FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Fully-Converged Quintuple-Play Integrated Optical-Wireless Access Architectures Specific Targeted Research Projects Deliverable D5.4. “Report on off-the-shelf components and user equipment “ Delivery Date: 30/09/2011 (M21) Date of submission: 31/10/2011 Start date of project: 01/01/2010 (M01) Duration: 36 months Lead Participant for this Deliverable Name: Fibernova Systems S.L. (FIB) Contact Person: Javier Herrera Llorente Address: FIBERNOVA, Edificio 8F, Planta 2 Universidad Politécnica de Valencia 46022 Valencia, Spain Phone: +34 670 265 516 Fax: +34 963 562 581 E-mail: jherrera@fibernova.com Authors: Javier Herrera Llorente (FIB), Antonio Ramírez (FIB), José Correcher (FIB), Jacinto Portillo (FIB) José Sánchez (UPVLC), Maria Morant (UPVLC), Roberto Llorente (UPVLC), Axel Schmidt (HTW), Dirk Burggraf (HTW), Terry Quinlan (UESSEX), Mike Parker (UESSEX), Stuart Walker (UESSEX), Pierre Cluzeaud (TFC) Participants: FIB, UPVLC, HTW, UESSEX, TCF Work Package WP5 Estimated Person/month: 10 Security: PU Nature: R Version: 1.0 Number of Pages: 32 Deliverable D5.4 (Page intentionally left blank) FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 2 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 ABSTRACT In this deliverable the different sub-system components and equipments required for the laboratory demonstrator in WP6 are defined. A comprehensive list of off-the-shelf equipments required to implement all the services in the FIVER network are listed: GbE-OFDM, WiMAX, LTE and UWB. A detail of the equipments to be used in the network node and in the user side is defined when required, such as for WiMAX or LTE. Alternatives to implement these services are also provided when possible, using development kits or laboratory instrumentation. Also commercially available components and equipments are defined to implement the FIVER transmission network: optical transmitters for direct and external modulation, optical receivers, optical fibres and amplifiers, as well as microwave/millimetre-wave components and antennas. KEYWORD LIST Off-the-shelf components, user devices, equipments FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 3 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This deliverable defines a list of off-the-shelf components and equipments to implement the laboratory demonstrator in WP6. For that purpose a comprehensive list of commercially available devices is provided for the different services and for the transmission subsystems. The definition of the FIVER quintuple play services requires the specification of the following equipments: ● ● ● ● GbE-OFDM modem LTE BS and user terminals WiMAX BS and CPE UWB adapters The definition of the transmission subsystems in the FIVER network requires the specification of the following components: ● ● ● Optical lasers, modulators, amplifiers and receivers in the 1550 nm (ITU grid) Optical fibre for FTTH and In-home infrastructure Microwave/Millimetre components (amplifiers, filters, combiners, mixers, oscillators) in the 1-2, 2.5-2.7, 3.4-3.6, 3.1-4.9 and 60 GHz frequency bands Off-the-shelf components and equipments have been identified and detailed as a material list for the WP6 final demonstrator. Together with the FIVER network architecture and specifications provided in D2.8 “FIVER network and techno-economic analysis”(M18), low-cost and low-consumption has been the main criterion in the choice, whenever it was possible. Alternatives to implement the FIVER services have also been detailed, such as development kits or laboratory instrumentation, for the case of commercial equipments which are intrinsically an expensive choice, namely the BS required for the LTE or WiMAX services. FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 4 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 KEYWORD LIST ................................................................................................................................................. 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................... 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 5 LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................................... 6 LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................................. 6 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................................................... 7 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ 9 2. GBE-OFDM EQUIPMENT................................................................................................................................ 10 3. WIMAX EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................................................... 11 4. LTE EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................................................ 13 5. UWB EQUIPMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 15 6. CHANNEL SOUNDING EQUIPMENT...................................................................................................................... 18 7. MICROWAVE/MILLIMETRE-WAVE COMPONENTS.................................................................................................. 19 8. 9. 7.1. GbE-OFDM microwave components ................................................................................................. 19 7.2. Radio signals microwave components .............................................................................................. 19 7.3. Other microwave components .......................................................................................................... 21 7.4. 60-GHz millimetre-wave components ............................................................................................... 21 OPTIC AND OPTOELECTRONIC COMPONENTS ........................................................................................................ 23 8.1. Laser sources ..................................................................................................................................... 23 8.2. Photodetectors .................................................................................................................................. 24 8.3. External modulator ........................................................................................................................... 25 8.4. Optical fibres ..................................................................................................................................... 25 8.5. Optical amplifiers .............................................................................................................................. 26 OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR FIVER DEMONSTRATOR ................................................................................................. 27 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................... 30 ANNEX. DATASHEETS ..................................................................................................................................... 32 FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 5 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. FIVER network as described in D2.8 ......................................................................................................... 9 Figure 2. FPGA and DAC/ADC evaluation board ................................................................................................... 11 Figure 3. (a) MicroMAX BS and (b) EasyST CPE WiMAX equipment from Airspan ............................................... 11 Figure 4. AirSynergy LTE pico BS from Airspan .................................................................................................... 13 Figure 5. Thor USB wireless adapter for LTE from ST-Ericsson ............................................................................. 14 Figure 6. Wisair UWB wireless adapter ................................................................................................................ 15 Fgure 7. Iogear UWB wireless adapter.................................................................................................................. 16 Figure 8. Veebeam UWB wireless adapter............................................................................................................ 17 Figure 9. Omron WXA-N2SL wide-band antenna .................................................................................................. 17 Figure 10. Simplified 60-GHz UWB platform ......................................................................................................... 22 Figure 11. Fitel FRL15DCW CW laser ..................................................................................................................... 23 Figure 12. Fitel FRL15DDA directly modulated laser with controller mount ........................................................ 24 Figure 13. XPDV2150R photodetector from u2t ................................................................................................... 25 Figure 14. LN-058 Covega MZ-EOM ...................................................................................................................... 26 Figure 15. Lightwaves 2020 small-form amplifiers ............................................................................................... 27 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. List of equipments and terminals for the quintuple play services .......................................................... 28 Table 2. List of components for the opto-electronic subsystems ......................................................................... 28 Table 3. List components for the fibre infrastructure ........................................................................................... 28 Table 4. List of components for the microwave/millimetre-wave subsystems .................................................... 29 FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 6 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ADC: Analog to Digital Converter BPSK: Binary Phase Shift Keying BS: Base Station CATV: Cable Television CPE: Customer Premises Equipment DAC: Digital to Analog Converter EDFA: Erbium Doped Fibre Amplifier EVM: Error Vector Magnitude FDD: Frequency Division Duplexing FMC: FPGA Mezzanine Card FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Array FTTH: Fibre to the Home GaAs: Gallium Arsenide GbE: Gigabit Ethernet HEMT: High Electron Mobility Transistor IF: Intermediate Frequency ITU: International Telecommunication Union LNA: Low Noise Amplifier LO: Local Oscillator LTE: Long Term Evolution LVDS: Low Voltage Differential Signalling MAC: Medium Access Control Layer MIMO: Multiple Input Multiple Output MMIC: Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits MZM: Mach-Zehnder Modulator OFDM: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing OLT: Optical Line Terminal ONT: Optical Network Termination QAM: Quadrature Amplitude Modulation QPSK: Quadrature Phase Shift Keying PHY: Physical Layer PLL: Phase Lock Loop FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 7 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 RF: Radio Frequency SMF: Single Mode Fibre TDD: Time Division Duplexing UWB: Ultra Wide Band VHDL: Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language WDM: Wavelength Division Multiplexing WiMAX: Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 8 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 1. Introduction As stated in the FIVER DoW, all the required hardware systems are developed in WP5 by means of internal development or incorporating off-the-shelf components and user equipment. Figure 1 shows the FIVER architecture to be used in the impairment compensation proof-of-concept according to the description reported in deliverable D2.8 “FIVER implementation and techno-economic analysis” (M19). ONT In-building Fibre < 200 m OLT RN λ1 DML λ2 AWG up to 25 km λ1 FIVER adapter USER DATA I/Q OFDM LTE WiMAX FPGA λ2 up to 100 km FPGA UWB ONT In-building Fibre < 200 m DML λ2 up to 25 km FIVER adapter Figure 1. FIVER network as described in D2.8 The implementation of this architecture in terms of commercially available devices requires equipment for the following services: ● ● ● ● GbE-OFDM, modems at the OLT and the ONT WiMAX, pico- or femto-cell BS at the OLT and CPE at the ONT LTE, pico- or femto-cell BS at the OLT and user terminal at the ONT UWB signal generator at the OLT and UWB receiver at the ONT In addition, a wide range of radio microwave/millimetre-wave and optic/optoelectronic components are also required to define the OLT and ONT architectures: ● ● ● ● ● Laser source and photodetector External modulator EDFA amplifiers Optical fibre for FTTH and in-home transmission Microwave/millimetre-wave amplifiers, filters and mixers In this deliverable, a full specification of these system equipments and sub-system components is provided, to be used in the final FIVER laboratory platform demonstrator. FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 9 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 2. GbE-OFDM Equipment Broadband OFDM for optical transmission is still a research area and there is a lack of commercial equipments for this purpose. Therefore, in FIVER an ad-hoc OFDM signal will be generated and demodulated using highspeed real-time signal processing FPGA and DAC/ADC electronics, which are already commercially available. The OFDM signal will be transmitted in the IQ format, therefore 2 DACs and 2 ADCs will be required per modem. For a target bit rate of 1 Gb/s, considering a modulation efficiency of about 1 b/s/Hz in the worst-case scenario, the sampling rate of each DAC/ADC must be larger than 1 Gsample/s. The chosen chips are the highspeed 1 Gsample/s single-channel 12-bits ADS5400 and 16 bits DAC5681Z from Texas Instruments. In order to avoid any further electronic development, an evaluation board has been selected: the FMC110 from 4DSP [1]. This board includes 2 DACs and 2 ADCs, the clock generation and distribution at 1 GHz, and the interconnection port using a FMC LVDS connector. To implement the real-time signal processing software of the OFDM modulator and demodulator the Xilinx Virtex-6 LX240T FPGA model, optimized for high-performance logic and digital signal processing with lowpower serial connectivity, has been chosen. Using this chip, the custom implementation of the FFT algorithm with 124 samples to be operated at 1 GHz sampling rates, uses 1211 registries (1%), 1410 LUTs (1%) and 36 DSPs (4%) of the total available. Here as well, to avoid any further electronic development, an evaluation board has been selected: the ML605 from Xilinx [2¡Error! No se encuentra el origen de la referencia.]. This board incorporates the mentioned FPGA chip, the clock generation and distribution circuitry, two FMC LVDS connectors, and a RJ-45 GbE port with the associated electronics. Each modem will consist of one ML605 to implement the OFDM software and one FMC110 to perform the DAC/ADC of I and Q channels. The associated microwave electronics to multiplex and demultiplex the IQ signal in a single carrier frequency will be described in section 7. The key features of the ML605 are: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● FPGA XC6VLX240T-1FFG1156 10/100/1000 Tri-Speed Ethernet USB Host Port and USB Peripheral Port 200 MHz Oscillator Two FMC Expansion Ports ROHS compliant board: 26.7 cm x 12.7 cm 12V wall adapter or ATX power The key features of the FMC110 are: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2-Channels 12-bit 1.0 Gsample/s ADC 2 Vpp 2-Channels 16-bit 1.0 Gsample/s DAC 1 Vpp Internal clock tree with 1 GHz oscillator FMC High Pin Count Connector Front panel 50 ohm SSMC connectors ANSI/VITA 57.1 compliant card: 89 mm x 78.8 mm Power supplied through the FMC connector FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 10 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 3. WIMAX equipment There is a wide range of WiMAX products commercially available in the market. However, from the last experiments in reported in D6.2 it has been stated that products operating in the TDD duplex mode are limited under fibre transmission at high distances. The maximum gap between the downstream and the upstream burst determines the maximum transmission distance. The Ruggedcom equipment mentioned in D2.8, which operates with an extended gap of about 200 us, allows up to 40 km of optical fibre transmission. Therefore, the equipment for WiMAX transmission in FIVER has to be operated in the FDD duplex mode. There are only a few devices in the market for FDD transmission: the MicroMAX solution from Airspan [3] has been selected as BS, whereas the EasyST/ProST [4] from the same company will be used as CPE. Figure 2. FPGA and DAC/ADC evaluation board The key features of the MicroMAX and EasyST/ProST are: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Carrier frequency in the 3.4-3.6 GHz range Up to 10 MHz channel size TDD/FDD operation mode Advanced MIMO technology BPSK/QPSK/16-QAM/64-QAM adaptative modulation Launched power larger than 20 dBm Fixed and nomadic users (a) (b) Figure 3. (a) MicroMAX BS and (b) EasyST CPE WiMAX equipment from Airspan In addition to the off-the-shelf BS and CPE equipments, a WiMAX evaluation board has been also identified as possible solution in the FIVER demonstrator. The Maxim MAX2838EVKIT [5] allows the customization of the OFDM frame and the transition gap between downstream and upstream. FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 11 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 Main features of the MAX2838EVKIT are: ● ● ● ● ● ● 3.3 - 3.9GHz WiMAX fixed and mobile RF Transceiver -35dB Rx EVM for 64-QAM Signal 2.8dB Receiver Noise Figure 60dB Tx Gain Control Range 94dB Rx Gain Control Range Programmable Channel Filter, 1.75 to 28MHz FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 12 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 4. LTE equipment Actually there are few pico- or femto-cell LTE off-the-shelf solutions commercially available. Airspan has recently offered a solution based on the picochip chipset, the AirSynergy Pico BS [6]. This BS operates in the 2.6 GHz band with FDD duplex mode, suitable for the FIVER demonstrator scenario. The key features of the AirSynergy are: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Carrier frequency in the 2.6 GHz FDD/TDD operation modes Up to 10 MHz channel size Transmitter power larger than 20 dBm QPSK/16-QAM/64-QAM adaptative modulations MIMO technology Fixed and mobile users Figure 4. AirSynergy LTE pico BS from Airspan In addition to the off-the-shelf solution, a development kit from the main LTE chipset provider has been identified: the PC9609-700 eNode from Picochip [7]. This is a full hardware and software solution for LTE femto-cells and integrates baseband, software stack and RF, supporting both TDD and FDD variants of LTE compliant with 3GPP standards and can be rapidly optimized and customized. Finally, there are many solutions as LTE user terminal in the market mainly oriented to data transmission such as modems or USB wireless adapters. The Thor platform from ST-Ericcsson [8] actually offers USB-dongles and embedded modems with support for both FDD and TDD. Similar devices are available from Motorola or Samsung. The Motorola Nokia-Siemens 7210 (formerly Motorola 7110) is also an USB dongle [9] operating in FDD mode at the 2.4 GHz band with channel bandwidths up to 20 MHz and MIMO support. Common features of these devices are: ● ● ● ● ● FDD/TDD duplex mode Up to 100 Mbps downlink and 50 Mbps uplink LTE quad band supports the 2.4-2.6 GHz band Support for bandwidth 1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 MHz MIMO and Rx diversity FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 13 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 Figure 5. Thor USB wireless adapter for LTE from ST-Ericsson FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 14 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 5. UWB equipment In terms of UWB, the Wisair USB wireless adapter set [10] to wirelessly connect the PC/laptop to a remote projector or monitor could be used, incorporating Wisair’s single chip UWB solution WSR601. These adapters are able to handle videos up to a resolution of 1400x1050 pixels. Currently, these devices are limited to Bandgroup 1, i.e. to a frequency range between 3168-4752 MHz. The adapter supports the WiMedia channels 13 to 15 (the European version only supports channel 15), i.e. Fixed-Frequency Interleaving only. The maximum video resolution is 1280x1024 pixels. The Wisair adapter consists of an USB dongle to be connected to the PC/laptop and a wireless receiver to be connected to the monitor/beamer as well as to the audio system. Figure 6. Wisair UWB wireless adapter Key features of the Wisair kit are: ● ● ● ● ● 3.168 to 4.752 GHz (WiMedia band group 1) PHY channels 9-15 On-board UWB omni-directional antenna Point-to-Multipoint support 128-bit AES security Power consumption: 1 Watt @ 5VDC For tests during the integration phase of the demonstrator, the development kit DV9110 from Wisair could also be used. This development kit is based on Wisair’s previous two-chip UWB solution, consisting of the Wisair 502 RF chip and the Wisair 531 Baseband/MAC chip. The characteristics of this development kit are quite similar to the commercial device, but it provides additional information and allows a number of tests. Beside the Fixed-Frequency Interleaving channels 13 to 15 the DV9110 also supports the Time-Frequency Interleaving channels 9 and 10. Due to the fact that the DV9110 is connected to the PC/laptop by means of a 100Mbit/s Ethernet, the resulting data rate is lesser than the possibilities of the UWB radio system, but for demonstration purposes the maximum data rate is often not the main criterion. The administration of the DV9110 is realized with a USB connection. After proper configuration, this USB connection is not necessary for normal operation of the DV9110. FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 15 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 Fgure 7. Iogear UWB wireless adapter Similar devices are available from IoGear and Veebeam. In contrast to the Wisair adapter, the IoGear Wireless USB to VGA Kit [11] consists of a USB dongle to be connected to the PC/laptop, a wireless receiver to be connected to the monitor/beamer and a separate reception unit to be connected to the audio system. If there is no need for audio, the transmission of a video signal to the second monitor or beamer can be realised also without the audio component. The devices contain in the transmitter unit Realtek’s UWB chipset, i.e. the WiMedia PHY RTU7010 and the USB and WLP controller RTU7300, in the receiver units Realtek’s single chip solution RTU7105. The IoGear devices support video resolution up to 1600x1200 pixels (UXGA) or 1680x1050 pixels (WSXGA+). As the Wisair adapter, also the IoGear devices are limited to Bandgroup 1, i.e. to a frequency range between 3168-4752 MHz, 7 channels are supported (3 Fixed-Frequency Interleaving, 4 Time-Frequency Interleaving). In contrast to the devices of Wisair and Veebeam, the IoGear devices allow to change the antennas. The Veebeam devices, containing Veebeam’s own Wireless-USB chips [12], are available in an SD and in an HD version. Both versions consist of a USB dongle to be connected to the PC/laptop and a wireless receiver to be connected to the monitor/beamer as well as to the audio system. Using the HD version, the maximum video resolution is 1920x1080 pixels, when using the HDMI to connect the receiver and the monitor/beamer. For all devices – Wisair, IoGear and Veebeam – the software installation is quite simple and the quality of the software in terms of user friendliness and stability is satisfying. In general, there is no preference for one of these options; any of the three sets can be used for the demonstration Several antennas for UWB signal transmission will be used together with the development kit, the Omron WXA-N2SL [13] and the SkyCross 222-1137C [14]. The Omron is a wide-band monopole omni-directional antenna. Main features are: ● ● ● ● ● UWB