A Short History of Radio fred harris 22-July 2011 IEEE Distinguished Lecturer IEEE Fellow & Life Member It appears to be a new wireless technology What’s A Super Hero to do? Where have all the Phone Booths Gone? What The Customer Wants What The Customer Expects to Pay O RE MO RE MO RE MO RE MO RE M MO R E S EV E N LES S MORE MORE MORE M ORE MORE MORE M ORE M ORE M OR E MORE MORE MORE M ORE MORE M O R MORE M ORE E M O MORE MO RE MORE MORE MORE M ORE M ORE M ORE SL E S L SS ESS MORE MORE MORE R E M ORE MORE MORE M ORE M O R E MO RE M ORE MO RE MO RE MO RE M ORE When The Customer Wants it O RE MO RE MO RE MO RE MO RE M MO R E MORE MORE MORE M ORE MORE MORE M ORE M ORE M OR E MORE MORE MORE M ORE MORE M O R MORE M ORE E M O MORE MO RE MORE MORE MORE M ORE M ORE M ORE NE XT WE TO EK MO RRO W TH IS AFT ERN OO N MORE MORE MORE R E M ORE MORE MORE M ORE M O R E MO RE M ORE MO RE MO RE MO RE M ORE What Size Customer Wants We have a better appreciation of where we are when we remember from where we started and how far we have come. Very Early Communications at a Distance: Free Space Acoustic and Optical Channels Drums, Whistles, Cannon Fire Claude Chappe 1793 Optical Telegraph Smoke Signals, Semaphore, Beacon Fires, Ship Flags, Heliograph, Signal (Aldis) Lamp CDMA-2000, WLAN, CR GSM,CDMA, SDR digital signal processing, DR Shannon, television transistor audio broadcast Marconi's experiments Hertz's experiments Maxwell equations Mrs. Harris’s First Born 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 A Time Line Milestones in Electromagnetic Communications Hans Christian Oersted, 1777-1841, Current-Magnetic Field 1820 Michael Faraday, 1791-1867, Induction 1831 J.C. Maxwell, 1831-1879, “Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism”, 1873 H.L. Helmholtz, 1821-1894 Predicted E-M Waves Heinrich Hertz, 1857-1894 Radio Propagation, 1887 Alexander Popov, 1859-1905, Radio Day, 7-May 1895 Guglielmo Marconi, 1874-1937, Wireless Open Sea, 13-May 1897 Valdemar Poulsen, 1869-1942, Continuous Radio Waves, 1905 Lee de Forest, 1873-1961, Audion (Triode Valve), 1907 Edward Armstrong, 1890-1954, Regenerative 1914, Super Heterodyne 1917, Frequency Modulation, 1934 (25 April 1874 – 20 July 1937) The inventor of radio Guglielmo Marconi on the 1995 German, Italian, San Marino, Vatican, and Ireland Stamps. Sent Wireless signals Across English Channel in 1899, Received letter “S” (. . .) sent from Newfoundland to England 1901 World Wide Recognition More World Wide Recognition (16 March 1859 – 3 December 1906) The inventor of radio Alexander Popov on the 1989 USSR stamp. In 1900 a radio station was established under Popov's instructions on Hogland island (6 October 1866 – 22 July 1932) The inventor of radio Reginald Fessenden on the 2000 Canada stamp. Christmas Eve and New Year’s 1906 Fessenden Broadcast short speech and Handel’s Largo and a violin solo of O, Holy Night from a radio station at Brant Rock, Mass. (10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) The inventor of radio Nikola Tesla on the 2009 Croatia stamp. Tesla’s 1900 Radio Patent was overturned in 1904 in favor of Marconi’s Radio Patent. In 1943, Shortly after his Death, the Supreme court upheld Tesla’s original patent and his claim as first inventor of tunable Radio Receivers. (30 November 1858 – 23 November 1937) The inventor of radio Jagadish Chandra Bose on the 1958 India stamp. Bose’s 1904 US Patent described Galena Crystal Detector for Demodulating Continuous Wave Radio Signals. He is acknowledged as inventor of Mercury Auto Coherer used in Marconi’s Wireless Receiver. USA” Four American Inventors” 1983 Commemorative Stamp Set SuitSat-I (also known as Mr. Smith, Ivan Ivanovich, RadioSkaf, Radio Sputnik, and AMSAT-OSCAR 54) is a retired Russian Orlan Spacesuit with a radio transmitter mounted on its helmet. SuitSat-1 was deployed in an ephemeral orbit around the Earth on 3-February 2006. The idea for this novel OSCAR satellite was first formally