040 Forest Biorefineries (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Tapani Vuorinen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I (autumn 2012) Workload: Workload: 5 cr = 135 h Lectures 40 h Laboratory work 70 h Exam preparation 25 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student can evaluate the potential of forest biomass resources as a raw material for energy, chemicals and new products and understands the separation methods for wood components. The student can identify the valuable products that can be produced by different biorefinery processes and is capable to quantitatively determine the composition of lignocellulosic sample. Content: This course gives a broad overview on lignocellulosics utilization as raw material for energy, chemicals and products. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exam, laboratory work and seminar Study Material: Defined by the teacher Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.3000 Advanced Chemistry Fractionation Processes (7 cr) of Biomass Responsible teacher: Herbert Sixta Level of the Course: Bachelor/master studies Teaching Period: III-IV (spring 2013) Workload: 40+80 Learning Outcomes: After the course the student 1. has a comprehensive knowledge on the chemistry of carbohydrates, lignin and extractives. 2. has a basic understanding on the advanced analytical 27 methods for structural characterization of lignocellulosic constituents. 3. has a comprehensive overview on the chemistry of existing (kraft, acid sulfite) and novel (carboxylic acid, organosolv and hot water) fractionation processes 4. is able to classify the bleaching reactions into electrophilic, nucleophilic and homolytic reactions. 5. knows about the basics in the chemistry of ionic liquids. 6. has a general overview on the swelling and dissolution of cellulose in direct solvents with particular emphasis on ionic liquids. 7. has practiced giving presentations can: evaluate the solubility and reactivity of biomass polymers in alkaline and acid processes, distinguish the impact of raw material morphology and chemical composition on the fractionation processes, classify the bleaching chemicals based on their reactivity and evaluate the bleaching sequences, identify novel fractionation processes, plan a biomass fractionation experiment in laboratory-scale and summarize the experimental work in a report and writing reports. Content: In the beginning a comprehensive overview on carbohydrate, lignin and extractives chemistry is provided. With this background the lectures continue with the chemistry of existing and novel fractionation processes. Advanced analytical methods are introduced to characterize intermediate and final compounds derived from the respective fractionation processes. Emphasis is put on a systematic description of the bleaching reactions following the reaction mechanisms of the oxidants. The final lectures give an introduction to the swelling and dissolution behavior of cellulose in ionic liquids and other direct solvents. The last period of the course is reserved for the student’s lectures. They report on topics related to the chemistry of biomass or biomass fractionation. Finally, the course is continued by a practical laboratory work where the students prepare a dissolving pulp from softwood using a water prehydrolysis kraft process followed by ECF bleaching. The content of the prehydrolysate as well as the pulp constituents are thoroughly quantified using conventional (kappa number, viscosity, brightness, etc.) and advanced methods (HPAEC-PAD for sugar analysis). The results and their interpretation are summarized in a comprehensive laboratory report. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Written exam, presentation, report, participation in laboratory work, lab report Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Courses in the basic level module of the major (A1) completed. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.3010 Separation Technologies in Biorefineries (7 cr) Responsible teacher: Juha-Pekka Pokki Level of the Course: Bachelor/master studies Teaching Period: I-II (autumn 2012) Workload: 48+30 Learning Outcomes: After the course the student understands the importance of thermodynamic and transport properties on process design and development. Can derive the basic equations of unit operations from the mass, molar and energy balances and understands the transport phenomena and apply these in simple design problems. In addition gets exercise on the practical mathematical techniques, process simulation and experimental work at the laboratory. Content: Thermodynamic and transport properties of pure components such as vapour pressure, density, viscosity and thermal conductivity and properties of mixture such as phase equilibrium, like vapour liquid and liquid liquid equilibrium. Activity coefficient and equation of state models for phase equilibrium. In addition Henry’s law, dimerisation of vapour phase, Pitzer and Donnan equilibrium models. Calculation of phase equilibrium, like boiling and dew points and the flash calculation. Transport phenomena: heat transfer; convection, conduction, radiation. Mass transfer: Fick, Maxwell-Stefan. Momentum transfer: countinuity equation and momentum balances. Mechanical unit operations such as filtration, mixing and pumping. Separation processes like distillation, liquid-liquid extraction, absorption and stripping, evaporation. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Written exam (50 %), participation in lab work and its reporting (25 %), home works (25 %) Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Puu-0.1007, KE-42.1700 or similar course recommended. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.3020 Thermochemical Conversion Technology (6 cr) Responsible teacher: Adriaan van Heiningen Level of the Course: Bachelor/master studies Teaching Period: I-II (autumn 2012) Workload: 40+80 Learning Outcomes: 1) Knowledge of the thermochemical properties of lignocellulosics and biofuels. 2) Understanding of the importance of lignocellulosics as renewable fuel and feedstock for bioproducts and transportation fluids. 3) Understanding of the thermochemical processes by which lignocellulosics are converted into energy, biofuels and bioproducts. 4) Skills to determine the heat and mass balances and techno-economics of thermochemical conversion and upgrading processes using software packages. Content: The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of the current and future thermochemical pathways by which lignocellulosics are converted into energy, biofuels and bioproducts. The processes covered include: wood pellet production, fluidized bed combustion, fast pyrolysis, gasification, catalytic upgrading of fast pyrolysis oil, and syn-gas conversion to FT fluids, (mixed) alcohols and DME. Heat and mass balances of selected processes will be modeled and techno-economics determined using the appropriate software packages. Pilot scale operations of fast pyrolysis, gasification and syn-gas conversion will be observed, and critically examined. Assessment Methods and Criteria: 8 hr lectures/week in 2 weeks (AvH) + 4 hr lectures/week in 6 weeks (other lecturers) (total 40 hr), Laboratory exercises + Pilot demos (8 hr), Modeling exercises (12 hr), Written reports and assignments (30 hr), self-study + examination preparation (30 hr). Altogether 8 weeks lecture period and 2 weeks exercises. Assessment: written exam, homework assignments and exercises reports Study Material: Lecture notes Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Courses in the basic level module (A1) and other courses in the intermediate level module (A2) of the major completed. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.3100 Modification and Analysis of Renewable Materials (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Monika Österberg Teaching Period: III-IV (spring 2013) Workload: 5 cr = 135 h Laboratory work + report writing 100 h 28 Exam preparation 25 h Learning Outcomes: After completing this course the student is able to chemically modify the surface of renewable materials and analyse the effect of this modification using surface sensitive analysis methods. The student understands the relationship between surface chemistry and phenomena like wetting and dispersion stability. Content: The students perform experimental laboratory work that includes simple chemical surface modification or synthesis and common surface analysis techniques. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Laboratory work, laboratory report, exam Study Material: Defined by the teacher Course Homepage: Prerequisites: KE-100.3410 Polymer Properties and Puu0.3110 Surface and Colloid Chemistry. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.3110 Surface and Colloid Chemistry (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Janne Laine Teaching Period: I-II (autumn 2012) Workload: 5 cr = 135 h Lectures 40 h Laboratory work Exam preparation Learning Outcomes: Student recognises the theoretical backbone of surface and colloid chemistry. Student can explain the basic solution properties of colloid systems. Also the student can discuss about the adsorption of polyelectrolytes and surfactants using theoretical backbone and apply them to the biorefinery technology. Content: Basic properties of nano-materials and experimental research methods to study these. Utilization of nanotechnology in forest products technology. Surface modification using self assembly. Antifouling. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Laboratory work, exam Study Material: Barnes and Gentle Interfacial Science Substitutes for Courses: Partly substitute for Puu19.4020, Nanotechnology and surface chemistry in forest products technology Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.3120 Instrumental Analysis in Surface, Polymer and Nanoscience (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Eero Kontturi Teaching Period: III-IV (spring 2013) Workload: 5 cr = 135 h Learning Outcomes: After completing this course the student is able to choose a correct analytical technique for characterizing the desired property from a specific material. The student will also possess a crude ability to practically proceed with the selected analytical method and deduce simple interpretations from spectra, chromatograms and microscopic images. Content: The most common microscopic, spectroscopic, and chromatographic methods for the analysis of soft (organic) materials, including techniques for surface analysis, are covered. The students perform experimental laboratory work that includes hands on analytical work as well as demonstrations, completed with students’ own interpretation of the results. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Examination, laboratory report Study Material: Defined by the teacher Substitutes for Courses: Substitutes the course Puu19.4010 Chemical Characterization of Wood and Paper Products Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Tfy-3.1253, KE-0.1510 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.3130 Instrumental Analysis in Surface, Polymer and Nanoscience P (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Eero Kontturi Teaching Period: III-IV (spring 2013) Workload: 5 cr = 135 h Learning Outcomes: After completing this course the student is able to choose a correct analytical technique for characterizing the desired property from a specific material. The student will also possess a crude ability to practically proceed with the selected analytical method and deduce simple interpretations from spectra, chromatograms and microscopic images. Content: The most common microscopic, spectroscopic, and chromatographic methods for the analysis of soft (organic) materials, including techniques for surface analysis, are covered. The students perform experimental laboratory work that includes hands on analytical work as well as demonstrations, completed with students’ own interpretation of the results. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Examination, laboratory report Study Material: Defined by the teacher Substitutes for Courses: Substitutes the course Puu19.4010 Chemical Characterization of Wood and Paper Products Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Tfy-3.1253, KE-0.1510 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English metrics of success. Product development tools: end-user preferences and sensory engineering, statistical product design, principles of scale-up, virtual product design. Fibre product development in practice: best practice examples from fibre products industry. Laboratory exercise; practice product development: understand consumer needs, form and manage a project, apply statistical product design principles, assess success, report results. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Attendance, exam, report Study Material: t.b.a Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.3210 Natural Fibre Material Science (7 cr) Puu-0.3200 Fibre Product Development Practices (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Jouni Paltakari Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: II (autumn 2012) Workload: 28 + 24 Lectures 28 h Labs 24 h Exam preparation 28 h Learning Outcomes: Students will understand the best practices of developing products and managing innovations in modern global companies. Students will be able to apply these practices to the fibre products industries in the development of new paper, packaging, wood or other products. Students will develop an understanding of the chain of events that takes place between assessing an unmet consumer need and delivering a finished product. Students will also understand the critical success factors and have an appreciation for the realities of product development in the forest products industry. Students will learn some of the important tools available to aid in successful product development: They will be familiar with end-user tools and virtual product tools and will be able to apply statistical product design. Students will be able to professionally manage a simple product development project. Content: Course aim: To give students a an overview of the best management and engineering practices useful for developing new fibre products.Product development principles and drivers. Modern Innovation management: project management, market vs. technology driven approaches, the product lifecycle, R&D organizations, global R&D networks and operations, IPR management, 29 Responsible teacher: Mark Hughes Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I-II (autumn 2012) Workload: 7 cr = 185 Lectures 56 h Lab-work 40 h Learning diary 20 h self-study for exam Learning Outcomes: Student understands mechanisms of flow in wood and fibre networks. Student understands sorption and are able to apply their knowledge in calculating the changes in wood and fibre properties and in laboratory assignment. Student understands phenomenon of mechanosorptive creep and stress relaxation in wood and fibre and is able to apply this understanding in predicting how wood and fibre will behave under long term loading. Student understands the composite laminate structure of the natural fibre cell wall and how this can be modelled. Student knows about the fracture and failure mechanisms in wood and fibre and understands the influence of defects in this process. Student knows about the concepts of fracture mechanics and how it can be used in strength prediction. Student knows about surface phenomena (wetting, surface energy) and understands current adhesion theories and is able to apply these concepts and theories in the laboratory assignments. Student is able to calculate results from measurements taken in laboratory, analyze and interpret the results and draw conclusions based on these results. Student is also able to compare the results they obtain in the laboratory assignment to results published in the literature provided. Content: To deepen students’ understanding of the materials science relating to wood, wood fibre and non-wood fibre as the building blocks fibre and wood based materials. Content: Wood/fibre-water interactions. Flow in wood and fibre networks. Sorption (sorption theories, hysteresis, link to chemistry). Manifestation (e.g. moisture buffering, dimensional stability, moisture gradient, strains). Viscoelastic properties of wood and fibre. Cell wall mechanics/wood-mechanics. Hierarchical structure of wood. Fibres as composites, laminate theory. Models. Fracture and fatigue in wood and fibre. Defects in wood and fibre and their influence on behaviour. Fracture mechanisms/mechanics. Surfaces. Chemistry. Adhesion theories. Laboratory work: contact angles, adhesion, sorption, stress-strain mechanics, one of the reports with a short literature review. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Attendance, exam, lab reports, learning diary. Study Material: To be announced later. Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Forming networks: forming technologies and processes, hydrodynamics of fibre suspensions, fibre organization in sheet structure. Paper architecture: 2D organization, 3D organization, mass variations. Consolidation: hydrogen bonding in lingo-cellulosic materials, the fibre bond joint, water removal and development of physical properties. Mechanical properties: elastic deformations and stiffness, failure phenomena, rheology. Interaction properties: gas and liquid transport, hydro-expansion, optics. Paper and board surfaces: surface properties, surface modification, functional surfaces. Laboratory exercise: demonstration of important and interest phenomena. Practice measuring certain physical properties. Learn good measurement practices, data handling, reporting and analyzing results. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Attendance, exam, lab reports Study Material: t.b.a. Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.3220 Fibre Networks and Structures (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Jouni Paltakari Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: IV (spring 2013) Workload: 5 cr = 130 h Lectures 28 h Lab work 52 h Exam preparation 50 h Learning Outcomes: Student knows about the various unit operations in paper and board manufacture and converting. Student understands the connections between process dynamics and process control principles. Student understands the role of process chemistry and it contribution to process stability and product quality. Student knows problem solving techniques and the most important statistical tools and methods used in troubleshooting processes and unit operations. Student is able to calculate, simulate and analyze simple process cases with given tools. Content: Course aim: To give students an overview of the main production operations for producing finished products from natural fibres. Practical tools are introduced to aid the diagnostics of important unit processes. Responsible teacher: Thaddeus Maloney Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: III-IV (spring 2013) Workload: 40 + 40 Lectures 40 h Labs 40 h Self-study + exam preparation 50 h Learning Outcomes: The students will gain basic knowledge of paper machine operations, mostly from the product performance point of view. Students will gain profound knowledge of fibre network architecture and paper physics. Students will be exposed to the latest research on paper networks and learn to appreciate the current challenges in the appropriate historical context. Students will understand the underlying theories and models on which many product quality and product development tools are based. Students will learn to apply the theoretical knowledge of paper and board behaviour in some define laboratory exercises. Content: Course Aim: To give students an in-depth understanding of random fibre networks in relation to forming process, raw materials and finished products. Puu-0.3230 Paper, Board and Converting Processes and Diagnostics (5 cr) 30 Paper and board unit ops. Fibre handling and treatment. Mixing, stability and water circuits. Separation technologies. Paper machine dynamics and control. Printing and converting. Process chemistry. Water treatment. Dispersion chemistry. Retention aids and other process chemicals. Sizing and other performance aids. Process analysis and diagnostics. Statistical process analysis. Troubleshooting case studies. Process simulation as a diagnostic tool. Students are given case problems to work on that involve solving or diagnosing various process issues. The students should be taught sound scientific problem solving techniques and must demonstrate this with the use modern tools: process simulation, statistical analysis and/or laboratory simulations. Lectures support lab course (rather than vice versa) giving needed overview and introduction to relevant phenomena and methodology. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Attendance, exam, laboratory reports Study Material: t.b.a. Substitutes for Courses: Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.3240 Wood Performance (4 cr) Products: Properties and Responsible teacher: Mark Hughes Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: III (spring 2013) Workload: 4 cr = 108 h Lectures 28 h + 12 h Measuring + report + presentation 40 h Exam Learning Outcomes: Student understands why specific wood based products exist and their applications. Student knows the requirements in relation to application. Student understands the relationship between the product and its structure. Student understands the principal modes of biological degradation in wood based products. Student understands principal physical degradation mechanisms in wood based products. Student is able to participate in active discussion about the environmental aspects related to wood based products and their use. Students will be able to conduct product performance test according to the standards. Content: Aim: For students to understand the properties and performance of wood products and the relationship between product architecture and its application. Content: Introduction. Applications: homes, civil engineering, furniture, others. Product requirements. Species selection. Drivers. New functionality. Resource use. Standards. Products. Performance. Structure/property relationships. Properties of different wood-based materials. Relationship between structure and properties. Laminates. E.g. LVL, plywood, particleboard etc. Emphasizes that also related to processing. Performance and durability. Biodegradation. Weathering. Mechanical degradation. Fire. Ecology (LCA, carbon foot print + recycling). Assessment Methods and Criteria: Report, exam Study Material: Relevant given standards, Hale: Wood decay pests and protection and others Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.3250 Wood Products: Manufacturing Processes (6 cr) Responsible teacher: Mark Hughes Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: III-IV (spring 2013) Workload: 6 cr = 162 h Lectures 42 h + practical assignment 20 h Project work + report + excursion(s) 8 - 16 h Exam Learning Outcomes: Student understands that there are interactions between raw materials and processes in the formation of wood based products and know the nature of these interactions. Student understands the generic process steps in the formation of wood based products and the interactions between them. Student understands the mechanisms of wood cutting and defibration processes. Student understands the importance of drying and the key technologies employed. Student understands the reasons for strength and quality grading in converted wood. Student understands the reasons for particle classification in wood based composites. Student knows the relevant technologies employed. Students are able to apply their knowledge of structure property relationships in wood based materials in understanding the reasons for forming wood based composites and engineered wood products. Students are able to apply their knowledge of adhesion in the bonding of wood based products. Student understands the types of resins and adhesives used and their properties and the importance of the wood surface in relation to bonding with an adhesive. Student understands the hot pressing process and its role in the development of the adhesive bond. Student knows about the physics of hot pressing. Student knows about the different joining and finishing technologies. Content: Aim: To deepen students understanding of the key conversion steps in the wood processing industries. The course will provide students with a detailed understanding of following key processes in the manufacture of wood-based products: conversion / reduction; drying; classification / grading; forming; consolidation and bonding. Content: Sources (virgin wood and recycled) and resource utilization. Rationale: break down the tree into pieces and rebuilding it (into composites): range of converted wood: sawnwood, veneers, strands, chips, fibres. Process integration. Generic steps in the production of wood-based products. Wood raw material: cutting (conversion & finishing). Material requirements (green, soaked, heated etc. Link between the condition of the raw material and the cutting process being used). Emphasize the “product specific” nature of some of these treatments. Generics of the cutting process (theoretical & practice). Drying. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Reports, exam Study Material: t.b.a. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Puu-0.3210 Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.3300 Environmental Science (7 cr) Responsible teacher: Timo Laukkanen Level of the Course: Bachelor/Master studies Teaching Period: I-II (autumn 2012) Workload: 7 cr = 189 h seminar work / contact hrs 46 h examinations 6 h preparing for seminars and exercises and reporting 137 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to - apply basic knowledge of science to the contexts of environmental protection 31 - describe and use the basic concepts of environmental science and follow discussion within environmental science - describe the circulation, behaviour, transport, spreading and impacts of pollutants in the biosphere - describe emission control processes - describe the methods and strategies for environmental monitoring and impact assessment. Content: Dispersion, behaviour and effects of pollutants in the biosphere, environment and pollution control processes. Environmental monitoring. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Seminar work, reporting, peer assessment, examinations Study Material: Will be notified during the course. Substitutes for Courses: Substitutes for the course Puu127.5010 Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Puu-127.1100/Puu-127.1000 or equivalent, the basics of chemistry, physics and biochemistry, Puu0.3300 Environmental Science 7 cr or similar knowledge Grading Scale: Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.3310 Industrial Symbiosis (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Gary Watkins Level of the Course: Bachelor studies Teaching Period: I (autumn 2012) Workload: Lectures 20 h Lecture preparation, independent study and exam preparation 48 h Course reader (150 pages non-native tongue) 40 h Exercise/simulation and report 27 h Total 135 h (5 cr) Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to - recognise linkages between technical, economic and environmental thinking, - appreciation of the discourse on the value and use of the industrial ecology metaphor to material flow management - demonstration of an interdisciplinary understanding of industrial environmental problems - explain the expand on the various barriers to residue utilisation - initiation in the control techniques for industrial utilisation of material streams, side products, waste streams, and energy flows - knowledge of fundamental means by which industry can make progress toward sustainability - perform limited life-cycle assessments. Content: Introduction to industrial symbiosis and industrial ecology concepts and theory within the field of industrial sustainability. Technical and environmental aspects, economic and environmentally effective aspects, sociotechnical, legal and organizational aspects of industrial ecology. Eco-industrial parks, industrial symbiosis within an industrial ecology framework, scales, material/system specific Finnish and international examples e.g. from the pulp and paper industry, non ferrous metals and chemicals industries, energy aspects, biofuels, interdisciplinary approaches to IS/IE research, Aalto research based casestudies. Life-cycle assessment. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lessons (10x2) and literature studies, extensive course reader, calculation and simulation exercises, LCA exercise (KCL Eco or GaBI) based on research findings of novel product production from process industry residuals, executed partly in cooperation with teaching of industrial ecology, recycling technology, industrial economics and Aalto Lahti Center. Study Material: Will be notified at the start of the course. Substitutes for Courses: Environmental Management Puu-127.4010 (2 cr) (partly) Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Puu-127.1100 or equivalent knowledge Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.3320 Environmental Responsibility Management Systems in Industry (8 cr) and Responsible teacher: Gary Watkins Level of the Course: Bachelor studies Teaching Period: III-IV (spring 2013) Workload: Lectures 20h Lecture preparation, independent study and exam preparation 46h Course reader (300 pages non-native tongue) 100h Role play group meetings 5h Role play 12-15p report/presentation 40h Role play sessions 5h Total 216h (8 cr) Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will be able to - understand broad environmental policy, the associated discourse and appreciate effects on decision making - obtain a general understanding of current environmental themes (including major EU legislation and policy themes) and the pressures on organisations - ability to explain environmental obligations affecting industry and available operational methods and environmental management systems to assess and control impacts - develop environmental communication skills and use these in interest group scenarios - ability to describe the various tools available for managing and evaluating organisational environmental performance within the wider context to organisational environmental management. - understand the practical aspects of environmental management in organisations in general. Content: Environmental sustainability. Environmental impacts e.g. climate and other trans-boundary issues and policies. Domestic and international environmental policy. Environmental legislation and management affecting industry. Business sustainability- corporate social responsibility. Environmental protection via economic instruments. Environmental management systems, auditing and certification. Company environmental responsibilities, communications, environmental reporting. Environmental permitting. Design for environment. Integrated product policy. Product environmental labeling. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lessons (10x2h), discourse, extensive course reader, exercises and reporting (20% of the grade), examination/s (lectures and literature, 80% of the grade), guest speakers on corporate social responsibility and reporting, permitting, environmental impacts and environmental strategy, roleplay permitting exercise (e.g. IPPC permit application), simplified pulp mill or wastewater treatment plant permit application (simplified calculation of discharge abatement to air, water and land). Using simplified elements from A3 course Environmental Technology Planning Exercise 5 cr. Emphasis is on role play aspects, independent research and group/team work. Study Material: Environmental Management in Organizations, The IEMA Handbook, Earthscan, London, 2005; Papermaking Science and Technology Vol 19 Environmental Management and Control, FAPET, Helsinki 2008. Other materials to be announced at start of course. Substitutes for Courses: Environmental Management Puu-127.4010 (2 cr) and Management of Global and Regional Environmental Impacts Puu-127.5000 (3 cr) Course Homepage: Puu-0.3320 Prerequisites: Puu-127.1100 or equivalent knowledge Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi 32 Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.3330 Environmental Engineering (6 cr) Responsible teacher: Olli Dahl Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: II-III (autumn 2012-spring 2013) Workload: 6 cr = 162 h Lectures in Otaniemi / contact teaching , 40 h Seminar work and other contact teaching 37 h Excursions 27 h Preparing for examinations, simulations, exercises 50 h Examinations 8 h Learning Outcomes: After the course the student, then, in relation to the control of mechanical, physical, chemical and biological treatment processes for wastewater, solid waste and waste gases, the student will be able to - describe the most common treatment processes and assess their suitability and restrictions - calculate mass and energy balances concerning these treatment processes - size unit processes - make experimental studies and simulations concerning treatment technology. Content: The mechanical, physical, chemical and biological treatment processes for wastewater, solid waste and waste gases, their theoretical basis, restrictions, suitability, process control, optimization and sizing. Methodology in the studies of environmental technology. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exercises and reporting (40% of the grade), examination(s) (lectures, excursions and literature, 60% of the grade) Study Material: Will be notified during the course. Substitutes for Courses: Substitutes partly for the courses: Puu-127.4020 Process Water Treatment, Puu127.4030 Process Water Analysis and Puu-127.4000 Environmental Technology in Industry Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Puu-127.1100 and basic knowledge in chemistry, physics and chemical engineering, Puu-0.3300 Environmental Science (7 cr) or similar knowledge Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.3340 Industrial Symbiosis and Environmental Management (7 cr) Responsible teacher: Gary Watkins Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I-IV (academic year 2012-2013) Workload: Lectures 40 h Lecture preparation, independent study and exam preparation 69 h Course reader (150 pages non-native tongue) 80 h Total 189 h (7 cr) Learning Outcomes: After completion of the study unit the student will be able to/have - recognise linkages between technical, economic and environmental thinking, - appreciation of the discourse on the value and use of the industrial ecology metaphor to material flow management - demonstration of an interdisciplinary understanding of industrial environmental problems - explain the expand on the various barriers to residue utilisation - initiation in the control techniques for industrial utilisation of material streams, side products, waste streams, and energy flows - knowledge of fundamental means by which industry can make progress toward sustainability - perform limited life-cycle assessments - understand broad environmental policy, the associated discourse and appreciate effects on decision making - obtain a general understanding of current environmental themes (including major EU legislation and policy themes) and the pressures on organisations - explain environmental obligations affecting industry and available operational methods and environmental management systems to assess and control impacts - develop environmental communication skills and use these in interest group scenarios - describe the various tools available for managing and evaluating organisational environmental performance within the wider context to organisational environmental management. - understand the practical aspects of environmental management in organisations in general. Content: Introduction to industrial symbiosis and industrial ecology concepts and theory within the field of industrial sustainability. Technical and environmental aspects, economic and environmentally effective aspects, sociotechnical, legal and organisational aspects of industrial ecology. Eco-industrial parks, industrial symbiosis within an industrial ecology framework, scales, material/system specific Finnish and international examples e.g. from the pulp and paper industry, nonferrous metals and chemicals industries, energy aspects, biofuels, interdisciplinary approaches to IS/IE research, Aalto research based casestudies. Life-cycle assessment. Environmental sustainability. Environmental impacts e.g. climate and other trans-boundary issues and policies. Domestic and international environmental policy. Environmental legislation and management affecting industry. Business sustainability. Corporate social responsibility. Environmental protection via economic instruments. Environmental management systems, auditing and certification. Company environmental responsibilities, communications, environmental reporting. Environmental permitting. Design for environment. Integrated product policy. Product environmental labelling. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lessons (20x2h), discourse, extensive course reader, examination/s (lectures and literature), guest speakers on corporate social responsibility and reporting, permitting, environmental impacts and environmental strategy. Study Material: Environmental Management in Organizations, The IEMA Handbook, Earthscan, London 2005, ISBN 1-85383-976-0; Papermaking Science and Technology Vol 19 - Environmental Management and Control, FAPET, Helsinki 2008, ISBN 978-952-5216-30-1. Other materials to be announced at start of course. Substitutes for Courses: Environmental Management Puu-127.4010 (2 cr) and Management of Global and Regional Environmental Impacts Puu-127.5000 (3 cr) Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Puu-127.1100 or equivalent knowledge Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Lectures together with Puu-0.3310 and Puu-0.3320. Puu-0.4000 Master’s Thesis in English (2 cr) Responsible teacher: Jaana Suviniitty Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I-II (autumn 2012), III-IV (spring 2013) Workload: 16 + 10 Learning Outcomes: After the course students have a notion of scientific writing conventions in English, have an idea of the differences between writing in their native language and writing in English, have a mental image of 33 the writing process, the way it is planned, and its stages, have obtained tools to help them with their writing process, and are able to efficiently proofread and modify their texts. Content: This course is for Forest Products and Bioproduct technology students working on their Master’s Thesis. This course focuses on the formal language of journal articles, conference papers, and theses. During the course, students are introduced to important features of academic writing, including audience, purpose, organization, and style. Students also collect sample research articles from their own field for analysis and report on their findings. The course is organized as a small group workshop. Course Homepage: Grading Scale: Pass/fail Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.4100 Advanced Technology (7 cr) Biomaterial Chemistry and Responsible teacher: Eero Kontturi Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I-II (autumn 2012) Workload: 40 + 80 Learning Outcomes: Understanding supramolecular structure/ dissolution/ solution properties/ regeneration/ derivatisation of cellulose, hemicellulose and other natural polysaccharides as well as those of lignin. Comprehension of structure and properties of the most important wood extractives. Knowledge of the most important industrial applications of the afore described substances (bar paper & board), films, composite materials, food additives etc. Basic comprehension of niche applications of the afore described substances in modern materials science, e.g., intelligent materials, superstrong composites etc. Content: Advanced chemistry of plant-based materials: cellulose, hemicellulose (and other relevant polysaccharides), lignin and extractives. Applied content: industrial applications and niche applications in modern materials science. Fundamentals (structure & properties): advanced cellulose chemistry: native and regenerated cellulose derivatisation, advanced chemistry of hemicelluloses (and other relevant polysaccharides), lignin and the most important extractives. Applications: industrial (films, composite materials, food additives etc.), niche applications (intelligent materials, superstrong materials etc.). Laboratory exercise: characterization, dissolution, regeneration of cellulose, hemicellulose (+ other polysaccharides) and lignin testing the material properties, preparation of nanocellulose (e.g. nanocrystals, TEMPOfibrils) incorporation into composites and manufacturing new materials, isolation of certain extractives incorporation as additives into emulsions. Here, the students could utilize deepfrozen samples which they have earlier prepared in Biomass Fractionation course. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Oral exam. Participation in laboratory assignments and reporting them. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Courses in the intermediate level module (A2) of the major completed. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.4110 Conventional and Nonconventional Pulping as a Basis for Biorefinery (7 cr) Responsible teacher: Kyösti Ruuttunen Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I-II (autumn 2012) Workload: 40 + 30 Learning Outcomes: After this course the studentcan describe the technological and chemical principles of the most important pulping processes is able to make conclusions on the suitability of the pulping processes as a basis for multiproduct biorefineries can describe the technical and chemical principles of biorefinery processes is able to make preliminary feasibility analyses of implementing biorefinery processes as a part of a conventional pulp mill can utilize the principal functions of commercial simulation software can work as a member of a grouphas practiced formulating scientific arguments and can both justify and question the methods utilized in scientific work has practiced writing an easy-to-follow report and presenting orally his/her work Content: Core contents of the course are fundamental technical and chemical principles of the most important conventional (kraft, sulfite, soda-anthraquinone) and non-conventional (organosolv, hydrothermal) pulping processes, as well as the technical and scientific principles of the existing and novel biorefinery processes. Integrating the described biorefinery processes as a part of pulp mills is emphasized. During the course, the students are also given an overview on the raw materials for biorefineries, most importantly on the availability of wood and agricultural biomass. In addition to lectures, the course includes a simulation exercise. During this exercise, the students apply the knowledge gained during the lectures. Through simulation, different biorefinery concepts are tested. The results of the simulation are presented both orally and in a written report. Additionally, student groups are acting as opponents during other groups’ presentations. The course includes lectures by visiting specialists from academia and industry. Therefore, the students obtain knowledge on the current situation of the biorefineries field in general, and also gain knowledge on the modern breakthroughs in the area, as well as on the visions the researchers have on biomass utilization. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Examination, participation in class, simulation exercise (group work) Study Material: Lecture notes Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Courses in the intermediate level module (A2) of the major completed. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.4200 Research Project on Renewable Materials (7 cr) Responsible teacher: Monika Österberg Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: II (autumn 2012) Learning Outcomes: After completing this course the student is able to organize and gather needed equipment in the laboratory independently, evaluate the quality of the work and develop a small experimental work based on a given assignment. Finally the student can present, report and analyse the outcomes of the work, both orally and in writing to other participants of the research project. Content: The students participates in the experimental work that supports their theoretical studies. Introductory seminar where the assignments are given. Planning of experimental work. Conducting of experimental work individually. Written report and final seminar. Reporting of the work orally to the other student during final seminar. The topics for assignments are related to ongoing research on renewable materials at the department. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Puu-0.4210 Nanotechnology in Forest Biomaterials (5 cr) 34 Grading Scale: WebOodi Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.4210 Nanotechnology in Forest Biomaterials (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Janne Laine Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: III (spring 2013) Learning Outcomes: Student can designate the use of nanotechnology uses in in the field of renewable materials. Students understand the bottom-up principle of designing new materials. Student is familiar with the concepts of friction and lubrication and knows how to affect frictional properties by surface modification. Student can perform some nano-technological measurements in laboratory environment and knows the special features of working with nanoparticles in practice. Content: Basic properties of nano-materials and experimental research methods to study these. Utilization of nanotechnology in forest products technology. Surface modification using self assembly. Antifouling. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exam and laboratory work Substitutes for Courses: Partly substitute for Puu19.4020, Nanotechnology and surface chemistry in forest products technology Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Courses in the intermediate level module (A2) of the major completed. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.4220 Surface and Renewable Materials (5 cr) Colloid Chemistry of Responsible teacher: Janne Laine; Monika Österberg Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: IV (spring 2013) Learning Outcomes: After completion of this course the students can recognize the topical research areas in the field of surface chemistry of forest biomaterials and use search engines to locate the scientific literature considering these areas. The students are able to select relevant scientific information critically, summarize that information and report the findings orally and in writing. Content: Research methods in surface chemistry. Topical research areas in the field of surface chemistry of forest biomaterials and the research methods used in the scientific publications are briefly introduced during lectures. The students are given a topic and related scientific publications. They analyze the given material critically and report orally and in writing a critical summary of the topic. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Written and oral reporting Study Material: Scientific publications and lecture notes Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Courses in the intermediate level module (A2) of the major completed. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.4300 New Fibre Materials: Biocomposites (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Mark Hughes Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: III (spring 2013) Workload: 3 cr = 81 h Lectures 28 h Lab work (12 h) + writing the report 16 h self-study for exam Learning Outcomes: Student understands the principles of composite reinforcement and the influence of fibre architecture on composite properties. Student is able to apply his/her knowledge of fibre properties to predict composite properties. Student understands the range of materials that can be used as matrix and the processing routes that can be employed. Students can apply their knowledge of fibre properties, polymer technology and materials science and composites theory in the design of new materials. Content: General description: To underpin the development of new fibre (reinforced) materials an excellent understanding of composite materials is essential. Within other spheres of fibre reinforced composites (e.g. aerospace and automotive), the science and technology of these materials is well understood and continues to develop. Much can be learnt from these sectors and applied to composite reinforced with natural fibres. Aim: Through this course students will understand how natural fibres can be used to reinforce polymers and form the basis for other composite materials. Students will also understand relevant composites theory, the raw materials used and the processes and applications envisioned. Content: Fibre reinforced polymer matrix composites (wood and non-wood). Composites theory. Reinforcement and matrix. Load sharing. Stress transfer mechanisms. Fibre architecture. Raw materials (fibres and matrices). Wood and non-wood fibres: sources and properties. Polymers, virgin, recycled, fossil-based, biopolymers. Processes. Composites processing for thermoplastics and thermosetting resins. Fibre processing, including modification. Applications. Consumer goods. Transportation. Construction. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Attendance, reports, exam Study Material: t.b.a. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Courses in the intermediate level module (A2) of the major completed. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Any laboratory work will be scheduled in addition to the lecture times noted Puu-0.4310 Enhancing the Functionality of Wood Products (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Mark Hughes Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: II (autumn 2012) Workload: 5 cr = 135 h Lectures 28 h Lab work 16 h Writing the report 16 h Personal literature review 60 h Learning Outcomes: Student understands the importance of correct design and material selection in minimizing the degradation and maintenance and is able to apply his/her knowledge of biological and physical degradation and properties of individual wood species in maximizing the longevity of wooden structures. Student understands how the durability of wood and wood based products can be enhanced by modification, preservation or coating and is able to apply these given hypothetical cases. Student is able to apply his/her knowledge of material properties of wood in enhancing the living environment. Student has a deep understanding of the acoustic and visual properties as well as moisture buffering properties and using the natural properties of wood in producing new functionalities. Student understands joining and finishing processes that enhance the properties of wood based products. Content: Course aim: To apply the understanding the 35 students have on materials, products and processes to extend and enhance the functionality of wood and wood based products and to maximize the potential of wood. Content: Enhancing durability and minimizing maintenance. Design/material selection. Protection. Improving the living environment. Using the material properties of wood. Natural toxicity of wood. Joining. Finishing. Assessment Methods and Criteria: 60 % based on the literature work, 40 % based on the lab report Study Material: t.b.a. Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto/noppa/kurssi/puu0.4310 Prerequisites: Courses in the intermediate level module (A2) of the major completed. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: The course will include laboratory work that will require the students to be present at other time IN ADDITION to scheduled lecture times. Puu-0.4320 Fibre Product Development Course (12 cr) - Project Responsible teacher: Mark Hughes; Jouni Paltakari; Thaddeus Maloney Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: III-IV (spring 2013) Workload: 12 cr = 324 h Lectures 12 h Seminars 10 h Project work 240 h Self-study 50 h Learning Outcomes: Technical knowledge and its utilization. Student learns to utilize core and advanced knowledge in designing a product. Personal and professional skills. Use information search tools and other methods. Develop skills in critical thinking and problem solving. Develop skills in creative thinking. Develop flexibility skills. Develop professional ethics and responsibility. Develop skills in time and resource management. Team work and project work skills. Form and operate effective teams. Develop skills in leadership. Project management. Communication skills. Practice different types of written communication. Practice visualization and graphical presentation. Practice oral presentation. Practice different evaluation and feedback styles. These together describe the most important skills needed in working life. This project work tries to simulate typical engineering work situation where you need to find a proper solution for a problem in a limited time. Content: A comprehensive project course in product development targeted at teaching a systematic and innovative solution creation in a working team. Design process (core). Mechanics for design (core): structures, dynamics, mechanisms. Major project (core): project management, human factors, communication, innovation management. Design modeling workshops: design for manufacture, environmentally sensitive design, graphical design, contextual design, computer aided design methods. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Attendance, group work, individual work Study Material: t.b.a. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Courses in the intermediate level module (A2) of the major completed or equivalent knowledge. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Enrollment to the course required in advance. The enrollment to the course in spring 2013 is open in WebOodi between 19.11.12-17.12.12. Puu-0.4330 Fibre Products Simulation and Modelling Tools (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Jouni Paltakari Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: I-II (autumn 2012), III-IV (spring 2013) Workload: 5 cr = 130 h Lectures 2h Demos 6 h Self-study (simulations) 122 h Learning Outcomes: Students learn how to apply simulation and modelling tools more in-depth for process and structural simulation and analysis. Student can combine theoretical knowledge and practical findings from earlier courses (A2 level) with simulation and modelling tools more in-depth. Student can apply simulation and modelling tools for given case processes and structures. Student is able to compare results obtained from different methods and is able to justify the choices made. Student understands the constraints in different methods. Content: Course aim: Students learn how to apply simulation and modelling tools more in-depth for process and structural simulation and analysis. Simulation of production processes and their unit operations: Balas, Excel, Synapse print simulators, Apros; Process dynamics. Computer aided design; CAD, FEM, spreadsheet calculations and modelling, other modelling tools. Rehearsals in connection to project courses structures. Learn how to create e.g. good load bearing capacity for a given geometry and structure. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Attendance, reports, exam Study Material: t.b.a. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Courses in the intermediate level module (A2) of the major completed or equivalent knowledge. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.4400 Environmental Engineering 1: Mechanical, Physical and Chemical Treatment Processes (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Olli Dahl Level of the Course: Master studies Teaching Period: II (autumn 2012) Workload: 5 cr = 135 h Lectures in Otaniemi / contact teaching 20 h Other contact teaching 24 h (seminars, design, calculations) Laboratory working 25 h Excursions 12 h Preparing for examination(s), exercises and reporting 50 h Examination(s) 4 h Learning Outcomes: After the course, then, in relation to the control of mechanical, physical and chemical treatment processes for wastewater, solid waste and waste gases, the student will be able to: - describe the most common treatment processes and assess their suitability and restrictions - calculate mass and energy balances concerning these treatment processes - size unit processes - make experimental studies and simulations concerning treatment technology. Content: The mechanical, physical and chemical treatment processes for wastewater, solid waste and waste gases, their theoretical basis, restrictions, suitability, process control, optimization and sizing. Methodology in the studies of environmental technology. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exercises and reporting (40% of the grade) Examination(s) (lectures, excursions and literature, 60% of the grade) 36 Study Material: Will be notified during the course. Substitutes for Courses: Replaces partly the courses:Puu-127.4020 Process Water Treatment, Puu127.4030 Process Water Analysis and Puu-127.4000 Industrial Environmental Engineering. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Puu.127.1100 and basic knowledge in chemistry, physics and chemical engineering, Puu-0.3300 Environmental Science (7 cr) or similar knowledge Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.4410 Environmental Engineering 2: Biological Treatment Processes (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Timo Laukkanen Level of the Course: Master/doctoral studies Teaching Period: III–IV (spring 2013) Workload: 5 cr = 135 h Lectures in Otaniemi / contact teaching 20 h Other contact teaching 24 h (seminars, design, calculations) Laboratory working 30 h Excursions 15 h Preparing for examination(s), simulations, exercises and reporting 42 h Examination(s) 4 h Learning Outcomes: After the course, then in relation to the biological treatment processes for wastewater, solid waste and waste gases, the student will be able to: - describe the most common treatment processes and assess their suitability and restrictions - calculate mass and energy balances concerning these treatment processes - size unit processes - make experimental studies and simulations concerning treatment technology. Content: The biological treatment processes of wastewater, solid waste and waste gases, their theoretical basis, restrictions, suitability, process control, optimization and sizing. Methodology in the studies of environmental bioprocess technology. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exercises and reporting (40% of the grade), examination(s) (lectures, excursion(s) and literature, 60% of the grade) Study Material: Will be notified during the course. Substitutes for Courses: Substitutes partly for the courses: Puu-127.4020 Process Water Treatment Puu127.4030 Process Water Analysis and Puu-127.4000 Environmental Technology in Industry Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Puu-0.4400 Environmental Engineering 1: Mechanical, Physical and Chemical Treatment Processes 5 cr, L and basic knowledge of microbiology and bioprocess technology Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.4420 Planning Engineering (5 cr) Exercise in Environmental Responsible teacher: Olli Dahl Level of the Course: Master/doctoral studies Teaching Period: IV (spring 2013) Workload: 5 cr = 135 h - Project meetings 20 h - Project work 75 h - Preparing for exercises and reporting 40 h Learning Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to - apply process engineering sklills in practice - work in projects - find out and apply process engineering knowledge based on literature and theory. Content: Planning and sizing of treatment processes for waste, wastewater or waste gases. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, project working, guided planning exercise and reporting. Study Material: Will be notified during the course. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Puu-0.4400 Environmental Engineering 1: Mechanical, Physical and Chemical Treatment Processes (5 cr), Puu-0.4410 Environmental Engineering 2: Biological Treatment Processes (5 cr) and KE-107.2100 Plant Design I (lectures or equivalent knowledge and skills) Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-0.4430 Special Studies in Environmental Engineering (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Olli Dahl Level of the Course: Master/doctoral studies Teaching Period: I-IV* (academic year 2012-2013) Workload: 5 cr = 135 h - literature survey, planning exercises, excursions or laboratory work 70 h - seminar working 5 h - reporting 60 h Learning Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to/will: - have been familiarised with some of the latest applications in environmental technology - have developed a better base for making your MSc thesis - present research results in the form of a scientific article and presentation. - carry out small research projects individually. Content: Variable content in the field of industrial environmental technology, excursion(s). Assessment Methods and Criteria: (Lectures), project work, guided planning exercise and reporting. Study Material: Will be notified during the course Substitutes for Courses: Substitutes for the course: Puu127.4050 Special Studies in Environmental Technology (4 cr) Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Puu-127.1100, Puu-0.4400, Puu-0.4410 or equivalent knowledge. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Common seminar sessions by agreement. Individual study June-August possible. Puu-127.6010 Postgraduate Seminar on Environmental Technology P (5-10 cr) Responsible teacher: Olli Dahl Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I-IV Learning Outcomes: Student learns to supplement one’s skills in environmental technology or environmental management in the form of seminar presentations or term papers. Content: Shall be agreed with the supervisor of postgraduate studies. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Written report and 37 lecture. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: M.Sc. in Technology or corresponding knowledge in the field of environmental technology. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Language of Instruction: As agreed. Puu-127.6020 Individual Postgraduate Environmental Technology P (2-7 cr) Studies in Responsible teacher: Olli Dahl Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I-IV Learning Outcomes: Kursen breddar studentens kunskaper i sitt eget område inom miljöteknik eller miljöledarskap med bestämdä studiemetoder. Content: Individual postgraduate studies in environmental technology. The contents of the course must be discussed with the teacher. Assessment Methods and Criteria: The fulfilling of the requirements must be discussed with the teacher (e.g. exam or report). Study Material: The literature must be discussed with the teacher. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: M.Sc. in Technology or corresponding knowledge in the field of environmental technology. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Language of Instruction: As agreed. Puu-127.6030 Environmental Technology, literature P (2-10 cr) Responsible teacher: Olli Dahl Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I-IV Learning Outcomes: After completing the course the student will be able to critically review the essence of chosen written material and link that to his/her study area or research topic. The student will gain deeper theoretical and/or methodological expertise. Content: Shall be agreed with the supervisor of postgraduate studies. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Literature exams, commented summaries, oral presentations and/or working in a literary circle on previously agreed literature in the field of industrial environmental technology. Intended primarily for graduate and continuing education. Study Material: The literature must be discussed with the teacher. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: M.Sc. in Technology or corresponding knowledge in the field of environmental technology. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Language of Instruction: As agreed. Puu-127.6040 Special Study Protection Technology P (3-7 cr) in Environmental Responsible teacher: Olli Dahl Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I-IV Learning Outcomes: After completing the course the student can complete a challenging project task, plan different stages in the project and analyse the outcome of the work. Personal skills in the field of environmental technology or environmental management are supplemented by carrying out a literary research, practical work or a group assignment including a written part. Content: Literature reviews related to environmental technology. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Written report or other assignments by agreement. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: M.Sc. in Technology or corresponding knowledge in the field of environmental technology. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Language of Instruction: As agreed. Puu-19.6000 Chemistry of Forest Products Technology, postgraduate seminar P (2 cr) Responsible teacher: Prof. Tapani Vuorinen Teaching Period: I-IV Workload: 10+0 Learning Outcomes: Student is able to report current wood processing chemistry research topics in seminar presentation format. Content: Seminars on ongoing research in forest products chemistry. Prerequisites: M.Sc. (Tech) degree Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Language of Instruction: English Puu-21.6000 Postgraduate Technology P (2-5 cr) Seminar Responsible teacher: Thaddeus Maloney Level of the Course: Doctoral studies on Paper Teaching Period: I-IV Workload: 8 - 24 + 0 Content: Current research topics and postgraduate projects are discussed in this seminar. Each postgraduate student reports the progress of his/her study. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: M.Sc. (Tech.) degree Grading Scale: Accepted/rejected Language of Instruction: Finnish, English Puu-21.6020 Fibre and Paper Physics P (8 cr) Responsible teacher: Thaddeus Maloney Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: Autumn, period Learning Outcomes: The aim of the course is to give the participants an overview of fibre and paper physics and its research methodology and a deep understanding on its currently interesting areas. Content: The first part of the course discusses the fibre material, its properties and characterisation. Fibre bonding is a special topic in this area. The second part concentrates on the structural characteristics of paper and board and their measurement methods. Formation, fibre orientation, material distribution in z-direction, density distribution, pore size distribution, internal stresses and surface topography are among the characteristics discussed. Optical properties of paper and board are a specific topic in this area. The relationship of the structural characteristics and paper properties and defects is also analysed. Such properties or defects are, for example, curling of paper and board and cockling. The third part of the course is devoted to network theories and modelling of paper and board structure and properties. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: M.Sc. (Tech.) degree or equivalent level degree. Prerequisite for participating in this course: completion of the course “Basics of Paper Technology and Paper Products” or equivalent knowledge. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Postgraduate course, PaPSaT course. For further information, see Puu-21.6040 Unit Operations of Paper and Board Finishing and Converting P (7 cr) Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Content: The purpose of the course is to introduce the student to the various unit operations in finishing and 38 converting of paper and board products. This includes the descriptions of the treatment and converting processes and their influence on the end product properties and functionality. A variety of most common products are studied with particular attention to their properties and enduse. Course includes a product analysis rehearsal work and a presentation based on this. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: M.Sc. (Tech.) degree or equivalent level degree Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Postgraduate course, PaPSaT course. For further information, see Puu-21.6051 Wetend Flow Phenomena P (8 cr) Responsible teacher: Thaddeus Maloney Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: Spring, period Learning Outcomes: The course objectives are to give an understanding of the phenomena of fibre flows on the wet end of paper machine. Content: The phenomena of fibre flows on the wet end of paper machine, theoretical background, factors affecting the flow, the rheology of pulp suspension, techniques related to flow modelling as well as correlations between flow conditions, fibre network and paper product. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: M.Sc. (Tech.) degree or equivalent level degree Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Postgraduate course, PaPSaT course. For further information, see Puu-21.6070 Recycled Fibre as Raw Papermaking P (5 cr) Material in Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Content: The aim of the course is to give the participants an overview of recycled fibre as raw material in paper and boardmaking: General aspects of paper recycling, Unit operations and equipment in recycled fiber processing (reslushing, screening, cleaning, washing and floatation), Process design, Deinking chemistry, Bleaching of deinked pulp, Papermaking potential of recycled paper, Stickies in recycled fibre pulp, Environmental aspects - waste management, Recent developments in paper recycling. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: M.Sc. (Tech.) degree or equivalent level degree Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Postgraduate course, PaPSaT course. For further information, see Puu-21.6100 Interfacial Phenomena in Environmental Technology P (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Natalia Maximova; Olli Dahl Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: Spring, period Learning Outcomes: The course objectives are to give a deep fundamental understanding on the interfacial phenomena of importance in industrial environmental protection technology. Content: This course gives insight into the fascinating interplay of interfacial phenomena involved into environmental engineering, including wastewaters and gas emission treatment; attracts the student’s attention to the key similarities and differences between colloid and surface phenomena on such different interfaces; provides a coherent picture of driving forces and removal mechanisms employed, and gives a conceptual view of environmental technology methods from the colloidal and surface science perspectives. Furthermore, the relevant developments of nanotechnology, e.g. the use of semiconductor nanoparticles in the oxidation treatment of organic pollutants, are covered in this course. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: M.Sc. (Tech.) degree or equivalent level degree Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Postgraduate course, PaPSaT course. For further information, see Puu-21.6110 Philosophy of Science and Technology P (5 cr) Responsible teacher: Kristina Rolin Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: Autumn, period Learning Outcomes: The objective is to provide an overview of contemporary philosophy of science, including science and engineering ethics. Scientific knowledge is characterized in terms of its methods of reasoning, the special role it grants to empirical data in the justification of knowledge claims, and its specific social organization. We will also review recent theories of scientific explanation and causality. Finally, we will address ethical questions concerning risk assessment, relations between academic research and R&D in corporations, and intellectual property rights. Content: After taking the course, the participants understand the criteria for scientific knowledge. They have sufficient knowledge of philosophy of science, its basic concepts and arguments, in order to participate in controversies in their own disciplines concerning epistemology, methodology, and proper conduct of research. The participants master the basic tools for analyzing argument structures, a skill that will help them write their research reports with the aim of presenting an argument in support of their major thesis. The participants have an understanding of academic research as a particular kind of social practice that is different from other practices they may encounter in the management of universities and corporations Course Homepage: Prerequisites: M.Sc. (Tech.) degree or equivalent level degree. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Postgraduate course, PaPSaT course. For further information, see Learning Outcomes: After the course, the students understand the lifecycle of investment projects and the main benefits of project management tools developed for EPCM projects. Content: The course provides an overview of an investment project and all the activities included, during the entire lifecycle of a project. These activities include for instance development and project management, and implementation and local services. Main emphasis on the course is on the EPCM project implementation method and project management tools developed especially for EPCM projects. A part of the lectures are compulsory and are arranged in consultancy firm. Study Material: Pelin R. Projektinhallinnan käsikirja or Robert L. Kimmons Project Management Basics: A Step by Step Approach. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Puu-21.2000, Puu-23.2000 and BSc degree. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Language of Instruction: English. Puu-21.9000 Introduction to Pulp and Paper Industry (2 cr) Responsible teacher: Herbert Sixta Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: Spring, period Learning Outcomes: The aim of the course is to provide in-depth knowledge of chemistry and technology of pulp bleaching and washing operations with strong emphasis on the latest developments in this field. Content: Students select special topics of chemical pulp bleaching as home assignments. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: M.Sc. (Tech.) degree or equivalent level degree Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Postgraduate course, PaPSaT course. For further information, see Responsible teacher: Eero Hiltunen Teaching Period: I (autumn 2012) Workload: 18 + 6 Content: The purpose is to give the students an overall view of the pulp and paper industry and its technological base. The course discusses raw materials used, the principles and main features of the unit processes of pulping and papermaking as well as the main end products. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exam, practical works Study Material: Material will be announced during the lectures Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-23.5000 Planning and Execution of Pulp and Paper Investment Project (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Jorma Halmepuro Teaching Period: Autumn (periods I-II) Workload: 36 + 0 39 Puu-23.6010 Advances in Bleaching Techniques P (8 cr) Puu-23.6080 Cellulose Chemistry P (8 cr) Responsible teacher: Herbert Sixta Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: spring/summer, period Learning Outcomes: The aim of the course is to give the student a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals in cellulose chemistry. Content: A comprehensive overview of the fundamentals in cellulose chemistry as well as a representative survey of the current and future cellulose industry. Students select special topics of chemical pulp bleaching as home assignments. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: M.Sc. (Tech.) degree or equivalent level degree Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Postgraduate course, PaPSaT course. For further information, see Puu-23.6090 Advances in Biorefineries P (8 cr) Responsible teacher: Herbert Sixta Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: spring/summer, period Learning Outcomes: The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of the supply and chemical/physical characteristics of lignocellulosic biomass, as well as of the key techno-economic barriers and regulatory policies affecting commercial implementation of lignocellulosic biorefineries. Content: An important focus is the chemistry and engineering aspects of different (pre)treatment processes, including those integrated into existing (kraft and sulfite) and organosolv pulping operations. Different biochemical and thermochemical conversion processes and their downstream operations to produce liquid fuels, chemicals and biomaterials are reviewed. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: M.Sc. (Tech.) degree or equivalent level degree Grading Scale: 1-5 Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Postgraduate course, PaPSaT course. For further information, see Puu-28.5000 Introduction to Wood Properties and Wood Products (3 cr) Responsible teacher: Mark Hughes Teaching Period: I (autumn 2012) Workload: 20 + 40 Content: The course aims to introduce students, wood, with a basic introduction to the structure of wood its material properties as well as some of the important wood products. Topics include: wood species; wood anatomy; wood ultrastructure; moisture and wood; short term and long term mechanical behaviour; degradation; acoustic and thermal behaviour; wood products; wood product processing. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Possible excursions, practical exercises, assignments and examination. Study Material: Dinwoodie, J.M. (2000). Timber: Its nature and behaviour; Gordon, J.E. The New Science of Strong Materials; Hoadley, B.: Understanding wood: A craftsman’s guide to wood technology. Wood handbook. Other material will be defined later. Course Homepage: Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-28.5010 Industrial Wood Construction (3 cr) Teaching Period: II (autumn 2012) Workload: 20 + 30 Content: Industrial wood construction materials, structures, products, and production methods. Basics of wood design and material properties for construction. Cases of industrial wood construction. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Examination or learning diary and practical exercises and assignment. Study Material: To be announced at the first lecture. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Puu-28.5000 or Puu-28.2020. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Puu-28.5040 Integrated Interior Wooden Surfaces P (4 cr) Teaching Period: II (autumn 2012) Workload: 30 + 78 Learning Outcomes: Student knows the chosen special properties of wood as interior material and understands that using wood as interior material and marketing of it is always related with its functional properties. Student is able to plan and schedule a short project in a group and knows how to search information related to a research topic, make an experimental plan based on a given framework, analyze the results and write a report of the project. Content: Interior use of wood as part of a load bearing construction and visual element. Also emissions surface treatment, fire questions and acoustics are included. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lecture activity (10 %), lecture diary (30 %), practical project work (60 %). Both 40 individual and group work influence the grading of the course. Study Material: To be announced during the lectures. Substitutes for Courses: Replaces the course Puu 28.5030 if agreed. Course Homepage: Prerequisites: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent knowledge. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Registration for Courses: WebOodi Language of Instruction: English Further Information: Replaces the course Puu-28.5030 if agreed. Puu-28.5060 Project Course in Drying of Wood Based Materials P (5-8 cr) Responsible teacher: Henrik Holmberg Opetusperiodi: I+II (autumn 2012) Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 20 + 100 Osaamistavoitteet: After completing the course, the student 1. understands the manufacturing process of plywood 2. can define energy and mass balances for an industrial process 3. is able to apply measurement data to design a dryer 4. can analyze the factors affecting quality parameters wood based materials 5. can evaluate the feasibility of dryer design. Sisältö: The course aims to give the students understanding in the following topics: - experimental determination of a drying curve - to create a measurement plan for a given experiment - defining the dimensions and energy consumption of a dryer based on measurement data - defining energy and mass balances for a plywood manufacturing process - allocation of fuel costs to electricity, steam and heat in combined heat and power production (CHP). - drying of wood based materials; equilibrium moisture content, bound and free water; anisotropy - concept of drying quality - writing of report in English, presenting the report. Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Measurements, report, presentation and participation at the lectures. Oppimateriaali: To be announced during the lectures. Kurssin kotisivu: Esitiedot: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent knowledge. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi Opetuskieli: English Lisätietoja: The course is realized in co-operation with Department of Energy Technology. Puu-28.6000 Postgraduate Technology P (V) (4-10 cr) Seminar in Wood Responsible teacher: Mark Hughes Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I, II, III, IV Content: Lectures on current topics about wood research and special studies in wood technology as well as present subjects of postgraduate studies. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Seminar presentations Prerequisites: M. Sc. (Tech.) degree. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Language of Instruction: English Puu-28.6020 Project Work in Wood Technology P (V) (210 cr) Responsible teacher: Mark Hughes Level of the Course: Doctoral studies Teaching Period: I, II, III, IV Content: Planning, implementation and reporting of a project work in wood technology. Assessment Methods and Criteria: To be agreed with the responsible teacher. Evaluation: 1-5 · Courses Language of Instruction: English 41