Band Group 1 (3.1-4.9 GHz) frequency band VSWR of <2.5 (3.1-4.9 GHz) Compact 10x13x1.2 mm size Linear polarization and a feed impedance of 50 ohms Gain of 0 dBi max FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 16 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 Figure 8. Veebeam UWB wireless adapter The SkyCross SMT-2TO6MB-A is a wideband azimuth omni-directional. Main features are: ● ● ● ● ● Frequency range 2.3-5.9 GHz covering the UWB Band Group 1 VSWR <2.0 across the band Compact 17x20x3 mm size Linear polarization and a feed impedance of 50 ohms Gain of 0.7dBi max Figure 9. Omron WXA-N2SL wide-band antenna FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 17 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 6. Channel sounding equipment The management part of the channel sounding will be implemented in an FPGA, which allows direct control of the peripheral components. More detailed information about the integration of the channel sounding control architecture will be included in D5.5 with respect to the ONT as well as in further documents of WP6 with respect to the OLT. The size of the channel sounding components is expected to be limited. Depending on the resources necessary for the GbE-OFDM, it might be possible to integrate these components using the same FPGA, i.e. within the Xilinx Virtex-6 LX240T of the ML605 board (see chapter 2 above). The component development is not affected by this decision as long as the same type of FPGA is used. Therefore, the main focus is on Xilinx FPGAs of the Virtex family, which are planned to be used for the GbE-OFDM and which could be used too for a separate board for channel sounding. A number of Xilinx prototyping and development boards are available by the project partners or on the market. The VHDL components for channel sounding can be developed using these boards, until a final decision about integration of the components into a single board can be made. The signal will be sampled with the same family of ADCs, in an integrated board provided by 4DSP, using the sub-sampling technique. The FMC125 [15] or FMC126 [16] are the chosen devices, with sampling ranges from 1.25 to 5 Gsample/s using channel interleaving. Additional key features of the FMC125 or FMC116 are: ■ ■ ■ ■ 4-Channels 1.25 Gsample/s ADC 2 Vpp Channel interleaving for 2.5 and 5.0 Gsample/s 8 bit resolution for the FMC125 and 10 bit resolution for the FMC126 Internal clock tree with 1.25 GHz oscillator FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 18 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 7. Microwave/Millimetre-wave components 7.1. GbE-OFDM microwave components The I and Q channels of the complex OFDM signal will be IQ multiplexed and upconverted to the 1-2 GHz band. For that purpose an IQ mixer from MITEQ has been selected: the IR0102LC1Q [17]. The microwave mixer incorporates the mixers for the I and Q branches, as well as the 90 degrees hybrid to achieve the quadrature condition. In addition a local oscillator at the 1.5 GHz frequency is required for each mixer, in this case the ZX95-2260W+ from Minicircuits [18]. This voltage controlled oscillator provides the required level to operate the IQ mixer, about 10 dBm at 1.5 GHz, for a relatively low bias voltage of 5 Volts. The key features of the IR0102 are: ■ ■ ■ ■ RF/LO coverage: 1 to 2 GHz IF coverage: DC to 500 MHz Conversion loss: 11 dB typical Image rejection: 20 dB typical The key features of the ZX95 are: ■ ■ ■ ■ Frequency range: 1290 to 2260 MHz Power output: 9.6 dBm @ 1.5 GHz Voltage tune: 5 V @ 1.5 GHz Bias power: 5 V and 45 mA Additionally, to restore the signal level at the receiver side some amplification will be required after the photodetection and filtering stages. For that purpose a LNA from Minicircuits has been selected: the ZX602534M+ [19¡Error! No se encuentra el origen de la referencia.]. This amplifier provides high gain of about 40 dB in the 1 to 2 GHz band, together with a low noise factor of 3.1 dB and a high compression point of 18 dBm. Therefore this amplifier may be used up to 8 dBm input power while keeping the back-off necessary for the OFDM signal (larger than the 10 dB clipping ratio) Finally, some filtering will be required to separate the Gb-OFDM IQ signal from the other signals in the FIVER transmitter or to reduce the signal noise. The following filters from Minicircuits will be used for this task: VLF400 [20] for the base-band I and Q signals and a combination of the VHF-880 [21] and VLF-1800 [22] to filter out the IQ signal at 1.5 GHz. Each modem will use one IR0102 with a ZX95 oscillator to perform the IQ multiplexing and another IR0102 with a ZX95 oscillator to perform the IQ demultiplexing. A single ZX60 will be used before the IQ demultiplexing stage. The low pass filter VLF-400 will be used before each DAC and after each ADC, and the combination of VHF-880 and VLF-1800 as band-pass filter will be used before the IQ demultiplexer and after the IQ multiplexer. 7.2. Radio signals microwave components Due to the large dynamic range of the WiMAX equipments, with launched powers larger than 20 dBm and a receiver sensitivity of -103 dBm, it is likely that amplifiers won't be required in the FIVER scenario, considering short distances for the radio link as in the open-house demonstrator. In the case that amplification may be required for the worst-case scenario the ZX60-3800LN+ from Minicircuits [23] will be used. This amplifier provides a 24 dB gain in the 3.4-3.6 GHz band with a large compression point of 18 dBm and a low noise factor of 2 dB. FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 19 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 Filtering of the WiMAX signal will be required after the signal splitter in both sides of the fiber. A selective band-pass filter in the band of 3.4-3.6 GHz will be required, with a high rejection ratio of the adjacent signals, LTE in the 2.8 GHz and UWB in the 3.9 GHz. Although the UWB signal is closer in bandwidth, its low power makes the LTE the most critical interference. The band-pass filter can be implemented with a combination of a high-pass and a low-pass filter from the Minicircuits portfolio, the VHF-3100+ [24] and the VLF-3800+ [25]. These are filters with 7 cavities, however if a higher selectivity is required, a cascade of two or more filters will be employed. Due to the large bandwidth of the UWB signal, more than one octave, several amplifiers have been identified for this service. The Minicircuits ZVA-183+ and the Picosecond drivers 5840, 5865 and 5810B provide ultrawideband with high saturation powers. Features of these amplifiers are: Mini-circuits ZVA-183+ [26]: ● ● ● ● Super ultra-wideband, 700 MHz to 18 GHz High output IP3, +33 dBm typ. Withstands open/short load at 1dB compression point output power Very good isolation, 75 dB typ. Picosecond 5865 [27]: ● ● ● Linear amplifier with 26 dB small signal gain and 12 GHz of bandwidth High gain with low power dissipation (2.3 watts at 8 Vamp) Includes bias network, crossing point control & adjustable output voltage Picosecond 5840 [28]: ● ● Gains of 10 and 22 dB Risetimes as fast as 22 ps Picosecond 5810Bs [29]: ● ● ● ● Bandwidth: 1.7-2GHz Max. Power Output: 9 dBm Noise Figure: 5 dB Max. Input: 10 dBm (CW) Additionally, wide-band pass filters will be required to extract the UWB signals from the other services in the FIVER scenario. For that purpose several filters from the Mini-circuits portfolio have been identified, the VHF3800+ and the VLF-7200+. Main features of these filters are: VHF-3200+ is designed to let pass the range of frequencies from 4250 to 10000 MHz [30]: ● ● 5 sections Excellent power handling, 7W VLF-7200+ is designed to let pass the range of frequencies from DC to 7200 MHz [31]: ● ● 7 sections Excellent power handling, 8W Finally, regarding the LTE equipment the situation is similar to WiMAX, with large dynamic ranges when using commercial devices. Therefore it is also likely that amplifiers for the LTE band won't be required in the FIVER scenario, considering short distances for the radio link as in the open-house demonstrator. In the case that amplification may be required for the worst-case scenario the ZQL-2700MLNW+ from Minicircuits [32] will be FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 20 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 used. This amplifier provides a 29 dB gain in the 2.4-2.7 GHz band with a large compression point of 25 dBm and a low noise factor of 1.3 dB. To filter-out the LTE signal in FIVER a selective band-pass filter in the band of 2.4-2.7 GHz is necessary. The Minicircuits VBF-2555+ [33] can be used, with a rejection ratio of the adjacent GbE-OFDM and WiMAX signals larger than 35 dB. 7.3. Other microwave components To combine and split the different signals in FIVER a 1x5 coupler will be used: the ZN4PD1-63W+ from Minicircuits [34]. This is a 0 degrees four ways combiner/splitter that covers 250 to 6000 MHz, enough bandwidth to cope with the combined FIVER signals, with a low insertion loss of about 1 dB. In the transmitter each signal will be injected in one of the insertion ports and the overall signal will be obtained at the sum port. The operation in the receiver will be reciprocal. Its most important features are: ● ● ● ● Wideband, 500 to 5000 MHz 4-way 0 degrees High isolation, 23 dB typ. Up to 10W power input as splitter Additionally, the Minicircuits ZFRSC-183+ 1x2 coupler [35] may be used to combine the FIVER signals with additional signals or to obtain some signals for additional features, i.e. the channel sounding and estimation. This power splitter has operates in a different range of frequencies from DC to 18000 MHz Main features are: ● ● ● ● 7.4. Wideband, DC to 18000 MHz 2-way 0 degrees Very good phase unbalance, 1 deg. typ. Excellent amplitude unbalance, 0.1 dB typ. 60-GHz millimetre-wave components The 60-GHz proposed system for the UWB extension is depicted in ¡Error! No se encuentra el origen de la referencia.ure 10. It is composed of a standard WiMedia radio system in combination with a block that includes the 60-GHz up and down conversion, power amplification, low noise amplification and filtering. Both blocks are attached to a RF switch circuit which will allow the system to work on the WiMedia channels or at 60 GHz The WiMedia platform will be based on the WiMedia Alliance Multi-band OFDM PHY v1.1 and MAC v1.0 specifications, the most important features of the module which will be used are the following: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Supports three MBOA Group 1 bands centred at 3.43 GHz (TFC5), 3.96 GHz (TFC6), and 4.48 GHz (TFC7) with a bandwidth of 528 MHz each, with data rates up to 480 Mbps Supports Transmit Power Control with various transmit power levels, Supports Distributed Reservation Protocol and Prioritized Contention Access framing formats Supports the MAC-PHY interface pins that are accessible, with the option of bypassing the MAC Supports both PCI and DVB-SPI (to carry multiple MPEG transport streams) interfaces Security support with 128-bit AES/CCM encryption/decryption Supports Power Save mode FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 21 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 Figure 10. Simplified 60-GHz UWB platform The up- and down-converter main functionality is to provide the conversion of the WiMedia signal with minimum degradation of the transmission performance. To achieve that, state-of-the-art discrete components will be used. Performance of all components shall be optimized so that the maximum functionality is obtained. Expected characteristics of the 60-GHz sub-system are: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Frequency range of 59-64 GHz IF signal frequency 3-5 GHz Local oscillator of 56 to 60 GHz Oscillator stability of 100 MHz and PLL resolution of 50 MHz Maximum output power (at 1dB compression) +16 dBm Output back-off about 8 dB Effective up-/down-conversion gains about 20 dB Noise figure of 6 dB Antenna gain larger than 8 dBi For the implementation of the UWB 60-GHz subsystem in the FIVER demonstrator the following components have been identified and are ready to use: ● ● ● ● Vubiq evaluation kit [36] Endwave full transceiver module [37] Milisys RF front end module [38] Hittite full transceiver module [39] The module that has been selected for the FIVER demonstrator is the model from Hittite. It offers the possibility of using a transceiver chipset that is made internally by a set of different products that are already available. The signal up-conversion is performed by means of an active frequency multiplier and the same frequency is used in the down-conversion. This example of heterodyne transceiver uses a set of GaAs MMIC circuits that uses HEMT technology. The chip set consists of a X4 multiplier (the XDH158); a low noise amplifier (ALH382), which is also used as a driver amplifier in the transmit chain; an image reject mixer (MDB207) with an IF frequency range of DC to 3 GHz (sub-harmonic mixer also available); two RF switches (SDH126); and a power amplifier (ABH209) capable of 18 dBm output saturated RF power. The LNA noise figure is less than 4 dB across the frequency band. This design architecture can provide satisfactory spurious signal and phase noise performance, without increasing the complexity too much. Very important parameter is the frequency stability because of the stability requirements for WiMedia application which is ±10ppm. Therefore, the reference oscillator used for the demonstration should have very high stability of 1ppm. Also there is requirement to provide relatively high level of RF signal to both up and down converters so the outputs should be buffered to levels higher as +10dBm, which guaranties that this demonstrator shall be no low power device. FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 22 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 8. Optic and optoelectronic components 8.1. Laser sources The main characteristics of the laser required in the FIVER demonstrator are low cost, and WDM operation. Additionally, for the directly modulated transmitter solution, a modulation bandwidth of roughly 5 GHz is required. High output power, about 20 mW to avoid nonlinear impairments in the optical fibre, is also desired. Under these requirements, the laser used in the FIVER demonstrator will be a DFB. The Fitel FRL15DCW will be the laser used in the demonstrator if external modulation is used [40]. It is a cooled DFB with low driving current and high conversion efficiency, with an output power up to 40 mW. The laser can be chosen with a 100 or 50 GHz ITU band grid within the C- and L-bands. Low line-width modules are also available if required and a polarization maintaining fiber pigtail enables to directly connect a modulator without polarization control. Figure 11. Fitel FRL15DCW CW laser Features of the CW DFB laser are: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Low driving current up to 300 mA Up to 40 mW optical power High side mode suppression ratio 100 or 50 GHz ITU-T grid, C and L-band available High side mode suppression ratio and narrow line-width available For the case of the directly modulated transmitter, there are a few wide-band lasers for analog applications. Most of the 1550 nm DFB lasers commercially available reach the 3-4 GHz band, with some solutions with larger bandwidth for digital transmission at 10 Gb/s. The chosen laser for the FIVER demonstrator is a commercially available multi-quantum well distributed feedback cooled laser from FITEL, the FRL15DDA [41]. This is an analog modulated laser for narrowcasting applications in CATV networks. The module provides high output power while maintaining high linearity. FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 23 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 Figure 12. Fitel FRL15DDA directly modulated laser with controller mount Main characteristics of this laser are: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Modulation bandwidth up to 4 GHz Very low threshold current of 10 mA with bias current up to 120 mA High conversion slope of 0.2 W/A Up to 12 mW output power Intermodulation levels below -35 dBc Another promising component for the FIVER demonstrator is the 1550nm DFB prototype 1595LMA already available from 3S Photonics [42], with an analog bandwidth of 6 GHz. The laser ouputs a 10 mW power for a low modulation current up to 120 mA. The input impedance is matched to the 50 ohms, and therefore no microwave adaptation network is required. Features of the directly modulated laser are: ■ ■ ■ ■ 8.2. Modulation bandwith up to 6 GHz Low bias current up to 120 mA Up to 10 mW output power Low intermodulation levels below -60 dBc for analog applications Photodetectors For the optical to electrical conversion the component used in the FIVER demonstrator will be a u2t waveguideintegrated photodiode. The selected devices are the XPDV2150R [43] or the XPDV4120R [44]. These components are designed for digital but also analogue communication systems with a wide range of bandwidths, from 35 up to 100 GHz. These photodetectors have an extremely flat frequency response, both in power and in phase. Its RF optimized design ensures an undisturbed frequency response from DC to the 3-dB cut-off frequency. Its behaviour is completely linear up to an optical input power of 10 dBm. Key features of the photodetectors are: ● ● ● ● ● ● 50 and 100 GHz electrical 3dB bandwidth Flat response up to the cut-off frequency GHz Well matched 50 Ohm output Linear response up to 10 dBm Digital communications as well as microwave photonics Low bias voltage of 2.8 V FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 24 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 Figure 13. XPDV2150R photodetector from u2t 8.3. External modulator The transmitter based on the external modulation of a MZM will use the Covega LN-058 [45]. This is a low Vpi intensity modulator designed for high performance analog transmission in microwave optical links. Operating frequencies up to 20 GHz are supported, and it is able to work in L and C bands. It is single-ended drive modulator based on the Mach-Zehnder interferometric architecture, using titanium-infused lithium niobate substrates. Key features are: ● ● ● ● ● ● 8.4. Excellent Performance to 20 GHz Very Low Vpi (<3.9V at 20 GHz) Insertion loss about 5 dB Extinction ratio larger than 20 dB Long-Term Bias Stability C and L Band Operation Optical fibres For the FIVER demonstrator two types of optical fibre. For the FTTH link between the OLT and the ONU, the SMF-28-ULL from Corning will be employed. This is a G.652 compliant SMF, which has the lowest loss of any terrestrial grade fibre with maximum attenuation available between 0.17 and 0.18 dB/km at the 1550 nm transmission wavelengths. Specifications of the Corning fibre are [46]: ● ● ● ● Attenuation at 1550 nm: 0.17-0.18 dB/Km Mode-Field Diameter at 1550 nm: MFD=10.5±0.5 µm Dispersion at 1550 nm: D<18 ps/(nm.km) Maximum Individual Fibre PMD<0.1 ps/√km FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 25 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 Figure 14. LN-058 Covega MZ-EOM In addition to the SMF fibre for the FTTH link, in-home fibre will be deployed using the Clear CURVE fibre also from Corning. It is a nanostructure based fibre, and can achieve the highest bending performances (bendinsensitive fibres) in the market. Moreover, it is possible to go beyond the existent trade-offs with normal fibres, and it is fully backward compatible with G.652.A, B and D for coexistence with current optical communication systems. Key features of the Corning Clear CURVE fibre are [47]: ● ● ● ● 8.5. Attenuation at 1550 nm: 0.19-0.20 dB/Km Mode-Field Diameter at 1550 nm: MFD=9.65±0.5 µm Dispersion at 1550 nm: D<18 ps/(nm.km) Maximum Individual Fibre PMD<0.2 ps/√km Optical amplifiers As stated in D2.8, amplification using EDFA may be employed in the downstream and the upstream channels. For that purpose, low-cost un-cooled small-form EDFA is the most preferable options as off-the-shelf components for the FIVER demonstrator. Lightwaves2020 provides the NOABF [48] and the NOAPF [49] amplifier solutions for booster, preferable in the upstream, and preamplifier, for the downstream. They are DWDM amplifiers for access networks designed to amplify up to 8 channels The main characteristics of the booster are: ● ● ● ● ● Operating range from 1528 to 1569 nm Input power from -10 to 0 dBm Output power from 5 to 15 dBm Noise figure of 6 dB Power consumption of 1 W The main characteristics of the preamplifier are: ● ● ● ● ● Operating range from 1528 to 1569 nm Input power from -30 to -10 dBm Output power from 0 to 10 dBm Noise figure of 5 dB Power consumption of 1 W FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 26 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 Figure 15. Lightwaves 2020 small-form amplifiers 9. Other equipment for FIVER demonstrator Although the FIVER demonstrator objective is the use of commercially available off-the-shelf components and devices, some of the required devices may be quite expensive, and be out of the scope of the project budget, specifically the BS equipment for WiMAX or LTE. For that purpose laboratory instrumentation has been also identified to perform these tasks. The Agilent E4438C vector signal generator [50] can generate LTE or WiMAX signals with the appropriate license. Signals are generated in the Agilent software and sent to this instrument. An alternative is the Tektronix AWG7122B arbitrary waveform generator [51]. To demodulate these signals real-time oscilloscopes can also be used. The Tektronix DPO 71254 [52] oscilloscope allows any advanced waveform analysis, as it has automated tools to increase measurement throughput or RF and vector signal analysis always aided by a serial pattern triggering which allows a visual recognition to ease the measures. As an alternative the Infinnium DSO81204A [53] or DSO91304A [54] real time oscilloscopes from Agilent can be used. FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 27 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 10. Conclusions Here follows a detailed list of the components, equipments and terminals required for the FIVER laboratory demonstrator. These are off-the-shelf equipment and commercially available components, defined attending to the FIVER network architecture and specifications. Together with the FIVER network architecture and specifications provided in D2.8, low-cost and low-consumption has been the main criterion in the choice, whenever it was possible. Alternatives to implement the FIVER services have also been detailed, such as development kits or laboratory instrumentation, for the case of commercial equipments which are intrinsically an expensive choice, namely the BS required for the LTE or WiMAX services. Table 1. List of equipments and terminals for the quintuple play services GbE-OFDM OLT Equipment ONT Equipment Alternatives Xilinx ML605 idem N/A 4DSP FMC110 LTE Airspan Airsinergy ST-Ericcsson USB adapter Nokia-Siemens USB Adapter WiMAX Airspan Micromax BS Airspan EasyST CPE Maxim MAX2838EVKIT Agilent E4438C Agilent DSO91304A UWB Wisair USB adapter Wisair USB adapter Iogear USB adapter Omrom UWB antenna Omrom UWB antenna Veebeam USB adapter Skycross antenna Channel sounding N/A Xilinx ML605 N/A 4DSP FMC125/126 Table 2. List of components for the opto-electronic subsystems OLT Equipment ONT Equipment Alternatives Laser CW Fitel FRL15DCW N/A N/A Laser IM Fitel FRL15DDA Fitel FRL15DDA 3SP FOL15DCWD MZM Covega LN-058 Idem N/A EDFA Lightwaves2020 OBF Lightwaves2020 OPF N/A Photodetector U2t XPDV2150R idem u2t XPDV4120R Table 3. List components for the fibre infrastructure Fibre FTTH segment In-house segment Alternatives Corning SMF-28 ULL Corning Clear-CURVE N/A FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 28 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 Table 4. List of components for the microwave/millimetre-wave subsystems GbE-OFDM Amplifiers Filters Other Minicircuits ZX60-2534M+ Minicircuits VLF-400+ MITEQ IR0102LC1Q Minicircuits VHF-880+ Minicircuits ZX95-2260W+ Minicircuits VLF-1800+ LTE Minicircuits ZQL-2700MLNW+ Minicircuits VBF-2555+ N/A WiMAX Minicircuits ZX60-3800LN+ Minicircuits VHF-3100+ N/A Minicircuits