A bright future for lighting control

December 2013
Established 1991
A bright future for
lighting control
Characterising permanent magnets
IP ratings, what you need to know
Which instrument is best to use?
Extension of Mersen
offering to include
BS88 fuses and
DIN rail-mounted
fuse holders
BS88 Fuse
& Fuse Holders
ASTA 20 certified
RoHS compliant
Ferraz Shawmut is Mersen
Domestic Automation
Alistair Winning
Domestic automation – the key to
effective energy management
A modern electrical installation
Characterising permanent magnets
impacts machine lifecycles
Andrew Quenault
Wind power adopts infra-red windows
Beverly Hook
Lightning: Are you really protected?
Tania Richards
General Articles
Contributing Editor
Caroline Hayes
Neil Whitaker
Steve Gibbs
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ISSN 1750-1059
The struggle against manufacturing
Power supply ensures maximum
system availability
Data continuity, design automation
and System V combine
A bright future for indoor lighting
IP ratings and what you need to know
Addressing the next generation solar
inverter designs
Testing systems; which instrument is
best to use
Bearings meet tough demands of
medical applications
Design Data
Buyers Guide
www.pbsionthenet.net 3
Domestic automation
Domestic automation –
the key to effective energy management
n August 2012, 4Eco
designed the
immerSUN microgen
heating controller for
domestic energy.
Here, technical
director, Lee Sutton,
looks at the
renewables market
and the company’s
switching system.
Following another price increase by the
solutions and over 11% of total UK energy
The ImmerSUN is aesthetic while
generation considered ‘green’.
reducing domestic energy bills.
The next step in
the next step towards developing eco
solutions for the future.
country’s leading energy suppliers, finding
This highlights a significant perception shift;
alternatives to mains supply is becoming
with consumers and businesses alike now
One area in particular that the leading
ever-more popular for homeowners
not only recognising the impact of renewa-
companies are focusing investment
bles, but proactively looking towards the
towards is the automation of domestic
latest developments and solutions to make
microgeneration systems and other tactics
the most of green resources.
to encourage the self-consumption of
Self-generation technologies, such as solar
photovoltaics, solar thermal and domestic
green energy – a real priority for the
wind turbines and are now commonplace
The renewables industry is changing.
throughout the UK, with consumers
Microgeneration designers and manufactur-
embracing the cost savings associated with
ers are working to further develop technolo-
using green energy within the home.
gies, investing in research to drive forward
Automated energy
Over the last few years, electronics
The latest government statistics have
identified a 27% increase in the sales and
The uptake of renewables is only going to
manufacturers have been looking towards
fitting of renewable technologies over the
increase, so working with consumers to
new and innovative ways to make domestic
last 12 months alone, resulting in more
co-create innovative products and us-
renewable technologies even more efficient,
homes than ever now featuring sustainable
er-friendly technologies is fast becoming
effective and beneficial to users.
One key step has been the complete
Government statistics have identified a 27% increase in
the sales and fitting of renewable technologies over the
last 12 months, resulting in more homes than ever now
featuring sustainable solutions
automation of domestic eco set-ups, which
allows homeowners to generate energy
and use green resources without having to
programme, monitor or manually control
4 www.pbsionthenet.net
Designed with ease of installation in
mind, the system uses propriety
‘TruSine’ technology, which the company says guarantees efficiency and
reliability. Performance can be monitored
in real-time on screen, as well as via
downloadable data, while automated
surplus power control sends power to
wherever it is needed most. This means
that surplus power will always be
effectively utilised, rather than being
exported to the grid.
As well as being simple to operate, the
Figure 1: The ImmerSUN effectively uses self-generated energy.
unit is compatible with most microgen
devices and uses virtually no power to
Alongside this, researchers have been
domestic wind turbines, and will, says the
run. Furthermore, the immerSUN can be
investigating techniques to increase
company, reduce an average household’s
programmed to run completely automat-
consumption levels, focusing on ideas such
energy bill by up to £250 every year, by
ically, using timers to manage green
as the potential of storing green energy for
diverting microgen-generated electricity
energy effectively.
future domestic consumption. Although this
directly to an immersion heater, storage
is still in its early stages, a number of
heater, and/or electric underfloor heating.
The energy controller (pictured) is
progressions have been made to provide
alternative solutions for using higher
percentages of renewable resources.
Most specifically has been the development
As well as being simple to operate, the ImmerSUN is
compatible with most microgen devices and uses virtually
no power to run
of self-consumption technologies, which
rather than store energy, use green energy
in more efficient ways.
Installed into over 10,000 properties
attractively designed and is described as
across the country, the immerSUN
the perfect tandem microgen energy
4Eco is a designer and manufacturer of
enables 100% self-consumption of green
controller, helping users to reduce utility
surplus microgen heating systems, has
energy within the home, rather than the
costs, minimise reliance on mains supply
been at the forefront of this research and
25 to 30% typically achieved using
and protect the environment.
development, investing significantly into
standard renewable set-ups.
The future
the latest technologies to make self-generation easier and more commonplace
Self-consumption helps users to
across the UK.
significantly reduce utility bills, lower
Although self-generating energy is
mains reliance and improve the eco
important, homeowners must go further.
credentials of the property, without
They must be able to not only to intro-
affecting Feed In Tariff (FiT) payments.
duce self-generation technologies, but
Last year, the company, 4Eco designed a
product that it believes will revolutionise
the renewables sector, the immerSUN.
also to self-consume this energy. We
Moving things
believe innovations such as the immerSUN can help users to achieve this, by
lowering energy usage, minimising costs
The idea was simple; producing a
Following huge demand and positive
cost-effective unit that would itself use
customer feedback, technical engineers
almost no electricity, but would allow
at the company have spent the last six
With energy preservation such a key
homeowners to maximise consumption of
months developing a new-generation
national priority, embracing sustainability
their own self-generated green energy.
system to further improve efficiencies. It
and minimising non-renewable energy
also presents a number of new features
use, is quickly becoming the only surefire
It was designed specifically to work in
and incorporate significant technological
way to alleviate utility price hikes and
tandem with solar photovoltaics and
developments and compatibility benefits.
reduce domestic energy bills.
and protecting scarce natural resources.
www.pbsionthenet.net 5
Domestic automation
A modern
electrical installation
ndustry experts had
been predicting that
home control is to be
the next big thing,
however, expense,
reliability and
complication has
resulted in a slower
uptake than expected,
says Andy Moss,
managing director,
Moss Technical
Motor control modules provide security and energy benefits.
Over the past 30 years, electrical
installations and the processes involved
in installing them have seen very little
Hardware and software from other
flexible, future-proof and, most important-
change. Considering the advances
relevant industries mean that simple and
ly, behaves exactly as they require.
across the technology, manufacturing,
inexpensive home control is finally
design and architectural industries, there
becoming a reality.
is a large potential for a change within the
electrical world. Those that have invested
Smart control
The focus on smartphone technology has
meant that the possibility of a single app
controlling all aspects of the home has
become a reality. A smartphone can be
in a modern electrical installation have
taken the first step. For these people,
Through the development of low-cost
used both as a console to create and
home control promises to provide greater
features, such as sensors and detectors;
modify the home’s ‘comfort recipes’ and
efficiency, convenience, time saving
using a simple bus protocol or RF signal;
as a remote control to turn things on and
features, personal security and comfort.
and software for smartphones and
off manually. One such modern installation that offers single app technology is
Through the development of low-cost features, such as
sensors and detectors; using a simple bus protocol or RF
signal; and software for smartphones and tablets, it is
simple to incorporate home control into an installation
Niko Home Control. This offers a free and
downloadable app that lets an iPhone,
iPad or android device control everything
from anywhere in the world and link
everything together. Rather than controlling the installation from just one item,
As a direct result of research and
tablets, it is simple for people to incorpo-
any of the features can be turned on or
development, home control is slowly but
rate a system into an installation. These
off by all of the above devices, at any
surely taking homebuilding by storm.
features mean that the installation is
one time.
6 www.pbsionthenet.net
As a bespoke design to meet the needs of
individual homes, different electrical
components or modules work as a
complete installation. Total customisation is
available when selecting control modules.
The nature of the installation allows end
users to interact with the home in a
personalised way, including the creation of
bespoke lighting scenes and presets with
the single touch of a button.
Security control
The electricity-measuring module, in
conjunction with the pulse counter module,
is combined with the ‘Eco’ display,
touchscreen and energy software to
measure electricity, water, gas and oil
consumption. The resulting measurements
are shown on the display and stored for
future analysis and to detect unusual
spikes in usage.
using the motor mechanism to control
Smartphones bring smart apps to
curtains, shutters and blinds. Pre-sets can
The installation’s heating and cooling
be programmed to create scenes and
module can intelligently control tempera-
control formulae including, automatically
ture. The module can control up to four
controlling light levels in rooms, which
We are finally seeing a change in the way
zones of heating or cooling, and additional
reduces solar gain.
that electricians view electrical installations
modules can be added to control further
in the home. Traditional wiring techniques
zones. The thermostat fits next to any Niko
The installation integrates security func-
are increasingly being replaced as more
control switch. The ventilation module is
tions to create presence-simulation with
installers and homeowners understand the
separate from the heating and cooling
the use of a mood control module, motion
tangible benefits that a modern electrical
module and controls the central ventilation
detectors, burglar alarms and panic
installation can bring to their lives including
with low, normal and high speeds as well
buttons – even lighting a safe escape route
energy savings, lower electricity bills and
as a boost feature. The ventilation module
if a smoke alarm is activated. These
safety elements.
can be automatically controlled as part of
features work together to ensure blinds will
scenes or in conjunction with lighting, for
open and close and lights will turn on and
For customers looking for a reputable and
example in the bathroom or kitchen.
off periodically so it looks as if there is
easy-to-install home control installation,
someone at home. This also ensures that
ease of control is often the biggest
The motor control modules are particularly
the user is saving energy and preventing
attraction. With the increase in research
useful for security purposes. The motion
electrical fires, by isolating unused
and development, we are finally seeing how
detection feature can automatically sense
electrical sockets and equipment that is
a convergence of technologies can mean
when nobody is home and can be
not required.
increased success for the modern electrical
programmed to behave accordingly, by
The Niko Home Control switching module
With the increase in
research and development, we are finally
seeing how a convergence of technologies
can mean increased
success for the modern
electrical installation
is available in three and six ways and can
The ability to control areas of the house
switch a variety of loads up to 16A
with one button or use an everyday device
including lighting. Each individual contact is
such as an iPhone to turn on the lighting
controllable independently with various
only when needed can generate savings
functions, including ‘delay on’ and ‘delay
that are much higher than expected. The
off’, which is a useful function for bathroom
general public is yearning for disparate
extractor fans, which are rarely required to
technologies to integrate better with one
be on at the same time as switching the
another and home control installations are
light on.
back on track to make that happen.
www.pbsionthenet.net 7
Simulation software
Characterising permanent magnets
impacts machine lifecycles
ermanent magnet materials are being used
in the design of new electrical machine
applications. If performance and lifecycle
targets are to be met for permanent magnet
materials, detailed characterisation using
advanced electromagnetic and multiphysics
simulation technology will be critical, says
Cobham Technical Services.