discussed at an AMSAT symposium in October 2004, although the ARISS-Russia team is credited with coming up with the idea as a commemorative gesture for the 175th anniversary of the Moscow State Technical University. Suitsat-1Launched from International Space Station I’m Sorry Dave, I Can’t Do That 2001: A Space Odyssey HAL, I Want you to open the Hatch Disruptive Technology in Communications The printing press: 1450, German Inventor Johannes Gutenberg... The Telephone: 1867, British Inventor Alexander Graham Bell Wireless (Radio): 1901, Italian Inventor Guglielmo Marconi The Microprocessor: 1971 American Inventor Ted Hoff... Disruptive Technology The electric telegraph arrived in the early 19-th century and redefined communications at a distance. It required the confluence of three factors: The science of electromagnetism, The ability to generate or store electricity The Industrial Revolution to build the required infrastructure Communication at a Distance with Electricity and Magnetism 1831 Joseph Henry invents the first electric telegraph. 1843 Samuel Morse invents the first long distance electric telegraph line. 1858 Cyrus Field’s Company Lays the Transatlantic Cable. 1876 Alexander Graham Bell patents the electric telephone. 1889 Almon Strowger patents the direct dial telephone automatic telephone exchange. Brunel’s Great Eastern We Need Some Source Coding Here Samuel Thomas von Sömmering’s (1808-10) "Space Multiplexed" Electrochemical Telegraph A B C D 7 8 9 A B C D 36 Lines 7 8 9 Cooke and Wheatstone Telegraph A B F E 1 D G H I K L M N O P R 2 S V 3 4 8 7 Y 5 9 T W 0 6 2 out of 5 Coding (5*4 = 20 ) Single Needle Telegraph Variable Length Code Cooke-Wheatstone Single Needle Telegraph (c 1850) THE TELEPHONE 1876 - Alexander Graham Bell invents the Telephone. He offers the patent to Western Union for $100,000. The President of the Telegraph Company, appointed a committee to investigate the offer. The often quoted report reads in part: The Telephone purports to transmit the speaking voice over telegraph wires. We found that the voice is very weak and indistinct, and grows even weaker when long wires are used between the transmitter and receiver. Technically, we do not see that this device will be ever capable of sending recognizable speech over a distance of several miles. Bell wants to install a “telephone device" in every city. The idea is idiotic on the face of it. “We do not recommend its purchase." Early Telephone Instruments Ericsson "Eiffel Tower" Telephone, 1885 11 digit Potbelly Dial Candlestick Strowger 1905 Footnote: Western Electric Engineers were Wrong! Very Wrong! Dial Candlestick Automatic Electric 1921 1877: 5 Phones 1894: 250,000 Phones 1906: 7,500,000 Phones Communication at a Distance by Electromagnetic Radiation (Radio or Wireless) 1894 Guglielmo Marconi improves wireless telegraphy. 1902 Guglielmo Marconi transmits radio signals across the Atlantic Ocean. 1914 First cross continental telephone call made. 1916 First radios with tuners different stations. 1930 First television broadcasts in the United States. It all Started with….. Heinrich Rudolph Hertz,1847-1894 Shocking! 2. Spheres store charge. Spark Acts as a switch allowing oscillatory currents between spheres storing charge. Changing Current produces Electromagnetic Waves 1. Induction Coil Produces High Voltage 3. Electromagnetic waves induce voltage in resonator, Producing small spark in spark gap. Hertz's students were impressed, and wondered what use might be made of this marvelous phenomenon. But Hertz thought his discoveries were no more practical than Maxwell's. "It's of no use whatsoever," he replied. "This is just an experiment that proves Maestro Maxwell was right .