List of regularly offered physics modules open for Erasmus incomings Bachelor in Physics/Medical Physics (everything is taught in German) 1. In the Summer term (teaching period: April to September) Module Atomphysik Bildverarbeitung Electricity and Magnetism Analysis 2 Grundpraktikum 2 Informatik 2 Kernphysik Mathematische Methoden der Physik 2 Numerik Prinzipien der Organischen Chemie Quantenmechanik Theoretische Mechanik Thermodynamik Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie components (in hours per week) Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 Exercises: 1 Lecture: 2 Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 Exercises: 1 Lecture: 4 Tutorial: 2 Laboratory : 4 Lecture: 4 Tutorial: 2 Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 Exercises: 1 Lecture: 2 Tutorial: 2 Exercises: 1 Lecture: 4 Tutorial: 2 Exercises: 1 Lecture: 4 Tutorial: 2 Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 2 Exercises: 1 Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 2 Exercises: 1 Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 Exercises: 1 Lecture: 4 Tutorial: 2 credit points (ECTS) 6 3 6 8 5 8 6 4 9 8 8 8 6 9 2. In the Winter term (teaching period: October to March) Module Allgemeine und Anorganische Chemie components (in hours per week) Lecture: 4 Tutorial: 2 credit points (ECTS) 8 Analysis 1 Lecture: 4 Tutorial: 2 8 Analysis 3 Lecture: 4 Tutorial: 2 8 Bildgebende Verfahren Lecture: 2 3 Einführung in die Bildverarbeitung Lecture: 2 3 Einführung in die Biologie Lecture: 4 6 Einführung in die Stochastik Lecture: 4 Tutorial: 2 9 Elektrodynamik Elektronik Experimentelle Mechanik Experimentelle Festkörperphysik FortgeschrittenenPraktikum Medizinphysik FortgeschrittenenPraktikum Physik Grundlagen der Medinzischen Physik Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 2 Exercises: 1 Lecture: 2 Practical: 3 Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 Exercises: 1 Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 Exercises: 1 Med.Phys.: 3 Physik: 3 Laboratory Physics: 5 Seminar: 2 8 6 6 6 8 10 Lecture: 4 Tutorial: 1 Seminar: 1 9 Grundpraktikum 1 Laboratory : 4 5 Informatik 1 Lecture: 4 Tutorial: 2 8 Lineare Algebra 1 Lecture: 4 Tutorial: 2 8 Lineare Algebra 2 Lecture: 4 Tutorial: 2 8 Mathematische Lecture: 3 Methoden der Physik 1 Optik und Wellenlehre Statistische Mechanik Tutorial: 3 Exercises: 1 Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 Exercises: 1 Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 2 Exercises: 1 6 6 8 Master in Physics / Medical Physics ( The language of the title is the teaching language): 1. In the Summer term (teaching period: April to September): Module components (in hours per week) Colloquium Seminar: 2 3 Medizintechnik Lecture: 2 Excursion: 1 4 Moderne Mikroskopieverfahren Röntgenphysik Lecture: 2 Tutorial: 1 Laboratory : 1 Lecture: 2 Practical: 1 credit points (ECTS) 6 5 2. In the Winter term (teaching period: October to March): Module Artificial atoms: the physics and technology of quantum dots Bildgebende Verfahren components (in hours per week) credit points (ECTS) Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 6 Lecture: 2 3 Biophysik Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 6 Einführung in die Bildverarbeitung Lecture: 2 3 Experimentelle Festkörperphysik Statistische Mechanik Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 Exercises: 1 Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 2 Exercises: 1 6 8 3.Either in Winter or in Summer term (please contact the Erasmus contact person in Physics if you need to know which modules are offered in the semester of your choice): components credit points Module (in hours per week) (ECTS) Advanced Lecture: 2 Quantum Tutorial: 1 4 Information Theory Advanced Lecture: 3 Quantum Tutorial: 2 8 Mechanics Exercises: 1 Bose-Einstein Lecture: 2 Condensation Tutorial: 1 4 Computational Physics Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 6 Dynamics of dense liquids Lecture: 2 3 Lecture: 3 Seminar: 2 6 Lecture: 2 3 Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 6 Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 6 Lecture: 2 3 Seminar: 2 3 Laser Physics Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 6 Magnetism 1 Lecture: 4 6 Magnetism 2 Lecture: 2 Seminar: 2 6 Mesoscopic Transport Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 6 Nanotechnology Lecture: 2 Seminar: 2 6 Experimental Plasma Physics Experimental Polymer Physics Experimental Quantum Optics Experimental Soft Matter Physics Introduction to molecular Physics Journal Club on Quantum information theory Numeric Simulations 1 Lecture: 2 Tutorial: 2 6 Numeric Simulations 2 Lecture: 2 Tutorial: 2 6 Physics of Biomolecules Seminar: 2 3 Seminar: 2 3 Lecture: 2 Tutorial: 1 4 Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 6 Simple and Complex Fluids Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 6 Surface Physics 1 Lecture: 3 Seminar: 1 6 Surface Physics 2 Lecture: 2 Seminar: 2 6 Theoretical Plasma Physics Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 6 Theoretical Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 Precision Measurements in Atomic Physics Quantum transport in nanostructures Semiconductor Physics Theoretical Soft Matter Physics Theoretical Solid State Physics Theory of complex fluids 6 Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 6 Lecture: 3 Tutorial: 1 6 Lecture: 2 3 Theory of Phase Transitions Lecture: 2 3 Ultracold Collisions Lecture: 2 3