High field strength, rare earth permanent
designers to build in safeguards and
Opera’s multiphysics simulation
magnets are key components in many of
margins to ensure performance.
capabilities enable designers
to investigate causes in-service
the new electrical machine designs now
appearing on the market. Typical long-life
The two dimensional version of the
demagnetisation of permanent
applications include wave and wind power
software was originally designed for a
magnets in machines such as motors
generators, and the traction motors for
specialist manufacturer of rare earth
and generators.
hybrid and electric vehicles.
magnets, and was intended to help
maximise the field strength and direction-
considerable detail. In conjunction with
Simulation software already plays a vital
ality of permanent magnets by simulating
Opera’s multi-physics simulation capabili-
role in the development of such machines
and optimising the entire material magneti-
ties – which will characterise a design
by shortening design-to-manufacture
sation process.
concept’s electromagnetic behaviour,
including the influence of temperature and
times and reducing the number of test
prototypes that need to be produced.
The solver was later enhanced to handle
mechanical stress effects, for example
However, many of the modelling ap-
the demagnetising effect of a strong
– the demagnetisation solver enables the
proaches and design software tools
opposing magnetic field, which – in the
effects of demagnetisation caused by
currently used are unsuitable for capturing
case of a generator, for example – could
functional, operational and environmental
and characterising gradual degradation of
be introduced by an in-service fault
conditions during an equipment’s service
magnetic performance over time, especial-
condition such as a short-circuit on its
life to be evaluated.
ly if this is due to a combination of factors.
A material model, incorporated in all
Modelling changes
The company helps designers to optimise
the performance of electrical machines,
using software to accelerate development
transient solvers of Cobham’s Opera
software suite, accurately predicts
The latest versions of these modules allow
and maximise performance of equipment,
changes to magnetic performance during
the hysteresis loops of hard and soft
including permanent magnet (PM)
a specific machine’s lifecycle – helping
magnetic materials to be modelled in
generators and motors.
Simulation software plays a vital role in development by
shortening design-to-manufacture times and reducing the
number of test prototypes that need to be produced
The software is being used by a major
new research project in the UK, which is
investigating the technology that will be
needed for the next generation of low
carbon vehicles. A key part of this
8 www.pbsionthenet.net
research will involve examining the factors that cause the performance of PM traction motors to deteriorate with age, with a view
to developing better materials, motors or control techniques to
overcome the problem. Although partial demagnetisation of a
motor’s permanent magnets is believed to be responsible, it is not
clear whether this is due to natural degradation, overheating
caused by excessive power demands, temporary fault conditions
that are rectified during the life of the vehicle, or inherent shortcomings in the design of the motor itself.
Design solutions for design engineers
Temperature changes
At present, most PM-based traction motors for hybrid and
all-electric vehicles use neodymium-iron-boron magnets, but their
magnetic field strength reduces with increasing temperature.
Above about 220°C, the demagnetisation effects can be irreversible. The amount of demagnetisation depends on a number of
factors, including the physical shape of the magnet and its
magnetic circuit, as well as the grade of material and the shape of
its magnetic characteristic.
Some designers are using neodymium-iron-boron magnets in
which a small percentage of the neodymium is replaced with
dysprosium to raise the coercivity and the temperature at which
permanent demagnetisation occurs. However, as Cobham’s Dr
Dan Ilea points out, “At present, nearly all dysprosium comes from
China, and is mainly used for nuclear, laser and magnetic data
storage applications. There is likely to be a severe shortfall of this
element within a couple of years, especially if it is taken up by
DIN rail ac-dc power supplies
Relec Electronics can supply DIN rail power
supplies from 10 to 960W in output power
from stock and at extremely attractive prices.
Units are available in single phase, 3-phase and
dc input versions with output voltages of 5V,
12V, 24V and 48V as standard. Low profile
versions are available that are only 56mm
deep (AMR Series) in power ratings of
10W, 24W, 36W, 60W and 100W.
DIN rail dc-dc power supplies
A range of DIN rail brackets and accessories for
standard dc-dc converters as well as a range
of chassis mounting dc-dc converters with
a DIN rail mounting accessory bracket.
Special mounting brackets have been
developed to accept a wide range of
standard regulated dc-dc converters
with 1 or 2 isolated outputs up to 30W
for applications requiring DIN rail mounting
where a bespoke circuit board is not available.
high volume industries like automobile manufacturing. It is
therefore critical to maximise the life of neodymium-iron-boron
DIN rail battery chargers
magnets by designing electrical machines that are not susceptible
A range of DIN rail mounted battery
chargers for industrial applications,
available with both ac & dc inputs
for 12V, 24V, 36V & 48V systems.
These provide a low cost solution
where battery back-up is required
and have all of the features to add
external low voltage disconnect relays
and contactors to protect your battery.
to self-demagnetisation.”
DIN rail mounting RFI filters
Relec Electronics offer a range of single
phase and 3-phase EMC filters designed
for DIN rail mounting. These EMC filters
are designed specifically for mounting
on TS35 DIN rails in industrial control
systems. The FMAB (1-stage) and
FMBB (2-stage - high attenuation)
are suitable for single phase systems,
the FMAC (1-stage) for 3-phase systems
and the FMAD series (1-stage) for 3-phase
systems with a neutral conductor.
The software’s transient solvers predict changes in the
performance of permanent magnets at any stage.
www.pbsionthenet.net 9
Relec Electronics Ltd
Tel: +44 1929 555700 Fax: +44 1929 555701
e-mail: sales@relec.co.uk
Thermal imaging
Wind power adopts
infra-red windows
hermal imaging is a powerful, flexible
predictive maintenance tool that allows the
non-contact inspection of live electrical and
mechanical systems. Renewable energy, and
wind power generation in particular, is turning
to IRISS infra-red window technology.
The infra-red windows are data collection
bearing running dry, insufficient lubrication,
points that are instrumental in assuring the
ineffective cooling systems or a brake over-
reliability of critical systems in harsh
Curved windows can ‘wrap around’
bearings, pumps, motors and
environments. Made from impact resistant
polymer, they do not degrade in UV light.
With an efficient preventative maintenance
The range is distinguished in the industry,
programme in place however many of
says the company, by its ability to allow UV
these issues can be detected early. As
As it is made from polymer, an IRISS
and visual inspection as well as imaging in
these faults are generally evidenced by an
infra-red window can be cut to any size. This
the three infra-red spectrums.
abnormal thermal profile, thermal imaging
is not possible with a crystal window whose
is becoming the method of choice for
fragility limits its size and shape to a
many maintenance professionals.
maximum four inch, round. Furthermore,
A modern wind turbine has a typical
service life of around 20 years, during
unlike crystal, the polymer will not shatter.
which it will be working for up to 120,000
Thermal imaging is compromised if the
hours. As with any system, maintenance
technology cannot be applied to a live
As well as square and oblong windows, the
needs and costs increase with age and
system. It allows the thermographer to
company can also supply curved formats.
This is especially valuable for mechanical
The windows eliminate virtually all risk associated with arc
flash which can cause significant burns and even fatal injury
system inspection, as arched or rainbow
windows can ‘wrap around’ bearings,
pumps, motors and turbines. They can also
be incorporated into mechanical guarding
parts that wear out the quickest are
conduct uninterrupted inspection and
allowing the safe inspection of working
inevitably the rotor blades and gearboxes,
obtain meaningful thermal data on the
estimated to represent up to 20% of the
health of systems.
turbine’s total cost.
The Renewable Energy Directive has set a
The windows eliminate virtually all risk
target for the UK to obtain 15% of its energy
In reality, all manner of electrical or
associated with arc flash which can cause
from renewable sources by 2020. To achieve
mechanical faults can occur to compro-
significant burns and even fatal injury. Arc
that, ongoing investment is being comple-
mise or halt power generation or become a
flash is often the consequence of opening
mented by robust predictive maintenance to
safety issue. A loose or broken electrical
an electrical panel and exposing the
ensure ageing systems are running optimally.
connection can spark and ignite nearby
housed electrical system to humidity and a
rubber cable lining, plastic covers and
sudden change in temperature. Indeed,
All products from the company carry an
other flammable materials. Fires can also
the harsher the environment, the greater
unconditional lifetime warranty and UL,
be the result of component failure, a
the risk.
Lloyds, ABS and IEEE certification.
10 www.pbsionthenet.net
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Surge protection
Lightning: Are
you really protected?
any resellers and
end-users of UPS
(uninterruptible power
supplies) believe that
a UPS automatically
protects valuable
equipment and data
against lightninginduced power
surges. It is not quite
that simple, however,
as Christophe
Jammes, product
manager, Eaton
Power Quality EMEA,
The energy induced by a lightning strike that is really close by is too much to be
absorbed by any affordable protection device.
real threat to IT installations, telecommu-
expect to see between two and 10
nications systems and the other items of
lightning strikes per km²/year. That does
electronic equipment on which modern
not sound a lot; indeed, the chances of a
businesses depend.
particular building or installation suffering
a direct lightning strike are quite small,
Even in Europe, which is not one of the
Reference to any of the many lightning
but a direct strike is not needed for
world’s lightning hotspots, power surges
strike frequency maps that can be found
damage to be caused to sensitive
produced by lightning strikes present a
online will show that most of Europe can
electronic equipment.
Climate control
from the smallest
to the largest.
A strike in the vicinity, up to a few kilo-
While it is true that almost all UPSs provide some form
of surge protection, this protection often is not as
effective as it ought to be
metres away, can induce enough energy in
the form of a voltage surge, into the supply
system to cause damage. Assuming that
the maximum distance at which a strike is
likely to prove hazardous is 5km, the “risk”
ground and neutral-to-ground surges.
area for lightning strikes is around 75km². If
such a one-off event has occurred, as they
are left without surge protection, even though
there are an average of 10 strikes/ km², that
There are a few more things to consider to
the UPS may continue to operate normally in
is around 750 strikes/year that could put
be sure that an UPS will provide effective
every other way. Responsible UPS manufac-
equipment at risk.
surge protection. The first is that the UPS
turers provide a warning device, often an
manufacture should quantify surge protection
LED indicator, to show when the surge
performance. Vague claims like “also
protection is no longer operative. It is
provides protection against power line
inadvisable to depend for surge protection
Many people assume sensitive equipment is
surges” are meaningless. Instead look for
on a UPS that does not have this essential
fed from an UPS and all protect against
hard information like compliance to interna-
supply surges. While it is true that almost all
tional standards (such as IEC 61643-1, Low
UPSs provide some form of surge protection
Voltage Surge Protective Devices) and the
Finally, it is important to note that, while a
(and many emphasise this on the datasheet)
level of performance usually shown in kV on
well-specified, good quality UPS will provide
unfortunately this protection often is not as
the packaging.
a level of surge protection, it will do an even
Surge protection
effective as it ought to be.
better job if it is used as part of a compreNext remember that no UPS or, indeed, any
hensive surge protection system. Such a
The problem is that some UPS manufactur-
other form of surge protection device can
system will typically incorporate several levels
ers cut costs by equipping products with
provide total protection against lightning-in-
of protection, with high-energy protection
surge protection that is only effective for
duced power surges. The energy induced by
devices installed at the point where the
surges that occur between line and neutral of
a lightning strike that is really close by is
supply enters the building, and smaller
the supply. In reality, damaging lightning
simply too much to be absorbed by any
devices installed at other critical points
induced surges in the supply are much more
practicable and affordable protection device.
throughout the building’s power distribution
likely to be common-mode surges that occur
A good UPS will, however, suppress the
system. Power distribution specialists, such
between neutral and ground and/or between
majority of surges without itself suffering
as Eaton’s Electrical Sector, will be pleased
line and ground.
damage. For larger surges, it will also offer
to provide advice on systems of this type.
one-off protection, where the surge protecBargain-basement UPS often provide no
tion device it contains does its job of
Protecting sensitive and mission-critical
protection at all against common-mode
protecting the connected equipment, but is
equipment by fitting a UPS is always a sound
surges and, therefore, give their users a false
destroyed in the process and can, therefore,
business decision, but for an UPS that
sense of security. The best UPS may cost a
provide no further protection.
protects effectively against lightning-induced
little more, but they provide comprehensive
protection against line-to-neutral, line-to-
power surges, the advice is to check the
It is essential for the UPS user to know when
relevant datasheets carefully.