“ "So, what next?" asked one of his students. Hertz shrugged. "Nothing, I guess." Early Wireless Communications Mechanical Radio, Moving Parts Spark Gap Transmitter Pulsed RF Compliments of Copenhagen Post & Tele Museum Recipe for Coherer: 30 medium sized grains from a German 5-pfenning piece, twice as much filings from nickel wire, and a little silver dust. Heat mixture. Place in evacuated glass tube. Guglielmo Marconi, 1874-1937 December 12 1901 Spark Gap Transmitter Spark Gap Wireless Transmitter (Damped Oscillations) Marine Spark Transmitter Radio Operators aboard Ship Were Called Sparky Because they Operated the Spark Transmitter The Eiffel Tower 324 Meters The Eiffel Tower was built for an industrial exposition (1889) and the centenary of the French Revolution. It created amazement and outrage. The previous world champion, America's Washington Monument was half the tower's height. The tower held the title for the world’s tallest structure till 1930, when it was surpassed by the Chrysler Building. Eiffel could find no practical application for the tower! Parisians spoke seriously of tearing the tower down. Then Eiffel discovered the 20th century's killer app for towers, Marconi's radio! The tower started broadcasting signals in 1904 and by 1908, the French military had installed a radio espionage nest, where they could eavesdrop on German and Austro-Hungarian stations. Due to Marconi’s invention, the tower's future was secure. Valdemar Poulsen, 1869-1942 Replace Sparks with an Arc Wireless Communications, Later Model 500 KW Poulsen Arc Transmitter Invented in 1902 by the Danish engineer Valdemar Poulsen, The arc transmitter, unlike the spark transmitter, generated continuous radio waves. Lee De Forest,1877-1961 Patent No. 879532 Edwin Armstrong, 1890-1954 1912 feedback (regenerative) receiver Regenerative Receiver A little Feedback Goes a Long Way TRF: Tuned Radio Frequency Receiver Bread Board Superheterodyne Receiver Edwin Armstrong’s Superheterodyne Patent From Disclosure: June 3, 1918 The Wireless Telegraph is not Difficult to Understand. The ordinary Telegraph is like a very long cat. You pull the tail in New York, and it meows in Los Angeles. The Wireless is the same, only without the cat. Albert Einstein (1938) Applications of Early Radio 1912 Sinking of RMS Titanic 1913 International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea: Resultant Treaty Required Shipboard Radio Stations to Operate 24-Hour per day. 15-April 1912 Spark Transmitters and Interference Navy Concerned about Interference to Ship Communications from Amateur Operators:1912 An Act to Regulate Radio Communications 13-August 1912. Required License to operate transmitter and Limited Amateurs to 200 Meter Wavelength (1.5 MHz) ARRL American Radio Relay League, February 1915 Emphasis Public Service to keep Government at Bay Radio During the World War: (1914-1919) Vacuum Tube Equipment Revolutionized Radio All Amateur and Commercial Radio Activity Ceased on 7-April 1917 when US entered War Illegal for private citizens to posses a radio Transmitter or Receiver. US Navy Purchased Nearly All Commercial Radio Companies to Avoid Foreign Control Congress was unhappy with ownership of US commercial stations. US Navy Sponsored Radio Cartel Compromise: New American Controlled Cartel formed to acquire assets of commercial stations and radio manufacturing industry: Partners: AT&T 10.3% General Electric 30.1% Westinghouse 20.6% United Fruit 4.1% American Marconi 34.9% Radio Corporation of America (RCA) Application Evolution Wireless Telegraphy: Symmetrical Point to Point as was Wired Telegraphy Wireless Telephony: Unsymmetrical Point to Multipoint No Precedence! Borrowed agriculture term! Broadcasting (spreading of seeds) Commercial Broadcasting David Sarnoff: RCA General Manager 1921 & VP 1922 RCA formed National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) to promote Radio (1926) and develop market to sell Radios. Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) formed (1928) to Compete with NBC. NBC operated parallel Networks designated Red and Blue. FCC, Created in 1934, in a 6-year battle forced NBC to divest one of its two Networks in 1943 Blue Network was sold in 1943 and in 1945 it became The American Broadcasting Company (ABC) Vacuum Tube Replacement 1947 Solid State Amplifier John Walter William Bardeen Brattain Shockley 1908-1991 1902-1987 1910-1989 Noble Prize 1956 Integrated Circuits Jack Kilby TI 1923-2005 Noble Prize 2000 1958 Robert Noyce, Intel 1928-1990 Noyce Founded Intel Ted Hoff worked for Noyce rs to s i ns hip Tra r c pe More, More, Moore Critic s have predicted the imm inent 10,000,000,000 demise of Moore’s law ever since Gordon Moore stated it in 1965. s 1,000,000,000 th Electric al Engineers continue to on m 4 defy physical c hallenges, Ita nium2 y2 r 592 Million ve squeezing ever more e 100,000,000 Ita nium 2 es bl 220 Million u circuitry into less spac e d o Pentium 4 p i 42 Million Xeon 42 Million and making inform ation ch a 10,000,000 Ita nium 25 Million n Pentium II fly ever more so r 7.5 Million Celeron 7.5 Million o ist swiftly. s 5.5 Millio n P entium Pro n 1,000,000 100,000 1958 Jac k Kilby (TI) & Robert Noyc e (intel) Invent Integrated Circuit 1965 Gordon Moore States his fam ous axiom , later c alled Moore’s law 1,000 o M 8080 4,500 8008 3,500 4004 First proc essor 2,000 1960 de ra ft Pentium 3.1 Million 486 1.2 Million 386 275,000 286 134,000 8088 29,000 10,000 1947 Transistor Invented 1947 1950 he :T w a sL e’ r o o ity ns 1970 1977 Apple II 1980 1999 1996 Blac kberry DVD Players 1991 Kodak First Digital Cam era 1983 Motorola First Mobile Phone 1990 2000 2010 We all own a billion Transistors We have an amazing wealth of resources at our disposal! Just how big is a Billion? A stack of a billion bank notes would be 76.2 kilometers High. A billion seconds is 32.5 years! For Comparison, the Eiffel Tower Contains 18,084 Parts. It is Fastened Together by 2.5 Million Rivets The world manufactures more transistors than it grows grains of rice. Wow! 0.13-micron, Intel Pentium 4 300-mm silicon wafer. Long Grain Jasmine Rice How big is a billion grains of rice? 8mm x 2mm x 2mm (Long Grain) 1-billion grains of rice 8 Meters x 2 Meters x 2 Meters Or 32 Cubic Meters Or a cube 3.2 Meters on a side It weighs 24,000 kg (26.5 short tons USA) It costs $13,000 (3-rd week Dec 2010) CLS-350 Mercedes Benz weighs 2,200 kg Gordon_Moore_ISSCC-02-10-03 A Billion Transistors costs $20.0 0.00000001 It’s all done with Computer Chips Harry Nyquist, (1889-1960) The Sampling Theorem fS>BW Analog-to-Digital Converter ADC A-to-D Digital-to-Analog Converter DAC D-to-A Evolution: Chapters 3 and 4 ANT Positive Fdb k RF AMP DET TICKLER TUNE ANT RF TUNE AMP TUNE RF AMP TUNE RF AMP DET Evolution: Chapters 5 and 6 ANT RF AMP IF IF AMP AMP DET Please send along a Carrier so I can Demodulate AMP TUNE ANT RF AMP AMP IF AMP BASE BAND PROC AMP /2 TUNE CARRIER Never Mind, I’ll make my Own! Start of the Modern era ADC and DSP Insertion Oh no! Another Oscillator! Sample the Intermediate Frequency Stage DSP Down Convert Perform Timing and Carrier Synchronization in DSP Land Difference Between Working in Analog Land and Digital Land Analog Land is like working in Minnesota in High Winter. Snowing, Cold Air, Harsh Biting Wind, no Sunshine. Digital Land is like working in San Diego in High Summer. Gentle Breeze, Surf’s up, Warm Sweet Air, Sunshine. The Modern Era Digital Radio (DR): The baseband signal processing implemented on a DSP. Software Radio (SR): An ideal SR samples at the antenna output. radio analog-to-digital baseband data frequency conversion processing processing A/D RF to user radio frontend from user transmit receive Software Defined Radio (SDR): An SDR is a realizable version of an SR: Signals are sampled after a suitable band selection filter. Everything is in Place HOLD ON TO YOUR SEATS Why Digital Communications? But Let Your Communications Be Yea, Yea: Nay, Nay: For What So Ever is More Than These Cometh of Evil. Sermon on the Mount, Matthew, Ch. 5, verse. 