VLF-3800+ UWB Minicircuits ZVA-183+ Minicircuits VHF-3800+ Picosecond 5840 Minicircuits VLF-7200+ N/A Picosecond 5865 Picosecond 5810B Other Minicircuits ZN4PD1-63W+ Minicircuits ZFRSC-183+ 60 GHz Hitite ALH382 Hitite ABH209 FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Hitite MDB207 Hitite XDH158 Hitite SDH126 Page 29 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 REFERENCES [1] http://www.4dsp.com/FMC110.php [2] http://www.xilinx.com/products/boards-and-kits/EK-V6-ML605-G.htm [3] http://www.airspan.com/downloads/MicroMAX-datasheet.pdf [4] http://www.airspan.com/downloads/WiMAX_Brochure_CPEs-Adjdpdf.pdf [5] http://www.maxim-ic.com/datasheet/index.mvp/id/5986 [6]http://www.airspan.com/wp-content/plugins/downloadmonitor/download.php?id=Airspan_AirSynergy_Brochure_0211_D.pdf [7] http://www.picochip.com/page/79/PC9608LTE-Dev-sys [8] http://www.stericsson.com/products/m700-thor.jsp [9] http://www.nokiasiemensnetworks.com/portfolio/products/4g-devices [10] http://www.wisair.com/products/wireless-usb-solutions/wusb-dongle-set/ [11] http://www.iogear.com/product/GUWAVKIT/ [12] http://www.veebeam.com/pages/VeebeamHD.html [13]http://www.components.omron.com/components/web/pdflib.nsf/0/CEFBAD4471ECA3918625737E00737 C1D/$file/N2-PR_final.pdf [14] http://www.skycross.com/Products/PDFs/SMT-2TO6MB-A.pdf [15] http://www.4dsp.com/FMC125.php [16] http://www.4dsp.com/FMC126.php [17] http://www.miteq.com/datasheets/MITEQ-IR0102.PDF [18] http://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/ ZX95-2260W+.pdf [19] http://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/ZX60-2534M.pdf [20] http://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/VLF-400.pdf [21] http://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/VHF-880.pdf [22] http://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/VLF-1400.pdf [23] http://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/ZX60-3800LN+.pdf [24] http://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/VHF-3100+.pdf [25] http://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/VLF-3800+.pdf [26] http://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/ZVA-183+.pdf [27] http://www.iti.iwatsu.co.jp/ja/products/pspl/pdf/amp_5865.pdf [28] http://www.picosecond.com/objects/5800%20Series%20SPEC-4040052.pdf [29] http://www.picosecond.com/objects/5810B%20SPEC-4040053.pdf [30] http://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/VHF-3800+.pdf [31] http://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/VLF-7200+.pdf FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 30 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 [32] http://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/ZQL-2700MLNW+.pdf [33] http://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/VBF-2555+.pdf [34] http://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/ZN4PD1-63W+.pdf [35] http://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/ZFRSC-183+.pdf [36] http://www.vubiq.com/60ghz.php [37] http://www.endwave.com/selectGuide.cfm?prod=tran&mtype=y#TR8 [38] http://www.millisys.com [39] http://www.hittite.com [40] http://www.furukawa.co.jp/fitel/english/active/pdf/Cooled/ODC-7R001E_FRL15DCWx-A8x-xxxxx-x_E.pdf [41] http://www.furukawa.co.jp/fitel/english/active/pdf/Cooled/ODC-4S002D_FRL15DDAx_DWDM.pdf [42] http://www.3sphotonics.com/data/File/3S%20PHOTONICS/Produits/3SP_1915_LMA_Analog_6GHz.pdf [43] http://u2t.de/system/files/sites/default/files/DS_XPDV21xxR%28A%29_2v2.pdf [44] http://u2t.de/system/files/sites/default/files/PDS_XPDV4120R_1v1.pdf [45] http://www.datasheetdir.com/LN058+download [46] http://www.corning.com/WorkArea/showcontent.aspx?id=41243 [47] http://www.princetel.com/datasheets/ClearCurve.pdf [48] http://www.lightwaves2020.com/datasheets/EDFA/noabf.pdf [49] http://www.lightwaves2020.com/datasheets/EDFA/noapf.pdf [50] http://www.home.agilent.com/agilent/product.jspx?pn=E4438C&cc=ES&lc=eng [51] http://www2.tek.com/cmswpt/psdetails.lotr?ct=PS&cs=psu&ci=14056&lc=EN [52] http://www.tek.com/products/oscilloscopes/dpo70000_dsa70000/ [53] http://www.home.agilent.com/agilent/product.jspx?pn=DSO81204A&cc=ES&lc=eng [54] http://www.home.agilent.com/agilent/product.jspx?nid=-34748.749305.00&lc=eng&cc=ES FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 31 of 32 Deliverable D5.4 ANNEX. Datasheets This Annex includes a summary of the datasheets of the main equipment reported in this deliverable that are available to all FIVER Consortium: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Virtex-6 FPGA ML605 Evaluation Kit MicroMAXd Base Station MiMAX Easy- Self Install CPE for Mobile WiMAX Wisair USB Adapter Set SkyCross UWB Antenna Image Rejection I/Q Mixer IR0102 Mini-circuits VCO ZX95-2260W+ Mini-circuits Amplifier ZX60-2534M Mini-circuits VLF-400 Mini-circuits VLF-880 Mini-circuits VLF-1400 Mini-circuits ZX60-3800LN+ Mini-circuits VHF-3100+ Mini-circuits VLF-3800+ Mini-circuits ZVA-183+ Picosecond 5865 Driver Amplifier Picosecond 5800 Series Ultra- Broad Amplifier Picosecond 5810B BroadBand Amplifier Mini-circuits VHF-3800 Mini-circuits VLF-7200+ Mini-circuits Low Noise Amplifier ZQL-2700LNW+ Mini-circuits Bandpass Filter VBF-2555+ Mini-circuits Power Splitter / Combiner ZN4PD1-63W+ Mini-circuits Power Splitter / Combiner ZFRSC-183+ VubIQ 60 GHz development System V60DSK01 COVEGA Analog Modulator Lightwaves Compact Low Cost Booster EDFA Corning SSMF Optical Fiber FP7-ICT-2009-4-249142 Page 32 of 32 VIRTEX-6 FPGA ML605 EVALUATION KIT VIRTEX-6 FPGA ML605 EVALUATION KIT HIGH-PERFORMANCE, HIGH-SPEED FPGA DESIGN PLATFORM What’s Inside the ML605 Evaluation Kit VIRTEX-6 FPGA ML605 EVALUATION KIT Accelerated Development Reference Designs and Demos - Board Diagnostic Demo - Base System Reference Design featuring DSP48, Gigabit Ethernet, DDR3 Memory Controller, DVI, System Monitor, and Serial Transceiver integration - PCI Express Gen 2 (x4) - PCI Express Gen 1 (x8) - DDR3 Memory Interface - IBERT - Multiboot Reference Design, featuring self-test/update and configuration - Hardened Memory Controller Reference Design Reference designs, demos, documentation, and applications delivered on USB FLASH drive to get started quickly ML605 Base Board with the XC6VLX240T-1FFG1156 FPGA ISE® Design Suite Logic Edition: (device-locked) for Virtex-6 LX240T FPGA Documentation – Hardware Setup Guide – Getting Started Guide – Hardware User Guide – Reference Designs User Guide Schematics and PCB files Universal 12V power supply Cables: 2 USB, 1 Ethernet DVI to VGA adapter Accelerate Your Designs – Right Out of the Box Fewer resources under tighter deadlines, new standards, and shifting requirements make for a challenging design environment Market expectations for higher performance and more intelligent features require new approaches to developing electronic systems Today’s systems call for advanced memories, connectivity, digital signal, and embedded processing, all working together Simpler and Smarter Methodologies Xilinx Targeted Design Platforms enable software and hardware designers alike to leverage open standards, common design methodologies, development tools, and run-time platforms Design teams can spend less time developing the infrastructure of an application and more time building differentiating features into the end application Targeted Design Platforms from Xilinx and its network of third parties provide system designers with simpler and smarter methodologies for creating FPGA-based system-on-chip solutions The Virtex®-6 FPGA ML605 Evaluation Kit is the Xilinx base platform for developing high-performance applications for markets such as wired telecommunications, wireless infrastructure, broadcast and many others. As a Base Level Targeted Design Platform, this new kit provides an integration of hardware, software, IP and preverified reference designs so development can begin right out of the box. B OAR D F EATU R ES User Clock (J55-J58) DDR3 SFP Value-Added Productivity With everything you need in one package, the Virtex-6 FPGA ML605 Evaluation Kit provides value-added productivity gains that you can’t get from à la carte development system assemblies. Functional infrastructure that already look like your basic architecture makes you more productive as you ramp up a new design, enabling quicker time-to-innovation for differentiating your products versus your competition. Multiple design examples provide insight and a kick-start on how to implement system IP to optimize your unique application. FMC (LPC) FMC (HPC) Configuration USB 2.0 Mode Switch (Host) 12V ATX Power System ACE USB 2.0 Address 12V Wall Power (Device) GPIO LEDs System ACE GPIO DIP Switch (SW1) Prog (SW4) SystemACE RST (SW3) USB to UART (J21) MGT Clock (J30 & J31) CPU RST (SW10) USB JTAG (J22) PMBus Controller System Monitor Headers Ethernet PMBus (J3) DVI Output Integrated, Easy-to-Use Solutions The Virtex-6 FPGA ML605 Evaluation Kit provides a flexible environment for higher-level system design including applications which need to implement features such as DDR3, Gigabit Ethernet, PCI Express®, and other serial connectivity. The ML605 development board includes industry-standard FMC (FPGA Mezzanine Card) connectors for scaling and customization to specific applications and markets. The integration of Xilinx development tools help streamline the creation of systems that adhere to complex requirements. For more information, support, documents and reference designs, or to purchase, please visit www.xilinx.com/ml605 Platform Flash MGT Port Push Buttons (U27) (J26-J29) (SW5-SW9) X8 PCI Express 16x2 LCD Character BPI Flash Display (U4) Take the NEXT STEP For more information, support, documents, and reference designs, or to purchase, please visit www.xilinx.com/ml605 Part Number: EK-V6-ML605-G Corporate Headquarters Europe Japan Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. Xilinx, Inc. 2100 Logic Drive San Jose, CA 95124 USA Tel: 408-559-7778 www.xilinx.com Xilinx Europe One Logic Drive Citywest Business Campus Saggart, County Dublin Ireland Tel: +353-1-464-0311 www.xilinx.com Xilinx K.K. Art Village Osaki Central Tower 4F 1-2-2 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 141-0032 Japan Tel: +81-3-6744-7777 japan.xilinx.com Xilinx, Asia Pacific 5 Changi Business Park Singapore 486040 Tel: +65-6407-3000 www.xilinx.com © Copyright 2009 Xilinx, Inc. XILINX, the Xilinx logo, Virtex, Spartan, ISE and other designated brands included herein are trademarks of Xilinx in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Printed in the U.S.A. PN 2424 Technical Datasheet - Base Stations MicroMAXd Base Station (802.16d) highly integrated micro-cell base station with all-in-one outdoor packaging of RF and base-band components. Performance optimized variants for high density roof-top deployments and cost optimized variants for low density / rural deployments are available. MicroMAXd is an outdoor solution for Fixed WiMAX applications with an Leading fixed WiMAX Base Station Standards Compliance Form Factor Frequency Bands MicoMAXd IEEE802.16-2004 Split Indoor / Outdoor 700 MHz, 1.4, 1.5, 1.9, 2.3, 2.5, 2.7, 3.3-3.8 TDD/FDD, 4.9-5.95 GHz Channel Size MicroMAXd is a complete standalone base station, with a feature-rich and MicroMAXd Main Features Cost optimized for lower density applications Modular and scalable architecture All outdoor integrated baseband digital processing, radio and antenna Up to 16 radios per mast Supports WiMAX ForumTM 700 MHz, 1.4 GHz, 1.5 GHz, , 1.9 GHz, 2.3 GHz, 2.5 GHz, 2.8 GHz, 3.3 GHz, 3.5 GHz, 3.7 GHz, 4.9 GHz, 5.1 GHz, 5.4 GHz, 5.8 GHz and in 5.9 GHz bands BPSK/QPSK/16QAM/64QAM adaptive modulation Full duplex FDD and TDD operation Advanced software features Full IEEE 802.16 QoS service classes Full 802.1d transparent bridging IEEE 802.1q/p VLAN tagging/untagging Bridging and routing functionality The MicroMAXd base station is highly modular in design and consists of two main components: the all-outdoor Base Station Radios (BSR) and the indoor aggregator Base Station Distribution Unit (BSDU), or the single channel Data Adaptor. Each base station site can contain up to 16 BSRs, depending on the amount of available spectrum. Each BSR is connected to the BSDU via a 100BaseT interface operating over a Cat5e cable, which carries both data and power over a distance of 300m with Cat5e repeater. Each BSDU can support up to 8 BSRs. MicroMAXd is designed to support lower density, rural broadband access, FFT scenarios in both licensed (700 MHz, 1.4, 1.5, 1.9, 2.3, 2.5, 2.8, 3.3-3.8 TDD and FDD, 4.9 and 5.9 GHz) and unlicensed (5.1, 5.4 and 5.8 GHz) bands. Duplex Method Tx Power (Frequency band dependant) GPS Synchronization Yes Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) Yes Ethernet CS End to End VLAN (802.1Q) Network VLAN Traffic Segregation Supported Usage Scenarios Authentication The MicroMAXd base stations is managed by Netspan, Airspan’s SNMP based element management platform. 44 dBm Distributed Uplink Sub-Channelization Network Interface MicroMAXd operating in unlicensed bands can be used by Wireless ISPs to deploy WiMAX easily and cost 256 TDD, FDD +27 dBm in most bands, +22 dBm in 4.9-5.95 GHz Maximum EiRP per sector One of the key features of the MicroMAXd BSR is that it requires less than 28W power, making it ideally suited for those rural deployments where power generation and supply may be a problem. 10, 5, 3.5, 3, 2.75, 2.5, 1.75, 1.5 MHz Yes 100 bT Ethernet Yes Yes Nomadic, Fixed PKM Environmental (outdoor elements) ETS 300 019-1-4 Class 4.1E Environmental (indoor elements) ETS 300 019-1-3 Class 3.2 Network Architecture PSTN Internet HA ProST Outdoor CPE VoIP Integrated Acess Devices IP Core MicroMAX AAA ASN Gateway (ControlMAX) EasyST Indoor/Desktop Self-install CPE IMS Billing DHCP/ DNS CRM BRAS CSN Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice and are for information purposes only. MiMAX Easy - Self Install CPE for Mobile WiMAX Self Install MiMAX Easy and EasyST Find out more about Airspan’s products and solutions IEEE 802.16e Mobile WiMAX Indoor “self-install” CPE Available in 2.3, 2.5, 3.3-3.8 GHz bands Self-install WiMAX CPE (indoor WiMAX modem) Full indoor Non-Line-Of-Sight (NLOS) deployment Fully nomadic operation - including support of a channel table to automatically connect to Base Station MiMAX Easy is an all-indoor CPE designed for self-install by the end user whereas the MiMAX Pro is a part indoor part outdoor CPE which requires professional installation and provides superior link budget in the following countries: MiMAX Easy is a physically compact WiMAX CPE designed to operate on the Mobile WiMAX platform but to be Europe For more information about Airspan, its Finland products and solutions, please visit our deployed indoors alongside the end user's PC or network, typically on a desk. MiMAX Easy is designed to be installed by the end user, using a simple-to-use but sophisticated user interface to enable optimum positioning without needing to switch-on the user's PC. This helps improve service availability and reliability whilst increasing service speed and reducing network load. Poland website: Russia www.airspan.com United Kingdom EasyST-2 Americas IEEE 802.16d Fixed WiMAX Indoor “self-install” CPE Small form factor and built-in antenna Available in various bands from 700 MHz to 5.95 GHz Full indoor Non-Line-Of-Sight (NLOS) deployment Optional IEEE 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi access point Optional VoIP base for 1 or 2 POTS lines Up to 8.5 dBi, 4x90º auto selecting antenna Full support for sub-channelization (OFDMA on uplink) United States or email: sales@airspan.com Australia India With more than 500 customers Indonesia in over 100 countries, Airspan Japan has the expertise and experience Philippines to deliver the most advanced Sri Lanka For Self Install Indoor Deployments technology WiMAX solution that Main Features will best meet your needs. Full indoor non-LOS (NLOS) deployment User unpacks, plugs in and surfs Installation takes less than 1 minute! Contact Airspan today! EasyST is an indoor, self-installable CPE which operates on the Fixed WiMAX platform. Much like the MiMAX Easy, the EasyST is compact, easy to install by an end-user and can be conveniently located on a desk. The EasyST also uses a sophisticated user interface for best positioning so optimum RF reception and transmission is achieved. EasyWiFi EasyVoice The Wi-Fi expansion base provides full IEEE 802.11b/g Access Point functionality and turns each EasyST into an instant hot spot, with the WiMAX radio interface providing backhaul for IEEE 802.11b/g clients. Thanks to IEEE 802.16 QoS built into the EasyST, Wireless SIP phones can make high quality, managed VoIP calls. Voice and data are supported by the VoIP expansion base, with 2 voice lines and an Ethernet port. The unit serves standard RJ-11 telephone instruments. Battery backup can provided and uses simple AA rechargeable NiMH cells. The VoIP expansion base is managed by Airspan’s base stations and VoiceMAX solution to ensure transparent, carrier-class voice service. EasyST is designed for combined voice and data deployments. CPE. The unit has two stackable extension base options - one for Wi-Fi and the other for VoIP and data. features Fully Nomadic Operation Worldwide Headquarters; Airspan Networks Inc. 777 Yamato Road, Suite 310, Boca Raton, FL 33431-4408, USA Tel: +1 561 893 8670 Fax: +1 561 893 8671 Airspan Communications Limited Cambridge House, Oxford Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 1UN, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1895 467 100 Fax: +44 (0) 1895 467 101 www.airspan.com 001-0811-006 Rev J Outdoor Installable CPEs Outdoor CPE MiMAX Pro and ProST Outdoor subscriber terminals (or CPEs) available for Fixed or Mobile platforms. They are designed for rapid and simple service availability at enhanced ranges, operating in both LOS and NLOS propagation environments. trained personnel in less than one hour. The operator would deploy the Both the MiMAX Pro and ProST can be managed by Airspan's Web-based management system or Netspan element manager. needs to be guaranteed to the end customer. These units ensure high Vehicle Mounted Mobile Radio Transmitter - MRT MRT – A revolutionary ruggedized hybrid device for vehicular mounting and operation t t t t t t t MiMAX Pro Outdoor CPE for IEEE 802.16e mobile WiMAX Available in 2.3 GHz, 2.5 GHz, 3.3-3.8 GHz bands Ensures high service availability over long distances Outdoor and indoor units connected via Power over Ethernet (PoE) Wide variety of frequencies from 700 MHz up to 5.9 GHz Powered from outside source or directly from vehicle Ideal for Public Safety, Transportation and Oil & Gas Highly ruggedized, meeting extreme environmental standards Optional Wi-Fi AP capabilities Local or remote management and software upgrades Supports Self Provisioning Airspan has adapted their seasoned MiMAX Pro is a Mobile WiMAX customer premises equipment for outdoor deployment. The MiMAX Pro is designed for enhanced Internet connectivity. and Interoperability while incorporating advanced antenna technology with directional dual polarization integrated antenna (MIMO). The unit has a built-in antenna with 27 dBm Tx power. The unit has class-leading capabilities ProST and ProST-WiFi MRT- Mobile Radio Transmitter Device Main Features Vehicle mounted CPE Integrated directional antenna or any external antenna Optional integrated Wi-Fi Access Point functions Available in wide range of frequencies from 700 MHz to 5.95 GHz Outdoor and indoor units connected using CAT5e cable Built-in antenna gain of 17dBi in most of the frequency bands Industrial strength Wi-Fi AP Rapid and Simple External Deployment Main Features Suitable for full outdoor Non-LOS deployment Available in a wide range of frequencies Environmentally hardened design Designed for outdoor deployment Compact, light and easy to install ProST product family has two models: ProST - delivers WiMAX access ProST-WiFi - delivers WiMAX access with integrated Wi-Fi ProST supports a two piece design comprising of the outdoor unit (ODU) which contains the radio, the antenna and the baseband processor in an environmentally robust enclosure, and a family of indoor adapters called Subscriber Data Adapter (SDA) designed to support the delivery of a range of end-user services, including: 1 to 4 Port Switch 4 port with VLAN Port Switching Integral 802.11b/g WiFi Access Point (SDA-WiFi) Integral VoIP IAD (SDA-MSG) SDA-MSG comprises of the EasyVoice unit plus a Power Supply Adaptor (PSA). The SDA-WiFi consists of the EasyWiFi unit plus PSA. ProST-WiFi, in addition to the WiMAX access also supports an outdoor integrated IEEE 802.11b/g Access Point inside of the same ProST ODU enclosure. This solution enables ProSTWiFi to provide outdoor Wi-Fi coverage with WiMAX backhaul thus ensuring the rapid rollout of Wi-Fi Hotzones. ProST-WiFi operates over the full ProST temperature range and includes industrial strength IEEE 802.11b/g technology that supports 16 SSIDs per CPE, antenna gain of 2dBi, Tx power of 16dBm, transparent layer 2 bridge and VLAN support. WiMAX and Wi-Fi hybrid Rugged IP-66 rating Powered directly from vehicle or outside source BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM Operates on a wide variety of licensed and license-free frequency bands: t 700 MHz, 1.5, 1.9, 2.3, 2.5-2.9, 3.3-3.8, 4.9, 5.6, 5.8 and 5.9 GHz Wi-Fi Operation t Access Point or Bridge t Embedded DHCP Server for LAN applications requiring vehicle connectivity within their network. A customized CPE was created which harnesses the best of existing units in enabled, vehicle mounted CPE. This unique unit, called MRT (mobile radio transmitter), allows for real-time information exchange, surveillance and vehicle tracking. The vehicle mounted CPE communicates with stationary base stations deployed in areas such as bus depots, police lots or along roads and highways, and in the case of emergency situations, the unit can transmit to a nomadic base station. simultaneously creating a Wi-Fi hot spot enabling passengers or vertical market employees to access Wi-Fi Internet or network connectivity from a variety of devices. The unit is ideal for nomadic and vehicular operation. When mounted in a vehicle, the unit can either be powered directly from the vehicle or from an outside source. The MRT is ideal for any market needing communication to and from vehicles. These include, Oil and Gas, Public Safety, Transportation, Surveillance, etc., By opening up new service opportunities and by creating the environment for vehicular broadband services everywhere, Airspan is enabling entities worldwide to change their business models, The MRT is a ruggedized hybrid device integrating WiMAX CPE and Wi-Fi AP functionalities in a single package allowing WiMAX connectivity while Small and easy to install WiMAX Network Internet Bus Depot MRT colocated with DVR Wi-Fi with the SDA-MSG and SDA-WiFi units. Network Operation Center Airspan Base Station Train and Passengers SDA-MSG SDA-WiFi MRT wth Wi-Fi hotspot Technical Datasheet - End User Devices EasyST and ProST No Mobile WiMAX Technical Datasheet - End User Devices MiMAX Easy and MiMAX Pro MRT Yes Standards Compliance Yes No IEEE802.16-2004 IEEE802.16e-2005 Form Factor EasyST - Indoor Self-Install ProST - Outdoor MiMAX Easy - Indoor Self-Install MiMAX Pro - Outdoor Frequency Bands 700 MHz, 1.4 GHz 1.5GHz , 2.3 GHz, 2.5 GHz, 3.3-3.8 GHz Fixed WiMAX Standards Compliance IEEE802.16d-2004 Ruggedized Vehicle Mounted Form Factor Frequency Bands 700 MHz, 1.5, 1.9, 2.3, 2.5-2.9, 3.3-3.8, 4.9, 5.6, 5.8 and 5.9 GHz 1.9GHz, 2.3, 2.5, 2.7 GHz, Duplex Method 3.3-3.8 GHz TDD/FDD variants, FDD Tx Power (Frequency band dependant) Up to 26dBm 4.9GHz-5.95 GHz variants 10MHz, 5MHz, 3.5MHz, 3MHz, Channel Size 10MHz, 7MHz, 5MHz, 3.5MHz WI-FI Interface 2.75 MHz, 2.5 MHz 1.75MHz, 1.5 MHz FFT Duplex Method 256 1024, 512 TDD, FDD TDD Up to +24dBm in most bands Up to 27dBm -103dBm -101dBm STC Yes Yes MIMO N/A Yes MIMO Matrix Type N/A Matrix A, Matrix B CSM N/A Yes Uplink Sub-Channelization N/A Yes PUSC Fractional Frequency Reuse N/A Yes N/A Yes Tx Power (Frequency band dependant) Rx Sensitivity Ethernet CS Yes Yes IP CS N/A Yes IP version support IPv4 IPv6, IPv4 10/100bT Ethernet, WiFi, POTS 10/100bT Ethernet User Interface Wi-Fi Modes DHCP or Static IP DHCP Server Embedded DHCP Server for LAN Standards IEEE 802.11b/G FCC FCC Part 15, Class A EN 300 325 2.4 GHz TELEC STD-33/STD-66 Security WEP, WPA TKIP, WPA2 AES SSID Limit 16 Max TX Power 16dBm Wired Interface Device Type Transparent Layer 2 Switched Bridge Standards IEEE 802.3/Ethernet & 802.1Q VLAN using Ipv4 Device Type 4-Port Switch Connector Type from an integrated RGW Yes Yes Supported Usage Scenarios Nomadic, Fixed Mobile, Portable, Nomadic, Fixed N/A Yes DES, AES AES PKMv2 EAP-TLS, EAP-TTL RJ-45, Auto Switching Data Rate End to End VLAN (802.1q) Handover Supported Access Point or Bridge WAN LAN Provisioning 10/100 MB, Auto Sensing Environmental EMC Safety Operating Temperature Encryption -40° to 55°C / -40° to 131°F Storage Temperature Authentication -40° to 80°C / -40° to 131°F Humidity 0 to 95% @ 40°C / 104°F, non-condensing IP Rating IP66 Shock 30G (Per SAE-J1455, MIL-STD-202G, 213-1, Condition J) Vibration (random) 02PSD (Per SAE-J1455, MIL-STD-202G, Table 214-I, Condition A) Shock ETS EN 301 489-4, FCC Class A Vibration (random) IEC60950-1, EN60950-1, TUV Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice and are for information purposes only. Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice and are for information purposes only. Product Summary Find out Base Station Products more about Airspan’s MacroMAXe Highly integrated macro-cell base station with all-in-one outdoor packaging of RF and baseband components. Includes dual RF transceivers for 2Tx 4Rx support; Supports MIMO Matrix A and B HiperMAX Split architecture base station which incorporates MIMO, beamforming and high availability. Designed to deliver optimum capacity and net throughput for Fixed and Mobile WiMAX applications in both FDD and TDD. MicroMAXd Cost effective, highly modular base station designed for lower density deployments and micro-cell/pico-cell applications in both FDD and TDD. products and solutions End User Devices MiMAX USB A revolutionary multi-band USB device that turns any laptop into a Mobile WiMAX client thus enabling user mobility and roaming. Single band variants are also available MiMAX Easy Self-install Subscriber Station for mobile WiMAX offering MIMO Matrix A and B benefits. MiMAX Pro Outdoor Subscriber Station for mobile WiMAX offering MIMO Matrix A and B benefits. For more information about Airspan, its EasyST A revolutionary indoor, self-install WiMAX Subscriber Station with optional IEEE 802.11b/g Wi-Fi and Voice over IP (VoIP) add-ons. products and solutions, please visit our EasyWiFi An IEEE 802.11b/g Wi-Fi Access Point, which tightly integrates with the EasyST to create a combined WiMAX-WiFi unit for residential use. EasyVoice A residential gateway unit with 2 VoIP ports and 1 Ethernet port that integrates with the EasyST to create a combined voice and data WiMAX Subscriber Station with VoIP and Ethernet ports. ProST An environmentally hardened outdoor Subscriber Station developed to provide superior link budget performance in difficult deployment conditions. Requires professional installation. Delivers VoIP services when used with SDA-MSG (Multi-Services Gateway). ProST-WiFi Airspan has sales offices in the following countries: Europe Finland Poland website: Russia www.airspan.com United Kingdom Americas or email: United States sales@airspan.com Asia Pacific A ProST with a Wi-Fi Access Point integrated into the same outdoor enclosure. Enables integrated WiMAX and Wi-Fi applications in outdoor public spaces. Australia With more than 500 customers India Indonesia Network Products in over 100 countries, Airspan ControlMAX Airspan’s Core Network product family, consisting of the ControlMAX Gateway and ControlMAX AAA ControlMAX Gateway Japan has the expertise and experience Airspan’s Access Services Network (ASN) gateway product family which includes the ST-40 and the AN-1 products. An essential component of any Mobile WiMAX network. Philippines to deliver the most advanced Sri Lanka ControlMAX AAA Airspan’s AAA and policy product family. An essential component of any Mobile WiMAX CSN. technology WiMAX solution that VoiceMAX Enables WiMAX networks to deliver robust SIP based services such as VoIP and video, with integrated Admission Control for ensuring carrier-class voice quality. will best meet your needs. Contact Airspan today! Network Management Products Netspan A comprehensive element management solution that manages Airspan’s WiMAX network elements. Glossary ASN ATCA BWA CPE CSN FDD IMS LNA MAC MIMO MRC NLOS Access Service Network Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture Broa dba nd W ireless Access Customer Premises Equipment Connectivity Service Network Frequency Division Duplex IP Multimedia Subsystem Low Noise Amplifier Media Access Control Layer Multiple Input Multiple Output Maximal Ratio Combining Non Line of Sight OBSAI OFDM OFDMA PHY SAS SDMA SDR SIP SOFDMA STC TDD VoIP Open Base Station Standard Initiative Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Orthogonal Frequency Division M ultiplexing ( M ultiple Access) PHYsical Layer Smart Antenna System Spatial Division Multiple Access Software Defined Radio Session Initiation Protocol Scalable OFDMA Space-Time Coding Time Division Duplex Voice over IP Worldwide Headquarters; Airspan Networks Inc. 777 Yamato Road, Suite 310, Boca Raton, FL 33431-4408, USA Tel: +1 561 893 8670 Fax: +1 561 893 8671 www.airspan.com Airspan Communications Limited Cambridge House, Oxford Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 1UN, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1895 467 100 Fax: +44 (0) 1895 467 101 001-0107-006 Rev J 19-4221; Rev 0; 7/08 o On-Board Line Driver and Voltage Reference o 50 SMA Connectors on All RF and Baseband Ports o PC Control Software Available at www.maxim-ic.com/evkitsoftware Ordering Information PART TYPE MAX2838EVKIT+ EV Kit +Denotes lead-free and RoHS compliant. Component List DESIGNATION QTY DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION C3, C8, C24, C28, C30, C33, C38, C41–C44, C47, C75, C77 0 C4–C7, C10, C13, C17, C18, C40, C45, C46, C59, C60, C67 14 0.1μF ±10% ceramic capacitors (0402) Murata GRM155R61A104K C9, C16, C31, C70, C74, C86, C89 7 0.033μF ±10% ceramic capacitors (0402) Murata GRM155R71A333K C11, C23, C26, C32 4 C37, C39 Not installed, capacitors C48, C49 C68, C69 0.01μF ±10% ceramic capacitors (0402) Murata GRM155R71E103K 4 10μF ±10% tantalum capacitors— R-case AVX TAJR106K006R 1 2200pF ±10% ceramic capacitor (0402) Murata GRM155R71H222K 2 0.15μF ±10% ceramic capacitors (0402) Murata GRM155R61A154K 3 1.0μF ±10% ceramic capacitors (0805) Murata GRM155R60J105K C25 1 1000pF ±5% ceramic capacitor (0402) Murata GRM1555C1H102J C27 1 2.2μF ±10% tantalum capacitor— R-case AVX TAJR225K006R C12, C53, C55, C66 C14 C19, C88 C20, C29, C35 QTY DESCRIPTION 2 2.2μF ±10% ceramic capacitors (0603) Murata GRM188R61A225K 2 3.3pF ±0.1pF ceramic capacitors (0402) Murata GRM1555C1H3R3B 2 4.7pF ±0.1pF ceramic capacitors (0402) Murata GRM1555C1H4R7B C79 1 120pF ±5% ceramic capacitor (0402) Murata GRM1555C1H121J C81, C83 2 2.4pF ±0.1pF ceramic capacitors (0402) Murata GRM1555C1H2R4B J17 0 Not installed, 2 x 13-pin header J18 1 DB25 horizontal male PCB connector AMP 5747238-4 L1 1 2.2nH ±0.1nH inductor (0402) Murata LQP15MN2N2B02 L2, L4, L5 0 Not installed, inductors L7 1 4.7nH ±0.1nH inductor (0402) Murata LQP15MN4R7B02 R1, R7 2 200Ω ±1% resistors (0402) R2, R5, R6, R38 4 205Ω ±1% resistors (0402) R3, R10 2 226Ω ±1% resistors (0402) R4, R26 2 49.9Ω ±1% resistors (0402) MAX2838 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX2838 The MAX2838 evaluation kit (EV kit) simplifies testing of the MAX2838 receive and transmit performance in WiMAX™ applications operating in the 3.3GHz to 3.9GHz ISM band. The EV kit provides 50 SMA connectors for all RF and baseband inputs and outputs. Differential to single-ended and single-ended to differential line drivers are provided to convert the differential I/Q baseband inputs and outputs to single ended. Features Evaluates: MAX2838 MAX2838 Evaluation Kit General Description Component List (continued) DESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTION R8, R11, R15, R19, R23, R24, R25, R27, R28, R30, R35, R39, R41, R43, R45–R50, R52–R64, R66 0 R12, R31, R40, R42, R65, R67 0 R20, R51 2 750Ω ±5% resistors (0402) R21, R22 2 61.9Ω ±1% resistors (0402) R33, R36 2 1kΩ trimmer potentiometers Bourns 3296W-1-102LF R34 1 620Ω ±5% resistor (0402) R37 1 301Ω ±1% resistor (0402) R44 1 10Ω ±5% resistor (0402) R68 1 0Ω ±5% resistor (0402) T1, T2 2 3.6GHz RF baluns Murata LDB213G6010C-001 Not installed, resistors Not installed, resistors T3 1 4.5GHz RF balun Murata LDB184G5010C-110 U1, U3 2 Low-noise differential ADC drivers ADI AD8139ARDZ U2, U6 2 Maxim MAX4444ESE+ (16 narrow SO) U4 1 Maxim MAX2838ETM+ (48 Thin QFN-EP, 6mm x 6mm x 0.8mm) U7 1 Low-dropout linear regulator Maxim MAX8887EZK29+ (5 SOT23) U8, U9 2 SN74LVTH244ADB Texas Instruments SN74LVTH244ADBR U10 1 Low-dropout voltage reference Maxim MAX6062AEUR+ (3 SOT23) U11 1 40MHz TCXO Kyocera KT3225N40000ECV28ZAA U13 1 Ultra-low-noise LDO Maxim MAX8510EXK29+ (5 SC70) U14 0 Not installed, ultra-low-noise LDO DESIGNATION QTY B1–B7, CSB, DIN, DOUT, ENABLE, PABIAS, RXHP, RXTX, SCLK, TPCLKOUT, TPSPIDOUT, TXENOUT/RSSI, VCM DESCRIPTION 19 Test points, PCB mini-red Keystone 5000 CLKCOUT, RXBBI, RXBBQ, RXRF, TXBBI, TXBBQ, TXRF, VCOIO 8 SMA edge-mount connectors, round Johnson 142-0701-801 FREF 0 Not installed, SMA edge-mount connector GND1, GND2 2 Test points, PCB black Keystone 5011 JPB1–JPB7, JPSHDNB, RXBBBUF 9 1 x 3-pin headers Sullins PEC36SAAN JP2CSB, JPENABLE, JPRXHP, JPRXTX, JPSHDNB, JPSPICLK, JPSPIDIN 0 Not installed, 1 x 3-pin headers VCCCP, VCCDB, VCCDIG, VCCLNA, VCCLO, VCCPAD, VCCREF, VCCRXFL, VCCRXMX, VCCRXVGA, VCCTCXO, VCCTXMX, VCCVCO, JPRXBBI+, JPRXBBI-, JPRXBBQ+, JPRXBBQ-, JPTXBBI+, JPTXBBI-, JPTXBBQ+, JPTXBBQ-, TUNE 0 Not installed, 1 x 2-pin headers +5V, -5V, VBAT, VCCAUX 4 Test points, PCB red Keystone 5010 — 8 Shunts (JPB1–JPB7, RXBBBUF) Sullins SSC02SYAN — 1 MAX2838 EV Kit+ PCB WiMAX is a trademark of WiMAX forum. ________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 2 1 _______________________________________________________________________________________ For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at www.maxim-ic.com. SUPPLIER PHONE Analog Device 800-262-5643 WEBSITE www.analog.com Digi-Key Corp. 800-344-4539 www.digikey.com Keystone Electronics Corp. 800-221-5510 www.keyelco.com Murata Mfg. Co., Ltd. 770-436-1300 www.murata-northamerica.com Note: Indicate that you are using the MAX2838 when contacting these component suppliers. Quick Start Recommended Test Equipment This section lists the recommended test equipment to verify the operation of the MAX2838. It is intended as a guide only and substitutions may be possible: • DC supply capable of delivering +5V and 250mA of continuous current • DC supply capable of delivering -5V and 250mA of continuous current • DC supply capable of delivering +3.3V and 250mA of continuous current • One HP 8648 or equivalent signal source capable of generating 0dBm up to 3.9GHz • Two HP or equivalent arbitrary waveform generators • One HP 8561E or equivalent RF spectrum analyzer with a minimum 100kHz to 3GHz frequency range • One TDS3012 or equivalent oscilloscope with 200MHz bandwidth • One HP 437B power meter and power head • A user-supplied Windows® 95/98/2000/XP (or later) PC with an available parallel port • One female-to-male 25-pin parallel straight-through cable Connections and Setup The MAX2838 EV kit is fully assembled and factory tested. Follow the instructions below to test the devices. This section provides step-by-step instructions for getting the EV kit up and running in all modes: 1) Install and run the MAX2838 control software. Select MAX2838 for MAXIM IC type under Options. 2) To control the EV kit through the 4-wire interface, connect the female-to-male 25-pin parallel straightthrough cable between the PC and the EV kit. 3) With the power supply turned off, connect the +3.3V power supply to VBAT and VCCAUX. Connect the power-supply ground to the header labeled GND. 4) With the power supply turned off, connect the +5V power supply to the +5V pin and the -5V power supply to the -5V pin. Connect the power-supply ground to the header labeled GND. Connect all the power-supply grounds together. 5) Set the RXBBBUF jumper across pins 1-2 to enable the Rx baseband buffers. MAX2838 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX2838 Component Suppliers Evaluates: MAX2838 MAX2838 Evaluation Kit 4) Press the SEND ALL button. 5) In the Registers panel of the software, set ENABLE and RXTX to be 1 to activate the receive path. 6) In the RX panel of the software, toggle the LNA gain enable and the baseband VGA enable both to be SPI. Set both of the gain controls to be max. 7) Turn on the RF signal source. The output CW tone at 1MHz should be approximately 0dBm. Transmit Mode 1) Connect the spectrum analyzer to the TXRF port. Set the center frequency to be 3600MHz and the span to be 5MHz. 2) Connect a 1MHz I/Q signal to pins TXBBI and TXBBQ, respectively. Set the input amplitude of each channel to 90mVRMS with 90 degrees phase shift. 3) In the Registers panel of the software, set ENABLE to be 1 and RXTX to be 0 to activate the transmit path. 4) In the Registers panel of the software, enter the recommended register setting shown in Figure 2. 5) Press the Send All button. 6) Enable the output of the baseband signal sources. The desired tone, LO leakage, and the sideband appear at 3601MHz, 3600MHz, and 3599MHz, 6) Turn on the +3.3V power supply, and the +5V and -5V power supplies. 7) In the Enables panel of the software, check the EN_SPI box to enable the 3-wire interface. 8) Adjust the Tx common-mode potentiometer (R36) until measuring 0.9V common-mode voltage at the VCM test point. 9) In the Registers panel of the software, set ENABLE to 0 and RXTX to 1 to put the IC into standby mode. 10) In the Synth panel of the software, set the LO frequency to 3600MHz. Receive Mode 1) Use the power meter to calibrate the RF signal generator to deliver -98dBm at 3601MHz. After calibration, turn the RF signal generator off, disconnect it from the power meter, and connect it to the RXRF port of the MAX2838 EV kit. 2) Connect either the I or the Q baseband output to a spectrum analyzer. Set the center frequency to be 1MHz and the span to be 1MHz. 3) In the Registers panel of the software, enter the recommended register setting shown in Figure 1 for operating the MAX2838 in steady-state receive mode bench measurement. This setup fixes the VGA highpass corner at 1kHz. Figure 1. Receive Mode Register Setting Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 4 _______________________________________________________________________________________ To minimize coupling between different sections of the IC, use a “star” power-supply routing configuration with a large decoupling capacitor at a central VCC node. The VCC traces branch out from this node, each going to a separate VCC node in the circuit. Place a bypass capacitor as close to each supply pin as possible. This arrangement provides local decoupling at each VCC pin. Use at least one via per bypass capacitor for a lowinductance ground connection. Do not share the capacitor ground vias with any other branch. MAX2838 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX2838 Layout Considerations The MAX2838 EV kit can serve as a guide for board layout. Keep PCB trace lengths as short as possible to minimize parasitic inductance. Also, keep decoupling capacitors as close to the IC as possible with a direct connection to the ground plane. Power-Supply Layout Evaluates: MAX2838 MAX2838 Evaluation Kit respectively. In the TX panel of the software, toggle TXVGA to be SPI. Set the Tx VGA gain to be 3dB back from the max gain. The power level of the desired tone is approximately -1.5dBm in the spectrum analyzer marker reading, assuming that the balun on board contributes a 1dB loss. Figure 2. Transmit Mode Register Setting Figure 3a. MAX2838 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 1 of 2) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 6 MAX2838 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX2838 Figure 3b. MAX2838 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 2 of 2) _______________________________________________________________________________________ Evaluates: MAX2838 MAX2838 Evaluation Kit _______________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 4. MAX2838 EV Kit PCB Layout—Top Silkscreen 7 8 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Wireless USB Adapter Set MAX2838 Evaluation Kit Product Brief Evaluates: MAX2838 s User Benefits Overview Eliminates cable clutter and allows placing The Wisair Wireless USB Adapter Set allows users to ‘upgrade’ existing USB devices to Wireless USB. Consisting of a pair of Wireless USB adapters—one for the device and one for the PC—the solution brings Wireless USB connectivity to a range of devices, such as hard disk drives, printers and hubs. peripherals anywhere in the room s Supports a wide range of USB devices- printers, scanners, external hard disks, DVD/CD, iPod, etc. s s s s s Single SKU of both adapters for worldwide deployment Key Features s Superior performance and range, with full room coverage s Wireless USB connectivity with simple setup and no network configuration Production-ready, fully certified solution The Wireless USB adapter set incorporates the WSR601 single CMOS chip, and an on-board Ultra Wideband antenna. Using Wisair’s UltraSpeed technology, the adapter set identifies the USB class of the attached device to optimize performance. What is Included s Wireless USB PC Adapter Pre-associated (paired) adapters s Wireless USB Device Adapter UltraSpeed technology for optimized performance s USB Table Base (type A) s Power Supply Unit s Quick Start Guide s Installation CD with software, drivers, Compliance to worldwide regulation with single SKU s Windows® 7/ Vista™SP2/ XP® SP3 s Certified by the USB-IF Wireless USB connectivity is enabled by attaching the PC Adapter to the PC/notebook. The Device Adapter is attached to the USB port of the device and to an external power supply. The adapter set has received regulatory approval in the US, Japan, Korea, and Europe, and is certified by the USB-IF. and softcopy manual Figure 9. MAX2838 EV Kit PCB Layout—Bottom Silkscreen Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 ____________________ 13 © 2008 Maxim Integrated Products is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. Your PC. Your Peripherals. Wirelessly. www.wisair.com antenna products Wireless USB Adapter Set SMT-2TO6M Product Brief Antenna element 2.3-5.9 GHz Ultra-Wideband Antenna SMT-2TO6MB-A Assembly including antenna element, PCB Device Adapter and female SMA connector as shown PC Adapter Features Highest efficiency for given size and bandwidth >5 bands in a single antenna including WiMAX and WLAN Common materials and simple fabrication techniques Device Adapter Power Electrical Specifications Table Adapter Frequency Range Gain VSWR Polarization Radiation Pattern Feed Impedance USB Connection Specifications About Wisair Wisair is a fabless semiconductor Device Adapter company providing Ultra Wideband (UWB) and Wireless USB solutions s based on its CMOS single chip. Recognized for their superior s WiMedia certified PHY and MAC, USB-IF Certified connectivity to any USB device s Pre Associated Adapters for easy out of consumption for Wireless USB. Antenna Element Assembly PCB On-board UWB omni-directional antenna s PCB size — 18mm x 48mm s Point-to-Multipoint support Area of PCB that is Ground s Single LED — Power/Traffic s 3.168 to 4.752 GHz (WiMedia band group 1) Antenna Element Weight s Power consumption: 1 Watt @ 5VDC s PHY channels 9-15 s Power Supply Unit solutions offer the best combination of performance, price, and power Mechanical Specifications Standards USB type-A male with table adapter, enabling s coverage and throughput, Wisair’s the box experience PC Adapter s USB type-A male Return Loss General s 128-bit AES security 2.3-5.9 GHz >0.7 dBi peak across 2.3-5.9 GHz <2.0:1 across 2.3-5.9 GHz Linear Azimuth Omni-directional 50 Ohms Unbalanced s Integrated 3D swivel connector s Regulation compliant to US, Japan, Europe, Korea s On-board UWB omni-directional antenna s Software drivers: Windows® 7/ Vista™SP2/ XP® SP3 s PCB size — 18mm x 48mm s Operating temperature range: 0-40 C s Single LED — Power/traffic s Power consumption: 1 Watt @ 5VDC 0.67 x 0.79 x 0.12 in 17.0 x 20.0 x 3.0 mm 2.362 x 1.181 x .04 in 60.0 x 30.0 x 1.0 mm 1.173 x 1.181 in 44.0 x 30.0 mm 0.5 g VSWR 0 © Wisair 2009. Wisair is a registered trademark of Wisair Ltd. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. The cotent of this document and the features mentioned may be modified by Wisair and at any time without prior notice. All antenna measurements are taken in free space. Results may vary depending on the particular implementation. www.wisair.com Your PC. Your Peripherals. Wirelessly. 2-2930 SMT-2TO6MB-A 2.3-5.9 GHz Ultra-Wideband Antenna SMT-2TO6MB-A Peak Gain 2.3-5.9 GHz Ultra-Wideband Antenna Diagrams Below are at 2.3 GHz Elevation Cut Phi=0 Degrees Elevation Cut Phi=90 Degrees Azimuth Cut Theta=90 Degrees Efficiency Spherical Gain Contour Map at 2.3 GHz Orientation = 0º Z Footprint M = 0º = 90º r X = 90º = 90º Y = 180º 2-2930 SMT-2TO6MB-A 2.3-5.9 GHz Ultra-Wideband Antenna SMT-2TO6MB-A Phi=0 Degrees 2.3-5.9 GHz Ultra-Wideband Antenna Diagrams Below are at 3.55 GHz Diagrams Below are at 2.5 GHz Elevation Cut 2-2930 Elevation Cut Phi=90 Degrees Azimuth Cut Theta=90 Degrees Spherical Gain Contour Map at 2.5 GHz Elevation Cut Phi=0 Degrees Elevation Cut Phi=90 Degrees Azimuth Cut Theta=90 Degrees Spherical Gain Contour Map at 3.55 GHz 2-2930 2-2930 2.3-5.9 GHz Ultra-Wideband Antenna SMT-2TO6MBM-A Diagrams Below are at 4.9 GHz Elevation Cut 2.3-5.9 GHz Ultra-Wideband Antenna SMT-2TO6MB-A Diagrams Below are at 5.9 GHz Phi=0 Degrees Elevation Cut Phi=90 Degrees Azimuth Cut Theta=90 Degrees Elevation Cut Phi=0 Degrees Elevation Cut Spherical Gain Contour Map at 4.9 GHz Phi=90 Degrees Azimuth Cut Theta=90 Degrees Spherical Gain Contour Map at 5.9 GHz www.skycross.com SkyCross has many offices worldwide. Visit us online to find an office near you. © 2009 SkyCross, Inc. SkyCross is a registered trademark of SkyCross, Inc. All rights reserved. Protected by one or more US Patents. Additional US and foreign patents pending. Specification subject to change without notice. 2-2930 2-2930 1 TO 2 GHz IMAGE REJECTION OR I/Q MIXERS IR0102LC1B TYPICAL TEST DATA VSWR (LO = +10 dBm) MODELS: IR0102LC1A, IRO102LC1B, IRO102LC1C AND IRO102LC1Q IMAGE REJECTION/CONVERSION LOSS (LO = +10 dBm/IF = 60 MHz) 5:1 VSWR (RATIO) • RF/LO coverage ................ 1 to 2 GHz • IF operation ....................... DC to 0.5 GHz • Conversion loss................ 6.5 dB typical 4:1 3:1 • Image rejection ................. 23 dB typical LO RF 2:1 1:1 8 11 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 1.8 2.0 1.8 2 20 30 50 1.2 1.4 1.6 FREQUENCY (GHz) 1.8 2.0 MAXIMUM RATINGS Specification temperature.................... +25°C Operating temperature ........................ -54 to +85°C Storage temperature .......................... -65 to +125°C 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 FREQUENCY (GHz) GENERAL NOTE 1. Standard catalog unit aligned and tested for guaranteed RF > LO performance. RF < LO guaranteed performance is available, please contact MITEQ. OUTLINE DRAWINGS IR0102LC1A, B and C IR0102LC1Q RF CONNECTORS SMA FEMALE (TYP. 4 PLACES) .500 [12.70] UNITS MIN. IR0102LC1A IR0102LC1B IR0102LC1C MHz MHz MHz 20 40 100 40 80 200 IF frequency (QIFM, I/Q demodulator mode) IR0102LC1Q MHz DC 500 RF IN LO IN 2.000 [50.80] 1.000 [25.40] 1.000 [25.40] RF IN RF<LO TERMINATE UNUSED IF OUTPUT FINISH: NICKEL .250 [6.35] .500 [12.70] IMAGE REJECTION LO IN 1.750 [6.35] 2.000 [50.80] Q .075 [1.91] .250 [6.35] .250 [6.35] 2.350 [59.69] 2.350 [59.69] MOUNTING HOLES .100 [2.54] DIA. THRU (TYP. 4 PLACES) HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. 