The struggle against
manufacturing inefficiency never ends
ow to keep production in step with
increased sales, by Cy Wilkinson,
managing director, Cressall Resistors.
harmonic filters, motor starters, and a range
of portable load banks for on-site load
Today, OTD and right first time (RFT) are 94
The theory of continuous revolution
but production was struggling to keep up,
to 98%, even though sales volume has
developed by China’s Mao Tse-tung may
quality was slipping and its on-time delivery
grown three-fold without the need for extra
have some parallels on free market
(OTD) was down to 50%.
floor space. This has come about through a
manufacturing management thinking. This
process of continuous change. Although
is particularly true in the case of lean
The company has two manufacturing bases,
attendance at, and input into, the daily
manufacturing ideology, which demands
one in Leicester and the other in Dereham,
operations meeting was mandatory – and to
constant change and re-assessment. The
Norfolk. The company, which employs
be fair, everyone recognised the importance
struggle is not a military one, but one that
around 100 people, manufactures a wide
of the meeting – the sessions were getting
constantly seeks to fight manufacturing
range of electrical power resistors for
stale and it was time to change.
customers in oil and gas, aerospace,
Management initiatives that worked when they were
first introduced, may have to be set aside for new
plans eventually
Driving ownership
We needed to revitalise not only the way the
meeting was running but also to drive the
ownership closer to the cell leaders. The
answer has been to hold relatively simple,
daily management boards focussed on each
Management initiatives that worked when
automotive, engineering, marine, traction
cell, so instead of the cell leaders leaving the
they were first introduced, may have to be
and defence. These are for applications
shop floor to come to a meeting room, the
set aside for new plans eventually. Five years
such as dynamic braking for industrial drives
team goes to the workplace and has a
ago, Cressall Resistors was a 100 year old
and rail traction, neutral earthing for
stand-up meeting there. It is up to the cell
company with a fast-growing order book,
transformer and generator protection,
leader to report on where we are, what
obstacles we need to overcome and what
achievements we have made.
The meeting stays focussed on the issues at
hand, and problems that might have gone
unnoticed are dealt with. The team, including
the cell leader, are visible at the coal-face
and actions that need to be completed that
day are followed up. In most cases the
actions are completed that day.
The entire operational strategy was
based on getting control of quality
and delivery.
14 www.pbsionthenet.net
The next stage was to ensure a place for
5S, standard work, flow, pull, total
we put closed loop systems in place to
everything and everything in its place,
productive maintenance, mistake-proofing
pick them up quickly and take immediate
while striving to improve our six sigma (6S)
and set-up reduction.
preventive action to ensure that when
process to identify all components. This
similar projects come up, mistakes will not
was implemented with a barcode and a
The workers needed to feel they were part
be repeated. Every instance is logged
digital photo to represent the part within
of the team, so we provided everyone with
electronically and cannot be closed unless
the tote.
new workwear. This improved the image
preventive measures are in place and
of the employees, heightened security
signed off. Our continuous revolution has
(because if someone is on site without a
only just begun - we do not expect it to
uniform, there is a good chance that they
ever end.
Operational strategy
The entire operational strategy was based
should not be) and allowed staff to
on getting control of quality and delivery,
preserve their personal clothes for outside
studying everything from workforce
development to key performance indicators. We checked whether the right
We also introduced lean training - four and
components were in the right place at the
five-day offerings, leading the site towards
right time, we checked factory layouts and
leaner operations and the staff to NVQ
equipment, and how everything was being
Level 2. Little more than 18 months in,
space savings range from 14 to 60%;
employee and operator movement is
The company makes engineered products
down by between 50 and 60%; single
to customer-specific requirements. It
piece flow has reduced work in process,
holds no finished stock. We got suppliers
stock-take time is down 50% and financial
on board to manage their own inventory,
turnover has increased 100%.
introducing kanbans for all fast-moving
parts. Our strategy incorporated the use of
When all orders are bespoke, most of the
eight lean tools - value stream mapping,
room for error occurs at the beginning, so
Wilkinson: advocates continuous
Bigger energy savings, smaller footprint
TDK-Lambda’s new DIN Rail Power Supplies have
Power supplies
Power supply ensures maximum
system availability, no side effects
n the excitation
systems of ABB
Switzerland, MB
Redundancy Balance
ensures that
redundantly designed
power supply systems
are not exposed to
uneven stress. By
Manuel Senk, product
manager interface and
MICO, Murrelektronik.
Redundantly designed power supply
solution, where the power supply units are
units. If one of the two power supply units
systems are used to ensure operational
the only part designed redundantly.
fail, the other can continue to work
reliability in machines and systems. ABB
unimpaired and continue supplying the
Switzerland also uses this design in its
Partially redundant power supply systems
load with power. However, when decou-
excitation systems. Power supply system
are often designed with two power supply
pling using diodes, the power loss is high.
engineers decided to regulate redundancy
units of the same size. Each of the units
With a load current of 20A, a 0.7V diode
using Murrelektronik’s MB Redundancy
can supply the total nominal current of the
causes a power loss of 14W. This reduces
Balance. According to the company, these
loads. Such a design requires that both
the system’s efficiency, causes additional
power supplies provide two advantages: a
units are decoupled. If the units are not
costs for cooling the cabinets and reduces
significantly lower power loss and an equal
decoupled, there is the risk that if one
the life of other components in the cabinet
load on both units.
power supply unit has a short circuit in the
because of the high temperatures.
output, the other one that will have the
Power supply systems are often designed
redundantly so that systems and machines continue working even during
same failure.
Extending efficiency
failures. However, when entire systems are
Another disadvantage of this system is
that the two power supply units are under
uneven stress. If the load current is not
regulated by a diode module, one of the
redundant, including the load, they are
In conventional systems, partially redun-
power supply units delivers the complete
expensive. Therefore, partially redundant
dant systems are created with diode
load current while the other is idle. This
systems offer a much more cost-effective
modules that decouple the power supply
can significantly reduce the life of the
thermally stressed unit.
Power supply systems are often designed redundantly
so that systems and machines continue working even
during failures
The active redundancy module operates
based on MOSFET technology which
considerably reduces the power loss. With
a load of two 10A and a perfect balance
16 www.pbsionthenet.net
between the two power supplies, the
power loss will only reach 1.3W. Compared to a power loss of 14W with
conventional diode modules, this
The redundancy modules can be integrated into an
existing MICO power distribution system using a
practical bridge system
represents huge savings!
Striving for equality
it can have severe consequences. For
to MB Redundancy Balance. The redun-
example, it may be necessary to decom-
dancy modules can be integrated into an
mission or shut down the plant. MB
existing MICO power distribution system
The integrated regulation feature makes
Redundancy Balance enables excitation
using a practical bridge system, without
sure that each of the power sup-plies
systems to make sure that the redundantly
requiring much wiring work or risking
delivers half of the load current so that
designed power supply units are working
wiring errors. It has become an essential
both components are working with equal
with equal and consistent loads. This
component of power supply systems at
loads. If, for example, an output current
increases the unit’s life and makes
the Swiss company, because it increases
of 10A is required, both units deliver 5A
maintenance work easier to schedule. The
the reliability and fault tolerance of the
each. This increases their life considera-
fact that the internal consumption is
excitation systems in power plants
bly and makes it possible to significantly
considerably lower than conventional
designed by ABB. “Since we have been
reduce the maintenance. If one of the
diode modules is proven by lower energy
using MICO, 24V earth faults and short
units fails, MB Redundancy Balance
costs in the long run, says the company.
circuits no longer cause total system
failures”, says Tobias Keller, vice president,
ensures that the power required for
operation is delivered by the unit that is
A conventional diode module does not
Excitation Products and Technology, ABB
still working. The component also sends
regulate the load current of the power
Switzerland. MICO has benefits financially.
a message to the control and enables
supplies (24V DC, 10A), meaning that two
Keller explains: “When changing over from
fast troubleshooting.
units can work under an uneven load, for
conventional circuit breakers to MICO,
example one power supply with a
product costs rose for a short time.
Many of ABB’s customers are energy
temperature of 75°C can operate while the
However, thanks to the lower total
supply companies. The excitation systems
other is idle.
operation costs, the initial increase was
product line now relies on the MB
Redundancy Balance. All power plants
Current monitoring
more than compensated.” This is, says the
company, proof that an integrated and
strategic approach pays off.
designed with this product line feature
redundant power supply systems (24V
For many years, ABB Switzerland
DC) because it increases the operational
excitation systems product line has relied
MB Redundancy Balance ensures
reliability in power plants during generator
on MICO, Murrelektronik’s intelligent load
equal loads on both power supply
excitation. This is very important because
circuit control that monitors the 24V DC
units with integrated regulation.
if the control voltage in a power plant fails,
control voltage. The modules are matched
www.pbsionthenet.net 17
Design automation
Data continuity, design
automation and System
V combine in design
he challenges
facing today’s
automotive, off-road,
aerospace and
principally cluster
around the need to
constantly reduce
design cycle time
while maintaining or
increasing quality,
explains Dr. Nick
Smith, product
marketing director,
Integrated Electrical
Systems Division,
Mentor Graphics
Figure 1: Every manufacturer wants to reduce that cycle time or “Squeeze the V”.
collaboration both within the manufactur-
V Model
er’s organisation and with suppliers
contributing individual systems and
The Systems Engineering V Model
subsystems. Processes are still very
describes the relationships between each
manual and often document-based, with a
of the design steps and maps these steps
huge reliance on transcription of design
into a time dimension and a design and
data from one step to another. The
validation dimension.
Reduced development time must be
transition from logical connectivity data, to
achieved in the face of growth in both
detailed wiring schematics and then to
The Systems Engineering V-Model shows
electrical content and complexity due to
physical wiring harness designs is an
how the initial step of requirements
customisation. Despite the growth in
example. The integration of electrical and
definition is decomposed, firstly into
customer options and the resulting
mechanical data is another. Design data
permutations, the integration technologies
may originate from both. For example,
required to keep pace with this, and
companies who develop logical systems
manage the on-going changes associated
for integration into a car (an audio system,
with designs, are immature and lagging for
for instance) are often suppliers to the
many manufacturers.
