ESTICE International Business School Course Descriptions 2015-2016 Table of Contents Semester 1 Courses Taught in English .................................................................................................... 3 Courses Taught in French ....................................................................................................11 English Language Courses ..................................................................................................26 French Language Courses ...................................................................................................28 Other Foreign Language Courses ........................................................................................30 Semester 2 Courses Taught in English ...................................................................................................38 Courses Taught in French ....................................................................................................42 English Language Courses ..................................................................................................52 French Language Courses ...................................................................................................54 Other Foreign Language Courses ........................................................................................56 2 Courses Taught in English Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 1 Course Title: American Culture Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Maxime Lenglin English Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Knowledge of American culture Develop skills in the following: Understanding another culture, in this case, American culture Note taking and synthesizing On line collaborative working Using a learning platform Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2.5 24 (3 hours face to face and 21 hours of distance learning ) Mainly distance learning with occasional face to face sessions 2 oral assessments and 1 written exam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 1 Course Title: Intercultural Intelligence Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Elena Choquet English B2 level in English Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The course aims, through a wide variety of experimental and interactive exercises to create awareness of diversity and in a wider environment, to understand the multiple forms of intelligence and understand one’s own learning methods. It also aims to understand the notions of subjective and objective culture and to question one’s self on the perception of norms and to become familiar with the main obstacles to intercultural communication. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1.5 12 Interactive method, discussions, practical exercises 1 written assignment, 1 written exam, 1 project 3 Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 1 Course Title: International Media Analysis Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Madeleine Vatel English B2 level in English Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The power of pictures, Russian, Asian, South American, European media, making informed choices, the written press compared to the radio, specialized press Encourage students to use international news sources, help them to understand the context in which the news is released and broaden their understanding of current affairs. Offer greater critical skills to be able to decode the information around them Invite them to focus on various key areas in the world news Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2.5 18 Lectures, debates, presentations Personal research work Written exam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 1 Course Title: Applied Intercultural Communication Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Irène Emorine- Germain English B2 level in English Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Understand and apply theoretical models of intercultural communication Understand the influence of personal and cultural values on behavior Identify and understand different styles of communication and the way they are linked with culture Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1.5 12 (including 4 hours of distance learning) Interactive method, group presentations, discussions, practical cases 1 presentation, 1written assignment and 1 written exam 4 Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 1 Course Title: Introduction to Management Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Bernd Gibson English Operational level of English Course Description (Key Learning Topics): • • Understanding the role of a manager and the impact of management on an organization • • • Being able to determine what motivates co-workers and yourself Understanding a number of management theories and models in a historical overview (from the Industrial Revolution to 2015) Understanding the current shift from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation Discovering current trends in management in a globalized world Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 18 Lecture with interactive exercises Hands-on practice sessions Written exam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 1 Course Title: International Negotiation Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Bernd Gibson English Some basic understanding of intercultural communication; Operational level of English Course Description (Key Learning Topics): • • • • • • • • • Becoming aware of the opportunities and constraints of negotiating in English in an international setting Using terminology and set phrases in negotiations Being able to adapt register, style and content to different roles and situations Taking into account cultural issues Going for win-win solutions rather than win-lose (avoiding positional bargaining and entrenchment) Preparing a negotiation for better outcomes (BATNA, HIT) Being able to deploy a number of negotiation techniques Increasing your power of persuasion Finding ways out of a deadlock situation Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation Semester 1 = 2 Semester 2 = 2 Semester 1 = 18 Semester 2 = 24 Lecture with interactive exercises in the first semester Hands-on practice sessions in the second semester A number of negotiation simulations + Written Exam 5 Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 1 Course Title: Supplier Relationship Management Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Rodney Green English Interest for developing knowledge of the purchasing process; English minimum B2 Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Introduce the role of the supplier and their importance in the overall strategy of the company Establish the challenges of supplier management Explore the relationship buyer/supplier Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 20 Presentation with PPT…but much improvisation according to the questions and remarks from students Group work around 2 themes: supplier sourcing and product sourcing. The students need to place themselves in the place of a buyer in a retail company and propose concrete elements that relate to different countries as potential sources and then look at the challenges of importing specific products (customs, logistics, supplier adaptation etc ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Master 1/ Estice 4 Semester 1 Course Title: Managing Intercultural Teams Professor (s): Elena Choquet Jackie Spencer English Basic intercultural awareness, understanding of key theories including Trompenaars, Hofstede, Kluckhol and Strodtbeck; C1 in English Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Learn the fundamentals of IC management, become conscious of cultural variables which can be at play, examine differing styles to adopt and deepen self-knowledge and awareness essential to competent management, examine the specificities of virtual teams. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 4 24 Interactive methodology with a wide variety of participative activities, theoretical input and experiential learning A virtual team project in collaboration with 2 partner universities (Finland and Russia) leading to a co-production of a video, plus written and oral presentation of learning outcomes 6 Master 1/ Estice 4 Semester 1 Course Title: New Trends in Consumption Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Celina Stamboli English Principles of marketing and research methods Course Description (Key Learning Topics): • Develop an in-depth understanding of consumption. • Identify different consumption trends. • Develop an in-depth understanding of marketing applications based on the sociological evolution Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3.5 20 Lectures, videos, group project Group work (presentation and report) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Master 1/ Estice 4 Semester 1 Course Title: Business Ethics Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Mei Yat Girard English A good B2 level in English Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Introduce students to different ethical concepts. Through discussion of business cases, empower them with the skills needed to identify moral issues in business and to apply relevant concepts to business decisions. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 18 2 quiz and 1 final case study 7 Master 1/ Estice 4 Semester 1 Course Title: Global Logistics Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Simona KRUSINGA English Basic knowledge of concepts of logistics Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Understand the implications of high level logistics decision-making, simulate the different aspects of the process and shareholder stakes Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1.5 14 Detailed simulations in teams Presentations in class ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Master 1/ Estice 4 Semester 1 Course Title: Ethnic Marketing Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Celina Stamboli English None Course Description (Key Learning Topics):. Develop an in-depth understanding of ethnic consumers and multicultural society market needs. Identify different ethnic consumers in different countries Evaluate marketing policy and strategy for ethnic consumers Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2.5 20 Lectures, Case Studies, Guided Personal work Case studies and Presentations 8 Master 1/ Estice 4 Semester 1 Course Title: Conflict Management Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Karen Witzleben English A good B2 level in English Course Description (Key Learning Topics): - Definition, mechanism, sequence of a conflict - Recognizing conflicts and deciding how and when to intervene - Managing difficult personalities - Negative feedback - Managing a conflictual interview - The manager as mediator Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2,5 20 Face to face, role plays, group analysis Written analysis of a conflict, role play and self-analysis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Master 2/ Estice 5 Semester 1 Course Title: International Strategic Marketing Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Celina Stamboli English Course Description (Key Learning Topics): 1. Introduction to International Marketing 2. Some Internationalization Theories 3. The Impact of Culture on an International Strategy Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2,5 12 Lectures, discussion, case studies, team project Take-home questions and oral presentation 9 International Students Semester 1 Course Title: Global Citizenship: Promoting Intercultural Understanding Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Elena Choquet English Be sufficiently proficient in English to understand theoretical notions and express one's ideas in English (level B2). Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The goal of this course is to provide international students studying at ESTICE International Business School with an introduction to Intercultural Communication, which will enable them to better understand and process their experience in France. In addition to class time, the students will have individual work based on readings as well as an interactive project that will help them better understand local culture. The final project of the course will be to present their home country and university, taking into account what they have learned throughout the semester. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 5 8 Interactive method, discussions, presentations The course work, presentations, and participation in class will be evaluated by the professor for a final mark out of 20, with 10 being the passing grade required to obtain the credits 10 Courses Taught in French Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 1 Course Title: Actualités Internationales Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Morgan Railane French Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The aim of this class is to be able to read, decode and analyze news on current affairs from the national and international press. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 18 The class is based on reading day to day newspaper articles dealing with key events on the international scene. Recurrent themes are the movement of migrants, the Middle East conflict, European collaboration… Based on participation in class debates and on the ability to synthesize and compare a series of press articles. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 1 Course Title: Découverte de l’entreprise Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Noemie Clément French None Course Description (Key Learning Topics): With a reference to a wide variety of companies, students will understand the workings of different departments: Human Resources Logistics Research and Development Logistics Exports Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 24 Lectures Group presentations on a specific department of a company, a company they have visited, a press article Written exam 11 Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 1 Course Title: Economie Générale Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Marylène Mille French Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The History of Economic Thought The key players in the Economic and Social domain and their behavior Economic balance and Imbalance Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2.5 24 Lectures Written exam, end of term exam, case study ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 1 Course Title: Information Technology (IT) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Corinne Henin French None Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Learn how to use the following software: Word, Excel, Power Point Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1.5 18 Students refer to a Power Point and listen to explanations given by the professor; they then do practical exercises with the help and explanations of the professor when needed. Practical exercises + Final Exam 12 Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 1 Course Title: Techniques quantitatives de gestion Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Pierre Petit French Necessary arithmetic skills to work out a retail price Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Discover and understand a company through its sales actions: Purchasing and Sales invoices Making Profit Profitability Financing Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 18 Lectures and exercises 2 written exams: Practical exercises based on figures: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 1 Course Title: Communication Orale Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Antoine Blondelle French Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Developing oral communication skills and the ability to speak in public: Present clear arguments, Improvise, analyse (using frames of reference and knowledge of verbal and non-verbal communication techniques) Give clear structure to a presentation Make a presentation lively and interesting Manage time and stress during the presentation Identify and refer to key sources of information Use visual aids appropriately Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 18 Interactive method: Public speaking Organizing , presenting and justifying ideas Decoding speakers using basic communication theories 2 oral presentations 13 Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 1 Course Title: Volunteer Work Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Delphine Hoorelbeke French Ability to communicate fluently in French, ***Must be here for the academic year Course Description (Key Learning Topics): - Learn about the way things work in a local association (non-profit) - Learn about working with people of diverse backgrounds - Be open to other cultures and ways of life - Actively participate in a local project - Share different experiences Credits 1 Hours per year** 32 (30 hours working in an association and 2 hours writing the report) Teaching Method Volunteer work in a local association Evaluation Written report ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 1 Course Title: Droit du Travail (Labour Law) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Ioannis KAPOPOULOS French none Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Identify and understand all the rules that apply in a work contract from concluding it to making changes in it and terminating it. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method 2 24 Lectures including lots of practical examples. Practical exercises Evaluation Written and oral exam 14 Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 1 Course Title: Informatique Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Boris Ducrot French Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The course is focused on the use of Microsoft Excel 2010. Students will learn: To be aware of the different contents of the software To be able to use the vocabulary correctly To be able to describe the contents of a function To have an overall view of a problem and to deal with it To be able to create an Excel file that can be safely used by someone else To be able to process the data of a spreadsheet, do research and present the results of the research in a graph Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1.5 12 Tutorial system with Practical exercises 2 individual exams and Group work ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 1 Course Title: Introduction à la Supply Chain (Introduction to the Supply Chain Process) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Emmanuel Delval French Good knowledge of World Economics (Geo Politics, World Geography, WTO agreements…), Good grasp of the flow of goods around the world and its issues Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Become familiar with the different elements of the Supply Chain Process Understand the role of the Supply Chain in companies and how it impacts the financial results Gain insight through concrete examples of the stakes surrounding the Supply Chain Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2.5 24 Lectures 2 written exams 15 Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 1 Course Title: Marketing Opérationnel Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Anne-Sophie Prouvost French Basic notions of Marketing, Understanding