37 To Paraphrase the Great Bard The World is an Analog Stage In Which Digital Plays A Bit Part A Communication System INFORMATION SOURCE MODULATOR CHANNEL DEMODULATOR BANDLIMITED AWGN Spec tral Distribution Amplitude Distribution x f INFORMATION DESTINATION Modulator and Demodulator MODULATOR BASEBAND WAVEFORM M-ARY ALPHABET BITS DATA TRANSFORMS DIGITAL BITS MODULATOR SPECTRAL TRANSFORMS WAVEFORM TRANSFORMS RF ANALOG RADIO FREQUENCY WAVEFORM RF CHANNEL ANALOG SPECTRAL TRANSFORMS RADIO FREQUENCY WAVEFORM DIGITAL WAVEFORM TRANSFORMS BASEBAND WAVEFORM DEMODULATOR DATA TRANSFORMS M-ARY ALPHABET DEMODULATOR BITS BITS Claude Shannon Information is measurable. Noise Does not Limit Fidelity. 'The world has only 10 kinds of people. Those who get binary, and those who don't.' Shannon’s Communication System DIGITAL MODULATOR BITS DATA TRANSFORMS M-ARY ALPHABET DISCRETE CHANNEL WAVEFORM TRANSFORMS SPECTRAL TRANSFORMS BASEBAND WAVEFORM RF CHANNEL M-ARY ALPHABET BITS DATA TRANSFORMS DIGITAL DEMODULATOR BASEBAND WAVEFORM WAVEFORM TRANSFORMS SPECTRAL TRANSFORMS RF Shannon’s Model BITS BANDWIDTH PRESERVING BANDWIDTH EXPANDING SOURCE ENCODING ENCRYPTION CHANNEL ENCODING DECRYPTION CHANNEL DECODING CHANNEL BANDWIDTH REDUCING BITS SOURCE DECODING Shannon’s Legacy Communication System Resources Bandwidth Signal to Noise Ratio Memory and Computations A Communication System needs a Computer in Modulator and Demodulator! We have a Computer on Board! We can use it to do some other Heavy Lifting SIGNAL to NOISE RATIO SIGNAL TRANSFORMS DATA TRANSFORMS BANDWIDTH Four Pillars of Modern Communications MODERN COMMUNICATIONS The Modulator Digital to Analog Interface Moves Towards the RF BASEBAND M-ARY SIGNAL CONDITIONER DIGITAL RF TUNER ANALOG BASEBAND M-ARY SIGNAL CONDITIONER DIGITAL TUNER RF ANALOG BASEBAND M-ARY SIGNAL CONDITIONER TUNER DIGITAL ANALOG RF The Demodulator Analog to Digital Interface Moves Towards the RF BASEBAND RF M-ARY SIGNAL CONDITIONER TUNER ANALOG DIGITAL BASEBAND RF M-ARY SIGNAL CONDITIONER TUNER ANALOG DIGITAL BASEBAND RF M-ARY SIGNAL CONDITIONER TUNER ANALOG DIGITAL SECOND GENERATION DSP CENTRIC MODEL DIGITAL MODULATOR BITS DATA TRANSFORMS SAMPLED DATA CHANNEL DSP MODULATOR WAVEFORM TRANSFORMS M-ARY ALPHABET M-ARY ALPHABET BITS DATA TRANSFORMS BASEBAND WAVEFORM DIGITAL SIGNALS RF CHANNEL DATA SIGNALS SPECTRAL TRANSFORMS ANALOG SIGNALS BASEBAND WAVEFORM WAVEFORM TRANSFORMS DIGITAL DSP DEMODULATOR DEMODULATOR SPECTRAL TRANSFORMS RF THIRD GENERATION DSP CENTRIC MODEL DIGITAL MODULATOR BITS DATA TRANSFORMS M-ARY ALPHABET M-ARY ALPHABET BITS DATA TRANSFORMS DIGITAL DEMODULATOR WAVEFORM TRANSFORMS ANALOG CHANNEL SPECTRAL TRANSFORMS RF BASEBAND WAVEFORM ANALOG SIGNALS DIGITAL SIGNALS BASEBAND WAVEFORM WAVEFORM TRANSFORMS CHANNEL DATA SIGNALS DSP MODULATOR SPECTRAL TRANSFORMS DSP DEMODULATOR RF An Interesting Problem Satellite Broadcasts 384 MP3 Channels to Earth Stations Demodulate all MP3 Channels Remodulate as FM Channels Task: Replace Legacy Transceiver What size room is required to house new DSP based Transceiver? Equipment Bay: 192-Stereo FM Modulators Conversation with Client! How big a room will we need to house the DSP version of this Transceiver? Answer: I think it will fit on one chip. Response: Don’t be Absurd, You Can’t Pack a Room into a Single Chip! Results: 48-Analog Devices Blackfin Processors to Demodulate 192 MP3 Stereo Channels. 1 Virtex V-4 for 192 Digital Stereo FM Modulators and 256 Channel Channelizer @ 293 kHz Bandwidth per channel. (60% of Chip) Only Description of Legacy System Why I Like DSP! A Smaller Package 2-U High, Full Rack Width H 3.5 in, 8.89 cm W 17.0 in, 43.18 cm D 9.4 in, 23.88 cm Receiver Built with Ideal Parts Clo ck Synthesizer Analo g Ba nd Pass Filte r Ana log Low Pa ss Filters Ana log I/Q Down Convert DDS A-to -D Converte rs Dig ita l I/Q Down Convert Channel Equalize Rest of Receiver and with Real Parts (Dirty RF) Analo g Ba nd Pass Filte r Synthesizer Analog Signals Ana log I/Q Down Convert Ana log Low Pa ss Filters Clo ck A-to -D Converte rs DDS Dig ita l Sig na ls DC Cancel