OEM whose principal role is integrate such
systems, while the wiring harness maker is
Efficient systems design demands
almost always a third party.
18 www.pbsionthenet.net
The integration of
electrical and mechanical data is another.
Design data may originate from both
Data must flow in greater volume, both
within and across the design domains, to
increase the transparency between steps
in the design, and to navigate and support
design changes across design steps in a
secure and managed way. This is “digital
continuity”. The aspiration is to achieve
100% data flow between steps, but it has
not yet been achieved by the industry.
For design automation, the transition from
managing documents to working with
design data packages affords software
Figure 2: Squeezing the V demands improvements in many areas of the
developers opportunity to help automate
design and validation.
the processes associated with design.
This improves productivity but most
importantly, it improves the “cor-
individual features and then the functions
continuity and design automation.
rect-by-construction” nature of the
that implement these. Those functions
resulting design. If elements of a design
must be clustered into systems and
Tools such as Capital enable organisations
step are automated and the design data
allocated to physical devices or on-vehicle
to manage electrical data at a platform
responds to pre-defined design rules and
software. The logical designs are associ-
level through all of the System V Model
process constraints, it will create results
ated with a mechanical definition of the
transitions it must make from concept to
that are by definition, correct for the
overall vehicle and then interconnected
build and service.
requirement. Automation of design also
with a physical wiring system which is
ultimate partitioned into harnesses that
can be made and installed. Once sold,
the vehicle will require servicing across its
useful life and eventually be dismantled,
which is a key distinction between the life
cycle of a vehicle versus an electronic
component like an IC or a PCB. It must be
planned for to protect company image.
The ‘V’ cycle also has a timeline strongly
tied to it and a major objective of every
manufacturer is to reduce that cycle time
- or “Squeeze the V”. The payback for
squeezing the V can reduce time-to-market, cost and an increase in quality (see
Figure 1). If time-to-market is good
enough (i.e faster than competitors’) then
reducing cycle times allows time for more
design iterations to achieve greater cost or
quality optimisation, which in turn will
reduce warranty costs and enhance brand
Squeezing the V demands improvements
in many areas of design and validation.
Figure 3: The engine automatically generates optimal wiring for all vehicle
Fundamental to a better process is data
www.pbsionthenet.net 19
checks ensure design compliance before
releasing the data to build.
Additional functionality extends the electrical
design automation capabilities. The
synthesis process allows electrical architects
to perform optimisation using highly detailed
models at the earliest stage. Data continuity
between multiple steps in the design
process simplify the implementation and validation of design changes. Design data can
be rapidly processed for manufacturing
design information, including costing. Data
continuity allows engineers to create service
documents directly from the original wiring
and mechanical data without the need for a
Figure 4: Key foundations provided by the concepts of data-continuity and
design automation.
manual transcription.
The challenges facing today’s manufacturers
reduces the amount of validation required,
ensures that specification and design data
are driving the need to reduce design cycle
bringing the right-hand side of the V closer
from multiple sources can be integrated and
time while increasing quality. This must be
to vertical and reducing cycle time.
the design synthesis “engine” automates the
achieved at the same time as both electrical
process of detailed design. Results are
content and the resulting electrical complexi-
In Capital, the know-how of electrical design
correct-by-construction, as they comply with
ty grow. These challenges are driving the
experts can be codified into a rule deck and
the rules established within the design tool,
development of a new generation of
applied to all designs, improving consistency
reducing time and effort required during the
electrical design tools designed from the
and quality. The key steps in creating the
validation phase of the System V. The
outset with an IT architecture that facilitates
electrical design follow:
electrical design can be further validated
data continuity, design automation and
resilient integrations with adjacent systems
In Capital, the know-how of electrical design experts can
be codified into a rule deck and applied to all designs,
improving consistency and quality.
such as MCAD, and PLM applications.
Tools such as Capital enable organisations
to manage electrical data at a platform level
through all of the “System V Model”
Vehicle sub-systems such as braking, audio,
using integrated simulation tools to calculate
transitions it must make from concept to
and power distribution are captured as
correct wire sizing and to perform behaviour
build and service. Electrical design data can
logical connectivity. These multiple sub-sys-
validation such as FMEA (failure mode
be created and managed in a more
tems are then collected and integrated into a
effects analysis).
controlled fashion, where automation and
2D view that has been electronically generated from the 3D mechanical design (see
Synthesis models
Figure 3).
validation support the electrical engineering
activities at every step. Integration with other
enterprise systems allow Capital to act in the
After the wiring specification has been
role of an ePLM system that manages all
Using this data, and the customer and
generated and validated, the wiring data is
aspects of electrical engineering data, both
engineering options registered for this
merged with the 3D harness definition, and
at a day-to-day, work in progress level and
vehicle, the synthesis engine automatically
2D harness diagrams are automatically
a “release” level for manufacturing and
generates optimal wiring for all vehicle
generated. All mechanical components are
archiving in corporate vaulting systems.
configurations. Company rules are used
synchronised between 3D and 2D, resulting
throughout the process of synthesis and
in a complete definition for each harness in
While the surface attractions of Capital are
form the basis for final verification of the
the vehicle. The harness engineer then takes
its powerful engineering functions, it is
design upon completion. This ‘Generative
over and completes the specification,
important to appreciate that the underlying
Design’ process represents a huge step
automatically selecting part numbers and
data management system that allows it to
forward in the way electrical platform
performing calculations. A final set of
help transform the way platform level
engineering is achieved – data continuity
standard and user-defined design rule
engineering can be carried out today.
20 www.pbsionthenet.net
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A bright future for
indoor lighting control
ew generation
lighting solutions
offer unrivalled control
of indoor lighting
systems throughout
buildings and across
multiple sites. With the
installation of these new
solutions designers,
manufacturers and
installers will ensure the
managers of building
systems have the
technology at their
fingertips to deliver
significant energy
savings, substantial
reductions in CO2
emissions and remote
control over every light
on their site.
Through the development of similar wireless
technology. Individual lights and groups of
The benefits of indoor lighting control
systems to those offered in the exterior
lights can be easily configured into the
solutions which are completely customisa-
market, that use the open protocol ZigBee
system and then monitored for energy
ble to user requirements are endless. In the
mesh network, a new generation of indoor
consumption, dim status and potential
outdoor market, wireless technology has
lighting monitoring and control solutions
lamp failure. With data from this detailed
been developed to offer such a system.
has been developed which address these
monitoring the new generation solutions
However before this technology can be
can then create a ‘heat map’ of energy
transferred to the much larger indoor
usage across the site at different times
lighting market a number of challenges
Intelligent new generation controls give
allowing for energy saving strategies to be
need to be overcome, including the
users the opportunity to monitor and
designed and implemented.
difficulties associated with commissioning a
control all aspects of their lighting system
system and monitoring its performance.
from a remote base through wireless
22 www.pbsionthenet.net
Lighting control systems have had a
significant impact on the outdoor market,
of the borough at the touch of a button.
where they are widely deployed in bor-
Configuring a DALI or Analogue control
system can be extremely complex and time
oughs and cities across the world. As street
Costs can also be reduced through the
consuming taking several days to com-
lighting typically accounts for 40% of a local
ability to assess the status of each light on
plete. The costs of this can become
authority’s energy bill the installation of
the system remotely, eliminating the need
prohibitive when the daily fees, of between
these intelligent systems can help local
for time-consuming night scouting expedi-
£600 and £1,000, commanded by
authorities to substantially reduce energy
tions, and enabling the most time-effective
specialist DALI engineers, are taken into
costs and boost their green credentials, as
maintenance schedules. And the substan-
consideration. In new builds configuration
well as allowing maintenance engineers to
tial energy savings, reductions in CO2
may be carried out before the exact
implement more effective maintenance
Local authorities are faced with rising
energy prices; more stringent legislation on
carbon emissions, including that enforced
through the Climate Change Act that
requires them to reduce 80% of their
Of all the controllable light sold in Europe today 75% are
not being controlled by anything other than an on/off
switch. The potential to make savings is undeniable when
considering the fact that the highest single contributor to
commercial electricity consumption in the UK is lighting,
which accounts for 41% of all electricity used.
carbon emissions by 2050; and increasing
budget restraints. In this climate, a cost-effective solution, such as Harvard Engineer-
emissions and lower maintenance costs
occupancy patterns are known. Based on
ing’s LeafNut, that can deliver proven
can now be transferred to the much larger
assumptions prior to occupation energy
savings of £46 per street light per year, an
indoor lighting market through the evolution
saving strategies employed will not be
annual carbon saving of 100kg per light is a
in new generation control and monitoring
tailored to the specific needs of users and
powerful tool for any organisation wishing
therefore the energy efficiency will be far
to seize control of its energy consumption.
from optimised.
Of all the controllable light sold in Europe
Easy to install into new street lights or
today 75% are not being controlled by
Once the system is operational and the
retrofit to existing ones LeafNut gives
anything other than an on/off switch. The
building in full use the early generation
managers the ability to remotely control the
potential to make savings is undeniable
systems did not have the capability to
light intensity of individual lamps or groups
when considering the fact that the highest
monitor their own performance. Without
of lamps in different areas. For example
single contributor to commercial electricity
this data the most energy efficient operating
lights may be dimmed during the night in
consumption in the UK is lighting, which
levels could not be ascertained and the
residential areas whilst at the same time
accounts for 41% of all electricity used.
argument for re-commissioning, which
kept at full intensity at busy road junctions.
Taking control of light, especially in the
would enable a more efficient strategy,
This helps to reduce energy consumption
increasing number of mixed-use develop-
could not be made.
and maintain residents’ safety. All lights can
ments, in which retail, offices and residential
be brought back to full intensity in any part
space are controlled through the same
The new generation indoor lighting control
system, requires an intelligent, flexible
and monitoring systems address these
issues in a number of ways, namely by
Local authorities are
faced with rising energy prices; more stringent legislation on
carbon emissions,
including that enforced
through the Climate
Change Act that requires them to reduce
80% of their carbon
emissions by 2050; and
increasing budget
employing the latest technology in wireless
The change from traditional light sources,
networked control systems, software user
such as the inefficient incandescent or
interfaces and data monitoring and
tungsten halogen lights or difficult to control
fluorescent lights, to LEDs can help save
energy. When a control system is added to
By using wireless technology the need for
the installation though, LEDs are able to
re-wiring an existing building is eliminated,
deliver optimum energy savings and
thus making it a cost-effective option for
controllability. However the early generation
retrofitting into existing sites as part of an
control systems, such as DALI and
upgrade to LED technology. Wireless
Analogue 1-10V, encountered a number of
technology also enables engineers to check
issues that needed to be addressed – chal-
the status of individual lights remotely from
lenges which new generation systems
a computer, laptop or tablet, without visiting
the site to investigate the wiring infrastruc-
www.pbsionthenet.net 23
ture therefore eliminating many of the
phone. The user-friendly Graphic User Inter-
100 users across the world and adapted it
re-commissioning issues associated with
face (GUI) then has the ability to map each
for the indoor lighting market. The recently
wired systems.
light within the system.