11788 MADE IN USA 1.000 [25.40] 1.750 [6.35] 250 [6.35] I 1.000 [25.40] MAX. 1.5:1 .500 [12.70] 250 [6.35] RF>LO RF CONNECTORS SMA FEMALE (TYP. 4 PLACES) 2.500 [63.50] 2.500 [63.50] CONDITION Ratio 2 image rejection (IF Options A, B and C), phase and amplitude balance (IF Option Q). IF frequency (image rejection mode) IF VSWR (IF = -10 dBm) 1.8 NOTE: Test data supplied at 25°C; conversion loss, LO-to-RF isolation, ±1.5 ±12.5 RF < LO RF > LO 0 -90 -90 0 TYP. 1.4 1.6 FREQUENCY (GHz) LO-TO-RF ISOLATION (LO = +10 dBm) 40 1 .075 [1.91] OUTPUT PARAMETERS 1.2 S/N XXXXXX PORT I Q MAX. 6.5 9.5 8.5 23 40 20 +6 +10 +15 +16 +20 +25 1 M/N XXXXXX Amplitude balance Phase balance Truth table 18 30 TYP. 2 MOUNTING HOLES .100 [2.54] DIA. THRU (TYP. 4 PLACES) FINISH: NICKEL .250 [6.35] .500 [12.70] QIFM, I/Q DEMODULATOR NOTE: All dimensions shown in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 100 Davids Drive, Hauppauge, NY 11788 • TEL: (631) 436-7400 • FAX: (631) 436-7430 • www.miteq.com 100 Davids Drive, Hauppauge, NY 11788 • TEL: (631) 436-7400 • FAX: (631) 436-7430 • www.miteq.com IMAGE REJECTION MIXER PRODUCTS Input two-tone third-order intercept point dBm dB dB RF < LO dB dB dB IR0102LC1 dBm IR0102MC1 dBm IR0102HC1 dBm IR0102LC1 dBm IR0102MC1 dBm IR0102HC1 dBm IR0102LC1Q dB IR0102LC1Q Degrees IR0102LC1Q +12 +15 +18 2.5:1 2 +13 +16 +20 1.8 ISOLATION (dB) MIN. RF > LO IR0102LC1Q Single-sideband noise figure Image rejection (Note 1) LO-to-RF isolation LO-to-IF isolation Input power at 1 dB compression IMAGE REJECTION MIXER PRODUCTS UNITS 2:1 1 +10 +13 +17 25 12.5 0 -12.5 -25 1.4 1.6 FREQUENCY (GHz) IF OUT CONDITION Conversion loss (Note 1) MAX. 2 IMAGE REJECTION 40 10 HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. 11788 MADE IN USA TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS TYP. 30 AMPLITUDE AND PHASE BALANCE (I/Q, LO = +10 dBm) M/N XXXXXX LO VSWR MIN. 1 1.2 S/N XXXXXX IR0102LC1 IR0102MC1 IR0102HC1 UNITS GHz Ratio GHz dBm dBm dBm Ratio AMPLITUDE BALANCE (dB) CONDITION PHASE BALANCE (DEG.) ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS INPUT PARAMETERS RF frequency range RF VSWR (RF = -10 dBm) LO frequency range LO power range CONVERSION LOSS 20 50 1 3 1.5 0 -1.5 -3 10 CONVERSION LOSS (dB) FEATURES IMAGE REJECTION (dB) 0 Coaxial Voltage Controlled Oscillator ZX95-2260W+ Performance Data & Curves* 1290 to 2260 MHz V TUNE TUNE SENS (MHz/V) Features CASE STYLE: GB956 Applications •R&D • LAB • Instrumentation • Digital TV / UHF band • Radar receiver • Satellite systems Connectors Model Price Qty. SMA ZX95-2260W-S+ $49.95 ea. (1-9) + RoHS compliant in accordance with EU Directive (2002/95/EC) The +Suffix has been added in order to identify RoHS Compliance. See our web site for RoHS Compliance methodologies and qualifications. Electrical Specifications POWER PHASE NOISE TUNING NON HARMONICS PULLING PUSHING DC OUTPUT dBc/Hz SSB at offset HARMONIC (dBc) pk-pk (MHz/V) OPERATING (dBm) frequencies,kHz VOLTAGE SENSI- PORT 3 dB SPURIOUS @12 dBr POWER RANGE TIVITY CAP MODULATION (dBc) (MHz) Typ. (V) (MHz/V) (pF) BANDWIDTH Vcc Current (MHz) (volts) (mA) Typ. +9.2 1 10 100 1000 -74 -100 -121 -141 Min. Max. 0.5 20 Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. Max. Typ. Typ. 48 - 79 60 35 -90 -20 -10 1.5 1.8 ZX95-2260W+ HARMONICS (dBc) F2 F3 F4 FREQ. FREQ. PUSH PULL (MHz/V) (MHz) PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) at offsets 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz 1MHz 1159.4 1210.0 1254.6 1296.3 1336.1 1142.3 1194.3 1239.1 1280.8 1320.7 1128.0 1181.5 1226.2 1267.9 1307.5 8.62 8.59 8.44 8.71 8.64 9.17 9.23 9.03 9.29 9.34 9.39 9.51 9.38 9.47 9.63 35.14 35.33 35.49 35.65 35.82 -15.8 -16.1 -15.8 -16.3 -16.6 -17.0 -17.5 -17.7 -18.4 -19.2 -30.2 -30.5 -30.0 -29.7 -29.3 0.65 0.91 1.09 1.21 1.35 0.89 1.25 1.19 1.24 1.31 -72.5 -75.2 -74.9 -74.5 -74.0 -98.6 -98.9 -98.9 -99.5 -100.0 -119.4 -119.7 -119.8 -120.4 -120.4 -139.1 -139.5 -139.5 -140.2 -140.4 1.0 2.0 3.5 6.0 8.5 -74.33 -83.53 -89.99 -95.71 -99.21 3.00 4.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 74.79 73.31 69.69 68.17 66.89 1413.0 1488.0 1631.3 1700.3 1767.4 1397.5 1472.0 1615.8 1684.8 1752.2 1384.1 1458.5 1602.2 1671.4 1739.0 8.63 9.04 9.17 9.33 9.22 9.36 9.60 9.73 9.89 9.54 9.69 9.74 9.84 9.99 9.58 36.14 36.39 36.81 36.85 36.83 -16.9 -18.1 -16.5 -16.2 -16.5 -20.4 -21.8 -24.0 -25.6 -26.4 -26.5 -25.7 -24.5 -24.1 -32.5 1.62 1.87 2.11 2.17 2.12 1.28 1.45 1.06 1.27 1.52 -74.8 -75.4 -75.2 -75.7 -74.1 -99.9 -100.1 -101.1 -100.5 -101.2 -120.9 -121.0 -121.9 -122.0 -122.5 -140.9 -141.1 -141.9 -141.9 -142.2 10.0 20.8 35.5 60.7 86.7 -100.89 -108.20 -113.09 -117.83 -121.20 8.50 9.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 65.74 65.57 65.10 62.06 56.44 1800.6 1833.4 1898.6 2026.0 2146.4 1785.7 1818.6 1883.9 2011.8 2132.6 1772.8 1805.9 1871.7 2000.0 2121.1 9.30 9.25 8.97 8.62 8.14 9.79 9.74 9.56 9.22 8.58 9.72 9.75 9.55 9.24 8.55 36.78 36.78 36.61 36.34 36.13 -16.8 -17.0 -18.0 -21.0 -26.8 -27.0 -27.5 -28.4 -32.5 -32.8 -36.4 -32.0 -28.7 -31.7 -34.2 2.07 2.06 1.86 1.45 0.97 1.56 1.64 1.35 0.92 1.90 -74.3 -74.4 -74.6 -72.2 -69.2 -101.0 -101.0 -100.8 -99.6 -98.1 -122.6 -122.7 -122.5 -121.7 -120.5 -142.4 -142.5 -142.7 -142.0 -140.9 100.0 148.1 177.0 211.6 302.4 -122.40 -125.84 -127.37 -128.92 -132.25 15.50 16.00 17.00 18.50 20.00 51.50 49.89 44.98 36.60 27.96 2229.1 2255.2 2303.6 2367.5 2417.9 2215.5 2241.2 2289.8 2353.4 2403.4 2204.2 2230.2 2278.8 2342.0 2392.2 7.57 7.37 7.41 6.86 6.43 8.15 7.89 7.87 7.44 7.03 8.14 7.91 7.74 7.47 7.05 36.00 35.93 35.86 35.71 35.61 -30.7 -31.3 -31.1 -29.0 -28.5 -35.7 -34.4 -49.7 -26.0 -25.2 -40.5 -43.5 -43.9 -48.3 -56.7 0.62 0.52 0.18 0.17 0.00 0.47 2.38 0.38 0.38 2.38 -70.7 -70.1 -70.6 -72.1 -73.3 -98.3 -97.9 -98.1 -98.3 -99.1 -120.3 -119.9 -120.2 -120.1 -120.7 -140.7 -140.6 -140.9 -140.6 -141.1 361.5 507.5 606.7 851.6 1000.0 -133.78 -136.56 -138.22 -141.12 -142.45 *at 25oC unless mentioned otherwise Max. 5 45 Maximum Ratings 6+59+2)<= Outline Drawing ! ? ! ? ! ? #""? Permanent damage may occur if any of these limits are exceeded. '& % (6132/)7+:+0 '& % 3;+698498 '& % 6+59+2)<(2*#92/2-"+27/8/:/8< Operating Temperature -55°C to 85°C Storage Temperature -55°C to 100°C Absolute Max. Supply Voltage (Vcc) 7V Absolute Max. Tuning Voltage (Vtune) 22V All specifications 50 ohm system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age 1 of 2 #92/2-$308(-+$ #92/2-$308(-+$ '& % .(7+3/7+$7#92/2-$308(-+ Outline Dimensions ( #92/2-$308(-+$ #92/2-$308(-+$ .(7+3/7+*)= inch mm FREQ PHASE OFFSET NOISE at (KHz) 1775 MHz (dBc/Hz) 104.10 89.61 83.37 79.70 77.47 (6132/)7*) Min. Max. ZX95-2260W+ 1290 2260 Icc (mA) 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 984983;+6*1 FREQ. (MHz) POWER OUTPUT (dBm) -55°C +25°C +85°C -55°C +25°C +85°C • Wide band frequency range • High power output, +9.2 dBm typ. • Low phase noise • Low pulling • Low pushing • Protected by US patent 6,790,049 MODEL NO. FREQUENCY (MHz) #92/2-"+27/8/:/8<=$ Wide Band ""!%$)$$"%$#$#$( "##)#$$$## $#$"$$(%$" "$$## $#$$"# $# ""$$""# "%$# #$#$#$ """$"#%"$#$"%$# "$#&")$## $#$"#%$$ "%$##$"$'""$)$"#$#$&)*$""#+ %"#"#$# "$"$$$$"$#$#$$""%#$$$$$" "#$(%#&"$#"#$"%" #&#$ "%$#'#$$'''"%$# $"$"## Page 2 of 2 Connectorized ZX60-2534M+ ZX60-2534M Amplifier 50Ω 0.5 to 2.5 GHz V+ = 5.0V Features • • • • • • From 2.8V to 5V Operation High Directivity, 24 dB Typ. Wide Bandwidth, 0.5 to 2.5 GHz Low Noise Figure, 3.1 dB Typ. Output Power, Up to 18 dBm Typ. Protected by US Patent 6,790,049 CASE STYLE: GA955 Applications • • • • • • Buffer Amplifier Cellular PCN Lab Instrumentation Test Equipment Connectors Model Price Qty. SMA SMA ZX60-2534M-S+ ZX60-2534M-S $64.95 ea. $64.95 ea. (1-9) (1-9) + RoHS compliant in accordance with EU Directive (2002/95/EC) The +suffix identifies RoHS Compliance. See our web site for RoHS Compliance methodologies and qualifications. Electrical Specifications at TAMB = 25oC MODEL NO. FREQ. (GHz) GAIN over frequency in GHz Typ (dB) DC VOLTAGE @ Pin V+ (V) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 fL- fU ZX60-2534M (+) ZX60-2534M+ ZX60-2534M Typical Performance Data at 25oC MAXIMUM DYNAMIC POWER RANGE (dBm) Output (1 dB Comp.) NF IP3 Min.at Typ. (dB) (dBm) 2 GHz fL fU Typ. Typ. VSWR (:1) Typ. In Out DC ACTIVE DIRECTIVITY OPERATING CURRENT @ (dB) Pin V+ Isolation-Gain (mA) Typ. Typ. Max. 1GHz 1GHz 2GHz 5.0 31.7 39.4 39.4 38.4 35.9 34.0 18.0 15.9 3.1 30.0 27.8 1.3 1.5 25 153 185 2.8 28.9 35.2 34.9 34.6 32.8 31.0 13.8 14.0 3.1 25.4 24.6 1.3 1.8 23 141 185 FREQUENCY (MHz) GAIN (dB) 500 560 680 800 860 31.31 34.33 36.96 38.13 38.60 1000 1100 1160 1280 1400 DIRECTIVITY (dB) VSWR IN (:1) VSWR OUT (:1) POWER OUT @1dB COMPRESSION (dBm) IP3 (dBm) NF (dB) 42.97 39.91 35.75 32.69 31.26 2.28 2.05 1.77 1.60 1.52 3.11 2.65 2.01 1.65 1.53 17.54 18.41 19.15 19.06 18.86 30.41 31.09 31.74 31.72 31.54 3.52 3.42 3.23 3.18 3.11 39.31 39.67 39.73 39.70 39.49 27.91 25.59 24.30 22.14 20.75 1.37 1.27 1.21 1.13 1.09 1.36 1.29 1.26 1.20 1.16 18.24 17.80 17.57 17.21 16.98 30.85 30.26 29.90 29.22 28.66 3.07 3.05 3.02 2.99 2.94 1460 1500 1580 1700 1760 39.47 39.24 39.15 38.85 38.53 20.37 20.23 20.19 20.54 20.78 1.09 1.09 1.11 1.16 1.18 1.15 1.14 1.13 1.13 1.14 16.90 16.86 16.79 16.69 16.64 28.42 28.29 28.07 27.86 27.81 2.95 2.94 2.95 3.00 2.94 1880 2000 2060 2360 2500 38.32 38.23 38.30 36.64 35.29 21.07 20.75 20.28 17.33 21.18 1.21 1.19 1.16 1.06 1.45 1.19 1.27 1.33 1.60 1.64 16.50 16.30 16.19 15.66 15.58 27.76 27.79 27.81 27.89 27.86 2.97 3.03 3.04 3.14 3.18 VSWR IN (:1) VSWR OUT (:1) POWER OUT @1dB COMPRESSION (dBm) IP3 (dBm) NF (dB) 0.5-2.5 V+ = 2.8V Maximum Ratings Operating Temperature Storage Temperature DC Voltage Input Power (no damage) Power o o -40 C to 80 C case -55oC to 100oC 7V -15dBm 1W Outline Drawing FREQUENCY (MHz) GAIN (dB) DIRECTIVITY (dB) 500 560 680 800 860 28.16 30.73 32.94 33.88 34.47 48.01 44.40 39.00 35.01 33.31 2.42 2.19 1.89 1.71 1.63 3.31 2.83 2.20 1.87 1.78 13.61 14.33 15.12 15.36 15.36 24.20 24.90 25.75 26.04 26.05 3.59 3.49 3.31 3.21 3.15 1000 1100 1160 1280 1400 34.64 34.89 34.78 34.70 34.52 29.84 27.74 26.66 24.91 23.78 1.46 1.35 1.28 1.17 1.08 1.66 1.61 1.59 1.54 1.49 15.22 15.09 15.01 14.88 14.79 25.84 25.58 25.41 25.07 24.79 3.10 3.07 3.05 3.02 2.95 1460 1500 1580 1700 1760 34.81 34.41 34.60 34.47 34.12 23.44 23.29 23.13 23.13 23.15 1.06 1.05 1.04 1.05 1.07 1.45 1.43 1.39 1.35 1.33 14.75 14.73 14.68 14.60 14.55 24.68 24.62 24.52 24.45 24.44 2.99 2.99 3.00 2.97 3.01 1880 2000 2060 2360 2500 34.21 34.38 34.39 33.48 32.29 23.06 22.57 22.14 20.15 23.09 1.10 1.13 1.13 1.15 1.40 1.34 1.41 1.46 1.88 2.07 14.43 14.27 14.19 13.85 13.83 24.46 24.51 24.53 24.54 24.44 3.01 3.05 3.07 3.18 3.25 Outline Dimensions ( inch mm ) A B C D E F G H J K L 1.20 .75 .46 1.18 .04 .17 .45 .59 .33 .21 .22 30.48 19.05 11.68 29.97 1.02 4.32 11.43 14.99 8.38 5.33 5.59 M N P Q R S .18 1.00 .50 .35 .18 .09 4.57 25.40 12.70 8.89 4.57 2.29 wt. grams 35.0 '.)''#$/&-')# . ')+"$()')%&*(**!'(("& '&$"&*"&""),"+*-*"+ REV. B M111067 EDR-6380 ZX60-2534M RAV/URJ 070422 page 1 of 3 '.)''#$/&-')# . ')+"$()')%&*(**!'(("& '&$"&*"&""),"+*-*"+ page 2 of 3 Connectorized ZX60-2534M+ ZX60-2534M Amplifier 50Ω 0.5 to 2.5 GHz V+ = 5.0V Features • • • • • • From 2.8V to 5V Operation High Directivity, 24 dB Typ. Wide Bandwidth, 0.5 to 2.5 GHz Low Noise Figure, 3.1 dB Typ. Output Power, Up to 18 dBm Typ. Protected by US Patent 6,790,049 CASE STYLE: GA955 Applications • • • • • • Buffer Amplifier Cellular PCN Lab Instrumentation Test Equipment Connectors Model Price Qty. SMA SMA ZX60-2534M-S+ ZX60-2534M-S $64.95 ea. $64.95 ea. (1-9) (1-9) + RoHS compliant in accordance with EU Directive (2002/95/EC) The +suffix identifies RoHS Compliance. See our web site for RoHS Compliance methodologies and qualifications. Electrical Specifications at TAMB = 25oC MODEL NO. FREQ. (GHz) GAIN over frequency in GHz Typ (dB) DC VOLTAGE @ Pin V+ (V) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 fL- fU ZX60-2534M (+) ZX60-2534M+ ZX60-2534M Typical Performance Data at 25oC MAXIMUM DYNAMIC POWER RANGE (dBm) Output (1 dB Comp.) NF IP3 Min.at Typ. (dB) (dBm) 2 GHz fL fU Typ. Typ. DC ACTIVE DIRECTIVITY OPERATING CURRENT @ (dB) Pin V+ Isolation-Gain (mA) VSWR (:1) Typ. In Out Typ. Typ. Max. 1GHz 1GHz 2GHz 5.0 31.7 39.4 39.4 38.4 35.9 34.0 18.0 15.9 3.1 30.0 27.8 1.3 1.5 25 153 185 2.8 28.9 35.2 34.9 34.6 32.8 31.0 13.8 14.0 3.1 25.4 24.6 1.3 1.8 23 141 185 FREQUENCY (MHz) GAIN (dB) 500 560 680 800 860 31.31 34.33 36.96 38.13 38.60 1000 1100 1160 1280 1400 DIRECTIVITY (dB) VSWR IN (:1) VSWR OUT (:1) POWER OUT @1dB COMPRESSION (dBm) IP3 (dBm) NF (dB) 42.97 39.91 35.75 32.69 31.26 2.28 2.05 1.77 1.60 1.52 3.11 2.65 2.01 1.65 1.53 17.54 18.41 19.15 19.06 18.86 30.41 31.09 31.74 31.72 31.54 3.52 3.42 3.23 3.18 3.11 39.31 39.67 39.73 39.70 39.49 27.91 25.59 24.30 22.14 20.75 1.37 1.27 1.21 1.13 1.09 1.36 1.29 1.26 1.20 1.16 18.24 17.80 17.57 17.21 16.98 30.85 30.26 29.90 29.22 28.66 3.07 3.05 3.02 2.99 2.94 1460 1500 1580 1700 1760 39.47 39.24 39.15 38.85 38.53 20.37 20.23 20.19 20.54 20.78 1.09 1.09 1.11 1.16 1.18 1.15 1.14 1.13 1.13 1.14 16.90 16.86 16.79 16.69 16.64 28.42 28.29 28.07 27.86 27.81 2.95 2.94 2.95 3.00 2.94 1880 2000 2060 2360 2500 38.32 38.23 38.30 36.64 35.29 21.07 20.75 20.28 17.33 21.18 1.21 1.19 1.16 1.06 1.45 1.19 1.27 1.33 1.60 1.64 16.50 16.30 16.19 15.66 15.58 27.76 27.79 27.81 27.89 27.86 2.97 3.03 3.04 3.14 3.18 VSWR IN (:1) VSWR OUT (:1) POWER OUT @1dB COMPRESSION (dBm) IP3 (dBm) NF (dB) 0.5-2.5 V+ = 2.8V Maximum Ratings o Operating Temperature Storage Temperature o -40 C to 80 C case -55oC to 100oC DC Voltage Input Power (no damage) Power 7V -15dBm 1W Outline Drawing FREQUENCY (MHz) GAIN (dB) DIRECTIVITY (dB) 500 560 680 800 860 28.16 30.73 32.94 33.88 34.47 48.01 44.40 39.00 35.01 33.31 2.42 2.19 1.89 1.71 1.63 3.31 2.83 2.20 1.87 1.78 13.61 14.33 15.12 15.36 15.36 24.20 24.90 25.75 26.04 26.05 3.59 3.49 3.31 3.21 3.15 1000 1100 1160 1280 1400 34.64 34.89 34.78 34.70 34.52 29.84 27.74 26.66 24.91 23.78 1.46 1.35 1.28 1.17 1.08 1.66 1.61 1.59 1.54 1.49 15.22 15.09 15.01 14.88 14.79 25.84 25.58 25.41 25.07 24.79 3.10 3.07 3.05 3.02 2.95 1460 1500 1580 1700 1760 34.81 34.41 34.60 34.47 34.12 23.44 23.29 23.13 23.13 23.15 1.06 1.05 1.04 1.05 1.07 1.45 1.43 1.39 1.35 1.33 14.75 14.73 14.68 14.60 14.55 24.68 24.62 24.52 24.45 24.44 2.99 2.99 3.00 2.97 3.01 1880 2000 2060 2360 2500 34.21 34.38 34.39 33.48 32.29 23.06 22.57 22.14 20.15 23.09 1.10 1.13 1.13 1.15 1.40 1.34 1.41 1.46 1.88 2.07 14.43 14.27 14.19 13.85 13.83 24.46 24.51 24.53 24.54 24.44 3.01 3.05 3.07 3.18 3.25 Outline Dimensions ( inch mm ) A B C D E F G H J K L 1.20 .75 .46 1.18 .04 .17 .45 .59 .33 .21 .22 30.48 19.05 11.68 29.97 1.02 4.32 11.43 14.99 8.38 5.33 5.59 M N P Q R S .18 1.00 .50 .35 .18 .09 4.57 25.40 12.70 8.89 4.57 2.29 wt. grams 35.0 '.)''#$/&-')# . ')+"$()')%&*(**!'(("& '&$"&*"&""),"+*-*"+ REV. B M111067 EDR-6380 ZX60-2534M RAV/URJ 070422 page 1 of 3 '.)''#$/&-')# . ')+"$()')%&*(**!'(("& '&$"&*"&""),"+*-*"+ page 2 of 3 Coaxial ZX60-2534M+ ZX60-2534M o Typical Performance Curves at 25 C V+ = 2.8V V+ = 5.0V 1000 1500 2000 FREQUENCY (MHz) -55°C to 100°C Storage Temperature -55°C to 100°C 45 RF Power Input* * Passband rating, derate linearly to 3W at 100C ambient. V+ = 2.8V V+ = 5.0V 40 35 7W max. at 25°C 0ERMANENTDAMAGEMAYOCCURIFANYOFTHESELIMITSAREEXCEEDED sRUGGEDUNIBODYCONSTRUCTIONSMALLSIZE sSECTIONS sTEMPERATURESTABLE sEXCELLENTPOWERHANDLING7 sLOWCOST 1000 1500 2000 FREQUENCY (MHz) STOP BAND (MHz) Min. 2500 2.0 1.5 1000 1500 2000 FREQUENCY (MHz) (loss > 20 dB) Typ. Max. Typ. Stopband 1.5:1 640 880 1060-2500 950-3200 20:1 970-2400 typical frequency response .312 Across Flats in some models 17 Outline Dimensions ( inch mm ) 15 B .410 10.41 13 V+ = 2.8V V+ = 5.0V 11 1000 1500 2000 FREQUENCY (MHz) D 1.43 36.32 3dB F co F R E QUE NC Y E wt .312 grams 7.92 10.0 Typical Performance Data Frequency (MHz) Insertion Loss (dB) 1 100 500 640 750 810 880 950 970 1060 2400 2500 3200 4200 5000 2500 VSWR (:1) 82.28 65.99 43.09 23.32 10.12 4.81 1.98 1.20 1.09 0.85 0.56 0.64 1.59 3.53 5.41 868.59 868.59 52.65 24.48 8.60 3.78 1.81 1.36 1.32 1.28 1.55 1.68 2.92 5.83 9.48 25 23 21 V+ = 2.8V V+ = 5.0V 2.6 19 2.4 500 17 500 2500 1000 1500 2000 FREQUENCY (MHz) 2500 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1000 1 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 Mini-Circuits ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine 2000 3000 4000 page 3 of 3 5000 For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site ® Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS '.)''#$/&-')# . ')+"$()')%&*(**!'(("& '&$"&*"&""),"+*-*"+ 1000 FREQUENCY (MHz) ® 100 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) VHF-880 VSWR 10000 VSWR IP3 (dBm) 2.8 VHF-880 INSERTION LOSS 27 INSERTION LOSS (dB) NOISE FIGURE (dB) F 1.3dB 29 3.0 1500 2000 FREQUENCY (MHz) R F OUT 40dB 31 3.2 1000 7 electrical schematic 20dB ZX60-2534M IP3 V+ = 2.8V V+ = 5.0V 3.4 NO. OF SECTIONS Frequency (MHz) 500 33 3.6 VSWR (:1) Typ. (loss < 2 dB) R F IN ZX60-2534M NOISE FIGURE 3.8 PASSBAND (MHz) (loss > 40 dB) 19 9 500 2500 fco, MHz Nom. (loss 3 dB) (loss < 1.3 dB) AT T E NUAT ION OUTPUT POWER (dBm) 2.5 The +Suffix identifies RoHS Compliance. See our web site for RoHS Compliance methodologies and qualifications. Electrical Specifications (TAMB=25C) Outline Drawing 21 3.0 Price Qty. $24.95 ea. (1-9) 20 ZX60-2534M OUTPUT POWER AT 1dB COMPRESSION IN ,V+ =2.8V IN ,V+ =5V OUT ,V+ =2.8V OUT ,V+ =5V 3.5 Model VHF-880(+) + RoHS compliant in accordance with EU Directive (2002/95/EC) sSUBHARMONICREJECTIONANDDCBLOCKING sTRANSMITTERSRECEIVERS sLABUSE 25 10 500 2500 CASE STYLE: FF704 Connectors SMA Applications 30 15 4.0 VSWR Features Operating Temperature 50 ZX60-2534M VSWR 1.0 500 50950 to 3200 MHz Maximum Ratings ZX60-2534M DIRECTIVITY DIRECTIVITY (dB) GAIN (dB) ZX60-2534M GAIN 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 500 VHF-880+ VHF-880 High Pass Filter Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. REV. E M129173 VHF-880 EDR-6437/1 RVN/AD/AM 101029 Coaxial Coaxial VLF-400+ VLF-400 Low Pass Filter 50DC to 400 MHz 50DC to 1400 MHz Features Maximum Ratings Operating Temperature -55°C to 100°C Storage Temperature -55°C to 100°C RF Power Input* 8.5W max. at 25°C DC Current Input to Output 0.5A max. at 25°C Features Maximum Ratings sRUGGEDUNIBODYCONSTRUCTIONSMALLSIZE sSECTIONS sEXCELLENTPOWERHANDLING7 sTEMPERATURESTABLE sLOWCOST sPROTECTEDBY530ATENT * Passband rating, derate linearly to 3.5W at 100°C ambient. VLF-1400+ VLF-1400 Low Pass Filter CASE STYLE: FF704 #ONNECTORS SMA -ODEL VLF-400(+) 0RICE 1TY $21.95 ea. (1-9) + RoHS compliant in accordance with EU Directive (2002/95/EC) 0ERMANENTDAMAGEMAYOCCURIFANYOFTHESELIMITSAREEXCEEDED Applications sHARMONICREJECTION sTRANSMITTERSRECEIVERS sLABUSE Operating Temperature -55°C to 100°C Storage Temperature -55°C to 100°C RF Power Input* 10W max. at 25°C DC Current Input to Output 0.5A max. at 25°C sRUGGEDUNIBODYCONSTRUCTIONSMALLSIZE sSECTIONS sEXCELLENTPOWERHANDLING7 sTEMPERATURESTABLE sLOWCOST sPROTECTEDBY530ATENT * Passband rating, derate linearly to 3.5W at 100°C ambient. Applications sHARMONICREJECTION sTRANSMITTERSRECEIVERS sLABUSE The +Suffix identifies RoHS Compliance. See our web site for RoHS Compliance methodologies and qualifications. PASSBAND (MHz) fco, MHz Nom. STOP BAND (MHz) (loss, dB) LOSSD" LOSSD" f 20 The +Suffix identifies RoHS Compliance. See our web site for RoHS Compliance methodologies and qualifications. Max. 4YP Min. DC-400 560 660 Outline Drawing NO. OF SECTIONS 3TOPBAND 0ASSBAND 4YP 4YP 4YP 4YP 680-3000 5500 20 1.2 typical frequency response .312 Across Flats in some models Electrical Specifications (TAMB=25C) VSWR (:1) fr 20 40 PASSBAND (MHz) fco, MHz Nom. LOSSD" LOSSD" 7 electrical schematic R F IN 4YP Min. 4YP 4YP 4YP 4YP 2015 2100-6600 6800 20 1.2 AT T E NUAT ION AT T E NUAT ION 7 electrical schematic R F IN 3dB R F OUT 20dB 3dB 1dB F R 20dB B .410 10.41 Typical Performance Data at 25C VSWR (:1) 1 100 400 500 560 0.06 0.27 0.80 1.44 2.77 1.02 1.10 1.12 1.39 2.01 600 620 650 660 680 5.87 9.82 20.09 24.64 35.49 3.54 5.72 10.62 12.01 14.50 1000 2000 3000 4500 5500 42.32 59.01 39.73 23.58 23.21 33.42 57.91 64.35 45.72 43.44 VLF-400 INSERTION LOSS 80 D 1.43 36.32 E wt .312 grams 7.92 10.0 Typical Performance Data at 25C Frequency (MHz) VLF-400 VSWR 1000 INSERTION LOSS (dB) 60 100 VSWR 40 30 10 20 10 0 2200 3300 4400 5500 50 500 1000 1400 1600 0.07 0.17 0.35 0.62 1.28 1.02 1.08 1.14 1.10 1.67 1700 1790 1880 2015 2100 2.55 5.56 11.44 25.70 37.96 2.67 5.25 10.96 17.75 18.90 3500 5000 6600 6800 7000 53.01 39.77 41.25 28.87 18.61 35.46 52.65 43.44 38.61 21.73 VLF-1400 INSERTION LOSS 0 1100 FREQUENCY (MHz) 60 100 50 40 30 10 20 10 2200 3300 4400 1 0 5500 1000 2000 Mini-Circuits ® 4000 5000 6000 7000 0 1000 Mini-Circuits Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine REV. G M129173 VLF-400 ED-6588/3 RVN/AD/CP/AM 101102 IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. 2000 FREQUENCY (MHz) ® For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine 3000 FREQUENCY (MHz) FREQUENCY (MHz) ® VLF-1400 VSWR 1000 70 0 1 1100 VSWR (:1) 80 70 50 Insertion Loss (dB) VSWR Insertion Loss (dB) F R 20dB F co F 20 F R E QUE NC Y Outline Dimensions ( inch mm ) Frequency (MHz) INSERTION LOSS (dB) 0ASSBAND 40dB F co F 20 F R E QUE NC Y 0 NO. OF SECTIONS 3TOPBAND 1700 1dB E wt .312 grams 7.92 10.0 VSWR (:1) fr 20 Max. 20dB Outline Dimensions ( inch mm ) D 1.43 36.32 30 typical frequency response .312 Across Flats in some models R F OUT STOP BAND (MHz) (loss, dB) f 20 DC-1400 40dB B .410 10.41 -ODEL 0RICE 1TY VLF-1400(+) $21.95 ea. (1-9) + RoHS compliant in accordance with EU Directive (2002/95/EC) 0ERMANENTDAMAGEMAYOCCURIFANYOFTHESELIMITSAREEXCEEDED Electrical Specifications (TAMB=25C) Outline Drawing CASE STYLE: FF704 #ONNECTORS SMA ® Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com REV. B M129173 VLF-1400 ED-11690 AD/TD/CP/AM 101102 IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. Low Noise Amplifier Features • • • • • • Low noise figure 0.9 typ. +18 dBm typ. output power at 1 dB compression High active directivity, 17 dB typ. Good IP3, 35 dBm typ. Reverse voltage connection protected Protected by US patent 6,790,049 CASE STYLE: GA955 Connectors SMA Applications • • • • • • • Low noise amplifier RF front end Low noise pre-amp Buffer amplifier WiMAX SAB / SAP Lab Test equipment Model ZX60-3800LN-S+ Price Qty. $119.95 ea. (1-9) + RoHS compliant in accordance with EU Directive (2002/95/EC) The +Suffix has been added in order to identify RoHS Compliance. See our web site for RoHS Compliance methodologies and qualifications. Electrical Specifications at TAMB = 25oC FREQ. (MHz) GAIN (dB) DYNAMIC RANGE MAXIMUM POWER (dBm) VSWR (:1) Typ. DC DC ACTIVE DIRECTIVITY VOLTAGE OPERATING @ Pin V+ CURRENT @ (dB) Pin V+ (V) Isolation-Gain (mA) Output (1 dB Comp.) NF (dB) IP3 (dBm) Typ. Typ. Max Typ. In Out Typ. Typ. Max. ±0.4 18.0 0.9 2.0 36 1.5 1.3 17 5 85 110 ±1.0 18.0 1.0 2.0 35 1.2 1.4 17 5 85 110 fL- fU Typ. Min. Flatness Typ. Max. 3300-3600 24 20 ±0.1 3600-3800 23 19 ±0.6 GAIN (dB) Maximum Ratings -40oC to 80oC case -55oC to 100oC 6.5V Input Power(no Damage) GAIN (dB) DIRECTIVITY (dB) VSWR IN (:1) VSWR OUT (:1) POWER OUT @ 1dB COMPRESSION (dBm) IP3 (dBm) NF (dB) 3300 3320 3340 3360 3380 23.71 23.72 23.71 23.64 23.63 16.42 17.60 17.44 17.17 16.51 1.48 1.46 1.44 1.42 1.40 1.15 1.18 1.20 1.22 1.24 17.92 17.95 17.94 17.95 17.92 38.44 37.89 37.41 37.38 37.21 0.91 0.89 0.90 0.91 0.91 3400 3420 3440 3460 3480 23.60 23.63 23.67 23.70 23.67 16.36 16.52 16.80 16.14 15.40 1.38 1.36 1.34 1.32 1.31 1.25 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 17.91 17.99 18.01 17.98 18.08 37.08 36.90 36.72 36.66 36.60 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.91 0.92 3500 3520 3540 3560 3580 23.60 23.64 23.70 23.76 23.67 15.69 15.28 15.95 14.39 14.26 1.29 1.27 1.25 1.23 1.21 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.32 1.32 18.09 18.26 18.16 18.15 18.32 36.42 36.40 36.36 36.41 36.25 0.89 0.92 0.91 0.92 0.93 3600 3650 3700 3750 3800 23.51 23.57 23.18 23.00 22.52 14.96 14.83 14.84 15.11 15.71 1.20 1.20 1.22 1.25 1.29 1.32 1.31 1.29 1.27 1.24 18.30 18.35 18.35 18.24 18.30 36.36 36.53 36.71 36.66 36.85 0.93 0.98 0.98 0.99 1.01 ZX60-3800LN+ GAIN ZX60-3800LN+ Operating Temperature Storage Temperature DC Voltage FREQUENCY (MHz) ZX60-3800LN+ DIRECTIVITY 24 1.7 24.5 22 1.6 20 1.5 24.0 23.5 23.0 22.5 1dBm 18 16 14 Permanent damage may occur if any of these limits are exceeded. 