of what a business is, its purpose and how it functions Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Students will learn to Analyze and qualify a market and its actors Understand the principles of how to build a marketing strategy Be able to use the different types of operational leverage supporting a good marketing strategy Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2.5 18 Lectures and case studies Written exams, 1 presentation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 1 Course Title: Communication Interpersonnelle Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Antoine Blondelle French Communication basics (verbal and non-verbal communication, communication theories) Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Chairing a meeting: Ability to chair a meeting Ability to manage time and participants Ability to find relevant chairing methods Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 0.5 6 Lectures, practical exercises and role plays A written test and a practical exercise 16 Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 1 Course Title: Expression de soi Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Olivier Chantraine French None Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Students will work on the following: Presence Voice Use of space Writing about personal memories and dreams Theatrical improvisation Letting go of things Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1 10 Interactive method, acting Students will assess themselves. The Professor will also assess the following : Students’ concentration, commitment, originality, relevance of suggestions and final achievement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 1 Course Title: Droit International (International Law) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Ioannis Kapopoulos French Knowledge of legal terminology Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Part 1: - Regulating Common law conflicts - Regulating contractual conflicts Part 2: Laws pertaining to international sales - Regulating legal conflicts - Regulating practical issues Credits 3 Hours per semester 24 Teaching Method Lectures, case studies Evaluation 2 written exams 17 Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 1 Course Title: Gestion opérationnelle (operational budget management) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Jean Hagenmuller French Knowledge of basic financial management and appropriate terminology Course Description (Key Learning Topics): - Relevance to a variety of professional contexts - Managing the trading account - Calculating the break-even point - Profitability of a commercial operation - Calculating profit margins Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1 12 Theory and practical exercises Exam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 1 Course Title: Communication d’entreprise (Business Communication) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Nicolas Galégo - Catelan French Students should have a sufficient level of French (B2 minimum) Course Description (Key Learning Topics): * Discover and understand the different types of communication within a company context * Be able to develop a communication plan * Put together a communication file as an external consultant could be expected to do * The course includes the following: Global communication: how is it managed? By whom? What for? Visual communication: What colours ? Which tools? For which messages ? Financial communication: In what circumstances? How to manage communication? Advertising : Decoding advertising messages Communicating in a crisis : communicating without causing panic Internal communication: what role inside a company? Credits 2.5 Hours per semester 24 Teaching Method Lectures, interactive activities including debates , practical work Evaluation A communication file for a company + a written exam 18 Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 1 Course Title: Achats en Distribution (Retail purchasing) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Eric Mariaud French Basic marketing knowledge Course Description (Key Learning Topics): - Understanding the retail environment - Planning a product collection - Analyzing a collection in situ - Planning and managing the budget Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1 10 Theory and practical application in stores Group project ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 1 Course Title: Fondamentaux des RH (Fundamentals of HR management) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Olivier Jupin French At least one experience in a professional environment Course Description (Key Learning Topics): General outline of HR managerial responsibilities Managing job descriptions, skills and managing the career ladder Evaluating and developping human ressources Remuneration Policy International HR management Current stakes in the HR field Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3,5 30 Lectures and case studies 4 Case studies 19 Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 1 Course Title: Positionnement de la marque Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Sylvie Celles French Basic knowledge of marketing Course Description (Key Learning Topics): A) Understanding the importance of a brand B) Identifying the different components of a brand C) Different styles of specific brands D) Envisaging different brand strategies E) Managing a brand today and implications for the future Credits 2 Hours per semester 15 Teaching Method Lecture with multiple concrete examples Evaluation Exam on theory plus case study ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 1 Course Title: Marketing Multicanal (multichannel marketing) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Leurence Lelu French Basic knowledge of marketing Course Description (Key Learning Topics): 1. Understanding 3.0 marketing: Historical overview, The new consumer, 3.0 marketing models, Values and mission Social media marketing An introduction to inbound and neuro marketing 2. Brand content and storytelling, when brand becomes media : Brand content : definition, advantages, success factors in B2B and B2C Storytelling : a key element of branding, practical applications 3. Digital marketing : Definition, role, integration into global marketing policy Varying the marketing mix in the digital context , Repercussions of internet, future of product mix, Pricing strategies Influence on distribution channels, Digital advertising compared to traditional approaches Success factors Credits Hours per semester Teaching Methods Evaluation 2 15 Lectures, interactive case studies Case study 20 Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 1 Course Title: Logistique Internationale Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Emmanuel Delval French Understanding of international economy and world trade organization as well as knowledge of international transport flux and incoterms Course Description (Key Learning Topics): - Explanation of physical and financial flow as well as the documents required to chart the flow on an international scale - Revision of incoterms and risk transfer - Explanation of import/export costs in air transport according to the incoterms. Practical applications - Insurance, risk coverage, transport alternatives Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3 24 Lectures, case studies, practical exercises 2 written exams ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 1 Course Title: Tourisme Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Pierre Bleuze French Master the basics of geographic knowledge: how to situate countries around the world; Be familiar with the importance of tourism in global economy Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Introduction to international tourism and its’ importance in global economy Sending and receiving Development of eco-tourism Role and impact of international affairs on tourism Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3 24 Lectures, presentations, video reports Group presentation, final exam 21 Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 1 Course Title: Communication interpersonnelle (connaissance de soi)/ Interpersonal Communication and Self-Awareness Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Antoine Blondelle French Ability to communicate in French Course Description (Key Learning Topics): - Self-awareness - Different interpersonal communication techniques - Personal Development Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1 20 (10 hours of class and 10 hours of personal work) Participatory classes, Exercises, Case Studies Individual written report ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Master 1/ Estice 4 Semester 1 Course Title: Entrepreneurship Professor (s): Various Professors Language of Instruction: French Prerequisites: - Be aware of different forms of entrepreneurship and different challenges related to this - Be willing to expand your personal and professional perspectives - Learn about the basic personality traits necessary for entrepreneurs Course Description (Key Learning Topics): - Give students the opportunity to discover entrepreneurship o Find and formalize an idea o Pass from the idea to action o Develop a commercial strategy o Decide which legal structure is best o Provide a Financial Record o Provide financial support Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 6 43 hours of class and 50 hours outside of class for group work Group project work Group Project with final report and presentation 22 Master 1/ Estice 4 Semester 1 Course Title: E- Commerce Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Christian Delabre French Basic knowledge of marketing and social media Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The key statistics on e-marketing ; affiliation ; price comparing sites ; e-mailing ; search marketing ; on line marketing performance indicators ; Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 18 Face to face theoretical input followed by practical applications and case studies 2 written exams using analysis of data, case studies… ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Master 1/ Estice 4 Semester 1 Course Title: Gestion de projet touristique Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Pierre Bleuze French Basic Knowledge of the field of Tourism Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Presentation of the different sectors related to the tourism industry with a view to defining a professional project Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1,5 14 Face to face, case studies, student presentations Oral presentation in groups 23 Master 1/ Estice 4 Semester 1 Course Title: Techniques quantitatives d’achats (Quantitative purchasing techniques) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Eric Mariaud French Basic financial management Course Description (Key Learning Topics): - Predicting needs - Managing the supply chain - Controlling margins and benefits - Caclulating cost price - Managing a purchasing budget Credits 2,5 Hours per semester 20 Teaching Method Theoretical lectures, exercises, case studies Evaluation 2 written exams ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Master 1/ Estice 4 Semester 1 Course Title: Négociation en achats (Purchasing Negotiation) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Eric Mariaud French Basic knowledge of financial management and of Client/supplier relationships in the B2B context Course Description (Key Learning Topics): - General principles of negotiation - Preparing a negotiation - Knowing the client - Active listening and reformulation - Conflict management Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2,5 20 Theoretical lectures, practical exercises, simulations Oral simulation 24 Master 1/ Estice 4 Semester 1 Course Title: Comportement des Consommateurs/Consumer Behaviour Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Anne-Sophie Prouvost French A basic understanding of the function and workings of marketing Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Understand and be able to use the appropriate leverage Identify different consumer trends and their consequences Analysis of the different stages of the purchasing process Customer needs, motivations, perception, memorisation Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2,5 20 Face to face Oral presentation in groups, individual case study exam --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Master 1/ Estice 4 Semester 1 Course Title: Human Resources: Recruitment Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Emmanuelle Delebecq French Students should have had a general introduction to Human Resources and a basic knowledge of how this department functions in a company Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Learn about the different steps involved in hiring employees, from defining what is needed to integrating them in their new position, Find collaborators that are adapted to the needs and culture of the company, Understand the challenges related to training in companies, Create and develop loyalty among clients Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2.5 20 hours of class + 4 hours independent work General theoretical information, Concrete examples from the professor, Examples given from professional settings A final report/case study about Recruitment 25 English Language Courses Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 1 Course Title: English Skills for International Communication Professor (s): Eva Donohoe Maxime Lenglin English A B1 level in English is required to attend comfortably this course Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Oral communication and preparation for internship in an English speaking country. active participation is required. Activities will include discussion and debate of contemporary societal issues as well as cover letter, CV and interview preparation Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3 24 interactive Oral presentation, CV assignment, Written exam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 1 Course Title: TOEIC Preparation Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Maxime Lenglin English Students should feel comfortable in English. A2 level on European Scale for Languages is strongly recommended. Course Description (Key Learning Topics): preparing students to take the TOEIC 4 Skills (reading, listening, writing, and speaking) and reach as high a score as possible Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 Semester 1 =12 Semester 2 =18 This course is composed of a set of tiers. First tier is working on Listening and Reading skills through an online learning platform with minimal supervision. Second tier is working on Writing and Speaking skills in face-to-face classes with the instructor. During these classes, students will work on exercises taken directly from the test in groups and individually. Practice is essential for at least 1h30 a week. The course will be evaluated by students taking the TOEIC test and receiving an official score. 26 Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 1 Course Title: Business English Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Maxime Lenglin English Students should feel comfortable in English: participation in class in essential. B2 level on European Scale for Languages is strongly recommended. Course Description (Key Learning Topics): This course will focus on the acquisition of: - knowledge in terms of vocabulary needed to conduct appropriate business conversations, knowledge in terms of key concepts and ideas in the business world - skills in addressing proper business documents to clients - skills in connecting with customers - become aware of stakes in business relations Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3 24 This course will be composed of written and oral exercises in class. Pair work and oriented discussions are an integral part of the approach. Pop quizzes, one group presentation, group work, class participation and a final exam. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 1 Course Title: Professional Translation Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Frederic Jacquier English and French B2 level in English and French Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Translation techniques Translating documents from French to English Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method 1.5 9 Practical exercises Evaluation Written assignment (translation and summary of a text), written exam 27 French Language Courses International Students Semester 1 Course Title: French as a Foreign Language (beginners) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Laetitia Scamps French None Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Being able to spell, count, say the time Being able to have a simple conversation using the present tense Being able to ask and answer simple questions Being able to describe somebody Being able to talk about a typical day and describe one’s schedule. Being able to understand and give simple directions Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 24 Interactive method Written and oral tests Written exam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------International Students Semester 1 Course Title: French as a Foreign Language Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Laetitia Scamps French Level A2-B1 - Common European Framework of References for languages Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Be able to give structure to a text or a speech Get more familiar with the work environment Be able to locate events in time Be able to relate somebody else’s speech Be able to formulate hypotheses Develop vocabulary about daily life (e.g. idioms) but also vocabulary related to work environment Develop oral communication and spontaneity Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 24 Interactive method Listening and reading comprehension Written and oral expression 28 International Students Semester 1 Course Title: Culture et Particularités Régionales Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Laetitia Scamps French B1 / B2 level in French Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The purpose of this independent project to offer international students the opportunity to be in contact with French people, to discuss with them and to understand the French way of life and discover the North of France. The project consists in interviewing locals on different topics, attending a conference, watching a French film at the cinema… Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3 Students can pair up with someone of a different nationality to work on the different parts of the project. Each part of the project has to be completed in order to receive credits Written report 29 Other Foreign Language Courses Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 1 Course Title: Leben in Deutschland 1 Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Benno Schmidt Taught in German Minimum A2 level in German Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The aim is for students to reach a B1 level in German The courses focus on developing oral and listening skills. Themes covered are of general interest rather than business oriented. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 18 Highly interactive Written test, oral participation, written exam Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 1 Course Title: Actualidad y cultura Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Paula Masson Taught in Spanish Minimum B1 level in Spanish Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The aim is for students to reach a B2 level in Spanish. The courses focus on developing oral and listening skills. Themes covered are of general interest rather than business oriented. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1 18 Highly interactive Written exam 30 Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 1 Course Title: Wer sind die Deutschen? Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Metin ILHAN German Minimum A2 level in German Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The aim is for students to reach a B1 level in German The courses focus on developing oral and listening skills. Themes covered are related to practical situations in a professional context. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 18 Highly interactive Written and oral tests ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 1 Course Title: Actualidad y Cultura en Práctica Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Taught in Spanish Minimum B1 level in Spanish Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The aim is for students to reach a B2 level in Spanish. The courses focus on developing oral and listening skills. Themes covered are related to cultural and business events in Spain and Latin America. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 18 Highly interactive 2 oral presentations 31 Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 1 Course Title: Langue et Culture / Le Russe sans frontières / Portugais et Culture Brésilienne Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Taught in Chinese, Russian or Portuguese None Course Description (Key Learning Topics): An emphasis is placed on developing oral skills so the students acquire the ability to communicate on a day to day basis in simple situations. Students move from a complete beginner phase to an A2 or elementary phase. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3.5 36 Highly interactive Oral and written tests Written exam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 1 Course Title: Vorebereitung auf das Praktikum / Preparación a las Practicas Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: German or Spanish B1/2 level in German or Spanish Course Description (Key Learning Topics): An in-depth look at the vocabulary and approach which will be essential for students doing their internship or working in one of the countries that use German or Spanish: meetings, business presentations, marketing and sales, job applications… Emphasis is placed on oral communication Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation German =2 Spanish = 3 German =24 Spanish = 18 (Face to Face) + 18 (Distance Learning) Highly interactive Written and oral tests 32 Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 1 Course Title: Leben in Deutschland 2 / El Mundo Hispanico Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: German or Spanish B1 / B2 level in German or Spanish Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Through films, television extracts, news and newspaper articles, students increase their knowledge of both language and contemporary culture. Emphasis is place on oral skills. Credits Hours per Semester Teaching Method Evaluation German = 3 Spanish = 2 German = 36 Spanish = 24 Highly interactive Oral and written tests ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 1 Course Title: Vorebereitung auf das Praktikum / Preparacion a las Practicas Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: German or Spanish B1/2 level in German or Spanish Course Description (Key Learning Topics): An in-depth look at the vocabulary and approach which will be essential for students doing their internship or working in one of the countries that use German or Spanish: meetings, business presentations, marketing and sales, job applications… Emphasis is placed on oral communication Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation German =2 Spanish = 3 German =24 Spanish = 18 (Face to Face) + 18 (Distance Learning) Highly interactive Written and oral tests 33 Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 1 Course Title: Langue et Culture Chinoises niveau 2 Le Russe sans Frontières niveau 2 Portugais et Culture Brésilienne niveau 2 Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Chinese, Russian or Portuguese A2 level in the language taught Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Emphasis is placed on developing oral skills so that students acquire the ability to communicate on a day to day basis in simple situations. Students move from an A2 phase to an elementary phase. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3.5 36 Highly interactive Oral and written tests Written exam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 1 Course Title: Unternehmensgrûndung (Theory) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Karen Witzleben German B2 level in German Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Essential Business vocabulary for the following: Organizing an event, making a presentation in a business context, negotiating, marketing, presenting a business plan, economic press reviews … Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3 30 Highly interactive Written and oral tests + Written exam 34 Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 1 Course Title: Español Profesional Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Spanish B2 level in Spanish Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Being able to understand and express oneself in a business context: organizing an event, making a presentation, negotiating, marketing, economic press reviews … Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3 30 Highly interactive Written and oral tests Written exam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 1 Course Title: Unternehmensgrûndung (praxis) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: German B2 level in German Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Organizing an event, making a presentation in a business context, negotiating, marketing, presenting a business plan, economic press reviews … Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2.5 24 Highly interactive Written and oral tests + Written exam 35 Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 1 Course Title: Publicidad Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Daniel Luconi, Fernando Quintero Spanish B2 level in Spanish Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Debates, oral presentations, oral comprehension, reading Spanish novels and plays Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2.5 24 Highly interactive Oral and written tests Written Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 1 Course Title: Le Chinois dans le monde professionnel/ Le Russe au travail Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Chinese or Russian Elementary / B1 level in Chinese or Russian Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Emphasis is based on reinforcing oral communication skills with a view to being able to use the language in basic situations in the workplace Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3.5 36 Highly interactive Written and oral tests Written exam 36 Master 1/ Estice 4 Semester 1 Course Title: Unternehmensführung Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Karen Witzeleben German B2 / C1 level in German Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Management styles, negotiation styles: Intercultural differences between the German and the French Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3 18 Highly interactive Written and oral tests Oral exam Master 1/ Estice 4 Semester 1 Course Title: Entorno Profesional Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Lou Azurmendi, Amparo Colmenero Spanish B2 / C1 level in Spanish Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Setting up a business, management, sales, negotiation, and business transactions. Emphasis is placed on oral fluency. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3 18 Highly interactive Oral and written tests + oral exam 37 Master 1/ Estice 4 Semester 1 Course Title: Option LV3 Russe / Option LV3 Chinois Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Russian or Chinese B1 level in Russian or Chinese Course Description (Key Learning Topics): While continuing to consolidate grammar and develop oral skills, the course is designed to open students to the world of business, enabling them to talk about their previous experiences, their current studies and to manage an interview in the target language Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3 36 Highly interactive Written and oral tests + oral exam Courses Taught in English Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 2 Course Title: Critical Thinking and Gender Studies Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Lyndsay Dourdin English B2 level in English Course Description (Key Learning Topics) The aim of this course is to develop students’ critical thinking Introduction to Epistemology Perception, Emotion and Language Reasoning and Beliefs Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2.5 24 Interactive method, discussions, debates, practical exercises Participation in debates, group work, written exam (essay) 38 Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 2 Course Title: Intercultural Intelligence Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Elena Choquet English B2 level in English Students need to have followed the course in the first