launched EyeNut wireless indoor lighting
control and monitoring solution is now set
The open protocol ZigBee mesh network
Once installed, a new generation system
to revolutionise the indoor lighting market
offers robust protection against communi-
offers unparalleled control and monitoring
just as the LeafNut system has in the
cation breakdown between two devices on
capabilities. By gathering data on dim
outdoor lighting market.
the network. The adoption of such a
status, potential lamp failure and energy
system addresses the security concerns
usage the system can then create a ‘heat
EyeNut adapts the wireless technology
that may have caused nervousness with
map’ of energy consumption, by individual
used in LeafNut to meet the specific
earlier wireless systems. Further network
light and groups of lights. This allows
requirements of the indoor market to
security concerns can be alleviated with the
managers to adjust the light intensity at the
overcome the challenges faced by the early
adoption of remote server hosting, for
touch of a button to suit requirements.
generation lighting controls, including the
example with the provider of the control
Small reductions will be undetectable by
difficulties in commissioning due to the
system. In addition, by using the wireless
the human eye but capable of delivering
prohibitive costs of specialised consultants
protocol these new systems create the
substantial savings over time or lights may
and re-wiring. Its ingenious open protocol
exciting possibility of controlling multi-sites
be dimmed further when an area is not in
ZigBee mesh network not only addresses
or multiple buildings from a single hub.
use. Alongside dimming, the systems use a
the system security concerns but also
number of further energy efficiency
allows for the exciting possibility of
The recognition and addressing of individual
strategies, often simultaneously, such as
multi-site or multiple building control from a
lights within a scheme is one of the most
daylight harvesting, occupancy, time
single remote hub. And its intuitive GUI
time-consuming tasks associated with
scheduling, scene setting and load
offers users a completely customisable
commissioning existing lighting control
shedding to save energy and offer dynamic
system with which to monitor and then
systems. The new generation controls
control to managers.
control their energy consumption whilst at
overcome this challenge through the use of
the same time offering creative and
RFID functionality which can be used to
Harvard Engineering has taken the wireless
scan-in each luminaire using a RFID
technology employed in the LeafNut
scanner or an App on a tablet or smart-
system, which has been installed by over
24 www.pbsionthenet.net
dynamic control over their lit environment.
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IP ratings and what
you need to know
anufacturers of
enclosures are
required to provide an
IP rating for every
product, which allows
designers and
installers to ensure that
they select the correct
product for each
application. But what
exactly do all the
numbers mean? and
how can you be sure
you have made the
correct choice? Chris
Lloyd, General
Manager for Spelsberg
els UK, offers an
insight into IP ratings
and how it affects
product selection.
they now provide engineers with a
required. eg: IP4X specifies that protection
convenient, practical way to compare
against the 1.0mm probe is required and
levels of sealing. This standard describes a
that there is no requirement for the
system for classifying the degrees of
protection from the ingress of water.
protection provided by the enclosures of
According to current IEE Wiring Regula-
electrical equipment and is displayed in a
tions, BS7671, an enclosure, which is
standard format, IP56, for example.
readily accessible, must maintain an IP
rating of IP4X for horizontal top surfaces,
The first digit in the rating is the protection
in order to prevent small items falling
against contact with dangerous parts and
through and coming into contact with live
solid bodies. The second digit in the rating
is the level of protection against the
harmful ingress of water. In some cases
there may be a third digit which relates to
the protection of an enclosure against
Technically, IP stands for International
external mechanical damage, this
Protection, but is more commonly known
classification is not covered by EN 60529
as Ingress Protection and is a set of
but is covered by EN 50102. The full list
ratings designed to provide a reliable
of ratings for all three factors is shown in
standard for determining the level of
the tables below.
protection offered by an enclosure against
solid objects and water. These ratings are
The letter ‘X’ is used in place of the first or
defined by the international standard
second numeral by equipment manufac-
EN 60529.
turers to indicate that tests are not
applicable to the product. It is also used in
Although these ratings were initially
standards to indicate that for the range of
developed as a way to classify enclosures,
products covered such protection is not
26 www.pbsionthenet.net
A specialised IP69K
rating is available for
applications which
require protection
against not only the
ingress of dust but also
high temperature, high
pressure water – making products with this
certification ideal for
use in conditions where
equipment must be
carefully sanitized.
For the purpose of most applications the
rating system goes up to IP68, which
provides complete protection from ingress
when fully submerged (though statically
fixed) in water of up to 10m in depth.
However, a specialised IP69K rating is
Not only is specifying a higher degree of protection often
more expensive, it can also be less suitable for a particular
application. For instance, ventilation or pressure compensation devices can reduce the possibility of internal condensation caused by changes in air temperature and humidity.
available for applications which require
protection against not only the ingress of
Drainage holes may be sufficient to disperse
Enclosures of moulded materials are
dust but also high temperature, high
the condensate, but these apertures may
available for use in harsh environments
pressure water – making products with
reduce the IP rating, however, if correctly
and generally provide good resistance
this certification ideal for use in conditions
designed, drainage holes can enhance the
to corrosion and chemicals. However to
where equipment must be carefully
weatherproof capabilities of an enclosure.
avoid deterioration, careful considera-
tion is required when choosing moulded
It is important that enclosures are properly
enclosures as some materials do not
The adoption of this classification system
designed for the application and most
perform well with dilute acids or certain
promotes uniformity in methods of
enclosure suppliers should be able to help
chemicals or when exposed to ultra
describing the protection provided by the
with this. Spelsberg, for example, has
violet light (direct sun light). The vast
enclosure and in the tests to prove the
in-house design and manufacturing
range of moulding materials now
various degrees of protection. The
expertise and can ensure that every aspect
available makes it essential for specifiers
product’s IP rating ensures that the person
of the design is considered before suggest-
to consult the manufacturer for informa-
specifying a project knows that the
ing one of the 4,000 items in the standard
tion on the ability of moulded materials
product is protected from particles or dust
range or providing a bespoke, engineered
to withstand hostile environments.
or water that may be present in the
solution. This ensures that issues such as
environment where the product is to be
ventilation and drainage are catered for and
When specifying electrical enclosures or
non-standard cable entries are accommo-
junction boxes then all of the above
dated while still maintaining the required IP
mentioned points are very important
rating for the installation.
considerations to ensure the correct
Despite the rating system giving an
accurate and reliable indication of the level
enclosure is selected for the required
of protection an enclosure supplies, it is
It should be noted that IP ratings are for
application, at best a poor specification
very common to see enclosures being
ingress only and that tests are comparative
choice will lead to unnecessary cost,
over specified: ‘just in case’. Not only is
and are conducted with fresh water.
but at worst it could lead to catastrophic
specifying a higher degree of protection
Therefore, they in no way indicate the
failure once installed. It’s always best to
often more expensive, it can also be less
enclosure’s ability to withstand the effects of
speak to an expert who can help to
suitable for a particular application. For
corrosion from salt water, chemicals, acid
specify either a standard enclosure or a
instance, ventilation or pressure compen-
rain and other special environments as well
bespoke version designed to your
sation devices can reduce the possibility of
as the normal expected weather conditions.
individual design requirements.
internal condensation caused by changes
in air temperature and humidity.
Ventilation can provide an important
contribution to the satisfactory operation
of enclosed equipment. Where significant
heat is generated in an enclosure,
ventilation is generally employed to permit
the equipment to operate within its
designed performance characteristics. To
minimise enclosure size and cost it is
common practice to employ natural
ventilation, using louvres and/or vents as
required. Suitably located louvres and/or
vents can provide protection against the
ingress of heavy dust and occasional drips
of condensate falling from above.
www.pbsionthenet.net 27
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Solar power
Addressing the next
generation solar inverter designs
s the solar market matures, electronic
power designers are faced with new
challenges in inverter designs. The older less
efficient two level designs will simply not meet
next generation requirements, nor compete
successfully in the marketplace. Increasing the
efficiency and using a higher switching
frequency is becoming the norm. To add to the
complexity, customers are requesting a higher
DC input voltage to the inverter.
Each of these factors must be carefully
and connections used. By increasing the
balanced to provide the best cost-to-per-
panel array voltage to the system, it
formance ratio to meet tomorrow’s
lowers the total DC current while increas-
challenge of next generation solar
ing the rated power for solar inverter. This
inverters. Vincotech is addressing these
can result in significantly lower costs for
needs designing revolutionary topologies
the DC infrastructure as well as the
while using best-in-class dies and
overall balance of system costs. Since
the power of the solar inverter system is
Inverter trends
limited mainly by the current, the power
Figure 1: parallel switch
can be substantially increased by
increasing the operating voltage, resulting
putting 1500 V inverter pilot projects in
Many customers are looking at ways to
in additional cost savings. This system
the ground. “There are a handful of
reduce overall systems cost, not only in
configuration simplifies the inverter design
companies doing 1500 V inverters and
the inverter, but the number of panels
since a DC boost is not required,
1500 V panels. In another two years,
lowering the cost to the inverter.
that’s where the entire industry will be.”
“All utilities are looking for 1000-V
Higher efficiency
By increasing the panel
array voltage to the
system, it lowers the
total DC current while
increasing the rated
power for solar inverter.
This can result in significantly lower costs for
the DC infrastructure as
well as the overall
balance of system
inverters,” John Skibinski, VP Market
Development, AETI, says. “People have
Beale also says the focus on the techno-
been hesitant to build so large because
logical side of the inverter market has
the National Electric Code (NEC) doesn’t
been to increase efficiencies. “If you’re
mandate them to be that big. So why
not at 98 % or higher these days, you’re
fight the NEC? Such inverters, however,
not competitive. That’s becoming increas-
are standard in Europe, and will eventually
ingly important to engineering, procure-
become standard in the United States.”
ment and construction firms (EPCs) as
they’re looking to price projects.”
Alan Beale, director of sales-and-marketing for San Jose-based REFUsol USA,
Efficiencies are improving for two main
says there are even companies that are
reasons, says Chris Thompson, solar
www.pbsionthenet.net 29
Figure 2: an example of a parallel
Figure 3: a typical parallel gate /
Figure 4 MNPC efficiency vs output
gate / two-gate topology
single-gate topology
business unit manager for Cleve-
power rated inverters – 5 KW to 15 KW.
switch than the IGBT, it must be turned
land-based Eaton Corp. The power
However, as the size in the inverter is
on before the IGBT and then delayed in
semiconductor components and the
increased (i.e. above 15 KW), the MOSFET
turning it off after the IGBT. Typically, this
topologies of inverter have gotten better,
starts to lose its benefits due to it On
is in the range of 100 ns to 200 ns. The
leading to overall improvements in inverter
Resistance (i.e. RDSON). Thus, an IGBT
following solutions are examples to
technology. The race is on for higher
with good high switching frequency
accomplish this:
inverter efficiencies, voltages, controls and
characteristics such as Fairchild’s FGL-
40N120ANDT is now selected.
1 Separate gate signals by two independent drivers. This allows the designer to
fine tune the Parallel Switch in an
Efficiencies are improving for two main reasons, the
power semiconductor components and the topologies of
inverter have gotten better, leading to overall improvements in inverter technology. The race is on for higher
inverter efficiencies, voltages, controls and standards.
optimum fashion while reducing
complexity and design time.