22.0 12 Outline Drawing 21.5 3300 10 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 1.1 3400 E 1.02 F G H 4.32 11.43 14.99 18.5 18.0 17.5 J 8.38 K 5.33 L 5.59 M N P 4.57 25.40 12.70 Q 8.89 R 4.57 S 2.69 1.0 3300 3800 3400 40 1.00 39 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.75 3300 3700 3800 3600 3700 3800 3700 3800 ZX60-3800LN+ IP3 1.05 16.5 3300 3500 FREQUENCY (MHz) 41 0.80 FREQUENCY (MHz) 3700 1.10 17.0 3600 3600 IP3 (dBm) NOISE FIGURE (dB) OUTPUT POWER (dBm) A B C D 30.48 19.05 11.68 29.97 19.0 3500 3500 ZX60-3800LN+ NOISE FIGURE ZX60-3800LN+ OUTPUT POWER AT 1dB COMPRESSION 19.5 OUT 1.3 FREQUENCY (MHz) 20.0 3400 IN 1.4 1.2 FREQUENCY (MHz) Outline Dimensions ( inch ) ZX60-3800LN+ VSWR 25.0 DIRECTIVITY (dB) MODEL NO. ZX60-3800LN+ 3300 to 3800 MHz VSWR 50Ω Typical Performance Data & Curves at 25oC ZX60-3800LN+ 38 37 36 35 3400 3500 3600 3700 34 3300 3800 FREQUENCY (MHz) 3400 3500 3600 FREQUENCY (MHz) wt. 35.0 "" !%$) $$"%$# $# $ ( "##) #$$ $# # $ #$ " $ $ (% $ " "$ $# # $ #$ $" # $# "" $ $ " " # "%$# #$# $#$ "" "$" #%"$ #$"%$# "$# &" ) $# # $ #$ " #%$ $ "%$# #$" $ '""$) $"# $# $&) *$" "#+ %"#"# $# "$ " $$ $ $ "$# $# $ $" " % #$$$ $ $" "#$(%#&"$#"#$"%" #&#$ "%$#'#$$'''"%$# $"$"## REV. 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Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine ® Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site ® 34 !4 Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. Super Ultra Wideband Amplifier 50Ω ZVA-183+ Features sSUPERULTRAWIDEBAND-(ZTO'(Z s HIGHOUTPUT)0D"MTYP sRUGGEDCOMPACTCASEINCLUDINGMOUNTINGBRACKET s UNCONDITIONALLYSTABLE sGOODMATCHINGATINPUTANDOUTPUT s WITHSTANDSOPENSHORTLOADATD"COMPRESSIONPOINTOUTPUTPOWER s VERYGOODISOLATIOND"TYP ZVA-183X+ Electrical Specifications TAMB=25°C GAIN (dB) DYNAMIC RANGE MAXIMUM POWER (dBm) Output (1 dB Compr.) VSWR (:1) Typ. DC POWER fL fU Typ. Min. Flatness Typ. Typ. Min. CW Input (no damage) Typ. Max. Output IP3 (dBm) Typ. In Out Volt (V) Nom. Current (mA) Max. ZVA-183+ 0.7 18 26 24 ±1.0 24 21 +4 3.0 5.5 +33 1.35 1.25 12 400 ZVA-183X+* 0.7 18 26 24 ±1.0 24 21 +4 3.0 5.5 +33 1.35 1.25 12 400 *Heat sink not included NF (dB) To order without heat sink add suffix X to model number. Alternative heat sinking and heat removal must be provided by the user to limit maximum base-plate temperature to 85°C, in order to ensure proper performance. For reference, this requires thermal resistance of user’s external heat sink to be 4°C/W Max. Maximum Ratings -55°C to 85°C base plate temp. Storage Temperature 12V IN OUT 12V 12V 26.25 26.32 26.40 26.45 26.49 49.93 49.16 50.96 49.60 54.43 1.50 1.47 1.43 1.40 1.38 1.74 1.64 1.58 1.53 1.50 4.84 4.74 4.68 4.66 4.70 23.77 23.89 23.80 23.67 23.73 700.00 800.00 900.00 1000.00 2000.00 36.01 36.82 37.38 37.33 36.86 2000.00 3000.00 4000.00 5000.00 6000.00 26.83 26.88 26.87 26.75 26.68 49.44 54.76 50.02 50.10 47.03 1.27 1.24 1.23 1.23 1.26 1.28 1.07 1.21 1.41 1.46 3.91 3.46 3.19 2.89 2.74 23.95 24.39 24.80 25.08 25.04 3000.00 4000.00 5000.00 6000.00 7000.00 36.24 35.58 35.10 34.38 33.78 7000.00 8000.00 9000.00 10000.00 11000.00 26.64 26.53 26.42 26.23 26.12 49.03 52.49 59.55 53.89 54.33 1.30 1.34 1.36 1.36 1.38 1.35 1.17 1.19 1.39 1.52 2.56 2.49 2.48 2.63 2.87 25.43 25.34 25.23 25.09 24.73 8000.00 9000.00 10000.00 11000.00 12000.00 33.26 32.62 32.09 31.27 30.49 12000.00 13000.00 14000.00 15000.00 16000.00 26.28 26.27 26.03 26.04 26.21 38.47 56.13 43.11 44.40 34.69 1.37 1.37 1.40 1.34 1.12 1.37 1.02 1.38 1.55 1.36 3.25 3.33 3.14 3.31 3.26 24.14 23.68 23.31 23.24 23.06 13000.00 14000.00 15000.00 16000.00 17000.00 30.47 30.19 29.63 29.01 28.88 17000.00 18000.00 25.90 25.12 33.52 37.12 1.08 1.16 1.01 1.37 3.41 3.72 22.76 21.65 18000.00 28.98 The +Suffix has been added in order to identify RoHS Compliance. See our web site for RoHS Compliance methodologies and qualifications. FREQUENCY (GHz) Operating Temperature 12V 700.00 800.00 900.00 1000.00 1100.00 + RoHS compliant in accordance with EU Directive (2002/95/EC) sRADAR sVERYWIDEBANDTESTINSTRUMENTATION sLABUSE sWIDEBANDISOLATIORDIRECTIVITYD"TYP VSWR (:1) NOISE FIGURE (dB) POUT at 1 dB COMPR. (dBm) IP3 (dBm) GAIN (dB) 1TY DIRECTIVITY (dB) FREQUENCY (MHz) FREQUENCY (MHz) ZVA-183+ CASE STYLE: AV1280 #ONNECTORS -ODEL 0RICE SMA :6!3 SMA :6!83 Applications MODEL NO. ZVA-183+ Typical Performance Data/Curves 700 MHz to 18 GHz 12V -65°C to 150°C DC Voltage +15V Max. 0ERMANENTDAMAGEMAYOCCURIFANYOFTHESELIMITSAREEXCEEDED ZVA-183+ DIRECTIVITY ZVA-183+ GAIN 25 20 2.5 IN 70 60 OUT 2.0 VSWR DIRECTIVITY (dB) 30 GAIN (dB) ZVA-183+ VSWR 80 35 Outline Drawing 50 1.5 40 30 15 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 1.0 20 18000 0 FREQUENCY (MHz) 3000 6000 9000 12000 FREQUENCY (MHz) 15000 0 18000 3000 6000 9000 12000 FREQUENCY (MHz) 15000 18000 15000 18000 M OUNT I NG I NF OR M A T I ON F OR M ODE L S W I T H OUT H E A T SI NK Outline Dimensions ( inch mm ) A B C D E F 1.01 1.63 1.69 .40 1.20 .64 25.65 41.40 42.93 10.16 30.48 16.26 G H .24 .60 6.10 15.24 J .19 4.83 K .32 8.13 L M N wt .22 .12 .03 grams* 5.59 3.05 0.76 58 *17 grams without heatsink ZVA-183+ NOISE FIGURE 45 6.0 40 25 20 15 ® Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. 4.0 3000 6000 9000 12000 FREQUENCY (MHz) 15000 18000 30 20 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 FREQUENCY (MHz) 15000 0 18000 ® REV. C M124323 ZVA-183+ ED-13014 BC/CP/AM 091014 Page 1 of 2 35 25 3.0 Mini-Circuits For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site ® IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS 5.0 2.0 0 Mini-Circuits IP3 (dBm) 50 7.0 10 ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine ZVA-183+ IP3 8.0 30 NOISE FIGURE (dB) OUTPUT POWER (dBm) ZVA-183+ OUTPUT POWER 1-dB COMPRESSION 35 ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine 3000 6000 9000 12000 FREQUENCY (MHz) For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site ® Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. Page 2 of 2 Model 5800 Series Model 5800 Series 5828 and 5840A Ultra-Broadband Amplifiers 5828 and 5840A Ultra-Broadband Amplifiers Parameter Gain, S21 (100 MHz) min limit Polarity Bandwidth (-3 dB ) [3] min limit • 22 ps Risetime • 15 GHz Bandwidth Gain Flatness [3] Low Frequency (-3 dB) These two Ultra-Broadband Amplifiers are an excellent choice for either pulse or RF applications. They offer a very attractive price/performance ratio. They are AC coupled and are extremely broadband, covering 5 ½ decades from 65 kHz to 15 GHz. They have clean transient responses and smooth gain vs. frequency responses. Gains of 10 dB or 22 dB and risetimes as fast as 22 ps are available. These are stable 50 O amplifiers, and several can be connected in cascade for higher gains. The Models 5828 and 5840A are ideal for 10 Gb/s systems. Time Domain Pulse Responses at 50 ps/div; Input is 15 ps Risetime Measured with a PSPL Model 4015C, 15 ps Pulse Generator and an Agilent, 50 GHz digital sampling oscilloscope IN IN (-) OUT OUT 50 ps/div 100 ps/div Model 5840A 22 dB, 41 ps rise 80 kHz --- 9.3 GHz +12 dBm 5.8 dB NF Model 5828 10 dB, 22 ps rise 65 kHz --- 15 GHz +12 dBm 6.2 dB NF Risetime (10%-90%) [4] max. limit Overshoot [4] max limit Max Power Out (-1 dB gain comp) Noise Figure (100 MHz) max limit typical NF vs. frequency Effective Input RMS Noise Voltage TDR Refl. Input output Max. RF In (cw) or peak pulse Return Loss S11 input (100 MHz) S22 output Isolation S12 (100 MHz) DC Current 5828 5840A 10 dB 9 dB min. 22 dB 21 dB min. inverting 15 GHz 12 GHz min. ± 0.5 dB f<4 GHz 65 kHz 22 ps 30 ps max. 5% 8% max. Non-inverting 8.5 GHz 8 GHz min. ± 0.5 dB f<2 GHz 80 kHz 41 ps 50 ps max. 4% 8% max. +12 dBm (100 MHz) +14 dBm (5 GHz) +11 dBm (10 GHz) 6.2 dB 8 dB max. 6.7 dB (5 GHz) 7.5 dB (10 GHz) +12 dBm (100 MHz) +14 dBm (5 GHz) +11 dBm (10 GHz) 5.8 dB 8 dB max. 7 dB (5 GHz) 8 dB (10 GHz) 112 μV rms 85 μV rms ±1% -35% +10 dBm 1V >40 dB 9 dB 19 dB ±1% -9% 0 dBm 315 mV >40 dB 21 dB 35 dB 53 mA 106 m A DC Voltage Temperature 12 V DC, ± 0.5 V Temp Coeff - Gain Temp Coeff - BW -0.002 dB/C -0.007 dB/C -0.16%/C -0.1%/C Connectors RF in and out = SMA jacks (f), DC in = solder pin Warranty Static-sensitive devices. Limited 30-day warranty -25 C to +75 C case temperature operating, -25 C to +90 C storage Ordering Information Model Number Description 5828-107 SMA jack (f) – jack (f), solder pin on DC 5828-108 SMA jack (f) – jack (f), solder pin on DC, mounting plate option 5840A-107 SMA jack (f) – jack (f), solder pin on DC PICOSECOND PULSE LABS P.O. BOX 44 B OULDER , CO 80306, USA TEL: 1.303.443.1249 FAX: 1.303.447.2236 Notes [1] Parameters listed are typical values. Guaranteed at +12 V and 23 C only when max/min limits are given. [2] Gain, return loss, isolation, noise figure and max. power output all measured at 100 MHz. [3] Frequency response measured using a Wiltron 5447A, 10 MHz - 20 GHz network analyzer. [4] Time domain step responses measured with an Agilent 20 GHz oscilloscope and 25 ps risetime test pulse. [5] PSPL does 100% QA testing on amplifiers. All amps are stored at -25 C and +90 C and then receive a minimum of 24 hours burn-in. QA tests include gain and noise figure at 100 MHz, S21 frequency response including -3 dB bandwidth, time domain pulse response risetime, overshoot, pulse fidelity and low frequency square wave response. All parameters measured with +12 V DC power at +23 C ambient temperature. [6] Static sensitive! Avoid static discharges. Do not exceed max. input limits. PICOSECOND PULSE LABS P.O. BOX 44 B OULDER , CO 80306, USA TEL: 1.303.443.1249 FAX: 1.303.447.2236 WWW.PICOSECOND.COM WWW.PICOSECOND.COM SPEC-4040052, Revision 4, October 2002 Page 1 of 4 Page 2 of 4 SPEC-4040052, Revision 4, October 2002 Model 5800 Series Model 5800 Series 5828 and 5840A Ultra-Broadband Amplifiers 5828 and 5840A Ultra-Broadband Amplifiers Mounting Instructions for Model 5828 S21 Gain 1 dB/div S21 Group Delay 20 ps/div S11 Return Loss 5 dB/div This amplifier is not normally supplied with a mounting plate. If you desire to mount the amplifier permanently to some other object, it is necessary for you to purchase the amplifier including the mounting plate, shown here as the dashed lines. This mounting plate must be ordered at the same time the amplifier is ordered. Order it as 5828-108. S22 Return Loss 5 dB/div Model 5828, linear sweep to 15 GHz, 1.5 GHz/div Model 5840A, linear sweep to 10 GHz, 1.0 GHz/div Heatsink and mounting Instructions for Model 5840A This amplifier is supplied attached to a heatsink. With the heatsink attached, the amplifier can be used in an ambient temperature up to approximately 50 C in still air. This amplifier can be mounted by removing the heatsink. The heatsink attachment holes can then be used as mounting holes for the amplifier. If the amplifier’s heatsink is removed, it must be mounted to another surface that provides a low enough thermal impedance that the amplifier case will never exceed +75 C while in operation. Measured by a Wiltron 37369A vector network analyzer PICOSECOND PULSE LABS P.O. BOX 44 B OULDER , CO 80306, USA TEL: 1.303.443.1249 FAX: 1.303.447.2236 PICOSECOND PULSE LABS P.O. BOX 44 B OULDER , CO 80306, USA TEL: 1.303.443.1249 FAX: 1.303.447.2236 WWW.PICOSECOND.COM Page 3 of 4 WWW.PICOSECOND.COM SPEC-4040052, Revision 4, October 2002 Page 4 of 4 SPEC-4040052, Revision 4, October 2002 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION • 12.5 Gpbs Lithium Niobate modulator driver (8 Vamp output) • Linear amplifier with 26 dB small signal PRODUCT SPECIFICATION MODEL 5865 12.5GB/S DRIVER AMPLIFIER 5865 Electrical Specifications MODEL 5865 12.5 GB/S DRIVER AMPLIFIER PARAMETER SYMBOL UNITS MIN TYPICAL MAX Polarity gain and 12 GHz of bandwidth • High gain with low power dissipation (2.3 watts at 8 Vamp) • Temperature compensated design for output stability • Includes bias network, crossing point control & adjustable output voltage Output Eye Voltage with Vgc = 0 V VOUT Vamp Output Eye Voltage with Vgc = -15 V VOUT Vamp 1.0 Upper Frequency 3 dB Point f3dB,upper GHz 12 Lower Frequency 3 dB Point The 5865 includes internal temperature compensation for excellent output stability over temperature, and exhibits both high output and low power dissipation. It also incorporates internal sequencing circuitry, making it insensitive to power supply application sequence. 8.0 Vin = 0.5 Vamp, 12.5 Gb/s PRBS 2.0 Vin = 0.5 Vamp Small signal, relative to gain at 2 GHz f3dB,lower kHz 30 S21 dB 26.5 Output Power at 1dB Gain Compression P1dB dBm 23.5 tr,f ps 14 / 23 20 / 28 ps pspp 0.7 4 1.5 8 Vin = 0.5 Vamp, 12.5 Gb/s PRBS, measured at crossing point % ±3 ±5 Vgc = 0 V, Vin = 0.5 Vamp, TCASE = –5 to 75C, 12.5 Gb/s PRBS Additive Jitter [1] RMS Peak-to-Peak Output Eye Voltage Variation Over Operating Temperature Range ΔVOUT ±15 Small signal, relative to gain at 2 GHz Measured at 2 GHz Measured at 2 GHz ±20 % Crossing Point Variation Over Operating Temperature Range % ±1.0 Overshoot / Undershoot % 5 S11, S22 dB -14 -11 -12 -9 NF dB 5.75 6.5 Noise Figure 10% to 90%, Vin = 0.5 Vamp, 12.5 Gb/s PRBS ±5 V input at Vcp, Vin = 0.5 Vamp Crossing Point Adjust Input / Output Return Loss 50 MHz < f < 5 GHz 5 GHz ≤ f < 12 GHz Typical 10.66 Gb/s Eye Measurements 7.5 Small signal gain Deconvolved Rise / Fall Time [1] The Picosecond Pulse Labs Model 5865 driver amplifier is intended for use driving Lithium Niobate modulators or as a linear amplifier. COMMENTS Non-inverting ±2.0 0.5 Vamp Input, 12.5 Gb/s PRBS, TCASE = –5 to 75oC, Vgc constant 12.5 Gb/s PRBS f = 1 GHz [1] Deconvolution is done by root sum of squares. Input rise/fall times were 27 ps. Input jitter was 2.3 ps RMS / 9.8 ps pk-pk. 5865 Operating Specifications PARAMETER SYMBOL UNITS Maximum allowed Input Input Test Signal [1] Output Response [2] [1] Input test signal generated by Agilent Pattern Generator model 70843B. [2] Output response measured using Agilent oscilloscope model 86100A with model 83484A 50 GHz plug-in module. MIN TYPICAL Vamp MAX COMMENTS 1.5 Damage threshold for input 275 mA typical with VOUT = 8 Vamp DC Voltage Supply (pos) +VDC VDC 8 8 8.25 DC Voltage Supply (neg) -VDC VDC -5.25 -5 -4.75 Power Dissipation Pdiss W 2.3 2.6 VOUT = 8 Vamp, Vgc may be utilized to lower the output level and lower the power dissipated Output Voltage Bias Vbias VDC -17 +33 2.5 kΩ resistor (DC current ≤ 3.5 mA), Operating Temperature TCASE o -5 75 Case Temperature Storage Temperature TCASE o -40 125 Case Temperature C C 20 mA typical Static sensitive device, limited 30 day warranty. PICOSECOND PULSE LABS, P.O. BOX 44, BOULDER, CO 80306, USA, TEL: 1.303.443.1249, FAX: 1.303.447.2236 SPEC-4040085, REVISION 8, APRIL 2004, APPLIES TO MODEL 5865 REV 2 PAGE 1 OF 7 PAGE 2 OF 7 PICOSECOND PULSE LABS, P.O. BOX 44, BOULDER, CO 80306, USA, TEL: 1.303.443.1249, FAX: 1.303.447.2236 SPEC-4040085, REVISION 8, APRIL 2004, APPLIES TO MODEL 5865 REV 2 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION MODEL 5865 12.5GB/S DRIVER AMPLIFIER PRODUCT SPECIFICATION MODEL 5865 12.5GB/S DRIVER AMPLIFIER 10 Vin=0.250 Vin=0.375 Vin=0.500 Vin=0.750 Vin=1.000 9 8 7 6 Output Voltage (Vamp) Output Voltage (Vamp) 10 5 4 3 TCASE=35C 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 Vin=0.250 Vin=0.500 3 Vin=1.00 0 -15.0 -12.5 -10.0 -7.5 -5.0 -2.5 2 -10C 0.0 Gain Control Bias, Vgc (V) 10C 30C Vin=0.375 Vin=0.750 Vgc = 0 V 50C 70C Case Temperature Typical Measured 10.66 Gb/s Optical Eye (PSPL model 5865 driver, modulator controller, and OTI 12.5Gb/s LiNbO3 modulator) 58 Input test signal generated by Advantest Pattern Generator model D3186. Output response measured using Agilent oscilloscope model 86100A with model 86109A optical plug-in module. 56 75% 70% Vgc=0V 8 Vgc=0 7 Vgc=-3 6 Crossing Point Output Voltage (Vamp) 9 Crossing Point 65% 10 54 52 50 Vgc=-6 5 Vgc=-9 4 Vgc=-12 3 Vgc=-15 2 48 Vin=0.250 Vin=0.500 Vin=0.750 Vin=1.00 46 -10C 0C 10C 20C 30C 40C 50C 60C 70C 80C Case Temperature 1 Vin=0.500V 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% -5V -4V -3V -2V -1V 0V 1V 2V 3V 4V Crossing Point Adjust Bias 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 Detailed test setup information available upon request. Input Voltage (Vamp) Typical Output Voltage versus Input Voltage (Gain Control Bias = Vgc, TCASE = 35C) PICOSECOND PULSE LABS, P.O. BOX 44, BOULDER, CO 80306, USA, TEL: 1.303.443.1249, FAX: 1.303.447.2236 SPEC-4040085, REVISION 8, APRIL 2004, APPLIES TO MODEL 5865 REV 2 PAGE 3 OF 7 PAGE 4 OF 7 PICOSECOND PULSE LABS, P.O. BOX 44, BOULDER, CO 80306, USA, TEL: 1.303.443.1249, FAX: 1.303.447.2236 SPEC-4040085, REVISION 8, APRIL 2004, APPLIES TO MODEL 5865 REV 2 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION MODEL 5865 12.5GB/S DRIVER AMPLIFIER PRODUCT SPECIFICATION MODEL 5865 12.5GB/S DRIVER AMPLIFIER 5865 Mechanical Dimensions (in inches unless otherwise stated) 30 28 S21 Magnitude (dB) 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Frequency (GHz) Typical Small Signal S21 (measured at –20 dBm input power) 0 Ordering Information Magnitude (dB) -5 -10 Model Number Connector Configuration * 5865-107 RF input SMA jack, RF output SMA jack, solder pins S11 * Other connector configurations may be available upon request. S22 Contact Information -15 Picosecond Pulse Labs P.O. Box 44 Boulder, Colorado 80306, USA -20 -25 Telephone: 1.303.443.1249 Fax: 1.303.447.2236 mailto:info@picosecond.com -30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Sales Support: Telephone: 1.303.443.1249 Fax: 1.303.447.2236 Frequency (GHz) Typical Small Signal S11 and S22 (measured at –20 dBm input power) Visit Us At: www.picosecond.com PICOSECOND PULSE LABS, P.O. BOX 44, BOULDER, CO 80306, USA, TEL: 1.303.443.1249, FAX: 1.303.447.2236 SPEC-4040085, REVISION 8, APRIL 2004, APPLIES TO MODEL 5865 REV 2 PAGE 5 OF 7 PAGE 6 OF 7 PICOSECOND PULSE LABS, P.O. BOX 44, BOULDER, CO 80306, USA, TEL: 1.303.443.1249, FAX: 1.303.447.2236 SPEC-4040085, REVISION 8, APRIL 2004, APPLIES TO MODEL 5865 REV 2 MODEL 5810B BROADBAND AMPLIFIER PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 145 ps Risetime PRODUCT SPECIFICATION MODEL 5865 12.5GB/S DRIVER AMPLIFIER Instructions for Use The Picosecond Pulse Labs 5865 12.5 Gb/s modulator driver may be operated using only three of the available 7 pins. The DC pins required for operation are 1, 3, and 7. The RF connectors and DC pins are diagramed and defined below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pin Descriptions Pin # Pin Label The 5810B Broadband Amplifier is an excellent low cost choice for either pulse or RF applications. It is AC-coupled and is extremely broadband, covering 5½ decades from 6 kHz to 2 GHz. It has a clean transient response and smooth gain vs. frequency response. This is a stable, 50 Ohm amplifier, and several can be connected in cascade for higher gains. This amplifier is packaged in a convenient, small metal module with SMA connectors and a built-in bias regulator. If you require higher bandwidths and faster risetimes, please see the data sheet for PSPL s 5800 Series Ultra-Broadband Amplifiers. Gain min. limit 13 dB 11 db Polarity inverting Risetime (10-90%) 145 ps BandWidth (-3 dB) min. limit Low Freq. (-3 dB) Max. Power Out (-1 dB gain comp) Noise Figure Temperature Max. Input DC Voltage 2 GHz 1.7 GHz limits DC Current 6 kHz +9 dBm Temp Coeff - Gain -0.005 dB/C (1.8 Vptp) Temp Coeff - BW 5 dB -0.08%/C 0 C to +50 C ambient operating. -25 C to +90 C ambient storage +10 dBm (cw). 1 Volt peak pulse 1.75 x 1.25 x 0.63 including connectors. Case is 1 x 1 x 0.63 (2.5 x 2.5 x 1.6 cm) Static-sensitive devices. Limited 30-day warranty Dimensions Description Warranty IN SMA, signal input, Vamp ≤ 1.5 V (damage threshold) 1 +V Positive DC voltage supply, 8 V (see Note 1 and Note 2) 2 GC Vgc, Variable output control, -15 V ≤ Vgc ≤ 0 V (see Note 3) 3 -V Negative DC voltage supply, -5.25 V ≤ V ≤ -4.75 V (see Note 2) 4 CP Crossing point adjust, -5 V Vcp 5 V (see Note 4) 5 VB DC Voltage bias, -17 ≤ VB ≤ +33 (see Note 5) 6 NC No connection / Not used 7 GND Ground connection OUT SMA, signal output Warning: The 5865 requires a ground connection at pin #7 prior to voltage application to prevent damage. NOTES: Note 1: At 8V, approximately 2.3W is dissipated. Note 2: No power sequencing is necessary. Voltages may be applied in any order after ground is applied. Note 3: Output Control: With Vgc at 0V, or left floating (disconnected), the driver will provide maximum gain and maximum output voltage. The user may decrease Vgc to decrease the RF signal gain when the driver is operating in the linear regime, or to reduce the output voltage level when the driver is operated in saturation (this will also reduce the power dissipated). Note 4: The crossing point may vary until unit achieves thermal equilibrium. Note 5: Voltage Bias: The VB pin allows the user to apply a low current (less than 3.5 mA) DC offset to the Signal Output for biasing electro-optic modulators through a 2 kΩ resistor. PICOSECOND PULSE LABS, P.O. BOX 44, BOULDER, CO 80306, USA, TEL: 1.303.443.1249, FAX: 1.303.447.2236 SPEC-4040085, REVISION 8, APRIL 2004, APPLIES TO MODEL 5865 REV 2 PAGE 7 OF 7 2 GHz Bandwidth Isolation Return Loss TDR Refl. 20 dB input output input output 35 dB 27 dB +1 % -4 % 12 V 7-15 V 40 mA Forward Gain 2 dB/div, linear sweep from 10 MHz to 5 GHz Reverse Isolation, 5 dB/div Pulse Response to 35 ps falltime input step. 200 ps/div. Measured with HP-54121A, 20 GHz digital sampling oscilloscope. Input Return Loss, 5 dB/div Ordering Information Model Number 5810B-107 5810B-114 5810B-126 Connector Configuration Type Input Output SMA jack (f) jack (f) SMA jack (f) plug (m) SMA jack (f) plug (m) Output Return Loss, 5 dB/div DC SP SP SP Option mounting plate Notes [1] Parameters listed in table and shown on plots are typical values. Guaranteed at +12 V and 23 C only when max./min. limits are given. [2] All parameters measured with +12 V DC power at +23 C ambient temperature. [3] Gain, return loss, isolation, noise figure and max. power output all measured at 100 MHz. [4] 35 ps risetime step responses and TDR measured using an HP-54124A, 20 GHz oscilloscope. [5] Frequency responses measured using a Wiltron 5447A, 10 MHz - 20 GHz, network analyzer. [6] Static sensitive! Avoid static discharges. Do not exceed max. input limits. PICOSECOND PULSE LABS, P.O. BOX 44, BOULDER, CO 80306, USA, TEL: 1.303.443.1249, FAX: 1.303.447.2236 WWW.PICOSECOND.COM PAGE 1 OF 1 SPEC-4040053, REVISION 4, JULY 2010 %QCZKCN .QY2CUU(KNVGT Coaxial 8.( Low Noise Amplifier 1 /CZKOWO4CVKPIU (GCVWTGU F),6+:8),.,11 (,:8),.,11 <,G+).E4> 1 11.,,+G+).F.).8; 1 5.$.+6*$0/+",./6+7"899"6 5"/6+" 5;/99+)<,=+$96+74> 5:8),.,"*9 5!</" 5,/$*0I(+37733 2CUUDCPFTCVKPIFGTCVGNKPGCTN[VQ9CV %CODKGPV ,8++$880//.,6+0="9686",;/$$ Features 1((:B!2 1++/," 5/# 5,8+6/,?/6+ 5:,+"86,",/6A," 5!*." 1WVNKPG&TCYKPI $9 ! ,6/ D C0 & 4Q*5EQORNKCPVKPCEEQTFCPEG YKVJ'7&KTGEVKXG '% #RRNKECVKQPU 2#55$#0& /*\ HEQ/*\ 0QO 9""' $%& ; 9""$%& :0) 1 5612$#0& /*\ NQUUF$ 4 8594 011( 5'%6+105 :0) :0) ()*+$ :0) ""*+$ :0) s --$3 s #OMMUNICATIONSYSTEMS 443 Parameter Condition (MHz) Min. Typ. Max. Units 2200 — — 25 25 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — +25 +25 +38 +38 1.25 1.25 1.15 1.15 15 15 — — 2700 1.3 1.5 — — ±1.0 ±2.3 — — — — — — — — — — 325 325 MHz 2200-2400 2200-2700 2200-2400 2200-2700 2200-2400 2200-2700 2200-2400 2200-2700 2200-2400 2200-2700 2200-2400 2200-2700 2200-2400 2200-2700 2200-2400 2200-2700 2200-2400 2200-2700 Frequency Range Gain Flatness Output Power at 1dB compression Output third order intercept point Input VSWR Output VSWR 6[RKECN2GTHQTOCPEG&CVCCVQ% (TGSWGPE[ /*\ +PUGTVKQP.QUU F$ 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 43 444 44 3 3 4 3 3 %< ,8" 3 DC Supply Voltage 8594 " # ## 1TY (1-9) The +Suffix has been added in order to identify RoHS Compliance. See our web site for RoHS Compliance methodologies and qualifications. Gain 9/,6/9"/=86/ #ASE3TYLE#7 -ODEL 0RICE :1,-,.7 ea. + RoHS compliant in accordance with EU Directive (2002/95/EC) Noise Figure Supply Current dB dB dB dBm dBm :1 :1 V mA /PENLOADISNOTRECOMMENDEDPOTENTIALLYCANCAUSEDAMAGE 7ITHNOLOADDERATEMAXINPUTPOWERBYD" Outline Drawing Maximum Ratings Parameter Ratings Operating Temperature -40°C to 70°C Storage Temperature -55°C to 100°C DC Voltage +17V Input RF Power (no damage) +3 dBm 0ERMANENTDAMAGEMAYOCCURIFANYOFTHESELIMITSAREEXCEEDED " #; * $ ' & #; # ## #ONNECTORS SMA Applications Electrical Specifications 6+ :0)6/9,-.