© 2002 WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK. All rights reserved. Web: www.witpress.com Email witpress@witpress.com Paper from: Damage and Fracture Mechanics VII, CA Brebbia, & SI Nishida (Editors). ISBN 1-85312-926-7 A discrete crack analysis for high fiber volume fraction cement-based composites: part 1, constitutive modeling M. Boulfizal &N, Banthia2 1University of Saskatchewan, Canada 2University of British Columbia, Canada Abstract A micromechanics-based model that accounts for the effect of fibers on stress transfer in fiber reinforced cementitious composites (FRC) is presented in this paper. As has been shown in numerous past studies, improvement of the inherently low tensile stress and strain capacities of cementitious composites is achieved through the ability of fibers to transfer stress across a crack in the matrix. Using concepts of Non Linear Fracture Mechanics (NLFM), the fiber bridging effect is modeled in this study as a cohesive pressure, acting on the lips of the crack and depends on its opening. The theoretical determination of this stress-crack opening displacement “constitutive law” provides a direct link between the behavior of the different components making up the material, such as fiber, matrix and fiber-matrix interface, and its resistance to fracture. This link which leads to a better understanding and quantification of the major mechanisms underlying the behavior exhibited by cement composites is expected to have a direct impact on the tailoring of cementitious composites for specific needs, such as designing high strength and/or high ductility materials. Introduction The aim of developing cementitious composites is to improve the inherently low tensile stress and strain capacities of cementitious composites [1,2,3], This is achieved through the ability of fibers to transfer stress across a crack in the matrix. Using concepts of Non Linear Fracture Mechanics (NLFM), the fiber bridging effect is usually modeled as a cohesive pressure OC, acting on the lips © 2002 WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK. All rights reserved. Web: www.witpress.com Email witpress@witpress.com Paper from: Damage and Fracture Mechanics VII, CA Brebbia, & SI Nishida (Editors). ISBN 1-85312-926-7 43 fj Damageand Fracture Mechanics VII of the crack and depending on its opening 6C. This stress-crack opening displacement “constitutive law” could be determined either experimentally or theoretically [5]. The major advantage of a theoretical determination of the cohesive pressure, resides in the link it provides between the behavior of the different components making up the material, such as fiber, matrix and fibermatrix interface, and its resistance to fracture. This link which leads to a better understanding and quantification of the major mechanisms underlying the behavior exhibited by cement composites should allow the tailoring of cementitious composites for specific needs, such as designing high strength and/or high ductility materials. A micromechanics-based cohesive pressure is proposed to account for the effect of fibers on the fracture behavior of FRC materials. Unlike most models in the litera~~e, this model assumes that cracking plays a major role in the FRC’S behavior right from departure from linearity, In the case of low fiber volume fractions, this reduces to the usual assumption that the peak load behavior is controlled by a crack whose opening and propagation will eventually lead to the failure of the structural element. In case of high fiber volume ffaction, however, a strain hardening zone where multiple cracking takes place is displayed by the composite prior to peak load, At this stage of loading it becomes easier to create a new crack than to open an existing one. In the proposed model we assume that the overall behavior of an elementary volume element around a material point containing a certain number of microcracks could be reproduced by lumping into an “equivalent” cohesive pressure the effects of multiple microcrack creation, propagation, and interaction, The rule of mixtures is assumed to hold true for the linear behavior of the composite, 2 Micromechanical modeling Due to the different nature of fracturing mechanisms in the pre and post peak regimes, the cohesive pressure development has been divided into two successive stages; a strain hardening zone followed by a strain softening zone, 2.1 Strain hardening zone The following assumptions are made for the strain hardening regime starting at frost departure from linearity up to peak load: a- Fibers have a 3D random distribution in location and orientation b- Fibers are straight with cylindrical geometry c- Fibers behavior: linear elastic d- Fiber ruptures when its ultimate strength is reached e- Matrix crack is planar f- Fiber-Matrix bond: elastic prior to debonding frictional shear in the debonded area g- Average embedment length is Lf / 4 ( Lf denotes the fiber length). © 2002 WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK. All rights reserved. Web: www.witpress.com Email witpress@witpress.com Paper from: Damage and Fracture Mechanics VII, CA Brebbia, & SI Nishida (Editors). ISBN 1-85312-926-7 Damage and Fracture Mechanics VII 437 ( > 0 -$+1~ !1 x Figure 1: Single fiber bridging a matrix crack. The last assumption implies that the embedment lengths are assumed to be uniformly distributed between O and Lf /2. At this stage, the model only predicts the tensile stress-crack opening displacement curve m(w) . No assumptions regarding matrix bulk properties are made. Some of the above assumptions hold true only for certain fiber types, while others, at best, approximate the real behavior. For instance, the model should not be used for fibers which undergo extensive yielding prior to rupture. For x e [0, Z] in Figure 1, let us study the fi’eebody diagram shown in Figure 2. LLL LLLr =f Ci!r Figure 2: Free body diagram of a fiber embedded in a matrix Equilibrium of forces together with application of boundary con~itions at x=landx=O: 1 Vf C7J=-C7C CJf Ef ––~u at x=1 (1) atx=O © 2002 WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK. All rights reserved. Web: www.witpress.com Email witpress@witpress.com Paper from: Damage and Fracture Mechanics VII, CA Brebbia, & SI Nishida (Editors). ISBN 1-85312-926-7 438 Damage and Fracture Mechanics VII allows the determination of the debonding length l–vf Em r 1 1= ——–— (2) Vj E2Tm%0 and the elastic strain in the fiber is given by 2 0(3) &f(~) = --#x –l)rm= + ‘J Ef Vf The crack opening, or the relative displacement of the fiber with respect to the matrix is given by ~= A j(w)-%(x)) (4) o and can be written under the form 15+ c$=~o with (5) EJvf and consequently the expression of the stress as a fi,mction of crack opening for the strain hardening regime is given by 2vj EEf&@ ~. / (l-vJ)r (6) Efl, 2,2 Strain softening zone 2.2.1 Case of a single fiber in the loading direction Starting from the simple case of a single fiber pull-out, we make use of statistical density distributions to account for the effect of randomness in fiber length and orientation on the FRC behavior. i- Assumptions a to f that have been adopted in the previous model are still assumed to be valid ii- Fiber is assumed to be completely debonded at least on the shortest embedment length iii- The Ilictional shear bond strength z(~) between the fiber and the matrix is allowed to vary with the slippage distance, Assumption iii is made in order to account for phenomena such as fiber surface abrasion and accumulation of wear debries observed with synthetic fibqrs and/or breakdown of the cement at the fiber-matrix interface due to the stiffhess and hardness of the steel fiber [6], The frictional bond is however, assumed to be constant over the entire embedded length of the fiber. As can be seen in Figure 4: r(x) = 7[3] for x < 1~- & (inside matrix) r(x) = for x > If -6 (outside matrix) o (7) © 2002 WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK. All rights reserved. Web: www.witpress.com Email witpress@witpress.com Paper from: Damage and Fracture Mechanics VII, CA Brebbia, & SI Nishida (Editors). ISBN 1-85312-926-7 Figure 3: Schematic representation of a fiber pull out. BEFORE LOADING : * DURING PULL-OUT : Figure 4: Pull out model of a single fiber bridging a crack. The x coordinate system is with respect to the undeformed fiber geometry (prior to slippage) and is attached to the fiber end. Thus, in the pull out process, the origin x=O, will be moving with the fiber so that it can remain on its end. The axial force P(x) at a given fiber section is therefore given by © 2002 WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK. All rights reserved. Web: www.witpress.com Email witpress@witpress.com Paper from: Damage and Fracture Mechanics VII, CA Brebbia, & SI Nishida (Editors). ISBN 1-85312-926-7 440 Damageand FractureMechanicsVII x Z(i$)mdf (-is (8) J o where P. is a constant representing the fiber end anchorage effect when fiber P(X)= PO+ end slips, In the case, where I’. is neglected, the pull-out force on a fiber with embedment length If is given by (9) = r(d) z dj (lY – 6) It is interesting to note that the graphical representation of this equation would be a straight line only if the shear bond strength ~(d) is assumed to be a constant during the entire pull-out process. Most previous models in the literature were based on such an assumption which usually leads to discrepancies with experimental observations [1,4]. 