2 Driver with separate gate control for
MOSFET. This will allow the designer to
control the operation between the two
switches. Figure 2 is an example of this
As the market changes from a lower
Although a good alternative, this too has
efficiency of 95 % to a goal of 99 % using
its limitations. The losses and overall
increasing panel voltage, inverter design-
efficiency starts to fall off at higher
ers must look into innovative ways to
frequencies. As the cost of copper has
with a fixed delay. If the designer can
achieve this while keeping costs in check.
significantly increased affecting inductors
determine the best delay between the
Vincotech, has introduced several new
and filters, along with the higher cost of
two switches, he can implement this in a
power modules that address increased
electrolytic capacitors, designers are
discrete fashion. Figure 3 is a typical
efficiency at high power ranges.
looking to use higher switching frequen-
circuit to accomplish this.
The parallel switch
type of circuit.
3 Single Gate control using a simple circuit
cies to reduce these components in size
and the number used. To address this
Vincotech has implemented this advanced
higher frequency requirement, Vincotech
topology in several standard NPC modules
Today’s power designers are looking into
has developed a novel switch – The
including its FZ-P96706NPA045FP a 1200
advanced topologies to meet these new
Parallel Switch (Figure 1). By replacing the
V (600 V x 2), 50 amp, reactive power
demands. The next generation inverter
reverse recovery diode with a smaller
rated module and its FZ06N-
designs now use a three level Neutral
standard MOSFET than rated IGBT, the
PA070FP01-P969 a 1200 V (600 V x 2),
Point Converter (i.e. NPC) approach. This
overall switching losses (both on and off)
70 amp, reactive power rated module.
topology is a proven and reliable design
are further reduced to the IGBT. In
approach which has been used by UPS
addition, the Parallel Switch also aids in
manufactures. Its advantages have also
efficiency in light thru high load ranges.
been published in a number of white
papers. The outer switches are primarily
Gate Control
MOSFETs, needed for their high switching
characteristics. Low saturation IGBT’s are
The designer must take into account the
selected for the inner switches, which
relationship between turning on and off
Figure 5 Topology power loss
switch at line speed. This switch combina-
the MOS-FET in conjunction with the
tion is well suited in low to medium low
IGBT. Since the MOSFET is a faster
30 www.pbsionthenet.net
Figure 8: Ultra Fast High Voltage
The line of advanced topology modules offer
the designer a wide range of both power and
configurations including both single phase (Figure
The packaging design used in these
6) and integrated three phase types (Figure 7
modules offer a low inductive interface for
integration into a three phase system while
allowing a flexible assembly for better thermal
Efficiency at higher
High efficiency
Vincotech is addressing the need to
Three Phase (3X flowSCREW 4w)
The Parallel Switch concept can be further
increase efficiency at a high power range
70-612M3A300SC 1200 V / 300 A
extended by using 1200 V components.
– Mixed Neutral Point Converter - flow-
70-612M3A400SC 1200 V / 400 A
Although 1200 components have higher
MNPC 4w, i.e. “wide-body.” These new
70-612M3A600SC-M200E 1200 V / 600 A
losses in comparison to 600 V rated types,
lines of modules offer the benefits of:
The 3xflowSCREW 4w modules offer the
using a small Silicon Carbide MOSFET in
• High Efficiency >99 % @ 8 KHz
designer an integrated approach with a high
parallel with the IGBT increases the
• Supports up to 250 kW output power
power screw interface.
switching efficiency of the outer switches.
Selecting two 1200 V low saturation IGBT’s
for the inner switches, the stack now can
withstand high voltage inputs (> 1500 V).
This is a much lower cost solution versus
with superior switching behavior.
• Reducing output filter sizes, while
reducing losses by >50 %.
In addition to this product line, Vincotech is
also introducing an ultra-fast, high-voltage
• Reduced electromagnet noise by
>50 %
module: 70- W624N3A320SH-M400F. This
module is capable of 2400 V@400 A
using larger Silicon Carbide MOSFETS in the
• Reduced module losses by >50 %.
buck switch section. Using Vincotech’s
• Ultra Low Inductance (typ 5 nH),
flowSOL simulator along with its highly
allowing switching frequencies of
Utilising Vincotech’s packaging technology
accurate database of components, the
20 KHz or higher.
– a very low inductance (5 nH) complete
efficiency for this advanced technology at
(i.e. 260 kVA).
three-phase inverter power module offers the
higher switching speeds can be seen in the
This new line of advanced topology
designer flexibility, ease of use, less design
following table:
modules offer the designer a wide range
time, and tested reliability. This further
of both power and configurations
reduces product launch cost to the inverter
Although the switching frequency increases,
including both single phase and integrat-
the total efficiency of the module remains
ed three phase types.
practically the same from 12 KHz (98.78 %)
to 20 KHz (98.711 %).
Single Phase (1X flowscrew4w)
As inverter companies start to address
tomorrow’s new solar systems requirements
M208P 1200 V /
to stay competitive, designers are faced with
300 A
using best-in-class power modules, while
keeping costs in check. New power modules
M209P 1200 V /
offered by Vincotech are here today to meet
400 A
these demands for the inverter designer.
70-212NMA600SCM200P 1200 V /
600 A
Mark Steinmetz, Field Applications
Engineer, Vincotech GmbH
www.pbsionthenet.net 31
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Test and measurement
Testing power electronics systems;
which measuring instrument
is best to use and when?
he performance of
system is not just
determined by the
performance of its
individual components.
With today’s increased
incorporation of power
electronics and
switching devices in
overall system design,
it is often not sufficient
merely to measure the
power consumption
and performance of
these components in
order to understand
the overall
performance and
behaviour of a system.
Fig.1. Schematic of power train of a hybrid electric vehicle
power electronics systems, it is useful to
signals in 3-phase systems). The Yokoga-
look at the various stages in the develop-
wa DLM4000 Series mixed-signal oscillo-
ment of a power electronics product,
scope (MSO) for example, is an 8-channel
which can be summarised as:
instrument featuring exceptionally long
• Architecture and design
memory (up to 125 M points), allowing
• Verification and prototyping
both long recordings and multiple wave-
• Efficiency validation.
forms to be acquired. It is also available
In order to consider the testing require-
with optional firmware that enables it to be
ments for each of these stages, it is useful
used as a high-performance 3-phase
to look at specific application examples,
power analyser, with the eight channels
starting with the typical automotive electric
allowing voltages and currents to be
drive system shown in Fig.1.
individually measured and displayed
alongside derived values. With this option,
At the architecture and design stage, the
the instrument offers automated measure-
important areas to consider in the test
ment of power parameters for up to four
process are the fact that the system
pairs of voltage and current waveforms.
consists of a number of individual parts
These values can then be statistically
The key factors required in testing an electric drive are
power analysis, conversion efficiency, harmonic measurement, and the battery charge/discharge process.
Increasingly, there is a need for accurate
measurement of both the power behaviour
of the applied power electronics and other
and that key factors in the selection of a
processed and calculated to provide peak,
inter-related electrical and physical
test instrument include fast inverter
average and root-mean-square values,
parameters. This article describes some
switching, high-frequency dynamic
along with many other parameters such as
practical scenarios in which different types
behaviour, overshoot on pulses, and the
power factor and q-factor.
of measurement are required and de-
need to trigger on individual waveforms.
scribes and compares some of the
measurement tools that are available.
Moving on to efficiency validation, the key
Measurements of this type require an
factors required in testing an electric drive
oscilloscope: specifically a mixed-signal
are power analysis, conversion efficiency,
In order to establish the types of measuring
instrument with multiple channels (eight is
harmonic measurement, and the battery
equipment that are required for testing
an ideal number to view input and output
charge/discharge process.
www.pbsionthenet.net 33
For tests of this type, the instrument of
requires the measurement and analysis of
data acquisition recorder, it incorporates
choice is the power analyser, offering high
a combination of electrical, mechanical
isolated input channels enabling it to
precision, high accuracy, high stability, and
and physical signals and, in automotive
handle a wide range of power measure-
the ability to carry out calibrated measure-
applications, signals from buses such as
ments, and captures high-resolution
ments. Instruments of this type can
CAN/LIN. These results then have to be
details with 12 or 16 bit A/D converters. It
perform up to six power input measure-
processed with various calculations being
also incorporates a large-capacity (up to
ments, which makes it possible to carry
carried out to produce trend displays,
two gigapoints) memory which will allow it
out efficiency tests between the input and
which in turn are combined into a single
to measure continuously for up to 200
days, while still capturing transient events
at data-capture rates of up to 100 MS/s
For industrial welding robots additional parameters have
to be taken into account, including positioning, temperature, and signals from the control system.
(megasamples per second).
Using flexible modular inputs, the instrument combines measurements of
electrical signals, physical (sensors) and
output of products such as inverters. They
measurement overview from which it
CAN/LIN serial buses. Users can choose
can also accurately measure highly
becomes possible to find relationships and
from 17 input modules to configure a
distorted voltage or current waveforms
interactions between different parts of the
ScopeCorder up to 128 channels, and can
with high harmonic content. Harmonic
drive system acting alongside one another.
gain a thorough insight into any application
analysis can be carried out up to the
500th order from a 50 or 60 Hz funda-
Dynamic behaviour
by synchronising the measurement of
different types of electrical and physical
mental frequency. This facility is especially
important for measurements on new
For this type of measurement, providing a
power conversion and power electronics
unique insight into the dynamic behaviour
devices. A dual harmonic measurement
of a system, a relatively new class of
function makes it possible to simultane-
portable instrument known as a Scope-
ously measure the harmonic content and
Corder provides a convenient solution. As
Today, ScopeCorders are widely used in
perform harmonic analysis on two different
its name implies, it combines the features
industries such as automotive and
sources, such as the input and output of
of an oscilloscope and a data-acquisition
aerospace where measurements of
an inverter or variable-speed motor drive.
physical quantities need to be displayed
and analysed alongside electrical signals.
The normal power parameters and
harmonic data are measured simultane-
As an oscilloscope, it measures wave-
Their potential range of applications in
ously, providing for faster and more
forms and captures events, as well as
power electronics measurements,
accurate power analysis.
analysing waveform parameters and
however, is greatly increased by the
providing the ability to calculate and trigger
availability of a new instrument (DL850E)
on power-related values in real-time. As a
with capabilities for the real-time measure-
Fig 2 shows the same drive system as
depicted in Fig 1, but with a number of
additional parameters and measurement
points that are necessary to gain a deeper
insight into the overall application and the
interactions that can occur between the
various electrical, mechanical and physical
parameters involved. These might include
inputs from rotary encoders, sensor
outputs that require signal processing or
linearisation, and derived electrical units
such as real power, energy used or RMS
Fig 2. Key electrical and physical parameters involved in testing the power train
A deeper insight into an application
34 www.pbsionthenet.net
quality of power supplied and the quality
of the weld. Hence it is vital to measure
inverter efficiency and performance,
including harmonics, using a power meter
as an aid to quality control.