Phase Ba lance Ga in Ba lance Filter Com pensate Dig ita l I/Q Down Convert Channel Eq ua lize Re st of Re ceive r Genies in your Radio •Timing Recovery Genie •Carrier Recovery Genie •Automatic Gain Control Genie •Squelch Genie •Equalizer Genie •SNR Estimator Genie Assistant Genies in Your Radio •DC Cancelling Genie •I-Q Balancing Genie •Line Cancelling Genie •Power Amplifier Predistortion Genie •Peak-to-Average Reduction Genie •DAC Sin(x)/x Predistortion Genie •Time Interleaved ADC Genie •Signal Whitening Genie •White Space Detection Genie Are you a good fortune teller? CTO of Comstream asked to see me. He asked me to design a DSP based Receiver to span 10-kb/s to 10-Mb/s in 1-b/s steps. I laughed. I thought he was joking. No. He was Serious. His parting comment: It likely can not be done at the moment! DSP advances would enable it some time in the future! He expected me to predict the dawn of the coming horizon so he would be prepared to greet it! All he had to do was ask It took me a week to do the design! He couldn’t believe all he had to do was ask! US Patent 5,504,785, “Digital Receiver for Variable Symbol Rate Communications” An important lesson here. If you expect little, you get little! If you expect a lot, you get a lot! Don’t ask for the Impossible You will be disappointed! DSP Radio (DSP Everywhere!) Actually, A design Project For my Modem Design Class LMS Algorithm 10 Msm pl/S 20 Msmpl/S Carrier Loop Filter & DDS Polyphase Band-Edge Filter Polyphase Matc hed Filter 32-to-1 Tim ing Loop Polyphase Derivative Matc hed Filter 20 Msmpl/S Equalizer Carrier Loop Filter & DDS 2-to-1 Down sam ple - Detec tor * Channel Filtering, Channel Estimate, Equalization, AGC, DC-Cancelling, I-Q Balance, Line Canceller, Interference Canceller, Matched Filter, SNR Estimate, Band Edge Filter, Frequency Lock Loop, Carrier Lock Loop, Interpolator, Timing Lock Loop, Constellations of Channel +k and -k Crosstalk Between Channels k and –k Due to Gain and Phase Imbalance Constellation after Gradient Descent Correction of Gain and Phase Imbalance Digital Signal Processing Radio (1) Processing Discrete (in Amplitude) Approximations of Sampled (in Time) Signal Representation of Analog Waveforms. DSP Based Radio can Process Analog or Digital Signals DSP can Process non-RF Signals: Audio and Video Software Defined Radio (SDR) A Software Defined Radio System Applies Software for Control of Network Protocol DSP Algorithms Programmable Digital Hardware, Programmable Analog Hardware In RF, IF, and Baseband Regimes Software Defined Radio Duplexer, Antenna Managem ent & Tuner RF-Front End Tunab le Filters and LNA Mixer Digital Bac k End IF/AGC ADC Tunab le Filters and LNA Tunab le Filters & Power Am plifier Mixer DSPs GPPs User Interfa ce Periphials FPGAs IF/AGC DAC Spec ialized Co-Proc essors Power Manager Cognitive Radio (CR) Cognitive radios, aware of channel conditions and activity, change its operating parameters to enable reliable, interference free, communications. Factors include external radio environment such as spectrum availability, network state, and its internal environment such as available resources, and user behavior. Parable of the Six Blind Men The First Blind Man Touched its Sturdy Side: “This is Very Much Like a Wall” The Second Blind Man Touched its Smooth Round Sharp Tusk The Sixth Blind Man seized its swinging tail; “For sure this is like a Hanging Rope” “Clearly this is Like a Large Spear” The Fourth Blind Man Felt its Flapping Ears. The Fifth Blind Man Leaned against its huge leg: “This is Like a Sturdy Tree” “This surely is like a Great Fan to Stir the Air” The Third Blind Man Grasped its Wiggling Trunk: “Undoubtedly, This is like a Mighty Snake” Parable Continued A Seventh Blind Man came upon the scene and proclaimed: “Surely all your senses have abandoned you, for it is clear to all that this is a Software Defined Radio” SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO MAN Is Open For Questions