semester Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The course aims at furthering students’ understanding of obstacles to intercultural communication (Barna) and identifying the elements of culture shock and Intensity factors (Michael Paige) Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1 12 Interactive method, discussions and practical exercises 1 project and 1 written exam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 2 Course Title: International Economics Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Alexandre Kolow English Read the economic press and / or listen to economic media (BFM Business, CNBC, Bloomberg TV…) Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Aims to offer keys to understanding economic events in the international context. The 3 main chapters to be viewed through the prism of international economic theory are: 1. International trade 2. International finance 3. Globalisation of the economy Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 24 (2 hours face to face + 22 hours of distance learning) On line course 1 mid-term written exam and 1 written report 39 Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 2 Course Title: Applied Intercultural Communication Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Irène Emorine- Germain English B2 level in English Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Understand and apply theoretical models of intercultural communication Understand the influence of personal and cultural values on behavior Identify and understand different styles of communication and the way they are linked with culture Students examine some of the fundamental theories to assist in the decoding of behaviours such as Kluckholn and Strodtbeck, Hofstede, Trompenaars Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1 12 (including 4 hours of distance learning) Interactive method, group presentations, discussions, practical cases 1 presentation, 1written assignment and 1 written exam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 2 Course Title: International Negotiation Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Bernd Gibson English Some basic understanding of intercultural communication Operational level of English Course Description (Key Learning Topics): • Becoming aware of the opportunities and constraints of negotiating in English in an international setting • • • • Using terminology and set phrases in negotiations • • • • Preparing a negotiation for better outcomes (BATNA, HIT) Being able to adapt register, style and content to different roles and situations Taking into account cultural issues Going for win-win solutions rather than win-lose (avoiding positional bargaining and entrenchment) Being able to deploy a number of negotiation techniques Increasing your power of persuasion Finding ways out of a deadlock situation Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation Semester 1 = 2 Semester 2 = 2 Semester 1 = 18 Semester 2 = 24 Lecture with interactive exercises in the first semester Hands-on practice sessions in the second semester A number of negotiation simulations Written exam 40 Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 2 Course Title: International Relations Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Lyndsay Dourdin English Participants are required to have a C1 level in English Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The main chapters are based on the different International Relations Theories: 1. State, globalization and IRT 2. Realism and Marxism: Case study: The War in Iraq 3. Liberalism and Institutionalism plus Case study: The Establishment of the EEC/EU 4. The English School plus case study: The Opium Wars in China (1839-1860) 5. Constructivism and Critical Theory 6. Case study: The Threat of ISIS or IS 7. Asian International Relations plus case study: The Rise of China Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1.5 18 Interactive with discussions, debates and practical exercises. Essay + Written exam + Participation in Class Debates ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 2 Course Title: Doing Business with the world Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Various English/French None Course Description (Key Learning Topics): 4x6hour sessions on doing business with 4 different areas of the world: Japan, China, Eastern Europe, India: - Economic and social context - Cultural fundamentals - Importing/exporting from/to the country - How to do business, enter the market, create partnerships Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 24 Lectures, case studies Case study in exam conditions on one of the regions covered 41 Courses Taught in French Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 2 Course Title: Droit Commercial Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Ioannis KAPOPOULOS French Ability to write and present arguments clearly Good knowledge of Legal culture Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Understand, analyse and summarize the foundations of Business Law Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1.5 18 Lectures with practical examples 1 written test + 1 written exam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 2 Course Title: Micro Economics (Economie d’entreprise) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Noemie Clément French None Course Description (Key Learning Topics): This course introduces students to the company from an economic perspective: commercial activity and its consequences on the broader economic environment, strategy and decision making, production and business development. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 24 Lectures with practical examples. Interactive method (questions and answers) Oral Presentation on a company, Written assignment, Written exam 42 Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 2 Course Title: Geopolitics Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Pierre BLEUZE French Ability to relate to the courses and presentations through the use of an atlas or a video projector Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Ability to understand the current state of International Relations, conflicts and their sources, Understand International Relations through concrete examples and the evolution of International Relations Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 36 hours (24 hours face to face + 12 hours independent work) Lectures, Reports, Presentations, Geopolitical reports Oral presentation in class + Final Written Report ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 2 Course Title: Gestion Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Pierre PETIT French Ability to create synthetic documents, Develop spreadsheets, Explain results, Be able to manage accounts, Understand the basic concepts of accounting Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Be able to understand resources and expenses, Learn about current operations (purchasing and selling), Understand the idea of a company’s assets, Comprehend the idea of benefits Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2.5 24 Lectures with practical exercises 1 mid-term exam + 1 final exam 43 Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 2 Course Title: Information Technology (IT) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Corinne HENNIN French None Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Learn how to use the following software: Word, Excel, Power Point Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1.5 18 Students refer to a Power Point and listen to explanations given by the professor; they then do practical exercises with the help and explanations of the professor when needed. Practical exercises + Final Exam ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 2 Course Title: Introduction au Marketing Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Anne-Sophie PROUVOST French None Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Students will learn about the importance of the Marketing process and understand the complexity of the market and the different protagonists. They will learn about Consumer Behavior and different marketing levers Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1.5 29 (19 hours class time, 4 hours research, 5 hours individual preparation) Lectures and Group Work Oral Presentation + Written Report + Final Exam 44 Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 2 Course Title: Communication orale Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Antoine Blondelle French Intermediate/Advanced level in French Course Description (Key Learning Topics): To improve oral expression and public speaking skills, Learn the basics of verbal and non-verbal communication, Learn to organize and present ideas clearly Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 28 (18 hours class + 10 hours independent work) Interactive method, discussions and practical exercises Final presentation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 2 Course Title: Volunteer Work Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Delphine Hoorelbeke French Ability to communicate in French ***Must have participated during S1 Course Description (Key Learning Topics): - Learn about the way things work in a local association (non-profit) - Learn about working with people of diverse backgrounds - Be open to other cultures and ways of life - Actively participate in a local project - Share different experiences Credits Hours per year** Teaching Method Evaluation 1 32 (30 hours working in an association and 2 hours writing the report) Volunteer work in a local association Written report 45 Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 2 Course Title: Achats Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Jean