For industrial welding robots, on the other
hand, additional parameters have to be
taken into account, including positioning,
temperature, and signals from the control
system (typically CAN based). Here, the
ScopeCorder can provide quality
assurance by combining electrical,
Fig 3. The Yokogawa ScopeCorder DL850E and Dl850EV (Vehicle Edition)
physical and control bus parameters and
provide trending and triggering on power
ment and analysis of electrical power (Fig 3).
addresses this requirement by providing a
thorough insight into the dynamic
Wind Power
By default, the ScopeCorder is equipped
behaviour of the electromechanical
with a set of basic arithmetic mathematical
system. The result is a considerable
functions such as addition, subtraction,
saving of time saved compared to other
Renewable energy in the form of wind
division, multiplication, fast Fourier
approaches such as analysis on a PC or
power is a typical application area
transformation and other computations. In
the use of other software. This unit is also
combining mechanical and electrical
the DL850E, however, several real-time
designed for use with vehicle batteries to
measurements. Here a power analyser
options are available, including the
enable in-vehicle testing.
would be used to measure the efficiency
of energy conversion and parameters
real-time measurement of electrical power.
It is this area of vehicle testing that
such as voltage harmonics, while a
With this capability, the instrument can
provides some of the more difficult
ScopeCorder would analyse dynamic
carry out trend calculations such as active
challenges to the test engineer. For
behaviour using real-time power meas-
power, power factor, integrated power and
example, during the start-up of an
urement on voltages and currents
harmonics, using a dedicated digital signal
electric motor, the waveform cycle time
(including voltage gaps and other
processor (DSP) that is able to calculate
and the active power vary for each cycle.
abnormal events, temperatures in
and display up to 125 types of electrical
Fig 4 shows how a ScopeCorder in
bearings, vibration and strain, generator
power-related parameters in real-time.
conjunction with a power analyser can
speeds, control signals, and blade pitch
This enables the user not only to display
be used to measure the starting voltage
control. The instrument’s monitoring and
raw waveform signals such as voltages
and current, with CAN Bus signals in the
triggering capabilities enable simultane-
and currents along with calculated power
form of dbc- files being loaded into the
ous data transfer and capture, event
parameters but also to trigger on any or all
recording, AC wave window measure-
of them. The data updating rate is up to
100 kS/s. Trend waveforms of each order
Industrial welding
of harmonics, bar-graphs and vector
ments, and power quality assessment
– all with the potential benefits of portability and unattended operation.
displays can be displayed, and both RMS
In industrial welding systems, there is a
and power analysis modes are available.
trend for transformers to be replaced by
inverters, and there is a link between the
Kelvin Hagebeuk, Yokogawa Test &
A vehicle edition of the ScopeCorder is
designed for engineers working in the
automotive and railway industries. A
common measurement challenge is to
combine measurements of electrical
signals, physical performance parameters,
indicated by sensors, together with
CAN- or LIN-bus data transmitted by the
Fig 4. Using a DL850EV ScopeCorder in conjunction with A WT1800 power
powertrain management system. The Sco-
analyser for tests on a hybrid electric vehicle.
peCorder DL850EV Vehicle Edition
www.pbsionthenet.net 35
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Murrelektronik’s suite of product
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and company insights are all available
on You Tube and well worth a look. The
new CONNECTIVITY video can also be
found at
is a customised solution that saves time
To arrange an initial on site visit
and money.
with a CONNECTIVITY Consultant
Graham Traill, UK based CONNECTIVITY
0161 728 3133 or visit
Consultant said “Starting with an initial
on-site analysis, we will review your current electrical installation, discuss your
The video very effectively demonstrates
specific requirements and work with
the more complex CONNECTIVITY
you to create a customized solution for
Concept. In short, by working together
your system. By analyzing your entire
with a CONNECTIVITY Consultant,
process, we aim to reduce control
Murrelektronik customers benefit from a
system installation costs by up to 30%
high level of specialist knowledge and
and improve the competitiveness of
cross-industry expertise. The end result
your machines. No matter where you
36 www.pbsionthenet.net
Medical technology
Bearings meet tough demands
of medical and dental applications
he demands made
upon bearings in
medical and dental
applications are such
that developments are
always at the leading
edge of technology.
While Barden
produces many
special designs for
demanding aerospace
applications, these
demands are usually
equalled, and in some
cases, exceeded by
those placed on
medical and dental
applications, explains
Nick Dowding,
Development Manager
at Barden UK.
Barden’s special design for bearings used
In order to provide effective lubrication
under these operating conditions is a
under extreme X-ray conditions, Barden
cartridge style full complement one,
utilises advanced surface engineering
incorporating a flanged shaft with integral
technologies such as plasma and
races to which the target anode is
ion-beam assisted deposition. Working
attached. A separate flange manufactured
closely with specialist organisations in
of lower thermal conductivity material,
these fields, Barden is developing a range
which can be welded to the shaft in order
of advanced solid lubricants, some, 2000
to reduce heat transfer from the anode,
times thinner than a human hair, to
complements this arrangement. The
complement its high temperature X-ray
bearings also have controlled axial
bearing materials.
clearance in order to compensate for
thermal growth at the elevated temperatures at which they operate. In addition,
Flexible surgical
In medical applications, it doesn’t get any
the design meets specific application
tougher for bearings than in an X-ray
requirements with either solid or spring
Super precision bearings are also helping
machine. Here, special X-ray tube
preloaded spacers that separate the
surgeons to perform intricate laser surgery
bearings are used to support the spinning
bearing outer rings.
on patients.
X-ray anode, operating at speeds in
excess of 10,000 rpm under harsh
conditions. In addition to withstanding the
passage of high voltage, the bearings
must also operate in a vacuum environment down to 10-8 torr and at tempera-
The slightest deviation of the laser beam from the centre
of the arm will cause operational problems at the handpiece. A small angular deviation of more than 1mm over a
2-3m length can cause large errors in accuracy.
tures of 400 to 500oC.
www.pbsionthenet.net 37
All surgical flexible laser arm units have a
Precision bearings are critical in ensuring
In surgical procedures, the operator of the
similar basic structure. The flexible arm is
that the laser beam maintains its position
sawing tool will undoubtedly have to put a
connected to a vertical pillar. This in turn is
throughout the length of the system. A
relatively large load on the ball bearings.
connected to the main body of the
typical surgical arm will require bearings for
Since the tool might be used to saw through
system, which contains the controls and
articulated joints that guarantee no more
bone or to cut through tendons, muscles,
display panel, as well as a firing tube
than 5 microns of radial run out. These
cartilage and other bodily tissues, the
system that contains the CO2 molecules
bearings therefore need to be manufactured
operating environment for the bearings is
to be “lased”. The flexible arm normally
to at least ABEC 7 standards, sometimes to
very harsh. Typically, the bearings are
requires two or three articulated joints to
ABEC 9 (ISO P2). Rotational accuracy of the
located close to the end of the cutting tool,
give it the freedom of motion it requires. A
bearings is also important, which means
often working inside the patient’s body and
set of precision mirrors are positioned at
providing a smooth running, low friction, low
so resistance to acids and other corrosive
each articulated joint and the pillar, which
noise bearing that is lubricated for life.
media is critical.
direct the laser beam in a unidirectional,
straight line, from the firing tube at the
base of the system, through to the end of
the flexible arm, where the hand-piece is
Surgical cutting and
drilling tools
Power tool manufacturers therefore require
bearings that are both compact enough to
fit into the slender design of the tool, but
located, which in turn focuses the laser
As well as flexible arms, the latest
also able to cope with the high loads and
beam onto the patient.
handheld cutting and drilling tools used in
relatively high operating speeds (up to
surgical procedures also require super
80,000rpm) involved. In addition, the
precision bearings in order to ensure that
bearings will have to withstand the corrosive,
The surgeon requires complete freedom of
slightly acidic operating environment inside
the patient’s body.
As well as being required to operate at speeds up to 500,000
rpm, repeated sterilisation of the hand-piece and the continued build up of lubrication and operating debris can cause
these bearings to fail more quickly than expected.
Resistance to temperature is also critical. As
surgical tools require regular sterilisation in
autoclaves, the bearings must be designed
to withstand temperatures up to around
140°C. Most bearing designs for surgical
movement of the hand-piece, which is
they meet their performance standards
cutting tools are manufactured in corro-
provided by the articulated joints in the
and expected life.
sion-resistant 440C stainless steel, which
flexible arm. However, this flexibility creates
provides sufficient resistance to cleaning
a potential problem for the laser beam,
These tools are now more sophisticated,
chemicals and other aggressive acidic
which must travel in a straight line at all
more compact and ergonomic in their
media. The bearings, which are supplied as
times throughout the system, regardless of
design. The type of power tool – whether
either deep groove or angular contact
the movements made by the surgeon.
electric, air or motor-driven – that is used by
configurations, are normally provided with
Typical surgical arms are around 2-3m in
doctors today during surgical procedures,
phenolic cages to provide further resistance
length and so the laser has to maintain its
will normally require super precision ball
to repeated sterilisation cycles.
position at all times. The slightest deviation
bearings, often custom engineered to suit
of the laser beam from the centre of the
the particular demands of the application.
The harsh operating environment for the
arm will cause operational problems at the
bearings also means that protection is
hand-piece. A small angular deviation of
required against any fine particles of soft
more than 1mm over a 2-3m length can
tissue and bone that may penetrate the
cause large errors in accuracy.
contact regions between the balls and the
bearing raceways, which would then lead to
high stress concentrations and could lead to
the eventual failure of the bearing.
In order to counter these problems, Barden
can provide integral shields that are
designed to help retain the lubricant whilst
preventing the ingress of contaminants. This
improved sealing design reduces the critical
gap between the integral shield and the
38 www.pbsionthenet.net
bearing inner ring to 60% of that when compared to conventional
shield and circlip designs. This results in a reduction in operating
noise, greater lubricant retention and improved protection from
contaminants – which leads to a longer life of the cutting tool.
High-speed dental bearings
High speed turbine bearings for dental hand-pieces must also
operate under arduous conditions. As well as being required to
operate at speeds up to 500,000 rpm, repeated sterilisation of the
hand-piece and the continued build up of lubrication and operating
debris can cause these bearings to fail more quickly than expected.
In order to address these adverse operating conditions, Barden has
developed miniature bearings that employ ceramic (Silicone Nitride)
balls. As ceramic balls are 50% lighter than steel balls, the centrifugal
forces generated at operating speeds up to 500,000 rpm in a Dental
Turbine are significantly reduced, providing lower stress levels and
operating temperatures in the ball to race rolling contact zone.
The unique properties of silicone nitride ceramic balls drastically
reduce the predominant cause of raceway surface wear. In conventional bearings, microscopic surface aspirates on the balls and races
will ‘cold weld’ or stick together even under normal lubrication and
load conditions, resulting in wear particles remaining in the bearing
rolling contact zone. This results in adhesive wear.
Lubricant life is also increased if ceramic balls are used, primarily
because less wear particles are produced and held in the rolling
contact zone. These particles cause the lubricant to degrade
particularly under the marginal lubricant condition that often exists in
dental bearings from repeated sterilisation and the build up of debris.