+/0,")+" KPEJ 1WVNKPG&KOGPUKQPU 88 s 6ERYLOWNOISElGURED"MAX s (IGH)0D"MTYP s 2UGGEDSHIELDEDCASE 6JGUWHſZJCUDGGPCFFGFKPQTFGTVQKFGPVKH[4Q*5 %QORNKCPEG5GGQWTYGDUKVGHQT4Q*5%QORNKCPEG OGVJQFQNQIKGUCPFSWCNKſECVKQPU .QY2CUU(KNVGT'NGEVTKECN5RGEKſECVKQPU 6#/$1% /,""9" 6+"88$9" ZQL-2700MLNW+ TO-(Z $ Outline Dimensions ( INCH mm ) $ $ * : $ $' * : $ $' A B C 1.77 2.42 .55 44.96 61.47 13.97 D .13 3.30 E F G .12 2.165 1.535 3.05 55.0 39.0 H .126 3.20 J .22 5.59 K L M .28 .51 .61 7.11 12.95 15.49 N .39 9.91 P wt 0.22 grams 5.59 71.0 ® ® Mini-Circuits Mini-Circuits For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine ® Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine ® Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com 2%6# - :1,-,.7 0AGEOF IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS 4I ! IJ Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. %QCZKCN $CPFRCUU(KNVGT Typical Performance Data/Curves ZQL-2700MLNW+ /CZKOWO4CVKPIU GAIN (dB) DIRECTIVITY (dB) 15V 15V IN OUT POUT at 1 dB COMPR. (dBm) 15V 40 ZQL-2700MLNW+ DIRECTIVITY at 15V 29 27 25 2200 2300 2400 2500 FREQUENCY (MHz) 2600 2700 1.4 32 1.3 28 1.1 20 2200 1.0 2200 2300 NOISE FIGURE (dB) OUTPUT POWER (dBm) 2.0 26.6 26.2 25.8 25.4 2300 2400 2500 FREQUENCY (MHz) 2500 2600 2700 2600 2700 2#55$#0& /*\ !""'$%& !""# $% !""$%:0) 3 OUT 8594 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 KPEJ 1WVNKPG&KOGPUKQPU 88 0.4 2700 FREQUENCY (MHz) 4 = +PUGTVKQP.QUU F$ 8594 3 43 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 34 3 4 3 3 333 3 4 43 VBF-2555+ INSERTION LOSS VBF-2555+ VSWR 1000 INSERTION LOSS (dB) 80 3.8 3.7 2500 2528 2555 2583 2610 60 100 40 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 2610 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 FREQUENCY (MHz) Mini-Circuits ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine 0AGEOF 2583 1 1000 FREQUENCY (MHz) IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS 2555 20 ® Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. 2528 10 0 Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 2500 3.9 0 For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site ® :0) 3 %< 4.0 ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine ; (WPEVKQPCN5EJGOCVKE 100 Mini-Circuits ()*+$ :0) '< (TGSWGPE[ /*\ %< ,8" 3 ® ""*+$ 3 6[RKECN2GTHQTOCPEG&CVCCVQ% FREQUENCY (MHz) 2600 & * ' & % $ # >!" 0.8 2500 5612$#0&5 /*\ 6[RKECN(TGSWGPE[4GURQPUG /,""9" 6+"88$9" 1.2 2400 C0 6JG5WHſZJCUDGGPCFFGFKPQTFGTVQKFGPVKH[4Q*5 %QORNKCPEG5GGQWTYGDUKVGHQT4Q*5%QORNKCPEG OGVJQFQNQIKGUCPFSWCNKſECVKQPU / 1.6 2300 D %'06'4 (4'3 /*\ at 15V 0.0 2200 ,6/ % 4Q*5EQORNKCPVKPCEEQTFCPEG YKVJ'7&KTGEVKXG '% $CPFRCUU(KNVGT'NGEVTKECN5RGEKſECVKQPU 6#/$1% 1WVNKPG&TCYKPI ZQL-2700MLNW+ NOISE FIGURE ZQL-2700MLNW+ OUTPUT POWER AT 1-dB COMPRESSION 27.0 25.0 2200 2400 FREQUENCY (MHz) $9 5/# #RRNKECVKQPU 1.2 24 1((:B!2 1++/," 5 ,8+6/,?/6+ 5 :,+"86,",/6A," 5 !*." 5 :"6+",.8+6+ ZQL-2700MLNW+ VSWR 36 VSWR DIRECTIVITY (dB) GAIN (dB) 31 5 K$(>732:0)L""*+$ 5.$.+6*$0/+",./6+7"899"6 5:8),.,"*9 1.5 IN 33 E""*+$,6+7$,96+,90 >18*6+ ,8++$880//.,6+0="9686",;/$$ 15V ZQL-2700MLNW+ GAIN at 15V NOISE FIGURE (dB) (GCVWTGU 11 11 > 1 VSWR 35 VSWR (:1) F),6+:8),., (,:8),., <,G+).E > FREQUENCY (MHz) 8$( 3 For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site ® Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. % 4 % Coaxial Coaxial Power Splitter/Combiner 2 Way-0° Resistive 50Ω Maximum Ratings Power Splitter/Combiner ZFRSC-183+ DC to 18000 MHz 4 Way-0° ZN4PD1-63W+ 250 to 6000 MHz Features Operating Temperature -55°C to 100°C Storage Temperature -55°C to 100°C Power Input (as a splitter) 0.16W max. Internal Dissipation 0.08W max. CASE STYLE: JJJ245 #ONNECTORS -ODEL 0RICE 1TY SMA ZFRSC-183-S+ $79.95 ea. (1-9) sVERYWIDEBAND$#TO-(Z sVERYGOODPHASEUNBALANCEDEGTYP sEXCELLENTAMPLITUDEUNBALANCED"TYP sRUGGEDSHIELDEDCASE 0ERMANENTDAMAGEMAYOCCURIFANYOFTHESELIMITSAREEXCEEDED Applications Coaxial Connections sLABORATORY sTESTSETUPS SUM PORT S PORT 1 1 PORT 2 2 + RoHS compliant in accordance with EU Directive (2002/95/EC) Electrical Specifications TAMB =25°C ISOLATION (dB) PHASE UNBALANCE (Degrees) AMPLITUDE UNBALANCE (dB) L M U L M U Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. 4 7 10 0.2 0.5 0.5 INSERTION LOSS (dB) ABOVE 6.0 dB L M U L M U fL-fU Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. Max. Typ. Max. Typ. Max. DC-18000 6.2 6.5 7.0 0.3 0.7 0.7 1.25 1.0 — L = DC-6000 MHz M = 6000-12000 MHz U= 12000-18000 MHz 4HISISARESISTIVEPOWERDIVIDERTOENABLEFREQUENCYCOVERAGEFROMDCTOTHEHIGHESTRATEDFREQUENCY3INCERESISTIVEPOWERDIVIDERDONOT PROVIDEAHIGHDEGREEOFISOLATIONBASICALLYISOLATIONEQUALSTHEINSERTIONLOSSBETWEENPORTSANAMPLIlERSUCHAS-INI#IRCUITSg:6! SERIESISRECOMMENDEDWHENHIGHISOLATIONISREQUIRED-ATCHEDPOWERRATING7INTERNALLOADDISSIPATION7 Typical Performance Data Total Loss1 (dB) Frequency (MHz) Outline Dimensions ( inch mm ) D .38 9.65 E .29 7.37 F wt .35 grams 8.89 22.0 500.00 1000.00 2000.00 3000.00 4500.00 6000.00 7500.00 9000.00 10500.00 12000.00 13500.00 15000.00 16500.00 17000.00 18000.00 S-1 S-2 6.05 6.07 6.09 6.19 6.27 6.30 6.37 6.34 6.51 6.76 6.82 7.37 7.25 6.79 6.07 6.07 6.08 6.13 6.22 6.34 6.36 6.39 6.44 6.62 6.82 6.87 7.32 7.04 6.59 5.91 Amplitude Unbalance (dB) Isolation (dB) 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.07 0.07 0.03 0.10 0.11 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.21 0.19 0.15 6.05 6.06 6.08 6.26 6.36 6.22 6.38 6.67 6.82 6.58 6.47 7.57 7.35 6.84 6.32 Phase Unbalance (deg.) VSWR S VSWR 1 VSWR 2 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.06 1.06 1.07 1.06 1.15 1.17 1.16 1.06 1.12 1.34 1.29 1.07 1.01 1.02 1.01 1.04 1.04 1.12 1.07 1.03 1.06 1.03 1.15 1.32 1.40 1.34 1.19 1.01 1.02 1.01 1.04 1.01 1.09 1.06 1.05 1.03 1.06 1.16 1.29 1.25 1.18 1.13 0.01 0.08 0.26 0.28 0.05 0.01 0.08 0.22 0.10 0.91 0.18 0.01 0.78 0.59 0.57 4OTAL,OSS)NSERTION,OSSD"SPLITTERLOSS ZFRSC-183+ TOTAL LOSS ZFRSC-183+ ISOLATION 9.0 ISOLATION (dB) TOTAL LOSS (dB) 8.0 7.0 6.0 S-1(dB) The Big Deal s 7IDEBANDPERFORMANCE s ,OWAMPLITUDEANDPHASEUNBALANCE s 'OODINSERTIONLOSS The +Suffix has been added in order to identify RoHS Compliance. See our web site for RoHS Compliance methodologies and qualifications. FREQ. RANGE (MHz) Outline Drawing A B C .75 1.00 .58 19.05 25.40 14.73 50Ω Product Overview This four-way, in-phase splitter and combiner covers a wide frequency range between 250-6000MHz, making this splitter now suitable for GPS, GSM, DCS and PCS frequency bands, in addition to WiFi, Bluetooth and 802.11a uses. This model also features good insertion loss and amplitude and phase unbalance, and is packaged in a 3.5”x 4.5” enclosure with built-in SMA connectors for ease of use. Feature Advantages Operating over a very wide bandwidth from 250MHz to 6000MHz The very wide bandwidth performance of the ZN4PD1-63W+ enables this splitter/combiner to be used in a wide range of applications including broadband systems such as test, measurement and defense/aerospace. However this model covers a variety of narrow band applications including GSM, GPS, DCS and PCS applications, in addition to WiFi, Bluetooth, 802.11a, U-NII and ISM applications. Good insertion loss With typical insertion loss of only 1.0dB above the splitter loss up to 4GHz, this splitter supports medium power signal distribution applications where loss is critical. Good amplitude and phase performance Typical amplitude unbalance of 0.2dB and phase unbalance of 2˚ make this splitter ideal for parallel path/ multichannel systems. 8.0 7.0 6.0 S-2(dB) 5.0 5.0 0 3000 6000 #!3%349,%55 9000 12000 15000 0 18000 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 FREQUENCY (MHz) FREQUENCY (MHz) ZFRSC-183+ VSWR 1.5 #S-VSWR #1-VSWR #2-VSWR 1.4 electrical schematic VSWR 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 FREQUENCY (MHz) ® ® Mini-Circuits Mini-Circuits For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine ® REV. A M127604 ZFRSC-183+ ED-13066/3 AD/CP 100614 Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine ® Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. Page 1 Coaxial Power Splitter/Combiner 4 Way-0° 50Ω 60 GHz Development System ZN4PD1-63W+ 250 to 6000 MHz Maximum Ratings V60DSK01 Features Operating Temperature -55°C to 100°C Storage Temperature -55°C to 100°C Power Input (as a splitter) s WIDEFREQUENCYBANDTO-(Z s LOWINSERTIONLOSSD"TYP s LOWAMPLITUDEUNBALANCED"TYP s LOWPHASEUNBALANCEDEGTYP 10W max. Internal Dissipation 3W max. Applications Permanent damage may occur if any of these limits are exceeded. 3 PORT 1 1 PORT 2 2 PORT 3 4 PORT 4 5 Features The +Suffix has been added in order to identify RoHS Compliance. See our web site for RoHS Compliance methodologies and qualifications. Electrical Specifications Parameter Frequency (MHz) Min. Frequency Range Typ. 250 250-350 350-6000 250-350 350-5500 5500-6000 250-350 350-6000 250-350 350-6000 250-350 350-6000 250-350 350-6000 Insertion Loss Above 6.0 dB Isolation Outline Drawing Technical Overview + RoHS compliant in accordance with EU Directive (2002/95/EC) s HIGHBAND0#3 s 5.)) s )3-! s 7I&I s "LUETOOTH Coaxial Connections SUM PORT #!3%349,%55 Connectors Model Price Qty. SMA ZN4PD1-63W-S+ $119.95 (1-9) Phase Unbalance Amplitude Unbalance VSWR Input VSWR Output — — 8 14 12 — — — — — — — — Max. Unit 6000 MHz 0.3 1.2 14 20 20 — — — — 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.3 0.8 3.0 — — — 3 6 0.3 0.6 — — — — dB dB Degree dB Typical Performance Data Total Loss1 (dB) S-3 Freq. (MHz) 250.00 350.00 400.00 500.00 600.00 700.00 800.00 900.00 1000.00 2000.00 3000.00 4000.00 5000.00 5500.00 6000.00 S-1 S-2 6.32 6.22 6.27 6.29 6.32 6.48 6.53 6.46 6.45 6.77 7.13 7.15 7.71 7.90 8.02 6.31 6.21 6.26 6.28 6.30 6.45 6.51 6.45 6.44 6.78 7.20 7.31 7.79 8.09 8.27 K .50 12.70 D .125 3.18 E 3.375 85.73 L M .400 4.100 10.16 104.14 F --- 11.87 20.88 26.84 27.50 24.35 21.55 23.25 30.37 25.00 28.30 17.84 18.76 25.57 21.38 17.38 Isolation (dB) 2-3 3-4 19.38 23.90 27.53 45.87 31.29 26.77 25.64 26.45 29.71 29.48 27.02 33.24 29.50 34.53 27.14 11.99 20.88 26.56 27.33 24.14 21.98 23.96 29.80 25.26 28.24 17.39 18.64 26.88 21.02 17.61 Phase VSWR VSWR VSWR VSWR VSWR Unbal. S 1 2 3 4 (deg.) 0.27 0.30 0.30 0.38 0.50 0.60 0.66 0.69 0.70 1.45 1.70 2.48 3.27 3.47 4.04 1.46 1.12 1.24 1.21 1.17 1.42 1.48 1.31 1.22 1.33 1.36 1.25 1.58 1.24 1.26 1.09 1.05 1.06 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.14 1.13 1.05 1.22 1.12 1.22 1.41 1.32 1.21 1.09 1.05 1.07 1.10 1.11 1.11 1.15 1.15 1.06 1.24 1.11 1.27 1.44 1.37 1.22 1.09 1.05 1.08 1.11 1.11 1.12 1.15 1.14 1.06 1.23 1.08 1.26 1.45 1.36 1.20 1.10 1.05 1.07 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.14 1.13 1.06 1.23 1.12 1.24 1.42 1.37 1.24 G .125 3.18 wt grams 288 9.0 S-1 (dB) S-3 (dB) 8.0 7.0 6.0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 FREQUENCY (MHz) V60RX101 bIQ bIQ V60TBA01 TX Board V60TBA01 RX Board Note: For detailed technical specifications on the 60 GHz μModules, see V60TX101 and V60RX101 data sheets User-Defined Baseband 60 GHz Test Set Up for Broadband Communications bIQ High-Speed Baseband Connector bIQ Transmitter μModule Receiver μModule USB Controller USB Controller High-Speed Baseband Connector 1-2 (dB) 1000 2000 2-3 (dB) 3000 4000 3-4 (dB) 5000 6000 FREQUENCY (MHz) Electrical Schematic 2.0 #S-VSWR 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 0 ZN4PD1-63W+ VSWR 1.8 User-Defined Baseband V60TX101 ZN4PD1-63W+ ISOLATION ISOLATION (dB) C .65 16.51 TOTAL LOSS (dB) J .33 8.38 1-2 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.10 0.17 0.17 0.20 0.25 ZN4PD1-63W+ TOTAL LOSS VSWR (:1) H --- Amp. Unbal. (dB) 6.33 6.22 6.28 6.31 6.34 6.49 6.54 6.47 6.46 6.79 7.15 7.22 7.82 8.07 8.27 4OTAL,OSS)NSERTION,OSSD"SPLITTERLOSS Outline Dimensions ( inch mm ) A B 3.50 4.50 88.90 114.30 6.32 6.22 6.27 6.29 6.31 6.46 6.52 6.46 6.45 6.77 7.09 7.21 7.65 7.94 8.15 S-4 Transmitter board hosts Vubiq V60TX101 μModule transmitter with integrated antenna Receiver board hosts Vubiq V60RX101 μModule receiver with integrated antenna Configuration and control via USB interface 57 to 64 GHz unlicensed band On chip synthesizer covers 57.0 to 64.0 GHz with 0.5 GHz step size – 15 channels High speed I/O connector for baseband signals (100 Ω differential) Multi-gigabit communications and wideband radar > 1.5 GHz modulated bandwidth at 60 GHz Also supports AM and FM modulation Allows user defined baseband for any high bandwidth application Communications and radar modes supported TX board, RX board, USB cables, GUI software CD, power supply and bench-top tripods supplied #1-VSWR #3-VSWR 1.6 ` 1.4 ` 1.2 1.0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Rev 1.2 FREQUENCY (MHz) ® Mini-Circuits ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site ® Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. REV. OR M128089 ZN4PD1-63W+ ED-12591/1 +,!$#0!100712 Page 2 65 Enterprise Aliso Viejo, CA 92656, U.S.A Telephone 949-226-8482 www.vubiq.com FAX 815-572-0386 © 2008 Vubiq, Inc. All rights reserved. Information furnished by Vubiq is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Vubiq for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Vubiq. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. V60DSK01 V60DSK01 Transmitter Control Screen GUI Rev 1.2 Receiver Control Screen GUI page 2 of 4 Rev 1.2 page 3 of 4 Data Sheet V60DSK01 39 40 2 1 J4 Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Function GND GND TXFM QTX/RX QTXFM Q+ TX/RX Q+ GND GND TXFM ITX/RX ITXFM I+ TX/RX I+ GND GND NC EXT CLK NC EXT CLK + NC GND Pin 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Function NC AUX_IO_0 NC AUX_IO_1 GND AUX_IO_2 USB D+ AUX_IO_3 USB DAUX_IO_4 GND AUX_IO_5 GND GND +5 AUX_IO_6 +5 AUX_IO_7 GND GND High Speed I/O Connector Pinout Connector: Mating Connector: Samtec QTE-020-01-L-D-A Samtec QSE-020-01-L-D-A W6 W5 W10 W9 W4 W3 W2 W1 W8 W7 MCX W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 Function TX/RX QTX/RX Q+ TX/RX ITX/RX I+ EXT CLK EXT CLK + TXFM QTXFM Q+ TXFM ITXFM I+ Mar. 2010 DWDM CW DFB Laser Module Applications z OC-192/STM-64 DWDM Transmission Systems Descriptions Expansion Board Connector Assignments Connectors: Mating Connectors: MCX Receptacle MCX Plug Ordering Information V60DSK01 60 GHz Development System V60TBA01 Transmitter Board V60RBA01 Receiver Board USB Cables (2) Bench Top Tripod (2) 5V Power Supply GUI Control Software & Documentation CD Optional Accessories V60EXP01-KIT High Speed Expansion Board Kit Breakout Board: MCX Coaxial Connectors to High Speed I/O Connector (2) Phased Matched Coaxial Cables, MCX to SMA, 1 meter length (8) Rev 1.2 FRL15DCWx-A8x-xxxxx-x page 4 of 4 z FRL15DCWx series of DFB laser module is designed for long haul DWDM applications with external intensity modulator. z The polarization maintaining fiber pigtail enables to directly connect a modulator without polarization control. The polarization state of output laser beam is maintained to a consistent orientation. z A strained multi-quantum well DFB laser diode chip is integrated with optical isolator, thermo-electric cooler (TEC), thermistor and power monitor photodiode in an industry standard hermetically sealed 14 pin butterfly package. z This laser module complies with telecom requirements described in TelcordiaTM GR-468 and is manufactured in an ISOTM9001 certified production line. Features z z z z z z High optical output power up to 40mW High side mode suppression ratio(SMSR) Selected wavelength according to ITU-T Grid, C and L-band available 50GHz spacing available Narrow linewidth available RoHS compliant package Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameters Sym. Min. Max. Unit Storage Temperature Tstg -40 85 °C Operating Case Temperature Tc -5 70 °C VrLD LD Reverse Voltage 2 V IfLD LD Forward Current 350 mA TLD LD Operating Temperature 20 35 °C Relative Humidity RH 0 85 % Fiber Bend Radius 30 mm Fiber Axial Pull Force 9.8 N ODC-7R001E 1/5 Parameters PD Reverse Voltage PD Forward Current TEC Current TEC Voltage Lead Soldering Lead Soldering Duration Torque Force (Flatness : <20m) Sym. Min. Max. Unit VrPD IfPD Itec Vtec - - 20 5 1.6 2.6 260 10 V mA A V °C sec - - 0.1 Nm Coaxial Coaxial Power Splitter/Combiner 4 Way-0° 50Ω ZN4PD1-63W+ Power Splitter/Combiner 4 Way-0° 250 to 6000 MHz 50Ω Maximum Ratings Features Operating Temperature -55°C to 100°C Storage Temperature -55°C to 100°C Power Input (as a splitter) The Big Deal s WIDEFREQUENCYBANDTO-(Z s LOWINSERTIONLOSSD"TYP s LOWAMPLITUDEUNBALANCED"TYP s LOWPHASEUNBALANCEDEGTYP 10W max. Internal Dissipation 3W max. SUM PORT 3 PORT 1 1 PORT 2 2 PORT 3 4 PORT 4 5 + RoHS compliant in accordance with EU Directive (2002/95/EC) s HIGHBAND0#3 s 5.)) s )3-! s 7I&I s "LUETOOTH Coaxial Connections #!3%349,%55 #!3%349,%55 Connectors Model Price Qty. SMA ZN4PD1-63W-S+ $119.95 (1-9) Applications Permanent damage may occur if any of these limits are exceeded. s 7IDEBANDPERFORMANCE s ,OWAMPLITUDEANDPHASEUNBALANCE s 'OODINSERTIONLOSS The +Suffix has been added in order to identify RoHS Compliance. See our web site for RoHS Compliance methodologies and qualifications. Electrical Specifications Parameter Frequency (MHz) Phase Unbalance Amplitude Unbalance Product Overview VSWR Input This four-way, in-phase splitter and combiner covers a wide frequency range between 250-6000MHz, making this splitter now suitable for GPS, GSM, DCS and PCS frequency bands, in addition to WiFi, Bluetooth and 802.11a uses. This model also features good insertion loss and amplitude and phase unbalance, and is packaged in a 3.5”x 4.5” enclosure with built-in SMA connectors for ease of use. Typ. 250 250-350 350-6000 250-350 350-5500 5500-6000 250-350 350-6000 250-350 350-6000 250-350 350-6000 250-350 350-6000 Insertion Loss Above 6.0 dB Outline Drawing VSWR Output — — 8 14 12 — — — — — — — — Max. Unit 6000 MHz 0.3 1.2 14 20 20 — — — — 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.3 0.8 3.0 — — — 3 6 0.3 0.6 — — — — dB dB Degree dB Typical Performance Data Total Loss1 (dB) S-3 Freq. (MHz) 250.00 350.00 400.00 500.00 600.00 700.00 800.00 900.00 1000.00 2000.00 3000.00 4000.00 5000.00 5500.00 6000.00 Advantages Good insertion loss With typical insertion loss of only 1.0dB above the splitter loss up to 4GHz, this splitter supports medium power signal distribution applications where loss is critical. Good amplitude and phase performance Typical amplitude unbalance of 0.2dB and phase unbalance of 2˚ make this splitter ideal for parallel path/ multichannel systems. S-1 S-2 6.32 6.22 6.27 6.29 6.32 6.48 6.53 6.46 6.45 6.77 7.13 7.15 7.71 7.90 8.02 6.31 6.21 6.26 6.28 6.30 6.45 6.51 6.45 6.44 6.78 7.20 7.31 7.79 8.09 8.27 H --- J .33 8.38 C .65 16.51 K .50 12.70 D .125 3.18 E 3.375 85.73 F --- L M .400 4.100 10.16 104.14 S-4 Amp. Unbal. (dB) 1-2 6.33 6.22 6.28 6.31 6.34 6.49 6.54 6.47 6.46 6.79 7.15 7.22 7.82 8.07 8.27 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.10 0.17 0.17 0.20 0.25 11.87 20.88 26.84 27.50 24.35 21.55 23.25 30.37 25.00 28.30 17.84 18.76 25.57 21.38 17.38 Isolation (dB) 2-3 3-4 19.38 23.90 27.53 45.87 31.29 26.77 25.64 26.45 29.71 29.48 27.02 33.24 29.50 34.53 27.14 11.99 20.88 26.56 27.33 24.14 21.98 23.96 29.80 25.26 28.24 17.39 18.64 26.88 21.02 17.61 Phase VSWR VSWR VSWR VSWR VSWR S 1 2 3 4 Unbal. (deg.) 0.27 0.30 0.30 0.38 0.50 0.60 0.66 0.69 0.70 1.45 1.70 2.48 3.27 3.47 4.04 1.46 1.12 1.24 1.21 1.17 1.42 1.48 1.31 1.22 1.33 1.36 1.25 1.58 1.24 1.26 1.09 1.05 1.06 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.14 1.13 1.05 1.22 1.12 1.22 1.41 1.32 1.21 1.09 1.05 1.07 1.10 1.11 1.11 1.15 1.15 1.06 1.24 1.11 1.27 1.44 1.37 1.22 1.09 1.05 1.08 1.11 1.11 1.12 1.15 1.14 1.06 1.23 1.08 1.26 1.45 1.36 1.20 1.10 1.05 1.07 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.14 1.13 1.06 1.23 1.12 1.24 1.42 1.37 1.24 4OTAL,OSS)NSERTION,OSSD"SPLITTERLOSS Outline Dimensions ( inch mm ) A B 3.50 4.50 88.90 114.30 6.32 6.22 6.27 6.29 6.31 6.46 6.52 6.46 6.45 6.77 7.09 7.21 7.65 7.94 8.15 ZN4PD1-63W+ ISOLATION ZN4PD1-63W+ TOTAL LOSS G .125 3.18 9.0 wt grams 288 S-1 (dB) S-3 (dB) ISOLATION (dB) The very wide bandwidth performance of the ZN4PD1-63W+ enables this splitter/combiner to be used in a wide range of applications including broadband systems such as test, measurement and defense/aerospace. However this model covers a variety of narrow band applications including GSM, GPS, DCS and PCS applications, in addition to WiFi, Bluetooth, 802.11a, U-NII and ISM applications. TOTAL LOSS (dB) Feature Min. Frequency Range Isolation Operating over a very wide bandwidth from 250MHz to 6000MHz ZN4PD1-63W+ 250 to 6000 MHz 8.0 7.0 6.0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 1-2 (dB) 0 1000 2000 FREQUENCY (MHz) VSWR (:1) 4000 5000 6000 Electrical Schematic 2.0 #S-VSWR 3000 3-4 (dB) FREQUENCY (MHz) ZN4PD1-63W+ VSWR 1.8 2-3 (dB) #1-VSWR #3-VSWR 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 FREQUENCY (MHz) ® Mini-Circuits ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine ® Mini-Circuits For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site ® ISO 9001 ISO 14001 AS 9100 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 The Design Engineers Search Engine Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. Prototype Target Specification 10mW 1.55μm Direct Modulated Analog Laser Module >6GHz bandwidth Page 1 Optical Characteristics Table 1 Unless otherwise specified: Tlaser= 25°C, all parameters are BOL Description Symb Conditions Min Tc Ith Iop CW, CW, @Popt 50 Popt Vf Eta Zin λm SMSR BW S11 RIN IMD2 IMD3 IMD3 Id Iph It Vt RTH rT CW, @Iop CW, @Popt with 45Ω matching resistor CW, @Popt=0 to 10mW CW, @Popt CW, @Popt CW, @Popt, RL<=-24dB @- 3 dB electrical, Popt, under 50Ω @Popt, 0.1 to 6 GHz, , under 50Ω @Popt, 0.1 to 6 GHz, , under 50Ω, ORL<-35dB @Popt; @f1+f2; m=20%; f1= 900MHz; f2= 910MHz @Popt; @2f2-f1; m=20%; f1=2145MHz; f2=2155MHz @Popt; @2f2-f1; m=20%; f1=3795MHz; f2=3805MHz Vd= - 5 V @Popt , Vd= - 5 V @Popt, Iopmax=80mA, Tc= 40 °C @Popt, Iop max=80mA , Tc= 40 °C Tsubmount= 25°C Tsubmount= 25°C Operating Case temperature Threshold current Operating Laser Bias current 50Ω RF impedance InGaAsP monolithically integrated DFB laser chip Low RIN Applications: Radio Fiber System Fiber to the Antenna REV. OR M128089 ZN4PD1-63W+ ED-12591/1 +,!$#0!100712 Page 2 Notes: 1. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification sheet are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification sheet. 