HAGENMULLER French None Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Learn about the specific role of a buyer within a company as well as technical skills related to this type of position Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 30 hours (24 hours of class + 6 hours of distance work) Lectures and case studies Mid-term exam + Final Exam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 2 Course Title: Commerce international et Droit du transport Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Sophie Schwobthaler + Emmanuel Delval French Have a basic understanding of Economics, both national and international Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Understand what is at stake for a company in International Business, Learn about the tools available for a company to secure sale and purchases abroad, Learn to use incoterms, Identify risks and be able to choose which tools to put in place to limit them Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3 36 hours (16 hours of class + 20 hours of distance work) Lectures, Presentations, Group Work 2 Multiple Choice exams + 1 Final exam 46 Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 2 Course Title: Gestion Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Christophe Cheval French Have a basic understanding of accounting documents (balance sheets, income accounts) Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Discover and learn about tools that are used to help measure a company’s performance, Learn about tools that are used to help measure the financial stability of a company, Be able to analyze the financial results of a company Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1.5 36 hours (18 hours of class + 18 hours of independent work) Lectures, Group Work 1 Midterm Exam + 1 Final Exam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 2 Course Title: Marketing opérationnel Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Anne-Sophie Prouvost French Understand how a company functions, Understand Basic marketing concepts Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Be able to analyze and define a specific market and stakeholders, Understand how to create a marketing strategy, Know how to use the different operational levers to develop the company’s strategy Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1.5 36 hours (18 hours of class + 18 hours of independent work) Lectures, Case Studies 1 Midterm Exam + 1 Presentation + 1 Final Exam 47 Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 2 Course Title: Communication interpersonnelle Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Antoine Blondelle French Understand basic communication theories, verbal and non-verbal communication Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Be able to put things into perspective and analyze conflictual situations, Be able to manage personal conflicts, Learn to be an active listener Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1 20 hours (10 hours of class + 10 hours of independent work) Lectures, Case Studies 1 Midterm Exam + 1 Presentation + 1 Final Exam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 2 Course Title: Achats Responsables/Environmentally responsible purchasing Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Fabien Girard French Knowledge of supply chain, basic purchasing and an awareness of environmental issues Course Description (Key Learning Topics): - The international context, impact of consumer behavior on eco-systems - Company policies in terms of CSR - The principles of responsible purchasingLes politiques d’entreprise (RSE) - Concrete case studies : palm oil, soya, wood - Impact of exploitation of raw materials Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1,5 15 Lectures, videos, case studies Group case study 48 Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 2 Course Title: Modèles économiques émergents Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Hélène D’Oliveira French Basic macro and micro economics Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Understand the evolution of the environment and be aware of emerging markets, Understand how new economic models function (collaborative, social and solidarity, digital and connected), Understand how these new economic models impact companies, Study and propose practical ways that these models can be put into place in companies. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1.5 18 hours class time + 10 hours independent work Lectures, Group Work, Articles, Videos, Practical Case Studies, Presentations Case Study + Final Presentation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 2 Course Title: Etudes de Marché/ Market Research Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Marie-Paule Pitau French Basics of marketing, consumer behavior, marketing mix, statistics Course Description (Key Learning Topics): - introduction to market research - Qualitative studies - Quantative studies - Panels - Organising and preparing a market research project - Presenting and interpreting results Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1,5 18 Theoretical input, practical applications Group work, quiz, written exam 49 Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 2 Course Title: Affaires Européennes /European Affairs Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Michel Grelier French Commitment to reading the international press, interest in European current affairs Course Description (Key Learning Topics): - Fundamentals about Europe - Contemporary European history, member states - European Institutions - Perspectives and current issues (depending on events: Greece, Brexit, Migration policy…) Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 24 Lectures and student presentations Presentation and written exam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 2 Course Title: Droit des douanes/Customs law Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Ioannis Kapopoulos French Knowledge of International Trade Course Description (Key Learning Topics): - Customs and excise - Customs clearance - Customs economic regimes Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 24 Lectures 2 written exams 50 Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 2 Course Title: Doing Business with the W orld Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Various English/French None Course Description (Key Learning Topics): 4x6hour sessions on doing business with 4 different areas of the world: Japan, China, Eastern Europe, India: - Economic and social context - Cultural fundamentals - Importing/exporting from/to the country - How to do business, enter the market, create partnerships Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 24 Lectures, case studies Case study in exam conditions on one of the regions covered 51 English Language Courses Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 2 Course Title: English Skills for International Communication Professor (s): Eva Donohoe Maxime Lenglin English A B1 level in English is required to attend comfortably this course Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Oral communication and preparation for internship in an English speaking country. Active participation is required. Activities will include discussion and debate of contemporary societal issues as well as cover letter, CV and interview preparation Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3 24 interactive Oral presentation, CV assignment, Written exam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 2 Course Title: TOEIC Preparation Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Maxime Lenglin English Students should feel comfortable in English. A2 level on European Scale for Languages is strongly recommended. Course Description (Key Learning Topics): preparing students to take the TOEIC 4 Skills (reading, listening, writing, and speaking) and reach as high a score as possible Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 Semester 1 =12 Semester 2 =18 This course is composed of a set of tiers. First tier is working on Listening and Reading skills through an online learning platform with minimal supervision. Second tier is working on Writing and Speaking skills in face-to-face classes with the instructor. During these classes, students will work on exercises taken directly from the test in groups and individually. Practice is essential for at least 1h30 a week. The course will be evaluated by students taking the TOEIC test and receiving an official score. 52 Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 2 Course Title: Business English Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Maxime Lenglin English Students should feel comfortable in English: participation in class in essential. B2 level on European Scale for Languages is strongly recommended. Course Description (Key Learning Topics): This course will focus on the acquisition of: - knowledge in terms of vocabulary needed to conduct appropriate business conversationsknowledge in terms of key concepts and ideas in the business world - skills in addressing proper business documents to clients - skills in connecting with customers - become aware of stakes in business relations Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3 24 This course will be composed of written and oral exercises in class. Pair work and oriented discussions are an integral part of the approach. Pop quizzes, one group presentation, group work, class participation and a final exam. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 2 Course Title: Professional Translation Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Frederic Jacquier English and French B2 level in English and French Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Translation techniques Translating documents from French to English Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method 1.5 9 Practical exercises Evaluation Written assignment (translation and summary of a text), written exam 53 French Language Courses International Students Semester 2 Course Title: French as a Foreign Language (beginners) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Laetitia Scamps French None Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Being able to spell, count, say the time Being able to have a simple conversation using the present tense Being able to ask and answer simple questions Being able to describe somebody Being able to talk about a typical day and describe one’s schedule. Being able to understand and give simple directions Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 24 Interactive method Written and oral tests Written exam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------International Students Semester 2 Course Title: French as a Foreign Language Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Laetitia Scamps French Level A2-B1 - Common European Framework of References for languages Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Be able to give structure to a text or a speech Get more familiar with the work environment Be able to locate events in time Be able to relate somebody else’s speech Be able to formulate hypotheses Develop vocabulary about daily life (e.g. idioms) but also vocabulary related to work environment Develop oral communication and spontaneity Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 24 Interactive method Listening and reading comprehension Written and oral expression 54 International Students Semester 2 Course Title: Culture et Particularités Régionales Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Laetitia Scamps French B1 / B2 level in French Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The purpose of this independent project to offer international students the opportunity to be in contact with French people, to discuss with them and to understand the French way of life and discover the North of France. The project consists in interviewing locals on different topics, attending a conference, watching a French film at the cinema… Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3 Students can pair up with someone of a different nationality to work on the different parts of the project. Each part of the project has to be completed in order to receive credits Written report 55 Other Foreign Language Courses Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 2 Course Title: Leben in Deutschland 1 Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Benno Schmidt Taught in German Minimum A2 level in German Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The aim is for students to reach a B1 level in German The courses focus on developing oral and listening skills. Themes covered are of general interest rather than business oriented. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1 18 Highly interactive Written test, oral participation, written exam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 2 Course Title: Actualidad y cultura Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Paula Masson Taught in Spanish Minimum B1 level in Spanish Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The aim is for students to reach a B2 level in Spanish. The courses focus on developing oral and listening skills. Themes covered are of general interest rather than business oriented. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1 18 Highly interactive Written exam 56 Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 2 Course Title: Wer sind die Deutschen? Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Metin ILHAN German Minimum A2 level in German Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The aim is for students to reach a B1 level in German The courses focus on developing oral and listening skills. Themes covered are related to practical situations in a professional context. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1 18 Highly interactive Written and oral tests ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 2 Course Title: Actualidad y Cultura en Práctica Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Taught in Spanish Minimum B1 level in Spanish Course Description (Key Learning Topics): The aim is for students to reach a B2 level in Spanish. The courses focus on developing oral and listening skills. Themes covered are related to cultural and business events in Spain and Latin America. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 1 18 Highly interactive 2 oral presentations 57 Bachelor 1/ Estice 1 Semester 2 Course Titles: Langue et Culture Chinoise le Russe sans Frontières Portugais et Culture Bresilienne Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Taught in Chinese, Russian or Portuguese None Course Description (Key Learning Topics): An emphasis is placed on developing oral skills so the students acquire the ability to communicate on a day to day basis in simple situations. Students move from a complete beginner phase to an A2 or elementary phase. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 36 Highly interactive Oral and written tests Written exam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 2 Course Titles: Vorebereitung auf das Praktikum/ Preparacion a las Practicas Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: German or Spanish B1/2 level in German or Spanish Course Description (Key Learning Topics): An in-depth look at the vocabulary and approach which will be essential for students doing their internship or working in one of the countries that use German or Spanish: meetings, business presentations, marketing and sales, job applications… Emphasis is placed on oral communication Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation German =2.5 Spanish = 2.5 German =36 Spanish = 18 (Face to Face) + 18 (Distance Learning) Highly interactive Written and oral tests 58 Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 2 Course Title: Leben in Deutschland 2 / El Mundo Hispanico Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: German or Spanish B1 / B2 level in German or Spanish Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Through films, television extracts, news and newspaper articles, students increase their knowledge of both language and contemporary culture. Emphasis is place on oral skills. Credits Hours per Semester Teaching Method Evaluation German = 2 Spanish = 2 German =24 Spanish = 24 Highly interactive Oral and written tests ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Bachelor 2/ Estice 2 Semester 2 Titles: Langue et Culture Chinoises niveau 2 le Russe sans Frontières niveau 2 Portugais et Culture Brésilienne niveau 2 Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Chinese, Russian or Portuguese A2 level in the language taught Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Emphasis is placed on developing oral skills so that students acquire the ability to communicate on a day to day basis in simple situations. Students move from an A2 phase to an elementary phase. Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 36 Highly interactive Oral and written tests Oral exam 59 Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 2 Course Title: Unternehmensgrûndung (Theory) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: German B2 level in German Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Essential Business vocabulary for the following: Organizing an event, making a presentation in a business context, negotiating, marketing, presenting a business plan, economic press reviews … Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 30 Highly interactive Written and oral tests + Written exam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 2 Course Title: Español Profesional Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Spanish B2 level in Spanish Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Being able to understand and express oneself in a business context: organizing an event, making a presentation, negotiating, marketing, economic press reviews … Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 30 Highly interactive Written and oral tests Written exam 60 Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 2 Course Title: Unternehmensgrûndung (praxis) Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: German B2 level in German Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Organizing an event, making a presentation in a business context, negotiating, marketing, presenting a business plan, economic press reviews … Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 24 Highly interactive Written and oral tests + Written exam --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 2 Course Title: Publicidad Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Spanish B2 level in Spanish Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Débates, oral presentations, oral comprehension, reading Spanish novels and plays Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 2 24 Highly interactive Oral and written tests Written 61 Bachelor 3/ Estice 3 Semester 2 Course Title: Le Chinois dans le monde professionnel Le Russe au travail Professor (s): Language of Instruction: Prerequisites: Chinese or Russian Elementary / B1 level in Chinese or Russian Course Description (Key Learning Topics): Emphasis is based on reinforcing oral communication skills with a view to being able to use the language in basic situations in the workplace Credits Hours per semester Teaching Method Evaluation 3 36 Highly interactive Written and oral tests Oral exam 62