2.2,2 Case of a cracked cementitious composite Based on the above described fiber pull-out representation, a model is developed here for approximating the case of stress transfer across a crack in a cementitious composite containing short and randomly distributed fibers in both location and orientation. To this end the effects of fiber embedment length and fiber orientation have to be accounted for. To take into account the effect of fiber embedment length we assume that these fibers follow a random uniform distribution given by P(~f) = ; with lJ G[0, ~J/2] (lo) This distribution assumes that the fiber embedment lengths are uniforrnely distributed between O and Lf /2. Thus, the number of fibers al!l having embedment lengths lf to lf + dl, bridging across the crack may be calculated from dN = Nt p(l~ ) dlj for Zy ● [0, Lf/2] (11) where N, is the total number of fibers in the matrix of volume ACLJ which contains fibers bridging the matrix crack plane of area AC.Consequentl~, N, = total fiber volume .—=_Lvf A.Lf v~ volume per fiber Lf Af A ‘4f (12) © 2002 WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK. All rights reserved. Web: www.witpress.com Email witpress@witpress.com Paper from: Damage and Fracture Mechanics VII, CA Brebbia, & SI Nishida (Editors). ISBN 1-85312-926-7 Damage and Fracture Mechanics VII where Af 441 denotes the fiber cross-sectional area and Vf the fiber volume fraction, The load transmitted across the crack through all fibers having embedment lengths If when the slippage distance is equal to d c$F(lf ,6) = P(ZJ, 0.W 2ACvf . —P(lf ,d)dlf Af Lf Thus the total load transmitted by all fibers bridging the crack is given by Lf —. (13) 8 2J C5wf ,@ (14) If=0 Consequently, the total stress transmitted by all fibers across the crack can be evaluated as a function of d F(d) = Lj ~ —- 2 2 Vf crc(8)=$=— , LfAf, J=o r(s) z df (lf -6) dlf (15) f or in final form after integration is performed Vf (16) Crc(8) = r(d) z df [L; –8Lf 6+12 ($2] 4 Af Lf It is interesting to note that, even in the case where the frictional shear bond strength ~ is a constant (does not depend on d ), the transfer of stress across a crack in the composite is not a linear fimction of the crack opening. In a random distribution of fibers, only a ffaction of the volume of fibers bridging the crack are actually parallel to the load direction, and many fibers contributing to enhancing the tensile strain and stress capacities bridge the crack at an angle with respect to the crack flanks. The probability density fimction, ~(d), corresponding to a 3D random orientation of fibers is given by (17) p(o) = sine This density function is derived by assuming that a fiber or its extension has an equal likelihood of crossing any point on a hemisphere centered at the point where the fiber intercepts the crack. The stress transmitted through a fiber with angle @ with respect to the loading direction is given by cr(d, e) = 0(8) cos2e (18) Thus, the stress transmitted through fibers with orientation O to O+ dO is given by (19) doC(d, 6) = CC(d) COS20 P(6) de © 2002 WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK. All rights reserved. Web: www.witpress.com Email witpress@witpress.com Paper from: Damage and Fracture Mechanics VII, CA Brebbia, & SI Nishida (Editors). ISBN 1-85312-926-7 442 Damageand Fracture Mechanics VII and the total stress transferred across the crack can be obtained as 77/2 C7c(d,e)= ac(@cos2ep(e)&’ J o 42 =OC(6) ~Sin$Cos20d6’ o (20) which finally leads to cc (8)= Vj 12Af Lf r(d) zdf df [L; –8Lf 6+12 321 (21) Figure 5: A fiber bridging a matrix crack at an angle, The stress-crack opening constitutive law, which has just been derived is implemented into a finite element code via interface elements in part 2 of this paper and used to predict the response of pitch-based carbon fiber reinforced beams. 3 Conclusions The following conclusions can be drawn: ● A micromechanics-based Stress-COD “constitutive law” has been proposed for modeling the behavior of FRC materials, ● Starting from the point of departure from linearity up to ultimate failure, the model accounts for both strain hardening and strain softening regimes displayed by high fiber volume flaction cement composites. ● Despite its relative simplicity, the model can be used with both low fiber volume fraction composites as well as high fiber volume composites. © 2002 WIT Press, Ashurst Lodge, Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK. All rights reserved. Web: www.witpress.com Email witpress@witpress.com Paper from: Damage and Fracture Mechanics VII, CA Brebbia, & SI Nishida (Editors). ISBN 1-85312-926-7 Damage and Fracture Mechanics VII . 443 Usefulness of the proposed model is demonstrated through numerical simulations of cohesive crack creation and propagation in part 2 of this paper. References [1] Banthia, N., Bentur, A., & Mufii, A. Fiber Reinforced Concrete: Present and Future. CSCE 1998. [2] N. Banthia, et al. Micro-fiber reinforced cement composites. I. Uniaxial tensile response, Cdn. J. Of Civil Engg, Vol 21, No 6, pp. 999-1011, 1994. [3] Bentur, A., & Mindess, S. Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites, Elsevier Applied Science, 1990, [4] Boulfiza, M. Constitutive Modeling of Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites, Ph.D. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1998. [5] Li, V.C., Wang, Y., & Backer, S. 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