2. Electrical specifications and performance data contained herein are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions. 3. The parts covered by this specification sheet are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at www.minicircuits.com/MCLStore/terms.jsp. Parameter 7-pin package with GPO connector RF input Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly at minicircuits.com PROTOTYPE 10mW 1.55μm Direct Modulated Analog Laser Module >6GHz bandwidth PROTOTYPE Features: For detailed performance specs & shopping online see web site ® IF/RF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS The 1915 LMA contains a 3S PHOTONICS DFB laser specifically developed for analog direct modulated applications. The product is offered into a high frequency package with RF connector for the prototyping stage. The 1915 LMA is optimized for high frequency analog signal transmission suitable for Mobile analog transmission from Base Station (BTS) to remote antenna and High Frequency Radio on Fiber applications Average Optical output power Laser forward voltage Slope Efficiency Input Impedance Emission wavelength Side mode suppression Modualtion Bandwidth Input return loss Relative Intensity Noise IMD2 IMD3 IMD3 Monitor dark current Monitor diode current TEC current TEC voltage Thermistor resistance Coefficient of RTH Typ Max Unit 40 30 80 °C mA mA 0 10 5 0.14 1530 35 6 10 0.2 50 1560 9 -160 -150 -50 -70 -65 10 30 1 2 10.5 -5 9.5 -3 Absolute Maximum Ratings Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device performances. Table 2 Min Max Operating case temperature 0 40 °C Storage temperature Laser forward current Parameters 0 - 40 150 °C mA Laser forward voltage - 7.5 V Photodiode forward current Photodiode reverse voltage - 5 20 mA V TEC voltage TEC current - 2.5 1.4 V A - 2000 10 Laser ESD (Human Body Model) Lead soldering time (at 260°C) Fiber bend radius Packing mounting screw torque 25 Unit V s mm 0.2 N.m mW V mW/mA Ω nm dB GHz dB dB/Hz dBc dBc dBc nA μA A V kΩ K-1 PROTOTYPE 10mW 1.55μm Direct Modulated Analog Laser Module >6GHz bandwidth PROTOTYPE 10mW 1.55μm Direct Modulated Analog Laser Module >6GHz bandwidth Mechanical Details Device marking The device shall be legibly and permanently marked with the following information: 3S PHOTONICS logo Product family name: 1915 LMA Product code : 3CN number (see Ordering information section) Serial number Shipment packing Each device is individually packed in an anti-static container and in such a manner as to prevent damage in transit. The packing shall include the following information: 3S PHOTONICS logo Product family name : 1915 LMA Product code : 3CN number (see Ordering information section) Serial number Hazard warning label (ESD) Laser Safety Class Label Deliverable data The following data shall be supplied with each device: L(I) / Im(I) curves Rated output power, Threshold current, Laser current at rated power (Iop), Monitor photodiode current at rated power, TEC voltage, TEC current, SMSR Laser Safety Information Take appropriate precautions to prevent undue exposure to naked eye. This product is classified Class 1M Laser Product according to IEC-60825-1: edition2. All versions are Class IIIB laser products per 21 CFR 1040-10 Laser. Safety requirements under accession number 0120546-00. Handling Dimensions are in mm Fiber length 1600 ± 100 mm (including optical connector) This product is sensitive to electrostatic discharge and should not be handled except at a static free workstation. Take precautions to prevent ESD; use wrist straps, grounded work surfaces and recognized anti-static techniques when handling the 1915 LMA module. Handle the laser module by its package only, never hold it by its pigtail. Care should be taken to avoid supply transient and over voltage. Over voltage above the maximum specified in absolute maximum rating section may cause permanent damage to the device. Pin Out N° Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Case Thermistor Thermistor Not Connected Photodetector Anode (-) Photodetector Cathode (+) TEC (+) TEC (-) Laser LD Anode (50Ω) Ground, laser cathode ATTEN TION OBSERVE PRECAUTIONS FOR HANDLING ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE SENSITIVE DEVICES 60 GHz Development System PROTOTYPE 10mW 1.55μm Direct Modulated Analog Laser Module >6GHz bandwidth V60DSK01 Technical Overview Features Ordering information 1915LMA Application Analog 10mW DML Part number 3CN01366AA Output Power 10mW Bandwidth >6GHz Optical Connector LC/PC Transmitter board hosts Vubiq V60TX101 μModule transmitter with integrated antenna Receiver board hosts Vubiq V60RX101 μModule receiver with integrated antenna Configuration and control via USB interface 57 to 64 GHz unlicensed band On chip synthesizer covers 57.0 to 64.0 GHz with 0.5 GHz step size – 15 channels High speed I/O connector for baseband signals (100 Ω differential) Multi-gigabit communications and wideband radar > 1.5 GHz modulated bandwidth at 60 GHz Also supports AM and FM modulation Allows user defined baseband for any high bandwidth application Communications and radar modes supported TX board, RX board, USB cables, GUI software CD, power supply and bench-top tripods supplied User-Defined Baseband V60TX101 V60RX101 bIQ bIQ V60TBA01 TX Board V60TBA01 RX Board Note: For detailed technical specifications on the 60 GHz μModules, see V60TX101 and V60RX101 data sheets User-Defined Baseband 60 GHz Test Set Up for Broadband Communications bIQ High-Speed Baseband Connector bIQ Transmitter μModule Receiver μModule USB Controller USB Controller ` High-Speed Baseband Connector ` Rev 1.2 Customized versions are available for volume quantities. Performance figures contained in this document must be specifically confirmed in writing by 3S PHOTONICS before they become applicable to any order or contract. 3S PHOTONICS reserves the right to make changes to the products or information contained herein without notice. For additional information, contact your Account Manager, or the following: sales@3Sphotonics.com Internet: http://www.3Sphotonics.com ©2007 3S PHOTONICS S.A. All rights reserved ©2007 3S PHOTONICS S.A. All rights reserved December 2008 January 2010 65 Enterprise Aliso Viejo, CA 92656, U.S.A Telephone 949-226-8482 www.vubiq.com FAX 815-572-0386 © 2008 Vubiq, Inc. All rights reserved. Information furnished by Vubiq is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Vubiq for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Vubiq. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. V60DSK01 V60DSK01 Transmitter Control Screen GUI Rev 1.2 Receiver Control Screen GUI page 2 of 4 Rev 1.2 page 3 of 4 Data Sheet V60DSK01 39 40 2 1 J4 Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Function GND GND TXFM QTX/RX QTXFM Q+ TX/RX Q+ GND GND TXFM ITX/RX ITXFM I+ TX/RX I+ GND GND NC EXT CLK NC EXT CLK + NC GND Pin 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Function NC AUX_IO_0 NC AUX_IO_1 GND AUX_IO_2 USB D+ AUX_IO_3 USB DAUX_IO_4 GND AUX_IO_5 GND GND +5 AUX_IO_6 +5 AUX_IO_7 GND GND High Speed I/O Connector Pinout Connector: Mating Connector: Samtec QTE-020-01-L-D-A Samtec QSE-020-01-L-D-A W6 W5 W10 W9 W4 W3 W2 W1 W8 W7 MCX W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 Function TX/RX QTX/RX Q+ TX/RX ITX/RX I+ EXT CLK EXT CLK + TXFM QTXFM Q+ TXFM ITXFM I+ Mar. 2010 DWDM CW DFB Laser Module Applications z OC-192/STM-64 DWDM Transmission Systems Descriptions Expansion Board Connector Assignments Connectors: Mating Connectors: MCX Receptacle MCX Plug Ordering Information V60DSK01 60 GHz Development System V60TBA01 Transmitter Board V60RBA01 Receiver Board USB Cables (2) Bench Top Tripod (2) 5V Power Supply GUI Control Software & Documentation CD Optional Accessories V60EXP01-KIT High Speed Expansion Board Kit Breakout Board: MCX Coaxial Connectors to High Speed I/O Connector (2) Phased Matched Coaxial Cables, MCX to SMA, 1 meter length (8) Rev 1.2 FRL15DCWx-A8x-xxxxx-x page 4 of 4 z FRL15DCWx series of DFB laser module is designed for long haul DWDM applications with external intensity modulator. z The polarization maintaining fiber pigtail enables to directly connect a modulator without polarization control. The polarization state of output laser beam is maintained to a consistent orientation. z A strained multi-quantum well DFB laser diode chip is integrated with optical isolator, thermo-electric cooler (TEC), thermistor and power monitor photodiode in an industry standard hermetically sealed 14 pin butterfly package. z This laser module complies with telecom requirements described in TelcordiaTM GR-468 and is manufactured in an ISOTM9001 certified production line. Features z z z z z z High optical output power up to 40mW High side mode suppression ratio(SMSR) Selected wavelength according to ITU-T Grid, C and L-band available 50GHz spacing available Narrow linewidth available RoHS compliant package Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameters Sym. Min. Max. Unit Storage Temperature Tstg -40 85 °C Operating Case Temperature Tc -5 70 °C VrLD LD Reverse Voltage 2 V IfLD LD Forward Current 350 mA TLD LD Operating Temperature 20 35 °C Relative Humidity RH 0 85 % Fiber Bend Radius 30 mm Fiber Axial Pull Force 9.8 N ODC-7R001E 1/5 Parameters PD Reverse Voltage PD Forward Current TEC Current TEC Voltage Lead Soldering Lead Soldering Duration Torque Force (Flatness : <20m) Sym. Min. Max. Unit VrPD IfPD Itec Vtec - - 20 5 1.6 2.6 260 10 V mA A V °C sec - - 0.1 Nm Data Sheet Data Sheet FRL15DCWx-A8x-xxxxx-x FRL15DCWx-A8x-xxxxx-x Mar. 2010 Mar. 2010 Specifications (Tc=25°C, BOL*1 unless otherwise specified) Parameters Symbol Optical Output Power FRL15DCWA FRL15DCWB FRL15DCWD LD Forward Current FRL15DCWA FRL15DCWB FRL15DCWD LD Operating Temperature LD Forward Voltage FRL15DCWA, B FRL15DCWD Threshold Current Min. Pf If TLD Vf 10 20 40 - - 20 - 80 150 300 35 mW CW mA Rated power, CW °C Rated power, CW V Ith 1.8 2.5 40 mA ITU-0.1 ITU ITU+0.1 nm - - 10 5 2 1 45 - dB 30 - - dB - -133 -138 -140 0.05 0.1 0.15 -0.5 9.5 3900 - 1 2 3 100 0.5 1.2 2.4 10.5 20 - - Rated power, CW Rated power, CW See Table.1 Rated Power, CW MHz Option C is available only for FRL15DCWD. 35 - Table 1 Rated power, CW Rated power, CW dB/Hz OpRL<-25dB*2 100MHz<f<10GHz mA 1529.55 ITU Freq. [THz] 196.00 Wavelength code 19600 1556.55 ITU Freq. [THz] 192.60 Wavelength code 19260 1584.53 ITU Freq. [THz] 189.20 Wavelength code 18920 1530.33 195.90 19590 1557.36 192.50 19250 1585.36 189.10 18910 1531.12 195.80 19580 1558.17 192.40 19240 1586.20 189.00 18900 1531.90 195.70 19570 1558.98 192.30 19230 1587.04 188.90 18890 1532.68 195.60 19560 1559.79 192.20 19220 1587.88 188.80 18880 1533.47 195.50 19550 1560.61 192.10 19210 1588.73 188.70 18870 1534.25 195.40 19540 1561.42 192.00 19200 1589.57 188.60 18860 1535.04 195.30 19530 1562.23 191.90 19190 1590.41 188.50 18850 1535.82 195.20 19520 1563.05 191.80 19180 1591.26 188.40 18840 1536.61 195.10 19510 1563.86 191.70 19170 1592.10 188.30 18830 1537.40 195.00 19500 1564.68 191.60 19160 1592.95 188.20 18820 1538.19 194.90 19490 1565.50 191.50 19150 1593.79 188.10 18810 1538.98 194.80 19480 1566.31 191.40 19140 1594.64 188.00 18800 1539.77 194.70 19470 1567.13 191.30 19130 1595.49 187.90 18790 1540.56 194.60 19460 1567.95 191.20 19120 1596.34 187.80 18780 1541.35 194.50 19450 1568.77 191.10 19110 1597.19 187.70 18770 1542.14 194.40 19440 1569.59 191.00 19100 1598.04 187.60 18760 1542.94 194.30 19430 1570.42 190.90 19090 1598.89 187.50 18750 1543.73 194.20 19420 1571.24 190.80 19080 1599.75 187.40 18740 1544.53 194.10 19410 1572.06 190.70 19070 1600.60 187.30 18730 1545.32 194.00 19400 1572.89 190.60 19060 1601.46 187.20 18720 1546.12 193.90 19390 1573.71 190.50 19050 1602.31 187.10 18710 1546.92 193.80 19380 1574.54 190.40 19040 1603.17 187.00 18700 1547.72 193.70 19370 1575.37 190.30 19030 1604.03 186.90 18690 1548.51 193.60 19360 1576.20 190.20 19020 1604.88 186.80 18680 1549.32 193.50 19350 1577.03 190.10 19010 1605.74 186.70 18670 1550.12 193.40 19340 1577.86 190.00 19000 1606.60 186.60 18660 1550.92 193.30 19330 1578.69 189.90 18990 1607.47 186.50 18650 1551.72 193.20 19320 1579.52 189.80 18980 1608.33 186.40 18640 1552.52 193.10 19310 1580.35 189.70 18970 1609.19 186.30 18630 1553.33 193.00 19300 1581.18 189.60 18960 1610.06 186.20 18620 1554.13 192.90 19290 1582.02 189.50 18950 1610.92 186.10 18610 1554.94 192.80 19280 1582.85 189.40 18940 1611.79 186.00 18600 1555.75 192.70 19270 1583.69 189.30 18930 ITU [nm] Unit Conditions 15 Linewidth (-3dB fullwidth) Standard Option A Option B Option C Side Mode Suppression SMSR Ratio Optical Isolation Iso Relative Intensity Noise FRL15DCWA RIN FRL15DCWB FRL15DCWD Monitor Current FRL15DCWA Im FRL15DCWB FRL15DCWD Monitor Dark Current Id Tracking Error TE TEC Current Itec TEC Voltage Vtec Thermistor B constant B Thermistor Resistance R Polarization Extinction Er Ratio *1 BOL : Beginning of Life *2 OpRL : Optical Return Loss Max. - Wavelength ODC-7R001E Typ. Rated power, CW VrPD=5V nA dB A V K k VrPD=5V Im=constant, Tc=-5 to 70°C Tc=70°C, Rated power, CW Tc=70°C, Rated power, CW dB Rated power, CW ITU [nm] TLD=25°C Wavelength values are referenced to vacuum. 50GHz spacing is also available. Other ITU wavelengths may be available. Please ask to the regional contacts. Wavelength () and ITU frequency (f) have a relationship of [nm] = 299792458 / f [THz] /1000. FITEL wavelength code is expressed as a 5-digit integer rounded from 100 x f [THz]. ODC-7R001E 2/5 3/5 Data Sheet Data Sheet FRL15DCWx-A8x-xxxxx-x FRL15DCWx-A8x-xxxxx-x Mar. 2010 Mar. 2010 Dimensions and Pin Assignments Optical Fiber Pigtail Specifications Unit: mm 15.24 2.8 (2.54) (26) 1000 MIN 14-0.5 8.3 -+0.2 6.7 4-2.7 (15.2) 6.2 4-C0.3 ITU [nm] PMF SMF 0.9 Parameters Specification Unit Polarization maintaining(PANDA) fiber Frame retardant HytrelTM coating(0.9mm) Nominal Fiber Length Min.1,000 Connector Type FC/SPC Connector Polarization Axis Slow Axis Fiber Type mm - Ordering Information Wavelength code 11MIN 8.9 +- 0.15 12.7 +- 0.15 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 FRL15DCW? – A8? - ????? - ? 20.83 26.0 +- 0.15 0.2 FC/SPC SC/SPC 30.0 +- 0.2 (5.3) LD Anode Ground 7 6 5 4 2 3 8 9 PIN No. Function PIN No. Function 1 Thermistor 8 Case Ground Case Ground TH L1 180nH 10k TEC CASE 1 R1 20 10 2 Thermistor 9 3 LD Cathode(-) 10 No Connect 4 Monitor Anode(-) 11 LD Anode(+), Case Ground 5 Monitor Cathode(+) 12 LD Cathode(RF) 6 TEC(+) 13 LD Anode(+), Case Ground TEC(-) 14 No Connect 11 12 13 14 7 4 3 2 1 PIN No. Function PIN No. Function 1 Thermistor 8 Case Ground Case Ground LD Anode Float 7 6 5 L1 180nH TEC CASE 8 9 ODC-7R001E TH 11 12 Thermistor 9 3 LD Cathode(-) 10 No Connect 4 Monitor Anode(-) 11 LD Anode(+) 5 Monitor Cathode(+) 12 LD Cathode(RF) 6 TEC(+) 13 LD Anode(+) 7 TEC(-) 14 No Connect Pin Assignment 1: LD Anode Ground 2: LD Anode Float Linewidth Option Blank: <10MHz(Standard) A: < 5MHz B: < 2MHz C: < 1MHz(40mW only) Safety Information This product complies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11, Class 3b laser product. Invisible laser radiation is emitted from the end of the fiber or connector. Avoid direct exposure to the beam. DANGER Telcordia is a trademark of Telcordia Technologies, Inc. ISO is a trademark of The International Organization for Standardization. Hytrel is a trademark of DuPont. INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION AVOID DIRECT EXPOSURE TO BEAM MAXIMUM OUTPUT POW ER: 500mW W AVELENGTH: 960 to 1680nm CLASS IIIb LASER PRODUCT Furukawa Electric reserves the right to improve, enhance and modify the features and specifications of FITEL products without prior notifications. 10k R1 20 10 2 Optical Output Power A: 10mW B: 20mW D: 40mW 13 14 4/5 Japan Head Office 2-2-3, Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8322, JAPAN Tel: +81-3-3286-3253 Fax: +81-3-3286-3978 http://www.furukawa.co.jp Email:comsales@ho.furukawa.co.jp ODC-7R001E North America OFS Fitel, LLC Specialty Photonics Division 25 Schoolhouse Road Somerset, NJ 08873 USA Tel: +1-732-748-7402 Fax: +1-732-748-7436 http://www.SpecialtyPhotonics.com E-mail:info@SpecialtyPhotonics.com 5/5 Europe Furukawa Electric Europe Ltd. 3rd Floor, Newcombe House 43-45 Notting Hill Gate London W11 3FE, UK Tel: +44-20-7221-6000 Fax: +44-20-7313-5310 http://www.furukawa-fitel.co.uk E-mail:sales@furukawa-fitel.co.uk ASIA Furukawa Electric Hong Kong Ltd. Suite 2606, Shell Tower, Times Square,1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tel: 852-2512-8938 Fax: 852-2512-9717 http://www.fehk.com.hk/ E-mail: guest@fehk.cn PROTOTYPE 10mW 1.55μm Direct Modulated Analog Laser Module >6GHz bandwidth PROTOTYPE Prototype Target Specification 10mW 1.55μm Direct Modulated Analog Laser Module >6GHz bandwidth Optical Characteristics Table 1 Unless otherwise specified: Tlaser= 25°C, all parameters are BOL Parameter Features: Description Symb Conditions Min Tc Ith Iop CW, CW, @Popt 50 Popt Vf Eta Zin λm SMSR BW S11 RIN IMD2 IMD3 IMD3 Id Iph It Vt RTH rT CW, @Iop CW, @Popt with 45Ω matching resistor CW, @Popt=0 to 10mW CW, @Popt CW, @Popt CW, @Popt, RL<=-24dB @- 3 dB electrical, Popt, under 50Ω @Popt, 0.1 to 6 GHz, , under 50Ω @Popt, 0.1 to 6 GHz, , under 50Ω, ORL<-35dB @Popt; @f1+f2; m=20%; f1= 900MHz; f2= 910MHz @Popt; @2f2-f1; m=20%; f1=2145MHz; f2=2155MHz @Popt; @2f2-f1; m=20%; f1=3795MHz; f2=3805MHz Vd= - 5 V @Popt , Vd= - 5 V @Popt, Iopmax=80mA, Tc= 40 °C @Popt, Iop max=80mA , Tc= 40 °C Tsubmount= 25°C Tsubmount= 25°C Operating Case temperature Threshold current Operating Laser Bias current 7-pin package with GPO connector RF input 50Ω RF impedance InGaAsP monolithically integrated DFB laser chip Low RIN The 1915 LMA contains a 3S PHOTONICS DFB laser specifically developed for analog direct modulated applications. The product is offered into a high frequency package with RF connector for the prototyping stage. The 1915 LMA is optimized for high frequency analog signal transmission suitable for Mobile analog transmission from Base Station (BTS) to remote antenna and High Frequency Radio on Fiber applications Applications: Radio Fiber System Fiber to the Antenna Average Optical output power Laser forward voltage Slope Efficiency Input Impedance Emission wavelength Side mode suppression Modualtion Bandwidth Input return loss Relative Intensity Noise IMD2 IMD3 IMD3 Monitor dark current Monitor diode current TEC current TEC voltage Thermistor resistance Coefficient of RTH Typ Max Unit 40 30 80 °C mA mA 0 10 5 0.14 1530 35 6 10 0.2 50 1560 9 -160 -150 -50 -70 -65 10 30 1 2 10.5 -5 9.5 -3 Absolute Maximum Ratings Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device performances. Table 2 Min Max Operating case temperature 0 40 °C Storage temperature Laser forward current Parameters 0 - 40 150 °C mA Laser forward voltage - 7.5 V Photodiode forward current Photodiode reverse voltage - 5 20 mA V TEC voltage TEC current - 2.5 1.4 V A - 2000 10 Laser ESD (Human Body Model) Lead soldering time (at 260°C) Fiber bend radius 25 Packing mounting screw torque PROTOTYPE 10mW 1.55μm Direct Modulated Analog Laser Module >6GHz bandwidth Unit V s mm 0.2 N.m PROTOTYPE 10mW 1.55μm Direct Modulated Analog Laser Module >6GHz bandwidth Mechanical Details Device marking The device shall be legibly and permanently marked with the following information: 3S PHOTONICS logo Product family name: 1915 LMA Product code : 3CN number (see Ordering information section) Serial number Shipment packing Each device is individually packed in an anti-static container and in such a manner as to prevent damage in transit. The packing shall include the following information: 3S PHOTONICS logo Product family name : 1915 LMA Product code : 3CN number (see Ordering information section) Serial number Hazard warning label (ESD) Laser Safety Class Label Deliverable data The following data shall be supplied with each device: L(I) / Im(I) curves Rated output power, Threshold current, Laser current at rated power (Iop), Monitor photodiode current at rated power, TEC voltage, TEC current, SMSR Laser Safety Information Take appropriate precautions to prevent undue exposure to naked eye. This product is classified Class 1M Laser Product according to IEC-60825-1: edition2. All versions are Class IIIB laser products per 21 CFR 1040-10 Laser. Safety requirements under accession number 0120546-00. Dimensions are in mm Fiber length 1600 ± 100 mm (including optical connector) Pin Out N° Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Case Thermistor Thermistor Not Connected Photodetector Anode (-) Photodetector Cathode (+) TEC (+) TEC (-) Laser LD Anode (50Ω) Ground, laser cathode Handling This product is sensitive to electrostatic discharge and should not be handled except at a static free workstation. Take precautions to prevent ESD; use wrist straps, grounded work surfaces and recognized anti-static techniques when handling the 1915 LMA module. Handle the laser module by its package only, never hold it by its pigtail. Care should be taken to avoid supply transient and over voltage. Over voltage above the maximum specified in absolute maximum rating section may cause permanent damage to the device. ATTEN TION OBSERVE PRECAUTIONS FOR HANDLING ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE SENSITIVE DEVICES mW V mW/mA Ω nm dB GHz dB dB/Hz dBc dBc dBc nA μA A V kΩ K-1 Covega Corporation 10335 Guilford Road, Jessup, MD 20794, USA Phone: +1 877.226.8342 Fax: +1 240.456.7200 Email: sales@covega.com Web: http://www.covega.com LN 058: Low V Analog Modulator PROTOTYPE 10mW 1.55μm Direct Modulated Analog Laser Module >6GHz bandwidth 7.1.2.SP.0058 Rev D Preliminary Model Description Ordering information The Low V Intensity Modulator was designed for high performance analog transmission in microwave optical links. Operating frequencies to 20 GHz are supported, with an industry-leading low Vpi. The Low V Intensity Modulator is a single-ended drive modulator based on the Mach-Zehnder interferometric architecture, using titanium-indiffused lithium niobate substrates. 1915LMA Application Part number Output Power Bandwidth Optical Connector Analog 10mW DML 3CN01366AA 10mW >6GHz LC/PC Features Applications Very Low Vpi (<3.9V at 20 GHz) Excellent Performance to 20 GHz 3 Microwave optical links 3 Antenna remoting 3 High-speed test equipment Long-Term Bias Stability Hermetic Packaging - High Reliability Telcordia GR-468 Compliant C & L Band Operation Ordering Information LN 058-20-X-X-X Part # Bandwidth 058 20 = 20 GHz Output Fiber Type S = SMF* P = PMF Input Connector S = SC/PC* B = Bare Fiber F = FC/uPC L = LC/PC A = FC/aPC M = Mu Output Connector S = SC/PC* B = Bare Fiber F = FC/uPC L = LC/PC A = FC/aPC M = Mu * Default options unless otherwise specified Customized versions are available for volume quantities. Covega Corporation - All rights reserved Performance figures contained in this document must be specifically confirmed in writing by 3S PHOTONICS before they become applicable to any order or contract. 3S PHOTONICS reserves the right to make changes to the products or information contained herein without notice. For additional information, contact your Account Manager, or the following: sales@3Sphotonics.com 1/2 Internet: http://www.3Sphotonics.com ©2007 3S PHOTONICS S.A. All rights reserved ©2007 3S PHOTONICS S.A. All rights reserved December 2008 January 2010 Covega Corporation 10335 Guilford Road, Jessup, MD 20794, USA Phone: +1 877.226.8342 Fax: +1 240.456.7200 Email: sales@covega.com Web: http://www.covega.com Compact Low Cost Booster EDFA (Full Function) LN 058 Specifications Parameter Min Typ Max Optical Specifications Environmental: Operating Case Temperature 0 Storage Temperature 70 -40 85 C C Optical: Operating Wavelength 1525 1605 Optical Insertion Loss (Connectorized) Insertion Loss Variation (EOL) -0.5 nm 5.5 dB 0.5 dB Optical Return Loss 40 dB Optical On/Off Extinction Ratio (@ DC) 20 dB Electrical: S11 (dc to 20 GHz) -12 -10 dB V @ 20 GHz 3.5 3.9 V V @ DC 1.5 2 V Mechanical RF Connection SMA Connector Bias Connection Lead Pins SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECTED TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Features/Benefits Parameters - Low cost - APC, ACC mode - Low power consumption - Wide operating temperature range - Standard communication interface (RS232, I2C) Operating Wavelength Range Applications - Metropolitan and access networks - Digital CATV - Amplet for long-haul network - Single-channel or DWDM sub-systems - Optical cross-connects - Optical add/drop modules - Amplifier for transmitter line card - Power equalization and flexible pre-emphasis Unit Min. Typ. Max. nm 1528 - 1562 Input Optical Power (pin) dBm Total Output Power @ Pin= -6 ~ 0dBm dBm - 10 8 10 15 - 0 - Noise Figure dB - 6 7 Polarization Dependent Gain dB - - 0.5 0.5 Polarization Mode Dispersion ps - - Return Loss (pump LD off) dB 35 - - Operating Temperature Range °C -5 - 70 Fiber Type - SMF-28, 900μm loose tube Dimensions mm 40 x 70 x 12 Electrical Specifications Parameters Unit Min. Typ. dB - 0.5 - Power Supply Voltage V 3.1 3.3 3.5 Power Consumption W - - 1.0/1.5* Output Monitor Accuracy Packaging Full Function Pin Assignment Max. + 0.5 *1.0W for 8dBm & 10dBm output power options; 1.5W for 15dBm output power option. Input RF +DC NC NC 2 Pin RS-232 IC 1 Serial input Serial bi-di data 2 GND GND 3 Serial output Serial clock 4 Alarm status Alarm status 5 GND GND 6 Power supply +3.3V Power supply +3.3V Dimensions Dimensions in mm unless otherwise specified; Tolerances are ± 0.05 (decimals) ± 1 (angles) Ordering Information The laser diodes and photodiodes in the module can be easily destroyed by electrostatic discharge. Use wrist straps, grounded work surfaces, and anti-static techniques when operating this module. When not in use, the module shall be kept in a static-free environment. N O A B F 0 1= APC 2= ACC www.lightwaves2020.com Unit: mm (inch) 0 0 1 1 Connector Default Mode Output Power @ Pin= - 6dBm 08= 8dBm 10= 10dBm 15= 15dBm This product information is subject to change without notice. Device used same housing as Mach10 004, with pin re-assignments 2/2 Side view Bottom view Safety Information ESD Protection 0= None 1= FC/UPC 2= FC/APC 3= SC/UPC 4= SC/APC 5= LC/UPC Pigtail Type 6= MU/UPC 1= 900μm loose tube Fiber Length 1= 1.0 ± 0.1m Electronic Interface R= RS-232 C= I2C 1