Finally, cage to ball loads are significantly reduced with ceramic balls,
under the conditions of outer ring misalignment, that exist, to some
degree, in the majority of dental bearings mounted in O-rings. As a
result, stress on the bearing cage is lower and wear on the ball
pocket and cage outside diameter are reduced. These factors are
particularly beneficial in prolonging bearing life under repeated
nd Chemclave sterilisation processes, both of which
Autoclave and
ing cage strength.
reduce bearing
Your power, Our experience
Solutions for Power Control,
www.pbsionthenet.net 39
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Product Datafiles
February 2013
in the field
Exloc Instruments are bridging a gap
of safe automation applications with
components that have been develo
specifically for Ex and Hazardous
When using
Ethernet-enabled end
devices in an Ex area,
safe and reliable
network technology
is vital and the
compact network switches and
media converters we offer from
PRIMATION Systemtechnik make
possible to lay both copper and
fibre-optic cables in ATEX Zone 1
Transmission distances of up to
550m (multimode) and 10km (sing
mode, coming soon) enable remo
plant sections to connect to a
central control
system. The network
devices have
integrated, intrinsically safe optical
interfaces in the form
Utilising a bandwidth of 1 Gbit,
there is sufficient capacity to also
transfer signals from high resolution
cameras or full HD terminals. The
devices are designed for use in
temperature ranges from -40 °C
+80 °C and are extremely reliable,
with an MTBF time of over
2,000,000 hours.
c Uk Ltd
For more information contact Exlo
Tel: 01457
New 430 series
Beacon Sounder
Supervision of a large and noisy
assembly or production area can
often be difficult as traditional
smaller sized beacons and
sounders can sometime be
The new 430 series offers a range
of LED lights, permanent, flash,
rotating and the strobe-like EVS
The integral sounder has a
massive output adjustable up to
105dB with 32 available tones to
select from.
The unit is approximately twice as
large (407mm high) as the
traditional combination unit
The optical and audible signals
can be triggered separately to
provide users with the option of
activating just one signal type or
both at the same time to generate
a maximum level of awareness.
Tel: +44 (0) 1536 486930
Data Transfer at Record Speed
Fast data import and
export from the control
in the cabinet is easy
Murrelektronik’s USB 3.0
They make communication easy - for example
during diagnostics or
maintenance - and keep
the cabinet doors
closed. Since it’s not necessary to
open the doors, the MSDD
pass-throughs guarantee that the
protection degree of the cabinet
remains the same. This ensures
electrical safety because the
machine operator cannot touch
conducting components.
The completely pre-assembled
Murrelektronik Ltd
Tel: +44 (0)161 728 3133
Discover our new website!
As part of
in customer
an entirely
new web
platform has
and was
launched in
mid November. With improved search
options, better functionality and a
fully integrated Eshop, customers
can access information quicker
and easier.
New features
New navigation
system – Easier
to search for
products and
InformationDetails about a
product are
located on one
technical specifications, data sheets,
approvals etc
User friendly – Create your own
unique login to save data, product
comparisons and searches.
Visit www.phoenixcontact.co.uk and enjoy a guided tour of our new
Eisele expands the Liquidline
Leaks in coolant
hoses not only cause
pressure losses, but
also downtimes and
even damage to
production facilities.
The hoses must be
able to withstand the
respective operating
conditions. The wrong
choice of material can
have expensive
consequences. Eisele
offers an economical
alternative to costly
special hoses. The
use of unsuitable
hose materials leads
to hidden wear, and they may also
be susceptible to attack and
damage by
micro-organisms. In
coolant applications
for welding
processes, for
example, it is
absolutely necessary
for hoses to be flame
retardant, such as
the high-quality
ProWeld hoses from
Eisele. For many
coolant applications,
more economical
solutions such as
Eisele Hydro hoses
may be the right
choice to achieve an
optimal balance between operational reliability and economy.
For more information contact Eisele Pneumatics
Web: www.eisele.eu
40 www.pbsionthenet.net
MSDD pass-throughs
are easily installed: They
are simply inserted into
standard cut-outs with a
diameter of 22.5mm.
MSDD pass-throughs
are designed with
SuperSpeed USB 3.0
technology. In form A,
they are completely
backward compatible.
Data up to 5 Gbits can be
transferred in one second. MSDD
pass-throughs are designed for full
duplex data transfer and for a
current load of up to 900 mA.
For Ethernet networks, MSDD
pass-throughs are available as RJ45
models (type female/female) – a
great solution!
Castell launches new
Industrial safety specialist Castell
has launched a new spring-loaded
lock, the KSP, to increase
efficiency in traditional bolt
interlock applications.
The KSP is a spring-loaded
version of the Castell K lock, and
uses an internal spring to automatically extend the lock’s bolt to its
fullest extent. The key-operated
mechanical interlock is suitable for
the safe locking of simple
actuating mechanisms.
The KSP is generally used at the
start of a process and traps a key
while equipment is running. When
the equipment is switched to a
safe state and the aperture in the
actuating mechanism is aligned,
the spring-loaded bolt automatically extends and locks in position.
This represents an advantage over
existing bolt locks as the operation
happens immediately, without the
need for human intervention.
For more information contact
Castell Safety International Ltd
Tel: +44 (0)20 8200 1200
Product Datafiles
Conta-fused? Simples!
Contaclip has
now launched
the new SSIK
fuse terminals
to enhance their
The fuse holder
is fully
compatible with
the plug in
cross connect
system used in
the SRK series
of terminals.
With two cross
channels, this
negates the need for external links
distribution of potentials to adjacent
fuse and feed through terminals.
For More information contact OEM
Socomec’s new
branch circuit
monitoring system:
power, efficiency,
As the market leader in energy
metering for over 20 years,
Socomec has now expanded its
portfolio to offer a compact new
system that can simultaneously
monitor up to 72 branch circuits:
The DIRIS BCMS 720 can
simultaneously monitor up to 72
branch circuits. Furthermore, 10
additional circuits (mains incomers)
can also be monitored – all within
a single device to optimise space
usage. The new DIRIS BCMS 720
system significantly improves
energy efficiency by permanently
monitoring the current, energy and
power on distribution circuits. Its
compact form means the system
can be easily retro-fitted into all
types of Power Distribution Unit or
Remote Power Panel. The DIRIS
BCMS 720 delivers reduced
energy consumption in parallel
with increased power availability,
therefore maximising uptime.
For more information contact
Email: info.scp.uk@socomec.com
Web: www.socomec.co.uk
February 2013
The SSIK is
made from
polyamide PA6.6
V0 and has an
range of up to
140°C, so ideal
for demanding
Available in 4mm
versions for 5 x
fuses and 6mm
versions for
both have the
option of a plug in LED module that
can be retro fitted at a later date if
Amphenol’s NEPTUNE Series of
Now listed to UL 1682
are rated from 30 A
connectors from
to 400 A at 600 V
Amphenol Industrial
and offered in plugs,
Global Operations,
mount receptacles
a world leader in
and inline
receptacles. They
systems, are now
provide safe
listed to UL1682.
interconnection to
They are designed to perform in
modular power equipment in all
demanding environments including
environments and feature
land and offshore oil exploration
Amphenol’s Starline series contact
equipment, modular power
system, allowing for more amperage
generation equipment, portable
and voltage through a smaller
diesel and turbine generator
connector. They are half the size
equipment, compressors, cell base
and weight of similar connectors
stations, shipping docks and
and their reduced footprint option
petrochemical applications. The
gives more flexibility during system
enhanced IP-68-8 rated connector
s design.
For further information contact
Web: www.amphenol-industrial.co
Elektron Technology announces new French
distributor for Bulgin and Arcolectric
Technology has
announced the
appointment of
Direct SA as an
important new
French distributor
for its connectivity
brands – Arcolectric and Bulgin.
Based in Rouen, Direct is a specialist independent distributor of
electrical components for industrial
electronics, with a strong presence
in the rail, marine, aerospace and
military market segments. The new
distribution agreement is part of
Elektron Technology’s planned
expansion into
the French
supported by
Direct’s strong
web presence,
sales team and
local market
knowledge. The
Bulgin and
Arcolectric brands perfectly
complement Direct’s existing
product range in the important area
of connectors and switches, while
ensuring the same high level of
product support Elektron
Technology customers around the
world have come to expect.
For more information contact Elektron Technology
T: +44 (0)1803 407700
E: connectivity@elektron-technology.com
W: www.bulgin.com
Modbus CO2 probe for demanding OEM
The EE871 CO2
probe from E+E
Elektronik is
designed for
use in demanding
OEM applications.
The Modbus
protocol permits
easy retrieval and
further processing
of measurement values and
facilitates simple integration into
custom applications.
Delivering the highest measurement
accuracy, the compact probe can
measure CO2 concentrations up to
10,000 ppm. The EE871 is
maintenance free and highly resistant
E+E Elektronik GmbH
to environmental
Ageing effects
are automatically
thus ensuring
stability. The IP65
enclosure and the
replaceable filter
ensure optimal protection from
contamination for the EE871 to be
used in harsh environmental
conditions. Its compact design, M12
electrical connector and optional
mounting flange facilitate the
installation or replacement of the
CO2 probe.
tested to the MILSTD-901D
Pentair has developed a
ruggedized version of its Schroff
VARISTAR cabinet platform with
enhanced vibration resistance to
protect sensitive electronic
systems in demanding operating
conditions encountered during
operation at sea. Suitable for use
on frigates, aircraft carriers and
submarines, the VARISTAR
cabinet has been independently
tested to the MIL-STD-901D
standard, which confirms its
robustness and stability under
extreme shock.
The basis of the VARISTAR MIL
901D model is the Seismic/EMC
frame. Four shock absorbers are
fitted to the welded base plate
and two are positioned at the top.
The top cover is solid and the
front door has a locking mechanism. The shock absorbers are
available in two versions: wire
rope springs and elastomer
For further information contact
Email: schroff.uk@pentair.com
Web: www.schroff.co.uk/varistarMIL
www.pbsionthenet.net 41
Buyers Guide
December 2013
Busbar Systems
Control Panels
perts in hazardous areas
Email: info@rstahl.co.uk
Cable Accessories
Partex Direct
Tel: +44(0)121 767 6400
At Partex Direct you can buy your cable accessories
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Please visit us at www.partex-direct.co.uk to find massive
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Whatever your electrical CAD
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Connectors (M12 & M8)
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Murrelektronik - one the of the world’s leading
connector manufacturers.
• M12 leads and self wire
• M8 leads and self wire
• Valve connectors
• Distribution systems
• in IP67,IP68 & IP69K
Murrelektronik Ltd
Albion St, Pendlebury Ind.Est.
Swinton, Manchester, M27 4FG
Tel: 0161 728 3133 www.murrelektronik.co.uk
Suite 25,
Durham Tees Valley Business Centre
Orde Wingate Way
Stockton On Tees Tel: 01642 604 400
Fax: 01642 604 400
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Emparro MEF 1/2 Filter
Emparro 10 A Power Supply
With Murrelektronik’s Emparro System you
are always on the safe side – introducing
our team for maximum EMC safety and
Emparro is the latest generation of Murrelektronik’s single-phase switch mode power
supply units. Combined with the MEF 1/2
filter module, Emparro ensures that even
the strictest EMC requirements are easily
exceeded. The new 24 V DC buffer module,
for a load current of 20 A, additionally bridges
mains failures for a period of at least 1 second.
Operating as a team, Emparro, filter module
and buffer module guarantee optimum EMC
safety and system availability.
Emparro CAP Buffer Module
For more information about
Murrelektronik Emparro see:
Or simply scan the QR code…
Murrelektronik Ltd